FILE 770:38 2 Editorial Rambling Science Fiction Writer Mack Reynolds Died of Cancer January 31, According to Rick Katze
t YE OLDE COLOPHON FILE 770 is edited by Mike Glyer, at 5828 Woodman Ave. #2, Van Nuys CA 91401. This newzine serving science fiction fandom is published less often than Charlie Brown recommends, and more often than Andrew Porter can keep count (see item else where this issue), but to be more specific, shows up about every six weeks. While F77O can be obtained for hot news, sizzling rumors (printable or not), arranged trades with clubzines and newzines, and expensive Inng-distance phone calls (not collect), subscriptions are most highly prized. Rates: 5/$3 (US) will get your issues sent first-class in North America, and printed matter overseas. $1 per issue covers air printed matter mailing overseas. Direct those expensive, long-distance calls to (213) 787-5061. I’m never home Tuesday nights, so don’t kill yourselves trying to reach me then. I do have a message machine, if it comes down to that... Want back issues? Send request for info. Thanks for production help last issue to: Anne Hansen, Fran Smith, Dean Bell, Debbie Ledesma.______________________ ______ ROUNDMGS mihe glyer ~ — ORIENTATION FOR NEW READERS : Why is this fanzine titled FILE 770? Late in ‘■"z 1977, when I was nerving up to start a fannish newzine to succeed KARASS, I found it difficult to find a title that had not been previously used. I looked through dictionaries, and the Thesaurus. I scanned Bruce Pelz’ voluminous fanzine index. I declined offers to revive titles like FANAC and STARSPINKLE. It became my contention that all the good sf story references usable as newzine titles had been taken.
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