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Natalia Rybczynski, Alex Tirabasso, Paul Bloskie, Robin Cuthbertson, and Casey Holliday


Here we describe a 3-D animated model of the craniodental system of a hadro- saur, developed for testing hypotheses of feeding kinematics. The model was created from scanned cranial elements of an (CMN 2289). Movements within the model were created in animation software using inverse kine- matics and a wiring system composed of cranial elements. The model was used to reproduce the pleurokinetic hypothesis of hadrosaur chewing. The pleurokinetic hypothesis, formally developed in the 1980s, proposed that hadrosaurs employed transverse chewing movements via . Specifically during the powerstroke the maxillae were abducted. This is the first model to allow investigation into secondary intracranial movements that must have occurred in order for the to accommodate the primary, pleurokinetic movements. This study found secondary movements to be extensive among the joints of the palate and face. Further refinement and development of the model, including the integration of soft-tissue structures, will allow for a more in-depth examination of the pleurokinetic hypothesis and comparison with alternative feeding hypotheses.

Natalia Rybczynski. Research Services (Palaeobiology), Canadian Museum of Nature, PO Box 3443 STN “D” Ottawa, ON, K1P 6P4, [email protected]. Alex Tirabasso. Information Management and Technology Services, Canadian Museum of Nature, PO Box 3443 STN “D” Ottawa, ON, K1P 6P4, Canada [email protected] Paul Bloskie. Arius3D, Canadian Museum of Nature, PO Box 3443 STN “D” Ottawa, ON, K1P 6P4, Canada [email protected] Robin Cuthbertson. Dept. of Biological Sciences/Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Calgary, 3330 Hospital Dr. NW, Calgary, , Canada, T2N 4N1, Canada [email protected] Casey Holliday. Dept. Anatomy & , Joan C. Edwards School of Medicine, 1542 Spring Valley Dr., Marshall University, Huntington, West Virginia 25704-9398, USA [email protected]

KEYWORDS: Animation, chewing, , feeding, Inverse Kinematics, pleurokinesis wiring system

PE Article Number: 11.2.9A Copyright: Society of Vertebrate Paleontology July 2008 Submission: 24 September 2007. Acceptance: 4 February 2008

Rybczynski, Natalia, Tirabasso, Alex, Bloskie, Paul, Cuthbertson, Robin, and Holliday, Casey. 2008.A Three-Dimensional Animation Model of Edmontosaurus (Hadrosauridae) for Testing Chewing Hypotheses. Palaeontologia Electronica Vol. 11, Issue 2; 9A:14p; http://palaeo-electronica.org/2008_2/132/index.html RYBCZYNSKI ET AL: Edmontosaurus MASTICATION

INTRODUCTION rosaur feeding apparatus (Ostrom 1961; Heaton 1972; Norman 1984; Weishampel 1984) elucidat- Reconstructing feeding behavior in extinct ing the mechanisms of cranial kinesis has been dif- is fundamental to gaining insight into their ficult in part because of conflicting interpretations of ecology and . Previous investigations into the soft tissues (Ostrom 1961; Weishampel 1984), dinosaur feeding have utilized multiple approaches but also because of the complex geometry associ- including, soft-tissue reconstruction (Ostrom 1961; ated with the proposed cranial kinesis. This study Haas 1963; Galton 1984; Norman 1984; Molnar is the first to investigate hadrosaur feeding by com- 1991) and study of toothwear patterns (e.g., Nor- bining three-dimensionally scanned, cranial ele- man and Weishampel 1985; Weishampel and Nor- ments with animation techniques. The advantage man 1989; Fiorillo 1998; Barrett 2000). of this 3-D animation approach is that it allows us Additionally, consideration of joint surfaces have to take into account the geometry of each cranial served to help reconstruct kinematics of the feed- element and investigate how the architecture of the ing system, and more recently finite-element mod- skull and shapes of the intracranial joints con- eling has been used to investigate how the head strains feeding movements. skeleton may resist strains associated with feeding (e.g., Ostrom 1964; Weishampel 1984; Upchurch Pleurokinesis and the evolution of the and Barrett 2000; Rayfield et al. 2001; Rayfield hadrosaur feeding apparatus 2004; Therrien et al. 2006). A major challenge in One of the most specialized components of reconstructing dinosaurian feeding behavior the hadrosaur (cranial) feeding apparatus is the relates to our incomplete understanding of soft tis- dental system. Primitively, the ornithopod dentition sues (e.g., musculature, ligaments) (Witmer 1995). comprised separated, cusped teeth; however in the Even if the gross morphology of the soft tissues is evolution of the lineage the teeth within the properly reconstructed, it is still difficult to infer how rows became progressively more tightly packed the soft tissues would have interacted with the together. In the most highly derived ornithopods head skeleton to produce feeding movements (e.g., hadrosaurs) the teeth are interlocking and (Lauder 1995). The challenge appears most acute each tooth row forms a single occlusal surface. for lineages where the head skeleton is highly The resulting toothrow is referred to as a “dental derived, as seen in hadrosaur . Nonethe- battery.” The occlusal surfaces of the dental batter- less, the architecture of the head skeleton does ies tend be heavily worn, suggesting that the ani- offer numerous data that can be used to identify mals employed a high degree of oral processing. constraints in mobility, an important first step in any Moreover, tooth wear evidence indicates that the kinematic reconstruction. powerstroke phase of the chewing cycle, when the Within Dinosauria, feeding behavior of hadro- upper and lower teeth are mechanically processing saurs has garnered particular attention. Hadro- , involved a large transverse component saurs (, , Hadrosauridae) (Weishampel 1984). In early ornithopods, the are a globally successful group of large-bodied, transverse powerstroke was probably achieved by Late (Ostrom 1961; Nor- rotating the about their long axis, so that man and Weishampel 1985). A possible key to the dentaries pivoted against the predentary their success is a specialized feeding system that (Weishampel 1984; Crompton and Attridge 1986). includes a transverse chewing stroke (Norman and In contrast, more derived ornithopods (i.e., Iguan- Weishampel 1985). Transverse chewing in combi- odontia) were hypothesized to have abandoned nation with other specializations such as a robust mandibular rotation in favor of maxillary rotation occluding dentition, may have allowed hadrosaurs (Weishampel 1984; Norman and Weishampel to process tough more effectively than their 1985; You et al. 2003). Maxillary rotation would less specialized herbivorous counterparts. Among have occurred about the pleurokinetic hinge, which tetrapods, transverse chewing appears to have is a complex set of articulations formed between arisen within only two lineages: (Weijs multiple sets of elements. In hadrosaurids the pleu- 1994) and hadrosaurs. In mammals, transverse rokinetic hinge is formed along the maxilla-premax- chewing is achieved through mandibular move- illa, lacrimal-jugal, postorbital-jugal, and ments, whereas in hadrosaurs it has been hypoth- quadrate-squamosal contacts (Weishampel 1984) esized to involve a unique, complicated set of (Figures 1, 2). intracranial movements (i.e., pleurokinesis) The pleurokinetic hypothesis of iguanodontid (Weishampel 1984; Norman and Weishampel chewing assumes bilateral (i.e., isog- 1985). Despite many previous studies into the had-


nathy) and a unique system of mobile intracranial joints (Norman and Weishampel 1985). To investi- gate how this complex system may have func- tioned during chewing Weishampel (1984) used an “Integrated Mechanisms Program.” This computer program allowed him to model the skull as a rigid- linked, closed-loop system with multiple degrees of freedom. Using an iterative approach, he resolved how a bilaterally occluding dentition, coupled with a pleurokinetic hinge system could produce a trans- verse powerstroke. The model captures the pri- mary movements of the feeding mechanism. The movements involved in the powerstroke are: (1) mandibular adduction (2) abduction of the maxillae, and (3) abduction and retraction of the quadrates (Figure 3). Note that although abduction of the maxillae, and abduction and retraction of the quad- rates are referred to as primary movements, they arise as a consequence of mandibular adduction, due to the geometry of the cranial linkage system. Though sophisticated for its time, the original computer model could not easily account for the 3- D morphology of the joint surfaces (Figure 3) and so did not allow researchers to investigate second- ary movements. Secondary movements are intrac- ranial movements that occur beyond the pleurokinetic hinge (see above). They can also be thought of as movements that would be necessary in order for the primary movements (e.g., maxillary abduction) to occur. Regions of potential second- ary movement include the pterygoid-palatine, pterygoid-ectopterygoid-maxilla, pterygoid-quad- rate, pterygoid-basisphenoid, and jugal-quadrato- jugal contacts (see Weishampel 1984). Secondary movements are important as they may represent additional constraints within the linkage system. Additionally, some of the elements involved in the secondary movements (e.g., pterygoid) would have served as muscle attachment sites (e.g., M. protractor pterygoideus, M. pterygoideus dorsalis), and so are implicated in aspects of the feeding mechanism associated with force production. This study represents the first step toward Figure 1. Edmontosaurus cranial anatomy. 1, Left, lat- developing a new animation model that will be eral view; 2, Left, lateral view with quadratojugal and used to investigate and test chewing hypotheses in jugal removed from relevant skeletal elements; 3, Edmontosaurus. Here we describe how the anima- Medial view of left half of skull with relevant skeletal ele- ments labeled; 4, Caudal view of skull with relevant tion model was created from scanned ele- skeletal elements. Abbreviations: bj, basal joint; bpt, ments recovered from a single individual, and then basipterygoid process; cp, coronoid process; dn, den- mobilized using inverse kinematics and a wiring tary; ect, ectopterygoid; fr, frontal; jj, joint; ju, jugal; system. We finish with a discussion of the prelimi- la, lacrimal; mx, maxilla; na, nasal; oj, otic joint; pal, nary results and an outline of future directions. palatine; po, postorbital; prdn, predentary; prmx, pre- Notably, an additional objective of this study was to maxilla; prp, preotic pendant; pt, pterygoid; pt, ptery- produce an animation, which could illustrate the goid; qj, quadratojugal; qu, quadrate; sa, surangular; pleurokinetic hypothesis of hadrosaur chewing for sp, splenial; sq, squamosal.


Figure 2. Location of the pleurokinetic hinge in Edmontosaurus.

museum visitors. The model described herein is currently on exhibit at the Canadian Museum of Nature, Talisman Fossil Gallery in Ottawa.

METHODS Edmontosaurus material The cranial material used for scanning is from Canadian Museum of Nature (CMN) specimen number 2289, a paratype of Edmontosaurus rega- lis. The specimen was recovered by C.H. Stern- berg in 1916 from the Edmonton Formation along the Red Deer River, “seven miles west and north of Figure 3. Animation showing pleurokinetic hypothesis, Morrin” (Lambe 1920, p. 2). The head skeleton is illustrated using casuarius (CMN 8676). mostly complete and exceptionally well-preserved. Animation is based on Weishampel (1984, figure 20). A The skull is relatively undistorted and is only miss- limitation of this model is that it allows for investigation ing the predentary and premaxillae. The suspenso- of the primary movements only (see text). Reproduced rium (e.g., quadrates, palatal elements) were found with permission of the Canadian Museum of Nature, disarticulated from the braincase. For this study, Ottawa, Canada. the braincase and available left-side elements were selected for scanning. The left-side elements of an object using one focused laser beam com- were favored because they were more complete prising three wavelengths (red, green, and blue), than those of the right side. and recording the reflected light using a charge couple device. Each point on the object is Arius 3-D laser scanner described by six numeric values; three positional The elements were scanned using an Arius 3- values X, Y, and Z, and three surface color values D laser scanner. The laser system characterizes R, G, and B. The X coordinate of each point on the each scanned point from the surfaces of the object object is calculated from an accurate measurement according to its color and location in three-dimen- of the position of the scanning mirror in the cam- sional space. It does this by scanning the surface era. The Y coordinate is calculated from an accu- rate measurement of the camera motion system.


sequential overlapping scans until the entire sur- face was covered. The scanning resolution for each component ranged from 300 µm to 600 µm, depending on the size of the component being scanned. Larger components such as the brain- case were scanned at 600 µm. The dentary was scanned at 400 µm (see Figure 4), whereas smaller elements, such as the palatine, were scanned at 300 µm. Theer’s effective scanning area (i.e., field of view) is approximately 60 mm wide. Consequently larger objects require multiple scans (see Figure 5). An interactive 3-D model is available at: http://www.arius3d.com/Edmontosau- rus/. Each scan was processed using Pointstream Figure 4. The Arius 3D laser scanner scanning dentary of Edmontosaurus, CMN 2289. 3DImageSuite (2007) to create a point-cloud form. Overlapping scans of the object were aligned in Pointstream. This process requires manually pick- The Z coordinate is calculated through laser trian- ing three to five points that are common between gulation within the camera. At the same time color two scans. The alignment algorithm then uses information at each point is gathered by measuring these points to search for geometric commonality the intensity of the reflected laser beams. Color between scans and then shifts the selected scans intensity measurements are accurate, being com- into an aligned position. pletely independent of ambient light. The total light Once the complete point-cloud model was exposure is about 3.5 milliwatts, roughly equivalent created, it was converted into a triangulated poly- to shining a flashlight on the object. The laser light mesh comprising thousands of individual faces moves continuously at about 300 mm/sec across using surfacing software (Paraform v3.1, 2001). the surface of the object therefore the dosage of Compared to the number of points in the original light on the specimen’s surface is extremely small. point-cloud, the number of triangles in the original For each scan, the laser beam passes over converted polymesh is roughly double. For exam- the surface, one scan line at a time. The laser ple the dentary (scanned at 400µm resolution) con- scans at a resolution as fine as 100 microns, tained 2.2 million points and when converted to recording 3-D shape and color simultaneously with polymesh it yielded 4.4 million triangles. Models high-resolution and perfect registration. In this with such heavy computations require too much study, each cranial component was scanned with processing power and memory to be practically

Figure 5. Random color display illustrating many scans aligned in Pointstream to make 3-D model. The dentary data includes a total of 1,246,121 xyzrgb points.

5 RYBCZYNSKI ET AL: Edmontosaurus MASTICATION used in animation software. Therefore the face the dentaries is reasonable. Future studies will count in the polymesh models for all the scanned examine the morphology of the predentary region elements was reduced. For example the braincase in hadrosaurs in more detail in order to better con- was scanned at 500µm and yielded 1.1 million strain the positioning of the dentaries. points and 2.2 million polymesh triangles that were The predentary, premaxilla, and quadratojugal then reduced to 100,000 triangles. The resulting processes of the jugal were missing and were element was much lighter to work with but still reconstructed either with computer modelling, or by maintained its geometry. Other elements that were scanning and modifying other specimens (Figures reduced substantially include the splenial, nasal, 6, 7). These reconstructions were for aesthetic pur- ecopterygoid, and palatine. Elements, or parts of poses only. Importantly, these reconstructions do elements, whose surfaces could be involved with not influence the functioning of the model. The pre- cranial kinesis (e.g., upper and lower toothrows, dentary model was created from a scan of an iso- pterygoid, jugal, quadratojugal) were not reduced lated CMN uncatalogued specimen that was as much. For example, in its reduced state, the modified to fit the dentaries of the model. The pre- maxillary tooth row comprised 100,000 polymesh maxilla was reconstructed in two parts. The ante- triangles. rior part was reconstructed based on a partial left premaxilla from the subadult specimen of Edmon- 3-D animation tosaurus annectens, BHI-6217. The posterior part Assembling the model. The reduced-size of the premaxilla was reconstructed using 3-D polymesh skull-components were imported into the surfacing tools in 3ds Max with reference to other animation software 3-D Studio Max v. 8 (3ds Max; Edmontosaurus (e.g., specimen, CMN 2288). Autodesk 2006) as object files and digitally assem- Despite the missing premaxilla, the maxilla could bled to form the skull. Right-side elements that still be correctly positioned within the skull by con- were not scanned (see above) were constructed in sidering its articulation with other elements (e.g., the animation software by creating a mirrored jugal). Also, although the back of the jugal is par- clone of the left-side elements. Most of the CMN tially missing, part of its articulating surface for the 2289 skull components were fit together with little quadratojugal is preserved, so the positional rela- difficulty. One exception was the pterygoid, which tionship between the quadratojugal and jugal is initially did not fit well lengthwise within the skull. well understood. Given that the pterygoid is a very thin element, it Animation methods. The polymesh maxilla, man- was likely deformed post-mortem. For this model, dible, and quadrate were attached to a 3-D frame- the pterygoid was fit to the skull by slightly shorten- work. In animation terminology this framework is ing the quadrate ramus of the pterygoid. For future referred to as a “rig.” Figure 8 shows a rig for the versions of the model the question of how best to Corythosaurus and Edmontosaurus models. The correct for deformation of the pterygoid will be Corythosaurus rig is derived from the model out- explored more fully. There is also evidence of lined in Weishampel (1984). The Edmontosaurus some deformation within the braincase. Examina- rig differs from the Corythosaurus rig in proportions tion of the braincase in anterior view (e.g., see of the elements, therefore the location of the articu- Lambe 1920, figure 7) shows the bottom of the lations also differ. Both rigs include six enclosed braincase is sheared slightly to the right. For this shapes (i.e., “” in animation terminology), study the basipterygoid processes were shifted representing the paired mandibles, quadrates, and slightly back toward the left so that they were more maxillae. Both rigs include a joint located at the symmetrical. mandibular symphysis, as well as at the - Also uncertain in the model is the mediolateral quadrate, and the cranium-quadrate joints. In the position of the lower tooth rows relative to the rig the joints are represented by circles. There is uppers. For the current model the dentaries were also a hinge-line along the dorsal margin of the positioned by aligning the upper and lower tooth maxilla, which represents the maxillary portion of rows so that the Edmontosaurus model is isogna- the pleurokinetic hinge. thous, as per the assumptions of the original pleu- rokinetic-hinge hypothesis (see above). The Inverse kinematics. This is a tool often used in resulting configuration shows a small space animation to recreate accurate limb movements. It between the anterior tips of the dentaries. Unfortu- is a method of determining how the linked ele- nately, with the CMN 2289 predentary missing, it is ments of a system must move in order to produce a difficult to ascertain whether this configuration of desired outcome movement. It is based on a bot- tom-up hierarchal approach where the child ele-


Figure 6. Lateral view of model showing premaxilla and predentary reconstruction. Pink regions indicate reconstruc- tion using 3-D surfacing tools in 3dstudio max v. 8. Green portions are scanning from actual elements. Note that pre- dentary scanning was deformed to fit model. Reconstructions are for aesthetic purposes (i.e., for museum exhibit).

ment controls the movement of the parent in the mesh skull components was mobilized using two linked system. For example, the human arm is a types of animation methods: Inverse kinematics hierarchal linked system that can be animated (IK) and a wiring system. These two approaches (without IK), by positioning the linked elements were used to ensure that the primary movements, individually, starting from the parent of the system including their rotational magnitudes presented in (e.g., upper arm) down to the last child of the hier- the original hypothesis (see Corythosaurus anima- archal linked system (hand). In IK, the human arm tion in Figure 3) were replicated in the Edmonto- is animated/moved by using the last child of the saurus model. The wiring system was used to link hierarchal linked system (hand) to determine the the maxilla and quadrate, whereas the mandible position of the upper elements of the arm and quadrate were linked by inverse kinematics. (Autodesk Canada 2006). Figure 8 shows how the In the Corythosaurus model, the maxilla and IK approach effectively recreates the adduction of quadrate are shown abducting simultaneously the mandible and retraction of the quadrate (Weishampel 1984, figure 20a). However, the observed in the pleurokinetic model presented in degree of rotation of the quadrate and maxilla dif- Weishampel (1984). In the Edmontosaurus 3-D fer: In anterior view the rotation of the maxilla is model presented here, the mandible and quadrate greater than that of the quadrate (see Table 1). were treated as a linked system because they Weishampel (1984, p. 79) suggested that differ- shared a common pivot point (i.e., at the jaw joint). ences in rotation should be possible because the The child of the system is the mandible, and the “palatine pterygoid articulation in hadrosaurids parent is the quadrate. Given that the mandible modifies the degree to which the quadrates are and quadrate are linked as a hierarchal system, the forced laterally and caudally by lateral rotation of quadrate was moved by manipulating the position the maxillae.” Yet, the maxilla and quadrate are of the mandible. The 3-D rig with the attached poly- also attached via the jugal and quadratojugal.


Figure 7. Lateral view of model showing jugal reconstruction. Reconstruction was created using 3-D surfacing tools in 3dstudio max v. 8 and was for aesthetic purposes (i.e., museum exhibit).

Thus, the movements of the maxilla and quadrate maxillary abduction to be greater than the quadrate are linked medially by intervening palatal elements there has to be movement through both the medial (i.e., palatine and pterygoid) and laterally by lateral and lateral linkage systems. Lateral facial elements facial elements (i.e., jugal, quadratojugal). For the would have to disarticulate. For example the jugal

Figure 8. Animation of Corythosaurus and Edmontosaurus “rigs.” The animation starts by showing the rig, which cor- responds to the Corythosaurus animation shown in Figure 3. The animation then transform from the Corythosaurus rig to the Edmontosaurus rig. Both rig animations use the same inverse kinematics and wiring system (see text). The Edmontosaurus rig forms the basis of the animation seen in Figure 8 and 9. Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Museum of Nature, Ottawa, Canada.


Table 1. Comparison of quadrate, maxillary, and mandibular rotational movements in Corythosaurus model (Weishampel 1984, figure 20) and Edmontosaurus model (this study). Rotational movements (in degrees) are described for lateral and anterior views of the skull and occurred at the powerstroke phase of the chewing cycle only. Quadrate movements occur at the squamosal articulation. Maxillary movements occur about the lacrimal joint. Rota- tional movements in anterior view are abduction.

View Lateral Anterior Corythosaurus Edmontosaurus Corythosaurus Edmontosaurus Element model model model model Quadrate 5673

Maxilla NA NA 10 3 Mandible * 55NANA

* Value presented in this table represents the change in angle between the mandible and quadrate from the beginning and to the end of the powerstroke.

would be pulled rostrolaterally from the quadratoju- In order to accommodate the quadrate retrac- gal. Such a pattern of lateral disarticulation was not tion described in the original hypothesis (Figure 3) described as part of the original model it was necessary to allow some mobility in the (Weishampel 1984). We, therefore, incorporated facial skeleton of the model. In particular, as the the simplifying assumption that the lateral facial quadrate retracts, it should move away from the skeleton should function to ensure that the rotation maxilla so that one or both of the intervening joints of the maxilla and the quadrate would be matched (i.e., the jugal-quadratojugal and/or quadratoju- in magnitude. gal-quadrate contacts) disarticulate. To simplify the Wiring system. In the Edmontosaurus model, the model, we arbitrarily chose to fix the quadratojugal maxilla and quadrate were linked using an anima- to the quadrate. The jugal and quadratojugal were tion technique referred to as a wiring system. A wir- left unconnected so that as the quadrate retracted ing system is an animation technique that creates a separation could occur only between the quadrato- relationship between two or more elements so that jugal and jugal. It is important to keep in mind that any change in position or orientation made in the any observed separation between the quadratoju- parent element (e.g., the maxilla) is translated to gal and jugal should be taken to indicate that there the child element(s), (e.g., the quadrate) (Autodesk is separation between elements somewhere along Canada 2006). The wiring system linked a point the chain of lateral facial elements. near the posteroventral margin of the maxilla to a The pterygoid contacts the basipterygoid pro- posteroventral point on the quadrate, so that when cess, palatine and quadrate. In this model these the maxilla was moved manually the quadrate attachments were not rigid. Rather, as the palatine moved in response. It is possible to move both the and quadrate moved through the powerstroke, the maxilla and quadrate manually; however the wiring position and orientation of the pterygoid was system was used here to automate the model for adjusted “manually” so that, first, connections were the testing phase. maintained between the pterygoid and its contact- As mentioned above, only the mandible, max- ing elements, and second, there was no interfer- illa, and quadrate polymesh components were ence between the pterygoid and the surrounding attached to the rig. The braincase, nasals, and pre- elements. maxilla were not attached to the rig, but were sim- Assumptions of the model. As in any model, ply held stationary within the animation world animation models are necessarily simpler than space. The jugal and palatine were attached rigidly their real-world counterparts. For research pur- to the maxilla, so these three elements functioned poses, the simplifying assumptions used in the as a single, solid object. The assumption that these model should be matched to the research ques- elements would be a single functional unit is rea- tion. In this study, the model was developed to sonable considering their shared attachment sur- investigate the intracranial movements that may face is large and complex. The various elements have occurred during chewing. Thus the focus of forming the mandible were also treated as a single this model is on bony interactions among the cra- rigid object. nial elements and occlusal surfaces of tooth rows.


RESULTS The preliminary model presented here attempted to replicate the primary movements (Fig- ure 9) described in the original pleurokinetic model of chewing in hadrosaurid dinosaurs (Weishampel 1984) (see Figure 3). The original model, based on Corythosaurus, described intracranial movements during the powerstroke phase of the chewing cycle. A comparison of the primary movements (i.e. Figure 9. Animation showing Edmontosaurus-model maxillary, quadrate, and mandibular movements) in "chewing" according to Weishampel's (1984) pleuroki- the two models is shown in Table 1. In the pre- netic hypothesis, highlighting primary movements. Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Museum sented animation model (Figure 8), the mandible of Nature, Ottawa, Canada. protracted approximately 4.1 cm. The maxilla abducted 2.1 cm. The jaw joint retracted and abducted approximately 2.1 cm. In lateral view, the To investigate intracranial movements, we degree of rotation of the mandible (with respect to assumed that the braincase and parts of the facial the quadrate) in both models is the same, and the skeleton were immobile, whereas particular joints rotation of the quadrate, leading to mandibular in the palate and face were not. Mobile connec- retraction, is also similar. The abduction of the tions along the face were prevented from being dis- quadrate and maxilla are the same in Edmontosau- placed mediolaterally relative to one another, while rus (3°) because they were linked (see Methods: being allowed some rostrocaudal separation. This Animation). The Edmontosaurus and Corythosau- constraint seems acceptable because most of rus models differ dramatically in the degree to these joints overlap mediolaterally. The remaining which the maxillae abduct. In Corythosaurus the cranial elements were allowed to be mobile, allow- maxillary rotation (abduction) is 10° and the quad- ing those movements resulting from mandibular rate is only 7°. In the Edmontosaurus model the adduction and maxillary abduction to occur. maxillary and quadrate movements were linked, Some of the assumed mobility, such as that and 3° of movement sufficed to allow the upper seen at the otic and basal joints, is similar to that and lower teeth to complete the powerstroke. found in many and squamates (Zusi 1993; To accommodate the primary movements, Herrel et al. 1999; Metzger 2002). The synovial secondary movements were required (Figure 10) morphology of these joints in hadrosaurs suggests at the pterygoid-palatine, pterygoid-ectoptery- that these may also have been mobile goid-maxilla, pterygoid-quadrate, ptery- (Weishampel 1984). On the other hand, the model goid-basisphenoid, and jugal-quadratojugal also assumes mobility within the facial and palatal contacts. In some cases these movements skeleton (e.g., quadrate-quadratojugal, pterygoid- involved marked separation of the elements. For palatine). The occurrence of smooth joint-surfaces example, during the chewing cycle, the jugal and in the face of dinosaurs has led many researchers quadratojugal were separated 1.3 cm, and the sep- to infer sliding motion between them (e.g., aration between the ventral portion of the pterygoid Weishampel 1984; Bakker 1986; Rayfield 2004). and the quadrate was approximately 1.4 cm. Although facial mobility is present in some birds (e.g., some parrots developed synovial jugal-maxil- DISCUSSION AND FUTURE WORK lary articulations) and snakes, the presence of mobility in the facial sutures of non-avian dinosaurs This model revealed that in order for the pri- and most other diapsids remains uncertain (Holli- mary movements to occur, as described in the orig- day 2006), and the functional link between suture inal pleurokinetic hypothesis (Weishampel 1984) morphology and intracranial mobility is largely (Figure 3), extensive secondary movements must unexplored. It is beyond the goals of this study to also occur. Moreover, some of the secondary analyze the morphological basis for cranial kinesis, movements observed involved large (> 1 cm) sep- and we allowed the potential for movement to aration of the elements, including movements occur at all of these joints during the experiment. between the jugal and quadratojugal, pterygoid and palatine, and pterygoid and quadrate (Figure 10). Importantly, these movements arose with only small amount of abduction of the maxillae and


Consideration of jaw musculature may offer further insights into mobility and function of cranial elements during feeding. If maxillary and quadrate abduction existed, it would supposedly have been a passive movement because there are no mus- cles in a position that could implement it. Rather, abduction of the tooth rows would be driven by the adduction of the lower teeth against the upper. Resistance to maxillary abduction would have been provided by pterygoideus musculature. The attachments of Mm. protractor pterygoideus, leva- tor pterygoideus, pterygoideus ventralis, and ptery- goideus dorsalis suggest that this powerful complex of muscles could have restrained maxil- Figure 10. Animation showing Edmontosaurus-model lary abduction (Figure 11). If the pleurokinetic "chewing" according to Weishampel's (1984) pleuroki- hypothesis is viable, these antagonistic muscles netic hypothesis, highlighting secondary movements. would have played an important role modulating Reproduced with permission of the Canadian Museum the cranial stiffness associated with maxillary of Nature, Ottawa, Canada. abduction. The capacity to modulate stiffness, and therefore, bite force, would be critical for the sys- tem to be able to mechanically break down foods quadrate (e.g., 3º, Table 1), which were much less of different size and material properties (e.g., hard- than those in the original Corythosaurus model. ness, toughness). Presumably, the pleurokinetic model, as originally In addition, many of the aforementioned jaw proposed by Weishampel (1984) would have muscles attach across a number of the elements yielded secondary movements much greater than and joints that were implicated in secondary move- those observed in the Edmontosaurus model pre- ments. The lateral surfaces of the palatine, ptery- sented here. goid, and quadrate are a likely attachments for M. Both the original model and this one did not pterygoideus dorsalis and M. adductor mandibulae incorporate soft tissues such as ligaments, syn- posterior, whereas the medial surfaces of these ovial capsules, and musculature though their inclu- elements were probably attachment regions for M. sion would greatly enhance functional resolution pterygoideus ventralis and M. protractor pterygoi- and allow for more rigorous hypothesis testing. Lig- deus (Figure 11). This pattern of muscle attach- aments, including those within sutures and larger ment suggests that the palatine, pterygoid, and ones, such as the quadrate-articular ligament if quadrate formed a functional unit, providing a sup- present, may have constrained some, if not much posedly stable, immobile attachment for jaw mus- of the movement in the facial skeleton this model culature. Yet the model exhibited extensive sliding illustrated. In particular, it seems initially doubtful between the quadrate and pterygoid during chew- that such separation of cranial elements is likely to ing challenging functional hypotheses regarding have taken place in the living considering how this part of the skull may have simultaneously that sutural ligaments are comprised of collagen, served to produce and resist chewing forces. which yields at only 4 to 5% strains (measured in Therefore, jaw musculature, if modeled, would not , Wainwright et al. 1976). Additionally there only provide the power to the modeled feeding is a significant amount of bony overlap between apparatus, enabling analyses of acceleration and many of these articulations, suggesting that these bite force moments, but would also induce stresses contacts promoted stability rather than mobility. across sutures and on the bones of attachment Similarly, synovial capsules were likely present, themselves, enabling analysis of deformation (e.g., minimally at the otic (quadrate-squamosal), basal via finite element modeling), and hypotheses of (pterygoid-basisphenoid), and jaw joints. These mobility (versus stability) to be tested. capsules would have potentially constrained move- Full consideration of the soft tissue systems ment expressed in the model. The significance of may in the end reveal that maxillary abduction is these factors would depend on the functional prop- not a viable mechanism for producing transverse erties assigned to them at different time stages of chewing movements. With this in mind, additional the model, requiring multiple assumptions. insight into the potential mobility of the hadrosaurid


Figure 11. Reconstructed jaw muscle anatomy of Edmontosaurus. 1, Left, lateral view of skull with muscle attach- ment surfaces; 2, Medial view of left half of skull with muscle attachment surfaces; 3, Caudal view of skull with mus- cle attachment surfaces; 4, Left, lateral view of skull with reconstructed superficial jaw muscles; 5, Left, lateral view of skull with reconstructed deep jaw muscles; 6, Medial view of left half of skull with reconstructed jaw muscles; 7, Caudal view of skull with reconstructed jaw muscles. Abbreviations: mAMEM, Adductor mandibulae externus media- lis; mAMEP, Adductor mandibulae externus profundus; mAMES, Adductor mandibulae externus superficialis; mAMP, Adductor mandibulae posterior; mDM, Depressor mandibulae; mLPt, Levator pterygoideus; mPPt, Protractor ptery- goideus; mPSTp, Pseudotemporalis profundus; mPSTs, Pseudotemporalis superficialis; mPTd, Pterygoideus dorsa- lis; mPTv, Pterygoideus ventralis.


quadrate may be derived from study of other had- for this project. M. Feuerstack, A. MacDonald, and rosaurid taxa. Indeed, a review of the cranial joints K. Shepherd (Canadian Museum of Nature) pro- of , another hadrosaurine dino- vided access to the . We are grateful to R. saur, found that the morphology of the pleuroki- Holmes (CMN) for helpful discussions, as well as netic hinge regions (e.g., quadrate-squamosal M. Graham (CMN), and two anonymous reviewers joint) would have prohibited maxillary abduction of this paper whose comments greatly improved (Cuthbertson 2006). Therefore cranial kinesis may the manuscript. We also thank the Black Hills Insti- be variable among hadrosaurs, or perhaps the tute for the loan of the premaxilla, as well as D. hadrosaurid skull was less mobile than originally Weishampel (Johns Hopkins University) and L. assumed. However, part of the difficulty in analyz- Witmer (Ohio University) for encouragement and ing ornithopod chewing is that the proposed trans- discussion. verse abduction of the maxillae is rare, if not unique among amniotes, so identifying appropriate REFERENCES analogs is difficult. Autodesk Canada. 2006. 3ds max V.8 User Reference. In ongoing work we plan to further correct Autodesk, Inc., Montreal. parts of the skull model, which may be still Bakker, R. 1986. : New Theories deformed, as suggested by the fact that during the Unlocking the Mystery of the Dinosaurs and Their powerstroke the teeth are not in precise occlusion Extinction. William Morrow and Company, New York. (Figure 9). We will also investigate the role of soft Barrett, P.M. 2000. Prosauropod dinosaurs and iguanas: tissues in constraining the model (Ostrom 1961, speculations on the diets of extinct , p. 42-78. Holliday 2006). The system will be further con- In Sues, H.D. (ed.), Evolution of Herbivory in Terres- strained by incorporating dental wear data includ- trial Vertebrates: Perspectives from the Fossil ing the pattern of scratches (i.e., microwear Record. Cambridge University Press, Massachu- striations) and orientation of the occlusal surface. If setts. Crompton, A.W., and Attridge, J. 1986. Masticatory these wear features prove to be well-preserved apparatus of the larger herbivores during Late Trias- they will provide an accurate map of the relative sic and Early times, p. 223-236. In Padian, movements of the upper and lower tooth rows K. (ed.), The Beginning of the Age of Dinosaurs. Fau- (e.g., Rybczynski and Reisz 2001). The inclusion nal Change across the -Jurassic Boundary. of the additional functional parameters will allow Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. future analyses to constrain the range of possible Cuthbertson, R. 2006. A redescription of the of chewing movements (e.g., see Hutchinson and Brachylophosaurus canadensis (Dinosauria: Hadro- Gatesy 2006) to gauge how sensitive the model is sauridae), with a discussion of chewing in hadro- to different variables. With these additional con- saurs. M.Sc. Thesis, Carleton University, Ottawa, straints in place, alternative hypotheses of feeding Canada. behavior can be more fully explored including sim- Fiorillo, A.R. 1998. Dental microwear patterns of the sau- ropod dinosaurs and : Evi- ple quadrate streptostyly, akinesis, and mandibular dence for resource partitioning in the of propaliny or rotation. . Historical Biology, 13:1-16. In conclusion, preliminary results suggest that Galton, P.M. 1984. Cranial anatomy of the prosauropod the integration of three-dimensional scanning tech- dinosaur Plateosaurus from the Knollenmergel (Mid- nology with animation offers enormous promise for dle keuper, Upper Triassic) of Germany, I. Two com- investigating the functional morphology of feeding plete from Trossingen/Württemberg with behavior in Edmontosaurus. Although the goal of comments on the diet. Geologica et Palaeontologica, the methods described here is to resolve the feed- 18:139-171. ing kinematics, the approach lays the groundwork Haas, G. 1963. A proposed reconstruction of the jaw for investigating questions related to biomaterials musculature of Diplodocus. Annals of the Carnegie and chewing forces across all vertebrates. Ulti- Museum, 36:139-157. Heaton, M.J. 1972. The palatal structure of some Cana- mately, animation and biomechanical methods dian Hadrosauridae (Reptilia: ). Cana- could be applied comparatively to yield insight into dian Journal of Earth Sciences, 9(185):185-205. the evolution of feeding systems within lineages Herrel, A., De Vree, F., Delheusy, V., and Gans, C. 1999. and ecosystems. Cranial kinesis in gekkonid . Journal of Experi- mental Biology, 202(24):3687-3698. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Holliday, C. 2006. Evolution and function of the jaw mus- culature and adductor chamber of (croco- We thank M.R. Saccu (Talisman fossil Gallery dilians, dinosaurs, and birds). Ph.D. Thesis, Ohio project), who provided financial and moral support University, Athens, Ohio, USA.


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