Fall 2009 No. 322 Ahuzat Yeladim Celebrating 70 years WIZO’s Day Care Centers Shana Caring for the Environment Latin American Congress Tova Successes and Challenges Women’s International Zionist Organization for an Improved Israeli Society You Are WIZO’s Future… Let’s Get Together! WIZO Aviv International Seminar November 15 – 19, 2009, Tel Aviv, Israel Come join young WIZO members from 50 federations worldwide! Participate in workshops on: Membership Recruitment, Organization, and Fundraising Hear top-level speakers on: Israel Today Women’s Leadership Jewish Education Visit WIZO Projects Tour Jerusalem Leadership Training For young WIZO members up to age 45 YOU BRING A SUITCASE - WE’LL PROVIDE THE REST For further information and registration, contact the head office of your local WIZO Federation subject Editor: Ingrid Rockberger Fall 2009 No. 322 www.wizo.org Assistant Editor: Tricia Schwitzer Editorial Board: Helena Glaser, Tova Ben Dov, Yochy Feller, Zipi Amiri, Esther Mor, Sylvie Pelossof, Briana Simon Rebecca Sieff WIZO Center, Graphic Design: StudioMooza.com 38 David Hamelech Blvd., Photos: Lilach Bar Zion, Allon Borkovski, Israel Sun, Tel Aviv, Israel Sharna Kingsley, Mydas Photography, John Rifkin, Tel: 03-6923805 Fax: 03-6923801 Ingrid Rockberger, Ulrike Schuettler, Yuval Tebol Internet: www.wizo.org Published by World WIZO Publicity and E-mail:
[email protected] Communications Department Cover photo: Children in WIZO’s Bruce and Ruth Rappaport reinforced day care center in Sderot celebrate the New Year. Contents 04 President’s