The quark structure of Hadrons Claude Amsler Stefan Meyer Institute for Subatomic Physics 3 - 17 November 2016 The quark structure of hadrons, C. Amsler, November 2016 1 Prof. Dr. C. Amsler EP department, CERN CH-1211 Geneva 23 Switzerland E-mail:
[email protected] Tel: + 41 22 767 2914 Mobile: +41 75 411 4329 Chair of Experimental Physics at the Physics Institute of the University of Zürich (1999 - 2012) Professor Emeritus (since August 2012) Affiliated with SMI since 1 April 2016, stationed at CERN The quark structure of hadrons, C. Amsler, November 2016 2 The Quark Structure of Hadrons 8 x 2 hours Exercises: Problems will be distributed near the end of the course Please submit your solutions until 20 December Corrections will be distributed in January Credit points: 1 hour/week at Uni without exercises (1.5 credit points) 2 hours /week at TU with exercises (3 credit points) (then please register at TU until 30 Nov) Exams in March 2017 Abstract: Phenomenologically oriented The quark structure of hadrons, C. Amsler, November 2016 3 Contents Bibliography 10.3 Potential model 1. Introduction 10.4 Level splittings 1.1 Gell-Mann-Nishijima formula 10.4.1 Fine splitting (charmonium), 1P1 mass 1.2 Conservation laws 10.4.2 Hyperfine splitting (charmonium) 2. Mesons 11 SU(3) color 2.1 Pion (spin, parity, Clebsch-Gordan coefficients) 11.1 Glueballs 2.1.1 Spin and parity of the neutral pion 11.2 Scalar mesons (Crystal Barrel, Dalitz plot) 2.2 Kaon (spin) 11.3 Intermezzo 1: branching ratios of isoscalar mesons into 2 pseudoscalars 3.