All mesons modeled using only electrons and positrons with relativistic onium theory Ray Fleming
[email protected] All mesons were investigated to determine if they can be modeled with the onium model discovered by Milne, Feynman, and Sternglass with only electrons and positrons. They discovered the relativistic positronium solution has the mass of a neutral pion and the relativistic onium mass increases in steps of me/α and me/2α per particle which is consistent with known mass quantization. Any pair of particles or resonances can orbit relativistically and particles and resonances can collocate to form increasingly complex resonances. Pions are positronium, kaons are pionium, D mesons are kaonium, and B mesons are Donium in the onium model. Baryons, which are addressed in another paper, have a non-relativistic nucleon combined with mesons. The results of this meson analysis shows that the compo- sition, charge, and mass of all mesons can be accurately modeled. Of the 220 mesons mod- eled, 170 mass estimates are within 5 MeV/c2 and masses of 111 of 121 D, B, charmonium, and bottomonium mesons are estimated to within 0.2% relative error. Since all mesons can be modeled using only electrons and positrons, quarks and quark theory are unnecessary. 1. Introduction 2. Method This paper is a report on an investigation to find Sternglass and Browne realized that a neutral pion whether mesons can be modeled as combinations of (π0), as a relativistic electron-positron pair, can orbit a only electrons and positrons using onium theory. A non-relativistic particle or resonance in what Browne companion paper on baryons is also available.