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Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 69, July 31, 1991

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Recommended Citation "Central Florida Future, Vol. 23 No. 69, July 31, 1991" (1991). Central Florida Future. 1076. Futuri © Volume 23, Number 69 Serving The University of Central Florida Since 1968 Wednesday July 31, 1991 · Senators disagree with chief justice election process by Tom Kopacz made several attempts to offer CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE the position to the other justices. Very little of the debate con­ The student senate voted 20- cerned Rado, however. 2 to confirm Justj~e Emily Rado Sen. Shayan Elahi objected as chief justice Sunday despite to Moun.ce's heading the ap­ questions about the appoint=­ pointing committee. He said ment process. DiBona removed the senate A committee headed by As­ from the appointment process. ,..., sociate Dean of Students Pam He said his problem was not Mounce appojnted Rado after Rado, but the appointment proce­ student body President Jason dure, which he called unethical. DiBona refused to fill the job "I would strongly like to con­ because of a conflict of interest demn the executive [branch] for on his part. Rado is DiBona's going to the administration," he gfrlfriend. said. Former Chief Justice Pat Elahi said DiBona should Fletcher, who previously recom­ have asked a senate commit­ Charles K. Morrow/CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE mended Rado for the position, tee to make the appointment. GOOFBALL SWIM said she was the only justice He said the only reason DiBo­ seeking the job .. na gave for not letting the senate Monica Langley, 10, and physical education major Dan-Bitters, 24,, enjoy a cool dip in the pool. Mounce, in a letter recom­ Bitters is keeping an eye on his "goofballs" while they swim. However, the kids say he is the goofball. mending Rado, said Fletcher see RADO page 3 UCF police hop on bicycles by Rebecca Falcon said. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE The bike patrol also costs less. The UCF police will be pa­ The cost for 25 officers in full trolling on mountain bikes gear on bikes 1s equal to the starting in the fall and UCF cost of one cruiser. Sgt. Douglas Brown is the man UCF officers Jeannette Brat­ behind the idea. burd and Steve Carmagnola "I heard about the program are the two officers that will being used on other campuses be patrolling on bikes this fall. and even in some local com­ They will be patrolling during munities and I thought it could ''key population" times - times work for us too," Brown said. when most students and facul­ The Seattle Police Depart­ ty will be on campus. ment started the concept of"Po­ the concept is that police offic­ Brown said the program will lice Patrol with Mountain Bi­ ers will be able to go in areas be tested for a year·before they cycles" in 198 7. Brown said where patrol cars won't allow will put more officers on bikes. ' five universities have followed them to. UCF and the Institute of Officers from around the country watch Sgt.. Grady of the Seattle suit with the idea since then. ''They will be able to sneak Police department demonstrate bicycle patrol maneuvers. Brown said the idea behind around rapidly on bikes," he see PATROL page 2 Student leaders disCusS teaching .styles, grading policies by Bill Cushing dents. ''Why not use a nine course's syllabus. dollars. With the current economic CENTRA L FLORIDA FUTURE member think tank?" . DiBona explained that the At present, the interest is crunch being felt nationwide, Among the prominent issues handbook would list what utilized in Financial Aid, a fund the nine student presidents After a hearty lunch, the discussed by the SG leaders methods and styles each teach­ controlled by university admin­ agreed that there needs to be nine student presidents of the were: · er utilized in the course along istrators. Additionally, DiBona more lobbying pressure on leg­ State University System settled • A handbook evaluating in- with the type of testing used to said that the current language islative members to restructure into a Daytona Beach hotel to dividual teaching styles: · determine the final grade. of Capital Improvement Trust the tax revenue base in other spend last weekend brain­ • Greater student control of The idea, he said, is to match Fund statutes needs further ways besides either tuition in­ storming a statewide Student both Student Activity fees and the student up to a teacher each study in order to find a means creases or a proposed state in­ Government agenda for the Capital Improvement Trust individual would feel most com­ to alfow students to regain come tax. 1991-1992 academic year. Fund monies. fortable with. He labelled such more control over its appropri­ The Florida Student Associ­ • More input in upcoming a teaching comparison listing ation. see DAYTONA page 2 ation Leadership Workshop, an tuition formulas. as "an in-depth course guide." annual summer event, brings •Uniformity of grading pol­ ''The idea here is not to rate the incoming student leaders icies between universities. teachers on their teaching abil­ together to assimilate informa­ The proposed handbook, ity, but on their teaching styles. tion and assess the priorities which would be modeled after You'll be able to see students for coordination between uni­ one currently used at Emory actually maximize their learn­ versity student administrations University, is tentatively ing abilities," DiBona said. said Jason DiBona, UCF stu­ named TEACH (Teacher Eval­ DiBona and the other stu­ dent body president. uation And Comparison Hand­ dent presidents said that the ''What we're trying to do is book). It would be based on a interest accrued on Student be more active on all campus­ compilation of questionnaires Activity fees should be re-in­ es," said DiBona, elected as this filled out by the institution's vested back to students, possi~ year's Chairman of Student instructional staff as well as a bly :in the form of added stu­ Council of Student Body Presi- cross-reference study of each dent government scholarship 2 The Central Florida Future July 31, 1991 ....

PATROL hension and confrontation and FROM PAGE 1 how to establish and fund a bike patrol program. Government recently hosted a "It is good for morale and training session open to an of­ keeps the officers in shape," ficers locally and in neighbor­ Grady· said of the program. ing states. Officers at­ He said that so far, two of­ tending on behalf of UCF were ficers have been shot but nei­ Chief Richard Turkiewicz, Lt. ther died. Tommy Nelson, Lt. Tom Blan­ Sgt. Brown said the program ton and the two officers that will cost roughly $1,000 per of­ will be patrolling on bikes. ficer. The bikes were about Sgt. Paul Grady of the Seat­ $700 each, but they also need­ •• tle Police Department conduct­ ed to purchase helmets and oth­ ed the workshops. He is the er biking equipment for the of­ organizer of the bike patrolling ficers. concept. He explained riding - Laura Werder of The Fu­ techniques, dismounts, appre- ture st,aff contributed w thi.s story

Officers practice riding in pairs during theUCF bike patrol seminar. This training is similar to motorcy­ cle police teams. The seminar was sponsored by the SeatllePollce Department. Senate debates signing of ballots ~

by Brynner W. Vee Mann said the anonymous ballot is necessary STAFF REPORTER to guarantee the individuality of senators, oth­ erwise peer pressure would force senators into Would requiring senators to sign their bal­ votes. lots rob them of their individuality? According to Dogoli-, Attorney General BobR. Vice President Mark Dogoli asked all sena­ Cherry had said it was proper according to rules tors at a recent SG meeting to place their names and procedures. Dogoli planned on having sena­ on ballots when voting. However, Student Body tors sign their ballots until the Chief Justice Pro Tempore David Mann fought with the Stu­ reviewed the decision. dent Senate as to whether ba1lots should be secretive. see BALLOTS page 3

DAYTONA ~ · FROM PAGE 1 ''What we're really looking "WITH CLASS I AID A towards is more revenue for ed­ ucation. I don't think students should be a source for new rev­ enue," DiBona said. · PART~TIME JOB 1·DESERVE He said there are over 180,000 university students in the state, which translates into a major voting bloc. A PAID VACATJIDN~" To this end, DiBona said he wants to increase voter regis- , tration drives on campus as well as campaigning among ''.And UPS agrees. That's one of th.e parents of university students reasons I work there. But they qo a lot since "they generally pay the more than pay me to take time off. I make tuition dollars." almost $10,000 a year working part-time Discussing the possibility of for about 4 hours a day. That 's great pay w1ifying the grading system for a full-time student. between the different state w1i­ versities, DIBona said the cur­ "The benefits jon't stop there, either. rent differences can, at times, I get paid hC?lidays, medical and den­ have a disparaging effect on tal benefits, even a student loan if students wishing to transfer I need one. ·1got to pick morning . within the system as well as or evening shifts. I work in Operations, qualify for post-graduate pro­ grams. but some students work in accounting, Another point of discussion Industrial Engineering, l.S. and was more centralized academ­ Customer Service. ic and peer advisement for stu­ "If you want to make money while you dents. "We still hold that there study and when you travel, check out should be full time academic UPS. Find out how it feels to go away advisors," DiBona said. Such a and come back to a paycheck." •• system would help students Applicants are being considered move through the system fast­ for your local UPS office. For er, and with less extraneous credits he said. interviews or more information about Other topics discussed at the UPS, see your sc~ool's career weekend meeting included: development or job placement •The publication of a state­ center. UPS is an equal opportunity wide newsletter to keep stu­ employer. dents within the state informed M/F of matters of mutual interest. The proposed name of the newsletter is "Consensus" and will deal with topics concern­ ing university stude!ilts state­ wide. •Increased on-campus safe­ I I WORKING FOR STUDENTS 'NHO WORK FOR US. ty programs. * • The establishment of stu­ dent debit cards similar to mag­ UPS DEu:v:ERS IEDUCATIDI netized credit cards to digitize student information as well as establish accounts for payment ~ of educational fees or bills. The Central Florida Future July 31, 1991 · 3

RADO ·been a justice since late May, FROM PAGE 1 does not have enough judicial experience. make the appointment was that "She has very little experi­ senators are not familiar with ence on the Judicial Council," SG's judicial branch. he said. "In fact, I think even Elahi said the senate duty less than [the other justices]." could not allow the executive He also said he has serious branch and administration to questions about a conflict of inter­ walk over the senate. est between Rado and DiBona. "It is our duty to stand for "It's no secret about Jason our rights and integrity," he and Emily's relationship," said. Mann said. Fletcher called Elahi's out­ Sen. David Groover said burst ridiculous. He said the Rado had proven her leader­ senate had not been removed ship abilities in several cam­ from the process. pus groups. He said Vice President Mark "I don't think membership Dogoli, who chairs the senate, in other boards and councils on should have overruled Elahi. campus makes her any more He said the Elections and qualified," Mann said. Appointments Committee dis­ He said any student on cam­ cussed Rado for one hour. pus could run the Judicial Coun­ "I've never seen E&A go for · cil. Mann also said DiBona should one hour on anybody," he said. have left himself the power to Sen. Donald Langley said override the committee. Elahi had offended him. DiBona said Mounce, who "We're here to decide on works with the council regu­ Emily Rado," he said. larly, was the most qualified Sen. Warren Foley said Ela­ person who was not "an agent

hi's objection was procedural. of Jason DiBona." rracy Andrechick/t;l:N I HAL 1-LOAIDA FUTURE: 'We should not be deciding He also said he retained the the [appointment] procedure," power to override Mounc~'s rec­ 3 ROPES? Langley said. ommendation. However, he Chinese acrobats jump multiple ropes during the Chinese Youth Folk Sports Presentation at 8 p.m. President Pro Tern pore Dav­ said he would appoint whoever last Saturday night in the gym. Forty students from Tawaiin participated. id Mann said Rado, who has the committee recommended. BALLOTS "If you don't want to sign your name, then FROM PAGE 2 • • V1 WARSHAWSK! (Rt ! 30-J .l-0·5 31J.7·3M30 MOBSTERS (R) 1 . 00- 3 . ~IJ-

Univers~ty Blvd. & Alafaya Trail . t :·( ~ ~~~~~~-ll>lll..lllw..;;;: 658-4612 /IJBIKE WORK~?

~?! !~?l.... ffe(Fonnerly ~ike King) W""-•·-"f 111_11~11t•!:11116!.•-•~• 9100 E. Colo.n1al • Orlando (at Beltway) .... ,""-~ • • •~ . ·· . July31, 19914 0 plll10llltllltl\tlllm•Bt••••t••<&•ltl•&e&t&111~111111 Woeful tidings tO UCF students: the fees.are going up Preparing for the fall can be vigorous. Questions like, 'Where am I goin' ta live?," and ''Why the hell did I sign up for underwater basket weaving along with physics? It's just too much," run rampant through the summer buzzed brain that is left over, after too many parties, long hours of work and perfecting the not so perfect tan. Along with these other woeful tidings comes a word of caution to all of those left to fend for themselves, that is as far as tuition goes. (This article could also apply to giving parents, who provide so much support to their loving children. WARNING, to the parents, please don't start wondering about where your kids are going to live in the fall, because this should be left to your kids). . First thing to notice is that YOU SHOULD NOT BE LATE with any part of the process. The late fees are now running any where from $50 to $100 dollars. Last year the late fees ran $25 for everything, so CPS don't be surprised. The Board of Regents is doing this to give you, the student, an incentive to register ear­ ~-~~ ly, advanced registration even. Of rourse the BOR should realize that most of the students who register late are backed by MOM (the company who pays the best) and could really care less if their fee invoice Thinking of censorship, skirts says $800 or $900. Due to the Editorial butchery that took place in Secondly, the BASE TUITION IS HIGHER. This this column last week, the brain-trust of "Naked Ex­ is basic and should be understood for not being a typo pre$sion," far from shucking this mortal coil under on your fee invoice. the Grimace slide at McDonalds, went back to New Yes. You too can pay $32.15 per hour to be a stu­ York City in an attempt at rebirth. dent at UCF. (It was $27.96 last year.) Did you ever At the corner of West 4th Street and Washington llllll'lllll w'onder where, exactly, the 15 cents goes or why it is Park, Kool Aid K was holding forth on the current "I love Friday afternoons when everybody's tour­ there? Perhaps the- legislators of the state use win­ state of the world. I asked him what he thought of the ing around and talking about where they're going to ning lottery numbers (Imagine if 6314 was a good recent move toward censorship in this country. He eat and laughing in the enchanted twilight. I love the combo). Or maybe they did itemize everything (in­ readjusted his hat and said: "I'Jll glad you asked old couples walking around with their canes and cluding the quality water faucets) and decided that me that. I know the world's been waiting on my dreaming beneath the ticking clocks. I love the smell every cent was needed. thoughts concerning this matter. I know you've been of stra.wberry perfume, a compa~sionate room, zoom, Severa.I other various slight, ever-increasing fees holding your breath and waiting for me to go public. I boom, Alice - straight to the moon! are rocketing skyward with no end in sight. Financial hate censorship. "I love the fall when the leaves turn yellow and the Aid Fee is up 20 cents from last year. Wouldn't it be "I hate people taking my freedom from me. I hate football games w~t _ going . I love people shouting so­ nice if20 percent more of us received aid? people who promulgate fornication with chickens and cialism at Denny's at 12 in the afternoon whilst de­ It costs $36 to park now. Of course the fact that dignify it under th~ term of art. man.ding their rooty-tooty-.fresh-anctfruity special for there is no more new parking to handle the new "But I love the sound of rain on the leaves outside only $4.99 on Mondays through Fridays only, though students doesn't mean anything, or does it... How my window in the blue fruit of night. I love Thelonius getting nothing and liking it. about a refund every time one can't find a place to Monk, an Air Jordan's dunk, punk, funk, unpacking "I'm talking re-birth, the earth, life, strife and do I park? A quarter every day you can't find a parking the trunk. love my wife? I'm talking hope, dope, throw me a place within 15 to 20 minutes. This would definitely "I love Winona Ryder's skirts, clean fresh shirts, rope. I'm talking love and a thousand wild cathedral motivate the school to ensure parking spaces. the lack of hurts and noble flirts. I love the way evenings. These are a few of my favorite things. Finally, the health fee was increased to $41 last children laugh when they wake up in the night and ''Well, I have gone public at last on the matter of ~' fall. The health fee was also used to cover less. The remember their parents are in the next room. I love censorship. I hope my thoughts have clarified things activity and service fee was increased $1.25 last fall old stupid science fiction movies on Saturday after­ for you." as well. noons. I love the fall, October, home and work and And, with that, he readjusted his hat and went to One should keep a look out for the increased activi­ the gals all wearing sweaters again. pick up his kid sister, Phoebe, in the park. ties and services available on campus (If you find any ) contact the CFF office, substantial rewards have been discussed). 1:nrtifif@lfIHFHFftiffjfIII?tFt?ftltltt\t:ItttittJtttJ:tttttttttftttttfJttitttfJlttittttttrnrn1 You have your mission: to sign up for classes and Letters be happy. To accept parking where your car may be • BRYNNER IS OK "Greek-lettered organizations" Well, I was insulted. I happened vandalized and to find activities where no person has Editor: issue can be a touchy subject among to be one of those users and pushers found them before. I would like to make a few thenon-greek readers and students who roamed their way through high Go be happy and accept your fate. comments concerning the article of this campus, I simply suggest school, not to mention college. I often published on July 10 titled "SG that any student clubs that do not wonder how else an individual can approves funding of PSE workshop." specify their purpose in their names make it through the public school Central Florida Future First of all, I would like to say that be specified for-future articles so system. Luckily for me, though, I was ©i991 ThQ: Cen:al Floridn FUUJro Brynner Yee's style of writing about that the students may 'better not kicked out and was able to graduate P.O. Box 25000, Orlando, Florida 32816 Business Office (407) 823-2601, News Office (407) 823-NEWS Student Government has been, for understand the issues of SGA and from both and am currently drug free. the most part, more objective and the clubs and organizations as well. So, now I can be even more self­ Editor in Chief less biased than past SG Once again, I appreciate righteous than George Bush. Like Jamie Carte corespondents. I feel that he Brynner's objectivity in his news Preacher Purity -in 's acknowledges the need to remain on articles and hope he develops into "Jungle Fever," Bush appears to be ... News Editor Heidi Steiner more stable grounds with SG, which a well-informed reporter to help well-meaning, but, in the end, is Sports Editor Jamie Johnson is good. foster the relationship between The useless and ineffectual in his silly Opinion Editor Jocelyn Jepson However, I wanted to mention Future and SGA for the benefit of and expensive drug war, with Bob Confetti/Collage Editor Steven M. Conner that there were some other facts the students. Martinez, no less, at the helm. Copy Editor J.C. Smith that needed to be stated. Senator Anyhow, what is fairly apparent Photo Editor Charles K. Morrow Joe Sharpe was co-introducer to Bill Michelle Bruens is th at the drug war's sole purpose is Art Director Brian M. Wente 23-57 and I was the other introducer communicative disorders to rationalize military spending. This Production Manager Roy J. Fuoco to the bilL We had both spoken on country and it's management are behalf of the bill, but I would like to •SPIKE LEE & GEOaGE BUSH like a sick family. They spend Business Manager Thomas Negron see Brynner give as much if not Editor: astronomical dollars on expensive Office Manager Scott Beaman more credit to Senator Sharpe for George Bush's plan for the toys in order to defend with smooth­ Advertising Manager Vic Kirazian coming up with the bill in the first American education system talking justifications our ''happy, Ad Production Manager · David J. Shoulberg place. Please recognize his includes that all schools be drug shiny'' looking-goodism. Advertising Staff: Armand Cimaroli, Jeff Celebre, importance because the article had free. The high schools around here, Some alternatives are: the Bush Shelly Fleis, Patricia Nasser, Suzy Zuljani missed this point. for instance, have posted· signs ·administration watches "Jungle Staff Members: Jennifer Burgess Also, although Pi Sigma Epsilon's indicating this. Fever" every night for a week. the UCF community However. in order to fulfill his Educate the parents. Better salaries Opinions expressed In The Central Florida Future are those of the nEl'Nspaper or individual was mentioned, there was room left promise of number one rank for for teachers. And beer ads could go columnist and not necessarily those of the Board of Publications, University Administration ._ or Board of Regents. Letters to the Editor must be typed, maximum of 300words and include to believe that PSE was a Social math, science and 90 percent the way of cigarette ads. the author's signature, major and phone number. Leners are subject to editing for grammar Greek frat instead of being the open graduation, Bush maintains that and space and become the property of the newspaper, subject to their publication. The Central Florida Future is a free, non-profit newspaper published twice weekly during the and professional business there will be no more "drug users Beth O'Rourke academic year and weekly during the summer. All meetings ol the BOP are open to the public. organization that it is. Since the and pushers roaming the halls." English •• __ ,,,_ ..

The Central Florida Future July 31, 1991 5 Video 'vigilantes' or voyeurs? And other notes... •We have met Big Brother, and he is us. While I applaud those who have aided police (and, in It was only a few days after Newsweek released its some cases, nailed them) in the pursuit of true justice, issue with the cover story on ''Video Vigilantes" that this incident is frightening in its Orwellian prospects. ' the news broke that Lee Adler videotaped Alfred As Jonathon Turley, a George Washington Stephens, a Tampa neighbor, and his girlfriend in University law professor, said to Newsweek's coitus in order to have the couple arrested for lewd reporters: ''We were appalled by the fact that the ••••tllti11 ~ and lascivious behavior. It seems that now, every Romanians kept their outdoors-sidewalk cafes, than that and, in most cases, name the parts. Tom, Dork and Harry is a private investigator. whatever-under photo surveillance, but in this •Welcome to the Litigious States of America. According to the news accounts, Adler had to stand country, our Sonys are doing what the Romanian If you think our nation has become sue-happy, at an angle in order to capture every nuance and secret service could never hope to." you're probably right. .... detail of the act, yet the argument goes that the •Haven't we carried our health mindset a bit too Last Friday, The Orlando Sentinel contained a front · couple might be corrupting youngsters at a nearby far? Now there is a new product available: Spam Lite. page story relating how Orlando's own, EricS. Graham, swimming pool. For those of you unfamiliar with Spam, it is billed is suingJ. C. Penney for a haircut which he drums ''has Certainly, laws have been broken here. That would as a "pork-based luncheon meat." That means it's 'deprived' him of his right to enjoy life," and ''has left ·~ be the laws that protect one's right to privacy against made out of all the stuff they can't put into hot dogs, him 'ashamed' and 'ridiculed' by his friends." ' "Peeping Toms" like Adler. Now it seems that which is a real comforting thought. The story goes on to describe how the poor, suffering everyone's joining in on the viewing pleasure. Less Hormel's new addition weighs in at a mere six Graham now wears a hat and ''has received psychiatric than a week after the initial arrests, a Hillsborough grams of fat per ounce of the mysterious meat. treatment to control a panic anxiety disorder that County deputy showed the video to some employees. Hamburger, on the other hand, measures less than followed the salon visit." Seems that Stephens should be eligible for a hefty five grams of fat per ounce.And, have you seen the Personally, I would ridicule him for choosing such lawsuit award (for both the invasion ofhis civil rights price of Spam lately? a silly-assed thing as making a haircut such a major ,.,., and the embarassment he has been caused by his I used to buy the stuff when I couldn't afford priority in his life. neighborhood anal-retentive moralist) as well a~ hamburger. Now, Spam averages about $2.35 a pound. Miss Tompkins, take a letter: "Dear Mr. Graham, · entertainment fees for the showing of the film. You can get ground chuck, turkey or chicken at less It's only f~ing hair, man. Get a grip."


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~ Horses are the opposite of dogs, gratitude wise I could tell the pony enjoyed this immensely. It couldn't wait to get back to the stable and tell the other horses via Snort Language. ~ "You should have seen his hair!" snorted the pony. "He'll need to shampoo with industrial solvents!" Recently a woman I know named Michelle "Next time," snorted one of the older horses, came into the newspaper office with a big ugly "try stepping on him. It's like dropping an anvil wound on her upper arm. Realizing that she on a Hostess Twinkie." might be self-conscious about it , I said "Mich­ "Ahd the legal authorities can't prosecute, be­ elle, what's that big ugly wound on your upper cause we're horses," snorted another. i-,. arm?" Sensitivity is the cornei:stone of journal­ So I stayed off horses altogether until 20 years ism. later, when I was courting my wife. We were in It turned out that Michelle had been bitten the Rocky Mountains, and they had rental hors- by a horse. It was her own horse, and it bit her . es, and she wanted to ride one. Naturally she ·~ while she was trying to feed it. This is a typical loves horses. As a child, she used to ride a neigh­ horse maneuver. Horses are the opposite of dogs, bor's horse bareback, an experience she remem­ gratitude-wise. You give a dog something total­ bers fondly even though she admits the horse ly wretched to eat, such as a toad part or a wad would regularly try to decapitate her by run­ ~ of pre-chewed Dentyne, and the dog will hence­ ning under low tree branches at 27 miles per forth view you as the Supreme Being. It wi11 hour. I don't want to sound like a broken record gaze on you for hours with rapt adoration and here, but why is it that a woman will forgive ~ lick the ground you walk on and try to kill the homicidal behavior in a horse, yet be highly pizza-delivery person if he comes anywhere near critical of a man for leaving the toilet seat up? you. Whereas if you spend hours grooming a Anyway, I was in Raging Hormone Courting horse and lugging its food and water around, Mode, meaning I would have wrestled a giant ·«' 1991 Tribune Media Services, Inc. ,. the horse will be thinking: "Should I chomp on - All Rights Reserved snake to impress my wife-to-be, so I let her talk this person's arm? Or should I merely blow a me into getting on this rental horse. It turned couple gallons Qfhorse snot into this person's hair?" Yes, it's true that I am a little bitter about that. its head around and looked at me with one of those I don't trust horses. "Never trust an animal with Also I have not forgotten my first experience with a horse eyeballs the size of a mature grapefruit, and I feet made from the same material as bowling balls" is horse. I was 9 years old, at a farm, and I attempted to knew instantly what it was thinking. It was thinking: one of my mottoes. I never believed those scenes in ride a pony. "Pony" is a misunderstood word. Many "Hey! It's Hopalong Dork!" So while my-wife's horse Western movies when bad guys would tie the hero young people, having- grown up watching the "My trotted briskly off into the scenery, looking for low up, and his horse would trot over and untie the knots Little pastel-colored critter with a perky voice and a branches to run under, my horse just stood there, with his teeth. A real horse would size up the situa­ nurturing personality and a 1973 Farrah Fawcett eating and pooping, waiting for me to put one leg on tion and stomp on 'the hero's feet. hair style. Whereas, in fact, a typical pony is the the ground so it could suddenly take off and drag me I don't blame horses for being hostile. I myself would same weight as an Oldsmobile Cutlass Supreme but to Oregon. So I sat very still, like one·of those statue feel hostile toward somebody who was always sitting on with no controls or moral code. generals, only more rigid. I'd say we moved about 11 me and yanking on my lips. But what I don"t get is, how Anyway, following my sister's directions, I put my feet in two hours. Next time I am definitely renting come they're so popular? Especially with women? foot into the metal thing hanging down from the pony the snake. Now you're probably saying: "Dave, you're just bit­ (technically, the "fetlock"O, and instantly the pony, Fortunately my wife's horse was unable to kill her, ter because in fifth grade you had an intense crush on not wishing to be boarded at that time, trotted brisk­ and we got married and lived happily ever after, Susan Cartoun and you wrote 'Sue' on your notebook ly off, with my leg attached to it. I attempted to keep except that she keeps saying that she wants us to go inside a heart, but the name inside the heart on her up by bouncing next to it on my other leg, like the riding again. I don't know what to do. I think maybe notebook was 'Frosty,' an imaginary horse that she famous Western cinematic star Hopalong Dork, but tonight I'll fix her a candlelight dinner, give her some loved much more than you, despite the fact that, if finally, in a feat of astonishing equestrian skill, I fell wine, and put on some soft, romantic music. Then, Frosty ever had the chance, it would have got imagi­ down backward and got dragged across the field with when the moment is just right, I will gently but firm­ nary snot in her hair." my head bouncing gaily behind amongst the cow doots. ly bite her upper arm. Male or Female roommate wanted. Own room 2/2 duplex, minutes from UCF, blinds, verti ­ Life_guards & WSl's ($5-$6/hr) at new rec. The house of tutors "Excellence in education" in 3bdrm apt 1 mile from UCF Sherwood cals, washer/dryer $495 m+b call 889-0987 center. Oviedo for app/1nfo ask for Mark 366- SAT GRE GMAT LSAT CLAST test prep. Forest apts. Master bedroom private bath­ 7000 Ext. 660 Weekday+ weekend class. All math taught by room at $235/mo. or own room share bath Apt for rent. 2br/2bath. walking dist to UCF. B.S . math ed., !sat sections by an attorney. $215/mo. Call Glenn or Scott 658-4310 Free lawn service. $435 per month d:894- Math tutor wanted for Algebra and Geometry. Continual enrollment call 249-4070 6062 h:365.-9253 Call Michael Tierney testing specialist 897- Need female roommate ASAP. Own room, 3300 share bath. $155 rent $150 security, 1/3 utili­ 2b-2 1/2b duplex Cambridge Circle 1/3mil ties. 1 mile from UCF call 273-$744. microwave & conventional w/d fregetc exc. cond, $495/m 677-8256 Room for rent in house,pool, 3 mile away, 671- 0332 $300 month

Roommates wanted to share a house 5 min *Sherwood Forest* VACATION SPECIAL! 2br/2ba luxury con­ from UCF furnished bedrooms w/d swimming 3/2 and 212 available for immediate occu­ dos from $99/Week. World wide plush resorts. pool garage tv $235 + 1/3 util call 365-6358 pancy. Call OMV Properties inc. 657-1967 Hurry 661-6319. Roommate wanted to share 3br 2 1/2 bath Townhouse large space, walk to UCF, garage Attn:Walt Disney employees. lwill buy your 1- house near UCF, Martin. Dean Road area. All w/d d/w 2 bed 2.5 bath lease now or reserve . day world passport $15/ea. Call 380-6587. appliances $250 per month plus 1/3 utils. Mike for fall 249-2246. Leave message 381-9495 Two bedroom and one bath house one and NEW WINTER PARK HOME - $279,900 Roommate to share 3/2-H2 home in the one half mile from UCF $450 per month. 1330 HIBISCUS AVENUE Tuskawilla area. 7 miles to UCF $225 + $2751 .oo Phone before six o'clock 657-4124. GEORGEOUSMEDITERREAN4BDRM21~ mo. Util. inc. 678-6922 BATH ON TREE LINED BRICK STREET. UCF area duplex 2bd 2bth w/d central a/h DEVEX UNITED CORP. Roommate wanted-ns only $180+1/4 utilities cathedral ceilings privacy fence miniblinds NANCY OLLER 260-8633 OR 645-0135 nice house off dean rd move in Aug 10th call carpeted 365-4315 We guarantee you money for college! Private Swm- Financially secure, attractive, sensitive, 380-3001 sector scholarship &grants matching service. 'with a caring nature. Looking for an attractive Hunters reserve condos. Two brtwo bth 1090 200,000 sources data base insures success swf to share some romantic quality time. Din­ Furnished room w/ private bath in pool home. sq ft washer dryer pool tennis bkb one and one call today educational aid inc.-904-376- ner, dancing, and lots of fun. Reply to the CF F Free utilities incl. HBO+ phone. $175 p/mo or half mile from UCF $600 per m9nth 366-3009 7366 or box 90371 Gainsville Fl 32607 File #739 FREE in exchange for part-time clerical work 275-7355 For Rent 2bdrm 2bath flat pool tennis courts Kinky dude looking for a hot babe that is into walk to school $575 call 671-9957 handcuHs, whip cream, and leather apparel. Gay couple needs gay male to share apt. IS IT TRUE...JEEPS FOR $44 THROUGH Must be a bodacious blonde with blue eyes across from UCF. $142+1/3 util. Your own Fox HuntLn 2br 2bth lofttwnhse, all amenities THE U.S. GOVT CALL FOR FACTS! 504- and have a deep tan. If you are interested in room/bathroom. Write POBox 677865 1/2 mi from UCF . $475 mo unfrnshed. MIA 649-5745 EXT. S-2568 ~aving RAGING FUN with a HYNK in a LIMO Orlando,FL 32867. owner (305)251-5432 then contact the CFF file #6969 Serious Offers Only! GOVERNMENT SEIZED Vehi.cles from $100. WP.EDITING: APA, MLA, etc. 366-0538 2 bedroom apt Chancellors Row furnished Fords Mercedes. Corvettes. Chevys. Surplus. Need male r.m.-8/1. ns, responsible own rm.+ call 767-6912 Buyers Guide. (1) 805-962-8000 Ext. S-4628 WORDMASTERS 277-9600 ba. $212/mo + 1/2 857-2622 Very clean 2bd2ba washer/dryer 7882180 Roommate Wanted:3br House, private room, Student documents and resumes. Same day service available. IBM/AT, Word share bath.wash/dryer microwave dish­ For lease 2 bedroom townhouse washer cable vcr 5 min from UCF $210 rent Perfect5.0 with balcony dishwasher and UCF lonely photographers club- females must $150 dep, 1/3 util. Brian or Jim after 5pm IBM letter quality/laser printing. washer/dryer hookup be comfortable in the dark and be well (407)366-5233 very close to UCF only 5 minutes Fast* Professional* Accurate equipped. Send info to the campus photo interested?? Call John 658-1215 $215/mo for own rm in 2bdr apt across Alafaya editor. Home Typist, PC users needed. fr UCF-air, pool, laundry-$100 deposit+ 1 THE WRITE STUFF Professional Typing 2B-2B duplex easy access to E+W expwy $35,000 potential. Details. Papers, Graphs, Charts, Resumes, very rea­ Anna we have missed you but I don't care mo's notice-no lease-12136A Solon Dr. Dean Rd+Colonial $400 648-5136 862-3188 ( 1) 805-962-8000 Ext. B-4628 Call Jim 380-8609 first sonable rates, 297-3545- heads up a little dare game sat night supercalifrajelist1 first step Ron y cocacola Room for rent, $235/mo. Female, new home FINS roommate needed to share 2br 1 1/2 Typing services call Nancy 679-4006 UCF peter burns job owww ba bowwwwww deli near UCF. Call 365-2816 RPS needed PIT package hanqlers from 2- bath furnished apt across from UCF $200 1/2 campus pickup available combo tuts 6AM $7 per hour Call 297-3715 util avail Aug 1st. Kathy 904-756-3082 Be~lrqom/bath 5 miles from UCF To the students of UCF and the staff of the cozy country home/female only Female roommate needed to share house in CFF have a.great break. Especially Vic (get non-smoker call 365-7762 SCHOLARSHIPS up to $20,000. No GPA/ Oviedo. Own bdrm share bath non-smoker. a date), Nick (get a life), Bill (make some income restrictions. 213-964-4166 Ext. 59. Call 365-2940 real lasagna, with meat) , Jamie (say hi to Townhouse walk to UCF 2 bedroom 2 bath mickey for me), Heidi (sorry!), last and least micro was Ii/dryer no pets $465 call 886-9579 LSAT GMAT GRE Prep Course of all Donna (no comment). See you in the Trainer, motivator, leader. Speak and grow To share house. Own bed and bath. W/D, all Open Enrollment High Scores Fall. House-3 bedroom/2 bath/garage $7 40 secu­ rich! High income amenities. $275 mo. includes utilities, water, Taught by testing specialist Sarcastically , rity call 671-7832 potential. We train. 661-6319 and tele hone. Call 365-6350 Michael Tierney, 897-3300 or 341-0003 The B-Man

.All meetings of the Student ATTENDANCE Pl~ Senate are open to the public. rsn- 23rd Student Senate Report Students are encouraged to ARTS & SCIENCES Ad.Mtyam:l.!lenloc~ @ attend and to expre~ any l. OPEN OPEN SEAT concerns they may have. 2. Carrie Keifer P RES 6 /23 N - - Measures Voted on June 9 thru July 7 p p Senate: Sundays @ 4:00 pm in the UDR. 3.Hwnberto Cobo - - y p p p p p June 9. 1991 Legislative, Judicial and Rules Committee: 4.Victoria DelCastillo N y y - - y Mondays@ 5:00 pm"in the SG officies. 5. Warren Foley - - - p p BILL 23-49 (Code of Ethics for Elections) This bill would establish a uniform code ethics p p - - y Organizations, Appropriations and Finance 6· Deli Azghandi for participants in Student Government Elections. 7. Jonna Maynard - - - p p - - N - Passed by acclamation. Committee: Mondays @ 6:00 pm in SG. B. David Mann P P A P. P N N BILL 23-50 (Revising Chapter 601 of the Student Government Statutes) This bill revises Services and Public Relations Committee: 9. Ben Ungennan - - - A A - y the definition section of the Election Statutes. Mondays@ 7:00 pm in SG. IO. Sharon Huff A A P A A y - Passed by acclamation. Elections and Appointments Committee: 11. David Groover p p p p p N N Y Wednesdays@ 3:00 pm in SG. EDUCATION RESOLUTION 23-05 (Amending Senate Working Fund spending policy) This resolution Clubs and Organizations Committee: 1. Tanuny Osteen A RES 6 /23 would encourage clubs requesting SG fimding to obtain their faculty advisor's signature p p p p p Wednesdays@ 5:00 pm in SG. 2. Eugene Asinas NY N on the request, t------....f 3. Thyme Crichfield - -- p p - y N - Failed: 6 yes, 15 no. ATTENTION! 4. OPEN OPEN SEAT JUNE 16. 1991 5. Bryan Harper - - A P A - N Your club or organization may be 6. OPEN OPEN SEAT VETOES: eligable to receive up to $150 for 7. Meredith Miller p A p p p N N Y BILL 23-35 (Creating Chapter 401) This bill would revise the procedure for signing office supplies and advertising. In 8. Shayan Elahi p p p p p N Y Pr contracts involving Student Government. LIBERAL STUDIES it - Vetoed on April 10, 1991; Overridden by acclamation. addition, may be eligable for up to 1. Mark Deutsch PAP A · A Ny . BILL 23-36 (Revising Statute 608.B) This bill would require the Judicial Council to $500 in conference registration 2. Ralph Simon - - - A p review all appeals of Electon Commission decisions wiihin 5 school days. expenses. To find out more 3. Bobby Luthra P P A A RES N - - information stop by Student BUSINESS - Vetoed on April 10, 1991; Overridden by acclamation. 1. Mark Sutton -- p p p - N y JUNE 23. 1991 Government and pick up a Clubs and 2. Greg Memory p p p p A y y y BILL 23-56 (Funding for Vietnamese -American Student Assoc.) This bill would allocate Organizations funds request form 3. George Whitney - p p p p - N y $700 for travel related expenses for VASA to attend the North American Vietnamese or Travel Funds request form and see 4. OPEN OPEN SEAT Olympic style games in Canada (Amended to $500). Cash Ulmer, SG Comptroller or Leslie 5. Joe Sharpe p A - - y p p p p p y N y - Passed: 13 yes , 10 no , 1 abstain. Francois, Clubs and Organizations 6. Dave Patton 7. Muffadal Bootwala p p - - N Committee Chairperson. JUNE 30. 1991 8. Joe Justin p A p p p NNN BILL 23~53 (Funding for UCF Amatuer Radio Club) This bill would allocate $258.00 for 9. OPEN OPEN SEAT telephone connection for 1 year. Questions About Senate??? l 0. Gary Marlar p p p p p NY Ab - Passed by acclamation. Contact David Mann at x2191 11. David Badolato p A p p p N NY BILL 23-54 (Revisions to Title V and Title X) This bill would revise sections of the 12. Damon Mason RSND 6/9 ENGINEERING Ju~icial statutes and the eligibility statutes. A=Absent, P=Present, Y=Yes, N=No, 1. Carl Scussel p p - - N - Passed by ·acclamation. Ab=Abstain, Pr=Present. A dash (-) 2. Donald Langley p p p p p y N y BILL 23-57 (Funding for Pi Sigma Epsilon Workshop) This bill would allocate $60 for means this person was not a senator at this time. An empty space means 3. Robert Park P PA PA N N pavillion rental. p p p p p y y y .. I t he senator was absent at the time. 4. Ed Vaccaro - Passed: 19 yes, 10 no, 2 abstain, 1 present. 5. Mike Johnson P P P P RES Y AbY RESOLUTION 23-14 ("Operation Welcome Home") This resolution thanks the veterans ATTENDANCE ~ :g :;::; 6. Kenneth Nabbe - - p A p - N >D <') o -rA rA rA of Operation Desert Storm and all veterans of foreign wars. ~:::::: ~ s::?. C:::. N N N 7. Vicki Westmark p p p p A N Y Ab >D >D >D >D r- ~ i:l:l i:l:l AT-LARGE - Passed by acclamation. HEALTH,SCI,& PROF JUL y 7. 1991 I. Michelle Bruens P A P P P N Y Y Main - Paul Alphonse A P A P A y 2. Leslie Francois A P P P P N N Brevard- OPEN OPEN SEAT BILL 23-58 (Senate Working Fund Spending Schedule) 1991- 1992 allocation by semester 3. Clarence Davis RSND 6/16 - - Daytona- OPEN OPEN SEAT y y y .. . - Passed by acclamation 4. Dana Snyder RSND 6/16 - - So. Ori. - Tim Adams P P P P P • I The Central Florida Future July 31, 1991 7 - ; .


From the opening chords of a slow, earthy pianotriadalongwiththeblack-and-whitescenes ofl 91 7 street life under the shadow of the Brooklyn Bridge to the closing Peter Gunn­ soundingwail ofhorns, "Mobsters," a film loosely based on the life of Charlie "Lucky" Luciano, is pure, unadulterated fun. The story is narrated from Luciano's point of view and follows the four-man gang as it climbs its way up the criminal ladder forming its own unique technique of underworld corporate structure. Starring Christian Slater as Luciano and Patrick Dempsey as Meyer Lansky, the two making up the backbone of the halfltalian-half Jewish gang (its other members are Patrick Dempsey as Frank Costello and Richard Grieco as Bugsy Siegel, a man who could apparently use an icepick as a weapon for murder or a tool for seduction with equal ease), the film also features two powerhouse actors in Anthony Quinn and F. Murray Abraham. Well, maybe ·unadulterated isn't precisely the correct term here. This is a graphically violent film that is as salty as itis sultry and, as a first effort from Richard Grieco stars as Bugsy Siegel in Michael director Michael Karbelnikoff, it captures all the Karbelnikoff's "Mobsters." ~ DERELICTS there that think you have the glitz and glamor and, yes, the turbulence of the FROM PAGE 8 right stuff, don't give up, but Roaring '20s a'la the 1940s gangster movies which Gambon) attempts to kill Luciano, Karbelnikoff heware of R.A.P.E., Rappers were typified back then by actors such as Edward G. shows traces of the best Hitchcock in the scene's tension and timing. There is a lovemaking scene -- ~ up with the idea that the two of Against Phony Entertainers, Robinson and James Cagnei them would be great together. because real rap and def jams The movie is a tour de' force for all senses, comparable to anything seen in "9 1/2 Weeks" or In the beginning his idea are the products you get from employing strong writing, fitting music along "Body Heat." didn't work, but the more the these ·. with agreat use ofboth color and lighting to evoke Abraham plays Al Rothstein, the man who ' two of them worked together, Word to the 3rd. both mood and character. first allies himself with the group and later the closer they became. The rest Cinematically, there are some wonderful becomes tutor, advisor, confidant and father­ is history. So all you rappers out -Abdul Rahmon cutaway and montag-e shots that evoke the era figure to Luciano. Cinematographer Lajos Kaltai and the genre itself. As the gang's stature grows, adds to Rothstein's stature within that period by black and white images of Tommy-gun firing using the camera angles throughout the film. "THE IDEAL ACADEMIC COMMUNITY" outlaws are seen behind color closeups of hands Before being shot by Don Masseria (played by dealing cards and collecting chips. When Luciano Anthony Quinn), Rothstein ironically tells begins playing one mob .against another, the Luciano, "Everybody dies, Charlie." scene shifts to a jaguar restlessly pacing a zoo Quinn, who has been getting a lot of work of WE OFFER 1 & 2 BEDROOM APARTMENTS WITH , and perhaps the most powerful sequence late, puts in a great performance as a powerful CARPET, DRAPES, CENTRAL AIR/HEAT, WITH ALL OF occurs when Siegal's friend (Christopher Penn) is man who is ominous, even when in good cheer. THE FOLLOWING EXTRAS: killed after double-crossing Luciano. As the young All in .all, this. is the gangster movie for this season, combining great acting with good writing • RIGHT ACROSS FROM UCF •AFFORDABLE RATES man's blood spreads across the floor tiles of a ·ON COUNTY nus ROUTE •MONTHLY STUDENT sauna, the gang war itself fills the screen. and filmingfor a product that, like Luciano's gang SPECIALS ·WALK TO~SHOPPES, BANKS In one scene, after Don Faranzano (Michael during Prohibition, delivers the goods. AND MOVIES •THE ULTIMATE IN CONVENIENCE ONLY FIRST MONTH & SECURITY Hungry for rap? Order 3-2-Go DEPOSIT REQUIRED TO MOVE IN 12017 SOLON DR. by Abdul Rahman out there, we had to be able to Rob I'm a full time student ORLANDO, FL 273-4097 CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE compete. That's when we were at Full Sail taking Engineering. (NEXT TO PIZZA HUT ON introduced to Rob by a friend of. DE DE Sea World, need I say ALAFAYA) This past week I received an mine. DeDe, she is one of the more? opportunitytohaveaninterview P.O.P.'s ex-girlfriends. What is your biggest FREE SCHOLARSHIP .MONE! I with one of the upcoming rap Oh, your ex-girlfriend is concern in Rap Music? groups in Central Florida - 3- also your only singer! Ralphie ''D" All the sucker .-..~. .';. .· ~BILLION ~VAILABLE . 2-Go. When I met with the Yea! We stayed close even duckmofos'thatcalltheremusic brothers they were sipping brew after we broke up cuz I felt even rap-pop, yea! Like Mc Serch says and asked me to join them. Not apart we could still be together. "We should have started YOU CAN NOT LOSE wanting to be rude, I complied Strictly lyrical though! R.AP.E.,rappersagainstphony NO PROOF OF PRESENT INCOME NEEDED with their request and began So what have you done so entertainers." NO FEE UNTIL YOU GET PROOF OF AN AWARD my interview. far as the music goes? Who do you pattern yofil\ What is the name of your Well, we do Reggae night music behind? AWARD: FEE: group and who are its every Tuesday at Philly Joe's ( Ralphie ''D" Nobody, we $25 TO $100•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $15 members? Ralphie D intervenes) even have our own style of music. $100 TO $150 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $25 Well the name is 3-2-Go and though no one comes to check us P.O.P. But we like the $150 TO $250 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• $50 the members are the P.O.P., out. Bunch ofcheap skates won't Rakims, the KRS one, and the $250 TO UNLIMITED••••••••••••••••••••••••• $75 M.C.Ralphie"D,"DJRobbyRob even spend four dollars for all personalfavoriteofmine,Public and a very special female singer the free beer you can drink. Enemy. we simple call DeDe. So what do you do when DeDe Forme I've always love COLLEGE FOR MANY Ralphie "D," how did you you're not making dope to listen to Tina Marie, Patti P.O. BOX 570097 ORLANDO, FL. 32807 start this group? Jams, P.O.P.? LaBelle and the Queen of Soul, L------'I Well me and the P.O.P. go Well I work on the campus of Aretha Franklin. way back, about five years, to *DO YOU WANT TO STOP SMOKING? UCF. That's right, I'm the brother What is the goal of your the days of house parties when music? *DO YOU NEED TO LOSE WEIGHT? riding around on the cart! we lived up North. We were Ralphie "D" Well I work at P.O.P. Peace and unity, but *ARE YOU SUFFERING FRQM always looking for a def D.J. Value Rent-a-Car, it doesn't pay at the same time Mo' money, ~ HEADACHES OR MIGRAINES? because there is so much comp much, but I'm living. Mo' Money, Mo' Money. *HAVE YOU BEEN INJURED IN AN ACCIDENT? . *ARE YOU TIRED OF LIVING WITH PAIN? r--·- --- ~ - ---mnNEsn'AY-Ni'GifT' iS:.~ ------~ . IF YOU ANSWERED YES TO ANY ONE OF THESE QUESTIONS - WE CAN HELP! WE USE TRADITIONAL &: MODERN (NO NEEDLES) ACUPUNCTURE, HERBS, DIETARY "\-i -\N.",GEME1'"T AND STRESS REDUCTION TECHNIQUES. GUARANTEED SAFE! : UCF COLLEGE NIGHT AT PIZZAZZ! - : I 4088 N. GOLDENROD, WlNTER PARK ,K-MART PLAZA I DON'T DELAY - CALL TODAY FREE CONSULTATION I 25¢ DRAFTS! I NO OBLIGATION I I 1 50¢ PIZZA SLICES! 1 MOsr INSURANCE ACCEPI'ED Orlando Altamonte I COUPON GOOD FOR 1 FREE SLICE OF SICILIAN PIZZA!!!: ~t: Dr. Joseph Hou 896-3005 682-6366 I 8:30PM-10:30PM, NO COVER! ·,, 679-7900.J L~------~-~-----~- ~s Features: A Ra July 31, 1991 8

) -

Rap newcomer, Yo Yo, is one of the many new female voices in the once male dominated rap industry. Yo Yo is also leading the way for social change for women. 'Make Way for the Motherlode' stomp into the '90s with YoYo by Abdul Rahman drama. You name it, she claimed it. CENTRAL FLORIDA FUTURE , At age 17, Yo Yo hooked up with Ice Cube and the Lench Mob, but because oftheiropposing Yo, all you male rappers out there, make way for views, things didn't always go as planned. the motherlo~e. That's right, Yo Yo, a.k.a. Yolanda The I.B.W.C., the Intelligent Black Women's Whitker, is stompin to the '90s. She uses stompin Coalition, is a group to "increase the status and cuz steppen' is to soft. self esteem of all women." _ Yo Yo is a female rapper writing lyrics to all Yo Yo says women don't have to take a man's females, no matter what the color oftheir skin. This abuse, because she feels women are superior to positive attitude comes at a time when dissin' men, anyway. YoYo's style ofrap ranges from women, calling them hoes, bitches, and worse, is fast tongue twisting lyrics to slow mello raps, just as common as the sun. and believe me, she has gained the respect of Although she comes from the ghettos of South rappers all over. Central Los Angeles, or Watts, she had a hard "It's time for the the entire rap scene to draw working mother who was always there for her. No ·a deep breath, step back and Make Way for The matter what the case was, realizing the value of Motherlode, cuz YoYos coming through and education at an early age, Yo Yo was always into once she does, the macho world ofrap will never something, be it softball, modeling, volleyball or be the same. .Critics can't touch Niggaz new. 'Blue and Hardcore' looks through the eyez of some rea! niggaz that you definatly can't get wit

to be the angriest and most play. The album has some hard in Rockaways, Redfern Houses ,i forceful rap group on either core rhymes which describe the and the Hammel Houses in <.._ coast. real lives livingin South Central Rockaway Park. Because ofhis With their explicit lyrics and L.A such as "Approach To color, Serch was always getting male chauvinist remarks, the Danger," "Real Niggaz Don't beat down, but never staying i~ group has sold millions of Die" and "Appetite For down. He was dubbed "Serch" r and the fans love it. Destruction." atage14,becausehewasalways Parents have tried to ban Many people don't like the "serching" for knowledge and. NW A but there's not much you harsh lyrics of NWA but you culture. ' l can do when a member of the can't ignore the real hard core At this same time, group owns the company. side oflife cause everything ain't was developing his ski11s in Yes, Erick Eazy Write decided a day with the Brady Bunch. Brooklyn and . ,. ( · .-.maliliilliiillliiiiiilmm-.. to launch his own company, There~s crime, rape, drugs and At Bishop Ford High school, ~ Ruthless Records. They are poverty and if we don't face it, it making straight A's, Pete Nice's • Blue and Hardcore producing for such acts as will never end. steppin' to the AM. or get the favorite hobbies were rapping , Artist:NWA Mischele, The D.O.C., Terri B So you be peace and live like gas face. That's right, andbasketbal1.Atthesametime Producer: Dr. Dre and Yella and more. a Big Mac. has bust up the charts once again he was rapping, his bal1 Label: Ruthless/Priority NWA is getting paid with the new album Derelicts of techniques won him a spot on regardless. Theirnewestalbum, -Ralpie Quinones Dialect. the Catholic Leagues' All City • 1 Mc. Ren, Eazy, Dr. Dre and EFIL4ZAGGIN, is there The memebers are MC Serch team. " Yella make up the group NWA funkiest album ever. • The Derelicts of Dialect and the Prime Minister Sinister In 1988, a def demo or two led It stands for Niggaz With It's already being banned in Artist: 3rd Bass Pete Nice, with DJ Richie Rich. him to producer Sam Sever, who 4 Attitude and that's just what other countries, but NW Ais still Producer: Various MC Serch lived with his was also working with a young • thay are. selling a lot of albums and Label: Columbia. parents in West Larence, Far emcee named Serch. Sam came In therefirstalbum,Straight making a lot of new fans. NW A Rockaway Queens, but has Yo dukes, now its time to be see DERELICTS page 7 Outta'Compton, NWAwas said really doesn't want any radio always chilled with the brothers , '