St Michael The Archangel Parish Magazine May 2019 CONTACT INFORMATION Rector Revd. Charles Roberts The Rectory, Tunbridge Close, , BS40 8SU 01275 332199 [email protected] the rector’s day off is normally wednesday Associate Priests Revd. Sandra Lovern (Thursday-Sunday) - 01275 332657 revd. lovern is the first point of contact for matters relating to dundry Revd. Sandy Munday - 01275 331060; [email protected] Readers Mrs Margaret Marshall - 01275 835342 Dr Pamela Harman (Reader Emeritus) - 01275 332893 Parish Administrator Alison Hill (Mon, Weds and Fri mornings) - 01275 331061; [email protected] Churchwardens Jane Lyons - 0117 964 1338 Kathy Woodward - 0117 949 3628 Magazine Submissions and Advertising [email protected]


Lakeside Group - Village -


Priest: Father Michael Healy - 01275 792627 [email protected] Deacon: Rev. Mark Forge - 01275 472 391 [email protected] SUNDAY MASS 9.00 AM Please look on notice board outside church for other times or any alterations Rector’s Letter

My dear friends,

After the frenetic activity of April with its celebration of Easter and our annual meetings, the month of May is a much quieter affair altogether (I hope!). That said I’ve been in this post long enough to know better than to tempt fate – as they used to say in South Africa, “Don’t go looking for the sun – it will find you!”, so too I think the same applies to the busy-ness of parish life.

While much of May might be an oasis of calm, we begin and end with important moments in our church life. We start with what is called the “Archdeacon’s Visitation” on the 8th May. It sounds very formal and it is. This is the occasion when our newly elected Church Wardens are called to appear before the Archdeacon to be formally ‘sworn in’ for the new church year. He does this by Deanery and we in Chew Magna Deanery generally combine with Midsomer Norton Deanery for this event. While the legalities of being properly recognised and commissioned is important, this is also an opportunity for the parishes and Deanery to pray for these wonderful people who have offered themselves for a particular ministry in the church. Make no mistake, they carry a large amount of responsibility and need all our support if they are to maintain that function well. I have always been very grateful for the ministry of these people, and I thank them once again for continuing in this role to support the churches and allowing them to operate properly. Not all parishes are so fortunate.

The month comes to a close with a celebration – unusually late because of the date of Easter this year, and that is Ascension Day on the 30th May. This is the point in our Easter story when Jesus leaves the earth where he has lived and worked for over 30 years and returns to his Father in heaven. There are various images of this moment in religious art, usually a pair of pierced feet disappearing into the clouds with the disciples looking upwards, but however it happened, the message is what is important. Here we have the notion of Jesus Christ, above all and over all, as our Lord and King. Why is this important? Because it helps us to keep our focus on this man whose story we have followed from Christmas, and who now reclaims his divinity by returning from whence he came, to heaven. The Ascension is a central pillar of how we understand who Jesus is, the Son of God, and the one to whom we look constantly for our inspiration and help. May the risen and ascended Lord watch over you and protect you today and every day, and may you know his love for you every second!

Yours in Christ,

Charles Roberts

School Events at St Michael’s this Easter

SchoolOn the Events afternoon At Dundry of Friday Church 29 ThisMarch Easter children from OnDundry the afternoon Primary of School Friday 29thwere March invited children to their church fromto make Dundry posies Primary for School the congregation were invited to theiron Mothering church to make posies for the congregation on MotheringSunday. Sunday.

TheThe children children were were treated treated to juice to and juice cakes and as cakes a as a thankthank you you for for their their help help while while the parents the parents and and carers carersenjoyed enjoyed a welcome a welcome cup cup of tea!of tea!

SomeSome of of the the posies posies were were taken taken home home by the by the children childrenand the and others the others were were warmly warmly received received by by everyone everyoneat the Sunday at the Sundayservice. service.

The following Friday the whole school returned to church for their Easter serviceThe following lead Fridayby Angela the w holeFraser. school After returned the to service church foreveryone, their Easter once service again, lead enjoyed by Angela Fraser. After the service everyone, once again, enjoyed refreshments refreshmentswhilst Friends of whilst Dundry Friends School calledof Dundry the winners School of calledtheir annual the winnersEaster of their annual Easterdraw. Every draw. child Every was alsochild treated was alsoto a handtreated knitted to chicka hand containing knitted a chocolatechick containing a chocolateegg compliments egg compliments of the church socialof the group. church social group.

After four four years years of closure of closure it is wonderful it is wonderful to now be to able now to rebe establish able to are close establish a close relationship between between the churchthe church and schooland school and we and look we forward look forward to the next to event.the next event.

Songs of Praise

Our Songs of Praise service will be on Sunday 12 May at 5.30pm. This service will focus on your favourite hymns. Come along and enjoy a good sing along!

Let us know if you have a favourite and we will look to include it in the service. Contact - Jane Lyons 0117 964 1338 or Kathy Woodward 0117 949 3628 Finding the Best in the World

It’s day on Saturday 11 May. It is an opportunity to profile some of the delights of our county and develop relationships across our communities. It is on this day that we remember Alfred (a failed ‘Bake Off’ contestant?) taking on the Vikings from the Somerset marshes and winning, thus spawning a ‘make Somerset great again’ moment.

Now, don’t get me wrong, this isn’t about us in Somerset trying to prove we are better than anyone else. We have seen plenty in recent days which has sought to divide rather than unite us as a country. Rather, this is an opportunity to value the uniqueness of some of our wonderful people, places and possibilities here in Somerset and across the diocese. I do hope you will join in! See www.somersetday. com for more details.

And surely that is what the Church should be about too. Celebrating all that is good, joyful and abundant in us. It reminds me of those words from Philippians 4:8…

‘Whatever is true, whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is pleasing, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence and if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.’

It is so easy to get caught up with negatives, with the glass half empty syndrome, with stuff that brings us down rather than building us up. I wonder if we might make this month one where we encourage ourselves and others to find the best in the world and people around us. Live life in all its fullness! (John 10:10)

Rt Rev Ruth Worsley Bishop of Taunton

Ascension Day

Ascension Day is on the 30 May. There will be “Prayers Up the Tower” at 7.30am at St Andrew’s Chew Magna (come and enjoy the view!), and a service of Holy Communion at Chew Magna at 10.00am.

He who sees a need and waits to be asked for help is as unkind as if he had refused it - Dante

Community Cafe

The Community cafe at the church is going from strength to strength.

Open on the first Saturday of every month from 10.00 to 12.00 our wonderful pairs of volunteers serve hot drinks and their delicious home made cakes. Not forgetting all that washing up! Thanks to them all.

The April cafe saw the largest number of customers so far and local people enjoyed meeting up with friends and family. There were also several visitors to Dundry enjoying the friendly atmosphere.

The Social group also had a stall promoting the sponsoring of lilies to remember a loved one to be displayed in church at Easter.

There were also hand crafted greetings cards on sale kindly donated by Ann Gleave and the regular Book Stall.

Look out for more things for sale at the cafe over the coming months.

If you would like to help out at the cafe in any way please contact Jane (0117 964 1338) or Kathy (0117 949 3628). Volunteer Rota 4 May - Jane Lyons and Kathy Woodward - homemade preserves on sale 1 June - Jane Pellowe and Jo Ball - craft demonstration too! 6 July - Jean Hopkins and Jean Blewit

From June the cafe will open at 10.30 until 12.30. ST MICHAEL THE ARCHANGEL CHURCH, DUNDRY

PEW AUCTION (Sale of surplus church pews)

th Saturday 18 May Dundry Village Hall

Viewing from 6.30pm. Auction 7.30pm Bar open Light refreshments available for small donation

For further details contact:

Annette: [email protected] Jane: 07826 821569

Tower Open Days

This year the tower will be open on the following Sunday afternoons, 2 – 4pm: 5 May, 2 June, 7 July, 4 August and 1 September

Prices - Adults £2; Children (8 –16) £1

Health & Safety Due to the steep narrow access to the Tower, the following points should be observed – • Only children aged between 8 and 16 are allowed up the Tower, and they must be accompanied by a responsible adult; • No children under the age of 8, this also includes babies in slings; • No high heels or flip flops; • No rucksacks, large shoulder or hand bags; • It can be windy and cold at the top so you are advised to wear a jumper/coat; • Only 6 people allowed at the top of the tower at any one time, plus 2 volunteers.

Please respect our Health & Safety Regulations as they are there to protect you.

Don’t forget your binoculars!

It is the duty of nations as well as of men to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon - Abraham Lincoln

The Filling Station An exciting new way to worship

Thursday 23 May 2019 at 7.30pm Speaker: Mark Searle

The Pelly Barn, Chew Magna

The Lakeside Group of Churches Chew Valley Connect – A Great Get Together!

In March Chew Valley Connect sent out an invitation to anyone over 50 – or quite a lot older - who wanted to explore making new connections in the area, and maybe find good new things to do together. The get together was in Redhill village hall in April and we all ate cake and scones and drank tea – and talked! A lot! People swapped contact information and many will meet again before our next get together. Here are some of the things people hope to organise: visits to National Trust properties, open gardens, walks, meeting for tea and a chat, art, craft, lunch, Scrabble… and plenty more.

Chew Valley Connect will be arranging get togethers 4 times a year in different parts of the area – and you don’t actually have to live in the valley to come. You will be welcome wherever you live. People who come to the meetings will meet for shared activities between times –arranging whatever works for them.

We are planning to meet next in July and will give details in June – or you can email us and we’ll tell you as soon as we have a date and place arranged [email protected]

Please get in touch if you want to be kept up to date with plans, and if you have any questions.

Jocelyn Ryder-Smith Ann English

Services for Dundry Baptist Church May 2019

Sunday worship – 11:00am (Communion 2nd Sunday)

Weekday Meetings 1st Thursday 1:00pm ‘Soup & Roll’ 2:00pm ‘Bible Study & Prayer’ 3rd Thursday 2:00pm ‘Bible Study & Prayer’

We look forward to seeing you at any of the above meetings, you will be most welcome!

For more information and details of services etc. Tel: 01275 463353 The Great Dundry Clean Up!

Inspired by the Great British Spring Clean 2019, the Dundry Litter Busters held their inaugural litter picking event on 7 April. A group of 26 volunteers from Dundry and East Dundry armed themselves with Hi-Vis tabards, litter pickers, gloves and black bags and set off on a mission to clean up several roads in and around Dundry. The area covered this time included Dundry Lane, West Dundry Lane, Highridge Road, Hill Road and part of Oxleaze Lane, and in an hour and a half more than 40 bags of litter as well as an array of more unusual objects were collected.

As if to reward their efforts, the sun even came out and everyone enjoyed the opportunity to get some exercise and meet friends while improving the look of the village. The Litter Busters Team thanked everyone who took part, and everyone who regularly picks up litter throughout the year.

All are welcome on future litter picking days, which will be on Sundays 19 May and 23 June. Come and see what treasure awaits you on our roadside verges and hedges! Email [email protected] for details. The Somerset Russets

@ St Andrew's, Chew Stoke

Dance Music The band will recreate the sound of 18th & 19th century village bands, playing dance music from the British Isles & beyond with West Gallery pieces as performed by church bands of the period th Sunday 12 May at 4.00pm

Tea & Cakes available from 3:30pm

Admission Free – there will be a collection in aid of Heads Up , a charity working with local people affected by mental health issues

Dundry WI

OPEN EVENING – Come and join us for a free evening of the WI.

If you wonder what we’re about come and see for yourself.

The meeting on 15 May at 7.30pm in Dundry Village Hall is discussing Resolutions (topical issues of ‘A Decline in Local Bus Services’ and ‘Don’t Fear the Smear’) followed by social time of possibly Craft, Games or a Quiz and a chance to chat with members whilst enjoying yummy refreshments.

Discover more about us and what we have to offer at Local, County and National Level – lots to discover, learn and do.

Come with a member or come and bring a friend...

Chew Valley Local History Society

The Society’s March meeting, attended by over 60 members and guests, saw the launch of “Memories of Life in the Chew Valley”, a 36 page booklet of short stories from members and villagers about incidents in their lives in the Valley over the last half century or so. It is published in memory of Sheila Walker, one of our founder members, who sadly died last year. It is on sale for £1 per copy in Chew Magna Post Office and various other outlets in the Valley. It is a jolly good read!

The Summer Event this year will be on 12 June and will be in the form of DONATE TO a Summer Luncheon at the Bathwick ST MICHAEL’S Boatman Riverside Restaurant in Bath, bringing to an end the celebrations of The Society’s 45th year. There will be a two course lunch and two short talks. Visit All are welcome! For more details and an application form please contact me. The restaurant has good parking stmpccd facilities. Let me know if you need a lift. Please note: Justgiving has closed Russell Peters. Tel: its text giving service and so you can 01275332741/07976266427. no longer donate using this method [email protected] Puzzle Page Roger Bannister and the Four-Minute Mile

The first person to run a mile in under four minutes was Roger Bannister, who did it 65 years ago, on 6 May 1954, at the Iffley Road track in Oxford. His time was 3:59.4 – the announcement drowned out by wild applause from the crowd after announcer Norris McWhirter said the word “three”.

Bannister was born in 1929: his father was a Methodist and his mother a Unitarian Sunday school teacher.

His world record lasted for only a few weeks, but because he was the first to achieve what many had thought impossible, he remains a household name. He himself always believed his successful 40-year career practising medicine – he was a neurologist – was a far greater achievement.

He was knighted in 1975 and was Master of Pembroke College, Oxford, from 1985 to 1993. After his marriage to Swedish artist Moyra Elver Jacobsson in 1955 he became friends with the Rector of All Souls’, Langham Place, the Rev Dr John Stott. He was baptised at All Souls: his sponsors were his two friends who had helped him to the four-minute mile – Chris Chataway and Chris Brasher.

One of his four children is the Rev Charlotte Bannister-Parker, an associate priest in Oxford.

Dundry Village Hall Annual General Meeting

Dundry Village Hall 7.45pm Thursday May 9th 2019


1) Treasurer’s Report 2) Chairman’s Report 3) Election of Officers 4) Public Forum

All Welcome Dundry Parish Council Meeting - Monday 8 April

Matters that Councillors discussed included:

- The 2 road traffic incidents that happened on the A38 on Friday 29/03/19. NSC will be informed and also there should be a request from DPC to NSC requesting a review of the speed limit on the A38 between the SBL road and Barrow Gurney lights, as it is only going to get worst at holiday time and during the summer with the increased Airport traffic.

- There are elections in May, the clerk outlined & shared information about the nomination process. As there had been 4 nominations for Dundry parish, and there are 10 vacancies for election, the incoming parish council can co-opt councillors, & should before 24 June at which point NSC may appoint cllrs to vacancies. It was agreed that the opportunities for co-option should be advertised & be included on the agenda for the 13 May meeting.

- It was agreed that the Annual Parish Meeting should take place on Friday 10 May. Clerk to advertise. It was agreed that speakers to be invited should include PCSO Mike Jordan re: turning circle, Judith Hoskin & Jane Pellow re: Dundry litter pickers & the new NS councillor.

- The clerk introduced a new presentation document for monthly & annual account reporting. There were a number of suggestions re: presentation, in particular there should be a line identifying income. Monthly report will be available at http://

- With regard to the playing field & sports pavilion The Clerk reported that there had only been limited response to the request for lease/licence quotes from solicitors, including one for £2,500 - £2,750 + VAT & disbursements, which was felt by councillors to be too high. The clerk will continue to circulate the request for quotes. Chew Valley FC have asked to construct some fencing & protection for their gang mowers. Councillors were unsure why the container is not being used, clerk to request more information.

- There has been a planning application from Downs Farm. There had been an email from a local resident expressing concerns about the increase in size of the building, the consequential increase in size of the overall business & the ability of Dundry village to cope with increased traffic. Councillors noted the comments, the clerk will clarify if these points have been made separately to NS. But Councillors were unclear about a number of elements of the application, & also needed to clarify a number of factual anomalies so they were able to comment fully by the end of the month.

For the full minutes see

The next meeting of Dundry Parish Council will be on Monday 13 May 2019

If you would like something to be included on the agenda, please notify a councillor or the Clerk by Friday 6 May. You can also raise matters in the Public Forum but, depending on what they are, full discussion may have to be left to the following meeting.

Chew Valley U3A

Chew Valley U3A will hold their Annual General Meeting at Ubley Village Hall on Monday 20 May at 10.30 am so please come and join us for light refreshments at 10.00 am prior to the commencement of the meeting. As we do not meet in the summer months the next meeting following the AGM will be on 19 August 2019.


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More details can be found on notice boards, in the Parish Magazine and also on the Dundry website, or contact the number given

Abbreviations - DVH – Dundry Village Hall, Crabtree Lane, BS41 8LP DRBL – Dundry Royal British Legion Club, Dundry Lane, BS41 8JE St M. – St Michaels Church, Church Road, BS41 8LH


Mondays 7.30 – 9.00pm BELL RINGING St Michael’s Church Tower – PRACTICE BS41 8LH Jane - 07826821569

Fridays @ 5.30 pm CHOIR PRACTICE St Michael’s Church – BS41 8LH Jane Lyons – 0117 9641338


2nd Monday each month – 7.30pm Parish Council Meetings - DVH – Parish Clerk - Robin - 01761 432224

1st Wednesday each month Tea/Coffee & Cake Morning - DRBL – 10.30 -12noon 0117 9781895

3rd Wednesday in Jan – Nov and Dundry WI – DVH - Ann 01275 472403 2nd Wednesday in Dec @ 7.30pm

Last Wednesday of each month @ Quiz Night – The Carpenter’s Tavern – 7.30pm 0117 9646423

3rd Friday in Jan – July, Sept – Nov, none in August, and Lunch Club – DVH – Janet - 0117 9643498 2nd Friday in Dec @ 1pm

1st Saturday of each month Dundry’s Community Café held in church 10am – 12 noon

COPY DEADLINE The copy deadline for inclusion in the next magazine is the 14th of the month preceding; articles should go by email to [email protected] St Michael’s Church Rota

Sidesperson Reader Cleaning Flowers 5 May Caroline Hiscox Jane Lyons Ann Gleave Janet Pulman

12 May Jane Lyons

19 May Ann Gleave Janet Pulman Alison Hill & Caroline Hiscox Betty Hale


BS41 8LN


Mobile No: Becca 07702 307694

Email: [email protected] from 9am – 7pm for more information

The Lakeside Group Ministry Chew Magna, with Dundry, Norton Malreward and Stanton Drew and Chew Stoke with Nempnett Thrubwell

Services for May 2019

5th May 12th May 19th May 26th May 3rd Sunday of 4th Sunday of 5th Sunday of 6th Sunday of Easter Easter Easter Easter 8.00am Holy 8.00am Holy Communion Communion Chew Magna cr cr

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 10.30am 1st Sunday Parish Morning Parish Special Communion Worship Communion + Baptism cr Laity sl cr

10.30am 5.30pm 10.30am 11.00am Dundry Café Church Songs of Parish Morning sl Praise Communion Worship Laity sm (Ang/Bapt) at Baptist Chapel

6.30pm 10.30am 6.30pm 10.30am Evensong Church Evensong Family Chew Stoke ft Anniversary sm Communion Service sm At the Methodist Chapel

10.30am 6.30pm Nempnett Parish Evensong Thrubwell Communion mm sl

10.30am 10.30am 10.30am Norton Worship Parish Morning Malreward Together Communion Worship Laity cr mm

10.30am 8.00am 10.30am Stanton Drew Parish Holy Morning Communion Communion Worship sm cr ft

Key: cr Rector: Revd C Roberts, sl: Revd S Lovern, sm: Revd S Munday, , mm: Mrs M Marshall, ft: Mr F Tucker