בס"ד Laws and Customs: Adar, Taanit Esther/Purim Meshulash For the year 5780 for those in Jerusalem According to Nittei Gavriel, Mishna Berurah and Shulachan Aruch Harav All times listed are for Jerusalem only as per www.myzmanim.com Based on Rabbi Shmuel Lesches's Halachah Sheets, Reviewed by Rabbi Elimelech Rabinowicz Compiled by Yossi Fraenkel in memory of his grandparents ר' ראובן בן הרב משה אליעזר הלוי ע"ה וחיה ברכה בת ר' נפתלי משה ע"ה רבינוביץ ר' יוסף בן ר' אורי ע"ה ומלכה בת ר' יצחק צבי הלוי ע"ה פרנקל To subscribe: www.thejweekly.org or
[email protected] MONTH OF ADAR The Ba’al Koreh should read loudly and clearly, LAWS OF FASTING and have in mind to be Motzeh everyone Some say it is a big Segula to fast on Erev Rosh One shouldn’t brush one’s teeth nor rinse listening to the Kriah. Similarly, all the listeners Chodesh Adar and to say the whole Tehillim. one’s mouth. [If this will cause great should have in mind to be Yotzei the Kriah and ,When Adar Begins aggravation, there is room to be lenient - משנכנס אדר מרבין בשמחה to fulfil the Mitzvah of remembering to provided that one leans forward to prevent we increase our joy. We increase our joy eliminate Amalek. throughout the month of Adar, some say to any liquid from flowing down one’s throat; that one uses substances unfit for , - זֵכֶר is first read with a Tzeirei זכר increase the joy throughout Nissan too. The word consumption (e.g.