St Michael the Archangel Parish Magazine March 2016

50p CONTACT INFORMATION Rector Revd. Charles Roberts The Rectory, Tunbridge Close, , BS40 8SU 01275 332199 [email protected] the rector’s day off is normally wednesday Associate Priests Revd. Sandra Lovern (Thursday-Sunday) - 01275 332657 revd. lovern is the first point of contact for matters relating to dundry Revd. Victor Barley - 01275 331086 Readers Dr Pamela Harman - 01275 332893 Mrs Margaret Masding - 01275 835342 Parish Administrator Pam Foley (Thursday and Friday) - 01275 331061 Churchwardens Jane Lyons - 0117 964 1338 James Le Grys - 0117 964 5730 Magazine Submissions and Advertising [email protected]


Lakeside Group - Village -


Priest: Father Michael Healy - 01275 792627 [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Mark Forge - 01275 472 391 [email protected] SUNDAY MASS 9.00 AM Please look on notice board outside church for other times or any alterations Rector’s Letter My dear friends,

It seems very strange to be writing this letter barely one week in to Lent, when my focus for this edition should be firmly on Easter and the Resurrection! It is inevitable when we have an ‘early’ Easter celebration, but we have much still to cover before we reach the end of March and that great festival. We have the Women’s World Day of Prayer (4th March), Mothering Sunday (6th March), Palm Sunday (20th March), Holy Week and finally Easter Day (27th March). Add to that our weekly Lent discussion groups, and the month looks a busy one.

Easter is of course the pinnacle celebration of the Christian Church. While the ‘world’ takes Christmas as its centre-piece, the Church rightly defends Easter as its highlight – maybe we should encourage Christmas eggs, and Easter presents! At its heart is the word ‘resurrection’, the fact of Jesus’ rising to life after three days from the dead. While this is extraordinary enough, we can lose sight of what it means, because this is not just a ‘one-off’ moment in history, it is an announcement about the future of the world. So what does it mean for you?

Definitions vary, but one caught my eye recently as it described a belief in the “possibility of being raised from the dead”. That’s a bit like saying you believe in the possibility of God. It is certainly a start, but it is well short of the whole truth. Jesus had to be raised from the dead so that his followers understood that God’s plan to save the world was not just a pipedream, but was actually something real and permanent. His rising opened the way for all his followers, those who confess the name of Jesus Christ, to follow suit, to be raised like him. Not perhaps in that initial human form again – that was to help the disciples grasp the concept – but in a new way. The difficulty for the post-modern thinker is how to interpret that so that it makes sense. We don’t know what it will be like – how can we? But that after all is why we talk about ‘faith’. What we do know is that Jesus made promises to his disciples that where he was going to be, they would be with him, and that is a very compelling image. So we celebrate Easter in the knowledge that we have taken the promises of Jesus on board, and that we believe ultimately that “where he is, there we will be also” (Jn 14:3).

It’s not called the Easter Shout for nothing! Christ is Risen – He is Risen indeed! We will be saying (‘shouting!’) that at the end of the month on Easter Day. Let’s do so with real conviction and make sure the promises of Easter are not just a possibility, but a true reality.

Happy Easter – Yours in Christ,

Charles Roberts

Annual Parochial Church Meetings

Make a note of your local APCM and have your say! Sunday 3rd April 12.00noon Thursday 7th April 7.30pm Dundry Thursday 14th April 7.30pm Monday 18th April 7.00pm Sunday 24th April 6.30pm (after Evensong) Monday 25th April 7.30pm Chew Magna

Chew Magna Filling Station

There will be no meeting of the Chew Magna Filling Station in March dueto the date of Easter. We resume as usual on the 28th April for more worship and teaching. Make a note in your diary.

Lent Group Meetings

This year the focus for our meetings will be the Psalms. These ancient writings still speak into contemporary society and its issues today as much as they did in Old Testament times when they were first written. “Why do the wicked prosper? Where is God when we suffer?”

We will be led by John Bell from the Iona Community, the Chaplain to the House of Commons, the Principal of Wesley House, a Bishop and a Friar. This short course is bound to stimulate discussion, so do take advantage of a meeting near you.

Meetings will take place at Chew Magna Rectory (alternating with Sacred Heart) on Tuesday evenings at 7.30pm (for just 90 minutes); at Church Farm, Chew Stoke on the same Tuesday afternoons starting at 2.30pm; and at The Old School House, Norton Malreward on Mondays at 7.30pm. The final sessions will be on Monday 14th and Tuesday 15th March respectively. Choose a time or venue that suits you and join the debate. Letter from Bishop Ruth

Bishop Peter reminded us last month of the hope we have in the God of promises as we look to uncertain futures. We can trust God to remain faithful and immoveable whatever our circumstances. Easter has always been a moveable feast although the Archbishop is now taking soundings from other church leaders to see whether we can ‘fix a date’ for Easter. I wonder how easy that will be!

We are now part way through Lent and the first Sunday of this March is Mothering Sunday which is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent. This was traditionally the day when people would gather to worship, to ‘rejoice’ (‘laetare’), at their ‘mother’ church, a large local church or often the Cathedral. As this practice developed so those in service would have the opportunity for a short holiday, to return to their homes, to their mothers, often bringing small presents or gifts. It was a welcome moment of festivity in the season of abstinence and austerity. A sign of things to come…

However for some of us, Mothering Sunday can be the most painful day of the year as we remember the loss of a loving parent, whether known or not; or the bereavement of never having been able to be a parent oneself; or the death of a child we have loved and longed for. It can mean that some find it too difficult to be in church that week. Perhaps as we approach Good Friday it gives us a small insight of what it might mean to have been Mary watching her Son die on that cross.

So how about a different take on Mothering Sunday this year? We might focus on remembering those who have ‘given birth’ to us by inspiring our faith or where we ourselves have played a part in someone else’s discovery of Jesus as a friend and Saviour. Who might you remember, give thanks for and pray for?

+ Ruth Taunton

Women’s World Day of Prayer

This will take place on Friday 4th March at 11am in Dundry Baptist Chapel followed by refreshments.

The women of Cuba have thoughtfully devised the service this year . All Welcome Tel Jane Lyons 0117 964 1338 for further information.

Backwell Concert

Backwell Ladies Choir will be singing a lighthearted Concert in the Backwell W.I. Hall on Thursday 17th March at 3pm. The proceeds will go towards Dundry Church Roof Repairs. Tickets £5 - includes a light tea.

Tel. Jane Lyons 0117 964 1338 or Jean Pateman 01275 472078 for tickets.

Church update

Great news! The masonry work and all the outside work to the outside of the main roof of the church will be finished early this month. The original rainwater hoppers and decorations have been sent to a foundry in Huddersfield for specialist renovation work. This is slightly more expensive than getting new ones but it was felt that it was worth preserving the original details. However it isn’t cost effective to repair the downpipes so these will be replaced with new.

This month the working group is meeting with Bonnie, our Architect, to discuss the next roofing phase and also the projects we can start in the summer months inside the church without disturbing the bats. Perhaps there are some of you who may be able to assist with these projects but more about that next month.

We need to continue fundraising to pay for the jobs to be done inside the church. Most of the grants we have received simply cover the roofing works. The slate signing last month was very DONATE TO successful, despite the dreadful ST MICHAEL’S weather conditions over that weekend. Thanks very much to all those who supported us. There will be another opportunity to sign a slate for the next Visit roofing phase later in the year.

Our next event is on Saturday 9th stmpccd April when there is a Quiz night at the Carpenter’s Tavern starting at 8pm. The Tower will be open again every or text month from April till September. DUND33 £5 to 70070 That’s all folks, more next month! TWINKLE TOES STAY AND PLAY

Carpenters Tavern, Wells Road, Dundry, , BS41 8NE

Thursdays 9.30am - 11.30am

0 – 1 yrs FREE

1 -2 yrs £2

2 – 4 yrs £2:50

Cost includes toys, crafts, refreshments and snacks for mums and kids

For any queries, please contact Alison - Email: [email protected]

No sessions on Thursday 7 and 14 April 2016. Mark Hamblin and Emma Caton

Emma and I thought we would like to support charities that are close to our hearts.

Dundry Church are working hard to reach their target and be able complete their plans to provide a disabled toilet. Although the church has been fortunate to receive grants, at the time of planning it was not expected to have to replace the timbers in the roof! A big ask!

So on the 4th May Emma and I are going to jump from on high! We are doing a sky dive from Netheravon. We do need your support to give us the courage to jump!

Our other charity is Macmillan Nurses, who we know are there to support those who are sick at a time when love and care is needed for individuals and their families. They are angels.

Please go to Just Giving to support us.

You can also text donations (for St. Michaels Church, Dundry) - MHEC55 (add your donation) to 70070.

Church Fundraising Event

On Saturday 9 April, at The Carpenters Tavern there will be a Quiz Night, starting at 8pm. Teams of 6. Tickets £2.50 each person.

For more details, please contact Tania - [email protected]

Look forward to seeing you all there.

Spring Film Night

The Lady in the Van (12) will be shown on Friday 15 April at Felton Village Hall. The 2015 British comedy drama stars Maggie Smith and Alex Jennings. It tells the story of Mary Shepherd, an elderly woman who lived in a dilapidated van on writer Alan Bennett’s driveway in London for 15 years. Doors will be open from 7pm and the film starts at 7.30pm with a short interval. There will be a licensed bar so no need to bring your own drinks. Tickets will be £3.50 in advance. Please call Judy Kiernan on 01275 472572 to reserve your tickets. Dundry Historians

Dundry Historians meet on the second Tuesday of each month from October – May, in the Dundry Royal British Legion Club at 8pm. The speaker on Tuesday 8 March will be Roger Anderson talking about ‘The Inland waterways of

Visitors are always welcome. £2 per person. For more information please contact Francis Gillett – 0117 964 5590. We look forward to seeing you.

Chew Valley Wildlife Group: Wolves Across Europe

On Thursday 24th March by Richard Brock in Chew Magna Millennium Hall, 7.45pm. Admission £2.50; Season ticket available.

They say “The Wolf has had a bad press ever since the Red Riding Hood story broke.” But, despite their reputation, mostly unfounded, wolves have become surprisingly successful across Europe, even now coming into densely populated human communities such as Holland and Denmark. The French and Norwegians are less accommodating. In his film “Don’t Cry Wolf – You May Be Winning”, see how this clever wild dog is spreading across Europe. Could Scotland be next? (Perhaps not though!)

Richard Brock worked in the BBC Natural History Unit for 35 years producing, among others, the highly successful Life on Earth and Living Planet series. Concerned by the lack of willingness to address the real current state of the environment he left the BBC and started his own independent production company Living Planet Productions.

Dundry Baptist Chapel - Services for March

6th - Joint service at Baptist chapel - 10.30am The following services are at Dundry at 11am 13th - preacher M Higgins 20th - preacher K Speakman 27th - (Easter Day) preacher G Rowles

They that wait upon the Lord shall be renewed in strength News from Chew Valley U3A

Chew Valley U3A meets on the third Monday of the month at Parish Hall. Meetings start at 10.00am with refreshments, notices are given out at 10.30 and the Speaker begins his or her talk at about 10.40am.

At the meeting on 21st March Dr David Llewellyn will give a talk entitled, “Working Together Against Dementia – The Update”. Dr Llewellyn last spoke to us in June 2013. Dr Llewellyn is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Exeter Medical School. His research focuses on the risk factors, overlapping pathologies and functional consequences of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia.

The meeting on 18th April will hear Gina Merrett-Smith speak on the subject, “Charles Worth – An Age of Elegance”.

U3A has a self-help learning principle. Members form interest groups covering as wide a range of topics and activities as they desire; by the members, for the members. There is also a mutual aid principle; no payments are made to members for services rendered, each U3A is self-funded with membership subscriptions and costs kept as low as possible.

The U3A movement is supported by its national organization, the Third Age Trust. For more information visit the national, or local, chewvalleyu3a. websites or phone the Secretary, Christine Evans, on 01934 832841.

Annual Parish Meeting – Monday 25th April 2016

It is time to plan the Annual Parish Meeting and your Parish Council suggests that this year we should focus on traffic problems such as speeding and accident hotspots in various areas of the parish and what measures would be appropriate to address them. Rather than trying to solve these issues individually, we hope to develop a comprehensive traffic plan which can be presented to and discussed with Council.

If you have any comments and/or suggestions about this or other topics for discussion, we would love to hear from you, either beforehand by contacting Judith on [email protected] or 0117 9642804 or by coming to the meeting to discuss your views in person.

Get involved and make a difference to your community! Puzzle Page Dundry WI

‘’I love to go a jumble-ing, At Dundry Village Hall, And when I do, I always find’ The best bargain of all.’’

Jumble sale at the hall on Saturday 5th March at 11am. Donations gratefully received on Friday 4th at 2pm and Saturday 5th at 9am. Hope to see you there.

We started the year on a regal note with a talk by Shaun McCormack telling of his role as a Yeoman of the Queen’s Guard, the duties and traditions attached to it and showing the inform they wore. The nickname ‘beefeaters’ coming from the days when they were paid in beef and beer!

As we head for Easter, our meeting on Wednesday 16th March is not about eggs, rabbits or lambs but footwear as Raynor Williams will be speaking about ‘50 Pairs of Shoes’ and there is a competition for ‘my favourite footwear’. So, if that be flip flops, trainers, sky high heels, that comfy pair of slippers or a just the wellies, bring them along and join us for the evening...

Diary/Dateline Saturday, 5th March . Jumble Sale at 11am in Dundry Village Hall. Wednesday, 16th March. Monthly WI meeting at 7.30pm in Dundry Village Hall. Speaker Raynor Williams on ‘50 Pairs of Shoes’. Competition of ‘my favourite footwear’. Jane Taylor Florist

Flowers for every occasion

23 Highridge Road,

0117 964 7407


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Avon Autogas Ltd.

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Bridgwater Road Service Station, Dundry, Bristol BS41 8JP

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Email: [email protected] Meeting of Dundry Parish Council held on Monday 8th February 2016

Crime Report - PC Faithful had reported that in January there had been one theft from a vehicle and no other crime in the parish. He repeated warnings given at the previous meeting about people looking for scrap metal on building sites and rogue traders visiting residents. There had been some discussion between other Parish Councils about lack of attendance of police at Parish Council meetings with a suggestion that a joint letter of complaint be sent to the chief Constable and the PCC. Councillors felt that since police were now very short-staffed this was no longer a good use of officers’ time. It would still be possible to invite police to attend if there was a specific problem.

Co-option of new councillors - Two possible candidates had come forward with an interest in being co-opted on to the Parish Council. One of these was present at the meeting. He told councillors a little about himself and explained that he had moved to Dundry recently. This meant that he would not in any case be eligible for co-option until his application to the Electoral Register had been approved. He stayed to observe the meeting and it was agreed to discuss his application to DPC at the next meeting.

Report from District Councillor Nick Wilton - Cllr Wilton said that he appreciated that parishes wished to be kept informed of what was happening generally at NSC but that with four parishes in the ward he needed to concentrate on where he could be most effective. He would however, forward the minutes of North Somerset Council meetings to the Clerks for distribution to parish councillors. Cllr Wilton said that he had been in discussion with the Chair of Regil Village Hall Committee over a proposal to remove discretionary relief on business rates for buildings belonging to charities and community organisations. This could cause significant financial difficulties for small organisations such as village halls, small shops etc. and he suggested forming a working group in Ward to establish what the consequences might be. Cllr Laux said he would discuss this with the village hall committee later in the week. Following the serious accident on Broadoak Hill in November Cllr Wilton had been in discussion with NSC over safety measures. Cllrs thought that the problem should be looked at together with the problem of speeding traffic near the Carpenters Tavern. It was already intended to discuss traffic speed in the parish generally at the APM and Cllr Gay volunteered to coordinate councillors’ first thoughts about this in order to put forward a ‘wish list’ for discussion at the APM.

Registration of Playing Field with the Land Registry – The Clerk reported that she had now received information from the Chair of the Village Hall Committee about services from the hall. She had therefore been able to complete the Disclosable Overriding Interests form which was duly signed by Cllr Laux. The Clerk would send this to the solicitor who should now be able to send in the application for First Registration to the Land Registry.

Parish Councils Airport Association – The Clerk had circulated the minutes to councillors, with attachments including the report from the Air Accidents Investigation Branch on the aeroplane which had flown very low over in May 2015. She said that the PCAA was only meeting twice a year at present but continued to monitor the effects of the airport on surrounding parishes.

Forward Activities – Although the group still had funds it was felt that it did not have sufficient volunteers either to continue to promote activities for young people or to manage the administration that would be required to pass this money on to other organisations. With great regret they had decided to return the money to North Somerset Council with a request that it be earmarked for youth activities in an area where there was a greater need.

Annual Parish Meeting – 25th April - It was agreed that one topic to be discussed should be the speed of traffic through various parts of the village (see above) The Clerk would advertise the meeting and ask for suggestions about other subjects which parishioners would like to discuss.

Planning Applications 16/P/0054/F -Rose Croft, Church Road, Dundry, Bristol, BS41 8LH - New front dormer; two new rear dormers – no objection provided the concerns of the neighbours were taken into consideration 16/P/0085/MMA Former Aztec One Service Station, Bridgwater Road, Dundry, BS41 8JW - Minor material amendment to planning permission 15/P/0916/F (erection of 4no. detached dwellings. Creation of a new access driveway) to allow for alterations to floor layouts and window design to house types 1, 2 & 4 – no comment 16/P/0132/F 48 Dundry Lane, Dundry, BS41 8JQ - Erection of a single storey side extension and a two storey rear extension with first floor balcony – no objection 16/P/0260/F Severn View, Downs Road, Dundry, BS41 8LR - Proposed single storey rear extension - no objection

Appeal APP/D0121/C/ 15/3139584 - Downs Farm, Downs Road, Dundry, BS41 8LR – enforcement notice re fence over 1m in height adjacent to a highway. - noted

Litter Bins - Cllr Laux had fitted the litter bins at either end of Crabtree Lane and atthe bus stops opposite the church and on the hairpin bend. There was some discussion about whether a bin in (perhaps by the noticeboard) would be useful. The Clerk would ask whether NSC would provide and empty another bin.

Flooding A38 - Cllr Fiddian reported that he had met an officer from NSC who had come to inspect the drains on the A38 near the end of Dundry Lane. These were on the list for jetting. The ‘waterfall wall’ was still under discussion between NSC and Bristol Water.

East Dundry street sign - Cllr Laux said that he had found all the parts of the East Dundry sign and thought it would be possible to repair it. The Clerk would remove the loose post for safe-keeping.

The next meeting of Dundry Parish Council will be held on Monday 14th March 2016 If parishioners would like something to be included on the agenda please notify a councillor or the Clerk by Monday 7th March. You can also raise matters in the Public Forum but, depending on what they are, full discussion may have to be left to the following meeting. St Michael’s Church Rota

Sidesman Reader 6th March Kathy Woodward Kathy Woodward 20th March Jane Lyons Jane Lyons 27th March Janet Pulman Janet Pulman

If you are unable to do your allocated duty please swap with someone else





COPY DEADLINE The copy deadline for inclusion in the next magazine is the 14th of the month proceeding; articles should go by email to [email protected] nearer the date What’s on in Dundry

Saturday 9 April 7.30pm for start @ 8pm 3 3 rd rd Saturday 12 noon 17 September @

Fri in Jan

Wed in Jan Wed Thursday 14 April @ 7.30pm 14 AprilThursday @ Every Saturday 23 April 8pm @ 2nd Sunday 15 May 15 May Sunday Wednesday 2 – nd

or contact the telephone given number July, Sept DATE Monday Monday

– Tuesday in Tuesday Oct

Nov & 2 Nov & Thursdays 9.30 Thursdays , this calendar will be updated monthly. details More can be found on notice boards M W ondays 7.30 Fridays 5.30 pm @ ednesday @ 7.30 pm @ each month fortnight – nd

Nov & 2 Nov &

Wed in December @ 7.30 pm in @ December Wed

May @ 8pm @ May Evenings –

– –

10.55 nd

11.30 am 9.00pm

Fri 1.00pm in @ Dec

11.55 am

Teams ofTeams £2.506 MAX. per person. All in aid of Dundry Church

Teddy Parachute from the top of Dundry’s Church Tower Dundry Village Hall Annual General Meeting TWINKLE TOES Interested? along on Come The Queen’s 90 The Dancing to the sound of Ponchartrain Visiting Mobile Library

What’s on in Dundry 201 Open to to wants Open everyone try who it out St Giles’ Fair Giles’ St QUIZ NIGHT EVENT th Raffle Raffle Parish Council Meetings BELL RINGING PRACTISE -


Dundry W.I

the the


Dundry RBL DundryCar Park RBL


for children from 0

in public buildings

night and join in the fun!


– , in the Parish Magazine and, also on the website Dundry

4 years

Dundry Village Hall Dundry Village Hall Carpenters Tavern, Carpenters Wells Road, BristolDundry, 8NE BS41 Dundry RBL DundryClub RBL The Carpenters’The Details Dundry Church VENUE Dundry Village Hall Hall Village Dundry Dundry RBL DundryClub RBL Dundry Village Hall Hall Village Dundry Tavern Dundry Village Hall Hall Village Dundry – Upper Grove Farm, Dundry Lane, Dundry

Details Alison Library Enquiry Centre S

t Michael’s Church Tower, Dundry Details Dundry Sports Social & Club

email email

Geoff Baker – –

– Jane

– Details – – Details

– Details Details

Details Details [email protected]

0117 978 1895 / 07516 638362 Details -

ORGANISATION [email protected] 0117 9641338

Dundry Village Hall – Jane 07826 821569 Dundry RBL DundryClub RBL –

– –


Details Francis 0117 9645590 – - Dundry Church Annette 07743 978655 / -


– Annette Dave Dave

Janet 0117 9643498 Judith 0117 9642804 01934 888 855

Ann - 765627 –

01275 472403 – 0

Tracy Tracy Tania 7 -

07743 978655 9 7 9




8 6



For the latest local news, visit or subscribe to a weekly e-mail newsletter at to get it straight to your inbox

The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell

Services for March 2016

6th March 13th March 20th March 27th March PARISH Mothering 5th Sunday of Palm Sunday EASTER DAY Sunday Lent Chew Magna 8.00am Holy 8.00am Holy 8.00am Holy Communion Communion Communion

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 1st Sunday Parish Morning Worship Parish Special Communion Communion

Chew Stoke 10.30am Family Worship 10.30am 10.30am Family Family Service 6.30pm 6.30pm Communion Evensong Evensong

Stanton Drew 8.00am Holy 10.30am Communion 9.15am Morning 10.30am Holy Worship Morning Worship Communion


10.30am 10.30am 9.15am Café Church Parish Holy Communion Communion

Norton Malreward 10.30am 10.30am Morning 10.30am Parish 10.30am Worship Morning Worship Communion Parish Communion

Nempnett Thrubwell 10.30am 9.00am Parish Holy Communion Communion

St Andrew’s, Chew Magna: Holy Communion: First Thursday of the month at 10.00am