Freedc and Responsibility in Relaticn to Themselves
DCCOHENT RESUME ED 033 924 TE 001 366 TITLE The Humanities: A Planning Guide fcr Teachers. INSTITUTICN New York State Education Lept., Albany. Eureau cf Seccndary Curriculum Development. Pub Date 66 Note 179p. EDRS Price EDRS Price HF-S0.75 HC-$9.05 Descriptors Course Ctjectives, Course Organization, Cultural Enrichment, *Curriculum Planning, Fine Arts, History, Humanities, *Humanities Instruction, Literature, Personal Values, Philosophy, *Program Guides, Religicn, *Seccndary Education, Social Values, *Teaching Methods Abstract The purpcse of this guide is tc encourage the development cf busanities programs at the high school level so that students, through acquaintance with the thoughts, creations, and actions cf past and present men in every area cf knowledge, bill think tout the values of freedc and responsibility in relaticn to themselves. Not intended as a course cf study, the guide is a compilation of ideas, objectives, and suggested teaching approaches and student activities. Three especially detailed approaches to the humanities program are presented:(1) the Functions Approach, ccncerned with man's values and expression in relaticn to himself and to society;(2) the Elements Approach, ccncerned with the form, reality, meaning, and purpcse of the aesthetic experience; and (3) the Chronological Apprcach, focused of man's interest in himself, religicn, nature, play, and the community. Also included are reccmmendaticns fcr program construction, an outline cf Western man's history, and lists cf humanities materials and non - Western works that could be included in a humanities program. (JN) Y.S. MAUMEE OF HEALTH, MAIN & MAI ONCE OF *KANN TINS WINE HAS RENNIE* EXACTLY AS RECEIVED RON 1NE PERMN OR ORGANIZATION MOM IT.POINTS OF VIEW OR OPINIONS STAB 10 NT NECESSANY MST OMNI ONCE Of MAIN -st POSITION OR POUCY.
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