

COMMITTEE: Visitor Services Advisory Committee Time Meeting called to Order:__3:08pm_____

MEETING DATE: __January 14, 2014______Time Meeting Adjourned: _____4:15pm______

MEMBERS PRESENT: Kate Hamilton, Director, David Sharpe, Administrator, Phil Read, Chairman, Bevin Bixby, Gene Mahon, Louise Swift and Diane Reis-Flaherty




1 Approval of Minutes The December minutes were unanimously approved. 6-0

2 Chairman’s Comments Chairman Read reported that he has been impressed with the positive publicity with Visitor Services and the New Year’s Celebration. This includes’ Kate’s Letter to the Editor and the feature story in the Inquirer and Mirror and SoCo (South Coast) Magazine. This positive publicity negates any negative image of Visitor Services…Michelle Langlois arrived at 3:14pm. Chairman Read welcomes Michelle Langlois to the committee. Michelle had been on the committee before.

4 Director’s Report Kate thanked Gene for the New Years coverage in Mahon About Town. The ran an article in their Cape Week section. Kate reported that travel on the Hy-Line ferry over New Year’s was up 12% over the year before. The Black and White Ball had 275 people. The Illusionist sold out the 1st show at the Dreamland Theatre on New Year’s Eve and the 2nd show was half full. The Cabaret shows on Saturday and Sunday were great. Kate added that the stores did well in sales and marketing. There will be a wrap up meeting this Friday. Diane reported that her taxi business was busy. Kate noted that she had her monthly meeting on Monday with Town Manager, Libby Gibson and Assistant Town Manager, Gregg Tivnan. Some of the items that they discussed included building a kiosk for Steamboat Wharf, adding and extra staff member to help man that kiosk and seeking money in the FY15 budget for that staff member. Kate reported that she is working with the Park and Recreation Commission and the Town about developing an alcohol policy at Children’s Beach. She noted that Narragansett , RI and other towns on Cape Cod all have alcohol policies/ permits that charge more than what the Town of Nantucket charges. The original deed to Children’s Beach does not restrict alcohol. In addition to the alcohol policy, Kate is helping update and standardize the overall Town of Nantucket permit fee schedule. It could be possible to have more events and make more money for the Town. Kate added that the fees can’t be changed until July 1. Kate concluded that the Nanetiquette project is proceeding well. Libby has approved its budget and it is expected to have a print run of 2,500 and will 1 also be downloadable. Kate hopes to have the brochure ready to hand out at Town Meeting on April 5.

5 Administrator’s Report David the Statistics for December. Michelle asked about the Lodging Inquiry Call stat. David explained that it is a new measure that began in mid-August.

6 Discussion on Room Tax Article Chairman Read aloud the complete wording of the article that will be in the Annual Town meeting warrant for April. Gene asked Kate how she thought the extra money could be used? Kate explained that it could be used to fund projects such as the new Steamship Kiosk and fund an employee at the Airport. Gene asked about previous budgets and what year was the most money give to the VS budget. Kate asked David to print out a Room Tax history. David returned with a chart. Kate noted that the office had $434,000 in 2003. She added that there was money unused at the end of that year and other years. Those leftover funds were returned to the Town. Kate noted that when they had the extra money in the budget it was often used to help fund bathroom renovations for Federal Street and ‘Sconset which occurred every few years. It was observed that the room tax money appears to be going upward. David explained that reflects the trend of more expensive lodgings such as the Nantucket Hotel and the loss of the cheaper B&Bs including the Island Reef and Nesbit Inn to become upscale small boutique hotels. Gene discussed using some of the extra money for advertising. It was noted that the Chamber of Commerce advertising budget is restricted to a radius beyond 50 miles. The committee further considered that any new advertising by Visitor Services would help the lodging industry. The committee continued the discussion. It was agreed to keep the Room Tax Article on the agenda for the next several meetings.

5 New Business there was no discussion

List of Documents or Exhibits used at the meeting: Minutes from the December 10 meeting December Statistics Cape Cod Times/ Cape Week Article, Dec. 27 Children’s Beach Sign Example ATM Room Tax Article

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