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Tu Directory Ad A4 2018 V1.indd 1 05/12/2018 22:35:03 CONTENTS

SECTION 1 SECTION 4 About the TUC Trade unions Welcome 05 Union statistics 34 Who we are 06 TUC member unions 44 What we do 06 Confederations of unions 92 Our campaign priorities 07 How the TUC works 07 SECTION 5 Committee membership 10 Skills, education and training SECTION 2 Learning through unions 96 TUC people TUC Education 100 Policy staff at Congress House 16 Policy staff in and SECTION 6 the English regions 21 International relations ITUC regional organisations 108 SECTION 3 ITUC global union federations 111 TUC services

Helping unions grow and thrive 26 SECTION 7 TUC information service 28 Calendar of events 116 TUC policy and information publications 29 Tolpuddle Martyrs Museum 29 TUC Library Collections 31 TUC archive 31 © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk© Jess


In 2018, we celebrated 150 years since the founding of the , in the Mechanics Institute in Manchester. Our founders resolved to set up the TUC “to take action in all parliamentary matters pertaining to the general interests of the working classes”.

As we start 2019 with the continuing uncertainty around Brexit, that resolve is as necessary as ever. We are determined to ensure workers’ rights are protected and enhanced, not thrown out as part of a hard landing outside the EU. We must bequeath to our successors a stronger movement, one that can continue to challenge the power of bosses in the fast-moving world of work.

In this Directory you’ll find information about ourselves, especially our campaigning and public policy priorities. There’s also sections on our member organisations and the services we provide to them. I hope you find it useful.

Frances O’Grady General secretary


The TUC is the voice of Britain at work. We exist to improve working life and promote equality for everyone.


The TUC brings together more than 5.5 million working people who belong to our 48 member unions. We support trade unions to grow and thrive, and we stand up for everyone who works for a living. Every day, we campaign for more and better jobs, and a more equal, more prosperous country.

Who we are ››stand up for everyone who works for a living, by publishing The Trades Union Congress (TUC) research and evidence, and exists to make the working world a campaigning for changes better place for everyone. to the law and in society Working people joining together advocate for collective bargaining, can change things. For more than ›› trade unionism and putting 150 years, unions have fought working people at the heart of for safer workplaces and wages our society, economy and politics you can build a life on. And today we’re needed more than ever to ››help union members get on in life, make sure every job is a decent through running and managing job and everyone at work is treated learning and skills programmes. with respect. Our values guide us in all our work. We stand for equality, fairness and What we do justice, and for dignity and respect for all working people. We believe The TUC’s job is to: in solidarity: that working people ››support trade unions to grow and can achieve more acting together thrive, helping them represent than they can do on their own. And their members and keep pace we are internationalists, acting with with the changing world of work trade unionists around the world to promote working people’s interests.

ABOUT 06 THE TUC Our campaign priorities movement, we believe that every job should be a great job – and Congress 2018 adopted a new everyone should be able to work campaign plan for the TUC, setting with dignity and fairness. out three priority areas of work.

Priority 3: Priority 1: Rebuilding a UK that works for Winning for more workers working people after Brexit The only way to reverse extreme The British economy is rigged inequality and to get wages rising against the interests of ordinary again is to get more working people working people. A “no deal” Brexit into trade unions – and get them the will only make that worse, risking benefit of collective bargaining. So good jobs and hard-won rights at the top priority for our movement in work. We need an economy that 2018–19 is growing the movement. works for working people – now, That means finding new ways to and into the future. That means recruit and retain members. It that companies should prioritise means catching up with the digital long-term greener growth that tech that is standard in other benefits everybody, not short-term sectors. And it means finding new shareholder returns. We need good ways to organise young workers in jobs in all regions and nations of the the private sector, building on our UK. We need high-quality, decently WorkSmart pilot. funded public services. And we need to work together to combat Priority 2: the resurgent far right, which preys A new deal for working people on people’s fears and exploits inequality and disadvantage. For too many workers, it’s too hard to find a decent job. Zero-hours contracts, temporary and agency How the TUC works work and bogus self-employment Every September, the UK’s trade are used by employers to cut costs unions meet together at Congress. and cut working people’s rights Congress is where the movement and pay. Too many working people decides its priorities for the coming are stuck in jobs that don’t offer year, and what the TUC should do a chance at a better life. Rather to achieve them. Each union sends than new technology being used delegates and raises issues for to deliver better jobs, too often discussion and debate. it is being used to concentrate power and wealth in the hands of employers. In the

ABOUT THE TUC 07 Between Congresses, the General The General Council elects the TUC Council oversees the TUC’s work president. Their one-year term in and decides how to respond to office starts at the close of Congress. events. The General Council is The president chairs Congress, the made up of representatives of General Council and the Executive member unions, plus reserved seats Committee meetings, represents the for women, LGBT+ workers, Black TUC at national and international and minority ethnic workers and events and supports and advises the disabled workers. general secretary. Each year, the General Council Each year, the TUC also runs appoints a smaller executive conferences for Black, disabled, committee from among its own LGBT+, women and young workers. members. This group meets each These conferences and their elected month to implement policy, manage committees guide the General the TUC’s finances and deal with Council and Congress in setting urgent business. policy on relevant equalities issues. The TUC general secretary leads Wales TUC’s conference and the TUC’s work throughout the year. the Welsh General Council are She is supported by the deputy responsible for deciding TUC general secretary and a team policy on devolved matters and of staff working in , the overseeing TUC activity on issues English regions, Wales, that are the responsibility of the and Brussels. . The TUC’s English regions each have their own regional conference, to guide and advise the regional secretary and their team in taking forward the TUC’s priorities over the coming year.

ABOUT 08 THE TUC © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk GENERAL COUNCIL MEMBERS Membership for the year 2018–19

The body responsible for developing and implementing TUC policy and strategy between Congresses. It meets seven times a year and each day during Congress.

Sheila Bearcroft MBE Ruth Cross Janice Godrich GMB Union of Shop, Public and Commercial Distributive and Allied Services Union Josie Bird Workers Charlie Gray Nick Cusack GMB Professional National Education Philipa Harvey Footballers’ Union National Education Association Union Tony Burke Tony Dale Unite Sally Hunt Union of Shop, University and College Gail Cartmail Distributive and Allied Union Unite Workers Chris Keates Mick Cash Neil Derrick NASUWT National Union of Rail, GMB Maritime and Transport Vicky Knight Mark Dickinson Workers University and College Nautilus International Union Mike Clancy Maria Exall Ian Lawrence Communication Manuel Cortes Workers Union Transport Salaried Paddy Lillis Sue Ferns Staffs Association Usdaw Prospect Brian Linn Larry Flanagan National Education Aegis Educational Institute of Union Scotland Annette Mansell-Green Steve Gillan British Dietetic POA Association

ABOUT 10 THE TUC Susan Matthews Mark Serwotka Tony Woodhouse Unite (president) Unite Public and Commercial Len McCluskey Matt Wrack Services Union Unite Jon Skewes Seán McGovern Frances O’Grady Royal College of Unite TUC General Secretary Midwives Roger McKenzie Liz Snape MBE UNISON UNISON Gloria Mills CBE Michelle Stanistreet UNISON National Union of Ged Nichols Journalists Jane Stewart Christine Payne Unite Equity Claire Sullivan Dave Penman Chartered Society of FDA Physiotherapy Dave Prentis Chris Tansley UNISON UNISON Davena Rankin Horace Trubridge UNISON Musicians’ Union Roy Rickhuss Steve Turner Unite Patrick Roach Dave Ward NASUWT Communication Workers Union GMB Simon Weller Associated Society of Maggie Ryan Locomotive Engineers Unite and Firemen Malcolm Sage GMB

ABOUT THE TUC 11 EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEMBERS Membership for the year 2018–19

This committee of the General Council meets six times a year (with extended sessions in May and November) to consider policy issues, receive reports on meetings and activities and make other executive decisions on behalf of the General Council to which it reports.

Sheila Bearcroft MBE Sally Hunt Liz Snape MBE GMB University and College UNISON Union Mary Bousted Steve Turner National Education Chris Keates Unite Union NASUWT Dave Ward Tony Burke Paddy Lillis Communication Unite Union of Shop, Workers Union Distributive and Allied Gail Cartmail Simon Weller Workers Unite Associated Society of Len McCluskey Locomotive Engineers Mike Clancy Unite and Firemen Prospect Gloria Mills CBE Matt Wrack Kevin Courtney UNISON Fire Brigades Union Ged Nichols Accord Frances O’Grady Mark Dickinson TUC General Secretary Nautilus International Christine Payne Equity Maria Exall Communication Dave Prentis Workers Union UNISON Sue Ferns Tim Roache Prospect GMB Steve Gillan Mark Serwotka POA (president) Public and Commercial Services Union


Committee chairs Women’s Lesbian, gay, bisexual Committee and transgender+ General Council Vicky Knight rights Mark Serwotka Maria Exall Young Workers Forum Executive Craig Dawson Public services Mark Serwotka Dave Prentis Members Public Services Liaison with lead Race equality Group responsibilities Gloria Mills CBE Dave Prentis Disabled Women Disabled Workers workers Vicky Knight Committee Seán McGovern Seán McGovern Young workers Environment and Charlie Gray Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual sustainable and Transgender+ development Committee Sue Ferns Maria Exall Europe Race Relations Steve Turner Committee Gloria Mills CBE Health and safety Liz Snape MBE Trades Union Councils Joint Consultative International Committee development Matt Wrack Gail Cartmail Unionlearn board International relations Mary Bousted Sally Hunt Learning and skills Mary Bousted


Acas Low Pay Commission Mike Clancy Kate Bell Sally Hunt Kay Carberry Christina McAnea Simon Sapper Paul Nowak National Employment Savings Advisory Panel on Consumer Prices Trust Members Panel (stakeholder) Tim Sharp Geoff Tily National Employment Tribunals Cedefop User Group Kirsi-Marja Kekki Matt Creagh Council of City NOCN and Guilds Tony Saunders Kevin Rowan Pensions Regulator’s Advisory Panel Court of Directors, Bank of Tim Sharp Dave Prentis Scottish Union Learning Fund Board Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI) Board Ian Borkett Stephen Russell Steering Board of the UK Ruwan Subasinghe National Contact Point for the Alison Tate OECD Guidelines for Scot Walker Multinational Enterprises Financial Reporting Council’s John Evans Stakeholder Advisory Panel Strategic Transport Janet Williamson Apprenticeship Taskforce Health and Safety Executive Kevin Rowan Kevin Rowan Sir Industrial Injuries Advisory Council Karen Mitchell Hugh Robertson Doug Russell


Equality & Strategy Alice Moss Executive support officer Frances O’Grady Supports the functions of the General secretary department, with particular Responsible to Congress and the responsibility for the General General Council for the effective Council and Executive Committee operation of the TUC, sets strategic Tel: 020 7467 1267 goals and acts as chief representative Email: [email protected] of the TUC Paul Nowak Ali Torabi Deputy general secretary Brexit lead Responsible for TUC organisation Project manager for TUC work in ; union on Brexit organising; inter-union relations and Tel: 020 7467 1350 the organisation of Congress; also Email: [email protected] leads on public services; deputises Sue Coe for the general secretary Senior policy officer Denise Doherty Strategic planning and delivery Executive secretary to across the TUC’s work, and TUC- Frances O’Grady wide policy and campaigns Tel: 020 7467 1263 on equality Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1237 Email: [email protected] Alice Hood and Nicola Smith Policy officer (vacancy) Head of department (job share) Women’s equality: maternity rights, Strategic management of the women’s equality within unions, department and its work women in the labour market, Tel: 020 7467 1225 family policy, equal pay and Email: [email protected] sex discrimination Ben Louvre Quinn Roache Editorial projects officer Policy officer Speech writing and other Rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, communications projects transgender and disabled people Tel: 020 7467 1268 Tel: 020 7467 1271 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

TUC 16 PEOPLE Wilf Sullivan Sara Ogilvie Policy officer Public affairs manager Race equality at work; Black workers Leads the TUC’s political influencing in unions; EU race issues Tel: 020 7467 1243 Tel: 020 7467 1259 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Clare Coatman Carol Ferguson Senior campaigner Equality and strategy support officer Manages young workers Providing support to the department innovation project alongside and TUC equality committees other campaigning Tel: 020 7467 1260 Tel: 020 7467 1385 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Natasha Owusu John Wood Policy and campaigns support officer Digital manager Providing support to the Responsible for the TUC digital department across all policy areas lab, digital organising and and campaigns digital transformation in the Tel: 020 7467 1370 union movement Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1269 Email: [email protected] Campaigns, Communications Carl Roper & Digital National organiser Leads TUC work on developing Antonia Bance organising and strategic and (maternity leave until August 2019) leadership development of unions Alex Rossiter Tel: 020 7467 1211 (acting, until August 2019) Email: [email protected] Head of department Strategic management of TUC Tim Nichols campaigns, communications Senior media officer and digital Tel: 020 7467 1388 Tel: 020 7467 1285 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Niamh Ni Mhaoileoin Alen Mathewson Senior media officer (acting) Departmental secretary Tel: 020 7467 1288 Tel: 020 7467 1242 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

TUC PEOPLE 17 Elly Gibson Riz Hussain Media officer Social media officer Tel: 020 7467 1337 Promotes TUC priorities through Email: [email protected] social media and video Tel: 020 7467 1281 Media officer (vacancy) Email: [email protected] TUC media line: 020 7467 1248 Jay Sreedharan Email: [email protected] Web editor Manages the TUC website Rob Sanders Tel: 020 7467 1362 Senior publishing officer Email: [email protected] Brand management and publishing materials production Michelle Gregory Tel: 020 7467 1217 Events officer Email: [email protected] Event manager for Congress, other Mark Newcombe events and campaign activities Graphic designer Tel: 020 7467 1216 Brand management and design Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1371 Katrina Regan Email: [email protected] Events assistant (Mon-Wed) Tel: 020 7467 1234 Scott Gilfillan Email: [email protected] Writer and editor Writes and edits blogs and news for the TUC website and other Management Services digital media & Administration Tel: 020 7467 1374 We manage TUC finances and Email: [email protected] other Congress House internal Anthony Hayes services including personnel, IT and Digital campaigner information services. We also run Runs Megaphone, the TUC’s our Congress Centre meetings and campaigning platform for events venues. unions, and supports union Matilda Quiney digital campaigning Head of department Tel: 020 7467 1372 Tel: 020 7467 1274 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

TUC 18 PEOPLE For queries about finances, Mark Ennis including billing and invoicing Admin assistant queries, contact Tel: 020 7467 1394 [email protected] Email: [email protected] For queries about jobs, check our Matt Dykes website tuc.org.uk/jobs or contact Senior policy officer [email protected] Public Services Forum, Public For queries related to our building Services Liaison Group, public and about tenancy, contact Helen services policy and campaigning, Bilton [email protected] health policy, public sector pay and pensions To contact us about data protection, Tel: 020 7467 1245 and for all other queries, contact Email: [email protected] [email protected] Hugh Robertson To book rooms and conference Senior policy officer facilities, contact Health and safety, prevention, [email protected] industrial injuries benefits, or call 020 7467 1318 compensation Tel: 020 7466 1276 Organisation, Email: [email protected] Services & Skills Carl Roper Kevin Rowan National organiser Head of department Leads TUC work on organising Responsible for the strategic and recruitment; strategic and management of the work of the leadership development of unions department and the TUC’s work in Tel: 0151 482 2716 the regions and Wales Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1383 Kamaljeet Gill Email: [email protected] Policy officer Debbie Cleary Public services, local government, Departmental secretary justice sector and voluntary and Tel: 020 7467 1290 community organisations; transport, Email: [email protected] including Action for Rail Tel: 020 7467 1273 Jane Cook Email: [email protected] Admin assistant Tel: 020 7467 1394 Email: [email protected]

TUC PEOPLE 19 Kathryn Mackridge Mary Towers Policy officer Employment rights officer English devolution, young workers Trade union and employment law, Tel: 020 7467 1355 including individual employment Email: [email protected] rights and equalities legislation Tel: 020 7467 1239 Marion Nicolaides Email: [email protected] Policy and campaigns support officer Tel: 020 7467 1250 Tim Page Email: [email protected] Senior policy officer Industrial, energy and Rights, International, environment policy Social & Economics Tel: 020 7467 1202 Email: [email protected] Kate Bell Head of department Geoff Tily Strategic management of Senior economist the department Macroeconomic policy and analysis Tel: 020 7467 1205 Tel: 020 7467 1230 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] PA and administrator Janet Williamson Emma Hendy (Mon-Wed) Senior policy officer Katrina Regan (Thur-Fri) Corporate governance policy and Tel: 020 7467 1258 capital markets Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1305 Email: [email protected] Tim Sharp Anjum Klair Senior employment rights officer Policy officer Trade union and employment law, Labour market and social security including collective and individual Tel: 020 7467 1204 employment rights Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1222 Email: [email protected] Paul Sellers Policy officer Matthew Creagh Minimum wage, working Employment rights officer time and housing Trade union and employment law, Tel: 020 7467 1302 including individual employment Email: [email protected] rights and equalities legislation Tel: 020 7467 1298 Policy officer (vacancy) Email: [email protected] Pensions and investment policy

TUC 20 PEOPLE Alex Collinson Sharon Sukhram Policy and campaigns support officer Policy officer Tel: 020 7467 1201 Commonwealth, international Email: [email protected] development, international financial institutions, international slavery, Jack Jones TUC Aid (see TUC Aid on page 114) Policy and campaigns support officer Tel: 020 7467 1273 Tel: 020 7467 1380 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Stephen Russell Helen Nadin Policy officer Policy and campaigns support officer ILO, Playfair campaign, business Tel: 020 7467 1224 and human rights Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1207 Pat Brown Email: [email protected] Secretary and administrator Tanya Warlock Tel: 020 7467 1226 Policy and campaigns support officer Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7467 1307 Email: [email protected] Mariela Kohon Senior international officer Strategic international and Policy staff in Wales solidarity work and the English regions Tel: 020 7467 1325 The TUC has offices in six English Email: [email protected] regions and Wales. These are part Elena Crasta of the Organisation, Services & Senior European officer Skills department. (based at the ETUC) Wales TUC develops policy on Represents the TUC in the all devolved matters and others European Union, liaising with specific to Wales. Its General the ETUC, the Commission, Council also oversees the Parliament and Council implementation of UK-wide or Tel: 00 322 224 0478 international matters agreed by the Email: [email protected] TUC’s General Council. In Scotland Rosa Crawford the STUC is a separate organisation, Policy officer while in Northern the TUC Trade, migration has links with ICTU. Tel: 020 7467 1279 Email: [email protected]

TUC PEOPLE 21 Unions are also active in Northern communities, and their views Unite Building, First Floor are co-ordinated by TUC Trades John Dobson Street Union Councils. Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8TW Tel: 0191 227 5550 London, East & South East Web: tuc.org.uk/northern Congress House Simon Elliott (PCS) Great Russell Street Regional council chair London WC1B 3LS Tel: 020 7467 1220 Beth Farhat Web: tuc.org.uk/london-east-and- Regional secretary south-east Email: [email protected] Tony Lennon Helena Hammock (BECTU sector of Prospect) Policy and campaigns support officer Regional council president Email: [email protected] Sam Gurney North West Regional secretary Email: [email protected] Jack Jones House 1 Islington Laurie Heselden L3 8EG Regional policy and Tel: 0151 482 2710 campaigns officer Web: tuc.org.uk/north-west Email: [email protected] Lynn Morris (UNISON) Midlands Region Regional council chair 47 Summer Lane Lynn Collins B19 3TH Regional secretary Tel: 0121 262 6380 Email: [email protected] Web: tuc.org.uk/midlands Jay McKenna Kate Hudson (CWU) Policy and campaigns support officer Regional council chair Email: [email protected] Lee Barron Regional secretary Email: [email protected] Rob Johnston Regional policy and campaigns officer Email: [email protected]

TUC 22 PEOPLE South West Siân Cartwright Head of learning services Church House Email: [email protected] Church Road Filton Julie Cook Bristol BS34 7BD National officer Tel: 0117 947 0521 Email: [email protected] Web: tuc.org.uk/south-west Yorkshire & the Humber Kev Terry (Unite) Regional council chair West One 114 Wellington Street Nigel Costley LS1 1BA Regional secretary Tel: 0113 242 9696 Email: [email protected] Web: tuc.org.uk/ Ines Lage yorkshire-and-the-humber Policy and campaigns support officer Joanne Thomas (Usdaw) Email: [email protected] Regional council chair Wales TUC Bill Adams Regional secretary 1 Cathedral Road Email: [email protected] CF11 9SD Tel: 029 2034 7010 Gareth Lewis Web: wtuc.org.uk Policy and campaigns support officer Email: [email protected] Shavana Taj (PCS) President Committee, ICTU Martin Mansfield 4–6 Donegall Street Place General secretary BT1 2FN Email: [email protected] Tel: 028 9024 7940 Marion Burke Email: [email protected] Policy and campaigns officer Web: ictuni.org Email: [email protected] Kevin Doherty Nisreen Mansour Regional education officer Policy and campaigns officer Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ceri Williams Policy and campaigns officer Email: [email protected]

TUC PEOPLE 23 TUC Scotland (education only) John Smith House 145–165 West Regent Street G2 4RZ Tel: 0141 221 8545 Sarah Wiktorski Education officer Email: [email protected]

Scottish TUC STUC Centre 333 Woodlands Road Glasgow G3 6NG Tel: 0141 337 8100 Email: [email protected] Web: stuc.org.uk Grahame Smith General secretary Email: [email protected] Dave Moxham Deputy general secretary Email: [email protected] Helen Martin Assistant general secretary (policy and political relations) Email: [email protected] Yvonne Stewart Assistant general secretary (operations and equality) Email: [email protected] Wendy Burton SUL director Email: [email protected]

TUC 24 PEOPLE © Jess Hurd/reportdigital.co.uk© Jess

SECTION 3 TUC SERVICES Helping unions to 2. Training union reps grow and thrive Every year, the TUC trains thousands The TUC supports trade unions of union reps, enabling them to to grow and thrive, helping them develop the skills, knowledge represent their members and keep and confidence to represent their pace with the changing world members at work. Our training offer of work. can range from negotiating skills to tackling racism. We offer training in partnership with trade union 1. Policy, political and education centres in colleges and government engagement much of the training is also available The TUC briefs member unions on online via tuceducation.org.uk economic, equalities, workplace and social policy, and on trends in 3. Supporting unions to organise the workplace and economy. We and grow engage with the government and political parties as they develop We help unions to grow, policy, responding to consultations running organising training and and attending meetings on behalf working alongside unions to of the union movement. And we run develop their recruitment and movement-wide campaigns on key organising strategies. issues that affect all unions. In 2019, the TUC Organising The TUC co-ordinates union Academy will offer a range of representation on public bodies programmes designed to help and supports ongoing formal unions increase membership, discussions with government, such participation and effectiveness, in as the joint forum for government partnership with the Manchester and unions with members working College. Courses include: in the public sector. We co-ordinate the diploma in organising the UK trade union delegation to ›› the ILO, a body of the UN, and to ››the advanced certificate international and European trade in organising union bodies. We also speak on our supporting organising behalf of the union movement in ›› course, which is specifically the media. for union staff in support roles to understand organising ››communication and campaigns, which helps union staff understand how to frame campaigns for maximum impact.

TUC 26 SERVICES Conference Central

If you’re looking for a dedicated conference and events venue in the heart of London, look no further.

A short walk from Covent Garden and Soho, Congress Centre is set within an architecturally renowned 1950s modernist building and oozes hi-tech minimalism. With 16 rooms to choose from, suitable for 2–850 people, the venue is perfect for all types of events.

Book now for conferences, AGMs and meetings, as well as parties, product launches and other special events. 020 7467 1318 congresscentre.co.uk We also provide bespoke courses 5. Developing trade union staff for member unions, and we offer We support the professional consultancy services to assist development of staff who work unions to develop and review their for unions, through formal training organising strategies, practice and through best practice events. and campaigns. We run a number of informal networks for trade union staff in 4. TUC Digital Lab similar jobs – for example, legal officers, HR officers, political We support our member unions staff and communicators. We in the urgent task of modernising also run the annual trade union to meet the challenges of the communications awards. digital age. We also run Leading Change, In 2019, the new TUC Digital which is a strategic training and Lab will work in partnership with development programme for union affiliates to research and share best leaders and senior officers. In 2019, practice in digital transformation, we are reviewing the course content digital communications and digital and structure and will launch a new organising for unions. leadership package in 2020. The Digital Lab will run events, pilot projects and hands-on experiences TUC Information Service with unions that want to take their next steps together on the The Information Service provides digital journey. research services for TUC staff as well as assistance with enquiries Through our new Megaphone from the public. It also provides platform, we work with unions to guidance on managing the TUC’s run digital campaigns that help records as well as looking after increase their campaigning impact more recent materials until they are and organising capacity. And in transferred to the Modern Records 2019, we will complete the pilot Centre. The service also advises the phase of WorkSmart, our innovative organisation on data protection. new programme to bring young private sector workers into the trade Tel: 020 7467 1262 union movement. Email: [email protected] Visit digital.tuc.org.uk to find out more.

TUC 28 SERVICES TUC policy and displays telling one of the most information publications celebrated stories of human rights. Publications, CDs and souvenirs The TUC publishes a wide range are on sale from either the museum of advice, guidance and policy shop or website. materials in print and for electronic media, as well as short campaign The museum is seven miles north reports and briefings on topical east of Dorchester and is signposted items such as economic trends, from the A35 onwards. Groups or union services and recruitment. school parties are welcome, but prior arrangement is advisable by Most of our publications are contacting the museum manager. available from our website at tuc.org.uk/publications or Free admission, access for the from the TUC’s appointed disabled and toilets including retailer, Bookmarks. disabled facilities. Publications sales enquiries Opening hours Paul Rey-Burns (including bank holidays) Tel: 020 7467 1294 Email: [email protected] April to October 10am–5pm Tuesday to Saturday Tolpuddle Martyrs Sunday from 11am Museum November to March 10am–4pm Thursday to Saturday Tolpuddle Martyrs Museum Sunday from 11am Tolpuddle DT2 7EH Tel: 01305 848237 Tolpuddle Martyrs Festival Email: [email protected] 19–21 July 2019 Web: tolpuddlemartyrs.org.uk The annual festival is a celebration In 1934, to commemorate the of trade unionism. There is music for centenary of the transportation of six all tastes, fabulous entertainment for agricultural workers transported to children, discussion, good food and Australia in 1834 for forming a trade fun. There is a grand procession and union, the TUC built six cottages rally on the Sunday. with a central meeting room for retired agricultural labourers. In later years the central meeting room was converted into a museum which today holds a colourful display of illustrative banners, information stands and interactive audio visual

TUC SERVICES 29 TUC HISTORY: Unions make us strong

An online resource featuring the digitised collections of the TUC Library held at London Metropolitan University. Contents include: › Timeline 1815–2000 covering all of the major personalities and events, illustrated with contemporary photographs, leafl ets, posters, audiovisual clips and union emblems › Match Workers Strike Fund Register, 1888 › Manuscript of The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists by Robert Tressell › General Strike 1926, documents and images › Trades Union Congress reports, 1868–1968 › Other online resources include testimonies from World War II home front veterans and fi lm interviews with equal pay campaigners.

unionhistory.info TUC Library Collections Special Collections Reading Room London Metropolitan University Unity Trust Bank 25 Old Castle Street has supported London E1 7NT trade unions for Tel: 020 7320 3516 Email: [email protected] over 30 years. Web: unionhistory.info Blogs: blogs.londonmet.ac.uk/ We look forward to tuc-library supporting you with your : /tuclibrary future banking needs. Twitter: @TUC_Library The Library is a major research For further information contact resource for the study of all aspects your Relationship Manager of trade unions, industrial relations, Richard Rose: lifelong learning and people T: 07714 241649 at work. E: [email protected] www.unity.co.uk Other Library collections include: ››The Workers’ Educational Association Library and Archive TUC archive Marjorie Nicholson ›› The TUC archive is held at: Collection from the TUC International Department The Modern Records Centre between 1955 and 1972 University of Warwick Library Coventry CV4 7AL ››The Gertrude Tuckwell Collection 1890–1921, with the Women’s Tel: 024 7652 4219 Trade Union League Email: [email protected] Web: warwick.ac.uk/services/ The Labour Research Department ›› library/mrc Library and Archive ››Federation of Worker Writers Opening hours and Community Publishers 9am–5pm Monday to Tuesday Exhibitions available for loan 9am–7pm Wednesday to Thursday include: Miners’ Strike, Russian 9am–4pm Friday Revolution, American and British trade union relations and 150th anniversary of TUC.

TUC SERVICES 31 © Bus workers photo copyright TfL from the London Transport Museum Collection Your lives, our history Discover the experiences of working people through documents, interviews and images from the TUC Library Collections, recording some of the most important events in recent history. Visit the Britain at Work website at unionhistory. info/britainatwork

The TUC Library Collections are housed at London Metropolitan University. If you want to fi nd out more about TUC and union history, contact: The TUC Librarian Tel: 020 7133 3726 Email: [email protected] Blog: blogs.londonmet.ac.uk/tuc-library Follow us on: Facebook, Pinterest and Twitter

A detailed description of the Brief descriptions of the archive are TUC’s archives is available at: available in two booklets: The Trades http://mrc-catalogue.warwick. Union Congress Archive, 1920–1960 ac.uk/records/TUC and The Trades Union Congress Archive 1960–1970. The TUC archive contains over 5,000 boxes of correspondence, reports, minutes and papers dating from 1916 to 2000. The MRC also holds the archives of over 500 trade unions from the 19th century to the present day.

TUC 32 SERVICES © John Harris/reportdigital.co.uk© John

SECTION 4 TRADE UNIONS THE STATE OF THE UNIONS Union membership overall, including non-TUC unions,* was 6.235 million in 2017, of which 3.54 million were in the public sector and 2.695 million in the private sector.

Union density By sector**

Private sector Public sector Overall 13.5% 51.8% 23.2%

Union wage premium How much trade union members earned compared to non-members†

Non-members Private sector Public sector Women 16 to 24-year-olds 7.1% 16.9% 22.1% 29.2%

*See page 44 for TUC-only membership in 2018 **Percentage of the workforce who are trade union members †Percentage difference in average hourly earnings of union members compared with non-members

TRADE 34 UNIONS Union density By industry sector

Electricity, gas, Public steam and air administration Education conditioning and defence 48.1% 44.5% 42.9%

Water supply, sewerage, Health and Transport waste and social work and storage remediation Manufacturing 38.3% 35.6% 30.4% 17.6%

Wholesale, Mining and Arts and Financial and retail and quarrying entertainment insurance motor repair Construction 15.1% 13.8% 13.5% 12 .7% 11.3%

Professional, Administration Information and scientific and Accommodation and support communication Real estate technical and food 9.9% 9.5% 9.2% 7.8% 2.9%

Source: Trade Union Membership in 2017, an annual statistical bulletin published by the Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The data is from the Labour Force Survey by the Office of National Statistics (ONS).

TRADE UNIONS 35 TUC unions by size Membership in January 2018 (as reported to the TUC)

Unite Male: 927,302 Female: 306,344 UNISON Total: 1,233,646 Male: 274,618 Female: 919,373 Total: 1,193,991

NAHT Accord SoR ASLEF TSSA Full gender split Male: 7,995 Male: 5,152 Male: 20,878 Male: 13,107 not available Female: 15,932 Female: 18,168 Female: 1,200 Female: 5,062 Total: 28,600 Total: 23,927 Total: 23,320 Total: 22,078 Total: 18,169

BDA BALPA Napo AEGIS Male: 362 Male: 7,589 Male: 2,013 Male: 1,307 Male: 1,760 Female: 8,711 Female: 423 Female: 4,835 Female: 3,689 Female: 2,810 Total: 9,073 Total: 8,012 Total: 6,848 Total: 4,996 Total: 4,570

WGGB NSEAD NHBCSA AFA-CWA NUM Male: 821 Full gender split Male: 519 Full gender split Male: 311 Female: 528 not available Female: 167 not available Female: 8 Total: 1,349 Total: 1,240 Total: 686 Total: 450 Total: 319

TRADE 36 UNIONS GMB NEU Usdaw NASUWT Male: 311,027 Male: 116,455 Male: 193,694 Male: 77,769 Female: 303,467 Female: 345,483 Female: 239,566 Female: 217,796 Total: 614,494 Total: 461,950 Total: 433,260 Total: 295,565

CWU PCS Prospect UCU Male: 154,309 Full gender split Full gender split Male: 52,630 Female: 37,128 not available not available Female: 55,885 Total: 191,437 Total: 181,866 Total: 142,487 Total: 108,515

RMT EIS Equity CSP RCM Male: 72,881 Male: 12,588 Male: 22,164 Male: 7,990 Male: 148 Female: 12,593 Female: 42,114 Female: 21,391 Female: 32,060 Female: 35,280 Total: 85,474 Total: 54,702 Total: 43,555 Total: 40,050 Total: 35,428

FBU Community MU NUJ POA Male: 30,630 Male: 23,902 Full gender split Male: 18,523 Male: 21,260 Female: 2,412 Female: 7,984 not available Female: 11,738 Female: 8,751 Total: 33,042 Total: 31,886 Total: 30,421 Total: 30,261 Total: 30,011

BFAWU FDA Nautilus Int NGSU URTU COP Male: 10,726 Male: 7,812 Male: 14,041 Male: 3,942 Male: 9,000 Male: 2,338 Female: 6,869 Female: 8,932 Female: 549 Female: 8,724 Female: 400 Female: 6,757 Total: 17,595 Total: 16,744 Total: 14,590 Total: 12,666 Total: 9,400 Total: 9,095

UCAC AEP HCSA PFA NARS BOS TU Male: 845 Male: 641 Male: 2,425 Male: 2,084 Male: 869 Male: 157 Female: 3,119 Female: 2,755 Female: 804 Female: 84 Female: 1,268 Female: 1,625 Total: 3,964 Total: 3,396 Total: 3,229 Total: 2,168 Total: 2,137 Total: 1,782

AUE Male: 96 Female: 199 Total: 295


This is not an exhaustive list, and some of the big, general unions will have members in some of the smaller trades and industries too.

Acting Equity Adult education National Education Union; University and College Union Advice work Unite Aegon UK AEGIS Aerospace GMB; Prospect; Unite Agriculture Prospect; Unite Airlines and airports Association of Flight Attendants; Unite (cabin crew) Airlines and airports GMB; Unite (ground staff) Airline pilots British Air Line Pilots’ Association Artists and art Artists’ Union England; National Society educators for Education in Art and Design Betting shops Community Broadcasting BECTU Sector of Prospect BT Prospect; Communication Workers Union Building Unite Bus driving Unite Cable TV Communication Workers Union Call centres Communication Workers Union; Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Catering Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; GMB; Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association; Unite; Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Ceramics GMB Charities Unite Chemicals GMB; Unite

TRADE 38 UNIONS Chiropodists The College of Podiatry Cinema BECTU Sector of Prospect Civil service and FDA; Public and Commercial Services government depts Union; Prospect; Unite Clothing Community; GMB; Unite Coal mining National Union of Mineworkers Community and UNISON; Unite voluntary sector Composing (music) Musicians’ Union Construction GMB; Unite Co-operative Unite Banking Group Co-operative Group Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Co-operatives Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Dairies Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Defence GMB; Prospect Dietetics British Dietetic Association Digital and online BECTU Sector of Prospect broadcast media Docks GMB; Unite Drinks Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; GMB; Unite Education Prospect; National Association of Head Teachers (non-teaching professionals) Educational Association of Educational Psychologists psychologists Electrical GMB; Unite engineering Electricity supply Prospect Emergency services Fire Brigades Union; GMB; UNISON; Unite Energy GMB; Prospect; Unite Engineering GMB; Prospect; Unite Family Court staff Napo Fashion modelling Equity

TRADE UNIONS 39 Film BECTU Sector of Prospect, Equity Finance and Unite financial services Firefighting Fire Brigades Union Flight engineering British Air Line Pilots’ Association; Unite Food production/ Bakers, Food and Allied Workers’ processing Union; GMB; Unite, Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Football Professional Footballers’ Association Footwear Community Further education GMB; National Education Union; University and College Union; UNISON Glass GMB; Unite Graphic trades NUJ; Unite Health and safety Prospect Heating GMB Heritage Prospect Higher education GMB; National Education Union; University and College Union; UNISON Horse racing National Association of Racing Staff Hospital consulting Hospital Consultants and Specialists Association Hotels GMB; Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association; Unite Housing UNISON; Unite associations IT and electronics PCS; Prospect; Unite Journalism National Union of Journalists (all media) Laundries Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Leather Community Lecturing (England) National Education Union; University and College Union Lecturing (Scotland) Educational Institute of Scotland Lecturing (Wales) Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru Legal services Unite

TRADE 40 UNIONS Leisure GMB Lloyds Banking Accord Group Local government GMB; UNISON; Unite London Associated Society of Locomotive Underground Engineers and Firemen; National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers; Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association Merchant Navy Nautilus International Metals and Unite foundries Midwifery Royal College of Midwives Motor industry Unite Musical instrument Musicians’ Union teaching Musicians Musicians’ Union National National House Building Council Staff Association House Building Council Staff Nationwide Group Nationwide Group Staff Union Nursing UNISON; Unite Oil Unite Orthoptics British Orthoptic Society Trade Union Paper and GMB; Unite packaging Performance theatre Equity Pharmaceuticals Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers; Unite Physiotherapy Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Podiatry The College of Podiatry Police staff UNISON Port authorities Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association Printing Unite Prison education University and College Union

TRADE UNIONS 41 Prison officers POA; Napo Probation staff Napo Radio performing Equity Radiography Railways Associated Society of Locomotive Engineers and Firemen; National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers; Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association; Unite Recording artists Musicians’ Union Retail Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; GMB; Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Retail (distribution GMB; Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied and warehousing) Workers; Unite; United Road Transport Union Road haulage Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association; and distribution United Road Transport Union; Unite Communication Workers Union Royal Mail and Unite Parcel Force (managers) Rubber GMB; Unite Santander Advance; Communication Workers Union School support staff GMB; UNISON; Unite Screenplays Writers’ Guild of Scriptwriting Writers’ Guild of Great Britain Security GMB Secure POA establishments Shipbuilding GMB; Prospect; Unite Shipping and ferries GMB; National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers Ships’ officers Nautilus International Shopwork Bakers, Food and Allied Workers Union; Union of Shop, Distributive and Allied Workers Social care Community; GMB; Prospect; UNISON

TRADE 42 UNIONS Special hospitals POA Stable staff National Association of Racing Staff (licensed) Steel Community Teaching National Association of Head Teachers; NASUWT; National Education Union Teaching (Scotland) Educational Institute of Scotland Teaching (Wales) Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru Telecoms Prospect; Communication Workers Union companies Television Equity (performing) Television (technical) BECTU Sector of Prospect Textiles Community; GMB; Unite Theatre Equity (performing) Theatre (technical) BECTU Sector of Prospect Tobacco Unite Travel trade Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association Utilities GMB; UNISON; Unite Waterways Transport Salaried Staffs’ Association; Unite West Bromwich Community Building Society Woodworking GMB Writing for the Writers’ Guild of Great Britain media and the arts Youth work UNISON; Unite

TRADE UNIONS 43 TUC MEMBER UNIONS Accord Member unions on the following Simmons House pages are listed alphabetically 46 Old Bath Road by initials. Charvil All contact details were given to the Reading RG10 9QR TUC in late autumn 2018, except for Tel: 0118 9341 808 the membership figures, which were Out of hours media number: given to the TUC in July. 07973 642592 Some unions also represent Email: [email protected] associate or other members. These Email (officials and staff): will be included in numbers they [email protected] record with the government’s Web: accord-myunion.org Certification Officer. Twitter: @gednichols TUC total membership now stands Membership at 48 affiliated unions representing Male 7,995 | Female 15,932 more than 5.5 million people: Total 23,927 Male 2,653,175 Female 2,866,824 Main trades and industries Gender split , TSB, MBNA, not available 2,740 Equitable Life Assurance Society, Total 5,522,739 Communisis. TUC Reports of Congress contain People membership figures for past years and are available from TUC Ged Nichols Publications on 020 7467 1294. General secretary Assistant general secretaries Notable changes since Paula Tegg January 2018 Jim Fielding The BSU has transferred Press enquiries engagements to Unite, NACO Ged Nichols to Usdaw and the SUWBBS to Tel: 07973 642592 Community. The SCP has renamed Email: [email protected] itself The College of Podiatry. Hannah Sivyer Tel: 01189 347883 Email: [email protected]

TRADE 44 UNIONS Advance Aegis 16/17 High Street Aegon UK plc Tring HP23 5AH Edinburgh Park Edinburgh EH12 9SE Tel: 01442 891122 Email: [email protected] Tel: 0131 549 5665 Email (officials and staff): Email: kiyal.eresen@aegistheunion. [email protected] co.uk Web: advance-union.org Web: aegistheunion.co.uk

Membership Membership Male 2,013 | Female 4,835 Male 1,760 | Female 2,810 Total 6,848 Total 4,570 Main trades and industries Main trades and industries All staff employed in Santander and Finance sector staff at Aegon Santander businesses in the UK. UK, Skipton Building Society, Yorkshire Building Society and People HML Computershare. Linda Rolph General secretary and press officer People Tel: 07850 742 340 Brian Linn Caroline Stevens General secretary Chair Email: brian.linn@aegistheunion. co.uk Maria Maleki Vice chair Fiona Steele Deputy general secretary Rose O’Neill Email: fiona.steele@aegistheunion. Deputy general secretary co.uk Assistant general secretaries Jim Leonard Gerard Moloney

TRADE UNIONS 45 AEP Association of AFA-CWA Association Educational Psychologists of Flight Attendants 4 The Riverside Centre c/o 32 Wingford Road Frankland Lane London SW2 4DS Durham DH1 5TA Email: [email protected] Tel: 0191 384 9512 Web: afanet.org Email: [email protected] Twitter: @afa_cwa Web: aep.org.uk Membership Membership Gender unknown 450 | Total 450 Male 641 | Female 2,755 Total 3,396 Main trades and industries Airline cabin crew Main trades and industries Educational psychologists in local People educational authorities and other Anthony King public and private organisations President in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. Christian Bowie Vice president People Angie Fletcher Kate Fallon Secretary General secretary Council representatives Lisa O’Connor Jenny Adam President Minita Mada David Webster Honorary treasurer Hardev Sohal Legal officer Morag Farley Regional officer (South) Tel: 0191 3849512 Email: [email protected]

TRADE 46 UNIONS District organisers Finn Brennan ASLEF Associated Society 4 Morell House of Locomotive Engineers Crossford Street and Firemen London SW9 9HH Tel: 07940 535293 77 St John Street Clerkenwell Brian Corbett London EC1M 4NN 71 Parade Court Bristol BS5 7TB Tel: 020 7324 2400 Tel: 07788 290446 Email: [email protected] Web: aslef.org.uk Dicky Fisher 103 Stoke Road Membership Linslade LU7 2SP Male 20,878 | Female 1,200 Tel: 07714 721929 Total 22,078 Nigel Gibson 5 Thomas Way Main trades and industries Braintree CM7 3AJ Railways – drivers, operational Tel: 07886 754069 supervisors and staff Andy Hourigan Annual assembly of delegates 11 Chime Bank 13–16 May 2019, Leeds Cheetham Manchester M8 0QL People Tel: 07958 327642 Mick Whelan Kevin Lindsay General secretary 59 Kirkfield View Tel: 020 73242403 / 07788 292522 Livingston EH54 7BS Tel: 07789 276746 Simon Weller Assistant general secretary Graham Morris Tel: 020 7324 2400 / 07939 173042 16 Campion Place Waterfield Gardens Keith Richmond London SE28 8EN Media and communications Tel: 07970 059174 Tel: 020 7324 2407 / 07977 498794 Nick Whitehead 7 Norfolk Place Leeds LS7 4P7 Tel: 07740 085493

TRADE UNIONS 47 Membership Male 7,589 | Female 423 AUE Artists’ Union Total 8,012 England Main trades and industries c/o Sheree Angela Matthews Airline and commercial helicopter 69 Queen Alexandra Road pilots, and winch operators North Shields NE29 9AS Tel: 07842 913223 People Email: sheree@artistsunionengland. Brian Strutton org.uk General secretary Web: artistsunionengland.org.uk Twitter: @ArtistsUnionEngland Lord Richard Balfe Honorary president Membership Captain Brendan O’Neal Male 96 | Female 199 | Total 295 Executive president Main trades and industries Dr Rob Hunter Professional visual and applied Head of flight safety artists, and artists with a socially John Moore engaged practice Head of industrial relations People National officers Kashmir Bilgan Sheree Angela Matthews Paul Blackmore Acting general secretary Mick Brade Terry Brandon Chris Jones

BALPA British Air Line John Stembridge-King Pilots Assosciation Head of organisation Richard Toomer BALPA House Head of communications and 5 Heathrow Boulevard external relations 278 Bath Road West Drayton UB7 0DQ Wendy Pursey Head of membership and careers Tel: 020 8476 4000 Email: [email protected] Press officers Web: balpa.org Charlotte Branson Twitter: @BALPApilots Nancy Jackson Tel: 07776 763599

TRADE 48 UNIONS BDA British Dietetic BFAWU Bakers, Food and Association Allied Workers’ Union Charles House Stanborough House 148/149 Great Charles Street Great North Road Queensway Stanborough Birmingham B3 3HT Welwyn Garden City AL8 7TA Tel: 0121 200 8080 Tel: 01707 260150 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): initial. Web: bfawu.org [email protected] Web: bda.uk.com Membership Male 10,726 | Female 6,869 Membership Total 17,595 Male 362 | Female 8,711 Total 9,073 Main trades and industries Food Main trades and industries The science and practice of dietetics Conference in the public and private sector 9–13 June 2019, Southport

Conference People Please check website Ronnie Draper General secretary and head of press, People research and PR Annette Mansell-Green Tel: 07812 739350 Head of employment relations Ian Hodson David Hamblin National president Campaigns and organising officer Regional/local offices Steve Austin National employment G Atwall relations officer BFAWU Suite 1C3 Park Business Centre Scott Keir Wood Lane National employment Erdington relations officer (Scotland and Birmingham B24 9QR Northern Ireland) Stuart Mills Trade union administrator

TRADE UNIONS 49 D Dash BFAWU 19a West Bute Street BOSTU British Orthoptic Cardiff CF10 5EP Society Trade Union S Finn Salisbury House BFAWU Station Road Unit 9 Cambridge CB1 2LA 66 Willoughby Lane Tel: 0203 853979 London N17 OSQ Email: [email protected] L Graham Web: orthoptics.org.uk BFAWU Twitter: @BIOS59799033 Suite 105 City East Business Centre 68–72 Newtownards Road Membership Belfast BT4 1GW Male 157 | Female 1,625 | Total 1,782 J Martin Main trades and industries BFAWU Orthoptists 2 Tower Road Clondalkin Village People Clondalkin Dublin 22 Veronica Greenwood Chair M McHugh BFAWU Andy Burman 10 Greenside Business manager Pudsey LS28 8PU Sam Aitkenhead R Streeter BOSTU advisor BFAWU 348 Chester Road Cornbrook Manchester M16 9EZ Community 465c Caledonian Road London N7 9GX Tel: 020 7420 4000 Email: [email protected] Web: community-tu.org Twitter: @CommunityUnion

TRADE 50 UNIONS Membership London and South East England Male 23,902 | Female 7,984 465c Caledonian Road Total 31,886 London N7 9GX Tel: 020 7420 4010 Main trades and industries North East England Community is a general union Cargo Fleet Offices for workers in all sectors of the Middlesbrough Road economy. Significant sectors include Middlesbrough TS6 6XH betting shops, carpets, disabled Tel: 01642 246040 workers in supported employment, distribution, finance, football Scotland managers, footwear, healthcare, 183 St Vincent Street justice services, leather, metal work, Glasgow G2 5QD politics and public affairs, postal Tel: 01698 304567 services, self-employed, social care, South West England textiles, third sector, steel, wire The Old Station House Cotswold Road People Cheltenham GL52 5HD Roy Rickhuss Tel: 01242 708090 General secretary Wales John Paul McHugh Pembroke House Assistant general secretary 20 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9LJ Sarah Wold Tel: 029 2066 8800 Finance director West Midlands Callum Munro Elgar House Head of media, campaigns Green Street and politics Kidderminster DY10 1JF Tel: 0207 420 4013 Tel: 01562 749150 Email: [email protected] Yorkshire and the Humber Regional/local offices Phoenix House Flash Lane East Midlands and Bramley Eastern England Rotherham S66 1TS The Grange Tel: 01709 702291 108 Northampton Road Earls Barton Northampton NN6 0JH Tel: 01604 810326

TRADE UNIONS 51 The College of Podiatry CSP Chartered Society of Physiotherapy Quartz House 207 Providence Square 14 Bedford Row Mill Street London WC1R 4ED London SE1 2EW Tel: 020 7306 6666 Tel: 020 7234 8620 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): Email (officials and staff): [email protected] [email protected] Web: csp.org.uk Web: cop.org.uk Twitter: @thecsp Twitter:@collegepodiatry Facebook: /CoP Membership Male 7,990 | Female 32,060 Membership Total 40,050 Male 2,338 | Female 6,757 Total 9,095 Main trades and industries The Chartered Society of Main trades and industries Physiotherapy is the professional, NHS and private practice educational and trade union body chiropodists and podiatrists for chartered physiotherapists, physiotherapy students and Conference support workers Check with union Conference People 3–4 June 2019, Manchester Steve Jamieson People Chief executive and general secretary Claire Sullivan Director of employment relations Martin Furlong and union services Head of employment relations Louise Walker Liz North Head of union training Director of external affairs and press enquiries Kate Moran Tel: 020 7234 8626 Head of employment research and policy

TRADE 52 UNIONS Karen Middleton Conference Chief executive 28 April to 2 May 2019, Bournemouth Alex MacKenzie Chair of CSP Council People Rob Yeldham Dave Ward Director of strategy, policy General secretary and engagement Beryl Shepherd Jon Ryan President Head of press and PR Tel: 020 7306 6661 Tony Kearns Mob: 07917 091200 Senior deputy general secretary Andy Kerr Deputy general secretary (telecoms)

CWU Communication Terry Pullinger Workers Union Deputy general secretary (postal) Chris Webb 150 The Broadway Head of communications London SW19 1RX Tel: 020 8971 7497 / 07583 725644 Tel: 020 8971 7200 Trish Lavelle Email: [email protected] Head of education and training Email (officials and staff): [email protected] Tony Rupa Web: cwu.org Legal officer Twitter: @CWUnews Dave Joyce HSE officer Membership Male 154,309 | Female 37,128 Total 191,437

Main trades and industries BT, O2, Post Office, Royal Mail Group and other telecoms companies; cable TV; Accenture HR Services, Capita, Santander and other related industries

TRADE UNIONS 53 David Belsey Assistant secretary EIS Educational (organisation, FE and HE) Institute of Scotland Louise Wilson Assistant secretary 46 Moray Place (employment relations) Edinburgh EH3 6BH Brian Cooper Tel: 0131 225 6244 Head of communications Email: [email protected] Tel: 0131 225 6244 / 07974 715101 Email (officials and staff): Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: eis.org.uk Twitter: @eisunion Equity Membership Male 12,588 | Female 42,114 Guild House Total 54,702 Upper St Martin’s Lane London WC2H 9EG Main trades and industries Tel: 020 7379 6000 Teachers, lecturers, associated Email: [email protected] educational personnel (Scotland). Email (officials and staff): [email protected] AGM Web: equity.org.uk 6–8 June 2019, Perth Twitter: @EquityUK People Membership Larry Flanagan Male 22,164 | Female 21,391 General secretary Total 43,555 Nicola Fisher Main trades and industries President Professional performers and Colin MacKenzie creative practitioners Accountant Conference Andrea Bradley 18–20 May 2019, Belfast Assistant secretary (education and equalities) People Christine Payne General secretary Tel: 020 7670 0255

TRADE 54 UNIONS Malcolm Sinclair President Matt Hood FBU Fire Brigades Union Assistant general secretary Bradley House (communications and 68 Coombe Road membership support) Kingston upon Thames KT2 7AE Tel: 020 7670 0266 Tel: 020 8541 1765 Stephen Spence Email: [email protected] Deputy for general secretary Email (officials and staff): (industrial and organising) [email protected] Tel: 020 7670 0233 Web: fbu.org.uk Louise McMullan Twitter: @fbunational Policy development officer Tel: 020 7670 0260 Membership Male 30,630 | Female 2,412 Phil Pemberton Total 33,042 Head of communications Tel: 020 7670 0211 Main trades and industries Local authority fire brigades Regional/local offices Equity Scotland and Conference Northern Ireland 15–17 May 2019, 114 Union Street Glasgow G1 3QQ People Tel: 0141 248 2472 Matt Wrack Equity North West General secretary Express Networks Ian Murray 1 George Leigh Street President Manchester M4 5DL Tel: 0161 244 5995 Andy Dark Assistant general secretary Equity Wales and South West (NJC national and local issues, fire service operations, fire safety, 1 Cathedral Road national frameworks) Cardiff CF1 9SD Tel: 029 2039 7971 Sean Starbuck National officer (pensions, health and safety, professional standards)

TRADE UNIONS 55 Dave Green FBU No4 Region National officer (political, legal, (Yorkshire and the Humber) elections, conference arrangements, 9 Marsh Street campaigning, international, rule Rothwell book, staffing) Leeds LS26 0AG Tel: 0113 288 7000 Tam McFarlane National officer (recruitment and FBU No5 Region (North West) organising, equality) Regional Office The Lighthouse Dr Paul Hampton Lower Mersey Street Head of research and policy Ellesmere Port CH65 2AL Lizzie Dowd Tel: 0151 357 4400 Head of communications FBU No6 Region (East Midlands) Tel: 07801 575367 19 Musters Road Craig Lloyd West Bridgford Research officer Nottingham NG2 7PP Tel: 07917 065861 Tel: 0115 981 4935 Gabriella Matkin FBU No7 Region (West Midlands) Campaigns organiser 195/7 Halesowen Road Old Hill B64 6HE Regional offices Tel: 01384 413633 FBU No1 Region (Scotland) FBU No8 Region (Wales) 52 St Enoch Square Hastings House Glasgow G1 4AA Fitzalan Place Tel: 0141 221 2309 Cardiff CF24 0BL Tel: 02920 486474 FBU No2 Region (Northern Ireland) 14 Bachelors Walk FBU No9 Region Lisburn (Eastern and East Anglia) Belfast BT28 1XJ 28 Atlantic Square Tel: 02892 664622 Station Road Witham CM8 2TL FBU No3 Region (North East) Tel: 01376 521521 1 Carlton Court 5th Avenue FBU No10 Region (London) Team Valley John Horner Mews Gateshead NE11 0AZ (off Frome Street) Tel: 0191 487 4142 London N1 8PB Tel: 020 7359 3638

TRADE 56 UNIONS FBU No11 Region (South East) People Unit 11, Hunns Mere Way Dave Penman Woodingdean General secretary Brighton BN2 6AH Tel: 01273 309762 Fiona Eadie President FBU No12 Region (South West) 158 Muller Road Assistant general secretaries Horfield Amy Leversidge Bristol BS7 9RE Rob O’Neill Tel: 0117 935 5132 Lucille Thirlby National officers Simon Hardcastle Helen Kenny FDA Steven Littlewood Paul Neilson Elizabeth House Wynne Parry 39 York Road Jawad Raza London SE1 7NQ Allan Sampson Tel: 020 7401 5555 Duncan Woodhead Email: info@.org.uk Jane Cockram Email (officials and staff): National officer for equalities [email protected] Web: fda.org.uk Victoria Taylor National officer for women Membership Male 7,812 | Female 8,932 Kerry Downes Total 16,744 Membership secretary Tel: 020 7401 5590 Main trades and industries Lynne Gravatt Civil service, public bodies and Head of resources NHS; HEOs, SEOs and related grades are represented by Laura Gilbert the union’s Keystone section, Communications officer while healthcare managers are Tel: 020 7401 5586 represented by Managers in Kay Hender Partnership (MiP), the FDA’s joint Communications manager venture with UNISON Tel: 020 7401 5586 Conference Sue Hollywood-Powell 9 May 2019, London Organiser

TRADE UNIONS 57 Tommy Newell National secretaries Communications officer Rehana Azam Tel: 020 7401 5588 / 07738 729145 Justin Bowden Jude Brimble Allan Wylie Finance director GMB Susan Harris Mary Turner House Legal director 22 Stephenson Way Lisa Johnson London NW1 2HD Director of external relations Tel: 020 7391 6700 and training Email: info@.org.uk Alex Jones Web: gmb.org.uk Head of communications, media Twitter: @GMBPressOffice and campaigns Email: [email protected] Membership Tel: 07813 541656 Male 311,027 | Female 303,467 Total 614,494 Press office Email: [email protected] Main trades and industries Tel: 07958 156846 aerospace, catering, chemicals, civil air transport, construction, defence, Regional, national and distribution, energy, engineering, international offices food production, leisure, retail, GMB National Administration Unit school support staff, security, St James Business Park shipbuilding, social care, textiles 81 Linwood Road and clothing, utilities Paisley PA3 3BB Tel: 0141 849 6600 Congress 9–13 June 2019, Brighton GMB European Office Kathleen Walker Shaw People (European officer) Email: kathleen.walkershaw@gmb. Tim Roache org.uk General secretary and treasurer Barbara Plant President Malcolm Sage Vice president

TRADE 58 UNIONS GMB Birmingham & West GMB Scotland Midlands Region Gary Smith (regional secretary) Joe Morgan (regional secretary) Fountain House House 1–3 Woodside Crescent 2 Birmingham Road Charing Cross Halesowen B63 3HP Glasgow G3 7UJ Tel: 0121 550 4888 Tel: 0141 332 8641 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: gmb-westmids.org.uk Web: gmbscotland.org.uk GMB London Region GMB Southern Region Warren Kenny (regional secretary) Paul Maloney (regional secretary) John Cope House Cooper House 152 Brent Street 205 Hook Road London NW4 2DP Chessington KT9 1EA Tel: 020 8202 8272 Tel: 020 8397 8881 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: gmbunion.org.uk Web: gmb-southern.org.uk GMB Midland & East Coast Region GMB Wales & South West Region Martin Allen (regional secretary) John Phillips (regional secretary) 542 Woodborough Road Garley House Nottingham NG3 5FJ 17 Newport Road Tel: 0115 960 7171 Cardiff CF24 0TB Email: [email protected] Tel: 029 2049 1260 Web: gmbmidandec.org.uk Email: [email protected] Web: gmbwalesandsouthwest. GMB Northern Region org.uk Billy Coates (regional secretary) 1 Mosley Street GMB Yorkshire & North Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 1YE Derbyshire Region Tel: 0191 233 3930 Neil Derrick (regional secretary) Email: [email protected] Grove Hall Web: gmbnorthern.org.uk 60 College Grove Road Wakefield WF1 3RN GMB North West & Irish Region Tel: 0845 337 7777 Paul McCarthy (regional secretary) Email: [email protected] Columbus Quay Web: gmbyorkshire.org.uk Riverside Drive Liverpool L3 4GB Tel: 0151 727 0077 Email: [email protected] Web: gmbnorthwest.co.uk

TRADE UNIONS 59 Dr Bernhard Heidemann, FRCA Honorary treasurer HCSA Hospital Richard Bagley Consultants and Head of press and PR Specialists Association 1 Kingsclere Road Overton Basingstoke RG25 3JA MU Musicians’ Union Tel: 01256 771777 60–62 Clapham Road Email: [email protected] London SW9 0JJ Web: hcsa.com Tel: 020 7582 5566 Email: [email protected] Membership Web: theMU.org Male 2,425 | Female 804 | Total 3,229 Twitter: @WeAreTheMU Main trades and industries Membership Hospital consultants, staff and Male 21,208 | Female 9,125 associate specialist doctors and Gender unknown 88 | Total 30,421 specialist/specialty (not core trainees) registrars Main trades and industries Employed and self-employed People musicians including live and Joe Chattin recording artists, composers, Acting general secretary teachers and writers Professor Ross Welch, MD FRCOG Conference DA(UK) MBBS Check with union President Dr. Claudia Paoloni, MBBS FRCA People Chairman, executive committee Horace Trubridge Honorary secretaries General secretary Dr Paul Donaldson, FRCPath Naomi Pohl Dr Cindy Horst, FRCA Assistant general secretary Dr Subramanian Narayanan, (music industry) FRCOG David Ashley Assistant general secretary (finance and administration)

TRADE 60 UNIONS Phil Kear Regional offices National organiser East and South East England (recording and broadcasting) Paul Burrows (regional organiser) Jo Laverty 1a Fentiman Road National organiser London SW8 1LD (orchestras) Tel: 020 7840 5537 Email: [email protected] Dave Webster National organiser London (live performance) Jamie Pullman (regional organiser) 33 Palfrey Place Diane Widdison London SW8 1PE National organiser Tel: 020 7840 5504 (education and training) Email: [email protected] Dawn Rodger Midlands In-house solicitor Stephen Brown (regional organiser) 2 Sovereign Court Isabelle Gutierrez Graham Street Head of communications and Birmingham B1 3JR government relations Tel: 0121 236 4028 Email: [email protected] Keith Ames PR and marketing official North of England and journal editor Matt Wanstall (regional organiser) 61 Bloom Street Geoff Ellerby Manchester M1 3LY Sessions official Tel: 0161 236 1764 Maddy Radcliff Email: [email protected] Campaigns and social media official Scotland and Northern Ireland John Shortell Caroline Sewell (regional organiser) Equalities, diversity and 333 Woodlands Road inclusion official Glasgow G3 6NG Tel: 0141 341 2960 Morris Stemp Email: [email protected] Orchestras official Michael Sweeney Recording and broadcasting official Annie Turner Licensing and distribution official Kelly Wood Live performance official TRADE UNIONS 61 Wales and South West England Annual conference Paul Gray (regional organiser) 3–5 May 2019, Telford Transport House 1 Cathedral Road People Cardiff CF11 9SD Paul Whiteman Tel: 029 2045 6585 General secretary Email: [email protected] Nick Brook Deputy general secretary Andy Mellor NAHT National President Association of Head Teachers Judy Shaw Vice president (assumes presidency 1 Heath Square May 2019) Boltro Road Steven George Haywards Heath RH16 1BL Head of press and media Tel: 0300 30 30 333 Tel: 01444 472886 Email: [email protected] Mob: 07970 907730 Email (officials and staff): Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: naht.org.uk Regional offices Twitter: @NAHTnews NAHT Cymru 9 Columbus Walk Membership Brigantine Place Male 20,714 | Female 7,786 Cardiff CF10 4BY Gender unknown 100 | Total 28,600 Tel: 029 2048 4546 Email: [email protected] Main trades and industries Head teachers, deputies, assistant NAHT Northern Ireland head teachers, bursars and school Cammoney House business leaders in early years, Edgewater Office Park primary, special, secondary and Belfast BT3 9JQ independent schools, sixth form Tel: 02890 776633 colleges, outdoor education Email: [email protected] centres, pupil referral units, social services establishments and other educational settings

TRADE 62 UNIONS Theresa Boorman Finance officer Napo Email: [email protected] 160 Falcon Road Sarah Friday London SW11 2NY Health and safety and family court) Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 7223 4887 Email: [email protected] Ranjit Singh Web: napo.org.uk Trade union organisation and Twitter: @Napo_News equality and diversity Email: [email protected] Membership Keith Waldron Male 1,307 | Female 3,689 Human resources and office Total 4,996 manager Email: [email protected] Main trades and industries Probation staff and family court staff (Cafcass)

Conference NARS National Association 11–12 October 2019, Cardiff of Racing Staff The Racing Centre People Fred Archer Way Ian Lawrence Newmarket CB8 8NT General secretary Tel: 01638 663411 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Katie Lomas Web: naors.co.uk National chair Email: [email protected] Membership Male 869 | Female 1,268 | Total 2,137 Dean Rogers Assistant general secretary Main trades and industries Email: [email protected] Racing staff employed by licensed racehorse trainers National officials Tania Bassett Press, parliament and campaigns Tel: 07904 184195 Email: [email protected]

TRADE UNIONS 63 People Russ Walters Honorary treasurer George McGrath Chief executive Sarah Cull Press and media officer Debbie Grey Tel: 0121 457 6239 Office services manager Mob/out of hours: 07920 711069 Kevin Parsons Email: sarah.cull@mail..org.uk Unionlearn project manager Lena Davies Press and media officer Tel: 0121 457 6250 NASUWT Mob/out of hours: 07867 392746 Email: [email protected]. Orion House org.uk 5 Upper St Martin’s Lane Ben Padley London WC2H 9EA Press and media officer Tel: 020 7420 9670 Tel: 0121 457 6269 Email: [email protected] Mob/out of hours: 07785 463119 Web: nasuwt.org.uk Email: [email protected]. Twitter: @nasuwt org.uk Facebook: /nasuwt Chris Weavers Parliamentary and trade union Membership liaison officer Male 77,769 | Female 217,796 Tel: 020 7420 9670 Total 295,565 Mob/out of hours: 07827 301678 Email: [email protected]. Main trades and industries org.uk Education Regional and national offices Conference 19–21 April 2019, Belfast Administrative headquarters Hillscourt Education Centre People Rose Hill, Rednal Birmingham B45 8RS Chris Keates Tel: 03330 145550 General secretary Email: [email protected] President Dan McCarthy (until April 2019) Dave Kitchen (after April 2019)

TRADE 64 UNIONS NASUWT Cymru East Midlands Greenwood Close Colliers Way Cardiff Gate Business Park Phoenix Park Cardiff CF23 8RD Nottingham NG8 6AT Tel: 0115 976 7180 and Email: [email protected]. 89 Bowen Court org.uk Ffordd William Morgan Greater London St Asaph Business Park 65 St John Street St Asaph LL17 0JE London EC1M 4AN Tel: 029 2054 6080 Tel: 020 7490 6130 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. org.uk org.uk NASUWT Northern Ireland North East Ben Madigan House Witney Way Edgewater Office Park Boldon Colliery NE35 9PE Belfast BT3 9JQ Tel: 0191 519 5300 Tel: 028 9078 4480 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. org.uk org.uk North West NASUWT Scotland North Quarry Business Village 35 Young Street Skull House Lane North Lane Appley Bridge WN6 9DL Edinburgh EH 2 4JD Tel: 01257 256800 Tel: 0131 226 8480 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected]. org.uk org.uk South East Eastern Milestone House St James House Portsmouth Road The Anderson Centre Send Olding Road Woking GU23 7JZ Bury St Edmunds IP33 3TA Tel: 01483 226130 Tel: 01284 772300 Email: [email protected]. Email: [email protected] org.uk

TRADE UNIONS 65 South West Membership 2 Marlborough Court Male 14,041 | Female 549 Manaton Close Total 14,590 Matford Business Park Exeter EX2 8PF Main trades and industries Tel: 01392 822500 Merchant navy and all related areas Email: [email protected]. org.uk People West Midlands Mark Dickinson Ludgate Court General secretary Water Street Ulrich Jurgens Birmingham B3 1EP Chair of council Tel: 0121 232 9400 Email: [email protected]. Marcel van den Broek org.uk Deputy general secretary Yorkshire and Humberside Assistant general secretaries 241 Leeds Road Ronnie Cunningham Rothwell Olu Tunde Leeds LS26 0GR Debbie Cavaldoro Tel: 0113 201 4600 Head of strategy Email: rc-yorksandhumb@mail. nasuwt.org.uk Garry Elliott Senior national organiser David Appleton Professional and technical officer Nautilus International Director of campaigns 1–2 The Shrubberies and communications (vacancy) George Lane Charles Boyle South Woodford Director of legal services London E18 1BD Tel: 020 8989 6677 Regional and international offices Email: [email protected] UK Northern Office Email (officials and staff): Nautilus House [email protected] Mariners’ Park Web: nautilusint.org Wallasey CH45 7PH Twitter: @nautilusint Tel: 0151 639 8454

TRADE 66 UNIONS Nautilus International (NL) Branch Main trades and industries Nautilus International Teachers, headteachers, lecturers Schorpioenstraat 266 and support staff in nursery, primary, 3067 KW Rotterdam secondary schools, sixth form and PO Box 8575/3009 further and higher education AN Rotterdam Tel: 00 +31 (0) 10 4771188 People Nautilus International Swiss Branch Joint general secretaries Nautilus International Mary Bousted Rebgasse 1 Kevin Courtney CH-4005 Basel Joint presidents Switzerland Kiri Tunks Tel: 00 +41 (0)61 262 24 24 Kim Knappett Amanda Martin President (from September 2019) NEU National Deputy general secretaries Education Union Amanda Brown Avis Gilmore Hamilton House Mabledon Place Sian Bassett London WC1H 9BD Assistant general secretary Tel: 020 7388 6191 (membership and recruitment) and Rachel Curley Assistant general secretary 7 Northumberland Street (business services) London WC2N 5RD Tel: 020 7930 6441 Nansi Ellis Assistant general secretary Email (officials and staff): (education policy and research) [email protected] Web: neu.org.uk Mark Holding Twitter: @NEUnion Assistant general secretary (organising and learning) Membership Ros McNeil Male 116,455 | Female 345,483 Assistant general secretary Gender unknown 12 | Total 461,950 (equalities, social justice and international)

TRADE UNIONS 67 Andrew Morris London Assistant general secretary Martin Powell-Davies (employment and bargaining) Christine Blower Centre The Pavilion Clive Romain 90 Point Pleasant Assistant general secretary Riverside Quarter (law and rights at work) London SW18 1PP David Wilson Tel: 020 8477 1234 Assistant general secretary Email: [email protected] (communications and campaigns) Northern Caroline Cowie Mike McDonald Media 3 McMillan Close Tel: 020 7380 4706 / 07879 480061 Saltwell Business Park Joicey Road Conference Gateshead NE9 5BF 15–18 April 2019, Liverpool Tel: 0191 482 7700 Email: [email protected] Offices Northern Ireland Eastern Mark Langhammer Paul McLaughlin C2 Westbank Drive Business Park Elm House 16 Westbank Drive 45A Anvil Road Belfast BT3 9LA Kennett CB8 8GY Tel: 02890 327 990 Tel: 01638 555300 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] North West East Midlands Peter Middleman Hannah Packham 25 Chorley New Road Office details not available at time Bolton BL1 4QR publication went to print Tel: 01204 521434 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] South East Ian Stevenson Britton House College Road Ardingly RH17 6TT Tel: 01444 894500 Email: [email protected]

TRADE 68 UNIONS South West Andy Woolley Knightshayes House NGSU Nationwide Harrier Way Group Staff Union Sowton Middleton Farmhouse Exeter EX2 7HU 37 Main Road Email: [email protected] Middleton Cheney Wales/Cymru Banbury OX17 2QT David Evans Tel: 01295 710767 Ty Sinnott Email: [email protected] 18 Neptune Court Email (officials and staff): Vanguard Way [email protected] Cardiff CF24 5PJ Web: ngsu.org.uk Tel: 029 2049 1818 Email: [email protected] Membership West Midlands Male 3,942 | Female 8,724 Kit Armstrong Total 12,666 8 Edward Street Birmingham B1 2RX Main trades and industries Tel: 0121 647 4397 All staff at the Nationwide Building Email: west.westmidlands@neu. Society org.uk Conference Yorkshire and Humberside 7–8 October 2019 Russ Ballinger Lazarus House People Princes Street Doncaster DN1 3NJ Tim Poil Tel: 01302 342448 General secretary and press officer Email: [email protected] Tel: 07801 035469 Nicola Huddlestone President Marian Dean Assistant general secretary (members) Tim Rose Assistant general secretary (services)

TRADE UNIONS 69 NHBCSA National House Building Council Staff Association NSEAD National NHBC House Society for Education Davy Avenue in Art and Design Knowlhill 3 Masons Wharf Milton Keynes MK5 8FP Potley Lane

Corsham SN13 9FY Tel: 01908 747837

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01225 810134 Email (officials and staff): Email: [email protected] firstnameinitialandsurname Web: nsead.org @nhbc.co.uk Membership Membership Gender unknown 1,240 Male 519 | Female 167 | Total 686 Total 1,240 Main trades and industries Main trades and industries A single employer trade union for all Art, craft and design educators staff at the National House Building across all phases and sectors Council Staff Association, which is a business sitting in the construction Conference and insurance sectors 29 June 2019, Wakefield Conference People AGM held annually in July Michele Gregson People General secretary Tom Howard Sophie Leach Chairman Assistant general secretary Tel: 01908 746735 / 07552 166048 Dr Peter Gregory Email: [email protected] President Julia Georgiou Deputy chair Email: [email protected] Laura Miller Secretary Email: [email protected]

TRADE 70 UNIONS Pierre Vicary Vice president NUJ National Union John Barsby of Journalists Honorary general treasurer Headland House Sarah Kavanagh 72 Acton Street Senior campaigns and London WC1X 9NB comms officer Tel: 020 7843 3709 / 07843 549006 Tel: 020 7843 3700 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Frances Rafferty Email (officials and staff): Campaigns and comms officer firstnameandsurnameinitial Tel: 020 7843 3707 / 07785 470045 @nuj.org.uk Email: [email protected] Web: nuj.org.uk Twitter: @NUJofficial Head office departments Membership Broadcasting Male 18,523 | Female 11,738 Email: [email protected] Total 30,261 Campaigns and communications Email: [email protected] Main trades and industries Journalists as casuals, freelancers, Education and training interns, photographers, staff Email: [email protected] and students, working in books, Equality broadcasting, communications, Email: [email protected] magazines, digital media, newspapers and PR. Also Freelance and Wales copywriters and designers, Email: [email protected] presenters, producers and website The Journalist magazine content providers and managers Christine Buckley (editor) Email: [email protected] Conference April 2020 Legal Email: [email protected] People Magazines, books, Michelle Stanistreet PR and communications General secretary Email: [email protected] Sian Jones President

TRADE UNIONS 71 Newspapers, agencies Main trades and industries and new media Coal mining Email: [email protected] People Regional offices Chris Kitchen NUJ Irish office National secretary Spencer House Nicky Wilson Spencer Row National president Dublin 1 Tel: 00 353 1 817 0340/0341 Wayne Thomas Email: [email protected] National vice president NUJ Northern and Midlands office Area secretaries Suite 12a 111 Piccadilly Cokemen Manchester M1 2HY I Morgan Tel: 0161 237 5020 Cartref Email: [email protected] Pamela Street Mountain Ash CF45 3LH NUJ Scottish office Tel: 01443 478829 177 West George Street Glasgow G2 2LB Colliery Officials and Tel: 0141 251 0360 Staff Association Email: [email protected] K Hollingsworth (regional officer) Region No 4 Miners’ Offices 2 Huddersfield Road NUM National Union Barnsley S70 2LS of Mineworkers Tel: 01226 215555 Miners’ Offices Lancashire Area 2 Huddersfield Road P Lomas Barnsley S70 2LS NUM Lancashire Area Miners’ Offices Tel: 01226 215555 2/4 Hilden Street Email: [email protected] Leigh WN7 4LG Web: num.org.uk Tel: 01942 262218 Membership Male 311 | Female 8 | Total 319

TRADE 72 UNIONS North East Area A Cummings PO Box 6 PCS Public and Red Hill Commercial Durham DH1 4BB Services Union Tel: 0191 384 3515/7 160 Falcon Road Nottingham Area London SW11 2LN A Spencer Tel: 020 7924 2727 NUM Nottinghamshire Web: pcs.org.uk Byron House Twitter: @pcs_union Commercial Street Mansfield NG18 1EE Membership Tel: 01623 621611 Male 73,905 | Female 107,194 Scotland Area Gender unknown 767 | Total 181,866 N Wilson NUM Scotland Area Miners’ Offices Main trades and industries Miners’ Convalescent Home Government departments and Blair Castle agencies, public bodies, private Culross KY12 8JW sector information technology and Tel: 01383 880307 other service companies South Wales Area Conference W Thomas 21–23 May 2019, Brighton NUM South Wales Area Miners’ Offices People Woodland Terrace Maesycoed Mark Serwotka CF37 1DZ General secretary Tel: 01443 404092 Email: [email protected] Yorkshire Area Chris Baugh Miners’ Offices Assistant general secretary 2 Huddersfield Road Email: [email protected] Barnsley S70 2LS Janice Godrich Tel: 01226 215555 President Email: [email protected] Kevin McHugh Deputy president Email: [email protected]

TRADE UNIONS 73 Vice presidents Midlands Jacqueline Green New Oxford House Email: [email protected] 16 Waterloo Street Fran Heathcote Birmingham B2 5UG Email: [email protected] Tel: 0121 643 4342 Zita Holbourne Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Northern Nick McCarthy Transport House Director of campaigns, John Dobson Street communications and organising Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8TW Email: [email protected] Tel: 0191 222 0330 Email: [email protected] Jeff Evans Director of finance North West Email: [email protected] Jack Jones House 1 Islington Dave Tilley Liverpool L3 8EG Magazine editor Tel: 0151 298 3900 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] John Millington Scotland Press officer John Smith House Email: [email protected] 145 West Regent Street Glasgow G2 2SG Regional/local offices Tel: 0141 225 5150 Eastern Email: [email protected] 15 Church Walk South West Peterborough PE1 2TP House Tel: 01733 896336 Victoria Street Email: [email protected] Bristol BS1 6AY London and South East Tel: 0117 925 1600 160 Falcon Road Email: [email protected] London SW11 2LN Wales Tel: 020 7801 2764 Transport House Email: [email protected] 1 Cathedral Road Cardiff CF11 9SD Tel: 029 2066 6363 Email: [email protected]

TRADE 74 UNIONS Yorkshire and the Humber Town Centre House Merrion Centre POA The Professional Leeds LS2 8LY Trade Union for Prison, Tel: 0113 200 5300 Correctional and Secure Email: [email protected] Psychiatric Workers Cronin House 245 Church Street London N9 9HW PFA Professional Footballers’ Association Tel: 020 8803 0255 Email: [email protected] 20 Oxford Court Web: poauk.org.uk Bishopsgate Manchester M2 3WQ Membership Male 21,260 | Female 8,751 Tel: 0161 236 0575 Total 30,011 Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): Main trades and industries [email protected] Persons employed in any penal or Web: thepfa.com secure establishment or special Twitter: @PFA hospital as a prison officer, a nursing grade, operational support grade, a Membership non-industrial stores grade and NHS Male 2,084 | Female 84 | Total 2,168 secure forensic staff Main trades and industries Conference Professional football 14–16 May 2019, Southport AGM People Contact the union for details Mark Fairhurst People National chair Gordon Taylor OBE Steve Gillan Chief executive General secretary Deputy chief executives Joe Simpson Bobby Barnes Deputy general secretary John Bramhall Assistant secretaries Ritchie Humphreys Andy Hogg Chair Duncan Keys

TRADE UNIONS 75 Mick Pimblett Scottish Office Glyn Travis Phil Fairlie (chair) Mick Gratton (vice-chair) Dave Todd 21 Calder Road Vice-chair Edinburgh EH11 3PF Executive committee members Tel: 0131 443 8105 Andy Baxter Ian Carson Dave Cook Jackie Marshall Prospect Terry McCarthy New Prospect House Sarah Rigby 8 Leake Street Glyn Travis London SE1 7NN Head of press and PR Tel: 0300 600 1878 Tel: 020 8803 0255 Email: [email protected] Mob: 07968 324045 Email (officials and staff): firstname. Nicola Hubert [email protected] General press enquiries and Web: prospect.org.uk senior secretary to national chair Twitter: @ProspectUnion and general secretary Facebook: /prospectunion Tel: 020 8803 0255 (option 7) BECTU sector of Prospect Steve Lewis Head Office Research officer 373–377 Clapham Road London SW9 9BT Regional offices Tel: 020 7346 0900 North Regional Office Email: [email protected] Linden House Web: bectu.org.uk 1 Sardinia Street Twitter: @bectu Leeds LS10 1BH Facebook: /bectuofficial Tel: 0113 242 8833 Membership Northern Ireland Office Male 102,668 | Female 39,736 Ivor Dunn (area chair) Gender unknown 83 TBA (area vice-chair) Total 142,487 June Robinson (area secretary) Castell House Main trades and industries 116 Ballywalter Road Broadcasting, cinema, Millisle BT22 2HS communications/ICT, defence, Tel: 02891 861928 digital and online media,

TRADE 76 UNIONS education, electricity supply, Prospect Chertsey energy, engineering, environment, 15 London Street film, health and safety, heritage, Chertsey KT16 8AP industry, law and order, live Tel: 01932 577007 events and related sectors, Prospect Guernsey managerial and professional staff in New Jetty agriculture, scientific, shipbuilding, White Rock theatre, transport St Peter Port GY1 2LL Tel: 01481 740197 People Prospect Isle of Man Mike Clancy Government Officers Association General secretary Chesterfield House Craig Marshall 10–13 Victoria Street President Douglas IM1 2LR Tel: 01624 625800 Sue Ferns Senior deputy general secretary Prospect Unit 10, Elizabeth Terminal Deputy general secretaries La Route de Port Elizabeth Philippa Childs St Helier JE1 1HB Garry Graham Tel: 01534 734676 Andrew Pakes Prospect Midlands Director of communications Unit 4, Midland Court and research Central Park David Pelly Leicester Road Resource director Lutterworth LE17 4PN Tel: 01455 555200 Joanne Rowe Director of business services Prospect North (Liverpool) Suite 12 Century Building Prospect Communications Brunswick Business Park Department Liverpool L3 4BJ Tel: 020 7902 6691 Tel: 0151 728 9028 Regional offices Prospect Scotland Suite G1 Prospect Belfast Cairncross House ICTU 25 Union Street 45–47 Donegal Street Edinburgh EH1 3LR Belfast BT1 2FG Tel: 0131 558 2660 Tel: 03303 136927

TRADE UNIONS 77 Prospect Wakefield BECTU Wales International House Unite House Turner Way Rooms 217–218 Wakefield WF2 8EF 1 Cathedral Road Tel: 01924 207890 Cardiff CF11 9SD Tel: 029 2066 6557 Prospect Wales Hastings House Fitzalan Court Cardiff CF24 0BL RCM Royal College Ty Hastings of Midwives Llys Fitzalan Caerdydd CF24 0BL 15 Mansfield Street Tel: 029 2066 7700 London W1G 9NH Prospect West Tel: 0300 303 0444 Newminster House Email: [email protected] 27–29 Baldwin Street Email (officials and staff): Bristol BS1 1LT [email protected] Tel: 0117 929 4441 Web: rcm.org.uk Twitter: @MidwivesRCM BECTU Midlands Facebook: /MidwivesRCM Scala House Holloway Circus Membership Queensway Male 148 | Female 35,280 Birmingham B1 1EQ Total 35,428 Tel: 0121 632 5372 BECTU North Main trades and industries The Greenhouse Practising midwives and maternity MediaCity UK support workers in the UK Salford Quays M50 2EQ Tel: 0161 334 0169 Conference Check with the union BECTU Scotland Festival Business Centre People 150 Brand Street Glasgow G51 1DH Gill Walton Tel: 0141 370 1590 Chief executive officer and general secretary Kathryn Gutteridge President

TRADE 78 UNIONS Birte Harlev-Lam Main trades and industries Executive director for Railways and shipping, road professional leadership transport, underground and offshore Jon Skewes Executive director for Conference external relations Check with union Dr Suzanne Tyler Director of services to members People Chris Truman Mick Cash Chief operating officer General secretary Press officers President (vacancy) Gemma Murphy Steve Hedley Tel: 07848 014764 Senior assistant general secretary Colin Beesley Tel: 020 7312 3456 / 07703 321576 Mick Lynch Email: [email protected] Assistant general secretary Darren Procter National secretary (shipping)

RMT National Union Geoff Martin of Rail, Maritime and Head of communications Transport Workers (press enquiries) Tel: 020 7255 9146 39 Chalton Street Mob: 07831 465103 London NW1 1JD Brian Denny Tel: 020 7387 4771 Journal managing editor Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): Regional/local offices [email protected] RMT Midlands Web: rmt.org.uk 5 Water Court Twitter: @RMTunion Birmingham B3 1HP Tel: 0121 212 2355 Membership Male 72,881 | Female 12,593 RMT North East Total 85,474 Thomas Steels House 49A Thorne Road Doncaster DN1 2EX Tel: 01302 342321

TRADE UNIONS 79 RMT North West 2 Temple Square Temple Lane SoR Society of Liverpool L2 5BB Radiographers Tel: 0151 236 3912 207 Providence Square RMT Scotland Mill Street 180 Hope Street London SE1 2EW Glasgow G2 2UE Tel: 0141 332 1117 Tel: 020 7740 7200 Email (officials and staff): and [email protected] 106 Crown Street Web: sor.org Aberdeen AB11 6HJ Twitter: @SCoRMembers Tel: 01224 582688 Membership RMT South East Male 5,152 | Female 18,168 39 Chalton Street Total 23,320 London NW1 1JD Tel: 020 7387 4771 Main trades and industries and NHS Snargate Street Conference Dover CT17 9BZ 28–30 April 2019, Leeds Tel: 01304 204262 RMT South Wales & West People Suite 4/4 Richard Evans 111 Victoria Street Chief executive officer Bristol BS1 6AX Tel: 0117 925 5018 Warren Town Director of industrial relations RMT Wessex The Podium Charlotte Beardmore Queens Keep Director of professional policy 1–4 Cumberland Place Eugene Statnikov Southampton SO15 2NP Knowledge manager Tel: 02380 335412 Dominic Deeson Press officer 01227 469060 Ian Cloke Health and safety officer

TRADE 80 UNIONS Regional offices

Eastern TSSA Transport Salaried Nic Smith and Ian Cloke Staffs’ Association Tel: 020 7740 7249/47 Walkden House London 17 Devonshire Square Paul Bromley London EC2M 4SQ Tel: 020 7740 7225 Tel: 020 7387 2101 North East England Email: [email protected] Helen Wickham Email (officials and staff): surname Tel: 020 7740 7221 [email protected] Northern Ireland Web: tssa.org.uk Leandre Archer Twitter: @TSSAunion Tel: 020 7740 7219 Membership North West England Male 13,107 | Female 5,062 Marie Lloyd Total 18,169 Tel: 020 7740 7222 Scotland Main trades and industries Deborah Shepherd Administrative, clerical, professional Tel: 020 7720 7214 and technical employees of railways, buses, London Underground, South East England travel trade, canals, ports, ferries Marie Bullough and any unorganised worker or Tel: 020 7740 7205 group of workers working directly South West England or indirectly in the transport and Peter Higgs travel industries in Great Britain Te: 020 7740 7261 and Ireland Wales Conference Kevin Tucker (national officer) 8–10 June 2019, Glasgow Tel: 020 7740 7213 West Midlands People Richard Pembridge Manuel Cortes Tel: 020 7740 7215 General secretary Frank Ward Assistant general secretary

TRADE UNIONS 81 Mick Carney People President (lay official) Dilwyn Roberts-Young Carmel Nolan General secretary Head of communications President Tel: 07718 155105 Roger Vaughan (until August 2019) Julia James (from September 2019) National and regional offices Rebecca Williams Bristol, Derby, Glasgow, Manchester Deputy general secretary and York and press and policy officer TSSA Irish Office Mob: 07787 572180 Nerney’s Court (off Temple Street) Gwyn Morris Dublin 1 Honorary treasurer Tel: 00353 1 874 3467 Mererid Lewis Davies Field officer for South-East Wales

UCAC Undeb Cenedlaethol Gareth Morgan Athrawon Cymru Field officer for Mid- and South-West Wales Prif Swyddfa UCAC Ioan Rhys Jones Ffordd Penglais Field officer for North Wales Aberystwyth SY23 2EU Ywain Myfyr Tel: 01970 639950 Assistant field officer for North Wales Email: [email protected] Web: ucac.cymru Twitter: @AthrawonCymru Facebook: /AthrawonCymru UCU University and College Union Membership Male 845 | Female 3,119 | Total 3,964 Carlow Street London NW1 7LH Main trades and industries Tel: 020 7756 2500 Education – teachers, headteachers Email: [email protected] and lecturers in FE and HE Email (officials and staff): [email protected] Conference Membership and subscription: 5–6 April 2019, Llandrindod Wells [email protected] Web: ucu.org.uk Twitter: @ucu

TRADE 82 UNIONS Membership Dan Ashley Male 52,630 | Female 55,885 Head of press Total 108,515 Tel: 020 7756 2600 / 07789 518992 William Pickering Main trades and industries Public affairs and press officer Academic and academic related Tel: 020 7756 2638 / 07581 186517 staff in higher education, further education, adult education, Jennifer Sherrard land-based education and Public affairs and press officer prison education. Tel: 020 7756 2596

Conference Regional officials 25–27 May 2019, Harrogate Northern Iain Owens People J32 The Avenues North Sally Hunt Eleventh Avenue General secretary Team Valley Trading Estate Gateshead NE11 ONJ Vicky Knight President Northern Ireland Katherine Clarke Paul Bridge Suite 1, Shaftesbury House Head of higher education Edgewater Road Andrew Harden Belfast BT3 9JQ Head of further education North West Greg Barnett Martyn Moss National head of regional Lancastrian Office Centre organisation and nations Talbot Road Manchester M32 0FP Helen Carr National head of equality Scotland and participation Mary Senior Ingram House Paul Cottrell Ingram Street National head of democratic services Glasgow G1 1DA Linda Newman Southern National head of resources Moray McAulay Matt Waddup 104 Albert Road National head of policy Southsea P05 2SN and campaigns

TRADE UNIONS 83 South West Nick Varney 26b Clifton Hill UNISON Exeter EX1 2DJ UNISON Centre Wales 130 Euston Road Margaret Phelan London NW1 2AY Unit 33 The Enterprise Centre Bryn Road, Tondu Tel: 0800 0 857 857 Bridgend CF32 9BS Email (officials and staff): initial. [email protected] Yorkshire and the Humber Web: unison.org.uk Julie Kelley Twitter: @unisontweets 49 St Paul’s Street Leeds LS1 2TE Membership Male 274,618 | Female 919,373 Birmingham office Total 1,193,991 Alpha Tower Suffolk Street Main trades and industries Queensway Local government, healthcare, the Birmingham B1 1TT water, gas and electricity industries, Sue Davis further and higher education, East Midlands schools, transport, community and voluntary sector, housing Anne O’Sullivan associations, police staff West Midlands Conference London office 18–21 June 2019, Liverpool Carlow Street London NW1 7LH People Una O’Brien and Lydia Richards Dave Prentis London Eastern and Home Counties General secretary Greg Barnett Gordon McKay London South President Barry Jones Christina McAnea London North Assistant general secretary Mike Moran (bargaining, negotiations London South East and equalities) Christine Haswell National pensions official

TRADE 84 UNIONS Roger McKenzie Regional secretaries Assistant general secretary Eastern (organising and recruitment) Chris Jenkinson Emilie Oldknow UNISON Assistant general secretary Church Lane House (resource and organisation – Church Lane chief operating officer) Chelmsford CM1 1NH Tel: 0800 0 857 857 Liz Snape Assistant general secretary East Midlands (communications, campaigns Helen Black and policy) UNISON Regional Centre Vivian Avenue Margaret Thomas Nottingham NG5 1AF Assistant general secretary Tel: 0800 0 857 857 (regional management and governance) Greater London Maggi Ferncombe Sara Gorton UNISON National secretary (health) Congress House Great Russell Street Dave Johnson London WC1B 3LS National secretary (business, Tel: 0800 0 857 857 community and environment) Email: greaterlondonregion@ Gloria Mills unison.co.uk National secretary (equalities) Northern Jon Richards Clare Williams National secretary (local UNISON government, education, police 140–150 Pilgrim Street and justice) Newcastle upon Tyne NE16 Tel: 0800 0 857 857 Lucie Hyndley Email: [email protected] Director of communications Northern Ireland Liz Chinchen Patricia McKeown Head of media Galway House Tel: 020 7121 5463 165 York Street Out of hours: 07778 158175 Belfast BT15 1AL Tel: 0800 0 857 857

TRADE UNIONS 85 North West West Midlands Kevan Nelson Ravi Subramanian UNISON UNISON Arena Point 24 Livery Street 1 Hunts Bank Birmingham B3 2PA Manchester M3 1UN Tel: 0800 0857 857 Tel: 0800 0 857 857 Email: [email protected] Scotland Yorkshire and Humberside Mike Kirby John Cafferty UNISON House UNISON 14 West Campbell Street Commerce House Glasgow G2 6RX Wade Lane Tel: 0800 0857 857 Leeds LS2 8NJ Tel: 0800 0857 857 South East Steve Torrance UNISON Ranger House Walnut Tree Close Unite Guildford GU1 4UL Tel: 0800 0857 857 Unite House Email: [email protected] 128 Theobald’s Road London WC1X 8TN South West Joanne Kaye Tel: 020 7611 2500 UNISON House Web: unitetheunion.org The Crescent Twitter: @unitetheunion Taunton TA1 4DU Tel: 0800 0857 857 Membership Male 927,302 | Female 306,344 Wales/Cymru Total 1,233,646 Stephanie Thomas (temporary cover) Main trades and industries UNISON House Aerospace, chemicals, civil air Custom House Street transport, commercial road Cardiff CF10 1AP transport, communications, Tel: 0800 0857 857 construction, docks, drink and Email: [email protected] tobacco, electrical engineering and electronics, energy, ferries and waterways, finance and legal, food, graphical, IT, local authorities, logistics and retail distribution, MoD,

TRADE 86 UNIONS be safer, stronger, & better paid?

Join Unite, the union that’s on your side.

General Secretary: Len McCluskey Chair, Executive Council: Tony Woodhouse

motor components, NHS, offshore Andrew Murray oil, paper and media, passenger Chief of staff transport, pharmaceuticals, Assistant general secretaries professional staff in universities, rail, Howard Beckett rural and agricultural, servicing and Tony Burke general industries, shipbuilding, Gail Cartmail steel and metals, textiles, vehicle building, voluntary and not-for-profit Steve Turner Conference Sharon Graham Contact the union for details Executive officer Alex Flynn People Head of media and campaigns Len McCluskey Tel: 07967 665869 General secretary Shaun Noble Tony Woodhouse Senior communications officer Chair of the executive council Tel: 07768 693940

TRADE UNIONS 87 Region 3 Chris Dubber URTU United Road Email: [email protected] Transport Union Region 7 Almond House Alex Harris Oak Green Email: [email protected] Stanley Green Business Park Region 9 Cheadle Hulme SK8 6QL Kevin Ashby Tel: 0800 52 66 39 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: urtu.com

Membership Usdaw Union of Shop, Male 9,000 | Female 400 | Total 9,400 Distributive and Allied Workers Main trades and industries 188 Wilmslow Road Drivers, ancillary and warehousing Manchester M14 6LJ workers in the logistics and food sectors Tel: 0161 224 2804 Email: [email protected] People Web: usdaw.org.uk Twitter: @UsdawUnion Eric Drinkwater Vice president Membership Robert F Monks Male 193,694 | Female 239,566 General secretary Total 433,260 Brian Hart Main trades and industries National officer Call centres, catering, chemical James Bower processing, clerical, dairy process, Communications and PR distribution, food processing and Tel: 0161 486 2103 manufacturing, home shopping, pharmaceutical, retail, warehouses Regional offices Conference Region 1 5–8 May 2019, Blackpool Lee Pimbley Email: [email protected]

TRADE 88 UNIONS TUC DirectoryPeople 2019 Advert OUTLINES 1218.indd 1 Joanne McGuinness 07/12/2018 09:52 Mark Todd Paddy Lillis General secretary Mike Glover Head of media and communications Dave McCrossen Deputy general secretary Tony Dale Head of research Amy Murphy President Divisional officers Brendan Duggan Mike Aylward Executive and administration officer 5 Ibis Court Nick Walker Centre Park Central treasurer Warrington WA1 1RL Tel: 01925 578050 National officers Dan Adams Pauline Foulkes David Gill John Gorle

TRADE UNIONS 89 Southport_Conferences_TUC.qxp_Layout 1 11/12/2018 14:53 Page 1

Gavin Dadley It’s all change 1 Oak Tree Park WGGB Writers’ Guild Burnt Meadow Road of Great Britain in Southport Moons Moat North Redditch B98 9NW 134 Tooley Street Tel: 01527 406290 London SE1 2TU Nick Ireland Tel: 020 7833 0777 Unit 10 Email: [email protected] Oak Tree Court Web: writersguild.org.uk Mulberry Drive Twitter: @TheWritersGuild Cardiff Gate Business Park Pontprennau Membership Cardiff CF23 8RS Male 821 | Female 528 | Total 1,349 Tel: 029 2073 1131 Main trades and industries Nigel Scully Writers working in television, radio, 12/13 Regent Gate film, books, theatre, video games 83 High Street and multimedia Waltham Cross EN8 7AF Tel: 01992 709280 Conference Sue Merrell Contact the union for details Meldrum House SOUTHPORT IS A BUZZING COASTAL RESORT 89–91 Middleton Road People OFFERING TRADE UNIONS EVERYTHING Morden SM4 6RF Ellie Peers THEY COULD POSSIBLY NEED... Tel: 020 8687 5950 General secretary In terms of venues you’re spoiled for choice see the advantages of this exciting Joanne Thomas Email: [email protected] here and sitting on the edge of a beautiful transformation and it will just keep Unit 2 lake is The Waterfront; this stunning getting better for your conference or Olivia Hetreed development incorporates a Bliss Hotel, business meeting, courtesy of our skilful Temple Point Business Park President casino, bars, restaurants and of course the hosts. Challenging the norm and always Bullerthorpe Lane versatile Southport Theatre & Convention evolving. Email: [email protected] Leeds LS15 9JL Centre. It offers 4-star accommodation, With an array of multi-functional Tel: 0113 232 1320 Gail Renard function and meeting space for up to 1600 spaces, quality conference hotels and and endless delegate diversions. Chair accommodation all within a few minutes Stewart Forrest Email: [email protected] In June 2018 the management at this walk PLUS a lively resort filled with Muirfield flagship venue changed to an energetic, excellent dining and retail options… 342 Albert Drive Deputy chairs forward thinking team. You can already the only limit is your imagination! Glasgow G41 5PG William Gallagher Call us now and let us transform your next event! Tel: 0141 427 6561 Lisa Holdsworth Email: [email protected]

For total TUC membership figures see page 44.

0151 934 2436 [email protected] southportconferences.com TRADE 90 UNIONS Southport_Conferences_TUC.qxp_Layout 1 11/12/2018 14:53 Page 1

It’s all change in Southport

SOUTHPORT IS A BUZZING COASTAL RESORT OFFERING TRADE UNIONS EVERYTHING THEY COULD POSSIBLY NEED... In terms of venues you’re spoiled for choice see the advantages of this exciting here and sitting on the edge of a beautiful transformation and it will just keep lake is The Waterfront; this stunning getting better for your conference or development incorporates a Bliss Hotel, business meeting, courtesy of our skilful casino, bars, restaurants and of course the hosts. Challenging the norm and always versatile Southport Theatre & Convention evolving. Centre. It offers 4-star accommodation, With an array of multi-functional function and meeting space for up to 1600 spaces, quality conference hotels and and endless delegate diversions. accommodation all within a few minutes In June 2018 the management at this walk PLUS a lively resort filled with flagship venue changed to an energetic, excellent dining and retail options… forward thinking team. You can already the only limit is your imagination!

Call us now and let us transform your next event!

0151 934 2436 [email protected] southportconferences.com CONFEDERATIONS Confederation of OF UNIONS Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions General Federation 88 Kingsway of Trade Unions London WC2B 6AA The Lodge Tel: 020 7841 2755 84 Wood Lane Email: [email protected] Quorn Ian Waddell Loughborough LE12 8DB General secretary Tel: 01509 410853 Email: [email protected] Federation of Web: gftu.org.uk Entertainment Unions Twitter: @GFTU1 Participating unions are BECTU Doug Nicholls Sector of Prospect, Equity, MU, NUJ, General secretary PFA, Unite and WGGB. John Smith President

National Trade Union Committee for the Civil Service 160 Falcon Road London SW11 2LN Tel: 020 7801 2621 Email: [email protected] Geoff Lewtas Contact

TRADE 92 UNIONS © unionlearn

SECTION 5 SKILLS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING Unionlearn is responsible for union learning and skills development in England. This includes administering the Union Learning Fund, as well as TUC Education, which covers the whole . It is partly supported through a Department for Education (DfE) grant. The main functions of unionlearn are to:

››provide an enhanced trade union © Monty Rakusen/Getty Images education service for the training of union reps and professionals ››develop the key role of union learning representatives (ULRs) and other reps, in raising demand for learning of all kinds, including the learning needs of professionals and workers with low skill levels and skills for life needs ››provide quality information, advice and guidance (IAG) to learners, linked to the union learning ‘Climbing Frame’ – an good practice and sponsor online tool for ULRs and other research where needed reps to help learner progression ››build union capacity to sustain ››help unions to secure quality and embed work on learning and learning provision, including skills so that it becomes a core the unionlearn Quality Award activity for all trade unions, in particular by integrating ULRs into support the network of ›› workplace union organisation union learning centres manage and administer the Union provide a support network ›› ›› Learning Fund on behalf of DfE to help unions engage with and influence bodies such as ››provide a policy function to sector skills councils and local influence the government’s enterprise partnerships (LEPs) learning and skills strategies and wider education policy establish a research and ›› and provide policy briefings strategy function to identify, and support to trade disseminate and mainstream unions in these areas

SKILLS, EDUCATION 94 AND TRAINING ››lead the TUC’s work on Dave Eva apprentices and help for young Delivery team manager people such as Traineeships The delivery team oversees all aspects of delivering support to lead on education and ›› unions in the workplace, including skills policy for the TUC ULF and regional support ››support and promote continuing Tel: 0151 482 2710 professional development and Email: [email protected] work with individual unions to Iain Murray promote CPD in the workplace. Strategy manager The strategy team covers research Unionlearn does not seek to replace and policy, support to union unions’ own learning programmes, representatives on national skills it supports them. It has its own bodies, and development of identity and is established under union learning in key areas such as the auspices of the TUC with apprenticeships and English and headquarters in Congress House. maths provision Tel: 020 7467 1264 Unionlearn national Email: [email protected] management team Jackie Williams Kevin Rowan TUC Education manager Head of organisation, Training, education, course and services and skills tutor development; links with Strategic leadership and providers; secretary to the TUC management of the organisation Educational Trust Tel: 020 7079 6922 Tel: 020 7467 1254 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Ian Borkett Unionlearn has a board comprising Communication and members of the TUC General contracts manager Council and representatives from Core union support work such as the DfE. The board is responsible for financial management, collecting the strategic direction of unionlearn information on learning activity, and is supported by a Finance Audit supporting learners, mid-life and Risk Committee. development work, learning centres coordination, communications including the unionlearn website and support for higher education Tel: 020 7467 1228 Email: [email protected]


LEARNING The Union Learning Fund THROUGH The Union Learning Fund (ULF) UNIONS – UNION continues to support union LEARNING REPS work. More than 250,000 union learners were supported through Unionlearn has trained more than ULF projects last year and this 41,000 union learning reps (ULRs), included a wide range of learning building a network of reps through and training (eg apprenticeships, the member unions. English and maths, lifelong learning, The proportion of ULRs who are and continuing professional female or Black and minority ethnic development). Unions continue is higher than among reps generally, to join the ULF, drawing in proving that union work on learning more employer support and is reaching a wider range of workers engagement with important than ever before. partner organisations. A major independent evaluation of the ULF Most unions have developed a ULR and unionlearn was published in network. ULRs are succeeding in 2016 and this highlighted a number increasing the number of learning of positive impacts of union learning agreements with employers. for both individuals and employers.

SKILLS, EDUCATION 96 AND TRAINING Apprenticeships Labour market developments in recent years, including the rise of Unionlearn is working with digitalisation and a greater focus unions to support the expansion on communication and numeracy, of apprenticeships in the means that supporting people to workplace and the development develop these skillsets is now more of apprenticeship policy and important than ever. progression. Unionlearn provides reps with courses, information, Unionlearn continues to provide workshops and guides to help them support to build the capacity of learn more about apprenticeships ULF projects to deliver innovative so they can promote them within approaches and to keep abreast their union and so reps can act as of important policy developments, mentors to young apprentices. It such as the ongoing reform of also enables them to negotiate functional skills qualifications. In terms for apprentices with addition, unionlearn has developed employers, such as pay and health SkillCheck, a new tool to encourage and safety. more learners to take English, maths and digital skills assessments The TUC welcomed the decision to and to from there. See introduce an apprenticeship levy unionlearn.org.uk/skillcheck and unionlearn is working closely with unions and employers to use the levy to increase the number of Higher skills high-quality apprenticeships. Unionlearn is working with Unionlearn is also campaigning on unions to meet higher skills issues around pay and standards for needs of members and to offer apprentices. You can see more at them progression opportunities. unionlearn.org.uk/apprenticeships Memoranda of understanding have been signed with the English, maths and digital , Birkbeck University of London, University of Since the inception of the Union Wolverhampton and the National Learning Fund, it has been Extension College distance learning widely acknowledged that organisation. These commit union learning has proved to be unionlearn and our partners to joint especially effective at reaching work, and some offer discounts out to people who have not to union learners. For more acquired the necessary minimum information, go to unionlearn.org. attainment in English, maths and uk/higher-learning-work digital skills to fulfil their potential at work and in wider society.

SKILLS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING 97 Supporting learners The unionlearn Quality Award Unionlearn has worked with unions to develop a network model Unionlearn has a Quality Award and strategy that ensures union that can be achieved for course members can get the quality help programmes and by employers for they need to progress their learning their apprenticeship programmes and skills. It builds on existing good that are union-friendly and practice in unions, particularly ULRs, demonstrate good practice. The and works alongside the National purpose is to help ULRs and others Careers Service. Unionlearn find their way through the often produces six supporting learners confusing range of provision and e-newsletters each year. To access recognition for meeting rigorous the full range of advice services visit quality standards. More than 100 the website at unionlearn.org.uk/ awards have now been presented supporting-learners to providers by MPs, government ministers and senior trade unionists. The Climbing Frame For more information go to unionlearn.org.uk/quality-award The online Climbing Frame continues to be a valuable tool for Supporting mid- union reps to help support learners. life development It provides up-to-date information and advice about a broad range of The Supporting Mid-Life learning opportunities, including Development campaign aims information about ICT, community to heighten awareness of the learning and personal development challenges faced by workers in and career planning. ULRs can mid-life, train reps to support older keep records and plans in an online colleagues in their workplace and accessible form. Reports can be carry out mid-life development produced and reps can make use reviews to help older workers of the discussion forum, useful links, identify their transferable skills and case studies and news and can store manage work/life balance. For more their own notes. See unionlearn.org. information go to unionlearn.org. uk/climbing-frame uk/supporting-midlife-development

Union representatives on skills bodies Unionlearn provides support to union representatives on a range of skills bodies, including sector skills

SKILLS, EDUCATION 98 AND TRAINING councils and the growing number Research and evaluation of bodies that have a remit for skills Unionlearn commissions academics at the local and city region level to research the union role in (eg local enterprise partnerships learning and skills. Their research and combined authorities). Union is published in unionlearn research representatives hold seats on reports. They help to inform the the main board of many of these development of TUC policy on bodies and also engage at other learning and skills. Unionlearn also levels. Unionlearn provides a commissions regular independent range of support services for union evaluations of its own work and that representatives, including briefings of the Union Learning Fund, with a and network meetings. focus on the added value of union Unionlearn is represented on a learning programmes. number of other external skills bodies, including the Council of Communications City and Guilds and the Strategic Transport Apprenticeship Taskforce. Getting a strong message out about At the European level unionlearn is unionlearn, union-led learning represented on Cedefop, the ETUC and how it can help is a key task Lifelong Learning Working Group for unionlearn. Work is focused on and the European Commission’s accessing new media and social Advisory Committee on Vocational media to spread the word about Training (ACVT). union learning and skills. An email alert service is also operated giving Policy direct contacts to reps. The website unionlearn.org.uk Unionlearn is responsible within provides information on our the TUC for policy development activities, information on how you on work-based learning and skills, can get involved and work with and education policy. The main unionlearn as well as information on aims of this policy function are to what unions have achieved and their influence the government’s policies record at delivering skills. It also in these areas in line with Congress provides a range of publications policy and to provide policy support for order and download as well and briefings to affiliated trade as information on research and unions. Unionlearn also works case studies. closely with all the affiliated unions that represent the education and skills workforce.

SKILLS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING 99 Learning Rep, unionlearn’s Jane Warwick magazine showcasing good practice Projects officer in learning at work, is produced and Tel: 020 7467 1265 distributed electronically four times Email: [email protected] a year. Unionlearn runs an annual Keith Hatch conference as well as smaller events Projects support throughout the year focused on key communication officer areas of work, including an annual Tel: 07917 415487 apprenticeships conference. Email: [email protected]

Staff supporting learning Paul Clarkson through unions Office administrator Tel: 020 7467 1212 Yusuf Dadabhoy Email: [email protected] Communications officer Tel: 020 7467 1287 Email: [email protected] TUC EDUCATION – Kirsi Kekki TRAINING UNION Policy officer REPS AND OFFICERS Tel: 020 7467 1326 TUC Education is the TUC’s training Email: [email protected] arm for workplace reps and union Andy Moss professionals. It has an unrivalled Projects officer reach into Britain’s workplaces to Tel: 07500 862776 provide education and training Email: [email protected] for workplace representatives. In 2017, we trained 228,634 Matt Pointon union workplace representatives Projects officer and 583 union professionals Email: [email protected] through the network of around 21 Mark Rowe partnerships with further education Projects officer colleges across the UK. Almost all Email: [email protected] affiliated unions participate in the programme and many commission Louisa Smith tailored programmes within TUC Projects officer Education units. Tel: 020 7467 1252 Email: [email protected] TUC Education has benefited from a secure funding mechanism which gives government backing to this area of work. This support, whereby reps’ course fees are met centrally,

SKILLS, EDUCATION 100 AND TRAINING has been withdrawn and a new ››stewards (workplace reps) strategy is in place. TUC Education health and safety reps is creating a solution that meets the ›› particular needs of union reps while ››union learning reps addressing the unique requirements pension scheme trustees and values of its educational ethos. ›› The course programme and its ››equality reps supplementary resources are now green reps made available for wholly online ›› self-paced study, for tutor-led ››other trade union reps. blended courses and to enhance the delivery of traditional classroom The core programme consists of: programmes whilst accommodating Union Reps Stage 1 Course shift patterns, workplace needs and ›› family responsibilities. ››Employment Law – the Advanced Course for Union Reps A new strategy for supporting and enabling union reps to access ››Health and Safety Stage 1 Course TUC Education is well underway. Next Steps for Health and Several approaches have been ›› Safety Reps – Stage 2 Course developed to increase participation in online and blended provision ››Union Learning Reps with continuing developments to – Stage 1 Course support ongoing classroom training Union Learning Reps opportunities for union reps. We ›› – Stage 2 Course. are seeking to ensure as many reps as practicable are accessing trade Full details and dates for all courses union education and securing are available in the course directory appropriate paid release to do so. on the TUC Education website at tuceducation.org.uk Courses Alongside the course programme The TUC programme of courses are TUC Education eNotes – short, offers high-quality, accredited union topic-based e-learning modules for reps training through a network union reps and union professionals. of colleges of further and higher These short modules are designed education across the UK. to keep union reps and professionals up to date with the fast-moving The courses are attended by world of work. They offer reps more representatives of member trade flexible ways to access learning that unions and include: suits their particular needs as well

SKILLS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING 101 Never under estimate the power of your vote Election services you can trust Popularis management has years of experience working with trade unions, companies, pension funds, charities and other organisations to comply with relevant legislation and their requirements for statutory and non statutory ballots and elections.

Popularis Ltd, Independent Scrutineer, Nutsey Lane, Totton, Southampton SO40 3RL Tel: 02380 867 335 Contact Anne Hock Email [email protected] www.popularis.org Popularis is named in Statutory Orders in Great Britain and Northern Ireland as eligible for appointment as Independent Scrutineer, Qualified Independent Person and Suitable Independent Person for the purposes of trade union ballots and elections.

of those of their employers. This The use of webinars to reach union initiative reaches into those areas of reps with interactive briefings has the economy where union support is also been developed. These are harder to access. This, alongside the proving a popular way to update new online programme, gives union reps on a range of topics. To date reps and professionals a convenient over 9,000 reps have taken part and effective way to keep up to in webinars. speed. Topics already online include A digital badging framework has apprenticeships; mental health; been developed to encourage language support for workers; learning and to recognise bargaining for skills; working with completion of the TUC’s figures; equalities; facility time; online modules. the sick note; supporting learners; vulnerable workers; paternity leave; More information is available Universal Credit; the living wage; from Craig Hawkins at domestic violence, and many more. [email protected] More than 8,000 learners have enrolled for eNotes at tuceducation.org.uk

SKILLS, EDUCATION 102 AND TRAINING Union professional There is a charge for union development programme professionals courses but these are kept to a minimum. For details of The union professional these, or any further information development programme continues about the union professional to evolve to meet the needs of union development programme, officers and staff in the fast-moving contact Martin Hegarty at world of work. We are offering some [email protected] of our most successful courses in a blended learning format, combining the flexibility of online working TUC Education team with the invaluable opportunity to Jackie Williams work with other union professional TUC Education manager staff in a classroom environment. Co-ordinates the work of There are also shorter, classroom- TUC Education based courses available throughout Tel: 020 7467 1254 the year. Julie Lawrence All course information, including Admin assistant dates, is available on the TUC Tel: 020 7467 1251 Education website in the course Email: [email protected] directory at tuceducation.org.uk Craig Hawkins Courses are run in London and Online learning officer TUC Education partner colleges Tel: 020 7467 1333 in association with experts in Email: [email protected] specialised subjects with a proven track record of excellence over Anna Kalsi many years. TUC-trained tutors E-learning support officer are experienced trade unionists Tel: 020 7467 1342 and professionally qualified. TUC Email: [email protected] Education develops and provides Ian Sheeler materials for all courses and Instructional designer materials are regularly reviewed and Tel: 020 7467 1367 revised with input from tutors, policy Email: [email protected] experts and unions. Alice Arkwright Digital learning projects officer Tel: 020 7467 1238 Email:[email protected]

SKILLS, EDUCATION AND TRAINING 103 Julie Cook Adrian Toomey National officer Wales Education officer Midlands, Tel: 029 2034 7010 Yorkshire and the Humber Email: [email protected] Tel: 0121 236 4454 Email: [email protected] Kevin Doherty Northern Ireland ICTU education Sarah Wiktorski and training officer Education officer Scotland Tel: 028 9024 7940 Tel: 0141 221 8545 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Martin Hegarty Education officer Tel: 020 7467 1219 Email: [email protected] Marie Hughes Education officer South West, London, Eastern and South East Tel: 0117 947 0521 Email: [email protected] Tony Saunders Education officer North West and Northern Tel: 0151 236 7678 Email: [email protected]

SKILLS, EDUCATION 104 AND TRAINING Frances speaking at the Canadian Labour Conference L7 at the National Arts Centre in Ottawa © Blair Gable Photography

SECTION 6 INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS EASHW The European EESC European Economic Agency for Safety and Social Committee and Health at Work Rue Belliard 99 12 Santiago de Compostela B-1040 Brussels E-48003 Bilbao Belgium Spain Tel: 00 322 546 9011 Tel: 00 34 944 358400 Web: eesc.europa.eu Email: [email protected] The Economic and Social Web: https://osha.europa.eu Committee is an advisory body The European Agency for Safety of the European Community and Health at Work aims to established by the Rome Treaties make Europe’s workplaces safer, which specify that the Committee healthier and more productive. It must be consulted on matters falling is a tripartite EU organisation that within various fields. These include brings together representatives agriculture, freedom of movement from governments, employers and of workers, right of establishment, workers’ organisations in each of transport, approximation of laws, the EU member states. Focal points social policy, European Social have also been set up in the EFTA Fund, vocational training, and a countries and in the candidate number of areas covered by the countries to the EU. The European Euratom Treaty. The Council and Agency acts as a for the Commission may also consult developing, collecting, analysing the Committee on other matters and disseminating information that when they deem this appropriate. improves the state of occupational In addition, the Committee has safety and health in Europe. obtained the right to advise on its initiative on all questions affecting Dr Christa Sedlatschek the work of the Community. Director The Committee’s 222 members Hugh Robertson are divided into three groups, TUC representative* employers, workers and *From 29 March 2019, depending various interests. The TUC on the terms of the deal with the nominates representatives to the EU, the UK may be able to keep workers’ group. representatives with observer status Georges Dassis President

INTERNATIONAL 106 RELATIONS TUC representatives† ETUC European Trade Nick Crook, Brian Curtis, Diane Union Confederation Kelly, Martin Mayer, Judy McKnight, International Trade Union House Amarjite Singh, Agnes Tolmie, Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 Kathleen Walker-Shaw B-1210 Brussels Belgium Eurofound (European Foundation for the Tel: 00 322 224 0411 Improvement of Living Email: [email protected] and Working Conditions) Email (officials and staff): [email protected] Wyattville Road Web: etuc.org Loughlinstown The ETUC’s members are 90 Dublin 18 national trade union confederations from 39 European countries, as well Tel: 00 353 1 204 3100 as 10 European industry federations Email: information@eurofound. (listed below), making a total of europa.eu 45 million members. The ETUC Web: eurofound.europa.eu represents and promotes the social, economic, and cultural interests The European Foundation for the of European working people. It Improvement of Living and Working promotes co-ordinated international Conditions is a tripartite body, action to stimulate economic growth set up by the European Council and employment. It is involved in to contribute to the planning and social dialogue procedures with design of better living conditions European employers’ organisations and industrial relations, with a which can lead to framework special focus on managing change. agreements subsequently translated It provides information, advice into legislative instruments. and expertise for EU institutions, governments, employers and Luca Visentini unions on the basis of comparative General secretary information, research and analysis. Rudy de Leeuw Juan Menéndez-Valdés President Director TUC Executive Committee Paul Sellers representatives TUC representative† Sally Hunt, Frances O’Grady, Dave Prentis, Steve Turner †The of UK members will end on 29 March 2019

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 107 The following trade union EFBWW European organisations are affiliated to Federation of Building the ETUC: and Woodworkers Rue Royale 45 EAEA European Arts B-1000 Brussels and Entertainment Belgium Alliance Tel: 00 322 227 1040 Rue de l’Hôpital 31 Email: [email protected] B-1000 Brussels Web: efbww.org Belgium Sam Hägglund Tel: 0 322 234 56 50 General secretary Email: jim.wilson@union-network. org EPSU European Public Jim Wilson Service Unions General secretary Rue Joseph II, 40 B-1000 Brussels EFFAT European Belgium Federation of Food, Agriculture and Tourism Tel: 00 322 250 1080 Email: [email protected] Rue Fosse aux Loups 38 Web: epsu.org B-1000 Brussels Jan Willem Goudriaan Belgium General secretary Tel: 00 322 218 7730 Email: [email protected] ETUCE European Trade Web: effat.org Union Committee Harald Wiedenhofer for Education General secretary International Trade Union House Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 B-1210 Brussels Belgium Tel: 00 322 224 0691 Email: [email protected] Web: csee-etuce.org David Edwards General secretary

INTERNATIONAL 108 RELATIONS ETF European Transport ILO International Workers’ Federation Labour Organization Rue du Marché aux Herbes 105 Route des Morillons Bôite 11 CH-1211 Geneva 22 B-1000 Brussels Switzerland Belgium Tel: 00 4122 799 6111 Tel: 00 322 285 4660 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Web: ilo.org Web: etf-europe.org The ILO is the specialised agency of Eduardo Chagas the United Nations responsible for General secretary the world of work. It was established in 1919 as part of the League of IndustriALL European Nations. Its mandate is to promote Trade Union social justice through the attainment of Decent Work globally. Alone Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 among the UN agencies the ILO B-1210 Brussels is a tripartite organisation with Belgium representatives of working people and employers having an equal Tel: 00 32 2226 0050 voice with governments. Email: [email protected] Web: industriall-union.org The International Labour Conference meets every June Luc Triangle to supervise the application of General secretary international labour standards (ILO Conventions and UNI Europa Recommendations) and where needed agree new standards. In Rue Joseph II, 40 addition to organising the UK’s B-1000 Brussels worker delegation to the conference Belgium the TUC is represented on the ILO’s Tel: 00 322 234 5656 governing body which meets three Email: uni-europa@uniglobalunion. times a year. org Oliver Roethig Regional secretary

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 109 The ILO is also a major source of The ITUC works to promote the research on the world of work, interests of working people, and to provides technical assistance at a reduce the gap between rich and national level to support decent poor by helping working people to work programmes and organises organise and to fight oppression sectoral meetings attended by trade everywhere. It defends human and union, employer and government trade union rights and works for representatives to discuss key issues international understanding and in specific industries and sectors. peace. It opposes discrimination, child and forced labour and Guy Ryder supports freedom of association Director general and free collective bargaining. Amanda Brown Sharan Burrow ILO governing body member (UK) General secretary

ITUC International Trade João Antonio Felicio Union Confederation President TUC representatives International Trade Union House Sally Hunt, Frances O’Grady Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 B-1210 Brussels Belgium The following are regional Tel: 00 322 224 0211 organisations of the ITUC: Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): ITUC-Africa African [email protected] Regional Organisation of Web: ituc-csi.org the International Trade The ITUC is the world trade union Union Confederation body to which the TUC is affiliated. Route Internationale d’Atakpamé It was founded in 2006 and has BP 4401 331 national affiliates in 163 Lomé Agoènyivé countries and territories, with 207 Togo million members. Tel: 00 228 225 07 10 Email: [email protected] Web: ituc-africa.org Kwasi Adu-Amankwah General secretary

INTERNATIONAL 110 RELATIONS ITUC-AP ITUC The following are global union Regional Organisation federations associated with for Asia-Pacific the ITUC: NTUC Centre One Marina Boulevard EI Education International Singapore 018989 International Trade Union House Republic of Singapore Boulevard du Roi Albert II, 5 Tel: 00 65 6327 3590 B-1210 Brussels Email: [email protected] Belgium Web: ituc-ap.org Tel: 00 322 224 0611 Shoya Yoshida Email: [email protected] General secretary Web: ei-ie.org Re-established: 1992/3 Pan-European Regional Membership: 32 million Council (based at ETUC) Fred van Leeuwen Luca Visentini General secretary General secretary TUC representatives BWI Building and Wood Sally Hunt, Frances O’Grady, Workers’ International Steve Turner 54 Route Des Acacias CH-1227 Carouge (GE) TUCA Trade Union Switzerland Confederation of the Americas Tel: 00 4122 8273777 Email: [email protected] Rua Formosa, 367 Web: bwint.org 4° Andar-Centro Founded in 1934 CEP 01049-000 Membership: 12 million São Paulo SP-Brazil Albert Yuson General secretary Tel: 00 55 11 2104 0750 Email: [email protected] Web: csa-csi.org Victor Báez Mosqueira General secretary

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 111 IFJ International ITF International Federation of Journalists Transport Workers’ Federation International Press Centre Rés Palace 49–60 Borough Road Rue de la Loi 155 London SE1 1DR B-1040 Brussels Tel: 020 7403 2733 Belgium Email: [email protected] Tel: 00 322 235 2200 Email (officials and staff): Email: [email protected] [email protected] Web: ifj.org Web: itfglobal.org Founded in 1952 Founded in 1896 Membership: 600,000 Membership: 19 million Anthony Bellanger Stephen Cotton General secretary General secretary

IndustriALL IUF International Union of Food, Agricultural, Hotel, Route Des Acacias 54 bis Restaurant, Catering, Case Postale 1516 Tobacco and Allied CH-1227 Geneva Workers’ Associations Switzerland Rampe du Pont-Rouge 8 Tel: 00 4122 308 5050 Petit-Lancy Email: [email protected] CH-1213 Geneva Web: industriall-union.org Switzerland Founded in 2012 Tel: 00 4122 7932233 Membership: 50 million Email: [email protected] Valter Sanches Email (officials and staff): General secretary [email protected] Web: iuf.org Founded in 1920 Membership: 10 million Sue Longley General secretary

INTERNATIONAL 112 RELATIONS PSI Public Services TUAC was established in 1948 International to maintain contact, and conduct negotiations, with the Organisation Centre d’Aumard, BP 9 for European Economic Co- 45 Avenue Voltaire operation, which in 1960 was F-01211 Ferney-Voltaire Cedex replaced by the Organisation France for Economic Co-operation and Tel: 00 33450 406464 Development, whose members Email: [email protected] included the European members Email (officials and staff): of OEEC, Canada and the USA, and [email protected] subsequently Japan. Since 1994 the Web: world-psi.org governments of Mexico, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland Founded in 1907 as International and Korea have become members. Federation of Unions in Public and Civil Services; renamed in 1958 The role of TUAC is to present trade Membership: 20 million union views to the governments in the OECD. The submissions of Rosa Pavanelli TUAC, which include the trade General secretary union statement presented annually since 1977 to the chair of the TUAC Trade Union economic summit, deal principally Advisory Committee with a range of economic, industrial to the Organisation to and social policy issues affecting the Organisation for working people. Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Pierre Habbard General secretary 15, rue La Pérouse Frances O’Grady 75016 Paris TUC representative France Tel: 00 331 5537 3737 Email: [email protected] Email (officials and staff): [email protected] Web: tuac.org

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 113 TUC Aid TUC Aid, the development focusing on trade union capacity arm of the British trade union building in Bangladesh, Gaza, movement, raises funds for: India and Somalia. ››long-term development The trustees are Sheila Bearcroft, Gail Cartmail (chair), Sue Ferns, trade union capacity-building ›› Sally Hunt, Frances O’Grady, through training and education David Sachon, Chris Tansley, activities Owen Tudor and Fiona Wilson. emergency relief for ›› Contact victims of natural disasters TUC Aid and armed conflict in Congress House developing countries. Great Russell Street TUC Aid is supporting trade London WC1B 3LS unionists in their efforts to end Tel: 020 7467 1273 poverty, ill-health and oppression Email: [email protected] and secure economic and social Web: tuc.org.uk/international- justice for all. We are currently issues/tuc-aid

UNI Global Union There is also the International Federation of Musicians in Paris on Avenue Reverdil 8–10 0033 1 45263123 CH-1260 Nyon Switzerland Tel: 00 4122 365 2100 Email: [email protected] Web: uniglobalunion.org Founded: 2000 Membership: 20 million Christy Hoffmann General secretary

INTERNATIONAL 114 RELATIONS Pride in London takes place on 6 July © Henry Nicholls/Reuters/PA Images

SECTION 7 CALENDAR OF EVENTS © Chris J Ratcliffe/Stringer/Getty Images 24–25 TUC Young Workers Conference 26–27 ETUC Executive Committee, Brussels

APRIL 5–6 Undeb Cenedlaethol Athrawon Cymru Conference, Llandrindod Wells 12–13 TUC Black Workers Conference, London JANUARY 15–18 National Education Union Conference, Liverpool 1 Bank Holiday 17 TUC General Council 18 TUC Discrimination Law Conference, London 19 Good Friday 22 TUC Executive Committee 19–21 NASUWT Conference, Belfast 27 Holocaust Memorial Day 22 Easter Monday FEBRUARY 28–30 Society of Radiographers Conference, Leeds 11–17 HeartUnions Week 28 International Workers’ 27 TUC General Council Memorial Day 28–2 Communication Workers MARCH Union Conference, 6–8 TUC Women’s Bournemouth Conference, London 8 International Women’s Day 12 TUC Executive Committee 14–28 ILO Governing Body, Geneva

CALENDAR 116 OF EVENTS MAY JUNE 3–5 National Association 3–4 Chartered Society of Head Teachers of Physiotherapy Conference, Telford Conference, Manchester 5–8 Union of Shop, Distributive 6–8 Educational Institute and Allied Workers of Scotland Annual Conference, Blackpool General Meeting, Perth 5–17 Fire Brigades Union 8–9 G7 summit, Quebec Conference, Blackpool 8–9 Trades Councils 6 May Day Bank Holiday Conference, Bournemouth 9 FDA Conference, London 8–10 Transport Salaried Staffs Association 13–14 TUC Executive Committee Conference, Glasgow 13–16 Associated Society of 9–13 Bakers, Food and Allied Locomotive Engineers Workers’ Union, Southport and Firemen Annual Assembly, Leeds 9–13 GMB Congress, Brighton 14–16 POA Conference, Southport 10–21 International Labour Conference, Geneva 17 International Day Against Homophobia © Nicolas Maeterlinck/Belga/PA Images 18–20 Equity Conference, Belfast 21–22 TUC Disabled Workers Conference, Bournemouth 21–24 ETUC Congress, Vienna 21–23 Public and Commercial Services Union Conference, Brighton 24–25 ITUC General Council Meeting, UK 25–27 University and College Union Conference, Harrogate 27 Spring Bank Holiday

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 117 © Omar Havana/Stringer/Getty Images 12 World Day Against Child Labour 18–19 ETUC Executive Committee, Brussels 18–21 UNISON Conference, Liverpool 22 ILO Governing Body, Geneva 26 TUC General Council

JULY 4–5 TUC LGBT+ AUGUST Conference, London 26 Summer Bank Holiday 6 Pride, London 9 TUC Executive Committee SEPTEMBER 24 TUC General Council 2 TUC Executive Committee

© Ian Forsyth/Stringer/Getty Images 5 TUC General Council 8–11 TUC Congress, Brighton 15–18 Liberal Democrat Conference, Bournemouth 22–25 , Brighton 29–2 Conservative Party Conference, Manchester

CALENDAR 118 OF EVENTS © Claire Doherty/SIPA USA/PA Images DECEMBER 1 World HIV/AIDS Day 10 International Human Rights Day 11 TUC General Council 17–18 ETUC Executive Committee, Brussels 18 International Migrants Day 25–26 Christmas Bank Holidays © NurPhoto/SIPA USA/PA Images OCTOBER Black History Month 7 World Day for Decent Work 11–12 Napo Conference, Cardiff 22–23 ETUC Executive Committee, Brussels 24–27 ILO Governing Body, Geneva 30 TUC General Council

NOVEMBER UK Disability History Month 11–12 TUC Executive Committee 25 International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women

CALENDAR OF EVENTS 119 Published by Trades Union Congress Congress House Great Russell Street London WC1B 3LS tuc.org.uk January 2019 ISBN 978 1 911288 45 9 £13

Design: TUC Print: College Hill Press Cover photos: John Harris and Jess Hurd at reportdigital.co.uk The complete Union legal service Making a difference

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