The History of Biological Weaponization
The History of Biological Weaponization PART ONE OF THREE W M The following study is from Chapter on San Francisco, to assess the ability of pathogens to Four of our newly revised and greatly en- spread through urban centers. The germs were meant 1 larged book, Vaccination Crisis. The entire to be harmless. However, they were not harmless enough. 1 3 book is now available from us (see bottom Eleven patients were admitted to Standard University 8 of this page). Part One deals with adult Hospital with sarratia infection. One patient, Edward J. vaccination problems. Part Two is about Nevin, died. The physicians were so astonished at the childhood vaccines, and is an expansion of outbreak of a totally rare disease that they wrote it up in the first edition of Vaccination Crisis; but a medical journal. Years later, in 1981, the government it now includes still more information on denied any responsibility and the judge dismissed a law- how to avoid childhood vaccination. —vf suit (Cole, Clouds of Secrecy, pp. 52-54, 75-104). Clusters of anthrax. Another U.S. project consisted BEGINNINGS of cluster bombs, each of which held 536 bomblets. Upon hitting the ground, each bomblet would emit a little more How it began. The Soviet germ weapon program began in the 1920s and gradually grew into a mammoth than an ounce of anthrax mist. This terrible disease, if operation. The objective was to develop weapons capable untreated, kills nearly every infected person (a very high of infecting people with anthrax, typhus, and other dis- mortality rate, even compared with the Bubonic plague eases.
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