Remarks at a St. Patrick's Day Ceremony and an Exchange with Reporters
Mar. 17 / Administration of George Bush, 1992 perhaps his legendary driving record. things in life: friendship, faith, and family. [Laughter] Since 1988 things have gone And at a time when young Americans look better; he’s had a white pickup, but I hear for role models, those are noble virtues. the driving is about the same. [Laughter] And your life is going to help them appre- I could also talk about his love of family, ciate that ours is the freest, most blessed such a mainstay of his life. You talk about country on the face of the Earth. I salute Helen Walton who, as Senator Pryor told you, sir, for your vision, and I am proud me on the way down, is the soul of Wal- to give you your Nation’s highest civilian Mart. Her love of the arts inspires so many. honor. Her faith, her deep faith in God, comes And now, may I ask you all to be seated shining through. as we honor a man who loves his country, The story of Sam Walton is an illustration who loves his family, given far more than of the American dream. His success is our he’s gotten. success, America’s success. And when Sam’s And now if Major Cancilla of the United grandchildren read about what makes States Army will read the citation, I will America great, they’ll read about people present to Sam Walton the Medal of Free- who have grand ideas and great dreams, re- dom. sourceful people who make imagination come alive with accomplishment.
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