APRIL 1997 the AMERICAN P Hysicalnews SOCIETY VOLUME 6, NO 4 Societies Call for 7% Funding Increase in Joint Statement on Scientific Research
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A P S N E W S APSAPRIL 1997 THE AMERICAN P HYSICALNews SOCIETY VOLUME 6, NO 4 Societies Call for 7% Funding increase in Joint Statement on Scientific Research he APS along with 22 other organizations Scientific Societies that Tspanning the scientific and engineering community [see side bar] issued a Joint Statement on Scientific Research calling Endorsed Statement* for an increase in federal research budgets. At a press American Association of Physicists in Medicine conference held at the National Press Building in Washington, American Astronomical Society D.C. in March, APS President D. Allan Bromley joined with American Chemical Society other scientific society presidents in calling on Congress and American Geological Institute the Clinton Administration “to renew the nation’s historical American Geophysical Union commitment to scientific research and education.” Bromley and American Chemical Society President, Paul Anderson American Institute of Biological Sciences amplified the rationale in a nation-wide 15 minute C-Span American Institute of Physics interview. It is unusual for such a large number of scientific American Institute of Professional Geologists organizations, representing a cross section of scientific and American Mathematical Society engineering disciplines and about 1.5 million members, to APS President, D. Allan Bromley addressing press corps. The American Physical Society agree to a united position on funding. The text of the Joint American Society of Engineering Education Statement on Scientific Research follows: We strongly believe that for our nation to meet the chal- Association for Women in Mathematics “As the federal government develops its spending plans lenges of the next century, agencies charged with carrying Association for Women in Science for Fiscal Year 1998, we call upon the President and Mem- out scientific research and education require increases in Astronomical Society of the Pacific bers of Congress to renew the nation’s historical commitment their respective research budgets of 7 percent for Fiscal Year Council on Undergraduate Research to scientific research and education by providing the requi- 1998. These agencies include, among others, the NSF, NIH, Engineering Deans Council site funding for the federal agencies charged with these DOE, DOD, and NASA. The increases we call for strike a Federation of Materials Societies responsibilities. Our call is based upon two fundamental balance between the current fiscal pressures and the need Geological Society of America principles that are well accepted by policy makers in both to invest in activities that enable long-term economic growth The Institute of Electrical and Electronics political parties. and productivity. Such increases would only partially re- Engineers, Inc. store the inflationary losses that most of these agencies • The federal investment in scientific research is vital to four Materials Research Society suffered during the last few years. national goals: our economic competitiveness, our medical Mathematical Association of America Prudent planning argues for strengthening the respec- health, our national security and our quality of life. Optical Society of America tive activities of major research agencies, as already Society for Industrial & Applied Mathematics • Scientific disciplines are interdependent; therefore, a com- recognized in pending legislation. To constrain still further prehensive approach to science funding provides the federal spending on their scientific programs would jeopar- *by the Presidents (or the equivalent officer) greatest opportunity for reaching these goals. dize the future well-being of our nation.” Physical Review A Goes Online APS Helps Organize Networking Workshop in Ghana hysical Review A, the APS research • versatile search interface including P journal for all areas of atomic, fielded and Boolean search and ad- long with several other the President of the Society of African molecular, and optical physics and vanced search A international societies and organi- Physicists and Mathematicians (SAPAM), related fundamental concepts, is the • flexibility in sorting search results zations, the APS contributed to the Francis Allotey; the Chair of the GNC, latest addition to the rapidly growing list by relevancy ranking, chronologi- organization of a three-week advanced Christine Kisiedu and Irving Lerch for of APS research journals available on the cal order, or journal title networking workshop at the University the American Physical Society; and by World Wide Web. As an introductory offer, Physical of Accra, Legon, Ghana, beginning Janu- phone, representatives of the United Physical Review A online offers the Review A online will be available free ary 31. The course began with a UNIX Nations Development Program’s Sustain- following features, among others: of charge to all APS members until May workshop and was followed by two able Development Networking Program • easy and logically designed navi- 1, 1997, and to all APS members who weeks of intensive training to orient (UNDP’s SDNP). The participants agreed gation pathways have a fiscal year 1997 subscription to node managers and programming staff to collaborate on an advanced network- • access to each journal issue before Physical Review A until July 1, 1997. with respect to server set-up, router pro- ing workshop for Ghana to take place the print version becomes available To access Physical Review A online, go gramming, note management and in either late 1996 or early 1997. • browsable and searchable tables of to http://ojps.aip.org/prao/ and type network maintenance. Other students re- According to Irving Lerch, APS di- contents for current and previous “apspra” for username and “welcome” ceived user training and orientation on rector of international scientific affairs, issues for password. the Internet and World Wide Web. Ap- the APS and SAPAM agreed to collabo- • advance listing of accepted papers As part of our continuing efforts to proximately 40 students are being trained rate on the effort and SAPAM scheduled for upcoming issues provide our members with high-qual- in this first course. The Ghanaian Na- subsequently signed a reciprocal soci- • a PDF file of the full article, en- ity service and products, we need to tional Committee (GNC) will organize ety membership agreement with APS. abling users to print articles with hear from you, so please do not hesi- additional courses at the conclusion of UNDP’s SDNP agreed to provide the same look and feel as the print tate to drop us a note at the current program. The bulk of the stu- $50,000 for equipment and interna- version of the journal [email protected]. dents are recruited from the three main tional instructor support for the training (continued on page 5) universities in Ghana: the University of course. UNESCO provided the GNC Accra at Legon, the University of Cape with support for planning and devel- Coast and the Technical University in opment and ITU provided support for IN THIS ISSUE Kumasi. Not quite two years ago, the literature and student subsistence. UNESCO Informatics Program proposed Lerch recruited the chief instructor for Societies Call for 7% Funding increase in Joint Statement on a telecommunications initiative in Ghana the program, Brian Candler (UK) who Scientific Research ................................................................................. 1 and asked the Ghanaian government to had served as chief instructor in St. Pe- Physical Review A Goes Online ..................................................................... 1 organize a GNC to plan a development tersburg and had been a senior instructor APS Helps Organize Networking Workshop in Ghana ................................... 1 program and to prepare proposals for for the Internet Society’s annual devel- Physicists to be Honored at 1997 Spring Meeting .......................................... 2 funding. On May 28-29, 1996, a plan- oping country training program. Other Lopez Heads APS Efforts in Science Education Reform ............................... 3 ning workshop was held in Paris to instructors came from the university and IN BRIEF ........................................................................................................ 3 develop an advanced networking work- private sector in Ghana and other parts Opinion ........................................................................................................... 4 shop similar to ones held in Kiev in of Africa. Considerable technical support Nominations for 1998 APS Prizes and Awards............................................... 7 September 1995 and St. Petersburg in is being provided by the Ghanaian The Back Page ............................................................................................... 8 October 1996. Internet Service Provider, Network Com- APS Meeting News ................................................................................. Insert Attending the workshop in Paris were puter Systems, run by Nii Quaynor who representatives of UNESCO; the Interna- developed Ghana’s point-of-presence on tional Telecommunications Union (ITU); the Internet. APS News April 1997 Physicists to be Honored at 1997 Spring Meeting Thirteen APS prizes and awards will be pre- the first full reconstruction of a B meson at a issues involving the interface between physics intended to honor a physicist who has exhib- sented during a special ceremonial session at hadron collider and development of creative and society. ited extraordinary