

Prepared for: Bureau of Land Management Price Field Office 125 South 600 West Price, 84501

Manti-La Sal National Forest 599 West Drive Price, Utah 84501

Fishlake National Forest 115 East 900 North Richfield, Utah 84701

Prepared by: Gustav F. Winterfeld, Ph.D. Erathem-Vanir Geological 2021 Ardella Drive Pocatello, ID 83201-2605

Cirrus Ecological Solutions, LC 965 South 100 West, Suite 200 Logan, Utah 84321



Table of Contents ...... i List of Tables...... i List of Figures ...... i

1.0 Introduction ...... 1 1.1 Statement of Project Objectives ...... 1 1.2 Statement of the Issues with Evaluation Criteria ...... 2 1.3 Description of the Alternatives Evaluated ...... 3 1.3.1 Alternative 1 - No Action ...... 3 1.3.2 Alternative 2 – Proposed Action ...... 3 1.3.3 Alternative 3 ...... 5

2.0 Methods ...... 7 2.1 Contacts Made ...... 7 2.2 Sources and Descriptions of Existing Information ...... 7 2.3 Data Collection and Analysis Methodology ...... 7 2.4 Description of Inventories and Data Collected by the Consultant ...... 8

3.0 Results and Discussion ...... 11 3.1 Description of the Affected Environment...... 11 3.2 Detailed Technical Assessment/Description of the Potential Effects ...... 15 3.2.1 Alternative 1 – No Action Direct and Indirect Effects ...... 15 3.2.2 Alternative 2 – Proposed Action Direct and Indirect Effects ...... 15 3.2.3 Alternative 3 Direct and Indirect Effects ...... 16 3.3 Cumulative Effects ...... 17 3.3.1 Reasonably Foreseeable Post-lease Surface Use on the Greens Hollow Tract ...... 17 3.3.2 Reasonably Foreseeable Post-lease Surface Use Outside the Greens Hollow Tract ...... 17

4.0 Cited and Pertinent Literature...... 18

5.0 List of Preparers ...... 26 LIST OF TABLES

Table 1. Summary of surface geologic deposits and paleontological resources in the Greens Hollow area...... 11 LIST OF FIGURES

Figure 1. Elements of the Proposed Action...... 4 Figure 2. Elements of Alternative 3...... 6 Figure 3. Geologic Map...... 9 Figure 4. Chart illustrating stratigraphic nomenclature and correlation of major Albian to middle Eocene rock units from the Sanpete Valley of central Utah to the Book Cliffs of Eastern Utah..10

i Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract



Passage of the Utah Schools and Lands Exchange Act of 1998 included the exchange of lands to resolve issues associated with creation of the Escalante-Grand Staircase National Monument. To balance land values exchanged under that act, the coal estates on several tracts of federal coal underlying the Manti- LaSal National Forest (MLNF) were conveyed to the State of Utah School and Institutional Trust Lands Administration (SITLA). This conveyance is temporal and the ownership of the coal will revert back to the federal government once a specific tonnage is produced or a specified royalty value is collected.

On the conveyed coal estates, SITLA has sole authority to lease the coal. Under the Surface Mine Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 and Utah Coal Rules, Forest Service must consent to the mine plan prior to mine development and can impose requirements for the protection of non-coal resources. The Forest Service decisions, as federal actions, are subject to the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (NEPA), requiring environmental analysis and appropriate NEPA documents.

The U.S. Department of Interior, Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is the leasing authority on the remaining federal coal estates within the Muddy Creek tract on National Forest System land. Under the Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended by the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1975, leases can only be issued by the BLM with consent from the Forest Service with conditions for protection of non-mineral resources. As federal actions subject to NEPA, both the BLM leasing decisions and the Forest Service consent decisions must be based on an environmental analysis and appropriate NEPA document.

This resources technical report presents the results of analysis of the geology and paleontology of the Greens Hollow Federal Coal Lease Tract (Greens Hollow tract) conducted by Erathem-Vanir Geological Consultants (EVG, Pocatello, ID). EVG’s review supplements previous work in the area for the Muddy Tract (Cirrus 2004). Work for the Muddy Tract included a search of geologic and paleontological literature and maps, and discussions with Forest Service experts (McClelland 2003 and Robison 2003) with local experience. This report supplemented a confidential paleontology inventory of the Manti-La Sal National Forest conducted by the Forest Service (DeFreest 2000) and incorporated information derived from study of the same rock units as exposed in the project area conducted by EVG for the Aspen Pipeline in 1999 and along US Highway 6 between Interstate 15 and Interstate 80 in 2003 for SWCA, Inc in Salt Lake City. This technical report supplements this earlier work and will form the basis for an analysis of impacts to paleontological resources in the project area in the subsequent Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) planned for the Greens Hollow tract.

1 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract


Issue: Mining and subsequent subsidence could impact unidentified paleontological resources.

Evaluation Criteria: Expected prehistoric sites and effects to them. Number of significant sites impacted. Potential impact on paleontological resources.

Mining and associated subsidence could cause surface collapse or other disturbance that could adversely impact paleontological resources. Construction of reasonably foreseeable surface facilities for the mine could also adversely impact paleontological resources.

BLM and USDA Forest Service policy recognizes that paleontological resources found on public lands constitute a fragile and nonrenewable scientific record of the history of life on Earth and so represent an important and critical component of America’s natural heritage. Once damaged, destroyed, or improperly collected, their scientific and educational value may be greatly reduced or lost forever. In addition to their scientific, educational and recreational values, paleontological resources can be used to inform land managers about interrelationships between the biological and geological components of ecosystems over long periods of time. The BLM and Forest Service manage paleontological resources for these values, and mitigates adverse impacts to them. To accomplish this goal, paleontological resources must be professionally identified and evaluated. Their values should be adequately addressed and integrated fully into the agencies planning systems and environmental analysis documents. Generally, considerable time, money and effort may be saved by considering paleontological data as early as possible in the decision making process.

In general, the Forest Service and the BLM treat fossil resources similarly. fossils are considered to be scientifically significant and a permit is needed to collect them from land under the administration of either agency. Both use the Probable Fossil Yield Classification (PFYC) which is designed to “objectively” determine the potential of geologic units to produce certain kinds of fossils. This system superceeds the previously used BLM “Paleontological Condition System” in 2007.

Evaluation Criteria:

The BLM and Forest Service rank geologic units with the PFYC according to their potential in five class categories with Class 5 having the highest potential and Class 1 having the lowest potential to yield significant fossil resources. As defined by the Forest Service these classes include:

 Class 1 -- Igneous and metamorphic (tuffs are excluded from this category) geologic units or units representing heavily disturbed preservational environments that are not likely to contain recognizable fossil remains.

 Class 2 -- Sedimentary geologic units that are not likely to contain vertebrate fossils or scientifically significant invertebrate fossils.

 Class 3 -- Fossiliferous sedimentary geologic units where fossil content varies in significance, abundance, and predictable occurrence. Also sedimentary units of unknown fossil potential.

2 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

 Class 4 -- Class 4 geologic units are Class 5 units (see below) that have lowered risks of human-caused adverse impacts and/or lowered risk of natural degradation.

 Class 5 -- Highly fossiliferous geologic units that regularly and predictably produce vertebrate fossils and/or scientifically significant invertebrate fossils, and that are at risk of natural degradation and/or human-caused adverse impacts.


1.3.1 ALTERNATIVE 1 - NO ACTION Under the No Action alternative, the lease tract would not be offered for lease and there would be no coal mining within the tract at this time. For this technical report, the No Action alternative provides a baseline for estimating the effects of the action alternatives on paleontological resources in the project area. Further analysis of the No Action Alternative is deferred to the EIS for this project.

1.3.2 ALTERNATIVE 2 – PROPOSED ACTION The Proposed Action requests that BLM lease and the Forest Service consent to lease coal resources within the Greens Hollow tract based on a preliminary mine plan submitted by Ark Land Company. The lease would be consistent with standard lease terms, conditions, and special stipulations. The standard lease terms and conditions include a general provision to prevent “damage or degradation to any land, air, water, heritage, biological, visual, and other resources…” The special stipulations provide detailed measures to avoid adverse effects on a broad range of resources on or adjacent to leased lands. This analysis assumes under Alternative 2 that the entire tract could be subsided and will present the environmental effects of subsidence. The project elements within the analysis area are shown in Figure 1, which also identifies the largest possible subsidence analysis area boundary (Area of Subsidence Mining) where full subsidence mining would be allowed. Full subsidence mining would be analyzed to occur anywhere within the Area of Subsidence Mining. Subsidence mining outside the proposed Greens Hollow tract would occur within previously approved adjoining lease tracts.

While mining could occur anywhere within the Area of Subsidence Mining under this alternative, an example of a conceptual mining plan for full extraction mining that was evaluated for potential impacts was developed. The boundary of that mining plan is shown in Figure 1. The conceptual plan consists of longwall mining using current technology. The conceptual mining plan has been developed to avoid some subsidence impacts on surface resources. The conceptual mining plan assumes that mining would be done through the existing SUFCO mine workings.

3 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract 52259

162 50169 50 52274 52007


50132 52029

52008 52333 50152

52032 52275



50028 52035 52318

52039 52307






50007 Figure 1. Elements of the Proposed Action. Legend National Forest System Roads Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract . ! Substation Locations Conceptual Mining Area I# SUFCO Water Discharge Area of Subsidence Mining 1 0.5 0 1 Miles Existing Fan Locations Mining Analysis Area Boundary Manti-La Sal/Fishlake Forest Boundary 1:82,000 ?! SUFCO Mine Portal

Proposed underground workings in the SUFCO Mine would be extended through the western portion of existing Federal and State leases (these lie within the permit area but are not included as part of the currently approved mine plan) to the Greens Hollow tract. This would involve driving main entries to the west and nearly parallel under the South Fork of Quitchupah Creek and driving a system of mains to the north crossing under the North Fork of Quitchupah Creek and then driving another set of submains to the west to set up longwall panels that would extend into the Greens Hollow tract (Figure 1). The mains and submains would remain open to avoid subsidence above them. Longwall or full-extraction mining could be allowed throughout the conceptual mine plan area (assuming exceptions to the special stipulations were approved), which could result in subsidence of the entire area. The conceptual mine plan consists of an estimated 73.4 million tons of in-place coal (approximately 56.6 million tons of recoverable coal) and extend the life of the mine by approximately 8.8 years.

No expansion of the existing surface portal facilities for the SUFCO Mine in Quitchupah Canyon would be required. Access to the coal reserves would be from existing underground workings in the adjacent leases. Water discharge would be from existing permitted discharge points in Quitchupah Creek in Quitchupah Canyon.

Support elements of this alternative could consist of reasonably foreseeable surface facilities and improvements. Reasonably foreseeable surface facilities and improvements could include two areas containing ventilation shafts (one with a ventilation fan system and two reserve diesel generators for power), power transmission line for the ventilation fan system and the mine itself, and road access. 1.3.3 ALTERNATIVE 3 Alternative 3 was developed to address issues of concern raised during public and agency scoping. This alternative analyzes the entire lease tract, as that shown in Alternative 2, while focusing on the reduction of subsidence impacts to surface resources within the lease tract boundary. Similar to the Proposed Action, Alternative 3 leasing would be consistent with the standard lease terms, conditions, and special stipulations. However, Alternative 3 specifies geographical areas that would be protected (full-support mining). Issues driving this alternative include potential impacts to water, geology, vegetation, wildlife habitat, socioeconomics, and cultural resources. This alternative evaluates the use of full-support mining in specific locations to protect surface resources from subsidence (Figure 2). Based on the analysis of the Proposed Action, it was determined that subsidence impacts in these locations could be too great to obtain approval for exception. Areas of substantial surface impact were based on perennial streams where surface flow could be lost to subsidence induced cracking of Castlegate or where escarpments could fail.

Under Alternative 3, underground workings would extend from the SUFCO Mine through the western portion of existing Federal and State leases (these lie within the permit area but are not included as part of the currently approved mine plan) to the Greens Hollow tract. Longwall mining would occur within the tract in an unspecified manner while avoiding the subsidence of areas of substantial surface impact. Longwall or full-extraction mining could be allowed throughout the remainder of the tract (as long as approvals by the Authorized Officer for exceptions were granted for special stipulations, if necessary), which could result in subsidence of the unprotected area. Alternative 3 would extend the life of the mine by approximately 8.7 years and produce an estimated 55.7 million tons of mineable coal.

5 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract 52259

62 50169 501 52007 52274


50132 52029

52008 52333 50152

52032 52275




52035 52318







50007 Figure 2. Elements of Alternative 3. Legend National Forest System Roads Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract . ! Substation Locations Conceptual Mining Area I# SUFCO Water Discharge Area of Subsidence Mining 1 0.5 0 1 Existing Fan Locations Area of No Subsidence Mining Miles Mining Analysis Area Boundary ?! SUFCO Mine Portal 1:82,000 Manti-La Sal/Fishlake Forest Boundary

As with Alternative 2, no expansion of the existing surface portal facilities for the SUFCO Mine in Quitchupah Canyon would be required. Access to the coal reserves would be from existing underground workings in the adjacent leases. Water discharge would be from existing permitted discharge points in Quitchupah Creek in Quitchupah Canyon.

Support elements of this alternative would consist of reasonably foreseeable surface facilities and improvements. Reasonably foreseeable surface facilities and improvements would include two areas containing ventilation shafts (one with a ventilation fan system and two reserve diesel generators for power), power transmission line for the ventilation fan system and the mine itself, and road access.


To evaluate the paleontological potential of the Greens Hollow tract, EVG identified the following through literature and map review: the geologic formations cropping out as bedrock and the aerial distribution of the formations within the area. Because the geologic formations are identical to those previously studied for the Muddy Creek Coal Tract, this report relies heavily on information gathered for that report. 2.1 CONTACTS MADE

For the previous Muddy Creek study, EVG contacted and had discussions about the geology and paleontology of the proposed mine with Mr. Brian McClelland, Geologist, Ferron Ranger Station, Manti- La Sal National Forest and Mr. Steve Robison, Intermountain Region 4 Regional Paleontologist US Forest Service, Pocatello, ID. McClelland and Robison have extensive personal field experience in geology and paleontology in the area of the proposed project.


Existing information on the geology and paleontology is found in published literature and maps on the geology of the study area. Descriptions of fossils found in the various geologic units exposed as bedrock in the mine tract are scattered throughout government and university publications. A list of pertinent references is provided in the references cited section. This report supplements the earlier study of the proposed Muddy Creek mine. This report also incorporates information derived from study of the same rock units exposed as bedrock in the mine area conducted by EVG for the Aspen Pipeline in 1999 and along US Highway 6 between Interstate 15 and Interstate 70 in 2003 for SWCA, Inc in Salt Lake City.


No specific data was collected for this report, other than review of existing published literature and maps. This information was supplemented with personal experience in the geologic units exposed in the mine tract provided by EVG, and Forest Service personnel McClelland and Robison.

Analysis involved identifying: (1) the general known distribution of fossil localities and likely areas for new discoveries; (2) the nature and distribution of potential adverse impacts to the geologic units; and (3)

7 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract the likelihood of surface impact to affect the formations involved and their contained fossil resources. Formations cropping out in the mine area were rated by their paleontological potential as defined by the Forest Service (Paleontology Class) which is more specific than BLM criteria (Paleontology Condition) and evaluated for potential impacts based on that rating. 2.4 DESCRIPTION OF INVENTORIES AND DATA COLLECTED BY THE CONSULTANT

No inventories or specific data was collected by EVG for the Greens Hollow tract. A geologic map of bedrock underlying the area and general descriptions of the geology and paleontology of the area is provided in Figure 3 and in Section 3. Information on geologic formations that crop out as bedrock, their depositional environment, contained fossils, and paleontology rating is provided in Table 1. Stratigraphic relations of sedimentary deposits in the general area of the southeastern Utah are depicted in Figure 4.

8 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract A TKn Ql Tkn Kpr Ql

Ql Kpr Paul B. Anderson Consulting Geologist Kpr 807 East South Temple, Suite 101 19 20 Kcg 23 Tkn 24 Salt Lake City, Utah 84102 21 (801) 364-6613 (801) 741-8097 fax Kcg Kbh Kpr Figure 3. Geologic Map C-10 Kcg Kbh Kpr MC-74-HM Cirrus Ecological Solutions, LC Greens Hollow Tract MC-14-HM E X P L A N A T I O N B-10 MC-11-HM Land Boundaries Tkn A-10 Kpr 26 25 30 MC-12-HM 29 28 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract Ark Land Proposed Mine Area Kbh MC-9-FP Area of Subsidence Mining (Alt. 2)

Ql Mining Analysis Area Boundary S A N P E T E C O U N T Y Kpr


By: Date: Paul B. Anderson 10/15/08

D-10 MC-10-HM Kcg Tkn Tkn 35 36 31 MC-08-FP33 Kpr 32 A-11 Kcg Tkn A' T20S R4E Ql T20S R5E B-09 MC-73-FP T21S R4E T21S R5E Explanation 6 MC-15-HM 5 4 Ql Landslide/mass movement 3 2 D-08 1 Tf Flagstaff Tf C-08 TKn A-09 Tkn Kpr Price River Formation

Kcg Castlegate Sandstone 8 9 Tkn 7 Kbh Blackhawk Formation

Ksp Star Point Sandstone (cross section only) Tkn A-08 Kms Mancos (cross section only) 10 11 12

Rock fall potential areas Kpr Kpr Jointing Kcg Formational contact MC-71-AL MC-72-AL Structure contour (top Upper Hiawatha coal) 18 17 16 (Contour interval 100 feet - elevation) Tkn Coal exploration drill hole

W-TP-5-EW MC-16-AL Tract boundary 15 14 13 Coal cross section (USGS, PP 1625-B) Kcg Cross section A - A'

Tkn W-TP-1-AL

MC-75-AL MC-17-AL 19 20 21 Kcg

Kpr Kpr W-TP-2-EW 22 Kbh Kpr 23 MC-18-AL 24 Kcg SCALE

0 2000 4000 6000 8000 feet

A Cross Section A - A' A’ Northwest Tract Boundary (no vertical exaggeration) Tract Boundary Southeast

Subsurface data inconsistant with MC-14-HM MC-74-HM MC-8-FP 9000 ft surface mapping in this area. 9000 ft Ql Ql Kpr 8000’ Kpr Kcg 8000’ 10-15-08 Kcg coal zone Kbh 7000’ 7000’ Kbh Ksp

Ksp 6000’ Kms 6000’ Kms

Figure 4. Chart illustrating stratigraphic nomenclature and correlation of major Albian to middle Eocene rock units from the Sanpete Valley of central Utah to the Book Cliffs of Eastern Utah (modified from Fouch and others, in press). Vertical line through strata indicates a change in stratigraphic nomenclature.

10 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract



Geologic mapping by Anderson (2008) provided in the geology technical report documents bedrock sedimentary deposits of late to early Tertiary age in the Greens Hollow tract (Figure 3). Table 1 shows geologic formations of concern for paleontological resources in the analysis area. These include the Blackhawk Formation, the Castlegate Sandstone, the Price River Formation, and the North Horn Formation. Information for each geologic formation that crops out as bedrock, their depositional environment, contained fossils, and paleontology rating is provided.

Table 1. Summary of surface geologic deposits and paleontological resources in the Greens Hollow area. Deposit/Map Symbol Geologic Age Type of Fossil Interpreted Deposit/Environment of Resources1 PFYC2 ranking Deposition Alluvial sediments Quaternary Thin, unconsolidated silts, none (unmapped) sands of valleys and plains; Class 2 terrestrial, eolian. North Horn Formation to Chiefly mudstone, siltstone, , (TKn) sandstone and invertebrates, conglomerate, some plants, trace Class 5 limestone, coal and shale. fossils Terrestrial-fluvial and lacustrine/paludal. Price River Formation Late Cretaceous Chiefly conglomerate and vertebrates, (Kpr) sandstone with minor beds invertebrates, Class 3 of mudstone. Terrestrial- trace fossils fluvial in origin. Castlegate Sandstone Late Cretaceous Chiefly conglomerate and vertebrates, (Kc) sandstone with minor plants amounts of mudstone and Class 3 shale. Terrestrial-fluvial in origin. Blackhawk Formation Late Cretaceous Sandstone, shale, mudstone, vertebrates, (Kbh) and coal. Terrestrial, fluvial invertebrates, Class 5 and deltaic. plants, trace fossils 1 Based on database and literature review. 2 Probable Fossil Yield Classification.

The North Horn Formation makes up approximately 50 percent of the analysis area’s surface stratigraphy; the Price River Formation represents approximately 45 percent, the Castlegate Sandstone one percent, and Blackhawk Formation approximately four percent. The Castlegate and Blackhawk are only exposed along Muddy Creek and Greens Hollow canyons. The Castlegate Sandstone is very resistant, is a major cliff former in the region, and overlies the less resistant slope forming Blackhawk Formation.

11 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

Paleontological resources are known to exist in these formations and the North Horn and Blackhawk have the highest potential. Many trace fossils, vertebrates: sauropods, , , , and presumably dinosaur egg shells have been discovered in the North Horn Formation (Cifelli et al, 1999); and sauropods, foot print molds and casts and petrified wood have been collected from the Blackhawk, mostly from coal seams; however, discoveries have been made throughout the stratigraphic section.

This is not to say that there are identified paleontological sites on the Greens Hollow analysis area; paleontological surveys have not been conducted, and it is a rare event when a significant vertebrate discovery is made, even in formations with high statistical occurrences.

Sedimentary deposits can have fossil: pollen, spores, resin, seeds, woody plant material, invertebrates: clams, insects, annelids, gastropods, amminoids, and more; but these are not paleontological resources that are protected. Only vertebrate fossils have regulations protecting them as part of the US Vertebrate Paleontological Resources Preservation Act signed in 2009.

Tertiary and Latest Cretaceous Deposits: Deposits of the North Horn Formation span the important Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and produce scientifically significant fossils of both Tertiary (Paleocene) and latest Cretaceous age.

North Horn Formation: The North Horn Formation of Cretaceous and Tertiary age crops out along the western and southern boundaries of the Greens Hollow tract. The formation consists dominantly of red to reddish-brown to brown mudstone, claystone, sandstone, conglomeratic sandstone, and conglomerate, that accumulated chiefly in fluvial and --to a lesser-- degree in lacustrine environments. The mudstone is thick bedded to massive; the sandstone varies from thin to thick bedded, is commonly crossbedded, and is fine to medium-grained. Limestone beds are thin and dense, and locally sandy.

The upper part of the North Horn Formation is early to middle Paleocene in age. The middle part of the formation spans the Cretaceous-Tertiary boundary and the lower part of the formation is latest Cretaceous (Maestrichtian) in age. A major unconformity bounds the base of the North Horn, which separates it from the underlying Price River Formation. This unconformity may represent a hiatus of 10 million to 15 million years (Franczyk and Pitman 1991).

The North Horn Formation is known to be very fossil rich, preserving the remains of vertebrates, invertebrates, plants and trace fossils, including trackways. From the Cretaceous age part of the formation, Dodson and Tatarinov (1990) note the occurrence of theropod, sauropod, ornithopod, and ceratopsian dinosaurs. Gilmore (1946) described dinosaurs from this part of the section including the remains of the titanosaurid sauropod dinosaur sanjuanensis, ceratopsians, a hadrosaur, and a theropod from the formation. He also named and described two species of the -- P. Sternberg, and P. utahensis-- and noted the presence of the diapsid , crocodilians, turtles (including , , Compsemys, and Aspideretes), and a gar fish in the formation. Dinosaur eggs and eggshell fragments from the formation were described and classified by Jensen (1967). Additional dinosaur remains, including bones, and a large variety of teeth, and egg shell fragments types have been recovered from the formation by volunteers associated with the Utah Friends of Paleontology, and Ms. Rose Difley.

A number of papers also describe or discuss fossil of Paleocene age from the North Horn Formation, and these figure prominently in the understanding of mammalian evolution and biostratigraphy, including the magnetostratigraphy of North America. Prominent in this literature is Tomida and Butler (1978), Schoch (1981), Tomida (1981, 1982), Robison (1986), Yi (1989), Lucas and others (1997), Talling and others (1994), and Cifelli and others (1995, 1996). The most comprehensive of these studies, by Robison (1986) recognized three distinct Paleocene local faunas in the formation,

12 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

including (in ascending order) the Gas Tank, Wagonroad, and Dragon faunas. The first two are probably Puercan (early Paleocene) in age and are represented by 28 species of mammals. The Dragon is middle Paleocene (Torrejonian) in age and represented by 29 species of mammals. Robison (1986) also noted the presence of one species of fish, four species of , one species of snake and champsosaur, and two species of crocodile in the Paleocene-aged part North Horn Formation.

Invertebrate fossils are also fairly common in the North Horn Formation and include at least two species of viviparid, one species of amnicolid, and one species of physid gastropod, as well as one species of bivalve. Ostracodes and trace fossils are also represented (Bracken and Picard 1984; Zawiskie 1983).

Fossil plant material including leaf impressions and petrified wood are also well-known from the North Horn Formation, but details remain unpublished. Charophytes have been noted in the formation (Fouch and others 1987) and palynomorphs are also plentiful in some strata, but remain to be studied in detail.

Late Cretaceous deposits: Deposits of Late Cretaceous age mapped in the Greens Hollow area include, in order from youngest to oldest, the Price River Formation, Castlegate Sandstone, and Blackhawk Formation. All of these formations are known to produce fossils of scientific significance, but the types and abundance of fossils are variable.

Price River Formation: The Price River Formation of Late Cretaceous (upper Campanian) age is widely exposed above the Castlegate Sandstone. The formation consists of gray to light-gray, thin- to thick- bedded, locally massive, commonly well cemented conglomerate, conglomeratic sandstone, and sandstone with minor shale that accumulated in fluvial environments. Coarse conglomerate beds contain well-rounded clasts of light-brown and purple quartzite, light-gray quartz, light-gray and black chert, and sparse dark-blue limestone. Sandstone in the formation is fine to coarse grained. The Price River Formation unconformably overlies the Castlegate Sandstone and is unconformably overlain by the North Horn Formation.

Little is known about fossils from the Price River Formation and few discoveries have been published. Oberhansley (1980) noted the presence of coalified plant fragments in sandstone in the Cottonwood Canyon area (T13N, R5E). Robison (2003) noted that fossils, including wood, plants and bones have been observed in the Price River Formation in many areas where it is exposed.

Castlegate Sandstone: The Castlegate Sandstone of Late Cretaceous (early late Campanian) age has limited exposure along the drainages such as the Greens Hollow, Cowboy Creek and the South Fork. The unit underlies the Price River Formation and is underlain by the Blackhawk Formation, with both contacts represented by an unconformity. Sediments of the Castlegate Sandstone accumulated chiefly in fluvial environments and consist of brownish-gray, locally conglomeratic, irregularly bedded, massive, fine- to coarse-grained sandstone. Locally there are some thin, dark-gray, shaly siltstone units and beds of carbonaceous shale. Along its outcrop, the Castlegate Sandstone includes three parts; a lower cliff- forming unit; a middle slope and ledge-forming unit; and an upper cliff-forming unit (Franczyk and Pitman 1991).

Fossils are known from the Castlegate Sandstone, but like those from the Price River Formation have received little study. Oberhansley (1980) noted plant remains in the formation in the Fairview Lakes area. Van Wagoner (1995) noted accumulations of bone, wood, and Teredolites-bored logs up to 3 feet long within the formation at Tusher Canyon in the Book Cliffs. He also noted the occurrence of a variety of marine trace fossils including Arenicolites, Cochlichnus, Ophiomorpha, Palaeophycus, Planolites, Scoyenia, Skolithos, Teichichnus, and Thalassinoides in the formation. Lull and Wright (1942) noted the occurrence of an unidentifable hadrosaurian dinosaur in the formation and Robison (2003) recorded bones, including possibly some of juvenile dinosaurs, at the top of the formation south of Price.

13 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

The middle member of the formation in the Price, Utah area, which includes mudstone and claystone beds, has been interpreted as having accumulated in a meandering stream and floodplain environment. If this interpretation is correct, there is excellent potential for additional discovery of vertebrate fossils of scientific significance in this unit.

Blackhawk Formation: The Blackhawk Formation of Late Cretaceous (Campanian) age is exposed as steep canyons along the sides of Cowboy Creek and the South Fork. The formation consists of sandstone, shaly siltstone, shale, carbonaceous shale, and coal of continental swamp and flood basin environments and deltaic origin. Continental conditions dominated to the west, and deltaic conditions dominated more to the east. Sandstone beds are light gray, light brown, brownish gray, and locally reddish brown, thin to medium bedded, crossbedded, and fine to medium grained. The lower part of the formation contains many thin to thick coal zones, and a major, thick coal zone occurs at base directly above the underlying Star Point Sandstone.

The Blackhawk Formation represents the basal part of a Late Cretaceous wedge of prograding siliciclastic strata that grades eastward into marine deposits of the Mancos Shale. Progressing eastward, a number of sandstone tongues that interfinger with the Mancos have been recognized within the Blackhawk Formation (O’Byrne and Flint 1995; Taylor and Lovell 1995; Van Wagoner 1995). The Blackhawk is very fossiliferous and preserves the remains of plants, invertebrates, vertebrates and trace fossils and has considerable potential to produce additional scientifically significant specimens (Robison 2003). Only plant fossils, marine trace fossils, and vertebrate tracks have been described thus far in the literature.

Fossil plants have been noted as occurring in the Blackhawk formation by many authors including Oberhansley (1980) who mapped the Fairview Lakes area of Sanpete County, Utah. The paleontology and paleoecology of plant fossils from the formation have been described by Parker (1969 et seq.) who collected more then 7,400 plant specimens representing 116 species. The “Blackhawk” flora has been interpreted to represent three major sedimentary environments including peat forming swamp, bottomlands, and river point bars. The swamp environment supported a plant community dominated by the trees, Sequoia cuneata (an evergreen conifer), and Rhamnites eminens (a deciduous angiosperm). Phoenocities (Geonomites) imperialis (a small palm) was abundant along swamp margins, and the herbaceous understory was composed entirely of ferns. Two aquatic plants, the water lily Nymphaeites dawsoni, and the water chestnut Trapa paulalu are also present. The bottomland community was dominated by Platanus raynoldsii, (an angiosperm). Other angiosperms and palms were present, and conifers were rare and unimportant. Parker (1969 et seq.) also studied coalified tree stumps and associated roots preserved in the roof of the coal mines along with dinosaur and other tracks described below. Parker’s study revealed a preferential tree root orientation in a NE-SW direction and that he interpreted as an adaptation to the prevailing parallel shore winds.

A wide variety of marine trace fossils, or ichnofossils, have been described from the Blackhawk Formation by many authors (Maberry 1971, O’Byrne and Flint 1995; Taylor and Lovell 1995; Van Wagoner 1995). These are particularly abundant in the various sandstone tongue members of the formation that interfinger with the Mancos and they are believed to have formed in deltaic environments.

Three-toed and four-toed dinosaur tracks all initially attributed to “Dinosaurtopodes,” have been described from the Blackhawk Formation in coal mine exposures (Parker and Balsey, 1989; Lockley and Hunt 1995). These tracks appear to include theropod, ceratopsian, and hadrosaur footprints (Lockley and Jennings 1987, Lockley and Hunt 1995). Hadrosaur footprints are by far the most common. In addition to the dinosaur tracks, those of birds, possibly Hesperornis or a Hesperornis-like bird (because the tracks preserve an elongate fourth toe), and those of a frog or toad have been reported (Robison 1991).

14 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

Carpenter (1992) described baby hadrosaur footprints from the formation and made inferences about their behavior from the tracks.

Robison (2003) noted that fossil vertebrates (other than their traces), have not been studied or published in detail, even though they appear to be common. The College of Eastern Utah Museum in Price, Utah, has a hadrosaur jaw from the formation in its collections. Based on Robison’s own field work in the project area, fossil turtle and crocodile remains appear to be abundant. Robison (2003) suggests that new and probably scientifically significant Blackhawk Formation vertebrate fossils are waiting to be found and described.


Impacts to paleontological resources are generally the result of activities that disturb bedrock whether as part of a planned project or some random human action. Impacts include damage or destruction of the fossil itself, removal of the fossil from its source with a corresponding loss of contextual data, or the total obliteration of the fossil material or its mold or cast.

Natural erosive forces are not considered destructive unless associated with extreme events like floods and landslides. Slow erosive action is important in removing rock material surrounding fossils so they can be found and studied.

Paleontological resources are not considered resources when associated with economic ore bodies. In the sub-surface even vertebrates, if encountered in a coal seam or uranium vein, are not valued for their scientific information. Therefore, encountering fossil foot prints, bones, petrified wood, and other preserved specimens in the coal seam is not considered an impact.

The ability to interpret and understand paleontological resources is based not only on recovering the specimens but also on the relationship between those specimens and their depositional environment. The nonscientific disturbance or removal of paleontological resources from their original location results in the loss of information; it limits a researcher’s ability to collect all available data. For example, if an untrained collector removes material from the site without collecting data associated with its orientation or if a bulldozer scrapes across a vertebrate assemblage and changes the bone’s relative positions, then important information about the deposit will be compromised and lost. Subsidence of sedimentary units however, does not prevent the scientific extraction of data though the orientation may be altered.

3.2.1 ALTERNATIVE 1 – NO ACTION DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS Under this alternative, the tract would not be leased and no mining would take place on the Greens Hollow tract at this time; thus no impacts would occur to paleontological resources associated with mining on the tract. Paleontological resources would continue to be affected by the ongoing forces of nature. Discovery and recovery of fossils resources by scientists could continue through existing permitting processes. Activities off-lease would continue and be conducted as laws and permits allow.

3.2.2 ALTERNATIVE 2 – PROPOSED ACTION DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS The Proposed Action allows the BLM to lease and the Forest Service to consent to leasing within the Greens Hollow tract. The leasing would be consistent with the standard lease terms, conditions, and special stipulations (with the exception of Stipulation #9). Details regarding the Proposed Action are

15 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

provided in Section 1.3.2. Special Coal Lease Stipulation #1 specifically addresses paleontological resources.

The Greens Hollow tract would be made available for competitive leasing and underground coal mining within the entire tract. The project elements within the analysis area are shown in Figure 1. Figure 1 also identifies the area that would be designated for subsidence mining (Area of Subsidence Mining) and the subsidence analysis area boundary (Mining Analysis Area Boundary). Subsidence mining could be allowed anywhere within the Area of Subsidence Mining, including areas underlying escarpments.

Under Alternative 2, paleontological resources in and above the Blackhawk Formation could be directly affected via escarpment failure. The northern boundary of the Greens Hollow tract consists of approximately 6,000 linear feet of steep slopes and cliffs in Muddy Creek Canyon. The eastern boundary of the tract intersects Greens Hollow Canyon and adds approximately 500 feet to areas that have mass movement potential.

Subsidence along these escarpments could initiate rock falls, small rock slides, soil creep, and other mass- wasting processes. The exact location and lateral extent of any event is not possible to predict, but would occur directly above the subsiding area at the time of mining and continue for several months as the rock mass subsides. The magnitude of these mass movements would be small and localized.

Other mines on the Wasatch Plateau are geologically similar; they mine coal in the same formation; they have the same cliff-forming units in canyon walls; they have similar paleontological resources; they mine using full subsidence technologies, and they have rock fall, rock slides, slump, creep, and other forms of mass movement; and yet no paleontological resources have been identified as the result of these processes (Bigelow 2012; Fleck 2011).

Assuming subsidence affects the entire escarpment, there could be paleontological impacts only if vertebrate fossils are present; and as pointed out in Chapter 3, though the Blackhawk is an important vertebrate fossil bearing formation, most of the fossils are in the coal bearing seams and noteworthy finds are rare.

Stipulation #1 and HR 146 (Public Land Management Act of 2009) protects paleontological resources. Providing that paleontological surveys are conducted if escarpments fail, and if paleontological resources are discovered and the Forest Service is notified of the discovery, there would be no negative impacts to paleontological resources due to subsidence on the Greens Hollow tract. Discovery and recovery of fossil resources by scientists could continue through existing permitting processes.

3.2.3 ALTERNATIVE 3 DIRECT AND INDIRECT EFFECTS Alternative 3 evaluates the use of no subsidence mining or no leasing in specific locations to further protect surface resources (Figure 2). Areas of substantial surface impact were based on perennial streams where water could be lost to surface cracking of Castlegate Sandstone or where escarpments could fail.

Longwall mining would occur within the tract in an unspecified manner while avoiding the subsidence of areas of substantial surface impact. Impacts to paleontological resources would be less than those considered under Alternative 2. Eliminating subsidence mining under escarpments would reduce or eliminate any mass wasting along escarpments, and therefore proportionally eliminate any disruption to paleontological resources that may exist.

16 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract


Mines in the surrounding area have not identified any paleontological resources associated with subsidence or the mass wasting of cliff walls. The lack of effects from the surrounding area added to the potential Greens Hollow tract impacts would not be significant.

3.3.1 REASONABLY FORESEEABLE POST-LEASE SURFACE USE ON THE GREENS HOLLOW TRACT Reasonably foreseeable surface mine facilities on the Greens Hollow tract under all action alternatives could include the construction of a vent shaft and associated infrastructure and maintenance of existing forest roads to accommodate traffic that would be required for the year-round construction of the vent shaft. This section evaluates the potential impacts of these elements under a separate issue statement raised during scoping.

 Reasonably foreseeable ground disturbing activities associated with a vent shaft and possible access roads could impact paleontological resources.

Ninety-five percent of the surficial bedrock associated with the Greens Hollow tract is the North Horn and Price River formations, both have produced important vertebrate discoveries. Paleontological resources could be indirectly impacted by mining if construction of the additional infrastructure takes place and excavation of the North Horn or Price River occurs.

The surface facility associated with a vent shaft would require the excavation of potentially fossiliferous bedrock material and if an access road is required to get to the shaft location, then blading and excavating of potentially fossiliferous bedrock material would occur.

Stipulation #1 (Appendix B) and HR 146 protects paleontological resources. If Stipulation #1 is adhered to then there would be no negative affects to paleontological resources. Discovery and recovery of fossil resources by scientists could continue through existing permitting processes.

No paleontological discoveries have been identified or excavated by local mines due to surface disturbing activities. No other surface disturbing projects are proposed in the area. Therefore, if the project adheres to the specified stipulations, there would be no significant impacts to paleontological resources.

3.3.2 REASONABLY FORESEEABLE POST-LEASE SURFACE USE OUTSIDE THE GREENS HOLLOW TRACT Reasonably foreseeable surface mine facilities outside the Greens Hollow tract under all action alternatives could include the construction of a vent shaft facility and associated infrastructure, a power line, and maintenance of existing forest roads to accommodate traffic that would be required for the year- round construction of the vent shaft. This section evaluates the potential impacts of these elements under two separate issue statements raised during scoping.

 Reasonably foreseeable ground disturbing activities associated with a vent shaft facility, fan system, and possible access roads for fan(s) and power supplies could impact paleontological resources.

17 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

Ninety-five percent of the surficial bedrock associated with the Greens Hollow tract is the North Horn and Price River formations, both have produced important vertebrate discoveries. Paleontological resources could be indirectly impacted by mining if construction of the additional infrastructure takes place and excavation of the North Horn or Price River occurs.

The surface facility associated with vent shaft and fan(s) would require the excavation of potentially fossiliferous bedrock material; the placing of a power line would require the drilling of potentially fossiliferous bedrock material; and if access roads were required to get to each shaft location or the power line location, then blading and excavating of potentially fossiliferous bedrock material would occur.

Stipulation #1 and HR 146 protects paleontological resources. If Stipulation #1 is adhered to, and if a qualified paleontologist is present during any ground disturbing surface activity, then there would be no negative affects to paleontological resources. Discovery and recovery of fossil resources by scientists could continue through existing permitting processes.

No paleontological discoveries have been identified or excavated by local mines due to surface disturbing activities. No other surface disturbing projects are proposed in the area. Therefore, if the project adheres to the specified stipulations, there will be no significant impacts to paleontological resources.


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Flores, R. M., W. E. Marley, J. D. Sanchez, L. F. Blanchard and W. J. Muldoon 1982. Coal correlations and depositional environments of Cretaceous Blackhawk Formation and Star Point Sandstone, Wasatch Plateau, Utah pp. 70-75 in K. D. Gurgel ed. Proceedings; Fifth symposium on the geology of Rocky Mountain Coal, Bulletin Utah Geological and Mineral Survey, 118.

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21 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

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22 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

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23 Paleontology Technical Report 2013 Greens Hollow Coal Lease Tract

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Robison, S., 2003. Personal communication to G. F. Winterfeld about paleontologic resources in the North Horn mine tract.

Robison, S. F. and L. R. Parker 1992. Late Cretaceous bird and frog tracks from central Utah. Geological Society of America, Rocky Mountain Section, 45th annual meeting; Abstracts with Programs 24; 6: 59.

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Gustav F. Winterfeld, Ph.D. Dr. Winterfeld is considered an expert in the following fields of geology, paleontology, sedimentation, stratigraphy-biostratigraphy, and paleontological resource assessment and mitigation planning and implementation. As a key professional he has participated in, directed and managed numerous projects involving paleontological resource evaluation, recovery, and impact mitigation. He has 32 years fossil collecting experience and 18 years experience in surface and subsurface mapping and structural and stratigraphic interpretation of geologic data. He is a Registered Geologist with the States of Wyoming and Utah, a Research Associate the Carnegie Museum of Natural History and an Affiliate Curator at the Idaho Museum of Natural History. Since 1996 he has been an Affiliate Professor of Geology and since 2002 an Affiliate Professor in Biology at Idaho State University.

As part of his paleontological and geological consulting work as Principal Scientist with EVG. Dr. Winterfeld has directed and performed literature and record review and conducted field surveys and analyzed environmental impacts to fossil resources of numerous projects, including coal mines, trona

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mine, pipelines, dam sites, flood control projects, gravel pits, housing developments, transmission lines, and well pads. He has recommended and implemented mitigation and resource recovery programs for Paleontological resources for clients including federal (BLM, BOR, FERC, DOE, Forest Service), state and local governmental agencies, and private companies. He currently holds or has held paleontological collecting permits for BLM lands in CA, CO, MT, NV, UT, and WY.

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