
Reports Control Synbol wc-7



Lt. coiod, cmlc Executive 0 ff icer I PART I ADMINISTRATION

A. Mission and Responsibilities. No change.

13. Acquisition of Physical Facilities.

C . Organization. Nuclear Activities Office established by General Orders 4, Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM, 12 August 1958. D. Development of Administrative Procedures. No change.


The fiscal Wormation for this Headquarters is supplied the Chemical. Comptroller.

3 A. Key Personnel.

Assignment and transfer of key personnel in Headquarters, U, S. Army Research and Development Codare as follows: Effectim Date Name and Status Authorits I July 1958 Colonel Victor C. Searle, Para 1, SO 67, 038 697 CmlC, assigned for Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM duty as CmlC and DA Ln Off, 9 Jul 58 and attached to US Dept of Health, Education and Wel- fare, eff 16 Jul 58, vice Colonel Walter A. Guild, 0 206 a0 CmlC

h Aug 1958 Captah Joe C. Christmas, Para 1, SO 73, 0 977 a9 CmlC, assigned for Hq, USA CdC RDCQM duw as Pers Off, MOS 4 Aug 58 2110 12 Aug 58 Lt. Col. Lowell E. Thomp- Para 1, SO 77, son, 825 252, CralC relieved Hq, USA CnilC RDCOpl from assignment to Long Range 12 Aug 58 R&D plans Office and assigned as Chief, Muclear Activities Office 13 Aug 1958 Captain Harold G. 'lloung, Para 1, SO 78, 01 876 482 CnilC, designated Hq, USA CrdC RDCOM as Management linprovement 13 Aug 58 in addition to his other duty Lt. Col. John G. Hof-, Para 2, SO 79, 031 856 CmlC, assigned as Hq, USA CdC RDCOM Chief, Long Range R&D Plans 15 Aug 58 Office

Major Gregg Henry, 025 5'74 Para 4, SO 79, CmlC, assigned for duty as Hq, USA CdC RDCOM Ilft and CnilC Ln Officer, US 15 Aug 58 Naval Radl Def Lab, San Fran

4 PLANS A. Plans for Peacetime Establishment. No change. B. Mobilization Plans. No change. C. Current planninq. Proposed policy conference planned for 4-7 November 1958 at Cacapon State Park, West , has been cancelled. It is tentatively planned to hold this conference sometime dur- ing the Spring of 1959.


The major staff actions of Headquarters, U. S. Army Chemical Corps Research and Development Command are briefed on pages 7 through 20.



6 9 July 1958 Memorandum for Dr. Schwab from Dr. Harrg M. Doukas, Chairman, Ad Hoc Idode Committee, GM;RD-PE, Subject: Meeting Concerning JWn on "Nerve Gases vs. HE, reporting on meeting convened for the purpose of planning for a color documentary film comparing effects of GB and VX VS. HE as requested by Chief, Research and Development, DA. Meeting was arranged so that DCSOPS personnel could give CmlC representatives further direction in preparation of this film, tentative completion date of which is Novmber 1958. It is improbable this deadline will be met and a more reasonable one would be approximately November 1959. This is to be a factual film from an operational viewpoint. Lt. Col. H.E. Sheppard, OC/R&D, U was consulted rior to this meeting for clarification on the request from C ReLD (Disposition Form, C/R&D to CCniLO, 4 February 1958, Subject:P Docurnentarg Film on C'W Effects (U). Points mentioned by Colonel Sheppard which should be considered in preparing film were as follows:- a. Film should depict tactical situations; b. It should test use of (34 agents under presently accepted Pentomic concept for fi- ture wars; C. All possible fortifications and tactical situa- tions should be tested; d. all presently stardamb'zed chemical involved in gas warfare and all weapons presently under development by Chemical Corps Research and Development should be tested under this program; e. H13, although not mentioned in this request, should not be considered under this combination since it will probably be obsolete within time frame involved; I f. This effort should be closely coordinated with DCSOPS, Ord- nance Corps, Signal Corps, USA CniLC Board, USA CWL and ACMO/ P&D personnel, and g. This film should have a high priority since it could be used as an excellent medium for selling the Chemical Corps.

Personnel attending meeting were as follows:- Lt. Col. A.H. Voegeli, DCSOPS; Lt. Col. R.B. Riindle, OCSigO; Capt. W.J. Hoff, Jr., CmlC Board; Mr. J.F. Schaeffer, CmlC Board; Lt. Cols. C.M. Schmelzle and D.J. Gaston, OACcmlO/P&D, OCCmlO; Messrs. Bo Cutter and J. Coyle, PCO, OCCmlO; Lt. Col. Clendenin, USA BWL, Dr. B. Berger, USA OdL; Mr. Peterson, USA CmlCPG, DE, Mr. H.H. Hood, Development Division, and Dr. H.M. Doukas, P&P Division, USA Cm3C RDCOM.

Recommendations:- a. Money has not been made available for prepa- ration of this film. Coment No. 2, CRD/A 6789, C/M to CCmlO, 10 June 1958, Sub,ject: Request for Ehergency Funds for Research and Development, rejected request for emergency funds and sug- gested RDCOM repr0,oram available flrnds. Recammend this be done after carem investigation as to amount required (estimated cost = $lOO,OOO to $200,000). b. Meeting is being arranged with Col. B. Moore, Col. I-I.E. Sheppard, Col. C.M. Schmelzle, Mr. J. COY18, &.R.M. Acker to clearly delineate objectives of fXh. As result of meeting, it is expected that (1) A prepared justifi- cation sheet will be presented to Mg. Gen. W.R. Currie and Col. G.C. Essman so that a technical advisor can be approved as soon 7 as possible. (2) Discussions will be held by the technical advisor with personnel from OC/R&D, DCSLOG, DCSOPS, CmlC Board, etc,, so that an outline of film can be prepared within established policies as soon as possible. 9 July 1958 Letter to Chief Chemical Officer, CMLRD-D, Subject: Proposed change in Chemical Corps Hateriel Model Designation System, recornendjag (a) the practice of assigning "Ett NuJDbers to developmental items of materiel be discontinued; (b) nXM" num- bers be assigned to a given item for identification during its development and, upon type classification of item as an adopted type, the l%x"pref'ix be dropped; (c) none of the pres- prcrc- tices of identimg modifications, alternates, or variations be changed, and (d) above proposed systm not be applied retro- actively to any item previously designated by an "Ett number. A similar system was recen- adopted Ordnance Corps (OTCM 367779 qpmmd 8 May 1958) 10 July 1958 Letter to Commanding Officer, U.S. CmlC Engimerbg Command, GIGRD-9, Subject: Final Engimering Test on a1-36/37 Mechanized Flame Thrower (U), requesting ENCOM to proceed with necessary BC- tions prior to type classification of subject item. U July 1958 1st IndDrsement to Chief Chemical Officer, C6fLRD-D (7 Jul 58), Subject: Field, Protective, Mask, EUR9, forwarding following Momation with reference to mcomruendation that the currant progm for provision of test items leading to type classifi- cation of subject mask during Fourth Quarter,Fiscal Year 1959 be continued:- (a) An extensive aeries of expedited chamber tests of candidate El3R9 Mask modifications have just been completed, results of which show that two types of changes significantly improve low teInperature perfonnance capability of the mask under the test conditions. Law temperature perfonnance of each of these models is measurably better in test chambers than that of the H9Al Mash under the same conditions.~)bdationsconsist essentially of (1) n3R9 Mask with C-15 outlet valve and mtal inlet caps and (2) EUR9 Ha& with preceding changes and double eyelenses.(c)Action is being taken to insure that sufficient amounts of 43R9 Masks #ith C-15 outlet valves and metal inlet caps will be available for both Chemical Corps evaluation at Fort Greely and U.S. Array Arctic Test Board tests this #inter,(d) While addition of double eyelenses to above-described model gives better law temperature performance under the test conditions, it requires mold changes and engineering tests and will add to cost of mask. It is not known if sufficient suitable items wfth double eyelenses can be made available in the for Arctic Test Board tests. 8 uN CLASS\F\ ED 9 July 1958 Letter to Chief Chemical Officer, CYLRD-D, Subject: Report of U. S. Delegate to NATO Group of Ecperts on -pent for Pro- tection Against - Paris 17-19 June 1958 (U), transraitting copy of subject report and advising that all ac- tions required by the United Stabs as a result of meeting will be implementad by Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM.

10 July 1958 Letter to Chairman, Chemical Corps Technical Committee, (XJULD, Subject: Membership on Chemical Corps Technical Subcommittee and Committee, designating Colonel Graydon C. Essman, Member, and Dr. John L. Schwab, Alternate. 10 July 1958 Letter through Chief Chemical Officer, Attn: dCCmlO/P&D, to (s 1 DCcmlO/SA, CIJILBD-D, Subject: Combat Requirement for Massive Offensive Chemical Flame and HE Optimum Frag Head Rocket Weapons *stem (S), referring to Comment No. 3, CMLRD-D, Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM to CCmlO, same eubject (CmlC Control No. ll42-58-5), which advised that a technical feasibility study uould be prepared for subject item and would serve as the basis for reply to OC/ RB9, DA. Letter fonrards stucly for review and appmval prior to transmittal to C/W, together With a copy of Seventh Bnsy Stuw. It is concluded th& a WP T-238 rocket is feasible; however, recommendation is made that a materiel requirement for a WP T-238 warhead be held in abeyance pending completion and evaluation of further WP casualty production studies nbw in progress. PlIFR - DCclmlO/SA received 7th Army study from DCSOPS and re- quested RDCOM to review and Comment. An interim reply was furnished Staff and USA CWL was requested to prepare a study. WL has not been able to arrive at real valid conclusions due to variance in data and expressed opinions. 10 July 1958 Letter to Comanding Officer, U. S. Chemical Warfare Labora- 0) tories, CMLRD-D, Subject: USCCApproved Military Character- istics for an Agent, Scrsening, Infrared (U), referencing letter, cww>-CW-D(M)A, 18 July 19% Subject: PeVelOpWt Of and Radar Screening Agents (US, (CWL-~&%lh~~),with four indl3rSesneIlt8 . Referenced letter stated the ElOa Radar Screening Agent had passed final engineering testa and that the EL6 Infrared Screen- ing Agent had considerable promise. On basis of these conclu- sions, it was requested that reqaimwnt be obtained f'rom USONARC to initiate developent program in order to provide with a countermeasure capability in the radar and infra- red areas. A proposed development program to attain desired capability and proposed military characteristics were included. 1st Indorsement, CMLRD-D, Hq, RDCOM, 18 July 1956, fonarded letter to CWO, Attn: ACWO/P&D, requesting f"ther process- ing; 2d Indorsement, CMLPD-CB, 27 August 1956, fonrarded co- respondence to USCONARC requesting requireraent be established for subject agents; ¶ ATDEV-5, 10 October 1956,

/'e UNCLASS! Fl ED from USCONARC to CCmlO stated that a requirement would be initiated for the subject agents, and 4th Indorsement, QGPD-CE, 15 October 1956, forwarded USCONARC indorsement to Hq, RDCOM for information. USCONARC has formulated military characteristics and fim requirements for both radar and infrared screening agents (new title - "Combat millance Countermeasure Agents") and these requirements have been approved by tbe C/Rgs and ACCnilO/P&D and foxwarded to CCTC for recording. Requiment for radar countermeasure agent was sent to USA cx.6L on 8 May 1958 for implementation (CmlC Control No, 868-58-S) and requirement for infrared countexmeasure agent is inclosed (letter, ATDEV-5 4OO,ll4/34(S), USCONARC to C/R&D, 9 Jun 58, with one inclosure), USCONARC does not desire a combined agent capability at this time. Letter requests that a development program designed to flil- fill infkared countenmasure agent reqyhmmt be forwarded to Hq, RDCOM by 8 August 1958, including rectmnendations for reprogramfng FY 59 fbnda to accomplish desired objectives. ll July 1958 Hultiple address letter to Commanding Officers, U.S. Anqy Chemical Warfare Laboratories, U.S. Amy Biological Warfam i Laboratories and U.S. Army Chemical Corps , CMLBD-PD, Subject: Establishment of Measurable Time-Phased Program Objectives, advising that the Chemical Corps Inspector General has determined that additional emphasis should be given to the development of program objectives stated in measurable time-pkiised terns in all pomible areas that lend themselves to scheduling, and requesting revfew of program objectives with a view towards statfng our fkture objectives in as specific and measurable tenns as our best possible ef- forts can provide. ll July 1958 Memorandum for Lt. Gen. Arthur G. Trudeau fram Chief Chexical (1996684) Officer, CMJUI-P, Subject: Additional Fund Requiremnts for (s 1 the Chemical Corps FY 1959 Research and Development Program (u), reiterating his deep concern regarding a mre comprehen- sive research and development effort in CBR in order for this nation to establish an adeqpate defensive posture in this field. This problem is most serious because of current in- telligence estimates which clearly indicate that the Soviet Govermnent has developed a strong CBR program that is a sub- stantial threat to ow national defense, In order to have a sound and effective CBR capability, it is urgent to expand and accelerate effort in areas of research, development and testing, now not permissible under approved $34.2 million program. Ekmples of specific tasks which cannot be undertaken and areas which require greater emphasis but cannot be augmented as result of inadequate Aurdbg are inclosed.


The FY 1959 CmlC R&D %sic and SupplemenW BEP totaling $56 million submitted to C/W in March 1958 was presented and defended before the Amy Review Boa& as an integral program and the first step in an orderly build-up to a re- quired annual CnilC Rd9 Program of approximately 385 million. CCmlO urgently recomends reconsideration of his R&Il fun- limitation and urges approval of his proposed Supplemental. R&D Program for FY 1959 as the basis for the initiation of a realistic program in CBR corranensurste with its militarg potential. HF'R - As result of Array R&D Review Board hearings, basic program of the CmlC was approved plus approximately $270,000 for deferred maintenance projects at CWL and BWJ;. None of the other proposals in Supplemental BEP was approved, pre- ismably because of lack of AuLds. As result of General Creasy's comments at last Review and Anal$sis, when he was advised of the decision of the Amy RerLew Board, gDcoM was directed to prepare a strong letter requesting additional funds. Memorandum for Record, cIMI*RD-P, Subject: Meeting on the El3 Mask, 8 July 1958, at CWL, reporting on subject meeting which was held to determine the results of ths modifications and the future program to successfully process EL3 mask t0 tSpe clas- sification. Meeting was attended by Colonel Essman, Dr. Schwab, Mr. Benjamin, Mr. Cort and Mr. Walton, Hq, RMXIM; Colonel Fellem, Dr. Silver, Colonel J. A. Zhr'bb, W. Homts, Hr. West, Mr. Shanty, Mrm Cauller, and Dr. Birnbaum of CWL, and Lt. Colonel~bber,USCONARC Liaison Officer. Cbamber teats on certain modifications produced results indi- cating solution of low temperature fogging problem is uell on the Wqm CWL was advised to complete developnt and testing of the double eyelease, modified, n3 mask and, if possible, suMt this model as the Chemical Corps choice to Arctic Test Board for user tests. If time precludes this action, then the p33 with ClS outlet valve and metal inlet cap will be submitted for the Arctic tests by CONARC. Present schedule for type classifging KL3 mask remains unchanged. Following satisfactory tests and acceptance of this mask for type classification by CONARC, work on Kl.3 type mask should be discontirrned and major effort should be directed towards development of concepts for an entirely new type of protective -&a 1.

15 July 1958 Summary Sheet from the Chief Chemical Officer to the Secretary of the Amy through Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics, Chief of Staff, and Assistant Secretary of the limy, CXLRD-R, Subject: Authori&ationfor Use of Radioisotopes on Anny Voluateer8, in- forming him that the U. s. Naval Radiological Defense Laboratory has a proposed research experiment entitled liDevelopent of Recla- mation Procedures for Land Targets, work under this pm3ectto be accomplished under Department of the Amy Project Order Allotment 99178/58. Project is designed to determine contaminabzlity char- acteristics of personnel (and clothing) exposed to contact with beta-radiation emitters when operating as combat troops in a fallout area. It is proposed to use volunteer Army, Navy and civilian personnel as subjects in this study. The Laboratory ha&$ennission to use Naval volunteers for the test radioisotope La . Since most of the volunteers are expected to be personnel, Navy made a request for Army volunteers. Deep tissue gamma radiation dose will be less than 0.2 of a rad. The beta- gamma radiation dose to the skin wiU be less than 2 rad. Chief of Staff Memo 384, 30 June 1953, and 8av-d P-1325 (Rev 199), Chapter 7-1 will be complied with. USNRDL sent request to the Secretarg of the Navy via Chief, Bureau of Medicine and Surgery (Inclosure 1). Chief, Bureau of &ledicineand Surgery stated that approval for Naval volunteers Vadybeen given in 19% for the use of volunteers with La . Approval for use of radioisotopes on Anag volunteers for this project is recomnended. The Surgeon General, Disposition Fonn, l.4 July 1958, to Chief Chemical Officer, recommends approval of request made in Inclosure 1. 16 July1958 Multiple address letter to Commanding Officers, USA CWL, BWt (19658-S) and CCPG, CHLIZD-R, Subject: Pmposed Testing Program, inclos5ng (a letter from Colonel Efnor, Chemical Officer, Hq, Seventh U.S. m,Europe, with a proposal for testing of fallout prediction methods through the use of shulants.

(SI While it is realfeed that the magnitude of phenomena with kiloton and megaton yield weapons would probably not make this approach too feasible, it is felt that idea has promise for fractional kiloton weapons of the CIIOCKETT tspe. With a potential moratorium on nuclear testing, this method of simu- lating fallout mechanism3 should be thoroughly investigated. It is felt that a program using simulants, for example, fluores- cent particles, of known particle size and released at varying heights under known meteorological conditions, caclld add sig- nificant~to the Hstate of the art" of fa3lout prediction. Dissemination at fixed heights as opposed to continuous "vertical rocket" disselrination suggested might give dissenination in- formation of value to the BW and CW Fields as well.

Letter requests conanents and suggestions relative to this type of test program. 12 x a-

U i\! C LASS 1 FI ED 1st Indorsement to Conananding Qeneral, U.S. ChemicalJul 58), Sub-Center and Chemical Corps Materiel Command, CMLRD-D ( Sect: Transmittal of Program Justification 3for Construction of Facilities for Operation and Housing of Drying Equipment, X-202, FY 60, concurring in F'Y 60 PPFE measure for $6,O0OyO00 for the final design and construction of a drglng facility in which to install dqhg equipment available at DBO, This will give Chemical Corps a drping agent production facility, 1st Indorsement to Commanding General, U.S. Army Chemical Center and Chemical Carps Materiel Command, CI4LRD-D (Ik Jul g),Sub- ject: Transmittal of Project Rsquest for Plant Design for Drg Agent Capability, X-202, FY 59, concUrrjng in implementation of this project. 6 Aug 1958 Memorandum for Deputy Commander for Scientific Activities, CXLRD-PE, Srtbject: Meeting Concerning F'Xh on "Nerve Gases VS. €E, prepared Dr. Harrg If. Bukas, Chairman, Ad Hoc Committee on Motion Picture Fibs, referencing 9 July 1958 memorandam and reportin on 11 July meetkg attended by Lt. Col. H.E. Sheppard, OCb, Lt. Col. F.B. Mitaan, Jr,, OC/Rgs, Lt. Col. A.H. Voegeli, ODCSOPS, Lt, Gal. C.M. Scbmlzle and Mr. J.P. wle, OACCR~~O/P&D, and Oapt. P. L. Bouldb and &.Doukas, Hq, RDCOII. c Previous meeting concluded film was to be based on assumption that this was a coarparison of the effects of CW nem gases as against HE under tactical situation. This assumption was not accepted by Lt, Col. Ben Moore, DCSOPS, who understood this should also involve training and orientation sequences. original concept of film was for orientation of senior command- ers (as indicated by Lt. Colonel Sheppard); hewever, if this was to be the case, request would have to go through USCOUEE for concurrence, which would take approximately .two years. Therefore, it wm suggested by C/M at the time of original request that this shanld be (1) an R&D documentcrrg type film, and (2) indi- cate tactical use of subject items. As prewiouEIly mentioned, purpose of film was to sell CW agents for which no appropriate film is in existence, As result of thia meeting, foll&cing conclusions were reached:- a. Film will be limited to standard HE shells (optimum fragmen- tation will not be depicted); b, will not be utiliwd; c. If possible, with aid of animation, any future weapons under- going development at this time should be utilized; d. Madnxm use should be made of Ordnance studies on tihe effects of area- target systems; e. Exploratory talks should be held with Depart- ment of the Air Force or Amy Aviation personnel concerning use of GB bombs and aerial spray tanks; f. Several members in at- tendance mentioned there were film clips in existence depicting use of GB either against US tanks, Soviet Ws, or as tests of GB artillery shells. &erg effort will be made to use existing 13 ”f”” U N C LASS IF I ED b film clips; however, in order to achieve continuity and demon- strate possible application to tactical situations, an entirely new film may be necessary; g. Although it may be neceem to use animals in some of the fUm sequences to dramatize effects of CW agents, narration should extrapolate effects directly for ultimate use against humans.

Recamendation is made that hedizte steps be taken to appoint an R&D representative as a Technical Ac€visor for this film; also, an outline of the film within established policies should be prepared as soon as possible for concurrence and recommend+ tions by C/R&D, DCSOPS, Signal Corps, ACCmlo/P&D, Chemical Corps Board and REOM. As an aid in initiating action on this film, $25,000 have been reprogrammed by RDCOM for the initial efforts. 7 dug 1958 Letter to Chief Chemical Officer, Attn: ACCrnlO/P&D, CNLFCD-D, Subject: Food and Water Sampling and Analyzing Kit, referrlng to paragraph 1239a(9), CEOG, which states an approved qualib- tive materiel mquireaaent for subject kit. In order to meet this requirement, CCTC will be requested to approve establish- ment of subproject b08=06-03&-09, Food and Water Sampling and Analyzing Kit, at its next meeting. There are no approved ! MCts for this kit and follawfng guidance is required before development can be undertaken:- a. Planner in which kit will be used in the field and by what msof personnel; b. Inform- tion as to which of following options for development would most suitably meet requbent:- (1)Development of a single kit, combining f’unctions of present Food Testing and Screening Kit, Chemical Agents, AT3C-m; Water Testing Kit, Chemical. Agents, AN-M2, and Water Testing Kit, , a,and include tests for mer agents, (2) ~ncludein &sting kits simplffied tests for the present agents and a test or tests for V agents, and (3) Further modification of CBR Sampling and finalping Kit, E&, to include capabilities of above kits. Such modification could be in the form of a removable case to be packaged within confines of the E34 kit. Current plans for completing develop- ment and final engineering testing of the E34 kit need not be affected but a modified item would be developed for subsequent issue. ACCmlO/PS;D requested to %rdtd.ate action to obtain appraved NC‘S for subject kit. 8 Aug 1958 Memoran- for Lt. General A.G. Trudeau from Chief Chemical (2375-584) Officer, CMLRD-H), Subject: Reactivation of R&D in Antifood (SI Warfare (C), requesting authority to initiate a new project in antifood warfare as early as posaible in Fp 1959. It is essen- tial to take immediate action to assure retention of a rmcleus of competent agriculturEd sckitists still available to the Chemical Corps and to begin recruitment of key personnel re- U NCLASSlFlED to plan arid conduct a well-rounded program in antifood warfare during and subsequent to FY 1960. To accomplish this, appmxi- mately &5O,OOO will be requixwd for the antifood area during Fp 1959, of which $350,000 will be allocated to anticrop and '$1oO,OOO to antianimal. In view of urgent need to reactivate this effort at the earliest possible date, following actions are requested:- a. Reassignment of responsibility to the CcmlO for R&D in antifood warfare; b. Reinstatement of an active R&D effort in antifood warfare, and C. Provision of necessary funds. HE'R - Comment NO. 1, CRD/A 81, Subject: R&D Program Directive (U), 7 Jan 57, directed CCnilO to allocate no funds in area of anticrop warfare and, in effect, relieved CmlC of msponsib5lity in this area. Subsequently, it was directed that program be phased out lq 1 Jan 58. Antianimal program was terminated in 19%. Both these actions were caused primarily by lack of funds. ORG Study 21 (F'inal Draft), '1958 Evalnation," July 1958, states the conclusion that no form of warfare, short of massive nuclear attack, could achieve the attrition of man- power possible by successf'ul antirice warfare operations on Commist China. CmlC RDCO-s been unofficially advised that WSEO will recommend reactivation of a strong R&D program in the anticrop area and a small effort in the antianimal area. C/R&D, on 29 July 58, was briefed at USA BWL by EcrJL personnel on antifood warfare, and he indicated his keen interest in this important program. Priority of antifood progmn in re- lation to other requirements for R&D funds wag not stated in this letter because further infomation on amount of money that may become available would be required before such a de- cision could be made. Subject of defoliation and target mark- ing was not mentioned because C/R&D had previously advised CWO at time of anticrop phase-out that he considered defolia- tion to be a part of the anticrop prograra. If C/R&D authorizes reactivation of R&D in antifood warfare, CmlC RDCOM proposes to devote considerable time to pl-g a new approach. Cars- ful consideration will be given to most desirable level of effort to be placed in contt?aect and in house. It is possible that 8 study of th3.s problem will indicate abvispbilifT of devsloping a rather small, specialized group at BWL for anti- food warfare with heavy reliance on contracts wherever theY can be used to advantage.

8 Aug 1958 Letter to Cammanding General, U.S. fumy Chemicd Center and (1752-584) QnlC Materiel Command, CMLRS-D, Subject: AB-R (U), referencing (SI letter, CMLAM-M-ZP-42, 4 June 1958, same subject, to USA I%%, and recornending that work on AB-R at Mrectorate of Biologi- cal Operations, , Arkansas, not be tenabated until after receipt of next Tripartite meeting recommendations. MF'R - MATCOM requested recommendations of RDCOM on bhting work on AB-R at BO. Original recomendationa RDCOM were to disconthze work; however, recent correspondence from the ! UNCLASSIFl ED Canadians indicates a new interest in this agent. 8 Aug 1958 Memorandm for Lt. General A.G. Trudeau, Chief of Research and (c) Development, DAY C,%RD-PD, Subject: Reactivation of R&D in Antifood Warfare (C), referencing CCmlOIs memorandum of 8 Aug- ust 1958 on eame subject and forwarding extract from an e&- torial. published in Fortune Magazine, July 1958, entitled THE RUSSIAN "RBCESSION~which strongly supports CcmlO1s personal views on critical position of agriculture in the Soviet econo~. 11 Bug 1958 Comnent No, 1 to Chief, Research and Development, CMLRD-N, (c1 Subject: Implementation of the Expanded Radiological Warfam Mission of the U.S. Army Cht3nckaS. Corps, referencing memorandum, CNLWS, Subject: Proposal for a Radioactive Test Facility, from CmO to Lt. General Arthur G. Trudeau, 9 July 1958, and inclos- ing FX 1959 requirement for additional R&D funds, with justifi- cation, in order for the QnlC to fmpleraent its expanded mission as stated in memorandum for the Chief Chemical Officer from DCSLOG, LOG/Ff; 24435, Subject: Chemical Corps Radiological Warfare Mission, 17 June 1958. Mds am not available within WCFY 59 R&D Program to cover costs of 8xpanded Rw Mission and request is made for an increase of $362,500.

l4 Aug 1958 Letter to Connnan&ng Officer, U.S. Army (247'2-58-5) Laboratories, Subject: Project LAC (V), advising that Project (5) LAC Program of Fp 1959 will be continued for purpose of furnish- hgtinely technical guidance and requesting that Dr, DorreU coxrtinue to act as chairman of the LAC Committee, Dr. Dorrell will instruct the conrmittee to formulate and monitor l?Y 59 program based upon following guid8ines:- a. Define and delineate mechanics of particulate cloud travel; b. Establish parameters of dissemination for particulate naaterisl with respect to a wide range of meteorological conditions; C. Delineate offensive capabilities of tihe LAC system with respect to candidate agents and target climatology, and de Detelmine particulate cloud travel of selected North American continental. airstreams. Fol- lowing responsibilities are defined:- a. Dugway hUr*g Ground will be responsible for the execution of the field testing pop tion of the F'X 59 LAC Progran, and b. USA BWL will be responsible for conduct of feasibilitg studies which wU. enable a weapons system, compatible with principles of the LAC system, to be ,~ developed at the earliest possible date. Top priofity is assip 1 to all aspects of the IT 59 LAC Program. 1 l.4 Aug 1958 Letter to President, U.S. Amy Chemical Corps Board, CMLRPD I (4-ll-04-006), Subject: Project LAC, requesting that Dr. Hol- 1 lingworth continue to serve as a member of the LAC Committee. I 16

UNCLASSlFl ED - 6>j C LAS S 1 F I E D 1 l.4 Aug 58 Letter to Director, U. S. Amy CmlC Operations Research Sroup, Q4LRII.D (h-ll-04-006), Subject: Project LAC, requesting that Mr. George H. Milly continue to serve as a member of the LAC Com- mittee.

l.4 Aug 9 Letter to Comnanding Officer U.S. Anqy Chemical Corps Proving (2472-58-S)Ground, CiGRD-D (4=ll-04-006j, Subject: Project LAC, advising that Dk will be responsible for the execution of the field t6s-t- ing portion of this progrm and that top priority Kill be gimn to this task.

Letter to Cots, USA Ci, BWL and CmlCPG, CHLRD-I), Snbject: Ilying Support for Chemical Corps R&D Ifunitions Testing, referencing (a) multiple-addressed letter, CMLRD-D, 9 gpr 58, Subject: USAF Support at ; (b) multiple-addressed letter, CXLRD-D, 30 Apr 58, Subject: Flying Support for Departanent of the Amy R&a Munitions Testing, and amsing that both these references are in effect in so far as support from the Air National Guard and Tactical Air Command are concerned, Air Research and Development Command has submitted the following information concerning tgpes of aircraft required for drop mis- sions available for flying support of the Chemical Corps for guid- ance and preparation of yearly test requirements forecast: i rnFs: 60 B-57 B-57 F-la) F-100 F-101 F-101 F-la F-1& - F-ls Letter requests flying support requirements be submitted to Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM in order that a meeting may be convened with ARDC for coordinating and finallzing a test PrOgme

18 bug 9 Letter to Chief, Research and Development, Attn: Surface-to-Surface (2496-584) Missile Branch, CMLR3)-L, (4-16-16-020), Subject: SERGEANT Warheads (c1 (U), referencing letter, CMLRD-33, 24 July 1957, same subject, with first indorsement dated 10 October 1957. Referenced letter requested. consideration be given to changing developrment prioWUy assigrmsant for missile warheads in order to maintain compatibility with missile developnent schedules. mst fndorsanent advised that an evaluation of relative priorities would be made when FY 59 funding was consid- ered the Research and Developent Review Board and that assign- ment of missile warhead flight tests had been delegated to the Chief of Ordnance; further, that, upon approval of FY 59 hzndt3, specifi- cally for SFBXANT, Chemical Corps should coordinate test require- ments with Chief of Ordnance and infonn C/R&D if fnsnfficient support is received. 17 G Ub&,LASSIFIED Warhead scheduling comrni tee has formulated a schedule not in conso- nance w5th Chemical Corps requirements and which contains many highly probable eventualities.

Chemical Corps is allotted two flight tests in October 1958 and none thereafter until February 1960, after which the Corps is dependent solely on surplus production missiles and upon White Sands Proving Ground capability and capacity for firing test vehicles. This situation is completely unsatisfactorg to Corps! development program. By slight alteration,of priorities and amendment of schedule, it is possible for the Department of the Army to possess a warhead capa- bility with the primary, secondary, tertiary and practice warheads by the Ordnance readiness date of the missile. 28 hg 58 1st Indorsement to Chief Chedcd Officer, C24LFD-D (4-08-06-034-07), Subject: Identification Kit for Antidotes and Protective chemicals Designed for Use Against War Agents advising that if a military re- quirement is established for subject development adapproved mili- targ characteristics evolved, RDCOM vill enter into a development program to satisfy such requirements. MFR - Letter from ACCmlC/P&D recommended a feasibility study be con- ducted on a kit for identification of antidotes and protective chemicals, This came about when a laboratory detachment in 7th Amy could not identif'y an unmarked sample of , Development of such a kit is feasible since a qualitative test could be detefinined on our harm antidotes. 8 Sep 58 Letter to Chief, Research and Development, C?4LR%pD, Subject: Nominations of Research Contracts for Longevity Fundfng, referencing a. DF, CRD/N 9963 (U), from C/R&D , 30 Jul 58, Subject: Longevity Funding of Long Term Contracts; b. Telephone conversation betueen Lt. Col. Hebbeler, Army Research Office, adMr. Howard M. Trussell, Hq, RDCON, 5 Sep 58, and fclrwarding infomation requested by refer- ence a. Chemical Corps is in complete agreement with philosopy of longevity or forward funding of important reeearch contracts and is desirous to support proposed program within limitations of WC funding levels. Total of contracts nominated and longevity funds requested equal $762,500. This figure falls short of goal suggested in reference a, ($900,000) due to inadequacy of planned F11 60 R&D funding ceilings and uncertain position of R&D funds in FX 6l. In accordance with reference b., exception is requested from the per- centage limitation of contracts which may be nominated for more khan one year extensions (75%). Contracts nominated for three year ex- tensions (Epidemiological Survey of the Region in and around Dug- way Proving Ground; Ecological Research Studies on Evaluating Wild Life in Relation to Spread of EM Agents, and Characteristics of Ah? Flow Patterns) are of utmost importance to the success^ accomplish- ment of the fleld testing program of the Chemical Corps. FoUaving contracts nominated for one year extensions:- Relation Between Structure of Organic Substances of High Molecular Weight and Activity -. .

Simulating that of Enzymes; Studies on Model Enzyme -thesis and Novel Principles of CN Agent Detection; Search for Lethal and In- capacitating Agents; Synthesis of Monomeric and Polymeric Onium ccmrpounds.

ll Sep 58 Letter to Chief of Research and Development, CMLRD-NAY Subject: (28%-580s) Chemical Corps Participation in HARDTACK HAMILTON (C), outlining ( c> concept of Hq, USA CnilC RDCOM of the Chemical Corps portion of the H&RDTACX =TON participation as of current date:- Three Chemical Corps projects have been approved, namely, 2.12a - Neutron Flux Measurements; 2,12b - Gemma 'Dose Measurements, and 2,12c - Induced Activity Measurements . Project 2,12a will furnPsh neutron dosimetrg, both foil and chnZcal systems, in support of the irmnediate lethsilitg portion of the medical program, Project 2.12b will f'urnish gama dosimetrg for the msdical project and document the initial gamma dose. Project 2.12~ -1 detezmine the induced activity in soil samples and attempt to cor- relate msinformation with early the aerial survey of the large induced field. Two additional projects covering residnal radiation and therail effects were dropped from original project list on the basis that additional information in these fields would be obtained project personnel in 2.12a, b, and C,

15 Sep 58 Comment No, 2 to Chief of Research and Development, CMLW)-R (29 Bug 58), Subject: NdDP Amy Projects 1 July 1958 and Recamended Visi- tor!~Schedule for FY 59 advising the CmlC would like to see Project TN-Ol-MWP-A-%, tlTherapeutic and Prophylactic Agents Against Nene Gases," continued with financial assistance from the U. S. If this is not possible, it is highly important to arrange an WD Data Ekchange Agreement. Research has been conducted by Dr. J.A. Cohen, Director of the Nedical Biological Laboratory, nea Delft, of the National Defense Research CouncFl (KVO-TNO) of the Netherlands. Scope is to determine action of nerve gases that is responsible for their toxicity and to develop a neutralizing agent. USA CWL formerly in- vestigated this problem but have phased out this research. Points of contact in the U.S. include Dr, Olin H. Born, Research Division, USA CmlC RDCOM, for general overall coordination, and Dr. B.J. Jandorf, Chief, Biochemical Division, USA CWL, for detailed technical coordination.

ll Sep 58 Comment No, 1 from Chief Chemical Officer to DCSLOG, QIILRD-R, Subject: (POUO) Responsibilities in the Defense Against Ch-cal Warfare, transmitt- copy of agreement b~tweenChemical Corps and The Surgeon General dated 26 August 1958 to conduct research for the Chanical Corps on the medi- cal aspects of defense against chemical warfare agents, This agree- ment does not imply modification of the Department of the Arq~assigned responsibilities of the CCxtiLO for coordination and/or conduct of the chemical warfare research and development program. Tern !!responsibilit as used herein refers to the agreed roles of subject Technical Service U NCLASSI Fl ED in the prosecution of research and development on defensive aspects of CW. TSG will assume Vesponsibility" for determining the biologicdl effects of CW attacks on personnel of the U.S. Am-ed Forces, both military and civilian, and, where indicated, will develop appropriate medical protective measures. In the discharge of this Vesponsibility, he will conduct investigations requiring exposure of volunteers to potential CW agents. CmlC will retain responsibility for R&D of meth- ods and equipment to physically protect against and for the detection and decontamination of CW agents. Operational details to implement this agreement are presently under preparation by a group of repre- sentatives from both Technical Services. Approximately four to nine months will be required to complete agreed operational details and to place them in operation.

19 Sep 58 Letter to Commanding Officer U. S. Army Chemical Corps Proving Ground, CIUlD-D (4-11-04-006j, Subject: LAC Committee Membership, requesting that Mr. Reginald Kendnll be appointed to the Cormnittee vice Dr. Mortimer Rothenberg.

25 Sep 58 1st Indorsement to Commanding Officer, U.S. Army Biological Warfare (2956-58-S) Laboratories, CMLRD-D (15 Sep 58), Subject: CmlC Industrial Prepared- ness Measure Project Request FY 59 - Pilot Filling Line for BW Ex- plosive Sphere (U), forwarding subject request in amount of $sO,OOO for installation at Directorate of Biological Operations.

1st Indorsement to Commanding General, U.S. Amy Chemical Center and Chemical Corps Materiel Cormnard, CbILXD-D (15 Sep 58), Subject: Trans- mittal of Program Justification for #ass Producibility Study for a Plastic E5 Land Mine (U), nonconcurring in subject measure for the follming reasons:- a. Compatibility of the agent with plastics has not been. determined an6 be Mspersion characteristics of a plastic mine Bersus the mine presently in development would have to be de- termined, and it is felt this would entail a complete development and testing pr~m.

1st Indorsement to Chief Chemical Officer, Attn: ACCmlO/P&D, CNLRD-D (4=08-06-034-01), Subject: Service Teat of Blarm, &Agent, Field, Automatic, E3lRl (DA Project 4-08-06-030), advising that a study has been made on the development of the Ehl and 42 alarms with P and G detection capability and conclusion is that at least sis; months of further investigations are needed before esti- mates of time and funds required to develop a field alarm for V and G agents can be made.

Letter to Comaanding Officer, U.S. Amy Chemical Karfare Laboratories, CMLDD (4-09-02-020), Subject: User Test Requirements, advishg that the OACCmlO/PeJ, has concurred with the plan for development of the 42R1 fire Rocket and will advise USCOIWC of the revised availability date for user test hardware.