SENATE Mittee on Foreign Affairs

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SENATE Mittee on Foreign Affairs 1952 CONGRESSION.t\.L RECORD- SE~ATE 1225 MEMORIALS sidering an amendment to the Constitution PETITIONS, ETC. of the United States relative to taxes on in­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, Under clause 3 of rule :XXII, memo• comes, inheritances and gifts; to the Com­ rials were presented and referred as mittee on the Judiciary. 564. Mr. MILLER of Maryland presented a Also, memorial of the Legislature of the petition of 18 citizens of Chestertown , Md., follows: in favor of legislation to prohibit alcoholic By Mr. GOODWIN: Memorial of the Massa­ State of Georgia, memorializing the. Presi­ dent and the Congress of the United States beverage advertising over the radio and tele­ chusetts Legislature memorializing Congress vision and in magazines and newspapers, to enact legislation providing funds for pub­ to call a convention for the purpose of pro­ posing an amendment to article 6, clause 2, which was referred to the Committee on In­ lic-works projects for the Commonwealth of terstate and Foreign Commerce. Massachusetts; to the Committee on Appro­ of the Constitution of the United States re­ priations. lating to treaty making powers; to the Com­ Also, memorial of the Massachusetts Leg­ mittee on the Judiciary. islature memorializing the Congress to adopt the Edwards perpetual calendar; to the Com­ SENATE mittee on Foreign Affairs. PRIVATE BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Also, memorial of the Massachusetts Leg­ Under clause 1 of rule XXII, private THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 1952 islature memorializing Congress to enact leg­ bills and resolutions were introduced and lslation to reduce to 63 years the age for eligi­ severally referred as follows: (Legislative day of Thursday, January bility for old-age assistance; to the Commit­ 10, 1952) tee on Ways and Means. By Mr. ANFUSO: By Mr. HESELTON: Memorial of the Gen­ H. R. 6730. A bill for the relief of Giorgio The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, eral Court of the Commonwealth of Massa­ Polifione; to the Committee on the Judiciary. By Mr. BENNETT of Florida: on the expiration of the recess. chusetts memorializing Congress to enact The Chaplain, Rev. Frederick Brown legislation providing funds for public-works H. R. 6731. A bill for the relief of N. A.G. L. projects for the Commonwealth of Massa­ Moerings, Mrs. Bertha Johanna Krayenbrink Harris, D. D., offered the following chusetts; to the Committee on Appropria­ Moerings, and Lambertus Karel Aloysius Josef prayer: tions. Moerings; to the Committee on the Judici­ ary. Our Father God, whose love for Thy Also, memorial of the General Court of the children across all human barriers Commonwealth of Massachusetts memorial­ By Mr. BOGGS of Delaware: izing the Congress of the United States to H. R. 6732. A bill for the relief of the alien reaches to the end8 of the earth: In the adopt the Edwards perpetual calendar; to Ilona Lindelof; to the Committee on the golden glory of a new day Thou grantest the Committ ee on Foreign Affairs. Judiciary. us the high privilege of faring forth to Also, memorial of the Massachusetts House By :Mr. CURTIS of Nebraska: be laborers together with Thee in the of Representatives favoring increase of H. R. 6733. A bill for the relief of John coronation of goodness. We would of­ bicycle importation tariff; to the Committee Nicholas Christodoulias; to the Committee on fer ourselves as the instruments through on Ways and Means. the Judiciary. which may be answered the petition of Also, memorial of the General Court of the By Mr. HERTER: Commonwealth of Massachusetts memorial­ H. R. 6734. A bill for the relief of Dr. Jacob the prayer we bring: Thy kingdom come. izing Congress to enact legislation to reduce L. Grund; to the Committee on the Judiciary. We wait now for Thy henediction that to 63 years the age for eligibility for old-age By Mr. JACKSON of California: we may face whatever the day brings, in assistance; to the Committee on Ways and H. R. 6735. A bill for the relief of Mrs. the gladness of Thy guidance, in the joy Means. Micheline Beaudoin Harby; to the Commit­ of Thy service, and in the solemn reali­ By Mr. MARTIN of Massachusetts: Memo­ tee on the Judiciary. zation that we are indeed our brother's rial of the General Court of Massachusetts By Mr. KILDAY: keeper. memorializing the Congress of the United H. R. 6736. A bill for the relief of Charles States to adopt the Edwards perpetual cal­ H. Denny and Dorothy Mae Denny, his wife; We pray for the le<:l.ders of the Na­ endar; to the Committee on Foreign Affairs. to the Committee on the Judiciary. tion in these tempestuous days, and es­ Also, memorial of the General Court of By Mr. LANTAFF: pecially those who serve in this body. Massachusetts memorializing Congress to en­ H. R. 6737. A bill for the relief of Filippo Give them kind hearts, clear thought, act legislation providing fUnds for public­ Del Guidice; to the Committee on the Judi­ and quiet faith. Among ourselves and works projects for the Commonwealth of ciary. in our dealing with all the peoples of the Massachusetts; to the Committee on Public H. R. 6738. A bill for the relief of Mary Fox; world, in nations great and small, may Works. to the Committee on the Judiciary. Also, memorial of the General Court of By Mr. MANSFIELD: we be so transparently just and fair that Massachusetts memorializing Congress to en­ H. R. 6739. A bill for the relief of 1-'red­ falsehood and every evil that shuns the act legislation to reduce to 63 years the age erick Arnold Eickhoff; to the Committee on light may be banished by the truth for eligibllity for old-age assistance; to the the Judiciary. which makes men free. We ask it in Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. NICHOLSON: the name of that One who is the truth, Also, memorial of the General Court of the H. R. 6740. A bill for the relief of Aug;usto and the way, and the life. Amen. Commonwealth of Massachusetts favoring in­ Inacio de Medeiros; to the Committee on the crease of bicycle importation tariff; to the Judiciary. Committee on Ways and Means. By Mr. O'HARA: THE JOURNAL By the SPEAKER: Memorial of the Legis­ H. R. 6741. A bill for the relief of Nabiha lature of the State of Massachusetts memo­ Elias Audi, also known as N. E. Audi; to the On request of Mr. McFARLAND, and by rializing the President and the Congress of Committee on the Judiciary. unanimous consent, the reading of the the United States to adopt the Edwards per­ H. R . 6742. A bill for the relief of Nabiha Journal of the proceedings of Wednes­ petual calendar; to the Committee on For­ Elias Audi, also known as N. E. Audi; to the day, February 20, 1952, was dispensed eign Affairs. Committee cin the Judiciary. with. Also, memorial of the Legislature of the By Mr. PRICE: State of Massachusetts, memorializing the H. R. 6743. A bill for the relief of Emiko President and the Congress of the United Baku; to the Committee on the Judiciary. ' MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT States to enact legislation providing funds By Mr. SIEMINSKI: for public-works projects for the Common­ Messages in writing from the Presi­ H. R. 6744. A bill for the relief of Stanley dent of the United States submitting wealth of Massachusetts; to the Committee Dankowski; to the Committee on the Judi­ on Public Works. ciary. nominations were communicated to the Also, memorial of the Legislature of the H. R. 6745. A bill for the relief of Jo­ Senate by Mr. Miller, one of his secre­ State of Massachusetts, memorializing the seph Cieplinski; to the Committee on the taries. President and the Congress of the United st·ates to enact legislation to reduce to 63 Judiciary. years the age for eligibility for old-age as­ By Mr. SIKES: MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE sistance; to the Committee on Ways and H. R. 6746. A bill for the relief of Lucas Albert Horvath; to the Committee on the Means. A message from the House of Repre­ .Uso, memorial of the Legislature of the Judiciary. sentatives, by Mr. Maurer, one of its State of Massachusetts, favoring increase of By Mr. SIMPSON of Illinois: reading clerks, announced that the bicycle importation tariff; to the Commit­ H. R. 6747. A bill for the relief of Chieko House had passed, without amendment, tee on Ways and Means. Fujimoto; to the Committee on the Judiciary. the bill S. 1244) to amend the Federal By Mr. WILLIAMS of Mississippi: Also, memorial of the Legislature of the Civil Defense Act of 1950 to except the State of Georgia, memorializing the Presi­ H . R . 6748. A bill for the relief of Nadeem dent and the Congress of the United States T annous and Mrs. Jamile Tannous; to the Territory of Alaska from certain re­ to call a convention for the purpose of con- Committee on the Judiciary. strictions upon the making of Federal 1226 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE February 21 contributiom, and to ame1 id the provi­ MANAGEMENT OF WATER AT LAKE DAR­ "In house of representatives, adopted sions thereof relating to the taking of LING, N. DAK.-RESOLUTION OF MOVSE February 4, 1952. "LAWRENCE R. GROVE, oaths by certain civil-defense personnel. RIVER CATTLEMEN'S ASSOCIATION, TOWNER, N. DAK. "Clerk. "In senate, adopted in concurrence Febru­ EI\'ROLLED JOINT RESOLUTION SIGNED Mr. LANGER. Mr. President, I pre­ ary 11, _1952 . sent for appropriate reference, and ask "IRVING N. HAYDEN, The message also announced that the unanimous consent to have printed in "Clerk." Speaker had affixed signature to the the RECORD, a resolution adopted by the enrolled joint resolution <H.
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