
- -- 4-.

tAijoveUN4~F~~5 U u.Me*adahf; ...... Iin.,intU.,pelsPer Eacb àiu.em tauffli.a.Ila


- r- , .. ,. 1 5 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ maMr..fid dm Y ~ Ch,*Sr liut"b. taut 1 Vchatsn otpssUmWc o ub stafr. A LIT R7ÀU] 1 inâfwsale uikm hvbu pa o AND FpAI] TA 1 ~ A ~ .400Ocaumn hn..u-M asemx b milil LT axpocta 80I U LY, lýl .-1 -se5. ______e Ot fl iuijV* 1Ui8owi mad rn. b.

~Î*g*~ **onom or_ Tom'. -thiecq. uai emr6dWiîh Pelrnuaycaîe- adweare ail ilipai.a 4sva;186.4, Themsay1 Wzr and theb .eig lltrrnks an view their condition. ie conesWil RDA?~LEG GI ~ TE p4Âm ~ itUiU ~ 1.3ê isiers; 62,m araiaoua, , MrquCi .L, OhlY beSaIusuhe l .day;ý, t> sýCh iiyin sueb conidtique, wh >Aithu

pr.oo~ . j~"'pdota2, 31 starters: 18, B li l il ,0c.4 IcourIe ad mi t.D.w*..bola£I '"d LWeim bond c..!r 2, 3h> mariers; sud on' the pressaI oc-1 o=pM dle.H.Secome .alo ,aendi.Jestd ______*lp E IidSIIEigUid1lisit te wtday on4c [a»e"cu~, themaÂ?TxgO*-M iTrem4 -te awa; T u, hommu. "acap wh, lin 30 figured, ut Ithepost. The ï i dyoe Man bid ~roa f tn.kzno that tho e àrée they am e am irii 4& uxA on q* e- iftaraces aon record an'saua oioa @and& ofPpe* "Wî,, âëïw3 ho, cLlussy, ot w Pblié'GoU b4 1rdid "backing,>pana ht he bu ot a Oha.y' 1.._fuis' e r , - ý.i q«. '168,SSmplice'. ,yer, 2 min. 45 sec.; 157 viIlie AreMr. Chaplin.piUodIaa "8= 1 atentWi ai Iorhance ýwY1S mce lmoteem AnIoaMue ordit « jBiîmtkBoriY'e year, 2 min.. 43-sec.,; 1861k éva!cre dýwMb ma-lblepuand Bro.nielawigom scoloar.TI». «rak" ry a iig eu"* om Iar, e.r e6atry to- Ketiled rani 'syear, 2 min. -4?, moi862 the bill denaeZ'y P"d ithvay sps.imell.hreî,aabto hm "eéf ,g.~.a WOWê m*:KOS Sio.. >,Lnds*y St., two doors North cf Mr Theah Jaboa aWataus'a yearp, 2 mn 5~agc..; 1864,c of mankid, th48', h .. am- rely tb URÂITIN, i keep lb. Derbyont oetfranSe, 1288 a hf ear$ali 1 for Blair ML.'. yeu, 2 in. 43 ac.; u "emoaa l.n skbl,~ beaîtily chueed. .ce saIIW on -t, c.P ani baba!s lim# - eh..aqàtry like a vouna ie ii ley, rny. The .eplmudidi P. S. MATN'TSTg5ý NM'Y tators, andj the &boldoaë! bsui8g ~;fdîtion muchadmîirod. Farwe1, very bond- Ged tbl mdsbed att&delied, an a ieliIlIbi i-t sdsut, . greatest number. cf Derbies, riz., five;- the soebu loiuaruha oabre, wh hi. .CO farodeu o eauinam o 11 1 hnYuhve ajockey iin &E,L.L. B., Burrst r, Coun. .. tie oifer slalu ttd"c.But. 6Wdsoutr orgPeC l ai th . awsa; Du-ke et Gasm winniag four. The moat soble. Arnd LOW Ihegrol Froeh y ro Attoney, bas opene& a Law fait des f Epont o 'lm the. Derby D* 4"cracks" r u-iait,.hoeo h .Adaleh te ve ai>çscgsfui Cries 'jockey, have beetm ]Robin4es, and c'dia break upOI on, 51 y ar. 1 Fenh elokIng Ca pre itur. peof cohe st pince Albert, la addition lu bis :&Bdfre hbeO rstn Bota. , wwmnang yen take. tout"o:jg' Iou ;and Sco ard: Ou!to-' ra-%pPech ,lo >y 08oe-(>lmpo. Prince .AlbertOfie Nodi'o.'M1 ieS'AnifuradSctc oaag, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ r p:tlmn » lZ.b! ito w hjalis -half-bruthçr, a Manda- "Ail the starters and jockeys, gentlemnen, rVIn;1k crei e.htism.L Colre f te ide8r ent:!: Iý Hre ýStamford's Archlimedçs, Christm.Co, are Colra o! he rideraamgeoke, !" "liner, you ar, lieesv a penny ! "W raYs-ÂT-T.~~~~~AW~ s~~ la nChan: Z WI ao h au..bni~'proof of whicm limefollowingma e te 3y h~ave a bîaJoe, lcen anid dinater are M'4J. ia unt Saly ?ee- ow h é showman ail- 1Dot, and ~ ad ommeyncea,~. ~. ~ ~ EWTTWJ di, . t In 178et' won il,, sîarting we hastjly sau *hern oter b.- - ,. ~ - "itodtiohe ogho0s.front,"n evlaiu: agai it, hiu.l lia 1805 Lord withEgimoî' 3Oîto1 orricit liq begins hié harveit, Ma.-WLwo's BIWcK. . ii10- .p ~luJetu.or wvar we'ýre res, yIere ad toelas of S A 711. BO ofN beg te lmm and t "is ' COur duty 10 peni'oram.Cardinial- Beaufort started ai 20 t gÎa giânt, or the. amallest d Warf ever seen. But end Breotdalbarle aze aillthe - CAIlES B~ORE, nus o te Cmiîyo Vctoiasudsu- _ Onu'coiduct ~'~0. ever siabl busuch-. , Ain n wiumnet. 'In 188and 'P rounding Counties, thlat he.,bas àéeneed the1 '9 e Wc'u'î ontep up and sSe-the great. gi- ragge. Il je a matceh betvreen lb. ugt e iar >iagir fuLthsarue two. -- ne ()f otiders; ant V5theshOmanask. le-tlleyoutiritea, goes on1; we re meçURSEi Ba.iruiter, Atlîeruey-at-Law, ii o illiamtSteelaiefe ir. funis by ~ -- i Burbrahl hurrah i &c. 1808 S& tir l WheaiasFi i2 bhat. thia giant wag an ià ave~~~~~~~~~ ane~L.QIeKsaasBikJtt,. I~h~ »sou' pe A dozen fais. %tartea-are not liIkel tiimprov. ' jsd 1809 the Dilke cf Gurafton's Pape aI 20 i 8,eulStreet, Lindsay, couvriet . * -n C -erderC 5,~~~~ it is probable neyer- hoard of befor. an the temper of a'hors. mach-1#. 8l enî .~jsce Wines, Liqu!it sand Cig * ts e- boat 114-tt thut cf iis*teot er aaa-- e1 gimi 86teDk !Yr c it as moat probable t~ h , ,> and i hgh bred racer. The, Derby tinie 1is thro. LLIR k BRQT1IBR, Barrister., ind At- ýn attentiveé.ûstleràl"twyàinàittenidance. . Pr >Mau aador thas rue yrigho"-iriteL- 229If . ~.j t Is hamlss t bigt,20te LIndsayDel, 16, 1864. . Pri eôSpo., theii.sne starting aI uiln.à Thegreat pugili. i ab out tO 29t -liaitrlotvr, give us 'ciock, and liiti n wiWthin a feu' mintea trteys-at--Law, Soicion C hancery,,Li va 9 I "fleurer" for lii.m-T e ent . 'Pliai e lbr, asea -a pecimen of theo "nobleart ofaef-defene.'of ,a Pablic, Couveyancers, &c. h&.., Lind-AIdhrrý0 four. We. are findlag kunit Wiîh'the star- i h éed e1v, îice iu Keensals Block, Kent Smreet. "forr o h.tin.T'tclbit I bt laY1W E Àdhts 01 hefîidst[fer. areoe perlormirsg dôgs andm i er won_ ter; we accuse the jockeysb ia nto 0£aLnG0. JAS, M 1LLr6t @-S .00 .di M-9Andi Io lail the bright.eyed lerf oi ammiwo ioe*ue hIatuseverytody r'"' evrvIhing, girls JuckRY,Jetn: Rubitison, vwas enmagd ride and Tmt uigh ly for u puai answer questtons. Gyp&iga, Who 1-il jour 1ai They'reoffP' îl. i"'Y., off tOIDOR Uft Aîonîy-a-La , W AL O NS EeT PO T H PE. - ~ ~ ~ . zoi, a horse front the sa ne stable s. Su i f' foruns f . Hz0 d Z> f r i a l ! h r r a h & r . d e n t , t h e n o l y a 0t e 4 oraT i 4. lbt doa r iletin as at. For see-he flag I ~It rin Ghiancery and lnsolvency, Ntai DOEfT :DItODIE, Preprier .. spriges fora mn,- - "itt e ' adrnon$il s,Woau bell gives out its welcorne elummg. k ie er10 ke, te. Orpitin ---- rouumtod tithouitheàlea epecîstion cies ýMDonnells 0-; - a ' %- f1 iiiiimlg, malt, pposit Bmeuballk iin.cm's. bis-patting irmarucions et peragIh swlitîe acn hir»o tlgwoe off! The llb favo i.t ibi aving beemi laIdt e rn- om.. shout'break. out, mand a su'in T îmopsteîcg al& isn'. I 11lteîy renov'ated, Vil. affords ime best -of ac- ___- 1 aS<;ei"~ ng-ern b ondetat t hmîh e onlyone 1 wlich cannot be xinderltood >n o-______* 5 sonnd,, perbapa, bat. you carn ot 241Ei î'îî Idn Capnlcious fortuite lock, Linmday. et'erjoye been laidi againsu itaIthe post. 04f) te o 2394tf 17> odds,,and almoat enîreating ýyou t0 be. distinguish one.' h is a murm'a which tells. IRWilh !arlisiband to deal the prise irae bei againe F redtriek in, 1829, 50> ta 1 RARil 1U 'Wori': you back Breadalb.I»e, ~~alofthé tremendona oxcisemen.an id. we eut ANI L1111 e nUf>Toermmsb the brave sand ebeat lime Wise." aaii MARTI & HERIMAI heg egaitns L iÎùM I 83 ;30 te i1 agaïiet y( i inhmatitantta *au take the od Is, agaixiat Wild -Chiarley il of Lindsauy and tmrrouuid- Rév r lo s ,U 1 say- no more cencerningr it. flore thpy core. mitOM A t . Enln' getc rial. TRedy onl againat .iii îlry tuaI they bavé emtered .ina . part- 1835; 40 Io i ugaitist 9 wbîch tue forsé e oTheiemî dia sbeiPopmru n13;3 eiaamo m 'Who backs Aichimnedeb ?"11 4-l'Il bettel.e- 'llir colàoure' mingte, and-1he &bout growa for the puactice of tbeir Profession in BAVRTN vso EOOOO going oue folr of tweveînntth ameA ls bcil-Phai'> uinm1 8 51837; agaIns o m gisburAmun 'en ta one azainsî Oppresser !"' raches h ll puompins,-repty-ttnCattais A gold- loiuer as tbey tread the hill. I>artizamna b.- - -bri 00100.gml.ifra;uttendedâcesit li au iiifl 25tt1 'nS 'S. Charges amoderate. Tlic subsériberbega -tea uneunce thatl ie lbns, -Dall ncome of th. bhirs>' crew thley are, vucking every drap of gin tea oearch fur their.own Comasny, $12'1000. Max. Tii..day on whléh evty partictalar colour. apoVin'-man 139;20, tD gia itl odu -Iu the Bite CottKge, bock ef the tcuised the aoehtl lib ha hen furnith- 1aan- LtleWneriI9 glittering blood out of yot. Ihis I wo o'clock, Heie they corne. The white (actaare tur- ýb .. iu c e .li n g t n r . e.D . . d a n d i t e d t p t r ti g h ouit i n r i t h é b e s and the bel] rings for t ore >b. cîeared n ed eagerly ini one-direcqion. t o f s t y l e . T h e i r e P r e u t t u m s r e e i v e d b > h sCym n > I e t e e Race glass,« > m t , ! i - a e v r m t 8 0 0 l g a i n s t O r a n d e i n 1 8 4 4 ; ' 2 5 ' t C. . ATIiN, M D., Noue but the cîmioicest, Uiiors and Cigare tilipeny durng te lime s1863 ezcecd thoe ' of a 11Y ge oeemiin-u Egaî,tll o ito 1 against :Dauii -ork4i 15 20 The first raCe is ta b. xun,- au-7bodeso which heid Io th.e yes. l!ook.inh.dsac B. e A.- eon E mIMA M.ui D.n , b. kept in the bar, mand bis table tiltbe fîînidh- ohrCmay aUetBain b> £2o00àOO eirisiona o! thalgreat event îhcmh.be eianis lgo n15;20 ta i ag-p lPolice P'a down in eitigle ite. Th~ e<>.. likle horne growing ont of the f.teheads, ame Jane 16, 1865. .3O2ly. e uithail. tededliis o lesnsen. , gn-taîkeil oftruitteit ef, andi aung of, t1iroughout. ainsI Biink Bonny i'm 1857, asd 40 ta i ag- Plple close touuid thecourse, lia evelled it the crowd of hers..de. lhey come. neuranceg on e1J Cadefcliptdonbof irgperst erteadance. unf«neuran theonoever rdeuerimm frae$.rhO nie egy-idaéio héé0nr is aea nl 'uet which c RT LUKEY, Tailor, William Sree, atnîne M AKNPropuistor. atinot b. foei lg bounding, flying &long thé. courge. Rush! effes pidd "a:te ost eiy onerî raes. that aOmitie.legts.nd aeoc im oun the neaimctCicaualel'; e i errs dssy. Qarments made up i.ltme beet Bffveron; J-au. Cth> 1865. 201use ling! clauig!, At Inî rkn lnIYou - ssmelt. ci ro1tatdYlis cMnerou uti ce more.O ie in-a fact wtii prqves limed"glomious un-c can hftar the hoofs Stiiking on 'Ut. sort JAD IA, 3ist d&y 1egh.thebell cesses, of May, 1865, the 6h an ivetsry ceraint "o! pwrta ie oeraigaog i ai. the lotest living rates. Ail or------the turf. But 1 mi leare thé ac , Agent foi Lindsy.e r sy announciug that tii. Co receire pronmýt atteiuuluandmia grene*ar a thclear, andgaiog. god Offic 01e. iniKempt's Brik.Block.. O! thi eub okPltce. tereghy-simmmic- past, andtt apak noW of mer tii. prosent. 1 !l laa uIlehuat s e listcarerandorYou can almost nted 29-y hear th rustiing aikjackets .ceuffeiveyeart ibis vatluable prize bas been Migit fil! -cc1umn.after columma .iih talk o!h, KDining -'an.l.and, ]Restaurantao le lireî event camier up the course. -Saie a hycrn ahn o.Iii Ca! 7i ýy thos. ro aebe.oWsrael beatet,, and by the powera! Breadiba. FAIR, M.DA, >UuCIIEON'R. - la3d,> Z TeContestes!- On Epsorîr Druivm, - by the, beat t il Devhy., and yet. lenve mach uuiesid, samdb boras. evr seen on a race-corse. In tat il i lîli e race ini the Aierican Arlmy. 0)1ce opposite St. Jarnesal (-athedial,----o a.rçiýu,. .1 t ti8 lai bas juet Leidcdi amrely not-cect; but Mr. HolsaisV. omspountdin&! Bedniinster breaks down. ~..H E UJNER"'GNED IS PREPARED puriod eomu hsm ave been lsu ad thai 1 have ta deai. h le,pelabeud: Janver3, C .W. n~ _Teenormons ~ ~ ~Ogm ' Y"'-, n he hr i roîe Bromielaw >imd Longdownuudme 27 l ludneny be miimg eprirate; are. rushing - 2 mdi- ton,-by specclaîioa, amn thal ail-important tee o1"tjol imen -a Dérby creatied sa much 011 HAWKE, Surgeon. lDeu- )à ti tecurse, Té- oise* I. %ard. Heré they corne,. Ànd'now a hua- -Dinners frôla Hîtf hl.ast: tîwetve te îlîree Vdt51é n t ih corse 're nisejust now me vent. Mmu ave iota -the predictions aiîjuterest or exeitement as did theprésent. Peectly déatning. otn.~~ dred thousand tong(ues break thé epeIl of jî's bry Gôods sicore,Kentn7m Luinches, Sui-,pers, 411 t ithouri. Wrnes, M thuadfon lralefv eas a e e, lnl.d 5 coruet onte.Tani> spoItTaefavouni nd h ueOt ! u ei a- fe great mÔmen is comimigy Lnsy 9. Tiq'rs, snd tre are aIl l rnrl iec.llt &e.,-of.tlie esi brand. -r.oidebI f!'ko .. d h a'lyapra aôrie ïn h Dkon te bea s noie-t imptintforth gan etugle Te b 1t.ýýneamring the wi:mninq poàt. Who leade T AN, Civil Epgineer and Provincial upalen fo th grndsirggi. Te bi-Who wins ? l-urah! JINSM[TH, Proprietor, Rate of' )nterest, 8 per çentper Aninui7i. '1>0 hurrah-! Christmas ,enY d iglted in .,.yul ia iduens d - poultedouses, are amorm e o tidi Surve.yor, ing men Russemll Street. 1Lie.di Ioe. are -sti.1 shouîing but the ) - ,mon-îbe betting mani!-a, odda ; the Carol xini t sporDt iriiet werthty featutes ; ieýtepurchase of Run it, Longd omn!. Beard lo. àf Trial May, 1864. u hie pi ?eple on the. Grand ' tand.a begin to *setle Christwas Carol! Hat* dowa! It lous i!64 C v lng e r n l . .p o u t on f sa& factory tile. Insurance, Fire ra a d br a o n aï.tm lown, and the. carrnages wimch p r d l a e ia -B m l w f r 1 ,0 i or o form na.bo6r-, lixe Carol's Derby, The. white la in front, d Stirveyor. nOffice in oer outaîde the ca.urse are ,1. Kempt's S Tri KLl S HMCT E L* mi aàl actiriti'. ThejO~OVfi frnigi Jb fefda odrt ae.As rse m mesbuc1ae ls ad~ mre eiigherfed. of riy 0,iaoaotu gelsna Dehenîj's)30,000 Acres of Valuble Lauti -Us argu.ed Kent Street, Lindsamy. (XW. 168-tf (Lo mcbta aeu ersle o." Timen,agaim, the vicîery o! Gladieter ar irriv al ef th e -P rin c e cf Wales i- i t h i fu si o fvoabe trns. FoYfmîhe a feu' o! e Du k e e i a n a ruh? g o . o ie b len a ain in the principal faci on1 td mvt iit- 2,0 uiesb.uh ulh. t DAV NPO T NDR .WS Corner Of Kent and'W illam Streeta ,.Lindsay. i u a py(fb étepepi >1 h gr a a eria a n aly e u ut> r nt ra0n0 un ea ieruig .h e pesho sibi. si

- Surgeon, Accouclieuir, &c. - J H T E f 'oritr J H L O , Demi, ii prove uthe Iallacy o! these ar - livoa oege wnigur :-At Mr.. Thomas MWollitce's, gea pi. . . Epgomn, Rea ch. ment antlsuposiiona sprit emuei igout etpr l LITTLË BIRTAIN. [JA VING leasei the above tell-knmuu'ncen- Epsom, Juily 6,1864. 255-1> etsidsupstinýanisbow tiat, - causer kit of cmtte Ioseize upon- h

S. B E A L L, ., Carer. ing. thoroughly réfitted aid .refniroished ltue Es0,9,r Hte o en ! eradbr ~aoto aiga retrogade novtinent, the time public midn.,gor ti.runngc mciailieVtT01KAHAL, lmce anethe proý'rietor will lie glid id, hae'' the Earilof Derby- - frein Breadaîbano? or time handaume Arcîtimfe- lat Ye t- r .i l. & S. Will ia ms, (ni ro v e d HV I 3 Z ,t ) T à a s , O ofé s, C h o ice s W %a cc e , a d ,F a u c y 'h um it ta ie . it .' 1 n a ie - b n *1 7 0 . ' T h i m lu d e s ? W e s h o u iti h a v e o u i re v n g e a I E - o andaVsctfrlame gaal.BPipes. race a s w on by'S ir C . B u>bu ry la D iom e i, ufor our ci eat a i N evm rkei t a s T

GALLON, LICENSED AUC- (ý W1I(P opposite thte Market, Kent Street, Lind- baigButô 2d n es n wid a , C W P riua iere hé is prepaed to make ~~~ER,~8l ujp Gar- - 0111 Cadw e.W ! ,ai g o d .(,)su e e t es;an1t b e e -e ,tclmI Po n a i idR L indaycr C.nd o tier lmmnd al. ie isn u tta tl t vrvreso..e - - -r,184.- eigt yeusraelapsed before the n ob Barieici J m c arge. utll 1ting dôvlÉn -hapm ndt he shortqnn hl- Ln sat fu uir ad a eî wt Ga ulrls e r v , u s eo det a tiar; b l lu 1 8 , t lin a bat.mure liey a n r ls ai w si o u si o

lOS 1816go.a asay. -And tien therte No, no, îî'e Gladiateur. Gt'ad--i Carol that uîmrfotunate anmitihe. -Derby dog." l nd-! Gladiateur! Gladliateur! 7. Deuby is« uaL complet. without him, md t o n veu ono a o t c iii OO tS8 ~ t'à all o ver, ladies andgentlem en. G ia - og is certain lu, b. found, or if net, one i j diateur ru,%hes jast thé waining- pW twie- wa sfurd( tr tm . T eefie j. No lengths in advance of Christmas Caro. E l. revace th g»L hrotmgh; time course la block- îa eshin ui;Lngonfoii ded, simd h. seids p a piteus h Û, hch eit ilor. ery'5gstarnc iug d o s a tor ent o! gro mi. hi ses ye s, and we E ngl ishers are dooum ed. tu sing re- hkilga imitation barks, or any ethler dis- jqim fdfa o u r-ett . odant noise possible of being producedbyIaebsefiyanbdybaa.Bed n a a b ei g . A d n t t t l g a l ab u e- uh e jp et a n d id o l o ! a u r int î c -. Mird .ispisys tnd. lathetate.lseah S digrac6d, beaten, despiaed; white ýey are : To Jlebe.,G l t iaorL a iManda in, E lîh n , a a n t i i m a h m r d t s teuld harv eer laiby he boit juadges, oe T, Laiosi, thankfii ;t h r 1e ibetal hure imeutofure rohiede, Rdorii RxidmmiZepyrthe turf been askedla Lindsay. £¶- - stie.ieddabude;bti ai Étarting, has a bout cf admirer. ia er 1ml .ait I igr er aii L a 4Nogowa,-Bioeaibaar, Sromaelaw, WilJ ot.frtlm-ù bestowuetion cmiusfor the- past' 14!'- Chirns anmd Sofiu la egl-i Jlmair clatis. Ô adteetac-fe arI ýmta ieio.r4ppsadfuelwl dC mey, Oppressai, Kaugaic, Audat.r, BweJ h i ogy ht e issiprelaed to rrFneras 1urn1ed. irttfi- negt -si 1ebig tilt e-F AII II OIO esr h a astttCalvomef.. ro1' bam failen to the otçf a for sa- metit ie avorersj ho risc, .Tii. Derby -be- teutonade, apioe-soîsasd gingerbread,. au , inster,i Tait, Butfioder, i l.!" , Christmas hIbe.. nBut e o Wteru gelaemen air I3vrLzssud at Mon. Opposite Crva Lsnd Offce. re ciyed cuMay ativUromp'attenion. oamuo aogu. im, lii.-Gun- »hto, anyt, go ee> î ha aIiey I WMf .pà4t. wn ai ie. M.powilet Treasen, or May-daY.' là 1848 user go finti parchasers ou Elpaci. Dow"s. 1< la Ch iioi~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~h Rfu fasP.baEamKig h.victory. Gladiateur la frontM ugI" ______-LindsayFebriisry, 1895. >284 - (Qpe4m. sw .'s Hotal)lueiiudied tarumiag, 01mai, Faruewell,MTii. Florn, IBiood Stock. Hli traînerJenu*igslaEnt- verseshtereti-215. The ric-me ifut

MI S UKbega ui4emm e renasd OSTI on cor *bout the l15'iiof May ai, ey .e1,Si 'acaSyes2,thétrtrs Itieds te Epsoma. >fBore ~i AKIN * tie Public tha t ah hami reamed possession PIelOysaaacllre Smp 67 oaak1 a ab , 82 starters; ev'emypatofEngland1'. greatuerpfu wu 0~P~~liga.~ m srI day awarded te MeLsOPDa.1s fpW- cflb Nut Ammrja Hte, ~ ny cjpid Pa r omis, o!el- t e a a-rer t lJar^,macilos' 8parto y ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~L Sts.wissyi ~euam ~ mthe score ;-Throwiag 16 lb PISON, CAB[NETMAKEIL -and by ficet &>Macdonald, v*micb àmime uafitcd Updated lhe 150 y i fteNëhAeia It!1*I 1 1 cuid ad fBxe Afvro thP e Subed, - Tddfgton1, Mariboro'buek 2, 3 Eery olmansd grade. mingie legether,'sud ERa, begs to announea thal he bas saFrIoaalaonat !1IrIoi aabl 01e' ml reu tbat date. w" » OOMeLi 'yin mGra.nd Lennn, lethe S iu9. à Jas*y' . ' S Pdstatters; la?,Bliak Bonany 1,Blsck1Tommy' - e i.ruec eb-raIr.Ti ia ,omplee assorment of OFZBat -The lieu Liqiota, wtia, Ali.suad !Cîgur, Al! parties ire bhoeuby t dpiirehàimgn- MMO 1*8eétNi Ii*t "Grnd4 luche..Ts. 90i0g 1éii henaui is pl laod, àimemrse hebes tud, Vitkfr*Muon» e grre a tejLeffaa", U» tà*.SJs' 5 1 ~ oms, Camibridige street, ILiptia>', a qemsantiy on baud. - negotiittitu li ote as1 ha'v e ivei le la U'ts'yeS bie, eehbd8 e hs hmWhmt i of thme Maral Square. torine ié, gr mmp'«der Ieêu «M Pa a Hoase, and truasteby odoerate ?Mv. Arthr ai ley bic *~ ~ ~~~p baaedk tii tdbB8 th. e.bà a in m&ausE0ubit &à " asiu.uuîyuiv4 oe fto aî r ttat 4êr. t< sîrlet jStLention tu meit ,hat off nat gnsse urtaiht -eve yhlu >jj i Si*~tuTu*t 01$ ïobeui, sand vas àaid-bine veilh ut ie a sprum u. a MkU 6UlUUfhit 14 e iti b. gel np lusa tlufaetory style. 3100 n1. u..00 i i