SPORT SPORT | 09 SPORT | 10 Lakers star India’s Kohli LeBron James credits change wants to play in stance for again versatility WEDNESDAY 20 MAY 2020 FIFA's 5-sub rule to be implemented during last five rounds of the league QSL reveals new football guidelines THETHT E PENINSULAPENINNSUS LLA – DOHADOHA QatarQQatat r especiallyespeciala ly thetheh MinistryMinistry with the Supreme Com- off Health.Healthh. mittee for Delivery & Legacy HaniHaHanini Ballan,Balalllan, CEOCEOO ofof thethhe QatarQatat r InI thetheh beginning,beggini niing, thethe and the Ministry of Culture StarsStars LeagueLLeaguue (QSL)(QSL) andandn nationalnnaatit onal pplanlaan reviewedreviv ewe ede thethe and Sports. membermem mbmbeerr ofof thethhe ExecutiveExeecutivi e decisionsded ciisionns thatthhat werewerere takentaken in CommitteeCommmmittteee off thethhe QatarQata ara linelliine wwithith thethe directionsddiirer ctionns Q: Will the league be com- The Qatar Stars FootballFoottbab lll AAssociationsss oocciiaationon ((QFA),QFQ A), adoptedaddoopptted by QatarQataar toto combatcombbat pleted with promotion and League will be hashhas providedpprovvidedd a detaileddettaailed thetthhe spreadsppreadd ofof thethe corona-corona- relegation? completed by Augustugust explanationexe plp aannaattioion afterafa ter virusviirrus as itit waswas indicatedindicated byby A: We will complete the 26. The League thethe rulingruuliingn body’sbody’y s thetht e decisiondecisioon toto holdhoold matchesmatches remaining five rounds of the will issue circularsars decisiondeecisioon toto withoutwwitthhouo t fansffans Qatar Stars League. At the regarding the datesates resumeresuu m e sinces i ncn c e same time, the promotion and determine footballfof otbaa lll MarchMarcr h and relegation will be the venues after activityaact i v i tyy 111 applied in accordance with coordination fromfromm JulyJully the provisions of the Qatar with the Suprememe 244 ttoo Football Association Committee for AugustAuuggustt statutes. Delivery & Legacycy 26.226. and the Ministry beforebefore Q: Will the five-sub rule of of Culture and footballfoootball FIFA applied and use of Sports: QSL CEO activityacttiivityy waswaass VAR seen at matches? Hani Ballan completelyccomplel teelyy stoppedsttoppedd onon A: The Qatar Football Asso- MarchMaarch 15.115. ciation will make use of the ThenThene therethere waswas a five substitutions approved decisiondecision ttoo exextendtend tthehe ssus-us- by FIFA recently. Also, QSL Q: What are the medical A: This is subject to an pensionpension of activityactivity untiluntil MayMay will continue make use of procedures or medical assessment of the situation 31 beforebefefore the QFAQFA the VAR technology during protocols that will be during the months of July announcedannnounceed itsiti s decisiondecision toto the matches. followed? and August. TheThe decisionddeecicision toto resumeresume resumeresuume footballfooo tball activityactivity A: Our medical protocol has An appropriate decision footballfooootbaallll waswas mademadde afterafter a fromfrom JulyJuly 24 toto AugustAugust 26.26. Q: What are the media been approved by the Min- that preserves the safety of circularcircr ullarr issuedissueu d by thethe Also,Also, it waswas announcedannounced measures to be applied istry of Public Health. The everyone will be taken QatarQataar OOlOlympicympip c CoCom-m- thatthhat asas clubclub playersplayers werewere during matches? QFA and QSL will implement later. We hope that the mitteemmittt ee urgingurging sportssports givengiveen leaveleave fromfrom MayMay 17 to A: No press conferences are the protocols strictly. First matches could be held in bodiesbodid ess toto completecompleete com-com- JuneJunen 7 beforebefe orre appearingappearing forfor to be held before and after of all, the player tests will be the presence of fans in the petitionspetitit ons off thethhe currentcurrent thethe COVID-19COVID-D 19 ddetectionetection tests the matches. The club social conducted on June 8 and 9. future. sportssporrts seasonseason afterafteer JulyJuly 20.20. onon 8 andand JuneJunne 9. TheThe playersplayey rs media platforms will be used Match officials, referees TheThhe detailsddeetails werewere willwiw ll startstaart theirthheir trainingtrainiinng fromfrom to share news of players and and backroom staff at clubs Q: What about signing of announcedannoounnceed duringduring a JuneJune 10,100, accordingaccoro ding toto thethe cir-ciir- coaches. The post-match will also be tested according new players ahead of the responsereessponsee toto inquiriesinquiriies fromfromm cularcuular issuedissuuedd byby QatarQatar StarsStars interviews will be delivered to a timetable of events before new season? locallocal journalistsjoouurnalistts thatthat werewere League.Leaguue. only on the pitch by TV crew training sessions are resumed A: The competent author- transmittedtrrannssmmittted throughthrouggh thethhe that will maintain distance after June 10. In case of ities will determine the Al Sadd's Algerian mediamedidia officeofoffificcee inin QFA.QFQ AA. QUESTION:QUESTION: WhenWhene isis theththe during an interview. Other somebody emerging as pos- transfer of players and the star Baghdad BallanBalll an ssaidaiaid thethe decisiondeeciision completioncommppletion datedate of thethe than host broadcaster screw, itive, those cases will be dealt registration of new players Bounedjah is to resumeressumu e footballfootbaalll arearre basedbased QatarQattar StarsStars League?Leagguee? no journalists will be allowed with according to the medical for the next season seen in action on anan integratedintegrg atted planplan ANSWER:ANSWER: TheThe QatarQatar StStarsars inside the match venue. Pho- procedures approved by the 2021/2020. in this file developedded vvelopep d ini consultationconnsultl attioon LeagueLeeagueu willwili l be completedcompleted byby tographers on the other hand Ministry of Health. A circular explaining all photo. betweenbbettween allala l concernedcoc ncn erned AugustAugusts 26.26. TheThe LeagueLeagug e willwiill will be allocated a separate aspects regarding the reg- partiespap rttiies – whwhetherhete her in tthehe QQFAFAA issueissue circularscirculars regardingregag rdding thethe zone in the media tribune Q: What are the chances istration mechanism and its andana d QatarQQatar StarsStars LeagueLeL ague – oror datesdates andand determineddetet rmiine the where adequate distancing of fans attending matches dates will be issued in this thethere relevantlevant authorities authorities inin venuesven ues after aft teer coordination coocoord din ati on will be maintained. in the future? regard later. ITF plans on Iraqi legend Mahmoud to appear on UK quarantine new relief fund Generation Amazing's Instagram live to support could make lower-level THE PENINSULA – DOHA British GP Iraq football legend and Supreme Committee for Delivery players & Legacy (SC) ambassador impossible Younis Mahmoud (pictured) will REUTERS – MUMBAI be the special guest during this REUTERS – LONDON week’s Generation Amazing The International Tennis Federation (ITF) Instagram Live stream today at Formula One says the UK government’s quar- has said it is working on additional measures, 8pm Doha time (GMT+3). antine plans would rule out a British Grand including a new relief fund, to support lower- The former striker, who col- Prix and affect tens of thousands of F1-related ranked professionals who have been left in lected 148 international caps and jobs if exemptions are not granted for sport. the lurch due to coronavirus-led lockdowns. played for several clubs in Qatar, Ministers have said they plan a 14-day The professional tennis season was halted will outline how he has sup- quarantine for most people arriving in the in early March and will remain shut until at ported the SC to deliver key mes- country in the coming weeks to try to prevent least July end due to travel restrictions that sages during the ongoing a second peak in the COVID-19 pandemic. numerous countries have implemented to COVID-19 pandemic. He will Formula One is planning two grands prix contain the spread of the virus. also discuss his illustrious without spectators at Silverstone, which this Earlier this month, the ITF, ATP, WTA and football career, which included year marks the 70th anniversary of hosting the the governing bodies of the four Grand Slams spells with top Iraqi side Al first world championship race, immediately raised over $6m to help about 800 lower- Talaba and five Qatari teams, after two in Austria in early July. ranked players, who depend solely on tour- including Al Gharafa, where he a part of our Generation discussions about football “A 14-day quarantine would make it impos- nament winnings earn a living. won a host of honours during a Amazing school programme ini- development with representa- sible to have a British Grand Prix this year,” a The ITF World Tennis Tour consists of notable five-year spell. tiatives. We look forward to tives from partners such as AS Formula One spokesman said yesterday. lower-rung tournaments and serves as a On the international front, hearing about his inspiring Roma, KAS Eupen and the Inter- “It has a major impact on literally tens of transition circuit between the junior and Mahmoud won the AFC Asian career – which we are sure will national Federation of the Red thousands of jobs linked to F1 and the supply senior games, allowing more professionals Cup with Iraq in 2007, scoring interest our audience.” Cross and Red Crescent. The live chains. If all elite sport is to return to TV, then to make money as well as improve
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