Reports Control Synbol wc-7 ~ctober1958 APPROVED: 2 A Lt. coiod, cmlc Executive 0 ff icer I PART I ADMINISTRATION A. Mission and Responsibilities. No change. 13. Acquisition of Physical Facilities. C . Organization. Nuclear Activities Office established by General Orders 4, Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM, 12 August 1958. D. Development of Administrative Procedures. No change. 2 PART I1 The fiscal Wormation for this Headquarters is supplied the Chemical. Corps Comptroller. 3 A. Key Personnel. Assignment and transfer of key personnel in Headquarters, U, S. Army Chemical Corps Research and Development Codare as follows: Effectim Date Name and Status Authorits I July 1958 Colonel Victor C. Searle, Para 1, SO 67, 038 697 CmlC, assigned for Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM duty as CmlC and DA Ln Off, 9 Jul 58 and attached to US Dept of Health, Education and Wel- fare, eff 16 Jul 58, vice Colonel Walter A. Guild, 0 206 a0 CmlC h Aug 1958 Captah Joe C. Christmas, Para 1, SO 73, 0 977 a9 CmlC, assigned for Hq, USA CdC RDCQM duw as Pers Off, MOS 4 Aug 58 2110 12 Aug 58 Lt. Col. Lowell E. Thomp- Para 1, SO 77, son, 825 252, CralC relieved Hq, USA CnilC RDCOpl from assignment to Long Range 12 Aug 58 R&D plans Office and assigned as Chief, Muclear Activities Office 13 Aug 1958 Captain Harold G. 'lloung, Para 1, SO 78, 01 876 482 CnilC, designated Hq, USA CrdC RDCOM as Management linprovement 13 Aug 58 Officer in addition to his other duty Lt. Col. John G. Hof-, Para 2, SO 79, 031 856 CmlC, assigned as Hq, USA CdC RDCOM Chief, Long Range R&D Plans 15 Aug 58 Office Major Gregg Henry, 025 5'74 Para 4, SO 79, CmlC, assigned for duty as Hq, USA CdC RDCOM Ilft and CnilC Ln Officer, US 15 Aug 58 Naval Radl Def Lab, San Fran 4 PLANS A. Plans for Peacetime Establishment. No change. B. Mobilization Plans. No change. C. Current planninq. Proposed policy conference planned for 4-7 November 1958 at Cacapon State Park, West Virginia, has been cancelled. It is tentatively planned to hold this conference sometime dur- ing the Spring of 1959. 5 PART V OPERATIONS The major staff actions of Headquarters, U. S. Army Chemical Corps Research and Development Command are briefed on pages 7 through 20. i \ 6 9 July 1958 Memorandum for Dr. Schwab from Dr. Harrg M. Doukas, Chairman, Ad Hoc Idode Committee, GM;RD-PE, Subject: Meeting Concerning JWn on "Nerve Gases vs. HE, reporting on meeting convened for the purpose of planning for a color documentary film comparing effects of GB and VX VS. HE as requested by Chief, Research and Development, DA. Meeting was arranged so that DCSOPS personnel could give CmlC representatives further direction in preparation of this film, tentative completion date of which is Novmber 1958. It is improbable this deadline will be met and a more reasonable one would be approximately November 1959. This is to be a factual film from an operational viewpoint. Lt. Col. H.E. Sheppard, OC/R&D, U was consulted rior to this meeting for clarification on the request from C ReLD (Disposition Form, C/R&D to CCniLO, 4 February 1958, Subject:P Docurnentarg Film on C'W Effects (U). Points mentioned by Colonel Sheppard which should be considered in preparing film were as follows:- a. Film should depict tactical situations; b. It should test use of (34 agents under presently accepted Pentomic concept for fi- ture wars; C. All possible fortifications and tactical situa- tions should be tested; d. all presently stardamb'zed chemical weapons involved in gas warfare and all weapons presently under development by Chemical Corps Research and Development should be tested under this program; e. H13, although not mentioned in this request, should not be considered under this combination since it will probably be obsolete within time frame involved; I f. This effort should be closely coordinated with DCSOPS, Ord- nance Corps, Signal Corps, USA CniLC Board, USA CWL and ACMO/ P&D personnel, and g. This film should have a high priority since it could be used as an excellent medium for selling the Chemical Corps. Personnel attending meeting were as follows:- Lt. Col. A.H. Voegeli, DCSOPS; Lt. Col. R.B. Riindle, OCSigO; Capt. W.J. Hoff, Jr., CmlC Board; Mr. J.F. Schaeffer, CmlC Board; Lt. Cols. C.M. Schmelzle and D.J. Gaston, OACcmlO/P&D, OCCmlO; Messrs. Bo Cutter and J. Coyle, PCO, OCCmlO; Lt. Col. Clendenin, USA BWL, Dr. B. Berger, USA OdL; Mr. Peterson, USA CmlCPG, DE, Mr. H.H. Hood, Development Division, and Dr. H.M. Doukas, P&P Division, USA Cm3C RDCOM. Recommendations:- a. Money has not been made available for prepa- ration of this film. Coment No. 2, CRD/A 6789, C/M to CCmlO, 10 June 1958, Sub,ject: Request for Ehergency Funds for Research and Development, rejected request for emergency funds and sug- gested RDCOM repr0,oram available flrnds. Recammend this be done after carem investigation as to amount required (estimated cost = $lOO,OOO to $200,000). b. Meeting is being arranged with Col. B. Moore, Col. I-I.E. Sheppard, Col. C.M. Schmelzle, Mr. J. COY18, &.R.M. Acker to clearly delineate objectives of fXh. As result of meeting, it is expected that (1) A prepared justifi- cation sheet will be presented to Mg. Gen. W.R. Currie and Col. G.C. Essman so that a technical advisor can be approved as soon 7 as possible. (2) Discussions will be held by the technical advisor with personnel from OC/R&D, DCSLOG, DCSOPS, CmlC Board, etc,, so that an outline of film can be prepared within established policies as soon as possible. 9 July 1958 Letter to Chief Chemical Officer, CMLRD-D, Subject: Proposed change in Chemical Corps Hateriel Model Designation System, recornendjag (a) the practice of assigning "Ett NuJDbers to developmental items of materiel be discontinued; (b) nXM" num- bers be assigned to a given item for identification during its development and, upon type classification of item as an adopted type, the l%x"pref'ix be dropped; (c) none of the pres- prcrc- tices of identimg modifications, alternates, or variations be changed, and (d) above proposed systm not be applied retro- actively to any item previously designated by an "Ett number. A similar system was recen- adopted Ordnance Corps (OTCM 367779 qpmmd 8 May 1958) 10 July 1958 Letter to Commanding Officer, U.S. CmlC Engimerbg Command, GIGRD-9, Subject: Final Engimering Test on a1-36/37 Mechanized Flame Thrower (U), requesting ENCOM to proceed with necessary BC- tions prior to type classification of subject item. U July 1958 1st IndDrsement to Chief Chemical Officer, C6fLRD-D (7 Jul 58), Subject: Field, Protective, Mask, EUR9, forwarding following Momation with reference to mcomruendation that the currant progm for provision of test items leading to type classifi- cation of subject mask during Fourth Quarter,Fiscal Year 1959 be continued:- (a) An extensive aeries of expedited chamber tests of candidate El3R9 Mask modifications have just been completed, results of which show that two types of changes significantly improve low teInperature perfonnance capability of the mask under the test conditions. Law temperature perfonnance of each of these models is measurably better in test chambers than that of the H9Al Mash under the same conditions.~)bdationsconsist essentially of (1) n3R9 Mask with C-15 outlet valve and mtal inlet caps and (2) EUR9 Ha& with preceding changes and double eyelenses.(c)Action is being taken to insure that sufficient amounts of 43R9 Masks #ith C-15 outlet valves and metal inlet caps will be available for both Chemical Corps evaluation at Fort Greely and U.S. Array Arctic Test Board tests this #inter,(d) While addition of double eyelenses to above-described model gives better law temperature performance under the test conditions, it requires mold changes and engineering tests and will add to cost of mask. It is not known if sufficient suitable items wfth double eyelenses can be made available in the for Arctic Test Board tests. 8 uN CLASS\F\ ED 9 July 1958 Letter to Chief Chemical Officer, CYLRD-D, Subject: Report of U. S. Delegate to NATO Group of Ecperts on -pent for Pro- tection Against Chemical Warfare - Paris 17-19 June 1958 (U), transraitting copy of subject report and advising that all ac- tions required by the United Stabs as a result of meeting will be implementad by Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM. 10 July 1958 Letter to Chairman, Chemical Corps Technical Committee, (XJULD, Subject: Membership on Chemical Corps Technical Subcommittee and Committee, designating Colonel Graydon C. Essman, Member, and Dr. John L. Schwab, Alternate. 10 July 1958 Letter through Chief Chemical Officer, Attn: dCCmlO/P&D, to (s 1 DCcmlO/SA, CIJILBD-D, Subject: Combat Requirement for Massive Offensive Chemical Flame and HE Optimum Frag Head Rocket Weapons *stem (S), referring to Comment No. 3, CMLRD-D, Hq, USA CmlC RDCOM to CCmlO, same eubject (CmlC Control No. ll42-58-5), which advised that a technical feasibility study uould be prepared for subject item and would serve as the basis for reply to OC/ RB9, DA. Letter fonrards stucly for review and appmval prior to transmittal to C/W, together With a copy of Seventh Bnsy Stuw. It is concluded th& a WP T-238 rocket is feasible; however, recommendation is made that a materiel requirement for a WP T-238 warhead be held in abeyance pending completion and evaluation of further WP casualty production studies nbw in progress.
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