Higher education research in Finland EMERGING STRUCTURES AND CONTEMPORARY ISSUES Editors Sakari Ahola David M. Hoffman Higher education research in Finland Higher education research in Finland Emerging structures and contemporary issues Editors Sakari Ahola & David M. Hoffman THIS PUBLICATION CAN BE OBTAINED FROM: Finnish Institute for Educational Research Customer services University of Jyväskylä P.O. Box 35 FI-40014 Jyväskylä, Finland Phone +358 40 805 4276 E-mail:
[email protected] www.ier-publications.fi/ This publication has gone through a referee-system. © Authors and the Finnish Institute for Educational Research In co-operation with Consortium of Higher Education Researchers in Finland (CHERIF) Cover and graphic design: Martti Minkkinen Photo in the cover: Main Building of the School of Engineering, Aalto University. Aalto University Image Gallery, photographer: Johannes Romppanen. Layout: Taittopalvelu Yliveto Oy ISBN 978-951-39-4647-0 (printed version) ISBN 978-951-39-5189-4 (pdf) Printed by Jyväskylä University Press Jyväskylä 2012 Contents Part I: IntroductIon 1. Higher education research from a Finnish perspective – an introduction .......................................................................... 11 Sakari Ahola and David M. Hoffman 2. The relationship between Finnish higher education and higher education research .......................................................... 27 Jussi Välimaa 3. Some research threads in sociology of higher education in Finland ... 49 Osmo Kivinen and Päivi Kaipainen Part II: The higHer educatIon system – structures, reForms and PolIcy Issues 4. New elitism in universal higher education: The building process, policy and the idea of Aalto University........................................... 69 Jussi Kivistö and Jarkko Tirronen 5 Contents 5. In the shifting sands of policy – University academics’ and employees’ views and experiences of Finland’s new higher education policy .......................................................................