סדור לב שלם Lev Shalem לשבת ויום טוב for & FESTIVALS

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For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Do not copy, sell, or distribute שבת ביום Shabbat Daytime

שחרית לשבת ויום טוב 98 Shaḥarit for Shabbat and Festivals ברכות השחר 99 Morning Blessings פסוקי דזמרא 122 P’sukei D’zimra קריאת שמע וברכותיה 149 The Sh’ma and Its Blessings תפילת העמידה לשחרית לשבת 159 The Shabbat Morning תפילת העמידה ליום טוב 306 The Festival Amidah

סדר קריאת התורה 168 Service ברכת החודש 180 Blessing of the New Month

מוסף לשבת 185 Musaf for Shabbat

מוסף לשבת ראש חודש 193 Musaf for Shabbat Rosh Ḥodesh סיום התפילה 204 Concluding

מנחה לשבת ויום טוב 213 Afternoon Service for Shabbat and Festivals תפילת העמידה למנחה לשבת 223 The Amidah for Shabbat Afternoon תפילת העמידה ליום טוב 306 The Festival Amidah For restricted use only: March-April 2020. פרקי אבות 235 Do not copy, sell, or distribute

98 shabbat daytime הקדמה למנחה לשבת Introduction to Shabbat Minh|.|ah

Shabbat Minḥah Excerpts from Psalm 104 Selections from the Songs of Ascent The Songs of Ascent and psalm 104. In the Middle The Shabbat afternoon Let me praise Adonai— Ages it became customary in אֶשָּׂא עֵ ינַי אֶל הֶהָרִ ים, מֵאַ ֽיִן יָ ֹבא עֶזְרִ י. service, Minh|.|ah, has a for You, Adonai my God, are surely great; some communities to recite unique flavor, at once I lift my eyes to the mountains; the fifteen psalmic Songs of celebrating the fullness clothed in glory and majesty, from where will my help come? Psalm 121:1 Ascent ( 120–135) on of the Shabbat spirit and wrapped in a cloak of light, Shabbat afternoon during the simultaneously expressing Esa einai el he-harim, mei-ayin yavo ezri. You stretch out the heavens like a sheet of cloth, winter months. One of the wistfulness at the day’s im- associations of these psalms minent departure. In the set the rafters of the heights in the waters above, with Shabbat may have been יבָרֶ כְ ָך יהוה מִ צִּ יּוֹן, Ashkenazic tradition it is appoint clouds as Your chariot. . . . the ancient ’ description וּרְאֵ ה בּ טוּב י רוּשָׁ לָֽיִ ם ֹלכּ ימֵי חַ יֶּ ֽיָך. chanted with a distinctive You created the moon marking the seasons; of the singing them melody that conveys this in the Temple, as the priests וּרְאֵה בָנִ ים לבָנֶ ֽיָך שָׁלוֹם עַ ל יִשְׂרָאֵ ל. :dual message. the sun knows when to set ascended the fifteen steps to The Kabbalists called darkness spreads, night falls . . . From , Adonai shall bless you and you shall the platform on which the this time before the How abundant is Your creation, Adonai, see prosper all the days of your life. sacrifices were offered (Baby- conclusion of Shabbat lonian , 51b). ra·ava d’ra·avin, “the desire You fashioned it all with wisdom; May you live to see your children’s children Shabbat serves as a substitu- of desires”—a moment the earth is filled with Your riches. and all living in peace! Psalm 128:5–6 tion for the Temple, and by of special intimacy, when There is the sea, so vast and wide, Y’varekh’kha Adonai mi-tziyon, the conclusion of Shabbat we Shabbat has already done u-reih b’tuv yerushalayim kol y’mei h|.|ayekha. may feel that we have, like its work of making porous full of countless crawling creatures—big and little living things. . . . the priests, ascended to the the borders between U-reih vanim l’vanekha, al yisrael. when Your breath blows in them, they are born, highest level of the Temple. heaven and earth. Liturgi- and the face of the earth is renewed. Similarly, a late medieval cally, this special quality -custom recommended recit הִ נֵּה מַ ה טּוֹב וּמַ ה נָּעִ ים of the Shabbat Minh|.|ah May the glory of Adonai endure forever. ing Psalm 104, which centers service is expressed by the ,on the wonders of creation שֶׁ ֽ בֶ ת אַ חִ י ם גַּ ם ָ ֽי חַ ד . . . . .May Adonai rejoice in what has been created inclusion of a biblical verse Alive, I shall sing to Adonai; How good and pleasant it is from Shabbat Bereishit (the not found in the weekday Shabbat after , when Minh|.|ah service: “I offer as long as I am, I will make music in praise of my God. when companions dwell together. :1 we begin reading Genesis) my to You, Adonai, Hineih mah tov u-mah na·im shevet ah|.|im gam yah|.|ad. May my words be pleasing to Adonai, through Pesah|.|. In this spirit, at this auspicious time. that I may truly rejoice. excerpts from each of these God, in Your abundant May sinning cease from the earth, texts are included here. mercy, answer me with Selections from pirkei avot Your faithful deliverance” transgressions be no more. Pirkei Avot. It is customary to read the six chapters of עַל שׁ ֹלשָׁה ד בָרִ ים הָ עוֹלָ ם עוֹמֵ ד: .:14; see page Let me praise Adonai: halleluyah) 218). We live in a moment Pirkei Avot on the six Shab- -batot between Pesah|.| and Sha עַל הַ תּוֹרָ ה ועַל הָעֲבוֹדָ ה ועַ ל גּמִ ילוּת חֲסָדִ ים. that is mei-ein olam haba, “a foretaste of the world that The world stands on three things— vuot. It is as if these teachings, is coming,” right here on earth. That is the “deliverance” of which the verse speaks. Tradition holds that which represented the funda- died, his soul coming forth by divine kiss, during this magical hour. on Torah, on , and on good deeds. Pirkei Avot 1:2 mental religious orientation We are indeed filled with desire at this time. As we think of re-entering the fast-paced weekday world, we Al sh’loshah d’varim ha-olam omed: of the ancient rabbis, are the long to keep with us the holiness evoked by our slower pace of living. The extra time we spent with those we al ha-torah, v’al ha-avodah, v’al g’milut h|.|asadim. appropriate way to prepare love makes us long for more. As we face the moment of transition, the desire to keep something of Shabbat’s for the giving the Torah. Some “extra soul” with us through the wells up within our hearts. communities extended the custom of studying Pirkei ֹלא עָ לֶ ֽיָך הַמּ לָ אכָ ה לִגְ מור, .And we are notFor alone in ourrestricted yearning. The H|.|asidic commentator use Sefat only: Emet reads the kabbalisticMarch-April term ra·ava 2020 d’ra·avin to mean that desire goes both ways. The vision of our souls at rest, testifying to our ’s cre- Avot throughout the summer months. Two excerpts are וֹלא אַתָּ ה בֶ ן־חוֹרִ ין לִבָּטֵ ל מִמֶּ ֽנָּ ה. .ation, has made us so attractive that God loves us in a special way; we have become the objects of divine desire The Shabbat Minh|.|ah service thusDo speaks ofnot the unique relationshipcopy, of God sell,and Israel. Our oract of consecratingdistribute It is not incumbent upon you to finish the task, included here; the complete Shabbat, living in a holy way, has awakened both divine love and our own. And although Shabbat will end, the text of Pirkei Avot can be but neither are you free to desist from it. Pirkei Avot 2:21 way we have lived on Shabbat will remain, inspiring us to elevate our living throughout the week. found on pages 235–262. —arthur green Lo alekha ha-m’lakhah ligmor, v’lo atah ven h|.|orin libateil mi-menah.

213 מנחה לשבת · הקדמה shabbat · afternoon service · introduction 213 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב The Afternoon Service for Shabbat and Festivals Exalt Minh|.|ah. The daily Minh|.|ah service consists primarily of אַ שְׁ רֵ ייוֹשׁבֵי בֵ יתֶ ֽ ָך, עוֹד יְהַ ללֽוָּך סֶּ ֽלָ ה. The word aromimkha an Amidah, surrounded by יאַשְׁרֵ הָעָם שֶׁ כָּ הֽכָ לּוֹ, יאַשְׁרֵ הָעָם שֶׁ יהוה אֱֹלהָ יו. ;in the first verse of Joyous are they who dwell in Your house introductory and conclud- is trans- they shall praise You forever. ing prayers. On Shabbat, lated here as “exalt,” Joyous the people who are so favored; we also include a Torah but it comes from reading: the beginning of תּהִלָּה לדָ וִ ד a root that literally joyous the people whose God is ADONAI. the portion to be read the אֲ רוֹמִמְָך אֱלוֹהַיהַמֶּ ֽלֶ ְך, וַאֲבָר כָה שִׁמְ ָך לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד. ”.means “to raise up next Shabbat. Festivals do The H|.|asidic master A song of praise, of David not follow the rhythm of בּ כׇ ל־יוֹם אֲבָר כֶ ָ ,ֽךּ וַאֲהַ ללָה שִׁמְ ָך לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד. Elimelekh of Lizhensk I exalt You, my God, my sovereign; I praise Your name, always. weekly readings and no דוֹל יהוה וּמְ הֻ לָּל מ ֹאד, ולִגְדֻ לָּ תוֹ אֵ ין חֵ ֽקֶ ר. remarked that it is is included גָּ .Every day I praise You, glorifying Your name, always what we raise up in the afternoon service on דּוֹר ל דוֹר ישַׁ בַּח מַעֲשֶׂ ֽ יָך, וּגְ ֹבוּר ֽ תֶ יָך יַגִּֽידוּ. ,from our hearts that Great is ADONAI, greatly to be praised festivals. הֲ רדַ כּ בוֹד ֽ הוֹדֶ ָך, ודִ בְרֵ י נִפְ ל ֹא ֽ תֶ יָך אָשִֽׂ יחָ ה. .constitutes the praise though Your greatness is unfathomable of God. One generation praises Your works to another, Ashrei is composed of Psalm 145, an alphabetical וֶ עֱ זוּז נוֹר ֽ אוֹתֶ יָך ֹי ֽ אמֵ רוּ, וּגְדֻ לָּתָך אֲסַפּרֶ ֽנָּ ה. telling of Your mighty deeds. , preceded by two כֶ ר רַ בטוּב ָך יַבִּֽיעוּ, וצִדְקָת ָך ירַ נֵּ ֽנוּ. verses, each beginning with זֵ ֽ .I would speak of Your majestic glory and of Your wondrous acts the word ashrei (Psalms חַ נּוּן ורַ חוּם יהוה, אֶ ֽרְֶך אַפַּ ֽיִם וּגְדׇל־חָ ֽסֶ ד. ;Generations speak of Your awe-inspiring deeds 84:5 and 144:15), whence .the prayer derives its name טוֹב יהוה לַ ֹכּל, ורַחֲמָ יו עַל כׇּ ל־מַעֲשָׂ יו. .I, too, shall recount Your greatness The first notes that we יוֹדֽ וָּך יהוה כׇּ ל־מַעֲשֶׂ ֽ יָך, ֽ וַחֲסִידֶ יָך יבָר כֽוּכָ ה. .They recount Your great goodness, and sing of Your righteousness ADONAI is merciful and compassionate, patient, and abounding in love. are sitting in God’s house, -while the second acknowl כּ בוֹד מַ לְ כוּת ָך ֹי ֽ אמֵ רוּ, וּגְ בוּרָת ָך יְדַ בֵּ ֽרוּ. ADONAI is good to all, and God’s mercy embraces all of creation. edges the community with whom we pray. Similarly, a ל הוֹדִֽיעַ לִבְנֵי הָאָדָ ם גּ ֹבוּרתָ יו, וּכְ בוֹד הֲדַ ר מַ לְ כוּתוֹ. .All of creation acknowledges You, and the faithful bless You continued They speak of the glory of Your sovereignty and tell of Your might, verse is added at the end (:18), emphasizing proclaiming to humanity Your mighty deeds, that this is the moment when we have joined and the glory of Your majestic sovereignty. together in prayer. continued Psalm 145 itself contains themes common to . For instance, like many psalms it Ashrei yosh’vei veitekha, od y’hal’lukha . describes God’s caring relationship to human Ashrei ha-am she-kakhah lo, ashrei ha-am she-Adonai elohav. beings: “Adonai supports all who falter, and T’hilah l’david. lifts up all who are bent down.” The ancient Aromimkha elohai ha-melekh, va-avar’kha shimkha l’olam va-ed. rabbis were especially taken with the line B’khol yom avar’kheka, va-ahal’lah shimkha l’olam va-ed. “Opening Your hand, You satisfy with content- Adonai u-m’hulal me’od, v’ligdulato ein h|.|eiker. ment all that lives,” and they understood it as Dor l’dor y’shabah|.| ma∙asekha, u-g’vurotekha yagidu. expressing thankfulness to God for spiritual and physical sustenance. Because of its themes Hadar k’vod hodekha, v’divrei niflotekha asih|.|ah. and because it is easier to memorize a psalm Ve∙ezuz norotekha yomeiru, u-g’dulat’kha asaprenah. arranged as an acrostic, it became the most Zeikher tuv’kha yabiu, v’tzidkat’kha y’raneinu. oft-recited psalm, recited liturgically three H|.|anun v’rah|.|um Adonai, erekh apayim u-g’dol h|.|ased. times daily. Tov Adonai lakol, v’rah|.|amav al kol ma∙asav. Yodukha Adonai kol ma∙asekha, va-h|.|asidekha y’var’khukha. K’vod malkhut’kha yomeiru, u-g’vurat’kha y’dabeiru. For restricted use only: March-April 2020. L’hodia livnei ha-adam g’vurotav, u-kh’vod hadar malkhuto. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

214 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · אשרי shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · ashrei 214 Opening Your sovereignty is eternal; Your sovereignty -The verses im . מַ ְ ל כ וּ� תְ ָך מַ לְ כוּתָך מַ לְ כוּת כׇּ ֹל־עלָמִ ים, וּמֶמְשַׁ לְתּ ָך בּכׇ ל־דּוֹר וָ דֹר. mediately preceding and סוֹמֵ ְך יהוה לכׇל־הַ ֹנּפ לִ ים, ו זוֹקֵ ף לכׇל־הַכּ פוּפִ ים. .Your Hand Your dominion endures in every generation The H|.|asidic master ADONAI supports all who falter, and lifts up all who are bent down. following this one define Elimelekh of Lizhensk the meaning of God’s עֵ ינֵ י ֹכל אֵ לֶ ֽיָך ישַׂ בֵּ ֽרוּ, ואַתָּ ה נוֹתֵ ן לָהֶם אֶ ת־אׇ כְלָם בּעִ תּוֹ. ,The eyes of all look hopefully to You also taught that the “sovereignty”: they describe -God’s love for all of cre פּוֹתֵ ֽחַאֶ ֽ ת־יָדֶ ָך, וּמַשְׂ בִּֽיעַ לכׇל־חַי רָ צוֹן. .Hebrew word yadekha and You provide them nourishment in its proper time ation and God’s care for the צַ דִּ יק יהוה בּכׇל־דּרָ כָ יו, וחָסִ יד בּכׇ ל־מַעֲשָׂ יו. .Your hand”) in the Opening Your hand, You satisfy with contentment all that lives“) verse “Opening Your ADONAI is righteous in all that is done, faithful to all creation. most vulnerable in society. קָ רוֹב יהוה לכׇ ֹל־קראָ יו, ל ֹכל אֲשֶׁ ר יִקְרָאֻ ֽ הוּ בֶאֱמֶ ת. hand” can be read as ר צוֹן ירֵאָ יו יַעֲשֶׂ ה, ואֶ ת־שַׁ וְעָתָ ם יִשְׁמַ ע ו יוֹשִיעֵ ם. .yodukha, “those who ADONAI is near to all who call, to all who call sincerely praise You”—that is, God fulfills the desire of those who are faithful, שׁוֹמֵ ר יהוה אֶ ת־כׇּ ֹל־אהֲבָ יו, ואֵ ת כׇּל־הָרשָׁעִ ים יַשְׁמִ יד. You open those who“ praise You.” When we listening to their cries, rescuing them. ◀ תּ הִלַּ ת יהוה ידַ בֶּר־פִּ י, ,open ourselves to the ADONAI watches over all who love the Holy One expression of grati- but will destroy all the wicked. וִ יבָרֵ ְך כׇּ ל־בָּשָׂ ר שֵׁם קׇדְ שׁוֹ לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד. tude and give up our תהלים קמה .own sense of mastery, ▶ My mouth shall utter praise of ADONAI וַאֲ נַֽחְ נוּ נבָרֵ ְך יָהּ, מֵעַתָּ ה ועַ ד עוֹלָ ם. הַ ל לוּיָ הּ. .God opens us further May all that is mortal praise God’s name forever and ever and suffuses us with Malkhut’kha malkhut kol olamim, u-memshalt’kha b’khol dor vador. the Divine Presence. Somekh Adonai l’khol ha-noflim, v’zokef l’khol ha-k’fufim. Einei khol elekha y’sabeiru, v’atah noten lahem et okhlam b’ito. Potei∙ah|.| et yadekha, u- l’khol h|.|ai ratzon. Adonai b’khol d’rakhav, v’h|.|asid b’khol ma∙asav. Karov Adonai l’khol korav, l’khol asher yikra∙uhu ve-emet. R’tzon y’rei∙ ya∙aseh, v’et shavatam yishma v’yoshi∙eim. Shomer Adonai et kol ohavav, v’et kol ha-r’sha∙im yashmid. ▶ T’hilat Adonai y’daber pi, vi-vareikh kol basar shem kodsho l’olam va-ed. Psalm 145

We shall praise ADONAI now and always. Halleluyah! Va-anah|.|nu n’varekh yah, mei-atah v’ad olam. Hal’luyah.

For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

215 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · אשרי shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · ashrei 215 Shabbat and the Festivals are d’sidra. This collection of biblical verses וּבָ א לצִ יּוֹן גּוֹאֵ ל, וּלְשָׁבֵי פֶ ֽשַׁ ע בּיַעֲ ֹקב, נאֻ ם יהוה. times of celebrating creation Kedushah D’Sidra: Kedushah for is known as the kedushah וַאֲ נִ י ֹזאת בּרִ יתִ י ֹאתָם, ראָמַ יהוה, רוּחִי ראֲשֶׁ עָ לֶ ֽיָך, and of spiritual vision. The “A redeemer shall come to Zion, and to those of the house Kedushah D’sidra, which is d’sidra, most likely because it was originally recited וּדְ בָרַי אֲשֶׁ ר שַׂ ֽ מְתִּי בּפִֽ יָך, ֹלא יָמֽוּשׁוּ מִ פִּֽ יָך וּמִ פִּי זַרְ עֲ ָך recited here, is the moment of who turn away from ,” declares ADONAI. “This of seeing the heavens open is My with them,” says ADONAI, “My spirit shall after Torah study. (The וּמִ יפִּ זֶ עֽרַ זַרְ עֲ ָך, אָמַ ר יהוה, מֵעַתָּ ה ועַ ד עוֹלָ ם. up and having a vision of the holy. The Hebrew poet Ḥayim remain with you and with your descendants. My words word sidra refers to the daily portions of Naḥman Bialik offers a modern shall be upon your lips and upon the lips of your children study.) The Minh|.|ah service ◀ ו אַ תָּ ה קָ דוֹשׁ, יוֹשֵׁ ב תּ הִ לּוֹת יִשְׂ רָ אֵ ל. וקָ רָ א זֶ ה אֶ ל זֶ ה ו אָ מַ ר: glimpse of our experience of the . and your children’s children,” ADONAI declares, “now and follows upon the Torah study that we have been קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ קָ דוֹשׁ יהוה צבָ אוֹת, מ ֹלא כׇל־הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ כּ בוֹדוֹ. There is a silent speech of forever.” engaged in during Shabbat the gods, a secret language or on the festival, and so it וּמְקַ בּ לִ ין דֵּ ין מִן דֵּ ין ואָמרִ ין: קַדִּ ישׁ בִּשְׁמֵי מ רוֹמָ א not voiced, or sounded, but ▶ And You, O Holy One, are enthroned amidst the praises is appropriately included עִ לָּאָ ה בֵּ ית שׁ כִ ינְתֵּהּ, קַדִּ ישׁ עַל אַרְ עָ א עוֹבַ ד גּ בוּרתֵ הּ, —full of color of the people Israel. here. Because public magical, glorious, visionary. teaching was conducted קַדִּ ישׁ לעָ לַם וּלְעָ למֵי עָ למַ יָּ א, יהוה צבָ אוֹת, מַ לְיָ א They call out, one to another: “Holy, holy, holy is ADONAI It is in this language, God is in the language of the day revealed to the chosen; Tz’va·ot, the whole world is filled with God’s glory.” -), this prayer in) כׇ ל־אַרְ עָא זִ יו יקָרֵ הּ. in it are the thoughts the Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai Tz’va·ot, m’lo khol ha-aretz k’vodo. cludes both Hebrew verses ◀ וַתִּשָּׂאֵ ֽנִי רֽוּחַ , וָאֶשְׁמַע אַחֲרַי קוֹל רַ ֽעַ שׁ גָּ דוֹל: master of the universe and an Aramaic thinks, .(here indicated in gray) בָּ רוְּך כּ בוֹד יהוה מִמּ קוֹמוֹ. וּנְטָ לַֽתְ נִ י רוּחָ א, They call to one another, saying: “Holy in the highest becoming murmurs in heavens, holy on the earth, and holy forever, throughout The Aramaic contains artists’ hearts, an interpretation of the ושִׁמְעֵת בַּתְרַי קָ ל זִֽיעַ סַ גִּיא, דִּמְשַׁ בּחִ ין ואָמרִ ין: answers to questions posed all time is ADONAI Tz’va·ot. The radiance of God’s glory threefold repetition of the בּרִ יְך יקָרָא דַ יהוה מֵאֲתַ ר בֵּ ית שׁ כִ ינְתֵּ הּ. .in incoherent dreams fills the whole world.” word kadosh (holy): God is It is a visionary language declared holy on high, God ◀ יהוה יִמְ ֹלְך ל ֹעלָם וָעֶ ד. יהוה מַ לְ כוּתֵהּ קָאֵ ם לעָ לַ ם revealed ▶ Then a wind lifted me up and I heard a loud tumultu- is declared holy on earth, in the expanse of sky and the and God is declared holy וּלְעָ למֵי עָ למַ יָּ א. ous voice behind me, “Praised is ADONAI’s glory wherever stream of blue, throughout time. in the purity of silvered God dwells.” Unlike other versions of יהוה אֱֹלהֵי אַבְרָהָ ם יִצְחָ ק ויִשְׂרָאֵל אֲ בוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ, clouds and their dark mass, Barukh k’vod Adonai mimkomo. the Kedushah, the Kedu- in the rustle of golden shah D’sidra emphasizes שׇׁמְרָ ה ֹזּאת לעוֹלָם ליֵ רֽצֶ מַחְשׁ בוֹת לבַב ֽ עַמֶּ ָך, cornstalks and a cedar’s ADONAI will reign forever and ever. ▶ the personal experience of הָ ו כֵ ןל בָ בָ ם אֵ ֽ י לֶ ָך . ,stateliness Adonai yimlokh l’olam va-ed. God. The introductory sen- in the dove’s fluttering white tence talks of God’s spirit ו הוּארַ חוּם ריכַפֵּ עָ ֺון וֹלא יַשְׁחִ ית, והִרְ בָּ ה להָשִׁ יב אַ פּוֹ, wing and eagle’s talons, ADONAI, God of our ancestors , , and Israel, never departing from us. in the bared back of a human As in any Kedushah, ’s ו ֹלא יָעִ יר כׇּל־חֲמָ תוֹ. impress this always upon Your people, and direct their being and the gleam of a vision of the heavens open- כִּי אַתָּה אֲ דֹנָ י טוֹב וסַ לָּח, ורַב חֶ ֽסֶ ד לכׇ ֹל־ק ֽ ראֶ יָך. .glance, hearts toward You ing up and ’s vision in the anger of the sea, the of the heavenly throne are צִדְקָת ָך צֶ קֽדֶ לעוֹלָם, ו תוֹרָתָך אֱמֶ ת. God, who is compassionate, will forgive sin and not wreak roaring of its waves and its destruction; for again and again God acts with restraint, recited. But uniquely in laughter, the Kedushah D’sidra, the תִּתֵּן אֱמֶ ת ליַעֲ ֹקב, חֶ ֽסֶ ד לאַבְרָהָ ם, in the deep darkness of refusing to let rage become all-consuming. first-person statements אֲשֶׁ ר נִשְׁ בַּ ֽעְתָּ לַאֲ בוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ מִֽ ימֵי קֶ ֽדֶ ם. night, and the silence of You, ADONAI, are kind and forgiving, loving to all who call of Ezekiel, which describe falling stars, the spiritual transport that בָּ רוְּך אֲ דנָ י, יוֹם יוֹם יַעֲמׇ ס־לָֽנוּ, הָאֵ ל ישׁוּעָתֵ ֽ נוּ סֶ ֽלָ ה. .upon You ֹ in the tumultuous light, the precedes his angelic vision, cry of the burning sea Your righteousness is everlasting; Your Torah is truth. are included. in the face of the rising and You will keep faith with Jacob and be compassionate to The introductory verses are taken from Isaiah 59:20–21 and Psalm setting sun— Abraham, fulfilling the promise You made to our ancestors. For restricted use only:22:4. The verses March-April following the Kedushah D’sidra are a2020. collection in this language, the mother taken from 1 Chronicles 29:18; Psalms 78:38, 86:5, and 119:142; Micah of all language, Praised is ADONAI, the God of our deliverance, who 7:20; and Psalms 68:20, 46:8, 84:13, and 20:10. These verses emphasize the puzzle of eternity is sustains us day after day. Do not copy, sell, orand the distributehope for deliverance, an expression of our wish tangled . . . that our study of Torah will lead to the fulfillment of the vision of an —Ḥayim NaḤman Bialik ideal world.

216 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · קדושא דסדרא shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · kedushah d’sidra 216 217 beating unceasingly. allthings, the structureof vine “heart,” hiddenwithin attune ourheartstothedi- our studyandprayer isto all that theultimategoalof we aresubtly reminded Shabbat orthefestival day, of enter thisfinalservice God.”serve Thus,aswe revere, andwholeheartedly rah—inspiring ustolove, open ourheartstotheTo- few linesearlier:“May God ing ourown heartsjusta parallels ourprayer regard- allusion toGod’s heart nounced as“Adonai.”) This yod-hei-vav-hei, pro- God’s four-lettername, the lastlinebeginswith four arelamed-bet-bet-vav; linesonethrough letters of God.”heart of (Thefirst acrostic, l’vavo Adonai,“the Uva L’Tziyon containan The lastfive linesof The Heart

shabbat and festivals · afternoon service ·kedushah d’sidra And we say: . gratitude orconsolationever spokenintheworld. acknowledgment andpraise, oranyexpressions of On Festivals,On the service continues with the Amidah 306. onpage b’rikh hu,istruly [ extolled andacclaimed—thoughGod,whoisblessed, cele theHolyMay Onebeacknowledged the nameof and Leader: Y’hei sh’meih m’varakh raba l’alam u-l’almei almaya. May God’s greatnamebeacknowledged forever andever! Congregation and Leader: Israel. Andwethe daysallhouseof say: Amen. of soon beestablished,inyour lifetimeandinyour days, andin the createdworld, asisGod’s wish.May God’s sovereignty May God’s greatnamebeexaltedandhallowed throughout Leader: Ḥatzi ▶ A A A Thus IwillsingY blessing inthemessianicera andintheworld thatiscoming. Your preceptsinthisworld,happinessand tobeworthy of A in vain, norshallourchildrensufferconfusion. revere, God.Thusshallwe notlabor andwholeheartedly serve May GodopenourheartstotheTorah—inspiring ustolove, which istruth,andplantingwithinuseternallife. setting usapartfromthosewhogoastray Praised isourGod,whocreatedusforthedivineglory, A A A DON DON ness, exaltstheTorah withgreatnessandglory. who seekYou, A DONAI DONAI DONAI DONAI DONAI Those wholove You trustinYou; You never forsakethose ­brated, laudedandworshipped, exaltedandhonored, A A I I Tz’va·ot, blessedistheonewhotrustsinYou. Tz’va·ot Jacob iswithus;theGodof ourrefuge. forever andever; A , forA myGod,forever. Blessedistheonewhotrustsin ourancestors,may we, ourGodandof fulfill , helpus;Sovereign, answer uswhenwe call. DONAI our praise unceasingly; thus IwillexaltYou, on Shabbat Shuvah we add: we Shuvah Shabbat on DONAI willbethatperson’s stronghold.Trust in . A DONAI DONAI , throughdivinerighteous- isanunfailingstronghold. far]beyond all , givingustheTorah,

For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Do not copy, sell, or distribute [ א א א א ן א, בִּ ו כָ נֶ ו בּ ל שִׁ תָ רְ שְׁ ירָ בּ חָ תֻּ תָ חָ תָ אֲ עָ תָ מָ דַּ ירָ מִ מָ , on Shabbat Shuvah we substitute we Shuvah Shabbat on ה, שׁ ה ה, י מוֹת , י נִ נִ ו ו לִ י נֵ וּלְ יֵּ טוֹבָ כָ וּבְ אֶ שִֽׁ רְ ירַ הַ שְׁ רָ יחַ חַ מָּשֽׁיַ,וְּח ֵי ים, ן לָֽנוּ ת ת, י ם ע ֽנוּ.ו יֵּ הַ תּוֹעִ נָ עוֹלָ ו בּ נָֽתַ תוֹכֵ אֱ חַ תּוֹרַ טַ מֶ ,ו ַיּ וָֹםנ ַעבּ וֵֹֽוּ ל שׁ הּ א, א י א, הּ, יִ יִ גַּ ל ו בָּ בּ כִּ ב תְ שׁ עָ תְ דַּ דַּ רַ קַ מֵ רָ מָ עוּתֵ דִּ רְעת , הוּא ח ֽנוּ תוֹ ם ֽנוּ לִ יִ תוֹ בֵּ פְ לִ יָ תוֹ,בּ ו תַּ בּ בֵּ יִ ו תוֹרָ בָ הֲ שֵׂ אַ אָ רְ ָת, ר חֻ קֶּ יָך ם ה, ה יֶה עוֹלָ זֶּ נִ נִ בָּ ו זְ כֶּ ו הַ ֽ חְיה . יהוהאֱ ם, י ם ךּל עוֹלָ ֽ ֹלהַ אוֹדֶ ָ ר שֶׁ יהוה. יָך ֽ ָ הה ו יַ מְ לִ יְך הּ יכוֹן יכוֹן י ית לְ יֵּ יֵּ בּ וּבְ וּבְ כׇ חַ מַ כוּתֵ ל־בֵּ חַ יוֹמֵ ד ׇלבּ ת , ו לַ עֲ שׂוֹת ר צוֹנוֹוּלְ עׇ בְ דוֹ בּ לֵ בָ שָׁ לֵ ם,ל מַ עַ ֹלא ע נִ ביגַ ןֽע ל ִיַע ר ה ל הּ א,בּ רִ הוּאיְך יִ ו יִ יִ ו לֶּ לַּ ו הַ עַ תְ הַ דַּ תְ שׁ תְ שָׁ מֵ דּ דְ קֻ ְשׁ , בָּ רוְּך ר ר יהוה, ח יהוה ה חוֹ. גֶּ יִ יָ ֽבֶ הַ ו בַּ בְ בְ שֶׁ אֲ הָ טַ טַ מִ ְט וֹ בָּ הוּאאֱ רוְּך ֽינוּ, נוּ בוֹדוֹ, ילָֽנוּ ן לִ ֽ ֹלהֵ בּ כְ שֶׁ ו אָ רָ בְ הִ דִּ מִן ב ה. ֽ לָ סֶ ָה יהוה חוּ י ד, י יהוה הּ צוּר ים.בִּ בַ יָ עֲ עַ טְ כִּ בּ עוֹלָ דֵ מִ ם יהִי צוֹן לּ ֽיָך, אֱ ֹלהֵ יהוה ֽינוּ וֵ י רָ נֶ ינוּ מִפָ ֽ אֹלהֵ אֲ בוֹתֵֽיוּ On Festivals,On the service continues with the Amidah 306. onpage א. א שֵּׂ נַ תְ יִ ו ם וֹ מַ ר תְ יִ ו ר אַ פָּ תְ יִ ו ח בַּ תַּ שְׁ יִ ו ְך רַ בָּ תְ יִ ְבּ ְַ ו ִשׁ ַבּ ו ִת ָא ו ִת ַם י ְנ ֵא יהוה ץ ן קוֹ, יל ה ל ֽ יַ פֵ יר.צִ יַ גְ עַ חָ ו מַ דְ אְ תּוֹרָ דִּ דִּ ר י הֵ שׁ מֵ רַ בָּ מ בָ רַ ְך ם י יּל וּלְ ל ל א לַ אעָ עָ עָ הּמֵ מַ ָ יהוה יעָ ה,הַ מֶּ לֶ ְך ֽנוּ יוֹם נוּ. יַ נֵ ֽ הוֹשִֽׁ ב עֲ ֽ אֵ רְ קׇר ֵֽנ. יהוהצ בָ אוֹת עִ מָּ נוּ,מִ שְׂ גָּ לָֽנוּ אֱ י קביַ ֹלהֵ ֽ עֲ ֹ . ֹ ויִ ָך ב יוֹד עֵ שׁ ֽ ָך, כִּ ֹלא דּ ט בְ חוּימֶ זַֽבְ יעָ תָּ ן מֵ אָמ ל, א ן יב, רוּ יִ לָ גָ בַּ זְ אֵ וּבִ רָ ו שְׂ עֲ אִ מַ קָ רִ מְ וּ טֵ חַ בָּ ְך.ֽ בָּ ְך. :

־ ל כׇּ מִ א לָּ ֽ עֵ ל א לָּ ֽ עֵ לע ָא ע ָא ִכּ יהוה אוֹת, י ם בּצ בָ שְׁ אַ אָ רֵ דָ ֹ ֹ למַ י כָ בוֹד ו ֹלא דּֽ זַ ןמֶּ יִ עַ רְ ָך כָ בוֹד ו ֹלא יִ דּ לָ רִ יק, ו ֹלא ד ה.נֵ לֵ לַ לָ בֶּ הָ ָה ֹ ינוּ[, מ]ו ֽ נִּ אִ מּוֹתֵ שֶׁ שְׁ Congregation and Leader: [ א ל־ ן ל ֽלָּ כׇּ עֵ מִןכּ ־ מנחה לשבת ויום טוב· קדושא דסדרא ם א. עוֹלָ בָּ הָ הַ ָא שׁ י דִּ קַ י צִ חֲ ִי ַדּ . ן מֵ אָמ וּ ר מְ אִ  וא ְרוּ Leader: Leader: ◀

h|.| praised our god is follows. the Torah which service, Minh|.|ah of from portion demarcate the beginning congregational response Kaddish its and the H|.|atzi Here, with the Bar’khu.) the service begin not do we the include not Sh’ma, does Minh|.|ah recited. (Because where the Sh’maservices is tothe in call worship reminiscent the of Bar’khu, ..”) acknowledged be is (“May God’s great name sh’meih raba m’varakh The centralone. y’hei line, anew of the beginning and the of service section the marks end a of God, of to the us ing name praise “partial”)(or Kaddish, call- theliturgical H|.|atzi usage, the .) changed to in the plural singular, but been it has is from inthe Isaiah verse (Thein the original world. rather than to ourwork here refers to Torah study 65:23, context and inits sion” is taken from Isaiah our children suffer confu- invain, shall“not nor labor Uvaof L’Tziyon. The phrase ending the prayerful begins Isaiah 42:21.Isaiah 26:4, 9:11, Psalm Isaiah and 30:13,Psalm 17:7, taken fromtion verses of by afinal collec-followed א ֽינ� לֹהֵ אֱ וּ atzi Kaddish This concluding pra Thi .ה� וּ s sentence . In Jewish. In


ְ � ר ָ yer is וּ 217 � בּ

סדר קריאת התורה Torah Service

Va-ani T’filati I offer my prayer to You, ADONAI, at this auspicious time. The Torah Reading. A critical aspect of Shabbat וַאֲ ינִ ת יפִלָּתִ ל ָך יהוה עֵת רָ צוֹן, .is that it is a day of study אֱֹלהִ ים בּרׇב־חַסְדֶּ ֽ ָך, עֲ נֵ ֽנִי תבֶּאֱמֶ יִשְׁעֶ ָֽך. ,I offer my life as a prayer to God, in Your abundant mercy You, that I might reveal answer me with Your faithful deliverance. Having completed the Your image in me. Va-ani t’filati l’kha, Adonai, eit ratzon. reading of this week’s Torah portion in the morning, we הוצָאַת הַ ֹורָ ה May my life fulfill Your dream of me. Elohim b’ h|.|asdekha, aneini be-emet yishekha. We rise as the ark is opened. now begin the of May all that I see reflect the coming week. It is as if Your love for the world -to say that the study of To וַיְהִי בִּנְסֽ ֹעַ הָאָ ֹרן וַ ֹיּֽאמֶ ר מֹשֶׁ ה: Taking Out the Torah that You created. We rise as the ark is opened. rah is a never-ending cycle. קוּמָ ֽ ה יהוה ויָפֻ ֽצוּ איבֶ ֽיָך, ויָנֻ ֽסוּ משַׂ נְאֶ ֽ יָך מִ פָּ נֶ ֽיָך. May what I build and For further reflections on) ֹ create, all that I do, As the ark was carried forward, Moses would say: the meaning of Torah and usher in Your sover- its liturgical reading, see כִּי מִ צִּ יּוֹן תֵּ צֵ א תוֹרָה, וּדְ בַ ר יהוה מִ ירוּשָׁ לָ ֽיִ ם. ,ADONAI, rise up and scatter Your foes eignty. pages 168–173.) בָּ רוְּך שֶׁ נָּתַ ן תּוֹרָ ה לעַ מּוֹ יִשְׂרָאֵ ל בִּקְדֻשָּׁ תוֹ. .I offer my life as a prayer to so that Your enemies flee Your presence ַ ואֲ ִ נ י You, that I might live and Va-y’hi binso∙a ha-aron va-yomer moshe: I offer my prayer Psalm 69:14. This . תְ פִ ָ לּ�תִ י die as Your servant. Kumah Adonai v’yafutzu oyvekha, Some people may wish to include here personal v’yanusu m’sanekha mi-panekha. prayers before the ark; see page 169. verse is recited even when The Torah scroll is removed from the ark. there is no and Torah shall go forth from Zion, Leader, facing the ark: the Torah is not read. This poetic phrase can be liter- ally translated as: “And I, I & ַג דלו לַ יהוה אִ ִ תי, ונְ רוממָ ה  שמו יַחְ ָ דו. .and the word of ADONAI from Jerusalem Praised is the one who gave Torah to the people Israel am a prayer to You.” Our The Torah is carried in a circuit around the congregation. in holiness. lives may be seen as prayers offered to God. ל ָך יהוה הַ גדֻ לָה והַ  גבורָ ה והַ ִ תפְאֶ ֽרֶ ת והַ ֵ נֽצַח והַ הוד, .Ki mi-tziyon teitzei torah, u-dvar Adonai mirushalayim . עֵ ת רָ צ וֹ� ן Barukh she-natan Torah l’amo yisrael bikdushato. auspicious time According to the ancient ִ כי ֹכל ַבשָמַ ֽיִ ם ובָ ָ אֽרֶ ץ, rabbis, the Torah was given ל ָך יהוה הַ מַמְ לָכָה והַ ִ מ ְ תנַּׂשֵ א ל ֹכל ל ֹראש. Some people may wish to include here personal prayers before the ark; see page 169. on Shabbat (Babylonian ,(Talmud, Shabbat 86b רומ מו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו, והִ ְשתַחֲ וו לַהֲ דֹם רַ גְלָ יו, קָ דׁש הוא. The Torah scroll is removed from the ark. and our public reading of it represents a fulfillment רומ מו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו, והִ ְשתַחֲ וו להַ ר קׇדְ ֹו, :Leader, facing the ark of God’s wish. That is what כִי קָ דׁש יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו. ;Join me in glorifying ADONAI % let us together acclaim God’s name. makes this hour especially auspicious, an eit ratzon. Numbers 10:35. Reciting this verse recalls a period of special . ַ ו ְ י הִ י ִ בּ� ְ נ סֽ ֹ עַ The Torah is carried in a circuit around the congregation. As the ark was carried forward Yours, ADONAI, is the greatness, the strength, the glory, closeness between God and Israel, both at Sinai and in their journey through the desert. The verse is taken the triumph, and the splendor—for everything in heaven from the biblical description of the journey in the desert, as the people moved from one encampment to another. It depicts the ark as the seat of divine protection, leading the march and warding off the fledgling and on earth is Yours. nation’s enemies. While this liturgical verse looks back to the first Israelite generation leaving Egypt, the next Yours, ADONAI, is the sovereignty and the majesty above all. verse (“Ki mi-tziyon”) looks forward to messianic times. Torah accompanies us from a lost past to a hoped- Exalt ADONAI, our God; bow down before God, the Holy One. for future, and the third verse in this section, “Praised (barukh),” is an expression of gratitude for Torah as we experience it in the present. Exalt ADONAI, our God, and bow down at God’s holy mountain, .Isaiah 2:3 . ִ וּכ י מִ ִ� יּ� � ן Torah shall go forth from Zion for ADONAI our God is holy. וֹ צּ . :4. The Torah is the visible symbol of God on earth. toward the ark is an .use only: March-April 2020 ַ גּ� ְ דּ� וּל� L’kha Adonai ha-g’dulah v’ha-g’vurah v’ha-tiferet v’ha-netzah|.| v’hahod, For restrictedAcclaim acknowledgment of God’s presence in the words we are about to read. ki khol ba-shamayim uva-aretz. ָ Chronicles 29:11. According to the Chronicler, these verses were part of David’s last 1 .לְ ך יהוה L’kha Adonai ha-mamlakhah v’ha-mitnasei l’khol l’rosh. Yours, Adonai Dospeech not to the people copy, Israel. They represent sell, a celebration or of God’s distribute sovereignty, as the Torah is paraded through Rom’mu Adonai eloheinu v’hishtah|.|avu la-hadom raglav, kadosh hu. the congregation. The two parts of the verse begin with the same word, l’kha (“Yours”), and the next two Rom’mu Adonai eloheinu v’hishtah|.|avu l’har kodsho, verses (:5 and 99:9) begin with the same word, rom’mu (“exalt”). The first is addressed to God; the ki kadosh Adonai eloheinu. second, to the congregation. 218 מנחה לשבת · סדר קריאת התורה shabbat · afternoon service · torah service 218 Torah The Torah is placed on the reading table. THE TORAH READING AT Reading from the Torah MINH|.|AH. Shabbat is near- The Jewish understand- ing its conclusion and we אַ ב הָרַחֲמִ ים, הוא י רַחֵם עַם עֲ מוסִ ים, ויִזְ ֹכר ברִ ית אֵ יתָ נִ ים, .The Torah is placed on the reading table ing of the word Torah are anticipating the week ויַ צִיל נַפְ ֹותֵ ֽ ינו מִ ןהַּׁשָ עות הָרָ עות, ויִגְעַ ר  ביֵ ֽצֶ ר הָרַ ע (literally, “teaching”) a prayer for jewish communities in distress ahead—not in terms of the מִ ן הַ נּואִ ים, ויָ ֹחן אותָ ֽ נו לִפְלֵיטַ ת עולָמִ ים, וִ ימַ ֵ לא ,encompasses fluid May the one who is the source of compassion recall the covenant work we need to do, but as ever-widening circles of -concerns the new adven מִ שְאֲ לותֵ ֽ ינו במִ ָ דה טובָ ה י ּועָ ה ורַ חֲמִ ים. with our ancestors and have compassion on this people borne by meaning. In its narrow- God. May the Divine rescue us in difficult times, remove the impulse ture of Torah that awaits est sense, it refers to Leader: us. Thus, we begin to read the scroll itself and its to commit evil from those who bear it, and grant enduring relief. May .next week’s parashah ו תִ ָ גּ ֶ ל ה ותֵרָאֶה מַ לְ כוּתוֹ עָ לֵ ֽינוּ בִּזְמַן קָ רוֹב, ויָ ֹחן פּלֵטָתֵ ֽ נוּ contents. But the written our requests be met with much favor deliverance, and compassion. The ancient rabbis text has neither vowels decreed a minimum of וּפְלֵטַת עַמּוֹ בֵּ ית יִשְׂרָאֵ ל לחֵ ן וּלְחֶ ֽסֶ ד וּלְרַחֲמִ ים וּלְרָ צוֹן nor punctuation; it is only BEFORE The first three aliyot—that is, people  ו ֹנ א מַ ר אָ מֵ ן . as we chant the text aloud Leader: May God’s sovereignty be revealed to us soon. May God called to the Torah—for that the consonants form each public reading; in הַ ֹכל הָבֽ ו ֹג לֽדֶ לֵאֹלהֵ ֽינו ותְ נו כָ בוד לַ ֹורָ ה. words, and the words favor the remnant of the people Israel with grace and kindness, addition, each aliyah must form phrases, and the text compassion and favor. And let us say: Amen. include a minimum of ) ֹכהֵן ק ָ רב, יַעֲ מֹד ___ בֶן ___ הַ ֹכהֵ ן.( conveys meaning. Indeed, Let us all declare the greatness of God and give honor to the three biblical verses. At ) ַ בת ֹכהֵן קִרְ בִ י, תַעֲ מֹד ___ בַת ___ הַ ֹכהֵ ן.( the music of the trope Minh|.|ah we accord with with which the Torah is Torah as [the first to be called to the Torah] comes forward. Praised is this minimum and call )יַעֲ מֹד ___ בֶן ___ רִ אֹון.( read not only delineates God, who gave Torah to the people Israel in holiness. three people to the Torah, phrases and emphasizes subdividing the first section )תַעֲ מֹד ___ בַת ___ רִ אֹונָ ה.( the meaning of particular Congregation and Leader: You who cling to ADONAI your God have of next week’s portion into ָ ברוְך ֶשנָתַ ן ֹורָ ה לעַ ֹו יִ שְרָאֵ ל בִקְדֻּׁשָ תו. -words, but may also com all been sustained today. three aliyot. Some congre­ga­- municate to us that we V’attem ha-d’veikim badonai eloheikhem h|.|ayim kul’khem hayom. Congregation and Leader: tions continue the custom should relate to Torah as of calling a , a , ואַ תֶם הַ  דבֵקִ ים ַ ביהוה אֱֹלהֵיכֶם, חַ ִיים ֻכלכֶם הַ ֹום. .the song of our lives and a member of the com- Blessings Recited by Those Called Up to the Torah The person who is honored with an aliyah munity for these aliyot; Studying Torah recites the following before the Torah is read: others call any three mem- The person who is honored with an aliyah It is through Shabbat that bers of the congregation. בָר כו אֶ ת־יהוה הַמ ֹברָ ְך. :recites the following before the Torah is read ְ ואַ תּ ֶ �ם the meaning of Torah is You who cling Deuteronomy . הַ ְ דּ� ֵ בקִ י ם :revealed. Praise ADONAI, to whom all praise is directed. The congregation responds The recitation of .4:4 ָ ברוְך יהוה הַמ ֹברָ ְך ל עולָם וָעֶ ד. .based on Tikunei Bar’khu et Adonai ha-m’vorakh— this verse as the Torah The congregation responds: The person who is honored repeats the above response, then continues: is about to be read may transform its meaning to ָ ברוְך אַ ָ הת יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו מֶ ֽלְֶך הָ עולָ ם, .Praise ADONAI, to whom all praise is directed forever and ever Barukh Adonai ha-m’vorakh l’olam va-ed. a conditional statement: if you pay close attention אֲ ֶ שר ָ בֽחַ ר ָ בֽנו מִ כׇל־הָעַ ִמים ונָֽתַ ן לָֽנו אֶ ת־ֹורָ תו. to the words about to be ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, נותֵן הַ ֹורָ ה. :The person who is honored repeats the above response, then continues Barukh atah ADONAI, our God, sovereign of time and space, read (that is, if you “cling The person who is honored recites the following after the Torah is read: to Adonai”), then you will who has chosen us from among all peoples, giving us the Torah. have encountered the fullness of life (that is, you ָ ברוְך אַ ָ הת יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו מֶ ֽלְֶך הָ עולָ ם, .Barukh atah ADONAI, who gives the Torah Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher bah|.|ar banu mikol will be “sustained”). Those who inserted this verse in אֲ ֶ שר נָֽתַ ן לָֽנו ֹורַת אֱמֶ ת, וחַ ֵ יי עולָם נָטַ ע  בתוכֵ ֽנו. ha-amim, v’natan lanu et torato. Barukh atah Adonai, noten ha-torah. the liturgy here may have ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, נותֵן הַ ֹורָ ה. The person who is honored recites the following after the Torah is read: intended a cautionary note to the congregation, to pay attention and respond properly to the b’rakhot about to be recited. Barukh atah ADONAI, our God, sovereign of time and space, At the moment of approaching the Torah, we may feel especially . ָ בּֽ �חַ ר ָ בּֽ �נ וּ� Who has chosen us who has given us a teaching of truth, planting eternal Forlife restricted usechosen only: and may also experience,March-April at this moment, a sense of the 2020. Torah directly addressing us. in our midst. Barukh atah ADONAI, who gives the Torah. The Hebrew moves .וְנָ ֽתַ ן לָ וּֽנ� אֶ ת־ תּ� וֹ�רָ וֹת� . . . וֹנ�תֵן הַ תּ� וֹ�רָ ה Has given us . . . who gives the Torah Barukh atah Adonai eloheinu melekh ha-olam, asher natan lanu torat Do not copy,from the sell, past tense to theor present. distribute God gave us the Torah in the past, and we also receive it emet, v’h|.|ayei olam nata b’tokheinu. Barukh atah Adonai, noten ha-torah. anew whenever we devote ourselves to studying it.

219 מנחה לשבת · סדר קריאת התורה shabbat · afternoon service · torah service 219 ְ וזֹ א ת In some congregations, El Malei, the prayer in memory of the dead, is recited for those In some congregations, El Malei, the prayer in memory of the dead, is recited This is the Torah This line does not . הַ תּ� וֹ � רָ ה .whose Yahrzeit is being observed in the coming week; see page 336. for those whose Yahrzeit is being observed in the coming week; see page 336 appear in the Torah; it is actually a combination of הַ גְ ָ בהַ ת הַ תֹו רָ ה Lifting the Torah two verses, Deuteronomy Two people are called up for Hagbah and Gelilah, lifting and tying the Two people are called up for Hagbah and Gelilah, lifting and tying the 4:44 and Numbers 9:23. The after it is read. As the Torah is lifted, we rise and recite: Sefer Torah after it is read. As the Torah is lifted, we rise and recite: former verse is the prelude -to the report of the rev ו ֹזאת הַ ֹורָה אֲ ֶ שר ָ שם מֹ ֶ שה לִפְנֵ י בנֵי יִ שְרָאֵ ל, ,This is the Torah, God’s word by Moses’ hand which Moses set before the people Israel. elation at Sinai; the latter verse speaks of the people עַ ל ִ פי יהוה ביַ ד מֹ ֶ שה. V’zot ha-torah asher sam moshe lifnei b’nei yisrael al pi Adonai b’ moshe. Israel continuing the trek Some congregations recite here: through the wilderness ,or halting their march מִ זְ מוֹר שִׁ יר ל יוֹם הַשַּׁ בָּ ת :Some congregations recite Psalm 92 here A psalm: the song of the day of Shabbat depending on whether the divine cloud of glory rested טוֹב ל ֹהדוֹת לַ יהוה, רוּלְזַמֵּ לשִׁמְָך עֶ לְ יוֹן, It is good to thank You, ADONAI, and sing to Your name, Most High; or moved forward from ,the portable sanctuary להַגִּיד בַּ ֹבּ ֽקֶרחַסְדֶּ ֽ ָך, וֶאֱ מוּנָת ָך בַּלֵּ ילוֹת. .to proclaim Your love at daybreak, Your faithfulness each night the mishkan. The biblical עֲ לֵי עָ שׂוֹר וַעֲ לֵי נָֽבֶ ל, עֲ לֵי הִגָּ יוֹן בּכִ נּוֹר. .Finger the lute, pluck the harp, let the sound of the lyre rise up passage then concludes by saying that this pattern was כִּי שִׂמַּחְתַּ ֽנִ י יהוה בּפׇעְׇ לֶ ָֽך, יבּמַעֲשֵׂ ֽ יָדֶ יָך אֲרַ נֵּ ן. ,You gladdened me with Your deeds, ADONAI observed because of what מַ ה גָּד לוּ מַעֲשֶׂ ֽ יָך יהוה, מ ֹאד עָמקוּ מַחְשׁ ֹב ֽ תֶ יָך. .and I shall sing of Your handiwork How wonderful are Your works, ADONAI, how subtle Your designs! God had spoken to Moses, .al pi Adonai b’yad moshe אִ ישׁבַּ ֽעַ רֹלא יֵדָ ע, וּכְסִ יל ֹלא יָבִ ין אֶ ֹת־זאת. The arrogant do not understand, the fool does not comprehend this: As we conclude the read- ing of the Torah and put בִּפְ ֹרֽחַ רשָׁעִ ים כּמוֹ עֵ ֽשֶׂ ב וַיָּצִֽ יצוּ כׇּ ֹל־פּעֲ לֵי אָ ֽוֶ ן, ,the wicked flourish like grass and every evildoer blossoms only to be destroyed forever— away the scroll, we might think of our own journeys להִ ּׁשָמדָם עֲדֵי עַ ד, ואַתָּה מָ רוֹם ל ֹעלָ ם יהוה. and how they might be כִּי הִ נֵּ ה ֹאיבֶ ֽיָך, יהוה, כִּי הִ נֵּ ה ֹאיבֶ ֽיָך ֹיאבֵ ֽדוּ, .but You, ADONAI, are exalted for all time Surely Your enemies, ADONAI, accompanied by Torah and .God’s word יִתְ פָּר דוּ כׇּ ֹל־פּֽעֲ לֵי אָ ֽוֶ ן. ;surely Your enemies will perish Psalm 92, the Song of the וַתָּ ֽרֶ ם כִּרְאֵ ים קַרְ נִי, בַּ לֹּתִֽי בּשֶׁ ֽמֶן רַעֲ נָ ן. .all who commit evil will be scattered Day of Shabbat, is recited at both the evening and the וַתַּ בֵּט עֵ ינִי בּ שׁוּרָ י, בַּקָּמִ ים עָ לַי מרֵעִ ים תִּשְׁמַ ֽעְ נָה אׇ זְנָ י, ,As a wild bull raises up its horn, You raised my head high -morning services on Shab צַדִּ יק כַּתָּמָ ר יִפְרָ ח, כּאֶ ֽרֶ ז בַּ לּבָ נוֹן יִשְׂ גֶּ ה, .anointed it with fresh oil As my enemies gather against me, my gaze remains steady, bat. Many include it in the ,afternoon service as well שׁ תוּלִ ים בּבֵ ית יהוה, בּחַצְ רוֹת אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ יַפְרִֽ יחוּ. for my ears listen and hear: so that each prayer service -includes a special men עוֹד י נוּבוּן בּשֵׂ יבָה, דּשֵׁ נִ ים ורַעֲ נַנִּ ים יִהְ יוּ, ;The righteous flourish like the date palm, thrive like a cedar in Lebanon tion of Shabbat. The psalm להַגִּ יד כִּי ריָשָׁ יהוה, צוּרִ י, וֹלא עַ וְלָֽתָ ה בּוֹ. .planted in the house of ADONAI, they flourish in our God’s courtyards begins by contemplating the wonder of creation תהלים צב ,In old age they remain fruitful, still fresh and bountiful proclaiming: ADONAI is upright, my rock in whom there is no flaw. and ends with a vision of Tzadik katamar yifrah|.|, k’erez balvanon yisgeh. the righteous flourishing in Sh’tulim b’veit Adonai, b’h|.|atzrot eloheinu yafrih|.|u. God’s house. It thus celebrates two themes of Shabbat: Shabbat as the day of appreciating creation and Shab- bat as a taste of redemption. Od y’nuvun b’seivah, d’sheinim v’ra∙ananim yihyu. In this specific vision of the end-time, enemies .יִתְ פּ�ָרְ ד וּ� ׇ �כּל־ פּ�ֹעֲ לֵי אָ ֽ ֶ ון L’hagid ki yashar Adonai, tzuri v’lo avlatah . all who commit evil will be scattered Psalm 92 are not destroyed, but simply made ineffective. ;Palm trees grow in the Jericho Valley, one of the lowest places on earth .כַ תּ�ָמָ ר. . . �כְּאֶ ֽרֶ ז date palm . . . cedar For restrictedcedars use grow on the only:mountaintops of Lebanon,March-April the highest peaks in the Middle 2020. East. Palm trees grow straight up, losing their leaves each year; cedars grow wide and are evergreens. Palms yield dates, one of the most nutritious fruits, but their fibrous wood is almost useless. Cedars bear no fruit, though their wood is precious; Do notSolomon copy, built the Temple sell, out of the cedarsor of distributeLebanon. Both will be planted in God’s house, for all difference is united in the one God.

220 מנחה לשבת · סדר קריאת התורה shabbat · afternoon service · torah service 220 combines two themes: God as the creator הַ כְ נָ סַ ת הַ תֹו רָ ה Returning the Torah We rise as the ark is opened. We rise as the ark is opened. and ultimate sovereign, and the need for those Leader: Leader: who would enter God’s sanctuary to exhibit moral יהַ ל לו אֶ ת־ ֵ שם יהוה כִי נִ ְש ָ גב  שמו לבַ ֹו. .Celebrate the name of ADONAI; God’s name alone is exalted behavior. In fact, one may Congregation: Congregation: think of these two as cause God’s glory encompasses heaven and earth; God extols the faithful— and effect: as God is kind and just, so our world הודו עַל אֶ ֽרֶ ץ ו שָמָ ֽיִ ם. וַ יָֽרֶם קֶ ֽרֶ ן לעַ ֹו, raising up Israel, the people God keeps close. Halleluyah! should reflect the qualities of its creator—anyone who תהִ לָה לכׇל־חֲסִידָ יו, לִבְנֵי יִ ְשרָאֵל עַם ק ֹרבו, הַ ל לויָ ה. ,Hodo al eretz v’shamayim, va-yarem keren l’amo, t’hilah l’khol h|.|asidav livnei yisrael am k’rovo. Hal’luyah! would come close to the supreme sovereign should exhibit these traits. As we ל דָ וִ ד מִ זְ מ וֹ ר open the ark to return the לַ יהוה הָאָ ֽרֶץ וּמְלוֹאָ הּ, תֵּ בֵל ו ֹישׁבֵי בָ הּ. A Song of David The earth is ADONAI’s in all its fullness, Torah to its place, we em- phasize that we would like כִּ י הוּא עַ ל יַמִּ ים יסָדָ הּ, ועַ ל נהָ רוֹת יכוֹננֶ ֽהָ . the land and all who dwell on it. to be among those who go -up to “God’s holy moun מִ י יַעֲ לֶה בהַ ר יהוה, וּמִ י יָקוּם בִּמְקוֹם קׇדְ שׁוֹ. ,It was God who founded it upon the seas tain”; as we proclaim “this נקִ י כַפַּ ֽיִ ם וּבַ ר לֵבָ ב, א רֲשֶׁ ֹלא נָשָׂ א לַ ָ ּׁשוְא נַפְשִׁ י, .and set it firm upon the flowing streams generation seeks You...” we Who may ascend the mount of ADONAI? realize that to approach וֹלא נִשְׁ בַּ ע למִרְמָ ה, Who may stand in God’s sanctuary? God, to seek God’s pres- ence, we need to commit איִשָּׂ ברָ כָה תמֵאֵ יהוה, וּצְדָקָה מֵאֱֹלהֵ י יִשְׁ עוֹ. ,One who has clean hands and a pure heart our own lives to acting הזֶ דּוֹר דּוֹרשָׁ יו, מ בַקְשֵׁי פָנֶ ֽיָך יַעֲ קב, סֶ ֽלָ ה. .who has not taken God’s name in vain, nor sworn deceitfully, ֹ with justice and kindness It is with that commitment שׂאוּ שׁעָרִ ים רָאשֵׁ יכֶם, והִ נָּשׂ אוּ פִּתְחֵ י עוֹלָ ם, .will receive ADONAI’s blessing, a just reward from God, the deliverer This generation seeks You; in mind that we can hope that the prayers we are ויָבוֹא מֶ ֽלְֶך הַכָּ בוֹד. the descendants of Jacob long for Your presence, selah. ,soon to recite, the Amidah ימִ זֶה מֶ ֽלְֶך הַכָּ בוֹד, יהוה עִ זּוּז וגִ בּוֹר, Open up, O gates—open up the entryway to eternity; will be acceptable. יהוה גִּ בּוֹר מִ לְחָמָ ה. .let the exalted sovereign come שׂאוּ שׁעָרִ ים רָאשֵׁ יכֶם, וּשְׂ אוּ פִּתְחֵ י עוֹלָ ם, ?Who is the sovereign who is exalted ויָ ֹבא מֶ ֽלְֶך הַכָּ בוֹד. .ADONAI, mighty and triumphant, ADONAI triumphant in battle Open up, O gates—open up the entryway to eternity; ◀ ימִ הוּא זֶה מֶ ֽלְֶך הַכָּ בוֹד, .let the exalted sovereign come יהוה צבָ אוֹת, הוּא מֶ ֽלְֶך הַכָּ בוֹד סֶ ֽלָ ה. ?Who is the sovereign who is exalted ▶ תהלים כד .ADONAI Tz’va·ot is the sovereign who is exalted, selah Ladonai ha-aretz u-m’lo·ah, teiveil v’yosh’vei vah. Ki hu al yamim y’sadah, v’al n’harot y’khon’neha. Mi ya·aleh v’har Adonai, u-mi yakum bimkom kodsho. N’ki khapayim u-var levav, asher lo nasa lashav nafshi, v’lo nishba l’mirmah. Yisa v’rakhah mei-eit Adonai, u- mei-elohei yisho. Zeh dor dorshav m’vakshei fanekha yaakov, selah. Se’u she’arim rasheikhem, v’hinasu pith|.|ei olam, v’yavo melekh ha-kavod. Mi zeh melekh ha-kavod, Adonai izuz v’gibor, Adonai gibor milh|.|amah. For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Se’u she’arim rasheikhem, u-s’u pith|.|ei olam, v’yavo melekh ha-kavod. Mi hu zeh melekh ha-kavod, Adonai Tz’va·ot hu melekh ha-kavod, selah. Psalm 24 Do not copy, sell, or distribute

221 מנחה לשבת · סדר קריאת התורה shabbat · afternoon service · torah service 221 Returning the Torah The Torah scroll is placed in the ark. The Torah scroll is placed in the ark. Whenever the Ark was . וּ�בְנֻ חֹה יֹאמַ ר Whenever the ark was set down, Moses would say: set down -Numbers 10:36. As the To ובְנֻ ֹחה ֹיאמַ ר: ּובָ ֽה יהוה רִ ב בות אַ לְפֵ י יִ שְרָאֵ ל. What do we take with us rah completes its circuit in קומָ ֽ ה יהוה לִמְ נו ֽ חָתֶ ָך, אַ ָ תה וַאֲ רון עֻ ֶ זָֽך. as we replace the Torah in ADONAI, may You dwell among the myriad families of the the ark and close the cur- people Israel. front of the , we tain? How might the Torah recall Moses’ words when ֹכהֲ נֶ ֽיָך יִלְ בּו צֶ ֽדֶ ק, וַ ח ֽ ֲסִידֶ יָך ירַ ֵ נֽנו. .Return, ADONAI, to Your sanctuary, You and Your glorious ark dwell with us, accompany the people finished a stage in their journey through בַעֲ בור ָ דוִ ד עַבְ ֶֽ דָך, אַ ל ָת ֵ שב  פנֵי מ ש ֽ ִיחֶ ָך. ,us in our journeys and at Let Your priests be robed in righteousness home, in life’s battles, in and Your faithful sing for joy. the wilderness and came to ◀ כִי לֶ ֽקַ ח טוב נָתַ ֽ ִ תי לָכֶ ם, ֹורָתִי אַ ל תַעֲ ֽ ֹזבו. our victories and in our For the sake of David, Your servant, rest in a new camp. In the verses that follow (Psalm עֵץ חַ ִיים הִיא לַ מַחֲ זִיקִ ים ָבה, ו ֹתמ כֶ ֽיהָ מאֻ ָ שר. defeats, as the ark once accompanied the Israelites do not turn away from Your anointed. 132:8–10; Proverbs 4:2; 3:18, ,(Lamentations 5:21 ;3:17 דרָ כֶ ֽיהָ דַרְ כֵ י ֹנֽעַ ם, וכׇ ל־נתִ יבותֶ ֽיהָ ָ שלום. :on their journeys, in their I have given you a precious inheritance struggles? Can we clothe ▶ do not forsake My teaching. we move from consider- ing the ark, to envisoning הֲ ִ שיבֵ ֽנו יהוה אֵ לֶ ֽיָך ונָ ֽשובָה, חַ ֵדש יָמֵ ֽ ינו כקֶ ֽדֶ ם. ourselves in acts that reflect the teachings of It is a for those who grasp it, The ark is closed. righteous religious leaders, Torah, as the priests and all who hold onto it are blessed. to thoughts of messianic once wore garments to Its ways are pleasant, and all its paths are peace. redemption. The conclud- distinguish them? Can ing verses imply that our this moment be a time of Turn us toward You, ADONAI, and we will return to You; wish for righteous leaders who can point us to an חֲ צִ י קַ דִּ י שׁ .refreshment, of letting us make our days seem fresh, as they once were re-enter the world with Ki lekah|.| tov natati lakhem, torati al ta·azovu. Leader: ideal world is achievable innocent eyes—as we once ▶ if we walk in the path of Etz h|.|ayim hi la-mah|.|azikim bah, v’tom’kheha me’ushar. .Torah יִתְ גַּדַּ ל ויִתְקַדַּשׁ שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּא, בּעָ למָא דִּ י ברָ א, כִּרְ עוּתֵ הּ, ?were able to D’rakheha darkhei no·am, v’khol n’tivoteha shalom. It is a tree of life for ויַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כוּתֵ הּ בּחַ יֵּ יכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן וּבְחַ יֵּי ד כׇ ל־בֵּ ית .Hashiveinu Adonai eilekha v’nashuvah, h|.|adesh yameinu k’kedem עֵ ץ those who grasp it יִשְׂרָאֵ ל, בַּעֲ גָלָ א וּבִזְמַן קָרִ יב, ואִמְ רוּ אָ מֵ ן. .חַ ִ יּ�ים הִ יא לַ �מַּחֲ זִ יקִ ים ָבּ� הּ� .The ark is closed Congregation and Leader: Proverbs 3:18. ,Its ways are pleasant יהֵא שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּא מ בָרַ ְך לעָ לַם וּלְעָ למֵי עָ למַ ָיּא. Ḥatzi Kaddish and all its paths are ְ דּ�רָ כֶ ֽ י הָ ַ דרְ כֵ י ֹֽ נ עַ ְ ם וכׇ ל ־ Leader: Leader: peace Proverbs . ְ נ תִ י ב וֹ � תֶ ֽ י הָ שׁ ָ �ל וֹ� ם May God’s great name be exalted and hallowed throughout As we put away the .3:17 יִ תְ בָּ רַ ְך ו יִ שְׁ תַּ בַּ ח ו יִ תְ פָּ אַ ר ו יִ תְ ר וֹמַ ם ו יִ תְ נַ שֵּׂ א the created world, as is God’s wish. May God’s sovereignty Torah, we pray that our ויִתְהַדַּ ר ויִתְעַ לֶּה ויִתְהַ לַּל שׁמֵהּ דּקֻדְשָׁ א, , -study should promote ac בּרִ יְך הוּא soon be established, in your lifetime and in your days, and in -tions that lead to pleasant לעֵ ֽלָּא מִ ן כׇּ ל־ ]לעֵ ֽלָּא לעֵ ֽלָּא מִ כׇּ ל־ :the days of all the . And we say: Amen. [on Shabbat Shuvah we substitute ness and peace. בִּרְ כָתָ א ושִׁ ירָתָ א תֻּשְׁ בּחָתָ א ונֶחָמָתָא דַּאֲמִ ירָ ן בּעָ למָ א, :Congregation and Leader  ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. !May God’s great name be acknowledged forever and ever Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varakh l’alam u-l’almei almaya.

Leader: On Shabbat (including Shabbat Hol Ha-mo·ed), continue on page 223. May the name of the Holy One be acknowledged and celebrated,­ On Festivals (including those that fall on Shabbat), continue on page 306. lauded and worshipped, exalted and honored, extolled and acclaimed—though God, who is blessed, b’rikh hu, is truly [on Shabbat Shuvah we add: far] beyond all acknowledgment and praise, or any expressions of gratitude or consolation ever For restricted use only: March-April 2020. spoken in the world. And we say: Amen. On Shabbat (including Shabbat Hol Ha-mo·ed), continue on page 223. On Festivals (including those that fall on Shabbat), continue on page 306. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

222 מנחה לשבת · סדר קריאת התורה shabbat · afternoon service · torah service 222 תפילת העמידה למנחה לשבת The Shabbat Afternoon Amidah

Cartographies A transliteration of the opening b’rakhot of the Amidah may be found on page A transliteration of the opening b’rakhot of the Amidah may be found on page The Amidah. The central 466. When a minyan is present, some communities repeat the Amidah after it 466. When a minyan is present, some communities repeat the Amidah after it moment of prayer of the of Silence, no. 3 is recited silently; others recite the first three blessings (including the Kedushah is recited silently; others recite the first three blessings (including the Kedushah afternoon Minh|.|ah service The technology of silence on page 225) aloud and the rest of the Amidah silently. The Amidah concludes on page 225) aloud and the rest of the Amidah silently. The Amidah concludes is the Amidah, which The rituals, etiquette on page 229. on page 229. literally means “the prayer said while standing.” Every ]כִּי שֵׁ ם יהוה אֶקְרָא, הָ בוּ ֹג לֽדֶ לֵאֹלהֵ ֽינוּ. :the blurring of terms [Leader: As I proclaim the name Adonai, give glory to our God.] ]Leader silence not absence Amidah, whether recited -on weekdays or on Shab אֲ דֹנָי שׂ יפָתַ תִּ פְתָּ ח, יוּפִ יַגִּ יד תּהִ ֽ לָּתֶ ָך. .Adonai, open my lips that my mouth may speak Your praise of words or music or even bat, contains three opening raw sounds First B’rakhah: Our Ancestors With and Matriarchs: With Patriarchs: b’rakhot and three closing b’rakhot. On Shabbat, there & בָּ ר וּ ְך אַתָּ ה יהוה, & בָּ ר וּ ְך אַתָּ ה יהוה, :Silence can be a plan With Patriarchs: With Patriarchs and Matriarchs is one middle b’rakhah that rigorously executed a a speaks of the holiness of אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ וֵאֹלהֵי אֲ בוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ, אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ וֵאֹלהֵי אֲ בוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ ,Barukh atah Adonai, Barukh atah Adonai the day—thus a total of אֱֹלהֵי אַבְרָהָם, אֱֹלהֵ י ]ואִ ֽ מּוֹתֵ ינוּ[, אֱֹלהֵי אַבְרָהָ ם, the blueprint to a life our God and God of our our God and God of our ancestors, ancestors, seven b’rakhot are recited. ,In the afternoon service יִצְחָ ק, וֵאֹלהֵ י יַעֲ ֹקב, יאֱֹלהֵ יִצְחָ ק, וֵאֹלהֵ י יַעֲ ֹקב, It is a presence it has history a form , God of God of Abraham, God of the middle b’rakhah speaks of the unity and wholeness הָ אֵ ל הַ גָּ ד וֹ ל הַ גִּ בּ וֹ ר ו הַ נּ וֹ רָ א , אֱֹלהֵי שָׂרָה, אֱֹלהֵי רִ בְקָ ה, ,Do not confuse it Isaac, and God of Jacob, Isaac, and God of Jacob that the rest of Shabbat has אֵל עֶ לְ יוֹן, גּוֹמֵל חֲסָדִ ים אֱֹלהֵי רָחֵ ל, וֵאֹלהֵ י לֵאָ ה, with any kind of absence great, mighty, awe-inspiring, God of , God of —adrienne rich provided. טוֹבִ ים, וקוֹנֵה הַ ֹכּל, הָאֵל הַגָּ דוֹל הַגִּ בּוֹר והַ נּוֹרָ א, ,transcendent God, , God of אֲ ד ֹ ָ נ י who acts with kindness and God of , Adonai, open my lips ,:17 . ְ שׂ�פָ תַ י תּ ִ �פְ תּ ָ �ח ו זוֹכֵר חַסְדֵ י אָ בוֹת, אֵל עֶ לְ יוֹן, גּוֹמֵל חֲסָדִ ים and love, and creates all, great, mighty, awe-inspiring, where prayer is exalted over .sacrifice וּמֵ בִיא גוֹאֵ ל לִבְנֵ י טוֹבִ ים, וקוֹנֵה הַ ֹכּל, ,who remembers the loving transcendent God God of Abraham, God of בנֵיהֶ ם למַ ֽעַן שׁ מוֹ ו זוֹכֵר חַסְדֵ י אָ בוֹת deeds of our ancestors, who acts with kindness and who will lovingly bring a and love, and creates all, Isaac, and God of Jacob אֱ ל ֹ הֵ י אַ ְב רָ הָ ם , אֱ ל ֹ הֵ י ִ י צְ חָ ק, בּ אַ הֲ בָ ה . ]ואִמָּ הוֹת[, וּמֵ בִיא גוֹאֵ ל This phrase is .ֵ ואלֹהֵ י יַעֲ קֹב redeemer to their children’s who remembers the loving -taken from Moses’ encoun לִבְנֵי בנֵיהֶ ם למַ ֽעַן שׁ מוֹ ,children for the sake of deeds of our ancestors ter with God at the burning בּ אַ הֲ בָ ה . divine honor. and who will lovingly bring a bush (Exodus 3:6), when redeemer to their children’s On Shabbat Shuvah we add: Moses was first called to lead the people Israel out זׇכְרֵ ֽ נו לחַ ִ יים, מֶ ֽלְֶך חָפֵ ץ בַחַ ִ יים, children for the sake of divine honor. of Egypt. Standing before God in prayer, we too וכׇתְ בֵ ֽנו בסֵ ֽפֶ ר הַחַ ִ יים, למַ ַ ענְָך אֱֹלהִ ים חַ ִ יים. On Shabbat Shuvah we add: might sense a pull toward a With Patriarchs and Matriarchs: With Patriarchs: Remember us for life, Sovereign who delights in life, mission or calling. ז ׇ. The כְ רֵ ֽ נ וּ� Remember us מֶ ֽלֶ ְך עוֹזֵ ר מֶ ֽלֶ ְך עוֹזֵר וּפוֹקֵ ד .and inscribe us in the , for Your sake, God of life first of four insertions for וּמוֹשִֽׁיעַ וּמָ גֵ ן. וּמוֹשִֽׁיעַ וּמָ גֵ ן. With Patriarchs: With Patriarchs and Matriarchs: the days between Rosh Ha- .b shanah and בָּ רוְּך אַתָּ ה יהוה, b בָּ רוְּך אַתָּ ה יהוה, You are the sovereign You are the sovereign מָ ֵ ג ן אַ בְ רָ הָ ם . מָ גֵן אַבְרָהָם וּפוֹקֵ ד שָׂרָ ה. ,who helps and saves who helps and guards and shields. saves and shields. a Barukh atah Adonai, a Barukh atah Adonai, For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Shield of Abraham. Shield of Abraham and Guardian of Sarah. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

223 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 223 Those Who Sleep second b’rakhah: god’s saving care. In instituting אַ ָ תה ִגֹור ל עולָ ם אֲ דֹנָ י, Second B’rakhah: God’s Saving Care in the Dust this b’rakhah, the rabbis of מחַ יֵה מֵתִ ים אַ ָ תה, —You are ever mighty, ADONAI God keeps faith with us the referred to it as Gevurot, a reference to רַ ב ל הׁשִֽיעַ . —even when we are spiritu- You give life to the dead ally asleep; our souls can great is Your saving power: God’s might and power to -save. Strikingly, the enu מַּׁשִ יב הָרֽ וחַ ומורִ יד הַ ָ ֽג ֶ שם, :awaken at any time. From Sh’mini Atzeret until Pesah From Sh’mini Atzeret until Pesah: meration of God’s powers ]מורִ יד הַ ָ טל, :From Pesah until Sh’mini Atzeret, some add[ Who Brings You cause the wind to blow and the rain to fall, in this prayer are neither Death and Life [From Pesah until Sh’mini Atzeret, some add: political nor military, such as overcoming enemies מ כַ ְל ֵ כל חַ ִ יי ם  בחֶ ֽ סֶ ד , Every moment of despair You cause the to fall,] or defeating false idols. מחַ יֵה מֵתִ ים ברַחֲמִ ים רַ ִ בים, can become a moment of Rather, God’s saving power renewed spiritual life and You sustain the living through kindness and love, is expressed as attending סומֵ ְך נופ לִ ים, ו רופֵ א חולִ ים, ומַ ִ תיר אֲ סורִ ים, new directions. and with great mercy give life to the dead, to the weakest and most vulnerable members of ומְקַ יֵם אֱ מונָ תו לִ י ֵ שנֵי עָפָ ר. ,after Shneur You support the falling, heal the sick— Zalman of Liadi society. This, then, is seen מִ י כָמֽ וָך ַ בֽעַ ל  גבורות ,loosen the chains of the bound as the ultimate triumph of spiritual values: care and ומִ י ֽדומֶ ה ָ לְך, .and keep faith with those who sleep in the dust kindness for the fallen, the מֶ ֽלְֶך מֵמִ ית ומְחַ יֶה ו ַ מצְמִֽיחַ י ּועָ ה. ,Who is like You, Almighty and who can be compared to You? sick, the imprisoned, the dying, and the dead. The sovereign who brings death and life On Shabbat Shuvah we add: ְ ס וֹ� מֵ ך Support the falling מִ י כָמֽ וָך אַ ב הָרַחֲמִ ים, זוכֵ ר י צורָ יו לחַ ִ יים ברַחֲמִ ים. .and causes redemption to flourish .After Psalm 145:14 . נ וֹ� פְ ִ ל י ם ו נֶ אֱ מָ ן אַ ָ תה  ל הַ חֲ י ו ת מֵ תִ י ם . :On Shabbat Shuvah we add . וֹר�פֵ א וֹח�לִ ים Heal the sick .After Exodus 15:26 ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, מחַ יֵה הַ מֵתִ ים. ,Who is like You, source of compassion who remembers with compassion Your creatures for life? Loosen the chains of the . אַ ָ תּ�ה קָ ד וֹ� שׁ� When the Amidah is recited silently, we continue on page 226 with Psalm .מַ תִּ �יר אֲ וּס�רִ ים You are faithful in bringing life to the dead. bound 146:7. Barukh atah ADONAI, who gives life to the dead. . מֵ מִ י ת וּ� מְ חַ ֶ יּ�ה Brings death and life When the Amidah is recited silently, we continue on page 226 with “Holy are You.” 1 Samuel 2:6. . מְ חַ ֵ יּ�ה הַ ֵ �מּתִ י ם Gives life to the dead Over the millennia, many Jewish perspec- tives on the afterlife have been proposed. Many sages (including Saadiah Gaon, 10th century, and , 12th century) caution against speculation about the specific implications of the doctrine of bodily of the dead. Some understand it to be an articulation of God’s supreme power: God cares even for the dead.

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224 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 224 In this . קְ ֻ ד � שּׁ ָ �ה Kedushah: Holiness The Kedushah is recited only with a minyan. Kedushah Third B’rakhah: God’s Holiness prayer, composed by Jewish Just as it is impossible mystics, we imitate the נקַדֵּשׁ אֶ ת־שִׁמְ ָך בָּעוֹלָ ם, to fully know God, The Kedushah angelic glorification of God. it is impossible to The Kedushah is recited only with a minyan. The Kedushah included כּשֵׁם שֶׁמַּקְדִּ ישִׁ ים אוֹתוֹ בִּשְׁמֵי מָ רוֹם, adequately define in the Amidah always כַּכָּ תוּב לעַ דיַ ֽ נבִיאֶ ָך, וקָרָ א זֶה אֶ ל זֶה ואָמַ ר: holiness—a word We hallow Your name in this world as it is hallowed contains three biblical closely connected to in the high heavens, as Your prophet Isaiah described: quotations: “Holy, holy, קָ דוֹשׁ, קָ דוֹשׁ, קָ דוֹשׁ, יהוה צבָ אוֹת, the Divine. Yet, just holy...” (:3), “Praised as God may at times Each cried out to the other: is Adonai’s glory wherever מ ֹלא כׇל־הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ כּ בוֹדוֹ. be experienced as “Holy, holy, holy is ADONAI Tz’va·ot, the whole world is filled God dwells” (Ezekiel 3:12), a presence, so may with God’s glory!” and “Adonai will reign םלעֻמָּתָ בָּ רוְּך ֹיאמֵ ֽ רוּ: holiness be sensed Kadosh, kadosh, kadosh Adonai Tz’va·ot, m’lo khol ha-aretz k’vodo. forever” (:10). The in those moments liturgy surrounding these בָּ רוְּך כּ בוֹד יהוה מִמּ קוֹמוֹ. when mundane verses varies. On weekdays everday existence, Others respond with praise: and Shabbat afternoon, it וּבְדִ בְרֵי קׇדְשׁ ָך כָּ תוּב לֵ אמֹר: ”.the material realm, “Praised is ADONAI’s glory wherever God dwells is brief; on Shabbat and seems touched, as if Barukh k’vod Adonai mimkomo. festival mornings, it is more יִמְ ֹלְך יהוה לעוֹלָם, אֱֹלהַ ֽיְִך צִ יּוֹן ל דֹר וָ דֹר, הַ ל לוּיָ הּ. suffused by something elaborate. (adapted from transcendent. At As the psalmist sang: ( ל דוֹר וָ דוֹר נַגִּ יד גׇּדְ לֶ ָֽך, וּלְנֵ ֽצַ ח נצָחִ ים קדֻ ּׁשָת ָך נַקְדִּ ישׁ. such moments we ADONAI will reign forever; We become . קָ ד וֹ � שׁ � Holy ושִׁבְחֲָךאֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ מִ פִּֽ ינוּ ֹלא יָמוּשׁ לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד, experience ourselves as interconnected—not your God, O Zion, from generation to generation. holy when we imitate God’s qualities: “As God is called כִּי אֵל מֶ ֽלְֶך גָּ דוֹל וקָ דוֹש אָ ֽתָּ ה. !separate, isolated, lonely Halleluyah beings—we sense the Yimlokh Adonai l’olam, elohayikh tziyon l’dor vador, hal’luyah. ‘merciful,’ so should you be merciful . . . as God is called בָּ רוְּך אַתָּ ה יהוה, הָאֵל הַקָּ דוֹשׁ. universe as resident with connection. At From generation to generation we will declare Your greatness, On Shabbat Shuvah we substitute: ‘righteous’ and ‘loving,’ so such times, too, we may should you be righteous ,and loving” (Lekah|.| Tov ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, הַ ֶ מֽלְֶך הַ ָ קדׁש. .wonder at the glorious and forever sanctify You with words of holiness pulsating cosmos that Your praise will never leave our lips, Re’eih). . ָ אַ תּה �אֶ חָ ד ,has issued in the place We continue on the next page with the Fourth B’rakhah for You are God and Sovereign, great and holy. The whole world is on which we stand. filled with God’s glory “The whole world is Barukh atah ADONAI, the Holy God. . There מְלֹא כׇ ל־הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ ְ�כּ ב וֹ�ד וֹ� :filled with God’s glory.” On Shabbat Shuvah we substitute are two contrasting themes in the Kedushah, Barukh atah ADONAI, the Holy Sovereign. based on the two different prophetic visions Adonai Tz’va.ot that it incorporates. Isaiah speaks of God as Tz’va.ot means “armies” We continue on the next page with the Fourth B’rakhah, “You are one.” present throughout the world, while Ezekiel and is frequently speaks of God as in heaven. The paradox of translated as “hosts.” the religious life is that at times we feel a di- Who are God’s armies? vine presence close at hand and at other times The clouds, the rain, God’s distance, or even absence, is terribly the tectonic plates of palpable. earth, the sunbursts, the exploding stars, and the expanding universe.

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225 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 225 . אַ תּ ָ �ה אֶ חָ ד One The following paragraph is said only when the entire Amidah is recited silently: The following paragraph is said only when the entire Amidah is recited silently: You are One On festivals, the Amidah remains the same for the אַ תָה קָ ד ׁש ו שִמְ ָך קָ דׁש, ;Through us God Holy are You and holy is Your name evening, morning, and וקְ ד ִ ׁשים בכׇ ל־יום יהַ ללֽ וָך ֶ סֽלָ ה. .becomes one. holy ones praise You each day God who is everywhere afternoon services; only on scattered and dispersed Barukh atah ADONAI, the Holy God. Shabbat does this b’rakhah ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, הָאֵל הַ ָ קדׁש. :comes here to greet us, On Shabbat Shuvah we substitute On Shabbat Shuvah we substitute: have different versions for excited and fearful, Barukh atah ADONAI, the Holy Sovereign. each of these three services. here Many medieval sources ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, הַ ֶ מֽלְֶך הַ ָ קדׁש. with us, ascribe these differences becoming one. All continue here: All continue here: to the various aspects of Jewish that the אַ תָּ ה אֶ חָ דו שִׁ מְ ָך אֶ חָ ד , RIVKA MIRIAM Fourth B’rakhah: The Holiness of Shabbat— You are one, Your name is one; ancient rabbis perceived K’dushat Hayom: Shabbat as incorporating. יוּמִ כּעַמּ ָך יִשְׂרָאֵל גּוֹי אֶחָ ד בָּאָ ֽרֶ ץ. ?is there any one nation on earth like Your people Israel The Sanctification The evening b’rakhah is centered on creation; the תִּ פְאֶ ֽרֶ ת גּדֻ לָּה, וַעֲטֶ ֽרֶ ת ישׁוּעָ ה, ,For You have given Your people the splendor of greatness of the Day the crown of deliverance—a day of rest and holiness. Shabbat morning b’rakhah, on the revelation at Sinai יוֹם מ נוּחָה וּקְדֻ ָ הּׁש לעַמּ ָך נָתָ ֽתָּ . You have given Your Moses rejoiced...”); and“) אַבְרָהָ ם יָגֵ ל, יִצְחָ ק ירַ נֵּ ן, people a day of rest and Abraham will rejoice, Isaac shall sing, as Jacob and his children holiness. find rest on this day—a rest that is an offering of love; the b’rakhah at Minh|.|ah is Sarah will shine, focused on Shabbat as a יַעֲ ֹקב וּבָנָ יו יָנֽ וּחוּ בוֹ, ;a true and trustful rest Rebecca will be renewed, symbol of redemption—an ideal time. In that vein, the מ נוּחַת אַהֲבָה וּנְדָ בָ ה, ;Leah and Rachel will be a peaceful rest, serene, still, and secure blessing here begins with a מ נוּחַת אֱמֶ ת וֶאֱ מוּנָ ה, .comforted, a fulfilling rest in which You delight and will be May Your children know You as the source of their rest, reprise of Zechariah’s vision of future redemption that מ נוּחַת שָׁ לוֹם ושַׁ לְוָה והַשְׁקֵ ט וָבֶ ֽטַ ח, ,honored as their children find rest and in their rest may Your name be sanctified. is voiced at the end of each service in the : “On מ נוּחָה שׁ לֵמָה שָׁאַתָּה רֽ וֹצֶה בָּ הּ. on this day—a rest that is that day, Adonai will be יַכִּֽירוּ בָנֶ ֽיָך ויֵד עוּ כִּי מֵאִתָּך הִיא מ נוּחָתָ ם, ;an offering of love a true and trustful rest; one, and the name of God, .(one.” (14:9 ועַל מ םנוּחָתָ יַקְדִּֽ ישׁוּ אֶ ֽ ת־שׁמֶ ָך. ;a peaceful rest, serene, still, and secure a fulfilling rest in which You delight. is there any one nation ָ Chronicles 17:21, David’s 1 . וּ�מִ י �כְּעַ �מְּ ך יִ שׂ�ְרָאֵ ל גּ� וֹ�י אֶחָ ד Day of Rest: like your people israel prayer after being told by God that his son would build the Temple. It Yom M’nuḥah is at this time of day, when Shabbat has been fully experienced, that we might The essence of Shabbat, the splendor of this day, is its gift— feel that Shabbat has built a Temple in time; we may feel whole, at one with rest. Shabbat ushers in a special kind of rest; not just a ces- ourselves, and at ease with our community. And so the liturgy plays on this sation of work, not just a time to regroup and rally our inner sense of wholeness: we are one; God is one; and the people Israel, having rested resources so we may once again join the fray come starlight. It on this day, are one. is the rest of fulfillment, the utter, even transcendent, content- The noun for rest, m’nuhah, appears seven times in . וֹי�ם ְמ נ וּ� חָ ה ment with life. Love; giving; truth; trust; peace; surety; ease. A DAY OF REST Experiencing this complement of blessings in our daily lives this paragraph—seven being a sacred number. On Shabbat, the patriarchs will see the . אַ ְ ברָ הָ ם ָי ֵ גל is a rare gift indeed. It is sometimes found in the most tender Abraham will rejoice of moments between two life-long lovers; or the deep, aching fulfillment of the promise that their descendants will find deliverance and bless- laughter shared between friends; or the primal moment of a ing. Each of the patriarchs is depicted here as expressing a unique relationship devoted mother gently, intently cradling her just-fed infant. to God, perhaps reflecting their different personalities of God. In all, the fullness of the one flows into the other. Each gives, (1697–1776, ) notes the progression from Abraham, who here expresses each receives, and both are sated. inner emotion, to Isaac, who sings out loud, and finally to Jacob, who celebrates So it is (or is meant to be) on Shabbat. For six days, God and with his family. Jacob’s family, reunited at the end of his life, becomes an image we work. We give and we receive throughout the long week. For restricted use only:of ultimate March-April reconciliation. 2020. And when done just right, on Shabbat, both of us are sated. According to the , Isaac offered up songs of . ִ י צְ חָ ק ְי רַ ֵ נּ�ן Nina Beth Cardin Isaac shall sing— Do not copy, sell,praise whenor he sdistributeaw heaven open up at the time of the binding.

226 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 226 Avodah: Longing for Our God and God of our ancestors, embrace our rest. embrace your people israel and their prayer אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו וֵאֹלהֵי אֲ בותֵ ֽ ינו ]ואִ ֹותֵ ֽ ינו[, ר צֵה בִמְ נוחָתֵ ֽ נו, the Sanctuary רְ צֵ ה . . . ְבּ עַ ְ ּמ ָך ִי ְ ׂשרָ אֵ ל קַ ד ֵ ֽ שנו במִ צְ ֺו ֽ תֶ יָך, ותֵן חֶ לְקֵ ֽ נו  בתורָתֶ ֽ ָך, Make us holy through Your mitzvot On the one . ּו ִ בתְ פִ ָ ּלתָ ם .It is not unusual to experi- and let the Torah be our portion -hand, this b'rakhah rec ַשבעֵ ֽנו מִ ּובֶ ָֽך, ו ַשמחֵ ֽ נו ִ ביּו ֽ עָתֶ ָך, ence our religious life as Fill our lives with Your goodness inadequate. We may see ognizes that our religious service is imperfect. It lacks וטַהֵ ר לִ ֵ בֽנו לעׇבְ  דָך בֶאֱמֶ ת, .our prayer life as unin- and gladden us with Your deliverance ,the grandeur, the beauty והַ נְחִ ילֵ ֽנו יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו באַהֲבָ ה ובְרָ צון ַשבַת קׇדְ ֶֽ שָך, .spiring or fruitless, not Purify our hearts to serve You truly affecting our inner lives ADONAI our God, lovingly and willingly grant that we inherit the order, or the religious intensity that characterized ויָנֽ וחו בָ ה יִ שְרָאֵל מקַ ד ֵ שי ש ֽ מֶ ָך. or our external world; our ritual observance may not Your holy Shabbat, that the people Israel, worship in the Temple. On the other hand, we hope ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, מקַ ֵדש הַּׁשַ ָ בת. .transport us in any way. who make Your name holy, may find rest on this day In Jewish theology these Barukh atah ADONAI, who makes Shabbat holy. that what we have offered feelings are encapsulated up in prayer—however poorly worded, however ר ֵ צ ,ה יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו, בעַ  מָך יִ שְרָאֵ ל ובִתְ פִ לָתָ ם, in the idea that we are in exile—that somehow we imperfect, however am- bivalent our feelings—will והָ שֵב אֶ ת־הָעֲ בודָ ה לִדְ בִ יר ֵ ב ֽ יתֶ ָך, are deprived of an intimacy Fifth B’rakhah: The Restoration of Zion be acceptable, because it ותְ פִ לָתָ ם  באַהֲבָה תקַ ֵ בל ברָ צון, .with the Divine that was ADONAI our God, embrace Your people Israel and their prayer available when the Temple Restore worship to Your sanctuary. May the prayers of the expresses our humanity: we was standing. ,are vulnerable and finite ותְהִ י לרָ צון תָמִ יד עֲ בודַ ת יִ שְרָאֵל עַ ֶֽ מָך. people Israel be lovingly accepted by You, and may our service The assertion that there imperfect beings who are On Rosh Hodesh and Hol Ha-mo·ed we add: was once a perfect time is, always be pleasing. striving to reach beyond .ourselves אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו וֵאֹלהֵי אֲ בותֵ ֽ ינו ]ואִ ֹותֵ ֽ ינו[, יַ עֲ לֶה ויָ ֹבא, ויַ גִֽיעַ ויֵרָאֶ ה, :of course, mythic. When On Rosh Hodesh and Hol Ha-mo·ed we add the First Temple stood, Our God and God of our ancestors, may the thought of us rise up In . הַ �מּ ַ חֲ ִ ז י ר Who restores ויֵרָ צֶה ו יִּׁשָמַ ע, ויִ פָקֵ ד ויִ זָכֵ ר זִכְ רונֵ ֽנו ופִקְ דונֵ ֽנו, וזִכְ רון the prophets railed against the in the 1st אֲ בותֵ ֽ ינו ]ואִ ֹותֵ ֽ ינו[, וזִכְ רון מָ שִֽיחַ ֶ בן־ָ דוִ ד עַבְ ֶֽ דָך, וזִכְ רון the false worship that took and reach You. Attend to us and accept us; hear us and respond to place there; in Second us. Keep us in mind, and keep in mind the thought of our ancestors, millennium, this b’rakhah concluded “You alone shall י ר ָ ׁשלַֽיִם עִ יר קׇדְ ֶֽ שָך, וזִכְ רון כׇל־עַ  מָך ֵ בית יִ שְרָאֵ ל לפָ נֶ ֽיָך, Temple times, the office of as well as the , the descendant of David; Jerusalem, Your holy we worship in awe” ָ ָ לִ פְלֵיטָ ה, ל טובָ ה, לחֵ ן ולְחֶ ֽסֶ ד ולְ רַחֲמִ ים, לחַ ִ יים ולְ ָ שלום,  ביום High Priest was frequently city; and all Your people, the house of Israel. Respond to us with .( שׁ ֶ � וֹא�תְ ך לְ ַ ב ְ דּ�ך ְ בּ�יִרְאָ ה נַעֲ ב וֹ�ד( .bought and sold deliverance, goodness, compassion, love, life, and peace, on this On Sukkot: On Pesah: On Rosh Hodesh: ֹראש הַ ֹחֽדֶ ש הַ ֶ זה. חַג הַ ַמֹות הַ ֶ זה. חַג הַ ֻסֹות הַ ֶ זה. : On Sukkot On Pesah: But despite this, we On Rosh Hodesh: maintain the dream of Rosh H|.|odesh. Festival of Matzot. Festival of Sukkot. some day getting it right: זׇכְרֵ ֽ נו, יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינו, ֹו ל טובָ ה, ;Remember us for good of our religious worship ופׇקְדֵ ֽ נו בו לִבְ רָ כָ ה, ;being a pathway to making respond to us with blessing ו הׁשִיעֵ ֽנו בו לחַ ִ יים. .our lives and the world redeem us with life reflect the divine good. Show us compassion and care with words of kindness and ובִדְ בַ ר י ּועָ ה ורַחֲמִ ים, חוס וחׇ ֵ נֽנו, ו רַחֵם עָ לֵ ֽינו ו הׁשִיעֵ ֽנו, That dream—that our deliverance; have mercy on us and redeem us. Our eyes are כִי אֵ לֶ ֽיָך עֵ ינֵ ֽינו, ִיכ אֵל מֶ ֽלְֶך חַ ּון ורַ חום אָ ֽ ָ תה. .lives and our society em- turned to You, for You are a compassionate and caring sovereign body authentic service to the Divine—is implicit in May our eyes behold Your compassionate . ותֶחֱ זֶ ֽינָה עֵ ינֵ ֽינוּ בּ שׁוּב ָך לצִ יּוֹן בּרַחֲמִ ים. .this prayer for restoration בָּ רוְּך אַתָּ ה יהוה, הַמַּחֲ זִ יר שׁ כִ ינָ תוֹ לצִ יּוֹן. .It is even more explicit in Barukh atah ADONAI, who restores Your Divine Presence to Zion the version of this b’rakhah that was recited in the Land of Israel in the late 1st millennium prayer, which concludes with the phrase “that You alone shall we worship in awe.” Living a life in accord with God remains a constant challenge, yet the ideal that “You alone shall we worship in awe” is For restricted use only: March-April 2020. always before us. On Shabbat we may come closest to its realization. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

227 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 227 Modim: Gratitude When the Amidah is recited silently, we read the following paragraph. May all that lives thank ְו ֹ כ ל הַ חַ ִ יּ�י ם Sixth B’rakhah: Gratitude for Life and Its Blessings When the Amidah is chanted aloud, the leader reads this paragraph as You always How different our lives are Prayer can . י וֹ� ֽ ד וּ� ָך סּ ֶ ֽ �לָ ה .When the Amidah is recited silently, we read the following paragraph. the congregation reads the next passage when we appreciate life When the Amidah is chanted aloud, the leader reads this paragraph connect people or isolate itself as a gift. b .them from each other מוֹדִ ים אֲ נַֽחְ נוּ לָ ְךשָׁאַתָּ ההוּא יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ וֵאֹלהֵ י .as the congregation reads the next passage How beautiful a day After reciting our of אֲ בוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ ]ואִ מּוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ[ לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד. צוּר חַ יֵּ ֽינוּ, מָ גֵן יִשְׁעֵ ֽנוּ, then seems, how forgiving a We thank You, for You are ever our God and the God of our hundreds of words, we may we can then be of the petty ancestors; You are the bedrock of our lives, the shield that have slipped into a solitary אַתָּ ההוּא ל דוֹר וָ דוֹר. נוֹדֶ הלָּך רוּנְסַפֵּ תּהִ ֽ לָּתֶ ָך, עַל חַ יֵּ ֽינוּ disturbances that so easily trance. Now, as our prayer distract and annoy us. protects us in every generation. We thank You and sing Your moves to a conclusion, we הַמּסוּרִ ים בּיָדֶ ָֽך ועַ ל נִשְׁ מוֹתֵ ֽ ינוּ הַפּ קוּדוֹת לָ ְך, לועַ ֽ נִסֶּ יָך We go out then to the praises—for our lives that are in Your hands, for our souls that become aware once again שֶׁ בּכׇ ל־יוֹם עִמָּ ֽ נוּ, ועַ לנִפְ ל אוֹתֶ ֽ יָך ו ֽ טוֹבוֹתֶ יָך שֶׁ בּכׇל־עֵ ת, -world, and each encoun are under Your care, for Your that accompany us each of all living things—people, ter seems fresh, open to day, and for Your wonders and Your gifts that are with us each animals, and plants—that עֶ ֽרֶ ב וָ ֹב רֽקֶ וצׇהְׇרָ ֽיִ ם. ◀ הַ טּוֹב, כִּיֹלא כָ לֽוּ ֽ רַחֲמֶ יָך, new possibility; and what share this world, and we experience may seem moment—evening, morning, and noon. share in praising God. We והַמרַחֵ ם, כִּ י ֹלא תַ ֽמּוּ חֲסָדֶ ֽ יָך, מֵ עוֹלָם קִ וִּֽינוּ לָ ְך. miraculous. ▶ You are the one who is good, whose mercy is never-ending; thus move to the widest the one who is compassionate, whose love is unceasing. We This paragraph is recited by the congregation when the full Amidah is possible consciousness, have always placed our hope in You. repeated by the leader, by custom remaining seated and bowing slightly. embracing all of life in our prayer. ( Nevins) b מוֹדִ ים אֲ נַֽחְ נוּ לְָךשָׁאַתָּ ההוּא יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ וֵאֹלהֵ י This paragraph is recited by the congregation when the full Amidah is אֲ ֽ בוֹתֵ ינוּ ]ואִ ֽ מּוֹתֵ ינוּ[, אֱֹלהֵי כׇ ל־בָּשָׂ ר, יוֹצרֵ ֽ נוּ, יוֹצֵ ר .repeated by the leader, by custom remaining seated and bowing slightly בּרֵאשִׁ ית. בּרָ כוֹת והוֹדָ אוֹת לשִׁמְ ָך הַגָּ דוֹל והַקָּ דוֹשׁ, a We thank You for the ability to acknowledge You. You are עַל שֶׁהֶחֱ יִ יתָ ֽ נוּ וקִ יַּמְתָּ ֽ נוּ. כֵּ ן תּחַ יֵּ ֽנוּ וּתְקַ יּמֵ ֽ נוּ, ותֶאֱ סוֹף ,our God and the God of our ancestors, the God of all flesh our creator, and the creator of all. We offer praise and blessing גָּלֻ ֽ יּוֹתֵ ינוּ לחַצְ רוֹת ֽ קׇדְשֶׁ ָך, לִשְׁ מוֹר חֻקֶּ ֽ יָך ולַעֲ שׂוֹת ­­ר צוֹנֶ ָֽך, to Your holy and great name, for granting us life and for וּלְעׇבְדּ ָך בּלֵבָב שָׁ לֵם, עַל שֶׁאֲ נַֽחְ נוּ מוֹדִ ים לָ ְך. -sustaining us. May You continue to grant us life and sus בָּ רוְּך אֵל הַהוֹדָ אוֹת. tenance. Gather our dispersed to Your holy courtyards, that we may fulfill Your mitzvot and serve You wholeheartedly, On we add Al Hanissim on page 430. carrying out Your will. May God, the source of gratitude, ועַ ל ֻכ ָ לם יִתְ ָברַ ְך ו יִתְ רומַ ם שִמְ ָך מַ לְ ֵ כֽנו ָ תמִ יד ל עולָ ם וָעֶ ד. .be praised On Shabbat Shuvah we add: וכְ תוב לחַ ִ יים טובִ ים ׇ כל־בנֵי ברִ ֽ יתֶ ָך. .On Hanukkah we add Al Hanissim on page 430 For all these blessings may Your name be praised and exalted, ו ֹלכ הַחַ יִּ ים יוֹדֽוָּך סֶּ ֽלָ ה, .our sovereign, always and forever וִיהַ ל לוּ אֶ ת־שִׁמְ ָך בֶּאֱמֶ ת, :On Shabbat Shuvah we add הָאֵ ל ישׁוּעָתֵ ֽ נוּ ועֶזְרָתֵ ֽ נוּ סֶ ֽלָ ה. .And inscribe all the people of Your covenant for a good life b בָּ רוְּך האַתָּ יהוה, הַ טּוֹב שִׁמְ ָך וּלְָך נָאֶ ה ל הוֹדוֹת. May all that lives thank You always, and faithfully praise Your name forever, God of our deliverance and help. a Barukh atah ADONAI, Your name is goodness and praise of You is fitting. For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

228 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 228 Shalom: Peace Seventh B’rakhah: Peace Seventh b’rakhah: peace. Why is Jewish liturgy so ָ שלום רָ ב עַ ל יִ שְרָאֵל עַ  מָך ועַ ל ׇ כל־יׁשבֵ י תֵ בֵ ל ָת ִ שים suffused with prayers for ל עולָ ם, כִי אַ ָ תה ה או מֶ ֽלְֶך אָ דון לכׇל־הַּׁשָ לום. ו טוב Grant abundant and lasting peace to Your people Israel and א How distant peace all who dwell on earth, for You are the sovereign master of the peace? Is prayer for peace a -set of pious words, an בעֵ ינֶ ֽיָך לבָרְֵך אֶ ת־עַ  מָך יִ שְרָאֵ ל בכׇל־עֵ ת ובְכׇ ל־שָעָ ה seems—both inner peace and outer peace. How torn ways of peace. May it please You to bless Your people Israel at straction or ideal that can ,never be realized? Rather ִב ְ של ו ֽ מֶ ָך . .we are by our emotions, all times with Your gift of peace our desires, our competi- al yisrael am’kha v’al kol yosh’vei teiveil tasim l’olam, On Shabbat Shuvah we recite the following paragraph, the rabbis taught that tiveness. Yet having prayed ki atah hu melekh adon l’khol ha-shalom. V’tov b’einekha l’varekh et in place of the line that follows it: the pursuit of peace is a for wholeness, having am’kha yisrael b’khol eit u-v’khol sha·ah bishlomekha. without beginning or end, to be unremittingly בסֵ ֽפֶ ר חַ ִ יים, ברָ כָה, ו ָ שלום, ופַרְ נָסָ ה טובָ ה, ,expressed our gratitude practiced every day with נִ זָכֵ ר ונִ כָתֵ ב לפָנֶ ֽיָך, אֲ נַֽחְ נו וכׇל־עַ  מָך ֵ בית יִ שְרָאֵ ל, ,having spent Shabbat at On Shabbat Shuvah we recite the following paragraph rest, perhaps for a moment in place of the line that follows it: those near to us and those at a great distance. The לחַ ִ יים טובִ ים ולְ ָ שלום. we can savor our own quiet May we and the entire house of Israel be called to mind prayer for peace reminds ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, ע ֵה ׂשהַּׁשָ לום. breath and make peace and inscribed for life, blessing, sustenance, and peace in with the world around us. the Book of Life. Barukh atah ADONAI, who brings peace. us to pursue reconciliation in our own lives: inside ,ourselves; with loved ones ָ ברוְך אַ ָ תה יהוה, הַ  מבָרְֵך אֶ ת־עַ ֹו יִ שְרָאֵ ל בַּׁשָ לום. .Barukh atah ADONAI, who blesses Your people Israel with peace ב Our rabbis taught: Great neighbors, and colleagues; is peace, for the Messiah The silent recitation of the Amidah concludes The silent recitation of the Amidah concludes with community members will begin by speaking with a personal prayer or the following: with a personal prayer or the following: and fellow citizens; and of peace, as the prophet My God, keep my tongue from evil, my lips from deceit. in our engagement with .people across the world אֱֹלהַ י, נ צו ר ל ֹונִי מֵרָ ע, ְ ׂשפָתַי מִ ַד ֵ בר מִרְמָ ה, .Isaiah says, “How beautiful Help me ignore those who would slander me upon the hilltops are the As God is holy, we are to emulate God’s holiness. As ולִמְ קַ ללַי נַפְ שִי תִ דֹם, ונַפְ ִ שי כֶעָפָ ר לַ ֹכל תִהְ יֶה. .footsteps of the messenger Let me be humble before all God is peacemaker, so too פתַ ח לִ ִ בי  בתו ֽ רָתֶ ָך, ובְמִ צְ ֺו ֽ תֶ יָך תִרְ ֹוף נַפְ ִ שי. .declaring peace” (52:7). Open my heart to Your Torah, that I may pursue Your mitzvot —Leviticus Rabbah Frustrate the designs of those who plot evil against me; are we to serve the cause of peace every day in the וכׇל־הַ חׁשבִ ים עָ לַי רָעָ ה, nullify their schemes. midst of our lives. (Amy ג (Eilberg מ הֵרָה הָפֵ ר עֲצָתָ ם ו קַ לְקֵל מַחֲ שַבְ ָ תם. ;A true peace, Act for the sake of Your name; act for the sake of Your triumph עֲ ֵ שה למַ ֽעַ ן ש ֽ מֶ ָך, עֲ ֵ הש למַ ןֽעַ ימִ ינֶ ָֽך, .not an armistice, not a act for the sake of Your holiness; act for the sake of Your Torah One opinion . אֱ ל ֹ הַ י covenant of non- My God voiced in the Babylonian עֲ ֵ שה למַ ֽעַן ק ֽ דֻּׁשָתֶ ָך, עֲ ֵ שה למַ ֽעַ ן ֹו ֽ רָתֶ ָך. .interference, Answer my prayer for the deliverance of Your people Talmud states that every but understanding and May the words of my mouth and the meditations of my heart -Amidah must be accompa למַ ֽעַ ן יֵחָ ל צון י ֽ דִידֶ יָך, הׁש הִֽיעָ ימִ ינָך וַ עֲ נֵ ֽנִ י. compassion if not love. be acceptable to You, ADONAI, my rock and my redeemer. nied by a personal prayer 29b). The prayer) יִהְ יו לרָ צון אִמְ ֵ רי פִי והֶגְ יון לִ ִ בי לפָנֶ ֽיָך, יהוה צורִ י ו גואֲ לִ י. Struggle for the sake of Some have the custom of taking three steps backward and bowing at the accomplishment, conclusion of the Amidah, as if exiting the court of a sovereign. that is printed here is of- Some have the custom of taking three steps backward and bowing fered by the Babylonian not for rivalry or May the one who creates peace on high bring peace to us and competition. at the conclusion of the Amidah, as if exiting the court of a sovereign. Talmud (Berakhot 17a) as -an example of such a per ֹע ֶ שה ָ שלום בִמְ רומָ יו, הוא יַעֲ ֶ שה ָ שלום עָ לֵ ֽינו .Let fulfillment and attain- to all Israel [and to all who dwell on earth]. And we say: Amen ment be the order of the Yihyu l’ratzon imrei fi v’hegyon libi l’fanekha, Adonai tzuri v’go∙ali. sonal prayer; it is attributed to (4th ועַ ל כׇל־יִ ְשרָאֵ ל ]ועַ ל ׇ כל־יׁשבֵ י ֵ תבֵל[, ואִמְ רו אָמֵ ן. day, and may death Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya∙aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol yisrael come only as a blessing. century) and it was so [v’al kol yosh’vei teiveil], v’imru amen. admired that it entered the When the Amidah is to be repeated aloud, we turn back to page 223. formal liturgy. Distinctively, A Meditation When the Amidah is to be repeated aloud, we turn back to page 223. May the spirit of Shabbat it uses the first-person sin- remain with me through- gular (“I”), whereas almost out the week. May I have the strength, the courage, and the resilience to do what I need to do and what only I all other formal prayers in can do. Amidst the work I set out to accomplish in the world, may I find sustenance for my soul, that I may be the liturgy are in the first- a faithful partner in God’s creation, an instrument of healing and peace. For restricted use only: March-April 2020.person plural (“we”). . ִ י הְ י וּ� ְ ל רָ צ וֹ� ן May the words A Teaching :15. May love and truth never depart from you... Know God in all that you do and God will make your paths straight. Do not copy, sell, or distribute —PROVERBS 3 (selected verses)

229 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 229 The following verses are omitted on festive occasions (see note): The following verses are omitted on festive occasions (see note): Your righteousness ָ ,On weekdays . צִ ְ דקָ תְ ך צֶ ֽ ֶ דק .Your righteousness is eternal and Your teaching is true the afternoon Amidah צִדְקָת ָך צֶ ֽדֶ ק לעוֹלָ ם,ו תוֹרָתָך אֱמֶ ת. is followed by personal וצִדְקָתָך אֱֹלהִ ים עַ ד מָ רוֹם אֲשֶׁ ר עָשִֽׂ יתָ ג דֹלוֹת, ;Your righteousness, God, extends to the highest heights who may be compared to You, for the great deeds You prayers, tahanunim, expressing humility אֱֹלהִ ים ימִ כָמֽ וָֹך. ?have accomplished and pleas for help. Such prayers were considered צִדְקָת ָך כּהַררֵי אֵ ל, ֽ מִשְׁפָּטֶ יָך תּהוֹם רַ בָּ ה, ,Your righteousness is like the unending mountains ,inappropriate for Shabbat אָדָ ם וּבְהֵמָ ה תּוֹשִֽׁיעַ , יהוה. :Your judgments as the great deep ADONAI, You will rescue both humans and beasts. when we concentrate on contentment, and so this series of verses expressing -confidence in God’s righ קַ ִ די ש ָ ש ֵ ל ם teousness was substituted. Kaddish Shalem Leader: At the close of Shabbat, we are assured that God’s יִתְ ַגַ דל ויִתְקַ ַדש שמֵ ה רַ ָ בא, בעָ למָ א ִ די ברָ א, כִרְ עותֵ ה, :Leader presence will not depart as ויַ מְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כותֵ ה בחַ ֵ ייכון ובְ יומֵ יכון ובְחַ יֵי ד כׇ ל־ ֵ בית May God’s great name be exalted and hallowed throughout the created world, as is God’s wish. May God’s sovereignty Shabbat departs. The word tzedek, here translated as יִ שְרָאֵ ל, בַעֲ גָלָ א ובִזְמַן קָ רִ יב, ואִמְ רו אָ מֵ ן. soon be established, in your lifetime and in your days, and in “righteousness,” can also the days of all the house of Israel. And we say: Amen. Congregation and Leader: be understood as “faith- fulness,” and these verses emphasize the constancy of יהֵ א שמֵ ה רַ בָא מ בָ רַ ְך לעָ לַ ם ולְעָ למֵי עָ למַ ָיא. :Congregation and Leader May God’s great name be acknowledged forever and ever! Leader: God’s help and deliverance and the eternity of God’s truthfulness. The three יִ תְ ָ ברַ ְך ו יִ ְש ַת ַ בח ו יִ תְ ָ פאַ ר ו יִ תְ ר ו מַ ם ו יִ תְ נַ ֵ שא .Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varakh l’alam u-l’almei almaya verses, each beginning with the word tzidkat’kha (“Your ויִתְהַ ָ דר ויִתְעַ לֶה ויִתְהַ ָ לל שמֵ ה דקֻדְ ָ שא, ברִ יְך הוא, :Leader righteousness”) are taken לעֵ ֽלָּא מִ ן כׇּ ל־ ] ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א מִ כׇּ ל ־ :May the name of the Holy One be acknowledged and [on Shabbat Shuvah we substitute from Psalms 119:142, 71:19, and 36:7. The practice of בִּרְ כָתָ א ו ִ שירָתָ א ֻת ְשבחָתָ א ו נֶחָמָתָ א דַאֲמִ ירָ ן בעָ למָ א, ,celebrated, lauded and worshipped, exalted and honored reciting these verses began  ו אִ מְ ר ו אָ מֵ ן. ,extolled and acclaimed—though God, who is blessed b’rikh hu, is truly [on Shabbat Shuvah we add: far] beyond all in the 1st millennium. Since this passage sub- stitutes for the collection תִתְקַ בַל צ לות הון ובָ עות הון  דכׇל־יִ שְרָ אֵל קְׇדָם אֲ בוהון acknowledgment and praise, or any expressions of gratitude of personal prayers known ִ די בִ ְ שמַ ָ יא  ו אִ מְ ר ו אָ מֵ ן. .or consolation ever spoken in the world And we say: Amen. as Tah|.|anun, it is omitted whenever Tah|.|anun would be omitted. Such occasions יהֵ א  שלָמָא רַ בָא מִ ן שמַ ָ יא, וחַ ִ יים עָ לֵ ֽינו ועַ ל ׇ כל־יִ שְרָאֵ ל, May the prayers and pleas of all Israel be accepted by their ,are typically festive ones  ו אִ מְ ר ו אָ מֵ ן. .creator in heaven. And we say: Amen such as holidays and Rosh May heaven bestow on us, and on all Israel, life and abundant H|.|odesh, as well as personal festive moments, such ֹע ֶ שה ָ שלום בִמְ רומָ יו הוא יַעֲ ֶ שה ָ שלום עָ לֵ ֽינו as a b’rit milah or when a ועַ ל כׇל־יִ ְשרָאֵ ל ]ועַ ל ׇ כל־יׁשבֵ י ֵ תבֵל[, ואִמְ רו אָ מֵ ן. .and lasting peace. And we say: Amen couple in their first week of May the one who creates peace on high bring peace to us and marriage are present. It is to all Israel [and to all who dwell on earth]. also omitted for the entire And we say: Amen. month of (the month in which Pesah|.| occurs), and also from the day before Yom Kippur until the end of the month of . For restricted useKaddish only: Shalem is recited March-April at the end of every worship service 2020.that includes an Amidah. Its dis- tinguishing sentence is the line titkabel tz’lot’hon, “May the prayers . . . of all Israel be accepted.” distribute In ancient times this prayer concluded the service, so that the. שׁ ְ � לָמָ א . .or . שׁ ָ � וֹל�ם Do not copy,PEACE . .sell, . peace concluding line was a prayer for peace.

230 מנחה לשבת · תפילת העמידה shabbat · afternoon service · the amidah 230 סיום התפילה Concluding Prayers

We rise. ALEINU. In the High Middle Aleinu Ages, European Jewry added this prayer, originally עָ לֵ ֽינוּ לשַׁ בֵּ ֽחַ לַאֲ דוֹן הַ ֹכּל, לָתֵ ת גּדֻ לָּה ל יוֹצֵ ר בּרֵאשִׁ ית, .We rise a part of the High Holy ֶשלא עָשָׂ ֽ נוּ כּגוֹיֵי הָאֲרָ צוֹת, It is for us to praise the ruler of all, to acclaim the Creator, who has not made Day liturgy, as a conclusion ֹ us merely a nation, nor formed us as all earthly families, nor given us an to each service. They saw וֹלא שָׂמָ ֽ נוּ כּמִשְׁפּ חוֹת הָאֲדָמָ ה, ordinary destiny. it as simultaneously an affirmation of ֶשלֹא שָׂם חֶ לְקֵ ֽ נוּ כָּהֶם, ו ֹגרָ לֵ ֽנוּ כּכׇל־הֲ מוֹנָ ם. ,a And so we bow, acknowledging the supreme sovereign, the Holy One b and the people Israel’s role וַאֲ נַֽחְ נוּ כּוֹר עִ ים וּמִשְׁ תַּחֲ וִ ים וּמוֹדִ ים, who is praised—who spreads out the heavens and establishes the earth, whose in the world and also as a .vision of a world redeemed לִפְנֵי מֶ ֽלְֶך מַ לְכֵי הַמּ לָכִ ים, הַקָּ דוֹשׁ בָּ רוְּך הוּא. glory abides in the highest heavens, and whose powerful presence resides in the highest heights. This is our God, none else; ours is the true sovereign, there is In this regard, the juxtapo- -sition of the two para שֶׁ הוּא נוֹטֶה שָׁמַ ֽיִם ו ֹיסֵ ד אָ ֽרֶ ץ, no other. As it is written in the Torah: “Know this day and take it to heart, that graphs is instructive: the וּמוֹשַׁ ב יקָ רוֹ בַּ ּׁשָמַ ֽיִם מִמַּ ֽעַ ל, ADONAI is God in heaven above and on earth below; there is no other.” mission of the people Israel is not directed inward, we וּשְׁ כִ ינַת עֻזּוֹ בּגׇבְהֵי מ רוֹמִ ים, הוּא אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ אֵ ין עוֹד. ,Aleinu l’shabei∙ah|.| la-adon hakol, lateit g’dulah l’yotzer b’reishit shelo asanu k’goyei ha-aratzot, v’lo samanu k’mishp’h|.|ot ha-adamah, are not simply concerned with our redemption, but אֱמֶת מַ לְכֵּ ֽנוּ אֶ ֽפֶ ס זוּלָ תוֹ, כַּכָּ תוּב בּ תוֹרָ תוֹ: shelo sam h|.|elkeinu kahem, v’goraleinu k’khol hamonam. in the redemption of the ויָדַעְתָּ ֽ הַ יּוֹם וַהֲשֵׁ ֹב ֽ תָ לאֶ לבָבֶ ָֽך, a Va-anah|.|nu korim u-mishtah|.|avim u-modim, world. The dream of the world’s turning to God כִּ י יהוה הוּא הָאֱֹלהִ ים בַּ ּׁשָמַ ֽיִם מִמַּ ֽעַ ל, .lifnei melekh malkhei ha-m’lakhim, ha-kadosh barukh hu Shehu noteh shamayim v’yosed aretz, u-moshav y’karo ba-shamayim mima∙al, represents the desire for all .evil to end ועַל הָאָ ֽרֶץ מִתָּ ֽחַת, אֵ ין עוֹד. .u-sh’khinat uzo b’govhei m’romim, hu eloheinu ein od Emet malkeinu efes zulato, ka-katuv b’torato: v’yadata hayom Some, however, bridle at the exclusive affirmation עַל כֵּן נקַ וֶּה ל ָך יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ, ,va-hasheivota el l’vavekha, ki Adonai hu ha-elohim ba-shamayim mima∙al of the people Israel’s faith and have substituted other לִרְ אוֹת מ ההֵרָ בּתִ פְאֶ ֽרֶת עֻ זֶּ ָֽך, .v’al ha-aretz mitah|.|at, ein od phrases. For instance, the Israeli Masorti Movement להַעֲבִ יר גִּ לּוּלִ ים מִ ן הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ, והָאֱ לִילִ ים כָּ רוֹת יִכָּרֵ תוּן, And so, ADONAI our God, we await You, that soon we may behold Your strength offers as an alternative the ןלתַקֵּ עוֹלָם בּמַ לְ כוּת שַׁדַּ י, וכׇ ל־בּנֵי רבָשָׂ יִקְר אוּ ֽ בִשְׁמֶ ָך, -revealed in full glory, sweeping away the abominations of the earth, obliterat ing idols, establishing in the world the sovereignty of the Almighty. All flesh will verse from the prophet Micah: “For the people להַפְ נוֹת אֵ לֶ ֽיָך כׇּ ל־רִשְׁעֵי אָ ֽרֶ ץ. call out Your name—even the wicked will turn toward You. Then all who live of every nation shall walk ,in the name of their god יַכִּֽירוּ ויֵד עוּ כׇּ ל־יוֹשׁבֵ י תֵ בֵ ל, on earth will understand and know that to You alone every knee must bend, all but we shall walk in the כִּי ל ָך תִּ כְרַ ע ׇ כּל־בֶּ ֽרֶ ְך, תִּ ָ ּׁשבַע כׇּל־לָ שׁוֹן. ,allegiance be sworn. They will bow down and prostrate themselves before You name of Adonai, our God, .(forever” (4:5 לפָנֶ ֽיָך יהוה אֱֹלהֵ ֽינוּ יִכְר עוּ ויִפּֽ ֹלוּ, ולִכְ בוֹד שִׁמְ ָך יקָ ר יִתֵּ ֽ נוּ, ADONAI our God, treasure Your glorious name, and accept the obligation of Your וִיקַ בּ לוּ כֻלָּם אֶ ֹלת־ע מַ לְ ֽ כוּתֶ ָך. sovereignty. May You soon rule over them forever and ever, for true dominion is Yours; and You will rule in glory until the end of time. ותִמְ ֹלְך עֲ לֵיהֶם מ הֵרָ ה לעוֹלָם וָעֶ ד, ”.As is written in Your Torah: “ADONAI will reign forever and ever ▶ כִּי הַמַּ לְ כוּת שֶׁ לָּךהִ יא, וּלְעֽ וֹלמֵי עַ דתִּמְ ֹלְך בּכָ בוֹד. .And as the prophet said: “ADONAI shall be acknowledged sovereign of all the earth ◀ כַּכָּ תוּבבּ ֽ תוֹרָתֶ ָך: יהוה יִמְ ֹלְך ל ֹעלָם וָעֶ ד. ”.On that day ADONAI shall be one, and the name of God, one V’ne∙emar: v’hayah Adonai l’melekh al kol ha-aretz, ונֶאֱמַ ר: והָ היָ יהוה למֶ ֽלְֶך עַל כׇּל־הָאָ ֽרֶ ץ, .bayom hahu yihyeh Adonai eh|.|ad, u-sh’mo eh|.|ad בַּ יּוֹם הַ הוּא יִהְ יֶה יהוה אֶחָ ד, וּשְׁמוֹ אֶחָ ד. .We are seated For restricted use only: March-April 2020. We are seated. Do not copy, sell, or distribute 231 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · סיום התפילה shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · concluding prayers 231 Saying Kaddish KADDISH. For an explana- tion of Kaddish, see page קַדִּ ישׁ יָ תוֹם Mourner’s Kaddish Beyond language, Kaddish 58. is more than the sum of its Mourners and those observing Yahrzeit: Mourners and those observing Yahrzeit: words. First and foremost, May God’s great name be exalted and hallowed throughout יִתְ גַּדַּ ל ויִתְקַדַּשׁ שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּ א, it is an experience of the בּעָ למָא דִּ י ברָ א, כִּרְ עוּתֵ הּ, senses. Like music, there is the created world, as is God’s wish. May God’s sovereignty no understanding Kaddish soon be established, in your lifetime and in your days, and ויַמְ לִ יְך מַ לְ כוּתֵ הּ בּחַ יֵּ יכוֹן וּבְ יוֹמֵ יכוֹן .without hearing and feel- in the days of all the house of Israel. And we say: Amen ing it and letting go of the וּבְחַ יֵּי ד כׇ ל־בֵּ ית יִשְׂרָאֵ ל, :words. Congregation and mourners בַּעֲ גָלָ א וּבִזְמַן קָרִ יב, !One of the great ironies of May God’s great name be acknowledged forever and ever Kaddish is that it was written  ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. :in a vernacular language so Mourners that it could be understood May the name of the Holy One be acknowledged and and led by scholars and Congregation and mourners: ­celebrated, lauded and worshipped, exalted and honored, יהֵא שׁמֵהּ רַ בָּא מ בָרַ ְך לעָ לַם וּלְעָ למֵי עָ למַ ָיּא. laborers alike. Today, of course, Aramaic is far more extolled and acclaimed—though God, who is blessed, obscure than Hebrew. b’rikh hu, is truly [on Shabbat Shuvah we add: far] beyond all Mourners: יִ תְ בָּ רַ ְך ו יִ שְׁ תַּ בַּ ח ו יִ תְ פָּ אַ ר ו יִ תְ ר וֹמַ ם ו יִ תְ נַ שֵּׂ א That the recitation of words long dead can remain acknowledgment and praise, or any expressions of gratitude ויִתְהַדַּ ר ויִתְעַ לֶּה ויִתְהַ לַּל שׁמֵהּ דּקֻדְשָׁ א, בּרִ יְך הוּא, .a source of consolation or consolation ever spoken in the world. And we say: Amen testifies to the fact that Kad- לעֵ ֽלָּא מִ ן כׇּ ל־ ] ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א ל עֵ ֽ לָּ א מִ כׇּ ל ־ :dish transcends language. May heaven bestow on us, and on all Israel, life and abundant [on Shabbat Shuvah we substitute בִּרְ כָתָ א ושִׁ ירָתָ א תֻּשְׁ בּחָתָ א ונֶחָמָתָא דַּאֲמִ ירָ ן בּעָ למָ א, .Its comforts are rooted in and lasting peace. And we say: Amen preverbal ways of knowing.  ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. Like a mother’s heartbeat May the one who creates peace on high bring peace to us and against the infant ear, Kad- to all Israel [and to all who dwell on earth]. And we say: Amen. יהֵא שׁ לָמָ ֽא רַ בָּ ֽא מִן שׁמַ יָּֽא וחַ יִּ ים dish makes an elemental sound—natural as rain on a Mourners and those observing Yahrzeit: wooden roof and as human עָ לֵ ֽינוּ ועַל כׇּל־יִשְׂרָאֵ ל, Yitgadal v’yitkadash sh’meih raba, b’alma di v’ra, kiruteih, v’yamlikh as a lullaby.  ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. ,In addition to being a malkhuteih b’h|.|ayeikhon u-v’yomeikhon u-v’h|.|ayei d’khol beit yisrael profession of faith and a ba∙agala u-vizman kariv, v’imru amen. doxology, it is also mantra Congregation and mourners: ֹעשֶׂה שָׁ לוֹם בִּמְ רוֹמָ יו הוּא יַעֲשֶׂה שָׁ לוֹם and meditation. In rhythmic Y’hei sh’meih raba m’varakh l’alam u-l’almei almaya. עָ לֵ ֽינוּ ועַל כׇּל־יִשְׂרָאֵ ל ]ועַל כׇּ ל־יוֹשׁבֵ י תֵ בֵ ל[, repetition of syllables and sounds, the list of praises Mourners:  ו אִ מְ ר וּ אָ מֵ ן. glorified, celebrated, Yitbarakh v’yishtabah|.| v’yitpa∙ar v’yitromam v’yitnasei v’yit∙hadar) lauded) builds into a kind of v’yitaleh v’yit∙halal sh’meih d’kudsha, b’rikh hu, l’eila min kol incantation. . . . [on Shabbat Shuvah we substitute: l’eila l’eila mikol] birkhata v’shirata On some level, the words are pretext. The real mean- tushb’h|.|ata v’neh|.|amata da∙amiran b’alma, v’imru amen. ing, the subtext, is embed- Y’hei sh’lama raba min sh’maya v’h|.|ayim aleinu v’al kol yisrael, ded in the repetition... v’imru amen. perhaps another reason the rabbis were so insistent it Oseh shalom bimromav hu ya∙aseh shalom aleinu v’al kol yisrael be recited within a minyan. [v’al kol yosh’vei teiveil], v’imru amen. Only with a collective voice is there enough energy to lift up the lonely mourner, the angry mourner, the mourner For restricted use only: March-April 2020. too hurt to even say “Amen.” The minyan chorus implic- itly reassures the wounded soul, “You are not alone.” —anita diamant Do not copy, sell, or distribute

232 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · סיום התפילה shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · concluding prayers 232 Shabbat Some congregations conclude Minhah with one of the following passages; texts Some congregations conclude Minhah with one of the following passages; texts Psalm 23 is composed of from the Introduction (page 213) may also be recited at this time. from the Introduction (page 213) may also be recited at this time. two extended metaphors. The is not for the The first is that of God as .shepherd, God as protector א א sake of the weekdays; the weekdays are for the sake Psalm 23 may also be recited by some congregations as the Torah is being The second is that of God of Sabbath. It is not an Psalm 23 may also be recited by some congregations as the Torah is being returned to the ark (page 221), or at the third meal of Shabbat. returned to the ark (page 221), or at the third meal of Shabbat. as provider, offering us an interlude but the climax abundance of goodness. מִ זְ מ וֹ ר ל דָ וִ ד of living. a psalm of david —abraham joshua ADONAI is my shepherd; YOUR ROD AND YOUR The . שׁ ִ� ְב טְ ָך וּ� מִ שׁ ְ �עַ ְנ תּ ֶ ֽ � ָך STAFF יהוה ֹרעִי ֹלא אֶחְסָ ר. Heschel shepherd’s staff has a hook בִּנְ אוֹת דֶּ ֽשֶׁ א יַרְ בִּיצֵ ֽנִ י, .I shall not want Shabbat is a sixtieth part of on one end with which wandering sheep are pulled עַל מֵי מ נֻ חוֹת יְנַהֲ לֵ ֽנִ י, ,the world that is coming. God lays me down in green pastures back. The bottom of the נַפְשִׁ י י שׁוֹבֵ ב, ,Babylonian Talmud leads me to still waters— The next world will feel as renews my life, pole can be used to push .ahead lingering sheep יַנְחֵ ֽנִי במַעְ גּלֵי צֶ ֽדֶ ק למַ ֽעַן שׁ מוֹ. .Shabbat does now YOU WOULD SPREAD A גַּם כִּי אֵ לְֵך בּגֵיא צַ לְמָ ֽוֶ ת —Mekhilta guides me in right paths— . תּ ַ �עֲ רֹ ְך לְ פָ נַ י שׁ ֻ �לְ חָ ן for that is God’s way. TABLE This is ultimately a startling ֹלא אִ ירָא רָ ע כִּי אַתָּה עִמָּדִ י. image: God waiting on us שִׁבְטָך וּמִשְׁעַ נְתֶּ ָֽך הֵ ֽמָּ ה ינַחֲמֻ ֽנִ י. ,Were I to walk through a valley as dark as death I would fear no evil, and serving us. Yet coming after the first half of this תַּעֲ ֹרְך לפָנַי שֻׁ לְחָ ן נֶ ֽגֶ ד צֹררָ י, for You are with me; psalm, rather than feeling startled, we experience it דִּ ַ ּׁשֽנְתָּ בַ ֶ ּׁשֽמֶ ן ֹראשִׁי, כּוֹסִי ר וָיָ ה. ,Your rod and Your staff they would comfort me. as our being comforted by God and we conclude אַ ְך טוֹב וָחֶ ֽסֶ ד יִרְדּ פֽוּנִי כׇּ ל־ימֵי חַ יָּ י, the psalm with a sense of ושַׁבְתִּ י בּבֵ ית יהוה ל ֹאֽרֶ ְך יָמִ ים. ;You would spread a table for me in full view of my besiegers extraordinary peaceful- ness—the same feeling we תהלים כג ,You anoint my head with oil my cup overflows. may have as Shabbat draws to a close. Only goodness and steadfast love shall pursue me all the days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of ADONAI, in the fullness of time. Psalm 23

Mizmor l’david. Adonai ro·i lo eh|.|sar. Binot desheh yarbitzeini, al mei m’nuh|.|ot y’nahaleini. Nafshi y’shoveiv, yanh|.|eini v’maglei tzedek l’ma·an sh’mo. Gam ki eileikh b’gei tzalmavet lo ira ra ki atah imadi. Shivt’kha u-mishantekha heimah y’nah|.|amuni. Ta·arokh l’fanai shulh|.|an neged tzor’rai, dishanta va-shemen roshi, kosi r’vayah. Akh tov va-h|.|esed yird’funi kol y’mei h|.|ayai, v’shavti b’veit Adonai l’orekh yamim. For restricted use only: March-April 2020. Do not copy, sell, or distribute

233 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · סיום התפילה shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · concluding prayers 233 All who observe Shabbat ׇ. Just as we�כּ ל־ שׁ � וֹ � מֵ ר שׁ ַ � ָ בּ�ת ב ב ,entered Shabbat with song כׇּ ל־שׁוֹמֵ ר שַׁ בָּת כַּדָּת מֵחַ לּ לוֹ, A Shabbat Song so do we leave Shabbat in the same way. In the words הֵן הֶכְשֵׁ ר חִ בַּת קֽ ֹדֶ שׁ גּוֹרָ לוֹ, ,All who observe Shabbat properly, not profaning it merit the love of the Holy One; of the midrash, every bride is accompanied by song ואִ ם יָצָ א חוֹבַת הַ יּוֹם אַשְׁרֵ י לוֹ, and if one fulfills the obligations of the day, how blessed! .as she enters and departs אֶל אֵל אָ דוֹן מ חוֹל לוֹ, מִ נְחָה הִיא שׁ לוּחָ ה. It becomes a gift of thanksgiving offered to the divine master who created it. The chorus of this popular Shabbat song, written by הַ שּׁוֹמֵ ר שַׁ בָּת, הַבֵּן עִם הַבַּ ת, One who observes Shabbat, man or woman, is as pleasing to God Barukh ben Shmuel of Mainz (d. 1221), mentions לָאֵ ל יֵרָ צוּ כּמִ נְחָה עַל מַחֲבַ ת. .as the gift of thanksgiving offered on the Temple’s implements My God, my protector, called this day “the most desirous of all.” the grain-gift (minhah) offered along with every חֶ מְדַּ ת הַ יָּמִ ים קרָאוֹ אֵ לִ י צוּר, !How blessed the faithful, when it is kept sacrifice in the Temple. Minh|.|ah is also the name ואַשְׁרֵ י לִתְמִ ימִ ים אִ ם יִהְ יֶה נָ צוּר, ,A shining crown will be fashioned for their heads ;of the afternoon service כֶּ ֽתֶ ר הִ לּוּמִ ים עַ ל ֹראשָׁ ם יָ צוּר, .and the spirit of the Rock of Ages shall rest on them One who observes Shabbat, man or woman, is as pleasing to God as the poet remarks, we offer a gift not of grain צוּר הָ עוֹלָמִ ים רוּחוֹ בָּם נָחָ ה. as the gift of thanksgiving offered on the Temple’s implements. but of song and praise. We have therefore chosen הַ שּׁוֹמֵ ר שַׁ בָּת, הַבֵּן עִם הַבַּ ת, ”,Remember Shabbat and keep it holy“ to translate minhah here לָאֵ ל יֵרָ צוּ כּמִ נְחָה עַל מַחֲבַ ת. ;in glorifying it, you crown the Divine as “gift of thanksgiving.” with it, you give your own soul Selected verses of the song are printed here; the title זָ כוֹר אֶ ת־יוֹם הַ ַ ּׁשבָּ ת לקַדּ שׁוֹ, .a balm of joy and happiness of its full version is “Barukh קַרְ נוֹ כִּי גָבהָ ה נֵ ֽזֶ ר ַ על ֹראשׁוֹ, One who observes Shabbat, man or woman, is as pleasing to God El Elyon.” עַל כֵּן יִתֵּן הָאָדָ ם לנַפְ שׁוֹ .as the gift of thanksgiving offered on the Temple’s implements She shall be holy, to you, Shabbat the Queen. the Temple implements Literally, the pan in . מַ חֲ ַ בת עֽ ֹנֶג וגַם שִׂמְחָ ה בָּהֶ ם למׇשְׁחָ ה. She shall enter your homes and bestow a blessing there. which the grain-gift was .placed הַ שּׁוֹמֵ ר שַׁ בָּת, הַבֵּן עִם הַבַּ ת, ,So wherever you dwell, do not perform your daily labor the most desirous of all לָאֵ ל יֵרָ צוּ כּמִ נְחָה עַל מַחֲבַ ת. .neither you, your children, your servants, or your maids The Shabbat . חֶ מְ ַ דּ�ת הַ ָ יּ�מִ י ם One who observes Shabbat, man or woman, is as pleasing to God morning liturgy uses this קֽ דֶשׁ הִ יא לָכֶם, שַׁ בָּת הַמַּ לְכָּ ה, .as the gift of thanksgiving offered on the Temple’s implements -phrase, based on the Jeru ֹ salem Targum’s translation לאֶ תּוְֹך בָּתֵּ יכֶ ם להָ נִֽיחַ בּרָ כָ ה, ,Kol kadat mei-h|.|al’lo, Zakhor et yom ha-shabbat l’kad’sho of Genesis 2:2, “And God finished va-y’khal( ) on the בּכׇ ל־מוֹשׁ בוֹתֵ םיכֶ ֹלא תַעֲשׂוּ מ לָ אכָ ה, ,hen hekh∙sher h|.|ibat kodesh goralo, karno ki gavhah neizer al rosho seventh day” as “and God בּנֵיכֶ ם וּבְ נוֹתֵ יכֶם, עֶ ֽבֶ ד וגַם שִׁפְחָ ה. ,v’im yatza h|.|ovat hayom ashrei lo, al ken yitten ha-adam l’nafsho el El adon m’h|.|ol’lo, minh|.|ah hi sh’luh|.|ah. oneg v’gam simh|.|ah bahem l’mosh∙h|.|ah. desired the seventh day.” Ha-shomer shabbat, ha-ben im ha-bat, Ha-shomer shabbat, ha-ben im ha-bat, In the .זָ כ וֹ� ר Remember הַ שּׁוֹמֵ ר שַׁ בָּת, הַבֵּן עִם הַבַּ ת, version of the Decalogue לָאֵ ל יֵרָ צוּ כּמִ נְחָה עַל מַחֲבַ ת. .la-El yeratzu k’minh|.|ah al mah|.|avat. la-El yeratzu k’minh|.|ah al mah|.|avat H|.|emdat ha-yamim k’ra∙o eili tzur, Kodesh hi lakhem, shabbat ha-malkah, in Deuteronomy, the commandment to observe v’ashrei litmimim im yihyeh natzur, el tokh bateikhem l’haniah|.| b’rakhah, Shabbat begins with the keter hilumim al rosham yatzur, b’khol moshvoteikhem lo ta∙asu m’lakhah, word “observe” (shamor), a word repeated in tzur olamim ruh|.|o bam nah|.|ah. b’neikhem u-v’noteikhem, eved v’gam shifh|.|ah. the chorus. This stanza, however, references the Ha-shomer shabbat, ha-ben im ha-bat, Ha-shomer shabbat, ha-ben im ha-bat, version of the Decalogue found in Exodus, where la-El yeratzu k’minh|.|ah al mah|.|avat. la-El yeratzu k’minh|.|ah al mah|.|avat.For restricted use only: March-Aprilthe fourth commandment 2020. instead begins with the word “remember” (zakhor). לֹ א תַ עֲ שׂ� וּ� Do not copy, sell, or distributedo not perform your daily labor .Quoting the Decalogue, at Exodus 20:10 . מְ לָ א כָ ה

234 מנחה לשבת ויום טוב · סיום התפילה shabbat and festivals · afternoon service · concluding prayers 234