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CAss Cl'rv CHRONiC]_,E@ Vol. 20, No. 15 CASS CITY, MICH.. FRIDAY, AUGUST 29, 1924 8 PAGES i Mr. and Mrs. Hendrick received "Salting" the hay is a good safety many beautiful and useful gifts and measure. A 12-quart pail of salt to cards brought loving messages from each load of hay. will take up much r ~u~n~n ~Tll~rTr friends. All their children and grand- ~ the bacterial actioh, which i~ the grandson who is in the army. forerunner to the costly dangerous Besides the near-by reiatives, those spontaneous combustion." pres~lt included Thomas ~ WMsh of :EDGAR GUEST AND PROF. WM. L, Toledo, Ohio, Mrs. Rose Sweeney of O~TLOOK IS PROMISING FOR _4.' PHELPS WERE ON Detroit, Mr. and Mrs. J. Higgins of CELEBRATE GOLDEN WEDDING. PROGRAM. Rochester, Mich., Mr.and Mrs. Lester MUCH LARGER ENROLL- Hendrick and little daughter, the lat- Thirty relatives of Mr. and Mrs. E. MENT. ter being a great grandchild of Mr. S. Simmons of Gagetown gathered at One Hundred Fourteen Travel 86 and Mrs. O. A. Hendrick, and Mr~ their home Sunday to help them cele- i Course of Study Has Been Revised, Miles to Pay Esteem to Jas. K. " Kenyon, all of Grand Rapids, and Mr. brate their golden wedding anniver- Making It More Brooker at Banquet Friday. and Mrs. Hendrick's three children sary. After dinner was served, they and families and their daughter of were presented with several bdauti- Practical. Flint. ful gifts. One hundred fourteen people mo- Those present were Mr. and Mrs. t The Cass City Schools open nex~ tored from Cass City to Williams Inn, Frank Wood and family, Mr. and Tuesday, Sept. 2, for the fall term three miles south of Harbor Beach, on Mrs. Lorne Wood and family, Mr. and and the outlook is promising for a :Friday afternoon to attend a banquet Mrs. Harry Wood, Mr• and Mrs. Al- larger enrollment• Many more rural given in honor of James K. Brooker~ bert Wood, all of Detroit, Mr. and students are expected the coming Cass City's representative at the Mrs. Frank Stevens, Mrs. Nellie year, the agricultural department Olympic meet at Paris, France; last . OP[ S Wood and Miss Winnifred Wood, all proving one of the means for attract- month. TUE;DAY of Chatham, Ont., and Mr. and ing non-resident pupils to Cass City. Following a splendid fish and chick- Mrs. Byron Bentley, Mr. and Mrs. Supt. H. W. Holmes will be at the en dinner, M. B. Auten, who presided IN .SANILAC COUNTY WITH 84 Win. Simmons and family, and Mr. school building tomorrow (Saturday) as toastmaster, told or the pride of CASES LISTED ON SEPT. and Mrs. E. A. Livingston and family afternoon to aid those who wish to Cass City people in having a repre- of ~/his community. CALENDAR. plan their work for the coming year. sentative and winner at the world Metal weatherstrips 'have been athletic meet and ably voiced the placed on the 56 ~indows on the great appreciation of ~he company in ,Nineteen Are Criminal Cases, 31 Is- :north and west sides of both school having as contributor~ of the even- sue of Fact, 19 Chancery and 15 lbuildifigs to keep out the winter ing's program Prof. William Lyons winds, the buildings have been thor- More Than One Year Old. Phelps of Yale University and Edgar oughly cleaned and decorated and are Guest~ Michigan's poe~. ~r. Guest has spic and span for the coming term° been spending the season at his sum- The September term of circuit Four new desks for teachers and a ~ner home at Pointe Aux Barques and court opens in Sanilac county next set of new maps have been added to Profo Phelos at his summer home at Tuesday with 84 cases on the calen- THAT'S THE WAY SOME SOUTH the equipment recently. Huron City. Both gentlemen motored dar. Of this number, 19 are criminal JAMES K. BROOKER AMERICAN CAMPAIGNS The following is the list of instruc- to the Inn to attend the banquet. Mr. cases, 31 issue of fact cases, 19 chan- tors: Guest's vacation ended that evening Winner of third place in the pole vault event at the Olympic meet~ ARE HANDLED. cery cases and 15 cases in which no Superintendent, H. ~r. Holmes. and Mr. Phelps will sail in October to action has been taken for more than was the guest of honor at a banquet at Williams Inn Friday evening. He Principal, Harry E. Duke. spend a year in Europe. a year. is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Brooker of Cass City, a graduate of the Clayton Palmer Writes of Revolution English, Ellen Palm. Prof. Phelps put his audience in Of the 19 criminal cases, the par- Cass City high school, and now a student at the University of Michigan History and coaching, Earl Brooks. good humor from the startrelating a in Coffee District in ties and action as listed on the calen- and captain of the university track team for the coming year. Mathematics, Kate Burgett. number of timely anecdotes, some Brazil. dar are as follows: Languages, Margaret Hornet. of them touching on his participa- Christ Lukity, violation of liquor Home economics, Avis Smith. tion in athletics in his early days in TU$COLhCOUNTY NEEDS TO tMr. Bert Judd of Columbiaville was .The Chronicle received a letter last ~.griculture and junior high supt., law; Win. Wintermute, violation of !solemnized Saturday, Aug. 16, at the Huron county. l liquor law; Chas. E. Freshour, em- week from Clayton Palmer, a former Willis, Campbell. • Mr. Phelps gave a historical set- home of the bride, in the presence of bezzlement of chattel mortgage prop- [16HT TUBERCULOSIS Gagztown resident,• who is• now en- , As st principal and English, Kath- ting to his address when he reviewed t only the immediate relatives. The erty; David J. Simons, unlawful sale gaged in missionary work in Brazil. ryn Wassenaar. briefly the beginning of the Olympic ceremony was performed by Roy. cigarettes; Gee. Wintermute, assault The letter was dated July 7 at Santo Music and art, Alberta Bishop. games in 500 B. C. and told how they 'Michigan Tuberculos's Association Young" of the M. E. church of Lapeer. and battery; Gee. Wintermute, viola- Amaro, SaD Paulo, and reads as fol- Sixth grade, Hanoi Brooks. had united the Greeks in early his- t Holds Free Chest Clinics with Mrs. Stanley Baker of Pontiac, sis- tion of liquor law; Frank Simons, vio- lows: Fifth grade, Blanche Ferguson. ~ tory. It is an absolute certainty that Christmas Seal Sale. i ter of the groom, attended the bride lation of liquor law; Edward Hutch- I have read from time to time my Fourth grade, Reva Schultz. the ancient Grecians could not win a as maid of honor, and Mr. Baker act- rosen, violation of liquor law; Carl letters which you have published in Third-grade, Margaret Wallace. point at a world meet today because ed as best man. After the ceremony Willis, larceny and receiving proper- the Chronicle and am glad that you Second grade, Marie Tindale. ~f the high marks which have been Of the 90 persons examined two the couple left for a motor trip to St. ty under false pretenses; Fred W. found them worth the space aS[though First grade, Dora N. Fritz. set by modern athletes. weeks ago at the Tuscola County tu- Johns and other cities. They will be Foss, disposing of chattel mortgaged I confess that i never wrote them Kindergarten, Zora Day. Something apart from m~re i berculosis clinics, held in Care on at home to their friends after Aug. strength and agility make possible Turn to page 5. Tuesday and Vassar on Wednesday, 25, on the farm of the groom near with the expectation that they would the wonderful feats of the present ]17 were found afflicted with the dis- Columbiaville. Mrs. Judd will still be published, so was not as ~ careful day athlete. The power of will is a ease. These free chest clinics were preach at the Novesta church. ins I otherwise would have been.-I un- derstand that some have been inter- BAD FIRE Bl [Al{8 [IUT factor to be considered. What will [two of a series which the Michigan 31 RANTED CERTII:IIATES ~ested in them, however, and if you be the record of the fastest sprinter Tuberculosis Association is holding i care to use this as another "filler", and the highest pole vaulter 20 years AT U UST EXAMiNATiON over the state. ~i POOR ~O~OP STORA6E ~you may do so. hence ? No one can tell, but one may "Many people availed the~mselves i -THiJRDAY NOON Truly this is a wonderful country be sure it will be considerably better of the opportunity for free examina-i " CAUSES BARN FIRES List of Those Sucessful at the Recent ~with vast pos,sibilities but thus far Fire broke out in Mrs. Euphemia that present day records. tion," said Miss Laura Bauch, direct- development has been rather slow as Hunter's millinery store at noon Prof. Phelps saidflhat when he was Examination Held in Sanilac or of the clinic for ~he association. Spontaneous Combustion May Result far as natural resources are con- Thursday completely destroying~Mrs. a student at Yale, the college athlete County. "But there were not nearly enough of cerned. Other nations have wanted to Hunter's milinery stock and fixtures who could throw the hammer 100 feet i those present who have come into I from Overheating of Moist Hay come in and develop and have offered and badly damaging the building was a record rnakero Today, a man contact with this scourge through/ or Grain in Mows.