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TattúínárdǾla saga taTuinARdUla : saga THE SAGA OF THE PEOPLE OF THE TATTÚÍN RIVER VALLEY This .pdf document contains the complete text of Tattúínárdǿla saga. Old Norse text is on the left side of the page, Modern English on the right page. The Modern English translation is seldom word-for-word, and Old Norse is often a rather compact medium of expression. Therefore the Old Norse column “outpaces” the English quickly and they rarely say the same thing on the same page. None of the commentary from the blog is reproduced here, except that preceding Chapter 42 since it explains the lacuna between Chapter 36 and Chapter 42. For commentary, see the postings of individual chapters on the blog. About the translator/author: Jackson Crawford teaches the Old Norse and Norwegian languages, as well as courses on Old Norse myth, literature, and culture, at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is a Ph.D. Candidate in Scandinavian Studies at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. He blogs at Tattúínárdǿla saga (http:// tattuinardoelasaga.wordpress.com), where he posts chapters from his reimagining of Star Wars as an Icelandic saga, as well as other fun projects related to Old Norse (including his translations of poems from the Poetic Edda). He can be reached at jacksoncrawford AT ucla.edu. Saga adaptation © 2010-2012 by Jackson Crawford. Illustration © 2011 Katherine Girdaukas. Star Wars & all associated trademarks © Lucasfilm. I. Kapítuli: Frá Jóða jarli Gormóarsyni Chapter 1: Concerning Jarl Jóði Gormóarson JÓÐI HÉT MAÐR, sonr Gormóar. Jóði var maðr JÓÐI WAS THE NAME OF A MAN, son of Gormó. lítill, en svá sterkr, at eigi váru hans jafningjar. En er Jóði was a little man, but so strong that none was his hann var á unga aldri, lá hann í víkingu ok herjaði. equal. When he was young, he went a-viking and Með honum var í félagsskap sá maðr, er kallaðr var raided. With him in friendship was that man who Vindú, gǫfugr maðr ok inn mesti afreksmaðr at afli was named Vindú, a noble man and the most valiant ok áræði. Hann var berserkr. Þeir Jóði áttu einn sjóð in strength and daring. He was a berserker. He and báðir, ok var með þeim in kærsta vinátta. Jóði were in good agreement about everything, and Jóði átti einn son. Hét hann Dúkú. Dúkú var svartr there was the greatest friendship between them. maðr ok ljótr, líkr feðr sínum bæði yfirlits ok at Jóði had one son. He was named Dúkú. Dúkú was a skaplyndi. Gerðist hann umsýslumaðr mikill. Hann black-haired man and ugly, like his father both in var hagr maðr á tré ok járn ok gerðist inn mesti appearance and in manners. He became a very active smiðr. man. He was skilled in wood and iron, and became En er Dúkú var á tvítugs aldri, þá bjósk hann the greatest smith. í hernað. Fekk Jóði honum langskip. Til þeirar ferðar Now when Dúkú was in his twenties, he réðusk synir Vindús – þeir hǫfðu lið mikit ok annat began to go raiding. Jóði got him a longship. With langskip – ok fóru um sumarit í víking ok ǫfluðu sér him on his expeditions went the sons of Vindú – they fjár ok hǫfðu hlutskipti mikit. Þat var nǫkkur sumur, had a good following and another longship – and er þeir lágu í víking, en váru heima um vetrum með they went a-viking during the summer and took feðrum sínum. Hafði Dúkú heim marga dýrgripi ok much property and gained good loot. During the fœrði feðr sínum. Var þá bæði gott til fjár ok summers they would go out a-viking, but in the mannvirðingar. Jóði var þá mjǫk á efra aldri, en sonr winters they would stay home with their fathers. hans var roskinn. Dúkú would bring home many treasures and give Falfaðinn hét herkonungr, er kallaðr var them to his father. This was good both for his wealth Falfaðinn eldingaflug. Hann gerðist konungr yfir and for his station among men. At this time Jóði was Kóruskantborg í Nóregi, ok hét þessu, at hann myndi at an advanced age, but his son was in the prime of verða einvaldskonungr yfir Nóregi. his life. Falfaðinn konungr lá með her sinn í Falfaðinn was the name of a war-king, who Jeðifjǫrðum. Hann sendi menn þar um land á fund was called Falfaðinn lightning-bolt. He became king þeira manna, er eigi hǫfðu komit til hans, er hann of Kóruskantborg in Norway, and swore that he þóttisk erendi við eiga. would become sole king over Norway. Konungs sendimenn kómu til Jóða ok fengu King Falfaðinn lay with his army in the þar góðar viðtǫkur. Þeir báru upp erendi sín, sǫgðu, region of the Jedi Fjords. He sent his men out around at konungr vildi, at Jóði kæmi á fund hans. “Hann the land there to meet those men who had not joined hefir,” sǫgðu þeir, “spurn af, at þú ert gǫfugr maðr him, but whom he thought it would be profitable to ok stórættaðr. Muntu eiga kost af honum virðingar have with him. mikillar. Er konungi mikit kapp á því at hafa með sér The king’s messengers came to Jóði and þá menn, at hann spyrr, at afreksmenn eru at afli ok received a good welcome. They announced their hreysti.” errand, and said that the king wanted Jóði to come Jóði svarar, sagði, at hann var þá gamall, svá meet him. “He has,” they said, “Learned that you are at hann var þá ekki til fœrr at vera úti á herskipum. a noble man and of a great family. You will receive “Mun ek nú heima sitja ok láta af at þjóna great honor from him. The king is very eager to have konungum.” with him those men whom he learns are valiant in Sendimenn fóru í brott, en er þeir kómu til power and physical courage.” konungs, sǫgðu þeir honum allt þat, er Jóðí hafði Jóði answered and said that he was an old man, so that we has not physically capable of going Saga adaptation © 2010-2012 by Jackson Crawford. Illustration © 2011 Katherine Girdaukas. Star Wars & all associated trademarks © Lucasfilm. rætt fyrir þeim. Konungr varð við styggr ok mælti out in warships. “I would rather sit at home now, and um nǫkkurum orðum, sagði, at þeir myndi vera leave off serving kings. menn stórlátir, eða hvat þeir myndi fyrir ætlast. The messengers went away, and when they Maul rauði var þá nær staddr ok bað konung came to the king, they told him everything that Jóði vera eigi reiðan. “Ek mun fara á fund Jóða, ok mun had said to them. The king was angry about this and hann vilja fara á fund yðvarn, þegar er hann veit, at said so in as many words, and declared that Jóði’s yðr þykkir máli skipta.” family was one of proud men, and wondered what Síðan fór Maul á fund Jóða ok sagði honum, kind of offer they would be content with. at konungr var reiðr ok eigi myndi duga, nema Maul the Red was near, and bade the king to leave annarr hvárr þeira feðga fœri til konungs, ok sagði, at aside his anger. “I will go to meet Jóði, and he will þeir myndi fá virðing mikla af konungi, ef þeir vildi want to join you immediately when he learns that it hann þýðask, sagði frá mikit, sem satt var, at means so much to you.” konungr var góðr mǫnnum sínum bæði til fjár ok Then Maul the Red went to meet Jóði, and metnaðar. said to him that the king was angry and that it would Jóði sagði, at þat var hans hugboð, – “at vit not avail, unless one of them, he or his son, went to feðgar munim ekki bera gæfu til þessa konungs, ok the king, and said that they would receive great mun ek ekki fara á fund hans. En ef Dúkú kømr heim honor from the king if they would bow to him. He í sumar, þá mun hann auðbeðinn þessar farar ok svá told him, as was surely the truth, that the king was at gerask konungs maðr. Segðu svá konungi, at ek good to his men, and gave them honor and riches. mun vera vinr hans ok alla menn, þá er at mínum Jóði said that it was his plan “that my son and I not orðum láta, halda til vináttu við hann. Ek mun ok kowtow to this king, and I will not go to meet him. halda inu sama um stjórn ok umboð af hans hendi But if Dúkú comes home this summer, he sem áðr hafða ek af fyrra konungi, ef konungr vill, at will be easily persuaded to this and will want to svá sé, ok enn síðar sjá, hversu semsk með oss become the king’s man. Say to the king, that I will konungi.” gladly be his friend and the friend of all men, who Síðan fór Maul aptr til konungs ok sagði respect my words, and I will hold to my friendship honum, at Jóði myndi senda honum son sinn, ok with him. I also want the same authority and charge sagði, at sá var betr til fallinn, er þá var eigi heima. given to me by him as by earlier kings, if the king Lét konungr þá vera kyrrt. will that it be so, and if he agrees to this we’ll see Dúkú Jóðason ok Meis Vindússon kómu um about whether I’ll serve him.” haustit heim ór víking. Fór Dúkú til fǫður síns. Then Maul went back to the king and told Taka þeir feðgar þá tal sín í milli.