Llies Gaininattacks Fromsea to Meuse;
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WEATHER FORECAST. Fair to-da- y and toTmorrow; little change in temperature. IT SHINES FOB ALL Highest temperature yesterday, 67; lowest. 40. Detailed weather rtporti on list pigt. " ,., . VOL. LXXXVL NO. 29. XTnxxr irnntr oitvm 1 tr rranmmiiTinii on 1(110 n .. t... n. ,... 1 B..t.. a ..,,;.. HA DA f!l?0 DDTf1!? "IT'Tt 7U1 17XT'PC f In Oreeler LLIES GAIN IN ATTA CKS FROM SEA TO MEUSE; AMERICANS PRESS ON; BELGIA NS STRIKE TOO; FULL SURRENDER OF BULGARIA IS DEMANDED AUSTRIA PLANNING NEW British Win Uouzeaucourt $200,000,000 GIVEN Pershing Reports That Captures in BULGAR ARMY North Argonne Fighting Will Exceed 8,000 PEACE PARLEY AT HAGUE and Gain Two Miles TO BACK PERSHING of Cambrai. "WASHINGTON, Sept. 29. Gen. Pershing's report of the operations MUST DISBAND of the First Army cast of the Argonne Forest on Friday, received Baron Burian to Send Second Note to Belligerents AS BIG DRIVE CA PTURK rOELCAPELLE BEGINS hero follows: TO Modifying Kirst, and Holland Welcomes Northwest of Verdun the First Army continued its nttack begun GET PEACE N Xew York Overflows AVitli yesterday. The towns of Charpentry, Very, Epinonville and Ivoiry Proposed Conference. Belgians Advance Nearly 4 FOCH were taken. Repeated counter attacks on Major-Ge- Cnmeron's STRATEGY Ceil-tr- Patriotism as Complete AVith al Miles Take 4.000 Liberty's Corps were thrown back by troops from Ohio, New Jersey, Maryland Break Paris, Sefit. 2S. Bumors persist In the hospitality of the royal residence for and Campaign Starts. and Virginia nnd from Oregon, Washington, Colorado, Wyoming and Towers and Evacua- Vienna political circles that Baron Bu- that purpose. Prisoners. MADE Montana. rian, the Foreign Minister, will soon Haron von Hussarek, the Austrian BULGARIA Premier, on The captured material includes more than 100 guns, of which send to the belligerents a second peace Friday had a long confer- tion Also Required. ence with Deputy Meusar, note, according to Journal. TIIKEE FINE PARADES twelve are of heavy calibre; many tTench mortars and hundreds of the Zurich of the Austrian House, FRENCH TAKE MALMAISON along lxwer and SUE FOR PEACE machine guns. The numtcr of prisoners has risen to more than 8,000, This note. It Is reported, will be the only representative of the Czech Club including 125 officers. TEUTONS RUSHING HELP the same lines as the first, but will con- then In Vienna. "Very Important mat- Many Noted Men and Clergy tain morn precise statements which he ters of foreign policy," were discussed, Pershing's Men Pass Through modify according to the AUgemcine Zeitung at Is said to believe will the terms Lines Take Part in Impres- Policy of Concentrating German and Austrian Troops of the Entente. Vienna. First nnd Second nlso nro reports In Swltior. WIN on Way to Stem Tide of There W.vsili.voTo.v, Sept. 2S. A despatch East of the Argonne. sive Ceremonies. Men on West Re- N. Y. FLIERS YANKS KEEP UP pre- Front land that the Central Powers aro from Switzerland to-d- says that the Defeat and Desertion. pared to Intervene energetically In Ru- Vienna Arbeitcr Zeitung reports that the sponsible, Says March. Is taking part BELGIAN DAY AT ALTAR mania, which accused of victories of the Entente In Macedonia London, Sept. -- 8. Advancing on BRITISH CROSS ARGONNE GAINS in Intrigues contrary to the letter and and Palestine are making a profound (cn fronts, six of them in Franc, SS. n and spirit of tho treaty of Bucharest. Impression In semi-offici- MAY PAHIS, Sepl. Austria. The Koch's first stronR effort TURKS BE ISOLATED peare demonstration In Sofia hare ai. papers are trying to reassure public Marshal By developed Mayor Lays Cornerstone of named n serlnns character since lat the Attociated Preis. opinion by pointing out that only a rup- n Kill nst the Ocrmnns has Austro-Hungari- George A. Vaughn, ,lr., Brook They Battle Hard Against Sunday, disturbances hating taken place The IUciuk. Sept. 28. The ture of the Belgrade-Constantinop- line Into the greatest offensive since the Loan Shnft Built by $50 Rccntrnnce of Rumania Into even oppnlte the royal palace, accord- Government, according loan In tho region of Nlsh could mean a beginning of the wnr, with pro- lyn, Helped to Down 50 Enemy and official statement Issued here has Bonds in City ing to Information reselling Zurich. catastropho for the Central Powers, and nounced success crowning the ban-ne- rs Hall Fnrk. War Is Also Another 5G Communication between Vienna and suggested to Holland that It would ap- that It Is a long way from the present Foes in Days. Throw Him Back. of the Allies on every one of Sofia are reported to hare been Inter preciate it If any conferences of the front to Nlsh. ; The enemy, Probable Effect. rnpted. Excitement tn Budapest U run- belligerents arlsln-- out of the recent Tho Arb'itcr Zeitung replies by saying the ten fronts. harassed New York city stuck Its hand Into Austrian peace note could be conducted that the Austro-Germa- n troops rapidly almost beyond endurance and hurry- GOT 7 BALLOONS ALSO ning hUh. The Austrian Crown Council Its pocket yesterday and pulled out PRISONERS ROLLING IN tint been summoned and the principal at TCe Hague. The Dutch Government covered greater distances In their Ser- ing his scanty reserves from point to Special tletpateh to Tnr $:00,000,O0O as Its tlrst day's Invest- Stv. Hungarian political leaders hate arrlied refilled that It would be happy to extend bian campaign. point and then lmclc ngaln, as first Washington", Sept.28. Gen. March ment In Liberty bonds. That was in Vienna, it Is toted. one and another seemed in most or Starr, told tho newspaper War Department Beveals Airmen in Combat then just a Btart: within the next three Constant urgent need of help, Is beginning to weeks poke correspondents y that Bulgaria's London, Sept. 28. Great Britain It will exploring Angers Feats American Aviators Mope (50 ROUND crack badly under the strain. Into the comers and seams to dig up collapse has been brought about by of and Than German has replied to the Bulgarian request BRITISH ALLIES 20 MILES The Belgians, not lo lie left behind the rest of the SI,800,000,000, Its share the strategy of Marshal Foch In hold Working With Britain's. Planes Destroyed. for nn nrmlstlce. The reply. It is an- ing of fighting Is fully by In the gooil work, entered llie arena of the (6,000,000,000 tho nation Is go-i- the bulk Germany's nounced, covered the to produce. forces on the western front and forc answer given the Bulgarian repre- UP 5,000 TURKS INTOBULGARIA y with n new offensive covering Unofficial figures announced at the ing them to do continuous battle Special nttpateh to Tn Scv Jly the Amociated Pren. sentatives by the Commander of tho the whole line from Ypres to the sen, headquarters of the Liberty Loan there. Tho military Importance of Wasiiinoton, Sept. 2S. American With tub American Forcis on the allied army on the Macedonian front. and on the important portion of that this break in the Teutonic alliance fliers to British forces be- Front Northwest or Verdun. Sept. 28. By this reply It Is perfectly well de- to Ypres, they Committee aggregated 166.627,000, but attached the Gen. Allenby's Army Rapidly Advance Continues Despite Of- line from Dlxmudc these did not include .subscriptions of was emphasized. tween July 1 and August 23 accounted The determination of the Germans to fined that no military operations can miule a maximum gain of more than hold the Argonne Forest and the region MO.000,000 by the United States Steel "The defection of Bulgaria, her fle for fifty enemy airplanes and seven bal- bo suspended. Clearing Palestine to to and n miles, capturing to the east of It has caused the enemy fer of Armistice three hnlf sire for a separata pence," said Gen. At the same time, regarding the Pool-capell- Corporation and (25,000,000 by the loons. Word of this feat reached the 1,000 prisoners, the town of e, March, "Is not only important In to reenforce the front opposing ithe proposal duly accredited Bul- Sea of Galilee. Entente. Metropolitan Life Insuranco Com- the War Department to-d- In a summary that the flanking conduct of war from tho Americans. One German division garian representatives should confer and. I'achemhicle pany, all of which have been pledged the stand of British rtoyal Force reports. brought up point of diplomacy and Its general Is the same unit that was with tho Allies on the question of Uldge nn the north, are advancing out which had not been compiled by The War Pepartment statement based used to reenforce the line when the effect upon the grand strategy "of on summary length some of peace, It lias been made quite clear ALSO GETS 350 CANNON SERBS CAPTURE VELES toward Roulers. the Federal Reserve Bank of New the this cites at Americans fought for possession of Bel-lea- u war It also Government that such a Yorlcup to the close of business at but Illustrates to a strlk the combats In which thlrjy American Wood, northwest of Chateau tn the Sofia Will nnrc BelKlnn Plain. noon yesterday. Ing degree the results of the present aviators brought down a number-o- f the Thierry. peace necessarily Involves a complete enemy planesi Tho Distin- Us-kill- ) The capture of Bottlers will lay Many unofficial reports were re- concentration of forces on the west British There has been much fighting in the rupture by the Bulgarian Government French Took 2,300 Prisoners Offensive Pressed Toward guished Flying Cross has been awarded and Austria-- 1 bare the whole of the i Hel-cln- n ceived from cities, towns and hamlets ern front.