United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,883,847 B2 Hellerstein Et Al

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United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,883,847 B2 Hellerstein Et Al USOO8883847B2 (12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 8,883,847 B2 Hellerstein et al. (45) Date of Patent: Nov. 11, 2014 (54) COMPOSITIONS AND METHODS OF FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS TREATMENT USING MODULATORS OF JP A2001-72589 3, 2001 MOTONEURON DISEASES JP A2002-5223.87 T 2002 JP A2003-525854 9, 2003 (75) Inventors: Marc K. Hellerstein, Kensington, CA WO WO 2004/078144 9, 2004 (US); Patrizia A. Fanara, Oakland, CA WO WO 2005/081943 A2 9, 2005 (US) WO WO 2005,115372 12/2005 WO WO 2006/017812 A1 2, 2006 WO WO 2006/091728 A 8, 2006 (73) Assignee: KineMed, Inc., Emeryville, CA (US) WO WO 2007/081910 A2 7, 2007 (*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this OTHER PUBLICATIONS patent is extended or adjusted under 35 U.S.C. 154(b) by 398 days. Argyriou, A.A. et al., 2005. “Vitamin E for prophylaxis against chemotherapy-induced neuropathy: a randomized controlled trial.”. (21) Appl. 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Hino, Mizuki, "Glycosylation of the Alpha and Beta Tubulin by Zeeberg B. et al., 1980, “Exchange of tuburlin dimer into rings in Sialyioligosaccharides”, Zoological Science 20: 709-715 (2003). microtuble assembly-dissasemnly.” Biochemistry vol. 19, No. 22, pp. Galbraith, J.A. et al., “Axonal transport of tubulin and actin.” Journal 5078-5086. of Neurocytology, 2000, vol. 29, pp. 889-911. Fanara, Patrizia et al., 2004, “In vivo measurement of microtuble dynamics using stable isotope labeling with heavy water. Efect of * cited by examiner U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 2 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 CH, COO CH COO Leucine:ina XH-CH,- /-H TA CH, -CH, c / CH, Nii, CH, O ho F.G. 1B U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 3 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 C10 e-R' H H. ROH 18 &Oy ''O18 - CC-R Cc-R SynthesisProtein Vp-R \ / / \ Y NH NH Eno (Free amino acid) (18O labeled c free amino acid) / HN \ (Protein-bound 18O-labeled free amino acid) F.G. 1C U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 4 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 Tubulin 2H-Dimer Tubulin 2H-Polymer H2O -> OO = Dinner - MTPA Flux of Dinner 21 Polymer into Polymer - - - - - - T Polymer + MTPA Time FIG. 2 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 5 Of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 A) 2HO Label followed by Brain Dissection Cytosolic Extract MAP2 antibody High-speed Centrifugation Microtubule fraction Soluble Tubulin Tau antibody TAU Antibody Coupledgel Unbound Pure Tubulin OOut Bound (MAP2- and fraffi CS- fractions) (Tau-fraction) GC-MS Pure Tubulin Pure Tubulin GC-MS GC-MS C) 25 COrtex 25 HippocampuS 20 Dimer - 20 SS -1. SS Dimer E 15 S 15 C o i 10 - POFolymer gs 10 Polymer o (tau-MTs) s (tau-MTs) 5 --- S. Polymer g 5 Polymer (tau-nonassociated (tau-nonassociated 0 MTs) U- O MTs) O 5 10 15 20 25 O 5 10 15 20 25 Time (h) Time (h) FIG 3 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 6 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 Tau-MTS STOP-MTS (growth cone) (axonal shaft) 5 WT 2 4 SOD1 G93A 3 5 2 1 d O 0 a 6 Tal-MS 6 STOP-MTS (axonal shaft) S. 5 (growth cone) 5 WT 4 SOD1 GA 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 O Ta-Ms STOPMTs g (growth cone) (axonal shaft) s 5 As WT a 4 SOD1 Gig 3 2 e O123456 FIG. 4 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 7 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 6 S 5 Sl -o- Wild type E. 4 -A- SOD1 G93A C 3 s of 2 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age (Weeks) FIG. 5 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 8 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 -o- Wild type All SOD1 G93A treated (MK801) -A - SOD1 G93A 6 5 5 C -- Wildtype 4 - SOD1 G93A - 3 treated (NoScapine) -- SOD1 G93A 2 1 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 6 5 5 -o- Wildtype 4 SOD1 G93A 5 treated (MK801/NoScapine) 3 -Al SOD1 G93A s i 2 e1 1 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 Age (Weeks) FIG. 6 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 9 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 WT Tal-MTS (Er SOD1 G93AUntreated S. Co withSOD1 MK801/Noscapine Treated 3 1 FIG. 7 U.S. Patent Nov. 11, 2014 Sheet 11 of 25 US 8,883,847 B2 NMDA-Receptor Antagonists is co,h N 1. co C Honoquinolinic Acid POH, SPO, O C 3. NCO, HN Co, 1 "Co.H OC HN1 co, (R)-AP5 (R)-CPP-ene PBPDa COCC CH, C "AllNH, CH, C.HNbi, MK-8) Memantine Ketamine FOO C iO C Coro H C 1 "co,H L-701,3243 L-689,560 GW196771A2S pH C Ro 25-698 HO C."Olu?) s C Ifenprodil O HO NS OH Co.
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