In Wigwam Tomorrow
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The Carl Will Play For Prom In Wigwam Tomorrow Eve Francis Carl will be the featured band at the Junior Prom tomorrow night at the Wigwam from 8 to 1230 ac- cording to co- chairmen Joan Herrick and Pvt Steve Dziama ems A Columbus band Carl has been playing in the Ionian Room of the Deshler- Wallick hotel 78 mati Dickie Tonkin Volume Granville Ohio April 21 1944 No 28 sophomore from Clarksburg W Va will DU Tops Qoal be queen of the prom escort- Denison Wins May Day Plans ed by A S Blob Brigham ODK Elects In Campus Drive president of the junior class Follow Tradition Privates John Gripe George News Awards Total receipts from the March Stout and Gena Davies are in Dancing singing Seven Men of Dollars contributions show that crowning of charge of publicity and Red 01- Denisonian was accorded Denison students have topped the The the May Queen Robin Hood and At a meeting in the home of Dr saver of inviting chaperone3 place among Ohio goal set at 5000 by 8605 This second honors his merry A S Bob Brigham assistant band and tapping for Merrimon Cuninggim Saturday report made college weekly newspapers when is not complete and is prom chairman and Andy Doug- Mortar Board will all be included evening Omicron DeLta Kappa awards were presented at the ban- up from contributions submitted lass are acting as treasurers Pvt in Denisons to up to 5 p m quet of the 18th annual convention traditional May Day mens senior honorary fraternity the cashiers office Jim Brucklacher is head of the report will be of the Ohio College Newspaper as- program to be held Saturday elected seven service men into Wednesday Final decoration committee in the office on May 1 sociation Saturday night in Cur- April 29 945 a m on the South membership cashiers The ticket sale under Kay tis hall Judge of this section of plaza according to Allan M Dewey as- Homer began Wednesday Following are the new members ibursarp state- wide competition was Ralph Pvt sistant Tickets for civilians are Among the dances will be the Russell DeVette Muskegon The World Student Service Burkholder editor of the Colum- Mich being sold by Andy Douglass customary May Pole dance by captain of Denisons cham- fund is allocated 176916 of bus Citizen who awarded the pionship and those for servieemen in senior Orchesis under the direc- basketball team A S the fund while the Red Cross Scripps- Howard cup again to the the barracks Tickets are tion of Janet Nerl while junioi John DeTar Milan Mich chair- will receive 122081 Going University of Toledo publication Deni- 180 a couple and only 300 Orchesis will take part in a folk man of Sunday md editor of to the Foreign Scholarship four times first prize- winner The Bluejacket will be sold dance according to Mary France Pvt John Gripe fund will be 125460 Deni- Nantucket Ensign Mort Leggetts editorial chairman of the dance committee Ind active on Den- son Volunteer Summer School Bye Now Nostalgia Denison Unchanged which ap- Another dance is the Court dance isons debate team A S Louis will benefit from 45805 of Dudrow peared in the first issue of this including Jayne Amos Priscilla Granville former chair- the fund while 38345 will Adytum Is Delayed years The Denisonian took third Cole Marge King Virginia Ben man of Deni- Sunday A S go to Dr Mary Kirbys rad- place in the editorial contest Case son Mary France Lois Kinney John Young Bexle outstanding ium fund In Publication in Tech Kent Stater came in Betty and Nel- athleties Pvt Sheldon Houts 50 of and Van Nest Dorothy Donating to the March Probable publication date of and second respectively in son St Louis and A SRichard Dean was Mens Faculty first Dollars the the Adytum is June 1 according this division Granville both outstanding in club because sororities did not An important part of the to Doris Franklin editorinch- ief scholarship and dramatics club use of Retiring president of OCNA program will be the crown- charge the for the Copies will be mailed promptly to Initiation date has been houses Charlotte Swain presided over ing of the May Queen The their all paid subscribers Delay has tentatively set for May 6 by The help of faculty men Col- the Sunday morning business ses- May Queen candidates with at been in engraving but the book the local chapter The1 men well dining hall netted 78 sion when officers for the coming their escorts will enter the will go to the printers next week were elected on the basis of See You There year were elected Clarine Shap- pageant at the beginning of four semesters of work under Students should sign their sum- iro editor of the Miami Student the program Nostalgia mer the V- 12 system Bye Now addresses on sheets posted in succeeds Charlotte as president Mary Ailing will be escorted by each dorm Pvt Donald Ladd is president Is Deni- Sunday Theme and Helen Kappauf editor of the Jerry Robinson Betty Barnes by of ODK which sponsored the re- Bye Now Nostalagia will be The Time Is Ten Heidelberg Kilikilik will take Pvt Russ De Vette Jane Camliii cent honors convocation the subject when Doc Cuning- over the position of vice- president by Pvt Dick Higgs Mary Fleen- Place hall gim Deni- Sunday Sunday To Honor Former Dean Prof F B Marbut Kent State er by Pvt Les Karel Carolyn is Kecital talks at at 10 a m for the last time in Miss Helen Olney former dean university was reelected executive Keel by Pvt Bob Anderson K K Farewell Thank Heaven secretary of the organization Ten Pease by Howie Dellard Marcia Recital hall of women will be entertained at a Todays issue of the Denisonian On May Day weekend Doc tative plans for the 1945 conven- Streb by A S Bob Brigham tea given by Womens Council in will be the it resumes will speak Deni- Sunday pro- tion at Otterbein college were Bonnie Tomlin by Pvt Bob Payne last until at the recreation room of Shaw hall publication at the beginning of the gram in Swasey chapel on May 28 6 made and Peg Woodward by A S Jack Friday April from 430 to fall term in September Not Day which will be directed p m House supervisors stu- Delegates numbering 42 repre- Hannaway Dr L R Dean pro- and Come to Deni- Sunday to the seniors dents are invited sented 13 Ohio colleges at the fessor of classical languages will Denison convention which was place the crown of flowers on the conducted in Curtis hall Prof queens head Lone Male Braves Bevy of Female Editors George Starr Lasher Ohio uni Three Granville children versity was the principal speaker besides the kindergarten class at the banquet Saturday evening from Granville school will Three Columbus newspapermen take part in ithe pageant led discussions on college journal Butch Ward son of Dr and ism problems for the roundtable Mrs F Champion Ward will groups be the crown bearer while m w v Susie Fuller daughter of Mr J tr w vik mm Bye Now Nostalgia and Mrs I G Fuller and Registration Date Carol Maxwell daughter of Rev and Mrs Kenneth Max- Set for Fifth Term well will be train bearers Miss Annie MacNeills poem Registration re- fcr students Mayday in England will be read maining for the fifth term will by Janice Stevens Robin Hood take 2 place on Tuesday May will be played by Nancy King 1944 in from 10 a m to Doane whle A S Richard Burt will take 12 noon to p and from 130 430 the part of Friar Tuck Pvt Paul m according to Donald R Fitch Newland will be the Town Crier registar The customary 5 fee The archers will be Eleanor Han- for late registration will be char- ley ged and Phyllis Orwig In case of rain the exercises will V- 12 trainees will report be held in Swasey chapel first to Room A ground floor Doane civilian students to The Time Ten jimf- I starting station at second i 11 floor corridor of Doane Each civilian student will first YW Cabinet Makes preserafhij lation books required Plans at Retreat of all boarding in college dining halls before he may continue reg- Making plans for the coming year members of the YWCA cab- istration Standing Left to right Jean Douglas University of Toledo Campus Collegian Mary Lynn De- Senior junior V- 12 train- inet are holding a retreat today and Beck University of Cincinnati News- Record Dorothy Hilliard Otterbein college Tan and Cardinal ees will a m at the Kappa house Suggestions register from 1000 Virginia Stubbs Denison university The Denisonian Betty Gourley College of Wooster Wooster Voice to 1200 noon senior and junior for Freshman Week the 1944 Helen Kappauf Heidelberg college Kilikilik vice- president elect of OCNA Clarine Shapiro Miami uni civilians pnd sophomores trainees membership drive and programs versity Miami Student president- elect of OCNA Patricia Schweitzer Bowling Green State university at 130 p m and sophomore and for fall meetings will be discussed Gee News and Margaret Bark Muskingum college Black and Magento freshmen civilians and freshan Newly appointed to the Y cab- Bee Sitting Ruth Jane Recht Kent State universit y Kent Stater Robert Meyers Hiram college Hir- trainees at 230 p m Students inet are Joyce Clark as head of and Ruth Bender Wittenberg college Wittenberg Torch are asked to conform to this the playground commission and am Advance 12 present at the 18th annual convention of the Ohio College Newspaper association schedule to rvoid unnecessary B J Oestmann head of the trail- Of the editors weekend only one was a man crowding and delay er camp commission held in Granville last Page 2 The Denisonian Granville Ohio April 21 1944 May Day Brings We Dood It Guild Student Opinion Survey Spring to Denison Crowning of queen tradi- We did it The March of Dollars is the at the May Day Day festiv- over the top Credit for the success of tional and Mothers Reveals