In Ireland with Twenty-Five Genera Will, for the Present, Remain in His Have Something in It
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Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association {'omplin1l'lltary \'01. ••"1\' 1 ·0 ••8 :\L\Y, 19:3l1. IN THE GAP OF DUNLOE, KILLARNEY. I IU .S 11 T ILl VEL May, 1939 FISHGUARD to CORK Leave Paddington *5.55 p.m. Every Tues., Thurs. and Sat. LIVERPOOL to DUBLIN Leave Euston *6.5 p.m. Sail10.15 p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) LIVERPOOL to BELFAST Leave Euston ·6.5 p.m. SaillO.15p.m. Nightly (Sun. ex.) GLASGOW to BELFAST Direct. Sail from Glasgow 10 p.m. t Nightly (Sundays ex.) GLASGOW to DUBLIN Direct. Mon. Wed. Sat. 5.15 p.m. via Greenock. Fridays at 1 p.m. GLASGOW to DERRY via Greenock. Every Monday. Wednesday. Friday & Saturday Saturdays 10.30 p.w Caledonian Hotel SOUTH GREAT GEORGE'S STREET DUBLIN. Centrally situated f01' all parts of City. --------------- BANK OF IRELAND Hot and Cold Water all Rooms, ESTABLISHED 1788 and Reading !lights all Beds. FACILITIES FOR TRAVELLERS Excellent Cuisine. AT Head Omce: COLLEGE GREEN, DUBLIN BED, BREAKFAST, and BATH, 7/6. BELFAST CORK. • DERRY AIlD 100 TOWIlS THROUGHOUT fRELAIlD; Garage for 80 Cars, 150 yards, 1/- ightly. EVERY DESORIPTION OF FOREIGN EXOHANGE BUSINESS TRANSAOTED ON ARRIVAL OF LINERS Telegrams :_H Caledonian Hotel," Dublin. BY DAY OR NIGHT AT COBH (QUEENSTOWN) Telephone 23277. AND GALWAY DOCKS. May, 1939 IRISH TRA VEL SUBSCRIPTION ; Wbolesale trom lbe 5 f _ PER ANNUM, Irlsb Tourlsl Association Pon Free. and Irom 1 Eason & Son, Lld. COPIES FREE gnlSH TO ALL MEMBERS Relall Irom all Newsagents and OF THE ASSOCIATION AND from lbe OF ITS ASSOCIATE I irish Tourlsl AlsocfaUon. DEPARTMENT. TRAVEL 1___ Price 3d. Official Organ of the Irish Tourist Association, Dublin ~_ ==========================0==================== VOL. XIV. MAY, 1939. No. 8 ~========================~~===================== WHEN (AND IF) WORKMAN COMPETES AT THE DUBLIN HORSE SHOW ORSE sense is a little out of But as usual, of course, because pouring into his stable, though, to fashion these days. The of the Irish in him, controversy has the credit of his kind, he has sniffed H rumour that the horse have broken out. The equine debaters at the flatterv in his feed. Rather decided among themselves to form have recast the old saying" a man than fall to t-he level of the human an international organization to born in a stable isn't always a limelight-chasers, Workman has delimit and enunciate their rights horse," implying that a horse born declined the proffered honours and and wrongs may therefore, after all, in Ireland with twenty-five genera will, for the present, remain in his have something in it. It's a mad tions guaranteed lineage back to Irish stable and private grounds. world anyway, and a horse has as Arabia, is not necessarily and When, and if, he comes to meet much right to have the last neigh, authentically Irish. But, local his international organization at the Or word, as many of the quasi citizenship apart, Workman has Dublin show there will be repre- homines sapientes who confuse the been ignoring all that in his entative German, American, Swiss, rostrums. The entire horse world spectacular career subsequent to the French, English and other inter has, we understand, been thrilled by ational. When he arrived in national horses to meet him. Then the victory of their democratically Dublin his horse box and himself the horses' international will, it is named champion in the 1939 Grand were escorted through the streets by hoped, give a leap to the non-horse National. The name of their musicians and cheering crowds who world. protagonist was surely well chosen; hailed him as their great benefactor, If Dublin achieves that it will be m an age when to be a worker is all of them of course having had the City of the World. quite fashionable, Workman made their bit on him on the historic day. D. L. KELLEHER a rousing appeal to field and forum. Since then invitations have been in "Coming Events." principal Cont~nts "principal J'rish events Page May By B. O'.Uahoney J83 2-6 R.D.S. Spring Show and Irisb Industries Fair. Balbbridge, Dublin. Pattern Day is Here .... A<;sociation Football (Junior Challenge Cup Final). Dublin. Wielders of the Slean at Turf-cutting Time 8-13 Fels CeoU (MusIcal Festival). Dublin. By Sean Feehan 10,11 Racing (Irish 2,000 Guineas). The Curragh, Kildare. Flyfi3hers' Carnival when the May-fly Rises 13 MO~" CY~f}:eiJlSler .. 200" Inlernational Molor Cycle Race). Tallaght, By L. Gaffey 1 i 1;' Raci. g. Powerstown Park, C1ollmel. CUriosities Around Ireland .... J 'n 19 Bil\' Dorby Draw. Dublin. Canoeing-A Cruise on the Shannon ~O.~4 Annual Conference of Librar)' A,sociation of Ireland. Castlehar, )Iayo. By jlIajor Raven-Hart 191 22-25 Golf (Irish Ladies' Cl~e Championships). Bundoran, DOllC'gal. By Geo. Campbell 192 27-29 Golf (Ol"'n Tournament). Waterford. Awheel to Killarney 27·30 Golf (Open "eeting). Ballybunion, Kerry. Pictorial Ireland 195-lfli 2~, 29 Golf (\\'hit COffil"'titions). Labinch. 2~, 29 Golf (Open Tournaments). Carlow. The Oireachtas-Convention of the Gaeb By M. E. 0'SlIillea!Jhain 199 ~s, ~n I:eis Carman. Ellniscorth·, "·cxford. :!9 Racing". \Yaterford and Traml r . Radio Eireann 203 21) Dog Show. Cork. A Directory of Irish Hotels .... 207 ~U, '30 R:lcing-. Baldoyle, Dublin. 181 IRISH TRA VEL May, rq39 NOTES AND NEWS More Canoeing .... Four Tons of Literature The River Shannon. Ireland Overseas. E\'ERAL overseas journals and magazines have recently "written-up" Tourist Ireland for their Sreaders, which goes to show how much intere t it has e\oked among vacationists. In mid-April, the Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic lYeUJS gave their most prominent position, beginning with the title page, to a pictorial survey of Game Fishing in Ireland (Part I). Ballycotton (that little town between Cork and Youghal) the most famous resort in all Europe for great game fi. hing was the scene of these pictures which gave a splendid survey of big-iisb catching in action, throughout a series of nine illustrations. Part II of this feature, which followed in the next week's edition, contained very fine pictures of baits used and the big fish caught. Turning to lighter themes, The Bicycle (London) devoted its centre pages feature to a spirited description of a Cycling Tour of Ireland told by " Ragged Staff," that cycling journali t of so many magazines devoted to the cult of the Iron Horse. This appeared in the A special despatch of fOl{r tOilS of Irish Tourist Literature i sue dated week ending April 29th of the current year. outside the I. T. A. Office", Dull/ill. priol' to its collveyance per From The Travel Log (April issue), comes a bright .5. Roosevell, which left Cob/: foy New York a1ld the World Fai"on J6th April. essay "Round Ireland by ~Iotor-bus," written by L. Russ~ll ~ruirhead. The Travel Log is the monthly Cyril Ashton, made a fortnight cruise last ummer in magazine of the \\'orkers' Travel A sociation and it his 26-ft. lifeboat conversion "Le Coq " and he gives i interesting to note that Mr. L. Russell Muirhead is full details of his trip, including costs, which amounted none other than the editor of the Blue Guides and the to £ro 6s. 8d. for a party of four. He remarks :- Penguin Guides. He certainly tells of one good way " It seems a great pity that tin's magnificent waterway to see Ireland, while the illustrations (reproduced from is so little known to British yachtsmen. One can spend photographs supplied by the Irish Tourist Association) weeks on it without seeing craft other than the barges do justice to the lovely scenes they depict. which carry on a daily ser7,ice over most of the navigable Canoeing Again. portions above Limerick." Canoeing is " in the news" just at present, judging Mountaineering. by many inquiries which reach us. So, to put enthusiasts As to Mountaineering, the very popular series on this wise before the die is ca t, we are publishing in this subject has now concluded. with the instalment in the issue a really interesting "Tour of the Shannon by April issue of IRISH TRAVEL. In view of the demand Canoe" which that international expert Major Raven for back issues of the magazine containing these articles Hart sent us from the brink of the Riviera where he (many of which have now gone out of print) the LT.A. was hibernating. He hints at coming back soon for has decided to reprint all the articles in a comprehensive another Canoe Tour of Ireland. booklet on Mountaineering in Ireland, which the hill peaking of the hannon (the largest river in Great climber and ridge walker will find invaluable on his Britain and Ireland) reminds us that an April issue of scrambles around the high spots of Ireland. The price The Motor Boat and Yachting (London) carried a really of this booklet will be very reasonable-r - per copy attractive description of a holiday cruise from Athlone and we shall have more news of it in June IRISH TRAVEL, to th Atlantic along this fine waterway. The writer, by which time it will probably be on sale everywhere. I TOURISTS STELLA MARIS HOTEL HIRE PRIVATE AUTOS SALTHILL --------- GALWAY Telepbone: DUBLIN 44000 IN OHARGE OF Beside the Atlantic waves. Bus passes door. EXPERIENOED DRIVERS Unique feature: Fully-furnished Bungalows at HIGH-CLASS ENCLOSED SALOON CARS. water's edge. Personal supervision. Excellent Open Day and Night. Cuisine. Electric Light throughout. Garage accommodation. Convenient to Golf Links. WESTBROOK MOTOR CO. Hot and Cold Water in all Bedrooms.