Autonomous Chaos-Strategy CONTENTS: (4) International Resistance News (11) The Bombs (1915) from ‘Carteles I’ (13) Report from the Autonomous Spaces Gathering, Dijon, France (19) Towards a Warm 2008 (19) Anti-G8 2007 : Report (28) Letter of Gabriel Pombo da Silva (29) Prison Revolt in Belgium (32) Against the Leaders from ‘Carteles I’ (33) Interview with Christian S, Anti-Fascist in Prison "Things have changed since 2005, we have (34) Running away from the Prison Society from ‘Incognito’ crossed a red line. When these kids aim their (36) Letter of Christina Tonidou guns at police officers, they want to kill them. They are no longer afraid to shoot a (37) Interview with Anonymous Anarchist from Bialystok, Poland policeman. We are only on the second day (42) Perspective of a Black Bloc Participant: “Atlantica” Riot since the accident and already they are shooting guns at the police." (43) Letter from Giorgos Voutsis-Vogiatzis Joachim Masanet, secretary general of the French (45) Anti-Colonial Struggle in Kanada UNSA police trade union. (50) Letter from Artur Konowalik (52) Stunning Like Marrasi in Flames (54) 10 Years in Jail - or in a Cave by Thomas Meyer-Falk ISSUE #5 > > (55) MG (Militant Group) : A Chronology Printed by the Anti-Copyright Network (57) Repression & Reports (64) Distro
[email protected] #5 / laid to rest. Anarchism has always been antagonistic to organised exploitation and will remain so This magazine is an infrequent DIY printed inclined. It is not for nothing that project of incendiary texts & images, Copenhagen’s Chief of Police involving the collaboration of a small network of anarchists and anti-capitalists spread despaired of the ‘autonomous chaos- across Europe and the World.