בס״ד וַ ֵ ּי צֵ א VAYEITZEI In loving memory of Lord Jonathan Sacks, HaRav Yaakov Zvi ben David Arieh z'l

Volume 34 | #7 “The man (Yaakov) became exceedingly prosperous 28 November 2020 and he attained large flocks, maidservants and 12 Kislev 5781 servants, camels and donkeys” (Bereishit 30:43) ends: London 4.50pm Sheffield 4.53pm Glasgow 4.53pm Edinburgh 4.47pm Birmingham 4.54pm Southport 4:59pm Jerusalem 5.14pm

Please look regularly at the social media and websites of the US, Tribe and your community for ongoing updates relating to Coronavirus as well as educational programming and community support. You do not need to sign INSIDE: into Facebook to access the US Facebook page. The US Coronavirus Helpline is on 020 8343 5696. May God bless us and the Worth Waiting For whole world. by Rabbi Joel Kenigsberg Make it or Break it Artscroll – p144 by Rabbi Michoel Rose – p1140 Hertz – p106 Haftarah – p118 Getting Ready for Chanukah Soncino – p164 with Zeal Haftarah – p188

Daf Hashavua by Rebbetzen Dina Golker Sidra breakdown Worth וַ ֵ ּי צֵ א Vayeitzei 7th Sidra in: Waiting For ּבְרֵאׁשִ ית by Rabbi Joel Kenigsberg, Magen Avot Synagogue Bereishit In the 1960’s Walter they would be rewarded with two Mischel created the marshmallows rather than one. By Numbers: now-famous “Stanford Predictably, many could not wait. Marshmallow When faced with something we 148 verses Experiment”, a really want, time often seems to 2,021 words psychological study to investigate slow down. whether the ability to delay The tells us how Lavan 7,512 letters gratification might be an indicator (Laban) made Yaakov (Jacob) work for success in later life. Children for seven years in order to marry his were placed in a room with a daughter Rachel. It would only seem Headlines: marshmallow in front of them natural if for Yaakov those years felt and given a choice - either to eat like an eternity, yet the Torah tells Birth of 11 of it immediately or to wait fifteen us precisely the opposite, “and they the 12 tribes minutes while the instructor left were in his eyes like a few days” the room. If they chose to wait, (Bereishit 29:20).

In loving memory of Chaya Rachel bat Moshe Ben-tzion

Sidra Summary

1st Aliya (Kohen) – Bereishit 28:10-22 United Synagogue Daf Hashavua On Yaakov’s journey to Charan, he falls asleep and dreams of a ladder resting on the Produced by US Living & Learning ground and reaching up to heaven, with angels ascending and descending. God is at together with the Rabbinical Council of the top of the ladder, telling Yaakov that he will inherit the Land and that he will have the United Synagogue plentiful offspring. Yaakov wakes up, having realised the holiness of the place, which Editor-in-Chief: Rabbi Baruch Davis is where the Temple would later be built (). He builds an altar and takes a vow Editorial and Production Team: committing to serve God fully (Ramban). Rabbi Daniel Sturgess, Rabbi Michael Laitner, Rebbetzen Nechama Davis, 2nd Aliya (Levi) – 29:1-17 Joanna Rose Yaakov travels eastwards. He sees a well in a field, covered by a large stone. The www.theus.org.uk local shepherds tell Yaakov that the daughter of his uncle Lavan is approaching. ©United Synagogue 2020 Yaakov moves the boulder blocking the well and waters Rachel’s flock. He kisses To sponsor Daf Hashavua please Rachel and weeps. contact Danielle Fox on 020 8343 6261, or [email protected] 3rd Aliya (Shlishi) – 29:18-30:13 If you have any comments or questions regarding Daf Hashavua please email Yaakov wants to marry Rachel, the younger sister of Leah, and offers to work for [email protected] Rabbi Isaac ben Moses Arama have been willing to work for her patriarch of the Jewish nation. The (1420–1494), in his commentary for much more than seven years had story of his work and marriage are Akeidat Yitzchak, writes that it he needed to; not, as the simple not just the story of his life, but would have been far more easily translation suggests, that the years the story of an entire people - the understood had the Torah stated passed quickly but that they were a story of how Am Yisrael (the Jewish that these days seemed in Yaakov’s minimal price to pay. people) was founded and began to eyes like a thousand years. How Perhaps there is an additional fulfil their mission set by God in this could he have felt the time passing answer. The stories of Yaakov’s world. so quickly? life, which make up this sidra, Yaakov knew that. He knew that Rabbi Ovadiah ben Yaakov Sforno seem to have little to do with the everything he was doing would fit (1475-1550) suggests that these spiritual and more to do with the into the bigger picture of Am Yisrael words are an indication of Yaakov’s mundane. Most of the details the and their role in the world. He knew deep love for Rachel. He would Torah records are about how long he that his marriage would continue worked, how much he earned and that chain and perpetuate the whom he married. Rather than tests Jewish people. This mission would of faith from which we can learn, not take days or weeks or even a we are faced with a biography and lifetime to complete, but rather the employment history. Why does it all entire span of Jewish history. In the matter? context of that story, seven years The answer is that Yaakov was really were like just a few days. not just any individual – he was a In a world that celebrates the moment and so much is focused This mission would not on that which can be instantly attained, the Torah teaches us to take days or weeks have a broader perspective. This or even a lifetime to urges us to view ourselves as part of a collective destiny and to realise complete, but rather that every moment has meaning, not the entire span of just for ourselves, but as part of a Jewish history. bigger story.

Lavan for seven years as payment. Although Lavan agrees, Point to Consider: What is the connection between the when the time comes, he tricks Yaakov, swapping Rachel birth of Yosef and Yaakov’s demand to leave? (see Rashi to for Leah. Lavan defends his actions and agrees to let 30:25) Yaakov marry Rachel a week later, if he works for another seven years. Leah, unlike Rachel, is blessed with children: 5th Aliya (Chamishi) – 30:28-31:16 Reuven, Shimon, Levi and Yehuda. Rachel gives Yaakov Lavan asks Yaakov to stay on and to specify his payment. her maidservant Bilhah to conceive ‘on her behalf’. Bilhah Yaakov replies that he will keep the plain-looking animals gives birth to Dan and Naftali. Leah then gives Yaakov her currently in the flock, and any offspring born to them with maidservant Zilpah, who gives birth to Gad and Asher. unusual-patterned skin. Yaakov becomes very prosperous. Lavan’s sons accuse Yaakov of theft. God tells Yaakov to 4th Aliya (Revi’i) – 30:14-27 return to Cana’an immediately. Rachel and Leah agree to Reuven finds some dudaim (jasmine – Rashi) in the field and leave. brings them to his mother Leah. Rachel asks for some of the jasmine. Leah agrees, but only in return for the right to sleep 6th Aliya (Shishi) – 31:17-42 that night with Yaakov. Leah conceives and has a fifth son, Yaakov’s entire family leaves. Lavan finds this out three days Yissachar. This is followed by a sixth, Zevulun. She then has later and chases after Yaakov, catching up with him at Mount a daughter, Dinah. Rachel finally has a child, Yosef. Yaakov Gilad. God appears to Lavan in a dream, telling him not to demands that Lavan let him return home after all his years harm Yaakov. Lavan criticises Yaakov for fleeing and for of work. stealing his idols. Yaakov denies the latter charge, unaware Make it or Break it by Rabbi Michoel Rose, Cardiff United Synagogue

A difficult, dark time, defending a set of values then said to be lonely, cold winter many will have a tough journey and old-fashioned in the new Hellenic age, ever faced, in the midst of the Covid a big effort, followed a small core of our people never lost pandemic. At times like these we may by relief, spiritual and their faith in the Almighty. Now each feel demoralised, broken, like a crushed material abundance and year in the middle of winter we have olive. the realisation of what is real, what is the holiday of Chanukah, which is an From the enduring history of our precious and what is true. expression of our faith in the miraculous people we cull strength, inspiration, This is a theme we seem to come ways of our Heavenly Father and the and trust, that there will come brighter across quite often throughout our strength of our belief against the odds. days. From our efforts now, doing what people’s history. The ‘star’ of our Chanukah is right, following the illuminating path This week's sidra opens with Yaakov, celebrations, the simple olive, contains of the Torah and caring for others, a young man who, fleeing his murderous within it a great, pure source of light; goodness will come blossoming forth brother, leaves his sheltered life, from so pure it is the fuel of choice for from this challenging time. We have the tent and protection of his parents our Menorahs and was the only fuel witnessed the start of this, for example, and goes penniless to a strange land. acceptable for use in the Holy Temple. in the wonderful acts of Chesed, There, Yaakov’s wicked uncle Lavan In order to make use of what the olive kindness and caring for others, that we deceives him about his wife, trying every has to offer, it must first be squeezed, have seen all around us. trick in the book to take advantage of pressed and crushed, before it can be May the mitzvah we perform as we him. Despite his difficulties, Yaakov kindled to shine brightly. kindle the lights this Chanukah give us maintains his belief in the Almighty and At the time of writing, we are at strength, as it gave our people in days continues to act with good morals. As the beginning of a challenging winter. of old, for the brighter future with which our Sages tell us, in the message he It might well be the most difficult, God will bless us. later sends to his brother Esav, ‘I lived as a stranger with Lavan, but still I kept all the mitzvot’. Yaakov, after many years, The ‘star’ of leaves Lavan with much wealth and a large family, his reputation and name our Chanukah intact. His journey did not break him. celebrations, Instead, it made him. As we approach Chanukah, we the simple olive, are again reminded of this theme of darkness, struggle and eventual triumph. contains within it a From the dark caves of the Judean Hills, facing an impossible struggle against great, pure source the regional superpower of the day, of light.

In memory of Yehuda ben Yaakov HaCohen that Rachel was hiding them. Yaakov also defends his record 7th Aliya (Shevi’i) – 31:43-32:3 in Lavan’s house, where he worked tirelessly, despite Lavan’s Lavan proposes a peace treaty, which Yaakov agrees to, trickery. symbolised by a stone monument built by Yaakov’s sons. Lavan and Yaakov part ways. observance of Judaism alongside Getting Ready the majority religion and a multiplicity of other faiths, treating them for Chanukah all equally. Thus, the challenge facing our generation is very different, and in many ways not as severe with Zeal as that confronting the Hasmoneans. It therefore affords us the huge by Rebbetzen Dina Golker, St John’s Wood Synagogue responsibility to maximise the benefits of this relative religious freedom. Our There is a strange considered role models for the future. challenges are more subtle, to be incongruity between Al Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz (1937-2020) part of and contribute to society Hanissim, the paragraph explained that Chanukah symbolises around us without diluting our of thanksgiving we the vital element of religious zeal within own values. insert into the Judaism. Both the fact that the original As Chanukah approaches, it is and (Grace after Hasmoneans were prepared to risk their important to remember this theme meals) throughout Chanukah, and the lives in fighting against overwhelming of religious and spiritual zeal as ’s account of what Chanukah odds and their insistence that pure seen in both of the miracles of commemorates. Al Hanissim seems oil must be obtained for the Menorah Chanukah, whilst feeling grateful for to focus on the military miracle of the (even beyond the basic halachic the circumstances in which we find few Hasmoneans being victorious over requirements), demonstrate their ourselves today, where we are able the many Syrian Greeks. However, religious zeal. Therefore, we need to to perform the mitzvot in full view of the Talmud seems to de-emphasise have both the Talmudic account and the the rest of the world, unlike in the the military victory and focuses on the Al Hanissim insertion into the Amidah times of the Hasmoneans. Displaying miracle of the pure oil lasting for eight and Birkat Hamazon on Chanukah. our Menorahs in our windows is days when it should have only lasted There are fundamental differences a way of showing the world how for one. in the situation that faced the precious the mitzvot are to us and One explanation given is that the Hasmoneans in fighting off the Hellenic how much our heritage means to us. sages of the Talmud deliberately played cultural influences with that confronting Observing Chanukah with eagerness down the military aspect, because the Jewry today. The Hellenists were and excitement is a distinct expression later generations of Hasmoneans were not prepared to tolerate Judaism at of the passion which our ancestors less exemplary than their antecedents; all, whereas most Jews today live harnessed to fight off the Syrian Greek whereas the Hasmoneans of the in societies which welcome our full oppression and defend their faith. Chanukah story had kept their faith against the odds with great religious zeal, the later generations were no The Hasmoneans of the Chanukah story had longer of the same calibre. It therefore kept their faith against the odds with great followed that the Talmudic sages did not want the later Hasmoneans to be religious zeal.

In memory of Yisrael Shmuel ben Yirmaya Yehoshuah

Haftarah rebelliousness, warning them of the dire consequences. The haftarah, according to the general United Synagogue However, they will ultimately return to God, Who will custom, is taken from the Book of Hoshea (ch. 12-14). welcome them back. The prophet Hoshea rebukes the tribe of Ephraim for their Sefer (the Book of Judges) Chapter 6: Gidon’s Qualms by Pnina Savery, US Jewish Living Educator

In Chapter 5 we fearing the wrath of the people learned about the if they see him do it. However, Gidon does not victory of Devorah, the next day the people find out Barak and Yael. and want to kill Gidon. His father easily accept Following this, the comes to his rescue, exclaiming Land of Israel was tranquil for that Baal, if a real god, will deal this new role. forty years. However, at the start with Gidon for what he has done. He questions of Chapter 6 we once again see In the meantime, the armies of the oft repeated refrain that the Midian and Amalek are amassing God, asking for a people “did evil in the eyes of God” to invade Israel. Gidon summons (Shofetim 6:1). This leads to a new the tribes of Menashe, Asher, sign that this is Midianite oppression, which lasts Zevulun and Naftali to gather seven years. The Midianites are for war. Gidon asks for one more genuine. compared to a “locust swarm” (6:5) sign from God, to provide Divine as they destroyed all the crops and assurance. Gidon lays out a altar under the cover of darkness. livestock, leaving the people with fleece on the threshing floor. On It is understandable that he no food to eat. Struggling with one night, the dew fell only on does not want to be discovered this persecution, the people cry the fleece, not on the ground. mid-task. However, this further out to God for help. God sends an On the next, the dew fell only on hesitation on his part appears to angel to appoint Gidon as the new the ground, not on the fleece. represent a lack of faith in God. shofet (judge) who will rescue the Indeed, Chapter 6 ends with the Jewish people from this enemy. A DIFFERENT CALIBRE OF SHOFET? protagonist asking for yet another Gidon does not easily accept There are a number of differences sign before heading out to battle. this new role. He questions God, between Gidon and the previous This constant request for asking for a sign that this is shofetim. Firstly, his reluctance to signs is reminiscent of the very genuine. Gidon prepares meat accept the leadership role is not penchant for signs and portents and matzot and places them on seen elsewhere. It is possible to for which his idolatrous Jewish a rock before pouring broth over equate this hesitation with the neighbours are rebuked. Whilst the food. The angel touches it, humility of Moshe who likewise Gidon is not openly criticised for and a fire appears, consuming all argued against his appointment this, it represents the fact that we the food on the rock. Gidon now as leader of the Jewish people. are now entering a new phase in knows that he has seen a true However, coupled with his request the book of Shofetim. The leaders angel of God and builds an altar for a sign that he is conversing appointed from now on will be of to praise God for this revelation. with a Divine emissary, it appears a lower calibre. As we continue to Next, God orders Gidon to de- something more is going on. follow the story of Gidon, we will stroy his father’s idolatrous altar to Additionally, Gidon’s fear later see how doubt and hesitation will Baal. He carries this out at night, leads him to destroy the idolatrous continue to plague his leadership. YOUR HELP WILL BE ESSENTIAL THIS MITZVAH DAY 2020

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