Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 https://doi.org/10.1186/s40066-018-0156-6 Agriculture & Food Security RESEARCH Open Access Tourism–Agriculture Nexuses: practices, challenges and opportunities in the case of Bale Mountains National Park, Southeastern Ethiopia Diriba Welteji1* and Biruk Zerihun2 Abstract Background: Linkage of tourism with agriculture is critical for maximizing the contribution of local economic and tourism development. However, these two sectors are not well linked for sustainable local development in many des- tinations of developing countries. The objective of the study was assessing the practice, challenges and opportunities of tourism–agriculture nexuses in Bale Mountains National Park, Southeastern Ethiopia. Methods: Community-based cross-sectional study design was employed, and 372 households were selected using multistage stratifed random sampling technique for quantitative data and qualitative data were collected using FGD and key informant interview. Quantitative data were analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistics such as χ2 test to see the association of dependent and outcome variables, and qualitative data were coded and thematically analyzed. Results and conclusion: The fndings of this study revealed that there is no economically proftable coexistence between agriculture and tourism. Agriculture is the major economic activity of the community. Moreover, the market-based linkage of the two sectors was challenged by the practices of non-commercial type of agricultural activities; small market size of tourism industry; and its mere dependency on wildlife. The growing tourist fows and government attentions are pointed out as opportunities. Ministry of Agriculture, Ministry of Culture and Tourism, Park Management Ofce and other stakeholders should pay attention to ensure linkage and market-based interaction between tourism and agriculture for sustainable local economic development in the study areas. Keywords: Linkages, Tourism, Agriculture, Local economic development Introduction agricultural and tourism linkages is an integral part of Background making tourism work for economic diversifcation. With Tourism has been viewed as a powerful tool for develop- the emergence of a new wave of rural and green tourism, ing countries to trade their way out of poverty as these there is a strong possibility that the position of agricul- benefts are said to trickle down to the more periph- tural or farm tourism may assume more prominence in eral regions, disadvantageous communities and the consumer vacation decisions leading to the injection of poor [1, 2]. Te potential contribution of tourism to the a new source of ideas for tourism product development well-being of rural communities in developing coun- and marketing within farm-based tourism destinations tries involves the agricultural development of economic [5]. linkages [3]. According to Lejarraja and Walkenhorst Enhancing linkages between agriculture and tourism [4] the successful broadening and deepening of local presents signifcant opportunities for stimulating local production, retaining tourism earnings in the locale *Correspondence: [email protected] and improving the distribution of economic benefts 1 Department of Rural Development and Agricultural Extension, Madda of tourism to rural people [6]. Te two productive sec- Walabu University, Bale Robe, Ethiopia tors, i.e., agriculture and tourism, seem to ofer the best Full list of author information is available at the end of the article © The Author(s) 2018. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided you give appropriate credit to the original author(s) and the source, provide a link to the Creative Commons license, and indicate if changes were made. The Creative Commons Public Domain Dedication waiver (http://creativecommons.org/ publicdomain/zero/1.0/) applies to the data made available in this article, unless otherwise stated. Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 2 of 14 opportunities for inclusive economic growth in several fail as a trigger for local agricultural economic devel- countries of the world such as in Pacifc island coun- opment if there are no inter-sectoral collaboration and tries, and therefore, the promotion of linkages between fomenting of sustainable linkages between tourism tourism and agriculture should help create economic demand and other sectors in the destination economy opportunities, build resilience in rural communities and [8] and [14]. enhance sustainable development in both sectors [7]. Te livelihood activities of the local communities sur- However, empirical evidences show two views regard- rounding Bale Mountains National Park (BMNP), which ing the practicality of the linkage between tourism and is one of the mega tourist destinations of Ethiopia, are local agricultural activities. According to the frst evi- smallholder agricultural activities [15]. Considering such dence, tourism and local agricultural activities are not realities and the contribution of tourism to the local linked in most destination economy due to diferent fac- economy and conservation of biodiversity, the objective tors such as the seasonality nature of tourism, low qual- of this study was to assess the linkage and factors afect- ity of local products, tourism industries’ dependence on ing the linkage between the two economic sectors in Bale imported supplies and absence of direct linkage between Mountains National Park, Southeastern Ethiopia, with agriculture enterprises and tourism industries [8]. Con- the following specifc research questions: trary to this, studies conducted in Mexico [6], Fiji [9] and Gambia [10] indicated the existence and importance of 1. Which sector is the major livelihood option for the the linkage between tourism and selected local agricul- local community in the study area? tural productions such as diferent animal production, 2. Is there market chain relationship between the tour- vegetables, fruits, fshing, bee keeping, cofee, crops and ism and agricultural sectors that helps the symbiotic dairy products. coexistence in the study area? Agriculture provides not only the tourism industry 3. What are the factors that afect the demand and sup- resources for food consumption but also the background ply relationship of the two sectors in the study area? for attractions in rural environments [3]. Arguably, it is important to fnd out pathways of harnessing such link- Review of related literature age so as to maximize the contribution of tourism for the Tourism–agriculture nexus agricultural sector and sustainable local economic devel- Te potential contribution of tourism to the well-being opment at large. One of these pathways is “indirect ben- of rural communities in developing countries involves eft fows” to the poor through induced impacts which the development of economic linkages [3]. Fomenting the exist through tourism supply chains [11], and direct creation of linkages between tourism and agriculture has beneft fows to the poor through direct contacts with recently received considerable attention as a strategy for visitors. rural and agricultural development in stagnating rural According to Ethiopia’s Growth and Transforma- areas. As tourism and agriculture transform, there will tion Plan (GTP) of Tourism Development, tourism’s be growing interest among governments, the private sec- potential for cross-sectoral complementarities such as tors, academics, donor agencies and nonproft organiza- its linkage with agriculture is yet to be realized so as to tions to better understand the relationship between these create opportunities for the livelihood diversifcation of two sectors, to encourage interaction and to become the local communities, thereby enhancing sustainable involved in fostering these linkages [2]. local development [12]. Currently, due to its increas- Te research conducted by Berno [9] in Fiji of Pacifc ing growth and high and proftable export values, tour- areas showed diferent mechanisms that supported agri- ism is being considered as a key economic activity culture–tourism linkages. Tese are market approach— to achieve the goals of Millennium development and tourism operators buying produce directly from local poverty alleviation by the government of Ethiopia [11]. markets; product-led approach—hotels establishing rela- In 2011/2012, the total impact of tourism activities in tionships or contracts with individual suppliers often for Ethiopia accounted for US$462 million as estimated by specifc products; surplus approaches—market stake- the Ministry of Culture and Tourism [13]. Te revenue holders approaching hotel operators with surplus pro- was earned from 584,000 visitors. In terms of reducing duce for sale; cooperative approaches—the formation of unemployment, 224,000 jobs were created during the farmers’ cooperatives to supply hotel operators; crea- stated year. Te income has increased by 69%, whereas tion of demand approaches—the introduction of menu the number of visitors grown by 14% compared to the items using local indigenous products; “grow-your-own” previous year. However, it is argued that tourism will approaches—the use of on-site hotel gardens to supply Welteji and Zerihun Agric & Food Secur (2018) 7:8 Page 3 of 14 the accommodation with a limited range/amount of fresh Methods produce;
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