DlllliCTORY.J SOl\IERSETSHIRE. DUNSTER. 209 lffere are quarries of freestone of a very durable character. • same time on sundays. The nearest money order & tele- .John Colthurst esq. of Chew Court, Chew Magna, is lord of graph office is at Chew Magna. l'ostal orders are issued, -the manor. The principal landowners are William Adlam but not paid .esq. n.L., J.P., li'.S.A. of Chew Magna, and the Bristol WALL LETTER Dox, East Dundry, cleared at. 4 p.m.; & Cllarity trustees. The soil is loamy; the subsoil is of oolite West Dundry, at 4.30 p.m formation. The chief crops are wheat, barley and roots, INSURANCE AGENTS :- .and there is much pasture land. The area is 2,799 acres; County Fire, S. l3linman Tateable value, £6,3o6; the population in J88I was s6s. Imperial Fire, J. a Shorland, The Grove Parish Clerk, William Payton. · National School (mixed & infants), built in 1857, for 108 PosT OFFICE.-James Barnes, sub-postmaster, Letters children; average attendance, 66; Robert Moon, master; from Bristol arrive at 7·45 a. m. ; dispatched at 4·45 p.m. ; Mrs. Mary Moon, mistress >Gillett Rev. John William B.A. [vicar], Gallop George, farmer Marshall George, beer retailer Vicarage Gallop William, farmer, Upton farm Marshall Geo. sen. farmr.Littleton farm Lndlow Edmund, Highridge house Gillett Alfred, farmer, Keedwell's farm Marshall Henry, farmer Shorland James Hellier, The Grove Golding John, Carpenters' Arms P.H Marshall John, farmer,Barrow common Griffin Benjamin, farmer & landowner, Marshall William, farmer, Littleton COMMERCIAL. East Dundry Pearce William, Dundry inn Ball Stephen, hay dealer Griffin Edwin, farmer, Littleton Pow William Ja.mes, Winford Arms l'.H Baston Charles (Mrs.), farmer Griffin William, farmer & landowner j Pugh Waiter, butcher Battenbury John Edward, baker Hale Henry, blacksmith Read Charles, wheelwright Jninman Samuel, assistant overseer Hard wick William,farmer,East Dundry Rich George, dairyman Brock John, farmer, East Dundry · Harrison Joseph, fannAr, Hillside farm Sweet Wm.
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