Roger Blench ACADEMIC CURRICULUM VITAE Roger Blench Chief Research Officer Kay Williamson Educational Foundation 8, Guest Road Cambridge CB1 2AL United Kingdom Voice/ Ans (00-44)-(0)1223-560687 Mobile worldwide (00-44)-(0)7847-495590 E-mail
[email protected] Last updated: January 21, 2015 1 R.M.Blench Curriculum Vitae Full Name: Roger Marsh Blench Date of Birth: 1st August, 1953 Marital Status: Single Academic Titles: M.A., Ph.D (University of Cambridge) Since 1979, when I began fieldwork for my doctoral thesis in Social Anthropology on speech-surrogate systems I have pursued a dual track career, conducting academic research on linguistics and anthropology in West-Central Africa, SE Asia and Peru as well being a consultant in socio-economic studies for development. From 1984 until mid-1996 and then from 2002 onwards I have been a self-employed consultant. I was a Senior Research Fellow of the Rural Policy and Environment Group at the Overseas Development Institute 1996-2002. Since 2005 I have been the part-time research director of the Kay Williamson Educational Foundation both conducting research in Nigeria and Cameroun and overseeing grants for research and publication in these countries. Current Affiliations Chief Research Officer, Kay Williamson Educational Foundation Visiting adjunct professor, UNE, Armidale Visiting Fellow, McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, Cambridge Visiting Fellow, Museu Emilio Göldi, Belem, Brazil My publications are available on my webpages My papers are also posted on my page RECENT AND FORTHCOMING ACTIVITIES 2015 a) January-February.