Salzburg Seminar in American Studies Karl-Robert Danler, Olivier Messiaen Zum 70
NEWS SECTION be based on events from the career of Sieg- Periodicals mund Freud, will be given a year later at the Deutsche Oper, Berlin. NEUE ZEITSCHRIFT FUR MUSIK (formerly MELOS). Editor-in-Chief: Wolf- gang Burde; editorial address: D-6joo Mainz HOWARD SKEMPTON. Mound for 2 horns, 1 Weihergarten, Postfach 3640. viola, accordion and piano (premiere) — 2 8 January-February 1979 February / British Music Information Centre Wolfgang Rihm, Ins eigene Fleisch, pp.6-8. Experimental Music Concert j ensemble Hans-Jiirgen von Bose, Versuch einer Bestim- c. composer. mung meines momentanen Standortes, pp.9-11. Hans-Christian von Dadelsen, Was macht KARLHEINZ STOCKHAUSEN is writing a Dionysos im Matriarchat?, pp. 12-14. Detlev work for symphonic band, commissioned by Muller-Siemens, untitled article, pp.ij-16. the University of Michigan for its centenary Manfred Trojahn, untitled article, pp.17-19. celebrations. Donnerstag, a stage-work extrac- Wolfgang von Schweinitz, Standort, pp. 19-21. ted from his seven-part work-in-progress Peter Michael Hamel, Autobiographisches, Licht, is scheduled to be premiered at La pp.2 2-24. Aribert Reimann, Salut Jiir die Scala, Milan in 1981. junge Avantgarde, p.2j. Peter Gradenwitz, Die jiingsten Komponisten Israels, pp.26-28. Lennart Reimers, Neue Musik in Schweden, TORU TAKEMITSU. A fiock descends into the pp.28-30. Thomas Adank, Zwei junge Schw- Pentagonal Garden (European premiere)—1 3 eizer Komponisten, pp.30-31. Lothar Knessl, November 1978 / Cologne / Gurzenichorches- Oesterreichisches Komponistenpanorama, pp.31 -3 2. ter c. Hiroyuki Iwaki. John G. Papaioannou, Die neue griechische Schule: der Weg zur Selbsta'ndigkeit, pp.3 3-39.
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