Issue 67 Year 2005 SPECIAL MONOGRAPHIC ISSUE NewNew PoliticalPolitical Statute,Statute, aa proposalproposal forfor coexistencecoexistence Issue 67 Year 2005 Aguirre, AURKIBIDEA / TABLE OF CONTENTS centenario del primer Lehendakari vasco GAURKO GAIAK / CURRENT EVENTS: New Basque Statute 3 • Opening letter. A proposal for coexistence. 4 • Chronicle of a proposal. Issue 67 - Year 2005 AUTHOR Eusko Jaurlaritza-Kanpo Harremanetarako Idazkaritza Nagusia Basque Government-General Secretariat for Foreign Action C/ Navarra, 2 01007 VITORIA-GASTEIZ Telephone: (+34) 945 01 7900
[email protected] DIRECTOR Josu Legarreta Bilbao 6 • The Lehendakari's EDITOR statement to the Congress Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Argitalpen of Deputies in Madrid in Zerbitzu Nagusia defense of the New Statute Servicio Basque Government Central Publication Service for the Basque Country. COORDINATION AND 14 • The Lehendakari's EDITORIAL OFFICE reply to party A. Zugasti (Kazeta5) representatives. LAYOUT AND DESIGN didart 16 • 100 questions . 100 answers. PHOTOGRAPHS Photo Archive, Office of the President and EFE PRINTING Xxxxxxxxxxx ISSN: 1579-4210 Further information and the complete texts of the articles cited in this issue are available by visiting: NEW POLITICAL STATUTE Aurkezpena Introduction n a plenary session held on Covenant on Economic, Social, December 30th, the Basque and Cultural Rights. Parliament passed by an The right of the Basque people Iabsolute majority the to decide their own future is proposal to reform the based on respecting their right Political Statute for the as citizens of the different Basque Autonomous legal and political spheres Community. Under Spanish A proposal for making up the Basque region, law statutory amendments to be consulted when it comes may be introduced under to deciding their own future.