Children’s Services - Education

Pupil Place Planning Sufficiency Strategy Plan

Current Version: May 2018

To be updated Termly

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The Local Authority has a statutory duty to assess the local need for primary and secondary school places and to ensure that sufficient places are available for children and young people in the area.

Despite an increasingly diverse range of school governance arrangements this remains a Local Authority responsibility and Local Authorities are tasked with having transparent and robust processes in place to forecast pupil numbers and ensure that there will be sufficient school places in the right areas to meet these forecasts.

Purpose of this document

This document sets out the context and approach to Pupil Place Planning in Walsall over the forthcoming years and it provides data on current and projected pupil numbers to inform the future pattern and configuration of school places an identify where development is required.

The document sets out the process by which the demand for pupil places is forecast and outlines the principles and criteria by which additional places and school expansions are managed, outlining how the Council will use capital resources to meet future demand for school places.

This document will be reviewed in its entirety on an annual basis at the end of each summer term. However, it is intended to be a working document and relevant data will therefore be amended as it changes throughout the year.


To meet its statutory responsibilities Walsall Council needs to ensure it has an understanding of where the pressures on school places will come from, these pressures include changes in the population, housing developments, and cross border migration.

The projections of future demand outlined in this report are based on birth data sourced from the Office of National Statistics, historical pupil retention data from the School Census, pupil yield from housing developments obtained from the Council’s Planning Department and inward and outward migration data.

In order to plan pupil places effectively the Council must be open and transparent and communicate the details on the pressures on school places in each planning area to schools, parents and the community as a whole. The Council must also manage expectations and avoid any adverse impact on schools regarding school development proposals.

Walsall Planning Areas

For pupil place planning purposes the borough has been divided into planning areas. There are 11 Primary Planning Areas and 4 Secondary Planning Areas. These areas were drawn up taking note of ward boundaries, geographical features (such as major roads and housing developments), and patterns from historical school admissions data.

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Pupil Forecasts

Walsall Council produces pupil forecasts on an annual basis for the School Capacity Return (SCAP) for the Department of Education (DfE). The SCAP provides school level data for every school in the Local Authority inclusive of numbers on roll (NOR), Planned Admission Numbers (PAN), Net Capacities (NCA) and pupil projections for each planning area.

These forecasts project the future demand for pupil places in each of the primary and secondary planning areas and across the borough as a whole. Projections are produced during the summer term using live birth data, which is obtained from the Office of National Statistics, pupil yield from housing developments, and data on pupil migration. Projected pupil numbers are checked for accuracy using actual numbers on roll from the October school census each year.

Housing developments

As part of the pupil place projection process we calculate the estimated pupil yield from all new housing developments. Information about housing development is obtained from the Council’s Planning Department and data is included on all developments which have either been completed or partially completed and developments which have approved planning permission.

Pressure on existing school places and demand for new places is impacted on by new housing developments and building additional homes across the planning areas.

Walsall’s target is for housing providers to build over 500 new homes per year. This will include family homes and affordable homes for those on low incomes who need to rent or buy. A variety of sizes of homes are being built, and where possible, they should be designed to allow space to study and complete homework. The Council continues to promote affordable warmth through the big community energy switch initiative, and works with partners to identify any opportunities to make existing and new build homes more energy efficient.


An increase in birth rates or new families moving into or out of the area (migration) will have an obvious impact on pressure for school places. In projecting future school place requirements Walsall Council takes account of population changes in planning its school provision.

The current population of Walsall is approximately 270,000. This has seen a growth of 6.2% from 2001-2011, although this is less than the national average it is in line with the growth trend across the West Midlands region.

Migration Trends

Additional children moving into or out of Walsall from other Local Authorities and foreign migrants will influence school places at both a Council and Planning Area level; all these factors are taken into account in the annual projections.

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School Provision

The total number of pupils on roll at Walsall schools, at the time of the May 2018 School Census was 43,274. Of these 20,443 attended, maintained, foundation, voluntary aided or voluntary controlled primary schools and 5,795 attended primary academies; 2,762 attended maintained or voluntary aided secondary schools and 14,274 attended secondary academies.

Walsall aims to have between 3% and 5% surplus places in each of the Primary and Secondary planning areas. Schools operate more efficiently if they are full, as their budgets are significantly based on the number of pupils on the roll and surplus capacity is therefore a drain on resources. Nevertheless, a certain level of surplus capacity ensures that the Council can be responsive to parental choice, unexpected influxes of children or changes in housing development patterns.

School Organisation Changes

This section sets out the Councils approach to the organisation of schools to ensure that there are sufficient school places to meet the parental demand for places and that schools provide the highest possible quality of education.

There is a strong direction from Government that school organisation should lead to improvements and increased attainment levels. Where additional school places are required, the Council aims to enable pupils to access schools that offer improved opportunities for achievement and attainment.

The principles underlying this approach include:

 Ensuring that schools are able to deliver high quality education  Exploring options for closure or amalgamation of those schools failing to deliver positive outcomes or financial viability  The provision of additional places, when needed, at those schools that provides good or outstanding standards of education, wherever possible.  Potential amalgamation of infant and junior schools to create through schools rather than separate schools.

School Expansions

Each year Walsall Council will review pupil projection data to determine whether there are sufficient places available in each of the planning areas and across the Council as a whole for the next 5 years.

When it is necessary to create additional places this can be done either by creating temporary places at a school or by permanent expansion, subject to the availability of capital funding. In considering which schools to propose for enlargement a number of factors are considered, including;

 Location relevant to need – Is there a requirement at the school to justify an expansion?

 Parental preference and popularity of schools - Are the schools continually over-subscribed in the area? Are there large waiting lists at the schools?

 Site related issues – Can the site facilitate an expansion? Has the school already got the capacity to accommodate an increase?

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 Cost efficiency – Is the enlargement cost effective and does it provide value for money?

 Ofsted rating – in the main instance schools of an Outstanding or Good Ofsted rating would be reviewed however, this is not prohibitive.

 Reducing mixed age teaching – The Local Authority plans to reduce mixed age teaching by increasing 1.5fe schools to 2fe. o All Saints National Academy o Busill Jones Primary School o Christ Church o Edgar Stammers Primary Academy o Elmore Green Primary School o Greenfield Primary School o Lodge Farm Primary o Pelsall Village Primary School o St John’s CE Primary School

 Chosen schools appetite for expansion – Is there a desire for the expansion from the Head Teacher and staff, will they support an application to expand the school.

Schools that already operate at 3 forms of entry (3FE) would not be appropriate for expansion as primary schools with a Published Admission Number (PAN).

There are two types of expansion that are used within Walsall borough, permanent expansions, and bulge classes. Permanent expansions create permanent capacity at a school and expand the school on an annual basis until the expansion has been implemented in every year group.

Bulge classes would create additional places in a year group and move them along on an annual basis to accommodate a large cohort in a school year.

Consultation Process on School Expansions & Changes

Governing Bodies and Local Authorities may propose significant changes by following a statutory process for the following prescribed alterations:

 Alteration of upper or lower age limit by 3 years or more;  Adding/removing a sixth-form;  Removing boarding provision;  Single sex school becoming co-educational or vice-versa;  Transferring to a new site;  Closure of one site in a split site school;  Removing selective admission arrangements at a grammar school  Changes of category (excluding changes of category to foundation)  Establishing/removing/altering SEN provision at a mainstream school;  Alteration of upper or lower age limit at a special school;  Increasing/decreasing pupil numbers at a special school; and  Changing the types of needs catered for by a special school.

Statutory Process

The statutory process for making significant changes to schools has four stages:

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Stage 1 Publication Statutory proposal published – 1 day

Stage 2 Representation Must be four weeks, as prescribed in regulations (formal consultation) Stage 3 Decision The decision maker (usually the LA) must decide proposals within two months of the end of the representation period or decision defaults to Schools Adjudicator (OSA) Any appeal to the adjudicator must be made within four weeks of the decision. Stage 4 Implementation No prescribed timescale, but must be as specified in the published statutory notice, subject to any modifications agreed by the decision maker. Although there is no longer a prescribed ‘pre-publication’ consultation period for prescribed alterations, there is a strong expectation on schools and LAs to consult interested parties in developing their proposal prior to publication as part of their duty under public law to act rationally and take into account all relevant considerations. Schools will also need to ensure that they have the consent of the site trustees and other relevant religious authorities.

It is best practice to take timing into account by holding consultations and public meetings, during term time rather than school holidays. The location of any public and stakeholder meeting should also be planned to maximise response. The admissions cycle should also be taken into account, for changes that will impact on the school’s admission arrangements.

Consultation Process on Admission Arrangements

When changes are proposed to admission arrangements, all admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements that will apply for admission applications for the following school year. Where the admissions arrangements have not changed from the previous year there is no requirement to consult, subject to the requirement that admission authorities must consult on their admission arrangements at least once every 7 years, even if there have been no changes during that period.

Consultation must last for a minimum of 6 weeks and must take place between 1 October and 31 January in the determination year.

Admission authorities must consult with:

a) Parents of children between the ages of two and eighteen;

b) Other persons in the relevant are who in the opinion of the admission authority have an interest in the proposed admissions;

c) All other admission authorities with the relevant area (except that primary schools need not consult secondary schools);

d) Whichever if of the governing body and the local authority who are not the admission authority;

e) Any adjoining neighbouring local authorities where the admission authority is the local authority; and

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f) In the case of schools designated with a religious character, the body, or person representing the religion or religious denomination.

For the duration of the consultation period, the admission authority must publish a copy of their full proposed admission arrangements (including the proposed PAN) on their website together with details of the person within the admission authority to whom comments may be sent and the areas on which comments are not sought. Admission authorities must also send upon request a copy of the proposed admission arrangements to any of the persons or bodies listed above inviting comments. Failure to consult effectively may be grounds for subsequent complaints and appeals.


The Local Authority is allocated a ring-fenced capital grant, via the Department for Education (DfE) to develop additional places in schools. Funding is allocated based on the LA’s Annual School Capacity Return which details the forecast number of school places required.

A further funding stream available to Local Authorities to support the provision of additional school places is Section 106 capital funding received via housing developers. Where there is a need for additional school places arising from new housing developments the planning process can be used to ask the developer to make a capital contribution towards the additional school place provision.

Strategic Planning

The Government has been seeking to replace most Section 106 (S106) contributions with Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL). Since April 2015, local authorities have only been able to require payment from residential or other developments for education provision (or for any other types of infrastructure) provided it is not “pooled”. Each S106 obligation has to state which item of infrastructure it is to fund, and no more than five different S106 obligations can contribution to any particular item. Where it is desired or necessary for contributions to be pooled to provide a wider benefit, it will be necessary to introduce CIL.

CIL consists of a standard charge that is payable by all developments of particular types as may be specified by the local authority: the charge has to be set at a level that takes account of the viability of development in the locality, but the authority may spend it on infrastructure of any type it sees fit, provided the infrastructure is on a published list (the Reg 123 list). This list can be updated at any time.

Walsall is currently proposing to introduce CIL and the council consulted earlier this year on both the draft charging schedule and the draft Reg 123 list. Details can be found on the Walsall Council web site at levy.htm

It is important to note that the total cost of infrastructure projects for which CIL funding is being sought considerably exceeds the amount of funding that is likely to become available from this source. However, the current draft Reg 123 list already includes £3,000,000 for improvements and changes to the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) portfolio.

If Special Educational Needs (SEN) provision was to be funded via S106, there would need to be an evidence base that x number of new houses would normally entail y amount of SEN provision.

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However, special schools are likely to serve a wide area, probably borough-wide, and it would be very difficult to demonstrate that an individual residential development would by itself justify additional provision, unless it was for a very large number of dwellings.

Home to School Transport

Children are normally entitled to free home-to-school travel assistance if they live in Walsall and they attend the nearest appropriate school and; live beyond ‘walking distance’ from the school at which they are on roll.

Walking distance is defined in national legislation as

 2 miles for children aged up to 8 years  3 miles for children aged between 8 years and the end of the school year in which the child reaches 16 years of age.

There are also extended rights to free home to school transport for children who qualify by virtue of low household income.

Travel support is in the form of:

a. Bus pass (approx. 300 bus passes a year are issued in Walsall) Most children attend the nearest appropriate school that is within walking distance. b. Taxi, minibus, or coach travel for children with disabilities (approx. 600 children are transported across and out of the borough each day.

The cost of school transport is average £2,250,000 per year. (Average £2500 pa per child)

Where there may be pressures on school places – with a rising school age population and with children potentially being admitted to schools some distance from home - then the cost of home to school transport would likely increase. Most of Walsall’s expenditure on home to school transport is for children and young people with special educational need and disabilities with statements of special educational needs or Education Health and Care plans. The Council is planning to reduce its provision to the statutory minimum and to move towards more cost effective modes of transport for children with SEND, such as Independent Travel Training for young people and Personal Travel Budgets for their parents or carers.

The Council aims to get best value by optimizing routes as much as possible. This means trying to use more coaches and less individual taxis, whenever possible.

There is a framework (preferred provider list) that guarantees set costs for the Council from local transport providers. All vehicles, drivers and escorts must pass various background checks, licensing and specific training before provided with a Council Badge and authorization to transport children.

Net Capacity Assessments

The capacity of a school is the number of pupil places available; the Net Capacity Assessment (NCA) is the method by which the capacity of all mainstream and special schools is determined. The NCA is intended to provide a consistent method of establishing in comparison with the number on roll (NOR)

7 | P a g e at schools whether school have surplus places or whether additional places are required. The number of year groups in a school to give an indicated admission number for the school divides the NCA.

For primary schools, the net capacity is calculated based on the number and size of spaces designated as ‘class bases’. For secondary schools, it is based on the number, size and type of teaching spaces and the age range of the school. In both cases, this is checked against the total usable space available, which must be measured, and ensures that there is neither too much nor too little space available to support the core teaching activities. The method also allows some flexibility to suit the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and admission arrangements.

Similarly, in secondary schools the net capacity is based on the size and number of teaching spaces, and on an ‘utilisation factor’ linked to the age range of the school, unless it exceeds the limits mentioned above. This is similar to the previous method of assessing the physical capacity of secondary schools. Teaching spaces comprise all rooms available for teaching or learning, including all timetabled spaces, halls, libraries and study areas (but not including dining areas or social areas). The utilisation factor is a decimal fraction equivalent to the average proportion of time that any workplace is in use, to allow for teaching spaces being timetabled or partially used.

Net capacity offers the flexibility to allow extra space for pupils with special educational needs (SEN) or disabilities. The net capacity of a school can therefore be based on a long term policy of inclusion of all pupils (with and without statements of SEN).

Net Capacity Assessments have been completed for Secondary Schools in Walsall and Primary schools the assessments began in the Autumn Term 2017.


A school must consult formally about their plans to convert to an academy with anyone who they think will have an interest in your school changing its status. This will include staff members and parents, and should also involve pupils and the wider local community.

The law does not specify how long the consultation should last, but it is important that the interested groups, individuals and organisations have had a reasonable opportunity to respond.

A school must complete the formal consultation process before signing an academy funding agreement, so it is recommended that the consultation starts as soon as possible to allow time for everyone with an interest to respond.

Walsall Council has 18 Primary Academies and 15 Secondary Academies they are as follows:

Primary Academies:  All Saints National Academy  Birchills CE Community Academy  Academy  Caldmore Community Academy  Croft Academy  Edgar Stammers Primary Academy  Fibbersley Park Primary Academy  Goldsmith Primary Academy  Jubilee Academy Mossley  Lodge Farm Primary Academy

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 North Walsall Primary Academy  Park Hall Infants Academy  Park Hall Junior Academy  Reedswood E-Act Primary Academy  Rivers Primary Academy  Ryders Hayes Academy  Woods Bank Academy  Woodlands Academy of Learning

Secondary Academies  – An Academy   Blue Coat Church of England Academy  Grace Academy – Darlaston   Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy   Walsall Academy  West Walsall E-Act Academy

Free Schools

 Walsall Studio School

Walsall Studio School will establish a new free school in the Walsall Borough, Ladder Free School with an age range of 13-18. The school capacity would accommodate 112 pupils and will open that it would be opened in September 2018

 Sponsor A

Sponsor A propose to open two new, two form entry primary school with Pre-School, Reception and Year 1 in an area where potential project demand is high. All teachers will be fully qualified with additional support in classrooms in the form of School Direct trainee teachers. Provision for families through Breakfast and After School Clubs will also be available. The school would offer a broad and balanced curriculum that is delivered in an innovative and highly tactile way using technology

 Sponsor B

Sponsor B already has two thriving academies already in the Walsall Borough, and the sponsor is now proposing to establish a new 11-18 year old secondary school in the Blakenall area. If approved the school would open in September 2018, the school would be able to accommodate approximate 950 students Years 7 -11 and an additional 22 pupils in Sixth Form.

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Nursery Childcare Sufficiency

2 year old Early Learning

Some 2 year old children are entitled to access up to 15 hours free Early Learning the term after their second birthday. To check eligibility please contact Early Help Families Information Service on 01922 653383.

3 year old Early Learning

All three year old children are entitled to access a place for 15 hours Early Learning the term after third birthday.

Additional 3 year old Early Learning for children of working parents

Some three year old children of working parents may be entitled to an additional 15 hours free Early Learning, again the term after their third birthday. To check your eligibility visit

Providing nursery education is a statutory requirement of the Local Authority. Although parents do not have to take up their child’s place by law children’s school readiness, at age 5, has a strong impact on future educational attainment and life chances.

There are approximately 8,000 registered childcare places for children in Walsall and the majority of these places (82%) are for children aged 0-4 years old. This includes early learning places in maintained nurseries, school nursery classes, private nurseries, day-care providers, playgroups and childminders. All of these places offer learning through the Early Years Foundation Stage. For an up to date list of Ofsted registered providers please contact Early Help Families Information Service on 01922 653383.

Please check www.mywalsall/fis for up to date Early Years information.

Primary Planning Areas

Walsall has 11 Primary Planning Areas.

This section includes maps of each planning area and of the location of the planning areas within the borough as a whole. Information on actual number on roll at each school in the planning area is included and this data is taken from the May 2017 school census each year. Pupil projection data is shown for the planning area as a whole and provides a forecast of pupil numbers for the next 5 years.

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Primary Planning Area 1

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 PAN 2018 Total School Name R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 NOR 61 60 59 58 60 59 57 414 Bentley West Primary 60 30 30 30 30 30 31 30 211 County Bridge Primary 30 60 60 59 49 60 57 46 391 King Charles Primary 60 60 58 45 45 41 45 45 339 King's Hill Primary 60 32 30 31 31 30 31 30 215 Moorcroft Wood Primary 30 45 45 45 46 44 45 46 45 316 Old Church CE Primary Admit 15 over PAN 59 60 59 60 60 57 60 415 Pinfold Street Primary 60 45 44 46 42 42 43 45 44 306 Salisbury Primary Admit 15 over PAN 29 30 29 30 29 30 30 207 St Joseph's Catholic Primary 30 52 53 53 52 50 45 49 354 Woods Bank Academy 52 472 472 453 441 448 446 436 3168 TOTALS 472

Old Church CE Primary School & Salisbury Primary School are set to expand to two form entry schools from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Primary Planning Area 1

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 1:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 472 472 453 441 448 446 436

2018/19 473 472 480 456 448 452 435

2019/20 464 473 464 464 455 448 452

2020/21 479 464 473 464 464 455 443

2021/22 500 500 501 478 467 479 455

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 509 500 500 501 478 467 479

2023/24 510 509 500 500 501 478 467

Old Church CE Primary School & Salisbury Primary School are set to expand to two form entry schools from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Summary of Primary Planning Area 1

In order to meet an increasing demand for primary school places across the planning area it has been decided to significantly expand Old Church CE Primary School and Salisbury Primary School from 1 September 2019. The proposal was agreed by Walsall Cabinet and so the Local Authority will admit up to 15 additional children in the 2018 primary admission round, taking the number expected to be admitted to Reception in September 2018 to 60.

The local authority previously advised that schools that operated as 1.5 form entry would initially be reviewed for expansion in order to reduce mixed age teaching, where the school site supports the expansion and the proposal is cost effective. Both Old Church and Salisbury Primary School are 1.5 Fe schools and would increase to 2fe.

Action Plan

There is still a projected shortfall of places from 2022 however this will be reviewed with the January/May 2018 census information and with the SCAP return completed in July 2018 to determine whether this is still the case.

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Primary Planning Area 2

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN 2018 R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR Barcroft Primary 60 60 60 61 60 60 60 59 420

Fibbersley Park Primary 90 91 89 89 59 56 58 58 500

Lodge Farm Primary 45 42 45 46 44 44 45 44 310

New Invention Infant 90 90 90 88 0 0 0 0 268

New Invention Junior (90) 0 0 0 90 89 90 88 357

Pool Hayes Primary 30 30 29 32 30 30 30 30 211

90 Rosedale CE Infant Admit 30 over PAN 59 61 60 0 0 0 0 180

Short Heath Junior (60) 0 0 0 60 60 60 60 240

St Giles CE Primary 60 57 58 44 45 42 45 45 336

Woodlands Academy 60 60 59 60 60 60 61 59 419

TOTALS 495 489 491 480 448 441 449 443 3241


Rosedale CE Infant School – part of the Short Heath Federation – is set to increase their PAN from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Primary Planning Area 2

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 2:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 489 491 480 448 441 449 443

2018/19 449 460 491 481 439 441 444

2019/20 500 449 460 491 481 439 441

2020/21 495 500 449 460 491 481 439

2021/22 490 495 500 449 460 491 481

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 480 490 495 500 449 460 491

2023/24 485 480 490 495 500 449 460

Rosedale CE Infant School – part of the Short Heath Federation – is set to increase their PAN from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 90 children in Reception 2018.

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Summary of Primary Planning Area 2

In order to meet an increasing demand for school places across the planning area it has been decided to significantly expand Rosedale CE Infant School – part of Short Heath Federation from a 2fe to 3fe School. The proposal was agreed by Walsall Cabinet and so the Local Authority will admit up to 30 additional children in the 2018 primary admission round, taking the number expected to be admitted to Reception in September 2018 to 90. The official PAN of the school will increase from September 2019.

Action Plan

The Local Authority will annually review the actual data on take up of Reception places in this planning area to ensure there is a continued surplus of places.

The local authority will consider expanding the following 1.5fe schools to 2fe to reduce mixed age teaching, where the school site supports the expansion and the proposal is cost effective.

 Lodge Farm Primary Academy

The local authority is also considering the amalgamation of infant to junior schools should the opportunity arises.

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this booklet.


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Primary Planning Area 3

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 Abbey Primary 30 30 30 30 30 29 29 30 208 All Saints National Academy 45 45 45 45 45 42 45 43 310 Beacon Primary 60 58 59 48 57 42 49 37 350 Busill Jones Primary 45 45 42 45 45 40 42 32 291 Elmore Green Primary 45 44 46 44 45 49 45 45 318 Jubilee Academy Mossley 30 30 30 30 30 30 28 26 204 Little Bloxwich CE Primary 30 30 30 29 30 30 31 29 209 Lower Farm Primary 60 60 61 59 57 60 60 53 410 St Peter's Catholic Primary 30 30 30 29 30 30 27 30 206 372 373 359 369 352 356 325 2506 TOTALS 375

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Primary Planning Area 3

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 3:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 372 373 359 369 352 356 325

2018/19 361 373 376 376 362 343 342

2019/20 300 360 272 275 275 360 340

2020/21 270 300 300 280 280 275 365

2021/22 300 270 300 300 280 280 275

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 300 300 270 300 300 280 280

2023/24 310 300 300 270 300 300 280

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Summary for Primary Planning Area 3

Reception places:

Currently there are surplus reception places in the Planning area due to the expansion that was recently undertaken at Beacon Primary school from September 2017.

Places for Midyear admission:

No immediate action required due to surplus places in planning area.

Action Plan

Projected figures show a decrease in place requirement due to a dip in birth rate for 2019/20 with sufficient school places being available in the planning area; therefore no immediate action is required.

The local authority will consider expanding the following 1.5fe schools to 2fe to reduce mixed age teaching, where the school site supports the expansion and the proposal is cost effective.

 All Saints National Academy  Busill Jones Primary  Elmore Green Primary

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Primary Planning Area 4

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN 2018 R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR Blakenall Heath Junior (60) 0 0 0 60 58 60 58 236

Bloxwich Academy 60 60 60 59 62 60 56 60 417

Christ Church CE JMI 45 45 45 45 45 30 33 31 274

Edgar Stammers Primary Academy 45 38 44 46 44 41 37 36 286

Goldsmith Primary Academy 60 58 60 59 58 50 57 43 385

Leamore Primary 30 30 31 30 30 29 30 29 209

Rivers Primary Academy 60 56 59 53 29 31 29 30 287

St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic 30 30 37 47 30 39 34 30 247

Sunshine Infant and Nursery 60 59 60 59 0 0 0 0 178

376 396 398 358 338 336 317 2519 TOTALS 390

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Primary Planning Area 4

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 4:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 376 396 398 358 338 336 317

2018/19 380 396 391 364 344 339 322

2019/20 485 380 395 391 364 345 340

2020/21 460 485 380 395 390 365 345

2021/22 361 460 485 366 365 367 364

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 365 364 460 485 366 362 359

2023/24 370 365 365 460 485 370 360

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Summary Primary Planning Area 4

Reception places:

There are currently surplus places in Planning Area 4; this is due to Goldsmith Primary Academy and Rivers Primary Academy formally increasing their published admission number to 60, increasing places in the planning area by 30.

Places for Midyear admission:

Based on the projected figures there are surplus midyear admission places for the planning area.

Action Plan

The local authority will consider expanding the following 1.5fe schools to 2fe to reduce mixed age teaching, where the school site supports the expansion and the proposal is cost effective.

 Christ Church CE JMI  Edgar Stammers Primary Academy

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Primary Planning Area 5

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 Alumwell Infant 90 89 90 90 269

Alumwell Junior (90) 90 90 89 90 359

Delves Infant 90 90 89 90 269

Delves Junior (90) 90 89 89 88 356

Hillary Primary 90 84 87 90 81 87 90 88 607

Palfrey Infant 90 89 90 91 270

Palfrey Junior (90) 89 89 91 90 359

Reedswood E-ACT Primary Academy 60 58 58 56 60 60 60 55 407

Whitehall Junior Community (90) 85 89 89 86 349

Whitehall Nursery and Infant 90 90 90 89 269

500 504 506 495 504 508 497 3514 TOTALS 510

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Primary Planning Area 5

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 5:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per January 2018 Census 500 504 506 495 504 508 497

2018/19 494 502 488 490 488 500 500

2019/20 588 495 500 488 485 500 500

2020/21 625 590 495 500 488 485 500

2021/22 510 625 590 494 500 488 485

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 505 510 625 590 494 500 488

2023/24 500 505 510 625 590 494 500

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Summary Primary Planning Area 5

Reception places:

There is sufficient surplus capacity in this planning area to accommodate projected demand for Reception places across the age range until September 2019. This will be monitor and reviewed closely with the October & January census information.

Midyear Admission Places:

There is sufficient surplus capacity for midyear admissions in the planning area.

Action Plan:

The Local Authority will continue to monitor levels of capacity – currently there is 3% surplus capacity in the area. The projected increase in demand for places from September 2019 is predicted to be temporary with numbers falling back to within current levels in 2020/21. It may be necessary to provide a bulge class to accommodate this projected temporary demand.

The local authority is also considering the amalgamation of infant to junior schools when the opportunity arises.

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Primary Planning Area 6

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 60 58 60 56 60 59 52 405 Birchills CE Primary Academy 60 88 90 90 268 90 Blue Coat CE Infant 90 91 90 84 355 (90) Blue Coat CE Junior 30 30 30 30 29 30 30 209 Butts Primary 30 40 59 60 56 60 59 30 364 Caldmore Community Academy 60 49 59 59 59 60 59 59 404 Chuckery Primary 60 29 28 28 30 30 30 28 203 Croft Academy 30 28 30 30 30 30 29 30 207 North Walsall Academy 30 90 91 90 271 90 Park Hall Infant Academy 102 103 102 102 409 (102) Park Hall Junior Academy 31 30 30 30 29 30 30 210 St Mary's the Mount Catholic Primary 30 27 29 30 30 31 30 30 207 St Patrick's Catholic Primary 30 472 504 507 512 524 518 475 3512 TOTALS 510

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Primary Planning Area 6

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 6:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 472 504 507 512 524 518 475

2018/19 509 521 521 515 500 502 522

2019/20 519 510 520 520 515 500 500

2020/21 540 520 525 520 520 515 500

2021/22 530 533 519 534 546 520 519

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 537 540 533 519 550 546 525

2023/24 535 537 540 530 520 550 545

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Summary Primary Planning Area 6

Reception Places:

There is sufficient surplus capacity in this planning area to accommodate projected demand for Reception places and midyear admissions across the age range until 2020/21.

Midyear Admissions:

No immediate action is required due to sufficient places in the planning area.

Action Plan:

The Local Authority will review data on the actual take up of Reception places in this area from the October 2017 school census.

No immediate action required due to sufficient Reception places being available,

The local authority is also considering the amalgamation of infant to junior schools when the opportunity arises.

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Primary Planning Area 7

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 90 90 91 92 90 90 89 632 Blackwood 90 60 60 60 64 64 64 62 434 Lindens Primary 60 45 44 45 46 44 45 48 43 315 Manor Primary Admit 15 over PAN 54 58 60 59 61 58 46 396 Meadow View JMI 60 82 81 77 63 84 84 83 554 Pheasey Park Farm Primary 90 29 30 30 29 31 30 28 207 St Anne's Catholic Primary 30 359 364 364 351 375 374 351 2538 TOTALS 375

Manor Primary School are set to expand to a two form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Primary Planning Area 7

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 7:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 359 364 364 351 375 374 351

2018/19 370 378 389 374 373 384 371

2019/20 211 370 380 375 370 385 370

2020/21 210 211 368 380 375 370 380

2021/22 240 210 210 365 380 375 370

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 220 240 215 210 367 375 375

2023/24 230 225 220 210 210 370 375

Manor Primary School is set to expand to a two form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Summary Primary Planning Area 7

In order to meet an increasing demand for primary school places across the planning area it has been decided to expand Manor Primary School from 1 September 2019. The proposal was agreed by Walsall Cabinet and so the Local Authority will admit up to 15 additional children in the 2018 primary admission round, taking the number expected to be admitted to Reception in September 2018 to 60.

Increasing the school by 15 places in Reception will create 15 additional places in the planning area and give surplus places until September 2021/22.

Action Plan

There is still a projected shortfall of places from 2022 however this will be reviewed with the January/May 2018 census information and with the SCAP return completed in July 2018 to determine whether this is still the case.

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Primary Planning Area 8

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR January 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 60 60 60 62 65 63 62 432 Cooper &Jordan CE Primary 60 75 79 75 80 73 73 81 66 527 Leighswood Primary Admit 15 over PAN 30 30 30 29 30 32 30 211 St Mary of the Angels Catholic Primary 30 30 30 30 31 30 33 31 215 Whetstone Field Primary 30 199 195 200 195 198 209 189 1385 TOTALS 195

Leighswood School are set to expand to a three form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 90 children in Reception 2018.

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Primary Planning Area 8

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 8:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per May 2018 Census 199 195 200 195 198 209 189

2018/19 210 220 197 203 191 199 203

2019/20 160 200 215 200 205 195 200

2020/21 155 160 200 215 200 205 195

2021/22 205 155 160 200 215 205 200

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 205 200 155 160 200 215 210

2023/24 200 200 200 155 160 200 215

Leighswood School are set to expand to a three form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 90 children in Reception 2018.

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Summary Primary Planning Area 8

In order to meet an increasing demand for primary school places across the planning area it has been decided to expand Leighswood School from 1 September 2019. The proposal was agreed by Walsall Cabinet and so the Local Authority will admit up to 15 additional children in the 2018 primary admission round, taking the number expected to be admitted to Reception in September 2018 to 90.

Increasing the school by 15 places in Reception will create 15 additional places in the planning area and give surplus places until September 2020/21.

Action Plan

There is still a projected shortfall of places from 2020/21 however this will be reviewed with the January/May 2018 census information and with the SCAP return completed in July 2018 to determine whether this is still the case.

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Primary Planning Area 9

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 2018 42 45 31 31 30 31 28 238 Greenfield Primary 45 44 45 45 44 44 48 50 320 Pelsall Village Primary 45 30 32 32 29 30 28 30 211 Radleys Primary 30 31 32 33 34 32 33 31 226 Rushall JMI 30 60 60 60 58 63 61 59 421 Ryders Hayes Primary Academy 60 29 33 32 22 31 29 23 199 St Francis Catholic Primary 30 45 45 47 44 45 45 47 45 318 St Michael's CE Primary Admit 15 over PAN 281 294 277 263 275 277 266 1933 TOTALS 285

St Michael’s Primary School are set to expand to a two form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018

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Primary Planning Area 9

Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 9:


Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6

NOR as per January 2018 census 281 294 277 263 275 277 266

2018/19 284 278 212 300 303 300 303

2019/20 276 280 285 215 300 305 300

2020/21 260 280 285 290 220 300 305

2021/22 297 289 300 294 299 323 312

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2022/23 300 293 299 300 302 302 326

2023/24 300 300 293 299 300 302 302

St Michael’s Primary School are set to expand to a two form entry school from September 2019, they will therefore admit above PAN from September 2018 – admitting 60 children in Reception 2018.

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Summary Primary Planning Area 9

In order to meet an increasing demand for primary school places across the planning area it has been decided to expand St Michael’s Primary School from 1 September 2019. The proposal was agreed by Walsall Cabinet and so the Local Authority will admit up to 15 additional children in the 2018 primary admission round, taking the number expected to be admitted to Reception in September 2018 to 90.

Action Plan

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

Further schools in Planning Area 9 that operate with 1.5 FE are:

 Greenfield Primary School  Pelsall Village Primary School

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Primary Planning Area 10

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN 2018 R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 209 Castlefort JMI 30 46 44 45 45 45 44 45 314 St John's CE Primary 45 31 29 32 30 31 31 30 214 Walsall Wood Primary 30 107 103 107 105 106 105 104 737 TOTALS 105 Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 10: TOTAL PLANNING AREA PAN = 105

Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6 NOR as per May 2018 Census 107 103 107 105 106 105 104

2018/19 107 98 107 105 106 106 105

2019/20 100 105 100 105 105 105 105

2020/21 100 100 105 100 105 105 105

2021/22 87 89 105 91 95 105 105

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected

2022/23 86 88 90 105 88 97 105

2023/24 90 90 90 90 105 90 100

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Summary Primary Planning Area 10

Reception & Midyear Places:

There is sufficient surplus capacity in this planning area to accommodate projected demand for Reception places and midyear admissions across the age range.

Action Plan:

This planning area is showing a surplus of places and so no further action is required at present.

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Primary Planning Area 11: Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN 2018 R Y1 Y2 Y3 Y4 Y5 Y6 Total NOR 20 23 28 28 30 24 24 177 Brownhills West Primary 30 30 30 31 29 32 28 30 210 Holy Trinity CE Primary 30 29 29 28 31 31 26 28 202 Millfield Primary 30 24 27 27 26 27 27 28 186 St Bernadette's Catholic Primary 30 30 27 31 28 31 30 24 201 St James Primary 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 29 209 Watling Street JMI 30 163 166 175 172 181 165 163 1185 TOTALS 180 Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers for Reception in Primary Planning Area 11: TOTAL PLANNING AREA PAN = 180

Reception Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year4 Year 5 Year 6 NOR as per January 2018 Census

2018/19 148 151 174 180 181 181 178

Figures 2019/20 160 148 150 175 180 180 180

2020/21 145 160 150 150 175 180 180

2021/22 154 153 158 145 143 176 180

Projected NOR NOR Projected

2022/23 156 155 157 156 142 144 177

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Summary Primary Planning Area 11

Primary Planning Area 11 has carried a significant level of surplus for a number of years.

Reception places:

As the levels of surplus places in this planning area are significantly above the Local Authority’s target of 3 to 5% surplus no additional places are required in this planning area and the additional surplus can be used to offset shortfalls in other areas. The Local Authority will continue to monitor pupil numbers in this area and in the adjacent planning areas.

Places for Midyear admission:

There is a projected shortfall in capacity for midyear admission to key stage 2 year groups in this planning area from 2018/19 and it may be necessary to provide some additional places to meet demands for midyear admission. The Local Authority will review data on actual numbers on roll from the October 2017 school census and throughout the 2017/18 school year.

Action Plan:

This planning area is showing a surplus of places and so no further action is required at present.

In addition to looking at 1.5 form entry (fe) schools to expand the Local Authority is looking at all schools in the planning area that may be able to support an expansion using the criteria listed earlier in this document.

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Secondary Planning Areas

Walsall has 4 Secondary Planning Areas.

This section includes maps of each planning area and of the location of the planning areas within the borough as a whole. Information on actual number on roll at each school in the planning area is included and this data is taken from the May school census each year. Pupil projection data is shown for the planning area as a whole and provides a forecast of pupil numbers for the next five years.

Walsall Secondary Schools

Ref No. Name 1 Aldridge School - A Science College 2 Barr Beacon School 3 Blue Coat Church of England Academy 4 Brownhills School 5 Grace Academy Darlaston 6 Joseph Leckie Academy 7 Pool Hayes Academy 8 Queen Mary's Grammar 9 Queen Mary's High 10 Ormiston Shelfield Community Academy 11 Shire Oak Academy 12 St Francis Of Assisi Catholic Technology College 13 St Thomas More Catholic - Business & Enterprise College 14 Bloxwich Academy 15 The Streetly Academy 16 Walsall Academy 17 West Walsall E-ACT Academy 18 Willenhall E-ACT Academy 19 Walsall Studio School

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Secondary Planning Area 1

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN Net Capacity Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Total NOR 150 136 141 119 112 658 125 210 Brownhills School 255 240 240 226 205 1166 240 280 Ormiston Shelfield Academy 279 262 253 236 229 1259 240 280 Shire Oak Academy 684 638 634 581 546 3,083 TOTALS 605 770 Pupil Forecast Data

Projected pupil numbers in Secondary Planning Area 1: TOTAL PLANNING AREA PAN = 615

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 NOR as per May 2018 Census 684 638 634 581 546

2018/19 617 680 640 635 580

2019/20 650 620 685 635 635

2020/21 665 660 625 680 630

2021/22 660 650 655 630 660

Projected NOR Figures 2022/23 672 668 645 650 628

2023/24 620 670 665 640 645

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Summary Secondary Planning Area 1

There appears to be a significant shortfall of places in Secondary Planning Area 1 however there is one school who is operating under its Net Capacity Assessment and two schools that are operating above theirs. Based on this information all three schools Net Capacity Assessments will be reviewed to determine how many pupils can actual be taken on roll at the school.

Action Plan

The three schools will be visited to examine the Net Capacities and see if there are any requirements for additional places in the area or whether the schools can accommodate the projected numbers.

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Secondary Planning Area 2

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN Net Capacity Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Total NOR 259 261 259 261 258 1298 Aldridge School 270 270

285 265 263 263 259 1335 Barr Beacon School 300 300

150 150 120 119 111 650 Queen Mary’s Grammar School 150 150

186 179 184 169 177 895 St Francis of Assisi Catholic Technology College 180 210

246 235 1258 The Streetly Academy 243 245 258 263 256

1143 1175 1138 1118 1082 1058 1040 5436 TOTALS

Pupil Forecast Data - Projected pupil numbers in Secondary Planning Area 2 TOTAL PLANNING AREA PAN = 1143

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11

NOR as per May 2018 Census 1138 1118 1082 1058 1040

2018/19 1143 1138 1110 1080 1045

2019/20 1135 1143 1142 1115 1072

2020/21 1140 1135 1140 1145 1120

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2021/22 1150 1142 1140 1138 1138

2022/23 1160 1152 1135 1135 1140

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Secondary Planning Area 2

Year 7 places:

Projections indicate a shortfall of places in Secondary Planning Area 2 from 2018/19, however two schools in the planning area are actually currently undergoing expansions at the schools which will alter their Net Capacity and therefore allow more places in the area. The Local Authority will review this following more information from the schools.

The area contains a selective grammar school which is oversubscribed and receives a high volume of applications from children outside the planning area and the Walsall Borough. Two other schools in the Planning Area – Barr Beacon School and The Streetly Academy are located close to the Birmingham border and attract a large number of Birmingham residents, both these schools were also significantly oversubscribed in the 2017 secondary admissions round

Action Plan:

The Local Authority will review data on actual numbers on roll from the October 2017 school census and throughout the school year.

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Secondary Planning Area 3

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN Net Capacity Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Total NOR

149 149 149 146 129 722 160 160 Blue Coat CE Academy 217 146 143 135 103 744 175 240 Grace Academy Darlaston 239 233 224 204 193 1093 240 265 Joseph Leckie Academy 121 118 121 120 111 591 120 120 Queen Mary's High School 164 152 131 144 103 694 210 210 West Walsall E-Act Academy 890 798 768 749 639 3844 TOTALS 905 995

Pupil Forecast Data - Projected pupil numbers in Secondary Planning Area 3:


Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 NOR as per May 2018 Census 890 798 768 749 639

2018/19 790 890 795 750 755

2019/20 761 763 892 872 740

2020/21 777 776 770 885 854

2021/22 767 792 783 785 889

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected

2022/23 801 782 799 798 769

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Secondary Planning Area 3

Projections indicate surplus capacity in the planning area until 2022/23.

Action Plan:

The Local Authority will continue to monitor demand for places in this area as currently there are sufficient places for the projected places required.

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Secondary Planning Area 4

Numbers on roll at the time of the May 2018 school census.

NOR May 2018 School Name PAN Net Capacity Y7 Y8 Y9 Y10 Y11 Total NOR

139 87 99 129 115 569 150 229 Bloxwich Academy 214 200 201 150 161 926 200 241 Pool Hayes Academy 243 242 242 242 240 1209 243 243 St Thomas More Catholic Business and Enterprise College 208 208 181 181 173 951 208 210 Walsall Academy 160 170 184 171 225 910 270 280 Willenhall E-Act Academy 964 907 907 873 914 4,565 1071 1203 TOTALS Pupil Forecast Data - Projected pupil numbers for Secondary Planning Area 4: TOTAL PLANNING AREA PAN = 1071

Year 7 Year 8 Year 9 Year 10 Year 11 NOR as per May 2018 Census 964 907 907 873 914

2018/19 1039 960 912 920 880

2019/20 1100 1045 975 920 925

2020/21 1050 1167 1126 1076 902

Projected NOR Figures NOR Projected 2021/22 1120 1192 1143 1114 1113

2022/23 1075 1177 1168 1131 1091

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Secondary Planning Area 4

Projections indicate a shortfall of places in the Secondary Planning Area 4 from 2020/21, however due to the shortfall only being minute the Local Authority will review again following SCAP18 data. Additionally there are two schools in the planning area that operate significantly PANS which are significantly below capacity.

Action Plan

The Local Authority is currently reviewing Net Capacity Assessments for all secondary schools in the Walsall Borough to determine the number of pupils each school can accommodate and admission authorities will be asked to determine admission numbers which reflect the actual capacity of the school.

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Specialist Provision

Castle Business & Enterprise College


Mary Elliot


Old Hall


The Jane Lane – A College for Cognition & Learning

On 26 April 2017, the Council’s Cabinet approved a proposal to increase the number of places at Walsall’s existing special schools. Additional places were to be created to be available from September 2017, September 2018 and September 2019 as part of the Councils’ 5 year schools strategy. The fully costed school expansion schemes were approved at a meeting of the Council’s Cabinet on 25 October 2017 and formal approval was given to significantly enlarge the school on 13 December, following a period of statutory consultation.

The Council has a duty to ensure there are sufficient school places for resident children who want a school place in mainstream and special schools. Specialist places are those in special schools and in Additional Resourced Provisions (ARPs) that are attached to mainstream schools for children and young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND).

There are three aspects:

i) The delivery of an additional 156 places in Walsall special schools (including the September 2017 increase) ii) and for around 30 new places in Additional Resourced Provisions (ARPs) over the next 5 years iii) The scope for further development with existing or new providers to enhance SEMH provision- places for young people with Social Emotional and Mental Health issues.

Projections of Demand

The justification for the increase in special school place was set out in the Cabinet reports. In summary, this was expressed in terms of:

 The total school age population of Walsall will continue to increase over the next 10 years – it is increasing by just under 1% a year, adding around 400 young people a year to the school age population;  There is a pro rata increase in the number of young people with special educational needs and disabilities. Around 15% of children have some form of special educational need. In Walsall, 3.5% have significant special educational needs and have either a statement or an Education Health and Care plan. Whilst the vast majority of children with SEN are in mainstream schools, the general increase in the school age population alone is enough to justify over 100 additional specialist places;

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 There has been an increase in the numbers of young people identified as having some form of SEND and the marked growth in particular types of SEND, such as ASD (Autistic Spectrum Disorder)- an increase of 15% over a 5 year period- and other more complex special needs;  No local authority is or ever will be self-sufficient in its SEN provision. However, typically, there are over 200 children and young people a year going out of borough to school placements in other authority areas. Many are the nearest appropriate placement in neighbouring areas; others are in regionally based specialist provision, while 70 or more a year are in independent specialist provision. Placement costs are typically higher than those in-borough, even more so when transport costs are added.  There is a decline nationally in the proportion of pupils with a statement or Education Health and Care plan who are in mainstream school settings;  Also nationally, the Department for Education, forecast a significant (30%+) increase in the number of special school places that will be required in England up to 2024;

None of this has changed in the past year. The recently published ONS sub regional projections (May 2018) show a projected increase in the school age population of Walsall (aged 5-16) of 11% to 48,000 by 2030. That is before any increase in population due to new housing.

Virtually all pupils and students in special schools will have an Education, Health and Care plan. Around half of those young people will find placements in specialist provision, the other half will be in mainstream. Walsall maintains 1,800 EHCPs. There has been a 9% increase in the number of requests for ‘statutory assessments’ for EHCPs so far this academic year – say 10% a year overall.

The expansion programme

The 2017 expansion scheme created up to 50 additional places to meet the anticipated short term demand for specialist places. Alterations were carried out at two of the schools that were earmarked for larger scale expansion schemes:

 Old Hall school – creating 16 teaching spaces for high needs children of primary age  Oakwood school – creating 6 teaching spaces for high needs children of primary age  Other appropriate site(s) as identified to meet Key Stage 1 need, creating up to 28 additional places.

The plan is for an increase of 158 funded special school places at existing schools over the next 5 years. These include the additional places achieved for September 2017.

This can be shown by type of need, though the expansion programme has given the special schools the opportunity to review their designations – there are relatively few pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties in the schools designated as MLD, for instance

Types of places at present Commissioned places (April – August 17) Additional places Moderate Learning Difficulties and 251 60 Additional/Cognition & Learning (7-19) Severe/complex needs (3-11) 155 48 Severe/complex needs (11-19) 127 20 Social & Emotional Health 112 0 Short stay (medical) /ASC 30 30

Totals 675 158

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Expansions are underway or are planned for six of Walsall’s special schools. These are

 Old Hall – SLD, PMLD, Medical (Severe Learning Difficulty, Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty) 26 additional places by September 2018  Shepwell school – Short stay (medical) but with ‘ARP’ type provision for ASC - 15 additional places by September 2018  Castle school – MLD (Moderate Learning Difficulty) and Additional Needs, but designation changes to Cognition & Learning. 30 additional places by September 2018  Jane Lane School – Cognition & Learning 30 additional places by September 2018. Also:  Oakwood school – SLD, PMLD, Medical (Severe Learning Difficulty, Profound & Multiple Learning Difficulty 32 additional places by September 2019  Mary Elliot School – Learning Difficulty, Complex needs 30 additional places by September 2019.

Additional Resourced Provision (ARPs) in Walsall

Additionally Resourced Provisions (ARPs) are specialist school places that are attached to or are part of mainstream schools. The Local authority makes the placement of the young person in the ARP and pays the school for the costs of the placement. The pupil is on the roll of the school and the staff are employed by the school. The young people may spend some time in the resource base, but the presumption is that there will be inclusion in the mainstream school for some of the time.

 There are 9 ARPs in Walsall providing 105 places. In all cases, the model is one that provides for up to 80% inclusion in the mainstream setting.

 The proposal is for expansion by 20-30 places over the next 5 years: 6-8 additional ASD places through re-designation; potentially 20 plus additional places through expansion of primary and secondary places for more complex ASD pupils in particular.

A number of places have been re-designated in the past year and an expression of interest has been received to develop a primary age ARP in the west of the borough. The ‘ARP’ that is part of Shepwell school is being re-designated as ‘Alternative Provision’ in its own right as the number of places is doubled through expansion.

A review of ARP provision overall is planned to take place in the autumn term 2018.

SEMH- Social Emotional and Mental Health

In 2017, we submitted an expression of interest for a ‘Local Authority commissioned free School’ in Walsall to the Regional Schools Commissioner and DfE but were unsuccessful. The vision for the potential Walsall special free school is one that meets the needs of children who, among others, are over–represented in out of borough placements: the more challenging young people who have often complex social, emotional and mental health issues (SEMH) and with learning difficulties (LD

There are two state funded schools in Walsall for young people with SEMH in Walsall:

 Phoenix Primary Academy – Key Stage 1 & 2 (5-11)

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 Elmwood Secondary school – Key Stage 3 & 4 (11-16)

We expect that both schools will come forward with proposals for expansion in the next academic year of 12-16 additional places each.

We are reviewing the quality of provision in exiting out of borough placement sand are talking to an independent provider about their plans to create additional places for more challenging young people with SEMH in the area of a neighbouring authority, from whom we hope to commission places.

Alternative Provision

Alternative provision are school places for pupils or students who cannot attend mainstream school (in particular) for reasons of exclusion, for medical reasons of for ‘other ‘reasons (and with or without ‘SEN’) . AP provision is usually, though not always, short term. As with specialist provision, the government is projecting a significant increase in the growth of AP places up to 2030.

The two LA maintained alternative provisions in Walsall are:

 New Leaf (pupil referral unit) – 100 funded places  Shepwell – short stay (medical) school- 30 funded places.

It is likely that New Leaf will re-locate from its current location to a new site within the Borough in the new academic year.

Shepwell is effectively becoming a special school with both short/stay medical and ASC provision, both of which are now defined as Alternative Provision, with 60 places in total.

There are 10 AP providers in Walsall, including Walsall College, where places are commissioned by either the local authority or the PRU itself. A new AR free school (the Ladder) will open in Walsall in 2019/20, with 40 places available to begin with. New AP for EAL for in-migrants is also possible.

Categories of Special Educational Need

A child may be assessed as having one of the following types of SEN (SEN Code of Practice 2015). These are the categories used in EHC Plans. They are divided into 4 main areas:

1. Cognition and learning needs  Specific Learning Difficulty (SpLD)  Moderate Learning Difficulty (MLD)  Severe Learning Difficulty (SLD)  Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulty (PMLD)

2. Social, Emotional and Mental Health  Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH)

3. Communication and interaction needs  Speech, Language and Communication Needs (SLCN)  Autistic Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

4. Sensory and/or physical needs  Visual Impairment (VI)  Hearing Impairment (HI)

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 Multi-Sensory Impairment (MSI)  Physical Disability (PD) ‘SEMH’ replaced the category ‘BESD’ – Behavioural, Emotional and Social Difficulties

Pupil Forecast Methodology

For planning and governance purposes Walsall Borough is divided into 11 planning areas at primary and four planning areas at secondary. Pupil place planning is determined through various factors which affect the need in each planning area, including:

 Birth Rates – Information from Office of National Statistics and Public Health.  Quantity of applications for Reception places.  Quantity of applications for Year 7 places.  Cohort growth.  Demand for places from neighbouring authorities.  Housing Projects – known new builds in the area.  Parental Preference.

The requirements of places are reviewed alongside any housing developments that are in the process of being undertaken in the area and demand for places from previous years applications are also factored into the requirement of places.

The forecast predicts the places that will be required as best as possible from the information that is provided and can be sourced however it is very fluid and the requirements can often change; there is therefore always a level of change between the forecast of pupil place requirement and the actual requirement/demand for school places.

Admission Statistics

The admission and pupil place planning team have two main admission rounds which they adhere to on an annual basis they are the Secondary Admission Round and the Primary Admission Round. Each of these rounds has coordinated closing dates with other local authorities. For September 2018 75% of all Secondary applicants received their first preference and 94% received one of their five preferences on offer day; for primary 89.8% received their first preference with 96% receiving one of their three preferred schools. Failing to complete the applications by the National Closing Date reduces the probability of receiving an offer for one of their preferred schools as on-time applications are given priority over lates.

The statutory walking distance for children under eight years old is two miles and for children eight and above it is up to three miles. Failure to get an application in on time may also increase the likelihood of the child having to travel more than the statutory walking distance recommended as they may be allocated a school place closest to the home address with places left remaining.

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School Capacity Survey (SCAP)

The school capacity survey (SCAP) is a statutory data collection that all local authorities must complete every year. The local authority must complete statutory collections by law unless there is a very good reason

Local authorities must submit data about:

 School Capacity – the number of places and pupils in a school.  Pupil Forecasts - an estimation of how many pupils there will be in future.  Capital Spend – the money schools and local authorities spend on their buildings and facilities.

The survey collects information about:

 Primary and Secondary Schools maintained by their local authority.  Academies.  Free Schools (including university technical colleges (UTCs) and studio schools).  City Technology Colleges.

A methodology statement is included with the SCAP return and is intended to give the figures which have been detailed in the return a more detailed context. The methodology will include pupils from proposed new housing developments where there is a degree of certainty that they will proceed in all cases. The accompanying statement explains the rationale behind the projections is important due to the varying projection data.

A commentary is also included that links the planning area information, i.e. it is identifying any local areas where school capacity is an issue, notably where schools/planning areas currently have or are projecting a shortfall. The commentary should explain where there is planned action to secure additional capacity. An explanation of any other significant changes to capacity, such as school closures, when they would be implemented and how this would affect the places available. In summary, the commentary should include details of any plans that would significantly impact on available capacity.


Alex Haigh

School Organisation Manager – Admissions & Pupil Place Planning Team

 01922 652583

[email protected]

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Documents to include:

1) School Admissions Code 2014

2) Information for Parents about admissions to Primary Schools in September 2018

3) Information for Parents about admissions to Secondary Schools in September 2018

4) Parents’ Guide to Online Admissions – A Step-by-step Guide

5) Advice on the Admission of Summer Born Children

6) Statutory Guidance for School Expansions

7) Primary Fair Access Protocol

8) Secondary Fair Access Protocol

9) SEND Code of Practice

10) Home to School Transport Policy

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