Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40066-018-0156-6 Agriculture & Food Security

RESEARCH Open Access Tourism–Agriculture Nexuses: practices, challenges and opportunities in the case of Bale Mountains National Park, Southeastern Diriba Welteji1* and Biruk Zerihun2

Abstract Background: Linkage of tourism with agriculture is critical for maximizing the contribution of local economic and tourism development. However, these two sectors are not well linked for sustainable local development in many des- tinations of developing countries. The objective of the study was assessing the practice, challenges and opportunities of tourism–agriculture nexuses in Bale Mountains National Park, Southeastern Ethiopia. Methods: Community-based cross-sectional study design was employed, and 372 households were selected using multistage stratifed random sampling technique for quantitative data and qualitative data were collected using FGD and key informant interview. Quantitative data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as χ2 test to see the association of dependent and outcome variables, and qualitative data were coded and thematically analyzed. Results and conclusion: The fndings of this study revealed that there is no economically proftable coexistence between agriculture and tourism. Agriculture is the major economic activity of the community. Moreover, the market-based linkage of the two sectors was challenged by the practices of non-commercial type of agricultural activities; small market size of tourism industry; and its mere dependency on wildlife. The growing tourist fows and government attentions are pointed out as opportunities. Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Park Management Ofce and other stakeholders should pay attention to ensure linkage and market-based interaction between tourism and agriculture for sustainable local economic development in the study areas. Keywords: Linkages, Tourism, Agriculture, Local economic development

Introduction agricultural and tourism linkages is an integral part of Background making tourism work for economic diversifcation. With Tourism has been viewed as a powerful tool for develop- the emergence of a new wave of rural and green tourism, ing countries to trade their way out of poverty as these there is a strong possibility that the position of agricul- benefts are said to trickle down to the more periph- tural or farm tourism may assume more prominence in eral regions, disadvantageous communities and the consumer vacation decisions leading to the injection of poor [1, 2]. Te potential contribution of tourism to the a new source of ideas for tourism product development well-being of rural communities in developing coun- and marketing within farm-based tourism destinations tries involves the agricultural development of economic [5]. linkages [3]. According to Lejarraja and Walkenhorst Enhancing linkages between agriculture and tourism [4] the successful broadening and deepening of local presents signifcant opportunities for stimulating local production, retaining tourism earnings in the locale

*Correspondence: [email protected] and improving the distribution of economic benefts 1 Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Madda of tourism to rural people [6]. Te two productive sec- Walabu University, , Ethiopia tors, i.e., agriculture and tourism, seem to ofer the best Full list of author information is available at the end of the article

© The Author(s) 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 2 of 14

opportunities for inclusive economic growth in several fail as a trigger for local agricultural economic devel- countries of the world such as in Pacifc island coun- opment if there are no inter-sectoral collaboration and tries, and therefore, the promotion of linkages between fomenting of sustainable linkages between tourism tourism and agriculture should help create economic demand and other sectors in the destination economy opportunities, build resilience in rural communities and [8] and [14]. enhance sustainable development in both sectors [7]. Te livelihood activities of the local communities sur- However, empirical evidences show two views regard- rounding Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP), which ing the practicality of the linkage between tourism and is one of the mega tourist destinations of Ethiopia, are local agricultural activities. According to the frst evi- smallholder agricultural activities [15]. Considering such dence, tourism and local agricultural activities are not realities and the contribution of tourism to the local linked in most destination economy due to diferent fac- economy and conservation of biodiversity, the objective tors such as the seasonality nature of tourism, low qual- of this study was to assess the linkage and factors afect- ity of local products, tourism industries’ dependence on ing the linkage between the two economic sectors in Bale imported supplies and absence of direct linkage between Mountains National Park, Southeastern Ethiopia, with agriculture enterprises and tourism industries [8]. Con- the following specifc research questions: trary to this, studies conducted in Mexico [6], Fiji [9] and Gambia [10] indicated the existence and importance of 1. Which sector is the major livelihood option for the the linkage between tourism and selected local agricul- local community in the study area? tural productions such as diferent animal production, 2. Is there market chain relationship between the tour- vegetables, fruits, fshing, bee keeping, cofee, crops and ism and agricultural sectors that helps the symbiotic dairy products. coexistence in the study area? Agriculture provides not only the tourism industry 3. What are the factors that afect the demand and sup- resources for food consumption but also the background ply relationship of the two sectors in the study area? for attractions in rural environments [3]. Arguably, it is important to fnd out pathways of harnessing such link- Review of related literature age so as to maximize the contribution of tourism for the Tourism–agriculture nexus agricultural sector and sustainable local economic devel- Te potential contribution of tourism to the well-being opment at large. One of these pathways is “indirect ben- of rural communities in developing countries involves eft fows” to the poor through induced impacts which the development of economic linkages [3]. Fomenting the exist through tourism supply chains [11], and direct creation of linkages between tourism and agriculture has beneft fows to the poor through direct contacts with recently received considerable attention as a strategy for visitors. rural and agricultural development in stagnating rural According to Ethiopia’s Growth and Transforma- areas. As tourism and agriculture transform, there will tion Plan (GTP) of Tourism Development, tourism’s be growing interest among governments, the private sec- potential for cross-sectoral complementarities such as tors, academics, donor agencies and nonproft organiza- its linkage with agriculture is yet to be realized so as to tions to better understand the relationship between these create opportunities for the livelihood diversifcation of two sectors, to encourage interaction and to become the local communities, thereby enhancing sustainable involved in fostering these linkages [2]. local development [12]. Currently, due to its increas- Te research conducted by Berno [9] in Fiji of Pacifc ing growth and high and proftable export values, tour- areas showed diferent mechanisms that supported agri- ism is being considered as a key economic activity culture–tourism linkages. Tese are market approach— to achieve the goals of Millennium development and tourism operators buying produce directly from local poverty alleviation by the government of Ethiopia [11]. markets; product-led approach—hotels establishing rela- In 2011/2012, the total impact of tourism activities in tionships or contracts with individual suppliers often for Ethiopia accounted for US$462 million as estimated by specifc products; surplus approaches—market stake- the Ministry of Culture and Tourism [13]. Te revenue holders approaching hotel operators with surplus pro- was earned from 584,000 visitors. In terms of reducing duce for sale; cooperative approaches—the formation of unemployment, 224,000 jobs were created during the farmers’ cooperatives to supply hotel operators; crea- stated year. Te income has increased by 69%, whereas tion of demand approaches—the introduction of menu the number of visitors grown by 14% compared to the items using local indigenous products; “grow-your-own” previous year. However, it is argued that tourism will approaches—the use of on-site hotel gardens to supply Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 3 of 14

the accommodation with a limited range/amount of fresh Methods produce; “boutique” approaches—organic and/or hydro- Description of the study area ponic gardens attached to high-end accommodation and Nominated in 2009 to the World Heritage Tenta- strategic business unit model. tive List, Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP) is one of the highest incidences of animal endemicity of Challenges of linking tourism with agriculture any terrestrial habitat in Ethiopia and the world. It is Diferent researchers [2, 6, 16–26] pointed out a set of located 400 km southeast of in diferent factors as challenges of tourism–agriculture National Regional State and belongs to the Bale-Arsi nexus: demand-related factors including the type of massif. The park is within geographical coordinates of accommodation ownership; tourism industry maturity; ­6°29′–7°10′N and ­39°28′–39°57′E. It covers an area of health and safety concerns; and seasonality. Te supply- 247,000 hectare or 2400 km2 with an altitudinal range related factor as physical limitations; poor product qual- of 1500–4377 meters above sea level. The local bound- ity due to missing knowledge about tourist expectations; ary of BMNP lies within five woredas: Adaba (west), high prices of locally produced food; technological and (north), (northeast), Mana-Angetu processing limitations; competition for labor; undercapi- (south) and (east). Tullu Dimtu, altitude talization of the agrarian sector; and landscape. Market 4377 m asl., is the highest peak in the park and the and intermediary factors, which include marketing and second highest peak in Ethiopia. The park includes an infrastructure constraints, mistrust between traders and Afroalpine plateau over 3500 m asl and a major section agriculture supply and craft producers, prevent from bet- of moist tropical forest, the second largest in Ethiopia ter cooperation; middlemen are the third limiting fac- [29]. tors for the linkage between tourism and agriculture. Within the park, rivers cut deep gorges; alpine lakes Te fourth factor is government policy which includes feed streams; and water accepts gravity’s fate at several unfavorable investment policy; lack of credit and micro- waterfalls. Harenna Escarpment splits the park in two, fnance support; and limited education. running fracture like from east to west. To the northeast of the escarpment lies the high-altitude plateau known as The role of linkage between tourism and agriculture the Sanetti Plateau (4000 m). Te plateau is broken by a for local development series of volcanic plugs and small peaks, including Tullu Te linkages between tourism and agriculture involves Dimtu. To the south, the land gradually falls away from looking at people who may beneft directly from tour- the plateau, and a thick heather belt gives way to heavily ist expenditure, such as hotel/restaurant staf, taxi driv- forested areas known collectively as the Harenna Forest ers, guides, craft market stakeholders or communities in [30]. partnership arrangements with tourist investors which Te park is also known for its endemic wildlife, par- depends on agricultural products such as vegetables, ticularly the Ethiopian Wolf and the Mountain Nyala. fruits, fshing, honey production, cofee and crops [10]. Te sighting of an Ethiopian wolf, the world’s rar- Te income earned from such supply chains is described est canid, is the most guaranteed on the Sanetti Pla- as “pro-poor fows” as tourism linkages are able to incor- teau. But there are plenty of other no-less-remarkable porate the poor and local economic linkages have the endemics to be seen, including Menelik’s Bushbuck and potential to reduce leakages by circulating money around the Giant Mole rat. BMNP is also famous for its incred- the local economy in a way that creates multiplier efects. ible number of endemic birds. Usually, the endemics When such linkages are created, local communities will are very easily seen. Te birdlife in the juniper forests get economic benefts and reduce the exploitation pres- around the park headquarters is outstanding too [29]. sures on tourism resources, thereby increasing the con- servation eforts [27, 28]. Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 4 of 14

BMNP map: Source; Ethio-GIS, 2016 [31]

Te residents in and around the Bale National Park are Study design and data source practicing pastoralism and agricultural activities. Tey In this research, community-based cross-sectional study are raring cattle, sheep and goats. In addition to this, design was employed, combining quantitative and quali- diferent farming activities such as cereals and crops, tative approaches to capitalize on the strengths of each vegetables and fruits, and fshing are being practiced in approach and ofset their diferent weaknesses [32, 33]. BMNP. Tourism such as tour guiding, scouting, tour- Te quantitative data were collected through household ism enterprises/associations like cookers and handicraft survey, while qualitative data were gathered using key producers and sellers, horse renting, etc., is another eco- informant in-depth interview, FGD, feld observation and nomic activity [29]. document analysis. Key informant in-depth interview Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 5 of 14

was conducted with two experts each from park manage- 18-28 ment, agriculture ofce, culture and tourism ofce and 29-39 three elders from local community, respectively. Two 40-50 FGDs were conducted with knowledgeable local inhabit- 10% 5% 51-60 ants one at Rira kebele and one at Gojera from the two 22% adjacent kebeles Gojera and Gofngra of rural kebeles, while one FGD was conducted at Horasoba and Dinsho kebele with 8–10 members each using interview guide 31% 32% checklist. Quantitative data were collected from 372 sample household heads drawn from the total of 2405 Fig. 1 Age of Respondents Source: Field Survey, 2015 households in the purposively selected four rural and one urban kebele of the study area based on proximity In terms of level of education, 41% of the respondents to the park, and the estimated sample size is allocated to were 1st to 4th grade complete, 2% of them attained cer- each using proportional allocation to size of total sample tifcate level, 2% of them diploma, and 1% of the attained households in each kebele. degree and above, respectively, as indicated in Fig. 2. As Sampling and sample size determination depicted in Fig. 3, majority of the respondents (83%) were male, while only 16% of them were female. Te quantitative data were obtained by means of inter- view schedule from the 372 household heads. Te sample 2% size was determined using Yamane [34] formula: 2% illitrate N 1% n = , 6% 25% 1 + N(e2) 1-4 23% where n is sample size, e margin of error, N is total target population, e is level of precision. primary completed Terefore, the sample size determined at ± 5% preci- 41% sion and 95% confdence level will be 342 households. secondary n = 2405 = 342 Tat is, 1+2405(0.052) and to compensate none completed response rate (10%) or 30 households were added and the Fig. 2 Educational status. Source: Field Survey, 2015 total sample size was 372 households. Finally, it was pro- portionally allocated to each kebele as 42, 59, 66, 79 and 126, respectively. Missin g Methods of data analysis Female 1% Qualitative data were coded and thematically analyzed. 16% However, for quantitative data analysis the questionnaires were checked for completeness and consistency of the Males responses and entered into SPSS version 20 software and 83% cleaned for analysis. Descriptive statistics was performed and presented in tables, pie charts, percentages, means Fig. 3 Sex of respondents. Source: Field Survey, 2015 and graphs. Using χ2 test, the associations between the dependent and outcome variables were determined. In addition, the fndings from the in-depth interviews with Table 1 Occupation of respondents. Source: Field Survey, key informants, feld observations, document analysis 2015 and survey were triangulated and compared. Jobs of respondents Frequency Percent

Analysis of results Government-employed 10 2.7 Demographic characteristics of respondents Self-employed 28 7.5 As depicted in Fig. 1, the age category of the majority of Farmer 301 81.1 respondents were found to fall within the range from 29 Tourism worker 15 4.0 to 39 and 40 to 50, with the percentage share of 32 and Merchant 13 3.5 31%, respectively, whereas very few of them (5%) were Others 4 1.1 above 60 years old. Total 371 100.0 Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 6 of 14

As listed in Table 1, farming is the main occupation of Table 3 Land size owned by respondents. Source: Field the majority of respondents accounting for 81.1% with Survey, 2015 the minor proportion; about 7.5% of the respondents Land size in hectare Frequency Percent (%) were self-employed participating in diferent small-scale Missing system 48 12.9 business activities, while inconsiderable proportion, 0–1 h 91 24.5 about 4% of them engaged in tourism businesses. 1.5–2.5 h 140 37.7 As indicated in Table 2, 86% of the respondents had 3 h 92 24.8 already been living in all villages of the study area since ≥ Total 371 100 their birth, in mainly Dinsho Town and Gojera, whereas only few respondents had been living in the study area for about 10 years or above. As already indicated in Fig. 4, annual income distri- confrmed the availability of credit facility for those indi- bution of the respondents, 37% of them earn less than viduals or associations who want to invest in both sec- 10,000.00 Ethiopian Birr per annum, 28% of respond- tors. Concerning the number of livestock and equines ents earn between 11,000.00 and 20,000.00 where by an owned, 30.2 and 27.8% of the respondents have from 11 annual income of few respondents was above 21,000.00 to 20 and 6 to 10 livestock, respectively, whereas 31.3 Ethiopian Birr yearly in ascending order. Here, low and 18.1% of the respondents have from 6 to 10 and 1 to annual income of the respondents would be an indica- 5 equines, respectively. However, 19.2 and 18.3% of the tor for the need to have diversifed sources of income or respondents do not have livestock and equines, respec- livelihood approaches for the communities in and around tively. In case of the trends of the number of livestock and Bale Mountains National Park. In the case of size of land equines owned, 64.4% of respondents stated that the size holding, majority of the respondents (62.5%) own the of livestock and equines was decreasing due to expan- land size of 1.5–3 ha (Table 3). sion of crop farm and conservation of tourism resources According to the responses of 56.1% of respondents (Table 4). for access to credit services, there is no easy access to credit to launch both tourism and agricultural business Practices of agriculture in Bale Mountains National Park activities. On the contrary, 43.9% of the respondents have As it can be depicted from Table 5, considerable pro- portion of the respondents replied that cereals (73.3%), cabbage (82.7%), potato (86.5%) and onion and garlic Table 2 Length of years lived in the village. Source: Field (66.3%) were the major agricultural crops being pro- Survey, 2015 duced in the study area due to the favorable climatic Name of kebeles Length of years lived in the village Total condition. < 10 years > 10 years Since I was born In addition to crop production, people also engage in diferent animal-rearing activities. As indicated in Table 6, Dinsho Town 0 14 58 72 75.5 and 85.4% of respondents engage in farm activities Gojera 0 4 37 41 as cattle and sheep and goat fattening, respectively, as Gofngra 0 1 56 57 an alternative livelihood option around Bale Mountains Rera 1 1 61 63 National Park. On the contrary, they did not engage in Horasoba 0 16 108 124 supplying farm activities such as poultry and eggs, cow Total 1 36 320 35 milk and milk products, fruits and vegetable, and spices Percentage 0.3% 9.7% 86% to the tourism sector as a result of absence of market linkage with tourism. Furthermore, the tourism industry outsourced the market of almost all such farm products to the market of other parts of the country. Moreover, 14% majority of respondents indicated that grazing land avail- 10% <10000 ability was decreasing from time to time. Te FGD discus- 37% 11000-20000 sants said that, 11% 21000-30000 “Te increasing demand for more felds for cultiva- 31000-40000 tion of cereals led to the shrinking of park area and 28% grazing land for their livestock. Moreover, the num- bers of livestock and the grazing land area are also Fig. 4 Annual income. Source: Field Survey, 2015 on a decreasing trend from time to time.” Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 7 of 14

Table 4 Access to credit, owned livestock and equine Table 5 Cereals and horticultural crops production at the at present, and trend on size of animals. Source: Field Sur- area. Source: Field Survey, 2015 vey, 2015 Frequency Percent (%) Variables Frequency Percent (%) Cereals Availability of access to credit Yes 272 73.3 Valid No 99 26.7 Yes 163 43.9 Total 371 100 No 208 56.1 Cabbage Total 371 100 Valid Number of livestock owned by respondents at present Yes 307 82.7 Valid No 64 17.3 1–5 21 5.7 Total 371 100 6–10 103 27.8 Potato 11–20 112 30.2 Valid 21 67 18.1 Yes 321 86.5 ≥ 0 68 18.3 No 50 13.5 Total 371 100 Total 371 100 Number of equines owned by respondents at present Onion and garlic Valid Valid 1–5 67 18.1 Yes 246 66.3 6–10 116 31.3 No 125 33.7 11–20 56 15.1 Total 371 100 21 61 16.4 Fruits ≥ 0 71 19.2 Valid Total 370 100 No 371 100 Size of livestock and equines owned by respondents since 10 years Valid Increasing 98 26.4 Linkage of tourism with agriculture Decreasing 239 64.4 According to the interviewees, due to the extensive agri- No change 34 9.2 cultural activities, infant stage of tourism industries and Total 371 100 its dependency on merely imported agricultural prod- ucts, there is no signifcant income gain from tourism for Tese in turn had been further endangering the fate of the residents of the study area. Specifcally, an efort had biodiversity conservation of the park at large in the study been exerted to identify the agricultural products which area. are currently being supplied to tourism industries by local people (Table 7). Practices of tourism in Bale Mountains National Park As it can be observed from Table 7, concerning the Tourist attractions and income generation from tourism availability of supply of agricultural outputs to tourism sector industry from local source, the fnding has shown that As shown from the statistical data recorded by Bale majority of the respondents are not supplying fattened Mountains National Park Ofce, the numbers of visitors cattle, sheep and goat, vegetables, milk and its by-prod- are increasing from year to year. Hence, the trend of fow ucts, poultry and egg, cofee, honey and bamboo to the of visitors is signifcantly increasing every year (Fig. 5). tourism industry and tourists. On top of these, fruits Similarly, as depicted in Fig. 6, the income generated and fshes are not being produced by the residents of from tourism is increasingly throughout the specifed the study area. Insignifcantly, 7.8, 6.5, 5.7, 3.8 and 2.7% period of time. of respondents replied that they are selling sheep, honey, Tis growth trend of fow of visitors and income gained vegetables, cattle and goats to tourism sector, respec- from the industry is bringing opportunities for the estab- tively. Equivocally, the absence of supplying commercial lishment of hotel and lodging industries in and around agricultural products to the tourism industry like lodges Bale Mountains National Park, thereby increasing the and hotels is an indicator for the absence of linkage opportunities for the supplies of commercial agricultural between tourism and agriculture in the aspect of market- products to those sectors (Figs. 5, 6). based supply–demand chain. Generally, using χ2 test, the Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 8 of 14

Table 6 Mixed farming system in the study area. Source: Field Survey, 2015 Variables Frequency Percent (%)

Poultry and eggs Yes 129 34.8 No 242 65.2 Total 371 100 Fattening of sheep and goat Yes 317 85.4 No 54 14.6 Total 371 100 Milk cow and milk products Yes 124 33.4 No 247 66.6 Fig. 5 Annual fow of tourists visiting Bale Mountains National Park Total 371 100 per year. Source: BMNP Annual Report, 2007 E.C [35] Fruit and vegetable products Yes 163 43.9 No 208 56.1 Total 371 100 Spice products Yes 10 2.7 No 361 97.3 Total 371 100 Cattle fattening Yes 280 75.5 No 91 24.5 Total 371 100

livelihood dependency of residents in relation to tourism and agriculture as sources of income and their annual Fig. 6 Trend of income generated from tourism sector per year. income were discussed and analyzed. As listed in Table 8, Source: BMNP Annual Report, 2007 E.C [36] the association between annual income and agriculture is signifcant as the p value of 0.001 was less than the con- ventional p value of 0.05. had been discussed and confrmed the absence of On the other hand, the researchers tried to see the commercial and tourism demand-driven agricultural association between annual income and tourism, and activities, and this resulted in the nonexistence of agri- the result in Table 9 depicted that there is no associa- culture–tourism linkage based on business and mutual tion between dependency on tourism and their annual existence scenarios. income due to the p value of 0.452 which was greater than the conventional p value of 0.05. Agricultural encroachment Terefore, the livelihood of residents of the study area Te key informants from park management staf, Dinsho is highly depending on agriculture than on tourism. Woreda Agriculture ofce and FGD and the representa- Tis can be an indicator for the absence of the nexuses tives of local residents pointed out some of the challenges between these two sectors in Bale Mountains National faced by the park as: Park (Table 9). “Te park had been very much challenged by the Challenges of linking tourism with agriculture continuing pressure from the local communities So far, situations of agriculture and tourism as economic for the demand of land for the purpose of agricul- activities in and surrounding of Bale Mountains National ture activities both cereals and grazing land for Park and the nexuses between tourism and agriculture their cattle and settlement as the size of population Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 9 of 14

Table 7 Local supplies for tourism industries. Source: Field Health and hygiene concern Survey, 2015 Due to the fact that local agricultural products are Variables Frequency Percent (%) blamed to have less quality, tourists or hotels do not want to risk themselves in compliance with health and safety Fattening cattle standards. Te result of FGD and interview with hotels Yes 14 3.8 and lodges manager and workers also depicted similar No 357 96.2 situation of high demand of imported agricultural prod- Total 371 100 ucts. Te manager of Bale Mountains Lodge argued that: Sheep Yes 29 7.8 “We are importing agricultural products from out- No 342 92.2 side of this area mainly from Addis Ababa, Ethio- Total 371 100 pia because of our fear of health and hygiene issues Vegetables resulting from poor quality of the products, techno- Yes 21 5.7 logical and processing related problems like poor No 350 94.3 harvesting technique improper storage, packaging, Total 371 100 and transportation of agricultural products.” Fruits Yes 2 0.5 Lack of customers’ preference for local farm products No 369 99.5 and market size Total 371 100 Tourism industries provide the products that most interest Goats their customers. According to the result of the survey con- Yes 10 2.7 ducted with residents of the study area, 73.3% of respond- No 361 97.3 ents indicated that tourists are not interested to buy local Total 371 100 farm products due to their hesitation about the unreliable Fishes standard quality of local farm products and services (Fig. 7). No 371 100 Similarly, the interviewed lodge and hotel owners in the Poultry and egg study area described as: Yes 7 1.9 No 364 98.1 Mostly, the customers/tourists are interested to use Total 371 100 imported packed products than local farm products. Milk products Moreover, tourism markets are relatively small food Yes 8 2.2 markets in remote areas due to the fact that there are No 363 97.8 very small fows of tourists for very short visits. As a Total 371 100 result, the market may not be large enough to generate Cofee signifcant agricultural food products demand locally. Yes 2 0.5 Terefore, the market demand of agricultural products No 369 99.5 by tourism industry in the study area was very low. Total 371 100 Honey Procurement, taxation and institutional issues Yes 24 6.5 In this study, an efort has been exerted to investigate the No 347 93.5 demands of lodges and hotels to buy local farm products. Total 371 100 According to the interviewees, this is not because of the Bamboo products absence of interests from the side of lodges and hotels indus- Yes 1 0.3 try, but it is due to the procurement and taxation regulation No 370 99.7 of the government. Bale Mountain Lodge Manager pointed Total 371 100 out that: “As an industry, it is expected that receipt should be issued for each and every sales and purchase undertaken. As a was increasing from time to time. Accordingly, the result, local farmers are unable to issue legal receipts or farmers illegally penetrate to the areas of the park invoices for the sales of agricultural products for the hotels through plowing and settling inside the park and and lodge. Due to this, we are forced to buy supplies from engage in mixed farm.” the outsiders who can provide receipts or invoices.” Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 10 of 14

Table 8 Association between annual income and agriculture (χ2 test). Source: Field Survey, 2015 I am depending on agriculture than on tourism Total Strongly agree Agree Unde- Disagree Strongly cided disagree

Annual income < 10,000 78 19 4 7 3 111 11,000–20,000 58 20 3 4 0 85 21,000–30,000 27 2 0 1 1 31 31,000–40,000 27 6 0 0 0 33 > 41,000 37 3 1 0 0 41 Total 227 50 8 12 4 301 Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson χ2 20.937 16 0.181 Likelihood ratio 27.602 16 0.035 Linear-by-linear association 10.655 1 0.001 Number of valid cases 301

Table 9 Association between annual income and tourism (χ2 test). Source: Field Survey, 2015 Tourism is benefting me than agriculture Total Strongly agree Agree Unde- Disagree Strongly cided disagree

Annual income < 10,000 5 5 5 29 67 111 11,000–20,000 1 4 5 25 49 84 21,000–30,000 0 1 3 8 16 28 31,000–40,000 0 2 5 8 18 33 > 41,000 0 1 6 3 29 39 Total 6 13 24 73 179 295 Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided)

Pearson χ2 20.506 16 0.198 Likelihood ratio 22.779 16 0.120 Linear-by-linear association .565 1 0.452 Number of valid cases 295

In line with this, FGD conducted with representatives of Absence of favorable investment opportunities local residents in Rira kebele of the study area also showed Due to the low level of linkage between agriculture and tourism similar fnding. In their word of mouth: in rural protected areas, government support in the investment was very important so as to minimize encroachments extensive “Tere is/are no well-established institution(s) or gov- farm to the park. On the other hand, the focus group discus- ernment organization responsible in facilitating mar- sants and interviewees from local residents disclosed as: ket value chains interlinkage for both tourism and agriculture through organizing local farm products “Regardless of its potentials and possibilities of income suppliers associations and facilitating them to have diversifcation like agriculture, tourism, and other com- their own legal receipts or invoices while selling their mercial activities in rural areas, there, was the gap farm products, leading to have no symbiotic co-exist- between policy and practice at the grass root levels. Te ence between tourism and agriculture through market practices on the ground do not allow easy access to favora- exchange.” ble investment procedures credit service in rural areas.” Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 11 of 14

Table 10 Introduced new farm technology and market sit- Are tourists interested to buy your local product? uations. Source: Field Survey, 2015 Frequency Percent (%) yes 26.70% Introduction of new farm technology due to park development No Valid Yes 39 10.5 73.30% No 331 89.2 Total 370 99.7 Fig. 7 Interest of tourists to buy local products. Source: Field survey Missing system 1 0.3 2015 Total 371 100 Improved prices of farm products due to tourism Valid Absence of marketing channels and local intermediaries Yes 36 9.7 In this regard, the interview with Bale Mountain and No 335 90.3 Dinsho Lodges indicated the absence of marketing Total 371 100 channel and intermediaries who are playing the bridg- Improved prices of new business innovations ing role of linkage between tourism and agricultural Valid sectors. Moreover, one of the members of FGD held at Yes 50 13.5 Dinsho stated that: No 321 86.5 “Tere was no market network that connects the tour- Total 371 100 ists and local producers around Dinsho as intermedi- ary agent or market cooperative or farm market union. Te tourists rarely visit the local market and there Cost advantages of local farm products were no agents that link the two sectors. Tere were Buying locally produced farm products such as cabbage, also no well-established hotel/lodge that can entertain potato, honey, cofee and garlic can have fnancial ben- the tourists in the town of Dinsho and mostly the tour- efts over imported produce, due to the assumptions that ists who are visiting the wild animals go back to either such locally produced farm products have lower trans- Robe or Goba towns for accommodation.” port costs than imported produces; are fresh as the time from harvesting to sale is reduced; and the buyer has Opportunities of linking tourism with agriculture greater infuence and fexibility in the production of food Improved market and technology situations because of the closer relationship with a local supplies, rather than imported produces. Considerable eforts have been made to identify pos- sibilities of introduction of new innovative technology, Growing governments’ attention improved price of farm products and income due to link- Recognizing the benefts of tourism industry for poverty age between tourism and agriculture in the park develop- alleviation and considering tourism as a pro-poor devel- ment areas. However, as indicated in Table 10, 89.2, 90.3 opment alternative, Ethiopian government is giving due and 86.5% of the households disagree with the opportuni- emphasis for tourism industry. Tis will bring opportu- ties created due to synergistic coexistence between tour- nities for the agricultural products to be supplied for the ism and agriculture. Similarly, the focus group discussants tourism sectors. also afrmed: “Te local community around the park lost the graz- Discussion ing land, the beneft from the forest area and large Te role of local intermediaries in the marketing chan- area committed to the park for free. Sometimes, the nels is indispensible in creating linkage between the sup- local government tell the people that the development pliers (local farm producers) and tourism industry (hotels of the park beneft the local community in introduc- and lodges). Tis is due to the fact that agriculture sup- ing important infrastructures such as veterinary ply producers are often unable to provide these services clinic, schools, health center and introducing new themselves, and in Tanzania and Ethiopia, there are productive farm technologies. However, there was no examples of hoteliers contracting purchasers to manage demand-driven introduction of new farm technol- this interface between large numbers of small providers ogy by tourism industry into agricultural activities of and small numbers of large buyers [32]. In this regard, the providing sustainable benefts for the residents.” interview with Bale Mountain and Dinsho Lodges shows Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 12 of 14

that there are no marketing channel and intermediar- coexistence and value chain linkages between tourism ies who are playing the roles of making linkage between and agriculture. tourism and agricultural sectors. Tere is/are also no Terefore, unrestricted eforts to create an eco-village well-established institution(s) or government organi- and sustainable local development through creating zation that are responsible in facilitating market value symbiotic coexistence and market-based value chain or chains for both tourism and agriculture sectors through linkages between tourism and agriculture by the gov- organizing local farm product suppliers associations ernmental, non-governmental, educational and any con- and facilitating them to have their own legal receipts or cerned stakeholders are very crucial. invoices while selling their farm products, leading to have no symbiotic coexistence between tourism and agricul- Recommendation ture. Tis is similar to the results of a study by Mitchell Terefore, the fnding of this research suggests the fol- and Coles [33] on the issue of tourism-related food sup- lowing way forwards to governmental, non-governmen- ply chains in Ethiopia. For example, hotel demand for tal, educational, and other stakeholders: the Ministry of food supplies is a small percentage of the total market- Culture and Tourism, Ministry of Education, Ministry of able surpluses in secondary destinations such as Lalibela Agriculture, Park Management, NGOs, local government, 3%; Axum 2%; and Arba Minch 0.4%. Ministry of Justice, EPA, Institute of Biodiversity Conser- vation and MaddaWalabu University should make coordi- Conclusion and recommendation nated eforts mobilizing local community at the grass root. Conclusion For market-based value chain or linkage between tour- Tis study was aimed to see the practices, challenges ism and agriculture and opportunities of the linkage and symbiotic coex- istence between tourism and agriculture arising from •• Conducting intensive and extensive promotional direct, indirect and induced impacts in Bale Mountains campaign to increase the number of tourists. National Park. Terefore, the study revealed that cere- •• Developing and diversifying tourism activities to als, horticulture (except fruits), sheep and cattle are the increase the length of stay and tourists expenditure major agricultural products though cofee and honey are on food sourced from the poor farmers. being produced mainly in Rira village. Productivities of •• Facilitating to focus tourism market-tailored to agri- cereals and livestock are increasing though the size of cultural activities. farm and grazing lands are decreasing proportionally •• Encouraging intermediaries or tourism industries from time to time. such as hotels and lodges to process the raw agricul- However, there is no practical linkage between tourism tural products than buying the end value of agricul- and agriculture in Bale Mountains National Park with tural commodities. respect to the symbiotic coexistence and market-based •• Establishing farmer-owned accommodation or hotels value chain scenarios. Te market-based value chains and lodge who will directly serving tourists using of the two sectors are challenged by the practices of their agricultural products. non-commercial type of agricultural activities; the mere •• Facilitating pro-poor local small enterprises that will wildlife-dependent tourism activities; health and hygiene produce and supply agricultural products to hotels concern and lack of customers’ preference for local farm and lodges. products; small market size of tourism industry; absence •• Developing agro-tourism to enable tourists partici- of favorable investment opportunities in both sec- pating in farming activities; exploring local culture; tors; lack of marketing abilities of the local farmers; and enjoying the landscape and agro-biodiversity; and absence of marketing channels and local intermediaries. observing organic and conventional agricultural Te encroachment on local people due to the need of practices. extensive farm and grazing land and settlement expan- •• Utilizing cofee and honey production potentials for sion; growing frewood demand; and human–wildlife tourism market. confict are some additional challenges. In spite of such •• Giving capacity empowerment training about the challenges, the areas huge potential for agro- and village production of quality tourism market demand-tai- tourism, huge potentials of cofee, honey, and highland lored agricultural products. fruits like apple productions, cost advantages of depend- •• Facilitating and setting regulations about the pro- ency on local farm products; fsh farming and sport fsh- curement and taxation systems so as to enable the ing; growing tourist fows and government attentions tourism sectors purchase agricultural products are pointed out as opportunities to ensure symbiotic directly from the local poor farmers. Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 13 of 14

For symbiotic coexistence between tourism and Besides, the researchers gave due attention for environmental (wildlife and their habitats, other natural resources), and sociocultural (language, religion, agriculture customs, etc.) considerations of participants.

• Facilitating intensive agricultural activities to mini- Funding • We extend our heartfelt gratitude to BMC JAFS for waivers resolution mize pressure to the park. of the fund required to process this article for publication by MS ID: = •• Encouraging livestock production using cut-and- 1241901772057531. carry system. •• Establishing bufer zone so as to minimize the pen- Publisher’s Note etration of wild animals to the farming areas of the Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub- lished maps and institutional afliations. residents in and around the park. •• Facilitating urban settlement options so as to avoid or Received: 3 November 2017 Accepted: 2 January 2018 minimize illegal settlement inside the park. •• Providing alternative energy sources for the resi- dents. References 1. Scheyvens R. Exploring the tourism–poverty nexus. In: Hall CM, editor. Abbreviations Pro-poor tourism: who benefts? 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