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Fisheries Service 1* ENVIRONMENT CANADA FISHERIES SERVICE PROGRESS REPORT NO. 46 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE HARRY'S RIVER SYSTEM BY D.F. DOWNER RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT BRANCH NEWFOUNDLAND REGION ST. JOHN'S 6HELVCO 7,9C8 WiTH RfAt.5 no. 46 c. 2 PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATIONS OF THE HARRY'S RIVER SYSTEM by D. F. Downer Resource Development Branch Department of Fisheries of Canada St. John's, Nfid. May, 1968 (i) TABLE OF CONTENTS Page LIST OF 'l'ABlliS .................................................... ii LIST OF FIGURES ................................................... iii IN'l'H.OD UC'l'ION ...................................................... 2 PROPOSJiJ) INDUSTRIAL DBVELOPH.tJ.IJT AND 1tJATER SUPPLY SCH.to1:>.LE ........... 4 THE 1t~ATERSI{fiJ) ..................................................... 7 Drainage J\:xtea •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 Geology •••••••••••••••.••.•..•••••••••••••.•••••••••••••.•• 9 Flora ...................................................... ll Climate .................................................... 12 Stream Flow •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 14 PHYSICAL CHARAC'l'llii::>TICS OF THb DH.AINAGE .......................... 16 Est ua.r"y •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 :1-iain River ................................................. 17 Tributary Streams .......................................... 18 Obstructions ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 19 ADULT A'I'iJI.N'UC SAil>~lON bSCAPEJvli!Jf£ .................................. 23 Counting Fence Results ..................................... 23 Angling .................................................... 31 Length Composition ......................................... 32 Age Composition ............................................ 34 COiv.iJ:<lERCIA.L CA'l'CH FUR ST. Gt.XJRGE 1S BAY fu.:GION • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 35 FISH POPU.LATIONS .................................................. 40 FISH PO'rEl\I'I'IAL OF HARRY 1 S RIVili ................................... 42 SUlv.U•l.ARY ........................................................... 44 DISCUSSION AND RE;COYiiYW.:liiDATIOl\fS .................................... 45 R..&FN&NCES ........................................................ 47 APP:i:;l~DIX I ........................................................ 48 (ii) LIST OF TAdlliS Table I. General information on physical features of Harry's .H.iver system ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7 II. Location, length, and drainage area of major lakes and stream tributaries in Harry's River system •••••••••••••••••••••••••• 8 III. Air temperature °F and precipitation in inches for Stephenville: October - Dece11tber, 1966; January - September, 1967 •••• 13 IV. Stream flow ( cfs.) for Harry • s R.i ver •••••••••• 14 v. General chronological data from fence operation ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 23 VI. I-opulation estimate for Harry's River ••••••••• 29 VII. Angling statistics for Harry's River - 1961/67 ••••••••••••••••••••••.•••••••••••.•••• 32 VIII. Age composition of Atlantic salmon, Harry's Hiver sample, 1967 •••••••••••••••••••• 34 IX. Corrnnercial catch of salmon for four conununities in St. George's Bay ••••••••••••••• 35 x. Corrnnercial salmon gear engaged in St. George's Hay- 1963-67 •••••••••••••••••••• 37 (iii) LIS'r OF F'IGUliliS l':igure 1. Location map of Stephenville industrial development •••••••••••••••·•••••·•••• 1 2. Proposed water supply scheme for Harry 1s 1liver ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 5 3. Estuary of Harry's River •••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 Typical bottom structure - hain Iliver ••••••••••• 18 Long stream profile - Harry's River ••••••••••••• 20 6. ·v,Iest North Brook :Falls .......................... 21 Spruce Brook Falls ••••••••••······~············· 22 8. ~ioai en dams at headwaters of Hoberts Brook •••••• 22 Counting fence at Harry's River ••••••••••••••••• 23 10. Har:FIJ 's R.i ver counting fence location ••••••••••• 11. Counting trap at Harry's fliver •••••••••••••••••• 25 12. Rock dyke at Harry's River ••••••••••·••••••••••• 26 13. Fence washout at Harry's River •••••••••••••••••• 27 Graph of daily fish count ••••••••••••••••••••••• Graph of daily fish count with vfater levels and temperatures superimposed ............ 30 16. Length frequency distribution for 73 fish, Harry 's iliver, 1967 •.•..••••.................... 33 17. Angling/Commercial catch •••••••••••••••••••••••• 39 1 54 ° LABRADOR QUEBEC • ST ANTHONY ATLANTIC 51 0 OCEAN GULF OF ST LAWRENCE 9- SHEFFIELD LAKE • GRAND FALLS CORNER Stephenville 1 Industrial STEPH 1 Develop • nt T JOHN'S ATLANTIC OCEAN SCALE lin. = 48mi. FIG I LOCATION MAP OF STEPHENVILLE INDUSTIAL DEVELOPMENT 2 INTRODUCTION In 1967 a survey was completed on Harry's River by the Department of Fisheries to assess its status as an Atlantic salmon river. 'I'he survey was conducted to determine the effects of a proposed partial diversion for a water supply for the industrial development and a domestic water supply at Stephenville. The proposed industry is a liner-board mill to be located on the western shore of Stephenville Pond. A preliminary feasibility study completed by Resources Engineering Limited for the Atlantic Development Board determined that Harry's River was the closest and most economical supply of water. An estimated 100,000,000 Imp. gallons of fresh water will be required daily for industrial and domestic purposes at Stephenville. Prior to 1966, the only information on adult escapement to this river was obtained from angling statistics and Fishery Officers' reports. Department personnel attempted a spawning survey on the river in the autumn of 1966, but poor observation conditions prevented a comprehensive assessment of the nwnber of spawners utilizing the river. In 1967, a counting fence was operated 2~ miles above the mouth of the main river for the period June 23 - September 2. The fence was inoperative for two short periods during this time, and operation ternunated September 2 with a complete washout. During the autumn, Resource Development personnel, with the aid of Protection Branch staff, conducted a spawning survey on the system. Helicopter reconnaissance constituted the first part; the second part was a ground examination of as much of the system as time warranted and as deemed necessary. 3 During the fall observation period, physical characteristics, potential spawning area, and rearing ground area in the main river and tributaries were tabulated. This information, as well as redd numbers for individual stream sections, is given in Appendix I. 4 PROPOSED IliJDUSTRIAL DE.'VELOPMENT AND WATER SUPPLY SCJ-IElviE The Atlantic Development Board announced in 1966 the future establishment of a liner-board mill at Stephenville. Precise date of initial construction has not been disclosed. Such a project will necessitate a large, continuous supply of fresh water. In addition, water for domestic purposes at Stephenville is to be obtained from the same source. A preliminary feasibility report produced by Resources Engineering Limited for the Atlantic Development Board estin~tes a requirement of 100,000,000 Imp. gallons of water per day for the project. Harry's River was considered the closest and most economical source, and a plan of partial diversion was formulated (Fig. 2). Essentially, the plan involves the diversion of water from the river near the town of Black Duck via a series of canals and ponds to the mill site near Stephenville on the western shore of Stephenville Pond. An intake structure will be placed in the river appro:ximately i mile above the town of Black Duck. Alternate routes are also under consideration to move the water from the riverbed to the mill site. The first choice is a gravity system via ponds and canals to the site, and the second choice involves a pump and pipeline system to conduct the water (Fig. 2}. Water storage of 51,000 acre-feet is required to ensure the steady 100,000,000 gallon daily requiranent. A dam located 2,800 ft. downstream from Georges Lake will provide 13 ft. of storage on the lake for this purpose. The dam, 20 ft. in height with earthfill abutments, spillway, and fish works, will be located on a 70 ft.-long concrete slab in the normal flow direction. 5 LITTLE LOCATION c GEORGES POND 1-tc1P5-1 Op LOCATION MAP MUSKRAT BK PINCHGUT LAKE BK BIG-GULL PON C7Jf0( BLAKE BK. STEPHENVILLE 0 NCELS PON D AHWACHENJEECH BK STEPHENVILLE POND N B HARRI S STORAGE ACHIEVED BY DREDGING THE I ca MOUTH OF HARRYS RIVER . , ST GEORGES BAY THE ELEVATION OF GEORGES FURR1ES BK. LAKE CANNOT BE RAISED GJV jUV BECAUSE OF THE ROAD AND RAIL ROAD LEGENC BK. t- .ALTERNAT SITES 11111 — L !!!'rt.1 ROTHSEY 0 BAY BK FIG. 2 TOWN BROWM00 ■ STEPHENVILLE — MILL LOCH TION o CROSSING PROPOSED WATER SUPPLY SCHEME FOR OZ31 — LI JERSION STRW.T RE HARRYS RIVER — SRAJ17f CANAL SCHEME SCALE. I"I" =8400' (APPROX) — PIPE LINE AND PJMP SCHEME ST. GEORGES RIVER DATE: FEB. 12/68 6 Adequate screening facilities placed over the intake structure near Black Duck should eliminate most danger to resident or migrant tish species in the main river if the first diversion route is selected. If the second alternative route for water to the site is selected, there could be a partial or complete loss of long Gull Brook and Black Duck Brook. These tributaries contain good spawning and rearing ground so their relative value would have to be assessed. A more serious threat, however, is that posed by the storage dam located near Georges Lake. Problems which it could create are the following: 1. Without adequate fish
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