, Destination Guide

Overview of Yangon Yangon is Myanmar's largest city and its economic and cultural centre. The British occupied it in 1852, when it became the centre of the Burmese Raj and the resulting influx of traders, diplomats and wealth transformed it into a thriving regional hub. The legacy of this time is evident in the decaying though stately colonial buildings found along the Rangoon River and toward the centre of town. The city has myriad tourist attractions, most notably the famous , which is the country's most beloved landmark and justifies a visit to Yangon all by itself. There are also markets to explore, and Yangon is a glorious city to trawl for jewels. Yangon is hot and humid, especially at midday, when most of the population takes refuge indoors or in the shade of a temple or banyan tree. It is a noisy and chaotic place too, with congested traffic, orange-robed monks, neon signs and golden temple spires clashing in a visual landscape of uniquely Asian contradictions.

Key Facts

Language: Burmese is the official language, yet English is widely spoken and understood. Passport/Visa: All foreign passengers to Myanmar must hold confirmed return/onward tickets, and the necessary travel documentation for their next destination. They will also require a tourist visa, which is valid for 28 days. Note that applications for visa extensions are not possible once in Myanmar; however, a fine of USD 3 per day overstayed, can be paid at Immigration upon departure. Note that a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required to enter Myanmar, if arriving within six days of leaving or transiting through an infected area. NOTE: It is highly recommended that your passport has at least six months' validity remaining after your intended date of departure from your travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources. Currency: The official currency is the kyat (MMK) - pronounced 'Chat'. The best foreign currency to travel on in Myanmar is the US dollar, but it is less of an alternative currency than it once was. Notes will not be accepted if they are damaged or torn in any way, or have pen marks on them. There is a big difference between the official and unofficial exchange rates in Myanmar, with street moneychangers offering more favourable rates than official channels. It's risky to change money with people on the street, though many tourists do. ATMs accepting international credit cards are increasingly common in cities, towns and tourist areas, but machines don't always work in areas that are off the beaten track. Electricity: Electrical current is 230 volts, 50Hz. European plugs with two circular metal pins are most common.

Travel guide by wordtravels.com © Globe Media Ltd. By its very nature much of the information in this travel guide is subject to change at short notice and travellers are urged to verify information on which they're relying with the relevant authorities. Travmarket cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or inconvenience to any person as a result of information contained above. Event details can change. Please check with the organizers that an event is happening before making travel arrangements. We cannot accept any responsibility for any loss or inconvenience to any person as a result of information contained above.

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Travel to Yangon Climate for Yangon

Health Notes when travelling to Myanmar Vaccinations for hepatitis A and hepatitis B are recommended for all travellers. Malaria is common in Myanmar, especially during the rainy season (May to October) and visitors are usually encouraged to take anti-malaria medication, although there is no danger if you are only visiting the cities of Yangon and Mandalay. Travellers from yellow fever infected areas require a vaccination certificate to enter Myanmar. If you will be spending a lot of time outdoors in rural areas you should also consider getting vaccinated for rabies and Japanese encephalitis. The tap water should not be drunk but bottled water is available throughout the country. There are basic medical facilities in Yangon (Rangoon) and Mandalay, but in general medical facilities in Myanmar are poor and evacuation is recommended for serious medical cases. Payment in cash is usually required before any treatment. Comprehensive medical insurance is advised. Safety Notes when travelling to Myanmar Due to the ongoing risk of armed conflict, travellers are advised to avoid some parts of Myanmar, including most of the states of Rakhine and Kachin and the north of the state of Shan. Special care should be taken in border areas; there are only a handful of legal crossing points. While Myanmar does boast one of the lowest crime rates in the world, violent political protests are still common and should be avoided at all costs. Visitors are also advised not to take any photographs of the police, military, or demonstrations. The monsoon season is June to September in the southwest of Myanmar and December to April in the northeast, and flooding may occur. Severe weather often also precedes monsoon season. Customs in Myanmar It is rude to step over any part of a person or touch an adult on the head, and hugging and kissing in public is frowned upon. Most Burmese families don't wear shoes in their homes and if visiting it is advised to remove shoes before entering the house. Monks should be treated with respect, even if they are children, and women should not speak to or touch monks. Religion practices, beliefs and sites should be treated with respect; insulting religion is a prosecutable offense in Myanmar. Homosexuality is technically illegal but the law is seldom enforced. Duty Free in Myanmar Two litres of liquor, 400 cigarettes, 50 cigars or 250gm of tobacco, and 150ml of perfume are allowed per person. Valuables including jewellery, cameras, electronic equipment, etc, should be declared at customs upon arrival. Purchases of locally bought goods may require receipts upon departure. Doing Business in Myanmar Business hours are generally 9am to 5pm from Monday to Friday. Lightweight suits are recommended during the day and jackets are needed for top-level meetings. Most commercial business transactions will be conducted in English. Business cards in Burmese script can be useful. It is important to maintain trust, honesty, and friendship in a business relationship. Favours received, such as a reference, should be repaid later in the future. Communication in Myanmar The international dialing code for Myanmar (Burma) is +95. The outgoing code is 00 followed by the relevant country code. Most businesses in the country list a few numbers, as landlines often go dead and calls don't go through. Prepaid SIM cards are widely available and travellers can expect to find wifi in big cities, where most hotels and guesthouses, and some restaurants will usually offer it for free. The government has been known to monitor and censor internet usage and some websites may not be available. Tipping in Myanmar The Burmese offer their help freely and genuinely, and don't expect much in return, though gratuity is greatly appreciated. Tipping 10 percent on a meal is considered quite generous. Porters, drivers and tour guides expect a small tip.

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Passport/Visa Note All foreign passengers to Myanmar must hold confirmed return/onward tickets, and the necessary travel documentation for their next destination. They will also require a tourist visa, which is valid for 28 days. Note that applications for visa extensions are not possible once in Myanmar; however, a fine of USD 3 per day overstayed, can be paid at Immigration upon departure. Note that a yellow fever vaccination certificate is required to enter Myanmar, if arriving within six days of leaving or transiting through an infected area. NOTE: It is highly recommended that your passport has at least six months' validity remaining after your intended date of departure from your travel destination. Immigration officials often apply different rules to those stated by travel agents and official sources. Entry Requirements Entry requirements for Americans: US citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for Canadians: Canadian citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for UK nationals: British citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for Australians: Australian citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for Irish nationals: Irish citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for New Zealanders: New Zealand citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

Entry requirements for South Africans: South African citizens must have a passport that is valid for at least six months beyond the date of their arrival in Myanmar. A visa is required.

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Getting around in Yangon, Myanmar

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Attractions in Yangon, Myanmar The shining jewel of Yangon's many attractions is Shwedagon Pagoda, the golden temple visible throughout the city and an iconic sight emblematic of the country and its strong Buddhist influence. Other major attractions include the 2,200-year-old , Little India and Chinatown, and the vibrant night markets including Bogyoke Aung San Market, which is also arguably the best place to exchange money. Inle Lake is lined with gardens and luxurious villas, providing a cooling distraction at sunset, when locals and visitors can enjoy the views. Other popular attractions in Yangon include the Taukkyan War Cemetery, a beautifully maintained graveyard and memorial to those who died fighting the Japanese is World War II, the Musmeah Yeshua Synagogue and Old Jewish Cemetery, and the Kyaikto, or Golden Rock, which is a glorious landmark. The city has seen a big increase in tourists recently, and infrastructure is improving to accommodate visitors. Hopefully Yangon won't lose its charm and off-the-beaten track appeal as it becomes more popular.

Bagan Bagan is an ancient city dating back to the 9th century that was home to the first kingdom of a unified Myanmar. A seemingly impossible collection of thousands of temples and monuments scattered over a vast plain, the buildings range in condition from ruined to resplendent, although many retain the power and majesty their devout designers intended. Most of the structures were built between the 11th and 12th centuries, when Bagan was the capital of the First Burmese Empire. Regrettably, many temples have suffered under the government's poor attempts at restoration, but others have been well preserved by organisations like UNESCO. The temples can best be viewed via bicycle, which allows for independent exploration as bike trails link all the temples. This attraction still feels relatively undiscovered and allows visitors to feel that they are the only ones exploring a temple. Each is thoroughly unique so visitors can spend days exploring and remain enthralled. Sunset is prime time in Bagan, as locals and visitors alike head for the highest temples to enjoy the magnificent sunsets over the stupa-dotted plain. Another popular way of seeing the temples is from the air, in a hot air balloon.

Shwedagon Pagoda Shwedagon Pagoda is Myanmar's most famous sight, an iconic landmark that stands as a highlight for any visitor to the region. The stupa is covered in gold plates weighing an estimated 52 metric tons and topped with a 76-carat diamond, as well as being covered by many other jewels. The temple was built between the 6th and 10th centuries, although the site atop Singuttara Hill has been considered holy for over 2,500 years. Also known as the Golden Temple, Shwedagon is the most sacred site for Burmese Buddhists, and is a daily focus for worship. Relics of the Buddha are said to be housed in the stupa, along with many other historical artefacts and great treasures. There are stairways at the north, south, east, and west and you can ascend using any of these, or the elevator if you want to skip the climb. The southern entrance is the most used because it rises out of the city; and the eastern stairway, although damaged by the British long ago, is popular because it leads down to the bazaars, making it a good exit point for prospective shoppers. Shwedagon is a place of worship, prayer and meditation, and it is important to act with respect and keep noise levels down. Dress conservatively, with long pants and sleeves, and remove your shoes when entering the complex. Be discreet when using your camera. Sunset and sunrise are the most powerful times to visit the stupa.

Ngwe Saung Ngwe Saung is one of the most laid-back places in the country, where visitors can unwind along a gorgeous, 10-mile (15km) stretch of palm-lined beach. A small touristy village has materialised on the beach's parallel road, with craft stalls selling cheap trinkets and delicious seafood. At low tide a small island appears which you can walk to and around. Package tours can arrange transport and hotel, but the beach is easy to get to from Yangon without pre-arrangement. The bus station next to Yangon's train station sells tickets for the five to six hour ride to the lovely coast. However, passengers should be wary of being passed off to smaller buses and charged again. Ngwe Saung is a popular excursion from Yangon, and many choose to stay one or two nights to enjoy the lovely beaches.

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Lake Inle Located at the base of steep green hills, Inle Lake is remarkable because of its inhabitants: around 70 000 people who live on and around the lake. Whole villages rest on stilts surrounded by water, rather like a bamboo and teak Venice, where men steer rowing boats through water roads. The men have adapted a unique way to row, wrapping one leg around an oar and standing with the other, which frees their hands to fish at the same time. Tourists can hire a boat and guide to lead them through floating markets and workshops making silks, cigars (cheroots), and jewellery. An impressive wooden temple on the water is also open to visitors; bizarrely, the monks at the temple are famous for having trained cats to jump through hoops and perform tricks. Visitors first arrive in the town of Nyaungshwe to a host of riverside guesthouses and restaurants. Boat hire can be done through hotels or independently at the town's river. Expensive hotels on the lake can be booked in advance but more rustic accommodation can usually be found without pre-planning. Depending on the season the town can flood, making the concept of living on water a little more practical than it first seemed.

Mandalay Mandalay is Myanmar's second-largest city and the former royal capital of the Burmese kingdom. A good place to start a visit is to hike up the 780-foot (240m) stairwell to the top of Mandalay Hill, a holy site with an ornately decorated temple with a Buddha statue overlooking the former capital city and far-reaching flatlands. Dominating the city's centre are the 150-year-old palace grounds of King Mindon and King Thibaw, with an adjacent temple and surrounding moat. For local travellers the Mahamuni Buddha is one of the most important pilgrimage sites for Buddhists in Myanmar. Aside from sightseeing, shopping is Mandalay's major pastime. A jewel market, where visitors can watch craftsmen shape gems, is worth a visit. Crafts such as monk's umbrellas, gold leaf, ornate furniture, and lacquer-ware are made and sold within the city. Motorbike taxis are available, as are trishaws, which are traditionally used in rural Myanmar.

Bogyoke Aung San Market The Bogyoke Aung San Market is the perfect place for tourists to start their visit to Myanmar, not only because it is the best place in town to convert foreign currency, but because it gives an idea of what the country has in store. In the past, the official exchange rate of the Myanmar kyat was kept artificially strong by government-set rates, creating a large black market trade in the currency at a much better price for tourists. The black market has endured and the best place to change currency is in the central jewellery section of the market. To maximise the rates it is best to ask several different vendors and bargain hard. Be careful to count your money and do the exchange math yourself. Exchanging currency on the black market is risky, but many travellers go this route. Once you have converted money the market is a great place to buy crafts, artwork, jewellery or antiques. Popular souvenirs include Burmese cigars, and old Burmese currency, some of which was issued in the curious but numerologically auspicious denominations of 35, 75 and 90 kyat notes. Bogyoke Aung San Market is open daily from about 9am to 5pm and is centrally located in downtown Yangon. Locals will be happy to direct you if you get lost.

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Nightlife in Yangon, Myanmar

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Shopping in Yangon, Myanmar

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Dining in Yangon, Myanmar

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Airports in Yangon Yangon International Airport (RGN) Yangon International Airport www.yangonairport.aero/index.php/en/ Location: Yangon The airport is situated six miles (9km) outside of Yangon. Time: Local time is GMT +6.5. Contacts: +95 1 533 030 Getting to the city: Taxis are available at the airport. Car rental: Airport Taxis: Taxi counters are situated at the arrival halls of each terminal. Facilities: There are many restaurants and bars available, from high-end to fast food options. Yangon Airport also contains many clothing stores, duty-free stores, ATMs, smoking lounges, and news stores. Parking: Parking A and B service international travellers and are located opposite the international terminal. There is no charge for the first 30 minutes and a cost of 5000 MMK for 24 hours. Domestic parking is next to the domestic terminal and costs 1000 MMK for one hour. Travellers will pay 4000 MMK for four hours and 500 MMK per hour after that.

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Currency The official currency is the kyat (MMK) - pronounced 'Chat'. The best foreign currency to travel on in Myanmar is the US dollar, but it is less of an alternative currency than it once was. Notes will not be accepted if they are damaged or torn in any way, or have pen marks on them. There is a big difference between the official and unofficial exchange rates in Myanmar, with street moneychangers offering more favourable rates than official channels. It's risky to change money with people on the street, though many tourists do. ATMs accepting international credit cards are increasingly common in cities, towns and tourist areas, but machines don't always work in areas that are off the beaten track.

Exchange rate for 1 MMK - Myanma Kyat 0.00 BMD 0.00 EUR 0.00 USD 0.00 GBP 0.09 JPY 0.00 CAD Bermudan Dollar Euro U.S. Dollar U.K. Pound Sterling Japanese Yen Canadian Dollar 0.00 CHF 0.00 AUD 0.02 UAH 0.28 KZT 1.26 LBP 0.00 LYD Swiss Franc Australian Dollar Ukrainian Hryvnia Kazakhstani Tenge Lebanese Pound Libyan Dinar 0.01 BOB 0.09 NPR 0.00 OMR 0.00 QAR 0.00 SGD 0.01 SEK Bolivian Boliviano Nepalese Rupee Omani Rial Qatari Rial Singapore Dollar Swedish Krona 0.01 TTD 0.01 VEF 0.04 DOP 0.01 HRK 0.02 MXN 0.49 XOF Trinidad Tobago Dollar Venezuelan Bolivar Dominican Peso Croatian Kuna Mexican Peso West African CFA Franc 0.00 PGK 0.00 BSD 0.00 FJD 0.02 HNL 0.09 DZD 0.01 BWP Papua New Guinean kina Bahamian Dollar Fiji Dollar Honduran Lempira Algerian Dinar Botswana Pula 0.00 PEN 0.58 CLP 0.40 AMD 0.02 CZK 0.02 MDL 0.10 ISK Peruvian Nuevo Sol Chilean Peso Armenia Dram Czech Koruna Moldova Lei Icelandic Krona 2.47 UZS 0.00 ILS 0.00 JOD 0.00 KWD 0.03 UYU 0.03 MUR Uzbekistan Sum Israeli New Sheqel Jordanian Dinar Kuwaiti Dinar Uruguayan Peso Mauritian Rupee 0.02 NIO 0.01 NOK 0.00 PLN 0.00 SAR 0.12 LKR 0.03 THB Nicaraguan Córdoba Norwegian Krone Polish Zloty Saudi Riyal Sri Lanka Rupee Thai Baht 0.00 AED 0.00 BRL 0.00 RON 0.01 HKD 0.49 XAF 18.87 VND U.A.E Dirham Brazilian Real Romanian New Leu Hong Kong Dollar Central African CFA Franc Vietnamese Dong 0.01 ARS 0.00 XCD 0.01 GTQ 0.01 MAD 0.00 BHD 0.00 PAB Argentine Peso East Caribbean Dollar Guatemalan Quetzal Moroccan Dirham Bahrain Dinar Panamanian Balboa 0.00 AZN 2.62 COP 0.06 KGS 0.23 HUF 0.01 TJS 11.49 IDR Azerbaijan Manat Colombian Peso Kyrgyzstan Som Hungarian Forint Tajikistan Ruble Indonesian Rupiah 0.01 EGP 1.00 KRW 4.76 PYG 0.00 MYR 0.45 CRC 0.00 NZD Egyptian Pound South Korean Won Paraguayan Guaraní Malaysian Ringgit Costa Rican Colón New Zealand Dollar 0.09 PKR 0.06 RUB 0.01 ZAR 0.00 TND 0.00 BBD 0.00 BGN Pakistani Rupee Russian Rouble South African Rand Tunisian Dinar Barbadian Dollar Bulgarian Lev 0.00 TRY 0.04 PHP 0.03 TWD 0.16 NGN 0.09 XPF 0.00 GHS Turkish Lira Philippine Peso New Taiwan Dollar Nigerian Naira CFP Franc Ghanaian Cedi 0.10 JMD 0.00 ANG 0.00 BND 0.09 RSD 0.01 CNY 16.70 BYR Jamaican Dollar Neth. Antillean Guilder Brunei Dollar Serbian Dinar Chinese Yuan Belarussian Ruble 0.01 DKK 0.00 TMT 0.06 INR

Danish Krone New Turkmenistan Manat Indian Rupee

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