Trek the Skye Trail Europe | 900m Trek the Skye Trail Europe | 900m Join us on this 9-day expedition trekking the clearances and visit remote island Skye Trail, an established but less trodden communities and also have superb and, for the most part, deserted route opportunities for watching wildlife and if covering 27km (79 miles) from the North to the we’re lucky we may catch sight of seals, South of the island of Skye. There are no otters, golden eagles and sea eagles! waymarks on the route and many sections do not even have a path, however, we know this This route is perfect for those who want to get route well and the rewards as you walk south well away from the beaten track and is a trek from the most northerly point on the island never to be forgotten! are spectacular. Whilst on our trek we will be treated to some of the finest mountain views in the UK, passing under the shadows of the jagged Red and Black Cuillins (possibly the finest mountain range in Britain). We’ll also be taking in the breath-taking coastal scenery from beaches to cliff-tops in areas that are remarkable but almost unvisited. We’ll encounter haunting ruins of villages deserted during the highland
[email protected] CLICK TO: 0207 1834 360 BOOK NOW Trek the Skye Trail Europe | 900m Physical - P2 Technical - T1 Prolonged walking over varied terrain. There No technical skills are needed. A good steady may be uphills and downhills, so a good solid walking ability only is required.