21st October 2016 Ms Anita Allen c/- Department of Planning, Transport and Infrastructure GPO Box 1815 Adelaide SA 5001
[email protected] Re: SAIR Submission – 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide - 2016 Update, Draft for Consultation South Australian Independent Retailers (SAIR) representing the Foodland and IGA supermarkets are pleased to provide a submission in relation to the update and review of the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide. SA Independent Retailers acts on behalf of Foodland and IGA supermarkets. There are 115 South Australia based owners operating a total of 236 Foodland, IGA and Friendly Grocer supermarkets across the State, currently employing more than 15,000 South Australians In principle, SAIR are supportive of the updated 30 Year Plan and the various policy themes that will guide land uses development in the Greater Adelaide region. The policies that underpin the key theme of Transit Corridors, Growth Areas and Activity Centres are of key importance to our owners and operators. We note with interest the wording of Policy 8 under this theme; namely P8 Provide retail and other services outside designated activity centres where development will contribute to the principles of accessibility, a transit-focused and connected city, high quality urban design, economic growth and competitiveness Firstly, it would be useful to have some greater clarity around the wording of this policy, particularly in terms of the size and magnitude of retail development and services that could potentially occur outside of a designated activity centres. We are concerned if this policy resulted in the development of new activity centres outside of existing centre zones in an unplanned or ad-hoc manner as has previously occurred in places such as Renmark, where the result has been a fragmented township and the demise of the town’s main street.