Legislative Assembly Hansard 1973
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Queensland Parliamentary Debates [Hansard] Legislative Assembly WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 1973 Electronic reproduction of original hardcopy 2040 Supply [28 NOVEMBER 1973] Questions Upon Notice WEDNESDAY, 28 NOVEMBER 1973, Mr. SPEAKER (Hon. W. H. Lonergan, FUnders) read prayers and took the chair at 11 a.m. S'UP'PLEMENTARY ESTIMATES, 1972-73 Mr. SPEAKER 'read a message from His Excellency the Governor transmitting the Supplementary Estimates for the yerur 1972-73. Estimates ordered to be printed, and referred to Committee of Supply. VOTE ON ACCOUNT, 1974-75 Mr. SPEAKER read a message from His Excellency the Governor recommending that the following provision be made on account of the services of the year ending 30 June 1975- From the Consolidated Revenue Fund of Queen~>land (exclusive of the morneys standing to the credit of the Loan Fund Account), the sum of one hundred and thvrty-five million dollars; From the Trust and Special Funds, the sum of one hundred and thirty-five milliorn dollars; From the moneys standing to the credit of the Loan Fund Account, the sum of fifteen million dollars. Message referred to Committee of Supply. PAPERS The following papers were laid on the table, and ordered to be printed:- Reports- Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Account of the Public Curator, for the year 1972-73. University of Queensland, for the year 1972. The following paper was laid on the table:- Order in Council under the Co-operative Housing Societies Act 1958-1971. QUESTIONS UPON NOTICE INCREASING OF PETROL PRICES BY SERVICE STATION OPERATORS Mr. Frawley, pursuant to notice, asked The Premier,- Will he give an assurance that action will be taken against those service station operators who increased the price of petrol after their associations agreed to withhold any price increase until after discussions with the Minister for Justice on November 29? Questiol!S Upon Notice [28 NOVEMBER 1973) Questions Upon Notice 2041 Answer:- DEATH OF FISH, BURNETT RIVER "The Honourable Member will know Mr. Jensen, pursuant to notice, asked The that the Honourable the Minister for Minister for Local Government,- Justice and Attorney-General is having Has he any further information on the discussions with petrol retail industry latest fish kill early this month in the representatives tomorrow." Burnett River? NEWSPAPER ARTICLE ON SHIRE RATES, Answer:- CABOOLTURE "No further information is available as Mr. Frawley, pursuant to notice, asked to the cause of the fish kills. A sugar The Minister for Local Government,- mill which is suspected of having polluted With reference to an article in the the river has been advised of the need to Sunday Sun of November 25 wherein it comply with the requirements of the Clean was reported that some people in Cabool Waters Act 1971. This matter will be ture were paying only $5 per year for rates followed up by the Water Quality Council and enjoying all amenities such as sewer of Queensland." age, kerbing and channelling and reticulated Mr. Jensen interjected. water, in view of the many enquiries to me on November 26 from people wishing Mr. SPEAKER: Order! Yesterday I issued to live in this Utopia, the expected land a general warning that interjections will not rush which could result and the denial to be tolerated during question time. I do not me on November 26 by the Chairman of propose to warn the honourable member the Caboolture Shire Council, who stated under Standing Order 123A on this occasion, that the article was a lot of rubbish and but I shall if he interjects again. that he made no such statement, are any of these claims correct and, if not, how could such a report get into print? "HINKLER HIGH SCHOOL" AS NAME OF Answer:- NEW HIGH SCHOOL, NORTH BUNDABERG "! understand from the Chairman of the Mr. Jensen, pursuant to notice, asked The Caboolture Shire Council that he has been Minister for Education,- grossly misrepresented in the Press report As the citizens of Bundaberg wish to referred to by the Honourable Member. have the new high school at North Bunda He has in fact invited me to visit the berg named "Hinkler High School" in Shire to observe at first hand the develop memory of the famous aviator from North ment and problems of the Area, in the Bundaberg, will he ensure that it will be same way that I have visited many other so named? Areas of the State. I will be pleased to visit the Area as soon as my Parliamentary ,duties permit me to do so. A $5 rate bill Answer:- as mentioned in the Press report would cer "Names proposed for new schools must tainly not cover sewerage, water, kerbing receive the final approval of the Queens and channelling in Caboolture or anywhere land Place Name·s Board. No proposal has else. In fact, the average annual rates and yet been submitted to the Board by my ·charges payable on residential allotments Department in relation to the new high in the Shire of Caboolture are very com school at North Bundaberg and the Hon parable with such rates and charges in ourable Member's Question is the first indi other similar Local Authority Area·s. The cation I have had that the name 'Hinkler reported attack upon the Local Govern State High School' is favoured. Perhaps ment Department also has no basis in fact: the Honourable Member would provide me the relationship of the Department with all with further information on the extent of Local Authorities being on a very high support for the name in Bundaberg, so ·plane. As the Minister administering this that it could be further considered." Department I would quote from a resolu tion passed at the 1973 Local Government Conference moved by the President of the Local Government Association of Queens THREATENED BLACK BAN, COORPAROO land, Cr. Rogers and reading as follows: FIRE STATION That this Conference of Local Govern Mr. Jensen, pursuant to notice, asked The ment delegates convey to the Premier the Minister for Development,- Local Government Association's apprecia (!) Was the calling of a special meeting tion of the Minister's efforts in the interests of the Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board of Local Government and the considera on November 21 a result of a threatened tions that are placed before him'. In these black ban on the Coorparoo Fire Station? 'Circumstances I can only say, in answer to the last part of the Question, that the (2) What is the name of the person who newspaper involved appeared to be more advised the Metropolitan Fire Brigades concerned with producing an interesting Board or its representatives of the threat :article than a factual report." ened black ban? 2042 Questions Upon Notice [28 NOVEMBER 1973] Questions Upon Notice (3) Was the ground for the threatened TEACHER EDUCATION COURSES FOR black ban the fact that the Queensland TECHNICAL TEACHERS Country Fire Brigades Boards Union of Mr. P. Wood, pursuant to notice, asked! Employers occupied the Coorparoo Fire The Minister for Education,- Station? ( 1) With respect to tradesmen who are ( 4) Was the union occupying the appointed to teaching positions in technical premises by virtue of a licence to occupy colleges and high schools, what full-time granted by the Metropolitan Fire Brigades and part-time teacher education is given?· Board? (2) Is it proposed to review the period' (5) Was the licence terminated forth of teacher education and, if so, to what with on November 21 by the Metropolitan extent? Fire Brigades Board in breach of the licensed agreement? Answers:- (6) Was termination of the licensed ( 1) "At present, all teachers of Manual: agreement aided by the Metropolitan Fire Arts undertake a one-year full-time course Brigades Board at the request or instigation of teacher education to qualify for appoint of Mr. Rodgers, Secretary of the United ment to high schools. Tradesmen with a Firefighters' Union? minimum of five years' post-apprenticeship· experience, and generally employed as, foremen or supervisors in industry, are Answer:- appointed technical teachers within tech (1 to 6) "This is a matter between the nical colleges. All technical teachers are· Metropolitan Fire Brigades Board and the appointed initially to metropolitan tech- Queensland Country Fire Brigades Board nical colleges and are required to under- Union of Employers and I understand it take a four semester part-time teacher is being finalized by the parties con education course at the Mt. Gravatt cerned." Teachers College, an autonomous College of Advanced Education. The first course was introduced in 1972. Technical teachers attend the teachers college one full day (7t hours per week) for two· BREAD PRICES IN CAPITAL CITIES years and are involved in an average of five hours contact per day." Mr. R. E. Moore, pursuant to notice, asked The Minister for Justice,- (2) "As from 1974, tradesmen seeking ( 1) What is the price of a 2 lb. loaf appointment as teachers of Manual Arts in of white bread in each of the six State high schools will undertake either: (a) A capital cities? one-year full"time teacher education course if they possess substantial senior (2) In which of these cities is the price level qualifications; or (b) A two-year controlled by the State Government? full-time teacher education course if they possess Junior level qualifications. The (3) On how many occasions during 1973 Mt. Gravatt Teachers College and a sub- has the price of bread been increased in committee of the Board of Teacher Edu these cities? cation have reviewed the teacher educa tion course for technical teachers during Answers:- this year and it is not proposed to vary the length of the course at this point of ( 1) "According to information obtained time." by the Commissioner of Prices either from official documents or from industry sources, prices of unwrapped two-pound standard loaves of bread in the various STATE SCHOLARSHIPS AND GRANTS, State capital c1t1es are as follows: TERTIARY INSTITUTIONS Brisbane, 23c; Sydney, 28c; Adelaide, 26c; Mr.