
Merry Christmas from all of us at Grace Mission!

Advent 2020

Dear Ministry Partners,

Each holiday season I look forward to watching all the holiday movies. I do have a favorite that I try to watch each season. It’s about a successful -and-dance team that become involved with a sister act and team up to save a failing Vermont Inn of their former commanding general. In 1954, White Christmas was released in movie theatres and it soon became a classic. There are so many wonderful sung by legendary actors and singers throughout the film but none compare (in my opinion) to singing, “I’m dreaming of a White Christmas.”

In the last scene of the movie the curtains open and at the center of the stage is a Christmas tree beautifully decorated. As the actors fill the stage they are dressed in red velvet Christmas costumes. Children dance across the stage and the song begins….it’s quite magical. Never mind the song and lyrics were originally from the 1942 movie, Holiday Inn. But it really captured our hearts when Crosby sung it in White Christmas.

At one point near the end of the movie, the stage backdrop opens up to a make believe snow falling Vermont countryside and everyone joins in singing the song.

Every year when I hear this song and watch this movie I feel like all is good in the world. Maybe its melancholy, wishful thinking or I’m just being idealistic. But just give me a moment to ‘feel’ like all is good in the world. I think we all need those moments to ‘feel’ that especially in this horrific COVID-19 year.

(Luke 2:10) But the angel said to them, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today, in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord.” God gives us His own version to ‘feel’ like all is good in the world. Each holiday season we read about the birth of Jesus Christ. The story doesn’t change it’s the same year in and year out. It is the same familiarity, comfort, and the same Truth. It’s something we can hold unto when things aren’t so idealistic. In the Gospel of Luke (chapter 2) we read about the shepherds in the field, guarding their sheep when the night sky shattered with light. Simple shepherds roused from their sleep by a choir of angels singing: “Glory to God in the Highest!” The sky backdrop had opened and revealed the Lord’s glory.

It wasn’t the announcement that snow had finally arrived in Vermont. It was so much more. It was the announcement that God came into our world to save us; The Word became flesh, as a tiny baby in the small town of Bethlehem. He came, not as a flash of light or as an unapproachable conqueror or king. No beautifully decorated Christmas tree, no Christmas costumes or children dancing across the stage and no choreographed stage numbers. No hype, no party, no hoopla. Majesty in the midst of the mundane. Holiness in the filth of a dirty stable. Divinity entering our world. God didn’t give us a song and dance number. He gave us Himself. Stepping away from His heavenly throne, he removed his robe of light, and wrapped himself in human skin of a tiny defenseless baby.

So each holiday season I look forward to reading and listening to God’s story and I ‘feel’ like all is good in the world. Through God’s story we are reminded when He came into the world He placed His hand on the shoulder of humanity and said, “You are something special.” And that’s something to ‘feel’ good about.

The beautiful message of the Christmas story is that nothing can ever separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus.

Have a joyous celebration of His birth,

Rev. Amanda L. Nickles

Thank you for your wonderful support of Grace Mission.

Please help us give someone the opportunity to ‘feel’ like all is good in the world. HELP US MAKE CHRISTMAS SPECIAL FOR THE S.O.A.R. AFTER-SCHOOL CHILDREN AND THEIR FAMILIES

The Grace Mission Family and Children’s Christmas Service held at St. John’s Episcopal Church each year had to be cancelled due to the pandemic. Concern and safety is a most important priority for us and we did not feel it would be safe to have a traditional in-person service and dinner. We will sadly miss this wonderful tradition. That being said, we do have other plans! Grace Mission will host a virtual Christmas blessing on December 11th, as well as, providing holiday dinner boxes for the families and Christmas gifts for the children enrolled in the S.O.A.R. program. We need your help to make the holidays a special time for many families.

Opportunities to Help:

1) Dinner Boxes ARE COMPLETED - Thank you for your generosity Tallahassee!

2) Angels ARE STILL needed to provide gifts for the children enrolled in our program. Gift ideas can be found on www.amazon.com, search wish list: S.O.A.R. Grace Mission Wish List or click on this link: https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/2P2MC9GJTN4BF?ref_=wl_share

If you do not shop online, we will gladly accept gifts from local retailers. Your gift will be distributed to the families to bring joy this Christmas! Gift cards for food and gift items to support Grace Mission’s programs are welcome.

Please mail the gifts to your home and hand deliver to Grace Mission, 303 W. Brevard Street, from 10am to 2pm on 11/19-11/20 & 12/1-12/2. Do not mail Amazon gifts to GM or leave items outside of our building. For more information, contact Dawn Adams by phone or text 850-320-2233 or email at [email protected].

During this difficult year every ounce of help we can give to those in need is greatly appreciated! Thank you for your concern.

Community Gifts & Adult Holiday Takeout Dinners

Grace Mission is planning a new tradition for the Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners as dictated by the pandemic. We will continue to provide and serve a traditional holiday meal but it will be served as a takeout dinner. We are in need of food donations to make these holiday meals wonderful for those that do not have too much ‘wonderful’ in their lives. Donations can be dropped off Tues-Fri 10am to 2pm, 303 W. Brevard Street. Please do not leave items outside of our building. Food items needed:

● Whole raw turkey COMPLETED! THANK YOU! ● Instant Stuffing Mix ● Large #10 cans of corn or green beans ● Idaho potatoes & Instant potatoes ● Canned cranberry sauce ● Pumpkin, pecan, apple pies

Gift cards for food and gift items to support Grace Mission’s programs are welcome.

Other items needed throughout the holidays and the year can be found at www.amazon.com, Grace Mission Blessings Wish List at https://www.amazon.com/hz/wishlist/ls/21BVALEI1IKMT?ref_=wl_share.

Help us make the holidays special and wonderful for so many that have so little. S.O.A.R. SUCCESS, OPPORTUNITY, ACADEMICS, AND RELATIONSHIPS Due to COVID-19 precautions, The SOAR After-School Program is now in a digital learning format with 22 students enrolled for online instruction. The 30 to 60 minute tutoring sessions are challenging students to develop critical thinking skills, helping them to focus on new ways to learn while enhancing academic studies. Relationships are an important component of our program so we continue to provide the emotional and spiritual support the children need during this difficult time. Thank you for your support and we can make a difference together!


DONATE NOW TO DECEMBER 1 at www.gracemission.net/donate to support the Grace Mission #HelpHealingHopeonGMGiving Tuesday Campaign. Giving Tuesday is a global day of generosity and this movement unleashes the power of people and organizations to transform their communities. To learn more about Grace Mission’s advocacy and resource programs, like and follow us on Facebook.

SAVE THE DATE – FEBRUARY 13, 2021 Join us for the 12th Annual An Evening of Grace fundraising event All You Need is Love Right now, we are doing everything possible to sustain daily operations and provide services to our community. While there is much uncertainty due to COVID-19, now, more than ever, our community needs us. And we need you! A large percentage of the funds that keep the ministry of Grace Mission operational come from our fundraising events. So we are hopeful to have an in-person 2021 Gala, therefore; moving forward with the plans but due to the unpredictability of this pandemic, we may need to cancel. Please know your support (with or without a Gala) will allow Grace Mission to continue to operate and provide services to those in need within our community. More details as we get closer to the event. To sponsor or purchase tickets call Kate @ 850-224-3817

HELP US WIN A GRANT WORTH $10,000! VOTE NOVEMBER 22 TO DECEMBER 1 Go to #GiveTLH-GraceMission at www.tallahassee.com/life/givetlh. The Beatitude Foundation and The Kearney Center is highlighting nine local nonprofits in the community and to bring awareness about their life-changing programs. At the conclusion of the series, Kearney will award grants to the nonprofits that receive the most votes. Please vote for Grace Mission! Thanks for the Memory Retirement Announcement

Dear Ministry Partners and Friends,

Thanks. It’s a tiny word with only 6 letters but it has a powerful meaning. memorialized this word among generations by singing, “Thanks for the Memory.” It was back in 1938, a movie called The Big Broadcast starring Bob Hope that he sang this song and it would later become known as Bob Hope’s lifetime signature song. It would later win an academy award for best song.

It’s no wonder that it won because listening to it still triggers something – some sort of melancholy as I think back on my life – where I’ve been – what I’ve done – what I haven’t done – past relationships – good and bad decisions – who I helped and who helped me. We often forget to stop or hit the pause button of our lives to ‘Give Thanks for the Memory.’

So I want to hit my pause button, look back on my life with a spirit of thankfulness and give thanks to everyone who has helped me through the last 10.5 years at Grace Mission. I have been blessed beyond measure to what God has done in my life. Thanks for the Memory God for I would not have been capable of doing anything without you.

Thanks for the Memory of all the times we laughed, cried, shared our lives, hopes and dreams, as well as our pain and struggles.

Thanks for the Memory of many being baptized and accepting Jesus Christ into their lives. I will always remember the faces of each person as they came up out of the water as a new person in Christ.

Thanks for the Memory of many beginning the path of recovery, wellness and restoration. Thank you for sharing your sacred life stories.

Thanks for the Memory of a dynamic and spirit-filled worship service. I will always fondly remember my yellow tambourine! Thank you to an incredible worship team: Greg, Richard, and Deb along with so many throughout the years that have helped us make a joyous sound to praise the Lord. I will also remember the tears of joy many shed when they received communion. Thank you for letting me shed those tears with you.

Thanks for the Memory of allowing and trusting me to pray for you. Thank you for the privilege of being asked.

Thanks for the Memory of the joy, laughter and the amazement of children. I have been blessed with two incredible Children’s Directors for the S.O.A.R After-School program. They have and are making the difference in a child’s life. Thank you Liz and Dawn for your passion in helping children succeed in life. Thanks for the Memory of the most incredible staff (both past and present) who give so much more than I ask. Your dedication and devotion humbles me. It truly is team work and I would not be able to do any of this without you.

Thanks for the Memory of a supportive Advisory Board who have brought insight, ideas and guidance. It has been a great team and we have accomplished many things together.

Thanks for the Memory of the many wonderful relationships I have had the blessing to know. Special thanks for the support and relationships we have with the many churches that walk-along- side us. I treasure your faithfulness.

Thanks for the Memory of the many people who support, donate and believe in the mission and ministry of Grace Mission. A special thanks to the Diocese of Florida for their support. All of you have inspired me to do more. When I can look back on my life with a spirit of thankfulness I realize there are many things to be thankful for even the ‘bad stuff’ were lessons to be learned, to grow and to teach me to live a better life. Life hasn’t always been a bed of roses but Thanks for the Memory of the thorns where some of my most important lessons were learned.

The word thanks is a small word but it has a powerful meaning. It might only be 6 letters but when we can let this small word enter our lives – where it becomes a way of life – it gets across a message that few words are capable of achieving.

My list could go on and on but I will end here.

With gratefulness,

Pastor Amanda+

Please continue to pray and support Grace Mission. Sadly, I retire my time at Grace Mission on December 31, 2020. Please welcome with open arms the new priest once the announcement is made..

Again, Thanks for the Memory!