SPORT SPORT | 09 SPORT | 10 Lakers India’s Kohli LeBron James credits change wants to play in stance for again versatility

WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 FIFA's 5-sub rule to be implemented during last five rounds of the league QSL reveals new football guidelines THETHT E PPENINSULAENINNSUS LLA – DOHADOHA QatarQQatat r esespeciallypeciala ly ttheheh MMinistryinistry with the Supreme Com- off Health.Healthh. mittee for Delivery & Legacy HaniHaHanini Ballan,Balalllan, CEOCEOO ooff thethhe QaQatartat r InI ttheheh bbeginning,eggini niing, thethe and the Ministry of Culture StarsStars LeagueLLeaguue ((QSL)QSL) andandn nationalnnaatit onal pplanlaan rereviewedviv ewe ede thethe and Sports. membermem mbmbeerr ooff thethhe ExExecutiveeecutivi e decisionsded ciisionns thatthhat werewerere takentaken in CommitteeCommmmittteee off thethhe QatarQata ara linelliine wwithith ththee ddidirectionsirer ctionns Q: Will the league be com- The Qatar Stars FootballFoottbab lll AAssociationsss oocciiaationon ((QFA),QFQ A), adoptedaddoopptted by QatarQataar toto combatcombbat pleted with promotion and League will be hashhas providedpprovvidedd a detaileddettaailed thetthhe spreadsppreadd ofof thethe corona-corona- relegation? completed by Augustugust explanationexe plp aannaattioion afaafterter virusviirrus as iitt wawass inindicateddicated bbyy A: We will complete the 26. The League thethe rulingruuliingn body’sbody’y s thetht e decisiondecisioon toto holdhoold matchesmatches remaining five rounds of the will issue circularsars decisiondeecisioon toto withoutwwitthhouo t fansffans Qatar Stars League. At the regarding the datesates reresumesuu m e sinces i ncn c e same time, the promotion and determine foffootballotbaa lll MarchMarcr h and relegation will be the venues after aacactivityt i v i tyy 111 applied in accordance with coordination fromfromm JulyJully the provisions of the Qatar with the Suprememe 244 ttoo Football Association Committee for AugustAuuggustt statutes. Delivery & Legacycy 26.226. and the Ministry beforebefore Q: Will the five-sub rule of of Culture and footballfoootball FIFA applied and use of Sports: QSL CEO activityacttiivityy waswaass VAR seen at matches? Hani Ballan completelyccomplel teelyy sstoppedttoppedd oonn A: The Qatar Football Asso- MarchMaarch 15.115. ciation will make use of the ThenThene ttherehere waswas a five substitutions approved decisiondecision ttoo exextendtend tthehe ssus-us- by FIFA recently. Also, QSL Q: What are the medical A: This is subject to an pensionpension of activityactivity untiluntil MayMay will continue make use of procedures or medical assessment of the situation 31 bbeforeefefore the QQFAFA the VAR technology during protocols that will be during the months of July announcedannnounceed itiitss ddecisionecision ttoo the matches. followed? and August. TheThe decisionddeecicision toto resumeresume resumeresuume footballfooo tball acactivitytivity A: Our medical protocol has An appropriate decision footballfooootbaallll waswas mademadde aafterfter a fromfrom JJulyuly 24 ttoo AuAugustgust 2626.. Q: What are the media been approved by the Min- that preserves the safety of circularcircr ullarr iissuedssueu d by tthehe Also,Also, it wwasas aannouncednnounced measures to be applied istry of Public Health. The everyone will be taken QatarQataar OOlOlympicympip c CoCom-m- thatthhat aass clclubub plaplayersyers wwereere during matches? QFA and QSL will implement later. We hope that the mitteemmittt ee uurgingrging spsportsorts givengiveen leaveleave frfromom MMayay 17 to A: No press conferences are the protocols strictly. First matches could be held in bodiesbodid ess toto completecompleete com-com- JuneJunen 7 bbeforeefe orre apappearingpearing forfor to be held before and after of all, the player tests will be the presence of fans in the petitionspetitit ons off tthehhe currentcurrent thethe COCOVID-19VID-D 19 ddetectionetection tests the matches. The club social conducted on June 8 and 9. future. sportssporrts seasonseason afterafteer JulyJuly 20.20. onon 8 andand JuneJunne 9. TheThe playersplayey rs media platforms will be used Match officials, referees TheThhe detailsddeetails werewere willwiw ll startstaart theirthheir trainingtrainiinng fromfrom to share news of players and and backroom staff at clubs Q: What about signing of anannouncednoounnceed duringduring a JuneJune 110,00, aaccordingccoro ding ttoo ththee cicir-ir- coaches. The post-match will also be tested according new players ahead of the responsereessponsee toto inquiriesinquiriies ffromromm cularcuular isissuedsuuedd byby QataQatarr StStarsars interviews will be delivered to a timetable of events before new season? locallocal journalistsjoouurnalistts tthathat werewere League.Leaguue. only on the pitch by TV crew training sessions are resumed A: The competent author- transmittedtrrannssmmittted ththroughrouggh ththehe that will maintain distance after June 10. In case of ities will determine the Al Sadd's Algerian mediamedidia officeofoffificcee inin QFQQFA.AA. QUESTION:QUESTION: WhenWhene iiss thtthehe during an interview. Other somebody emerging as pos- transfer of players and the star Baghdad BaBallanlll an ssaidaiaid ththee decisiondeeciision completioncommppletion ddateate of tthehe than host broadcaster screw, itive, those cases will be dealt registration of new players Bounedjah is to resumeressumu e footballfootbaalll arearre basedbased QatarQattar StarsStars League?Leagguee? no journalists will be allowed with according to the medical for the next season seen in action on anan integratedintegrg atted pplanlan ANSWER:ANSWER: TheThe QaQatartar StStarsars inside the match venue. Pho- procedures approved by the 2021/2020. in this file developedded vvelopep d ini consultationconnsultl attioon LeagueLeeagueu willwili l be ccompletedompleted bbyy tographers on the other hand Ministry of Health. A circular explaining all photo. betweenbbettween alaalll cocconcernedncn erned AugustAugusts 226.6. TThehe LLeagueeagug e wiwillill will be allocated a separate aspects regarding the reg- partiespap rttiies – whwhetherhete her in tthehe QQFAFAA issueissue circularscirculars regardingregag rdding thethe zone in the media tribune Q: What are the chances istration mechanism and its andana d QatarQQatar StarsStars LeagueLeL ague – oror datesdates anandd ddedeterminetet rmiine the where adequate distancing of fans attending matches dates will be issued in this thethere relevantlevant authorities authorities inin venuesvenues a afterft teer c coocoordinationoord din ati on will be maintained. in the future? regard later. ITF plans on Iraqi legend Mahmoud to appear on UK quarantine new relief fund Generation Amazing's Instagram live to support could make lower-level THE PENINSULA – DOHA British GP Iraq football legend and Supreme Committee for Delivery players & Legacy (SC) ambassador impossible Younis Mahmoud (pictured) will REUTERS – MUMBAI be the special guest during this REUTERS – LONDON week’s Generation Amazing The International Tennis Federation (ITF) Instagram Live stream today at Formula One says the UK government’s quar- has said it is working on additional measures, 8pm Doha time (GMT+3). antine plans would rule out a British Grand including a new relief fund, to support lower- The former striker, who col- Prix and affect tens of thousands of F1-related ranked professionals who have been left in lected 148 international caps and jobs if exemptions are not granted for sport. the lurch due to coronavirus-led lockdowns. played for several clubs in Qatar, Ministers have said they plan a 14-day The professional tennis season was halted will outline how he has sup- quarantine for most people arriving in the in early March and will remain shut until at ported the SC to deliver key mes- country in the coming weeks to try to prevent least July end due to travel restrictions that sages during the ongoing a second peak in the COVID-19 pandemic. numerous countries have implemented to COVID-19 pandemic. He will Formula One is planning two grands prix contain the spread of the virus. also discuss his illustrious without spectators at Silverstone, which this Earlier this month, the ITF, ATP, WTA and football career, which included year marks the 70th anniversary of hosting the the governing bodies of the four Grand Slams spells with top Iraqi side Al first world championship race, immediately raised over $6m to help about 800 lower- Talaba and five Qatari teams, after two in Austria in early July. ranked players, who depend solely on tour- including Al Gharafa, where he a part of our Generation discussions about football “A 14-day quarantine would make it impos- nament winnings earn a living. won a host of honours during a Amazing school programme ini- development with representa- sible to have a British Grand Prix this year,” a The ITF World Tennis Tour consists of notable five-year spell. tiatives. We look forward to tives from partners such as AS Formula One spokesman said yesterday. lower-rung tournaments and serves as a On the international front, hearing about his inspiring Roma, KAS Eupen and the Inter- “It has a major impact on literally tens of transition circuit between the junior and Mahmoud won the AFC Asian career – which we are sure will national Federation of the Red thousands of jobs linked to F1 and the supply senior games, allowing more professionals Cup with Iraq in 2007, scoring interest our audience.” Cross and Red Crescent. The live chains. If all elite sport is to return to TV, then to make money as well as improve their the most goals in the tournament Generation Amazing’s online sessions will take a break over exemptions must be provided.” rankings to qualify for the men’s ATP Tour and picking up the best player sessions were launched in April the Eid period before resuming Seven of the 10 Formula One teams are or the women’s WTA Tour. award. He became an ambas- in order to continue the pro- on June 1. based in and plans for the season, The ITF said its new measures will include sador for the SC in 2019, which gramme’s football for devel- Generation Amazing is the which has yet to start due to the pandemic, a relief fund to help tour players ranked led to him attending a Gener- opment sessions during the SC’s core social and human would be disrupted by teams being forced into between 501 and 700, and are not covered ation Amazing activity with local ongoing pandemic. Broadcast development legacy programme. two weeks’ quarantine every time they return under other relief programmes. Further schoolchildren at one of the daily via Instagram Live, the It has reached half a million ben- from abroad. Formula One plans to hold the details will be announced following its board Qatar 2022 training sites. sessions have reached 100,000 eficiaries since being launched Austrian races within a controlled ‘bubble’, with meeting on June 2. Speaking ahead of Mah- viewers over the past six weeks. in 2010 and aims to reach 1 all team members tested repeatedly for the “We are doing everything within our moud’s appearance on @ The sessions have featured million people by 2022. virus, travelling on charter flights and avoiding power to ensure that the talented players GA4Good, Generation Amazing’s a variety of special guests, Fans can tune into @ contact with anyone outside the paddock. climbing the ITF pathway receive the support Marketing & Communications including Xavi Hernández, Cafu, GA4Good on Instagram, Austria is one of Europe’s least affected they need and continue their development Director, Moza Al Mohannadi, Tim Cahill, Samuel Eto’o and Facebook and Twitter for the countries by COVID-19 but everyone going on during these uncertain times,” ITF President said: “We are thrilled to welcome Hernán Crespo. latest on the Generation Amazing to Silverstone would be similarly isolated. David Haggerty said in a statement late on Younis Mahmoud to our series. In addition, health and Live schedules. Share photos of Formula One has yet to publish a revised Monday. He is an important and leg- fitness tips have been shared by you and your family enjoying the 2020 calendar but chairman Chase Carey has Eligibility for the previous program took endary figure of Arab football. Generation Amazing master live broadcasts, tagging @ said venues not previously due to host races into account a player’s ranking as well as pre- Younis is also an icon of the coaches Hamad Mohamed and GA4Good and using the hashtag are being considered as part of contingency vious prize money earnings, according to cri- Asian Cup and Qatar Stars Michael Richardson. #GALive, for a chance to be planning. teria agreed by all stakeholders. League and we are proud he is There have also been live reposted. WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 SPORT 09

NBA lottery expected to Star LeBron James Bautista Agut still have same eyeing elusive format as ’19 wants to play again ATP Finals spot AGENCIES – LOS ANGELES AFP – LOS ANGELES popular NASCAR stock car Eastern Conference leaders Regardless of how the remainder series resumed without spec- the Milwaukee Bucks and REUTERS – MUMBAI of the NBA season plays out, the Los Angeles Lakers superstar tators on Sunday and golf were already assured of a spot draft lottery is expected to remain LeBron James said yesterday stuck a toe in the water with in the playoffs -- which were Qualifying for the season-ending men’s ATP Finals, unchanged from last year, ESPN he’s eager for the NBA season a made-for-TV charity event due to start in April. which features the world’s top eight singles players and reported yesterday. to resume, as long as the featuring Rory McIlroy and Among the uncertainties doubles teams, is one of the goals for Roberto Bautista When the NBA suspended the health of players and their Dustin Johnson. surrounding an NBA return is Agut before he retires, the Spaniard has said. season on March 11 because of the families won’t be endangered The NBA, along with Major whether all of the remaining The 32-year-old came close to ticking that off his coronavirus pandemic, teams had amid the COVID-19 pandemic. League Baseball, the National games of the regular season wish list when he rose to a career-high world ranking played between 63 and 67 games. James, speaking on the Hockey League and Major will be played and whether of ninth last year and served as a reserve player for the In the eyes of some executives, that “WRTS: After Party” pro- League Soccer are still formu- teams will play in their home 2019 edition of the event in London. discrepancy in games would make gramme on the Uninterrupted lating plans to return, while arenas or at sites that will “It is one of the goals I would like to achieve before it difficult to hold a lottery in the multi-media platform, said he the NFL tries to stay on course better allow the league to limit retiring,” Bautista Agut told same fashion as before. But hoped the NBA season for an on-schedule season access for safety reasons. “I know how difficult it is, I know that I have been according to the ESPN report, resumes sooner rather than opening in September. NBA Commissioner Adam very close some seasons. It’s not something I’m obsessed enough games have been played later. “Not only myself and my Silver told players last week about, but it remains a goal I’d like to achieve some to constitute a representative “Definitely not giving up teammates, the Lakers organ- that he expected the league to day.” Bautista Agut was ranked 12th when the tennis sample. on the season,” said James, ization, we want to play,” study outbreak and testing season was suspended in early March due to the Another reason for the lottery whose Lakers led the Western James said. developments for another two COVID-19 pandemic. to remain unchanged, per ESPN, Conference when the NBA “There’s a lot of players to four weeks before making The tennis shutdown will continue at least until the was the change the league made suspended play on March 11 that I know personally that a decision about resuming end of July and the fate of the 50th edition of the ATP prior to last year’s lottery. The first after Utah Jazz centre Rudy want to play. And obviously, competition. Finals, scheduled for November 15-22 in London, is four slots are determined via Gobert tested positive for the we don’t ever want to jeop- James has said he doesn’t expected to be decided later. lottery, with the teams with the coronavirus. ardize the health of any of our relish the idea of playing Thee SpaSpaniard a d made ade a ststrong o g stastart t to the t e season seaso by three worst records each having a The virus brought global players or any of the players’ without fans in attendance, winningwinning allall six ofof hishis singsinglesles matcmatcheshes fforor Spain in 14 percent chance of getting the sport to a virtual standstill, but families and so on and so on. but he said Monday he just thethe ATP Cup before reachinreachingg the third round of first pick, and the teams with the as lockdowns aimed at pre- “This is a pandemic that wants to be back on court. thethe AustraAustralianlian Open, wwherehere hhee ffellell to Croatia’s fourth- through 13th-worst venting its spread have begun we have no idea -- we can’t “You know, I want to get Marin Cilic after a ggruellingruelling five-setter. records seeing their odds decrease to ease, sport has begun to control it,” James said. back to playing,” James said. In November,November, Bautista Agut, wwhoho hhasas 11 on a sliding scale. re-emerge. “We’re going to listen to “I love to play the game of careercareer wins aagainstgainst top 10 opponents, returned Under the previous format, the Germany’s the people that’s been fol- basketball. I know how toto Spain’s Davis Cup squasquadd a ddayay afterafter hishis first three spots were determined became the first top European lowing this pandemic, fol- inspiring the game of father’sfather’s funeralfuneral andand delivereddelivered aann ememotionalotional wiwinn by lottery, but the team with the football league to resume after lowing the numbers, following basketball is. I over Canada’sCanada’s FelixFelix Auger-AAuger-Aliassimeliassime to hhelpelp worst record held a 25 percent a two-month hiatus at the the data.” The Lakers own the know how hishis country to a sixthsixth tittitle.le. chance of winning, and the odds weekend. second-best record in the inspiring sport is, “What keeps me motivated is mymy comcom-- decreasing beginning with the In North America the league behind itself. petitiveness.petitiveness. I’m very competitive bbothoth as second-worst record. “As soon as possible, anan athlete and person,” he said. “I’m alwaysalways “I wouldn’t expect changes,” one when we can get back out tryingtrying to improveimprove andand win, executive with a team headed for there, we’d love to bring addingadding minor details to the lottery told ESPN. the game of bas- my game,game, becausebecause The lottery originally was ketball back to it’sit’s a feelinfeelingg scheduled to take place Tuesday our fans.” I love.”love.” night. The scouting combine was also supposed to take place this week, in Chicago. According to the report, the NBA is still hoping to hold the event later this year. The league last week reportedly asked teams to vote for up to 70 players they would like invited to the combine. It is believed that should a combine take place, it most would likely be a virtual combine, with teams watching players work out from afar.

When the NBA suspended the season on March 11 because of the coronavirus pandemic, teams had played between 63 and 67 games. In the eyes of some executives, that discrepancy in games would make it difficult to hold a lottery in the Roberto same fashion as before. Bautista Agut But the report says says qualifying for the season- enough games have been ending men’s ATP played to constitute a Finals is one of representative sample. the goals for LeBron James before he retires.

NHL vetting neutral sites for restart Not players’ job to help AGENCIES – LAS VEGAS NHL Commissioner Gary Bettman pandemic will make returning difficult. fellow professionals, The NHL is zeroing in on a return In addition, the border to action with neutral-site games. between the United States and says Berrettini Commissioner Gary Bettman Canada is closed to travel with the said yesterday that the league is exception of essential business. eyeing “probably eight or nine The league almost must devise REUTERS – MUMBAI different places” that each would a plan to secure the necessary play host to approximately 12 COVID-19 testing for players and Matteo Berrettini thinks tennis players should not be put teams. staff. in a position where they have to provide financial aid to Multiple media outlets have “I am told that there can be fellow professionals and it should be the responsibility of indicated that Las Vegas is one of enough (testing) capacity, and cer- those governing the sport, the Italian world number eight the front-runners to be a host site. tainly over the next couple of has said. ESPN also reported that Min- months, there will be more World No. 1 Novak Djokovic had urged players to con- nesota, Edmonton, Toronto and capacity,” Bettman said. “But that tribute to a fund set up by the sport’s governing bodies to Vancouver also have submitted is a fundamental question, and we help the lower-ranked professionals affected by the tennis proposals to the NHL. According certainly can’t be jumping the line shutdown which began in March and will continue at least to Sportsnet, Columbus is another in front of medical needs. ... until end of July. possibility. in a centralized location or loca- In terms of when play might “Everything we’re hearing from “I took a moment to reflect on my priorities, not because The NHL suspended play on tions? And if so, what places resume, Bettman said, “I don’t our fans is that they’re (eager) to get I don’t respect the other players, because I believe that no March 12 due to the coronavirus might be suitable from a think anybody has a fixed time- back, and we don’t take that for player - in any kind of sports - should be put in the position pandemic, with teams having COVID-19 standpoint in terms of table, particularly in North granted, which is why we will do of helping another player financially,” Berrettini told between 11 and 14 games left in the communities that you’re in America right now. We have been what the medical people tell us is Eurosport Italy’s Call-azione show. the regular season. The structure and how big the outbreak is? And working very hard since we took necessary and appropriate for us to “I think that this responsibility belongs to the federa- of the season, if and when it what is the availability of testing? the pause on March 12 to make do to bring fans back. And again, tions, ITF, ATP, WTA... they are the ones who make tourna- resumes, remains uncertain. And so that requires a collabo- sure that whatever the timing is, everything we do is going to be gov- ments happen, and us, the players, pay them back with our “Do we complete the regular ration with our medical advisers. whatever the sequencing is, erned by the doctors, the medical performances. season when we’re given the “And I believe that all of the whatever physical ability we have people and by governments at all “They have to take care of us. The real problem is opportunity?” Bettman said while major sports in North America are in terms of locations to play, that levels, which will tell us what is and deeper.” speaking online as part of the going through this same exercise, we’re in a position to execute any isn’t appropriate for us to do. The governing bodies recently raised over $6m to help Leaders Week sports business and while the medical and health or all of those options. There is “So a lot of our planning and the lower-level players, who depend solely on tournament conference. “Do we do an abbre- issues are probably to some still a great deal of uncertainty.” a lot of the issues we’re con- winnings to earn their living, during the shutdown caused viated regular season, because extent the same for all of us, the The league and the NHL fronting ultimately are going to be by the novel coronavirus pandemic. our competitive balance is so logistics of what we do and how Players Association reportedly resolved for us by other people, The International Tennis Federation has said it is working extraordinary, it’s hard to tell how we do it may be a little different have been in regular consultation whether it’s physicians or whether on additional measures, including a new relief fund, to help the season would have ended? Do depending on the sport.” Multiple regarding restart proposals. Com- it’s governmental leaders, and players ranked between 501 and 700, and are not covered we go right to the (Stanley Cup) media outlets have reported that plicating potential proposals is the that’s why we have to be doing a under other relief programmes. playoffs and in what form? “And the NHL is weighing the possi- fact that, according to Bettman, lot of contingency planning so we World No. 3 Dominic Thiem had earlier rejected the if we’re not playing in front of bility of a 24-team playoff tour- 17 percent of the players live can react to whatever they’re notion that top tennis players should chip in to help the fans, which at least in the short nament instead of the usual outside of North America, and telling is us appropriate and lower-ranked competitors, saying he felt there were sec- term seems (likely), do we do it 16-team field. travel restrictions amid the permissible.” tions of society that needed more urgent help. 10 SPORT WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020

Players union Cricket: Old Trafford ground slams Cricket plans for social-distancing fans Australia’s

AP - MANCHESTER A general view of the Old Trafford cricket stadium in Manchester in this photo COVID-19 posted on @EmiratesOT, the official twitter handle of the club. The Old Trafford cricket ground is cost-cutting spearheading plans in England to try to bring fans back into a sports REUTERS – MELBOURNE venue during the coronavirus pandemic. The chairman of Lancashire Cricket Club chief Australia’s professional executive Daniel Gidney believes cricketers’ union has It should be in a social distancing can be applied in lambasted the national relatively strong their 26,000-seat ground to allow board’s cost-cutting financial position, in at least 2,000 fans. measures in response particularly relative Not only are mass gatherings to the new coronavirus to the winter sports, still banned by the government, but outbreak, saying they and with the benefit sports teams aren’t allowed to play could have “disastrous” of time should or train together. A cricket season consequences for the emerge with a that was due to start in April won’t game over the long distinct advantage begin until July at the earliest. term. to other sports “I’m hopeful that we can get Cricket Australia who’ve been caught some domestic cricket away in the furloughed about 80% back end of August and September, of its staff and said it directly in COVID’s at least behind closed doors, but had suffered a A$20m crosshairs: ACA possibly even with some small ($13m) fall in revenue Chairman Greg Dyer crowds,” Gidney said. due to COVID-19, “Sometimes you can get into this despite the pandemic negative box. And when I’m being domestic cricket back and hopefully burden caused by the shutdown of year against the West Indies and hitting at the end of the season. positive, I’m not being reckless or with some small crowds.” sport, and the conference and event Pakistan. The board is also pushing member states to saying things that can’t happen from Financial successes last year for business in the hotel adjacent to the The England and Cricket agree cuts to their grants and is in talks with a safety perspective.” Lancashire help to ease the financial cricket ground. Board want them to be hosted in players about adjusting pay. Gidney’s plan for the Lancashire reported a “bio-secure” environments, without Australian Cricketers’ Association (ACA) northwest England cricket record turnover of £34m elaborating so far. Chairman Greg Dyer questioned the board’s ground could form a tem- ($42m) and net profit of £2m Pakistan captain Babar Azam is gloomy financial outlook, saying the game had plate that facilitates the in 2019, with half generated still keen to play matches in England “yet to experience a significant negative revenue return of much-needed from staging Cricket World in July and August. event.” revenue from fans Cup matches, and a Test in “The environment needs to be “It should be in a relatively strong financial attending sports venues. England’s Ashes series safe and secure as no event or match position, particularly relative to the winter Taiwan is hoping up to against Australia. Cash is bigger than life,” Azam said on a sports, and with the benefit of time should 1,000 spectators will be reserves are at £1.7m, while media call. emerge with a distinct advantage to other sports allowed to attend baseball liabilities have dropped “My family will be more worried who’ve been caught directly in COVID’s cross- games from July. below £500,000. than me but if the PCB (Pakistan hairs,” Dyer said on the ACA’s website. “We could have Lancashire is hoping the Cricket Board) tells me that it’s safe “Now is not the time to diminish the game, domestic cricket with presence of a 150-bed Hilton to go, I will definitely travel.” but instead.... seize the moment and improve it.” 2,000-3,000 people in Garden Inn on site will also Britain has Europe’s highest CA Chief Executive Kevin Roberts said last with seats separated out in facilitate the return of inter- known virus death toll - around month the board could suffer a revenue hit of the stadium, Perspex bar- national cricket this summer 35,000 - as well as the most con- hundreds of millions of dollars if India were riers on counters,” Gidney by creating a bubble the firmed cases. unable to tour in the home summer. said in an interview by players don’t leave once “If people are scared and worried However, the tour’s chances of going ahead video link. “There are ways they have been tested for the about COVID-19, they will naturally have been boosted by Australia’s success in that we can make a sani- coronavirus. be nervous travelling into a territory reducing COVID-19 infections to a trickle over tised, smaller crowd, “If you’re negative, you that has one of the highest reported the past month. Dyer said cost-cutting at state domestic cricket envi- go into the bubble,” Gidney cases and casualties,” Azam said. and grass-roots levels would have “disastrous ronment possible at the said. “But on the other side of the coin, long-term consequences on the health of the back end of the year based “Then, in theory, it’s a bit I completely understand and accept game” and took aim at CA’s centralised high on the current trajectories like going to lockdown with normal services also need to resume. performance programme. that we’re looking at from your family and over a “The difficult decision for the “That at the first sign of a headwind states the science and the period of time, as long as administrators is what is the right are being asked to take significant cuts, which infection rate keeping you don’t step outside of the time to resume sport activities,” are in turn filtering down to local cricket, sug- down. In this file photo taken on August 04, 2017, Lancashire bubble, then that’s possibly Azam said. gests that something is horribly wrong with the “As long as the infection County Cricket Club Chairman David Hodgkiss makes a as safe as you can be.” “Also, we still need to know what current model,” he said. rate continues to drop, then presentation to England’s James Anderson on the first The club is still waiting guidelines the UK government will CA did not provide immediate comment I believe that we should be day of the fourth Test at Old Trafford Cricket Ground in to learn whether it will provide in terms of foreigners’ travel when contacted by reporters. able to get some form of Manchester, north-west England. receive England Tests this and quarantine.” India’s Kohli credits change in stance for versatility REUTERS - NEW DELHI I thought of giving it a try. Luckily, it clicked and him into a Delhi state junior team when he was “That incident taught me a lot. I realised that I immediately started executing shots which I a teenager. this is how the world is run,” he was quoted as Virat Kohli’s wide range of shots makes him one never thought I could.” The world’s top ranked one-day batsman did saying. of the most versatile batsmen of his era and the Kohli averages 50-plus in all three formats, not identify who had demanded the bribe but “If you want to progress, do something that India captain says it was a tweak to his stance has smashed 70 international centuries and boasts said he was rejected by the team, a rebuff that no one else is doing. If I had to become successful, that brought him a deluge of runs in recent years. an exquisite cover drive. left him “broken”. I needed to be extraordinary. Kohli made his India in 2008 as a flashy Among his contemporaries, Australian Steve “In my home state... sometimes things happen “And I had to achieve this purely through my batsman but has since combined compact tech- Smith has an unorthodox but effective stance, that are not fair,” the Times of India newspaper own effort and hard work. My father showed me nique with elegant shotmaking. standing open to the bowler and shuffling across and other media quoted Kohli as saying. the right way through his actions and not merely In a Facebook live chat with Bangladesh the off-stump line, and Kohli said batsmen had “On one occasion, a certain person did not words. Those little things had a great impact on one-day captain Tamim Iqbal, he said ditching to find out what worked for them. play by the rules for selection criteria,” the skipper me,” Kohli was quoted as saying. his earlier stance opened up scoring options for “I always feel you should be open to changes... added. “He told my father while I had the merit, Kohli’s father, a lawyer, died when he was 18 him. You can’t stagnate, you have to keep learning,” a little extra (bribe) was needed to confirm my and playing in a Ranji Trophy state match for “I changed because I wanted to score all over he said. selection.” Delhi. He returned to bat the day after his father’s the ground. The static position was limiting my “If you keep playing in the same manner, But Kohli said his father had insisted the death. shotmaking options,” said the 31-year-old, who opposition will figure out your game. You have selection had to be on merit alone. “I accepted his death as I was focused on goes back-and-across in his current stance. to be ahead of the game. “My father simply said, ‘If you want to select moving forward with my career,” Kohli said. “His “It works for many, Sachin Tendulkar for “So try it and drop it if it doesn’t work, but any Virat then let it be purely on merit. I will give you death made me realise I had to make something instance. He had no issues because of his superior batsman should be open to positive changes,” nothing extra.’” of my life. Now I think about how nice it would technique and hand-eye coordination. added Kohli. Kohli said he was in tears after being told he be if I could have given my father the peaceful “I had to tweak it to suit my game. When During the same chat, Kohli also revealed how had not made the team. “I cried a lot. I was retired life he deserved. At times I get emotional someone first told me it could open up my options, how his late father refused to pay a bribe to get broken,” he declared. thinking about him.” Saliva ban could change the swing of things in cricket AP - WELLINGTON Kumble and comprising high-profile will be quickly South Africa in 2018.For that reason ex-international stars such as England endorsed. The use of the cricket committee cautiously con- A move to ban the use of saliva to shine captain Andrew Strauss, Sri Lanka’s saliva was always sidered whether, in the absence of a cricket ball because of the danger of Mahela Jayawardene, India’s Rahul fraught because by saliva, the use of an artificial substance transmitting COVID-19 may force Dravid and South Africa’s Shaun chewing gum, sucking such as wax to shine the ball should be bowlers to relearn or reinvent one of Pollock, seems a straight-forward boiled candy or some temporarily approved. the sport’s most prized but troublesome hygiene precaution as cricket considers other confectionery it The committee found the question skills. a path to resumption amid the coro- was possible to apply to too fraught: at present the use of any The International Cricket Council’s navirus pandemic. the ball some combi- artificial substance constitutes ball cricket committee, comprising a roll But nothing to do with swinging a nation of saliva and tampering and members felt any relax- call of former top players, has recom- cricket ball is ever simple. another agent that ation or variation of the rule might be mended on medical advice that spit Even the science around outswing, enhanced the shine. problematic. polishing the ball should be prohibited inswing and reverse swing bowling Ball tampering - the However, amid fears that an ina- while the coronavirus outbreak per- isn’t generally agreed or understood, use of illegal methods or bility to swing the ball might tip the sists. Unlike baseball, where the spitball nor are the conditions that favour substances to change balance of cricket matches too far in has long been illegal, some methods in swing bowling or the means that allow Licking the fingers, applying the the condition of the ball - has been one favor of batsmen, various methods to cricket are a well-established part of a bowler to cause the ball to deviate in saliva to the ball and rubbing it vigor- of cricket’s most chronic or intractable reproduce swing in the absence of the game. the air as it travels towards the ously on the trousers to improve the problems. saliva have been promoted. The cricket decision was based on batsmen. shine has become an ingrained, almost The former South Africa captain Faf The Australian cricket ball manu- evidence from Dr. Peter Harcourt, the Inducing swing is one of cricket’s instinctive action by players between du Plessis was twice sanctioned for ball facturer Kookaburra last month sug- chair of the ICC’s medical advisory most desired skills but also a minefield deliveries - one that will be hard to tampering: first for rubbing the ball on gested the use of a small sponge or committee, of “the elevated risk of the threaded by a narrow path which resist or unlearn. the abrasive zip of his trousers and applicator to apply wax to the ball with transmission of the virus through divides legality from illegality. Whether sweat can be as effectively later for applying to the ball saliva the oversight of the umpires. saliva.” Spit-polishing by the bowler or the employed as saliva is uncertain but it mixed with a mint or other candy. The great Australian Test leg- It found at the same time that it is fielding team has been for decades the is likely every swing bowler in the Ex-Australia captain Steve Smith spinner Shane Warne suggested “highly unlikely that the virus can be accepted method of shining one side world will be working to find out as and vice-captain David Warner were weighting the ball to create swing. transmitted through sweat and saw no of the ball to create the aerodynamic the ban on spit-polishing passes banned for 12 months and batsman Moves are underway for cricket to need to prohibit the use of sweat to asymmetry which, in conjunction with through the ICC machinery. Cameron Bancroft for nine months by resume in Darwin, in Australia’s north, polish the ball.” the position and angle of the seam and The recommendation of the cricket Cricket Australia for their involvement as early as next month and local cricket The decision of the committee, the grip and delivery action of the committee moves now to the chief in an attempt to use sandpaper to alter chairman Lachlan Baird said experi- chaired by former India captain Anil bowler, causes the ball to swing. executives committee where likely it the condition of the ball in a test in mentation would be necessary. WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 SPORT 11 Bucharest says it is ready to host Euro 2020 matches


Romania has reconfirmed its capital Bucharest remains ready to host matches at next year’s rescheduled Euro 2020 tournament through a guarantee letter sent to the continent’s soccer governing body UEFA, the sports ministry said yesterday. On Monday, UEFA postponed an Executive Committee meeting scheduled for May 27 because of some unresolved issues regarding “a small number of proposed venues” for the tournament. That meeting will now take place on June 17, it said. “The Romanian Football Federation submitted Bundesliga to UEFA the last guarantee letter of the 24 nec- essary to re-affirm the availability to host the UEFA’s European Football Championship,” the restart draws ministry said in a statement. “Thus, Romania offi- cially re-confirmed its commitment to organ- ising this important sporting event.” criticism from The Euro 2020 championship, due to be staged in 12 cities across the continent, was post- poned until June 11 to July 11 next year because of the novel coronavirus pandemic that shut down German sports Cardboard cut-outs with portraits of Moenchengladbach’s Swiss goalkeeper Yann Sommer soccer in March. The championship has tradi- (centre) next to his partner Alina and football supporters are seen at the Borussia Park football tionally been hosted by one country or with co- hosts, but UEFA opted for a multi-city approach stadium in Moenchengladbach, western Germany, yesterday amid the novel coronavirus community to celebrate the event’s 60th anniversary. (COVID-19) pandemic.


The restart of the Bundesliga last weekend has drawn German FA, Bayern urge salary criticism from the sports community in football-mad Germany with world champion rower Oliver Zeidler branding it “a joke” and criticised an “insane system”. “It’s a joke,” Zeidler said. “If children cannot go to daycare and caterers are cap for ‘credible’ football not allowed to use their full capacity, then allowing millionaires on the pitch sends the wrong signal.” AFP - BERLIN The 23-year-old, the 2019 world champion in single sculls, said he would like fans to turn their backs on German FA president Fritz Keller and Bayern the “insane system” and the “increasingly drifting par- Munich chairman Karl-Heinz Rummenigge allel world” in which football exists. want to propose a salary cap to UEFA pres- The German Bundesliga became the first top ident Aleksander Ceferin, it was revealed European league to resume after the restart plan was yesterday. approved by Angela Merkel’s government. “There are absurd salaries and transfer fees Regular testing of players, games played behind that are no longer credible,” Keller, boss of the closed doors and replacements wearing face masks German Football Association (DFB), told are part of the strict hygiene measures. reporters. Germany currently has 175,210 cases of the coro- “We have to talk about salary caps. I am navirus, which has so far claimed over 8,000 lives. glad that I agree with Karl-Heinz Rummenigge However, Bundesliga clubs want the season com- on this point. pleted by June 30 in order to claim 300m ($327m) in “Therefore we will write a letter to UEFA television money. president Aleksander Ceferin.” While other sports are in the dark about when they Rummenigge touted the idea at the can resume competitions, the restart of top tier football weekend in an interview with broadcaster Sky. is controversial. “(Former UEFA president) Michel Platini Zeidler says he is allowed to train “relatively nor- had the idea years ago to introduce a salary mally” again, as Germany relaxes restrictions. cap in Europe based on the American model,” However, he feels the current situation is just con- Rummenigge said. firmation of the preferential treatment football enjoys While the Frenchman allegedly had the in Germany. support “of all the big clubs in Europe. Reigning Olympic javelin champion Thomas However, we were told from the outset that Roehler agrees. this could not be brought into line with com- “It seems that it’s more important to politicians petition laws,” Rummenigge added. that the ball is allowed to roll than all sports being Now Keller wants to write a combined Leverkusen’s German midfielder Kai Havertz (centre) scores the opening goal during the treated the same,” Roehler, who won Olympic gold letter to persuade Ceferin. German first division Bundesliga football match against Werder Bremen on Monday in for Germany in Rio de Janeiro, told Sport1 last month. The restricting of wages, which are cur- Bremen, northern Germany, as the season resumed following a two-month absence due to the However, top sprinter Gina Lueckenkemper says rently “partly from another world”, can only coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic. the Bundesliga’s restart gives most Germans the sense be achieved with UEFA’s help, he added. of a return to normality more than any other sport “The end result must be a regulation that can. conforms to European law and also applies to “Even the ancient Romans knew how to make Britain,” Keller said, referring to England’s big Connah’s Quay Nomads named Welsh people happy: food and games,” Lueckenkemper, the spending clubs. 2018 European 100m silver medallist, said. The DFB boss also wants a reform of the champions after season cancelled Nevertheless, the 23-year-old finds criticism of Financial Fair Play rules. the league’s restart “justified and sensible”. “We must bring professional football closer Fencer Max Hartung said the return of football gives LONDON to the people again,” said Keller.“The current REUTERS - other sports hope of a restart. crisis (coronavirus pandemic) has brought to “When you see that football is being played again, light problems in football that were previously Wales’ top soccer league has been called off due to the COVID-19 pandemic and Connah’s Quay it makes your fingers itch to go back to the planche,” overshadowed by ever new (transfer) records.” Nomads have been crowned champions for the first time, of Wales said the 30-year-old, who was part of the Germany News that Keller and Rummenigge are (FAW) said yesterday. team which won the 2014 world title. joining forces means their recent spat has been The Cymru Premier League season was brought to a halt with Connah’s Quay holding a “Of course, football is now the only live sport on resolved. four-point lead over eight-times defending champions The New Saints with both teams having TV,” he added. “I spoke to him on Tuesday morning and played 26 matches. “As a fencer, I have always been concerned that the matter has been resolved,” said Keller. An unweighted points-per-game system was used to determine the final standings, the FAW there is more to the media than just football.” On Sunday, Rummenigge attacked Keller said, adding that places will be determined in “due course”. His sentiments were echoed by Zeidler. because he was “irritated by his populist choice “The FAW Board took into consideration the health and safety of all those involved with “For the time being, football will stand alone in a of words”. these leagues,” Welsh soccer’s governing body said in a statement yesterday. wide open field,” said the rower. In an interview with magazine Spiegel, “Furthermore, the board also considered specific economic and financial impacts of attempting “It’s only about money, not about who will become Keller had complained about the “bigotry” of to finish the season during the pandemic and felt it was imperative not to risk the long-term German champions. Nobody cares about that anyway nouveau riche football millionaires, which financial stability of the leagues and their clubs.” during the coronavirus,” Zeidler added. Rummenigge felt was aimed at Bayern. Wales’ second to fourth tiers have also abandoned their seasons. League-by-league guide to the return of football in Europe

AFP - PARIS earlier. Not forgetting Belarus, STILL AWAITING GREEN Premier League clubs are training in groups of up to 10 Saint-Germain confirmed as which was the only European LIGHT aiming for a return to action by with targeting a restart champions, European places With the German Bundesliga country where football carried England, Spain and Italy all the middle of next month on June 12. dished out and relegation and having become the first major on throughout the last two remain hopeful of completing the despite concerns from some promotion between the top European league to resume months. season but ongoing concerns players over their welfare. OTHER HOPED-FOR two divisions maintained on following the two-month coro- On Tuesday football also about the health crisis mean The Italian Football Feder- RESTART DATES a two-up, two-down basis. navirus shutdown and more returned in Estonia, with the nothing is set in stone. ation (FIGC) has said all its Romania -- May 27 Belgium has also ended its and more countries now top-flight making The UK and Italy have been competitions, including Serie Poland -- May 29 season, with Club Brugge cham- planning to follow suit, AFP its comeback behind closed the worst affected countries in A, will remain suspended until Greece - June 6 pions, after the Belgian gov- Sport casts a glance at the situ- doors. Europe by the pandemic and at least June 14. Switzerland -- June 20 ernment announced it was sus- ation across the continent: Spain is not far behind. Italian Prime Minister pending all sporting competi- CONFIRMED RESTART Six positive cases for corona- Giuseppe Conte has said he SEASON OVER tions until July 31. LEAGUES RESTARTING DATES ELSEWHERE virus were detected at three needs “more guarantees” The Netherlands became In Scotland the season had The German Bundesliga Czech Republic: May 23 English Premier League clubs before the green light could the first European country to already been called early in the returned at the weekend to Denmark: May 28 after players and staff were tested finally be given for football to bring an early end to the season three divisions below the top play out the final nine rounds Serbia: May 30 ahead of a return to training, it resume. on April 24 as the was flight and the Premiership fol- of the season with all matches Austria: June 2 was revealed on Tuesday. In Spain, players are now cancelled without a champion lowed suit on Monday, with going ahead behind closed Portugal: June 4 being crowned. Celtic being crowned cham- doors. Slovenia: June 5 France then followed suit pions for the ninth year It was not the first Croatia: June 6 on April 30, ending the season running. European league to return, Turkey: June 12 with 10 rounds of matches to be Luxembourg and Cyprus however. That honour went to Norway: June 16 played. also called an end to their the Faroe Islands, which Russia: June 21 The season was not seasons but without naming a resumed its league a week Finland: July 1 voided, though, with Paris champion.