1 medievalism of . Although It f politically a republic, yet socially the people are divided Into two classes, the landholders, who are a distinct and the "cholos," which Isaristocracy.the name applied to the mass of the population Land owners, who. of course, represent the wealth of the nation, are all of what are known as "the hundredmembers families." These hundred families were the descendants of the first colonial and they hax-e divided place settlers.and lHAT power in the republic among them. The Chilean la a Latin of the highest type. i®S He Is the descendant of almost puro stock and where a little Arancanla has been mixed with his blood theIndian result Is an Improvement. The salient ; qualities of the are strength and tL'., ^ ^x4 people Sifk. :v v ' W; > >,& jr£' ^2l: AyLX virility. 1MIv^IHK\\Hm^^^I * * * When the train bears Mr. Roosevelt down over the snows of ths Andean pass Into 8antlago he will find himself in a rSSJ^tJP^C^KIU r South American city that Is typically pUSHIVM 8 Latin. Chile by ita geograpmc&i ' la more remote from than either la laaa to all who" Argentina or Brazil, and therefore surprise the Visit. There the** subject to what might be called Mrjjj|flK \| influence. The capital reflectscontinental G1"®®1 t*1**1- ' thla condition. zation ' ' "* I IH W°rl<1 holding Life in Santiago is much the same socially as it vm when a Spanish JtHwimM from the Casa de la today governor ruled The city of a nation, Instead of a president. Moneda at one fringe and this Used life stand In is built around the cathedral, a remoter border, huddled the social life of the while along .- -sm& fact symbolises tribes of man-eating , influence is shown dry-leaf huts, are people. Religious of the women. _ in the costumes inaiar.s. strikingly drees They wear, as a rule, a black which somewhat resembles the cassock the head and is called type of nuns. It covers it is life a "manta." Sunday mornings, when The at church, the flashing beside stultified Ignorance. '' universally worn . are pious land itself exemplifies contrast thou- *. **iHbI eyes of the beauties of Santiago cuitl- and demure beneath the "manta's" folia sand-acre farms under the highest ( %£&" 4^Bm traditions are giving these the primordial ',*t. But old colonial The vation. and beyond way before modern tendencies. jangle: flat plains with towering Chileans are rapidly developing into a rising from them. Even climatemountains most progressive commercial people. The to extreme cold. has untold mineral resources, varies from extreme heat country is Just is shown also in the peo- ^^WWWKBMBBBBK*wOksssBB while agriculturally Its Contradiction while The day is not far distant pie. Some are sun-loving and lazy, ^«MMMsi^MMi^MmsaHaaaMi beginning. fruits will pass through our North "P&ce when Chilean others could give pointers to ^SfPTCT1KL Ov-»A55THtt the canal on thplr way to the New Tork live .wires." Again, there Is In slse and flavor they will be American ^ markets. California or the turbulent Insurrectionist living side .L/XBXNXS J/OTJJTXfcAJR'Y J found to equal the best of Florida. variety It Is Mr. Roosevelt's Journey every1way'n^t'hknd of infinite AfaixnTiNA $115 The climax of He world A the interior. It furnishes the rr xr "\?/viT/-»-Lr To - IB his One section of TX/wrxiLfl KUU uJV WJilCJt llcA ^ ^ will be exploration the with cofTee, while another part produces >fS ^ ha> aslacted a route along principal for all nations. In Brazil D v rTsTC ID fYtOTAlTT 1>~\i HBBHIHHHHii^^P* of the southern continent which bread and meat * ^uOSXVS,XT V AND£^ rivers The rubber; In Ar- *y ^ before been attempted. It Is hot enough to grow * 4MTP "IT T* *lfr a r* has never will be in 1s cold to raise sheep. 1 Pi 0"fFT7 PT7"NTrP AA AJ-r of the journey gentlna It enough " a^tui greater part Indians. Is a sea-level Bolivia a t xtroi"fff'ss small native beats guided by Paraguay swamp: s /..t> an of 15.000 feet above *f will practically traverse at altitude or a. Mr. Roosevelt plateau seen rain "in.rrr. ^ I j 4~~~- ^y'S from south to the Pacific. One coast has not -' the southern continent for twenty years, while the other suffers I > north by water I Sk. i .1 "Vzzaam # an annual delnge. * . <>ne South American republic is a net- 1 a * work of railroads, while another enjoys I He will travel along the upper waters but a single trolley line. And so these | j.V" of the Paraguay river, as far as it is examples could Oe continued uniu me/ ^ the will lead To fc - : Thence Journey on of existence- ' Ar*>. navigable. touch every phase ^ »- t + . flow know these Interesting countries more in- :;^ »*^f*"^ overland to one of the streams that colncld- c" the tlmately an Imaginary Journey, j*. .* ** On Thi. Orinoco eventually to the Amason, possibly hut with the Itinerary of Mr. Roosevelt, I ,^v 88 River Quapay. and afterward continue Is set forth In this article. Of course, his T3 CoxONE.i.Tioosxviix "WILL TF route Is to change. _ subject ^ .- confluence of the s and the Amaaon, to the -- e the * PRIMITIVETASMXON. Rio Negro. He will then navigate =s»-.* -_./; -|-'"(f-^g^'[ Rio Negro, the Casiquaire and the Col. Roosevelt Is scheduled to sail from completing his Journey at the mouth New York yesterday. The first stage of Orinoco, the Journey will Include the great When the Jungle closes in around Mr. Rio de Janeiro, Buenos Airescap!tals.and Roosevelt he will be lost to the outside Santiago. These cities are f '' ^ -'* ', L^"<'" X.,,: party once they have passed the portals modern. Pounded In early Spanish that lead to the gloomy Interior, until la1 times, they led a somewhat coIon they emerge again at Porto Vehlo, which, existence for centuries until thesomnolentlast though surrounded by the tropic forest, when they were awakened word by wireless to the outside by the commerce- Today they flashes TnaRT.Iflcent examples of They will not, however, reach this last development. munic!pal outpost of civilisation until they have No finer public buildings, parks or a Journey through swamp and residences exist than can be foundprlvate completed nearly two thousand miles. ore Jungle of In these busy capitals. They all " A Boxivian q. 1 A"M"P And when the explorers leave there Is to Its respective . centers. Bach bustness . silence will again enfold them until what New York Is to the United *country RTE. J&1\7£,R» touch at Manaoe at the confluence States. Perhaps it would be more lllus- 1\i* K *v U*> tr» T»T C/A-Ta' J they with the Amason. What LO J?X» j|fe river tratlve to write New York and Washing- JjU* t>-A.I, of that can these colonies have all adventures may be before them only ton combined: for they are political as "D.f wanBKSiiLBy« meet in the classic events run each year self-depenclent, is well as Industrial eapitala But politics in Buenos Aires. the airo f miniature cities. There be conjectured. will out of as is true of the ranches That Col. Roosevelt bring Is not allowed to Interfere with business, Sunday is the great racing day. The much hard work, a large collection of the ' life has all that in- South America as with the mass of the ..., . .. in yet the and. us, great from an invislble shaded esplanade. From this one Rets MH9 interest in horse racing, which may be the of the beasts and birds turn over the national government Almost Instant attack |®Hg§§L. definableTe?1as' fascination which makes specimens sure. What enemy, a superb panorama of the harbor, termed the greatest pleasure of the Ar- all want to be cow- itlng that country is the professional statesmen, while the palm- ^6I§ HflHKp|ur«^^^H comes from his interest in cattle youth of o country have with the inhabur rple shaded streets are Indeed characteristic gentlno, he may ordinary dtlsen devotes himself to ledger » roam the shores ofencountersthe n of this city and lend to it much of its raising, which heretofore has been the Rri will leave Argentina ous s&i jes who and cash book: » The Brazilians have shown most important business with these "<^s- rivers where his canoe sails hismysteriosevelt It goes without saying that Mr. Roose- This vast, unexplored central portion t,f beauty. B it. When he crosses over the From its very nature Judgment in planting these trees where The Rural Guide states that there* is . railroad tiny will decide. «ro°*h,"d iffWB peopie. c trans-Andean will be a record of thrillingdesInlshed but in «. in a ritetincHv new the voyage they would not only be useful, invested in the cattle industry Argen- liu Ullltcv*Jk IM w «... ^ h2^W^of^L«S?tA5ilS!!in *£ taXa Indlan tr,bea that: show onlyf«tl efie v wilj achievements. passed Into preverb. and these 8outh ST'6,Ar*rtc'.l* fective in the general landscape una $75I).000.000. environme nt. Chile Is a South American GRANVILLE FORTESCUR moat These trlb< of the ' re- Americans are so rightly proud of their primitive development. tecture capital. archiia PRPHLL-'v »j^M 'The fact that this South American country w hich is still stamped with the achievements that they welcome the op- b*T® lived practically unmolested bimm~ to Charrington, and on his way South America are designated. There he "head hunters" are not satisfied with a ber plant, the bread-fruit tree, magnlfi- Ible. They are a torrent of water rush- lates in and out of Wall street. But he bial. To borrow from the vernacular. haj, ed Englishman set out from his ^ad met his master's son Edward, will have the of hair as a ~~ a can save himself from all this by seek- this story was corroborated opportunity contrasting lock of their enemy's trophy cent specimens of orchids, flaring rod ing down over a height of 600 feet, "everything homegoes."at cIt would seem that hnmo at r toward Charrlngworth. Although and .. iampden was held on a uiet seat in one of the many ., . , life the western prairies as he so they want the whole head, and yellow lilies, that as yet lack names broad white sheet of foam. During the in* Q the same which crowd by three witnesses. Perry well knows It with existence on the featurt!B Parks. throngs the down- He was Vniliam Harrison, the septusge- two or more trying the pam- And in order to preserve in English, give some hint of the flora rainly season, when the upper tributaries his subjected to down pas He will get to know the "guacho" they carefully remove the bones of th of the jungle country. are abundantly fed, the sight of the a town districts all day move in a cease- narian steward of Lady Campden and inations. until at last, he broke exam" and can him [* * * less flow of humanity the disclose the whole study by the standards of skull through the neck, then the head . Iguazu Falls is one that far surpasses through broad errand \viis the collection of her lady- promised to r~ * have of the that he knew his North American counterpart, the boiled and afterward subjected to a drj the cataract of From Sao Paulo These well kept public places thoroughfares amusement precincts . . affair. He then declared * * Niagara. Eh'P s rpn ts. Perhaps the old man's ap- been murdered and cowboy. ing process that brings It to a mum in Wi" ** C°ntlnUed t0 BueQoa the air <>f being transferred bodily from long into the night. as he his master to have There Is no the head is muc h To many the passing throngs of the Paris is o dations of color found among the inhab- cumstances have so played their part in an" 1.1, hi. famUr and Krv..«. .n «£ brethren, lips. Perhaps the atmosphere of Buenos Aires soon pall, and the traveler will be glad to him 5^^ <£££^and claimed Unquestionably an ostrich hunt will be conversational. itants. The influx of negro blood has the upbuilding of Buenos Aires that it prenc:h. The Aveniaa ae a strange, mad tragedy. < repudiated his statements tor can Jg° splendid journey out into the clear sunshine of the when he made them. organized, and any one who Is keen Prom this summary the reader g< been such that the people exhibit every seems to be a made from Is an example of this. It might be . the steward did that he was mad on the chase no more i picture-puzzle Mayo pampa8 However that may be, and his testimony exciting sport can some approximate idea of conditions a Parish hour that but the. circumstances be found than a breakneck undue en i- »ttle sections of Paris. London, Berlin, °f not retU"i at the customary In the conviction of all three, gallop after South America. Perhaps distinctions i°«as I6we under- ... . , Hhons w resulted brown. frtheHiI^ilSuch ,, Not does it her^tho^worilrf l^dicmf? 'is western thTlTnuJ"^country of the United States, wif* after until n0 two sons were tbes»- wild running birds of the pampas, phasis has been laid on the savage aspe<:* stand in the color line are absolutely un- Madrid and Chicago. only ^<)St ternntinelv disolaved. and his wife, after waiting and ^ mothcr her Thes. i »,... a T.. In years c*ttle South American 18 uivp the.. . imnresslon of John of the continent. If this be so, it - kaJeidnseoiaiem are servant prairies present Aiiumi net t . o" ,f1B ersed anions these shops typ- °o'clock« se nt for their boy, executed. the same which feature is to man roamed*^merwild over ?Teatjthe land.hfrd8xT°fNow, how- what John Perry was problem has arisen in merely because that !* The capital at night is an entrancing Jumble of cities, but the stranger will ieaT Fren ch cafes, with their round tables antI instructed him to go meet her Mad is exactly his rhe western section of the United States, the most interesting. As a matter < Een*ral *s on the ever -it is all fenced country The land. Perry, w hen he made the accusation against I Th® also soon discover that the capital of the and chaiirs irregularly arranged is owned what be husband, This an awkward, silent \lre.tdy wheat-growing farmers have fact, if the visitor confines himself to sjght: i4.Aven1^ ,ney^r It is even the boast of the fash- which by might called youth, usurped the land over which cattle the populous centers, stories of adventui progressive South American country tl*e aristocracy of Argentina, is held in creature, 1listened to the order and went £*£* and the ordeal of the ntahtmoBt tenablefldewalk.»romen of Buenos Ayres that they w prisonment roamed at will come hli '« Inhabited by a polyglot population. Mrs._ Is formerly will. There have from the jungle land to pul.atliiu STthator vi, York But U the ar.d if what one enormous tracts. The estanciaros" meas- lumbering without a word, while iniLtion. No other explanation ' French, exarnoff been no lashes as echoes. later, William between conflicting in- only distant is not ln mo Janeiro ttu ure their acreage in leagues. Ihe home him out of sight and slblo for, two years rrre-th i n»> great acreage is vvnne me inai carries air. koosi_ i"V,°e».!i the race track is any criterion, >jarrlson to his home and poswatched owned by snip 18 really a little city. rlson returned Idean. Italian Is heard aU make good their boast. ret in her which con- a to individuals and they are gradually com- velt Is making Its way to Brazil thei' Singe'ot oi they isuredly r®£VchFirst there is the private residence of *hen retui to vigil, counted for his absence by storyHarmed cattle with wheat to on the le te,,,l,.tv"S'.->n'".."'SS"pa.te0 ?hLrS; 8lde8" Then Engl,sh- German. French, This rac?e track of the Buenos Aires moraine rorfor neither master he faad been ^<^3^ blning raising growing 1s time speculate probab winwill be welcomed by "sideside partner toin the tinued unt u morning, the eflfect that acil That this is a lucrative combination of future relations between the unit*ld Welcomed biThis^his Be]gian> Scandinavin, Arabic and Ar- Jockey Cilub is unquestionably the finest "*?8ta aK08' # o,r°U!!diijitbi8 to the Turks, but had escaped of Buenos Aires are as grouped a number of other buildings built nor serva:nt reappeared. and sold from industries is apparent. States and the republics of South Amei 1- menian. Sections jn the W( 3rl(j on the which a vesse'. bound for Portugal, ,R°°seVflt' - somewhat bungalow on who, like a good American, Is carving the city of Babel as New York. has three concentHc tracks nd a type, w home. He a ca. Emphatically this future is to be a mmjh jt are for the exclusive use of guests. It which place he made his way own road to success. He is employed the individuals of this v. . Ji * * the ^ a commercial one. The people below tlie .h,s An(j conglomerate grandstand which is a marvel of j8 nQt the CU8tom to entertain visitors In was at an utter loss to understand In construction work on a new railroad can all be classified under our . .. , concourse ' took In fact, the great "estanciaros." as isthmus are cultivating ts architect residence of the ranch la the nlornir.g her son Edward motive for Perry s false confession. the principal . ., stretches westward from Hao "hustlers." , , ., i Now they go to Europe for |*a"a ill American designation view of the whole£ Sieacourse. Thisa,sple?"is only ,, to Charring- an of the danger ranch owners are called in Spanish, live nearly Faulo. This Is the heart of the coffee- As the visitor steps off his steamer to did owner> Beyond these guest houses are up the seairch. On the road case is example there supplles, but it is only a questlc>n as " s'101lid for horse is the na- re- from the rule that on their domains, much as did the country. he is met the clamor of be, racing the varied edifices used to house the t,,." " " it Perry, the servant, who of departing feudal of time when American manufacture^ growing the docks by tlonal ort of The very best and of the be satisfactory proof of the lords of the middle ages. Theirs is a A visit to a "fasenda" will be in order, unceasing toil. There he will see all sp Argentina. ment implementsto hi produce s anxious only by the should articles will drive all foreign importa. mares and stallions are Imported from ranch. piled questions of a crime before evidence half-wild, untrammeled. yet vigorous ex- field, Mr. Roosevelt will see growing the coffee that activity which is incident to the to find commission with tiuns from the tons of ancl , and their progeny As each ranch in many ways must be sullen report that he had failed .is received to connect any person isteme that should in every way appeal When the steamer that carries M r berries that are afterward Imported into shipping of the thousands of England ...... , to the of the his maste r. Extended inquiries proved the aileged offense. "apostle strenuous life." Roosevelt rounds into the harbor of R the After spending his allotted time in tbe de Janeiro, Brazil, he will get his flr that William Harrison had on settled sections of South America, Col. definite of the land librington, but had not , n Roosevelt will off into impression he previslted push the unex- about to visit, and this first impressu in Paxford, a village half a EVCR EfigllSh ROyaltj plorcd Interior. While no big game, such is certain to be a favorable one. The as the elephant, the lion or the wart- Is no more wonderful sight of Its kit Its Servant Problem bog of Africa, is fouud in South Amer- In the t was also learned umtCinaa Has wor.d than the bay of Rio < * " * . 4> I lea, yet there are so many distinctive and Janeiro. A towered mass of rock stan S^,#I Corw.po»denrc or Tfce «ar. unique smaller animals that the faunal sentinel at the entrance. This coue LverlTarticlc*'"ot 1913. naturalist will be Identified as be- LiONDON, September 23, constantly delighted rugged granite la one of nature's mo :!i were later their servant with the specimens that fall to his gun. Imposing monuments. William Harrison. They were TTVEV royal palaces have DOMEj- J H Ant-eaters, ffHtTE rumor seems armadillos, alligators and ad- wj th blood. Promptly the JC. problems. The general opinion Jutant birds make uncommon # suUnsd while sporting * a » >» trophies, hunting pumas and S\.Sb£&Ks den a diss «? *}*>t«>< a race Is much His Mark. Mt«v ^b® and queens are apart, more dangerous than jaguarsthe And beyond this is another higher pes the lnhabltanta of Campdeu organized a king* chase of wildcats and /~m Ai Is not given by mountain lions. that springs from the heart of the ell -*--1 T = r A. Mitchell Innes, which scoured the district near but such the.impression In his enthusiasm for natural ==^z-»'- ~ 1 Bt.arch of the l'rank Interview given here science. The which is _ councillor of the field where the traces a remarkably Col Roosevelt w ill bay. twenty miles long ai 1- ~~\ the furze certainly endeavor to ,.i_. s- ... an *oun<*. but with- who has frequently get a specimen of the var>,n* from Ave to ten miles wide, j British qnibassy, missing m by a registry agent * hoatzln. that ex- succes k/ien Palace, bird in on r ls an enthusiastic h*rt dfcaJln«» wlth Buckingham traordlnary which is in its youth a hemmed all sides by mountali °.ut that of reptile and. «fne zoologists assure These look down advocate, beved 'he wks dead.aSSofheer^Sle "*v® ar« heid responsible for the us, the majestically on the v< * H a m speed offered a deal of long-faced connecting link between snakes and the New P shire we send to the royal household," he feathered families. sels, tl.at somehow seem toylike by co" I tM&Ji1 He llkes to shove sympathy the poor grief-stricken pie peoto More varieties of It Back. discussed the iden- "and we send no one who has not reptiles will be found In the trast," lying* at anchor ir% the harb< W Both. Handing up to the high- widow' an autowhfen across bringing in the l*° >'®ars character. which vary in sise from the In In'I'IwpriEzgzsSmL. John p., ry, after taking part ' indeed all gigantic ana- setting for the city. It straggles up t >_!Z J^mil ltm a. J_?ke 11 roads. R,. search, had disappeared Footmen, under-butlers, to iwu I mori eonda those were I ning ine n 1..1JI "asningwn. apparently Insignificant a collection si -U. nigni .. fZ^ST I"»""> Field '"ly men in must be six feet in height, Biopt;8. of pink, gray a;nrf //if}//// 22T£ hL csntly Dudlsy had n ot returned home, which fact livery, specimens hardly a foot In on the big ^ ... . and length, ye% sitting w*« a short 111 ihL 'nSt^? , are the whose bite is almost instant death. azure buildings with here and there *&&}^r/)F a ! I only tlcipatlon as co- ~\ ^t/SrfI -vj sufficient ground for suspicion and the better looking they white church tower front porch when aUA&jft/ When a shining rising above while ago that II11 In a!1 i"" sistant secretary that he wa the murderer. night- t chance they' have of securing post. prosecutor , betis ^Cy^J! Jim| . . , It- Over all that the crafty rival. | 1 find , hangs indefinable atmc »- jHj^l j/^ State &lgg a nhy- of Intro- fall had liiterrupted the efforts to wl»o have , of caset where state. .. _ of the tropics, and as ftf'i a Secretary phere the steam who had gotten ' H,irrison the searchers spent the ^*1* Explorers who have a . William f^ 00^11 - li! , of con- tn nfhnv h«unn Bryan | | I? ) evening in assuring one another that the the southern one views Rio as a city ~ lip^gftgf/ him C *he tQ f ^ ?f !d secretary to a na- and continent agree enchanted &1 ? / at 7 on tho ,j /lS.\ luncheon given [In by *£> ^ servant a a bad, ill-tempered fellow, Ornish ake' engaged that It Is the ^- fatalities dffen8e. most dif- asleep. l|g|^jpgraj»j'ia prominent| testify. The phy- Mye Qf DubU flcuit country to penetrate of any This tirst Is list, began a series by ^ 1 t»r of the quar- Impression shattered ae Physician's visiting publish- Jffc/V^ sician s testimony N H twenty-two and twenty-eight, and the globe. Henry Savage soon as the voyager lands. He finds hit n- ' newspaper rfjfvi* MhOwi kLIHI Landor, of inquiries. Univer- . \7jk? the Britl8h coun' men b«,w"n e"Meen the well known Asiatic and Indian ex- amidst the ciamor and turmoil cha he asked. S?W4'^Ji «>"-V «.r at the .