The Higgs Boson and the Cosmology of the Early Universe

Mikhail Shaposhnikov

Blois 2018 Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 1 Almost 6 years with the Higgs boson: July 4, 2012, Higgs at ATLAS and CMS

3500 ATLAS Data Sig+Bkg Fit (m =126.5 GeV) 3000 H Bkg (4th order polynomial) 2500 Events / 2 GeV 2000

1500 s=7 TeV, ∫Ldt=4.8fb-1 1000 s=8 TeV, ∫Ldt=5.9fb-1 γγ→ 500 H (a) 200100 110 120 130 140 150 160 100 0 -100

Events - Bkg (b) -200 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 Data S/B Weighted 100 Sig+Bkg Fit (m =126.5 GeV) H Bkg (4th order polynomial) 80 weights / 2 GeV

Σ 60


20 (c) 8100 110 120 130 140 150 160 4 0 -4 (d) -8 Σ weights - Bkg 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 m γγ [GeV]

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 2 What did we learn from the Higgs discovery for ?

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 3 The ideas of the authors of the BEH mechanism were right

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 4 The is now complete

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 5 126




Triumph of the SM in particle physics

No significant deviations from the SM have been observed

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 6 126




Triumph of the SM in particle physics

No significant deviations from the SM have been observed The masses of the top quark and of the Higgs boson, the Nature has chosen, make the SM a self-consistent effective field theory all the way up to the quantum gravity Planck scale MP .

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 6 Triumph of the SM in particle physics

No significant deviations from the SM have been observed The masses of the top quark and of the Higgs boson, the Nature has chosen, make the SM a self-consistent effective field theory all the way up to the quantum gravity Planck scale MP .

MH < 175 GeV : SM is a weakly coupled theory up to Planck energies

MH > 111 GeV: Our EW vacuum is stable or metastable with a lifetime greatly

exceeding the Universe age. 129

128 λ Strong coupling 127

126 , GeV h 125 m

max M 124 H 123 320 80 20 10 tU 10 tU 10 tU M crit zero 122 170 171 172 173 174 175 176 177 energy M MPlanck Fermi mt, GeV

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 6 How can we use the Higgs discovery for Cosmology?

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 7 How can we use the Higgs discovery for Cosmology?

Since the SM a self-consistent effective field theory all the way up to the Planck scale, we can try describe the evolution of the Universe within the SM from the very early stages, such as inflation and Big Bang, till the present days!

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 7 Universe with the Strandard Model: very early times

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 8 SM + gravity

Higgs field in general must have non-minimal coupling to gravity:

2 2 4 MP ξh SG = d x g R R − ( − 2 − 2 ) Z p

Jordan, Feynman, Brans, Dicke,...

Consider large Higgs fields h>MP /√ξ, which may have existed in the early Universe The Higgs field not only gives particles their masses h, but also ∝ determines the gravity interaction strength: M eff = M 2 + ξh2 h P P ∝ For h > MP (classical) physics is the same (M /M eff does not p√ξ W P depend on h)! Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 9 Physical effective potential does not depend on the Higgs field. Potential in Einstein frame U(χ)


Standard Model

λ v4/4 λM4/ξ2/16 0 0 v 0 0 χ χ - canonically normalized scalar field in Einstein frame.

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 10 Cosmological inflation

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 11 MP Stage 1: Higgs inflation, h > √ξ , slow roll of the Higgs field U(χ)


inflation λM4/ξ2/16

0 χ χ 0 end COBE χ

Makes the Universe flat, homogeneous and isotropic

Produces fluctuations leading to structure formation: clusters of galaxies, etc

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 12 CMB parameters - spectrum and tensor modes, ξ & 1000

ns = 0.97, r = 0.003

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 13 MP MP Stage 2: Big Bang, ξ


λM4/ξ2/16 Reheating

0 χ χ 0 end COBE χ

All particles of the Standard Model are produced

Coherent Higgs field disappears

The Universe is heated up to T M /ξ 1014 GeV ∝ P ∼ The universe is symmetric - no charge asymmetries Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 14 First great feature of the SM in cosmology

Presence of the fundamental scalar field – Higgs boson, which can play a role of the inflaton and make the Universe flat, homogeneous and isotropic and produce quantum fluctuations necessary for structure formation. Hot Big Bang due to Higgs field oscillations. All this is possible because of the Higgs-gravity coupling : ξH2R.

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 15 Two other great features of the SM in cosmology: Universe at the electroweak scale

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 16 Baryon number non-conservationists

The rate of B non-conservation exactly as we would like it to have for baryogenesis!


Msph 4π 160 exp( ) 10− ,T = 0 − αW ∼    Γ  exp Msph , TTc   

These reactions are in thermal equilibrium for

100 GeV T

First order phase transition: a mechanism to go out of thermal equilibrium. The universe is supercooled in the symmetric phase bubbles of new → (Higgs) phase are nucleated.

Size of the critical bubble: Higgs phase 1 R (αW Tc)− Higgs phase ∼ symmetric T 100 GeV phase c ∼ Bubble size at percolation: 6 10− cm. Higgs phase ∼

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 18 Bubble wall baryogenesis

Cohen, Kaplan, Nelson

1. Symmetric phase: φ†φ 2. Higgs phase: φ†φ = 0 h i ≃ h i 6 0 fermions are almost mass- fermions are massive and → → less and B-nonconservation is B-nonconservation is exponen- rapid. tially suppressed.

Fermions interact in a CP-violating way (reflected and transmitted) with the surface of the bubble ⇓ of the Universe after EW phase transition.

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 19 Mechanism

B is not conserved

B = 0


B is conserved v v B =/ 0

q _ q

_ q q

_ q q

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 20 Phase transition in SM

Kajantie, Laine, Rummukainen, MS



symmetric phase critical point critical point A VAPOUR B WATER

Higgs phase


P Typical condensed matter phase Electroweak theory diagram (pressure versus tem- hφ†φi ≪ (250GeV )2 perature) T = 109.2 ± 0.8GeV , No EW phase transition with 125 MH = 72.3 ± 0.7GeV GeV Higgs boson! † 2 hφ φiT =0 ∼ (250 GeV)

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 21 CP violation in the SM

MS; Farrar, MS; Gavela, Hernandez, Orloff, Pene, Quimbay; Huet, Sather Relevant measure of CP violation: Jarlskog determinant

6 2 4 4 2 2 20 D G s s2s3sinδm m m m 10− ∼ F 1 t b c s ∼ with possible amplifications due to finite temperature effects.

Too small to give the observed baryon asymmetry !

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 22 Universe is empty in the Standard Model: matter has annihilated with antimatter!

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 23 Universe is empty in the Standard Model: matter has annihilated with antimatter!

Also, there is no candidate for Dark Matter particle in the SM

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 23 Universe is empty in the Standard Model: matter has annihilated with antimatter!

Also, there is no candidate for Dark Matter particle in the SM

In addition, observations of neutrino oscillations : in the original SM neutrinos are massless and do not oscillate

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 23 Universe is empty in the Standard Model: matter has annihilated with antimatter!

Also, there is no candidate for Dark Matter particle in the SM

In addition, observations of neutrino oscillations : in the original SM neutrinos are massless and do not oscillate

Though SM works well in particle physics, it fails in cosmology and neutrino physics

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 23 Universe is empty in the Standard Model: matter has annihilated with antimatter!

Also, there is no candidate for Dark Matter particle in the SM

In addition, observations of neutrino oscillations : in the original SM neutrinos are massless and do not oscillate

Though SM works well in particle physics, it fails in cosmology and neutrino physics

Neutrinos, baryogenesis and dark matter : window to physics beyond the Standard Model!

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 23 However, extensions of the SM are very far from being unique:

Baryon asymmetry: there is just one number nB/nγ to explain: many scenarios were proposed.

Dark matter, absent in the SM: plephora of different candidates, 22 the masses of DM particles can be as small as (10− ) eV O (super-light scalar fields) or as large as (1020) GeV (wimpzillas, O Q-balls).

Neutrino masses and oscillations: many mechanisms, even the scale of new physics explaining m can vary from (1) eV to ν O (1015) GeV. O

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 24 Guiding principles

Requirement of “naturalness”? Naturalness = absence of quadratic divergencies in the Higgs mass. Not unique:

Low energy SUSY: compensation of bosonic loops by fermionic loops

Composite Higgs boson - new strong interactions

Large extra dimensions All these require new physics right above the Fermi scale, which was expected to show up at the LHC...

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 25 Guiding principles

Requirement of simplicity and minimality? Ockham’s razor principle: “Frustra fit per plura quod potest fieri per pauciora” or “entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity”. May be very constraining, but also not unique. Examples:

NMSM: The New Minimal Standard Model, Davoudiasl, Kitano, Li, Murayama ’05

Sm*a*s*h: Standard Model–axion–seesaw–Higgs portal inflation, Ballesteros, Redondo, Ringwald, Tamarit ’17

νMSM: The Neutrino Minimal Standard Model, Asaka, M.S. ’05


Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 26 “Complete” theory 1: the NMSM

Davoudiasl, Kitano, Li, Murayama ’05

Particle content: SM + 2 Majorana neutrinos N1,N2 + 2 real scalars

S1, S2

Role of N1,N2 :“give” masses to neutrinos and produce baryon asymmetry of the Universe.

Role of S1 : singlet scalar dark matter - WIMP. Symmetry S1 S1 → − is required for stability. Minimal model of DM Burgess, Pospelov, ter Veldhuis.

Role of S2 : inflaton. In fact, may not be needed, as inflation can be realised with the Higgs boson.

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 27 “Complete” theory 2: Sm*a*s*h

Ballesteros, Redondo, Ringwald, Tamarit ’17

Particle content: SM + 3 Majorana neutrinos N1,N2,N3+ new quark Q + 1 complex scalar σ

Role of σ: breaks lepton number and Peccei-Quinn (PQ) symmetry simultaneously. Leads to generation of Majorna masses of

N1,N2,N3. The complex phase of σ is the axion. Inflation : due to a scalar which is a mixture of the Higgs and σ

Role of N1,N2,N3 :“give” masses to neutrinos and produce baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Role of Q : Allows to use PQ symmetry for strong CP-problem Role of axion : dark matter

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 28 “Complete” theory 3: the νMSM

        ! " #   ! " # % %% %%% % %% %%%                              t  t  t   t  t  t  Left Righ  Left  Righ Left  Righ Left   Righ    Left  Righ Left   Righ 

                      t t t t  t  t         Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ   Left    Righ     Left    Righ  

   &'(         &'(               t t t  t  t  t               Lef Lef Lef Lef Lef   Lef                


          t t t  t  t  t    Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ Left Righ     $   ! "  $   ! "             

νMSM Neutrino minimal Standard Model Asaka, M.S. ’05 ≡ Minimal low scale see-saw model with 3 singlet fermions ≡ Role of the Higgs boson: break the symmetry and inflate the Universe

Role of N1 with mass in keV region: dark matter.

Role of N2,N3 with mass in 100 MeV – GeV region: “give” masses to neutrinos and produce baryon asymmetry of the Universe. Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 29 Parameter counting: the νMSM

Most general renormalizable Lagrangian

µ MI c LνMSM = LSM + N¯I i∂µγ NI FαI L¯αNI Φ N¯ NI + h.c., − − 2 I

Extra coupling constants:

3 Majorana masses of new neutral fermions Ni, 15 new Yukawa couplings in the leptonic sector (3 Dirac neutrino masses, 6 mixing angles and 6 CP-violating phases), 18 new parameters in total. The number of parameters is doubled in compari- son with SM!

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 30 Neutrino masses and Yukawa couplings

2 Yukawa couplings: Y = T race[F †F ]

✠✟✡ ✟✠ ☛☞ ✌ ✍☛☞ ✌✟ ☛☞ ✎

❏ ❑ ▲ ❏ ❇❉❃ ❉ ❆❇ ● ❉❅ ❈❃ ❍

✁ ✁ ✁✁

✁ ✆

✧✧ ✩✪ ✦ ✤✥ ✧★ ✦✧

- ✝

- ✞

✸ - ✄ ✂

❄ ❇❈❃❉ ❆❇ ❃❄❅ ● ❊❋●●❄ ❄ ❋❇ ❉ ❆❉ ●❊❋❍❍

✺ - ☎ ✂

✼ - - ✄ ✂ ☎ ✝ ✂✂ ✂☎

✁ ✆

✁ ✁ ✁ ✁ ✁

✎ ✍ ☛☛ ✔✕✖ ✓ ✢ ✜ ✢✣ ✒ ✏✑ ✗ ✘ ✘✚✛ ✙

✬✭ ✰✬ ✬✰ ✯ ✭✮ ✫✬ ✲✲✳ ✬ ✱ ✴✵✶

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 31 Heavy neutral leptons interact with the Higgs boson via Yukawa interactions - exactly in the same way other fermions do: N


FαI L¯αNI H˜

ν These interactions lead to

active neutrino masses due to GeV scale see-saw

creation of matter-antimatter asymmetry at temperatures T 100 GeV ∼ to dark matter production at T 100 MeV ∼

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 32 Baryogenesis

Nothing essentially interesting happens between 103 GeV

Heavy neutral leptons N2,3 are out of equilibrium. They are created in interaction with the Higgs boson H Nν, tt¯ Nν, etc ↔ ↔ CP- violation in these reactions lead to lepton asymmetry of the Universe

Electroweak baryon number violation due to SM sphalerons convert lepton asymmetry to baryon asymmetry of the Universe

These processes freeze out at T 140 GeV ≃

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 33 Baryon asymmetry

Creation of baryon asymmetry - a complicated process involving creation of HNLs in the early universe and their coherent CP-violating oscillations, interaction of HNLs with SM fermions, sphaleron processes with lepton and baryon number non-conservation

Akhmedov, Rubakov, Smirnov; Asaka, MS

Resummation, hard thermal loops, Landau-Pomeranchuk-Migdal effect, etc. Ghiglieri, Laine. How to describe these processes is still under debate, but the consensus is that it works and is testable. Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 34 Baryon asymmetry: HNLs N2,3


- - 10 6 NuTeV 10 6 CHARM PS191 PS191 BAU BBN BAU 2 2 -8 -8 BBN U U 10 10 BAU BAU

10-10 10-10 Seesaw Seesaw

10-12 10-12 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 0.2 0.5 1.0 2.0 5.0 10.0 M @GeVD M @GeVD Constraints on U 2 coming from the baryon asymmetry of the Universe, from the see-saw formula, from the big bang nucleosynthesis and experimental searches. Left panel - normal hierarchy, right panel - inverted hierarchy (Canetti, Drewes, Frossard, MS ’12). Similar results: recent works by Abada, Arcadia, Domcke, Lucente ’ 15, Hernández, Kekic, J. López-Pavón, Racker, J. Salvado ’16,Drewes, Garbrech, Guetera, Klaric´ ’16, Hambye, Teresi ’17 Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 35 Experimental challenges:

HNL production and decays are highly suppressed – dedicated experiments are needed: Mass below 5 GeV - Intensity frontier, CERN SPS: NA62 in ∼ beam dump mode, SHiP Mass below 5 GeV - Energy frontier, LHC: MATHUSLA ∼ + Mass above 5 GeV - FCC in e e− mode in Z-peak, LHC ∼ Generic purpose experiments to search for all sorts of relatively light dark sector particles (dark photons, hidden scalars, etc).

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 36 Normal hierarchy 10 -6 NuTeV

10 -7 PS191

BAU 10 -8

2 SHiP -9

|U| 10

10 -10 BBN FCC-ee 10 -11 Seesaw

1 10 HNL mass (GeV)

FCC at 1013 Z0 and decay length 0.01-500 cm

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 37 Dark Matter candidate: N1

DM particle is not stable. Main decay mode N1 3ν is not → observable. e± ν Subdominant radiative decay Ns ν W ∓ channel: . N νγ W ∓ → γ Photon energy:

N1 decays radiatively, N1 M → Eγ = 2 γν, producing a narrow line

Radiative decay width: which can be detected by X-ray telescopes! 2 9 αEM GF 2 5 Γrad = sin (2θ) M 256 4π4 s · Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 38 Dark matter production Production temperature of Dark matter HNL via processes like l¯l νN1: → 1/3 MI T 130 MeV ∼ 1 keV  

N 1 H

ν Z

ν ν ν

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 39 Status of sterile neutrino dark matter N1

Decaying DM: N1 γν → 3.5 keV line: E. Bulbul et al, Boyarsky et al

1706.03118,Bauretal. 1705.01837Abazajian

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 40 Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 41 Conclusions

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 42 The Standard Model is in great shape. The SM Higgs field can play an important role in cosmology:

It can make the Universe flat, homogeneous and isotropic

Quantum fluctuations of the Higgs field can lead to structure formation

Coherent oscillations of the Higgs field can make the Hot Big Bang and produce all the matter in the Universe

Real and virtual Higgs boson can play a crucial role in baryogenesis leading to charge asymmetric Universe

Dark Matter production may come about as an effect of mixing between neutrinos and heavy neutral leptons, induced by the Higgs field

A number of new experiments is needed to reveal the “secret” couplings of the Higgs boson Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 43 Backup slides

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 44 Important cosmological problems: Horizon problem: Why the universe is so uniform and isotropic?

t present horizon


horizon at recombination r

Expected fluctuations at θ 1o: ∼ δT/T 1. ∼ 5 Observed fluctuations: δT/T 1O− ∼

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 45 Flatness problem: Why ΩM +ΩΛ +Ωrad is so close to 1 now and was immensely close to 1 in the past?

All this requires enormous fine-tuning of initial conditions (at the Planck scale?) if the Universe was dominated by matter or radiation all the time!

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 46 1029

1028 [sec] τ 1027 XMM, HEAO-1 SPI Chandra Life-time

1026 8

PSD exceeds degenerate Fermi gas τ = Universe life-time x 10 Available X-ray satellites:

Suzaku, XMM-Newton, Chandra, 1025 -1 0 1 2 3 4 INTEGRAL, NuStar 10 10 10 10 10 10 MDM [keV]

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 47 NA62

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 48 Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 49 MATHUSLA

MAssive Timing Hodoscope for Ultra-Stable NeutraL PArticles

Rencontres de Blois, June 4, 2018 – p. 50