Online Comments

Application No 17/03498/PNTEL

Ref; Planning application number; 17/03498/PNTEL; proposed development by Telefonica UK Ltd. (Mobile phone mast on land at Manor Farm, , Marlborough, , Comments: SN8 4ER .)

We object to planning application number; 17/03498/PNTEL relating to the proposed development by Telefonica UK Ltd. of a mobile phone mast for the following reasons;

1. Location issues

The proposed location of a base station installation with a 17.5m replica telegraph pole, 2 microwave dishes, and 1 equipment cabinet lies within ;

• a World Heritage Site ( )

• an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty ( the North Wessex Downs)

Consequently, the development in general, and the mast in particular, would intrude inappropriately and harshly onto the historic and beautiful landscape which has been recognised internationally for these specific qualities. Furthermore the mast would be prominent and visible from a number of local sites of considerable antiquity, heritage and aesthetic value including The Ridgeway, the West Kennet long barrow cemetery and the Sanctuary on Overton Hill, thereby eroding the integrity of the environment and its essential character. Such aesthetic considerations were previously deemed to be important and a precedent was set with the removal of the telegraph poles on the approach to Overton Hill due to their intrusion on views of the landscape of the World Heritage Site.

2. National and international guidance

It appears that due consideration has not been given to ensure adherence to national planning guidance; for example in respect of the World Heritage Sites, the National Planning Policy Framework ( NPPF) ;-

- para.43, recommends that installations such as telecommunication masts should be minimised ‘consistent with the efficient operation of the network. Existing masts, buildings and other structures should be used, unless the need for the new site is justified.”

- para 132, ‘ great weight should be given to the asset’s conservation. The more important the asset, the greater the weight should be. Significance can be harmed or lost through alteration or destruction of the heritage asset or development within its setting’.

Local Council guidance ( the Wiltshire Core Strategy, Policy 59 ) and the World Heritage Site Management Plan, echo the importance of adopting a carefully considered and co ordinated approach to development in order to ensure protection of the World Heritage Site and its location ( see Vision (page 10); and policies 1a, 1d and 3c )

Furthermore the Kennet Landscape Conservation Strategy for the Marlborough Downs (2005, p.30) stated that;

‘Much of this area is inaccessible down land devoid of settlement, and where most types of development would be out of character and unacceptable. Perhaps the biggest threat to the visual integrity of the area is from telecommunication masts. Where these are essential they should be sited so that they do not break the skyline from all primary view points and that they are located within or adjacent to mature tree clumps. Hedge planting using native species will usually be required around all telecommunication compounds. Telecommunication masts should be located outside the Avebury World Heritage Site and where they do not visually impact upon it.’

3. Option appraisal ref technical coverage issues

We understand that the mobile phone signal coverage that could be provided by the proposed mast would not extend fully to cover the neighbouring villages of East Kennet and Lockeridge. Consequently, as demand for mobile phone services continues to rise , further developments; potentially an additional mast , are anticipated to be required in due course, either at the same or another location.

It is therefore important to ensure that robust consideration is given from the outset to all possible sites for the proposed mast. We understand, however, that other sites and options would provide improved coverage from the outset and yet appear not to have been evaluated in full and due process has not been followed . For example further development of the existing mast within West Woods. Furthermore we have also been informed that contact was not made with all the landowners cited in the original application.

In summary, the proposed development is opposed on the grounds of ;

• Inappropriate location

• apparent contravention of international and national planning guidance

• inadequate option appraisal (technical considerations)

Name: Miss Jillian J TURNER

Address: 1 Meadow Rise





Date: 15/05/2017

Case Officer: Peter Horton