Title 京都大学アメリカ研究所図書目録

Author(s) 京都大学アメリカ研究所

Citation 京都大学アメリカ研究所. (1963): 1-162

Issue Date 1963-03-30

URL http://hdl.handle.net/2433/216378


Type Book

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Kyoto University 京都大学アメリカ研究所





March 1963 京都大学アメリカ研究所

京都大学アメリカ研究所 京都大学附属図書館

1963年3月 き は し が





アメリカ研究所は研究体制の整備の一環として図書室の 整備拡充を図るにあたり、図書の利用範囲の拡大と利用度





京都大学アメリカ研究所長 京都大学附属図書館長 田 中 周 友 凡 例

1 本目録は、1962年10月1日現在における京都大学アメリカ研究所の蔵書





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5 分類はDewey Decimal Classificationの16版を基礎とし、これに若干の変

更を加えた。 Conte皿ts

GENERAL WORKS-……一・一……………・……一……一・一…一一…………1 PHILOSOPHY ・一……………・……………・…・………一・…◆…・・…………・……・………1 Metaphysics…・…一…一…………一・…一…………………・…………・…一……2 Logic・・…・……・…・……・………・…・・……・…………・・………・………・……………’・…・・4 Ethics ・…………・・……・…………・・…・……………・・…………・……・・…・・………・・…・・7 Ancient&Medieval Philosophy…・……一・……………・………一…・…・・…・……8 1⊥- Modern Philosophy…一・・…… ◆ . ・ ・ ● ■ ● ● ■ ● ● , ・ . ・ . . . ・ ウ ・ ◆ . ・ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ 吟 右 ● ● ● ■ の ■ ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ■ ● ■ . . 呼 ■ ● ● σ ● ■ ■ ■ ■ ● 旬 ■ 04

Religion…………・…・・………… . ■ 念 ・ ● ■ ● ● ● ● ’ . ・ . ・ . ・ 、 ・ ■ ● ● ● ■ 舟 ■ ■ ● ● ■ ● ■ ● ■ ● ■ ● ⑳ ● ■ ⑳ ■ ◆ ■ ● . ● ◆ ● ● ・ . . . . . ’ ● ● ■ ● ● ● ● ●

PSYCHOLOGY…………_…・._.一. ・ . ・ ・ 鳴 る ・ ■ . . ・ . . ’ . ・ . ‘ . . . ・ . ・ ■ . ・ ■ ■ ■ ■ 恒 ● , ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ■ ● ■ ● , ■ ■ ■ 白 ■ . ・ s ・ 右 ・ ∀ ● ● ● ● ● ■ ● ● 11¶119●9臼670VO∨01

Mental Hygiene……一・………・ ● ■ ・ 右 ● ■ ● ● ● ● ■ ・ . 巧 . ・ ・ . ・ ・ . … ■ ■ . . ■ ・ . ● ● ヂ . . ・ ■ ■ ■ ■ ● ■ ■ ■ , ’ ■ ■ 巧 . . . . “ . ・ ■ ● ● ■ ● ■ 、 ・

Abnormal Psychology………・ ・ . . ・ . . ・ … ◆ . ・ . ◆ . . A ・ s . . ・ . ・ ・ ・ ・ … ● ● ● ・ ・ . ● ◆ ● ● ◆ ■ ■ ■ ● ● ■ ◆ ● . . . . ・ 丙 ・ ・ ’ σ . ● ■ ・ ・

Developmental Psychology・… . . ・ ◆ . ・ ・ . ■ . 〆 . ・ . . . . A . 殉 . . ■ ・ . ◆ … σ ・ ■ ■ ● . . ・ ● ■ ● ● ■ ■ ● ■ ● ● ■ ■ 舟 . ・ … 鼻 曹 ■ ● ■ ・ ・ ● s .

Psychology of Personality… . ・ 巧 ・ . ■ ● ■ … 〆 . ・ ρ . . ・ . n . . ・ ・ . ・ ・ . ・ … ■ ■ ● 舟 . ・ ● ■ s ● ● ■ ■ ● ● 鍔 ● ● ■ . . 巳 ・ . ・ . ● ● ◆ ● ● ■ . ・

Psychological Tests……・…… . ・ ・ . A ・ . ■ . ・ ㎏ . ・ ・ . ・ ・ エ . ㊨ 今 . . . ■ . . , , ・ ● 、 ■ 9 ■ . . ’ ● ● ■ ● ● 殉 ■ ◆ ● ■ ◆ ■ . . . ・ . . . ● ● 今 ● ● ● . . Mental Functions ‥・・‥・・… 一‥‥・■■・‥・・‥・… ‥‥’・‥・・・・… ‥・… ‥・‥‥‥・・一一・・‥・一一・… ‥・‥ 22 Sensations&Perception・・一……・・……・…・・……・・…………・………………・…・・…23

SOCIOLOGY……………・…・・……・…………・・…一……・一・・……一………・…………・・23 Human Relations&Groups・・…………・……………・・…’……………・…………・・26

STATISTICS …………・……・・…・…・…一……………・…・……・……………・….・一……32 POLITICAL SCIENCE…・……………・…・……………・・……一………・・一……………32 States…………・・’………・・………・……………・・…・・……・…・…・・…・……………・…・・35 シ Election…………・………・・…………………………・……・……・……・…………・・……37 1nternational Relations……・…………・・…………・……・・……………………………38 Legislation………・…・…・…………・……・・…………・…・・……………・……………・・… 39 Political Parties ……・…・…………’……・・…・…………・・……・……………・…・・…… 40

LAW・・……………・…………一…・・……………一・・一……一……・…………一…・…41 1nternational Law・…・一………一…・・……………・…・…一…………・・…・………42 Constitutional Law…・…・一……・’一…………………・…’…一………・……・・……43 Criminal Law……・………一……・……………………・…・…・・・……・………・・…・…44 Administrative Law……………・・……・・…・一…………・……・一………・…一一45 Statutes&Cases …・…………・・………………… …………・……・・… …・………… ..45 Law Treatises…・……・・…………・…・…・……………・一………・………・…一一…46 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION…・……一…・…・一・…・…………・……・・一…・………・・48 Central Government・…………・…・………………・…一……一・・・…………………49 Loca正Government…・……・・……・………………………・…・……………・……・・……50 Military Science…・……………・……・……一…………一……………・・……・一…51 ECONOMICS・………・・……・…………・・……・………一・…………一………………一…・51 Labor ……・…・・……… ………………… ………………… ………………… …………… 55 Money&Banking…………・・一…………・…・一…・一・一…・……一・………・・…58 Public Finance …・・…・………………………………・…・・……………・…………・・…60 1ndustries, Prices&Production ………・’…・…………・…・・……・…………・・……61 1ncome&Wealth………一・……………一・…………一…・・………………・・…65 Business&Businss Methods……・………・・………・…・一…………・・…・…………66

COMMERCE……………・・…一・・一…………・……………・一……・………・…・・……・-68 Communication&Transportation……・……………・一・…………………一一70 EDUCATION ………・………・・…・…・…………・…………………………・……一・………71 Teaching, Curriculum, Organizati⑩&Administrati皿……・……・…一……75 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE……一……・…・・………・・…・…・・…………・……・・…80

NATURAL SCIENCE …・一一…・…・・……・…・………・……………・…・・………………88 Mathematics……・………・一……・一……一……・………・・…………・……・一……89 Physical Science・……・……・……・……・…・………・……・・………・…………………・・90 Biology&Medicine・…・…一…・・……・…………・…・・……………・一…一………91 ARTS&RECREATIONS ……一一……・…………・……・…………………・……・-91 LINGUISTICS……………………………・・……一…・……・一…………・…・一…………92 LITERATURE………・一一・・一……一……・一……………・・一……・………・・………93 American Literature…・……一一……・……一・………・一…・…………・……・-95 American Poetry…………・…・一…………・…・一・…・……・・…・……・………105 American Drama…・……………・・…・…………一・…・…………・…・…………106 American Fiction……・一・…………一・…・………・……一・・……・一……… 107 American Essays&Letters・…・一…・…………・・……………・…・・…………110 English Literature …………………・…・・……………・……………………・’………111 English Poetry ……・………・・……・……・……・・…一………・・………………… 114 English Drama………………・・…一・………・…・……・………一・……………115 English Fiction……・……………・・………………………………………・・…・…116 English Essays&Letters・…………・・………・………・…・…………………… 118 Literature of Other Countries…………・………………… …………・……・・……・119

HISTORY ……………………………一…・・…………・……・・…………・…・…・…………122 Biography ………………………………・・…・…・…………・…・……………・・…・……122 U.S. History…………・・…・……・………・・……………・…・・……………・…・・………124 History of Other Countries………………・……・・…………・……………・…・・…・・127

AUTHOR INDEX………・…一……・…………・…・…・…・…………・一・……一・・・…-129 GENERAL WORKS

Barnhart, Clarence. ed.: The new century Miner, Roy“Waldo, ed.: Human engineering. cyclopedia of names. v.1-3. New York, Appleton (annals. vo151, art 7.) New York, Academy of 1954.3v.28cm. OOO1 Science.1951.1125-1277pp.24cm. 0006 Basler, Roy P. ed.: The collected works of Mott, Frank Luther: American journalism.;a

Abraham Lincoln. v.1-8. New Brunswick, Rutgers 1 history of newspapers in the Univ. Press,1953,8v.24cm OOO2 through 260 years:1690 to 1950. rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1953. xiv,835p.24cm. 0007 Basler, Roy P. ed.: The collected works of . Index. New Brunswick, Mott, Frank Luther.: A.history of American Rutgers Univ. Press,1955. viii,378p.24cm. magazines. v.1-4. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. 0003 Press,1957.4v.24cm. 0008 De Latil, Pierre.:Thinking by machine、;astudy P㏄hma㎜, Henry A.&SchultZ, Arthur R. ed. of cybernetics. tr. from the French by Y. M. Bibliography of German culture in America to Golla. London, Sidgwick and Jackson,1956. xiv, 1940.Madison, Univ. of Wiscons▲n Press,1953. 355p.22cm. 0004 xxxii,483p.23cm. 0009 De T㏄quevi11e, Alexis.:Journey to America. tr. SWindler, William F.:Problems of law in journalism by George Lawrence, New Haven, Yale Univ. New York, Macmillan 1955. xxii,551p.24cm. Press,1960.394p.23cm. 0005 OOlO


Ba㎞, Archie J.:Philosophy;an introduction. New - Heywood, Robert B., ed.: The works of the York, Wiley 1953. xiv.441p、24cm. OOII mind. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1947 .xi, 246p.22cm. 0021 BIack, Max. Language and philosophy;studies in method. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1949. Hospers, John: An introduction to philosophical xiii,264p.24cm. 0012 analysis. New York, Prentice-Hall,1953. xii, Blsck, Max ed.: Philosophical analysis. New 532p.22cm. 0022 York, Cornell Univ. press,1950. vii.429p.24cm. Philosophical essays. Oxford, Black・Husik, Isac: OO13 well, c1952 xiii,358p.22cm. 0023 Bridgman, Percy Wmiams:The nature of physical 」微1,Cyril Edmin Mitchinson:Afirst encounter theory. New York, Dover 1936.138p.21cm.0014 with philosophy. London, Blackwood. [n. d.] Bronstein, Daniel J. et al. ed.:Basic problems 174p.19cm. 0024 of philosophy.2. ed New York Prentic’e-Hall, Joergen8en, Joergen:The development of logical x.1955.592p.24cm. 0015 empiricism. Internatinal Encyclopedia of Unified Camap, Rudolf:Meaning and necessity. Chicago, Science. v.2. No.9Chicago, Univ. of. Chicago Univ. of Chicago Press,1947. viii,210p.24cm. Press,1954.100p.25cm OO25 0016 K8Uen, Horace M.:Vision and action. New Brun- Carr6, Meyrick H. Phases of thought in England. swick, Rutgers Univ. Press, c 1953 xviii,277p. Oxford, Clarendon c1949 xix.392p。22cm. 0017 22cm. 0026 Evring, Alfred Cyril:The fundamental questions of Ka協off, Louis O.:Elements of philosophy. New philosophy、 London, Routledge,1953.260P.22cm. York, Ronald Press,1953. vii,448p.22cm. 0027 0018 K㏄k呂kemeti, Paul:Meaning, communication, and Gi180n, Etienne: The unity of philosophical value. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952. experi飽ce. London, Sheed and Ward,1955. xii. viii.349p.23cm. 0028 340p.22cm. 0019 Korzybski・ A正fred:Science and sanity; an intro- Haezr曲i, Pepita: The contemplative activity; duction to non-aristotelian systems and general a study in aesthetics. New York, Schuman, semantics.3. ed. The International Non-aristo. 1956.139p.22cm. 0020 telian Library 1950. xx{v,806p.24cm. 0029

一 1 _ PHILOSOPHY OO30 Metaphysics 0064

1」alsnde, Andre:Vocabulaire technique et critique Ru88e11, Bertrand:Ahistory of Western philosophy de la philosophie. Paris, Presses Univ. de France, and its connection with political and social 1956.xx,1323p.25cm. 0030 circumstances from the earliest times to the Lamprecht, Sterling P.:Our philosophical traditions; present day. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1945.xxiii,895p.22cm. 0047 a brief history of philosophy in Western civilization. New York, Appleton,1955. xi,523p. Ru88el1, Bertrand:Outline of philosophy. London, 24cm. 0031 Allen,1951. vi,317p.23cm. 0048 Le Van Baumer, Franklin ed.:Main currents of Um80n, James Opie ed.:The.concise encyclopedia Western thought.New York, Knopf,1956. xvi, of Western philosophy and philosophers. New 699p.24cm. 0032 York, Hawthor叫1960.431p.26cm. 0049 1ipprnann, Walter:Essays in the public philosophy. White, Morton ed.:Academic freedom,10gic and Boston, Little, Brown,1955. xiii,189p.22cm.0033 religion. , Univ. of Pennsylvania LOssky,0. N.:History of Russian philosophy. Press,1953.161p.22cm. 0050 London, Allen 1952.416p.23cm. 0034 Whitehead, Alfred North:Adventures of ideas;a brilliant history of mankmds great thoughts, New Montague, Pepperel1:Great visions of philosophy vaieties of speculative thought in the West from York, Macmillan,1955.302p.18cm. 0051 the Greeks to Bergson. La Salle, Open Court, Wuellner, Bernard:Dictionary of scholastic philo. 1950.xvii,484p.24cm. 、 0035 sophy. Milwaukee, Bruce,1956. xvi,138p.24cm. 0052 Mor酪, Charles W.:Foundations of the theory of signs.(International encyclopedia of unified sci・・ Ziegenfu鯛, Werner&Jung, Gertrud:Philosophen. ence. v.1. No.2.)Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Lexikon;Handwδrterbuch der Philosophie nach Press,1953. vii,59p.24cm. 0036 Personen. v.1A・K. Berlin, Walter,1949.700p. Morris, Charles William:Signs, language and 25c3n. 0053 behavior. New York, Prentice-Hal1,1946。 xii, Ziege!tfuss, Wamer and Jung, Gertrud:Philosophen. 365p.24cm. 0037 Lexikon;Handw6rterbuch der Philosophie nach Personen v.2. L・Z. Berlin, Walter,1950.958p. Muener, Gustav E.:Dialectic;away into a within 25cm. 0054 philosophy. New York, Bookman Ass㏄iates,1953. 234p.22cm’ 0038 Metaphysics 0gden, Charles. Kay.& Richards,1. A.:The mening of meaning;astudy of the influence of language upon thought and of the science of Aar①n, Richard I.:The theory of universals. Oxford, symbolism. New York, Harcourt Brace,1953. xxii, Clarendon,1952.247p.23cm. 0055 363p.22cm. 0039 Aaron, Richaτd I.:The true and the valid. London, 0sbome, Harold.:Theory of beauty;an intro. 0xford Uuiv. Press,1955.22p.22cm. 0056 duction to aesthetics. New York, Philosophical A《㎞8,George Plimpton, et aL:Knowledge and sOcie・ Library.1953. viii,220p.23cm. 0040 ty;aphilosophical approach to modern civilization. Pieper, Josef:Leisure; the basis of culture. tr. New York, Appleton,1938. xiii,417p.22cm.0057 by Alexander Dru. New York, Pantheon Books, Alexander, S.:Space, time and deity. v.1-2. New 1952.169p.19cm. 0041 York, Humanities Press,1950.2v.23cm. 0058 Popper, Karl R.:The open society and its enemies. Ayer, Alfred Jules:The problem of knowledge. New Jersey, Princeton Univ. Press,1950. xii, Harmondsworth, Penguin,1956.224p.18cm.0059 732p.24cm. 0042 Bom, Max:Natural philosophy of cause and chance. Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli:History of philosophy Oxford, Clarendon,1951. vil,216p.23cm. 0060 eastern and western. v.1-2. London, Allen,1952, 24cm.、 0043 Bradley, Francis Herbert:Appearance and reality; ametaphysical essay. Oxford, Clarendon,1955. Randall, John Herman, Jr. et al. ed.:Readings in 〔c1895〕. xix,569p.23cm. 0061 philosophy. New York, Barnes&Noble,1950. viii.406p.21cm. 0044 Bril1, John:The chancecharacter of human existence. New York, Philosophical Library, 1956. 150p. Reiss, Samuel.:The universe of meaning. New 22cm. 0062 York, Philosohical Library. c1953 x. 227p. 22cm. 0045 Broad, C.D.:Scientific thought. New York, Humani- ties Press,1952.555p.22cm. 0063 Runes, Dagobert D. ed.:The dictionary of philo. sophy. New York, Philosophical Library.[n. d.] Buchler, Justus:Nature and judgment. New York, 343p. 24tCm. 0046 Columbia Press,1955. viii,210p.23cm、 0064

一 2-. 0065 Metaphysics OIOO PHILOSOPHY

Burtt, Edwin Arthur:The metaphysical foundations H6fler, A.&Hahn, H.:Paradoxien des Unendlichen, of modern physical science. London, Routledge, (Bernard Bolzano).Hamburg;Felix Meiner,1955. 1950.xi,351p.22cm. 0065 xi,157p.20cm. 0083

Cass姪er, Ernst:An essay on man;an introduction Hume, David:Atreatise of human nature. v.1 to a philosophy of human culture. New York, Yale London, Dent,1956, xxxi,258p.19cm. 0084 Univ. Press,1951〔c 1944〕. ix,237p.24cm..0066 Hume, David:Atreatise of human nature. v.2 Cohen, John&Hanse1, Mark:Risk and gambling; London, Dent,1956, xvi,320p.19cm. 0085 the study of subjective probability. New York, Philosophical Library,1956. x,153p.19cm. 0067 Jammer, Max:Concepts of space;the history of theories of space in physics. Cambridge, Harvard Cohen, Morris R.:Reason and nature;an essay on Univ. Press,1954, xvi,196p.22cm. 0086 the meaning of scientific method. Chicago, Free Press, c 1931. xxiv,470p.24cm. 0068 Joad, Cyril Edwin Mitchinson:Return to philo・ sophy;being a defence of reason an affirmation Cople8ton, Frederick S.J.:Contemporary philosophy; of values and a plea for philosophy. New York, studies of logical positivism and existentialjsm・ Dutton,1937.279p.19cm. 0087 Westminster, Newman, 1956. ix,230p.22cm.0069 Kaiser, Charles Hillis:An essay on method. New Cornford, Francis Macdonald:Plato’s cosmology; Bruswick, Rutgers Univ. Press,1952. vi, 163p. the Timaeus of Plato. New York, Liberal Arts, 22cm. 0088 1957.xiv,376p.21cm. 0070 Mubbertanz, George P.:Introduction to the philo. Einstein, Albert&1㎡eld, Leopold:The evolution sophy of being. New York, Appleton,1955. xiv, of physics. New York, Simon and Schuster,1938. 300p.22cm. 0089 x,320p.21cm. 0071 Larnont, William Damson:The value judgement. Eliade, Mircea:The myth of the eternal return, tr. Edinburgh, The Univ. Press,ユ956. xv,335p.23cm. from the French by Willard R. Trask. New York, 0090 Pantheon.1954. xi,195p.24cm. 0072 Lenzen, Victor F.:Causality in natural sclence. Emmet, Dorothy M.:The nature of metaphysical Chicago, Thomas,1954. viii,121p、23cm. 0091 thinking. London, Macmillan,1953. xi,238p,23cm. 0073 Leply, Ray ed.:The Ianguage of value. New York, Eyken, Albert Van:The status of man in the Columbia Univ. Press,1957. viii,428p.23cm. universe. London, Longmans,1956. vii,128p. 0092 19cm. 0074 Lewis, Clarence Irving:An analysis of knowledge Fireman, Peter:Perceptualistic theoryof knowledge. and va且uation. LaSalle, Open Court, 1946. xxi元, New York, Philosophical Library,1954.50p.22cm. 568p.24cm. 0093 0075 Lewis, Clarence Irving:Mind and the world-order ; Ha11, Everett W.:Modern science and human values; outline of a theory of knowledge. New York, astudy in the history of ideas. Princeton, Van Dover,1956. xvi,446p.21cm. 0094 Nostrand,1956. x,483p.24cm. 0076 Mandelbaum, Maurice:The problem of historical Hall, Everett W. l What is value?;an essay in knowledge;an answer to relativism. New York, philosophical analysis. New York, Humanities Liveright,1938. x,340p.22cm. 0095 Press,1952. xiii,255p.22cm. 0077 Marcel, Gabriel:Royce’s metaphysics, tr. by Hallden, Soren l Emotive propositions;astudy of Virginia and Gordon Ringer. Chicago, Regnery, value. Stockho㎞, Almqvist and Wiksell,1954. 1956.xiv,180p.22cm. 0096 232p.20cm. 0078 Matias, Julian:Reason and life;the introduction to Hsmpshire, Stuart:Spinoza. Harmondsworth, Pen. philosophy. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1956. guin,1951.238p.18cm. 0079 xiii,413p.22cm. 0097

Harris, Errol E.:Nature, mind and modern science. Maritain, Jacques:Philosophy of nature. New York, London, Allen,1954. xvi,455p.22cm. 0080 Philosophical Library,1951. x,198p.22cm.0098 i Har㎏home, Charles:Reality as social process; Martin, Gottfried:Kant’s metaphysics and theory studies in metaphysics and religion. Glencoe, Free of science. Manchester, The Univ. Press,1955. Press,1953.223p.22cm. 0081 L viii,218p.22cm. 0099

Heim, Karl:The transformation of the scientific Martin, William Oliver:The order and integration world view. New York, Harper,1953.262p.21cm, of knowledge. Ann Arbor, The、 Univ. of Michigan 0082 1 Press,1957. x,355p.24cm. 0100

一 3 一 PHILOSOPHY OIO1 Logic 0137

McC旭cke皿, David John:Thinking and valuing;an Rylel Gilbert:The concept of mind. New York, introduction, partly historical, to the study of the Barnes,1949.334p.24cm. 0120 philosophy of value. London, Macmillan,1950. xi, Samuel, Otto:Afoundation on ontology;acritical .238p.22cm. 0101 analysis of Nicolai Hartmann. New York, Philoso. Morris, Charles l Varieties of human value. Chicago, phical Library, c 1953. xvi,155p.22cm, 0121 Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. xv,209p.24cm. 0102 Sant己yana, George:Realms of being. New York, Scribners, c 1942 xxxvi,862p.24cm. 0122 Mumford, Lewis: the transformations of man. New York, Harper 1956. xviii,249p.20cm.0103 Santayana, George:Scepticism and animal faith; introduction to a system of philosophy. New York, 01iyer, W. Donald:Theory of order. Yellow Springs, Dover,1955. xiii,314p.21cm. 0123 Anti㏄h Press,1951. xii,345p.24cm. OIO4 Schlick, Moritz:Philosophy of nature. New York, Parker, Dewitt H.:The philosophy of value. Ann Philosophical Library,1949. xi,136p.22cm. Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1957. viii,272p. 0124

24cm. 0105 り Schr6dinger, E.:Expanding universes. Cambridge, Perry, Ralph Barton:General theory of value;▲ts The Univ. Press,1956. viii,93p.22cm, 0125 meaning and basic principles constructed in terms of interest. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, Sheldon, Whlmon Henry:God and polarity;asyn. 1950.xvii,702p.21cm. 0106 thesis of philosophies. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1954.712p.24cm. 0126 Preyre, Alexis:The freedom of doubt;reflections of a natural sceptic. London, Harvill,1953.229p. Urban,.Wilbur Marshall:Beyond realism and 21cm. OIO7 idealism. London, Allen,1949.266p.22cm.0127 Price, Henry Habberley: Perception. London, WeiZs邑cker, Carl Friedrich:The world view of Methuen,1954.332p.22cm. OIO8 physics. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952. 119p.22cm. 0128 Price, H. H.: Thinking and experience. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953.365p.24cm. OIO9 Werkmei8ter, Willian Henry:The basis and struc. ture of knowledge. New York, Harper,1948. xii, RapQpOrt, Anatol:Operational philosophy integ’ 451p.21cm. 0129 rating knowledge and action. New York, Harper 1953.xi,258p.21cm. 0110 Whitehead, Alfred North:Process and reality;an essay in cosmology. New York, Humanities Press, Reid, Thomas l Essays on the intellectual powers of 1955.xii,546P.22cm. 0130 man. London, Macmillan,1941, ed. by A. D. Woozley. xlviii,456p.22cm. 0111 Whitehead, Alfred North:Science and the modern world. New York, Macmi1lan,1954. xii,304p. Reichenbech, Hans:Rise of scientific philosophy, 20cm. 0131 Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1951. xi, 333p.21cm. Oll2 Whittaker, Edmund:From Euclid to Eddington; astudy of conceptions of the external world. Rickert, Heinrich:Zur Lehre von der Definition、 Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1949. x,212p.23cm. TUbingen, Mohr,1915.91P.23cm. Ol13 0132 Robinson, James Harvey:The mind in the making: Wisdcm, John Oulton:Other minds. Oxford, Basil the relation of intelligence to social reform. New Blackwell,1952.259p.22cm. 0133 York, Harper,1950. xiii,235p.21cm. O113

Ru8sell, Bertrand:The analysis of rnatter, New York, Dover,1954.408p.21cm. O115 Llogic

Russel1, Bertrand:Human knowledge;its scope and limits. New York, Simon apd Schuster,1948. xv, Adarns, Elie Maynard:The fundamentals of general 524p.22cm. 0116 logic. New York, Longmans,1954. xviii,361P. 23cm. 0134 Russell, Bertrand:New hopes for a changing world. New York, Simon and Schuster,1951,213p.22cm. Ayer, Alfred Jules:Language, truth and logic. 0117 London, Victor Gollangz,1954.160p。19cm.0135

Ru8sell, Bertrand:Our knowledge of the external Ayer, Alfred Jules:.Language truth and logic. New world. London, Allen,1952.251p.22cm. 0118 York, Dover,1952.160P.21cm. .0136

Russell, Bertrand:The problems of philosophy. Basson, Anthony Henry&0’Co㎜or, D. J.:Intro- London, Oxford Univ. Press,1957.167p.17cm. duction to symbolic logic. London, Univ. Tutorial 0119 Press,1953. viii,169p.19cm. 0137

一 4 一 0138 Logic 0174 PHILOSOPHY

Bergma1㎜, Gustav:Meaning and existence. Madison Dewey, John:Essays in experimental logic. New Univ. of Press,1960. xi,274p.22cm. York, Dover,1916.444p.21cm. 0157 0138 Dewey, John:Logic, the theory of inquiry. New Black, Max:Critical thinking;an introduction to York, Holt,1951. viii,546p.22cm. 0158 logic and scientific method.2. ed。 New York, Dewey, John&Bentley, Arthur F.:Knowing and Prentice-Hall,1952. xx,459p.22cm. 0139 the known. Boston, Beacon, 1949. xiii, 334p. BDole, George:An investigation of the laws of 22cm. 0159 thought on which are founded the mathematical Dougherty, Kenneth F.:Logic;an introduction to theories of logic and probabilities. New York, Aristotelian formal logic. New York, Graymoor, Dover,1854.424p.21cm. 0140 1956.158p.24cm. 0160

Boole, George:Studies in logic and probability. Edward8, Paul:The logic of moral discourse. Glencoe, London, Watts,1953.500p.22cm. 0141 Free Press,1955.248p.22cm. 0161 Carnap, Rudolf: The continuum of inductive Fitch, Frederic Brenton:Symbolic logic;an intro・ methods. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952. duction. New York, Ronald,1952. x,238p.22cm. v.92p.23cm. 、 0142 0162

Carnap, Rudolf:EinfUhrung in die symbolische Flew, Antony Garrard Newton, ed.:Essays in con・ Logik. Wien, Springer,1954. x,209p.24cm. ceptual analysis. London, Macmillan,1956. xi, 0143 265p.22cm. 0163 Camap, Rudolf:Logical foundations of probability. Flew, Antony Garrard Newton, ed.:Essays on logic Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1950 xxviii, and language. New York, Philosophical Library, 607P.24cm. 0144 1951.vii,206p.22cm. 0164

Cam叩, Rudolf:The logical syntax of language. Flew, Antony Garrard Newton, ed.:Logic and lan・ London, R皿tledge,1954. xvi,352p.22cm. 0145 guage.1. ser. Oxford, BlackweU,1952 〔c 1951〕 viii,206p.22cm. 016S Carnap, Rudolf:The nature and application of inductive logic;consisting of six sections from Flew, Antony Garrard Newto!1, ed.:Logic and lan・・ logical foundations of probability. Chicago, Univ. guage.2. ser. Oxford, Blackwell,1953. vii,242p. of Chicago Press,1951. viii,161-279pp.23cm. 22cm. 0166 0146 G5del, Kurt:The consistency of the axiom of choice Chase, Stuart:Guides to straight thinking;with 13 and of the generalized continuum-hypothesis with common fa▲lacies. New York, Harper,1956. xii, the ax輌oms of set theory. Princeton, The Univ. 212p.22cm. 0147 Press,1940.75p.23cm. 0167 Church, Alonzo:Introduction to mathematical logic. Good㎜, Nelson:The structure of appearance. v、1Princeton, The Univ. Press,1956. x.376p. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1951. xv,315p. 24cm. 0148 22cm. 0168 Church, Ralph Withington:An analysis of resem・ HartshQrne, Charles and P8ul Weiss, ed.:Collected blance. London, Allen,1952.136p.23cm. 0149 papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. v.3Exact logic. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1933. xiv,433p. Churchman, Charles West:The(rry of experimental 24cm. 0169 inference. New York, Macmman,1954〔c 1948〕 xii,292p.22cm. 0150 Har匂home, Charles and Paul Weiss, ed.:Collected papers of Charles Sanders Peirce. v.4. The Cohe皿, Morris Raphael and Nagd, Ernest:An Simplest mathematics. Cambr{dge, Harvard Univ. introduction to logic and scientific method. New Press,1933. x,601p.24cm. 0170 York, Harcourt, c 1934. xii,467p.22cm. O151 Hilbert, David&Ackermarm, Wilhelm:Principles Cohen, Morris Raphael:Apreface to logic. New of mathematical logic, (tr. from the German by York, Meridian,1956.224p.18cm. O152 Lewis M. Hammond et a1.) New York, Chelsea, Copi, Irving Marmer:Introduction to logic. New 1950.xii,172p.24cm. 0171 York, Macmillan c 1953.472p.22cm. O153 Huppe, Bernard Felix&Kamins ky, Jack:Logic and Copi, Irving Marmer:Symbolic logic. New York, language. New York, Knopf, 1957 〔c1956〕 viii, Macmillan,1954. xiii,355p.22cm. 0154 216p. iv 20cm. 0172

De Morgan, Augustus:Formal logic. (1847),ed. by JoaehiTn, Harold ]日【enry:Logical studies. Oxford, A.E. Taylor. London, Open Court, 1926. xxii, Clarendon,1948. xii,269p.23cm. 0173 392p.22cm。 0155 Kantor, Jacob Robert:The logic of modern science. Dewey, John:Essays in experimental logic. New Bloomington, Principia,1953. xvi,359p.24cm. York, Dover,1916.444p.21cm. O156 0174

5 -一 一 PHILOSOPHY O175 Logic 0209

Keynes, John Maynard:Atreatise on probability. Reichenbach, Hans:The theory of probability;an London, Macmillan,1952. xi,466p.22cm. 0175 inquiry into the logical and mathematical founda- tions of the calculus of probability; tr. by Kneale, William:Probability and induction. Oxford, Ernest H. Hutten and Maria Reichenbach.2. ed. Clarendon,1952. viii,264p.23cm. 0176 Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1949. xvi, 492p.24cm. 0193 Langer, Susanne K.:An introduction to symbolic logic.2. ed. New York, Dover,1953.367p.21cm. Robinson, Daniel Sommer:Royce’s logical essays; 0177 collected logical essays of Josiah Royce. Dubuque, Lean, Martin:Sense-perception and matter;a criti・ Brown, c 1951 xvi,447p.23cm. 0194 cal analysis of C. D. Broad’s theory of perception. Russell, Bertrand:Introduction to mathematical New York, Humanities Press,1953. x,217p. philosophy. London, Allen,1953. xiii,208p.22cm. 22cm. 0178 0195 LeWis, Clarence Irving&Langford, Cooper Harold: Russell, Bertrand:Logic and knowledge;essays Symbolic logic.2. ed. New York, Dover,1959 1901-1950.New York, Macmillan,1956. xi,382p. 506p.21cm. 0179 22cm. 0196 Lukasiewiea, Jan:Aristotle,s syllogistic from the Russell, Bertrand:Logic and knowledge;essays standpoint of modern formal Iogic. Oxford, 1901-1950.London, Allen,1956. xii.382p.22cm. Clarendon,1954. xi,141p.23cm. 0180 OI97 MacLaughlin, Joseph:An outline and inanual of Rus8ell, Bertrand:The principles of mathematics. New York, Norton,1903. xxxix,534p.24cm.0198 logic. Milwaukee, Marquette Univ. Press,1932. xx.165p.20cm. 0181 Ryle, Gilbert:Dilemmas. Tarner Iectures,1953. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1954.129p.22cm. Mander, Altred Ernest:Logic for the millions. New 0199 York, Philosophical Library,1947. xi,206p.22cm. 0182 Searles, Herbert Leon:Logic and scientific methods, an introductory course.2. ed. New York, Ronald, Mayo, Bernard:The logic of personality. London, 1956.viii,378p.22cm. 0200 Jonathan Cape,1952.188p.21cm. 0183 Stebbing, Lizzie Susan:Amodern introduction to Mill,.John Stuart:Asystem of logic, ratiocinative logic. London, Methuen,1953.525p.23cm. 0201 and inductive, being a connected view of the prin- Strawson, Peter Frederick:Introducfion to logical ciples of evidence and the methods of scientitic theory. New York, Wiley,1952. x,266p.20cm. illvestigation.8. ed. London, Longmans,1956. xVi, 0202 622p.19cm. 0184 Swabey, Marie Taylor(Collins):Logic and nature. Nage1, Ernest:LogiC without metaphysics, and other 2ed. New York, New York Univ. Press,1955. essays in the philosophy of science. Glencoe, Free xiv.199p.24cm. 0203 Press,1956. xviii,433p.22cm. 0185 Tarski, Alfred:Logic, semantics, metamthematics; Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow二The logic of the papers from 1923 to 1938(tr. by Woodger, J. H.) sciences and the humanities. New York, Oxford Clarendon Press,1956. xiv,472p.22cm. Macmillan,1947. xiv,401p.21cm. 0186 0204

Oesterle, John Arthur:Logic;the art of defining Veatch, Henry Babcock:Intentional logic;alogic and reasoning. New York, Prentice-Hall,1955 based on philosophical realism. New Haven, Yale 〔c1952〕xviii,232p.23cm. 0187 Univ. Press,1952. xxii,440p.24cm. 0205

Pゴor, Arthur N.:Formal logic. Oxford, Clarendon, Von Wright, Georg Henrik:An essay in modal 1955.xt 329p.22cm. Ol88 logic. Amsterdam, North-Holland,1951. vi,90p. 22cm. 0206 P亘or, Arthur N.:Logic and the basis of ethics. Oxford, Clarendon Press,1949. xii,111p.20cm. Weinberg, Julius Rudolph:An examination of 0189 logica positivism. London, Routledge,1950. c 1936 vii,311p.22cm. 0207 Quine, Willard Van Orman:From a logical point of view;910gico philosophical essays. Cambridge, Wilson, Curtis:William Heytesburd;medieval logic Harvard Univ. Press,1953. viii,184p.22cm.0190 and the rise of mathematical physics. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press,1956.219p.25cm. Quine, Willard Van Orman:Methods of logic. New 0208 York, Holt,1955〔c 1952〕xx,264p.22cm. 0191 Wittgenstein, Ludwig:The blue and brown books. Reichenbach, Hans:Elements of symbolic logic. (Preliminary studies for the t‘Philosophical New York, Macmillan,1947. xiii,444p.22cm. investigations”) Oxford, Blackwel1,1958. xiv, 0192 185p.23cm. 0209

6 一 一 0210 Ethics 0246 PHILOSOPHY

Wittgenstein, Ludwig:Philosophical investigations. Forell, George Wolfgang:Ethics of decision;an tr. by G. E. N. Anscompez.2. ed. New York, introduction to Christian ethics. Philadelphia, Macmillan,1953. x,232p.22cm. 0210 Muhlenberg,1955. xviii,158p.20cm. 0228 Wittgenstein, Ludwig:Tractatus logico-philosophi・ Fromm, Erich:The art of loving. New York, cus. London, Routledge,1955.207p.22cm. 0211 Harper,1956. xxiv,133p.20cm. 0229 Wolf, Abraham:Textbook of logic.2. ed. London, Fromm, Erich:Man for himself;an enquiry into Allen,1951.455p.19cm. 0212 the psychology of ethics. London, Routledge,1949. xiv.254p.19cm. 0230 Wright, Georg Henrik von:The logical problem of induc亡ion.2. ed. New York, Macmillan,1957. Garvin, Lucius:AmOdern introduction to ethics. xii,249p.22cm. 0213 New York, Houghton Mifflin,1953.572p.22cm. 0231 Wright, Georg Henrik Von:A treatise on induction and probability. New York, Harcourt,1951.310p. Green, Thomas Hi11:Prolegomena to ethics. Ox. 22cm. 0214 ford, Clarendon,1883. xxxv.427p.23cm. 0232 Gurko, Leo:Heroes, highbrows and the popular Ethics mind. New York, Bobbs-Merrill,1953.319p. 23cm. 0233 Albee, Ernest:Ahistory of English utilitarianism. Hare, Richard Mervyn:The language of morals. London, Allen,1957. xx,427p.22cm. 0215 Oxford, Clarendon,1952. vii.202p.20cm. 0234

Baumgardt, David:Bentham and the ethics of today Hartrnann, Nicolai:Ethik.3. ed. Berlin, Walter with Bentham manuscripts hitherto unpublished. de Gruyter,1949. xxii,823p.21cm. O235 Princeton. The Univ. Press,1952. xiv,584p.24cm. Arbor, 0216 Hourani, George F.:Ethical value. Ann Univ. of Michigan Press, c1956.2S3p. 23c m. 0236 Bradley, Francis Herbert:Ethical studies.2. ed. Oxford, Clarendon,1952. xii,344p.23cm, 0217 Jordan, Elijah:Business be damned. New York, Schuman, c 1952 xiv,267p.22cm. 0237 Broad, Charlie Dunbar:Five types of ethical theory. London, Routledge,1951. xxv,288p.22cm.0218 Jordart, Elijah:The good亘ife. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1949 vi,453p.24cm. 0238 Carritt, Edgar Frederick: Ethical and political thinking. Oxford, Clarendon Press,1947, xx. Ka叫Immanuel:The fundamental principles of the 186p.20cm. 0219 metaphysic of ethics, tr. with an intro. by Otto Manthy-Zorn. New York, Appleton,1938. xii, Ca㎡tt, Edgar Frederick :Morals and politics; 84p.20cm. 0239 theories of their relations from Hobbes and Spinoza to Marx and Bosanquet. Oxford,Clarendon, Kilpatrick, William Heard:Selfhood and civili- 1952.216p.20cm. 0220 zation;astudy of the self-other process. New York, Teachers College,1941.243p.21cm. 0240 Carritt, Edgar Frederick:The theory of morals; an introduction to ethical philosophy. LondQn, Krook, Dorothea:Three traditions of moral 0xford Univ. Press,1929. xii,144p.20cm.0221 thought. Cam1)ridge, The Univ. Press,1959. xiii, 355p.23cm. 0241 Duncan・Jones, Austin:Butler’s moral philosophy. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1952. 192p. 18cm. Lamont, William Dawson:The principles of moral 0222 judgement. Oxford, Clarendon,1946. xxii,228p. Elton, William, ed.:Aesthetics and language; 23cm. 0242 essays by W. B. Gallie, and others. Oxford, IxeWis, Clarence Irving:The ground and nature of Blackwell,1954.186p.22cm. 0223 the right. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1955. Ewing, Altred Cyri1:The definition of good. New vi,97p. 21Cm. 0243 York, Macmillan,1947.215p.21cm. 0224 Lewis, Hywel David:Morals and revelation. Lon. Ewing, Alfred Cyril:Ethics. London, EngL Univ. don, Allen,1951. x,258p.22cm. 0244 Press,1953. vii,183p.18cm. 0225 Maclver, Robert Morrison, ed.: Integrity and E㎞g,Alfred Cyril:Second thoughts in moral compromise.;problems of pnvate サpublic and philosophy. New York, Macmillan,1959. vii, conscience. New York, Harper,1957.150p.21cm. 190p.22cm. 0226 0245

Flugel, John Carl:Man, morals and society;a McKeon, Richard:Thought, action and passion. psychoanalytical study. New York, International Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1954 x,305p. Univ. Press,1955.328p.22cm. 0227 22cm. 0246

一 7一 PHILOSOPHY O247 Ancient&Medieval Philosophy 0283

Melden, Abraham Irving ed.:Ethical theories.2. Russell, Bertrand:Human society in ethics and ed. New York, Prentice-Hall,1955. x,496p. politics. New York, S三mon and Schuster,1955. 22cm. 0247 xxi,227p.21cm. 0267 Moore, George Edward:Ethics. London, Oxford Ru8sell, Bertrand:Human society in ethics and Univ. Press,1955.160p.18cm. 0248 politics. London, AIIen,1954.240P.22cm O268 Moore, George Edward:Principia ethica. Cambridge, Rus関11, Bertrand:Marriage and morals. New York, The Univ. Press,1954. xxvii,232p.22cm. 0249 Liveright,1929. vi,320p.20cm. 0269 M皿itz, Milton Kar1:The moral philosophy of Russell, Edward John:Science and modern life. Santayana. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, New York, Philosophical Library, 1955. 101p. 1939.xiv,116p.23cm. 0250 19cm. 0270

Niebuhr, Reinhold:Moral man and immoral society. Schiner, Claire H., ed.&tr.:Instinctive behavior;

New York, Scribner, 1955. xxv,〔2〕, 283p. 1 the development of a modern concept. New York, 21cm. ・ 0251 International Univ. Press,1957. xx,328p.24cm. 0271 Nowe皿一Smith, Patrick Horace :Ethics. Harmonds・ worth, Penguin,1954.324p.18cm. 0252 Sehramm, Wilbur:Responsibility in mass com一 munication. New York, Harper,1957. xxiii,391p. 0esterle, John Arthur:Ethics;the introduction to 22Cm. 0272 moral science. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, Sellars, Wilfrid& Hospers, John: Readings in 1957.xvii,269p、24cm、 0253 ethical theory. New York, Appleton, c 1952 x. Paton, Herbert James:The categorical imperative; 707p.24cm. 0273 astudy in Kant’s moral philosophy. Chicago, Smith, Univ. of Chicago Press,1948.283p.24cm. 0254 Thomas Vernor&Lindeman, Edward:The democratic way of life;an American interpreta・ Pratt, James Bissett:Reason in the art of living; tion, New York, New American Library,1926. atextbook of ethics. New York, Macmillan, 〔c1926〕159p.18cm. 0274 1950.xiv,303p.21cm. 0255 Spur1㏄k, Clark:£ducation and the supreme court. Pri㏄, Richard:Areview of the principal questions Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press,1955. xvp 252P. in morals;(ed. by D. Daiches Raphsel)Oxford, 24cm. 0275 Clarendon Press,1948. xlvii,301p.20cm.、 0256 S缶ve㎜n, Charles L:Ethics and language. New Prichard, Harold Arthur:Moral obligation;essays Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1950. xi,338p.24cm.0276 and lectures. Oxford, Clarendon,1949. vi,201p. Steve酪on, Charles L.:Ethics and language. New 23cm. 0257 Haven, Yale Univ. Press.1953. xii,338p.24cm. Rader, Melvin:Ethics and society;an appraisal 0277 of social ideals. New York, H. Holt,1952. xii, Stevenson, Charles L.:Ethics and language. New 401p.22cm. 0258 Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1958. xii,338p.24cm. R⑪hae1, David Daiches:Moral judgement. London, 0278 Allen,1955.124p.22cm. 0259 Stuart, Grace:Conscience and reason. London, Raphael, David Daiches:The moral sense. London, Allen, c 1951220p.23cm. 0279 0xford Univ. Press,1947.201p.23cm、 0260 Tou㎞㎞, Stephen Edelston:An examination of the Raup, Robert Bruce, et. aL:The improvement of place of reason in ethics. Cambridge, The Univ. ー 「ー practical intelligence. New York, Harper,1950. Press,1953. xiv,228p.22cm. 0280 x,303p.21cm. 0261 Ancient&Medieval Philosophy &)ss, William David:Foundations of ethics;Oxford, Clarendon,1951. xvi,329p.23cm. 0262 Adler, Mortimer Jerome:Saint Thomas and the R・ss, Willi・m D・vid・Th・・ight・nd th・g。。d. 1 gentiles.(The Aquinas Lecture,1938.)Milwaukee, も 0xford Univ. Press,1950. vi,176p.23cm. 0263 Marquette Univ. Press,1948・108P.19cm. 0281 Royce, Josiah:The philosophy of Ioyalty. New AntOninu隅」Marcus Aurelius:The thoughts of York, Macmillan,1911. xiii,409p.20cm. O264 Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, tL by John Jackson. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1957.〔c 1951〕xxii, Russell, Bertrand:Authority and the individua1. 190p.16cm. 0282 New York, Simon and Schuster,1949. 79p. Augu8t㎞e, Aure1三us:Concerning the teacher and 21cm. ・ 0265 On the immortality of the soul, tr. from the Latin Russell, Bertrand:The conquest of happiness. New with the addition of a preface by George G. York, New American Library,1955.142p.18cm. Lackie. New York, Appleton,1938. xxxviii, 0266 88p.20cm. 0283

一 8 一 0284 Ancient&Medieval Philosophy 0318 PHILOSOPHY

… Aurelius, Marcus,&Epicetust:’Meditation’and 1 Inge, William Ralph:The philosophy of Plotinus; tEnchiridion’.(In one volume). Los Angeles, the Gifford lectures at St. Andrews,1917-1918 Henry Regnery,1956. viii,187p.18cm. 0284 v.1,3.ed. London, Longmans,1948. xx,270p. Boyle, Robert:The sceptical chymist. London, Dent, 22cm. 0302 1944.xxiv,230p.18cm. 0285 ㎞ge, William Ralph:The philosophy of Plgtinus; the Gifford lectures at St. Andrews,1917-1918 Burnet, John:Greek Philosophy;Thales to Plato. ト v.2,3.ed. London, Longmans,1948. xii,254p. London, Macmillan,1955. x,360p.22cm. 0286 1 22cm. 0303 ρarre, Meyrick Heath:Realists and nominalists. Oxford, The Univ. Press,1946. vi,128p.23cm. 1λ㎞,Yutang, ed.:The wisdom of Confusius. New 0287 York, Modern Library,1938. xviii,290p.18cm. 0304 Chesterton, Gilbert Keith:St. Thomas Aquinas. Lodge, Rupert Clendon:The philosophy of Plato. New York, Sheed&Ward,1954. xii,248p.20cm. 0288 London, Routledge,1956. x,347p.22cm. 0305

Dasgupta, Surendranath:Ahistory of Indian phi- McKeon, Richard, ed.:Selections from medieval 10sophy, v.4;Indian pluralism. Cambridge, The philosophers, v.1. Augustine to Albert the Univ. Press,1955. xiv,483p.24cm. 0289 Great. New York, Scribner’s,1929. x,305p.22cm. 0306 Fox, Adam:Plato and the Christians;(passages from the writings of Plato, sei. and tr. by Adam McKeon, Richard, ed.:Selections from medieval Fox)London, SCM Press,1957.205p.22cm. philosophers, v.2. Roger Bacon to William of 0290 Ockham. New York, Scribner’s,1930. xviii,515p. 18cm. 0306 Freeman, Kathleen:Ancilla to the pre-Socratic philosophers;a complete translation of Fragments Ortians, Richard Broxton :The origins of European in Diels, Fragmente.der Vorsokrstiker. Cambridge thought;about the body, the mind, the soul, the Harvard Univ. Press,1957. xii,162p.22cm.0291 world, time, and fate. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1954. xviii,583p.22cm. 0307 Freeman, Kathleen:God, man and state;Greek concepts. Boston, Beacon 1952.240p. 21cm. Pegis, Anton Charles, ed.:Basic writings of Saint 0292 Thomas Aquinas. v.1. New York, Random,1945・ Fremantle, Anne, ed.:The age of belief;the medie・ liv,1098p.24cm. 0309 val philosophers. New York, New American Pegis, Anton Charles ed.:Basic writings of Saint Library,1955.218p.18cm. 0293 Thomas Aquinas. v.2. New York, Random 1945. Fhremantle, Anne, ed.:The age of belief:the xxxi,1179p.24cm. 0310 medieval philosophers. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, PlatO:The works of Piato. se1. and ed. by Irwin 1957.218p.20cm. 0294 Edman. New York, Modern Library,1928. xlviii, Fung, Yu-1an:Ahistory of Chinese philosophy, v. 582P.18cm. 0311 1:The period of the philosophers. Princeton, Radhak】eiSlman.:Indian philosophy, v.1-2. New The Univ. Press,1953. xxxiv,453p.24cm.0295 York, Macmillan,1951.22cm. O312 Fung, Yu-lan:A history of Chinese philsosphy, v. Radhakrislman.:Indian philosophy, v.1-2. New 2:The period of classical learning. Princeton, York, Macmillan,1958.22cm. O313 The Univ. Press,1953. xxv,783p.24cm. 0296 philoso. GilsGn, Etienne:The spirit of medieval philosophy, Ray, Benoy Gopal:Contemporary Indian phers. Allahabad, Kitabistan,1947.107p. 22cm. (tr. by A. H. C. Downes)New York, Scribner, 0314 1940.ix,490p.23cm. 0297 Robinson, Richard:Plato’s earlier dia1㏄tic.2. ed. Gould, John:The development of Plato’s ethics. Oxford, Clarendon,1953. x,286p.23cm. 0315 Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1955. xiii,241p. 23cm. 0298 Stmbursky, Samuel:The physical world of the Hallett, Harold Foster:Benedict de Spinoza;the Greeks.(tr. from the Hebrew by Merton Dagut) elements of his philosophy. London, Athlone London, Routledge,1956. x,255p.23cm. 0316 Press,1957. xii,171p.23cm. 0299 Saunders, Jason Lewis:Justus Lipsius;the philoso, Henle, Robert John:Saint Thomas and Platonism. phy of renaissance stoicism. New York, Liberal The Hague, Martinus Nijheff,1956. xxiii,487p. Arts 1955. xviii,228p.23cm. 0317 25cm. 0300 Smith, Thomas Vernor, ed.:Philosophers speak for Hughes, Ernest Richard, ed.:Chinese philoso. themselves;from Aristotle to Plotinus. Chicago, phy in classical times. London. Dent,1950. xixv, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. viii,293p.21cm. 336p.18cm. 0301 0318

一 9 一 PHILOSOPHY O319 MOdern Philosophy 0353

Smith, Thomas Vernor, ed.:Philosophers speak for Beer, Samuel Hutch:The city of reason. Cam・ themselves;from Thales to Plato. Chicago, Univ. bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,〔c 1949〕 x,227p. of Chicago Press,1956. viii,398p.21cm. 0319 24cm. 0336 SnelL Bruno:The discovery of the mind;the Greek Benda, Julien:The living thoughts of Kant. London, origins of European thought;tr. by T. G. Rosen・ Cassell 1948.154p.19cm. 0337 meyer. Oxfbrd, Basil Blackwel1, c 1953 xii,324p. Bergmann, Gustav:The metaphysics of logical 23cm. 0320 positivism. New York, Longmans,1954. x,341p. Taylor, Alfred Edward:Plato;the mall and his 22cm, 0338 work. New York, Meridian Books,1956. xii,562p. Berlin, Isaiah, ed.:The age of enlightenment;the 21cm. 0321 18th century philosophers. Boston, Houghton,1957. Wild, John Danie1:Plato’s theory of man;an intro. 282p.18cm. 0339 duction to the realistic philosophy of culture。 Berlin, Isaiah, ed.:The age of enlightenment, the Cambridge, Harvard Univ, Press,1946. xii,320p. 18th century philosophers. New York, Houghton, 22cm. 0322 1956.282p.20cm. 0340 WinSpear, Alvan Dewes:The genesis of Plato’s Black, Max:Problems of analysis;philosophical thought. New York, Russell,1956. vii,390p. essays. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1954. x, 22cm. 0323 592p.24cm. 0341 Zilrcher, Josef:Aristoteles Werk und Geist;unter- analysis; sucht und dargestellt von Josef Zurcher. Blanshard, Brand:The philosophy of London, Geoffrey Curnberlege,1952. (P.39-69) Paderborn, Ferdinand Sch6ningh, 1952. 456p. 30p.25cm. 0342 25cm. 0324 Bbu, Joseph Leon, ed.: American philosophic ad. Modern Philosophy dresses,1700-1900. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,〔c 1946〕xii,762p.24cm. 0343 Aaron, Richard Ithamar:John Locke.2. ed. Oxford, Blau, Joseph Leon:Men and movements in Ameri・ Clarendon,1955. xii,323p,22cm. 0325 can philosophy. New York, Prentice-Hal1, c 1952 Abe1, Reuben:The pragmatic humanism of F. C. S. xi,403P.22cm. . 0344 Schiller. New York, King’s Crown, 1955. xii, Boe㎞, Rudolf:Edmund Husserl. Haag, Martinus 207p.21cm. 0326 Nijhoff,1956. xxxiv,468p.25cm. 0345 Aiken, Henry David, ed.:The age of ideology;the Boman, Lars:Criticism and construction in the 19th century philosophers; New York, New American new realism. Stockholm, Almqvist American Library,1956.283p.18cm. 0327 1955.195p.22cm. 0346 Aiken, Henry. David, ed.:.The age of ideology;the ’Britton, Karl:John Stuart Mill;an introduction to 19th Boston, Houghton Mifflin,1957. Philosophers. the life and teaching of a great pioneer of modern 283p.20cm. 0328 social philosophy and logic. Harmondsworth, Anderson, Fulton Henry: The philosophy of Francis Penguin,1953.224p.18cm. 0347 Bacon. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press ,1948.vii, Buber, Martin:Iand thou, tr. by Ronald Gregor 312p.24cm. 0329 Smith. New York, Scribner’s,1955. xiii,120p. Arnett, Willard Engene: Santayana and the sense 19cm. 0348 of beauty. Bloomington, Ind iana Univ.press,1957. xviii,252p.20cm. 0330 Buchler, Justus, ed.: Philosophical writings of Peirce. New York, Dover,1955. xvi,386p.21cm. Ayer, Alfred Jules&With ,Raymond:British empir. 0349 ical philosophers;Locke, Berkeley, Hume, Reid, J。S. Mil1. London, Routledge,1952.560p.22cm. Butler, James Donald:Four philosophies and their 0331 practice in education and religion. New York, Ayer, Alfred Jules:The foundations of empirical Harpers,1951. viii,551p.22cm. 0350 knowledge. London, Macmillan,1955. x,276p. Butler, James Donald:Four philosophies. and their 22cm. 0332 practice in education and religion New York, Ayer, Alfred Jules, ed.:Logical positivism. Glencoe, Harper,1957. xvii,618p.22cm. 0351 Free Press,1959. viii,455p.21cm. 0333 Calkins, Mary Whiton, ed.:Berkeley;essay, princi- Ayer, Alfred Jules:Philosophical essays. London, Ples, dialogues with selections from other writings. Macmillan,1954. xi,289p.23cm. 0334 New York, Scribner’s,1929. lvi,480p.17cm. 0352 Ayer, Alfred Jules. et a1.:The revolution in phi. 10sophy. London, Macmillan,1956. v,126p.20cm. Cassirer, Ernst:Die Philosophie der Aufkl江rung. 0335 TUbingen, Mohr,1932. xviii,492p.24cm. .0353

一 10一 0354 Modern Philosophy O388 PHILOSOPHY

Cassirer, Ernst:The philosophy of symbolic forms; Fa㎡ngton, Benjamin:Francis Bacon;philosopher v.1.Language. tr. by Ralph Manheim. New ‘ of industrial science、 New York, Schuman,1949. Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1953. xiv,328p.24cm. 202p.22cm. 0371 0354 Feigl, Herbert&Sellars, Wilfrid, ed.:Readings in Cassirer, Ernst:The philosophy of symbolic forms. philosophiCal analysis. New York, Appleton.1949. v.2;mythical thought. tr. by Ralph Manheim. x,626p.24cm. 0372 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. xviii,269p. nwh, Max et. al. ed.:Classic American philoso・ 24cm. 0355 phers. Peirre, James, Royce, Santayana, Dewey, Cassirer, Ernst, et a1.,ed.:The renaissance philoso・ Whitehead;sels. from their writings with introd. phy of man. sels. in tr.〔from Petrarca and others〕 essays by Max. H. Frisch and others. New York, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1948. viii,405p. Appleton.1939. xii,493p.25cm. 0373 22Cm. 0356 Fisch, Max Harold&Russell, Paul Andersop:Phi’ Cassirer, Emst, et a1, ed.:The renaissance philoso・ 「 Iosophy in America from the puritans to James. phy of man. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, New York, Appleton,1939. xiii,570p.23cm. 1954.vi,405p.21cm. 0357 0384

Castell, Alburey, ed.:Essays in praglnatism, by , Frankel, Charles:The case for modern man. New William James. New York, Hafner,1955. xvi, York, Harper,1956.240p.22cm. 0375 176p. 21cm. 0358 Frankel, Charles, ed.:The golden age of American phi!osophy. New Yofk, George Braziller,1960.

Cohen, Morris Raphae1:American thought;acriti・ ‘ viii,534p.24cm. 0376 cal sketch. Glencoe, Free Press,1954.360p.24cm. 0359 Flritz, Charles Andrew:Bertrand Russell’sconstruc・ tion of the external world. New York, Humanities Colie, Rosalie Littell:Light and enlightenment;a Press,1952.243p.22c’m. 0377 study of the Cambridge Platonists and the Dutch Arminians. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1957. Gallie, W. B.:Peirce and pragmatism. Harmonds’ xiii,162p.21cm. 0360 worth, Penguin,1952.256p.18cm. 0378 Commager, Henry Steele:The American mind;an Geiger, George Raymond:Phi!osophy and the social interpretation of American thought and character order. Boston, Houghton,1947.407p.21cm.0379 1 since the 1880’s. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, Go(Nlman, Nelson:Fact, f三ction,&forecast. Harvard, ‘ 1950.xii,476p.24cm. 0361 The Univ. Press,1955.126p.21cm. 0380 Comforth, Maurice Campbell:Science versus idea- Grayeff, Felix: Deutung und Darstellung der lism;in defence of philosophy against positivism theoretischen Philosophie Kants;ein Kommentar and pragmatism. London, Lawrence,1955.463p. zu den grundlegenden Teilen der Kritik der 22Cm. 0362 reinen Vemunft. Hamburg, Richard Meiner 1951. CranstOn, Maurice:John Locke;abiography. xxiii,225p.20cm. 0381 London, Longmans,1957. xvi,496p.23cm. 0363 k Greene, Theodore Meyer, ed.:Kant selections. New Crosser, Paul K.:The nihilism of John Dewey. New York, Charles Scribners’,1929. lxxiv,526p.17cm. York, Philosophical Library, 1955. xi, 238p. 0382 22cm. 0364 Groethuysen, Bernard: Philosophie de la r6volution Croxall, Thomas Henfy:Kierkegaard commentary. francaise. Prec6d6 de Montesquieu 4. ed. Paris, New York, Harper,1956. xii,263p.22cm. 0365 Gallimard,1956.306p.23cm. 0383 Croxall, Thomas Henry:Kierkegaard commentary. Guerard, Albert L60n:The life and death of an London,1956. xix,263p.23cm. 0366 ideal;france in the c!assical age. New YOrk, George Braziller,1956. x,391p.21cm. 0384 1)ewey, John:Philosophy and civilization. New $ York, Minton,1931. vii,334p.25cm. 0367 HampSihire, Stuart, ed.:The age of reason;the 17th Dewey, John:The quest for certainty;astudy of century philosophers.. Boston, Houghton, 1957. the relation of knowledge and action. New York, vii,186p.20cm. 0385 Putnam.1929.318p.23cm. 0368 Hampshirs, Stuart, ed.:The age of reason;the 17th F Easten, Stewart Copinger:Roger Bacon and his . century philosophers. New York, New American search for a universal science. New York, Colum- Library.1956.186p.18cml O386 bia Univ. Press,1952. v,255p.23cm. 0369 Hendel, Charles William, jr.:Hume selections. New York, Scribner,1927. xxvi,406p.17cm. 0387 Ewing, Alfred Cyri1:The idealist tradition:from Berkeley to Blanshard:ed. with an introd. and Herder, Johann Gottfried:Metakritik zur Kritik commentary. Glencoe, Free Press, 1957, viii, L der reinen Vernunft. Berlin, Aufbau,1955.350p. ← 36gP.22cm. 0370 21cm. 0388

一 11一 PHILOSOPHY O389 Moderll Philosophy 0426

Hecking, William Ernest l Science and the idea of Loewenberg, Jacob, ed.:Hegel selections. New god. Chapel Hi11, Univ. of North Cardlina Press, York, Scribners,1929. xlvi,468’17cm. 0408 1944.ix,〔3〕,124p.21cm. 0389 Macdomald, Margaret, ed.:Philosophy and analysis; Hoemle, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred:Studies in Oxford, Basil Blackwell,1954. xiii,296p.22cm. philosophy、 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 0409 1952.xvii,333p.23cm. 0390 Mead, George Herbert:The philosophy of the act. Ho鉦d血tg, Harald:Ahistory of modern philosoplly. ed. with intro. by Charies W. Morris. Chicago, a sketch of the history of philosophy from the Univ. of Chicago Press,1950.1xxxiv,696p.24cm. close of the renaissance to our own day. v.1-2. 0410 New York, Humanities,1950.2▽.22cm. 0391 MetZ, Rudolf :Ahundred years of British philo・ Hof8t8dter, Richard:Social Darwinism in American sophy. tr. by J. W. Hamey, and others London, thought. rev. ed. Boston, Beacon, 1955. 248p, Allen,1950.828p.22cm. 0411 21cm. 0392 MiHer, Perry:The new England mind;the seven. Hume, David l An enquiry concerning human under・ teenth century. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, standing. Chicago, Gateway, 1956. xiii,183p. c1954 xi,528p.24cm. 0412 18cm. 0393 Mi8e9, Von Richard:Positivism;astudy in human Huxler, Aldous:The perennial philosophy. New understanding. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, York, Harper,1945. xi,312p.21cm. 0394 c1951 xii,404p.25cm. 0413 James, William:Pragmatism and four essays from ttThe lneaning of truth.”New York, Meridian, Moore, George Edward:Philosophical studies. New 1955.269p.18cm. 0395 York, Humanities,1951. xiii,342p.22cm. 0414 Jame9, William:.The wi11、to believe and human Moore, George Edward:Some main problems of immortality, and other essays in popular philoso・ philosophy. .London, Allen, 1953. xii,380p. phy. New York, Dover,1956. xx,332p. x,85p. 22cm. 0415 21cm. 03% Morris, Charles Richard:Locke, Berkeley, Hume. Jone$Howard Mumford:American humanism;its London, Oxford Univ. Press,1952.〔c 1931〕174P. meaning for world survivaL New York, Harper, 20cm. 0416 1957.xviii,108p.20cm. 0397 Morris, Lloyd:William James;the message of a Johnson, Allison Hearty:Whitehead’s theory of modern mind. New York, Scribner’st 1950. x, reality. Boston, Beacon,1952. xiv,263p.21cm. 98p.21cm. 0417 0398 Mu叩hy, Arthur Edward:The uses of reason. New kufmmn, Walter:Nietzsche;philosopher, psycho. York,.macmillan,1943. x,346p.21cm. 0418 10gist, antichrist. New York, Meridian,1956.412P. 18cm. 0399 Neill, Thomas Patrick:Makers of the modern mind. St Paul, Bruce, c 1949 xi,391p.22cm. 0419 Kierkega8rd, Soren: Briefe. DUsseldorf, Eugen Diederichs 1955. xv.279p.21cm. 0400 Nort】㎞op, Filmer Stuart Cuckow, ed.:Ideological differences and world order;New Haven, Yale Komer, Stephan:Kant. Harmondsworth, Penguin, Univ. Press.1949. xi,486p.24cm. 0420 1955.230p.18cm. 0401 O,Connor, Daniel John:John Locke. Harmonds. koneオ, Richard:Kant’sWeltanschauung. Chicago, worth, Penguin,1952.224p.18cm. 0421 Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. xi,119p.20cm. 0402 0伽,M. C.:Human enterprige;an attempt to Lamprecht, Sterling P., ed.:Locke selections. New relate philosophy to daily Ufe. New York, York, Scribners,1928.1vi,349p.18cm. 0403 Appleton.1947. xiv,385p.21cm. 0422 Larrabee, Harold Atkins:Reliable knowledge. Palter, Robert Monroe:Whitehead’s philosophy of Boston, Mifflin,1945. x,685p.24cm, 0404 science. Chicago,.Univ. of Chicago Press,ユ960. xv,248p.24cm. 0423 Lawrence, Nathanie1:Whitehead’s philosophical development;acritical history of the background Pap, Arthur:Elelnents of analytic philosophy. New of. process and reality. Berkeley, Univ. of York, Macmillan,1949. xviii,526P.22cm. 0424 California Press,1956. xxi,370p.24cm. 0405 pasgrnore,∫ohn:A.hundrd years of philosophy. Lef6vre, Roqer:La vocation de Descartes. Paris, London, Gerald Duckworth,1957.523p.22cm Presses Univ. de France,1956.228p.23cm.0406 O425 Levi, Albert William:Philosophy and the modern Perry, Ralph Barton:In the spirit of William world. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press,1959. James. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press. 1958. ix,591p.24cm. 0407 211p.20cm. 0426

一 12一 0427 Moderll Philosophy 0462 PHILOSOPHY

Perry, Ralph Barton:The thought and character of Schilpp, Paul Arthur, ed.:The philosophy of George William James. New York, George Braziller, Santayana. New York, Tudor,1951. xii,710p. 1948.xii,402p.24cm. 0427 24cm. 0445

Poulet, Georges:Studies in human time,(tr. by Schilpp, Paul Arthur, ed.:The philosophy of G. E. Coieman, E.)Baltimore, Johns Hopkins 1956. Moore.2. ed. New York, Tudor,1952. xvii.722p. xii,363cm.22cm. 0428 0446

P通ce, H. H.:Hume’s theory of the external world. S( hilpp, Paul Arthur:The philosophy of John Oxford, Clarendon,1948.231P. 23cm. 0429 Dewey. New York, Tudor,1951. xv,718p.24cm. 0447 Royce, Josiah:Race questions provincialism and other American problems. New York, Macmillan, Schneider, Hetbert W.: Ahistory of American 1908.xiii,287p.20cm. 0430 philosophy. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1946.xii,368p.21cm. 0448 Royce, Josiah:William JaMes and other essays on the philosophy of life. New York, Macmillan, S(thneider, Herbert W.: Ahistory of American 1911.xi,301p.20cm. 0431 philosophy. New York, Liberal Arts, 1957. xii, 368p.21cm. 0449 Russell, Bertrand:Bertrand Russell speaks his mind. Cleveland, World Pdbiishing, 1960. 173p. Sforza, Count Carlo: The living thoughts of 22cm. 0432 Machiavelli.3. ed. London, Cassell,1949.118p. 19cm. 0450 Russell, Bertrand:Mysticism and logic. New York, Barnes&Noble,1951.234p.19cm. 0433 Silone, Ignazio:The living thoughts of Mazzini. 2.ed. London, Cassell,1946.130p.20cm. 0451 Russen, Bertrand:Portraits from memory alld other essays。 New York, Simon and Schuster, Smith, Norman Kemp:The philosophy of David 1956.vi,247p.21cm. 0434 Hume. London, Macmillan,1949. xxiv, 568p. 22cm. 0452 Russell, Bertrand,:UnpOpular essays. New York, Simon and Schuster,1950.177p.21cm. 0435 Smith, T. V.&Grene, Marjorie:From Descartes to Kant. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1950. Santayana, George:Atoms of thought;an antho. 10gy of thoughts from George Santayana. New 900p.24cm. 0453 York, Philosophical Library, 1950. xvi,284p. Stewart, Dugald, ed.:The works of Thomas Reid, 22cm. 0436 D.D. Edinburgh, Maclachlan, Stewart 1946. vi, 914p.23cm. 0454 San笛yana, George:The life of reason;or the phases of human progress. New York, Scribner’s, StOut, G. F. ed.:God and nature, based on the 1955.vii,504p.24cm. 0437 Gifford lectures delivered in the Univ. of Edin・ burgh in 1919 and 1921 Cambridge, The Univ. S孤t迦8,Giorgio De, ed.:The age of adventure: Press,1952.1iv,139p.22cm. 0455 the renaissance philosphers. Bostol1, Houghton Mifflin,1957.283p.20cm. 0438 Th④mpson, Manley:The pragmatic philosophy of C.S. Peirce. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, Stmtillama, Giorgio De:The age of adventure;the c1953 xvii,318p.22cm. 0456 renaissance philosophers. New York,(Mentor Boor),New American Library,1956.283p.18cm. Urmson, J.0.:Philosophical analysis;its develo・ 0439 pment between the two world wars. Oxford, Clarendon,1956. xt 203p.19cm. 0457 Sa血e, Jean-Pau1: Literary and philosophical essays, tr. from the French by Annette Michelson, Va16ry, Paul:The livilg thoughts of Descartes. London, Sider,1955.239p.22cm. 0440 London, Cassel1,1948. viii,133p.19cm. 0458

Saw, Ruthlydia:Leibniz. Harmmndswsrth Penguin, WamW k, G. J.:Berkeley. Harmondsworth, Pen. 1954.240p.18cm. O“1 guin,1953.256p.18cm. , 0459 S¢hilpp, Paul Arthur, ed.:Philosophy of Alfred Weldon, Thomas Dewar:Kant’s critique of pure North Whitehead. New York, Tudor, 1951. reason.2. ed. Oxford, Clarendon,1958. xii,332p. xviii,797p.24cm. 0442 23cm. 0460 Schilpp, Paul Arthur, ed.: The phi!osophy of Alfred Wells, Harry Kohlsaat:Pragmatism;philsophy of North Whitehead.2. ed. New York, Tudor,1951. imperialism. New York, Internationa!Publisher, xviii,797p.24cm. 0443 1954.221p.21cm. 0461

Sdhilpp, Paul Arthur ed.: The philosophy of ーー Wells, Harry Kohlsaat:Pragmatism;philosophy of Bertrand Russell. New York, Tudor, 1951. xvi, imperialism. New York, International Publisher, 289p.24cm. 0444 1954.221p.21cm. 0462

一 13一 PHILOSOPHY O463 Religion 0498

Werkmeister, William Henry:Ahistory of philo, Bagster, Samuel and Sons Ltd:The Septuagint sophical ideas in America、 New York, Ronald, Version of the Old Testament. London, Samuel c1949. xvi,589p.24cm. 0463 Bagster,1794.1130p.22cm. 0482 White, Morton, ed.:The age of analysis;twentieth Baillie, John:The idea of revelation in recent century philosophers。 Boston, Houghton Mifflin, thought. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1956. 1955.256p.21cm. 0464 viii,152p.21cm. 0483

W垣te, Morton, ed.:The age of analysis;twentieth Ballou, Robert Oleson ed.: The bible of the century philosophers. Boston, Houghton Mifflin, world. New York, Viking,1949. xxiii, 1416p. 1957.253p.20cm. 0465 24cm. 0484

Whibehead, Alfred North: Dialogues of Alfred Boisen, Anton J.:Religion in crisis and custom;a North Whitehead. New York, New American sociological and psychological study. New York, Library,1956ほ20p.18cm. 0466 Harper,1955. xv,271p.22cm. 0485 Whitehead, Alfred North:Modes of thought. New York, Macmillan,1956. xii,241p.20cm. 0467 Bouquet, Alan Coates:Sacred Books of the world. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1954. 343p. 18cm. Whibe, Morton G.:Social thought in America;the 0486 revolt against formalism. New York, Viking, c1952260p.22cm. 0468 Brentart①, Franz:Religion und Philosophie. Bern, Fracke,1954. xxxvi,275p.19cm. 0487 Whibe, Morton:Toward reunion in philosophy. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press;1956. xv,308p. Cameron, Richard M.:The rise of methodis皿;a 25cm. 0469 sOurce book. New York, Philosophical Library, 1954.xvi,398p.22cm. 0488 Wiener, Philip P.:Evolution and the founders of pragmatism. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. PreSS, Campbe皿, Joseph:The hero with a thousand faces. 1949.xvi,288p. 25cm. 0470 New York, Bollingen Foundation,1953. xxiv, Wiener, Philip P., ed.: Leibniz selections. New 416p.24cm. 0489 O471 York, Scribners,1951. li,606p.17cm. Campbe皿, Joseph, ed.:The mysteries;papers from Wiener, Philip P.&Young, Fre deric:Studies in the the Eranos Yearbooks. London, Routledge 1955. philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce・ Cambridge, xvi,476p.24cm. 0490 Harvard Univ. Press c 1952 xt 396p.24cm. 0472 Cro血, John F.:Catholic social principles;the Wild, John Daniel. ed.:The return to reason; social teaching of the Catholic church applied to essays in realistic philosophy. Chicago, Henry American economic life. Milwaukee, Bruce,1950. Regnery. c 1953 x,371p.24cm. O473 xxviii,804p.23cm. 0491

Wild, John Daniel, ed.:Spinoza;selections. New De Rougernont, Denis:The devil’s share,(tr. from York, Scribner’s,1930. lxii,480p.18cm. O474 the French by Chevalier, Haakon) New York, 0492 Wisdom, John Oulton:The unconscious origin of Bollingen Foundation,1952。221p.21cm. 1953. Berkeley’s philosophy. London, Hogarth, Dewey, John:Acommon faith. New Haven, Yale 0475 xii,244P.23cm. Univ. Press,1955. vi,87p.21cm. O493 Wbodbridge, Frederic kJ.E. ed.:Hobbes. New York, and Scribner’s,1930. xxxii,418p.17cm. 0476 Dubarle, Do皿inique: Scientific humanism Christian thought. (tr. by Trevett, Reginald) John Locke and the way of ideas.YeltOn, John W.: New York, Philosoph ica 1Library,1955. viii,120p. 1956.xii,236p.22cm. Oxford, The Univ. Press, 19cm. 0494 0477 Fletcher, Joseph F., ed.:Christianity and property. Yo8t, Robert Morris:Leibniz and philosophical Philadelphia, Westminster,1947.221p.21cm. analysis. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 0495 xii,1954.208p.24cm. 0478 Flew, Antony&Macintyre Alasdair ed.: New Religion essays in philosophical theology・ New York, Macmillan,1955. xii,274p.22cm. 0496

AugU8tine, Aurelius Saint:The city of god. v.1 Fogarty, Michael P.:Christian democracy in We. London, Dent,1950.372p.18cm、 0479 stern Europe 1820-1953. Notre Dame, Univ. of AugUstine, Aureliuscg Saint:The city of god. v. Notre Dame Press,1957. xviii,462p. 24cm. 2.London,Dent,1950. lxxiv,444p.18cm. 0480 0497 Augustine, Saint:The confessions of Saint Augus. Gilson, Etienne:History of christian philosophy in tine, tr. by Edward B. Pusey. New York, the middle ages. New York, Random,1954. xvii, Modern Library,1949. xiv,338p.19cm. 0481 829p.24cm. 0498

一 14一 0499 Religion 0530 PHILOSOPHY

Goode, William:Religion among the primitives. Rose, Herbert Jennings:Ancient Greek religion. Glencoe, Free Press, c 1951322p.25cm. 0499 New York, Hutchinson’s Univ. Library, 1946. 160p.19cm. 0516 Grace, Frank:The concept of property in modern christian thought. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois press, Rougernont, Denis de.:The devi1’s share, tr. from 1953.ix,174p.26cm. 0500 the French by Haakon Chevalier, New York, HamiltOn, Edith:Mythology Boston, Little, Bro醐, Bo11ingen Foundation,1952.221p.21cm. 0517 1953.xiv.497p.21cm. 0501 Russell, Bertrand:Religion and science. Lbndon, Hartshome, Charles&Reese, Willam L.:Philoso・ 0xford Univ. Press,1956.256p.18cm。 0518 phers speak of god. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1953. xiv,536p.25cm. . 0502 Smith, Homer W、:Man and his gods. New York, Grosset’s,1956. x,501p.21ぐm. 0519 H㏄king, William Ernest:The meaning of god in human experience;aphilosophic study of religion. Spiegelberg, Friedrich:Living religions of the New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1922. xxxiv,586p. world. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hail,1956. viii, 24cm. 0503 511p.22cm. 0520

Holloway, Maurice R.:An introduction to natural Spinoza, Benedict de.: Theologisch-politischer theology. New York, Appleton,1959. xxv,492p. Traktat. Hamburg, Felix Meiner,1955. xxxvii, 22cm. 0504 426p.20cm. 0521 HutChison, John A.:Faith, reason, and existence; Taylor, Alfred Edward:The faith of a moralist, an introduction to contemporary philosophy of Gifford lectures delivered in the Univ. of St. religion. Oxford, The Univ. Press,1956. xii,306p. Andrew,1926-1928 ser.1. The theological impli・ 21cm. ’ 0505 cations of morality. London, Macmillan 1930. xx, 1nge, William Ralph:Christan mysticisln. New 437p.23cm. . 0522 York, Meridian Books,ユ956. xx,332p.18cm. 0506 丁町10r, Alfred Edward:The faith of a moralist, Gifford Iectures delivered in the Univ. of St. Kierkegaard, Soren:On authority and revelation. Andrew,1926-1928 Ser.2. moral theology and the the book on Adler or a cycle of ethico-religious positive religions. London, Macmillan,1930. xxii, essays. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1955. xxvii, 437p.23cm. 0523 205p.23cm. 0507 Turnbull, Grace H. compiled:Tongues of fire;a More, Sir Tho皿as:Utopia and a dialogue of com. bible of sacred scriptures of the non・christian fort. London, Dent,1951. xx,428p.18cm. 0508 world. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1941. xxvi,422p. Maritain, Jacques:Christianity and democracy.(tr. 22cm. 0524 by Doris C. Anson)New York, Scribner’s,1950. 98p.20cm. 0509 Watt, W. Montgomery:The faith and practice of Al-Ghazali. London, Allen,1953.160p.19cm. 1NMIer, Perry:Images or shadows of divine things 0525 by Jonathan Edwards. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1948. viii,151p.24cm. 0510 Weber, Max:Gesammelte Aufs江tze zur Religions・ soziogie.4. ed. TUbingen, Mohr,1947.582p. 0’Neill, James M.:Religion and education under the 24cm. 0526 constitution. New York, Harper.1949. xiv.338p. 22cm. 0511 Weisg, Pau1:Man’s freedom. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, c 1950 x,326p.24cm. 0527 PatOn, Herbert James:The modern predicament; New York, Macmillan,1955. xviii,408p.22cm. Wheelwright, Philip:The burning fountain;astudy 0512 in the language of symbolism. Bloomington, Petry, Ray C.:Christian eschatology and s㏄ial Indiana Univ. Press,1954. iv,406p.24cm. 0528 thought;ahistorical essay on the social impiica’ Whibehead, Alfred North:Religion in the皿aking; tions of the same selected aspects in christian Lowell lectures,1926. New York, Macmillan, eschatology to A. D.1500, New York, Abingdon, 1926.160p.20cm. 0529 ユ956.415p.24cm. 0513

Ramsey, Paul ed.:The works of Jonathan Edwards; Wilson, Bryan R、:Sects and s㏄iety;as㏄iologicaI freedom of the will, New Haven, Yale Univ. study of the Elim Tabernacle, christian science, Press,1957. xii,493P.24cm. 0514 and Christadelphians. Berkeley Univ. of California Press,1961.397p.22cm. 0530 Read, 】…lerbert: Icon and idea. the function of art in the development of human consciousness. ! Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1955. 162p. 23cm. 0515

一 15一 PSYCHOLOGY O531 Psychology 0563 一一_ PSYCHOLOGY

Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR Institut G血ker, Roy R. ed.:Toward a unified theory of fUr Philosophie:Die Lehre 1. P. Pawlows und die human behavior. New York, Basic Books,1956. philosophischen Fragen der Psychologie. Berlin, xvi,375p,24cm. 0547 Veb,1955.384p.25cln. 0531 G血ker, Roy R. ed.:Toward a unified theory of Ansehiltz, Georg:Psychologie;Grundlagen, Erge・ human behavior. New York, Basic Books,1957、 bnis und Probleme der Forschung. Hamburg, xvi,375p.24cm. . 0548 Richard Meiner,1953. xvi,588p.23cm. 0532 Guilford, Joy Paul:Psychometric methods.2. ed. AW㎞eave, Fred:Applications of information theory New York, McGraw-Hi11,1954. x,598p.24cm. to psychology;asummary of basic concepts, 0549 methods, and results. New York, Henry Holt, Hebb, Donald Olding:The organization of behavior; 1959.vii,120p.22cm. 0533 aneuropsychological theory. New York, Wiley, Blackhurst, J. Herbert:Body’mind and creativity. 1949.xx,336p.22cm. 0550 New York, Philosophical Library,〔c 1954〕186p. Hilgrad, Ernest R.:Introduction to psychology. 21cm. 0534 New York, Harcourt,1953. x,・660p.25cm. 0551 Bo血g, Edwing Garrigues:Ahistory of experi. Hofstatter, Peter R.:EinfUhrung in die quantita. mental psychology.2. ed. New York, App!eton, tiven Methoden der Psychologie. Mtinchen, Barth, 1950.xxii,778p.24cm. 0535 1953.vi,175p.16p1.23cm. 0552 Bo血g, Edwin Garrigues et. al. ed.:Foundations Hu皿, Clark L:Essentials of behavior, New Haven, of psychology. New York, Wiley,1948. xv,632p. Yale Univ. Press,1951. viii,146p.21cm. 0553 24cm. 0536 Hull, Clark L l Principles of behavior;an introduc- Boring, Edwin Garrigues et al.:Psychology;a tion to behavior theory. New York, Appleton factual tex.tbook. New York, Wiley,1949. xviii, 1943.xvii,422p.22cm. 0554 566p.22cm. 0537 Katz, David:Studien zur experimentellen Psychlo. Bugeldki, Bergen Richard:Afirst course in experi. gie. Base, Benno Schwabe,1953. 130p.25cm. mental psychology. New York, Henry Holt,1954. 0555 xxvi,421p.22cm. 0538 Ke皿er, Fred S.&Schoe㎡eld, William N.:Princi. Bロmw, Trigant:Science and man’s behavior. ples of psychology;asystematic text in the London, Routiedge,〔c 1953〕xii,564p.24cm.0539 science of behavior. New York, Appleton,1950. xvi,312p.29cm. 0556 Bロrtも Harold Ernest:Applied psychology. New York, Prentice-Hall 〔c 1948〕 v,831p. 24cm. Luce, R. Duncan:Individual choice behavior;a 0540 theoretical analysis. New York, Wiley,1959. xii, 153p.24cm. 0557 Carmichael, Leonard:Basic Psychology;astudy of the modem healthy mind. New York, Random, Luchins, Abraham S.&Luch㎞s, Edith Hirsch:Rigi. Houte,1957.340p.21cm. 0541 dity of.behavior;a variational apProach to the effect of Einstellung. Eugene, Univ. of Oregon Comb8, Arthur,&Snygg, Donald:Individual beha. Books,1959. xxv,623p.26cm. 0558 vior;apercaptual epProach to behavior. rev. ed. New York, Harper,1959.522p.24cm. 0542 Madig邑n, Marian East l Psychology;principles and applications. ill.2. ed. St. Louis, C. V. Mosby, Coomb8, Clyde H.:Atheory of psychological sca. 1957.392p.22cm. 0559 1ing. Am Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1952. vi,98p.23cm. 0543 Munn, Norman L:Psychology;the fundamentals of human adjustment.2. ed. Boston, Houghton, Festinger, Leon & Katz, Daniel, ed.: Research 1951.xvi,624p.25cm. 0560 methods in the behavioral sciences. New York, Dryden,1953. xii,660p.21cm. 0544 pavlov, Ivan Petrovich:Experimental psychology and other essays. New York, Philosophical Fheud, Sigmund:Collected papers, authorized trans. Library,1957.654p.22cm. 0561 Iation under the supervision of Joan Riviere. v.1-5.Londo叫Hogarth,1953.23cm. 0545 Peters, R. S. ed.:Brett’s history of psychology. London Allen, c 1911742p.22cm. 0562 Gr町, John Stanley:Psychology applied to human affairs.2. ed. New York, MacGraw-Hill,1954. Russell, Bertrand:The Analysis of mind. London, vii,581p.24cm. 0546 Allen,1951.316p.22cm. 0563

一 16一 0564 Mental Hygiene 0598 PSYCHOLOGY

Shipley, Thorne ed.:Classics in psychology. New York, Philosophical Library,1961. xx,1342p. Mental Hygiene 23cm. 0564

Simon, Brian ed.:Psychology in the . Allen, Frederick H.:Psychotherapy with children. Papers by B. G. Ananiev and others. Stanford, New York, Norton,1942.311p.22cm. 0582 The、 Univ. Press,1957. viii,305p,22cm. 0565 A㎞derson, Camilla M.:Beyond Freud;acreative approach to mental health. New York, Harper, Sk㎞er, B. F.:The behavior of organisms;an 1957.vi,282p.22cm. 0583 experimental analysis. New York, Appleton,1938. 457p.23cm. 0566 Be皿rd, Harold W.:Toward better personal adjustment.2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1957. Sk血mer, B. F.:Cumulative record. New York, viii,454p.24cm. 0584 Appleton,1959. x,430p.24cm. 0567 Bingvvanger, K. et al.:Studien zur analytischen Skinner, B. F.:Science and human behavior, New Psychologie C. G. Jungs. v.1-2 ZUrich, Rascher, York, Macmillan,1953. x,462p.22cm. 0568 1955.2v.24cm. 0585 Snygg, Dollald:Individual behavior;anew frame Bordin, Edward S.:Psychological counseling. New of reference for psychology. New York, Harper, York, Appleton,1955. xt 410p.24cm. 0586 1949.x,386p.22cm. 0569 Brasty, Trygve:Fundamentals of psychoanalytic Sbephenson, Willam:The study of behavior’Q. technique. New York, Wiley,1954. xii,404p. technique and its methodoiogy. Chicago, Univ. 24cm. 0587 of Chicago Press, c 1953 v,376p.24cm. 0570 Ca姐8, Robert et al.:A counseling. New York, Appleton,1955.352p.24cm. 0588 Stem, George et a1.:Methods in personality assessment;human behavior短complex racial Carneron, Norman :The psychology of behavior situations. Glencoe, Free Press,1956.271p.25cm. disorders ; a biosociai interpretation. BostOn, 0571 Houghton,1947. xxii,622p. 23cm. 0589

Stevens, Staneley Smith ed.:Handbook of experi. Crow, Lester&Crow, A.:Understanding our beha. mental psychology. New York, Willey,195L xii, vior ; the psychology of personal and s㏄ial 1436p.24cm. 0572 adjustment. New York, Knopf,1956. x,348p. 25cm. 0590 Stout, George Frederick:Amanual of psychology. 5.ed. London, Univ. Tutorial Press,1949. xvi, Ferencai, Sandor:Final contributions to the pro・ 708p.18cm. 0573 blems and methOds o fpsycho-analysis, by Eric Mosb㏄her and others, London, Hogarth,1955. T迂伍1,Joseph:Industrial psychology.3. ed. New 448p.23cm. 0591 York, Prentice-Hail,1952. xxii,560p, 22cm. 0574 Fromm, Erich:The forgotten language;an intro: duction to the understanding of dreams, fairly Tumlirz, Otto:Anthropologische Psychologie. Mtin- tales and myths. London, Gollancz, c1952 224p. chen;Reinhardt,1955.469p.24cm. 0575 23cm. 0592 Underwood, Benton J.: Psychological research. Fromm, Erich:Psychoanalysis and religion. New New York, Appleton,1957. x,298p.22cm.0576 Haven, Yale Univ. Press, c 1950 x、119p.21cm. 0593 We皿ek, Albert:Ganzheitspsychologie und Struktur- thorie;Zehn Abhandlungen zur Psychologie und Feniehel, Otto:The psychoanalytic theory of philosophischen Anthropologie. Bern, Francke, nerosis. New York, Norton,1945. x,703p.24crn. 0594 1955.260p.22cm. 0577 Freud, A.:The ego and the mechanism of defense. Wells, Harry K.:Pavlov and Freud;toward a New York, International Universities Press,1956 scientific psychology and psychiatry. New York, c1946 x,196p.22cm. 0595 International Publishers,1956.224p.21cm. 0578 | Fre皿d, Sigmund:An outline of psychoanaiysis. Wert, James E. et al.:Statistical methods in 〈tr. by James Strachey)New York, Norton,1949. educational and psychological research. New 129p.20cm. 0596 York, Appleton, c 1954 xi,435p.25cm. 0579 Fromm・Rei¢hmann, Freida:Principles of intensive Woodworth, Robert S.:Experimental psychology. psychotherapy. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, New York, Holt,1938. xii,888p.24cm. 0580 1950.xviii,246p.22cm. 0597 Woodworth, Robert S.&Marquis, Donald D.:Psy・ Fromm-Reichmann, Frieda & Moreno, J. L. ed.、: ・h・1・gy・N・wY・・k,H…yH・1・,1947.・,678P- Progress in psychotherapy. v.1. London, Grune 22cm. 0581 1 &Stratton,1956. xii,352p.24cm. 0598

一 17一 PSYCHOLOGY O599 Mental Hygiene 0633

F皿kensteinプDaniel H. et a1.:Mastery of stress. Morgan, Clifford T.&Stellar, Eliot:Physiological Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957. xviii, psychology.2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, 330p.22cm. 0599 1950.ix,609p.24cm. 0616 Halstead, Ward C.:Brain and intelligence;a Mowrer,0. Hobart et al.:Psychotherapy;theory quantitative study of the frontal lol)es. Chicago, and research. New York, Ronald,1953. xviii, The Univ. Press,1947. xiv,206p.24cm. 0600 700p.24cm. 0617 Hoffe, W.,ed.:The lnternational journal of psycho- Mu皿ahy, Patrick:Oedipus;myth and complex;a analysis. v.37, pt 1;Jan-Feb.,1956. Bailliere, review of psychoanalytic theory. New York, Tindall,136p.28cm. 0601 Grove Press,1955. xiv,370p.21cm. 0618 Horney, Karen:Psychoanalysis;New ways in Murtroe, Ruth L.:Schools of psychoanalytic thought; psychoanalysis. New York, Norton, c 1939316p. an exposition, critique and attempt at integration. 22cm. 0602 New York, Dryden,1955. xvi,670p.25cm.0619

Jacobsen, Edmund:You must relax. a practical Osgood, Charles E.:Method and theory in experi- method of reducing the strains of modern living. mental psychology. New York, Oxford Univ. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1948. xx,218p.20cm. Press, c 1953 viii,800p.24cm. 0620 0603 Pep㎞8ky, Harold B.&Pepinsky, P. N,:Counseli㎎; Jeffress, Lloyd A., ed.:Cerebral mechanisms in theory and practice. New York, Ronald Press, behavior;the.Hixon symposium. New York, 1954.viii,308p.21cm. 0621 Wiley,1951. xiv,311p.24cm. 0604 1ntroduction to Jung, Carl Gustav:Versuch einer Darstellung der Porter, Eleanor Hodgman:An therapeutic counseling・Boston, Houghton,1950. psychoanalytischen Theo亘e. Harnburg, Racher xi,223p.23cm. 0622 1940.196p.22cm. 0605 Rado, Sandor:psychoanalysis of behavior. New Kantor, Jacob Robert:Problems of physiological York, Grune&Stratton, 1956.viii,388p. 23cm. psychology. Bloomington, Principia Press,1947. 0623 xviii,398p.24cm. 0606 Rank, Otto:Will therapy&truth and reality New 1」angstrOth, Lovell:Structure of the ego;an ana・ York, Knopf,1950. xxiv,308p.22cm. O624 tomic and physiologic interpretation of the psyche based on the psychology of Otto Rank. Stanford, Rapaport, David:Emotions and memory. New The Univ. Press,1955. x、150p.24cm. 0607 York, International Univ. Press,1950. xiv,282p. 24cm. 0625 Lehner, George F. J.&Ella Kube:The dynamics of personal adjustment. New York, Prentice-Hall, Redl, Fritz&Wattenberg, William W.:Mental 1955.xiv,498p.22cm. 0608 hygielle in teaching. New York, Harcourt, Brace, 1951.xiv,454p.22cm. 0626 Lindgren, Henry Clay:Psychology of personal and s㏄ial adjustment, by Henry Clay Lindgren. New Rob祖80n, Francis P.:Princip正es and procedures in York, American Book,1953. ix,481p.22cm. student counseling. New York, Harper,1950. x, 0609 322p.21cm. 0627

Lindner, Robert&Staff, Clenent ed.:Explorations Rogers, Cari R.:Client 一 centered therapy;its in psychoanalysis;essays in honor of Theodor current practice implications and theory. Boston, Reik. New York, Julian, c 1953 xiv,308p.24cm. Houghton,1951. xiv,560p.22cm. 0628 0610 Rogers, CarL R.&Ilymend, R.F. ed.:Psychotherapy Ling, Thomas Mortimer ed.:Mental health and and Personality change ; co-ordinated research human relations in industry. Lodon, Lewis,〔c1954〕 studies in the client-centered approach. Chicago, xv,266p.23cm. 0611 Univ. of Chicago Press,1954. x,448p 24cm.0629 Mas8e酌m紐, Jules H. ed.:Progress in psychotherapy. Ta8hman, Harry F.:Today’s neurotic family;a v.2.;Anxiety and therapy. London, Grune& journey into psychoanalysis. New York, The Stratton,1957. viii,264p.24cm. 0612 Univ. press,1957. viii,214p.21cm. 0630 Masserm飢, Jules H.&M[oreno, J. L. ed.:Progress in psychotherapy. v.3.;Techniques of psycho’ Tyler, Leona E.: The work of the counselor. New び therapy. New York, Grune&Stratton,1958, x, York, Appleton, 1953.xii,324p.22cm. 0631 324p.24cm. . 0613 Wells, Ha∬y K.:Sigmund Freud;aPavlovian May, Rollo:The Meaning of anxiety. New York, critique. (Pavlov alld Freud:II) New York, Ronald,1950. xvi,376p,22cm. 0614 International Publishers,1960.251p.21cm. 0632 McCary, James L.&Sheer, Daniel E. ed.:Six Williamson, E.G.:Counseling adolesc’ents.(Revision approachesto psychotherapy. New York, Dryden of part I of‘How to Counsel Students’.) New Press,1955. x,402p.22cm. 0615 York, McGraw-Hill,1950. xii,548p.24cm.0633

一 18一 0634 Abnormal Psychology・Developmental Psychology 0665 PSYCHOLOGY

WiSlom, John:Philosophy and psycho-analysis. White, Robert W. l The abnormal personality;a Oxford, Basil Blackwell,1953. vi,282p.23cm. textbook. New York, Ronald,1956. x,644p. 0634 24cm. 0649

Abnormal Psychology 1)evelopmenta1 Psychology

Ausubel, Devid P.:Ego development and personality Ausubel, David P.:Theory and problems of adole・ disorders;adevelopmental approach to psycho. scent development. New York, Grune&Stratton, pathology. New York, Grune&Stratton,1952. 1954.xx,580p.23cm. 0650 xx,564p.22cm. 0635 Baldwin, Alfred L.:Behavior and development in BurtOn, Arthur&Harris, R. E. ed.:Clinica!studies childhood. New York, Dryden,1956. xviii,620p. of personality. (v.20f case histories in clinical 24cm. 0651 and abnormal psychology) New York, Harper, Barker, Roger G., et al., ed.:Child behavior and 1955.xiii,836p.22cm. 0636 development;acourse of representative studies. Goldliarner, Herbert&M晒halL Andrew W,:Psy’ New York, McGraw-Hi1】,1943. viii,652p.24cm, chosis and civilization;two studies in the frequ. 0652 ency of mental disease. Glencoe, Free Press,1953. Bette皿teim, Bruno:Love is not enough;the treat- 126p.22cm. 0637 ment of emotionally disturbed children. IIIinois, Hunt, J. McVっed.:Personality and the behavior Free Press,1950. xii,386p.22cm. 0653 disorders;ahandbook based or experimental and Blackbum, Julian:The framework of human be- clinical research. New York, Rollald,1944.2v. haviour. London, Routledge 1953. viii, i58,16p. 24cm. 0638 23cm. 0654 Jaspems, Karl:Allgemeine Psychopathologie. Berlin, Brody, Sylvia:Pattems of mothering i maternaI Springer,1953. xvi,748p.26cm. 0639 influence during infancy. New York, International Ke皿y, E. Lowell,&Fiske, Donald W.:The pre- Univ. Press,1956.446p.24cm, 0655 diction of performance in clinical psychology. Ann Cmw, Lester D.:Adolescent development and Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1951. xv.311p. adjustment、 New York, McGraw-Hi11,1956. xiv, 29cm. 0640 555p.24cm. 0656 Ke皿y, George A.:The psychology of personal Cruiekshank, William M., ed.:Psychology of excep- constructs. v.1. (in 2 vols.);atheory of perso・ tional childre凪 and youth. Englewood Cliffs, nality. New York, Norton,1955. xviii,556p.22c口L Prentice-HaU,1956. xiv,594p.22cm. 0657 O641 Ede18t4Dn, H.:Problems of adolescents. New York, Kelly, George A.:The psychology of personal Philosophical Library,1956. xii,174p.19cm.0658 constructs, v.2. (in 2 vols.);clinical diagnosis and psychotherapy. New York, Norton,1955. xii, EUs81er, Ruth S., et al., ed.:The psychanalytic study 659p.22cm、 0642 of the child, v.1-10 New York, International Univ. press,1945-55.9v、24cm. 0659 Meehl, Paul E.:Clinical versus statistical predic・ tion;atheoretical analyis and a review of the Eriks①n, Erik H.:Childhood and society. New York, evidence. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, Norton,1950.397p.22cm. 0660 1954.x,150p.23cm. 0643 Gerathewohl, Siegfried J.:Die Psychologie des Rotter, Julian B.: Social learning and clinical Menschen in Flugzeug. MUnchen, Johann Ambro. psychology. New York, Prentice-Hall,1954. xvi, sius Barth,1954.270p.11p1.23cm. 0661 466p.22cm. 0644 Ham血g Shirley A.&PaUlson, Blanche B.:Coun- W㎡1en, Richard William:Clinical psychology;the seling adolescents. Chicago, Science Research study of persons. New York, McGraw-Hill,1956. Associates,1960. x,371p.23cm. 0662 xiv,388p.24cm. ・ 0645 H㎜, Ernest:Eseentials of abnorlnal child Watson, Robert I. l The ciinical method in psy. psychology;asurvey『representing twentyイive chology. New York, Harper, 1951. xii,77gP. years’work in the field of child psychology. New 22cm. 0646 York, Julian,1953. xiv,266p.22cm. 0663

Weinberg, He草ry&Hire, William:Case book lin Jersild, Arthur T、:Child psychology. 5. ed. abnormal psychology. New York, Knopf,1956. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1960. xxi,506p. viii,320p.22cm. 』 0647 24cm. 0664 Weitzenhoffer, Andr6 M.:Hypnotism;an objective Jersild, Arthur T.:The psychology of adolescence. study in suggestibility. New York, Wiley,1953. New York, Macmillan,1957. xii,438p.22cm. i xv,380p.24cm. θ648 0665

一 19一 PSYCHOLOGY O666 Psychology of Personality 0698

Johnson, Wende11:People in quandaries;the se・ Soddy, Kenneth, ed.:Mental health and infant manitcs of personal adjustment. New York, deve1叩ment. v.2. London, Routledge,1955. vi, Harper,1946. xiv,532p.22cm. 0666 290p.22cm. 0684 Josselyn, Irene M.:The adolescent and his wor1d. Stone, L Joseph&Church, Joseph:Childhood and New York, Family Service Association of America adolescence;apsychology of the growing person. 1959.124p.23cm. 0667 New York, Random,1957. xx,456p.24cm.0685 1angf①rd, Louise M.:Guidance of the yoUng child. Tamer, James Mourilyan&inhelder, Btirbel, ed.: New York, Wiley 1960.349p.24cm. 0668 Discussions on child development. v.1. New York, International Univ. Press, 1953. 240P. Louttit, Chauncey Mckinley:Clincal psychology of exceptional children.3. ed. New York, Harper, 24cm. 0686 1957.xii,573p.24cm. 0669 T㎜er, James Mourilyan&Inhelder, Btirbel ed.: Discussiolls on chiid development. v.2 (in 2 Martin, William E.&Stendler, Celia Burns:Child vols.) New York, International Univ. Press, behavior and development. New York, Harcourt, 1954,272p.23cm. 0687 1959.xxii,618p.22cm. 0670 Ma㎞, William E.&Stendler, Celia Burns.:Child Terman, Lewis M.&Oden, Melita H.:Genetic development;the process of growing up in society. studies of genius. v.4 Stanford, The Univ. New York, Harcourt 1953. xxii,520p.22cm.0671 Press,1954. xiv,448p.23cm. 0688 Tyler, Leona E.:The psychology of human diffe・ Martin, William E.&Stendler, Celia Burns: Readings in child development. New York, rences.2. ed. New York, Appleton 1956. x, 562p.25cm. 0689 Harcourt,1954. xii,114p.25cm. 0672 Wallace, Anthony F. C.:The modal personality McGraw, Myrtle:The neuromuscular maturation of the human infant. New York, Columbia Univ. structure of the Tuscarora Indians. Washington, Press, c 1943 xiv,140p.22cm. 0673 U.S. Government Printing Office,1952. viii, 120p.24cm. 0690 Mohr, George J.&De8pre8, Marian A.:The stormy decade;adolescence. New York, Random,1958. Wstson, Robert I.:Psychology of the child; 272p.22cm. 、 0674 personal, social, and disturbed child development. New York, John Wiley,1960. ix,662p.24cm. Peck, Leigh:Child psychology;a dynamic approach. 0691 Boston, Heath,1953.536p.23cm. 0675 Whiting, John W. M.&Irvin, L Child:Child Pikunas, Justin:Fundamental child psychology. training and personality;acrosscultural study. Milwaukee, Bruce,1957. xviii,260p.23cm.0676 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1953.353p.24cm. Pre㏄ott, Daniel A.:The chi正d in the educative 0692 process. New York, McGraw-Hilt,1957. xvi, Z日bek, John P。&Selberg, P. A.:Human develop. 502p.24cm. 0677 ment. New York, McGraw-Hi11, c 1954 viii,476p. Rand, Winifred, et al.:Growth and development of 24cm. 0693 the young child.5. ed. London, Saunders, 1953. xii,524p.21cm. 0678 Psychology of Personality Reiner, Beatrice Simcox.& Kaufman, Irving: Character disorders in parents of delinquents. Abt, Lawrence Edwin&Be皿ak, Leopold, ed.: New York, Family Service Association of Ame. Projective psychology;clinical apProoches to the rica,1959.179p.123cm. 0679 total personality. New York, Knopf,1952. xiv, Riesen, Austin H.&Kinder, Elaine F.:Postural 486p.22cm. 0694 development of infant chimpanzees;acomparative and normative study based on the Gesell behavior AllpOrt, Gordon W.:Personality. psychological interpretation. New York, Holt,1937. xiv,588p. examination、 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1952.xxii,204p.24cm. 0680 24cm. 0695 Seidman, Jerome M., ed.:The adolescent;abook Bass, Bernard&Berg, Irwin A., ed.: Objective of readings. New York, Dryden,1953. xviii, apProaches to personality assessment. New York, 798p.22cm. 0681 Van Nostrand,1959. x,233p.24cm. 0696 Sherif, Muzafer:The psychology of ego.involve. Beck, Samuel J.:Rorschach’s test, v.1 2.ed. ments;s㏄ial attitudes&identifications. New New York, Grune&Stratton,1950. xiv, 288p. York, Wiley,1947. viii,525p.24cm. 0682 24cm. 0697 Soddy, Kenneth, ed.:Mental and infant deve. Beek, Samul J.:Rorschach’s test, v.2.2. ed. New lopment. v.1. London, Rutledge 1955. xx,308p. York, Grune&Stratton,1949. xii,402p.24cm. 22cm. 0683 0698

一 20一 0699 Psychologi《泡l Tests 0729 PSYCHOLOGY

Cattell, Raymond Bernard:Personality;asyste・ Mowrer, Orval Hobart:Learning theory and per・ matic theoretical and factual study. New York, sonality dynamics. New York, Ronald,1950, xviii, McGraw-Hill,1950. xii,690p.24cm. 0699 776p.24cm. 0715 Eysenck, Hans Jurgen:The scientific study of Murphy, Gardner:Personality;abiosocial approach personality. New York, Macmillan,1952. xiv, to origins and structure. New York, Harper,1947. 320p.22cm. 0700 xvi,1000p.24cm. 0716 Eysenck, Hans Jurgen:Sense and nonsense in psy・ Murphy, Lois Barclay :Personality in young child・ chology. Hormondsworth, Penguin,1957.352p. ren. v.1. New York. Basic Books,1956. xx, 18cm. 0701 424p.22cm. 0717 Flescher, Joachim:Mental health and prevention of Murphy, Lois Barclay:Personality in young child- neurosis. New York, Liveright,1951.604p.23cm. ren. vo1.2. New York, Basic Books,1957. xii, 0702 268p。22cm. 0718 Gold8te㎞, Kurt:The organism;aholistic approach Murray, Henry A.:Explorations in personality;a to biology derived from pathologica1.data in man. clinical and experimental study of fifty men of New York, American Book,1939. xviii,533p. college age. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. 21cm. 0703 xiv,762p.23cm.’ 0719 Hall, Calvin S.&Id皿dzey, Gardner:Theories of Smith, M. Brewster, et aL:Opinions and personality. personality. New York, Wiley,1957. xi,572p. New York, Wiley,1956. x,294p.24cm. 0720 24cm. 0704 Streuss, Alfred Adolph&Lehtinen, Laura E.:Psy. Havighur8t, Robert J.&Tabe, Hilda:Adolescent chopathology and education of the brain・injured character and personality. New York, Wiley, child. v.1. Fundamentals and treatment of brain・ 1949.x,316p.22cm. 0705 injured child. New York, Grune&Stratton,1947. x,206p.24cm. 0721 He1町, William E.:The analysis of fantasy;the thematic apperception technique in the study of Straus8, Alfred, Adolph&Kephart, Newell C.:Psy・ personality. New York, John Wiley,1956. xiv, chopathology and education of the brain・injured 804p.24cm. 0706 child. v.2, Progress in theory and clinic. New York, Grune&Stratton,1955. x,266p.24cm. Holsopp}s, James Quinter&]Y(iale Florence R.:Sen・ 0722 tence completion;Aprojective method for the study of personality. Springfield, Thomas,1954. Tomkins, Silvan S.:The thematic apperception test; xiv,177p.23cm. 0707 the theory and technique of interpretation. New York, Grune&Stratton,1955. xii,298p.24cm. Jo㎞80n, Paul E.:Personality and religion. New 0723 York, Abingdon,1957.298p.24cm. 0708 Tow, Macdonald:Personality changes following Jung, Carl Gustov:Psychological types;or the frontal leucotomy;aclinical and experimental psychology of individuation;tr.1)y H. Godwin study of the functions of the frontal lobes in man. Baynes. New York, Pantheon,1959. xxix,654p. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1955. xvi,264p. 22cm. 0709 23cm. 0724

Kluckho㎞, Clyde&Murray, Henry A. ed.:Per. White, Robert W.:Lives in prog忙ess;astudy of sonality;in nature, s㏄iety, and culture.2. ed. the natural growth of personality. New York, New York, Knopf, c 1954 xxvi,702p. xvi.24cm. Dryden,1952. viii,376p.22cm. 0725 0710 Witkin, Herman A., et al。:Personality through Kluckhohn, Clyde&M㎜y, Henry, A. ed.:Per・ perception;an experimental and clinica正study. sonality;in nature, society, and culture.2. ed. New York, Harper,1954. xxvi, 571p.22cm. New York, Knopf,1955. xxvi,702p. xvi,24cm. 0726 0711

1.eary, Timothy:Interpersonal diagnosis of perso, Psyeho)09ical Tests nality;a functional theory and methOdology for personslity evaluation. New York, Ronald,1957. Ana8頗, Anne:Psychological testing. New York, xv,518p.24cm. . 0712 Macmillan,1954. xiv,682p.24cm. 0727 Lowenfekl, Margaret.:The Lowenfeld mosaic test. Cmn㎞h, Lee J.:Essentials of psychological test. London, Newman,1954.360p.144 cards.22cm. ing. New York, Harper,1949. xix,476p.24cln. 0713 0728

Machoyer, Karen:Personality projection in the Downie, Norville Morgan:Fundamentals of meas. drawing of the human figure. Springfield, urement;techniques and practices. New York, Thomas,1953. x,184p.23cm. 0714 0xford Univ. Press,1958. xi,413p.21cm. 0729

一 21一 PSYCHOLOGY O730 Mental Functions 0764

Gulliksen, Harold:Theory of mental tests. New Bier, William C., et al.,ed.:Perception in preesent・ York, Wiley,1950. xv,486p.24cm. 0730 day psychology;a symposium. New York, Ford- Hadamard, Jacques:An essay on the psychology of ham Univ.1957. x,110p.22cm. 0747 invention;in the mathematical field. New York, Blake, Robert Rogers&Ramsey, G.V., ed.:Per・ Dover,1954. xiii,145p.21cm. 0731 ception;an approach to personality. New York, Halmos, Pau1:Towards a measure of man;the fron・ Ronald,1951. viii,442p.24cm。 0748 tiers of normal adjustment London, Routledge, Bo血9, Edwin G.:Sensation and perception in the 1957.viii,250p.22cm. 0732 history of experimental psychology. New York, Mum, Norman L:Handbook of psychological re. Appleton,1942. xvi,664p.23cm. 0749 search on the rat;an introduction to animal Brunswik, Egon:Perception and the representative psychology. Boston, Houghton,1950. xxvi,598p. designs of psychological experiments. Berkeley, 25cm. 0733 Univ. of California Piess,1956. xii,150p.27cm. Munn, Norman L.:A laboratory manual in general 0750 experimental psychology. Bosto11, Houghton,1948. Fhieling, Heinrich:Psychologische Raumgestaltung xii,224p.28cm. 0734 und Farbdynamik. Gδttingen, Musterschmidt, Hu㎜ny, Jum C., Jr.: Tests and measurements; 1955.58p. carol card.21cm. 0751 assessment and prediction. New York, McGraw・ Geldard, Frank A.:The human senses. New York, Hill,1959. x,446p.24cm. 0735 Wiley, c 1953 x,365p.24cm. 0752 Schafer, Roy:The clinical application of psycholo’ Gibson, James J.:The perception of the visual gical tests. New York, International Univ. Press, world. Boston, Houghton,1950. xs 366p.24cm. 1952.346p.24cm. 0736 0753 Stone, Calvin P.:Comparative psychology.3. ed. Hamlyn, David Walter:The psychology of percep・ London, Staples, c 1951 xiii,526p.24cm. 0737 tion:Aphilosophical examination of Gestalt the・ Super, Donald Edwin:Appraising vocational fitness, ory and derivative theories of perception.1∠ondon, by means of psychological tests. New York, Routledge,1957. vii,120p.19cm. 0754 Harper,1949. xxi,727p.25cm. 0738 ー Hamlyn, David Walter:The psychology of percep’ Tem…m, Lewis M.&Oden, Melita H..:The gifted tion;Aphilosophical examination of Gestalt the・ gr皿p at mid-1ife. v,5:Genetic studies of genius. ory and derivative theories of perception. New Stanford, The Univ. Press,1959. xiii,187p.24cm. York, Humanities,1957. vii,120p.19c血. 0755 0739 Hartshornp, Charles:The philosophy and psychology ThurstOne, Louis Leon:Multiple-factor analysis. of sensation. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1947. xx,536p. 1934.xiv,288p.23cm. 0756 24cm. 0740 Hirst, R. J.:The problems of perception. London, ThurstOne, Louis Leon:Primary mental abilities. Allen,1959.330p.22cm. 0757 Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1957. x,122p. 25cm. 0741 Lewis, Don:Quantitative methods in psychology. New York, McGraw-Hill,1960. xii,558p.24cm. Underwood, Benton J.:Experimental psychology. 0758 New York, Appleton,1949. x,638p.22cm. 0742 Luneburg, Rudolf K.:Mathematical analysis of Wechsler, David:Measurement of adult intelli・ binocular vision. Princeton, The Univ. Press, gence.3. ed. Baltimore, Williams and Wilkins, 1947.104p.28cm. 0759 1944.viii,258p.24cm. 0743 Michigan, University of:Training of psychological counselors. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, Mental Functions 1950.30p.23cm. 0760 Pirenne, Maurice Henri L60nard :Vision and the Adler, Francis Heed:Physiology of the eye;clini・ eye. London, Chapman,1948. xx,188p.19cm. cal application. St. Louis, Mosby, c 1953734p. 0761 26cm。 0744 A皿port, Floyed Henry:Theories of perception and Revesz, G6za:Psychology and art of the blind. the concept of structure;areview and critical London, Longmans,1950. xiv,338p.23cm.0762 analysis with an introduction to a dynamic struc・ von Bekesy, Georg:Experiments in hearing, tr and tural theory of behavior. NeW York, Willy,1955, ed. by E. G. Wever. New York, McGraw-Hi11 xxii,710p.24cm. 0745 1960.x,746p.24cm. 0763 Bartley, Samuel Howard:Vision;astudy of its Wenger, Marion Augustus, et aL:Physiological basis. New York, Van Nostrand,1941. xvi,350p. psychology. New York, Holt,1956. viii,472p. 22cm. 0746 24cm. 0764

一 22一 0765 Sensation&Perception・Sociology 0798 SOCIOLOGY

Woodger, Joseph Henry:Physics, psychology and HUII, Clark L.:Abehavior system. New Haven, medicine:amethodological essay。 Cambridge, Yale Univ. Press, c 1952 x,372p,24cm. 0777 The Univ. Press,1956. x,146p.19cm、 0765 Hu皿, Clark L., et al.:Mathematico-deductive theory of rote】ρarning;astudy in scientific methodology. Sensation&Perception New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1940. xii,332p. 24cm. 0778 Adams, K.:Learning theory, personaltiy theory, Humphrey, George:Thinking;an introduction to and clinical research;the Kentucky symposium. its experimental psychology. London, Methuen, New York, Wiley,1954. x,164p.24cln. 0766 1951.xii,332p.22cm. 0779 B㎜er, Jerome S., et aL:A study of thinking;a J()nes, Marshall R. ed.:Nebraska symposium on publication of the Harvard cognition project. New motivation,1954-1958. v.2-6. Lincoln, Univ. of York, Wiley,1957. xii,330p.24cm. 0767 Nebraska Press,1954-58.5v.22cm. 0780 Bugebki, Bergen Richard:Psychology of learning. Lehman,.Harvey C.:Age and achievement. Prince・ New York, Holt,1956. xiv,523p.25cm. 0768 ton, The Univ. Press, c 1953. xiv,359p.25cm. Davidson, Donald&Suppes, Patrick:Decision ma・ 0781 king;an experimental approach. Stanford, The Lowenfe!d, Viktor:Creative’and mental growth. Univ. Press,1957.134p.23cm. 0769 rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1952. xx,408p. Deese, James:The psychology of learning. New 24cm. 0782 York, McGraw-Hi11,1952. ix,398p.24cm. 0770 Ma曲晦Te, Alasdair Chalmers:The uncollscious; Deese, James:The psychology of learning.2. ed. aconceptual analy§is. London, Routiedge, 1958. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1958.367p.24cm. ix,100p.19cm. 0783 0771 McClelland, David C., et aL:The achievement mo・ Estes, William K., et al.:Modern learning theory;a tive. New York, Appleton,1953. xxii,384cm. critical analysis of five examples. New York, 22cm. 0784 Appleton,1954. xvi,380p.25cm. 0772 Mぷ)1e1㎞d, David C. ed.:Studies itl motivation. Geach, Peter:Mental acts;their content and their ・ New York, Appleton,1955. xii,552p.25cm.0785 objects. London, Routledge, x,136p.19cm.0773 Miller, Neal E.&Dollard, John:Social learning and Grant, Vemon W.:The psychology of sexual emo・ imitation. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, c 1941 tion;the basis of selective attraction. New York, x輌v,343p.24cm, 0786 Longmans,1957. x,270p.22cm. 0774 Peter8, Richard Stanley:The concept of motivation. Hilgard, Ernest R.:Theories of learning. New London, Routledge,1960. viii,166p.19cm. 0787 York, Appleton,1948. vi,〔4〕,409p.22cm.0775 Rap叩ort, David:Organization and pathology of Hilgard, Ernest R.:Theories of learning.2. ed. thought;selected sources,(tr. and commentary New York, Appleton,1956. ix,〔3〕,563p.24cm. by David Rapaport) New York, Columbia Univ. 0776 Press,1956. xx,786p.24cm. 0788


Acknoff, Russell:The design of socia!research. l Becker, Howard&Boskoff, Alvin, ed.:Modern Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1953. xi,420p. socioiogical theory; in continuity and change. 25cm. 0789 New York, Dryden,1957. xiii,756p.24cm. 0794 1 Argyle, Michael:The scientific study of social Bellamy, Raymond F.,et al.:Apreface to the social behavior. London, Methuen,1957. xii,239p. sciences. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1956. vii,

22Cm、 0790 | 531p.24cm. 0795 Arnold, Willard Burdett:The social ideas of Allen Bierstedt, Robert:The social order;an introduction Tate. Boston, Humphries,1955.64p.20cm. 0791 to sociology. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957. viii, 577p.24cm. 0796 Barber, Bernard:Social stratification;comparative analysis of structure and process. New York: Bogardus, Emory S. l Sociology.4. ed. New York, Harcourt,1957. xix,540p.22cm. 0792 Macmillan,1954. xv,616p.21cm. . 0797 Bebe1, R.:Charles Fourier;sein Leben und seine Bood桓, John Elof:The social mind;foundation of Theorien. Stuttgert, Dietz,1890.311p.19cm. s㏄ial philosophy. New York, Macmillan, c 1939. 0793 xi,593p.21cm. 0798

一 23一 SOCIOLOGY O799 Sociology 0835

Borgat伍, Edgar F.&Meyer, H. J., ed.:S㏄iologi・ Gross, Liewellyn ed.:Symposium on sociological cal theory;present-day sociology from the past、 theory. Evanston, Peterson,1959. ix,642p.24cm. New York, Alfred,1956. xviii,546, ivp.24cm. 0817 0799 Grygier, Tadeusz:Oppression;astudy in social and Boukling, Kenneth E.:The image. Ann Arbor, Univ. criminal psychology. London, Routledge,1954. of Michigan Press,1956.175p.22cm. 0800 xiv,362p.22cm. 0818 Brinkinann, Carl:Vilfredo Pareto;allgemeine So・ Halmos, Paul:Solitude alld privacy;a study of ziologie. TUbingen, Mohr,1955. viii,263p.22cm. social isolation;its causes and therapy. London, 0801 Routledge,1952. vi,181,12p.22cm. 0819 Hayek, Friedrich August:The counter-revolution of Carr, Lowell Juillard:Analytical sociology;social situations and social problems. New York, Harper, science..Glencoe, Free Press,1952.255p.22cm. 0820 1955.xii,795p.24cm. 0802 Hov㎞d, Carl 1., et a1.:Experiments on mass com・ Cuber, John F.:Sociology;asynopsis of principles. munication. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1949. x, 3.ed. New York, Appleton,1955. xx,652p.24cm. 345p.25cm. .0821 0803 Hoyland, Carl I., et al.:The order of presentation in

Degra㎎e, Mcquilkin:The nature and elements of persuasion. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1957. sociology. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1953. x、192p.22cm. 0822 viii,668p.24cm. 0804 Hunt, Elgin F.:Soc{al science;an introduction to Dewey, John:Human nature and conduct;an intro・ the study of society. New York, Macmillan,1955. duction to social psychology. New York, Modern xv,741p.24cm. 0823 Library,1930. ix, vii,336p.19cm. 0805 Jo㎞80n, Earl S.: Theory and practice of the social Dewey, John:Human nature alld collduct;an intro・ studies. New York, Macmillan,1956. xviii,476p. duction to social psychology. New York, Modern 24cm. 0824 Library,1950. ix, vii,336p.19cm. 0806 Jones, Marshall E.:Basic sociological principles. Eld亘dge, Seba:The dynamics of social action. Boston, Ginn,1949. xiv,524p.24cm. 0825 Washington, Public Affairs,1952. v,119p.24cm. Koenig, Samue1:Man and society. New York, 0807 Bames&Noble,1957. 339p.21cm. 0826 Feibleman, James K.:The institutions of society. Komarovsky, Mirra, ed.:Common frontiers of the London, Allen,1956.400p.22cm. 0808 SOCial SCienCeS. Glencoe, Free Press,1957. vii, 439p.23cm. 0827 Flchter, Joseph H.:Sociology. Chicago, Ulliv. of Chicago Press,1957. xiii,450p.24cm. 0809 Krech, David&Grut¢hfield ,Richard:The theory and problems of social psychology. New York, Gerth, Hans&Mills, C. Wright:Character and ! McGraw-Hill,1948. xv,639p.24cm. 0828 social structure;the psychology of social institu・ tions. London, Routledge,1954. xxv,490p.22cm. L8ndi8, Paul:Social problems in nation and world. 0810 Chicago, Lippincott,1959. xv,752p.26cm. 0829

Gillin, John, et a1.:For a science of social man; Lazarsfeld, Paul F.&Rosenberg, Morris, ed.:The convergences in anthropology, psychology, and language of social research;areader in the me. sociology. New York, Macmillan,1954. vii,289p. thodology of social research. Glencoe, Free Press, 17cm. 0811 1955.x輌ii,590p.24cm. 0830 Lazarsfeld, Paul F., ed.:Mathematical thinking in Ginsberg, Morris:Essays in sociology and social the s㏄ial sciences.2. ed. Glencoe, Free Press, philosophy; on the diversity of morals. London, 1955.440p.24cm. 0831 Heinemann,1956. xiv,329p.22cm. 0812 Lee, Elizabeth Briant&Lee, Alfred McClung:So. Gin8berg, Morris:The psychology of society. cial problems in America;asource book. New London, Methuen,1954, xvi,174p.19cm. 0813 York, Holt,1955. xii,483P.25cm. 0832

GirvetZ, Harry K.:From wealth to welfare;the b鵡win, Kurt:Field theory in social science, ed. by evolution of liberalism. Stanford, The Univ. D.Cartwright・New York, Harper,1951. xx, Press,1950. xiii,323p.23cm. 0814 346p.21cm. 0833

Goodfellow, David Martin:Principles of economic F 1途wi皿, Kurt:Field theory in social science, ed. by sociology. London, Routledge, 1939. xx, 289p. Dorwin Cartwright. London, Tavistock,1952. xx, 22cm. 0815 346p.22cm. 0834 Green, Arnoll W.:Sociology;an analysis of Iife in Lindzey, Gardner, ed.:Handbook of social psycholo・ modern society.2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hi11, gy, v.1-2. Cambridge, Addison-Wesley, c 1954 1956.xiv,576p.25cm. 0816 E 2v.27cm. 0835

一 24一 0836 Sociology 0873 SOCIOLOGY

Lundberg, George A., et aL:Sociology. New York, Newcornb, Theodore M.:Social psychology. New Harper,1954. xxviii,740p.24cm. 0836 York, Dryden,1950. xii,690p.24cm. 0855 Lynd, Robert S.:Knowledge for what?;the place Park, Robert Ezra:Society;collecitive behavior of sociai science in American culture. Princeton, news and opinion, sociology and modern society. The Univ. Press,1948. xt 268p.20cm. 0837 Glencoe, Free Press,1955.358p.22cm. 0856 MaccOby, Eleanor E., et aL, ed.:Readings in s㏄ial Parson8, Taleott&Smelser, Neil J.:Economy and psychology. New York, Holt,1958. xi,674p. s㏄iety;a study in the illtegratiOn Of eCOnOmiC 24cm. . 0838 and social theory. G】encoe, Free Press,1956. xxi, 0857 Msclver, Robert Morrison:The elements of social 321p.22cm. science. 9. ed. London, Methuen,1949. vi,177p. Pai 80ns, Talcott:Essays in sociological theory. 19cm. 0839 Glencoe, Free Press,1954.459p.22cm. 0858

Meckay, Charles:Memoirs of extraordinary popular Pa㎎on馬Talcott:The socia1 sYstem. Glellcoe, Free delusions and the madness of.crowds. v.1.2. ed. Press,1952. xviii,575p.22cm. 0859 Londen, National Illustrated Library,1956. xxiv, 723p.22cm. 0840 Parsons, Talcott:Structure and precess in mOdern s㏄ieties. Glencoe, Free Press,1960.344p.22cm. Maier, Norman R. F.:Principles of human relations. L 0860 New York, Wiley,1955. ix,474p.24cm. 0841 Parsons, Talcott.&Shi18, Edward A., ed.:Toward a Ma㎜heim, Kar1:Essays on sociology and socia1 general theory of action. Cambridge, Harvard 、psychology. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. Univ. Press.1952. xi,506p.24cm. 0861 viii,319p.22cm. . 0842 Parsorts, Talcott&Shrils, Edward A., ed.:Toward a Matmlteirn, Kari:Ideology alld utopia. London, general theory of action. Cambridge, Harvard Routledge,1954. xxxi,318,8p.22cm. 0843 Univ. Press,1954. xi,506p.24cm. 0862 Mannheim, Karl:Man and society in an age of Parten, Mildred:Surveys, pOlls and samples;prac. recon⑨truction. New York, Harcourt,1951. xxii, tical procedures. New York, Harper,1950.624p. 469p.20cm. 0844 22cm. 0863 Mannheim, Karl l Systematic sociology;an intrOduc・ tion to the study of s㏄iety. London, Routledge, Radcliffe-Browtlt Alfred Reginaid:A natural science 1957.xxx,169,16p.22cm、 0845 of society. Glencoe, Free Press,1957. xii,155p. 22cm. 0864 Mead, George Herbert:Mind, self and s㏄iety, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1934 xxxviii, Ranuif, Svend:Moral indignation and middle class 400p.23cm. 0846 Psycholo9ア・COpenhagen, Levin and Mundsgaard, 1938.204p.26cm. 0865 Merton, Robert K., et a1.:The focused interview. Glencoe, Free Press,1956. xxii,186p.22cm.0847 Riesman, David: Individualism recollsidered. Glencoe, Free Press,1955.52gP.24cm. 0866 Merton, Robert K.:Social theory and social struc- ture. Glencoe, Free Press,1957. xviii,645p.24cm. R帆e,Arnold M.:Theory and method in the s㏄ial 0848 sciences. Mimeapolis, Univ. of Minnesota,1954. xii,351p.24cm. 0867 Mihanovich,. Clement S., ed.:Social theorists. Milwaukee, Bruce,1953. viii,521p.22cm. 0849 Seligrnan, Edwin R. A. ed.:Encyclopaedia of the social sciences. v.1-15 and Index. New York, Miller, George A.:Language and communication. Macmillan,1954.8v.26cm. 0868 New York, McGraw-Hill,195L xiv,298p.24cm. 0850 Smith, Thomas Lynn:Social problems. New York, Thomas,1955. x,517p.22Cm. 0869 Moreno, Jacob L. ed.:Sociometry and the science of man. New York, Beacon,1956. viii,474p.23cm. Sprott, Walter John Herbert:Sociology. London, 0851 Hutchinson,S Univ. Library,1956.192p.19cm. 0870 Myrdal, Gunnar:Value in social theory;aselectioll of essays on methodology. New York,『Harper, Stouffer, Samuel A. et a1.:Measurement and predic・ 1958.xlvi,269p.22cm. 0852 tion. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1950. 756p. 24cm. 0871 Nadel, Siegfried Frederick:The theory of social stfUcture. Glencoe, Free Press,1957. xvi,159p. Su飢lerla皿d, Robert L.,et al.:Introductory sociology. 22cm. 0853 Chicago, LipPincott,1952. xiii,598P.25cm. 0872

Neurath, Otto, ed.:Foundations of the social scien・ Taylor, Stanley:Conceptions of institutions and the ces. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1954. iv, theory of knowledge. New York, Bookman,1956. 51p.24cm. 0854 175p.22cm. 0873

一 25一 SOCIOLOGY O874 Humall Relations&Groups 0911

Thompson, Arthur W.:Gateway to the social sci・ Baber, Ray E.:Marriage and the family. New York, ences. New York, Holt,1955. viii,374p.24cm. McGraw-Hill,1953. xi,719p、23cm. 0893 0874 Barron, Milton L. ed、:American minorities;a text・ Timasheff, Nicholas S., et al.:General sociology. book of readings in intergroup relations・New Milwaukee, Bruce,1959. xiii,454p.24cm. 0875 York, Knopf,1957. xvii,518, viip.24cm. 0894 Timssheff, ]Nicholas S.:Sociological theory; its Barron, Millton L:The juvenile in delinquent nature and growth. New York, Random, 1955. society. New York, Knopf,1956. xix,349, viip. 328p.23cm. 0876 22cm. 0895 Weaver, William Wallace:Social problems. New Bartlett, Frederic, et aL, ed.:The study of society; York, Dryden,1954. viii,791p.23cm. O877 methods and problems. London, Routledge 1956. xii,498p.19cm. 0896 Weber, Alfred:Prinzipien der Geschichts・und Kul・ tursoziologie. MU nchen, Piper,1951.176 p.22cm. Bauer, Raymond A., et aL:How the Soviet system 0878 works;cultural, psychological, and social themes. Weinberg, Samuel Kirson :Social problems in our Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1959. xiv,274p. time. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1960. viii, 22cm. 0897 600p.22cm. 0879 Bee, Lawrence S.:Marriage and family relations; We紬erg, Samuel Kirson:Society and personality an interdisciplinary approach. New York, Harper, disorders. New York, Prentice-Hall,1952. 536p. 1959.xii,500p.22cm. 0898 22cm、 0880 Bell, Danie1:Work and its discontents. Boston, White, Leollard D., ed.:The state of the social Beacon,1956. viii,56p.20cm. 0899 sciences. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1956. Bell, Norman W.&Vogel, ezra F., ed.:Amodern xiv,504p.23cm. 0881 intrOduction to the family. Glencoe, Free Press, YOu皿g, Kimba11:Handbook of social psychology. 1960.x,691p.24cm. 0900 London, Routledge,1946.578p.22cm. 0882 Bendix, R.&Lipset, S. M.:Class status and’power; Yourtg, Kimba11&Mack, Raymond W.: Sociology areader in social stratification. London, Routledge and social life. New York, Atnerican Book, 1959. 1954.725p.24cm. 0901 xii,472p.24cm. 0883 Bergel, Egon Ernest:Urban sociology. New York,

Zelditdh, Morris, Jr.: A basic course in s㏄iological McGraw-Hill,1955. xii,558p.24cm. 0902 statistics. New York, Holt,1959. xii,370p.27cm. Bergler, Edmund:The revolt of the middle’aged 0884 man. New York, Hill and Wang,1957. xii,312p. 21cm. 0903 Human Relations&Groups 暁㎜d,Jessie:American community behavior. New York, Dryden,1954. xvi,688p.24cm.0904 Abegglen, James G.:The Japanese factory;aspects of its social organization. Glencoe, Free Press, Bemert, Eleanor H.:America’s children. New O905 1958.xiv.142p.22cm、 0885 York, Wiley,1958. xiv.185p.24cm. Adomo, Theodor W., et a1.:The authoritarian Be]㎡en, Frederick Kenneth&Bash Wendell H.: personality. New York, Harper,1950. xxxiv, Human relations;.comments and cases. New 990p.24cm. 0886 York, Harper,1957. xii,564p.22cm. O906 AllpOrt, Gordon W.:The nature of prejUdice. Cam・ Biddle, William W.:The cultivation of community bridge, Addison-Wesley, c 1954. xviii,537p.22cm. leaders. New York, Harper, c 1953. xi,203p. 0887 21cm. 0907 d,Alviella, Goblet:The migration of symbols. New Blau, Peter M.:Bqreaucracy in modern society. York, Univ..Books,1956. xxvi,280p.22cm.0888 New York, Random,1956.127p.18cm. 0908

Artderson, Nels:The urban community;aworld B血ven, Bruce, ed.;Twentieth century unlimited; perspective. New York, Holt,1959. xii,500p. from the vantage point of the first fifty years. 24cm. 0889 New York, Lippincott,1950.315p.22cm. 0909

Anshen, Ruth Nanda, ed.:The family;its function B1㏄h, Herbert A.&Flynn, F. T.:Delinquency;the and destiny. New York, Harper,1959. xix,538p. juvenile offender in America today. New York, 22cm. 0890 Random,1956. xix,612p.24cln. 0910

Amy, Clara Brown:Evaluation in home economics. Bo皿d, James H. S.&Boll, Eleanor Stoker:The New York, Appleton,1953. xii,378p.22cm.0891 large family system;an original study in the Ashenhust, Paul H.:Police and the people. Spring. sociology of family behavior. Philadelphia, Univ. field, Thomas,1956. xi,199p.24cm. 0892 of Pennsylvania Press,1956.325p.21cm. 0911

一 26一 0912 Human Relations&Groups 0949 SOCIOLOGY

Bossard, James H. S.:The sociology of child deve・ Coser, Lewis A.:The functions of social conflict. lopment. New York, Harper,1954, xi,788p. London, Routledge,1956.118p.22cm. 0931 22cm. 0912 Cuber, John F.&Kenke1, William F.:Social strati. Botkin, Benjamin Albert ed.:Atreasury of Ameri. fication in the United States. New York, Appleton, can folklore, New York, Crown,1944. xxvii, 1954.x,359p.22cm. 0932 932p.22cm. 0913 de H田zar, George B. ed.:The intellectuals. Glencoe, Brinton, Crane:The temper・of Western Europe. Free Press,1960.543p.24cm. 0933 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953. ix,118p. Destler, Chester McArthur:American radicalism, 22cm. 0914 18654901.New London, Connecticut College, Browrte, Clarence George&Cohn, Thomas S., ed.: 1946.xi,276p.23cm. 0934 The study of leadership. Danville, Interstate Printers,1958.487p.24cm. 0915 Dewey, Richard&Humber, W. J.:The development of human behavior. New York, Macmillan,1957. Buchanan, William&Cantril Hadley:How nations xvi,762p.24cm. 0935 see each other. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1953.ix,220p.26cm. 0916 Di¢e Lee R.:Nat町al communities. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1952. x,547p、26cm. 0936 Burgess, Ernest W.:Aging in Western societies. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1960. xvi, Dobriner, William M., ed.:The suburban commu- 492p.25cm. 0917 nity. New York, Putman 1958. xxviii,416p. 21cm. 0937 Burgess, Ernest W.&Wallin Pau1:Engagement and marriage. New York, Lippincott,1953. xii,819p. Dollard, John:Caste and class in a southern town. 23cm. 0918 3.ed. New York, Doubleday,1957. xii,466p. Bums, Eveline M.:Social security and public 18cm. 0928 policy. New York, McGraw-Hill,1956. xvi,291p. 1)ol】ard, John, et a1.:Frustration and aggression・ 24cm. 0919 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1950. viii,209p. Caldwell, John C.:Children of calamity. New York, 24cm. 0939 John Day,1957.191p.21cm. 0920 Doob, Leonard W.:Public opinion and propaganda. Cantril, Hadley, ed.:Guaging public opinion. Prin- New York, Holt,1948. vii,600p.22cm. 0940 ceton, The Univ. Press,1947. xiv,318p.23cm. Dorson, Richard M.:American folklore. Chicago 0921 The Univ. of Chicago Press,1959. ix.328p.21cm. Carter, Deane G.&Hi皿chcliff, Keith H.:Family o舛1 housing. New York, Wiley,1949. viii,265p.22cm. Drake, St. Clair&Cayton, Horace R.:Black metro・ 0922 polis;astudy of Negro life in a northem city. Carter, Hodding:Southern legacy. Baton Rouge, New York, Harcourt,1945. xxxiv,809p.22cm. Louisiana State Univ. Press, 1950.186p.21cm. 0942 0923 Du頁㎜, Otis Dudley&Rei88, Albert J.:Social Cartvvright, Dorwin&Zander, Alvin, ed.:Group characteristics of urban and rural commum匂es, の ぼ dynamics;research and theory. Evanston, Row, 1950.New York, Wiley,1956. xviii,421p.23cln. Peterson,1956. xiii,642p.23cm. 0924 0943 Cavan, Ruth Shonle:The American family. New DuvaU, Eveiyn Millis:Family development. Chicago, York, Crowell,1953. xiv,658p.24cm. 0925 Lippincott,1957. v,533p.24cm. 0944 Chapman, Dennis:The home and social status. Eisenstadt, S. N.:From generation to generation. London, Routledge,1955. xvii,301,16p.22cm. Glencoe, Free Press,1956.357p.22cm. 0945 0926 田蜘8t輌, Victor W. ed.:Neurotic interaction in Chase, Stuart:Roads to agreement;successful marriage. New York, Basic Books,1956. xv, methods in the science of human relations. New 352p.22cm. 0946 York, Harper,1951. xiii,250p.22cm. 0927 E滅¢k8en, E. Gordon:Urban behavior. New York, Cle皿ens, Alphonse H.:Marriage and the family; MacmiUan,1954. xiv,482p.22cm. 0947 an integrated approach for catholics. EnglewoOd Cliffs, Prentice-Ha1】,1957. xii,356p.22cm.0928 Ev8n8, Mary:Better clothes for your money. New York, Lippincott,1952.224p.21cm. 0948 Cohen, Allert Kircidel:Delinquent boys. London, Routledge,1956. v. p..22cm. 0929 Fals~Bord8,0rlando:Peasant society in the Colum・ bia Andes:asociological study of Saucio. Gaines・ Cole, William E.:Urban society;Bostony, ville, Univ, of Florida Press,1955. xii,277p. Houghton,1958.591p.24cm. 0930 24cm. 0949

一 27一 SOCIOLOGY O950 Human Relations&Groups 0987

For(lham, Jefferson B.:A larger concept of commu・ G亘ffith, Thomas:The waist,high culture. New nity. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Univ. Press, York, Harper,1959.275p.22cm. 0969 0950 1956.117p.21cm. Gros8, Ima H.&Crandall, Elizabeth Walbert: Fmzier, E. Franklin:The negro in the United Management for modern families. New York, . ぶ States. New York, Macmillan,1957. XXXII1, ApPleton,1954. xiii,57gP.25cm. 0970 769p.22cm. 0951 HaniiltOn, Gordon:Theory and practice of social The vanishing adolescent.1h6edenberg, Edgar Z.: case work. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, Boston, Beacon 1960. xv,144p.21cm. 0952 c1951 vii,328p.22cm. 0971

Fhiedman, Eugene A. &Havighurst, R. J.:The Handぬt, Oscar:The American people in the twen・ meaning of work and retirement. Chicago, Univ. tieth century. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, of Chicago Press,1954. viii,198p.24cm. 0953 1954,x,244p.22cm. 0972 恥o㎜,Erich:The sane society. New York, Rine・ Hare, A. Paul, et alりed.:Small groups;studies in hart,1955, xiii,370p.22cm. 0954 social interaction. New York, Knopf,1955. x, 666p.24cm. 0973 Ga皿up, George H.:Aguide to public opillion polls. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1948. xxiv,117p. Harrith Irving D.:Normal children and mothers; 15cm. 0955 their emot三〇nal opportunities and obstacles. Glen・ coe, Free Press,1959. x,287p.22cm. 0974 Gard㎞er, Eric F.&Thomp80n, George G.:Social Hatt, Paul K.&Reis8, Albert J., ed.:Cities and relations and morale in small groups. New York, Appleton,1956. xii,312p.22cm. 0956 s㏄iety. Glencoe, Free Press,1957.852p.24cm. 0975 Gerth, Hans&Miks, C. Wright:Character and Hawley, Amos H.:Human ecology. New York, social structure. New York, Harcourt,1953. xxi, Ronald, c 1950. xvi,456p.24cm. 0976 490p.25cm. 0957

G血tzberg, Eli, ed.:The nation,s children.1:The Hickman, C. Addison&Kulm, Manford H.:Indi・ family and social change. New York, Columbia viduals, groups, and economic behavior. New Univ. Press,1960;ix,252p.21cln. 0958 York, Dryden Press,1956.266p.22cm. 0977 Gh白berg, Eli, ed.:The nation’schildren.2:Develop. Hobbe馬 Thomas:De cive or the citizen. New York, ment alld education. New York, Columbia Univ. Appleton,1949. xxxi,211p.20cm. 0978 Press,1960. xvi,242p.21cm. 0959 Hogan, John D.&㎞, Francis A・J・:American Ginzberg, Eli ed.:The nation’schildren.3:Problems Social regislation. New York, Harper,1956. xvi, and prospects. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 713p.24cm. 0979 1960.xvi,242p.21cm. 0960 Hoiberg, Otto G.:Exploring the small community・ GinSberg, Morris:Reason and unreason in society. Lincoln, Univ. of Nebraska Press,1955. x,199p. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1948. vii,327p. 22cm. 0980 23cm. 0961 Holland, Cristopher Sower, et al.:Community in・ Gi杭1er, Joseph B. ed.:Understanding minority volvement. Glencoe, Free Press,1957.323p. groups. New York, Wiley,1956. xii,139p.24cm. 22cm. 0981 0962 H㎝鵬George C.:The human group. New York, Glueck, Sheldon&Glu㏄k, Eleanor:Physique and Harc皿rt, c 1950. xxvii,484p.22cm. 0982 delinquency、 New York, Harper,1956. xviii, 339p. 22cn1. 0963 Hom孤8, George&Sc㎞eider, David M.:Marriage, authority and final causes:astudy of unilateral Gord㎝, Milton M.:Social class in American socio. cross.cousin marriage. Glencoe, Free Press,1955. 10gy. Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1958. xiii,281p. 64p.22cm. 0983 24cm. 0964 hion, Frederick C.:Public opinion and propaganda. Gordon, Thomas:Group.centered leadership. Boston, New York, Growe11,1950. xvi,782p.22cm. Houghton,1955. xii,366p.22cln. ,0965 0984

Grabil1, Wilson H. et al.:The fertility of American 1rving, John A.:Science and values;exploralions in women. New York, Wiley,1958. xvi,448p.24cm. philosophy and the social sciences. Toronto, Ryer. 0966 son Press,1952、 xi,148p.22cm. 0985

Grayson, Henry:The crisis of the middle class. Kahl, Joseph A.:The American class structure. New York, Rinehart,1956. xv,172p.22cm.0967 New York, Rinehart,1957.310p.23cm. 0986

Green, Constance McLaughlin:American cities in Katz, Daniel, et aL, ed.:Public opinion and propa. the growth of the nation. New York, De Graff, ganda. New York, Dryden Press,1954. xx,779p. 1957.xii,258p.24cm. 0968 24cm. 0987

一 28一 0988 Human Relations&Groups 1023 SOCIOLOGY

Katz, Elihu & Lazarsfeld, Paul F.: Personal Martin, Roscoe C., ed.:T. V.A.;the first twenty influence; the part played by people in the years;astaff report. Drawer, Univ. of A!abama from of mass communications. Glencoe, Free Press,1956. xiii,282p.25cln. 1006 Press,1955, xx,400p.22cm. 0988 Martindale, Don:American social structure;histori・ Kee, W.&CoWper・Coles, S.:Divorce case book. cal antecedents and contemporary analysis. New London, Butterworth,1950. xxx,266p.26cm. York, Appieton,1960. xiv,521p.24cm. 1007 0989 Mayo, Elton:The s㏄ial problems of an industrial Kelsall, Roger Keith:Higher civil servants in Brit. civilization. Boston, Harvard Univ. Press,1945. ain. London, Routledge,1955. xvi,233p.22cm. xvii,150p.22cm. 1008 0990 Melean, Berth Bailey:The young woman in Kle恒, Josephine:The study of groups. London, business. Ames, Iowa State College Press,1953. Routledge,1956. ix,200p.22cm. . 0991 vii,266p.24cm. 1009 Koos, Earl Lomon:Marriage. New York, Holt, Meier, Norman C.&Saunders, Harold W., ed.:The 1953.xii,441p.22cm. 0992 polls and public opinion. New York, Holt,1949. Koo$Earl Lomon:The s㏄iology of the patient. x,355p.21cm. JOIO New York, McGraw-Hill,1954、 xv,269p..24cm. Mereer, Blaine E.:The American community. New 0993 York, Random House,ユ956. xv,304p.2ユcm. 1011 Komhauser, Arthur ed.:Problems of power in American democracy. Detroit, Wayne State Univ. MertOn, Robert K., et aL ed.:Reader in bureaucracy. Press,1959.239p.22cm. 0994 Glencoe, Free Press,1952.464p.24cm. 1012

Krveber, Alfred Louis:Configurations of culture Merton, Robert K.:Social theory and s㏄ial struc・ growth. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, ture;toward the codification of theory and c1944. x,882p。22cm. 0995 research. Glencoe, Free Press,1951.423P.23cln. 1013 K耐al, Joseph J.&Turpie, Mary, ed.:Studies in American culture,;dominant ideas and images. 11fideentUry White House Conference on Children Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1960. and Youth:Children and youth at the Midcentury. 233p.24cm. 0996 Washington, Health,1950 vii,122p.23cm. 1014 Kyrk, Hazel:The family in the American economy. MUler, Daniel R.&Swanson, Guy E.:The changing Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1953. xvii,407p. American parent. New York, Wiley,1958. xiv, 24cm. 0997 302p.24cm. 1015

Landi8, Judson T.&Landis, Mary G.:Building a 】阻b,C. Wr三ght:The power elite. New York, successful marriage.2. ed. Englewoodαiffs, 0xford Univ. Press,1957.423p.22cm. 1016 Prentice-Hall,1956.xii,564p.22cm. 0998 rmls, C. Wright:White Collar. New York, Oxford LeightOn, Alexander Hamilton:Human relations in Univ. Press,1953. xx,378p.21cm. 1017 a changing world. New York, Dutton, 1949. Mogey, John Macfarlane:Family and 354p.22cm. 0999 neighbOur- hood. London, Oxford Univ. Press, 1956. xvi, Lerner, Max:America as a civilization;life and 181p.22cm. IO18 thought in the United States today. New York, Simon and Schuster, 1957. xiii, 1036p. 24cm. Montagu, M. F. Ashley, ed.:Marriage;past and 1000 present. Boston, Porter Sargent,1956.90p.22cm. 1019 LevertOn, Ruth M.:Food becomes you. Lincoln, Moriarty, Cecil C, H.:Police procedure and admin- Univ. of Nebraska Press, 1952. 192p.22cm. IOOI istration.6. ed, London. Butterworth,1955. xvi, 368p.19cm. 1020 Levy, Marion J.:The structure of society. Princeton, Mudd, Emily Hartshome&Krich, Aron,、ed.:Man The Univ. Press,1952.584p.23cm. 1002 and wife;a source lxook of family attitudes, sexual Levy, Reuben:The social structure of lslam.2. ed. behavior and marriage counseling. New York, Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1957. vii,536p. Norton,1957. xxvi,291p.22cm. 1021 22cm. 1003 Mudd, Emily Hartshorne, et aL, ed.:Marriage Lippitt, Ronald:Training in community relations. counseling;acasebook. New York, Association New York, Harper,1949. xiv,286p.22cm. 1004 Press,1958. xviii,488p.21cm. ’ 1022

Maas, Henry S.&E㎞gler, Richard, Jr.:Children in Mukerjee, Radhakama1:The social structure of need of parents. Oxford, Columbia Univ. Press, values. London, Macmillan,1950. xx,418p.25cm. 1959.xvi,462p.24cm. 1005 1023

一 29一 SOCIOLOGY 1024 Human Relations&Groups 1061

MUIIer・Lyer, F.:Phasen der Kultur und Richtungs・ Queen, Stuart Alfred&Carpenter, DavidBailey:The linie des Fortschritts. Mtinchen, Freitag,1948. American city. New York, McGraw-Hill,1953. 404p.22cm. 1024 viii,383p.24cm. 10“ Myrdal, Gunnar:An American dilemma。 New York, Queen, Stuart Alfred&Adams, John B.:The family Harper,1944. lix,1483p.24cm. 1025 in various cultures. New York, Lippincott,1952. viii,280p.22c皿. 1045 Murphy, Gardner:In the minds of men;The study of human behavior and social tensions in India. Quinn, James A.:Human ecology. New York, New York, Basic Books,1955. xiv,306p.21cm. Prentice-Hall, c 1950.561p.22cm. 1046 1026 Raab, Earl&Selzniek, Gertrude Jaeger:Major Nelson, Lowel:Rural sociology、2、 ed. New York, social problems. Evanston, Row Peterson,1959. American Book,1955. xvi,568p.23cm. 1027 xvi,582p.25cm. 1047 Nelson, Lowry:Rural Cuba. Minneapolis, Univ. of Reissman, Leonard:Class in American socity. Minnesota Press,1951. x,285p.24cm. 1028 Glencoe, Free Press,1959. xii,436p.22cm. ヱ048 Neurneyer, Martin H.:Social problems and the Mesenfeld, Stefan A.:Modern social legislation. changing society. New York, Van Nostrand,1953. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1950. xxviii,911p. ix,477p.23cm. 1029 26cm. 1049 Newcomb, Theodore M.:Personality&social change; River8, W. H. R.:Social organization. London, attitUde formatlon in a student community. New 右 Kegan Pau1,1924. x,236, ivp.24cm. 1050 York, Dryden,1957. xii,225p.21cm. 1030 Sa血血s, Marshall D.&Service, Elman R., ed.: Nordskog, John Eric:Social change. New York, Evolution and culture. Ann Arbor, Univ. of McGraw-Hill,1960.423p.24cm. 1031 Michigan Press,1960. xii,131p.22cm. 1051

01iver, John W.:History of American technology. Sanders, Irwin T.:The community;an introduction New York, Ronald 1956. viii,676p.24cm. 1032 to a social system. New York, Ronald,1958. Olson, Arthur Robert:Readings on marriage and xvi,431p.24cm. 1052 family relations. Harrisburg, Stackpole,1953. Shackfor, John B,, ed.:David Grockett;the man and xiv,465p.23cm. 1033 the legend. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina 0ttaway, A. K. C.:Education and society. London, Press,1956. xiv,338p.24cm, 1053 Routledge,1955. xii,182p.22cm. 1034 Shartle, Carroll L:Executive performance and 0xmarn, Bromley:Personalities in social reform. leadership. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1956. New York, Abingdon-Cokesbury, 1950. 176p. xiv,302p.22cm. 1054 20cm. 1035 Sherif, Muzafer,&Sherif, Carolyn W.:Groups in Pakenharn, Lord:Causes of crime, Springfield, harmony and tension. New York, Harper,1953. Thomas,1958.198p.22cm. ヱ036 316p.22cm. 1055 Park, Robert Ezra:Race and culture. Glencoe, She亘f, Muzafer&Wilson, M.0.,ed.:Group relations Free Press, c 1950 xxii,403p.22cm, 1037 at the crossroads. New York, Harper,1953.379p. Parsons, Talcott, et al.:Working papers in the 22cm. 1056 theory of action. Glencoe, Free Press, 1953. Shotland, Joseph P.:The only way to eliminate 269p.21cm. 1038 juvenile delinquency and emotional disturbance. Perlmart, Selig:Atheory of the labor movement. New York, Exposition Press,1959.85p.21cm. New York, Macmillan.1949. xii,321p.17cm. 1057 1039 Shoulson, Abraham, ed.:Marriage and family life; Phelps, Harold A.&Henderson, David:Population aJewish view. New York, Twayne,1959.299p. in its human aspects. New York, Appleton,1958. 22cm. 1058 512p.24cm. 1040 Shnp80n, George Eaton&Yinger,」. Milton, ed.: Pierce, Truman M.,et aL:Community leadership for Racial and cultural minorities;an analysis of public education. New York, Prentice-Hall,1955. prejudice and discrimination. rev. ed. New York, 312p.22cm. 1041 Harper,1958. xi,881p.24cm, 1059 Piimer, Frank A., et aL:Old age and political Sirjamaki, John:The American family in the behavior. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, twe.ntieth century. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. 1959.352p.25cm. 1042 Press,1955.227p.22cm. 1060

Powell, Norman, John:Anatomy of public opinion. Smith, Bruce Lannes, et aL:Propaganda, communi- New York, Prentice-Hall,1951. xi,619p.22cm. cation, and public opinion. Princeton, The Univ. 1043 Press,1946.435p.24cm. 1061

一 30一 1062 Human Relations&Groups 1098 SOCIOLOGY

Smith, John E.:Royce’s social infinite;the com. Vidich, Arthur J.:Small town in mass society;class, munity of interpretation. New York, Liberal Arts, power and religion in a rural community. Garden 1950.176p.24cm. 1062 City, Doubleday,1960. xviii,337p.18cm. 1080 Sorokin, Pitirim A.:Social and culturai mobility. Virtue, Maxine Boord:Family cases in court. Glencoe, Free Press,1959. xiii,645p.22cm. Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1956. xix,290p.24cm. 1063 1081

Spencer, Samuel R.:Booker T. Washington and the Wach, Joachim:Sociology of religion. Chicago, The Ilegro’s place in American life. ed. by Oscar Univ. of Chicago Press,1944.417p.23cm. 1082 Handlin. Boston, Little, Brown,1955. ix,212p. Warner, W. Lloyd:The living and the dead;astudy 21cm. 1064 of the symbolic life of Americans. New Haven, Stein, Maurice R.:The eclipse of community;an Yale Univ. Press,1959. xii,528p.24cm. 1083 interpretation of American studies. Princetol1, Warren, Roland L:Studying your eommunity. New The Univ. Press,1960.354p.23cm. 1065 York, Russell Sage Foundation,1955. xii,385p. Stoetzel, Jean:Without the chrysanthemm and 24cm. 1084 the sword. a study of the attitudes of youth in W㏄ter, Dixon:Ahistory of American life. v.13: pOst.war Japan. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, The age of the great depression 1929-1941. New 1955.334p.7plates.24cm. 1066 York, Macmillan,1948.434p.22cm. 1085 StOiZ, Lois Meek:Father relations of war-born Weih①fen, Henry:Mental disorder as acriminal children. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1954.365p. defense. New York, Dennis,1954. vii, 530p. 23cm. 1067 25cm. 1086 Sussman, Marvin B.:Sourcebook in marriage and Whyte, William H.:The organization man, New the family. Boston, Houghton,1955.431p.26cm. York, Simon and Sehuster, 1956.429p.22cm. 1087 1068 Wieth.Knlldsen, Knud Asbjorn:]Kulturgeschichte Su血er㎞d, Edwin H.:Principles of crimino1ogy. der europtiischen Frauenwelt. 2. ed. Stuttgart, Chicago, Lippincott, c 1934.611p.21cm. 1069 Franckh,1927.244p.24cm. 1088 Tawney, Richard Henry:Religion and the rise of Williams, Robin M.:The reduction of 1ntergroup capitalism. London, Murray,1948.339p.23cm. tenSiOnS; a SUrVey Of research on problems of 1070 ethnic, racial, and religious group relations. New Teeters, Negley K.&Reinemann, John Otto:The York, S㏄ial Science Research Counci1. 1947, challenge of delinquency. Englewood Cliffs, 153p.22cm. 1089 Prentice-Hal1,1955. xi,819p.22cm. 1071 Wi1㎞島William Morgan:The s㏄iology of an Thompson, Edgar T.&Hughes, Everett C., ed.: English village. London, Routledge,1956. x,246, Race;individual and collective behavior. Glencoe, 16p.22cm. 1090

Free Press,1958. x,619p.24cm. 1072 Wihner, Daniel M., et al.:Human relations in inter. Thumwald, Richard:Die menschliche Gesellschaft. racial housing. Mi皿eapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Berlin, Walter de Gruyter,1935. xix,377p.25cm. Press,1955.168p.24cm. 1091 1073 Winch, Robert F.:The modern family. New York, Tibbitts, Clark&Donahue, Wilma ed.:Aging in Holt,1953.522p.22cm. 1092 today’s s㏄iety. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, Wolin, Simon&Slusser, Robert M., ed.:The Soviet 1960.xxv.418p.24cm. 1074 secret police. New York, Praeger,1957. x,408p. Towtisend, Peter:The family life of old people;an 22cm. 1093 inquiry in East London. London, Routledge,1957. Woxxls, Sister Frances Jerome:The Americall family 284p.22cm. 1075 system. New York, Harper,1959. xxi,585p. Tre¢ker, Harleigh B、:Social group work;principles 22cm. 1094 and practices. New York, Whiteside,1955.442p. Workman, William D.:The case for the south. New 22cm. 1076 York, Davin-Adair,1960. x,309p.21cm. 1095 Truxal, Andrew G.&Merril1, Francis E.:Marriage Yinger, J. Mnton:Religion, s㏄iety and the indi・ and the family in American culture. Englewood viduaL New York, Macmillan,1957.655p.24cm. Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1957.587p.22cm. 1077 1096 Utitz, Emi1:Mensch und Kultur. Stuttgart, Enke, Zimrnerman, Carle C.& Cervantesg Lucius F.: 1933.vii,112p.25cm. 1078 Marriage and the family;Chicago, Regnery,1956. Vedder, Clyde B., et aL:Criminology;abook of 712p.24cm. 1097 readings. New York, Dryden,1953. xxi,714p. Z皿血㏄ki, Florian:MOdern nationalities. Urb飢a, 22cm. 1079 Univ. of Illinois Press,1952.196p.25cm. 1098

一 31一 STATISTICS 1099 Statistics・Political Science 1131


Blackwen, David&Girshick, M.A.:Theory of games Kenda11, Maurice G.: The advanced theory of and statisti¢al decisions. New York, Wiley,1954. statistics. v.2.3. ed. New York, Hafner, 195L 355p.24cm. 1099 vii,521p.27cm. ll14 Chandrasekhar, Sripati:宜ungry people and empty Kend811, Maurice G.: The advanced theory of Iands. London, Allen,1954.306p.22cm. 1100 statistics. v.2.3. ed. New York, Hafner,1959. 1115 Cohe“, Lillian:Statistical methods for social scien. vii,521p.28cm. tists. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hal1,1955. viii, Statistical methOds in experimen.Lacey, Oliver L.: 181p.22cm. 1101 New York, Macmillan,1953. xiv,250p. tation. 1116 22cm. Cowden, Dudley J.:Statistical methods in quality contro1. Englewood-Cliffs, Prentice-Ha11, 1957. Raoffa, Howard:Games andLuce, R. Duncan& xxiv,727p.24cm. 1102 decisions;IntrOduction and critical survey. New York, Wiley,1957. xix,509p.24cm. IH7 De1血g, William Edwards:Solne theory of sampl. ing. New York, Wiley,1957. xvii,602p.24cm. Mi皿sf Frederick C.:Introduction to statistics. New 1103 York, Holt,1956.637p.24cm. 1118 De血g, William Edwards:Statistical adjustment MiliS, Frederick C.:Statistical methods. 3. ed. of data. New York, Wiley,1948. x,248p.21cm. New York, Henry Holt,1955.842p.24cm. 1119 1104 Mood, Alexander McFarlane:Introduction to the D㎞,Wilfrid J.&Ma88ey, Frank J.:Introduction theory of statistics. New York, McGraw-Hill, to statistical analysis.2. ed. New York, McGraw・ 1950.xiii,433p.24cm. 1120 Hill,1957. xiii,488p.24cm. 1105 Pet棚, Charles C.&Van Voorhis, Walter R、: Edwards, AIIen L.:Statistical methods for the Statistical pr㏄edures and their mathematical behaVioral sciences. New York, Rinehart,1954. basis. New York, McGraw-Hill,1940.・516p.24cm. xvii,542p.24cm. 1106 1121 Edwards, Allen L.:Statistical methOds for the Rao, Radhakrishna:Advanced statistical methods behavioral sciences. New York, Rinehart,1958. in biometric research. New York, Wiley, c 1952. 390p.24cm. 1122 xvii,542p.24cm. 1107 Savage, Leonard J.:The foundations of statistics. Ezekiel, Mordecai&Fox, Kral A.:Methods of New York, Wiley,1954.294p.24cm. 1123 correlation and regression analysis ;1inear and curvilinear.3. ed. New York, Wiley,1959. xv, Senders, Virginia L.:Measurement and statistics; 548p.24cm. 1108 abasic text emphasizing behavioral science appli・ cations. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1958. xvi, Fisher, Ronald A.: Statistical methods and scientific 594p.22cm. 1124 methods and scientific inference. New York, Hafner,1959.178p.23cln.. 1109 Snedecor, George W.:Statistical methods. Ames, Iowa State College Press,1959. viii,534p.24cm. H8good, Margaret Jarman&Price, Daniel O.: 1125 Statistics for sociologists. New York, Holt,1952. Smith, Lynn T.:Population analysis. New York, 575p.24cm. 1110 McGraw-Hill, c 1948.421p.24cm. 1126 Hir㏄h, Werner Z.:Introduction to modern statistics TippetちLeonard Henry Caleb:Technological appli- with apPlications to・business and economics. New cations of statistics. New York, Wiley,1950. ix, York, Macmillan,1957。429p.24cm. 1111 189p.24cm. 1127 Huff, Darrell:How to lie with statistics. New Wilks, S. S.:Elementary statistical analysis. York, Norton,1954.142p.22cm. 1112 Princeton, The Univ. Press,1956. xi,284p.26cm. Kenda11, Maurice G.&Stuart, Alan:The advanced 1128 theory of statistics. v.1. New York, Hafner, Wi1血m8, Evan James:Regression analysis. New 1958.xii,433P.26cm. 1113 York, Wiley,1959. vii,214p.24cm. 1129


Adking, Nelson F., ed.:Thomas Paine:;common Alderfer, Harold F.:American local government sense and other political writings. New York, and administration. New York, Macmillan,1956. Liberal Arts,1953. liii,184p.19cm. 1130 xix,662p.22cm. 1131

一一一・ 32一 1132 Political Science 1165 POLITICAL SCIENCE

Allen, Victor Leonard:Power in trade unions;a 1)eJouvenel, Bertrand:Sovereignty;an inquiry study of their organization in Great Britain. into the political good,(tr、 by J.. F. Huntington) London, Longmans,1954. xi,323p.22cm. 1132 Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1957. xiv,320p. An曲e恥「Melvin&Wormuth, Francis D.:Private 22cm. ll49 enterprise and public policy. New York, De紐e, Herbert A.:The po】itical ideas of Harold J. Macmillan,1954. xiv,742p.24cm. 1133 Laski. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1955. xii,370p.23cn1 1150 Ar拍セ)tle.:Aristotlets politics. New York, Modem Library,1942.337p.18cm. 1134 D,Entreve8, A. P. ed.:Aquinas;selected political writings, tr. by J. G. Dawson. Oxford, Basil Bailey, Thomas A.:The man in the street. New Blackwel1,1954. xxxvi,199p.20cm. 1151 York, Macmillan,1948. viii,334p.24cm. 1135 Doan, Edward N.:The La Foliettes and the Wis- Bent㎞, Jeremy:Afragment on government and consin idea. New York, Rinehart,1947.〔8〕,311p. an intrOduction to the principles of mora】s a皿d legislation. Oxford, Basil Blackwel1,1948.1xvi輌, 2pL 22cm. 1152 435p.20cm. 1136 Dodd, Arthur Herbert:The growth of responsible government. London, Routledge,1956. xv,215p. Bentley, Arthur E:Process of government;a 22cm. . . 1153 study of social pressures. Bloomington, Principia Press,1949. xv,501p.22cm. 1137 Dumbauld, Edward, ed.:The political writings of Thomas Jefferson;representative selections. New Bluett, Albert Robert:The local government hand・ York, Liberal Arts,1955. xlii,204p.19cm.1154 book.5. ed. Australia, Law Book,1954. x,225p. 19cm. 1138 Durbin, Evan Frank Mottram:The politics of democratic socialism, an essay oll social policy. Eoor8t血1, Daロiel Joseph:The genius of American London, Routledge,1954.384p.21cm、 1155 politics. Ch輌cago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. ix,201p.22cm. 1139 Ek缶eh, Arthur A, Jr.:The decline of American liberalism. New York, Longman,1955. xiii,401p. Bowe, Gabriel:The origin of politicai authority; 24cm. 1156 an essay in Catholic political philosophy. Dublin, Eulau, Heinz, Eldersveld, Samuel J.&Jimowitz, Clonmore&Reynolds,1955、102p.22cm. 11Ua Morris, ed.:Political behavior;areader in theory Bowles, Chester:American politics in a revolution. and research. Glencoe, Free Press,1956. lx,〔2〕, ary world. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 421p.26cm. 1157 1956.ix,〔2〕,131p.20cm. 1141 Field, Guy Cromwell:Political theory. London, B血tOn, Crane:English political thought in the Methuen,1956. xvii,297p.20cm. 1158 nineteenth century. London, Ernest Benn,1954. viii,311p.22cm. IJ42 F㎞e,Sidney:Laissez faire and the generaLwelfare state. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1956. Campion, Gi玉bert Francis Montriou Campion & x,468p.24Cm. 1159 Lrdderdale, D. W. S. l European parliamentary procedure. London, Allen, 1953. 270p. 25cm. Fourrier, Charles:La libert6 d’opinion du fonction・ II43 naire. Paris, Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence,1957. xiii,466p.25cm. 1160 Carr, Robert K.:The house committee on un一 American activities, 1945-1950. New York, Galloway, George:Congress and parliament. Wa・ Cornell Univ. Press, 1955.viii,489p.24cm。 shington, National Planning Ass㏄iation,1955. 1144 ix,103p.19cm. 刀61

Christen8en, Asher N.:The people, politics and the Garner, James Wilford:Political .SClence and politician. New York, Holt, 1941. x,1001p. government. New York, American Book, c1928. 24cm. 1145 x,821p.21cm. 1162

Chrigbensen, Asher N.&Kirkpahick, EvrOn M。: G8㎡e1, Ralph H. ed.:Hamilton, Madison and Jay The peOPle, politics and the POIitician;an antho- on the constitution;selections from the federalist ‘ logy of American politics in action .rev. ed. New papers. New York, Liberal Arts,1954. xvii, York, Holt,1950. xiv,1042p.24cm, 1146 231p.19cm. IJ63 Cole, George Douglas Howard:Socialist thought; Gellhorn, Walter:Individual freedom and govern・ the forerunners,1789-1850. London, Macmillan, mental restraints. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State 1953.xi,346p.22cm. 1147 ー. Univ. Press,1956. viii,215p.22cm. 1164

Dalberg・ActOn, John Emerich Edward:Essays on Gellhom, Walter, ed.:The states and subversion. freedom i.and power. Glencoe, Free Press,1949. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1952. vii,454p. lxvi,452p.22cm 1148 22cm. 1165

一 33一 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1166 Political Science 1203

Gilchrist, Robert Niven:Principles of political Iaisgwe皿, Harold D.:The political writings of science. Bombay, Orient Longmans,1955. xi, Harold D. Lasswe11. Glencoe, Free Press,1951. 844p.19cm. 1166 〔16〕,525p.21cm. 1J85 Greene, Theodore Meyer:Liberalism;its theory Lasswe11, Harold D.&Kaplan, Abraham:Power and practice. Austin, Univ. of Texas Press,1957. and society. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1951. x,219p.23cm. Jl67 xxiv,295p.24cm. 1186 Gross, Feliks:The seizure of political power. New Lasswell, Harold D., et al.:A study of power. York, PhiIosophical Library,1958. xxvii, 398P. Glencoe, Free Press,1950.〔12〕,373p.22cm. 22cm. 1168 1187 Hamilton, Alexander, et a1.:The federalist;or, Levy, Denis:La responsabilite de la puissance the new constitution. ed. by Max Beloff. Oxford, publique et de ses agents en Angleterre. Paris, Basil Blackwell,1948. lxxi,484p.20cm. 1169 Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurisprudence, 1957.xiii,432p.25cm. 1188 Hartz, Louis:The liberal tradition in America;an interpretation of American political thought since LivingstOn, William S.:Federalism and constitu’ the revolution. New York, Harcourt,1955, ix, tional change. Oxford, Clarendon,1956. xi,380p. 329p.21cm. 1170 22cm. 1189 Haze臆㎞e, Harold Dexter et aL ed.:Maitland’s L㏄ke, John:The second treatise of civil govem- selected essays. Cambridge, The Univ. Press, ment and a letter concerning toleration. Oxford., 1936.ix,264p.22cm. . 1171 Basil Blackwell,1948. xl,165p.20cm. 1190 Hobbes, Thomas:Leviathan;’or the matter, form Maclver, Robert Morrison:The modern state. and power of a commonwealth. Oxford, Basil London, Oxford Univ. Press,1955. xi, 504p. Blackwell,1955. lxvii,468p.20cm. 1172 22cm. 1191 Howe, Mark De Wolfe, ed.:Holmes-・Laski letters; Maritain, Jacques:Man and the state. Chicago, the correspondence of Mr. Justice Holmes and Univ. of Chicago Press,1951. x,219p.21cm. Harold J. Laski. 1916-1935. v.1. Cambridge, 1192 Harvard Univ. Press, 1953. xvi,1650p.22cm. Matke, Julius J., ed.:The Holmes reader. New, 1173 ’ York, Oceana Pub.,1955.282p.18cm. 1193 Je“k桓, Thornas P.:The study of political theory. M却rtin, Kingsley:Harold Laski. London, Victor New York, Doubleday,1955. x,99p.24cm. 1174 Gollancz,1953.287p.22cm. 1194 KeetOn, George W.:The British commonwealth. Maxey, Chester C.:Political philosophies. New v.6.London, Stevens, c 1951. xii,309p.25cm. York, Macmillan,1948. xiii,712p.24cm. 1195 1175 ・ .Me1血m, Charles Edward:Publlc and prlvate Kirk, Russell Amos:The conservative mind, from government. New Haven, Yale UIliv. Press, Burke to Santayana. Chicago, Regnery, 1953. 1945.〔10〕,78p.21cm. 1196 478p,24cm. 1176 .Meniam, Charles Edward:Systematic. Politics Ko㎞, Hans:American nationalism. New York, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago. Press, 1945. xiii, Macmillan,1957. xi,272p.21cm. Jl77 349p.23cm. 1197 Laski, Harold J.:Agrammar of politics.4. ed. Mill, John Stuart: On liberty and considerations on L卯don, Allen,1955. xxvii,672p.22cm. 1178 representative government, Oxford, Basil 1198 Laski, Harold J.:An introduction to politics. London, Blackwell,1948. lix,324p.20cm. Allen,1954.111p.19cm. 1179 Mu頂y, Thomas E.:Nuclear policy for war and peace. Cleveland, World Pub1.,1960.241p.22cm. Laski, Harold J.:Reflections on the revolution of 1199 our time. London, Allen,1952.367p.22cm.1180 Msbet, Robert A.:The quest for community。 New Laski, Harold J.:The rise of European liberalism; York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. xii,303p.22cm. an essay in interpretation. London, Allen,1947. 1200 287p.19cm. 1181 Pear80田タAndrew Forret Scott:Church and state. Laski, Harold J.:The state;in theory and practice. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1928. ix,〔3〕,153p. London, Allen,1951.336p.19cm. 1182 23cm. 」201 Laski, Harold J.:Trade unions in the new society. Peek, George A., Jr., ed.:The political writings of London, Allen,1950. x,182p.22cm. 1183 John Adams. New York, Liberal Arts,1954. xxxii,223p.19cm. 1202 Laslett, Peter, ed.:Patriarch and other political works of Sir Robert Filmer. Oxford, Basil Pelling, Henry:The challenge of socialism. London, B!ackwell,1949.326p.21cm. 1184 Adam,1954. xviii,370p.20cm. 1203

一 34一 1204 States 1240 POLITICAL SCIENCE

Perkins, Dexter:The American way. Ithaca, Cornell Wanlass, Lawrence C.:Gettelrs history of politicaI Univ. press,1957、〔8〕,141p.22cm. 1204 thought. London, Allen,1956. xii,418p.23cm.1223 Petersen, William ed.:American social patterns. Weldon, Thomas Dewar:The vocabulary of politics. New York, Doubleday,1956.〔8〕,263p.18cm. Harmondsworth, Penguin, 1955. 207p. 18cm. 1205 1224 Polanyi, Karl:The great transformation. New White Reginald James ed.:The conservative tradi. York, Rinehart,1944. xiv,315p.21cm. 1206 tion. New York, The Univ. Press,1957. xix, 256p.21cm. 1225 Preiser, Erich:Bildung und Verteilung des Volks・ einkommens. G6ttingen, Vandenhoeck, 1957. 351p.24cm. 1207 States Roche, John F.:Joseph Reed;a moderate in the American revolution. New York, Colulnbia Univ. Abernethy, George L.: The idea of equality;an Press,1957. x,〔2〕,298p.23cm. 1208 anthology. Richmond, John Knox, 1959. 351p. 24cm. 1226 Rossiber, Clinton:Conservatism in America. New York, Knopf,1955.326p.〔2〕, xiip.22cm. 1209 Arendt, Hannah:The origins of totalitarianism. New York, M.eridian Books,1958. xv,520p.21cm. Roucek, Joseph S. ed.: Contemporary political 1227 ideologies. New York, Philosophical Library, Amold, Thurman W.:The folklore of capitalism. 1961.x,470p.24cm. 1210 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1959. vii,400p. Rous8eau, Jean Jacques:Political writings, tr. and 21cm. 1228 ed. by Frederick Watkins. Washington, Nelson, Babbitt, Irving:Democracy and leadership. Boston, 1953.xiii,330p.18cm. 1211 Houghton,1953.〔10〕,349p.21cm. 1229 Santayan8, George:Dominations and powers. New Bachrach, Peter:Problems in freedom. Pennsylvania, York, Scribner, c 1951. xv,481p.23cm. 1212 Stackpole, c 1954.〔12〕,468p.23cm. 1230 Sco“, Derek J. R.:Russian political institutions. Barghoorn, Frederick C.:Soviet Russian national_ London, Allen,1958.265p.22cm. 1213 ism. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1956.ix, Sharp, Gilbert Granvme&Galpin, B.:The interpre- 330p.22cm. 1231 tation of statutes. London, Sweet,1953. cxxxix, B㏄k,Robert N.:The meaning of Americamsm. ◆ 464p.22cm. 1214 New York, Philosophical Library,1956. xi,180p. Sibley, Mulford Q.&Jacob, Philip E.:Conscription 21cm、 1232 of conscience. New York, Cornell Univ. Press, B㏄ker, Carl L.: Freedom and responsibility in the 1952.x,580p.23cm. 1215 American way of life. New York, Knopf, 1949. Sutherland, Arthur E., ed.:Government under law. xlii,122, ivp.22cm. 1233 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1956. xi,587p. b Bode, Boyd Henry:Democracy as a way of life. New 24cm. 1216 York, Macmillan,1937. xiv,114p.19cm. 1234 TenBroek, Jacobus, et al.:Prejudice, war and the Brady, Alexander:Dem㏄racy in the dominions;a constitution. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 1 comparative study in institutions. 2.ed. Toronto, 1954.xii,408p.24cm. 1217 The UniV. Press,1952. viii,604p.24cm. 1235 Thayer, Philip W.:Southeast Asia in the coming Brandt, Conrad, et aL:A documentary history of world. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, c 1953. xii, Chinese communism. Cambri dge, Harvard Univ. 306p.22cm. 1218 Press,1952.552p.24cm. 1236

Thome, Florence Calvert:Samuel Gompers;Ameri- humanBryson, Lyman, et al., ed.:Aspects of can statesman. New York, Philosophical Library, The Conference on Science, equality. New York, 1957.xi,175p.2pl.22cm. 1219 Philosophy and Religion in Their Relation to the Democratic Way of Life,1956. viii,431p.21cm. Vanderbilt, Arthur T.:The challenge of law reform. 1237 Princeton, The Univ. Press,1955. vi,194p.19cm. 1220 Carr, Edward Hallett:The new society. Boston, Beacon,1957.(vi),119p.20cm. 1238 Vanderbilt, Arthur T.:The doctrine of the separa・ tion of powers and its present・day significance. Carr, Robert K.:American democracy in theory Nebraska, The Univ. Press,1953. 〔14〕, 144p. and practice. New York, Rinehart, c 1951. xiii, 24cm. 1221 1094p.24cm. 123g Vereker, Charles:The development of political Chase, Stuart:Democracy under pressure;special theory. London, Hutchinson Univ. Library, 1957. intersts vs the public welfare. New York,20th 232p.19cm. 1222 Century Fund,1945. ix,142p.20cm. 1240

一 35一 POUTICAL SCIENCE 1241 States 1278

Commager, Henry Steele, et aL:Civil liberties under Hand血1,0scar:Rユce and nationality in American attack. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press, life. New York, Doubleday,1957, xi,226p.18cm. 1951.xi,155p.23cm. 1241 1260 Committee on Un-American Activities:Soviet total Handlin, Oscar:Race and nationality in American war;“Historic mission”of violence and deceit, life. Boston, Little, Brown,1957. xiii,300p.21cm. Washington, The’Committee,1956.2v.23cm. 1261 1242 Hillman, Arthur:Community, organization and Derniashkevieh, Michae1:The national mind; planning. New York, Macmillan,1957. xviii, English, French, German. New York, American 378p.22cm. 1262 Book,1938. xii,508p.23cm. 1243 Hiscocks, Richard:Democracy in Western Germany. Denning, Alfred:Feedom under the law. London, London, Oxford Univ. Press,1957. viii, 324p. Stevens,1949. viii,126p.19cm. 1244 22cln. 1263 Deming, Alfred:The road to justice. London, Hunter, Floyd:Community power structure. Chapel Stevens,1955. viii,118p.21cm. 1245 Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press,1953. xiv, 297p.21cm. 1264 Dewey, John:Freedom and culture. New York, Putlnan, c 1939.176p.21cm, 1246 1glehart, Charles W.:Cross and crisis in Japan. New York, Friendship,1957. x,166p.2map. Dewey, John:Individualism old and new. New 20cm. 1265 York, Minton,1930.171p.20cm. 1247 Jarman, Thomas Leckie:Rise and fall of Nazi Douglas, William O.:The right of the people. Germany. New York, The Univ. Press,1956. New York, Doubleday,1958.238p.22cm. 1248 388p.21cm. 1266 Draper, Theodore:The roots of American com- Johnson, Alvin W.&Yost, Frank:Separation of munism. New York, Viking,1957. xii,498p.22cm. church and state in the U. S. Minneapolis, Univ. 1249 of Mimesota Press, c 1948.279p.23cnL 1267 Einaudi, Mario, et a1.:Nationalization in France Kallen, Horace M.:The liberal spirit. New York, and Italy. Ithaca, Comell Univ. Press, 1955. Cornell Univ. Press,1948. vii,242p.22cm. x,260p.22cm. 1250 1268 FMsdh, Edith L.&Schwsmtz, Mortimer D.:State Kemedy, Malcolm:Ahistory of communism in laws on the employment of women. Washington, East Asia. New York, Praeger,1957. ix,556p. Scarecrow,1953.377p.21cm. 1251 22cm. 1269 F①rthal, Sonya:Cogwheels of dem㏄racy;astudy Key, Valdimer Orlando, Jr.:American state politics; of the precinct captain. New York, William- an introduction. New York, Knopf,1956. xviii, Frederick,1946.106p.22cm. 1252 289,xp.21cm. 1270

Freeman, J. Leiper:The political process;executive Kirk, Russell l Academic freedom;an essay in bureau-legislative committee relations. New York, definition. Chicago, Regnery,1955.210p.22cm. 1271 Doubleday,1955. viii,72p.24cm, 1253 Laski, Harold J.:The American democracy. New Gabriel, Ralph Henry:The course of American York, Viking,1948. x,785p.24cm. 1272 democratic thought.2. ed. New York, Ronald, 1956.xiv,508p.24cm. 1254 Laski, Harold J.:The American democracy. Londo叫Allen,1953. x,785p.24cm. 1273 Gelber, Lione1:The American anarchy;democracy in an era of bigness. New York, Schuman,1953. Laski, Harold J.:Communist manifest;socialist 212p.21cm. 1255 landmark. London, Allen,1954.160p.19cm.1274

Gerhart, Eugene C.:American liberty and ttNatural La8ki, Harold J.:Liberty in the modern state. law”. Boston, Beacon,1953. xi,212p.22cm. London, Allen,1954.215p.19cm. 1275 1256 Lazarsfeld, Paul F.&Thiele鵬Wagner, Jr.:The Gellhorn, Walter:American rights;the constitution Academic mind;social scientists in a time of in action. New York, Macmillan,1960.232p. crisis. Glencoe, Free Press,1958. xiii,460p.22cm. 22cm. 1257 1276

Gosnell, Harold F.:Democracy;the threshold of Lilienthal, David E.:T】h’is I do believe. Ne“v York, freedom. New York, Ronald,1948. vii,316p. Ha貧per,1949. xxiii,208p.19cm. 1277 24cm. 1258 Lindgay, Alexander Dunlop:The modem demo・ Hand, Learned :The bill of rights. Cambridge, cratic state. v.1. London, Oxford Univ. Press, .ー Harvard Univ、 Press,1958、 v,82p.22cm. 1259 1955.286p.19cm. 1278

一 36一 1279 Election 1313 POLITICAL SCIENCE

Loom佃, Charles P.& Allan, Beegle J.:Rural Schulte, Wilhelm:Volk und Staat. MUnster, sociology;the strategy・of change. Englewood Regensberg,1954.806p.21cm. 1297 Cliffs, Prentice-Ha11,1957. xvi,488p.22cm. Schwartz, Benjamin I.:Chinese communism and the 1279 rise of Mao. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, Maclver, Robert Morrison l The web of government. 1952.258p.22cm. 1298 New York, Macmillan,1957. ix,498p.22cm. Simmons, Emest J., ed,:Continuity and change in 1280 Russian and Soviet thought. Cambridge, Harvard Mason, Alpheus Thomas&Leach, Richard H.:In Univ. Press,1955. xii,563p.24cm. 1299 quest of freedom;American political thought and Simon, Yves R.:Philosophy of democratic govern・ practice. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1959. ment. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1951. ix, viii,568p.24cm. 1281 324p.21cm. 1300 McGuire, Edna&Rogers, Don C.:The growth of Smith, Thomas C.:Political change and industrial democracy. rev. ed. Now York, Macmillan,1952, ■ ・enterprise, xvi,428p.21cm. 1282 development m Japan;government 1868-1880.Stanford, The Univ. Press, 1955. viii, M田w8in, Charles Howard:The American revolu・ 126P,23cm. 1301 tion ; a constitutional interpretation. Ithaca, Truman, Harry S.:Truman speaks. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1958. vii,198p.19cm. 1283 Columbia Univ. Press,1960. xii,133p. 21cm. Meiklejohn, Alexander:Free speech. New York, 1302 Harper,1948. xiv,107p.21cm. 1284 Walker, Richard L.:China under communism、 New Mills, Charles Wright:White collar. New York, Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. xv,403p.24 pL 0xford Univ. Press,1951. xx,378p.21cm. 1285 22cm. 1303 Moeh㎞皿, Conrad Henry:Wall of separation be・ Waオd, Robert E., ed.:Five studies in Japanese tween church and state. Boston, Beacon,1951. politics. Ann Arbor, Univ.. of Michigan Press, xvi,239p.22cm. 1286 1957.121p.28cm. 1304 M㎝tg㎝町,.∫ohn D.:Forced to be free;the Webb, Leicester:Communism and dem㏄racy in artificia1. revolution in Germany and Japan. Australia;asurvey of the 1951 referendum. New Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957. xiii, York, Praeger,1955. viii,214p.22cm. 1305 210p.22cm. 1287 We桓be曙, Albert K.:Manifest destiny;astudy of Morison, Samuel Eliot:Freeedom in contemporary nationalist expansionism in American history. society. Boston, Little Brown,1956. vぷ,156p、 Gloucester, Peter Smit11,1958. xiii,559p. 21cm. 21cm. 1288 1306 Mosher, William E.:Introduction to responsible Wh斑e, Kenneth Clinton:Federal government. citi乞enship. New York, Henry Holt, c 1941. viii, 3.ed. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, c 1953. 887p.24cm. 1289 278p.22cm. 1307 Ne1饅on, Lowry, et aL:Community structure and W亘ght, David McCord:Democracy and progress. change. New York, Macmillan,1960. xiii,464p. New YOrk, Macmillan, c 1{遅S. xvii,220p.21cm. 24cm. 1290 1308 N《nth, Robert:Moscow and Chinese communists. ElectiOR Stanford, The Univ. Press,1953. ix,306p.24cm. 1291 Albright, Spencer D.:American ballot. Washington, Pfeffer, Leo:Church, state, and freedom. Bosto11, American Council on Pub1輌c Affairs,1952.153p. Beacon,1953. xvi,675p.24cm。 1292 23cm. \ 1309 PritChett, C. Herman:Civil liberties and the Vmson 加de㎜, Hobson Dewey&胸dson Percy E.: court. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1954. Ballots and democratic class struggle;astudy in xi,297p.23cm. 1293 the background of political education. Stanford, Ross, Alf:Why democracy~Cambridge, HarVard The Univ. Press,1943、 xiii,377p.24cm. 1310 Univ. Press,1952.249p.22cm. .1294 Barrett, Edward J.:Counting and tallying of ballots. Rost}w, Walt Whitman:The prospects for com・ Illionis, State of I11.,〔n. d.〕.39p.23cm. 1311. munist China. New York, Wiley,1955. xx,379p. Ba皿ett, Edward J.:Illinois judicial-congressiona1- 23cm. 1295 senatorial apPortionment maps and descriptions. S(thlesinger, Rudolf, ed.: The nationalities problem Illinois, State of I11.,1951.25p.23cm. 1312 and Soviet administration・ , selected readings on Be紐, Louis H.:Ballot behavior;astudy of presi・ the development of Soviet nationalities policies. dential elections. Washington, Public Affairs London, Routledge,1956. 299p.22cm. 1296 Press,1946.101p.22cm. 1313

一 37一 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1314 International Relations 1345

Bean, Louis H.:How to predict elections. New The Ameriαm Assembly:The United States and York, Knopf,1948. x,196p.22cm. 1314 the Far East. New York, Columbia Univ.1956. Berelson, Bernard R., et. aL:Voting;astudy of 229p.23cm. 1330 opinion formation in a presidental campaign. Armstrong, William M.:E. L. Godkin and American Chicago. Univ. of Chicago Press,1954. xix,395p. foreign policy,1865-1900. New York, Bookman 23cm、 1315 Associates,1957.268p.22cm. 1331 Burnbarn, W. Dean:Presidentia1 ballots,1836-1892. Ballantine, Joseph W.:Formosa;a problem for Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1955. xix,956p.26cm. United States foreign policy. Washington, 1316 Brookings Institution, 1952. xi, 218p.22cm. Ernst, Morris L.&Loth, David:The people konw 1332 best;the ballots vs. the polls. Washington, Public Bamett, A. Doak:Communist China and Asia; Affairs Press, c 1949.169p.19cm. 1317 challenge to American policy. New York, Harper, Evving, Cortez A. M.:Congressional elections,1896一 1960.xi,575p.22cm. 1333 1944.Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1947. Bi6rklund, Els:International atomic policy during xi,110p.21cm. 1318 adecade. London, Allen, 1956.148p. 2map. EWing, Cortez A. M.:Presidential elections. Nor・ 19cm. 1334 man, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1940. xiii,226p. Carr, Edward Hallett:International relations be’ 20cm. 1319 tween the two world wars,(1919-1939). London, Hallet, George H.:Proportional representation;the Macmillan,1955. viii,303p.19cm. 1335 key to dem㏄racy.2. ed. New York, National Municipal League, c 1940. xiv,177p.16cm.1320 Chamberlain, Joseph P.:International organization. New York, Carnegie Endowment for lnterational Harris, Joseph P.:A mOdel direct primary election Peace,1955.173p.24cm. 1336 system. New York, National Municipal League, 1951.46p.23cm. 1321 Chiang, Chung-Cheng.(Chiang, Kai-Shek):Soviet Russia in China. New York, Farrar, Straus,1957, IllinoiS, University of:Public affairs course;presi・ 392p.21cm. 1337 dential election. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois,1952. 39,16,〔2〕p.29cm. 1322 Cook, Thomas L&Moos, Malcolm:Power through purpose;the realism of idealism as a basis for Knoles, George Harmon:The presidential campaign foreign policy. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1954. and election of 1892. Stanford, The Univ. Press, 〔12〕,216p,22cm. 1338 1942.268p.26cm. 1323 Cu町, Roy Watson:Woodrow Wilson and Far McGomey, Dudley O.:The American suffrage Eastern policy,1913-1921. New York, Bookman medley;the need for a national uniform suffrage. Associates,1957.411p.22cm. 1339 Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1949. vii,201p. 23cm. 1324 Dawson, Raymond H.:The decision to aid Russia, 1941;foreign policy and domestic politics. Chapel Mosteiler, Frederick, et aL:The pre.election polls Hil1, Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1959. xv, of 1948;report to the committee on analysis of 315p.24cm. 1340 pre.e!ection polls and forecasts. New York, Social Science Research Council,1949. xx,396p.23cm. DeConde, Alexander, ed.:Isolatioロand security. 1325 Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1957. xi,204p.23cm. 1341 Overacker, Louise:Presidential campaign funds. Boston, The Univ. Press,1946. vii,76p.22cm. Feis, Herbert:The China tangle;the American 1326 effort in China from Pearl Harbor to the Marshall Mission. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1953. x, Robinson, Edgar Eugene:The presidential vote, 445p.24cm. 1342 1896-1932.Stanford, The Univ. Press,1947. ix, 403p.22cm. 1327 Feis, Herbert:Churchi11, Roosevelt, Stalin;the war they waged and the peace they sought. Robi皿son, Edgar Eugene:They voted for Roosevelt, Princeton, The Univ. Press,1957. xi,692p.24cm. 1932-1944. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1947. x, J343 207p.22cm. 1328 Gange, John:American foreign relations; pe「・ International Relations manent problems and changing policies. New York, Ronald,1959.503p.24cm. l344

The American Assembly:International stability Grassmu¢k, George L:Sectional biases in congress and progress. New York, Columbia Univ.,1957. on foreign policy. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1951. 184p.23cm. 1329 181,xvp.23cm. 1345

一一 38一 1346 Legislation 1381 POUTICAL SCIENCE

Grattan, Clinton Hartley:The United States and Thomas, Ann Van Wyner&Thomas, A.J.,Jr.:Non・ the Southwest Pacific. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. intervention. Dallas, Southern MethOdist Univ. Press,1961. xii,273p.20cm. 1346 Press,1956. xvi、476p.24cm. 1364 Gmlder, Garel A.&Livezey, William E.:The Ward, Barbara:The interplay of East and West, Philippines and the United States. Norman, Univ. New York, Norton,1957.152p.21cm. 1365 of Oklahoma Press,1951. xi,315p.23cm. 1347 Westerfield, H. Bradford:Foreign policy and party Ha㎡man, Averell:Peace with Russia~New York politics;Pearl Harbor to Korea. New Haven, Yale Simon and Schuster,1959.174p.21cm. 1348 Univ. Press,1958. x,447p.24cm. 1366 Hertmann, Frederick H.:The relations of nations. Williams, William Appleman:American Russian New York, Macmillan,1957. xvi,637, xip.24cln. relations,1781-1947. New York, Rinehart,1952. 1349 367p.24cm. 1367 Hoffm㎜, Stanley, ed.:Contemporary theory in WristOn, Henry M.:Diplomacy in a democracy. international reIations. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice・ New York, Harper,1956.115p.21cm. 1368 Hall,1960. x,293p.22cm. 1350 Wyman, Walker D.&Kroeber, Clifton B., ed.:The 血p㎞,Morton A.:System and pr㏄ess in inter- frontier in perspective. Madison, Univ. of national politics. New York, John Wiley,1957. Wisconsin Press,1957. xx,300p.24cm. 1369 xxiv,283p.24cm. 1351 Yearley, Clifton K. Jr.:Britons in American labor; Kissinger, Henry A.:Nuclear weapons and foreign ahistory of the influence of the United Kingdom policy. New York, Harper,1957. xx,455p.22cm. 1352 immigrants on American labor, 1820-1914. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1957.332, ix p.23cm. Latourette, Kenneth Scott:The American record 1370 in the Far East,1945-51. New York, Maclnillan, 1954.208p.21cm. 1353 1£gislation Lefe▼er, Emest W.:Ethics and United States foreign policy. New York, Meridian Books,1960. xix,199p.18cm. 1354 Burdette, Franklin L.: Lobbyists in action. Washington, National Capito1,1950. 61p. 23cm. M[ackenr①th, Gerhard:BevOlkerungslehre;Theorie, 1371 Soziologie und Statistik der Bev61kerung. Berlin, Springer,1953. xii,531p.24cm. 1355 Burns, James McGregor:Congress on trial. New York, Harpers,1949. xiv,224p.21cm. 1372 McCune, George&Ha曲㎝, John A.,ed.:Korean・ American relations;documents pertaining to the Comer, John Preston: Legislative functions of Far Eastern diplomacy of the United States. v.1. national administrative authorities. New York, Berkeley, Univ. of Calif. Press,1951. viii,163p、 Columbia Univ. Press,1927.274p.23cm. 1373 24cm. 1356 DeutsCh, Karl W.:Political community at the Reisehauer, Edwin O.:The United States and interational level. New York, Doubleday,1954. Japan. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1954. x,70p.24cm. 1374 xviii,357p.20cm. 1357 Galloway, George B.:Congress at the crossroads. Reisdhauer, Edwin O.:The United States and Japan. New York, Crowell,1948. ix,388p.22cm. 1375 Cambr{dge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957、 xxiv, Gellhorn, Walter:Federal adlninistrative pr㏄eed・ 394p.20cm. 、1358 ings. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, c 1941.150p. S叩in, Burton M.&S町den, Richard C.:The role 22cm. J376 of the military in American foreign pOlicy. New Haines, Charles Grove:The American doctrine of York, Doubleday,1954, viii,84p.24cm. 1359 judicial supremacy. New York, Russell,1959. S(:hrier, Arnold:Ireland and the American emi. xviii,705p.24cm. 1377 gration,1850-1900. Minneapolis, Univ. of Min. nesota Press,1958. x,210p.23cm. 1306 Hart, James:The ordinance making powers of the president of the United ;States. Baltimore, Johns Schwantes, Robert S.:Japanese and Americans;a Hopkins, c 1925.339, xiip,23cm. 1378 century of cultural relations. New York, Harper, 1955.x,380p.23cm. 1361 Jordan, Elijah:Theory of legisiation. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952.486p.23cm. 1379 Sne11, John L, et a1., ed.:・The meaning of Yalta; big three diplomacy and the new balance of Pauleen, Monrad G., ed.:Legal institutions today power、 Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Univ. Press, and tomorrow. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1956.xlii,239p.22cm. 1362 ユ959.xiv,346p、 24cm. 1380 Stahl, Kathleen Mary:British and Soviet colonial Riggs, Fred W.:Pressures on congress. New York, systems. London, Faber,1951.114p.22cm.1363 King’s Crown,1950. xii,〔4),260p.20cm. 1381

一 39一 POLITICAL SCIENCE 1382 Political Parties 1417

Rostow, Eugene V.:Planning for freedom;the McKean, David Dayton:Party and pressure politics. public law of American capitalism. New Haven, Boston, Houghton,1949. viii,712p.24cm. 1400 Yale Univ. Press,1960. x,437p.23cm. 1382 Meisgner, Boris:The communist party of the Soviet Sehriftgiesser, Karl.:The lobbyists. Boston, Little, ‘ Union. London, Atlantic Press,1957、276p.22cm. Brown,1951. xiv,297p.21cm. 1383 ヱ40ヱ Me㎡am, Charles Edward&Gognell, Harold E:The Political Parties American party system. 4. ed. New York, Macmillan, c 1949. vii,530p,22cm. 1402

Ame亘can Political Science Association:Toward a Mezerik, Abraham G.:The revolt of the south and ヱnore responsible two-party system. New York, west. New York, Duell,1946. xiv,290p.21cm. McGraw-Hi11,1950. xi,99p.24cm, 1384 1403 Berdahl, Clarence A.:Our two-party system. M[①rlan, Robert L.:Political prairie fire;the nonpar- University, Univ. of Mississipi,1951。 v,52p. tisan league,1915-1922. Minneapolis, Univ. of 21cm. 1385 Minnesota Press,1955.408p。24cm. 1404 B桓kley, Wilfred E.:American politicarparties; 1 Mowry, George E.:Theodore Roosevelt and the their natural history. New York, Knopf,1951. progressive movement. Madison, Univ. of Wiscon. xii,420p. xiip.22cm. 1386 sin Press,1947. viii,〔4〕,405p.24cm. 1405

Bone, Hugh A.:American politics and the party Natioml Municipal League:Citizen organization for system. New York, McGraw-Hi11, c 1949. viii, political activity;the Cincinnati plan.3. ed. New 777p.24cm. 1387 York, National Municipal League,1949.32p. Brogan, D. W.:Politics in America. New York, 20cm. 1406 Harper,1954.467p.22cm. 1388 0degard, Peter H.&He㎞8, Allen E.:American 1)avid, Paul T., et a1.:The politics of national party politics;astudy in political dyllamics.2. ed. New conventions. Washington, Brookings Institution, York, Harper,1947. xiii,896p.22cm. 1407 1960.xv,592p. . 1389 0degard, Peter H.:Pressure politics;the story of Herring, Pendleton:The politics of democracy. the antisaloon league. New York, Columbia Univ. New York, Rinehart,1940.468p.21cm. 1390 Press,1928. x,〔2〕,299p.23cm. 1408 Hesse附ne, William B.;The rise and fall of third 0gle, Marbury Bladen:Public opinion and political parties. Washington, Public Affairs Press,1948. dynamics. Boston, Houghten,1950.362p.22cm. 119p.20cm. 1391 1409 Key, Valdimir Orlando, Jr.:Politics,.parties and Penniman, Howard R.:Sait’s American parties and pressure groups. 2。 ed. New York, Thomas, elections. New York, Appleton,1952. viii,574p. Crowell,1950. xvi,767p.22cm. 1392 24cm. 1410 Key, Valdimir Orlando:Southern politics in state Pinehot, Amos R. E.:History of the progressive and nation. New York, Knopf,1950. xxvi,675p. party,1912-1916. New York, The Univ. Press, xivp.24cm. 1393 1958.xii,305p.22cm. 1411

Kipni8, Ira:The American socialist movement, Regier, Comelius C.:The era of the muckrakers. York, Columbia Univ. Press, 1897-1912. New Gloucester, Smith,1957. xi,〔2〕,254p.21cm.1412 1394 1952.496p.24cm. Riordan, William L.:Plunkitt of Tammany Hall. Lasswell, Harold D.:Politics;who gets what, when New York, Knopf,1948. lvi,131p.20cm. 1413 and how? New York, Sm{th,1936. ix, 264P. 21cm. 1395 Rochester, Anna:The populist movement in the United States. New York, International Publishers, Latham, Earl:The group basis of politics. Ithaca, 1943.128p.20cm. 1414 Cornell Univ. Press,1952. ix,244p.22cm. 1396

Rogers, Lindsay:The pollsters;public OPInlon, Lazarfeld, Paul Felix:The people’s choice. New politics and dem㏄ratic leadership. New York, York, Columbia Univ. Press,1949. xxxiii, 178p. Knopf,1949. xi,329p.20cm. 1415 22cm. 1397 Sait, Edward McChesney:American parties and 1x)vejoy, Allen Fraser: La Follette and the election. rev. ed. New York, Appleton, c 1939. x, establishment of the direct primary in Wisconsin, 790p.23cm. 1416 1890-1904.New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1941. SaloutOs, Theodore&Hick8i John D.: Agricultural 107p.24cm. 1398 discontent in the Middle West, 1900-1939.Madison, Lubell, Samuel:The future of American politics. Univ. of Wisconsin Press,1951. Viii,581p.26cm. New York, Harper,1952. viii,285p.21cm. 1399 1417

_ 40一 1418 Law 1450 LAW

Schattschneider, Elmer Eric:Party government. Stedman, Murray S.:Discontent at the polls;a New York, Rinehart, 1942. xv, 219p.19cm. study of farmer and labor parties,1827-1948. New 1418 York, Columbia Univ. Press,1950. x,190p.22cm. 1421 Schle8inger, Arthur M.:The vital center;the politics of freedom. Boston, Houghton,1949. ix,274p. Stimpson, George:Abook about American pOlitics. 21cm. 1419 New York, Harper,1952. xi,554p.22cm. 1422 Sh鋤on, David A.:The socialist party of America; Truman, David B.:The governmental process; a history. New York, Macmillan,1955. xi,320p. politicai interests and public opinion. New York, 22cm. 1420 Knopf,1951. xvi,544, xvp.22cm. 1423 LAW

Am①1d, Thurman W.&James, Fleming, Jr.:Cases Friedmann, Wqlfgang Gaston:Law and social change and materials on trials, judgments and appeals. in contempOrary Britain. London, Stevens,1951. St. Pau1, West Pub.,1936. xxvii,869p.26cm. 1 xxiv,322p.22cm. 1437 1424 Gierke, Otto:Natural law and the theory of society, Baldwin, William Edward:Bouvier’s law dictionary. , 1500to 1800. Boston, Beacon, 1957. xci, 423p. Cleveland, Banks-Baldwin, c 1948. 1245,86p. 20cm. 1438 27cm. 1425 Gough, John Wiedhofft:John Locke,s po互itical Beardsley, Arthur S.&Orman, Oscar C.:Legal philosophy. Oxford, Clarendon, 1950. vii, 204p. bibliography and the use of law books.2. ed. 20cm. 1439 Brooklyn, Foundation Press, 1947. xii, 653p. 26cm. 1426 H劃血g,Arthur L., et a1.:The administration of justice桓retrospect. Dallas, Southern Methodist Bogert, George Gleason:Handbook of the law of Univ. Press,1957.99p.22cm. 1440 trusts.3. ed. St. Pau1, West Pub.,1952. xx,804p. 24cm. 1427 Hart, Herbert Lionel Adolphus:Definition and Buckland, W. W.&McNair, Arnold D.:Roman Iaw theory in jurisprudence. Oxford, Clarendon,1953. 28p. 22cm. 1441 and common law;acomparison in outline. Cam・ bridge, The Univ. Press,1952. xx,439p.22cm. HOtdgworth, William Searle :Ahistory of English 1428 law. v.1.7. ed. London, Methuen,1956. xlviii, 1442 Burke, John ed.: Stroud’s judicial dictionary of 706p.22cm. words and phrases.(with a supplement)3. ed. H晒t,James Willard:The growth of American law; London, Sweet&Maxwell,1952-19535v.25cm. the law makers. Boston, Little, Brown,1950. xiii, 1429 502p.22cm. 1443 Cahn, Edmond:The moral decision;right and wrong Jenks, Edward:The book of English law.5. rev. in the light of American law. Bloomington, ed. London, Murray,1953.347p.22cm. 1444 Indianna Univ. Press,1955.342p.21cm. 1430 Jenks, Edward:Ashort history of English law. Cardozo, Benjamin N.:The growth of the law. New London, Methuen,1949. xxxvi,440p.22cm.1445 Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1954.145p.19cm.1431 」㎝e8, John Walter:Historical intr()duction to the Cheng, Bin:General principles of law;as appl{ed 1 theory of law. Oxford, Clarendon,1956. xi,304p. by international courts and tribunals. London, 23cm. 1446 Stevens,1953. li,490p.25cm, 1432 Clark, George L.:Summary of American law. New Kagan, K. Kahana:Three great systems of juris・ York, Lawyers Co-operative, c 1949.820p.25cm. prudence. London, Stevens,1955. xii,19gP.22cm. 1433 1447

Cbhen, Morris Raphael:Reason and law. Glencoe, K㏄ton, George W., ed.:The British Commowealth; Free Press,1950.211p.23cm. 1434 the development of its laws and constitutions. v.1. London, Stevens,1955. xiv,523p.25cm. 1448 Corbett, Percy Ellwood:Law and society in the relations of states. New York, Harcourt,1951. xp KeetOn, George W., ed.:The British Commonwealth; 337p.22cm. 1435 the development of its laws and constitutions. v.1. London, Stevens,1955. xi,603-1216p.25Cm.1449 1)icey, Albert Venn:Law and public opini皿in England. London, Macmillan,1952. xcix,506p. Kelsen, Hans:The communist theory of law. New 22cm. 1436 York, Frederick,1955.203p.22cm. 1450

一 41一 LAW 1451 InternatiOnal LaW 1487

Kel8en, Halls:General theory of law and state. Rosenblum, Victor G.:Law as a political instrument・ Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1949. xxxiii, New York, Doubleday,1955. viii, 88p.24c皿. 516p.22cm. 1451 1470 Kelsen, Hans:What is justice?justice,1aw, and Schlesinger, Rudolf B.:Comparative Iaw;cases, politics in the mirror of science. Berkeley, Univ. text and materials.2. ed. Brooklyn, Foundation of California Press,1957.397p.24cm. 1452 Press,1959. xliv,635p.26cm. 1471 Lask, Emil:Legal philosophies of Lask, Radbruch, Sch㏄h, Magdalena ed.:The jurisprudence of and Dabin, tr. by Kurt Wilk. Calnbridge, Harvard interests. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press ,1948. Univ. Press,1950. xliii,493p.22cm. 1453 xxv,328p、22cm. 1472

Lenin, Nikolai, et a1.:Soviet legal philosophy, tr. Siche8, Luis Recasens, et aL:Latin-American legal by Hugh W. Bubb. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. philosophy. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, Press,1951. xxxvii,465p.22cm. 1454 1948.xxxvii,557p.22cm. 1473 Locke, John:Essays on the law of nature. Oxford, Strauss, Leo:Natural right and history. Chicago, Clarendon Press,1954. xi,292p.22cm. 1455 Univ. of Chicago Press,1953. v,327p.22cm.1474 McWhimey, Edward:Judicial review in the English. Wild, John Daniel:Plato’s modern enemies and the speaking world. Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press, theory of natural law. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago 1956.xv,201p.24cm. 1456 Press,1953. xi,259p.24cm. 1475 M[orris, Clarence, ed.:The great legal philosophiers. Williams, Glanville:Learning the law.5. ed. London, Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1959. Stevens,1954.216p.21cm. 1476 569p.26cm. 1457 Yntema, Hessel E., ed.:The American journal of 0sbOrn, Percy George:Aconcise law dictionary.4. comparative law. Winter 1955. v.4, No.1. Ann, ed. Londo叫Sweet&Maxwel1,1954.399p.22cm. Arbor, American Association for the Comparative 1458 Study of Law,1955.166p.25cm. 1477 Petrazy¢ki, Leon:Law and morality,(tr. by Hugh W.Babb).Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1955. International Law xlvi,335p.22cm. 1459

Pollack, Ervin H.:Fundamentals of legal research. Americano, Jorge:The new foundation of interna. (with assignments)Brooklyn, Foundation Press, tional law. New York, Macmillan,1947. xvi. 1956.xviii,295p.26cm. 1460 137p.21cm. 1478 Po11㏄k, Frederick&Maitland, Frederic William: FenWick, Charles G.:Cases on international law.2. The history of English law. v.1.2.ed. Cambridge, ed. Chicago, Callaghan,195L xxv,895p.26cm. The Univ. Press,1952. xxxviii,688p.24cm.1461 1479

Pollock, Frederick&Maitland, Frederic William: Fenwick, Charles G.:International law.3, ed. New The history of English law. v.2.2.ed. Cambridge, York, Appleton,1952.1,744p.24cm. 1480 The Univ. Press,1952. xv,691p.24cm. 1462 KeetOn, George W.&SChwarzenberger, Georg: Pound, Roscoe:An introduction to the phiiosophy of Making international law work. London, Stevens, 1aw. rev. ed. New Haven, Yale Unlv. Press, ’ 1954. 1946.x,266p.22cm. 1481 201p.21cm. 1463 Kel8en, Hans:Principles of international law. New Pound, Roscoe:Justice acccording to law. New .York, Rinehart,1952. xvii,461p.22cm. 1482 Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1952.98p.21cm. 1464 Loss, Louis:Securities regulation. Boston, Little, Pound, Roscoe:New paths of the law. Lincoln, Brown,1951.(xxvii,423p.)xxvii,1283p.24cm. Univ, of Nebraska Press,1950.69p.24cm. 1465 1483

Pound, Roscoe:The spirit of the common 1aw. McDougal, Myres S. et a1.:Studies in world public Franscestown, Marshall Jones,1947. xv, 224p. order. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1960. xx, 20cm. 1466 1058p.24cm. 1484 Pound, Roscoe:The task of law. Lancaster, Franklin Schwarzenberger, Georg:Amanual of international and Marshall College,1944.94p.23cm. 1467 law.3. ed. London, Stevens,1952. lii,441p.22cm. 1485 Price, Miles O.&Bitner, Harry:Effective legal research;apractical manual of law books and Scott, James Brown&Jaeger, Walter H. E.:Cases their use. New York, Prentice-Hall,1954.633p. on international law. St. Pau1, West, Pub.1937. 26cm. 1468 lxix,1062p.26cm. 1486 Rheinstein, Max, ed.:Max Weber;on law in Starke, Joseph Gabrie1:An introduction to inter- economy and society. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. national law. London, Butterworth, 1954. xx, Press,1954.363p.22cm. 1469 485,28p.22cm. 1487

一 42一 1488 Constitutional law 1520 LAW

Zaphiriou, G. A.:The transfer of chattels in private Frank, John P.:1Cases and materials on constitu・ international law;acomparative study. London, tional law. Chicago, Ca1】aghan, c 1952. x1,1222p, Univ. of London,1956. xx,227p.22cm. 1488 26cm. 1504 Fde面ch, Carl Joachim:Constitutional reason of Constitutional Law state; the’survival of the constitutional order. Providence, Brown Univ. Press,1957. xi,131p. Association of American Law Schools, ed.:Selected 21cm. 1505 essays on constitutional law. v.2-3. Chicago, Frie面ch, Carl J.&McCloskey, Robert G., ed.:From Foundation Press,1938.2v.24cm. 1489 the declaration of independence to the constitution; Corwin, Edward S., ed.:Constitution of the United the roots of American constitutionalism. New States of America. Washington, U. S. Government York, Llberal Arts,1954. Ixviii,71p.19cm.1506 Printing Office,1953. xiii,273p.29cm. 1490 Gard加er, Samuel Rawson, ed.:The constitutional Corwin, Edward S.:The constitution and what{t documents of the puritan revolution,1625-1660.3. means today、10. ed. Princeton, The Univ. Press, ed. Oxford, Clarendon,1951.1xiv,476p.19cm. 1951.xxxiv,273p.20cm. 1491 1507 Corwin, Edward S.:The constitution and what it Gavit, Bernard C.:The commerce clause of the means today.11. ed. Princeton, The Univ. Press, United States constitution. Indiana, Principia 1954.xiv,340p.22cm. 1492 Press,1932. liii,568p.24cm. 1508 Costin, William Conrad&Wat飽m, J. Steven:The Gough, John Wiedhofft:Fundamental law in English law and working of the constitution;documents, constitutional history. Oxford, Clarendon,1955. 1660-1914.v.1-2. London, Adam, 1952. 2v. ix,229p.22cm. 1509 23cm. 1493 Ha鵡James:Tenure of office under the consti加tion. Cros8, Harold L.:The people’s right to know. New Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, c 1930.384p.22cm. 1510 York, Columbia Univ. Press, c 1953. xxiv, 405p. 24cm. 1494 Heller, Francis H.:Sixth amendment to the consti・ tution of the United States. Kansas, Univ. of Cresskey, Wj1】iam Winslow:Politics and the consti・ Kansas Press, c 1951.195p,24cm. 1511 tution in the history of the United States. v.1. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1953.708p. Holcombe, Arthur N.:Human rights in the modern 25cm. 1495 world. New York, The Univ. Press. c 1948.162p. 24cm. 1512 Crosskey, William Winslow:Politics and the consti- tution in the history of the United States. v.2. Holcornbe, Arthur N.:Our more perfect union; Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1953.711-1440p. from 18th century principles to 20th century 25cm. 1496 practice. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1950. xiii,460p.24cm. 1513 Cus㎞an, Robert Eugene:Leading constitutional decisions,9, ed. New York, Appleton, c 1950. xix, Illinois, State of: Constitution of the State of 105p.22cm. 1497 Illinois and United States, issued by Edward J. Barrett. 111inois, Secretary of the State, 1870. DaVis, Helen Miller:Constitutions, electoral laws, 85p.23cm. 1514 treaties of States in the near and middle East. Durham, Duke Univ. Press, c 1953. xxii,541p. Jemi皿g8, Ivor:Constitutional laws of the common. 23cm. 1498 wealth. v.1. Oxford, Clarendon,1957. xxiv,496p. 22cm. 1515 1)icey, Albert Venn:Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution.9. ed. London, Macmillan, Konvitz, Milton R.:Bill of rights reader;1eading c1952. clvi,681p.22cm. 1499 constitutional cases. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1954. xix,591p.24cm. 1516 Mcey, Albert Venn&Hon, K. C.:Introduction to the study of the law of the constitution.9. ed. Konvitz, Milton R.:The constitution and civil E London, Macmillan,1956. clvi,681p.22cm.1500 rights. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, c 1946. x,254p.22cm. 1517 DOdd, Walter F.:Cases and materials on consti. tutional law.5. ed. St. Paul, West Pub., c 1954. Mathews, John Mabry:The American constitutional xxxix,1438p.26cm. 1501 system.2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, c 1940. xx,526p、24cm. 1518 Dow血9, Noel T.: Cases on constitutional law. Brooklyn, Foundation Press, c1954. xxxviii, Moore, Russell F.:Modern constitutions. Ames, 1308p.26cm. 1502 ー Adam,1957.305p.20cm. 1519 Emerson, Thomas I.&Harber, D.:Political and M[ott, Rodney L.: Problems and opinions in consti. civil rights in the U. S. New York, Dennis, c 1952, j tutional law. New York, Colgate Univ. 1952. xx,1209p.26cm. 1503 v、P.29cm. 1520

一 43一 LAW 1521 Criminal Law・Administrative Law 1554

New York State Constitutional COnvention Commi・ Willoughy, Westel Wo(dbury:The constitutional ttee:Reports and studies. v.1-12. New York, law of the United States. v.3.2. ed. New York, The Committee,1938.12v.24cm. ヱ521 Baker, c 1929. xvi,1326-2022p.25cm. 1538 Padover, Saul K.:The living U. S, constitution・ Wright, Benjamin Fletcher:The contract clause of New York, New American Library,1953.176p. the constitution. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 18cm. 1522 1938.xvii,287p.23cm. 1539 Phillips, Owen Hood:The constitutional law of Wright, Benjamin Fletcher: The growth of Greqt Britain and the commonwealth. London, American constitutional law. New York, Holt, Sweet,1952. xliv,826p.23cm. 1523 c1942. viii,276p.21cm. 1540 Poeoek, John Greville Agard:The ancient costitu・ tion and the feudal law;astudy of English Criminal Law historical thought in the seventeenth century. Cambridge, The Univ. Press, 1957. ix,262p. Fine, Benjamin:1,000,000 delinquents. London, 23cm. 1524 Victor Gollancz,1956.377p.24cm. 1541 Post, Charles Gordon, ed.:Significant cases in Pound, Roscoe :Criminal appeals in America. Boston, British constitutional law. New York, Liberal Little, Brown, c 1939.321p.23cm. 1542 Arts,1957. xxiv,202p.21cm. 1525 Pound, Roscoe:Criminal justice in America. Cam・ Powe皿, Thomos Reed:Vagaries and varieties・in bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1945.226p,19cm. constitutional interpretation. New York, Colulnbia ‘ 1543 Univ. Press,1956. xii,229p.20cm. 1526 Uhler, Armin:Review of administrative acts. Robson, William A.:Justice and administrative Chicago, Callaghan, c 1942. xxxi,207p.24cm. law. London, Stevens,1955.674p.22cm. 1527 1544

Ros8iter, Clinton L.:Constitutional dictatorship. Wigmore, John Henry:Wigmore’s code of the rules Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1948. lx,322p. of evidence in trials at law. Boston, Little, Brown, 24cm. ・ 1528 1942.lxxv,621p.21cm. 1545 Ro口8c血affer, Henry:Handbook of American consti・ Williarns, Glanville:The sanctity of life. New tutional law. St. Paul, West Pub.,1939、 xxxv,1 York, Knopf,1957. xi,350, xip.22cm. 1546 982p.23cm. 1529 Sdhwartz, Bernard:American constitutional law. Administrative Law Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1955. xiv,364p. 22cm. 1530 Caldwell, Lynton K.:The administrative theories Sw鋤her, Carl Brent:American constitutional deve. of Hamilton and Jefferson. Chicago, Univ. of 10pment,2. ed. New York, Houghton c 1954. Chicago, c 1944.244p.23cm. 1547 xii,1145p.24cm. 1531 Carrow, Milton M.:The ba¢kground of adrninistra. Wheare, Kenneth Clinton:Modern constitutions. tive law. New York, Associated Lawyers,1948. London, Oxford Univ. Press, c 1951. vii,210p. 214p.24cm. 1548 17cm. 1532 Cooper, Frank E.:Administrative agencies and the Wilkinson, B.:The constitutional history of England, courts. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, c 1951. 1219-1399. v. 1. Politics and the constitution, xxv,470p.24cm. ト 1549 1216-1307.London, Longmans,1948.240p.20cm. 1533 Davis, Kenneth Culp: Administrative law. St. Paul, West Publ., c 1951. xvi,1024p.24cm. Wilk血田on, B.:Constitutional history of medievaI 1550 England, 1216-1399. v.2. Politics and the constitution,1307-1399. London, Longmans,1952. Davis, Kenneth Culp:Handbook on administrative 340p.20cm. 1534 law. St. Paul., West Pub1,1951. xvi, 10Mp.24cm. 1551 Wilkinson, B.:Constitutional history of medieval England,1216-1399. vol.3. The development of Dick血1son, John:Administrative justice and the the constitution,1216-1399. London, Longmans, supremacy of law in the United States・New York, 1958.421p.20cm. 1535 Russell&Russe11,1955. xiii,403p.24cm. 1552 Wi”oughby, Westel Woodbury:The constitutional Ge世torn, Walter&Byse, Clark:Administrative law of the United States..v.1.2.ed. New York, r .1aw;cases and comments. Brooklyn, Foundation Baker, c 1929. lxvii,624p.25cm. 1536 Press,1954. xci,1273p.26cm. 1553 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury:The constitutional Griffith, J, A. G.&Street, H.:Principles of law of the United States, v.2.2. ed. New York, administrative law. London, Pitman,1952. xxxi, Baker, c 1929. xvii,625-1325p.25cm. 1537 316p.22cm. 1554

一 44一 1555 Statutes&Cases 1590 LAW

Hart, James:An Introduction to administrative Swenson, Rinehart John: Federal administrative law. New York, Crofts,1940. xviii,621p.24cm. law. New York, Ronald, c 1952.376p.24cm.1574 1555 Waline, M.:Droit administratif.7. ed. Paris, Hart, James:An IntrOduction to administrative Traites Sirey,1957. xii,892p.26cm. 1575 law.2. ed. New York, Appleton,1950. xxviii, 819p.24cm. 1556 Statutes&Cases Jaffe, Louis L.:Administrative law;cases and materials. New Yrok, Prentice-Hall, 1954. xvii, American Law Institute:Model code of evidence. 647p.26cm. 1557 Philadelphia, American Law Institute,1942. xxiii, Kuchman, Carl:California administrative law and 435p.24cm. ’ 1576 procedure. California, Colman Law Book,1953. Ameriean Law Institute:Restatement of the law. 376p.24cm. 1558 San Francisco, Bancroft,1952.23v.24cm. 1577 Landis, James M.:The aministrative process、 New Arneriean Law Institute:Restatement of the law Haven, Yale Univ. PreSs,1951.160p.21cm.1559 of trusts. v.2. St. Pau1, American Law lnstitute, 1%6.xxiv,8094496p.24cm.. 1578 Laubad6re, Andr6 De:Droit administratif.2. ed. Paris, Librairie Generale de Droit et de Jurispru・ Borehard, Edwin:Declaratory judgments. Cleve1- dence,1957.823p.23cm. 15¢O and, Banks-Baldwin Law, c 1941. xxxvi,1151p. 26cm. 1579 Lavery, Urban A。:Federal administrative law;its practice and application. St. Pau1, West PubL, Bogert, George Gleason&Britton, William Everett: 1952.xi,518p.26cm. 1561 Cases on the law of sales.3. ed. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1956. xix,770p.26cm. 1580 Maurer, Robert Adam:Cases and other materials on administrative law. Rochester, Lawyers Co- StatesBureau of National Affairs: The United v.26-27. operative c 1937. x,608p.26cm. 1562 law week. General law sections. 29cm. Washington, The Bureau,1957-1958.2v. 0ppenheim, S. Chesterfield:Federal antitrust laws; 1581 cases and comments.2. ed. St. Pau1, West PubL, Bureau of National Affairs:The United States 1959.xxxv,1188p.26cm, 1563 law week. SuPreme court sections. v.26-27. Parker, Reginald:Administrative law. Indianapolis, Washington, The Bureau,1957-1958.2v.29cln. Bobbs-Merril1,1952. x,344p.26cm. 1564 1582 Pound, Roscoe:Administrative law;its growth Count yyman, Vem:Douglas of the supreme court; procedure and significance. Pittsburgh, Univ. of a se1㏄t輌on of his opinions. Garden City, Pittsburgh Press.1942.138p.22cm. 1565 Doubleday,1959.401p.22cm. 1583 Rohka皿, William Jr.&Pratt, Orville C.:Studies Hormold, John:Cases alld materials on the law of in French administrative law. Urbana, Univ. of sales and sales financing. Brooklyn, Foundation Illinois Press,1947.109p.27cm. 1566 Press,1954. xxxiv,679p.26cm. 1584 Schwartz, Bernard l Amer輌can administrative law. Kephart, William M.:Racia1 factors and urban law London, Pitman, c 1950. xiii,144p.25cm. 1567 enforcement. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1957.20gp.22cm. 1585 SChwartz, Bemard:French administrative law and ‘‘ the common-law world. New York, The Univ. MarShall, 0. R.:Nathan’s equity through the Press,1954. xxii,367p.24cm. 1568 cases. ,, 3.ed. London, Steven,1955. lxvii,584P. 22cm. 1586 SChwartz, Bemard:An introduction to American John Humphrey Carliie:Morris, administrative law. London, Pitman,1958. xv, Dicey’s conflict of laws.6. ed. London, Stevens,〔1949〕cxxix,912p. 260p.26cm. 1569 25cm. 1587 Sears, Kenneth C. l Cases and materials on admini. New York,(State).Laws, Statutes, etc:New York strative law. St. Pau1, West Pub」, c 1938. xvi, Consolidated laws service; concordance index. 800p.26cm. 1570 Index to forms. R㏄hester, Lawyers Co-operative, Simon, Herbert A.: Administrative behavior.2. ed. 1960.27cm. 1588 1957. xliv, 259p. 22cm. New York, Macmillan, New York(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York 1571 Consolidated laws service. v.1:abandoned Stason, E. Blythe: The iaw of administrative property to civil rights. Rochester, Lawyers Co- tribunals.2. ed. Chicago, Callaghan, c 1947. xxxi, operative,1960.27cm. 1589 731p.26cm. 1572 New York(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York Stason, E. Blythe&Cooper, Frank E.:The law of Consolidated laws service. v.2:civil serice to .qdministrative tribunals.3. ed. Chicago, Calla・ county. Rochester, Lawyers Co-operative,1960. ghan,1957. xxix,747p。26cm. 1573 27cm. 1590

一 45一 LAW 1591 Law Treatises 1622

New York(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York Steffen, Roscoe:Cases on commercial and inve. Consolidated laws service. v.3: Debtor and stment paper.2. ed. Brooklyn, Foundation Press, creditor to education. Rochester, Lawyers Co- 1954.xl,1024p. 26cm. 1606 operative,1960. 27cπ1. 1591 U.S. Supreme, Court:Supreme court reporter. New York(State).1」aw8, Statutes, etc.:New York v.75.St. Pau1, West Publ.,1955.96gP.26cm. Consolidated laws service. v.4:Election to 1607 general corporation. Rochester, Lawyers Co- U.S. Supreme Court:Supreme court reporter. operative,1960. 27cm. 1592 v.76.St. Paul, West Publ.,1956.1139p.26cm. New York(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York 1608 Consolidated laws service、 v.5 : General U.S. Supreme Court:All opinions of the United municipal to insurance. Rochester, Lawyers Co- States supreme court. v.79-v.98. Rochester, operative,1960.27cm. 1593 Lawyers,1934-1954.37 v.23cm. 1609 New York(State).1違w8, Statutes, etc.:New York U.S. Supreme Court:United States supreme court Consolidated laws service. v.6:Judiciary to reports. (Lawyers’Edition) v.1. (Covering military.’Rochester, Lawyers Co-oprative,1960. No、1、-No.& pp、1-600.) New York, Lawyers, 27cm. . 1594 1956-1957.23cm. 1610 New York(State).1ぷws, Statutes, etc.:New York U.S. Supreme Court:United States supreme court Consolidated laws service. v.7:Multiple dwell. reports, (Lawyers’ Edition) v.1. (Covering ing to penal. Rochester, Lawyers Co-operative, No.9.-No.16. pp.601-1559.)New York, Lawyers, 1960.27cm. 1595 1957.23cm. 1611 New Yo止(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York Consolidated laws service. v.8:Personal property Wsrmington, Crispin ed・: Stephen’s commentaries to public officers. Rochester, Lawyers Coっpertive on the laws of England. v.1-4. 21. ed. London, 1960.27cm. 1596 Butterworth,1950.4v. 22cm. 1612 New York(State). Laws, Statutes, etc.:New York Consolidated laws service. v.9:Public service Law Treatises to second class cities. Rochester, Lawyers Co- Arrnitage, Arthur Llewellyn, et al., ed.:Clerk& operative,1960.27cm. 1597 Lindsell on torts. 11. ed. London, Sweet& New York(State). L良ws, Statutes, etc.:New York Maxwe11,1954. clvi,1097p.25cm. 1613 Consolidated laws service. v.10:Social welfare Bailey, Stanley John: The law of wills.5. ed. to tax. Rochester, Lawyers Co-operative,1960. London, Pitman,1957.1ii,331p.25cm. 1614 27cm. 1598 Beattie, Charles Noei:The elements of estate duty. New York(State).1ぷws, Statutes, etc.:New York London, Butterworth,1952. xxiv,194p.22cm. Consolidated laws service. v.11:Town to work. 1615 men’s compensation. Rochester, Lawyers Co- operative,1960.27cm. 1599 Bentley, Byron R.:Rea正estate law.3. ed. Chicago, Callaghan,1955. xix,427p.26cm. 1616 New York(State). Law8, Statutes, etc.:New York Consolidated laws service. v.12:Unconsolidate Bicke1, Alexander M.:The unpublished opinions of laws, constitutions history tables. Rochester, Mr. Justice Brandeis;the supreme court at work. Lawyers Co-operative,1960.27cm. 1600 Cambridge, Belknap,1957. xxi,278p.12 pL New York(State).1.aws, Statutes, etc.:New York 24cm. 1617 Consolidated laws service. Criminal code. Roche. Botrie, Gordon:Justice and the administration. ster, Lawyers Co-operative,1960.27cm. 1601 London Fabian Society,1957.21p.22cm. 1618 0dger8, Charles E.:Craies on Statute Law. London, Bowie, Robert Richardson, ed.: Government Sweet,1952. cvii,618p.25cm. 1602 ・ regulation of buslness; cases from the national Foundation Press, Patterson, Edwin W.:Cases on restitution;includ- reporter system. Brooklyn, 1955.xiii,1654p.26cm. 1619 ing rescission, reformation, and quasi contracts. Brooklyn, Foundation Press, 1950. xxii, 663p Braueher, Robert:Commercial tranSaCtiOn;teXt, 26cm. . 1603 forms and statutes.2. ed. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1958. xxix,711p. 26cm. 1620 Ramaswamy, M.:The creative role of the supreme court of the United States. Stanford, The Univ. Cahn, Edmond, ed.:Supreme court and supreme Press,1956.138p.22cm. 1604 law. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1954. 250p.24cm. 1621 Shepherd, Harold&Wellington, Harry H:Contracts and contract remedies;cases and materials.4. ed. Cardozo, Benjamin N.:The nature of the judicial Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1957. xxiv, 1194p. process. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1952. 26cm. 1605 180p.19cm. 1622

一 46一 1623 Law Treatises 1661 LAW

Ca】rr, Robert K.:The supreme court and judicial Krロse, Vinding:The right of property. v.11. review. New York, Rinehart, c 1942 xiv,304p. (tr. by David Philip) London, Oxford Univ. 20cm. 1623 Press,1953.335p.22cm. 1643 Chafee, Zechar{ah:Three human rights in the MacLach㎞, James Angell:Handbook of the law of constitution of 1787. Lawrence, Univ. of Kansas bankruptcy. St. Pau1, West, Publ.,1956. xxii, press,1956.245p.22cm. 1624 500p.26cm. 1644 Charlesworth, John:Charlesworth on negligence. Magi皿, Roswell F.&HamiltOn, Robert P.:Cases 3.ed. London, Sweent&Maxwell,1956. lxxv, on business organization. v.1-2. St. Paul, West, 669p.25cm. 1625 Pub1.,1935..2v.26cm. 1645 Charlesvvorth, John:The principles of mercantile Maitlartd, Frederic William:Equity;acourse of law. London, Stevens,1955.355p.22cm. 1626 lectures. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1949. Corbin, Arthur Linton:Corbin on contracts. St. xxiv,343p.22cm. 1646 Paul, West Publ.,1952. xi,1224p.26cm. 1627 ぬit㎞d, Frederic William:The forms of action at common law. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1954. Crane, Judson A.:Cases on the law of damages. 3.ed. St. Pau1, West Publ.,1955. xxii,337p. 92p.22cm. 1647 26cm. 1628 Mayers, Lewis:The American legal system. New cribbet, John E.:Cases and materials on judicial York, Harper,1955.589p.24cm. 1648 remed.ies. St. Pau1, West, Publ. 1954.xxi,762p. McCormick, Charles T.:Handbook on the law of 26cm. 1629 damages. St. Paul, West PubL,1935. xiv,811p. Davis, Kenneth Culp:Administrative law treatise. 24cm. 1649 v.1-4.St. Paul, West Publ.,1958.4v.27cm.1630 MCKel▼ey, :Handbook of the law of evid飽ce.5. ed. St. Pau1, West Pub1.,1944. xxiv, Diamond, Arthur Sigismund: Primitive law. 814p.24cm. 1650 London, Watts, c 1950. x,451p.22cm. 1631 Megarry, Robert Edgar:Amanual of the law of Frascorta, Joseph L.: Business 1aw. HOInewood, real property. 2. ed. London, Stevens,1955.1ii, Irwin,1954. xii,961p.24cm. 1632 646p.22cm. 1651 ed.: The public Friedma㎜, Wolfgang Gaston, MMar, Robert Wyness:Civil procedure of the trial corporation;acomparative symposium. London, court in historical perspective. Washington, New Stevens,1954.612p.24cm. 1633 York Univ., c 1952. xvi,534p.24cm. 1652 Gray, Hamish R.:The law of civil injuries. Moore, Winsor C.:Law and accounting. v.1-2. London, Hutchinson’s Unlv. Library 1955.191p. Omaha, Creighton Univ.1952.2v.29cm. 1653 19cm. 1634 More㎞d, Carroll C.:Equal justice under law, the Green, Leon:The judicial process in tort cases. American legal system. New York, Oceana,1957. St. Paul, West Publ.,1939. xxi,1356p.26cm. 128p.22cm. 1654 1635 N叙皿er, Charles Elihu:The law of cred髭or and Handler, Milton:Cases and materials on the law debtor relations,(with a supplement.) St. Pau1, of vendor and purchaser. St. Paul, West Puld., West Pub1.,1956.1xxxv,698p.26cm. 1655 1933.xix,925p.26cm. 1636 Newman, Ralph A.:Newman on trusts.2. ed. Hendel, Samuel:Charles Evans Hughes and the Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1955.600p.24cm. supreme court. New York, King’s Crown, c 1951. 1656 xii,337p.24cm. 1637 0rfield, Lester Bernhardt:Criminal procedure from Holmes, Oliver Wendell:The common law. Boston, arrest to apPea1・Washington, New York Univ. Little, Brown,1923. xvi,421p.20cm. 1638 Press, c 1947. xxxi,614p.24cm、 1657 Horsky, Charles A. l The Washington lawyer. 0曲ome, George E.:Handbook on the law of Boston, Little, Brown,1952.179p.21cm. 1639 mortgages、 St. Pau1, West PubL,1951. xxi, 1117p.24cm. 1658 Jacobs, Albert C.: Cases alld materials on landlord and tenant. St. Paul, West Pub1., 1941. xxix, Patterson, Edwin W.:Essentials of insurance law. 815p.26cm. 1640 2.ed. New York, McGraw-Hill 1957. xiv,558p. 21cm。 1659 Keeton, Page:Cases and materials on fraud and mistake. St. Paul, West PubL, xx,514p.26cm. Pound, Roscoe:Appellate procedure in civil cases. 1641 1 Boston, Little, Brown, c 1941. xi,431p.23cm. Kiralfy, Albert Kenneth Roland:The English legal 1660 system. London, Sweet and Maxwell,1956. xxv, Pound, Roscoe:Organization of courts. Boston, 404p.22cm. 1642 Little, Brown,1940. xiii,322p.24cm. 1661

一 47一 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1662 Public Administration 1692

Powell, Richard R.:Cases and materials on the law Simp⑧①n, Laurence P.:Handbook of the law of of trusts. St. Paul, West Pub1.,1940. lxix,1034p. contracts. St. Paul, West Publ.,1954. xix,712p. 26cm. 1662 24cm. 1674 Powell, Richard R.:Cases and materials on posses- Stewart・Brown, Ronald David:Aguide to compu1・ sory estates.2. ed. St. Paul, West Publ., 1943. sory purchase and compensation. London, Sweet xxxix,565p.26cm. . 1663 and Maxwell,1955. xvi,117p.22cm. 1675 Pritchett, C. Herman:The Roosevelt court;a Sturges, Wesley A.:Cases and materials on the law study in judicial politics and values. New York, of credit transactions. St. Pau1, West PubL, Macmillan, c 1948. xvi,314p.22cm. 1664 1955.xxiv,599p.26cm. 1676 Prosser, William L.:Handbook of the law of torts. Surrey, Stanley S.&Warren, William C.:Federal 2.ed. St. Paul, Wesち1955. xviii PubL,989p. income taxation;cases and materials. Brooklyn, 26cm. 1665 Foundation Press,1953. xlvii,1308p.26cm.1677

Owen J.:The court and the constitution.Rdberts, Thomas, Dorothy, ed.:Women lawyers in the United Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1951. 102p. States. New Yrok, Scarecrow,1957. xxx,747p. 22cm. 1666 22cm. 1678 Roet紬nger, Ruth Locke:The supreme court and TiffanY, Francis Bushanan:Handbook of the law state police power;a study in federalism. of principal and agent.2. ed. St. Pa叫West Washington, Public Affairs Press,1957.252p。 Publ.,1924. xiii,485p.24cm. 1679 23cm. 1667 Vance, William R.:Handbook on the law of Rossiber, Clinton:The supreme court and the insurance.3. ed. St. Paul, West Pub1.,1951. xxi, commander in chief. Ithaca, Comell Univ. Press, 1290p.24cm. 1680 1951.145p.22cm. 1668 RostOw, Eugene V.:Cases and other materials on Vanderbilt, Arthur T.:Minimum standards of the law of debtors’estates.4. ed. St. Pau1, West judicial administration. Newark, Nat. Conf. of Judicral Councils, c 1949、 xxxii,752p.24cm. Publ.,1949. xxi,1306p26cm. 1669 1681 Sムmuelg, Harry:Trade union law. London, Stevens, Vold, Lawrence:Cases and materials on the law 1956.95p.22cm. 1670 of sales.2. ed. St. Paul, West PubL,1949. xxxv, Sdlwartz, Bernard:The supreme court;constitu・ 835p.26cm. 1682 tional revolution in retrospect. New York, Ronald, Wa19h, Wmiam F.&Simpson, Laurence P.:Cases 1957.417p.24cm. 1671 and meterials on security transactions. v.1; Simes, Lewis M.:Handbook on the law oHuture suretyship and personal property security. St. interests. St. Pau1, West PubL,1951. xv,493p. Paul, West Publ.,1941. xxiv.831p.20cm.1683 24cm. 1672 Walsh, William F.&Simpson, Laurence P.:Cases Simpson, Cuthbert Aikman:CompOsition of the and materials on security transations. v.2; book of judges. Oxford, Basil Blackwel1,1958. mortages. St. Paul, West Publ.,1941. xlx,593p. 197p.22cm. 1673 26cm. . 1684


Anderson, William&Weidner, Edward W.: ﹇ Blau, Peter M.:The Dynamics of bureaucracy. American govemment,4. ed. New York, Holt, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. xi,269p. c1953. xv,989p.24cm. 1685 23cm. 1689 Bailey, Stephen Kemp, et a1.:Government in Co町, James Alexander:Elernents of democratic America. New York, Holt,1957.587p.24cm. government. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1686 c1947.507p.24cm. 1690

Binkley, Wilfred E.:Agrammar of American Dirnock, Mashall Edward&Dim㏄k, Gladys.0.: politics. New York, Knopf, c 1949.700p. xviiip. American government in action. New York, 24cm. 1687 Rinehart. c 1947. xii,946p.23cm. 1691

Binkley, Wilfred E.:Agrammar of American J Dim㏄k, Marshall Edward:American government politics. New York, Knopf,1950. 760, xviiip. in action. New York, Rinehart, c 1951. xv,1004p. 24cm. 1688 23cm. 1692

一 48一 1693 Central Government 1726PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION

Fellman, David, ed.: Readings in American national Swarthout, John M.&Bartley, Ernest R.:Principles government. New Yrok, Rinehart, c 1947.300p. and problems of American national government. 22cm. 1693 New York, Oxf. Univ. Press, c 1951. xi,700p. 23cm. 1711 Godshall, W. Leon: Government in the U. S. New York, Nostrand, c1948. xxxiii,1121p.23cm. SWisher, Carl Brent:The theory and practice of 1694 American national government. New York, Houghton, c 1951. xix,949p.24cm. 1712 Goeneil, Cullen B.,et al.:Fundamentals of American government;nationa1, s亡ate, and loca1. New White, Leonard D.:Introduction to the study of York, McGraw-Hill,1957.603p.23cm. 1695 public administration.4. ed. New York, Macmil・ 1an,1955. xx,531p.24cm. 1713 Gosne11, Harold F.: Grass roots and politics. Washington, Council of Public Affairs,1942. Zink;Harold:Government and politics in the U. S. 195p.23cm. 1696 3.ed. New York, Macmillan, c 1951. x,1008p. 24cm. . 1714 Graves, W. Brooke:Public administration in a democratic society. Boston, Heath,1950. xvi, Zink, Harold: Asurvey of American government. 759p.24cm. 1697 New York, Macmillan, c 1948. x、809p.22cm. 1715 Joh品on, Claudius O.:American national govern- ment.2. ed. New York, Crowell, c 1947. xiv, 690p.23cm. 1698 Ce血1 Government Johnson, Claudius O.:Government in the United States. New York, Crowell,1938. xii,735p.24cm. Bates, Frank G.&Oliver, P. Field:State govern・ 1699 ment. New York, Harper, c1939.561p、22cm. John8①n, Claudius O.: Government in the United 1716 States.4. ed. New York, Crowell, c 1947. xv, Beard, Charles A. ed.: The enduring federalist. 970p.22cm. 1700 New York, Frederick Ungar,1959. xvi, 396P. MadDortald, Austin F. :American state government 22cm. 1717 and administration. 3.ed. New York, CroweU, Bontecou, Eleanor: The federal lOyalty-SeCUrity c1945. xiv,655p.24cm. 1701 1953. program・ New York, Cornell Univ. Press, MacDonald, Austin F.:American state government x,377p.24cm. 1718 and administration.4. ed. New York, Crowell, Brownlow, Louis:The president and the presidency. 1950.xiii,722p.23cm. 1702 Chicago, Public Administration Service,1953. xi, Marx, Fritz Morstein:The administrative state. 137p.22cm. .1719 Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1957. x,202p. Bums, James M.&Peltason, Jack W.:Government 23cm. 1703 by the people. New York, Prentice-Hall,1952. Marx, Fritz Morstein. ed.:Elements of public 158p.23cm. 1720 administration. New York, Prentice-Hall,1949. Gorw血1, Edward S.:The president; office and xxiv,637p.24cm. . 1704 powers,1787-1957.4. ed. New York, The Univ. M㎏xey, Chester C. & FlunQ, Robert Y.:The Press,1957. xiii,519p.24cm. 1721 American problem of government.6. ed. New Corwin, Edward S.:The president; office and York, Appleton,1957. x,715p.24cm. 1705 powers,1787-1948. New York, The Univ. Press, 0gg, Frederic A.&Ray, P. Orman:Essentials of c1948. xvii,552p.24cm. 、1722 American government.5. ed. New York, ApPleton, Eisenhower, Dwight D.:Public papers of the presi・ c1947.728p.24cm. . 1706 dents of the United States. Washington, Federal 0gg, Frederic A.:Introduction to American govern・ Register Division,1958. xxxii,939p.24cm.1723 ment.9. ed. New York, Appleton,1948. ix,1135p. Federal, Register Division, et al.:United States 24cm. 1707 Govem!nent organization manual,1957-58. Wash・ Ogg, Frederic A.&Ray, P. Orman:IntrOduction to ington, Federal Register Division, 1957. 778p. American government.10. ed. New York, Apple- 23cm. 1724 ton, c 1951. viii,1063P.24cm. 1708 Ferguson, John H.& McHenry, Dean E.:The Pfiffrter, John M.&Presthus, R. Vance:Public American system of government. New York, administration.3. ed. New York, Ronald,1953. McGraw-Hill,1947. viii,972p.24cm. 1725 626p.23cm. 1709 Ferguson, John H.& McHenry, Dean E.:The Saye, Albert B.&Pound, Merritt B.:Principles of American system of government.2. ed. New American government. New York, Prentice-Hall, York, McGraw-Hill, c1950. xii,1042p.24cm. c1950. viii,451p.22cm. 1710 1726

49.一 一 PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION 1727 Local Government 1762

Fe81er, James W.:The independence of state regu・ Roseboom, Eugene H.:Ahistory of presidential latory agencies. Chicago, Public Administration elections. New York, Macmillan,1957. vii,568p. Service,1942.72p.27cm. 1727 22cm. 1745 Finer, Herman:Governments of greater European Selko, Daniel T.:The administration of federal powers. London, Methuen,1956. xii,931, xcivp. finances. Washington, Brookings Inst.,1937.71p. 25cm. 1728 21cm. 1746 F㎞er, Herman:Governments of greater European Smithie8, Arthur:The budgetary process in the powers. New York, Holt,1956. xii,929, xcivp. United Sthtes. New York, McGraw-Hill,1955. 26cm. 1729 xxi,486p.24cm. 1747

Gallup, George, et a1.:The political almanac,1952. Swartz, Wiils G.:American governmental problems. New York, Forbes,1952. xv,317p.23cm. ・1730 Princeton, Nostrand,1957.287p.24cm. 1748 Gooci㎞ow, Frank Johnson:Essays on the law and Warren, George, ed.:The federal administrative practice of governmental administration. pr㏄edure;act and the administrative agencies. Baltimore, John Hopkins, c1935. xvii,32】p. New York, The Univ. School of Law,1947.629p. 22Cln. 1731 24cm. 1749

CJit)gnell, Harold F.:Machine politics;Chicago mode1. White, Leonard Dupee:The federalists;study in Chicago, The Univ. Press,1937. xx,22gp.24cm. administrative history. New York, Macmillan, 1732 1948.xii,538p.22cm. 1750 Grave8, W. Brooke:American state government. White, Leonard Dupee:The Jeffersonians;astudy Boston, Heath, c 1936. xiii,829p.22cm. 1733 in administrative history,1801-1829. New York, Macmillan,1951. xiv,572p.22cm. 1751 G亘ffith, Ernest S.:The American system of government. New York, Praeger,1954.202p. White, Leonard D.:The republican era:1869-1901; 18cm. 1734 astudy in administrative history. New York, Macmillan 1958. ix,406p.22cm. 1752 Hk皿, Ford P., et a1.:American national government; 1aw and practice. New York, Harper, c 1949. White, Leslie William&Hu8sey, W. D.:Govern・ xiv,588p.22cm. 1735 ment in Great Britain, the Empire, and the Commonwealth. Cambridge, The Univ. Press, Hart, James:The American presidency in action, 1957.292p.19cm. 1753 1789;astudy in constitutional history. New York, Macmillan,1948. xv,256p.24cm. 1736 Hazard, John N.:The Soviet system of government. Local Government Chicago, Un{v. of Chicago Press,1957. xi,256p. 24cm. 1737 Baker, Benjamin:Urban government. Princeton, Nostrand,1957. xi,572p.24cm. 1754 Herring, Edward Pendleton:Presidential leadership. New York, Rinehart,1940. xiii,173p.20cm. Bro鵬ge, Arthur W.:Intr()duction to municipal 1738 government and administration.2.「ed. New York, Jolmsen, Claudius O.:AInerican government; Appleton,1957.579p.19cm. 1755 national state and l㏄al. New York, Crowell, Clarke, John J.:The local government of the c1951. xx,1068p.23cm. 1739 United Kingdom.15. ed. London, Pitman,1955. Link, Arthur S., et al.:Woodrow Wilson and the xviii,684p.22cm. 1756 world of today. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsyl. Jacksen, William Eric:Local government in England vania Press,1957. x,96p.21cm. 1740 and Wales. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1954.223p. kOnghran, Patrick H.:Judicial review of federal 18cm. 1757 executive action. Charlottesville, Michie,1930. Kneier, Charles M.:City government in the United xvi,813p.26cm. 1741 States, New York, Harper, c 1947.727p.22cm. 1758 MadD)onsld, H. Malcolm:Outside readings in American government.2. ed. New York, Crowe11, Kneier, Charles M.&Fox, Guy:Readings in c1952. x,884p.22cm. 1742 municipal government and administration. New York, Rinehart,1953. xix,486p.21cm. 1759 Meriam, Lewis,& Schmeckebier, Laurence F.: Reorganization of the national government;what Macdonald, Austin F・:American city government does it involve~Washington, Brookings Inst. and administration.3. ed.. New York, Crowe11, 1939.xii,272p.21cm. 1743 1941.x,661p.24cm. 1760 Nixon, Herman Clarence:American federal govern- Snider, Clyde F.:Local government in rural ment. New York, Scribner, c 1952. x,476p. America. New York, Appleton,1957. x,584p. 24cm. 1744 24cm. 1761

一 50一 1762 Military Science・Economics 1793 ECONOMICS

West Midland Group:Local government and central Kimbrough, Robert T.&Glen, Judson B.:American control;aWest Midland Group study. London, Iaw of veterans.2. ed. R㏄hester, Lawyers Co- Routledge,1956.296P・22cm・ 1762 operative,1954. xlvi,1389p.25cm. 1766 W加en, L. de van, et al.:Municipal law.2. ed. Merton, Robert K.& Lazarsfeld, Paul F. ed: (with special reference to the Cape Province.) Continuities in s㏄ial research ; studies in the Cape Town, Juta,1953. xxxiii,953p.25cm. 1763 scope and method of‘‘The American Soldier”. Glencoe, Free Press,1950.255p.22cm. 1767 Military Science Reinhardt, George C.:American strategy in the atomic age. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, BrOdie, Bernard:Strategy in the missile age. 1955.1x,236p.22cm. 1768 Princeton, The Univ. Press,1959.423p.23cm。 1764 Riker, William Harrison:Soldiers of the states; the role of the national guard. Washington, Caidin, Martin二Air force;apictorial history of Public Affairs Press,1957.129p.24cm. 1769 American airpower. New York, Rinehart,1957. 232p.31cm. 1765 ECONOMCIS

Abbott, Lawrence:Quality and competition. New Berg80n, Abram:Soviet economic growth;condi・ York, Columbia Univ. Press,1955.229p.23cm. tions and perspectives. New York, Row,1953. 1770 376p.24cm. 1782 Abr細ovitz, Moses:Resource and output trends in Bining, Arthur Cecil:The rise of Alnerican economic the United States since 1870 New York, National life. New York, Scribner, 1955、 786p.24cm. Bureau of Economic Research,1956.23p.24cm. 1783 1771 1 . ’ Bisson, Thomas Arthur:Zaibatsu dissolution in Allen, Roy George Dauglas:Mathematical eco・ Japan. Berkeley, Univ. of Califomia Press, nomics. London, Macmillan,1956.768p.23cm. 1954.xi,314p.24cm. 1784 1772 Boulding, Kenneth E.:Economic analysis. New Amonn, Alfred:Volkswirtschaftliche Grundbegriffe York, Harper, c 1948.884p.22cm. 1785 und Grundprobleme.2. ed. Bem, Francke,1944. Boulding, Kenneth E.:Economic analysis.3. ed. 221p.23cm. 1773 New York, Harper,1955.905p.24cm. 1786 Baqer, Peter T.&Yamey, BasiI S.:The economics The organizational revolution,田’oUld筑9, Kenneth E.: of under-developed countries. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1957.271p.20cm. 1774 of economic organization. a study in the ethics 21cm. New York, Harper,1953. xxxiv,286p. B鎚mo1, William J.:Economic dynamics、2. ed. 1787 New York, Macmillan,1959. xv,396p.22cm. 1775 Boul《ling, Kemeth E.:Areconstruction of eco. nolnics. New York, Wiley, c 1950,311p.24cm. Baumol, William J.:Welfare economics and the 1788 theory of the state. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1952.171p.23cm. 1776 Buchanan, Norman&Elis, Howard S.:Approaches to economic development. New York, Twentieth Beach, Earl Francis:Economic models;an expo- Century Fund,1955.494p.24cm. 1789 sition. New York, Wiley,1957.227p.24cm. 1777 Burns, Arthur Edward et a}.:MOdern economics. 2.ed. New York, Harcourt,1953.790, xxxivp. Be11, John Fred:Ahistory of econom輌c thought. 24cm. 1790 New York, Ronald, c 1953.696p.24cln. 1778 Below, Georg Anton Hugo von:Mittelalterliche Burns, Arthur F.:The frontiers of economic Stadtwirtschaft und gegenwtirtige Kriegswirt- knowledge. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1954. schaft. TUbingen, Mohr,1917. iii,52p.24cm. 367p.24cm. 1791 1779 Bushaw, Donald Wayne&Clower, R. W.:Intro- Bendix, Reinhard:Work and authority in industry。 duction to mathematical economics. Homewood, New York, Wiley,1956.466p.23cm. 1780 Irwin,1957. xii,345p.24cm. 1792 Benham, Frederic:Economics;ageneral introduc, Clough, Shepart B.:The American way;the tion.5. ed. London, Pitman,1955.568p.22cm. economic basis of our civlizatlon. New York, 1781 Thomas,1953.246p.22cm. 1793

一 51一 ECONOMICS i794 Economics 1831

Co¢hmn, Thomas Child&Miller, William:The age Galbraith, John Kenneth:The affluent society. of enterprise ; a social history of industrial Boston, Houghton,1958.368p.21cm. 1812 America. New York, Macmillan,1958. x,394p. Galbraith, John Kenneth:American capitalism. 21cm. 1794 Boston, Brown,1952.214p.22cm. 1813 Colm, Gerhard&《}eiger, Theodore:The economy Galbraith, John Kenneth:Economics and the art of of the American people;progress, problems, controversy. New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. prospects. Washington, National Planning Asso- Press,1955. ix,111p.19cm. 1814 ciation,1958.167p.23cm. 1795 Gide, Charles&R恒t, Charles:Ahistory of eco品lic Common8, John R.:The economics of collective doctrines.2. ed. Boston, Heath,〔n. d〕800p.22cm. action. New York, Macmillan,1951.414p.21cm. 1815 1796 Gmy, Alexander:The development of economic Common8, John R.:Legal foundations of capitalism. doctrine. London, Longmans, c 1951.384p.19cm. Madison, Univ of Wisconsin Press,1957.394p. 1816 20cm. 1797 Gruchy, Allan G.:Modern economic thought. New Court, William Henry Bassano.:Aconcise eco. York, Prentice Hall, c 1947.670p.21cm. 1817 nomic history of Britain from 1750 to recent times. Cambridge, The Univ Press,1954.368p. Haavelmo, Trygve:A study in the theory of 21cm. 1798 economic evolution. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1956.114p.22cm. 1818 Cox,01iver CromwelL:The foundation of capi- talism. New York., Philosophical Library,1959. Ha㎞, Lucien Albert:Common sense economics. 500p.24cm. 1799 New York, Abelard-Schumann,1956.244p.22cm. 1819 Dewhur8t, James. Frederic, et aL:America’s needs and resources; a new survey. New York., Haley, Bernard F.:A survey of contemporary Twentieth Century Fund,1955.1148p.26cm.1800 economics. v.2. HomewoQd, Irwin, c 1952、474p. 23cm. 1820 Down8, Anthony:An economic theory of democracy. New York, Harper,1957.310p.22cm. 1801 Ha㎞, George N.:Economic systems. New York, Rinehart, c 1951.434p.24cm. 1821 Due, John F.:Intermediate economic analysis. Hamberg, Daniel:Economic growth and instability. 3.ed. Homewood, Irwin,1956.588p.24cm.1802 New York, Norton,1956.340p.22cm. 1822 Eastham, Jack Kenneth:An introduction to economic Harris, Seymour E., ed.:The new economics; analysis. London, English Univ. Press,1953.394p. Keynes’influence on theory and public policy. 22cm. 1803 New York, Knopf,1952. xxi,686p.22cm. 1823 Egbe☆, Donald Drew&Per80ns, Stow, ed.:S㏄ialism HarrOd, Roy Forbes:Economic essays. London, and American life. v.1-2. New Jersey, Princeton Macmillan, c 1952.310p.22cm. 1824 The Univ. Press,1952.2v.25cm. 1804 E垣k8son, Benjamin H. J.:Outline of an economic Harwood, Edward Crosby:Useful economics. Great theory. Iceland, Helgafe11,1954.493p.24cm.1805 Barrington, American Institute for Economic Research,1956.128p.24cm、 1825 11if, Howard S.:Asurvey of contemporary econo- Hayek, Friedrich A.:Capitalism and the historians. mics. v.1. Homewood, Irwin, c 1948.490p.24cm. 1806 London, Routledge,1954.192p.20cm、 1826

Faulkner, Harold Underwood:American economic Hayek, Friedrich A.:Individualism and economic history.7. ed. New York, Harper,1954. 816p. order. London, Routledge,1952、271p.22cm. 1827 36pL lmap.24cm. 1807 Fellner, William:Trends and cycles in economic He㎞㎜, Eduard:Wirtschaftssysteme und Gesell・ activity. New York, Holt,1956. xiv,411p.24cm. schaftssysteme. Tttbingen, Mohr,1954.250p. 1808 24cm. 1828

Fergu80n, John M.:Landmarks of economic thought. HessionタCharles H., et aL:The dynamics of the 2.ed. New York, Longmans,1956.320p.21cm. American economy. New York, Knopf,1956. 1809 504p.24cm, 1829

Fossati, Eraldo: The theory of general static Hicks, John Richard:Value and capita1.2. ed. equilibrium. New York, Kelley,1957. xvi,247p. Oxford, Clarendon Press, c 1946.340p.22cm.1830 23cm. 1810 Higgins, Benjamin:What do economists know? Fraser, Lindley Macnaghten:Economic thought six lectures on economics in the crisis of demo- and language. London, Black, c 1937.411p.22cm. L cracy. Melbourne, The Univ. Press,1951.166P. 1811 22cm. ’ 1831

52-一一 一 1832 EcOIlomics 1865 ECONOMICS

Hood, Wm. C.&Koopmans, Tjalling C.,ed.:Studies Josephson, Matthew:The robber barons;the great in econometric method. New York, Wiley,1953. American capitalists, 1861-1901. New York, 323p.24cm. 』 1832 Harcourt,1934.474p.22cm. 1847 旺ut¢h㎞son, Terence Wilmot:Areview of economic Kalecki, Micha1:Theory of economic dynamics. doctrines 1870-1929. Oxford, Clarendon Press, London, Allen,1954.178p.22cm. 1848 c1953.456p.23cm. 1833 KatOna, George and others:Contributions of survey 1nternational Bank for Reconstmct輌on and DeveloP・ methods to economics. New York, Columbia Univ. ment l The basis of a development program for Press,1954.269p.24cm. 1849 Colulnbia. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1953.642p. Katona, George:Psychological analysis of economic 24cm. 1834 behavior. New York, McGraw-Hill, c 1951.347p. Intemational Bank for Reconstruction and Develop・ 23cm. 1850 ment:The economic development of British Keirstead, Burton Seeley:The theory of economic Guiana. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1953.366p. change. Toronto, Macmillan, c 1948.386p.22cm. 4maps.4Fig.23cm. 1835 1851 血ternatienal Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- Keynes, John Maynard:The general theory of ment:The economic development of Ceylon. employment, interest and money. New York, Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 1953. xxxii,829p. Harcourt,1935.403p.22cm. 1852 12charts.23 maps.23cm. 1836 Kirkland, Edward Chase:Ahistory of American Intemational Bank for Reconstruction and Develop・ economic life.3. ed. New York, Appleton, c 1951. rnent:The economic development of Guatemala. 740p.24cm. 1853 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1951.305p.6maps. mein, Laurence R.& Goldberger, A. S.:An 22cm. 1837 econometric model of the United States,1929- ㎞te皿ti㎝a1 Bank for Re■onstruction and Develop- 1952.Amsterdam, North-Holland,1955. xv,165p. ment: The economic development of Iraq. 23cm. 1854 .Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1952.463p.3maps. Kein, Lawrence R.:Atextbook of econometrics. 22cm. 1838 New York, Row,1953.355p.24cm. 1855 血民㎜ti鋤1 Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- Knight, Frank H.:Freedom and reform. New ment:The economic development of Jamaica. York, Haper, c 1947.409p.22cm. 1856 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1952.288p.5maps. Knight, Frank H.:On the bistory and method of 22cm. 1839 economics. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, ㎞tem8ti㎝al Bank for Reconstruction and Develop- 1956.309p.24cm. 1857 ment: Economic development of Mexico. Koopm8n8, Tjalling C.:Three essays on the state Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1953. xxiv,392p.23 of econom輌c science. New York, McGraw-Hill, charts.3maps.26cm. J840 1957.231p.24cm. 1858 Intemationa1 Bank for Reeonstmction and Develop・ Kro88, Herman E.:Amer輌can economic development. ment:The economic development of Nicaragua. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1955.536p.24cm. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1953. xxxi,424p. 1859 22cm. 1841 Kurihara, Kenneth K., ed.:Post Keynesian econo- lnternational Bartk for Reconstruction and De▽elop・ mics. New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press, ment:Report on Cuba. Baltimore Johns Hopkins 1954.442p. 23cm. 1860 1953.xxiv, 1049p. 10 charts. 6maps. 25cm. et aL:Economic growth, Brazii, 1842 Kmmets, Simon India, Japan. Durhani, Duke Univ. Press,1955. Intemational Bank for】Eleconstmiction and Develop・ 613p.24cm. 1861 ment:Surinam;recommendations for a te《1 year ㎞e, Frederic C.,ed.:Enterprise and secular development program. Baltimore, Johns Hokins, change. Homewood, Irwin,1953.556p.24cm. 1862 1954,271p.2maps.22cm. 1843 Leibengtein, Harvey:Econmic backwardness and ㎞絶㎜』1Economic Association:The Univ. economic growth. New York, Wiley,1957.295p。 teaching of social sciences. Paris, UNESCO,1954. 24cm. 1863 330p.22cm. 1844 Leibengte血1, Harvey:Atheory of economic-demo. Jarnes, Clifford L:Principles of economics.9. ed. graphic development. Princeton, The Univ. Press, New York, Barnes,1957.367p.21cm. 1845 1954.xi,204p.24cm. 1864

Jones, Peter d’A.:An economic history of the Leontief, Wassily W.:The structure of American United States since 1783. London, Routledge, economy,1919-1939. New York, Oxford Univ. 1956.280p.22cm. ∫846 Press,1953.264p.24cm. 1865

一 53一 ECONOMICS 1866 Economics. 1904

Leontief, Wassily, et al.:Studies in the structure Pigou, Arthur Ceci1:Keynes’s ‘General Theory’. of the.American economy;theoretical and empiri・ London:M.acmillan,1956.68p.24cm. 1885 cal explorations in input-output analysis. New Potter, David M.:People of plenty;ecnomic York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. x,561p.25cm. abundance and the American character. Chicago, 1866 Univ, of Chiago Press,1954. xxvii,219p.21cm. Lerner, Abba P.:The econornics of control; 1886 principles of welfare economics. New York, Rappard, William E.:The secret of American Macmillan,1949. xxiv,428p.21cm. 1867 prosperity. New York, Greenberg,1955. 124p. 1rewis, William Arthur:The theory of economic 24cm. 1887 growth. London, Allen,1955.452p.22cm. 1868 Re¢k, Dickson, ed.:National standards in a modern Luxemburg, Rosa:The accumulation of capita1. economy. New York, Harper,1956.370p.24cm. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1951.475p.22cm. 1888 1869 Ritsehl, Hans:Die Grundlagen der Wirtschaftsord. Mandelbaum, Kurt:The industrialization of back. nung. TUbingen, Mohr,1954.171p.24cm. 1889 ward areas. Oxford, Basil Blackwell,1955.111p. R《)bbins, Lionel: An essay on the nature and 22cm. 1870 significance of economic science. London, Marshall, Alfred: Elements of economics of industry. Macmillan,1952. xvi,160p,22cm. 1890 London, Macmillan,1949.440p.19cm. ∫871 Robertson, Dennis H.:Economic commentaries. Marshall, Alfred:Principles of economics ; an London, Staples,1956.174p、20cm、 ・ 189ヱ 1956. introductory volume. London, Macmillan, Robertson, Dennis H.:Utility and all that. LondOn, 1872 731p.23cm。 Allen, c 1911.207p.22cm. 1892 Mckerma, Joseph P.: Aggregate economic analysis. Robinson, Joan:The accumulation of capital. Home. 1873 New York, Dryden,1955.244p.24cm. wood, Irwin,1956.440p.22cm. 1893 Meier, Gerald M,&Baldwin, Robert E.: Economic Robinson, Joan:Collected economic papers. New .development;thebry, history, policy. New York, York, Kelley,1951.236p.22cm. 1894 Wiley,1957.588p.24cm. 1874 Rogin, Leo:The meaning and validity of economic Michigan, Univ. of:Papers presented at the fifth theory;ahistorical approach. New York, Harper, Ann annual conference on the economic outlook. 1956.697p.22cm. 1895 Arbor, Univ. of Michigan,1957.107p.22cm. 1875 Roll, Eric:A history of economic thought. New unsettled Mill, John Stuart: Essays on some York, Prentice-Hall, c 1942.585p.24cm. 1896 questions of political economy. London Parker (reproduction of the 1. ed. of 1844) c 1844. 164p. Ropke, Wilhelm:Internationale Ordnung-heute. 22cm. 1876 Stuttgart, Eugen Rentsch,1954.360p.22cm. 1897 Morgan, Theodore:Introduction to economics. Englewood Cliffs;Prentice・Hall,1956. xxx,799p. Ropke, Wilhelm:Die Lehre von der Wirtschaft. 23cm. 1877 Stuttgart, Eugen Rentsch,1958.234p.22cm.1898

Morgen8tern, Oskar, ed.:Economic activity analysis. RostOw, Walt Whitman:The process of economic New York, Wiley,1954.554p.23cm. 1878 growth. New York, Norton,1952.285p.22cm. 1899 Mul¢ahy, Richard E., ed.:Readings in economics from Fortune. New York, Henry Holt,1954.153p. Samuelson, Paul Anthony:Econmics;an introduc・ 28cm. ・ ・ 1879 tory analysis,2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill, c1951.762p.23cm. 1900 Myrdal, Gunnar:Economic theory and under- developed regions. Lotldon, Gerald, 1957. 168p. Samuelson, Paul Anthony: Economics; An introductory analysis.3. ed. New York, McGraw- 22cm. 1880 Hill,1955. xxii,753p. 24cm. 1901 MCKenna, Joseph P.:Intermediate economic theory. Samuelson, Paul Anthony:Foundations of economic New York, Dryden,1958.317p。23cm. 188ヱ analysis. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c1947. Patton, Robert D.:The American economy. Chicago, 447p.23cm. 1902 Scott, c 1953.456p.26cm. 1882 Sarnuelson, Paui Anthony, et al.: Readings in Pe8c㏄k, Alan T.,et al.,ed.:International economic economics.2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill,1955. papers. no.6. London, Macmillan,1956.211p. 488p.24cm. 1903 25cm. 1883 Schumpeter, Joseph A.:Capitalism, socialism and Pigou, Arthur Cecil:The economics of welfare. democracy.3. ed. New York, Harper, c 1950. 4.ed. London, Macmillan,1952. 876p、22cm、1884 431p.22cm. 1904

一 54一 1905 Labor 1938 ECONOMICS

Schumpeter, Joseph A.:Economic doctrine and Walker, Ed ward Rona】d:From economic theory to method;an historical sketch. London, Allen, policy. Chicago,.Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1947. 1954.207p.22cm. 1905 273p.23cm、 1922 S6humpeter, Joseph A.: History of economic Wal蹴, L60n:Elements of pure economics;or the analysis. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, c 1954. theory of social wealth. Chicago, Irwin,1954. xxv,1260p. 24cm. ・ 1906 620p.22cm, 1923 SChumpeter, Joseph A.:The theory of economic Weber, Max.:General economic history. Glencoe, development;an inquiry into profits, capita1, Free Press,1950. xviii,401p.21cm. 1924 credit, interest, and the business cycle. Cambri・ Weber, Max:The protestant ethic and the spirit of dge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1951.255p.23cm. capitalism. New York, Scribner,1956. xi,292p. 1907 22cm. 1925 Schwartz, Harry:Russia’s Soviet economy.2. ed. We皿er, Emanuel Thornton&Martin, W. H.:The New York, Prentice-Hall, c 1954.682p.22cm. American economic system. New York, Mac・ 1908 millan,1957. xxv,623p.24cm. 1926 Economic theory and WestemScitovsky, Tibor: Wendze1, Julius T.:The dynamics of capitalism; European integration. Stanford, The Univ. Press, correctives toward continuous growth. New York, ユ958.ユ54p,22cm. 1909 Harper,1956. xii,175p.22cm. 1927 Sha¢kle, George Lennox Sharman:Uncertainty in Whittaker, Edm皿d:Econcomic analysis. New economics and other reflections. Cambridge, York, Wiley,1956.460p.24cm. 1928 The Univ. Press,1955.267p.22cm. 1910 Wicksell, Knut:Lectures on pOlitical economy. v.1. Sharmon, Fred A.:The farmer’s last frontier; General theory. London, Routledge, 195L 299恒. agriculture,1860-1897. New York, Rinehart,1945. 22cm. 1929 434p.24cm. 1911 Wicksell, Knut:Lectures on political economy. v.2. Smith, Walter Buckingham&Cole, Arthur Harrison: Money. London, Routledge,1950.238p.22cm. Fluctuations in American business.1790-1860. 1930 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1935.195p. 28cm. 1912 W姐iam8,∫ohn H.:Economic stability in a changing world. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953.284p. Stonier, Alfred W.&Hague, Douglas C.:Atextbook of economic theory. London, Longmans,1955. x, 22cm. 1931 513p.22cm. 1931 Yale Univer8ity&the Advertising Co皿cil:People’s capitalism. New Haven, Yale Univ,1956.60p. Terborgh, George:The bogey of economic maturity. 21cm. 1932 Chicago, Machinery and Allied PrOducts lnstitute, 1950.263p.24cm. 194] Y81e U孤i▽e面ty&the Advertising Council:People’s capitalism. New Haven, Yale Univ.1957.60p. of econmic rela. Thei1, Henri:Linear aggregation 21cm. 1933 tions. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1954. 205p. 23cm. 1915 Labor 丁恒bergen, Jan: Econometrics. London, Allen, 1953.258p.22cm. 1916 Arensberg, Conrad M., et aL, ed.:Research in Tuck, Raphael Herman:An essay on the economic industrial human relations. New York, Harper, theory of rank. Oxford, Blackwell,1954.52p. 1957.213p.22cm. 1934 22cm. 1917 Bailey, Stephen Kemp:Congress Inakes a law. New Tust㎞, Arnold:The mechanism of economic sys’ York, Columbia Univ. Press,1950.282p.24cm. tems. Melbourne, William Heinemann, c 1953. ig35 161p.22cm. 1918 B1血, Ioe S.:Ba匝iers to new competition. Cam・ 丁耶㎞,Arnold:The mechanism of economic sys・ bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1956.329p.24cm. tems.2. ed. London, William Heinemann, 1957. 1936 191p.22cm. 1919 Baker, Helen & bbeance, Robert R.:Personnel Twentieth Century Fund:America’s needs and administration and labor relations in department resources. New York, The Off,1947.812p.26cm. stores;an analysis of developments and practices. 1920 Princeto11, The Univ. Press,1950.144p,23cm. 1937 Valavanis, Stefan&Conrad, Alfred H.:Econome・ trics;an introduction to maximum likelihoOd Bakke, Wight, et a1.:Labor mobility and economic methods. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1959. xvii, opportunity. New York, Wiley,1954.118p.24cm. 223p.24cm. 1921 1938

一 55一 ECONOMICS 1939 Labor 1974

Baldwin, George B.:Beyond nationalization;the and construction industry. Cambridge, Harvard labor problems of British coaL Cambridge, Univ. Press,1950.166p.24cm. 1957 Harvard Univ、 Press,1955.324p.24cm. 1939 Dunlop, John T.:Wage determination under trade Ba】rbash, Jack:The practice of unionism. New unions. New York, Kelley,1950.230p.23cm. York, Harper,1956.465p.22cm. 1940 1958 Becker, Gary S.:The economics of discrimination. Faulkner, Harold U.&Starr, Mark:Labor in Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1957. 137p. America. New York, Oxford Book,1957.330p. 22cm. 1941 20cm. 1959 Bernstein, Irving:The new deal collective bargain- finlay, William W., et al.:Human behavior in ing policy. Berkeley, Univ. of Calif. Press,1950. industry. New York, McGraw-H.il1, c 1954.247p. 178p.24cm. ヱ942 23cm. 1960 Bloom, Gordon F. & Northrup, Herbert R.: Fitch, Johll A.:Social responsibilities of organized Economics of Iabor and industrial relations. labor. New York, Harper,1957. xxv,237p.21cm. Philadelphia, Blakiston,1950.740p.24cm. 1943 1961 Braum, Kurt:The right to organize and its limits; Forko8ch, Morris D.:Atreaties on labor law. acomparison of policies in the United States and Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill, c 1953. xiv,1197p. selected European countries. Washington, Brook. 26cm. 1962 ings,1950.331p.24cm. 1944 France, Robert R.&Lester, Richard R.:Compulsory Burns, Eveline M.:The American social security arbitration of utility disputes in New Jersey and system。 Boston, Houghton, c 1951.494p.22cm. Pennsylvania. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1951. 1945 90p.24cm. 1963 Cagselman, Paul Hubert:Economics of employment Friedmann, Georges:Industrial society. Glencoe, and Unemployment. Washington, Public Affairs Free Press,1955.436p.22cm. 1964 Press,1955.183p.24cm. 1946 General MotOrs Co叩oration&UAW,CIO:Agreement Charnberlain, Neil W.:Collective bargaining. New between General Motors Co. and the UAW-CIO. York, McGraw-Hil1,1951.534p.24cm.・ 1947 New York, The Off.,1950.114p.18cm. 1965 Chamberlain, Neil W.&S(thilling, Jane M.:The General Motors Corporation’&UAW-CIO:SupPle- impact of strikes. New York, Harper, c1954. mental agreements covering Pension plan and 257p.24c.m. 1948 insurance program. New York, The Off.,1950. Chamberlain, Neil W.:Labor. New York, McGraw- 83p.18cm. 1966 Hil1,1958.625p.23cm. 1949 GOIden, C. S.:Fundamentals of labor peace. Chambarlain, Neil W.:Social responsibility and Washington, National Planning Assoc.,1953. strikes. New York, Harper,1951.293p,24cm.1950 119p.23cm. 1967 Chamberlain, Neil W.:The union challenge to Harbi80n, Frederich H.&Coleman, John R.:Goals management control. New York, Harper,1948. and strategy in collective bargaining;New York, 338p.24cm. 1951 Harper,1951.172p.21cm. 1968 CoontZ, Sydney H.:Population theories and the Harbison, Frederick H.&Dubin, Robert:Patterns economic interpretation. London, Routledge of union・management relations. Chicago, Univ. 1957.200p.22cm. 1952 of Chicago Press,1947,229p.21cm. 1969 Cornell, Robert J.:The.anthracite coal strike of Hardman, Jacob Benjamin Salutsky & Neufeld, 1902.Washington, Catho正ic Univ、 of America Maurice F.:The House of labor;interal operations Press,1957. xii,279p.23cm. 1953 Of American unions. New York, Prentice-Hall, 1951.555p.24cm. 1970 Daugherty, CarrolI R.&Parrish, John:The labor problems of American society. New York, Hough・ Harrell, Thomas Willard:Industrial psychology. ton, c 1952.845p.24cm. 1954 New York, Rinehart, c 1949. xviii,462p.24cm. 1971 DaVis, Pearce&Matchett, Gerald J.:Modern labor economics;An analysis of labor-management Hawtrey, Ralph George:Cross purposes in wage relations. New York, Ronald Press,1954. xvii, policy. London, Longmans,1955.148p.19cm. 659p.23cm. 1955 lg72

1}unlop, John T.&Healy, James J.:Collective Hicks, John ’Richard:Arevision of demand theory. bargaining;pr三nciples and cases. Homewood, Oxford, Clarendon,1956.196p.19cm. 1973 Irwin. c 1953.511p.24cm. . 1956 Kampe㎞an, Max M.:The communist party vs. Dunlop, John T.&Hi1}, Arthur:The wage adjust. the C.LO.;astudy in power politics. New York, ment board wartilne stabilization in the building Frederick,1957. xv,299p.22cm. 1974

一 56一 1975 Labor 2011ECONOMICS

Kaplan, Abraham David Hannath:The guarantee Millis, Harry Alvin & Montgomery, Royal E.: of annual wages. Washington, Brookings,1947. Organized labor. New York, McGraw-Hill,1945. 269p.21cm. 1975 930p.24cm. 1992 Koontz, Harold Dayton&Gable, Richard W.:Public Mills, Charles Wright:The new men of power. control of economic enterprise. New York, New York, Harcourt,1948.323p.21cm. 1993 McGraw-Hill,1956.851p.24cm. 1976 Moore, Wilbert E.:Industrial relations and the Komhauser, Arthur, et al., ed.:Industrial conflict. l social order. erv. ed. New York, Macmillan, New York, McGraw-Hill,1954.551p.23cm.1977 1951.660p.22cm. 1gg4 Knox, Jolm B.:The sociology of industrial relations. National Bureau of Economic Research:The meas’ New York, Random House,1955. xv,348p.24cm. urement and behavior of unemployment. 1978 Princeton, The Univ. Press,1957.605p.24cm. 1995 Kuhn, Alfred:. Labor;institutions and economics. New York, Rinehart,1957.616p.23cm. 1979 Ohlin, Bertil:The problem of employment stabili. zation. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1952. Leek, John H.:Government and labor in the United 173p.20cm. 1996 States. New York, Rinehart,1952.336p.19cm. ’ 1980 Perlman, Selig:History of trade unionism in the United States. New York, Kelley,1950.313p. Lester, Richard A.:Company wage policies;a 17cm. 1997 survey of patterns and experience. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1948.45p.24cm. 1981 Peterson, Florence:Survey of labor ecomics. rev. ed. New York, Harper,1951.871p.22cm. 1998 Lesber, Richard A.&Shister, Joseph:Insights into labor issues. New York, Macmillan,1948.368p. Purcell, Theodore V.:The worker speaks his mind 22cm. 1982 on company and皿ion. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1954.344p.24cm. 1999 Lesber, Richard A.& Aronson, Robert L.:Job mOdifications under collective bargaining;a R㏄hlin, Carl:Labor law. New York, Occeana Pub1. survey of company experience and four case 1956.95p.20cm. 2000 studies. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1950.77p. Reder, Melvin W.:Labor in a growing economy. 23cm. 1983 New York, Wiley,1957.534p.24cm. 2001 Lester, Richard A.&Robie, Edward A.:Wage Reynard, Charles A., ed.:Readings on labor Iaw. under national and regional collective bargaining. Boston, Little, Brown,1955.496p.24cm. 2002 Princeton, The Univ. Press,1948.103p.24cm. 1984 Reynelds, Lloyd G.:Labor economics and labor relations.2. ed. New York, Prentice-Hall, c 1954. Levinson, Harold M.:Unionism, wage trends, and 722p.22cm. 2003 income distribution,1914-1947. Ann Arbor, Univ. Reyno1(i8, Lloyd G.:The structurb of labor markets; of Michigan Press,1951.122p.23cm. 1985 wages and labor mobility in theory and practice. Lipset, Seymour Martin et a1.:Union democracy. New York, Harper,1951.328p.24cm. 2004 Glencoe, Free Press,1956.455p.24cm. 1986 RObertson, Dennis Holme:A study of industrial Liveright, Alexander Albert: Union leadership fluctuation. London, London School of Econo- training;a handbook of tools and techniques. mics and Political Science,1948.285,31p.22cm. New York, Harper,1951.265p.21cm. 」987 2005 Rogow, Arnold A.:The labour government and McFarbnd, Ross A.:Human factors in air trans- British industry 1945-1951. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. portation;occupational health and safety. New 1955.196p.22cm. 2006 York, McGraw-Hill, 1953. xv,830p.26cm. 1988 Rothschild, Kurt Wilhelm:The theory of wages, 0xford, Blackwell,1954. viii,178p.22cm. 2007 Me㎞an, Seymour:Dynamic factors in industrial prOductivity. New York, John Wiley,1956.238p: Samuels, Harry:Industrial Law.4. ed. London, 23cm. 1989 Pitman,228p.22cm. 2008

Miller, Delbert C.&Form, William H.:Industrial &㎞e泌er, Eugene V.:Industrial sociology. New sociology;an intrOduction to the soCiology of York, McGraw-Hill,1957.559p.24cm. 2009 work relations. New York, Harper,1951.896p. Seidman, Joel, et a1.:The worker views his union. 24cm. 1990 Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1958.300p. M狙i8, Harry Alvin&Brown, Enilg Clark:From 24cm. 2010 the Wagner act to Taft-Hartley; a study of Selekman, Benjamin:Labor relations and human national labor policy and labor re茎ations . Chicago, relations. New York, McGraw-Hill,1947. xi, Univ. of Chicago Press,1950.724p.23cm. 1991 255p.21cm. 2011

一 57一 ECONOMICS 2012 Money&Banking 2047

Shartle, Carroll Leonard :Occupational information; Twentieth century Fund : Trends in collective its development and application.2. ed. Englewood bargaining. New York, The Off., 1948. 253p. Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1952. xiv,426p,24cm. 23cm. 2030 2012 Viteles, Morris S. l Motivation and morale in Shister, Joseph&Hamovibch, William:Conflict industry. New York, Norton, c 1953.510p.24cm. and stability in labor relations;case study. New ・ 2031 York, Univ. of Buffalo, c 1952.69p.23cm. 2013 Walker, Charles R.&Guest, H.:The man on the Shister, Joseph:Economics of the labor market. assembly line. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 2.ed. New York, Lippincott,1956.487p.23cm. 1952.180p.8pl.22cm. 2032 2014 Watki囎, Gordon S., et a1.:The management of Shister, Joseph ed.:Readings in labor economics personnel and labor relations.2. ed. New York, and industrial relations. Philadelphia, Lippincott, McGraw-Hill,1950. xviii,974p.24cm. 2033 1951.661p.23cm. 20∫5 Whyte, William Foote:Industry and society. New Shulman, Harry&Chamberlain, Neil W.:Cases York, McGraw-Hill.1946.211p.22cm. 2034 on labor relations. Brooklyn, Foundation Press, Whyte, William Foote:Pattern for industrial peace. 1949.1226p.26cm. 2016 New York, Harper,1951.246p.22cm. 2035 Shultz, George P.&Coleman, John R.:Labor Wilensky, Harold L:Intellectuals in labor unions. problems;cases and readings. New York, Mc- Glencone, Free Press,1956.336p.22cm. 2036 Graw-Hill,1953.456p.24cm. 2017 Witney, Fred:Government and collective bargain. Shultz, George P.:Pressures on wage decisions;a ing. Chicago, Lippincott,1951.741p.24cm.2037 case study in the show industry. New York, Wiley, 195L 142p.23cm. 2018 Wooton, Barbara:Freedom under planning. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Press,1950.180p. Slichter, Sumner H、:Challenge of industrial rela. 22cm. .2038 tions. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Press,1947. 196P. 22cm. 2019 Wootton, Barbara:The social foundations of wage policy. London, Allen,1955.200p.22cm. 2039 Slichber, Sumner:Union policies and industrial management. Washington, Brookings,194L 脇 Wright, David McCord, ed.:The impact of the 24cm. union;eight economic theorists evaluate the labor union movement. New York, Harcourt, Smith, Russell A,:Labor law;cases and materials. 1951.405p.21cm. 2040 2.ed. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill,1953.1100p. 26cm. 2021 You栖1er, James S、:Labor’s wage policies in the twentieth century. New York, Twayne, 1956. S㏄ial Seience Research C皿nCll of New York : 344p.22cm. 2041 International wage comparisons, Manchester, The Univ. Press,1929.262p.24cm. 2022 Money&Banking Stagtter, Ross:Psychology of industrial conflict. New York, Wiiey,1956. x,550p.24cm. 2023 American E泌onomic Association :Readings in fiscal Steiner, Gilbert:Legislation by collective bargain. policy. v.7. Homewood, Irwin,1955.596p.24cm. 2042 ing. Champaign, Univ. of Illinois Press,1951. 62p.26cm. 2024 American E¢onomic Ass㏄iation:Readings in mone. tary theory. London, Allen,1956.514p.22cm.2043 SbOltz, Mildred:This is yours;the Montana farmers union and its cooperative associates. Minneapolis, Bar㏄ka, E.:Unerwunschte Enctwicklungstendenzen Lund Press, c 1955. xii,501p.24cm. 2025 im Kreditwesen. Frankfurt, Fritz Knapp 1955. 81p.21cm. 2044 Suf血, Sidney C.&Sedgwick, Robert C.:Labor econmics and problems at mid-century. New York, Beckhart, Benjamin Haggott, ed.:Banking systems. Knopf,1956.385p, xivp.24cm. 2026 New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1959. xviii, 934p.24cm. 2045 Ta㎜enbaum, Frank:Aphilosophy of labor. New York, Knopf,1952.199p.20cm. 2027 Bem, Philip W.:The sterling area in the postwar world;internal mechanism and cohesion.1946- Taylor, George W.:Government regulation of 1952、Oxford, Clarendon Press,1956. xxvi,478p、 industrial relations. New York, Prentice-Hall, 22cm. 2046 c1948.383p.22cm. 2028 Bergfeld, Albert J., et aL:Pricing for profit and Tredgold, Roger Francis:Human relations in modern growth;consultant reports on current business industry. New York, International Univ. Press, problems. Stevenson, Jordan&Marrison,1958. 1950.192p.22cm. 2029 188p.29cm. 2047

一 58一 2048 Money&Banking 2084ECONOMICS

Bresciani_Turroni, Costantino:The economics of Grebler, Leo, et al.:Capital formation in residential inflation;astudy of currency depreciation in post吟 real estates;trends and prospects;astudy by the war Germany.1914-1923, tr. by Millicent E. National Bureau of Economic Research. Princeton, Savers. London, Allen,1953.464p.22cm. 2048 The Univ. Press,1956.519p.24cm. 2066 Bums, Arthur F.:Prosperity without inflation. Halm, George N.:Economics of money and banking. New York, Fordham Univ. Press,1958.88p.23cm. Homewood, Irwin,1956.577p.24cm. 2067 2049 Halm, George N.:Monetary theory;amodern Carter, Charles Frederick & Wiiliams, B. R. : treatment of the essentials of money and banking. Investment in innovation. London, Oxford Univ. 2. ed. Philadelphia, Blakiston, c1948. 491p. Press,1958. ix,167p.23cm. 2050 22cm. 2068 Chandler, Lester V.:An introduction to monetary Hanks, J. Whitney&Stucki, Roland:Money, theory. New York, Harper,1940.216p.21cm. banking and national income. New York, Knopf, 2051 1956.501p.24cm. 2069 Chipman, John Somerset:The theory of inter-secto・ Hanson, John Lloyd:Monetary theory and practice. ral money flows and income formation. Baltimore, London, Macdonald,1956.360p.22cm. 2070 Johns Hopkins,1953.154P.23P. 2052 Harrod, Roy:The dollar. London, Macmillan,1953. Cole, George Douglas Howard:Money, trade and 156p.20cm. 2071 investment. London, Cassell,1954.423p.22cm. Hart, Albert G.:Defence and the dollar;federal 2053 credit and monetary pOlicies. New York, Twen・ Coppieters, Emmanuel:English bank note circula. tieth Century Fund,1953.203p.21cm. 2072 tio皿,1694-1954. Hague, Nijhoff,1955.171p.22cm. Hart, Albert G、&Browtt, E. Carry:Financing 2054 defense ; federal tax and expenditure POIicies. Crowther, Geoffrey:An outline of money. London, New York, Twentieth Century F皿d, c 1951.161p. Thomas Nelson,1955.417p.21cm. 2055 20cm. 2073 De Kock, Michiel Hendrik:Central banking.3. ed, Jome, Hiram L.:Principle of money and banking. London, Staples Press,1956.336p.22cm. 2056 Hamewood, Irwin,1957.622p.24cm. 2074 Due, John Fitzgera!d: Government finance; Keeton, George W.:The law of trusts. 7.ed. an economi¢analysis. Homewood, Irwin,1954. London, Pitman,1957.511p.25cm. 2075 562p.23cm. 2057 Kent, Raymond P.:Money and banking. 3.ed. Due, John Fitzgerald:Government finance;an New York, Rinehart,1956、828p、24cm. 2076 economic analysis. Homewood, Irwin,1959.627p. Klise, Eugene S.:Money and banking. New York, 24cm. 2058 South-Westem,1955.744p.24cm. 2077 Duesenberry, James S.:Income, saving and.the Kolhatkar, Vasudeo Yeshwant:Monetary theory theory of consumer behavior. Cambridge, Harvard with special referellce to the trade cycle. Baroda, Univ. Press,1952.124p.22cm. 2059 qoOd Companinons,1953.302p.22cm. 2078 Fellner, Wi11三am:Monetary policies and ful1. Koijek, Leendert Marinus: Distributed lags and employment. Berkeley. Univ、 of California Press, investment analysis; contr輌butions to economlC ぼ c1947。260p.24cm. 2060 analysis. v.4. Amsterdam, North-Holland,1954. Forstrnann, Albrecht:Volkswirtschaftliche Theorie 1 111p.22cm. 2079 ・des Geldes. v.2:Monetare Okonom{e Allgemeine Kurihara, Kenneth K.:Monetary theory and public Volkswirtschaftslehre der Geldwirtschaft. Berlin, policy. New York, Norton,1950.393p.22cm.2080 Duncker&Humblot,1955.940p.24cm. 2061 League of Nations:The course and control of Fliedman, Milton:Essays in Positive economics. inflation;areview of monetary experience in Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1953.328p. Europe after . New York, Columbia 23cm. 2062 Univ. Press,1946.136p.23cm. 2081

F酋edman, Milton, ed.:Studies in the quantity theory 1λndho㎞, Richard W., et a1.:Principles of lnoney of money. Chicago, Univ. of Chlcago Press,1956. and banking. New York, Norton, 1954. 673p. 265p.23cm. 2063 22cm. 2082 FimstOn, George Keith:Wanted;more owners of Lutz, Frederich & Mints, Lloyd: Readings ln American business. Boston, Harvard Univ.1954. monetary theory. New York, Blakiston, 1951. 43p.22cm. 2064 514p.22cm. 2083 Goldenweiser, Emanuel Alexandrovich:American Lutz, Friedrich & Lutz, Vera:The theory of monetary policy. New York, McGraw-Hill,1951. investment of the firm. Princeton, The Univ. 391p.23cm.・ 2065 Press,1951. x,253p. 24cm, 2084

一 597 ECONOMICS 2085 Public Finance 2120

Mackenzie, Kenneth:The banking systems of Great Schloss, Henry H.:The bank for international Britain, France, Germany,&the United States settlements. Amsterdam, North-Holland,1958. of America.3. ed. London, Macmillan,1952. xi,184p.23cm. 2104 284p.19cm. 2085 Somers, Harold M.:Public finance and national Marshal1, Alfred:Money credit and commerce. income. Philadelphia, Blakiston,1949. xii,540p. London, Macmillan, c 1923.369p.22cm. 2086 22crn. 2105 Mason, Edward:Economic concentration and the Stokes, Milton L.&Arlt, Carl T.:Money, banking monopoly problem. Cambridge, Harvard Univ and the financial system. New York, Ronald, Press,1957.411p.22cm. 2087 1955.670p.19cm. 2106 Morgan, Edward Victor:The study〈)f prices and Trechtenberg, Iosif Adolfouich:Das Geld-und the value of money. London, George Philip, Kreditwesen im Kapitalismus nach dem zweiten c 1950.25p.23cm. 2088 Weltkrieg、 Berlin, Wirtschaft,1956.199p.21cm. 2107 Nadler, Marcus, et al.:The money market and its institutions. New York, Ronald Press,1955.323pl Vo皿Mise8, Ludwig:Theory of money and credit, 22cm. 2089 tr. from the German by H. E. Batson. new ed. enl. with an essay on monetary reconstruction. National Bureau of Economic Research:Capital New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1953.493p.22cm. formation and・econmic growth. Princeten, The 2108 Univ. Press,1955.677p.24cm. 2090 Wald㏄k, CIaude Humphrey Meredith:The law of Niemann, Walter:EinfUhrung in die Probleme der mortgages.2. ed. London, Stevens,1950.451p. 皿odernen Bank-Betriebsorganisation. Wiesbaden, 22cm. 2109 Deutscher Genosseschafts, c 1953.32p.21cm. Whittlesey, Charles R.:Principles and practices of 2091 money and banking. New York, Macmillan,1954. Ohlsson, Ingvar:On national accounting. Stockholm, 579p.24cm. 2110 Konjunkturinstitutet,1953.353p.24cm. 2092 Whyte, William Foote, et a1.lMoney and motivation; an analysis of incentives in industry. New York, Patinkin, Don:Money, interest, and prices;an Harper,1955.268p.22cm. 2111 integration of monetary and value theory. New York, Peterson,1956.510p.23cm. 2093 Public Finance Pigou,. Arthur Ceci1:The veil of money. London, Macmillan,1956.150p.20cm. 2094 AbbOtt, Charles Cortez:The federal debt;structure alld impact. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, Plok, Judd:Sterling;its meaning in world finance. 1953.278p.24cm. 2112 New York, Harper,1956,286p.22cm. 2095 Biekford, Hugh C.:Successful tax practice.2. ed. Ritter, Lawrence S.:Money and economic activity. New York, Prentice-Hall, c1952.463p.23cm. Boston, Houghton,1952.404p.26cm. 2096 2113 Robertson, Dennis Holme:Banking policy and the Blough, Roy:The federal taxing process. New price level;an essay in the theory of the trade York, Prentice-Hal1,1952.506p.24cm. 2114 cycle. New York, Kelley,1949.103p.19cm. Blum, Walter J.&Kalven, Harry:The uneasy case 2097 for progressive taxation. Chicago, Univ. of Robertson, Dennis Holme: Money. London, Nisbet, Chicago Press,1953.107p.25cm. 2115 1954.223p.19cm. 2098 Butters, John Keith,’et aL:Effects of taxation; Robertson, Dennis: Essays 1n montaryロ theory. investments by individuals. Cambridge, Harvard London, Staples,1956.252p. 20cm. 2099 Univ.1953.533p.21cm. 2116 Challoner, Neville Eldred&Collins, C. M、:Income R6binson, Joan:The rate of interest. London, tax law and practice. Australia, Law Book,1953. Macmillan,1954.170p.20cm. 2100 xliii,1092p.25gm. 2117 Roosa, Robert V.:Federal reserve operations in CMloner, Neville Eldred&Col撫s, C. M.:Income the money and government securities markets. tax law and practice。 Australia, Law Book,1954. New York, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, 180p.25cm. 』 2118 1956、107p.23cm. 2101 Challoner, Neville Eldred:Income tax Iaw and Sayers, Richard Sidney:Central banking after practice. Australia, Law Book,1955.248p.25cm. Bagehot. Oxford, Clarendon,1957. 149p. 22cm. 2119 2102 Challoner, Neville Eldred, et al.:Income tax law Scammell, W. M.:International monetary policy. and practice. Austra】ia, Law Book,1956.331p. London, Macmillan,1957.402p.22cm. 2103 25cm. 2120

一 60一 2121 Industries, Prices&Production 2155 ECONOMICS

Colm, Gerhard:Essays in pub】ic finance and fiscal Paロ], Randolph E.:Studies in federal taxation. policy. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1955.375p. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c1940. 539p. 22cm. 2121 23Cm. 2139 Edwards, George W.:The evolution of finance Paul, Randolph E.:Taxation in the United States. capitalism. London, Longmans,1938. xvi,429p. Boston, Brown,1954. xii,830p.24cm. 2140 24cm. 2122 Poole, Kenyon E.:Public finance and economic Gemmi11, Kenneth W., et al.:FederaLstate-10cal welfare. New York, Rinehart,1956.640p.23cm. tax correlation. Princeton, Tax Institute,1954. 2141 248p.23cm. 2123 Shehab, Fakhri: Progressive taxation. Oxford, Gerloff, Wilhelm:Die 6ffentliche Finanzwirtschaft, Clarendon,1953.299p.22cm. 2142 v.1.Frankfurt Am Main, Vittorio Klostermann 1948.230p.24cm. 2124 Shiomi, Saburo:Japan’s finance and taxation, 1940-1956,(tr. by Shotaro Hasegawa)New York, Goode, Richard:The corporation income tax. New Columbia Univ. Press,1957. xi,190p.26cm. York, Wiley,1951. xii,242p.22cm. 2125 2143

Grisvvold, Erwin N.:Cases and materials on federal Smith, Adam:An inquiry into the nature and taxation.4. ed. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1954. causes of the wealth of nations. New York, 992p.26cm. 2126 Modern Library. c 1937.1x,970p.21cm. 2144 Henderson, James M.:Introduction to income Smith, Adam:An inquiry into the nature and taxation.2. ed. Rochester, Lawyers,1949.535p. causes of the wealth of nations. v.1-2. London, 24cm. 2127 Methuen,1950.2v.22cm. 2145 Homan, Paul T.& Machlup, Fritz:Financing Sraffa, Piero, ed.:The works and correspolldence American prosperiry. New York, Twentieth of David Ricardo. v.1:011 the principles of Century F皿d, c1945. xi,508p.24cm. 2128 political economy and taxation. Cambridge, The Keirstead, Burton Seely:An essay in the theory Univ. Press,1951. lxii,447p.24cm. 2146 of profits and income distribution. Oxford, Basil Steeg, Clarence L.:Robert Morris;revolutionary Blackwell,1953.110p.22cm. 2129 financier. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Ken面ck, Slade:Acentury and a half of federal Press,1954.276p.24cm. 2147 expenditures. New York, National Bureau of Tax Institube Conference:Pennsylvania tax pro- Economic Research,1955.102p.23cm. 2130 blems in 1957. Philadelphia, Tax Institute Con’ Kimmel, Lewis H。:Federal budget and fiscal policy, ference,1957.132p.24cm. 2148 1789-1958.Washington, Bookings Inst.,1959. x, Willich, Henry C.&Adler, John H.:Public finance 337p.24cm. 2131 in a developing country. Cambridge, Harvard LaBrie, Francis Eugene:The meaning of income Univ. Press,195L 346p.22cm. 2149 in the law of income tax. Toronto, Univ、 of Toronto Press,1953.380p.24cm. 2132 Industries, Prices&Production Magi11, Roswell F.:Cases and materials on federal taxation. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1950. xv, 546p.26cm. 2133 AamnovitCh,. Sam:Monopoly;astudy of British monopoly capitalism. London, Lawrence, 1955. Maxwell, James. A.:Fiscal policy;its techniques 191p.19cm. 2150 and institutional setting、 New York, Holt,1955. 218p.22cm. 2J34 Abramovitz, Moses:Inventories and business cyc・ 1es. New York, National Bureau of Economic Montgomery, Robert H.&Taylor, Conrad B.: Research,1950. xxxvi,632p.24cm. 2151 Montgomery’s federal taxes;corpOrations and partnerships,1949口950. New York, Rona藍d, c1950. Adsms, Walter:Thes structure of American in・ 978p.24cm. 2135 dustry. New York, Macmillan, c1954,590p.22cm. 2152 Montgomery, Robert H.:Montgomery’s federal taxes:estates, trusts&gifts,1951-1952. New Alderfer, Evan Benner&Michl, H. E.:Economics York, Ronald,1952.1197p.24cm. 2136 of American industry.3. ed. New York, McGraw- Hill,1957.710p.24cm. 2153 Montgemery, Robert H. et a1.:Montgomerゾs federal taxes;corporations and partnership.1951- Alford, Leon Pratt:Principles of industrial mana- 1952 v.2、 Taxes, returns and administration. gement. New York, Ronald Press, c1951.779p. New York, Ronald, c1952.1448p.24cm. 2137 24cm. 2154 Paish, Frank Walter:The post-war financial Alhadeff, David A.:Monopoly and competition problem. London, Macmillan,1950.263p.22cm. in banking. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press, 2138 1954.ix,254p.24cm. 2155

一 61一 ECONOMICS 2156 Industries, Prices & ]PrOduction 2192

American Eeonomi¢ Association:Readings in busi. Chamberlin, Edward Hastings ed.:Monopoly and neSS CyCle theOry. London, Allen,1954. xii,494p. competition and their regulation. London, Mac・ 22cm. 2156 millan,1954.549p.22cm. . 2175 American Economic Assoeiation:Readings in price Chamberlin, Edwards Hastings:The theory of theory. London, Allen,1956.568p.22c皿. 2157 mo1ユoPolistic competition. 6. ed. Calnbridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1950.314p.22cm. 2176 Anderson, Ronald A.:Government regulation of business. Cincinnati, South-Western, c1950.694p. Chamberlin, Edward Hastings:The theory of 24cm. 2158 monopolistic competition.7. ed. Cambridge, Har・ vard Univ. Press,1956.350p.22cm. 2177 Ba6h, George Leland.:Economics;an introduction to analysis and policy. Englewood Cliffs, Prent輌ce- Chamberlin, Edward Hastings:The theory of Hall,1955、 xv,720p.24cm. 2159 monopolistic cornpetition.7. ed. Cambridge, Har- vard Univ. Press,1958. xiv,350p.22cm. 1278 Bain, Joe S.:Pricing, distribution, and employ. ment. New York, Holt, c1953. xvii,732p.24cm. Chenery, Hollis B、&Clark, Paul G.:Interindustry 、 2160 economics. New York, John Wiley,1959. xv, 345p.24cm. 2179 Bakke, Edward Wight.:Bonds of organization;an appraisal of corporate human relation. New York, Cole, Arthur Harrison:Wholesale commodity prices Harper,1950. xii,239p.24cm. 216ヱ in the United States,1700-1861. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1938.187p.28cm. 2J80 Baumol, William J.&Chandler, Lester V.:Econo- mic processes and policies. New York, Harper, Committee for Economic Development.:Soviet pro- 1954.690p.24cm. 2162 gress versus American enterprise New York, Doubleday,1958.126p.22cm. 2181 Bidwell, Percy W.:Raw materials;astudy of American policy. New York, Harper,1958. xvi, Corey, Lewis:The house of Morgan;asocial 403p.22cm. 2163 biography of the masters of money. New York, Watt,1930.479p.24cm. 2182 B6hi, Hans: Grunds註tze und Methoden zur Ermittelung der richtigen Wahrungsrelation zum Council of Economic Advisers:The economic report Ausland. Bern, Francke,1944.176p.24cm. 2164 of the president. Washington, U. S. Government Printing Office,1951.241p.23cm. 2183 Bond, George Dennis:Financial aspects of indus. Council of Economic Advisers:The economic report trial management. London, Butterworth,1955. of the president. Washington, U. S. Government 530p.26cm. 2165 Printing Office,1950.217p.23cm. 2184 B(nilcling, Kenneth E.:The skills of the economist. Council of Economic Ad▼isers:The ecollomic report Cleveland, Allen,1958.189p.20cm. 2166 of the president. Washington, U. S, Government Boyd, Harper W.&Westfall, Ralph:Marketing Printing Office,1955.203p.23cm. 2185 research;test and cases. HomewoOd, Irwin,1956. Coumcil of Economic Adviser8:The midyear econo. 675p.23cm. ’2167 mic report of the president. Washington, U. S. Bmwn, George H. ed.:Reading in marketing. New Government Printing Office,1950,159p.24cm York, Holt,1955.134p.28cm. 2168 2186 Burns, Arthur F.&MitChell, Wesley C.:Measuring Council of Economic Advisers:The midyear econo・ business cycles. New York, National Bureau of mic report of the president. Washington, U. S. Economic Research, c1946.560p.30cm. 2169 Government Printing Office,1952.188p.23cm. 2187 Bum8, Arthur Robert:Comparative economic orga・ Crum, William Leonard:The age structure of the nization. New York, Prentice-Hall,1955.766p. corporate system. Berkeley, Univ. of California 24cm. 2170 Press,1953.181p.24cm. 2188 Bums, Arthur Robert:The decline of cornpetition. 1)ahl, Robert A.&Lindblom, Charles E.:Politics, New York, McGraw-Hill,1936. xii,629p.22cm. economics and welfare, New York, Harper,1953. 2171 xxvi,557p.24cm. 2189 Bursk, Edward C. ed.:Human relations for mana・ Dea凡 Joel: Managerial economics・Englewood gement. New York, Harper,1956.372p.22cm. Cliffs, prentice-Hall,1956.621p.24cm. 2190 2172 Debreu, Gerard:Theory of value; an axiomatic Bursk, Edward C. ed.:Human relations for mana- analysis of economic equilibrium. New York, John gement. London, Constable,1956.372p.22cm.2173 Wiley,1959. xii,114p.24cn1. 2191 Carlson, Sune:Astudy on the pure theory of Dewing, Arthur Stone:The financial policy of production. New York, Kelley,1956.128p.22cm. corporations. v.15. ed. New York, Ronald,1953. 2174 xx,807p.24cm. 2192

一 62一 2193 Industries, Prices&PrOduction 2231 ECONOMICS

Dewing, Arthur Stone:The financial policy of Haberler, Gottfried von:Prosperity and depression. corporations. v.2 5. ed. New York, Ronald, new rev. en1. ed. Cambrige, Harvard Univ. c1953.811-1538p.23cm. 2193 Press,1958. xviii,520p.22cm. 2212 Dirlam, Jole B.&Kahn, Alfred E.:Fair competi’ Hagen, Everett E.:Handbook for industry stud{es. tion;the law and economics of antitrust policy. Glencoe, Free Press,1958.89p.22cm. 2213 New York, Cornell UIliv. Press,1954.307p. Hamilton, Daniel C.:Competition in oi1;the gulf 24cm. 2ヱ94 coast refinery market,1925-1950. Cambridge, Dorfrnan, Robert:ApPlication of linear programm・ Harvard Univ. Press,1958.233p.24cm.. 2214 ing to the theory of the fir皿. Berkeley, Univ. of Ha㎜a, Frank A.:The compilation of manufactur- 2195 Califomia Press, c1951.98p.24cm. ing statistics. Washington, Dept. of Commerce, Dowmie, Jack:The competitive process. London, Bureau of the Census,1959. xiv,233p. 2215 2196 Duckworth,1958.199p.22cm. Hansen, Alvin H.:The American econolny. New Drucker, Peter F.:Amer{ca’s next twenty years・ York, McGraw-Hi1】,1957.19gp.24cm. 2216 2197 New York,耳arper,1957.114p.21cm. Hansen, Alvin H.:Business cycies and national Edward8, Corwin D.:Maintaining competition; income. New Ybrk, Norton, c 1951. xv,639p. requisites of a governmental policy・ New York, 22Cm. 2217 McGraw-Hil1,1949.337p.24cm. 2198 Hsnsen, Alvin H.:Economic policy and full Edwards, Rbllald Stanley&Townsend, Harry:Bu・ employment. New York, McGraw-Hill, c 1947. siness enterprise;its growth and organisatlon・ 340p.24cm. 2218 London, Macmillan,1958. xvii,607p.23cm.2199 Hエn,Alvin H.&Clemonce, Richard W.:Readings Erhard, Ludwig:Prosperity through competition. in business cycles and national income. New York, New York, Praeger,1958.264p.22cm. 2200 Nerton,1953.588p.22cm. 2219 11arrod, Roy: Policy against inflation. London, Estey, James Arthur:Business cycles;their nature, Macmman,1958.257p.22cm. 2220 cause, and controL 3. ed. EnglewoOd Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1956.497p.23cm. 2201 Hayek, Friedrich A.:Prices and production. London, Rout1edge,1951.162p.19cm、 2221 Fellner, William:Competition among the few. New York, Knopf, c 1949.328p.22cm. 2202 Hayek, Friedrich A.:The road to serfdom. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1950.248p.17cm. 2222 Florence, P. Sargant:The logic of British and American industry. London, Routledge, c 1953. Heady, Earl O., et aL, ed.:Resource productivity, 368p.22cm. 2203 returns to scale, and farm size. Ames, Iowa State College Press,1956.208p.24cm. 2223 Fogarty, Michael P.:Economic controL London, Routledge,1955.324p.22cm. 2204 Heckscher, Eli F.:Mercantilism. rev. ed. v.2. New York, Macmillan,1956.2v.23cm. 2224 Fox, Harold G.:Monopolies and patents;astudy of the history and future of the patent monopoly. Henderson, Hul)ert:Supply and demand. London, Toronto, Univ. of Toronto Press, 1947. 388p. Nisbet,1951.177p. 19℃m. 2225 23cm. 2205 Hicks, John Richard:Acontribution to the theory Fr狐k, W. F.:The new industrial law. London, of trade cycle. Oxford, Clarendon, c 1951. 201p. Thames Bank,1950.456p.22cm. 2206 19cm. 2226 Ftrankel, S. Herbert:The economic impact on under. Hicks, J. R., et aL:The social framework of the developed societies. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. American economy. New York, Oxford Unif Press,1955.179p.23cm. 2207 Press,1955.309p.21cm. 2227 Chose, Bimal C.: Industrial organization.2 ed、 Hirsciman, Albert O.:The strategy of economic London, Oxfotd Univ. Press,1959.306p.19cm. development. New Havet1, Yale Univ. Press, 2208 1958.217p.2准cm. 2228

Gold8c㎞idt, Henny Otto:Financial planning in H①ffmarm, Walther G.:British industry,1700-1950. industry. Leiden, Stenfert, 1956。 173p. 23cm. Oxford, Basil Blackwe11,1955. xxiii,338p.23cm. 2209 2229

Haberler, Gottfried von:Prosperity and depression. Howell, L. D.: Changes in American textile 3.ed. New York, United Nations,1946. xxiv, industry. Washington, U. S. Govt. Printing Of. 532p.24cm. 2210 fice,1959. xi,377p.23cm. 2230 Haberler, Gottfried von:Prosperity and depression. Hsia, Ronald:Price control in Communist China. 3,ed. New York, United Nations,1952. xxiv, New York, Inst三tute of Pacific Relations,1953. 532p.24cm. 2211 96p.28cm. ’ 2231

一 63一 ECONOMICS 2232 Industries, Prices&PrOduction 2268

Hutton, Graham:We too can prosper. New York. National Bureau of E¢oRoraic Research:Shor仁term Macmillan,1953.248p.21cm. 2232 econonlic forecasting;studies in income and wealth. v.17. New York, Princeton, The Univ. Kaplan, A. D. H.:Big enterprise in a competitive Press,1955、506p、24cm. 2250 system. Washington, Brookings,1954.269p. 24cm. 2233 Newbury, Frank D.:Business forecasting. New York, McGraw-Hi11, c 1952.273p.24cm. 2251 Koontz, Harold&0,Donne1, Cyril:Principles of management;an analysis of managerial functions. Newtrtan, Philip C.:Public control of business;an New York, McGraw-Hi11,1955. 664p.23cm. international approach. New York, Praeger,1956. 2234 500p.25cm. 2252

Koopmans, Tjalling C、:Activity analysis 6f produc. Newman, William H.: Business policies and rnanage・ tion and allocation. New York, John Wiley, c1951. ment.3. ed. Cincinnati, South-Western, c 1953. 404p.24cm. 2235 viii,952p. 24cm. 2253 Kuznet8, Simon:Economic change;selected essays 0Xenfeldt, Alfred R.:Industrial pricing and market in business cycles, national income and economic practices. New York, Prentice-Hall, c 1951. growth. New York, Norton,1953、333p、22cm. 602p.24cm. 2254 2236 Phi1恥s, Joseph D.:Little business in the American Lilientha}, David E.:Big business;a new era. economy. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press,1958. New York, Harper,1953.209p.21cm. 2237 135p.26cm. 2255 Pounds, Norman J. G.&Parker, Willam N.:Coal Lmdberg, Erik:Business cycles and economic and steel in Western Europe. Bloomington, Indiana policy, Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957. Univ. Press,1957.381p.22cm. 2256 346p.23cm. 2238 Purdy, Harry L: Corporate concentration and Ll皿dberg, Erik ed.:The business cycle in the post- public policy. New York, Prentice-Hall,1950. xv, war world. London, Macmillan,1955. 337p. 727p.24cm. 2257 23cm. 2239 Qu㎞, Theodore Kinget:Giant business;threat Lynch, David:The concentration of economic power. to democracy. New York, Exposition Press,1954. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1949.423p. 321p.21cm. 2258 24cm. 2240 Quinn, Theodore Kinget: Giant corporations ; Machlup, Fritz:The basing-point system. Philade1・ challenge to freedom. New York, Exposition phia, Blakinston,1949.275p.24cm. 2241 Press,1956.198p.21cm. 2259

Machlup, Fritz:The political economy of monopoly. Rasmussen, P. Nφrregaard:Studies in inter-sectoral Baltimore, John Hopkins, c 1952.543p.23cm. relations. Kφbenhavn, Harcks,1957.217p.24cm. 2242 2260 Robinson, Joan:The economics of imperfect Marsha皿, Alfred:Principles of economics;an com・ petition. New York, Macmillan,1954. 352p. introductory volume.8. ed. New York, Macmillan, 22cm. 2261 1953-871p.23cm. 2243 Rohlfing, Charles C. et al.:Business and govern・ Maurer, Herrymon:Great enterprise;growth and ment. 6.ed. Brooklyn, Foumdation Press, c1953. behavior of the big corporation. New York, 866p.23cm. 2262 Macmillan,1955. x,333p,21cm. 2244 R6pke, Wilhelm:Jenseits von Angebot und Nach・ Miehigan, University of, Law School: Federal frage. Erlenbach-ZUrich, Rentsch,1958.368p. antitrust laws. Ann Arbor, The Univ. Press, 22cm. 2263 1954.xi,321p.25cm. 2245 Sampson, Robert C、:The staff role in management. Miller, William ed.:Men in business;Essays in New York, Harper,1955.226p.22cm. 2264 the history of entrepreneurship、 Cambridge, Schneider, Erich:Pricing and equilibrium, tr. by Harvard Univ. Press,1952.350p.24cm. 2246 T.W. Hutchison. London, William Hodge,1952. Millikan, Max F.:Income stabilization for a 327p.22cm. 2265 developing democracy. New Haven, Yale Univ. Sdhroeder, Gertrude G.:The growth of major Press,1953. xxi,730p.24cm. 2247 steel companies,1900-1950. Baltimore, Hopkins, Mitchell, Wesley C.:What happens during business c1953.244p.24cm. 2266 cycles. New York, National Bureau of Economic Schumpeter, Joseph Alois:Essays. Cambridge, Research, c 1951.386p.23cm. 2248 Addison-Wesley,1951.327p.22cm. 2267 Mumd, Vernon A.:Government and business.2. ed. ScitOvsky, Tibor:Welfare and competitin. Home- New York, Harper,1955.738p.24cm、 2249 wood, Irwin,1951.457p.23cm. 2268

一 64一 2269 Income&Wealth 2303 ECONOMICS

Shubik, Martin:Strategy and market structure; Woytinsky, Wladimir S.&Wo坤1sky, E. S.: competition., oligopoly, and the theory of games. World population and production;trends and New York, Wiley,1959. xviii,387p.24cm.2269 outlook. New York, Twentieth Century Fund, 1953.1xxii,1267p.26cm. 2287 Shub㎞, John A.:Business management;efficiency surveys and systems. New York, Barnes and Wright, Wilson:Forecasting for profit. New York, Noble,1954.372p.21cm. 2270 John Wiley, c 1947.173p.22cm. 2288

Simons, Henry C.:Economic policy for a free so・ Zimmem8鵡Louis Jacques:The propensity・to ciety. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1948. monopolize. Amsterdam, North Holland,1952. 353p.22cm. 2271 100p.21cm. 2289 Smith, Howard R.:Government and business;a study in economic evolution. New York, Ronald Income&Wealth Press,1958. xi,802p.23cm. 2272

・Stei皿er, George A.:Government’s role in economlc American Economic Association:Readings in the life. New York, McGraw-Hi11,.c1953.440p. theory income distribution. v.3. Philadelphia, 24cm. 2273 Blakiston,1950.718p.22cm. 2290 Biggs, Robert M.:National-income analysis and Stigler, George J.:Prdduction and distribution forecasting. New York, Norton,1956.610p. theories. New York, Macmillan,1956.392p. 21cm. 2274 22cm. 2291 Bober, Mandell Morton:Intermediate price and Stigler, George∫.&Bouldi皿g, Kenneth:Readings income theory. New York, Norton,1955.526p. . , theory. Homewood, Irwin, c1952.568p. 1n prlce 22cm. 2292 23cm. 2275 CheSltire, Geoffrey Chevalier:The modern law of :The theory of price. New York, Stigler, George J. real property.7. ed. London, Butterworth,1956. Macmillan, c 1952.310p. 22cm. 2276 lxi,900,54p.26cm. 2293 Stocking, George W. :Cartels in action. New York, Cl8wson, Marion&Held, Burnell:The federal Twentieth Century Fund, 1949.533p. 23cm. lands;their use and management. Baltimore, 2277 Hopkins Press,1957. xxi,501p.23cm. 2294

St㏄king, George W.&Watk血竃s, Myron:Monopoly Clemen¢e, Richard V.:Income analysis. Cam. and free enterprise. New York, Twentieth bridge, Addison-Wesley,1951.182p.18cm.2295 Cen加ry Fund, c 1951.596p.24c肌 2278 Creamer, Daniel:Bibliography on income and Thoma8sen, Henry:Business p玉anning for economic wealth,1937-1947. Baltimore, Hopkins,1952. stability. Washington, Public Affairs Press,1958. 184p.25cm. 2296 60p.24cm. 2279 Creamer, Daniel:Personal income during business Tinbergen, 」.:On the theory of economic policy. cycles. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1956.166p. Amsterdam, North-Holland, c 1952.78p.22cm. 24cm. 2297 2280 Dah皿rerg, Arthur O.:National income visualized. Triffi高 Robert:Monopolistic competition and New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1956.117p. general equilibrium theory. Cambridge, Harvard 31cm. 2298 Univ. Press,1940.195p.22cm. 2281 1)eane, Phyllis, ed.:Bibliography on income and The Twentieth Century Fund:Electr輌c power and weaith,1948-1949. v.2. Baltimore, Hopkins, government policy. New York, Twentieth Century 1953.109p。25cm. 2299 Fund,1948. xx,860P.24cm. 2282 Deane, Phyllis. ed.:Bibliography on income and Vaki1, Chandulal Nagindas&Brahmm抑崎, P. R.: wealth. v.3. Baltimore, Hopkins,1953。66p. Plamling for an expanding economy. Bombay, 25cm. 2300 Vora,1956.404p、22cm. 2283 Edey, Harold C.&Pe8c㏄k, Aian T.:National Whitehi11, Arthur M.:Personnel relations;the income and social accounting. London, ・ . ・ human aspects of admlnistration. London, Hutchinson’s Univ.1954.222p.19cm. 2301 McGraw-Hill,1955.520p.24cm. 2284 Fellner, William&Haley, Bernard F.:Readings Wilcox, Clair:Public policies toward business. in the theory of income distribution. London, Homewood, Irwin,1955.898p.23cm. 2285 Allen,1954. xvi,718p.22cm. 2302 Wiles, peter John de la Fosse:Price, cost and Friedrnan, Milton:Atheory of the consumption output. Oxford, Basil Blackwel1, 1956. 302p. function. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1957.243p. 22cm. 2286 24cm. 2303

一 65一 ECONOMICS 2304 Business&Business MethOds 2336

Garvy, George, ed.:An appraisal of the 1950 census Prest, Alan Richmond&Adams, A. A.:Con. income data;studies in income and wealth. v.23. sumers’expenditure in the United Kingdom, Princetop, The Univ. Press,1958. x,450p.23cm. 1900-1919. London, Cambridge Univ. Press,1954. 2304 196p.32×26cm. 2321 Gilbert, Milton, ed.: Income and wealth. Ser. Ruggleg, Richard&Ruggles, Nancy D.:National 3; International association for research in 1ncome accounts and lncome . analysis. 2. ed. income and wealth. Cambridge, Bowes,1953. New York, McGraw-Hill,1956.452p.24cm.2322 xiii,261p.22cm. 2305 Nhelling, Thomas C.:National jncome behavior. Heller, Walter W. et al.:Savings in the modern New York, McGraw-Hill, c1951.291p.24cm. economy. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota, c1953. 2323 370p.24cm. 2306 Semenow, Robert W.:Questions and answers on Hoyt, Elizabeth E.et al.:American income and real estae.3. ed. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hal1, its use. New York, Harper, c1953. xxi,362p. 1957.583p.24cm. 2325 21cm. 2307 StOne, Richard, et al.:The measurement of con- Jenes, Ralph Coughenour:Effects of pr{ce level sumers’expenditure and behaviour in the United changes on business income, capital, and taxes. Kingdom,1920-1938. v.1. Cambridge, The Univ. Columbus, Alnerican Accounting Association, Press,1954. xxxix,448p.26cm. 2325 1956.199p.23cm. 2308 Wallich, Henry C,:Mainsprings of the German KatOna, George:The powerful consumer;psycho. revival. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. logical studies of the American economy. New 401p.22cm. 2126 York, McGraw-HiH,1960. ix,276p.24cm. 2309 Wilson, W. Harmon&Eyster, Elvin S.:Consumer KuznetS, Simon, ed.:Income and wealth of the economic problems.5. ed. Cincinnati, South-- United States;trends and structure. Cambridge, Western,1956.625p.22cm. 2327 Bowes,1952.328p.22cm. 2310 Lundberg, Erik ed.:Income and wealth. Ser.1; Business&Business Methods international association for research in income and wealth. Bowes,1951. xv,297p.22cm. 2311 Arnory, RoberちJr., et. aL:Materials on accounting. Mack, Ruth P.:Consumption and business fluctua・ 2.ed. Brooklyn, Foundation Press,1953. xxvii, tions. New York, National Bureau of Economic 592p.26cm. 2328 Research,1956.293p.29×22cm. 2312 Argyris, Chris:Executive leadership;an appraisal of a manager in action. New York, Harper,1953. Magill, Roswell F.:Taxable income. New York, 1x,189p.21cm. 2329 Ronald, c1945.490p.22cm. 2313 Bakken, Henry H.&Schasrs, Marvin A.:The Meade, James Edward&St㎝e, Richard:National economics of cooperative marketing. New York, income and expenditure. London, Bowes 1957.44p. McGraw-Hill,1937.583p.23cm. 2330 19cm. 2314 Bellmsn, Richard:Dynamic programming. prin. National正㎞reau of Economic Research:Input- ceton, The Univ. Press,1957, xxv,342p.24cm. output analysis;an appraisa1. Princeton, The 233ヱ Univ. Press,1955.371p.24cm. 2315 Birr, Kendall:Pioneering in industrial research; National Bureau of Economic Research:Problems the story of the General Electric Research Labo. of capital formation;concepts, measurement, ratory.. Washington, Public Affairs Press,1957. and controlling factors. Princeton, The Univ. vii,204p.24cm. 2332 Press,1957.612p.24cm. 2316 Booth, Andrew D.&Booth, Kathleen H. V.:Auto. National Bureau of Economic Research:Regional matic digital calculators. London, Butterworths income. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1947.408p. Scientific Publ.,1956. ix,261p.22cm, 2333 23cm. 2317 Boulding, Kenneth E.&Spivey, W. Allen:Linear Norris, Ruby Turner:The theory of consumer’s programlning and the theory of the firm. New demand. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, c1941. York, Macmillan,1960. ix.227P.24cm. 2334 xiv,237p.24cm、 2318 Bowman, Mary Jean, ed.:Expectations, uncertainty, Nurkse, Ragnar:Problems of capital formation and business behavior..New York, Social Science in underdeveloped co皿tries. New York, Oxford Research Council,1958. vii,202p.28cm. 2335 Univ. Press,1955.163p.22cm. 2319 Bu就, Cyri1:Apsychological study of typographY. Powelson, John P.:Economic accounting. New London, Cambridge Univ. Press,1959. xix,68p. York, McGraw-Hill,1955.500p.24cm. 2320 26cm. 2336

← 一 66一 2337 Business&Business Methods 2373 ECONOMICS

Chapin, Ned:An introduction to automatic com- Hertz, David B.:Research operations in industry. puters, Princeton, Nostrand,1957. viii,525p. New York, King’s Crown Press, c1953.453p. 25cm. 2337 22cm. 2355 Childs, Marquis&Cater, Douglass:Ethics in a Houser, Theodore V.:Big business and human business society. New York, Harper,1954.191p. values. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957. xii,103p. 22cm. 2338 21cm. 2356 Cochran, Thomas C.:The American business sys・ Jaques, Elliott:The changing culture of a factory. te皿;ahistorical perspective,1900-1955、 Cam・ New York, Dryden,1952. xxi,341p.22cm. 2357 bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957. viii,227p. Jeene1, Joachim:Programming for digital com- 22cm. 2339 puters. New York, McGraw-Hill,1959. viii,517p. Colberg, Marshall R., et aL:Business economics. 24cm. 2358 rev. ed. Homewood, Irwin,1957. x,537p.24cm. 2340 Jones, Manley Howe:Executive decision making. Homewood, Irwin,1957. xvii,485p.24cm. 2359 Cord血er, Ralph:New frontiers for professional KarHn, Samuel :Mathematical methOds and theory managers. New York, McGraw-Hill,1956.117p. in games, programming and economics. v.1-2. 21cm. 2341 Reading, Addison-Wesley,1959.2v.24cm.2360 Dale, Ernest:Greater productivity through labor・ Kaねma, George&Mueller, Eva:Consumer expecta・ management cooperation;analysis of company tions,1953-1956. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, and union experience. New Ybrk, American 1957.144p.24cm. 2361 Management Association,1949.197p.23cln.2342 Kirklartd, Edward Chase.:Dream and thought in Dodd, Edwin Merrick:American business corpOra- the business community,1860-1900. Ithaca, Cor- tions until 1860. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. nell Univ. Press,1956. ix,175p.22cm. 2362 Press,1954.524p.24cm. 2343 1Jarson, Arthur:The Iaw of workmen’s compensa- Do㎞, James L., et aL:Accounting and the law; tion. v.1. New York, Bender,1952. v. p.25cm. cases and materials. Brooklyn, Foundation Press, 2363 1955.xxxix,713p.26cm. 2344 Larson, Arthur:The law of workmen’s compensa. Dubin, Robert:Human relations in administration; tion. v.2. New York, Bender,1958. v. p.25cm. the sociology of organization. New York, Prentice- 2364 Hall,1954. xvii,573p.24cm. ・2345 Leamed, Edmund P. et al.: Executive action. Edwards, Corwin D.:Big business and policy of Boston, Harvard Univ.1951. xiii,218p.21cm. competition. Cleveland, Press of Western Reserve 2365 Univ.ユ956.180p.22cm. 2346

r Lomb8rd, George F. F.:Behavior in a selling greup. 逐皿sworth, John S.,:Factory folkways;astudy of Boston, Harvard Univ.1955. xx,353p.21cm. institutional structure and change. New Haven, . 2366 Yale, Univ. Press,1953.284p.24cm. 2347 Machlup, Fritz:The economics of sellers’competi- Ferson, Merton:Principles of agency. Brooklyn, tion. Baltimore, Hopkins,1952.582p.23cm.2367 Foundation Press,1954. xx,490p.23cm. 2348 Morgan, James.N・:Consumer economics. Eng- Fisch, Edith L.:Lawyers in industry. New York, 1ewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hal1,1956.440p.22cm. 2368 0ceana Publ,1956、222p.22cm. 2349 : Gardner, Burleigh & M〔oores David G.:Human 1 Morse, Philip M.&Kirnball, George E。:Methods relations in industry.3. ed. Homewood, Irwin, of operations research. New York, Wiley,1951. 1955.xii,427p.18cm. 2350 158p.23cm. 2369 Ginzberg, Eli&Remey, Ewing W.:Effecting change Nadworny, Milton J.:Scientific management and in large organizations. New York, Columbia the unions,1900-1932. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Univ. Press,1957. xiii,155p.22cm. 2351 Press,1955.187p.22cm. 2370 Gold, Bela:Foundations of productivity analysis; National Bureau of Economic Research:Business guides to economic theory and managerial controL concentration and price POIicy、 Princeton, the

Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press,1955. xi, Univ. Press,1955.511p.24cm. 2371 303p.23cm. 2352 National Bureau of Economic Research:Regulariza- Gouldner, Alvin W.:Patterns of industrial bureau・ tion of business investment. Princeton, The Uuiv. cracy. Glencoe, Free Press,1954.282p.22cm. 2353 Press,1954. xxvi,513p.23cm. 2372 Hepner, Harry Walker:Modern advertising, prac・ PatOn, William Andrew.:Advanced accounting. tices and principles.3. ed. New York, McGraw- New York, Macmillan,1954. xx,837p.22cm. Hill,1956.740p.24cm. 2354 2373

一 67一 COMMERCE 2374 Commerce 2406

Paton, William Andrew:Corporation accounts and Taylor, W. Bayard:Financial policies of business statements. New York, Macmillan,1955. xx, enterprise、2、 ed. New York, Appteton 1956, xix, 740p.22cm. 2374 684p.24cm. 2387 Paton, William Andrew.:Essentials of accounting. T8ylor, Anthony Harbert& Shearing, Harold: rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1949. xx,863p. Financial and cost accounting for management・ 22cm. 2375 London, Macdonald and Evans,1956258p.22cm. 2388 Pmthro, James Warren:The dollar decade;bu. siness ideas in the 1920’s. Baton Rouge, Louisiana Terry, George R.:Principles of management. State Univ. Press,1954. xxi,256p.24cm. 2376 Homewood, Irwin,1956. xiv,630p.23cm. 2389 Redfield, Charles E.:Communication in manage・ Thrall, Robert McDowel1, et a1.,ed.:Decision pro・ ment. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1953. cesses. New York, Wiley,1954. viii,332p.23cm. 290p、22cm. 2377 2390 Thrall, Robert McDowell, et aL, ed.:Decision pro. Reinfeld, Nyles V.&Voge1, William R. l Mathe. cesses. New York, Wiley,1957. viii,332p.23cm. matical programming. Englewood Cliffs, 2391 Prentice-Hall,1958.274p.24cm. 2378 Turner, Ernest Sackville:The shocking history of Richardson, J. Henry:An introduction to the study advertising. New York, Dutton,1953. 351p. of industrial relations. London, Allen,1956.442p. 21cm. ’ 2392 22cm. 2379 Urwick, Lyndall F.:The pattern of management. Ronken, Harriet O.&Lawtrence, Paul R.:Admini・ Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1956. stering changes;a case study of human rela・ 100p.22cm. . 2393 tions in a factory. Boston, Harvard Univ.,1952. vii,324p.21cm. 2380 Varda, S.:Readings in linear programming. New York, Wiley,1958. vii,99p.22cm. 2394 Rose, T. G.&Farr, Donald E.:Higher manage. Vatter, William J.:The fund theory of accounting ment control. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957. and its implications for financia1 repOrts. Chicago, xiv,290p.24cm. 2381 Univ. of Chicago Press,1951.123p.24cm. 2395 Saaty, Thomas L.:Mathematical methOds of opera- tions research. New York, McGraw-Hill,1959. Vazsonyi, Andrew:Scie就ific programming in xi,421p.24cm. 2382 business and industry. New York, Wiley,1958. xvii,474p.24cm. 2396 Schell, Erwin Haske11:Technique of executive Warner, W. Lloyd&Abegglen, James C.:Big control.8. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957. business leaders in America. New York, Harper, xii,357p.20cm. 2383 1955.243p.21cm. 2397 Schlaifer, Robert:Probability and statistics for Wamer, W. Lloyd&Martin, Norman H.,ed.: business decisions;an intrOduction to managerial Industrial man; ’businessmen and business orga. economics under uncertainty. New York, McGraw. nizations. New York, Harper,1959. xi, 580p. Hill,1959. xii,732p.24cm. 2384 22cm. 2398

S¢ott, Jerome R.&Lynton, R.P.:Three studies Webb, George Tennyson:Depreciation of fixed in management. London, Routledge, 1952. x, assets;in acc皿ntancy and economics. Sydney, 220p.22cm. 2385 Law Book of Australia,1954.319p.24cm. 2399 Shugerman, Abe L.:Accounting for lawyers. Zaleznik, Abraham:Foreman training in a growing Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merril,1952.592p.26cm. enterprise. Boston, Harvard Univ.,1951.232p. 2386 21cm、 2400 COMMERCE

Allen, Roy George Douglas:International trade Ashworth, William:Ashort history of the inter- statistics. New York, Wiley, c 1953.448p.24cm. national economy,1850-1950. London, Longmans, 2401 c1952.256p.22cm. 2404 American Economic Association:Readings in the Bagehot, Walter:Lombard Street. London, Murray, theory of internat’ional trade. Philadelphia, 1931.348p.19cm. 2405 Blakiston,1950. xvi,718p.22cm. 2402 Bloornfield, Arthur I.:Speculative and flight American Economic Ass㏄iatio皿:Readings in the movements of capital in postwar international theory of international trade. London, Allen, finance. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1954.88p.

1953.xvii,637p.22cm. 2403 ) 23cm. 2406

一 68一 2407 Commerce 2444 COMMERCE

1 Brainard, Harry G.:International economics and Ha口od, Roy Forbes: International economics. public policy. New York, Holt, c 1954.706p. London, Nisbet,1952.207p.19cln. 2426 24cm. 2407 HaWtrey, Ralph George:The balance of payments Buchanan, Norman S.&Lutz, Friedrich A.: and the standard of 1{v{ng. London, Royal Institu亡e Rebuilding the world economy;Alnerica’s role in of International Affairs, c1950.158p.22cm. foreign trade and investmeht. New York, Twen・ 2427 tieth Century Fund, c 1947. vi,434p.23cm. 2408 Hawtrey, Ralph George:Ecollomic aspects of C】egg, H. A.& Chester, T. E.:The future of sovereignty.2. ed. London, Longmans, c 1952. nationalization. Oxford, Blackwell,1953.211p. 191p.23cm. 2428 19cm. 2409 Hawtrey, Ralph George:The gold standard in Davenport, Herbert Joseph:The economics of theory and practice.5. ed. London, Longmans, Alfred Marshall. New York, Cornell Univ. Press, 1947.280p.19cm. 2429 2410 1935.481p.24cm. Heilperin, Michael A.:The trade of nations. New Einzig, Paul:The theory of forward exchange. York, Knopf, c 1952.302p.22cm. 2430 2411 London, Macmillan, c 1937.520p.22cm. Keyttes, John Maynard:The economic conseqences Eilis, Howard S.:Exchange control in central of the peace. New York, Harcourt, c 1920.298p. Europe. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c 1941. 21cm. 2431 413p.23cm. 2412 K血dleberger, Charles P.:The dol!ar shortage. New E置lgworth, Paul Theodore:International economy. York, Wiley, c 1950.275p.23cm. 2432 New York, Macmillan, c 1950.922p.22cm. 2413 Kindelberger, Charles P.:International economics・ Enke, Stephen & Salera, Virgil: International Homew(×od, Irwin, c 1953.543p.24cm, 2433 economics. New York, Prentice-Hall, c 1952. Kra田e, Walter:The intemational economy. New 606p.22cm. 2414 York, Houghton,1955。434p.24cm. 2434 Enke, Stephen & Salera, V, irgil: International K皿g,Emil:Die Selbstregulierung der Zahlungs- economics.2. ed. New York, Prentice-Hall,1953. bilahz. St. Gallen, Fehr’schen, c1948. 256p. 724p.22cm. 2415 25cm. 2435 Enke, Stephen & Salera, Virgil: International League of Nations:The network of world trade; economics.3. ed. EnglewoOd Cliffs, Prentioe-Hall, acompanion volume to“Europe’strade”.Geneva, 1957.606p.22cm. 2416 The League,1947.172p.22cm. 2436 Gibb, G. S.&Knowlton, E. H.:The resurgent yearS 1ieague of Nations:Quantitative trade controls; 1911-1927;history of Standard Oil Company. New their causes and llature. Geneva, The League, York, Haper,1956.754p.24cm. 2417 1943.45p.23cm. 2437 G碗hen, Viscount:The theory of the foreign exchan・ LentZ, Gilbert Gillespie:The enforcement of the ges.4. ed. London, Pitman,1932.151p.22cm. orders of state public service commissions. Urbana, 2418 Univ. of Illinois Press,1940.159p.27cm. 2438 Grsham, Frank D.:Protective tariffs. Princeton, Machlup, Fritz:International trade and the national The Univ. Press, c 1942.176p.19cm. 2419 income multiplier. Philadelphia, Blakiston, c1950, Graham, Frank D.:The theory of international 237p.22cm. 2439 values. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1948.349p. 24cm. 2420 Marsh, Donald Bailey:World trade and investment. New York, Harcourt c 1951.594p.23cm. 2440 Grump, Norman:The A B C of the foreign exchan. ges. London, Macmillan, c 1952.403p.20cm.2421 Meade, James Edward:The balance of payments. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1951. xVi, 432p. 11aberler, Gottfried von:The theory of international 22cm. 2441 trade. London, Hodge,1954.408p.25cm. 2422 Meade, James Edward:A geometry of international Halm, George N.:International monetary coopertion, trade. London, Allen, c 1911.112p.24pL 22cm. Chapel Hi正1, Univ. of North Carolina Press, c 1945. 2442 355p.24cm. 2423 Meade, James Edward:Problems of economic union. Har亘s・Seymour E.:Foreign economic policy for Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1953. ix, the United States. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. 102p.21Cm. 2443 Press, c 1948.490p.24cm. 2424 .Meade, James Edward:The theory of international Harris, Seymour E.:Internationa! and interregional economic policy. v.2;Trade and welfare. economics. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957.564p. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1955.618p.22cm. 24cm. 2425 2444

一 69一 COMMERCE 2445 Communication&Transportation 2480

Meier, Richard L.:Science and economic develop・ Viner, Jacob:Canada’s balance of international ment;new patterns of living. London, Chapman indebtedness,1900-1913. Cambridge, Harvard 1956.266p.24cm. 2445 Univ. Press, c 1924.318p.23cm. 2464 Mikesell, Raymond F.:United States economic Viner, Jacb:International economics. Chicago, policy and international relations. New York, Free Press, c 1951.381p.25cm. 2465 McGraw-Hil1, c 1952. xi,341p.23cm. 2446 Viner, Jacob:International trade and economlc Mikese11, Raymond F.:Foreign exchange in the development. Chicago, Free Press, c 1952.154P. postwar world. New York, Twentieth Century 21cm. 2466 Fund,1954. xv,658p.24cm. 2447 Viner, Jacob:Studies in the theory of international Myrdal, Gunnar:An intemational economy. New trade. New York, Harper, c 1937. xv,645p. York, Harper,1956. x,381p.24cm. 2448 22cm. 2467 Neis8er, Hans&Modigliani, Franco:National in・ Williams, John Burr:International trade under comes and international trade..Urbana, Univ. of flexible exchange rates. Amsterdam, North- Illinois Press, c 1953. xviii,396p.26cm. 2449 」 Holland,1954.332p.27cm. 2468 0hlin, Bertil:Interregional and international trade. Woytinsky, W. S.&Woy伽8ky, E. S.:World Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1952. xvii, commerce and governments;trends and outlook. 617p.22cm. 2450 New York, Twentieth Century Fund,1955.1ii, Penro8e, Ernest Francis:Economic planning for 907p.26cm. 2469 the peace. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1953. Wu, Chi-Yuen:An outline of international Price 384p.24cm. 2451 theories. Londol1, Routledge,1939.373p.22cm. Penrose, Edith Tilton:The economics of the inter・ 2470 national patent system. Baltimore, Hopkins, c1951. 247p.22Cm. 2452 Communication&Transportation Perle, Victor:American imperialism. New York, Intemational PubL,1951.256p.21cm. 2453 コ Chapin, Richard E.:Mass communications. Ann

Polak, Jacques Jacobus:An international economic F Arbar, Michigan State Univ. Press,1957. viii, system. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1953. 148p.26cm. 2471 179p.22cm. 2454 Cherry, Colin:On human communication;a review, Pratt, Edward Ewing:Modern international com・ asurvey, and a criticism. New York, Wiley,1957. merce. New York, Allyn and Bacon,1956.677p. xiv,333p.23cm. 2472 24cm. 2455 Crosby, John:OUt of the blue;abook about radio Robertson, Dennis H.: Britain in the world and television. New York, Simon and Schuster, economy. London, Allen, c 1954.92p.21cm.2456 1952.xi,301p.21cm. 2473 De Roover, Raymond:Gresham on foreign exchange. Doster, James F.:Railroads in Alabama politics, Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c 1949.348p. 1875-1914.Drawer, Univ. of Alabama Press, 24cm. 2457 1957.273p.22cm. 2474

Tarshis, Lorie:Introduction to international trade Emery, Edwin, et aL:Introduction to mass communi. and finance. New York, Wiley,1955.536p.24cm. cations. New York, Dodd,1960. xii,435p.22cm. 2458 2475

」 Taussig, Frank William:The tariff history of the GrOdinsky, Julius:Jay Gould;his business career, United States. New York, Putnam, c 1888.269p. 1867-1892. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania 20cm. 2459 Press,1957.627p.24cm. 2476

Tew, Brian:International monetary co-operation, Hyde, Stuart W.:Televison and radio announcing. .1945-1952. New York, Hutchinson,1952. 180p. Boston, Houghton,1959.451P.25cm. 2477 19cm. 2460 Lodklm, D. Philip:Economics of transportation.4. Thorp, Willard L:Trade, aid, or what ?Baltimore, ed. Homewood Irwin, c 1954.916P.23cm. 2478 Hopkins, c 1954.224p.23cm. 2461 … Nati①nal Capital Pla直n口19 Commission &National ト Tinbergen, Jan:Economic policy;principles and Cap甑1 Regional P㎞n桓g Council: Transportation design. Amsterdam, North-Holland,1956.276p. plan;national capital region. Washington, U. S. 22cm. 2462 Governmellt,1959.87p.30cm. 2479 Tse, Chun Chang:Cyclical movements in the Parker, Everett C., et al.:The television-radio balance of payments. Cambridge, The Univ. 1 and religion. New Y ork, Harper,1955. xxx,464p. Press,1951.224p.23cm. ・ 2463 24cm. 2480

一 70一 2481 Education 2513 EDUCATION

Rueseh, Jurgen & Bateson, Gregory:Communi・ Viner, Jacob:The customs union issue. New York, cation;the social matrix of psychiatry. New Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, York, Norton, c 1951.314p.22cm. 2481 1950.221p.22cm. 2484 Siepmann, Charles A.:Radio television and society. Wylie, Max.:Clear channels;television and the New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1956.410p.22cm. American people. New York, Funk,1955.408p. 2482 8.p1.22cm. 2485 Taussig, Frank William:Some aspects of the tariff question. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1934. 499p.23cm。 2483


Adler, Irving:What we want of our schools;plain Bu縮, R. Freeman:Acultural history of Western talk on education, from theory to budgets. New education.2. ed. N6w York, McGaw-Hi11,1955. York, John Day,1957.256p.21cm. 2486 xii,645p.24cm、 2500 Ass㏄iation for Supervision and Curriculum Devel叩・ Buttt8, R, Freeman&Cremin, Lawrence A.:A ment:Forces affecting American education; 1953 1 history of education in American culture. New yearbook. Washington, The Assoc.,1954. XV, York, Holt,1953. xi,628p.24cm. 2501 208p.24cm. 2487 Campbe血, Roald F.&Ramseyer, John A.:The Be11, Bernard Iddings:Crisis in education. New dynamics of school-community relationships. York, McGraw-Hili,1949. ix,237p.21cm. 2488 Boston, Allyn&Bacon,1958.205p.22cm. 2502 E Bestor, Arthur E.:Educational wastelands. Urbana, Childs, John L.:Education and morals. New York, Univ. of IIL Press,1953. viii,226p.26cm. 2489 Appleton,1950. xiv,299p.22cm. 2503

Blair, Glenn Myers, et al.,ed.:Educational psycho・ Childb, John L.:Education and the philosophy of 10gy. New York, Macmillan, c 1953. xvii,601p. experimentalism. New York, Appleton,1931. xix, 22cm. 2490 264p.21cm. 2504 Bode, Boyd Henry:How we learn. Boston, Heath, Coladarci Arthur P.:Educational psychology. New 1940.vi,308p.21cm. 2491 York, Dryden Press,1955. xvi,656p.22cm.2505 Bode, Boyd Henry, et al.:Moden education and Conant, James Bryant:Education and liberty;the human values. v.1. Pittsburg, Univ. of Pittsburg role of the schools in a modern democracy. Camb., Press,1947. xi,165p.22cm. 2492 Harvard Univ. Press,1953. xii,168p.22cm. 2506 Bottre皿, Harold R., ed.:App三ied principles of edu・ cational sociology;afunctional apProach to under’ Cook, Lloyd&Cook, Elaine: School problems in standing commmunity and educative processes. human relations. New York, McGraw-Hill,1957. Harrisburg, Stackpole,1954.392p.23cm. 2493 xi,292p.24cm. 2507 Brameld, Theodore:Cultural foundations of educa. Cook, Lloyd Allen&Cook, Elaine Forsyth:A tion;an interdisc輌plinary exploration. New York,』 SOCiOIOgiCal apProach to education. 2.ed. New Harper,1957. xxi,330p.22cm. 2494 t York, McGraw-Hil1,1950. xiv,514p.24cm. 2508

Brameld, Theodore:Ends and means in education. C①皿ts, George S.:The challenge of SoViet educa. New York, Harper,1950. xii,.244p.22cm. 2495 tion. New York, McGraw-Hall,1957. xi,330p. Brameld, Theodore:Patterns of educational philo. 24cm. 2509 sophy. Yonkers-on-Hudson, World Book,1950. Count8, George S.:Education and American civiliza. xxiv,824p.23cm. 2496 tion. New York, Columbia Univ.,1952. xvii, Brookover, Wilbur B.:Asociology of education. 491p.23cm. 2510 New York, Arperican Book, 1955. xii,436p. Cr8mer, Johll Frallcis:Contemporary education. 23cm. 2497 t New York, Harcourt,1956. xvi,637p.22cm. 2511 Brubacher, John S.:Ahistory of the problems of education. New York, McGraw-Hill,1947. xvi, Cronbach, Lee J.:Educational psychology, New 688p.24Cm. 2498 York, Harcourt, c 1954. xxvii,628p.24cm. 2512 Brubacher, John S.:Modem philosophies of edu- Cunningham, William F.:Pivotal problems of cation. New York, McGraw-Hill,1939. xii,349p. education. New York, Macmillan,1940. xix, 24cm. 2499 588p.22cm. . 2513

一 71一 EDUCATION 2514 Education 2548

Dayid, Henry, ed.:Education and manpower. New Hans, Nicholas:Comparative education;astudy York, Columbia Univ. Press,1960. xvi,362p. of educational factors and traditions. London, 24Cm. 2514 Routledge,1958. x,333,16p.22cm. 2532 Davis, AIlison:Social-class influences upon learn・ Harris, Chester W. ed.:Encyclopedia of educa- ing. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1955.100p. tional research.3. ed. New York, Macmillan, 18cm. 2515 1960.xxix,1564p.28cm. 2533 Davis, Robert A.:Educational psychology. New Hart, Joseph K.:Education in the humane com・ York, McGraw-Hill,1948. x,350p.24cm. 2516 munity. New York, Harper,1951. xiii,172p. 21cm. . 2534 Dewey, John:Democracy and education. New York, Macmillan,1916. xii,434p.20cm. 2517 The Hervard Committee:General education in a free society. Cambridge, Harvard Univ。 Press, 1)ewey, John:How we think;a restatement of 1950.xix,267p.24cm. 2535 the relation of reflective thinking to the educative process. Boston, Heath,1933. x、301p.20cm.2518 Havighurst, Robert J.:Human development and Dewey, John:Philosophy of education. Ames, education. New York, Longmans,1953. ix,338p. 2536 Littlefield,1956.311p.21cm. 2519. 21cm. Dressel, Paul L.&Mayhew, Lewis B.:General HaVighurst, Robert J.:Human development and education;explorations in evaluation. Washing・ education. New York, Longmans,1953. ix,338p. 2537 ton, American Council on Education.,1954. xxiii, 21cm. 302p.24cm. 2520 Havighurst, Robert J.&Neugarten, B. L.:Society Dunlap, Jack W., et a1., ed.:The journal of educa・ and education. Boston, Allyn and Bacon,1957. tional psychology. v.31-41. Baltimore, Warwick xiii,465p.24cm. 2538 and York,1940-1950.11v.25cm. 2521 Henderson, Stella Van:Introduction to philosophy Eby, Frederick:The development of mOdern educa・ of education. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Prees, tion. New York, Prentice-Hall,1952. ix,719p. 1955.xiii,401p.24cm. 2539 22cm. 2522 Henry, Nelson B. ed.:The forty-first yearbook of Mueational Policies Corumission :Education and the national society for the study of education・ national security. Washington, The Commission, Pt I:Philosophies of education. Chicago, Univ. 1951.v,60p.23cm. 2523 of Chicago Press,1950, xi,321p.23cm. 2540

Mucational Policies Commission:Moral and spiri・ Henry, Nelson B. ed.:The fifth-sixth yearbook of tual values in the public schools. Washington, the national society for the study of education・ National Education Assoc.,1951. xi,100p.23cm. Pt.1: In-service education for teachers, super’ 2524 visors, and administrators. Chicago, Univ. of Educational Policies Cornmission:Policies for educa. Chicago Press,1950. xiv,376p.24cm. 2541 tion’in American democracy. Washington, The Hook, Sidney:Education for modern man. New Commission,1946.277p.23cm. 2525 York, Dial Press,1946. xiv,239p.20cm. 2542 Ehlers, Henry & Lee, Gordon C., ed.: Crucial Horne, Herman Harre11:The democratic philosophy issues in educatibn;an anthology. rev. ed. New of education. New York, Macmillan,1953. xxiii, York, Holt,1959. x,342p.21cm、 2526 547p.20cm. 2543 罰sher, Margaret l Leadership and intelligence. New York, Teachers College of Columbia Univ., Hurl㏄k, Elizabeth B.:Adolescent development. 1954.vii,176p.24cm. 2527 New York, McGraw-Hill,1955. xiii,590p.24cm. 2544 Garrett, Henry E.&Woodworth, Robert S.:Sta- tistics in psychology and education. New York, Hubching, Robert Maynerd:The conflict in educa・ Longmans,1960. xii,478p.24cm. 2528 tion in a democratic society. New York, Harper, 1953.vii,112p.21cm. 2545 Gr口mell, John Erie&Young, Raymond J.:The school and the commullity. New York, Ronald, HutChins, Robert Maynard:Freedom, education and 1955.444p.24cm. 2529 the fund;essays and addresses,1946-1956. New York, Maridian,1956.241P口8cm. 2546 Gutzke, M. G.:John Deweプs thought and its implications for christian education. New York, Huthins, Robert Maynard:The higher learning in King’s Crown,1956. xv,270p.21cm. 2530 America. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press.1952. 119p.21cm. 2547 H蜘1並1,H. M.&Sumption, M.R.:New community unit school districts; practices and problems. Hymes, James L.:Effective home-school relations. Champagne, Univ. of IIIinois,1951. 32p.23cm. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1959.264p.22cm. 2531 2548

一 72一 2549 EducatiOI1 2585 EDUCATION

Hymes, James L:Effective home-schoo1 relations. 1ρdge, Rupert Clendon:Philosophy of education. New York, Prentice-Halr,1954.264p.22cm.2549 New York, Harper,1947. x,350p.21cm. 2569 Iversen, Robert W.:The communists and the Mallinson;Vernon:An introduction to the study of schools. New York, Harcourt,1959. ix,423p. comparative education. London, Heinemann,1957. 22cm. 2550 249p.22cm. 2570・ Mumford:Education and worldJones, Howard M[aritain, Jacqyes:Education at the crossroads・ Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1947. tragedy・ New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1943. x,120p. viii,178p.21cm. 2551 21cm. 2571 Kandel, Iaasac Leon:Comparative education. Boston, Ma80n, Robert E.:Educational ideals in American Houghton,1933. xxvi,922p.21cm. 2552 society. Boston, Allyn&Bacon,1960. xv,337p. Kandel, Iaasac Leon:The new era in education; 24cm. 2572 acomparative study. Boston, Houghton,1955. Mas①ns Robert E、:Moral values and secular educa・ xviii,388p.22cm. 2553 .tion. New York, Columbia Univ。 Press,1950. viii, 2573 Katona, George:Organizing and memorizing. New 155p.21cm. York, Columbia Univ. Press, c1940. xvi,318p. McGeoch, John A.:The psychology of human learn・ 23cm. ・ 2554 ing. New York, Longmans,1952. xxii,596p. Katz, Joseph, ed.:Canadian education today;a 22cm. 2574 symposium. Toronto, McGraw-Hill,1956. x,243p. Mead, Margaret:Growing up in New Guinea;a 24cm. 2555 comparative study of primitive education・New Kelley, Earl C.&Rasey, Marie I.:Education and York, Blue Ribbon,1930. x,372p.21cm. 2575 the nature of man. New York, Harper,1952. viij, 216p.22Cm. 2556 Mead, Margaret:The schoo1 in American culture. Cambridge Harvard Univ. Press,1959.48p.18cm. Kelley, Earl C:Education for what is reaL New 2576 York, Harper,1947. xiv,114p.21cm. 2557 Meiklejohn, A!exander:Education between two Klpatrick, William Heard:Philosophy of education. worlds. New York, Harper,1942. x,303p.21cm. New York, Macmillan,1951. x,465p.22cm. 2558 2577

Kline, George L, ed.:Soviet education. New York, M[ercer, Blaine E.&Edwin, R. Carr:Education Columbia Univ. Press,1957. xi,192p. 22cm. and the social order. New York, Rinehart,1958. 2559 xv,585p.24cm. 2578

Knight, Edgar W.:Fifty years of American educa・ Moeh㎞an, Arthur Henry&Roucek, Joseph S.: tion,1900-1950. New York, Ronald,1952. viii, Comparative education. New York, Dryden,1957. 484p.24cm. 2560 viii,630p.22cm. 』 2579

Lee, Gordon C.:An introduction to education in Monroe, Walter S. ed. l Encyclopedia of educational modern America、 New York, Holt,1953. xiv, research. rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1952. 555p.22Cm. 2561 xxvi,1520p。28cm. 2580 Lindgren, Henry Clay:Educational psychology in Moore, Clyde B.&Cole, William E.:Sociology in the classroom. New York, Wiley,1957. xv,521p. educational practice. Boston, Houghton,1952. 24cm. 2562 440p.22cm. ’ 2581 Lindquist, Everet Franklin:Design and education. Boston, Houghton,1953. xix,393p.24crn. 2563 National Society for the Study of Education:The F yearbook of the national society for the study of Lindquist, Everet Franklin:Desigh and analysis education〔Pt.1;modern philosophies and educa・ of experiments in psychology and education. tion. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. x、 Boston, Houghton,1956. xix,393p.24cm. 2564 374,vi p.23cm 2582

1・iv㎞ggtone, Richard:On education. London, Cam. National Seciety for the Study of Mueation:The 1)ridge Univ. Press,1954. x,232p.19cm. 2565 yearbook of the national society for the study of Lloyd, Warner, W. et al.:Who shall be educated? edUcation. Pt.2;mental health in modem educa’ New York, Harper,1944. xii,190p.21cm. 2566 tion. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. xi, 397,lxxiv p.23cm. 2583 Locke, Louis G., et al., ed.:Readings for liberal educatiqn. New York, Rinehart,1958. xv,816p. Olsen, Edward G.:The modern community schooL 24cm. 2567 New York, Appleton,1953. xi,246p.21cm. 2584 L … L㏄ke, Louis G.,et al., ed.:Toward liberal educa・ Park, Joe ed: Selected readings in the philosophy tion.3. ed. New York, Rinehart,1958. xxi,864p. of education. New York,.Macmillan,1958. x, 24cm. 2568 440p.22cm. 2585

一 73一 EDUCATION 2586 Education 2622

Piaget, Jean:The child’s conception of number. Towle, Charlotte:The learner in education for the London, Routledge, c1952. ix,248,5p.22cm.2586 professions;as seen in education for social work. Redden, John D.,&Ryan, Frances A.:Acatholic Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1954. xxv. philosophy of education. Milwaukee, Bruce,1942. 432p.24cm. 2605 xii,605p.22cm. 2587 Travers, Robert M. W.:Educational measurement. Reeder, Ward G.:A first course in education.3. ed. New York, Macmillan,1955. xix,420p.22cm.2606 New York, Macmillan,1953. xvi,621p.22cm. Traxler, Arthur E. ed.:Education in a free world. 2588 Washington, American Council on Education,1955, Reeder, Ward G.:Outlines and exercises for a viii,164p.23cm. 2607 first course 111 education. rev. ed. New York, Ulieh, Robert:Crisis and hope in American edu・ Macmillan,1950. viii,157p.28cm. 2589 cation. Boston, Beacon,1951. xiv,235p.22cm. Richardson, Cyril Albert, et a1.:The education of 2608 teachers in England, France and the U.S.A. Ulich, Robert:The human career. A philosophy of Paris, UNESCO,1943.344p.22cm. 2590 selftranscendence. New York, Harper,1955. xii, Rlc㎞ond, W. Kenneth:Socrates and the Western 255p.21cm. 2609 world. New York, Citadel Press,1955.214p. United Nations Mueationa1, Scientific, and Cultural 19cln. 2591 Organization:Humanism and education in East Hyman George:Education and freedom.Rickover, and West. Paris, UNESCO,1957.224p.22cm. New York, Dutton,1959.256p.21cm. 2592 2610 Robbins, Florence Greenhoe:Educational sociology. Van Doren, Mark:Liberal education. New York, New York, Holt,1953. xiv,529p.22cm. 2593 Holt,1943. x,186p.21cm. 2611 Roucek, Joseph S.:The development of educational Vanderbilt, Arthur T., et a1.:Modern education and sociology;history and trends in America and human values. Pittsburgh, The Univ. Press, abroad. Bridgeport, The Author,1956.116p. 1952.x,134p.22cm. 2612 28cm. 2594 Vickery, William E.&Cole, Stewart G.:Intercu1. Rugg, Harold:F皿ndations for American education. tural education in American schools;proposed Yonkers’on.Hudson, World Book,1947. xxii,826p. objectives and methods. New York, Harper,1943. 23cm. 2595 xViii,215p.20cm. 2613 Rugg, Harold, et aL, ed.:Democracy and the Wahlquist, John T.:The philosophy of American ’curriculum. New York, Appleton,1939. xiv, 536p. education. New York, Ronald,1942. xiv, 407p. 21cm. 2596 21cm. 26J4 Rugg, Harold:The teacher of teachers;frontiers Washbume, Carleton:.A living philosophy of edu・ of theory and practice in teacher education. New cation. New York, John Day,1940. xxi,585p. York, Harper,1952. x,368p.22cm. 2597 21cm. 2615 Samuel, Richard H.&Thomas, R. Hinton:Educa- Whibehead, Alfred North:The aims of eduction. ト tion and society in modern Germany. London, New York, New American Library. c 1952.166, Routledge,1949. vi,191p.23cm. 2598 〔2〕p.18cm. 2616 Skinner, Charles E. ed.:Educational psychology. Wi1Ung, Matthew H., et aL:Schools and our demo’ 3.ed. New York, Prentice-Ha11,1953. viii,791p. cratic society. New York, Harper,1951. 430p. 22cm. 2599 22cm. 2617 Smith, B.Othanel, et al., ed.:Readings in the Woodring, Pau1:Afourth of a nation. New York, social aspects of education. Danville, Interstate, McGraw-Hill,1957. vii,255p.21cm. 2518 1951.viii,608p.22cm. 2600 ,Woody, Thomas:Life and education in early Smith, William Owen Lester:Education in Great socieities. New York, Macmillan,1949. xx,825p. Britain.3. ed. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1958. 24cm. 2619 viii,217p.17cm. 2601 Wynne, John P.:Philosophies of education;from the Spencer, Herbert:Essays on education, etc. London, standpoint of the philosophy of experimentalism. Dent,1946. xxi,330,15p.17cm. 2602 New York, Prentice Hall,1950. xiv,427P.22cm. 2620 Spindler, George D. ed.:Education and anthropology.

Stanford, The Univ. Press, 1955. xviii,302p. 1 Yeager, William A.:Schoo1.community relations. 24cm. 2603 New York, Dryden,1951. xii,464p.24cm. 2621 Thorpe, Louis P.:Contemporary theories of learn. Ziegfeld, Ernest ed.:Art in the college program of ing. New York, Ronald, c 1954. viii,480p.21cm. general education. New York, Teachers College, E 2604 Columbia Univ,1953. ix,23gP.24c皿. 2622

一 74一 2623 Teaching, Curriculum, Organization&Administration 2653. EDUCATION IA Teach’ng遠C芸愁i麗。:1:an’zat’°n 灘鶯灘灘欝憲罐 23Cm. 2637 Adams, Fay:Educating Ameria’s children;element・ . Beach, Fred F.:The functions of state departments ary school curriculum and methods. New York, of education. Washington, U. S. Off of Education, Ronald,1954. x,628p.22 pl.21cm. 2623 1950.ix,70p.29cm. 2638 Aikin, Wilford M:The story of the eight-year Beech, Fred F.&Gibbg, Andrew H.:The structure study. New York, Harper,1942. xvi,157p.21cm. of state departments of education. Washington, 2624 U.S. Off. of Education,1949. vi,81p,29cm.2639 1 Alberty, Harold:Reorganizing high-school curri’ Bennett, Margaret E.:Guidance in groups;a culum. rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1953. resource book for teachers, counselors, and ad・ 560p.22cm. 2625 i. ministrators. New York, McGraw-Hi11,1955. xi, Allen, Hollis P.:The federal government and 411p.24cm. 2640 education. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1950. xVii, Be嚇or, Arthur:The restoration of learning. New 333p.24cm. 2626 York, Knopf,1956. xviii,459, xip.25cm. 2641 A㎞erican Associatiρn of S¢hool Admi皿istratOrs : Blum, Milton&Bal血画y, Benjamin:Counseling American school buildings. Washington, The and psychology. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hali, Assoc., c 1949.363p.23cm. 2627 ﹇ 1959.xix,586p.22cm. 2642 Ameriαm Association of Sehool Administrators: Bogue, Jesse Parker:The COOmmUnity COIIege・ New York, McGraw-Hi!1, 1950.xxi,390p.24cm. American school curriculum. Washington, The .-. Assoc.,1953.551p.23cm. 2628 2643 Brubacher, John S. et a1. ed.:The public schools American A8s㏄iation of School AdministratOr8: J and spiritual values. New York, Harper,1944. The American school superintendency. Washin. gton, The Assoc., 1952.663p.23cm. 2629 x,〔2〕,222p.21cm. 2644 Bruce, William F.&Holde馬 A. John, Jr.:The Ame亘can Council on Education, Committee on teacher’s personal development. New York, Holt, Religion and Mucation:The function of the public 2645 schools in deaiing with religion;areport on the 1957.vi,346p.22cm. exploratory study made by the Committee. Burke, Arvid J.:Finacing public schools in the Washington, The Council. c 1953. xiv,145p. United States. New York, Harper,1957. xv,679p. 2646 22cm. 2630 22Cm.

American Philosophical Association:Science, lan. Burrup, Percy E.:The teacher and the public school system. New York, Harper,1960. xvi,575p.22cm. guage, and human rights. Philadelphia, Univ. of 2647 Pennysylvania Press,1952.211p.22cm. 2631 Butler, Charles H.&Wren, F. Lynwood:The teach・ Anderson, Harold H.&Anderson, Gladys L.,ed.: ing of secondary mathematics.2. ed. New York, An introduction to projective techniques. New M¢Graw-Hil1,1951. xiv,550p.24cm. 2648 York, Prentice-Hall, 1951. xxvi, 720p. 22cm. 2632 Butts, Rober Freeman:The American tradition in religion and education. Boston, Beacon Press, Anderson, Vernon Ellsworth:Principles and proce. 1950.xiv,230p.22cm. 2649 dures of curriculum improvement. New York, Ronald,1956. x,468p.24cm, 2633 Byram, Harold M.&Wenrich, Ralph C. :Vocational education and practical arts in the community Armstrong, W. Earl, ed.:A manual on certification school. New York, Macmillan,1956. x,512p. requirements;for school personnel in the United 22cm. 2650 States. Washington, National Education Associa. tion of the U. S.,1959. vii,208p.26cm. 2634 Csrttor, Nathanie1:The teaching learning process. New York, Dryden,1953. xvi,〔2〕,350p.21cm. Arny, Clara Brown:The effectiveness of the high ’ 2651 school program in horne economics;areport of a five-year study of twenty Minnesota schools. Chicago, The Board of Mucation of the City of: Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1952. xvii, This is vocational education in the Chicago 319p.24cm. 2635 public schools. Chicago, The Board,1951.44p. 28cm. 2652 As8㏄iation foオSupervision and Curriculum DeveloP・ ment: Action for curriculum improvement. 1 Corey, Stephen M.:Action research to improve Washington, The Assoc., c 1951. viii,246p.24cm. school practices. New York, Columbia Univ.,1953. 2636 xii,〔2〕,161p.22cm. 2653

一 75一 EDUCATION 2654 Teaching, Curriculum, Organization&Administration 2686

Co愉gh㎜, Harold F.:Guidance in elementary Frazier, Benjamin W.:Teaching as a career. schools. Bloomington, McKnight,1956. xiii,〔3〕, Washington, U. S. Govt, Off.,1947. ii,.43p. 24cm. 325p.24cm, 2654 2670 Coun¢il of State Govemment8:The forty-eight state French,・Will, et aL:American high school admini・ school systems. Chicago, The Counci1, c 1949. x, stration;policy and practice. New York, Rinehart, 245p.27cm. 2655 1951.viii,625p.24cm. 2671 Darley, John Gordon&Hagenah, T.:Vocational Gaumnitz, Walter H., et a1.:How large are our interest Ineasurement;theory and practice. Min. public high schools? Washington, U. S. Govt・ neapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1955. xviii. 1949.v,39p.26cm. 2672 280p.24cm. 2656 Ginzberg, Eil, et a1.: Occupational choice; an Davi9, William Allison&Havighurst, Robert J.: approach to a general theory. New York,℃olumbia Father of the man;how your child gets his per・ Univ. Press,1956. x,272p.24cm. 2673 sonalty. Boston, Houghton,1945.245p.21cm. Graff, Orin B.&Street, Calvin M.:Improving 2657 competence in educational administration. New DeBoer, John J., et al.:Teaching secondary English. York, Harper,1956. xviii,301p.22cm. 2674 New York, McGraw-Hi11,1951. xiii,427p.24cm. Greene, Harry:Measurement and evaluation in the 2658 secondary school. New York, Longmans,1955. Dyer, John P.:Ivory towers in the market place; xxii,690p.22cm. 2675 the evening college in American education. India. Greenleaf, Walter James:Occupations and careers・ napolis, Bobbs-Merrill,1956. viii,205p.21cm. New York, McGraw-Hill,1955. xiv,605p,24cm. 2659 2676 Eaimest, Ernest:Academic procession;an informal Gordon, Ian A.:The teaching of English;astudy history of the American college,1636 to 1953. ﹈ in secondary education. New Zealand, The Co皿cil New York, Bobbs-Merrill, c 1953.368p.22cm. for Educational Research,1947.〔x〕,135p.22cm. 2660 2677 1i】dueational Pelicies Commission:Education of the Hsnsen, Kenneth Harvey: Public education in gifted. Washington, National Education Assoc. American society. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice- of the U. S., c 1950. vii,88p.23cm. 2661 Ha11,1956. vii,〔8〕,484p.22cm. 2678 Mucationa}Policies Commi諭㎝:Education for all Hsrlan, Louis R.:Separate and unequal;public American children. Washington, National Educa・ school campaigns and racism in the southern tion Assoc. of the U. S.,1951. ix,292p,23cm. seaboard states,1901-1915, Chapel Hill, Univ. 2662 of North Carolina Press,1958. xii,290p.24cm. 2679 Edueational Policies Commission:Education for all American youth;afurther look. Washington, Henninger, George Ross:The tedmical institute in The Com.,1952. xi,402p.23cm. 2663 ’ America. New York, McGraw-Hill,1959. xi, Edwards, Newton:The courts and the public schools; 276p.21cm. 2680 The legal basis of school organization and admini・ Henry, Nelson B., ed.:Mass media and education. stration. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1958. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1954. x,290, xvii,622p.24cm. 2664 〔7〕p.24cm. 2681 Ee皿8, Kennethand, et a1.:Intelligence and cultural Henry, Nelson B., ed.: Social Studies in the differences;a study of cultural learning and elementary school. Chicago Univ. of Chicago problemsolving. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, Press,1957. xi,320, lxxxviip.24cm. 2682 1952.xii,388p.24cm. 2665 Hoff, Arthur G.:Secondary-shcool science teaching; Engelhardt, Nicholaus Louis et aL:Planning elemen. atextbook on how to teach science in the junior tary school buiidings. New York, Dodge, c 1953. and senior high school. Philadelphia, Blakiston. 〔12〕,268p.30cm. 2666 1950.xi,303p.22cm. 2683 Evving, Irene R.&Ewing, A. W. G.:Speech and Hollingshead, August B:Elmtown’s youth. New the deaf child. Washington, Volta Bureau,〔n. d.〕 York, Wiey,1949. xi,480P.22cm. 2684 xii,256p.22cm. .2667 Huggett, Albert J.&Stinnett, T. M.:Professional Floud, Jean Esther, ed.:Social class and educational problems of teachers. New York, Macmillan, opportunity、 Melbourne, Heinernann,1956. xix, 1956.ix,468p.22cm. 2685 152p.19cm. 2668 HutChinsタClayton D.,&Munse, Albert R.:Expendi・ Moud, Jean Esther, ed.:Social class and educational tures for education at the midcentury. Washigton,

opportunity. London, Heinemann, 1958. xix, i U.S. Departmint of Health, Education, and 152p.19cm. 2669 Welfare,1953.136p.29cm. 2686

一 76一 2687’ Teachillg, Curriculum, Organization&Administration 2721 EDUCATION

Illin①is. Board of V㏄ationa1田ueation:What is Lirm, Henry H.&Joyner, Schuyler C.:Insurance vocational education in Illinois. Springfield, The practices in school administration. New York, Board,〔n. d.〕31p.28cm. 2687 Ronald,1952. vi,446p.21cm. 2704 Jakson, Sidney L:America’s struggle for free Logan, Lillian M.:Teaching the young child; schools. Washington, American. Council on Public methods of preschool and primary education. Affairs, c1941. viii,276p.23cm. 2688 Boston, Houghton,1960. xii,449p.24cm. 2705 Jaracz, William A.:Statistics of state school Lowndes, George Alfred Norman:The British systems,1950-5L Washjngton, U. S. Off. of educational system. London, Hutchinson’s Univ. Education,1953.〔2〕,2,〔7〕p.27cm. 2689 Libfary,1955.159p.2 pl.19cm. 2706 John Dewey Sbciety:The American high schoo1; Lynd, Albert:Quackery ln the public schools. its responsibility and opportunity. New York, Boston, Brown,1954. ix,282p.22cln. 2707 Harper, c1946. viii,264p.21cm. 2690 M8d【enzie, Gordon Noth&Corez, S. M.:Instruc- Johns, Roe Lyell&Morphet, E. L.,ed.:Problems tional leadership. New York, Teachers College, and issues in public school finance. New York, Columbia Univ.1954. xiii,209p.22cm. 2708 Teachers College, Colmbia Univ.1952. xiv,492p. K.:How children learn to read.Mad血tOsh, Helen 24cm. 2691 1952. 16p. Washingtion, U. S. Off. of Educat{on, Jordan, Arthur Melville:Measurement in education; 2709 23cm. an introduction. New York, McGraw-Hill,1953. Philip:The American tragedy;what youMarson, xi,533p.24cm. 2692 dge, Berkshire,1958.50p. can do aboロt it. Cambri 2710 18cm. Justman, Joseph&Mais, W. H.:College teaching; its practice and its potential. New York, Harper, Edgar:The teaching of general biologyM8痴㎞, W. 1956.viii,257p.22cm. 2693 States. in the public high schools of the United Washington, U. S. Off. of Education,1952. x,46p. Keamey, Nolan C.:Elementary school objects. 23cm. 2711 New York, Russell Sage Foundation,1953. 189p. 24c皿. 2694 Mays, Arthur:Essentials of industrial education. New York, McGraw-Hill,1952. ix,248p.24cm. Keesecker, Ward W.:State boards of education and 2172 chief state school officers;their status and legal McOaniel, Henry B.:Guidance in the modern powers. Washington, Govt.1951. iv,114p、23cm. schoo1. New York, Dryden,1956. xv,526p.24cm. 2695 2713 Kempfer, Homer:Adult education. New York, Md⑩ey, Richard L:Religion in higher education McGraw-Hill,1955. ix,433p.24cm. 2696 among Negroes・New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1945.xvi,165p.24cm. 2714 Ki皿gsley, Howard L.:The nature and conditions of leaming. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hail,1957. Michigan St就e College:Score card for community, ix,565p.24cm. 2697 adult education programs. East Lansing, The College,1951.20p.23cm. 2715 Knight, Edger W.:Readings in educational admini. stration. New York, Holt,1953. xvi,534p.24cm. MMer, David F.&B1町de8, Glenn W.:Methods 2698 and materials for teaching biological sciellces. New York, McGraw-Hill,1938. xii,435p.24cm. Knowles, Malcolm S.:Informal adult education;a 2716 guide for administrators,1eaders, and teachers. New York, Association Press,1951. xvi,272p. Miller, Van&Spalding, Wilard B.:The public 24cm、 2599 administration of American schools. New York, World Book,1952. xv,606p.23cm. 2717 Koopman, George Robert et al.:Dem㏄racy in Moberly, Walter:The crisis in the university. school administration. New York, Appleton, London, Scm Press,1953.316p.22cm. 2718 1943.xv,〔4〕,330p.22cm. 2700 Moehlman, Arthur B.:School administration;its Lane, Howard&Beauchamp, Mary:Human relations development, principles, and function in the U. S. in teaching、 New York, Prentice-Hall,1955. ix, 2.ed. New York, Houghton,1951. ix,514p.25cm. 353p.8. pL 24cm. 2701 2719 Libo, Lester M.:Measuring group cohesiveness. Merison, Samuel Eliot:T1ユe founding of Harvard Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan, c 1953. ix,111p. College. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1935. 23cm. 2702 xxiii,471p.24cm. 2720

Lieberman, Myron:The future of public education. 1 Morrison, Henry C.:The practice of teaching in Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1960. ix,294p. the secondary school. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago 22cm. 2703 Press,1951. x,688p.23cm. 2721

一 77一 EDUCATION 2722 Teaching, Curriculum, Organization&Administration ‘2754

Morrison, J. Cayce&Kulp, Claude L.:Buffalo public Reeves, Charles Everand:School boards. New York, schools in the mid-twentieth century. Albany, Prentice-Hall,1954. x,〔2〕,363p.22cm. 2737 ’ University of the State of New York, c 1951. Reutter, E. Edmund, Jr,:The school administrator 398p.23cm. 2722 and subversive activities. New York, Columbia Moustakas, Clark E.:The teacher and child; Univ.,1951. xii,136p.24cm. 2738 personal interaction in the classroom. New York, Richardson, John Sanford:Methods and materials McGraw-Hi11,1956. xiv,265p.24cm. 2723 for teaching general and physical sclence. New experlences andN8chma㎜, Barbara:Childhood ’ York, McGraw--Hill,1951. viii,485p.24cm. 2739 vocational choice;astudy of lawyers, dentists Roe, Anne:The psychology of occupations. and social workers. Univ、 An Arbor, of Michigan, New York, John Wiley,1956. xii,340p.24cm. 2740 1957.iv,81p.18cm. 2724 Rogers, Fracis M.: Higher education in the United N8tional Education Ass㏄iation of the U. S. Depart. Cambridge, ment of Higher Eklucation:Current issues in States;asummary view.3. ed. Harvard Univ. Press,1960.72p.21cm. 2741 higher education 1950. Washington, The Asscia. tio叫1951.253p.23cm. 2725 Rogers, James Frederick:What every teacher physical condition of her Na60nal Education Association of the U. S. Division should know about the pupils. Washington, U, S. Govt.1945.19p. 23cm. of Adult Education Service:Astudy of urban 2742 public school adult education programs of the U、 S.Washington, The Assoc.,1952. xii,171p. Root, Edward Merrill:Brainwashing in the high 28cm. 2726 schools. New York, Devin-Adair,1959.277p. 22cm. 2743 Nstional Society for 1血e Study of正邊ucation:The yearbook of the National Society for the study of Root, Edward Merrill:Collectivism on the campus; education. Pt.2:The community school. ed. by the battle for the mind in American colleges. Nelson B. Henry. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago New York, Devin-Adair,1956. xii,403p.22cm. Press,1953. xii,292p.23cm. 2727 2744 Na廿onal Society fOr the Study of Edcati㎝:The Sanderson, Herbert:Basic concepts in vocational yearbook of the National Society for the study of guidance. New York, McGraw-Hi11,1954. xiii, education. Pt.2:Personnel services in education. 338p.24cm. 2745. ed. by Nelson B. Henry. Chicago, Univ. of Sanford, Charles Wilson, ed.:The schools and Chicago Press,1959. xi,303, cv p.24cm. 2728 national security. New York, McGraw-Hi11,1951. N臼b縦,Marion Belt:Apublic school for tomorrow: xviii,292p.24cm. 2746 adescription of the Mattnew E Maury SchooL New York, Harper,1953. xvi,〔2〕,164p.21cm. Sco“, Cecil Winfield&Hi皿, Clyde M., ed.:Public 2729 education under criticism. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1956. xiv,414p.24cm. 2747 Newcomer, Mabe1:Acentury of higher educat’ion for American women. New York, Harper,1959. Selden, William K.:Accreditation;astruggle over xii,266p.22cm. 2730 standards in higher education. New York, Harper, 1960.xv,138p.21cm. 2748 0ttO, Henry John:Social education in elementary schools. New York, Rinehart,1956. xii,〔2〕,493p. Shane, Harold G.:The American elementary 23cm. 2731 school. New York, Harper,1953. xi, 〔2〕, 434p. 21cm. 2749 Patterson, Franklin, et a1.:The adolescent citizen. Glencoe, Free Press,1960. x,387p.22cm. 2732 Sheat8, Paul H., et al.:Adult education ;the community approach. New York, Dryden, 1953. Prosser, Charles A.&Quigley, Thos H.:Vocational xiii,530p.24cm. 2750 education in a democracy. Chicago, American. Technical Soc.,1950. ix,175p.22cm. 2733 Sheehy, Emma Dickson:The fives and sixes go to schoo1, New York, Holt,1954. x,372p.22cm. Ragen, William B.:MOdern elementary curriculum. 2751 New York, Dryden, 1953.〔18〕,570p. 21cm. 2734 Shuster, George N.:Education and moral wisdom. New York, Harper,1960.146p.21cm. 2752 Reavis, William C., et a1.:Administering the elementary school, a co-operative educational Siepmam, Charles A.:Television and education in enterprise. New York, Prentice-Hall,1954。 viii, the United States. Paris, UNESCO,1952.131p. 631p.22cm. 2735 22cm. 2753

Reeder, Ward G.:An introduction to public-school S㎏erist, Henry E.:The university at the crossroads; relations. New York, Macmillan,1953. xiii,284p. addresses and essays. New York, Schuman,1946. 2、pL 22cm. 2736 viii,162p.22cm. 2754

一 78一 2755 Teaching, Curriculum, Organization&Administration 2789 EDUCATION

Skard, Sigmund:American studies in Europe; Ungaro, Danie1:How to create a better understand. their history and present organization. v.1-2. ing of our schools、 Minneapolis, Denison,1959. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1958. 112p.29cm. 2773 2v.23cm. 2755 United Nations I蛆u¢ationa1, Scientific, and CultUral Smith. Bunnie Othanel:Fundamentals of curriculum OrganiZation:Compulsory education in Cambodia, development. New York, World Book,1950. xvi, Laos and Viet-Nam. Paris, UNESCO,1955.157p. 780p.23cm. 2756 22cm. 2774 United N頭o】鳩Edueational, Scientific, and Cultuぽal Smith, Samuel&Littlefield, Arthur W.:An outline of best methods of study;apractical guide for Organization:Compulsory education in Indonesia. the student. New York, Barnes&Noble,1949. Paris, UNESCO,1954.111p.22cm. 2775 132p.21cm. 2757 United Na60n8 Edueationa1, Sdent荘ic, and Cu1加ral Organization:Compulsory education in Pakistan. Smith, Samuel:An outline of best methods of Paris, UNESCO,1954.169p.22cm. 2776 study. New York,1951. xi,132p.21cm. 2758 United Nat缶ns Educational, Scientifie, and Cultura1 Spears, Harold:The high school for today. New 0㎎鴇niza“on:Compulsory education in South Asia York, American Book,1950. xiv,380p.23cm. and the Pacific. Paris. UNESCO, 1954. 157p. 2759 22cm.・ 2777 Stearns, Harry L:Community relations and the Wahlquist, John T. et al.:The administration of public schools. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, public education. New York, Ronald Press,1952. 1955.xiv,363p.22cm. 2760 viii,611p.23cm. 2778 Stratemeyer, Florence B. et al.:Guides to a curri. Walker, Robert H.:American studies in the United culm for modern living. New York, Columbia States. Baton Rouge, Louisiana State Univ. Press, Un輌v.1952.60p.25cm. 2761 1958.210p,23cm. 2779 Strong, Edward K., Jr.:Vocational interests of men Wells, Haπmgton:Elementary science education and women. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1943. in American pubiic schools. New York, McGraw- xxx,746p.23cm. 2762 }lill,1951. ix,333p.24cm. 2780 Sumption, Merle R.:How to conduct a citizens Wesley, Edgar B.:NEA;the first hundred years; school survey. New York, Prentice-Ha11, 1952. the building of the teaching profession. New xv,209p.22cm. 2763 York, Harper,1957. x,419p.25cm. 2781 Tead, Ordway:The art of administration. New Wiles, Kimball:Teaching for better schools. New York, McGraw-Hill,195ユ. xvi,223p.23cm.2764 York, Prentice-Hall,1953. xiiち397p.22cm. 2782

Tead, Ordway:College teaching and college leam. Wi皿砲son, Edmund Griffith ed.: Trends in student ing. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 1950. vii, personnel work. MinneapOlis, Univ. of Minnesota 〔2〕,56p.21cm. 2765 Press,1949. xs 418p.24cm. 2783 Thayer, Vivian Trow:Attack upon the American Wilson, Guy M.:Teaching the new arithmetic. secular schoo1. Boston, Beacon Press,1951. xt 2. ed. New York, McGraw-Hill,1951. xiv,483p. 257p.22c皿. 2766 24cm. 2784 Thayer, Vivian Trow:Religion in public education. Wilson, Robert E.:The modern school superinten. New York, Viking,1947. xi,212p.21cm. 2767 dent;his principles and practices. New York, Harper,1960. xvi,232p.22cm。 2785 Thayer, V. T.,et aL:Reorganizing secondary education. New York, Appleton,1939. xv,483p. Woeliner, Elizabeth H.&Wood, M. Aurilla: 22cm. 2768 Requirements for certification of teachers, coun. selors, librarians&administrators for elementary Thelen, Herbert:Dynamics of groups at work. schools, secodary schools&junior colleges. 25. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1954. ix,379p. ed. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1960-61. 23cm. . 2769 v,135p.28cm. 2786 ThurstOn, Lee M.&Roe, William H.:State school Y8㎎, Hsin・Pao&Kempfer, Homer: Adult education administration. New York, Harper,1957. x,427p. in rural◎omm1皿ities;developing adult education 22cm. 2770 programmes. Paris, United Nations Educationa1, Thut, Isaak Noah and(lerberich, J. Raymond: Scientific and Cultural Organization,1950、 27p. Foundations of method for secondary schools. 27cm. 2787 New York, McGraw-Hill,1949. xii,493p.24cm. Ye8ger, William A.:Administration and the teacher. 2771 New York, Harper,1954. xx,577p.22cm. 2788 Ulich, Robert, ed.:Three thousand years of edu・ Yeager, William A.:Administration of the nonin. cational wisdom. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, strllctional personnel and services. New York, 1957.x,668p.24cm. 2772 Harper,1954. xiv,236p.22cm. 2789

一 79一 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2790 Anthropological Science 2823


Adam, Leonard:.Primitive art. Harmondsworth, Bidney, David:Theoretical anthropology. New Penguin,1954.247p.18cm. 2790 York, Columbia Univ. Press, c1953.506p.24cm. 2808 Allbauch, Leland G.:Crete;acase study of an underdeveloped area. Princeton, The Univ. Bingham, Hiram:Machu Picchu;acitadel of the Press, c 1953.572p.2maps.24cm. 2791 Incas.(Report of the explorations and excavations made in 1911,1912 and 1915.)New Haven, Yale Allen, Frederick Lewis:Only yesterday. New York, Univ. Press,1930. viii,244p,30cm. 2809 Bantam,1931.338p.16cm. 2792 Barre, Weston La.:The human anima1. Chicago, Boa8, Frantz:The mind of primitive man. New 2810 Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. xv,371p.24cm. York, Macmillan, c 1938.285p.19cm. 2793 Boa8, Franz:The mind of primitive man. New 2811 Barton, Roy Franklin:The Kalingas;their institu- York, Macmillan,1958.285p.20cm. tions and custom law. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Boas, Franz:Race, language and culture. New Press,1949.275p. pl. xxixp.21cm. 2794 York, Macmillan, c1940. xx,647p.24cm. 2812

Babes, Marston:Where winter never comes;a village.Bonham・Carter, Victor: The English study of man and nature in the tropics. New 18cm. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1952. 249p. York, Scribner,1952.310p.22cm. 2795 2813 Beaglehole, Ernest:Ethnology of Pllkapuka. Hono. Bourreも F. M.:The Gold Coast;asurvey of the lulu, Bishop Museum,1938.419p.6pL 26cm.2796 Gold Coast and British Togoland。1919-1951.2. ed, Stanford, The Univ. Press,1952.248p.23cm. Beal8, Ralph L.:Cheran;aSierra Taras(ran village, 2814 Washington, U. S. Govt.,1946.225p.8. p1.26cm. 2797 Boyd, William C.:Genetics and the races of man; an introduction to mOdern physical anthropology. Beab, Ralph L.,et aL:Houses and house use of the Boston, Little, Brown, c 1950.453p.21cm. 2815 Sierra Tarascans. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1944. 37p.8. pL 26cm. 2798 Brachet, Jean:Chemical embryology. New York, Interscience,1950.533p.24cm. 2816 Belas, Ralph L.&Ho茸er, Harry:An introduction to anthropology. New York, Macmiilan,1953.658p. Brand, Donald D.:Quiroga, a Mexican Municipio. 24cm. 2799 Washington, Smithonian Institution.〔n. d.〕242p. Beals, Ralph L.&Hoijer, Harry :An introduction 35p1.27cm, 2817 to anthropology.2. ed. New York, Mamillan, Brown, Joseph Epes, ed.:The sacred pipe. Norman, 1959.xxi,711, xp.24cm. 2700 Univ. of Oklahoma, c1953. 144p.4p1.24cm. 2818 BeU, Daniel, ed.:The new American right. New York, Criterion,1955.239p.22cm. 2801 Busia, Kofi Abrefa:The positiop of the chief in the modem poli.tical system of Ashanti. London, Bebhaw, Cyril S.:Changing Melanesia. New York, 0xford Univ. Press,1951.233p.22cm. 2819 0xford Univ. Press,1954.197p.22cm. 2802 Be“nett, Wendell C.:The north highlands of Peru. Belshaw, Cyril S.:The great village;the economic Excavations in the Callejon de Huaylas and at and social welfare of Hanuabada, an urban com. Chavin de Hu白ntar. v.39:Part 1:Anthropological munity in Papua. London, Routledge,1957.302p. papers of the American museum of national 22cm. 2803 history. New York, Museum,.1944.114p.8pL Benediet, Ruth:Patterns of culture. New York, 28cm. 2820 New American Library,1934.272p.18cm. 2804 BerrJr, Brewton:Race and ethnic relations.2. ed. Benediet, Ruth:Race and racism. London, Routlege, Boston, Houghton,1958. xi,55gP.22cm. 2821 1951.175p.19cm. . 2805 CabOt, Hugh&Kahl, Joseph A.:Human relations; Bennett,. Wendell C.:Areappraisal of Peruvian concepts and cases in concrete social science. v.1: archaeology. Menasha, The Society for American Concepts. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press.1953. Archaeology and the Institute of Andean Re・ 333p.24cm. 2822 search,1948. x,128p.26cm. 8206 Cabot, Hugh&Kahl, Joseph A.:Human relations; Berry, Brewton:Race relation;the interaction of concepts and cases in concrete social science. v.2: ethnic and racial groups. New York, Houghton, Cases. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953. 1951.xii,487p.22cm. 2807 273p.24cm. 2823

一 80一 2824 Anthropological Science 2861 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE

Carrasco, Pedro:Tarascan folk religion;an analysis Davie, Maurice R.:Negroes in American society. of economic, social, and religious interactions. l New York, McGraw-Hi11,1949.542p.24cm.2843 New Orleans, Tulane Univ. of L皿isiana,1952. Diamond, Arthur Sigiamund:The evolution of law 63p.27cm. 2824 and order. London, Watts, c 1951.342p.22cm. ChapPle, Eliot Dismore&Coon, Carleton:Principles 2844 of anthropology. New York, Henry Holt, c1942. 1)rucker, Philip:Indians of the Northwest Coast. 718p.24cm. 2825 New York, McGraw-Hi11,1955.208p.24cm.2845 Chase, Stuart:The proper study of mankind. New 1)uBois, Cora Alice:The people of alor;asocia1- York, Harper,1956.327p.22cm. 2826 psychological study of an East Indian island. Chiera, Edward:They wrote on clay;Babylonian MinneapOlis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1944. tablets speak today. Chicago Univ. of Chicago 654p。33 pL 24cm. 2846 Press,1956. xv,235p.20cm. 2827 1)ube, Shyama Charan:Indian village. New York, Childe, Vere Gordon:Man makes himself. New Cornell Univ. Press,1955.248p.22cm. 2847 York, New American Library,1955.191p.18cm. 1)unn, Les】ie Clarence:Genetics in the 20th century. 282θ New York, Macmillan, c1951.634p.22cm. 2848 Childe, Vere Gordon:Piecing together the past;the Dum, Leslie Clarence&Dobzhansky, Th.:Hered・ interpretation of archeological data. New York, praeger,1956.176p.22cm. 2829 ity, and society. rev. ed. New York, New American Library,1952.143p.18cm. 2849 Childe, Vere Gordon :Social evolution. New York, Durkheim, Emile:Elementary forms of the reli. Schuman, c1951.184p.20cm. 2830 gious life. New York, Free Press,1954. xi,456p. in history.Childe, Gordon: What hapPened 22cm. 2850 Harmondsworth, Penguin,1950.288p.18cm.2831 deYoung, John E.:Village life in modern Thailand. Christie, Richard&Jahoda, Marie, ed.:Studies in Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1955.225p. the scope and method of t’The Authoritarian 24cm. 2851 Personality.” Glencoe, Free Press,1954. 279p. Eggan, Fred, et’al., ed.: Social anthropology of 21cm. 2832 North American Tribes. Chicago, Univ. of Clark, Grahame:From savagery to civilization. Chicago Press, c1955.574p.21cm. 2852 New York, Schuman, c1953.116p.18cm. 2833 Eggan, Fred:Social organization of the Western Clark. Wilfrid Edward Le Gros:History of the Pueb蓋os. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1950. primates;an introduction to the study of fossil 373p.22cm. 2853 man.3. ed. London, British Museum of Natural History,1953.117p.22cm. 2834 日mbree, John F.&Dotson, Lillian Ota:Biblio・ graphy of the peopies and cultures of Mainland, Codere, Helen Frances:Fighting with property; Southeast Asia. New Haven, Yale Univ.,1950. astudy of Kwakiutl potlatching and warfare. xxxM,821, xiip.24c肌 2854 1792-1930. New York, Augustin,1951. 136p. Embree, John F.:AJapanese village;Suye Mura. 25cm. 12835 London, Kegan Paul,1946.268p.16 pL 23cm. Co1Uer, John&BUitron, Anibal:The awakening 2855 valley. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1949. 199p.28cm. 2836 Etter, Carl:Ainu folklore. New York, Wilcox, 1949.xxii,234p.24cm. 2856 Colson, Elizabeth&Gluckman, Max, ed.:Seven ; Evans-Pritdhard, tribes of British Centra1 Africa. London, Oxfbrd E.E:The lnstitutions of prlm- itive society. Univ. Press,1951.409p.22cm. 2837 Glencoe, Free Press,1954. 107p. 19cm. 2857 Coon, Carleton S.:Areader in general anthropology. Edward Evan:The Nuer; aEvans-Pritchard, New York, Henry Holt,1953.624p.24cm. 2838 description of the mOdes of livelihood and pOlitical Courtt, Earl W., ed.:This is race. New York, institutions of a Nilotic people. Oxford, Claren・

Schuman,1950.747p.23cm. 2839 ー. don,1950.271p.24 pL 23cm. 2858 .1 Covarrubiss, Migue1:Island of Bali, New York, Evan④Pritc hard, Edward Evan:Social anthro. Knopf,1950.417, xp,86 pl,1map.24cm. 2840 . - pology. Glencoe, Free Press,1951.134p.22cm. Coon, Carleton S.: Caravan; the story of the 2859 Middle East. New York, Henry Holt,1951.376p. Elkin, Adolphus Peter:Social anthropology in 22cm. 2841 1 Melanesia;a review of research, London, Oxford Coon, Carleton S.:The story of man;from the Univ. Press,1953. xiii,166p.22cm. 2860 first human to primitive culture and beyond .New Firth, Raymond:Elements of social organization. York, Knopf,1958.437p.24cm. 2842 London, Watts,1952.257p.11 p1.23cm. 2861

一 81一 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2862 AnthropOlogical Science 2897

Firth, Raymond:Human types. New York, Nelson, Gavs皿, James A.:The non-human primates and 1952.211p.19cm. 2862 human evolution;in memory of Earnest Albert Firth, Raymond, ed.:Man and culture;an evalua・. Hooton,1887-1954. Detroit, Wayne Univ. Press, 1957.134p.24cm. 2880 tion of the work of Dronislaw Malinowski. New York, Humanities Press,1957.292p.22cm. 2863 Geddes, W. R.:The Land Dayaks of Sarawak. London, Her Majesty’s Stationary Office,1954. Firth, Raymond:We, the Tikopia;asociological 113p.3pL 2 map.34cm. 2881 study of kinship in primitive Polynesia. London, Allen,1957.2. ed. xxix,605p. xv pl.23cm.2864 Gi1血1, John Lewis&Gillin, John Philip:Cultural sociology. New York, Macmillan,1954.844p. Fitzgerald, Charles Patrick:China;ashort cultural 24cm. 2882 history.4. ed. New York, Praeger,1954, xviii, 621p.21 pl.1map.26cm. 2865 G皿in, John Philip:The culture of security in San Carlos. New Orleans, Tulane Univ. of Louisiana, Forde, Cyril Daryll:Habitat, economy and society. 1951.128p.27cm. 2883 New York, Dutton,1952.500p.22cm. 2866 Gillin, John:Moche, a Peruvian costal community. Fortes, Meyer:The dynamics of clanship among Washington, Smithsonian Inst.1947.166p.26. pl. the Tallensi. Oxford, The Univ. Press,1945. 1.chart 26cm. 2884 270p.15 p1.1map.22cm. 2867 G皿㎞,John:The ways of men. New York, Fortes, Meyer:Social anthropology at Cambridge Appleton, c1948.649p.30 pl.24cm. 2885 since 1900. Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1953. Glacken, Clarence J.:The great Loochoo;astudy 47p.19cm. 2868 of Okinawan village life. Berkeley, Univ. of Fortes, Meyey:The web of kinship among the Calif. Press,1955.324p.16 p1.22cm. 2886 Tallensi. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1949.358p. Gladwin, Thomas&S訂㎜n, Seymour B.:Truk; 16pL 22cm. 2869 man in paradise. New York, Wennergren Founda・ F㏄㎞e,Res Franklin:Sorcerers of Dobu. New tion,1954.655p.8pL 25cm. 2887 York, Dutton,1932.318p.22cm. 2870 G61denweiser, Alexander:Anthropology;an intro・ duction to primitive culture. New York, Appleton, Foster, George McClelland:Empire’s children, c1937.550p.24 pL 22cm. 2888 the people of Tzintzuntzan. Washington, U. S. Gov.1948.297p.16 pl.2皿ap.26cm. 2871 Goldenweiser, Alexander A.:Early civilization; an introduction to anthropology. New York, Foster, Mary L.&Foster, George M. l Sierra Knopf,1922.428p.8p1.24cm, 2889 Populuca speech. Washington, U. S. Govt,1948. 45p.26cm. 2872 Goldschmidt, Walter:As you sow. Glencoe, Free Press,1947.288p.8pL 21cm. 2890 Frantz, Joe B.&Choate, Julian Ernest, Jr.:The American cowboy;the myth& the reality. Goodenough, Ward H.:・Property, kin, and com・ Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, 1955、 232p. munity on Truk. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press, 22cm. 2873 195L 192p.22 map.25cm. 2891 Gregory, William King:Evolution emerging;a Frazier, Edward Franklin: Race and culture survey of changing patterns from primeval life contacts in the modern world. New York, Knopf, to man. v.1. New York, Macmillan,1951. xxvi, 1957.338p.22cm. 2874 736p.26cm. 2892 Fried, Morton Herbert :Fabric of Chinese society; Gregory, William King:Evolution emerging;a astudy of the social life of a Chinese county seat. survey of changing patterns from primeval life New York, Praeger, c1953.247p.22cm. 2875 to man. v.2. New York, Macmillan,1951.1013p. Fried, Morton H.:Readings in anthropology. v.1: 26cm. 2893 Readings in physical anthropology,1inguistics, Gutkind, E. A,:Revolution of environment. London, and archeology. New York, Crowell,1959. xi, Kegan, c1946.454p.32 pl.3map.23cm. 2894 482p.23cm. 2876 Gladw㎞, Harold Sterling:Ahistory of the ancient Fried, Morton H.:Readings in anthropology. v.2: southwest. Portland, Bond Wheelwright,1957. Readings in cultural anthropology. New York, xx,383p.27cm. 2895 Crowell,1959. ix,598p.22cm. 2877 Grif血, John W., ed.:The Florida Indian and his Gamble, Sidney David:Ting Hsien;aNorth China neighbors. Winter Park, Rollins College, Inter- rural community. New York, Inst. of Pacific Arnerican Center,1949.168p.23cm. 2896 Relations,1954.472p.18cm. 2878 Groot, Gerald J.:The prehistory of Japan. ed. by Gates, Reginald Ruggles:Human genetics. v.1-2. Bertram S. Kraus. New York, Columbia Univ. New York, Macmillan,1952.1517p.24cm. 2879 Press,1951.128p.58 pl.26cm. 2897

一 82一 2898 Anthropological Science 2934 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE

Haar, Barend Ter: Adat law in Indonesia. New Hsu, Francis L. K.:Under the ancestors’shadow. York, Institute of Pacific Relations,1948.255p. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, c 1948.317p. 21cm. 2898 22cm. 2917 Fall, Victor E. ed。: An皿al review of physiology. Huxley, Julian:Evolution;the modern synthesis. v.14. Stanford, Annual Reviews, c1952.589p. New York, Harper,1943.645p.24cm. 2918 23cm. 2899 Huxley, Julian:Evolution as a process. London, Hari皿g, Douglas G.:Personal character and cultural Allen,1954.367p.24cm. 2919 milieu. New York, Syracuse Univ. Press,1948. Jac《)bs, Melville&Sbern. Bernhard J.:General 685p.22cm. 2900 anthropOlogy. New York, Barnes&Noble, 1952. Herskovits, Melville J.:Economic anthropology・ 338p.21cm. 2920 New York, Knopf,1952.547, xxiiip.22cm.2901 Jermess, Diamond:The Indians of Canada. 3、ed. Herskovks, Melville J.:Man and his works;the Ottawa, National Museum of Canada,1955. 452p, science of cultural anthropology. New York, 3p1.1map.25cm. 2921 Knopf,1948. xviii,678, xxxviip.24cm. 2902 Frederick ed.二Manin northeastern NorthJo㎞80n, Herskovits, Melville J.&Her8kovit8, Frances S・: Foun. America;Papers of the Robert S. Peabody Trinidad village、 New York, Knopf,1947.351, dation for Archaeology. v.3. Andover, The Foun, xxvp.3pL 22cm、 2903 dation,1946.347p.2pL 25cm. 2922 Hicks, Granville:Small town. New York, Macmillan, Jones, F. Wood:Arboreal man. London, Edward 1946.276p.22cm. 2904 Arnold,1916.230p.23cm. 2923 HOdgen, Margaret T.:Change and history;astudy Joseph, Alice&Murray, Veronica:Chamorros and of the dated distributions of technological inno・ Carolinians of Saipan. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. vations in England. New York, Wenner-Gren Press, c 1951.381p.8pl.22cm. 2924 Foundation for Anthropological Research,1952. 324p.10 map.25cm. 2905 Judd, Neil M.:The material culture of Pueblo Bonito. Washington, U. S. Govt.1954.398p. Hoehe1, Edward Adamson:The law of primitve man: 101pl.1map.24cm. 2925 study in comparative legal dynamics. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1954.357p.22cm. 2906 Kardiner, Abraham, et al. l The psychological frontiers of society. New York, Columbia Ulliv. Hoebel, Edward Adamson:Man in the primitive Press,1950.475p.24cm. 2926 world;an introduction to anthropology. New York, McGraw-Hill,1949.543p.23cm. 2907 Katz, Irwin:Conflict and harmony in an adolescent interracial gr皿p. New York, The Univ. Press, Hoebel, Edward Adamson et aL, ed.:Readings in 1955.47p.29cm. 2927 anthropology. New York, McGraw-Hi11,1955. 417p.24cm. 2908 Kee画ng, Felix M. l Culture change;an analysis and Hogbin, Herbert Ian Priestley:Transformation bibliography of anthropological sources to 1952. scene;the changing culture of a New Guinea Stanford, The Univ. Press,1953.242p.23cm.2928 village. London, Routledge,1951.326p.22cm. Kee血g, Felix M.:Native peoples of the pacific 2909 world. New York, Macmillan,1947.144p.32pL Hoijer, Harry, ed.:Language in culture. Chicago, 21cm. 2929 Univ. of Chicago Press,1954.286p.25cm. 2910 Keesing, Felix M.:Social anthropology in Polynesia. Ho㎞berg, Allan R.:Nomads of the long bow;the New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953.126p.22cm. Siriono of eastern Bolivia. Washington, U. S. 2930 Govt,1950.104p.7pL 26cm. 2911 Ke晦, Isabel&Palem, Angel:The Tajin Totonac. Ho血gm㎜, John J.:Culture and ethos of Kaska Pt.1:History, subsistence, shelter and tech- society. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1949.365p. nology. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1952.369p. 12p1.25cm. 2912 33pL 9map.26cm. 2931

Hooton, Earnest Albert:Up from the ape. New Kenrtedy, Raymond:The ageless lndies. New York, York, Macmillan,1954.788p.39p1.24cm. 2913 Day,1942.208p.20cm. 2932 HoselitZ, Bert F.:The progress of underdeveloped Kephart, Calvin:Races of mankind;their origin ’ 1952. areas. Chicago, Unlv. of Chicago Press, and migration. New York, Philosophical Library, 2914 296p.23cm. 1960.xiv,566p.22cm. 2933

Howells, William:Mankind so far. New York, Kidder, Alfred, II.:Some early sites in the northern Doubleday,1955,319p.4pL 22cm. 2915 lake Titicaca basin; expeditions to Southern Hsu, Francis L K.:Religion, science and human Peru. Cambridg, Harvard Univ.1943. vii,48p. crises. London, Routledge,1952.142p.22cm. 2916 7pl.27cm. 2934

一 83一 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 2935 Anthropological Science 2973

Kluckhohn, Clyde:Mirror for man;the relation of Libby, Willard F.:Radiocarbon dating.2. ed. anthropO10gy to modern 1ife. New York, McGraw・ Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. 175p. Hil1,1949.313p.21cm. 2935 24cm. 2954 Kluckhohn, Clyde & Leighton, Dorothea: The Li皿ton, Ralph:The cultural background of perso・ Navaho. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1951. nality. New York, Appleton, c 1945.157p.19cm. 258p.18pl.23cm. 2936 ’ 2955 Kluckho㎞, Clyde, et al.:Religion and our racial LintOn, Ralph, ed.:The science of man in the tensions. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c1945. world crisis. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, 106p.19cm. 2937 1952.532p.24cm. 2956 Koppers, Wilhelm:Primitive man and its world Linton, Ralph:The study of man. New York, picture. New York, Sheed,1952.264p. 21cm. Appleton, c 1936. ix,503p.22cm. 2957 2938 IdntOn, Ralph:The tree of culture. New York, Korn, Noel&Smith, Harry Reece, ed.:Human evolu・ Knopf,1955. xv,692, xvip.24cm. 2958 tion;readings in physical anthropology. New Lowie, Robert H.:The Crow Indians. New York, York, Holt,1959. xiv,447p.24cm. 2939 Rinehart,1956.350p.21cm. 2959 Kroeber, Alfred Louis:Anthropology;race,1an・ Lowie, Robert H.:The history of ethnological guage, culture, psychology, prehistory. New theory. New York, Rine hart, c1937.296p. 24cm. York, Harcourt,1948.849, xxxixp.24cm. 2940 2960 Kroeber, Alfred Louis:AnthropOlogy today. Chicago, IxoWie, Robert H.:Indians of the plains. New Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1953.966p.25cm.2941 York, McGraw-Hill,1954.222p.24cm. 2961 Kroeber, Alfred L皿is:Cultural and natural areas Lowie, Robert:An introduction to cultural anthro・ of native North America. Berkeley, Univ. of pology. New York, Rinehart,1940.584p.10. pL California Press,1953. xi,242p.27cm. 2942 1 22cm. 2962 Kiroeber, Alfred Louis&Kuckhohn, Clyde:Culture; Lowie, Robert H.:Primitive society. New York, acritical review of concepts and definitions. Liveright, c 1947.463p.22cm. 2963 Cambridge, Harvard Univ.,1952.223p.27cm. 2943 Lowie, Robert H.:Social organization. New York, Rinehart, c 1948.465p.22cm. 2964 Kroeber, Alfred Louis:The nature of culture. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1952.437p. Lynd, Robert S.&Lynd, Hellen Merrel1:Middle. 25cm. 2944 town;a study in contempOrary American culture. Kubler, George:The Indian caste of Peru,1795・1940. New York, Harcourt,1932.550p.22cm. 2965 Washington, U. S. Govt.,1962.71p.26cm.2945 Lynd, Robert S.&Lynd, Helen Merrell:Middle・ town in transition;astudy in cultral conflicts. La Ba匝e, Weston l The human animal. Chicago New York, Harcourt,1937.604p.24cm. 2966 Univ. of Chicago Press,1955.371p.23cm. 2946 MacGregor, Gordon:Ethnology of Tokelau Islands. La Farge, Oliver:Laughing boy. New York, Pocket Honolulu, Bishop Museum,1937.183p.10pl.26cm. Books,1951.259p.16cm. 2舛7 2967 LambtOn, Ann K. S.:Landlord and peasant in Persia. Maine, Henry Summer:Ancient law. London, Dent, New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953.459p.1map 1954.237p.19cm. 2968 22cm. 2948 Leach, Edmund Ronald:Political systems of high. Maine, Henry Summer:Village-communities in the land Burma. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, east and west;1ectures, addresses and essays. 1954.324p.22cm. 2949 New York, Holt,1889.413p.23cm. 2969 Leighton, Alexander H.:The gσverning of men. Mainx, Felix: Foundations of biology. Chicago, Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1945.404p、22cm. Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. ii,86p.24cm. 2970 2950 Leighton, Dorothea&Kluckho㎞, Clyde:Children Majumdar, Dhirendra Nath:The affairs of a tribe; of the people. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, a study in tribal dynamics.111dia, Universal 1948.277p.15 p1.23cm. 2951 Pub1.,1950.367P.25cm. 2971 Levi-Strauss, Claude:Les structures elementaires Malinowski, Bronislaw:Argonauts of the Western de la parente. Paris, Presses Univ. de France, Pacific. New York, Dutton,1953.527p.59pL 1949.639p.23cm. 2952 25cm. 2972 Lewis, Oscar:Life in a Mexican village;Tepoztlan Ma血owski, Bronislaw:Coral gardens and their restudied. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press,1951. magic. v.1-2. New York, American Book, 1935. xxvii,512p.26cm. 2953 2v.24cm. 2973

一 84一 2974 AnthropOlogical Sciellce 3011 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE

Ma血ow8ki, Bronislaw:Magic, science and religion, Metraux, Alfred:Easter island;astone-age and other essays. New York, Doubleday,1954. civilization of the Pacific. New York, Oxford 274p.18cm. 2974 Univ. Press,1957.249p.21cm. 2993 Mandeハbaum, David G., ed.:Selected writirlgs of Metraux, Phoda&Mead, Margaret:Themes in Edward Sapir in language, cu1加re and personality. French cu1加re;apreface to a study of French Berkeley, Univ. of California, c 1949.617p.24cln. community. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1955. 2975 120p.23cm. 2994 Msrriott, McKin, ed.:Viilage lndia;studies in the Miner, Horace:The primitive city of Timbuctoo. little community. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Princeton, The Univ. Press,1953.297p.24cm. Press,1955.269p.25cm. 2976 2995 Mart㎞, Paul S., et al.:Indians before Columbus; Mo㎞ey, James Clark:Understanding the Japanese twenty thousand years of North American history mind. New York, Philosophical Library,1954. revealed by archeology. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago 252p.22cm. 2996 Press,1955.582p.25cm. 2977 Mont8gロ, M. F. Ashley:An introduction to physical Mayer, Adrian C.:Land and societアin Malabar. anthropology. rev.2. ed. Springfield, Thomas, New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1952.158p.22cm. 1951.xxiv,555p.24cm. 2997 2978 Morg阻, Lewis H.:Ancient society. Chicago, Kerr, Maziere, Francis:Expedition Tumuc・Humac. Garden 1877ひ570p.20cm. 2998 City, Doubleday,1955.249p.24p1.22cm. 2979 Morley, S. G.:The ancient Maya.3. ed. Stanford, McBryde, Felix Webster:Cultural and historical The Univ. Press,1956.494p.24cm. 2999 geography of Southwest Guatemala. Washington, U.S. Govt.,1945.184p.47pL 24map.26cm.2980 MurRfond, Lewis:The condition of man. New York, Harcourt,1944.407p.16p1.24cm. 3000 Me Nidlols, Charles L.:Crazy weather. New York, Bantam,1954.144p.18cm. 2981 Miirdock, George Peter:Ethnographic bibliography of North America.2. ed. New Haven, Human Mead, Margaret:And keep your powder dry. New Relations Area Files,1953.240p.28cm. 3001 York, Morrow,1942. x,274p.21cn1. 2982 Murdock, George Peter:Our primitive contem・ Mead, Margaret:An anthropOlogist at work; poraries. New YorkプMacmillan, c1954.614p. writings of Ruth Benedict. Boston, Houghton, 19cm. 3002 1959.xxii,383p.22cm. 2983 Murd㏄k, George Peter:Outline of South Alnerican Mead, Margaret, ed.:Cooperation and competition cultures. New Haven, Human Relations A}ea among primitive peoples. New York, McGraw- Fi正es,1951.148p.28cm. 3003 Hill, c1937.531p.24cm. 2984 M肛d㏄k, George Peter:Sociai structure. New Me8d, Margaret, ed.:Cooperation and competition York, Macmii孟an, c1949. xvii,387p.22cm. 3004 among primitive peoples. New York, McGraw- Hill,1937.531p.24cm. 2985 Murkerjee, Redhakama1:Races,1ands and food. New York, Dryden,1946.107p.21cm. 3005 Mead, Margaret:From the south seas. New York, Morrow,1950. xxxv,335p..21cm. 2986 Nade1, Siegfried Ferdirnand:Ablack Byzantium; Mead, Margaret&Macgregor, Frances Cook: the kingdom of Nupe in Nigeria. London, Oxford Growth and culture. New York, Putnam,1951. U.niv. Press,1951.420p.18 pl.1map.22cm.3006 223p.28Cm. 2987 Nadel, Siegfried Ferdirnand:Foundations of social Mead, Margaret:An inquiry into the question of anthropologア. London, Cohen, c1953.426p.22cm. cultural stability in Polynesia. New York, Colum. 3007 bia, Univ, Press, c 1928.89p.25cm. 2988 Nadel, Siegfried Ferdirnand:Nupe religion. Glencoe, Mead, Margaret:Male and female. New Y6rk, Free Press,1954.288p.16 pl.22cm. 3008 Morrow, c1949.477p.22cm. 2989 N8撫liTt, Arthur, et a1., ed.:Personality, work, Mead, Margaret&Calas, Nicolas, ed.:Prilnitve community;an introduction to social science. heritage. New York, Random House,1953.592p. New York, Lippincott,1953. v. p.26cm. 3009 22cm. 2990 Nels()n, Lowry:The Mormon village;apattern Mead, Margaret:Soviet attitudes toward authority. and technique of land settlement. Salt Lake, New York, McGraw-Hil1, c 1951.148p.24cm. Univ. of Utah Press,1952. 296p.16 pl.24cm. 2991 i 3010 Mead, Margaret&Metraux, Rhoda, ed.:The study Norbeck・Edward:Takashima;aJapanese fishing of culture at a distance. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago community. Salt Lake, Univ. of Utah Press,1954.

Press,1953.480p.24cm. 2992 ▲ 229p.24cm. 3011

一 85一 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE 3012 AnthropOlogical Science 3046

Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow:The taming of Radcliffe・Brown, Alfred Reginald&Forde, Daryll, the nations. New York, Macmillan,1954.362p. ed.:African systems of kinship and marriage. 22cm. 3012 London, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. viii,399p. 23cm. 3029 Oberg, Kalervo:Indian tribes of Nothern Mato Grosso, BraziL Washington, U. S. Govt.,1953. Radeliffe・BrOWtt, Alfred Reginald:The Andalnan 144p.10 p1.26cm. 3013 Islanders. Glencoe, Free Press, c1948.510p.19 p1. 2map.22cm. 3030 0berg, Kalervo:The Terena and the Caduveo of Southern Mato Grosso, Brasi1. Washington, U. S. Radclliffe・Brown, Alfred Reginald: Structure and Govt.,1949.72p.24 pl.26cm. 3014 function in primitive society. Glencoe ,Free Press, 1952.219p.22cm. 3031 01iver, Douglas Llewellyn:The pacific islands. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1951.313p. Radcliffe・Brown, Alfred Reginald:Taboo. Cam・ 24cm. 3015 bridge, Univ. Press,1939.47p.19cm. 3032 01iver, Douglas Llewellyn:A Solomon island Radin, Pau1:The world of primitive man. New society. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1955. York, Schuman,1953.370p.22cm. 3033 xxii,533p.24cm. 3016 Rarnsay, James Arthur:Aphysiological approach to the lower animals. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. 01iver, Douglas Llewellyn:Studies 三n the an・ Press,1952.148p.22cm. 3034 thropology of Bougainville, Solomon Islands. Papers, v.29, no.1-4..Cambridge, Harvard Redfield, Robert:The folk culture of Yucatan. Univ. Press,1949.(all in one volume)v. p.8p1. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1941.416p.5pl. 27cm. 3017 22cm. 3035

Osbome, Harold:Indians of the Andes. Cambridge, Redfield, Robert:The little community;viewpoints Harvard Univ. Press,1952.266p.8p1.22cm. for the study of a human whole. Chicago, Univ. 3018 of Chicago Press,1955.182p.24cm. 3036

0sgood, Cornelius:The Koreans and their culture. Redfield, Robert: Peasant society and culture. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956.163p. New York, Ronald,1951.387p.48 p1.24cm.3019 20cm. 3037 Patai, Raphae1:Israel between East and West. Redfield, Robert:The primitive world alld its Philadelphia, Jewish Publ. Society of America, transformations. New York, Cornell Univ. Press, 1953、348p.16 pl.22cm. 3020 1953.185p.22cm. 3038 Paul, Benjamin D., ed.:Health, culture and com. village that chose progress;Redfield, Robert:A munity;case studies of.public reactions to health nlv. of Chicago Chan Kom revisited. Chicago, U’ programs. New York, Sage Foundation,1955. 3039 Press, c1950.187p.22cm. 493p.23cm. 3021 aWelsh countryside;aRees, Alwyn D. l Life in Pearce, Roy Harvey:The savages of America; yng Ngwynfa. social study of Llanfihangel astudy of the Indian and the idea of civilization. 188p.22cm.Cordiff, Univ. of Wales Press,1951. Baltimore, Hopkins,1953.252p.23cm. 3022 3040 Riehards, Audrey lsal)el ed.:Economic development Penniman, Thomas Kenneth:Ahundred years of and tribal change. Cambridge, Heffer,1954.301p. anthropology.2. ed. London, Duckworth,1952. 3map.22cm. 3041 512p.22cm. 3023 Richards, Audrey I.&Malinowski, B.:Hunger and Pierson, Donald:Cruz das Almas;aBrazilian work in a savage tribe. Glencoe, Free Press,1948. village. Washington, U.S. Govt.,1952.226p. 238p.22cm. 3042 20 pl.26cm. 3024 Richards, Aロdrey I.:Land,1abour and diet in Pitt・Rivers, Julian Alfred :The people of the Sierra. Northern Rhodesia;an economic study of the New York, Criterion,1954. 282p.8p1.22cm. Bemba tribe. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1951. 3025 415p.6 chart.22cm. 3043 Powdemaker, Hortense:Life in Lesu;the study Riesman, David:The lonely crowd;astudy of the of a Melanesian society in New Ireland. New changing American character. New Haven, Yale York, Norton,1933.349p.12 p1.22cm. 3026 Univ. Press,1950.386p.24cm. 3044 Pribchard, E. E. Evans:Kinship and marriage Ritzenthaler, Robert E.:Prehistoric Indians of among the Nuer. Oxford, Clarendon,1951.183p. Wisconsin. Milwaukee, The Public Museum,1953. 22cm. 3027 43p.23cm. 3045 Port斑s, Stanley David:Primitive intelligence and Russe11, Edward Stuart:The directiveness of environment. New York, Macmillan, c1937.325p. organic activities. Cambridge, The Univ. Press, 22cm. 3028 1946.196p.19cm. 3046

一 86一 3047 AnthropOlogical Science 3082 ANTHROPOLOGICAL SCIENCE

Saロer, Car1 0rtwin: Agricultural origins and Swanton, John R.:The Indians of the Southeastern dispersals. New York, American GeographicaI United States. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1946. Society,1952.110p.4map.23cm. 3047 943p.37 pl.13 map.23cm. 3065 Saunders, Lyle: Cultural difference and medica1 Tax, So1, ed.:Acculturation in the Americas. ・ care;the case of the Spanish-speaking PeoPle of Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952. 339p. the Southwest. New York, Sage Foundation,1954. 25cm. 3066

317p.23cm. 3048 Tax, So1, et a1.,ed.:An appraisal of anthropOlogy Servi¢e, Elman R.&Service, Helen.S.:Tobati; today. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1953. Paraguayan town. Chicago, Uni†. of Chicago 395p.25cm. 3067 Press,1954.337p.23cm. 3040 Tax, Sol ed.:The civilizations of ancient America. Simmons, Leo W.:The role of the aged in primitive Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1951.328p. society. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1947.. 25cm. 3068 317p.24cm. 3050 TaX, So1:Heritage of conquest. Glencoe, Free も Simmoms, Leo W.,ed.:Sun chief. New Haven, Yale Press,1952、312p.22cm. 3069 Univ. Press,1942.460p.24cm. 3051 Tax, Sol, ed、:Indian tribes of aboriginal America; Slotkin, James Sydney:Personality development. selected papers of the XXIXth international New York, Harper, c1952.401p.22cm. 3052 congress of Americanists. Chicago, Univ. of Sombart, Werner:Von Menschen;Versuch einer Chicago Press,1952.410p、25cm. 3070 geistwissenschaftlichen AnthropOlogie. Berlin, T8x, Sol:Penny capitalisln;aGuatemalan lndian Duncker,1956.463p.24cm. 3053 economy. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1953.230p. 26cm. 3071 Spieer, Edward H.,ed.:Human problems in techno・ logical change;a casebook. New York, Sage Thomas, William L.,ed.:Current anthropOlogy;a Foundation,1952.301p.24cm. 3054 supplement t6 anthropOlogy today. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956.377p.24cm. 3072 Spoehr, Alexander:Majuro;a village in the Marshall Islands. Chicago, Natural History Thompson,」. Eric S.:The rise and fall of Maya Museum,1949.266p.24cm. 3055 civilization. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press, Stanrter, W. E. H.,:The South Seas in transition. 1954.287p.23cm. 3073 New York, Institute of Pacific Relations,1953. Thomson, Donald F.:Economic structure and the xiii,448p.22cm. 3056 ceremonial exchange cycle in Arnhem Land. Melbourne, Macmillan,1949.106p.22cln. 3074 Steward, Julian H.:Area research;theory and practice. New York, Social Science Research Thorpe, W. H.:Learning and instinct in animals. Council, c1950. xix,164p.23cm、 3057 New York, Harvard Univ. Press,1956..493p. 24cm. 3075 Steward, Julian H.:Basin-plateau aborigina1 socio. pOlitical groups. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1938. Titiev, Mischa:The science of man. New York, 346p.12 p1.23cm. 3058 Holt,1954.489p.24cm. 3076 Steward, Julian H., ed.:Handbook of South Ameri. Tschcpik, Harry:Highland communities of central can Indians. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1946-50. Peru;a regional survey. Washington, U. S. Govt., 6v.24cm. 3059 1947.56p.16 pl.26cm. 3077 Steward, Julian H.,et aL:Irrigation civilizations; Tumin, Melvin M.:Caste in a peasant society;a acomparative study. Washington, Pan American case study in the dynamics of caste. Princeton, Union,1955.78p.26cm. 3060 The Univ. Press,1952.300p.22cm. 3078 Steward, Julian H、, et aL:The people of Puerto Tumer, Ralph:The great cultural traditions, the Rico. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press,1956.539p. foundation of civilization. v. 1: The ancient 24cm. 3061 cities. New York, McGraw-Hi11,1941. 601P. pl. Steward, Julian H.:Theory of cultufe change;the 23Ctn. 3079 methodology of multilinear evolution. Urbana, Turner, Ralph:The great cultural traditions;the Univ. of Illinois Press,1955 .244p.24cm. 3062 foundation of civilization. v.2: The classical Strong, William Duncan&Evans, Clifford, Jr..: empires. New York, McGraw-Hi11, 1941. 601p. Cu]tural stratigraphy in the V ir6 Valley Northern 23cm. 3080 Peru;the formative and florescent epochs. New Tumey・High, Harry Holbert:Chateau-Gerard;the York, Columbia Univ. Press,1952. xv,373p. 1ife and times of a Walloon village. Columbia, 26cm. 3063 Univ. of South Carolina Press,ユ953. 297p.24cm. SwantOn, John R.:The Indian tribes of North 3081 America. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1952.726p. T}urney・High, Harry Holbert:General anthropology. 55map.23cm. 3064 New York, Crowe11,1949.581p.22cm. 3082

一 87一 NATURAL SCIENCE 3083 Natural Science 3114

Turney・High, Harry Holbert:Primitive war;its IWamer, W. Lloyd:American life;dream and practice and concepts. Columbia, Univ. of South reality. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1953. Carolina Press,1949.277p.24cm. . 3083 267p.22cm. 3095 Tylor, Edward B.:Primitive culture;researches Warner, W. Lloyd:Color and human nature. into the development of mythology, philosophy, Washington, American Council on Education) 1 religion language, art, and custom. v. 1-2. 1941.301p.24cm. 3096 London, Murray,1929.2v.23cm. 3084. Weidenreich, Franz:Apes, giants, and man. d Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c1946. 121P・ Tyloy, Edward B.:Researches into the early 23cm. 3097 history of manking and the development of civilization.3. rev. ed. London, Murray,1878. We8t, James:Plainville, U. S. A. New York, 338p.23cm. 3085 Colurnbia Univ. Press, c1945.238p.22cm. 3098

Traditional CultUres, Institute of: International We8t, Robert C.:Cultural geography of the modern cultures in South-East Asia. Bombay, Orient Tarascan area. Washington, U. S. Govt.,1948. Longmans,1960. xii,202p.22cm. 3086 77p.14 p1.7map.26cm. 3099 White, Leslie A.:The science of culture;astudy Titiev, Mischa:Introduction to cultural anthro. of man and civilization. New York, Rinehartゴ pology. New York, Holt,1959. xiv,464p.24cm. 1949.444p.22cm. 3100 3097 Wiener, Norbert:The human use of human beings. Underhi11, Ruth Murray:Red man’s America;a Boston, Houghton, c 1954.199p.20cm. 3101 history of Indians in the United States. Chicago, Σ Ulliv. of Chicago Press,1958. xt 400p.24cm. Wrley, Gordon R.&Phillips, Philip:Method and ・ 3088 1 theory in American archaeology. Chicago, Univ. of Ch輌cago Press,1958. ix,270p.22cm. 3102 Unibed Nations. Edueational, Scientific and Cu1加ral Co皿cil:Interrelations of cultures. New York, Wilson, Monica:Good campany;astudy of Nyak・ 、 yusa age.villages. London, Oxford Univ. Press, Columbia Univ. Press,1953.387p.22cm. 3089 1951.278p.16pL 3map.22cm. 3103 Vaillant, George C.:Aztecs of Mexico;origin, NewW㎞iek, Charles:Dictionary of anthropology. rise and fall of the Aztec nation. New York, 22cm. York, Philosophical Library,1956. 579p. Doubleday,1941.340p.64 p1.23cm. 3090 3104 Vogt, Evon Z. l Modern homesteaders;the life 「Wissler,αark:The American Indian;an introduc, of a twentieth-century frontier communlty. tion to the anthropOlogy of the new world.3. ed. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1955.232p. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1938.466p. map. 8pl.22cm. 3091 22cm. 3105 Wormington, Hannah Maric:Ancient man in North Vogt, Evon Z.:Navaho veterans; a study of America. Denver,’lhe Museum of Natural History, changing values. Reports of the Rimrock project. 1 1957.xviii,322p.23cm. 3106 Cambridge, Museum, 1951.223p.28cm. 3092 Womi㎎㎞, Hannah Marie:Areappraisal of the Wagley, Charles:Amazon town;astudy of man Fremont culture. SupPlementary repOrts. Denver, in the tropics. New York, Macmillan,1953.305p. The Museum of Natural History,1955.200p. 22cm. 3093 23cm. 3107

Wallis, Wilson D.:Method and perspective in Young, T. Culyler:Near Eastern culture and society. Anthropology. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1951.250p.16pL Press,1954. xii,323p.23cm. 3094 22cm. 3108 NATURAL SCIENCE

Bates, Ralph S.:Scientific societies in the United Bragg, William:Concerning the nature of things. States.2. ed. New York, Columbia Univ. Press, New York, Dover,1948. xii,240p.21cm. 3112 1958.297p.24cm. 3109 Braithwaite, Richard Bevan:Scientific explanation. Bell, Whitefield J., Jr.:Early American science Cambridge, The Univ. Press,1953. xii,376p. needs and opportunities for study. Williamsburg, 23cm. 3H3 Institute of Early American History and Culture, Bridgman, Percy WMiams:The nature of some of 1955.85p.24cm. 3110 our physical concepts. New York, Philosophical Bom, Max:The restless universe, New York, Library,1952.64p.24cm. 3114 Dover,1951. x,318p.24cm. 3111

一 88一 3115 Mathematics 3150 NATURAL SCIENCE

Bridgman, Percy Williams:Reflections of a physi・ Resser, John Barkley:Logic for mathematicians. cist. New York, Philosophical Library,1955. xiv, New Yerk, McGraw-Hill,1953. xiv,530p.24cm. 576p.22cm. 3115 3134 Campbell, Norman:What is science. New York, Russell, Bertrand:The impact of science on society. ロ Dover,1952.186p.21cm. 3116 New York, Simon and Schuster,1953.114p.21cm. 3135 Clagett, Marshall:The science of mechanics in the middle ages. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, Russell, Bertrand:The scientific outlook. Glencoe, 1959.xxix,711p.25cm. 3117 Free Press,1931.277p.23cm. 3136 Cohen,1. Bernard:Franklin and Newton. Philadel・ Santillana, George de&Zilse1, Edgar:The develop・ phia, American Philosophical Society,1956. xxvi, ment of rationalism and empiricism. Chicago, 657p.24cm. 3118 Univ. of Chicago Press,1950.94p.24cm. 3137 Cohen, Morris R.:Studies in philosophy and science. Tou㎞in, Stephen:The philosophy of science. New York, Henry Holt,1949、278p.21cm. 3119 London, Hutchinson’s Univ. Library.1953.176p. 19cm. 3138 Crombie, Alastair Cameron:Augustine to Galileo. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953. xvi,436p. Wey1, Hermann:Philosophy of mathematics and 22cm. ’ 3]20 natural science. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1949. x,311p.24cm. 3139 D,Abro, A.:The evolution of scientific thought. From Newton to Einstein. New York, Dover,1950. Whifehead, Alfred North:An anthology, by F. S.C. 481p.21cm. 3121 Northrop and Mason W. Gross. New York, Mac’ millan,1953.928p.21cm. 3140 D,Abro, A.:The rise of the new physics. v.1-2. New York, Dover,1951. xiii,446p,21cm. 3122 Wiener, Philip P., ed.:Readings in philosophy of science ; introduction to the foundations and Dewey, John:Theory of valuation. Chicago, Univ. ・ cultural aspects of the sciences. New York, of Chicago Press,1952.73p.25cm. 3123 Scribner,1953. ix,645p,24cm. 3141 D血lgle, Herbert:The scientific adventure;essays Wisdom, John Oulton:Foundations of inference m in the history and philosophy of science. New natural science. London, Methuen,1952. xii,342p. York, Philosophical Library,1953. x,372p.23cm. 22cm. 3142 3124 Woodger, Jaseph Henry:The technique of theory Feigl, Herbert&Bro品eck, May:Readings in the construction. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press・ philosophy of science. New York, Appleton, 1950.81p.24cm. 3143 c1953. ix,811p.25cm. 3125

Finlay・Fre皿dlich, Erwin:Cosmology. Chicago, Univ. Mathematics of Chicago Press,1951.64p.24cm. 3J26

Flem血ng, Donald:Science and technolgy in provi. A皿en, Roy George Douglas:Mathematical analysis dence,1760-1914. Providence, Brown Univ.,1952. for economists. London, Macmillan,1953.548p. 54p.24cm. 3127 22cm. 3144

Frank, Philipp G.:Modern sclence and its phiio台 Black, Max:The nature of mathematics. London. sophy. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1950. Routledge,1953. xiv,219,〔8〕p.22cm. 3145 324p.24cm. 3128 CantOr, Georg:Contributions to the founding of the Frank,.Philipp G.:The validation 0f scientific theory of transfinite numbers, tr., and notes, by theories. Boston, Beacon,1956. xi, 242p.22cm. Philip E. B. Jourdain. New York, Dover,1915. 3129 寸ii,211p.21cm. 3146

Lenzen, Victor F.:Pr㏄edures of empirical science. Chemoff, Herman&Mose島 Lincoln E. :Elementary Chicago, University Chicago Press,1950. vii,59p. ‘ decision theory. New York, John Wiley,1959. 24cm. 3130 ・ xv,364p.24cm. 3147 Margenau, Henry:The nature of physical reahty; Cooper, William Wager&Henderson, A・:An a philosophy of modern physics. New York, intrOduction to linear programming. New York, McGraw-Hil1,1950. xiv,479p.24cm, 3131 John Wiley, c 1953.74p.28cm. 3148 Neurath, Otto, et al.: Encyclopedia and unified Ctam6r, Harald:The elements of probability theory; science. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1952. and some of its applications. New York, John viii,76p.25cm. 3132 Wiley,1959.281p.24cm. 3149 Quine, Willard Van Orman:Mathematical logic. Cram6r, Harald:Mathematical methods of statistics. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1951. xii,346p. Princeton, The Univ. Press, 1958. xvi, 575p. 21cm, 3133 24cm. 3150

一 89一 NATURAL SCIENCE 3151 Physical Science 3186

Cur町, Haskell B.:A theory of formal deducibilitY. Neyman, Jerzy:First course iII probability and Michigan, Edwards, c 1950. x,126p.23cm.3151 statistics. New York, Henry Holt,1957. ix,350p. Dau8, Paul H.&Whybum, William M.:Introduction 24cm. 3170 to mathematical analysis.’;with applications to Neyman, Jerzy, ed.:Proceedings of the second problems of economics. Reading, Addison-Wesley, Berkeley symposium on mathematical statistics 1958.viii.244p.24cm. 3152 and probability. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1951. xi,666p.27cm. 3171 Doob, Joseph Les:Stochastic Processes. New York, John Wiley. c 1953. viii,654p.24cm. 3153 Soko㎞ikoff, Ivan Stephen&Sokolnikoff, Elizabeth S.:Higher mathematics for ellgineers and physi- Dubisch, Roy:The nature of number. New York, cists.2. ed. New York, McGraw-HiU,1941. xii, Ronald Press, c1952. xii,160p.22cm. 3154 587p.24cm. 3172 Dwyer, Paul S.:Linear computations. New York, Tintner, Gerhard:Mathematics and statistics for John Wiley,1951. xi,344p.24cm. 3155 economists. New York, Rinehart, c1953. xiv, Feller, William:An introduction to probability 364p.24cm. 3173 theory and. its apPlications. v.1. New York, Wald, Abraham:Selected papers in statistics and John Wiley,1950. xii,419p.24cm. 3156 probability. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1957. Feller, William:An introdUction to probability 702p.26cm. 3174 theory and its apPlications. v.1. New York, John Wald, Abraham:Sequential analysis. New York, Wiley,1957. xv,461p.24cm. ’ 3157 John Wiley,1952. xii,212p.24cm. 3175 Gale, David: The theory of lillear ecollomic models. New York, McGraw-Hill,1960. xxi,330p.24cm. Wald, Abraham:Statistical decision functions. New York, John Wiley,1958. ix,179p.24cm. 3158 3176 Heath, Thomas Little:The thirteen books of Whitehead, Alfred North:An introduction to mathe. Euclid’s elements. v.1-3.2. ed. New York, Dover, matics. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. vi, 1956.3v.21cm. 3159 200p.17cm. 3177 Heath, Thomas L., ed.:The works of Archimedes. New York, Dover, clxxxvi,326,〔51〕p.21cm. Physical Science 3160 Heyting, Arend:Intuitionism;an introduction. AitChison, Leslie:Ahistory of metals. v.1-2. Amsterdam, North-Holland, 1956. viii,134p. London, Macdonald&Evans,1960.2v. 29cm. 22cm. 3161 3178 Hoe1, Paul G.:Introduction to mathematical stati. Bridgman, Percy Williams:The logic of modern stics.2. ed. New York, John Wiley,1958. xi, physics. New York, Macmillan, 1951. xiv, 228p. 331p.24cm. 3162 22cm. 3179 Kleene, Stephen Cole:Introduction to metamathe. Davis, Harold T.:Philosophy and modern science. matics. New York, Van Nostrand,1952. xJ 550p. Evanston, Principia, c 1953. xviii,465p.24cm. 24cm. 3163 3180 Kline, Morris:Mathematics in western culture. Dreyer, John Louis Emil:Ahistory of astronomy New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1953. xxxii,484p. from Thales to Kepler.2. ed. New York, Dover, 24cm, 3164 1953.x,438p.21cm. 3181 Kolmogorov, Andrei Nikolaevich:Foundations of Duncam, George Sang:Bibliography of glass ; the theory of probability. New York, Chelsea, from the ear互iest records to 1940, ed. by Violet 1956.viii,84p.24cm. 3165 Dimbleby. New York, Oceana,1960.544p.27cm. 3182 Laplace, Pierre Simon:Aphilosophical essay on probabilities, New York, Dover,1951. viii,198p. Evans, Ralph M.:An introduction to color. New York, John Wiley,1948, ix,340P.25cm. 3183 21cm. 3166 Hill, George W.:The radiant universe. New York, Lefschetz, Solomon:Topology. New York, Chelsea, Philosophical Library,1952. xv,489p.24cm. 1956.xii,413p.21cm. 3167 3184 Nagel, Ernest:Principles of the theory of probabi1. HoltOn, Gerald:Introduction to concepts and theories ity. v.1, no.6. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, in physical science. Cambridge, Addison-Wesley, 1957.80p.24cm. 3168 1952.xviii,650P.22cm. 3185 Neumann, John Von:Theory of games and economic Hutten, Ernest Hirschlaff:The language of modern behavior. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1953.641p. physics. London, Macmillan,1956.278p.22cm. 23cm. 3169 3186

一 90一 3187 Biology&Medicine・Arts&Recreation 3221 ARTS&RECREATION

Jemmer, Max:Concepts of force;astudy in the Hoagland, Hudson, ed.:Hormones, brain function, foundations of dynamics. Cambridge, Harvard and behavior. New York, Academic Press,1957. Univ、 Press,1957. viii,269p.22cm. 3187 vii,257p.24cm. 3197 Land, Alfred:Foundations of quantum theory. Howell, Williain Henry:A textbook of physiology, New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. vlll, 106p. (ed. by John F. Fulton.) 16. ed. Philadelphia, 21cm. 3188 Saunders,1950. xi,1258p.25cm. 3198 Laucks, Irving F.:Aspeculation in reality. New Kroger, William&Freed, S・Charles:Psychosomatic York, Philosophical Library,1953. 160p. 21cm. gynecology;including problems of obstetrical 3189 care. London, Saunders, c 1951. xvii,503p.25cm. 3199 Lenzen, Victor F.:The nature of physical theory; astudy in theory of knowledge. New York, John Larsson, Knut:Conditioning and sexual behavior i皿 Wiley,1931. xii,301p.24cm. 3190 the male albino rat. Stockholm, Almqvist& Reichenbach, Hans: Philosophic foundations of Wikse11,1956.269p.24cm. 3200 quantum Inechanics. Berkeley, Univ. of Califomia LeVinson, Abraham:The mentally retarded child; Press,1948、 x,182p.24cm. 3191 aguide for parents. London, Allen,1955.128p. 23cm. 3201 SChr6dinger, Erwin:Science and humanism. Cam- bridge, The Univ. Press,195ユ.78p.19cm. 3」92 Nelson, Waldo E.:Textbook of pediatrics. London, Sa皿ders, c 1954. xviii,1581p.26cm. 3202 Whittaker, Edmund:Ahistory of the theories of aether and electricity;the modern theor▲es 1900- POdol8ky, Edward:Music therapy. New York, 1926.London, Thomas Nelson,1953. xi,319p. Philosophical Library. c1954. xii,335p.24cm.3203 25cm. 3193 Polyak, Stephen L:The retina. Chicago, The Univ. Press,1941. xi,607p.100 pL 23cm. 3204 Biology&Medicine Sullivan, Harry Stack:The interpersonal theory of psychiatry. New York, Norton,1953. xviii, Anderson, Edgar:Piants, man and life. London, 398p.22cm. 3205 Andrew Melrose,1954.208p、22cm. 3194 White, James C.:The autonomic nervous system. Chapanis, Alphonse:Research techniques in human London, Henry Kimpton, c 1953. xxii,569p.24cm. 3206 engineering. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1959. xii, 316p.24cm. 3195 Whiteside, Thomas:The relaxed sell. New York, 0xford Univ. Press,1954.166p.21cm. 3207 Higbee, Edward:American agriculture;geography, resources, conservation. New York, John Wiley, Williams, Robert H.:Textbook of endocrinology. 1958.ix,395p.24cm. 3196 London, Saunders, c 1950. xii,793p.24cm. 3208


Bjerkoe, Ethel Hall:The cabinetmakers of Amer・ Hoeper, James Thomas&Burland, C・A・:The art ica. Garden City, Doubleday,1957. xvii,252p. of primitive peoples. London, Fountain Press, 27cm. 3209 1953.168p.23cm. 3215 Breese, Gerald&Whiteman, Dorothy E., ed.:An Hubbell, Richard:Televisiol1;programmin9& apProach to urban Planning. Princeton, The Univ. production. New York, Murray Hill,1945. xii, Press,1953. ix,147p.20cm. 3210 32p.207 p1.24cm. 3216 Kuhn, Harry Wa!do&Tucker, A. W., ed.:Contribu・ Dresher, Melvin, et a1., ed.:Contritutions to the tions to the theory of galnes. v.1. Princeton, theory of games. v.3. Princeton, The Univ. The Univ. PreSs,1950. xiii,395P.26cm. 3217 Press,1957. vi,435p.26cm. 3211 Ku㎞, Harry Waldo&Tucker, A. W., ed.;Contribu・ G由halk, Dilman Walter:Art and the social order. tions to the theory of games. v。2. Princeton, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1951. xv,253p. The Univ. Press,1953. xv,201P.26cm. 3218 24cm. 3212 Langer, Susanne K.:Feeling and form. New York・ Groth・Kimball, Irmgard&Feuchtwanger, Franz: Scribner, c 1953. xvi,431p.24cm. 3219 The art of ancient Mexico. New York, Vanguard, Larkin, Oliver:Art and life in America. New 19541125p.31cm. 3213 York, Rinehart,1949. xviii,547P.29cm. 3220

Gu6rsrd, Albert:Art for art’s sake. New York, Mckinsey,∫ohn Charles Chenoweth:Introduction Lothrop, Lee and Shepard,1936. xxxiv, 350p. 」 to the theory of games. New York, McGraw-Hill, 21cm. 32J4 c1952. x、371p.24cm. 3221

一 91一 LINGUISTICS 3222 Linguistics 3256

Mead, Hunter:An introduction to aesthetics. New Spaeth, Sigmund:A history of popular music in York, Ronald, c 1952. vii,307p.22cm. 3222 Alnerica. New York, Random House,1948. xv, Morris, Lloyd:Curtain time. New York, Random 729p.21cm. 3227 House, c 1953. xvi,380p.24cm. 3223 Whiting, Frank M. l An introduction to the theatre. Mumford, Lewis:The brown decades;astudy of New York, Harper,1954. xv,316p.24cm. 3228 the arts in America 1865-1895.2. ed. New York, Winter, William:Other days;being chronicles and Dover,1955.266p.21cm. 3224 memories of the stage. New York, Moffat, Yard, Mumford, Lewis:Sticks& stones;a study of 1908.389p.23cm. 3229 American architecture and civilization.2. ed. W6iffiin, Heinrich:Gedanken zur Kunstgeschichte. New York, Dover,1955.237p.21cm. 3225 Basel, Benno Schwabe,1947. x,1’65p.26cm. 3230 Shapiro, Nat&Hentoff, Nat, ed.:Hear me talkin, toya;the story of jazz by men who made輌t. New York, Rinehart,1955. xvi,432p.21cm. 3226 LINGUISTICS

Berrey, Lester V.&Van I)en Baitk, Melvin:The Hook, Julius Nicholas&Mathews, E. G.:Modem Alnerican thesaurus of slang.2. ed. New・York, American grammar and usage. New York, Crowel1, c 1953. xxxvi,1272p.24cm. 3231 Ronald,1956. viii,476p.21cm. 3244 Berrey, Lester V.&Van Den Bark, Melvin:The L桓8ky, Leonard:Semantics and the philosophy of American thesaurus of slang.2. ed. London, language. Urbana, Univ、 of Illinois, c 1952、 x, Harrap,1954. xxxvi,1272p.24cln. 3232 290p.26cm. 3245 Bloom飾eld, Leonard:Language. New York, Henry Mencken, Henry Louis:The American language. Holt,1933. v,564p.22cm. 3233 4.ed. New York, Knopf, c 1936. xi,769, xxxixp. 24cm. 3246 Brow島Roger:Words and things. Glencoe, Free Press,1958. xvi,398p.22cm. 3234 Meneken, Henry Louis:The American language. sup.1. New York, Knopf, c 1945. xvi,740p. xxxvip. C8m8p, Rudolf:Introduction to semantics and 25cm. 3247 formalization of logic. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1959. xiv,159p.22cm. 3~35 Mencken, Henry Louis:The American language. sup.2. New York, Knopf,1948. xiv,890, xlvip. Ca曲er, Ernst:Language and myth, tr. by Langer, 25cm. 3248 Susanne K., New York, Dover, c 1946. xvi,108p. Myers, Louis McCorry:Guide to American English. 21cm. 3236 Engleweed Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1956. xlv,434p. Commi88ion on the Engli8h Curricuhm of the 22cm. 3249 N頭o謝Ceuncil of Teachers of Engli血:The Ni《血0180n, Margaret:Adictionary of American- Englisb lenguage arts. New York, Appleton, English usage. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, 1952.xxiv,502p.22cm. 3237 1957、xii,672p.20cm. 3250 Evan8, Bergen&Evan8, Cornelia:Adictionary of 08good, Charles E., et a1.:The measurement of contemporary American usage. New York, meaning. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press,1957. Ralldom,1957. viii,568p.26cm. 3238 342p.24cm. 3251 Fde8, Charles Carpenter:American English gram・ Potter, Simeon:Our language. Harmondsworth, mar. New York, Appleton,1940. x,314p.24cm. Penguin,1956.202p.18cm. 3252 3239 RojI鳴, Pauline M., et aL:Fries American English Gleason, Henry Allan:An introduction to descrip・ series;teacherざguide. Boston, Heath,1952. x, tive linguistics. New York, Holt,1955. ix,389p. 262p.31cm. 3253 22cm. - 3240 Rynm, David, ed.:Atreatise on language. by Gorren, Robert M.&Laird, Charlton:Modern Alexander Bryan Johnson. Berkeley, Univ. of English handbook. Englewoodαiffs, Prentice- California Press,1947. x,444p.24cm. 3254 Hal1,1955. xx,611p.22cm. 3241 Sap近, Edward:Culture,1anguage and personality. Gray, Louis H.:Foundations of language、 New Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1957. xi, York, Macmillan,1950. xiv,546p,22cm. 3242 207p.19cm. 3255 Hanf6rd, James Holly, et a1.:The Nelson kandbook Sap血, Edward:Language;an introduction to the of English. New York, Thomas Nelson,1932. study of speech. New York, Harcourt,1921. 344p.17cm. 3243 viii,258p.20cm. 3256

一 92一 3257 Literature 3290 LITERATURE

Stoutenburgh, John L, Jr.:Dictionary of the New York, Philosophical Library,1955. viii,168p. American Indian. New York, Philosophical 24cm. 3259 Libray,1960.462p.24cm. 3257 Whorf, Benjamin Lee:Language, thollght and Urban, Wilbur Marsha11:Language and reality. reality. ed. by. John B. Carro1L New York, John London, Allen,1951.760p.22cm. 3258 Wiley,1956. xii,278p.24cm. 3260 Whitford, Robert C.&Foster, James R., ed. l Con・ cise dictionary of American grammar and usage.


c Adams, Franklin Pierce:Fpa’s book of quotations. B㎞《』d,Harold Hoo隅ed.:Prose and pOetry New York, Funk 1952. xxx,914p.22cm, 3261 of the continental renaissance in translation. New York, Longmans,1949. xx,1084p.24cm. Amo]d, Matthew:On the study of Celtic literature 3276 and on translating Homer. New York, Macmillan, 1895.xx,300p.19cm. 3262 Brooks, Cleanth&W醐ren, Robert Penn:Modem rhetoric.2, ed. New York, Harcourt,1958. xvi, Amold, Matthew:Passages from the prose wri・ 869p.22cm. 3277 tings. New York, Macmillan,1880. viii,334p. 20cm. 3263 Brook8, Cleanth:The well wrought urn. New York, Harvest Books,1956. xiv,300p.19cm. A.uden, W. H.:The enchafed flood;or the romantic 3278 iconography of the sea. New York, Random House,1950.154p.20cm. 3264 Burke, Kenneth:Agrammar of motives. New York, Prentice-Hall,1945. xxiv,530p.24cm. Auerbach, Erich:Mimesis;the representation of 3279 reality in Western literature. Princeton, The Burke, Kenneth:Arhetoric of motives. New York, Univ. Press, c 1953.563p.25cm. 3265 Braziller,1950. xii 340p.22cm. 3280 Biibbitt, Irving l Rousseau and romanticism. New Campbell, Oscar James, et a1., ed.:Patterns for York, Meridian Books,1955.324p.18cm. 3266 living. Pt.1. New York, Macmillan,1947. xviii, Ba蝕d, Albert, Craig ed.:Representative American 878P.25cm. 3281 speeches,1956-1957. New York, Wilson,1957. Cline, C.L. ed.:The Rinehart book of short stories. 217p.20cm. 3267 NewYork, Rinehart 1956.320p.19cm. 3282 B{㎜eち Sylvan et aL, ed.:Eight great tragedies. Conno皿y, Francis:Arhetoric case l)ook. New New York, New American Library,1957.443p. York, Harcourt,1953. xvi,736p. xxxii, 3283 18cn1. 3268 Cr8ne, Ronald Salmo叫et aL:Critics and criticism Barnhart, Thearle A., et al.:Viewpoints;readings ancient and modern. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago, for analysis. New York, Prentice-Hall,1954. xii, Press,1952.654p.25cm. 3284 456p.24cm. 3269 C性ne, Ronald Salmon:The language of criticism Bentley, Eric:In search of theater. New York, and the strロcture of poetry. Toronto, Univ. of Vintage Books,1955. xiv,386, xivp.19cm.3270 Toronto Press,1953. xxi,214p.22cm. 3285 Bentley, Eric:The playwright as thinker;astudy Cun雌e, John W.&Showerman, Grant, ed.:Cen・ of drama in modern times. New York, Meridian tury readings in ancient classical and modem Books,1955. xx,316p.18cm. .3271 European literature. New York, Appleton,1925. xx,543p.24cm. 3286 Bentley, Eric:What is theatre?;aquery in chronicle form. Boston, Beacon,1956. x,274p. Daiche島 David:Literary essays. London,01iver, 21cm. 3272 1956.viii,226p.23cm. 3287 B1加㌧Walter&Gerber, John C.:The college 1〕㎞虚e18, Earl:The art of reading poetry. New a泣hology. Chicago, Scott, 1949. xviii,778p. York, Rinehart,1953. viii,520p.22cm. 3288 22cm. 3273 DaVidsen, Donald:Twenty lessons in reading and Blair, Walter&Gerber, John C.:Factual prose. writing prose. New York, Scribner,1955. xvi, Chicago, Scott,1945. xviii,446p.22cm. 3274 286p.23cnL 3289

Blair, Walter&Gerber, John C.:Literature. Diekirtson, Thomas Hっed.:Continental plays. v.1. Chicago, Scott,1948. xx,778p.23cm. 3275 Boston, Huoghton,1935.・xii,748p.20cm. 3290

一 93一 LITERATURE 3291 Literature 3329

1)oubleday, Neal Frank:Studies in poetry. New Krieger, Murray:The new apologists for poetry. York, Harper,1949. xxiv,380p.21cm. 3291 Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1956. xiv, 225p.23cm. 3311 D】ryden, John:An essay of dramatic poesy, ed. with notes by Thomas Arnold.3. ed. Oxford, Kunitz, Stan!ey Jasspon&Colby, V.:Twentieth Clarendon Press,1903. xxiv,187p.18cm. 3292 century authors;first supPlement. New York, Dunlop, John Colin:History of prose fiction・v・ Wilson,1955. viii,1124p.26cm. 3312 1-2.London, George Be11,1888.2v.19cm. 3293 Levin, Harry, ed.:Perspectives of criticism. Cam・ bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1950。 xviii,248p. Eliot, Thomas Stearns:The idea of a christian 22cm. 3313 s㏄iety. New York, Harcourt,1940. viii,104p. 23cm. 3294 Lewisohn, Ludwig:Amodern book of criticism. New York, Boni and Liveright,1919. x,210p. Empson, William :The structure of complex words. 17cm. 3314 London, Chatto,1952. x,452p.23cm. 3295 Linn, James Weber&Taylor, Houghton Wells:A Empβon, William:Seven types of ambiguity;a foreword to fiction. New York, Appleton,1935. new directions book. New York, Longmans,1953. viii,202p.24cm. 3315 xvi,260p.21cm; 3296 L㏄ke, Louis G. et al.,ed.:Introduction to litera- Fergusson, Francis:The idea of a theater, a study ture.3. ed. New York, Rinehart,1957. xxii,816p. of ten plays;the art of drama in changing perspective. New York, Doubleday,1953.256p. 24cm. 3316 18cm. 3297 Lucas, Frank Lamence:Literature and psychology. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1957.342p. Firankenberg, Lloyd:lnvitation to poetry・ New 21cm. 3317 York, Doubleday,1956.414p.22cm. 3298 Goodmsn, Paul:The structure of literature. Chi. Lu㏄ock, Halford E.:Religion in contemporary cago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1954. viii,280p. 1942.32p.23cm 3318 22cm. 3299 Manchester, William:Disturber of the peaとe;the life of H. L. Mencken. New York, Harper,1951. (fOrdon, Caroline&Tate, Allen:The house of xiv,336p.22cm. 33ヱ9 fiction. New York,1950. x,650p.24cm. 3300 M脚ritain, Jacques: Creative intuition in art and Granvme・Barker, Harley:The use of drama. Prin. ceton, The Univ. Press,1945. vi,92p.. 23cm. poetry. New York, Meridian Books,1955.340p. 18cm. 3320 3301 Haines, Pau1:Problems in prose.3. ed. New York, Maぽ命, Harold C.&Okma㎜, Richard M.:Inquiry and expression. New York, Rinehart,1958. xiv, Harper,1950. x,406p.21cm. 3302 752p.24cm. 3321 Hat6her, Harlan, ed.:Medern dramas. New York. Mead, Douglass S.,ed.:Great English and American Harcourt,1948. viii,480p.23cm. 3303 essays. New York, Rinehart,1953. x,276p.19cm. Henick, Marvin T.:Tragicomedy. Urbana, Univ. 3322 of Illinois Press,1955. viii,332p.26cm. 3304 Mencken, Henry Louis:Mencken;gathered by Hubbe11, George Shelton:Writing documented Alistair Cooke. New York, Vintage,1955. xiv, papers.3. ed. New York, Barnes&Noble,1951. 249p.19cm. 3323 xii,164p.21cm. 3305 Mencken, Henry Louis:AMencken Chrestomathy. Hym飢, Stanley Edgar:The armed vision;astudy New York, Knopf,1953. xvi,629p.22cm. 3324 in the methods of modern literary criticism. New Mi枕heU, Edwin Valentine:The art of authorship. York, Vintage,1955. xii,402, xxviip.19cm.3306 New York, Loring&Mussey,1935.128p.22cm. Hyman, Stanley Edgar:The armed vision;astudy 3325 in the methods of modern literary criticism. New M孤roe, Alan H.:Principles and types of speech. York, Knopf,1948. xvi,418p.22cm. 3307 4.ed. Chicago, Scott,1955. xx,680p.23cm. 3326 James, Henry:The future of the novel;essays on Moulton, Richard G.:World literature and its place the art of fiction. ed. by Leon Ede1. New York, in general culture. New York, Macmi11an,1911. Vintage,1956.300p.19cm. 3308 x,512p.20cm. 3327 Kaplan, Milton Allen:Radio and poetry. New York, Muller, Herbert J.:Science and criticism. New Columbia Univ. Press,1949. xii,334p.22cm. Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1946. xiv,304p.24cm. 3309 3328

Keast, William R.&Streeter, Robert E., ed.:The Peyre, Henri:Writers and their critics;a study of province of prose. New York, Harper,1956. xiv, misunderstanding. New York, Cornell Univ. 802p.24cm. 3310 Press,1944. xiv,340p.23cm. 3329

一 94一 3330 American Literature 3364 LITERATURE

Rtthv, Philip:Image and idea;fourteen essays on Warren, Austin:Rage for order;essays in criti・ literary themes. New York, New Directions,1949. cism. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1948. x, 172p.21cm. 3330 166p.20cm. 3349 Richards, Ivor Armstrong:Coleridge on irnagina. We皿ek, Ren6:A history of modern criticism; tion. New York, Harcourt,1935. xvi,238p.21cm. 1750-1950.v.1:The later eighteenth century. 3331 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. x,358p. Richards, Ivor Armstrong:The philosophy of 24cm. 3350 rhetoric. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1950. Wellek, Ren6:Ahistory of modern criticism; ix,138p.21cm. 3332 1750-1950.vo1.2. The romantic age. New Haven, Richards, Ivor Armstrong:Practical criticism・ Yale Univ. Press,1955. vi,460p.24cm. 3351 New York, Harvest Books,1956. xiv,365p.19cm. Wellek, Ren6&Warren, Austin:Theory of litera. 3333 ture. New York, Harcourt,1949. x,404p.21cm. Richards, Ivor Armstrong:Principles of literary 3352 criticism. New York, Harcourt,1952. vi,298p. 22cm. 3334 West, Ray Bt&Stallman, Robert Wooster:The art of modern fiction. New York, Rinehart,1955. Rose, William&Isaacs, J., ed.:Contemporary x,652p.24cm. 3353 movements in European literature. London, Routledge,1928. xi,290p.23cm. 3335 West, Ray B.&Stallman, Robert Wooster:The art of modem fiction. New York, Rinehart,1957. Santayana, George:Interpretations of poetry and x,464p 23cm. 3354 religion. New York, Harper,1957. xi,290p.21cm. 3336 Willey, Basi1:The eighteenth century background. Sant己yana, George:The sense of beauty. New New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1953. viii,302p. York, Modern Library,1955. xii, 268p. 19cm. 22cm. 3355 3337 Wilson, Edmund:The triple thinkers; twelve Schorer, Mark, et a1., ed.:Criticism;the founda. essays on literary subjects. New York, Oxford tions of modern literary judgment. New York, Univ. Press,1948. x,270p.21cm. 3356 Harcourt,1948. xii,554p.25cm. 3338 Wilson, Edmund:The wound and the bow. London, Schorer, Mark, et aL, ed.:Criticism;the fo皿da. Martin Secker and Warburg.1947.304p.21cm. tions of modern literary judgment. New York, 3357 Harcourt,1958. x,553p.24cm. 3339 Wi㎜tt, William K.,&Brooks, Cleanth:Literary Singer, Irving, ed.:Essays in literary criticism of criticism;ashort history. New York, Knopf, George Santayana. New York, Scrlbner, 1956。 1957。xvii輌,755, xxiip.24cm. 3358 xxviii,414p.24cm. 3340 Wise, Jacob Hooper, et al.:The meaning in reading. SPingam, Joel Elias:Creative criticism. New 4.ed. New York, Harcourt,1956. vi,266p.25cm. York;Harcourt,1931. viii,221p.19cm. 3341 3359 Sta1㎞an, Robert Wooster, ’ed.:The critic s note・ Ye1㎞d, Hedley Lowry, et al.:Ahalldbook of book. Minneapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, literary terms. New York, Philosophical Library, 1950.xv,303p.23cm. 3342 1950.222p.22cm. 3360 Steinberg, Sigfrid Henry:Casselrs encyclopaedia of literature. v.1-2. London, Cassel1, 1953.2v. American Literature 25cm. 3343

Strindberg, August, et a1.:International modern Ahnebrink, Lars:The beginnings of naturalism in plays. London, Dent,1952. viii,304p.18cm. 3344 American fiction,1891-1903、 Cambridhe, Harvard Thompson, Craig R.&Hicks, John ed.:Thought Univ. Press,1950. xii,506p.25cm. 3361 and experience in prose. New York, Oxford Univ. Aldridge, John W.:After the lost.generation;a Press,1951. x,662p.25cm. 3345 cr{t輌cal study of the writers of two wars. New Trilling, Lionel;Freud and the crisis of our culture. York, McGraw-Hill,1951. xviii,264p.21cm. Boston, Beacon,1955.60p.20cm. 3346 3362 Trilling, Lionel:The opposing self. New York, Allen, Gay Wilson l The solitary singer;acritical Viking,1955. xvi,232p.22cm. 3347 biography of Walt Whitman. New York, Mac・ millan,1955. xvi,616p.24cm. 3363 Warner, Charles Dudley, ed.:Alibrary of the world’s best literature;ancient and modern. v. Allen, Gay Wilson:Walt Whitman handbook. New 1-45.New York, The International Society,1896- York, Hendricks House,1957. xviii,560p.21cm. 1897.45v.27cm. 3348 3364

一 95一 LITERATURE 3365 American Literature 3400

A皿en, Gay Wilson, ed.:Walt Whitman abroad. Beaver, Joseph:Walt Whitman;poet of science. New York, Syracuse Univ. Press,1955, xii,290p. New York, King’s Crown Press,1951. xviii,178p. 24cm. 3365 21cm. 3383 Allen, Jerry:The adventures of Mark Twain、 Bellamy, Gladys Carmen:Mark Twain, as a literary Boston, Little, Brown,1954. xiv,360p.21cm. artist. Nomman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1950. 3366 xiv,396p.24cm. 3384 Am8¢her, Richard E.:Franklin’s wit and folly;the Bentley, Eric Russell:The dramatic event;an bagatelles. New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press, American chronicle. Boston, Beacon Press,1954. 1953.xiv,188p.22cm. 3367 278p.21cm. 3385 Anderson, Quentin:The American Henry James・ Bewley, Marius:The complex fate;Hawthorne, New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press,1957. xiv, Henry James and some other American writers. 370p.22cm. 3368 London, Chatto and Windus,1952. xvi,248p. 21cm. 3386 Andreas, Osborn:Henry James and the expanding horizon. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press,1948. Bigham, Julia Scribner, ed.:The Marjorie Rawlings xvi,172p.22cm’ 3369 reader. New York, Scribner,1956. xxi 504p. Andrews, Kenneth R.:Nook fann;Mark Twailゴs 22cm. 3387 Hartford circle、 Cambridge, Harvard Univ、 Press, B18ir, Walter:Mark Twain and Huck Finn. Ber- 1950.xiv,288p.25cm. 3370 keley, Univ. of California Press,1960. xvi,436p. A㎎off, Allan, ed.:American writing today. N6w 24cm. 3388 York, The Univ. Press,1957. xx,444p.21cm. 3371 Blanck, Jacob:Bibliography of American litera・ ture. v.1:Henry Adams to Donn Byrne. New Am8, George:The fields were green. California, Press,1955. xliv,474p.26cm. Haven, Yale Univ. Stanford Univ. Press,1948. viii,246p.24cm. 3389 3372 Blanck, Jacob:Bibliography of American litera・ Arvin, Newton:Herlnan Melville. London, Me. ture. v.2:George W. Cable to Timothy Dwight. thuen,1950. xiv,316p.22cm. 3373 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1957. xxiv,534p. Asselinesu, Roger l The literary reputation of Mark 26cm. 3390 Twain, from 1910 to 1950. Paris, Librairie Marcel Blankenship, Russell:American literature;as an Didier,1954.243p.24cm. 3374 expression of the national mind. New York, Aε航e,Georges-Albert:Themes et stτuctures dans Holt, c 1949. xx,776p.22cm. 3391 roeuvre de John Dos Passos. Paris, Lettres Bloomfield, Morton W.&Robbins, Edwin W.:Form Modemes,1956.216p.20cm. 3375 and idea. New York, Macmillan, c 1953. xii,288p. Atk血80n, Brooks, ed.:The complete essays and 22cm. 3392 other writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson. New York, Modern Library,1950. xxviii,930p.19cm. BoltOn, Sarah K.:Famous American authors. New 3376 York, Crosel1, c 1954.256p.21cm. 3393

Auden, Wystan Hugh, ed.:The criterion book of Bowden, Edwin T.:The themes of Henry James. modern American verse. New York, Criteririon New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1956. xiv,118p. Books,1956.342p.22cm. 3377 24cm. 3394 Baker, Carlos:Hemingway;the writer as artist. Bowen, Robert O.:Practical prose studies. New 2.ed. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1956. xx,355p. York, Knopf,1956. xviii,356p.22cm. 3395 24cm. 3378 Bradley, Scdlley, et aL ed.:American tradition in Barnard, Ellsworth:Edwin Arlington Robinson. literature, v.1. New York, Norton,1956. xviii, New York, Macmillan,1952. xviii,318p.22cm. 1358p.22cm. 3396 3379 Brandh, Edgar Marquess:The literary apprentice. B㎜e8, Eric Wollencott l The man who lived twice; ship of Mark Twain. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois the biography of Edward Sheldon. New York, Press,1950. xiv,326P.24cm. 3397 Scribner,1956. xii,368p.23cm. 3380 Brooks, Van Wyck:The flowering of New England. Baum, Hoan H.:Stephen Crane(1871-1900). New New York, Dutton,1952. x,566p.19cm、 3398 York, Columbia Univ. Libraries,1956.64p.24cm. 3381 Brooks, Van Wyck:New England;Indian summer. New York, Dutton,1950.576p.19cm. 3399 Bea¢h, Joseph Warren:The method of Henry James. Philadelphia, Albert Saifer,1954. vi,290p. Brooks, Van Wyck:Opinions of Oliver AIIston. 18cm. 3382 New York, Dutton,1941.310p.22cm. 3400

一 96一 3401 Americall Literature 3437 LITERATURE

Brooks, Van Wyck,&Bettmma叫Otto L.:Our Carvar, Charles H., et aL:America today;1ife in literary heritage. New York, Dutton,1956. xt literature. Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall,1959. 246P.29cm. 3401 542p.24cm. 3420 Brooks, Van Wyck:The times of Melville and C8仇er, Willa:On writing. New York, Knopf,1953. Whitman. New York, Dutton,1953. x,100p. xxvi,126p.21cm. 3421 19cm. 3402 Charvat, Willialn&Krau8, Michael:William Hickl・ Brooks, Van Wyck: The writer in A merlca. の New ing Prescott. New York, American Book,1943. York, Dutton, c 1953.216p. 21cm. 3403 cxlii,466p.19cm. 3422 Brown, Edward Killoran:Willa Cather;acritical Chase, Richard V.:Emily Dickinson. New York, biography. New York, Knopf, c 1953. xxvi,352p. Sloane,1951. xii,328p.22cm. 3423 x,22cm. 3404 Cha8e, Richard:Herman Melville;a critical study. Bromn, Morrison:Louis Bromfield and his books. New York, Macmillan, c1949. xi,806p.21cm.342∠ London, Casse11,1956. x,166p.22cm. 3405 Chase, Richard V. l Walt Whitman reconsidered. Buck, Pearl S.:My several worlds;apersonal London, Gollancy,1955. x,282p.22cm. 3425 record. London, Methuen,1956.〔476p〕.22cm. 3406 C㎞k, David Lee: Charles Brockden Brown; pioneer voi¢e of America. Durham, Duke Univ. Butcher, Margaret Just:The negro in American Press,1952. xii,364p.24cm. 3426 culture. New York, Knopf,1956. xiv,294, xiip. C㎞k,Harry Hayden&Foerster, Norman:James 22cm. 3407 Russell Lowell. New York, Alnerican Book,1947. Cady, Edwin Harrison:The gentleman in America; clxvi,498p.19cm. 3427 a literary study in American culture. New York, Clark, Harry Hayden, ed.:Transitions in American Syracuse Univ. Press,1949. x,232p.23cm. 3408 literary history. Durham, Duke Univ. Press,ユ954. Cady, Edwin Harrison:Literature of the early xvi,480p.24cm. 3428 republic. New York, Rinehart,1950. vi, 496P. C㎞k,Leadie M.:Walt Whitman’s concept of the 19cm. 3409 American common man. New York, Phi10sophical Camp】beU, Harry Modean&Foster, Ruel E. :Wil. Library,1955.192p.23cm. 3429 1iam Faulkner;acritical appraisal. Norman, Co叫Otis W.&L沮1ard, Richard G.:America in Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1951. xii, 184p.21cm. fiction.4. ed. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1957. 3410 viii,200p.23cm. 3430 Canby, Henry Seide1:Thoreau. Boston, Houghton, Coblentz, Stanton A.:The rise of the anti-poets; c1939. xx,508p.22cm. . 3411 selected editorials from Wings, a quarterly of. Canby, Henry Seidel:Turn west, turn east. Mark verse. Mm Valley, Wings Press,1955.96p.23cm. Twain and Henry James. Boston, Houghton,1951. 3431 xiv,318p、21cm. 3412 Coffman, Stanley K.:Imagism;a chapter for the Canby, Henry Seidel:Walt Whitman;an American’ history of modem poetry. Norma11, Univ. of Boston, Houghton,1943. viii,381p.22cm. 3413 Oklahoma Press,1951. xxi{,236p.21cm. 3432 Cargi}1, 0scar, ed.:Henry D. Thoreau;selected Commins, Saxe:Selected writings of Washington writings on nature and liberty. New York, Liberal Irving. New York, Modern Library,1945. xx, Arts,1952. xx,163p.19cm. 3414 678p.19cm. 3433 Cargill, Oscar:Intellectual America. New York, Conner, Frederick William:Cosmic opt輌mism;a Macmillan,1941. xxiv,778p.24cm. 3415 study of the interpretation of evolution by Ameri’ can poets from Emerson to Robinson. Gainesville, C8司penter, Frederic I.:American literature and the Univ. of Florida Press,1949, xiv,458P.24cm. dream. New York, Philosophical Library,1955. 3434 viii,220p、24cm. 3416 Cou帥㎞, Robert:The private world of William C碑en缶オ, Frederic lves:Emerson handbook. New Faulkner. New York, Harper,1954。152p.22cm. York, Hendricks House,1953. xvi,268p.21cm. 3435 3417 Cowden, Roy W., ed.:The writer and his craft; C町penter, Frederic I.:Ralph Waldo Emerson; the Hopwood lectures,1932-1952. Ann Arbor, rePresentative selections, with introduction, bi- Univ. of Michigan Press,1954. viii,298p.24cm. bliog;aphy, and notes. New York, American 3436 Book,1934.1viii,456p.18cm. 3418 Cowie, Alexander:The rise of the American nove1. Carber, Everett:Howells and the age of realism. New York, American Book,1951. xii,878p.23cm. New York, Lippincott,1954.308p.22cm. 3419 3437

一 97一 LITERATURE 3438 American Literature 3473

Cowley, Malcolm:Exile’s return;aliterary Ody. Eliot, Thomas Stearns:Literary essays of Ezra ssey of the 1920’s. New York, Viking,1956. vi, Pound、 Norfolk, New Directions,1954. xvi,464p. 322p.20cm. 3438 23cm. 3456 Cowley, Malcolm:The literary situation. New Engel, Edwin A.:The haunted heroes of Eugene York, Viking,1955. xii,260p.22cm. 3439 O’Neill. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953. x,310p.22cm. 3457 Crawford, Bartholow V., et a1.:American literature. べ New York, Barnes, c 1953. xviii,334p.21cm. Fagin, Nathan Bryllion:The histrionic Mr. Poe. 3“O Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1949. xiv,290p.22cm. 3458 Crawford, Bartholow V. et al.:American literature. New York, Barnes,1955. xviii,334p.21cm.3441 Falk, Robert P.,ed.:American literature in parody. New York, Twayne,1955.280p.22cm. 3459 Crawford, Bartholow V.:Henry David Thoreau; representative selections, with introduction, bib- Faner, Robert D.:Walt Whitman&opera. Phila- liography, and notes. New York, American Book, delphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1951. xi, 1934.lxxii,380p.19cm. 3442 249p.24cm. 3460 Daiehes, David:Willa Cather;acritical introduc- FatOut, Pau1:Ambrose Bierce;the devi1’s lexico・ tion. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1951. viii, grapher. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1951. 194p.22cm. 3443 xvi,350p.22cm. 3461 1)avidgon, Edward H.:Poe;acritical study. Cam・ Feidelson, Charles:Symbolism and American litera・ bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957. xii,296p. ture. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1953. x, 22cm. 3444 356p.22cm. 3462 Deutsch, Babette:Walt Whitman, builder for Felheim, Marvin:The theater of Augustin Daly. America. Illustrated by Rafaello Busoni. New Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1956. xvi,330p. York, Messner,1941.〔288p〕.22cm. 3445 22cm。 3463

1]IObie, James Frank:Guide to life and Iiterature of FentOn, Charles A.:The apprenticeship of Ernest the Southwest. Dallas, Southern Methodist Univ. Hemingway;the early years. New York, Farrar, Press,1952. viii,222p.24cm. 3446 1954.xii,302p.22cm. 3464 Dreer, Herman:American literature by negro Fick, Reverend Leonard J.:The light beyond;a authors. New York, Macmillan,1950. xviii,334p. study of Hawthorne’s theology. Westminster, 22cm. 3447 Newman,1955. xxiv,184p.21cm. 3465 Duffey, Bernard Jngersoll:The Chicago renais・ Filler, Louis:Crusaders for American liberalism. sallce in American letters. East Lansing, Michi- Ohio, Antioch Press,1950. xvi,422p.22cm.3466 gan State College Press,1954. viii,286p.22cm. 3448 FiShnan, Solomon:The disinherited of art. Berke・ 1ey, Univ. of Caiifornia Press,1953. xiv,178p. Duffey, Bernard J., ed.:Modern American litera・ 23cm. 3467 ture. New York, Rinehart,1951. xvi,368p.19cm. 3449 Managart, John T., ed.:America is west. Minnea・ polis, Univ. of Minnesota,1945. xiv,678p.24cm. Dupee, Frederick Wilcox:Henry James. New 3468 York, Sloane 1951. xiv,302p.22cm. 3450 Fogle, Richard Harter:Hawthorne,s fiction;the Eby, Edwin Harold, ed.:Aconcordance of Walt light and the dark. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Whitman’s leaves of grass and selected prose Press,1952. x,220p.21cm. 3469 writings. Seattle, Univ. of Washington Press, 1955.xvi,964p.28cm. 3451 Foster, Charles H.:The rungless ladder;Harriet Beecher Stowe and New England Puritanism. Iikle1, Leon:Henry James;the untried years. New Durhaln, Duke Univ. Press,1954. xx,278p.22cm. York, Lippincott, c 1953.352p.22cm. 3452 3470

Eidson, John 01in :Charles Stearns Wheeler;friend Frank, Waldo:The re-discovery of America,& of Emerson. , Univ. of Georgia Press, chart for rough water. New York, Duell,1940. 1951.xii,118p.22cm. 3453 xviii,182p.21cm. M71 Elias, Robert Henry:Theodore Dreiser;apostle of Frsnklin, Benjamin:The autobiography of Ben・ nature、 New York, Knopf,1949. xvi,354p. xxiv, jamin Franklin. New York, Modern Library,1950. 22cm. 3454 xxii,264p.19cm. 3472

Eliot, Thomas Stearns :The complete poems and ∩oh㏄k, Wilbur Merrill:The novel of violence in plays. New York, Harcourt,1952. viii,392p. America. Dallas, Southern Methodist Univ, Press, 24cm. 3455 1957.xii,238p.24cm. 3473

, 一 98一 3474 American Literature 3511 LITERATURE

Fu8sell, Edwin S.:Edwin Arlington Robinson. Hoffman, Frederick J.:The modern novel in Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1954. xii, America. Chicago, Gateway Editions,1956. xvi, 212p.23cm. 3474 227p.18cm. 3494 Garland, Hamlin:Crumbling idols;twelve essays Hoffman, Frederick J.:The twenties;American on art and literature. GainesvMe, Scholars,1952. writing in the postwar decade. New York, Viking, xix,192p.21cm. 3475 1955.xiv,466p.22cm. 3495 Gelfant, Blanche Housman:The American city Hoffman, Frederick J.&Vickery, Olga:William nove1. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1954. Faulkner;two decades of criticism. East Lansing, x,290p.22cm. 3476 Michigan State College Press, c 1951. viii,280p. Glasgow, Ellen:A certain measure;an interpreta・ 23cm. 3496 tion of prose fiction. New York, Harcourt,1943. Hoffmam, Charles G.:The short novels of Henry viii,272p.22cm. 3477 James. New York, Bookman Ass㏄iates,1957. Gold, Michael:The mike gold reader. New York, 143p.22cm. 3497 International Publ.,1954.188p.21cm. 3478 Hoggart, Richard:Auden;an introductory essay. G叩ld, Jean:Young mariner Melville. New York, London, Chatto and Windus,1951.256p.22cm. Dodd, Mead,1956. vi,280p.21cm. 3479 3498 Gregory, Horace, ed.: The portable Sherwood Hopkins, Vivian C.:Spires of form; a study of Anderson. New York, Viking, c 1949. vi,633p. Emerson’s aethetic theory. Cambridge, Harvard 17cm. 3480 Univ. Press,1951. xi 276p.22cm. 3499 Grossman, James:James Fenimore Cooper. New HortOn, Rod W.&Edwair(ls, Herbert W.:Back. York, Sloane,1949. xii,286p.22cm. 3481 ground of American literary thought. New York, Appleton,1952. xii,425p.20cm. 3500 Gwynn, Frederick L.&Blotnen, Joseph L:The fiction of J. D. Salinger. Pittsburgh, Univ. of Ho㎎h, Henry Beetle:Thoreau of Walden;the Pittsburgh Press,1958. viii,59p.18cm. 3482 man and his eventful life. New York, Simon and Schuster,1956. viii,277p.22cm. 3501 Hacke枕, Alice Payne:60 years of best sellers,1895- 1955.New York, Bowker,1956. xii,260p.22cm. Howard, Leon:Herman Melville. Berkeley, Univ. 3483 of California Press, c 1951. xiv,354p.24cm. 3502 H城麺g,Walter, ed.:Thoreau;acenturアof criti・ Howard, Leon:Literature and the American tradi- cism. Dallas, Southem Methodist Univ. Press, tion. New York, Doubleday,1960.354p.22cm. 1954. xii,205p.22cm. 3484 3503

Harち James David:The Oxford companlon to Howard, Leon:Victorian knight-errant. Berkeley, American literature. New York, Oxford Univ. Univ. of California Press,1952. xii,388p.24cm. Press,1948. viii,890p.24cm. 3485 3504 Hart, James David:The Oxford companion to Howe, Irving:Sherwood Anderson. New York, American literature. New York, Oxford Univ. Sloane,1951. ix,272p.22cm. 3505 Press,1953. viii,890p.24cm. 3486 Hubbe11, Jay B., et aL,ed.:American literature;a Hart, James David.:The popular book;ahistory of journal of literary history, criticism, and biblio・ America’s literary taste. New York, Oxford Univ. graphy. v.1-22;1929-1951. New York, Kraus, Press,1950.351p.24cm. 3487 1961.22v.24cm. 3506 American literature. Heam, Lafcadio:Essays on H曲be11, Jay B., et al.:Eight American authors;a Tokyo, Hokuseide,1929. xxxviii,250p.26c肌3488 review of research and criticism. New Yrok, Hedht, Ben:Achild of the century. New York, Modern Language Assoc. of America,1956. xvi, Simon and Schuster,1954.〔665p〕.22cm. 3489 418p.21cm. 3507 Mcks, Granville:The great tradition. New York, Hubbe皿, Jay B.:The south in American蹴e】rature, lnternatonal Publ.,1935. xvi,342p。23cm. 3490 1607-1900.Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1954. xix, 988p.24cm. 3508 Hieks, GranVille, et a1. ed.:Proletarian literature in the United States;an anthology. London, Huchens, John K., ed.:The American twenties;a Martin Lawrence.1935.〔384p〕.21cm. 3491 literary panorama. New York, Lippincott,1952. 480p.22cm. 3509 Hillway, Tyrus&Mansfield, Luther S.:Moby- Dick;centennial essays. Dallas, Southern Metho・ Hughes, Carl Milton:The negro novelist. New. dist Univ. Press,1953. xiv,182p.22cm. 3492 York, Citadel,1953.288p.21cm. 35JO Hoffman, Frederick J.:Freudianism and the Hume, Robert A.:Runaway star;an appreciation literary mind. Louisiara, State Univ. Press,1945. of Henry Adams. New York, Cornell Univ. Press, x,346p.24cm. 3493 1951.xii,270p.22cm. 3511

一 99一 LITERATURE 3512 American Literature 3548

Hutehinson, William Henry :A bar cross man;the Lawrence, David Herbert:Studies in classic Ameri. life and personal writings of Eugene Manlove can literature. New York, Doubleday,1951.194p. Phodes. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1956. 18cm. 3530 xv,433p.24cm. 3512 Leadh, Joseph:The typical Texan;biography of James, Henry:Hawthorne. Ithaca, Great Seal,1956, an American myth. Dallas, Southern Methodist xii,145p.19cm. 3533 Univ. Press,1952. xiv,178p.24cm. 3531 JChsnmsen, Albert:The house of Beadle and Adams 1teary, Lewis:Articles on American literature, and its dime and nickel novels:the story of a 1900-1950.Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1954. xvi, vanished literature: v.1-2. Norman, Univ. of 438p.24cm。 3532 Oklahoma Press,1950.2v.29cm. 3514 Leary, Lewis, ed.:Motive and method in The Cantos Johnson, Elmer D.:Of time and Thomas Wolfe;a of Ezra Pound. New York, Columbla Univ. Press, bibliography with a character index of his works. 1954.viii,136p.20cm. 3533 New York, Scarecow,1959.226p.23cm. 3515 LeC㎞, Robert C.:Young Henry James,1843-1870. Jones, Howard Mulnford:Guide to American New York, Bookman,1955.470p.23cm. 3534 literature and its backgrounds since 1890. 2. ed. Leiβy, Ernest E.:The American historical novel. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1959. 192p. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1952. x,280p. 22cm. 3516 22cm. 3535 Jones, Howard Mumford:The theory of American Lewi80h皿, Ludwig:Expression in America. New literature. New York, Cornell Univ. Press,1948. York, Harper,1932. xxxii,624p.25cm. 3536 x,208p.22cm. 3517 Le鴫Grace Hegger:With love from Gracie; Kahn, Ely Jacques:The lnerry partners;the age Sinclair Lewis,1912-1925. New York, Harcourt, and stage of Harrigan and Hart. New York, xii,336p.22cm. 3537 3518 Random House,1955. xvi,303p.24cm, Lewi8, Richard Warrington Baldwin:The American Ka細, George N.:Willa Cather in Europe. New Adam. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1955. York, Knopf,1956. xiv,180p.21cm. 3519 x,205p.24cm. 3538 Lewisohn, Ludwig: The story of American lit・ Kazin, Alfred:The inmost leaf;a selection of erature. New York, Modern Library,1939. xxxii, .essays. New York, Harcourt,1955. viii, 273p. 21cm. 3520 652p.21cm. 3539 Leyda, Jay:The Melville log;adocumentary life York, K8z鯉1, Alfred:On native grounds. New of Herman Melville,1819-1891. v.1=2。 New York, Harcourt,1942. xiv,542p.21cm. 3521 Harcourt, c 1951. vviii,899p.24cm. 3540 K螂,Alfred&Shapiro, Charles, ed.:The stature 1血deman, Eduard C.:Basic selections from Emer・ of Theodore Dreiser. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. son;essays, poems and apothegms. New York, Press,1955. viii,304p.24cm. 3522 New American Library,1954.216p.18cm. 3541 K証k,Clara Marburg&Kirk, Rudolf: William Dean 血deman, Eduard C. ed.:Emerson;the basic Howells;representative selections, with intrOduc. writings of America’s sage. New York, New tion, bibliography, and notes. New York, Arnerican American Library,1953. viii,184p.18cm. 3542 Book,1950. ccv,392p.19cm. 3523 1血d8ay, Philip:The hauted man. London, Hutchin- Kinight, Grant C.: The critical period in American son,1953.256p.22c皿. 3543 1iterature. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina Ix)ggins, Vernon:The Hawthornes. New York, Press,1951. xii,208p.21cm. 3524 Columbia Univ. Press, 1951. x, 366p. 22cm. K晦ht, Grant C.: The strenuous age in American 3544 literature. Chapel Hi11, Univ. of North Carolina bong, E. Hudson:O.Henry;the man and his work. Press,1954. xii,270p.21cm. 3525 Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsylvania Press,1949. KoCk, Vivienne:William Carlos Williams. Norfolk, xiv,158p.22cm. 3545 New Directions,1950. x,278p.19cm. 3526 Macy, John:The spirit of American Iiterature. New York, Modern Library,1913. viii,352p. K恒mer, Dale:The heart of O. Henry. New York, Rinehart,1954.323p.22cm. 3527 17cm. 3546 Malin, Irving:William Faulkner;an interpretation. Kr阻仙, Joseph Wood:Henry David Thoreau. New Stanford, The Univ. Press,1957. x,100p.22cm. York, Sloane, c 1948. xiv,298p.22cm. 3528 3547

KrutCh, Joseph Wood:The modern temper;astudy Malin, lrving:William Faulkner;an interpretation・ and a confession. New York, Harcourt,1920. xvi, Stanford, The Univ. Press,1957. viii,100p.22cm. 250p.21cm. 3529 3548

一 100一 3549 American Literature 3584 LITERATURE

Mathews, Mitford M.,ed.:A dictionary of America. More, Paul Elmer:The demoll of the absolute. nisms:on historical principles. Chicago, Univ. of Princeton, The Univ. Press, 1928. xvi, 184p. Chicago Press,1956. xvi,1946p.29cm. 3549 20cm. 3567 Mat堀e額en, Francis Otto:The achievement of T. More, Paul Elmer:Selected Shelburne essays. S.Eliot. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1949. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1935. xiv, 314p. xviii,202p.22cm. 3550 16cm. 3568 Matthiessen, Francis Otto:American renaissance; Muller, Herbert J.:Thomas Wo夏fe;the makers of art and expression in the age of Emerson and modern literature. Norfolk, New Directions,1947. Whitman. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1941. x,196p.19cm. 3569 .xxvi,678p.24cm. 3551 Murd㏄k, Kenneth B.:Literature and theology in Matthiessen, Francis Otto&M【urd㏄k, Kenneth B., colonial New England. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. ed.:The notebooks of Henry James, New York, Press,1949. xiv.236p.21cm. 3570 Braziller,1955. xxviii,462p.24cm. 3552 Musgrove, Sydney:T. S. Eliot and Walt Whitman. Matthiessen, Fran6is Otto:The responsibilities of Wellington, New Zealand Univ. Press,1952.94p. the critic. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, c 1952. 22cm. 3571 xvi,282p.22cm. 3553 Nelson, John Herbert&Cargi11,0scar, ed.:Contem・ Maugham, William Somerset:Introduction to mo’ porary trends;American literature since lgOO. dern English and American literature. New York, rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1949. xiv,1264p. Garden City, Doubleday,1952. xii,618p.22cm. 22cm. 3572 3554 Noeハ, Mary:Villains galore;the heyday of the Mayer, Frederick:Ahistory of American thought. popular story weekly. New York, Macmillan, Dubuque, Brown,1951. xii,400p.24cm. 3555 1954.xii,320p.22cm. 3573 McCaffe町, John K. M.,ed.:Ernest Hemingway; 0,Connor, WMiam Van:An age of criticism;1900- the man and his work. New York, World Publ., 1950.Chicago, Regnery,1952. x,482p.22cm.3574 1956.352p.22cm. 3556 0’Conmr, William Van:The tangled fire of William McCarthy, Mary:SightS and spectacles;theatre Faulkner. Minneapolis, Un輌v. of Minnesota Press, chronicles,1937-1956. New York, Meridian,1957. 1954.xvi,182p.23cm. 3575 xvi,188p.19cm. 3557 P血e,Gregory:Southern prose writers. New York, McDoweU, Tremaine, ed.:The romantic triumph: American Book,1947. cxlvi,392p。18cm. 3576 American literature from 1830 to 1860. rev. ed. ParririgtOn, Vernon Louis:Main currents in Ameri’ New York, Macmillan,1949. xvi,956p.22cm. can thought; an interpretation of American 3558 literature from the beginnings to 1920. New York, Mencken, Henry Louis,ed.:Essays by James Gibbons Harcourt,1930. xviii,430p.23cm. 3577 Huneker. New York, Scribner,1932. xxiv,492p. Parrington, Vernon Louis:Main currents in Ameri・ 23cm. 3559 can thought. v.1:The Colonia1 Mind,1620-1800. Metcalf, Eleanor Melville:Herman Melville;cycle New York, Harcourt,1954. xxii,421p.19cm.3578 and epicycle. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, P田血gton, Vernon Louis: Main currents in Ameri. 1953.xviii,312p.24cm. 3560 can thought. v.2: The romantic revolution in Miner, Perry:Errand into the wilderness. Camb・ America,1800-1860. New York, Harcourt,1930. ridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1956. xii,244p. xxvi,486p.19cm. 3579 24cm. 3561 Pattee, Fred Lewis: Mark Twain;representative Miller, Perry:Jonathan Edwards;the American sel㏄tions, with intrOduction and bibliography. men of letters series. New York, Sloane,1949. New York, America1㍉ 1935. lxiv, 460p.18cra. xvi,348p.22cm. 3562 3580 Miller, Perry:The raven and whale. New York, Patterm, Reb㏄ca:The riddle of Emily Dickinson Harcourt,1956. viii,370p.24cm. 3563 Boston, Houghton,1951. xiv,434p.21cm. 3581 M田er, Perry:The transcendentalists;an anthology. Paul, Sherman:Emerson’s angle of vision. Cam・ Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1950. xv輌ii, bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1952. x,268p.22cm. 522p.24cm. 3564 3582 Millet烏Fred B.:Contemporarpy American authors. Perl6島Alfred:My friend Henry Miller. New York, New York, Harc皿st, 1940. xiv,716p.22cm. John Day,1956.256p.21cm. 3583 3565 Pfister, Karin:Zeit皿d Wirklichkeit bei Thomas Monroe, Harriet:Apoet’s life. New York, Mac. Wolfe. Heidelberg, Winter,1954.140p.24cm. 面11an,1938.488p.24cm. 3566 3584

101 一 一 LITERATURE 3585 American Literature 3619

P㏄hmann, Henry A.:German culture in Amerca; Reynolds, Quentin:The fiction factory;or from philosophical and literary influences,1600-1900. Pulp Row to Quality Street. New York, Random Wisconsin, Univ. of Wisconsin, Press,1957. xvi, House,1955.294p.24cm. 3603 866p.26cm. 3585 Richard80n, Lyon N.:Henry James;rePresentative Pochmann, Henry A.&Allen, Gay Wilson.:Masters selections, with introduction, bibliography, and of American literature. v.1. New York, Mac, notes. New York, American Book,1941. cxxii, millan,1949. xii,880p.26cm. 3586 490p.18cm. 3604 Pochmann, Henry A.&Allen, Gay Wilson:Masters Rideout, Walter B.:The Radical novel in the of American Literature. v.2. New York, United States 19004954. Cambridge, Harvard Macmillan,1949. xii,800p.26cm. 3587 Univ. Press,1956. x,338p.24cm. 3605 Poc㎞㎜, Henry A.:;represen. RObbins, Rossell Hope:The T. S. Eliot myth. New tative selections, with introduction, bibliography, York, Schuman,1951.〔236p〕.21cm. 3606 and notes. New York, American Book,1934. cxiv, Rollins, Hyder Edward&Parrish, Stephen Max. 390p.19cm. ・ 3588 /≡ field:Keats and the Bostonians. Cambridge, Polloek, Thomas Clark&Cargill, Oscar:Thomas Harvard Univ. Press,1951. xii,210p.22cm.3607 Wolfe at Washington. square. New York, The Roob, Mary Cooper:William Faulkner;an es- Univ. Press,1954. xivレ164p.24cm. 3589 timate of his contribution「to the modern American Pommer, Henry F.:Milton and Melville. Pittsburgh, noveL Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press,1950. xii,173p.24cm. 1957.70p.23cm. 3608 3590 Rosenberry, Edward H.:Melville and the comic Porter, Katherine Anne:The old order. New York, spirit. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1955. Harcourt,1944.190p.19crn. 3591 x;212p.22cm. 3609

Pre㏄ott, Orville:In my opinion;an inquiry into Rourke, Constance:The roots of American culture, and other essays. New York, Harcourt,1942. xiv, the contemporary novel. New York, Bobbs-Merrill, 306p.22cm. 3610 195L 259p.22cm. 3592 Rubin, Joseph Jan&Brown, Charles H.,ed.:Walt Pritehard, John Paul:Criticism in America. Norman, Whitman of the New York Aurora. State College, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1956. x,326p.24cm. Bald Eagle,1950. xii,148p.24cm. 3611 3593 Rubin, Louis D.:Thomas Wolfe;the weather of Prit¢hard, John Paul:Return to the fountains. his youth. Baton Rouge, Lousiana State Univ. Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1942. xiv,272p.24cm. Press,1955. xiv,183p.23cm. 3612 3594 Rubin, Louis D.&Jacobs, Robert D., ed.:Southern Proudfit, Isabel:James Fenimore Cooper. New renaissance;the literature of the modern south. York, Messner,1952. x,208p.22cm. 3595 Baltimore, Johns Hopkins,1954. xii,450p.24cm. Qu㎞, Arthur Hobson:American fiction;an histor. 3613 ical and critical survey. New York, Appleton, Rusk, Ralph L.:The life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1936.xxiv,805p.23cm. 3596 ぺ New York, Scribner, c 1949. xii,592p.25cm. Quinn, Arthur Hobson:Edgar Allan Poe;acritical 3614 biography. New York, Appleton,1941. xvi,804p. Rusk, Ralph L.:The life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 24cm. 3597 New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1957. ix,592p. Qu㎞, Arthur Hobson, ed.:The literature of the 24cm. 3615 American people;ahistorical and critical survey. Russell, Phillips:Benjamin Franklin;the first New York, Appleton,1951. xx,1172p.25cm. civilized American. New York, Brentano,1926. 3598 xii,332p.25cm. 3616 Ram80n, John Crowe:Poems and essays. New York, Sanford, Charles L,,ed.:Benjamin Franklin and the Vintage,1955. vi,186p.19cm. 3599 American character. Boston, Heath,1955. xii, Reaver,」. Russell:Emerson as mythmaker. Gaines. 102p.24cm. 3617 ville, Univ. of Florida Press,1954. x,106p.22cm. Schemman, David E.&Redlich, Rosemarie:Literary 3600 America;achronicle of American writers from Reeves, George. M.:Thomas Wolfe et 1’Europe. 1607-1952with 173 photographs of the American Paris, Didier,1955.158p,25cm. 3601 scene that inspired them. New York, Dodd,1952. 176p.29cm. 1618 Re8nick, Nathan:Walt Whitman and the author- ship of the good gray poet. New York, Long Schramm, Wilbur L.:Francis Parkman. New York, Island Univ. Press,1948. viii,38p.22cm. 3602 American Book,1938. cxliv,498p.24cm. 3619

一 102一 3620 American Literature 3654 LITERATURE }

Schyberg, Frederik:Walt Whitman. New York, Sta皿man, Robert Wooster ed.:Critiques and essays Columbia Univ. Press,1951. xv,387p.24cm.3620 in criticism.1920-48. New York, Ronald,1949. Scott, Arthur L., ed.:Mark Twain;selected criti. xxii,572p.24cm. 3638 cism. Dallas, Southern Methodist Univ. Press, Stein, Gertrude:Two and other early pOrtraits. 1955.440P.24cm. 3621 1908-12. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1951. Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley:Willa Cather;a xviii,356p.24cm. 3639 memoir. New York, Lippincott,1953.288p.21cm. Ste▽enson, Elizabeth: The crooked corridor; a 3622 study of Henry James. New York, Macmillan, Seybold, Ethe1:Thoreau;the quest and the clas- 1949.180p.22cm. 3640 sics. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1951. xli, Stewart, Randall&Bethurum, Dorothy, ed.: Living 148p.24cm. 3623 masterpieces of American literature. Scott, Sheean, Vincent:The indigo bunting;amemoir of Foresman,1954. xvi,268p.25cm. 3641 Edna St. Vincent Millay. New York, Harper, Stewart, Randall: Nathaniel Hawthorne;a bio. 1949.139p.21cm. 3624 graphy. New Haven, Yale Un輌v. Press,1949. jv, Shepard, Odell:Henry Wadsworth Longfellow; 228p.24cm. 3632 representative selections, with introduction, biblio- Stovall, Flord, ed.:The development of American graphy, and notes. New York, American Book, literary criticism. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North 1934.1xiv,372p.19cm. 3625 Carolina Press,1955. x,262p.24cm. 3643 Shumaker, Wayne:Elements of critical theory. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1952. xiv, StOvall, Floyd:Walt Whitman;representative 132p.22cm. . 3626 selections, with introduction, bibliography, and notes. New York, American Book,1939.1xvi, Sievers, W. David:Freud on Broadway. New York, 480p.19cm. 3644 Hermitage House,1955.480p.22cm. 3627 Sweezy, Paul&Hubem叫Leo, ed.:F.0. Matthies. S皿1en, Samuel, ed.:Walt Whitman;poet of sen(1902-1950);acollective portrait. New York, American democracy;selections from his poetry Schuman,1950. xii,154p.22cm. 3645 and prose. New York, International Pub1.,1955. 176p.21cm. 3628 Taft, Kendall B.:Minor Knickerbockers. New York, American Book,1947. clxviii,410p.19cm. Smith,-Berllard:Forces桓American criticis1n. 3646 New York, Harcourt,1939. x,402p.22cm. 3629 Tate, Allen:The man of letters in the modem S皿ith, Fredrika Shumway:John Greenleaf Whit- tier;friend and defender({f freedom. Boston, world;selected essays.1928-1955. New York, Meridian,1955.352p.18cm. 3647 Christopher,1948、228p.20cm. 3630 Smith, Henry Nash, ed.:Mark Twain of the enter. Tayler, Walter Fuller:T’he story of American letters. Chicago, Regnery,1956. viii,504p.22cm. prise. Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1957. 3648 xii,290p.22cm. ’ 3631 Smith, Hellry Nash:Virgin land;the American Tedloek, Ernest Warnock&Wicker, C. V.:Stein・ beck and his criti¢s. Albuquerque, Univ. of New West as symbol and myth. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1950. xiv,305p.22cm. 3632 Mexico Press,1957. xli,310p.24cm. 3649 S町dey, Franklyn B.&Snyder, Edward D.:abook Thackrey, Donald E.:Emily Dickinson’s approach of American literature. New York, Macmillan, to poetry. Linco三n, Univ. of Nebraska,1954. x, c1935. xx,1137p.24cm. 3633 82p、24cm. ’ 3650

Spiller, Robert E.:The cycle of American litera. Thomp80n, Lawrence S.&Thompson, Algernon D. : 加re;an essay in historical criticism. New York, The Kentucky nove1. Lexington, Univ. of Ken. Macmillan,1955. xvi,318p.22cm. 3634 tucky Press,1953. xii,172p.22cm. 3651 Spiller, Robert E., et aL, ed.:Literary history of TbOmpsen, Lawrance S.:Melville’s quarrei with the U. S. New York, Macmillan,1953. xxii, god. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1952. 483p. 1456p.24cm. 3635 24cm. 3652 Spiller, Robert E.&Bl①dgett, Harold, ed.:The Thorp, Willard:Herman Melvi】1e;representative roots of national culture;American literature to selections, with introduction, bibliograpgy, and 1830.New York, Macmillan,1949. xvi,998p. notes. New York, American Book,1938. clxii, 22cm. 3636 438p.18cm. 3653

Squires, Radcliffe:The loyalties of Robinson Jef・ Townsend, Harvey G.:The philosophy of Jonathan fers. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1956. Edwards. Eugene, Univ. of Oregon Press,1955. xii,202p.22cm. 3637 xxii,270p.25cm. 3654

一 103一 LITERATURE 3655 American Literature 3692

Trent, William Peterfield:The Cambridge history Watkins, Floyd C.:Thomas Wolfe’s characters; of American literature. New York, Macmillan, pOrtraits froln life. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma c1917. xviii,678p.23cm. 3655 Press,1957. xiv,194p.22cm. 3673 Trent, William Peterfield:Ahistory of American We¢ter, Dixon, et aL:Changing patterns in Amer. literature,1607-1865. New York, Appleton,1903. ican civilizatol1. Philadelphia, Univ. of Pennsyl・ x,608p.20cm. 3656 vania Press,1949. xiv,176p.23cm. 3674 Trilling, Lionel:The liberal imagination;essays Wecber, Dixon:Sam Clemens of HannibaL Boston, on literature and society. New York, Doubleday, Hougton,1952. x,336p.22cm. 3675 1954.288p.18cm. 3657 West, Ray B. ed.:Essays in modern literary criti・ Twain, Mark:Personal recollections of Joan of cism. New York, Rinehart,1952. xii,612p.24cm. Arc. New York, Harper,1924. xviii,288p.21cm. 3676 3658 West, Ray B.:The short story in America. New Tyler, Moses Coit:Ahistory of American litera. York, Gateway Editions,1952.128p.18cm. 3677 ture,1607-1765. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. Press, Whicher, George Frisbie:This was poet;acritical c1949. xxxiv,552p.22cm. 3659 biography. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press, Tyler, Moses Coit:The literary history of the 1957.337p.21cm. 3678 American revolution 1763-1783. v.1;1873-1776. Whicher, George F., ed.: The transcendentalist v.2;1776-1783. New York, Ungar,1957.2v. reVOlt againSt materialiSm. Boston, Heath,1949. 24cm. 3660 xii,108p.24cm. 3679

Unger, Leonard, ed.:T. S. Eliot;aseIected cri. Whicher, Stephen E.: Freedom and fate; an lnner tique. New York, Rinehart,1948. xix,478p.22cm. life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Philadelphia, Univ. 3661 of Pennsylvania Press,1953, xvi,204p.23cm. 3680 Van 1)oren, Mark:Nathaniel Hawthorne. London, Methuen,1948. xiv,286p.22cm. 3662 Whicher, Stephen E.:Freedom and fate;an inner life of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Philadelphia, Univ. Van Doren, Mark, ed.:Walt Whitman. New York, of Pennsylvania Press,1957. xvi,204p.21cm. Viking,1945.〔707〕p.17cm. 3663 3681 Voge1, Stanley M.:German literary influences on Whipple, Thomas King:SpOkesmen. New York, the American transcendentalists. New Haven, Appleton,1928.277p.21cm. 3682 Yale Univ. Press,1955. xviii,198p.24cm. 3664 Williams, Stanley T.:The Spanish background Von Abele, Rudelph:The death of the artist;a of American literature. v.1-2. New Haven, Yale study of Hawthorne’s disintegration. The Hague, Univ. Press,1955. xxviii,433p.24cm. 3683 Nijhoff,1955.〔120p〕.24cm. 3665 ∂ WiMams, William Carlos:The autobiography of W㎎goner, Hyatt Hower:The heel of e正ohim. William Carlos Williams. New York, Random Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1950. xx, House,1951. xiv,402p.22cm. 3684 236p.21cm. 3666 Williams, William Carlos:Selected essays of Wil・ Waggoner, Hyatt Hower:Hawthorne;acritical 1iam Carlos Williams. New York, Random H皿se, study. Massachusetts, Harvard Univ. Press,1955. 1954.xviii,342p.22cm. 3685 〔274p〕.22cm. 3667 William80n, George:A reader’s guide to T. S. Eliot. Walcutt, Charles Child:American literary natura・ New York, Noonday,1955.248p.22cm. 3686 1ism;adivided stream. MinneapOlis, Univ. of Mimesota Press,1956. xii,332p.22cm. 3668 Wilson, Edmund:Eight essays. New York, Double・ day,1954.240p.18cm. 3687 Walker, Franklin:Aliterary history of Southern California. Berkeliy, Univ. of California Press, Wilson, Edmund:A piece of my mind, New York, 1950.x,282p.22cm. 3669 Farrar, Straus,1956.〔408p〕.20cm. 3688 W畠血,Louis, ed.:The rise of realism;American Wilson, Edmund:The shores of light;aliterary literat∬e from 1860 to 1900. rev. ed. New York, chronicle of the twenties and thirties. London, Macmi1墓an,1949. xvi 874p.22cm. 3670 Allen,1952. xii,814P.20tm. 3689 W8血e1, Harry R.:Charles Brockden Brown; W㎞ter8, Yvor:In defense of reason. New York, American Gothic novelist. Gainesville, Univ. of SwaUow Press,1947. viii,612p.22cm. 3690 Florida Press,1949. xiv,256p.23cm. 3671 WOOdre8s, James L.:Howells and Italy. Durham, Duke Univ. Press,1952. xiv,224p.22cm. 3691 Warren, Austin :Nathaniel Hawthorne;representa. tive selections, with intrOduction, bibliography Wright, Richard:Native son;with an introduction and notes. New York, American Book,1934. xcii, by William A. Owens. New York, Harper,1957. 368p.19cm. 3672 xii,359p.21cm. 3692

一 104 一 3693 American Poetry 3732 LITERATURE

You㎎, Charles Lowell:Emerson’s Montaigne. Jarrell, Randa11:Poetry and the age. New York, New York, Macmillan,1941. xii,237p.22cm.3693 Vintage Book,1955. viii,248p.19cm. 3712 You㎎, Philip:Ernest Hemingway. London, Bell, Johnson, Thomas H., ed.:The poems of Emily 1952.ix,244p.19cm. 3694 Dickinson.(v.1-3)Cambridge, Harvard Univ. hbe1, Morton Dauwen, ed.:Literary opinion in Press,1955. lxviii,1266p.24cm. 3713 America. rev. ed. New York, Harper,1951. xxvi, be皿hart, Charmenz S.:Musical influence on Ameri. 890p.24cm. 3695 can poetry. Athens, Univ. of Georgia Press,1956. xiv,338p.24cm. 3714 American Poetry Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth:The complete poe. tical works of Longfellow. Cambridge, Houghton. Aiken, Conrad, ed.:Twentieth-century American 1922.xxii.690p.22cm. 3715 poetry. New Y.ork, Modern Library,1944. xx, Ma(Domald, Hugh P.:The power of Emerson’s 412p.19cm. 3696 wisdom. New York, Pageant Press, 1954. xii, Allen, Gay Wilson&Davis, Charles T.,ed.:Walt 180p.24cm. 3716 Whitman’s poems. New York, The Univ. Press, MacLeish, Archibald :Collected poems, 1917-1952. 1955.x,280p.24cm. 3697 Boston, Houghton,1952. viii,407p.22cm. 3717 Banet, Stephen Vincent:Burning city;new poems. Masters, Edgar Lee:Spoon river anthology. New New York, Farrar,1936.92p.22cm. 3698 York, Macmillan,1951. xviii,306p.20cm. 3718 Benet, Stephen Vincent:Five men and Pompey;a Matthiessen, Francis Otto, ed.:The Oxford book of series of dramatic portraits. Boston, Four Seas, American verse. New York, Oxf. Univ. Press, 1915.48p.19cm. .3699 1950.lvi,1132p.19cm. 3719 Ben6t, Stephen Vincent:John Brown s body. New Millay, Edna St. Vincent:Collected poems. New York, Rinehart,1928. xv,336p.22cm. 3700 York, Harper,1956. xxii,738p.22cm. 3720 Benet, Stephen Vincent:John Brown’s body. New Neff, Emery: Edwin Arlington Robinson. New 3701 York, Rinehart,1941. xi,432p.21cm. York, Sloane,1948. xviii,286p.22cm. 3721 Benet, Stephen Vincent:The last circle; storles Pottle, Frederick A.:The idiom of poetry. New and poems. New York, Farrar,1946. viii, 310p. York, Cornell Univ. Press,1946. xx,234p.22cm. 21cm. 3702 3722 Benet, Stephen Vincent:Nightmare at noon. New Rowe, Hershel D.:Hart Crane;abibliography. York, Farrar,1940.〔8p.〕21cm. 3703 Denver, Alan Swallow,1955.30p.24cm. 3723 Stephen Vincet:Selected works of StephenBenet, Sou也worth, James G.:Some modern American Vincent Benet. v.1. Poetry. New York, Rillehart, poets. Oxford, Basil Blackwell, c 1950.180p.22cm. 1942.xviii,487p:22cm. 3704 3724 Benet, Stephen Vincent:Selected works of Stephen Steven8, Wa11ace:Parts of a world. New York, Vincant Benet. v.2. Prose. New York, Rinehart, Knopf,1951. x,184p.22cm. 3725 1942.〔488p〕.22cm. 3705 T8te, Allen:On the Iimits of poetry;selected Benet, Stephen Vincent:WeStern star. New York, essays,19284948. New York, Swallow Press, Farrar, c 1943. viii,182p.21cm. 3706 1948.xviii,380p.22cm. 3726 Untemeyer, Louis, ed.:Modern American poetry. B(igan, Louise:Achievement in American poetry, New York, Harcourt,1950. xxii,710p.24cm.3727 1900-1950.Chicago, Henry Regnery,1951.157p. 22cm. 3707 V8皿Doren, Mark:The portable Emerson. New York, Viking,1946. vi,666p.17cm. 3728 Bower8, Fredson:Whitman’s manuscripts;1eaves of grass.(1860)Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, We1畑, Henry W.:Poet and psychiatrist;Merrill 1955.lxxiv,264p.25cm. 3708 Moore, M. D.;acritical portrait with an Frogt, Robert:The pocket book of Robert Frost’s appraisal of two hundred of his poems. New Poems. New York, Pocket Books,1955.262p. York, Twayne,1955.325p.22cm. 3729 17cm. 3709 Wh輌dher, George R,ed.:Poetry of the New England Gregory, Horace:Ahistory of American, poetry, renaissance. 1790-1890. New York, Rinehart, 1900-1940.New York, Harcourt,1946. xii,524p. c1950. xli,460p.19cm. 3730 21cm. 3710 Whiim叫 Walt:The eighteenth preside職cy 1 Lawrence,’Univ. of Kansas Press,1956. viii,47p. hish, W. R.:The Modern American Muse, a Complete bibliography of American verse,1900- 22cm. 3731 1925.New York, Syracuse Univ. Press,1950. xii, Whitman, Walt:Leaves of grass. New York, M(rdern 260p.26cm. 3711 Library,1891-’2.423p.21cm, 3732

・一 IQ5一 LITERATURE 3733 American Drama 3770

㎞ge, William:Picnic. New York, Random House, American Drama 1956.101p.18cm. 3751

Benet, Stephen Vincent:We stanted united;and Kaufman, George S.&Hart, Moss:Six plays. New other radio scripts. New York, Rinehart,1945. York, Modern Library,1942. xxxii,592p.19cm. 3752 xii,210p.22cm. 3733 Blum, Daniel:Apictorial history of the American Kendall, John S.:The golden age of the New Orieans theater. Louisiana, The State Univ. Press, theatre. New York, Crosset,1955.304p.31cm. 3734 1952.xii,624p.24cm. 3753

Chapman, John ed.:The best plays of 1947-1948, Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The best plays of 1952- 1948-1949,1949-1950,1950-1951,1951-1952.New 1953.New York, Dodd,1954.374p.21cm. 3754 York, Dodd,1952.5v.21cm. 3735 Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The best plays of 1953- Chapman, John ed.:Theatre’56. New York, Random 1954.New York, Dodd,1954.433p.21cm. 3755 House,1956.501p.22cm. 3736 Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The best plays of 1955- Downer, Alan S.:Fifty years of American drama, 1956.New York, Dodd,1958. viii,472p.21cm. 1900-1950.Chicago, Regnery,1951.158p.22cm. 3756 3737 Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The best plays of 1956- Gassner, John, ed.:Best American plays,3. ser. 1957.New York,1957. viii,446p.21cm. 3757 1945-1951.New York, Crown,1955. xxviii,707p. Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The best plays of 1957- 24cm. 3738 1958.New York, Dodd,1958. x,402p.21cm. Gasgner, John, ed.:Best American plays.3. ser. 3758 1945-1951.New York, Crown,1960. xxviii,707p. MacLeish, Archibald:」. B.;aplay in verse. Boston, 24cm. 3739 Houghton,1958.153p.22cm. 3759 Gasgner, John, ed:Best American plays.4. ser. Mantle, Burns, ed.:The best plays of 1920-1921; 1951-1957.New York, Crown,1960. xxii,648p. 1921-1922;1922-1923;1923-1924;1924-1925;1925- 24cm. 3740 1926;1926-1927;1927-1928;1928-1929;1929-1930; 1930-1931;1931-1932;1932-1933;1933-1934;1934- Gassner, John, ed.:Best plays of the modern Ameri. 1935;1935-1936;1936-1937;1937-1938;1938-1939; can theatre. New York, Crown,1953. xxx,774p. 1939-1940;1940-1941;1941-1942;1942-1943;1943- 24cm. 3741 1944;1944-1945;1945-1946;1946-1947.New York, Gassner, John, ed.:Best plays of the modern Ameri- Dodd,1955.21cm. 3760 can theatre.2. ser. New York, Crown,1959. xxx, 774p.24cm. 3742 Mer蜘d, Joseph:The American drama since 1930; essays on playwrights and plays. New York, Ga蜘er, John, ed.:Twenty best plays of the modern Modern Chapbooks,1951.188p.23cm. 3761 American theatre. New York, Crqwn,1952. xxii, MiUer, Arthur:The crucible. London, Cresset Press, 874p.24cm. 3743 ノ 1956.viii,143p.19cm. 3762 Gassner, John:Twenty best plays of the modern American theatre. New York, Crown,1959.874p. Miller, Arthur:Death of a salesman. New York, 24cm. 3744 Viking Press,1955.〔158p〕.18cm. 3763 Gassner, John, ed.:Twenty-five best plays of the Miller, Arthur:Aview from the bridge. London, modem American theatre, early ser. New York, Cresset Press,1957.103p.19cm. 3764 Crown,1949. xxviii,756p.24cm. 3745 Moody, Richard:America takes the stage;roman- Gas血er, John ed.:Twenty-five best plays of the ticism in American drama and theatre,1750-1900. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press,1955. viii,322p. modern Alnerican theatre, early ser. New York, Crown,1959. xxviii,756p.24cm. 3746 24cm. 3765 Gaver, Jack, ed.:Critics’choice:New York drama Nathan, George Jean:The theater in the fifties. critics’circle prize plays 1935-55. London, Arco, New York, Knopf,1953.298, viiip.22cm. 3766 1956.539p.22cm. 3747 0detS, Clifford:Six plays of Clifford Odets. New York, Modern Library,1939. x,434p.19cm. Gilbert, WiHiam Schwenck:The Mikado and other 3767 plays. New York, Boni, c 1917. xii,229p.17cm. 3748 O,Neill, Eugene:Ah, wilderness!London, Cape, 1955.〔108p〕.20cm. 3768 Hughes, Glenn:Ahistory of the American theatre 1700-1950.New York, Samuel French,1951. xi, 0,Nei11, Eugene:The Emperor Jones. London, Cape, 562p.22cm. 3749 1955,282p.20cm. 3769 ㎞ge, William:Bus stop. New York, Random House, 0’Neill, Eugene:The iceman cometh. New York, 1956,113p.18cm. 3750 Random House,1946.260p.19cm. 3770

一 106・一 3771 American Fiction 3812 LITERATURE

0,Neill, Eugene:The iceman cometh. London, Cape, Young, Stark:Immortal shadows;Abook of dra. 1954.224p.20cm. 3771 matic criticism. New York, Scribner,1948. xii, 0,Neill, Eugene:Long day’s Journey into night. 290p.21cm. 3792 New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1956.176p.25cm. 3772 American Fiction 0,Neill, Eugene:The long voyage home:seven plays of the sea. New York, Modern Library,1946. Aldridge, Jon W., ed.:Critiques and essays on 217p.19cm. 3773 rnodern fiction,1920-51. New York, Ronald Press, 0,Neill, Eugene:Amoon for the misbegotten. New 1952.xx,610p.24cm. 3793 York, Random House,1952.177p.21cm. 3774 Anderson, Sherwood:Astory teller’s story. New 0,Neill, Eugene:M皿rning becomes electra. London, York, Grove Press,1951.442p.21cm. 3784 Cape,1956.288p.20cm. 3775 Anderson, Sherwood:Winesburg, Ohio;agroup of 0’Neill, Eugene:Nine plays by Eugene O’Neil1. tales of Ohio small-town life. New York, Modern New York, Modern Library,1952. xxii,867p. Library,1947. xv,303p.19cm. 3795 21cm. 3776 Be㏄h, Joseph Warren:American fiction,1920-1940. 0’Neill, Eugene:Strange interlude. London, Cape, 1941.New York, Macmillan,1941. x,371p.22cm. 1953.348p.20cm. 3777 3796

0,Neill, Eugene :Three plays by Eugene O’NeilL BeerbOhm, Max:Zuleika Dobson. New York, Mo- New York, Modern Library,1949.268p, xix.3778 dern Library,1926.374p.ユ9cm. 3797 0’Neill, Eugene:Atouch of the poet. New Haven, Benet, Stephen Vincent:The devil and Daniel Yale Univ. Press,1957.182p.22cm. 3779 Webster. New York, Rinehart,1937.62p.22cm. 3798 Quinn, Arthur Hobson:Ahistory of the American drama;from the beginning to the civil war.2. ed. Benet, Stephen Vincent&Child, Charles(drawing): New York, Appleton, c 1943. xvi,530p.22cm. Johnny pye and the fool.killer. New York, Farrar, 3780 1938.78p.22cm. 3799

Qu血m, Arthur Hobson:Ahistory of the American Bode, Carl, ed.:The portable Thoreau. New York, drama;from the civil war to the present day. Viking,1947. viii,696p.17cm. 3800 New York, Appleton,1936. xxvi,432p.22cm. Buck, Pearl S.:The good earth. New York, Modern 3781 Library,1944.313p.19cm. 3801 QbUim. Arthur Hobson:Representative American Buck, Pearl S.:Imperial woman. London, Methuen, plays.7. ed. New York, Appleton,1953. xii, 1956.433p.21cm. 3802 1248p.25cm. 3782 Buck, Pearl S.:Letter from Peking. New York, Saroyan, William:Razzle dazzle. London, Faber, John Day,1957.252p.21cm. 3803 1946.262p.19cm, 3783 Byrne, DOnn:Messer Marco Polo. New York, The Theatre Guild, The Board of DirectOrs of:The Modern Library,1921.147p.18cm. 3804 Theatre Guild anthology. New York, Random House,1936. xiv,961p.25cm. 3784 Caldwell, Erskine:Episode in Palmetto. London, Falcon Press,1951.208p.19cm. 3805 Williams, Te皿essee:Baby da11. New York, New Caldwell, Erskine:Erskine Caldwelrs gUlf coast American Library,1956.128p.18cm. 3785 stories. London, Heinemann,1957.222p.19cm. Williams, Tennessee:Four plays. London, Secker, 鋤 1956.xii,320p.22cm. 3786 Caldwell, Erskine:God’s little acre. New York, Williarns, Tennessee:The Rose Tattoo. New York, Modern Library,1934. ix,317p.19cm. 3807 Signet Books,1956.128p.19cm. 3787 Caldwell, Erskine:Gretta. London, Heinemann, WH㎞s, Tennessee:Astreetcar named desire. 1956.244p.21cm. 3808 New York, New American Library,1956.142p. 18cm. 3788 Caldwell, Erskine:Jackpot;collected short stories. London, Falcon Press,1950.765p.21cm. 3809 WiMams, Tennessee:Summer and smoke. London, Lehmann,1952.95p.21cm. 3789 Caldwell, Erskine:Journeyman. Toronto, Heine・ mann,1955.146p.21cm. 3810 Walser, Richard ed:North Carolina drama. Rich・ mond, Garrett&Massie,1956. vii,229p.24cm. Caldwel}, Erskine:Southways. London, Heinemann, 3790 1955.175p.19cm. 3811 Wilder, Thornton Niven:Our town. New York, Caldwell, Erskine.: Tobacco road. New York, Coward McCann,1938.128p.19cm. 3791 Modern Library,1940.241p.19cm. 3812

一 107 一 LITERATURE 3813 American Fiction 3858

Cather, Willa:Death comes for the archbishop. Dreiser, Theodore:The financier. Cleveland, World New York, Knopf,1959.299p.20cm. 3813 PubL,1940.503p.21cm. 3836 Cather, Willa:Alost lady. New York, Knopf,1958. Dreiser, Theodore:Jennie Gerhardt. Cleveland, 174p.20cm. 3814 World Publ.,1926.431p.21crn. 3837 Cather, Willa:Lucy Gayheart. New York, Knopf, Dreiser, Theodore:Sister Carrie. New York, 1935.237p.20cm. 3815 Modern Lib.,1927.557p.18cm. 3838 Cather, Willa:My Antonia. Boston, Houghton, Dreiser, Theodore:The stoic. New York, World 1949.xvi 266p.21cm. 3816 Pub1.,1947.310p.21cm. 3839 Cather, Willa:The song of the lark. Boston, Dreiser, Theodore:The Titan. Cleveland, World Houghton,1943.581p.22cm. 3817 Pub1.,1925.552p.21cm. 3840 Cather, Willa:Obscure destinies. New York, Studs Lonigan, a trilogy. NewFarre11, James T.: Knopf,1953.230p.20cm. 3818 Library, c 1938、 xii,、465p.21cm. York, Modern 3841 Cather, Willa:The old beauty and others. New York, Knopf,1953.166p.22cm. 38∫9 Faulkner, William:Absalom, Absalom!New York, Modern Library,1951.378p.19cm. 3842 Cather, Willa:The old beauty and others. London, Cassell,1956.160p.19cm. 3820 Faulkner, William:Big woods. New York, Random House,1955.220p.24cm. 3843 Cather, Willa:The professor’shouse. New York, Knopf,1953.283p.20cm. 3821 Faulkner, William:Afable. London, Chatto,1955. 392p.20cm。 3844 Cather, Willa:Shadows on the rock. London, Cassell,1948.267p.18cm. 3822 Faulkner, William:The Faulkner reader;selec- tions from the “orks of W. Faulkner. New York, Cather, Willa:Youth and the bright Medusa, New Random House,1954. xi,682p.22cm. 3845 York, Knopf,1956.279p.20cm’ 3823 Faulkner, William:The hamlet. New York, Ran. Cowlay, Malcolm, ed.:The pOrtable Faulkner. New dom House, c 1956.373p.21cm. 3846 York, Viking Press, c 1946. vi,734p.17cm..3824 Faulkner, William:Light in August. New York, Cowley, Malcolm, ed.:The portable Hawthorne. MOdern Library,1950. xiv,444p.19cm. 3847 New York, Viking Press,1948. vi,634p.17cm. 3825 Faulkner, William:Sanctuary. New York, Modern Library,1932. vii,380p.19cm. 3848 Cowley, Malcolm:The stories of R Scott Fitzge. Faulkner, William:Sartoris. London, Chatto,1954. rald. New York, Scribner, c 1953. xxvi,473p. 22cm. 3826 380p.19cm. 3849 Cozzens, James G皿ld:By love possessed. London, Faulkner, William:Soldiers’pay. New York, Live. Longmans,1958.570p.21cm. 3827 right,1926.319p.19cm. ・ 3850 Crane, Stephen:Maggie;agirl of the streets& Faulkner, William:The sound and the fury and as George’s mother. Greenwich, Fawcett,1960.160p. Ilay dying. New York, Modern Library,1946. 18cm. 3828 532p、19cm、 3851 Faulkner, William:The town. New York, Random De Forest, John William:Miss Ravenel’s conver. House,1957.371p.21cm。 3852 sion. New York, Rinehart,1957. xxiv,485p. 19cm. 3829 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott: The beautiful and damned. New York, Scribner,1950.449p.21cm. Dos Passos, John:Manhattan transfer. Boston, 3853 Houghton,1953.404p.20cm. 3830 FitZgerald, Francis Scott:The great Gatsby. New Dos Passos, John:The men who made the nation. York, Scribner,1953.182p.21cm. 3854 New York, Doubleday,1957.469p.25cm. 3831 Fitzgerald, Francis Scott:This side of paradise. Dos Pa880s, John:Three soldiers. New York, New York, Scribner, c 1920.305p.21cm. 3855 Modern Library,1932. iv,471p.19cm. 3832 Foley, Martha ed.:The best American short stories Dos Passos, John:U. S. A.1. The 42 nd. paralleL 1956.Boston, Houghton,1956. xiv,368p.21cm. 2.Nineteen nineteen.3. The big money. v. L New 3856 York, Modern Library,1937. ix,561p.21cm.3833 Gatdiner, Harold C.:Fifty years of the American Dreiser, Theodore:An American tragedy. New nove11900-1950. New York, Scribner,1952. xvi, York, MOdern Library,1953.874p.21cm. 3834 304p.22cm. 3857 Dreiser, Theodore:The best short stories of The- Geismar, Maxwe11:The lqst of the provincials; Odore Dreiser. Cleveland, World Publ.,1956.349p. the American novel,1915-1925. Boston, Houghton 21cm. 3835 lg49. xii,404p.21cm. 3858

一 108一 3859 American Fiction 3903 LITERATURE

Geismar, Maxwe11:Rebels and ancestors;the James, Henry:Roderick Hudson. London, Lehmann, American novel,1890-1915. Boston, Houghton 1947.334p.19cm. 3882 1953.xii,435p.22cm. 3859 James, Henry:The short storios of Henry James, Hawthorne, Nathanie1:The house of the seven sel.&ed. with an introd. by Clifton Fadiman. gables. New York, Pocket Books,1951. x,372p. New York, Modern Library,1909. xx1 644p. 17cm. 3860 21cm. 3883 H8wthome, Nathaniel:Selected tales and sketches. James, Henry:The spOils of Poynton. Norfolk, New York, Rinehart,1950. xxx,412p.19cm. New Directions,1924.323p.19cm. 3884 3861 James, Henry:The tragic muse. New York, Har- Hemingvvay, Ernest:Across the river and into the per,1960. xvii,619p.21cm. 3885 仕ees. London, Jonathan Cape,1950.254p.20cm. James, Henry:The turn of the screw. New York, 3862 MOdern Library,1930. x,211p.19cm. 3886 Hemi皿gw町, Ernest:Death in the afternoon. Lon. Jsmes, Henry:Washington Square. New York, don, Jonathan Cape,1955.359p.23cm. 3863 Modern Library, c 1950. xii,291p. 19cm. 3887 Hem血㎎way, Emest:The essential Hemingway. Jame8, Henry:Washin gton Square and Daisy Mi1・ London, Jonathan Cape,1954.447p.20cm. 3864 ler. New York, Harper,1956. xxv, 261p.20cm. Herningway, Ernest:Afarewell to arms. New 3888 York, Scribner,1957. xxxvii,343p.22cm. 3865 James, Henry:What Maisie knew. Garden City, Hemingwsy, Ernest: Fiesta、 London, Jonathan Doubleday,〔n. d.〕280p.18cm. 3889 Cape,1955.285p.20cm. 3866 Jame& Henry:The wings of the dove. New York, Hem㎞gway, Ernest:For whom the bell toUs. Modern Library, c 1930. xxx,439p.19cm. 3890 London, Jonathan Cape,1955.443P.20cm. 3867 Lew拍, Sinclair:Babbitt. New York, Harcourt, Hemingrvay, Ernest:Green hills of Africa. London, 1922.401p.20cm. 3891 Jonathan Cape,1954.284p.21cm. , 3868 LeWis, Sinclair:Main street. New York, Harcourt, む Hemi㎎way, Ernest:In ollr time. New York, 1920.451p.21cm. 3892 Scribner,1955.212p.20cm. 3869 b嬬w緬㎞, Ludwig:The island within. New York, Hemingevay, Ernest:Men without women. London, Modem Library,1940.354p.19cm. 3893 Jonathan Cape,1955.222p.20cm. 3870 1血8◎ott, Robert N.:The best American hunlomus Hemingway, Ernest:The sun also rises. New York, short stories. New York, MOdern Library, 1945. Scribner,1954.247p.21cm。 3871 x,436p.19cm. 3894 Hemingvvay, Ernest:To have and have not. Londo叫 Marquand, John P.:The late George Apley. Jonathan Cape;1955.256p.19c皿. 3872 New York, Modern Library,1940.354p.19cm. 3895 Hoffman, Frederick J.:The mOdern novel in Amer・ ica,1900-1950. Chicago, Regnery,1951. viii, Me1▼Me, Herman:Moby Dick. New York, Harper, 216P.21cm. 3873 1950.xvi,11-633p.20cm. 3896 James, Henry:The ambassadors. Garden City, MelVille, Herman:Typee. New York, Grosset& Doubleday,1958.465p.18cm. 3874 Dunlap,1949. xi,305p.22cm. 3897 James, Henry:The American. New York, Rille・ Mimhell, Margaret:Gone with the wind. Garden hart, c 1949. xXii,362p.19cm. 3875 City, Permabooks, cユ936.864p.19Crn. 3898

James, Henry:The art of the novel;critical pre. Nei〔1e蓄, Charles ed.:The complete short stories of faces. New York, Scribner,1950. xli,348p.21cm. Mark Twain. New York, Henover House,1957. .. 3876 xxiv,676p.22cm. 3899 Jume島 Henry:The awkward age。 Garden City, P8鞭h▼皿y, Helen Waite:All the畑ppy endings. Doubleday,1958. xxv,368p.18cm. 3877 New York, Harper,1956. xvii,232p.22cm. 3900

James, Henry:The Bostonians. New York, Modem Pearson, Norman Holmes, ed.:The complete nove重s Library,1956. xxviii,464P.19cm. 3878 and selected tales of Nathaniel Hawthome. New James, Henry:Confidence. London, Macmillan, York, Modern Library,1937. xv,1223p.21cm. 1921.272p.18cm. 3879 3901

James, Henry:The golden bow1. London, Methue叫 Poore, Charles:The Hemingway reader. New York, 1956.548p.19cm. 3880 Scribner,1953. xx,652p.22cm. 3902 Jame8, Henry:The portrait of a lady. New York, Rosenfeld, Paul:The Sherwood Anderson reader. Modern Library,1951. ix,438p.19cm. 3881 Boston, Houghton, c 1947. xxx,850p.21cm.3903

一 109一 LITERATURE 3904 American Essays&Letters 3946

Saroyan, William:The adventures of Wesley Jack・ Wagenknecht, Edward: Cavalcade of the American son. London, Faber,1957.336p.19cm. 3904 novel. New York, Henry Holt, c 1952. xvi, 575p. 22cm. 3926 Saroyan, William:The daring young man on the flying trapeze;and other stories. London, Faber, Warfel, Harry:American novelists of today. New 1953.302p.19cm. 3905 York, American book,1951.478p.24cm. 3927 Saroyan, William:My name is Aram、 London, Wharton, Edith: The age of inno㏄nce. New York, Faber,1956.255p.19cm. 3906 MOdern Library,1920.365p.19cm. 3928 SaオOyan, William:The trouble with tigers. London, Wharton, Edith: Ethan Frome. New York, Scribner, Faber,1949.316p.20cm. 3907 1939.x,181p.21cm. 3929 Smythe, David Mynders:Madame de Pompadour; Wilder, Thornton Niven:Trio;the cabala, the mistress of France. New York, Funk,1953. xiii, bridge of San Luis Rey, the woman of Andros. 370p.22cm. 3908 New York, Criterion.1956.309p..22cm. 3930 Stallman, Robert Wooster:Stephen Crane, an omni. Wimams, Tennessee:Hard candy. Norfolk, New bus. New York, Knopf, c 1952. xlv,704p.22cm. Directions Book,1954.220p.25cm. 3931 3909 Wolfe, Thomas:Look homeward, angel. New York, Steinbeck, John:East of eden. London, Heinemann, Modern Library,1929.638p.21cm. 3932 1956.526p.21cm. 3910 Wolfe, Thomas:Of time and the river;alegend of Steinbedk, John:The grapes of wrath. London, man’s hunger in his youth. New York, Scribner, Heinemann,1955.416p.19cm. 39ヱ1 1935.912p.22cm. 3933 Steinbeck, John:Of mice and men. New York, Wright, Austin Tappan:Islandia. New York, Modern Library,1937. xx,7-192p.19cm. 3912 Rviehart,1942. x,1014p.22cm. 3934

Steinbeck, John:The short novels of John Steinbeck. London, Heinemann,1955.586p.20cm. 3913 American Essays&Letters

SteinbecR, John:The short novels of John Steinbeck. Babbitt, Irving:Literature and the American co・ New York, Viking,1953. xiii,407p.22cm. 3914 11ege. New York, Henry Regnery,1956. xx,178p. Steinbeck, John: Sweet Thursday. London, 18cm. 3935 Heinemann,1954. viii,264p.20cm. 3915 Babbitt, Irving:The new Laokoon. New York, Steinbeck, John:Tortilla flat. New York, Modem Houghton,1910. xiv,260p.19cm. 3936 Library,1937.325p.19cm. 3916 Barsley, Michael:Modern American humour. Lon・ don:Phoenix House,1956.256p.21cm. 3937 Thoreau, Henry David:Walden. New York, New American Library,1954.221p.18cm. 3917 Bergler, Edmund:Laughter and the sense of humor. New York, Intercontinental Medical Book,1956. Tri1血g, Lionel:E. M. Forster. London, Hogarth, xii,297p.24cm. 3938 1951.164p.19cm. 3918 Bierce, Ambrase:The devil’s dictionary. New York, Twain, Mark:The adventures of Tom Sawyer and Peter Pauper,1958.61p.19cm. 3939 the adventures of Huckleberry Finn. New York, Blair, Walter:Native American humor, New York, Modern Libray,1922. x,591p.21cm. 3919 American Book,1937. xv,573p.23cm. 3940 Twain, Mark:A Connecticut Yankee in King Ar. Brooks, Van Wyck:The confident years,1885-1915. thur’s court, New York, 450p. Grosset,1917. x, New York, Dutton,1952. x,627p.22cm. 3941 20c皿. 3920 Brooks, Van Wyck:Days of the phoenix;the Twain, Mark:Pudd’nhead Wilson. New York, nineteen・twenties 1 remember. New York, Dutton, Grove Press,1955.215p.21cm. 3921 1957.199p.22cm. 3942 Twain, Mark:Roughing it. v.1. New York, Harper Brooks, Van Wyck:From a writer’snotebook. New 1913.330p.21cm. 3922 York, Dutt皿,1958.182p.18cm. 3943 Van de Water, Frederic F.:ReIuctant rebeL New Buck, Paul Herman:The road to reunion,1865.1900. York, Duell,1948.422p.21cm. 3923 New York, Vintage,1959. xi,320, xiiip.19cm. 3944 Van Doren, Mark:Home with hazel and other stories. New York, Harcourt,1957.248p.21cm. Cowley, Malcolm&Smith, Bernad, ed.:Books that 3924 changed our minds. New York, Kelmscott Edi- tions,1939. viii,285p.21cm. 3945 Vincent, Howard P.:The trying-out of Moby-Dick, New York, Houghton, c 1949. xvi,400p.21cm. De Voto, Bernard:Mark Twain’s America. Cam- 3925 bridge, Houghton,1932. xvi,351p.22cm. 3946

一 110一 3947 English Literature 3983 LITERATURE

Mel, Leon, ed.: Henry James;the American Rourke, Constance:American humor. New York, essays. New York, Vintage,1956. 288, viiip. Harcourt,1931. x,324p.22cm. 3965 19cm. 3947 Tumer, Arlin:Mark Twaih and George W. Cable. Mel, Leon, ed.:Selected letters of Henry James. Michigan, The State Univ. Press,1960. xi,141p、 London, Hart~Davis,1956.268p.21cm. 3948 21cm. 3966

Eliot, Thomas Stearns:Selected essays. New York, Wilson,. Edm岨d l Axel’s castle. New York, Harcourt,1950. xiv,460p.22cm. 3949 Scribner,1950.319p.21cm. 3967

Emereon, Ralph Waldo・:English traits, and repre’ sentative men,&other essays. London, Dent, English Literature 1951.viii,374p.18cm. 3950 Adams, Robert Martin:Ikon:John Milton and the Fiedler, Leslie A.:An end to innocence;essays on modern critics. New York, Cornell Univ. Press, culture and politics. Boston, Beacon Press, 1955、 1955.xvi輌,231p.22m. 3968 x,214p.21cm. 3951 Ainger, Alfred:Charles Lamb、 London, Macmillan, Frank血1, Benjamin:The papers of Benjamin Fran・ 1888.x,226p.19cm. 3%9 klin. v.2. ed. by Leonard W. Labaree. New Ainger, Alfred:Charles Lamb. London, Macmillan, Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1960. xxVi,471p.23cm. 1903.x,191p.19cm. 3970 3952 H㎎hes, Langston:Iwonder as I wander;an Amold, Matthew:Selected pOetry and prose. Intr. by Frederick L. Mulhauser. New York, Rineharち autobiographical journey. New York, Rinehart, 1956.x,405p.23cm. 3953 1956.xxiv,353p.19cm. 3971 Baifour, Graham:The life of Robert Louis Steven・ Jame隅 Henry、:The painter’s eye. Lonaon, Hart- son. v.1-2. New York, Scribner,1901.2v.22cm. Davis,1956.274p.21cm. 3954 3972

James, Henry:The painter’s eye. Cambridge, Har・ Bate札 Herbert Emest:Edward Garnett. London, vard Univ. Press,1956.274p.21cm. 3955 Parrish,1950.87p.19cm. 3973

James, Henry:Parisian sketches;letters to the Bee’8, Henry A.:Ahistory of Ellglish romanticism New York Tribune,1875-1876. Washington, New in the nineteenth century. New York, Henry Holt, York Univ. Press, 1957. xxxvii,262p.21cm. 1901.viii,424P.20cm. 3974 3956 B㎞k,William:Goldsmith. New York, Harper, Jones, Howard Mumford&Rideo咽t, Walter B.: 1879.152p.20cm. 3975 Letters of Sherwood Anderson. Bosto叫Little, Blackmロr, Richard Palmer:Language as gesture; Brown, c 1953. xxx,479p.23cm. 3957 essays in poetry. New York, Harcourt,1952. vi, Jones, Howard Mumford:The pursuit of happiness. 440p.21cm. . 3976 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1953. xvi,168p. Bogor8d, Samuel N.&Jack, Trevithick, ed.:The 22cm. . 3958 college miscellany..New York, Rinehart,1952. x, Labaree, Leonard W.&]Bel1, Whitfield J. Jr., ed.: 621p.24cm. 3977 Mr. Franklin;Aselec亡ion from his personal Bo8well, James:Boswelrs Life of Johnson, ed. by letters. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1956. xxii, Charles Grosvenor Osgood. New York, Scribner, 62p.27cm. 3959 1917.xix,574p.17cm. 3978 Lee, William:AYankee Jeffersonian;selections Bogwe11, James:The life of Samuel Johnson, L. L. from the diary and letters of William Lee of D.New York, Modern Library,〔n. d.〕xv, Massachusetts written from 1796 to 1840. ed. by 1200p.21cm. 3979 Mary Lee Mann. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1958.xi,312p.24cm. 3960 Bro醜80n Bertrand H.,ed.:Samuel Johnson;poems, and selected prose. New York, Rinehart,1958. MacLeiSh, Archibald:The irrespOnsibles;adecla・ xxii,612p.19cm. 3980 ration.1. ed. New York, Duell,1940.34p.20q皿. 3961 1鉋ow皿, Jolln Mason, ed.:The portable Charles Lamb. New York, Viking,1949. x,594p.17cm. Meyerh①ff, Hans:Time in literature. Berkeley, 3981 Univ. of California Press,1955. xx,160p.23cm. 3962 Browne, Thomas:The works of Sir Thomas Browne. ed. by Simon Wilkin. v.1-3. London, Nowell, Elizabeth:The letters of Thomas Wolfe. George Bel1,1884.3v.19cm, 3982 New York, Scribner,ユ956. xx,797p.24cm. 3963 Browning, Oscar:Life and writings of George Eliot、 Pound, Ezra:The letters of Ezra Pound.1907-1941. London, Walter Scott,〔n. d、〕174, xiv,〔18〕p. New York, Harcourt,1950.358p.25cm、 3964 18cm. . 3983

一 111一 .LITERATURE 3984 English Literature 4023

Bu{虫ler, William E., ed.:Prose of the Victorian Eliot, Thomas Stearns:Selected prose. ed. by John period. Boston, Houghton,1958. xxxi,570p.21cm. Hayward. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1955.260p. 3984 18cm. 4005 Claine, Halh Life of Samu,el Taylor Coleridge. Erv㎞e, St. John:Bernard Shaw;his life, woτk London. Walter Scott,1887.154p. xxip,18cln. and friends. New York, Morrow,1956. ix,628p. . 3985 24cm. 4006

Church, R. W.:Bacon. New York, Harper,1884. Fitzger81d, Brian:Daniel Defoe;. a study in con・ viii,214p.19cm. 3986 flict. London, Secker&Warburg,1954.248p. Church, R. W.:Spenser. New York, Harper, c 1879. 21cm. 4007 〔6〕,180p. 19cm. 3987 Froude, Jalnes Anthony:Bunyan. New York, Chute, Marchette:Shakespeare of London. New Harper,〔n. d.〕vi,178p.19cm. 4008 York, Dutton,1949. xii,397p.22cm. 3988 Gamett, Richard:Life of Thomas Carlyle. L,ondon, Clark, Evert Mordecai, ed.:The seventeenth cen・ Walter Scott,〔n. d.〕186, xxviiip.18cm. 4009 tury. New York, Scribner,1930.1xvi,615p.17cm. Ga8ken, Elizabeth Cleghorn:The life of Charlotte 3989 Bronte. London, Dent,1913. xxiii,411p.18cm. Coff血1, Robert P. Tristram&Wither8poon, Alex’ 4010 ander M., ed.:Seventeenth-century prose and Gerould, Gordon Hall, ed.:01d English and Medieval poetry. New York, Harcourt,1946. xxi, 310p. literature. New York, Thomas Nelson,1933、456p. 24cm. 3990 17cm. 4011 Colvin, Sidney:Walter Savage Landor. New York, Gerould, Gordon Hall, ed.:SiXteenth century litera・ Harper,1902. viii,224p.19cm. 3991 ture. New York, Thomas Nelson,1932.394p. George Gordon:Chaucer and his England.C《)UltOn, 17cm. 4012 New York, Russel1,1957. ix,321p.21cm. 3992 Go8鍵, Edmund W.:Tholhas Gray. New York, Co耐hope, W.」.:Addison. New York, Harper, Harpe.r,1882. vii,223p.19cm. 4013 〔n.d.〕〔4〕,182p.19cm, 3993 Gosse, Edmund W.:Ahistory of eighteenth century Coward, Noe1:Present indicative. New York, literature.(1660-1780). New York, Macmillan, Doubleday,1947. viii,371p.21cm. 3994 1911.viii,415p.19cm. 4014 Cro¢ket烏William Shillinglaw:The Scott country. Gmmb血le, Harvey Carson:Stories from Browning. 4.ed. London, Adam,1911, xvi,510p.2map. Boston, Houghton,1914. xiv,338P.20cm. 4015 20cm. 3995 Cunliffe, John W.,et a1.,ed.:Century readings in Halleck, Reuben Post:Histoty of English litera・ English literature.5. ed. New York, Appleton, ture. New York, American Book,1900.499p. 1940.1xiv,1104p.24cm. 3996 19cm. 3016 Cushwa, Frank W.:An introduction to Conrad. New Harr血gton, Vernon C.:Browning studies. Boston, York, Odyssey Press,1933. xiv,436p.20cm. Badger,1940. ix,391p.19cm. 4017 3997 Harrison, George Bagshame, ed.:Malor British 1)eM脚㌧Harko G.:Ahistory of modern English writers. v.1-2. New York, Harcourt,1954.2v. romanticism. v.1. Elizabethan and modern roman- 24cm. 4018 ticism in the eighteenth century.1式)ndon, Oxfgrd Hazlitt, William:Engiish comic writers. London, Univ. Press,1924. vi,〔2〕,246p.23cm. 3998 Dent,1946. xii,340,15p.18cm. 4019 Pe Quhlcey, Thomas:Selectiohs from De Quincey. Hazlitt, William:Lectures on the English poets, ed. by Milton Haight Turk. Boston, Ginn,1902. and the English comic writers. London, George lxxi,501p.19cm. 3999 Be11,1884.232,〔23〕p.19cm. 4020 De組, Leonard F.,ed.:The college omnibus.7. ed. George Bemard Shaw;man New York, Harcourt,1951.1224p.24cm. 4000 Henderson, Archibald: of the century. New York, Appleton,1956. xxxii, 1)obson, Austin l Fanny Burney. New York, Mac・ 969p.24cm. 4021 millan,1903. vii,216,〔2〕p.19cm. 4001 Hinchman, Walter S.&Gummere, Francis B. :Lives Dowde叫 Edward:The life of Robert Browning. O fgreat English writers;from Chaucer to Brown’ London, Dent,1917. xii,403p.18cm. 4002 ing, Boston, Houghton,1908.〔8〕,569p.2pL 20cm. Dowden, Edward:Southey. New York, Harper, 4022 1880.197,8p.19cm. 4003 H耐,Theodore W.:Representative English prose Eamest, Ernest:The uses of prose. New York, and prose writers.2. ed. New York, Armstrong, Harcourt,1956. xi,558p.24cm, 4004 1891.xiii,527,〔8〕p.19cm. 4023

一 H2一 4024 English Literature 4063 LITERATURE

h旬㎞e,Theodora:A ’pronouncmg dictionary of Mi1㎞, John:Prose selections. ed. by Merritt Y. Shakespearean proper names・ New York, Barnes Hughes. New York, Odyssey Press,1947. cxci, &Noble,1944. lviii,387p.21cm. 4024 454p.19cm. 4042 Jones, Richard Foster, ed.: Seventeenth century Miorley, Henry, ed.:The earlier life and the chief literature. New York, Nelson,1932.423p.17cm. earlier works of Daniel Defoe. London, ROutledge, 4025 1889.446p.21cm. 4043 Jones, Richard Foster, ed.: Eighteenth century Myers, Frederick W. H. l Wordsworth. New York, literature. New York, Nelson,1932.416p.17cm. Harper,1901. vi,182p.19cm. 4044 . 4026 Nevm, John Cranstoun:Thomas Chatterton. Lon・ Ker, Williarn Paton:On modern literature. ed. by don, Frederick Muller,1948.261p.19cln. 4045 T.Spencer&J. Suther land. Oxford, Clarendon Patt拍on, Mark:Milton. New York, Harper,1880. Press,1955. xviii,281p.23cm. 4027 vi,215,4p.19cm. 4046 Kpling, Rudyard: Selected prose & poetry of Pepy8, Samue1:Selections from the diary of Salnuel Rudyard Kipling. New York, Garden City Pub., Pepys,1660-1669. New York, World’s Popular 1937.x,1030p.22cm. 4028 Classics Book,〔n. d.〕306p.20cm. 4047 KnighL Joseph:Life of Dante Gabriel Rossetti. Pippetち Aileen:The moth and the star;abiogra・ London, Walter Scott,1887.181, xixp.18cm. phy of Virginia Woolf. Boston, Little, Brown, 4029 1955.x,368p.2p1.22cm. 4048 K㏄h,Vivienne:W. B. Yeats;the tragic phase;a Robert8, S. C.,ed.:Samuel Johnson;writer. New study of the last poems. Baltimore, Johns Hop- York, Lincoln Macveagh,1926.255p.18cm.4049 kins,1951.151p.22cm. 4030 ㎞enberh, Eleanor:Leicester;patron of letters. Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:The portable Johnson and New York, Colulnbia Univ. Press,1955. xx,395p BoswelL New York, Viking,1947.762p.17cm. 24cm. 4050 4031 Sa血t釧bury, George:Matthew Arnold. New York, Krenenberger, Louis, ed.:The portable Johnson and Dodd,1899. vi,230p.20cm. 4051 Boswell. New York, Viking,1955. v,762p.18cm. 4032 Sa皿deオnn, George:College reading;acollection of prose, plays and poetry. Boston, Heath,1953. xiv, Lee, Sidney:Shakespeare’s life and work. New 849p.24cm. 4052 York, Macmillan,1906. xv,231p.19cm. 4033 Sh8w, Harry:Reading the short story.2. ed. New Legouis, Emile&Loui8, Cazamian:Ahistory of York, Harper,1954. viii,396p.21cm. 4053 Engl輌sh literature;the middle’ages and the renas- cence 650-1660;and modern times 1660-1932. Smith, Goldwin l Cowper. London, Macmillan,1909. New York, Macmillan,1947. xxiv,1443p.22cm. 135p.18cm. 4054 4034 Smith, Grover, Jr.:T. S. Eliot’s poetry and plays; Lehmam, John:The open night. New York, Har. astudy in sources and meaning. Chicago, Univ. court,1952. ix,128p.22cm. 4035 of Chicago Press,1956. xii,338p.24cm. 4055

IxoomiS, Roger Sherman, et al.,ed.:Modern English Stepheni Leslie:Alexander Pope. New York, Har・ readings.7. ed. New York, Rinehart,1956. xvi, per,〔n. d.〕vii,209,6p.19cm. 4056 1097p.24cm. 4036 Stephen, Leslie:George Eliot. New York, Mac. Maclrttyre, Carlyle Ferren &Msjl, Ewing, ed.: milian,1902.213p.20cm. 4057 English prose of the romantic per輌od. New York, Stephen, Leslie:Jonathall Swift. New York, Har・ 0xford Univ. Press,1940. xi,362p.24cm. 4037 per,1902. vii,205p.20cm. 4058 M[arlow, Louis:Seven friends. London, Richards Stephen, Leslie:Samuel Johnson. New York, Har・ Press,1953. v,170p.20cm. 4038 per,〔n. d.〕195,10p.19cm. 4059 Martz, Louis L.:The poetry of meditation;astudy John Addington:Sir Philip Sidney.SymondS, New in Engiish religious iiterature of the seventeenth vi,186,〔6〕p.19cm. York, Harper,1887. 4060 century. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1955. xiv, 〔2〕,375p.2p1.24cm. 4039 Tsbe, Allen: Coliected essays. Denver, Alan Swallow,1959. xv輌ii,578p.22cm. 4061 MiltOn, John:Areopagitica and other prose works. London, Dent,1927. xvii,306,15p.18cm. 4040 Trai11, Henly Duff:Coleridge. New York, Harper, c1906. x,199,〔6〕p.19cm. 4062 Milton, John:Miltoピs prose. ed. by Malcolm W. Wallace. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1927. xxiv, Van I)oren, Carl, ed.:The portable Swift. New 476p.15cm. 4041 York, Viking Press,1948.601p.17cm. 4063

一 113一 LITERATURE 4064 English Poetry 4095

Wagenknecht, Edward:Cavalcade of the English Brooks, Cleanth:Modern poetry and the tradition, nove1;from Elizabeth to George VL New York, Chapel H輌11, Univ. of North Carolina Press,1939. Henry Holt,1947. xx,646p.22cm. 4064 xi,253p.22cm. 4079 Waite, Harlow O.&Atkinson, Benjamin P., ed.: Browning, Robert:The poems and plays of Robert Literature for our time;an anthology for college Browning. New Ydrk, Modern Library,1934. students. New York, Henry Holt,1953. xiv,998p. xvii,1223p.21cm. 4080 24cm. 4065 Bums, Robert:The complete works of Robert WaltOn, Izaak:The lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Burns, ed. by Alexander Smi,th. New York, Henry Wotton, Mr. Richard Hooker, Mr. George Crowell,〔n. d.〕lxii,636p.20cm. . 4081 Herbert, and Dr. Robert. New York, Scott-Thaw, 1903.xii,403p.17cm. 4066 Bush, Douglas ed.:The portable Milton. New York, Viking Press,1949. vii,693p.17cm. 4082 Watt, Homer A.&Cargill, Oscar:Biography and exposition; college reader. Englewood-Cliffs, Byron, George Gordon:Childe Harold’s Pilgrimage Prentice-Hall,1948. xviii,〔4〕,477p.24cm. 4067 and other romantic poems. ed. by Samuel C. Chew. New York, Odyssey Press,1936.1,521p. Watt, Homer A.&Watt, William W.:Adictionary 19cm. 4083 of English literature, New York, Barnes&Noble, 1952.viii,430p.21cm. 4068 Byron, George Gordon:The poetical works of Lord Byron. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1946. WellS, Herbert George:Experiment in autobiogra. ix,923p.19cm. 4084 phy;discoveries and conclusions of a very ordi・ nary brain since 1866. New York, Macmillan, Byron, George Gordon:Selected poetry and letters、 1934.xi,718p.24cm. 4069 New York, Rinehart,1956. xxxiv,444,〔2〕p. West, Geoffrey:H. G. Wells, with a specially 19cm. 4085 written intr. by H. G. Wells. New York, Norton, Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury tales. ed. by 1930.ix,287p.2p1.21cm. 4070 Walter W. Skeat. New York, Modern Library, Wilde, Oscar:Complete writings of Oscar Wilde. 1929.642p.19cm. 4086 v.1-10. New York, Nottingham Society,1909. Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury tales. ed. by 10v.22cm. 4071 Edwin Johnston Howard&Grodon Donley Wilson. New York, Prentice-Hall,1947.〔7〕,406p.21cm. Williams, Charles:Ashort life of Shakespeare with 4087 sources. abr. by C. Williams from Sir Edmund Chambers’s ttWilliaM Shakespeare;astudy of Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury tales. from facts and problems.” Oxford, Clarendon Press, the text of W. W. Skeat. London, Oxford Univ. 1950.viii,260p.2map.19cm. 4072 Press,1950. vi,632p.16cm. 4088 Wilson, F. Ma士y:A primer on Browning. London, Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury tales, together Macmillan,1891.248p.18cm. 4073 with selections from the shorter poems. New York, Scribner,1952. vi,377p.17cm. 4089 Winwar, Frances:The immortal lovers;Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning. New York, Harper, Chaucer, Geoffrey:The Canterbury tales, tr. into 1926.vi,344p.2 pl.22cm. 4074 modem English prose by R. M. Lumiansky. New York, Rinehart,1956. xxviii,482,〔2〕p.19cm. 4090 English Poetry Coleridge, Samuel Taylor:The golden book of Coleridge. London, Dent,1927. xii,289p.18cm. Amold, Matthew :The poems of Matthew Arnold 4091 ’1840to 1866. London, Dent,1927. xv,367p.18cm. . 4075 Collins, John Churton, ed.:Sidney’s apologie for poetrie. Oxford, Clarendon Press,1907. xxviii, Arnold, Matthew:Selected poems of Matthew 111p.19cm. 4092 Arnold. London, Macmillan,1890. vii,233p. ]L6cm. 4076 Cooke, George Willis:Aguide-book to the poetic and dramatic works of Robert Browning. Boston, Auden, Wystan Hugh&Pear80n, Norman Holmes Houghton,1891. xvi,451p.20cm. 4093 ed.:Poets of the English language. v.1-5. con. tents:v.1.-Langlandto Spenser. v.2.-Marlowe Cooke, John, D. ed.:Minor Victorian poets. New to Marve11. v.3.-Milton to Goldsmith. v.4.- York, Scribner,1928. xxxvii,615p.17cm. 4094 Blake to Poe. v.5.-Tennyson to Yeats. New Dixon, W. Macneile&Grierson, H. J. C.:The York, Viking,1950.5v.17cm. 4077 English Parnassus;an anthology chiefly of longer Blake, William:Poems and prophecies. London, poems. Oxford, Clarendon Press,1911. xvi,768p. Dent,1950. xxxii,439,.〔8〕p,17cm. 4078 20cm. 4095

一 114一 4096 English Drama 4133 LITERATURE

Denne,」ヒ)hn:John Donne;aselectien of his poetrア. Rhys, Ernest, ed.:The prelude to poetry;the ed. by John Hayward. Harmondsworth, Penguin, English poets in defence and praise of their own 1955.182,〔10〕p.18cm. 4096 art. London, Dent, 1951. xviii, 292p. 17cm. 41」6 Drew, Elizabeth:T. S. Eliot; the design of his poetry. London, Eyre&Spottiswoode,1954.256p. Spenser, Edmund:The poetical works of Edmund 20cm. 4097 Spenser, ed. by J. C. Smith and E. De Selincourt. D町den, John:The best of Dryden. ed. by Louis I. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1948. lxvii,735p. Bredvold. New York, Ronald Press,1933. xliv, 19cm. 4117 572p.17cm. 4098 Spenser, Edmund:Selected poetry, ed. by Leo Eliot, Thomas Steams:Collected poems,1909-1935. Kirschbaum. New York, Rinehart,1957. xli,548, New York, Harcourt,1936.220p.22cm. 4099 〔2〕p.19cm. 4118 Gibran, Kahli1:The prophet. New York, Knopf, Tennyson, Alfred:Selections froln Temyson, ed. 1934.107p.21cm. 4100 by William C. DeVane and Mabel P. DeVane. New York, Crofts,1940. xxv,481p.21cm. 41]9 Gray, Thomas:The poems of Thomas Gray with a selection of letters and essays. London, Dent, Thompson, Francis:Complete poetical works of 1917.xxviii,390p.18cm. 4101 Francis Thompson. New York, Modern Library. 〔n. d.〕〔14〕,358,〔4〕p.17cm. 4120 Hamilton, G. Rostrevor:Walter Savage Landor. New York, Longmans,1960.40p.22cm. 4102 Harrison, G. B.:Abook of English poetry;Chaucer English I)rama to Rossetti. Harmondsworth, Penguin,1955.416p. 18cm. 4103 Barrie, James Matthew:Representative plays. New Housman, Alfred Edward:AShropshire Lad. Cleve- York, Scribner,1926. xvii,439p.19cm. 4121 1and, World PubL,1932.110p.21cm. 4104 Bradley, Andrew Cecil:Shakespearean tragedy; H①u8man, Alfred Edward:ALhropshire Sad. New Hamlet, Othello, King Lear&Macbeth. New York, Heritage,1951.159p.26cm. 4105 York, Meridian Books,1955.448p.18cm. 4122 Kronenberger, Louis, ed.:An anthology of light Cerf, Bennett A.&Cartmell, Van H.,ed.:Sixteen verse. New York, Modern Library,1935. xxv, famous British plays. New York, MOdern Library, 291p.18cm. 4106 c1942. xx,1000p.21cm. 4123 Leggett, Glenn ed.:12 poets;from Wm. Shake- Chambers, Edmund Kerchever:William Shake- speare to T. S. Eliot. New York, Rinehart,1958. speare;astudy of facts and problems. v1-2. xviii,298p.21cm. 4107 Oxford, Clarendon Press,1951.2v.22cm. 4124 Malory, Thomas:The morte Darthur. abr. by CUff,s Notes and Outlines:Notes on Shakespeare’s Charles Richard Sanders&Charles E. Ward. New plays. Lincoln, Cliff’s.1958.16v.21cm. 4125 York, Appleton,1940. xxvi,214p.21cm. 4108 Dunn, Esther Cloudman :Eight famous Elizabethan Miles, Josephine:Eras&modes in English poetry. plays. New York, Modern Library,1932. xvi, Berkeley, Univ. of California Press,1957. xi,233p. 721,〔6〕p.18cm. 4126 22cm. 4109 ElioちThomas Stearns:The cocktail party. London, M〔ilton, John:Poetical works. London, Dent,1950. Faber,1954.167,〔4〕p.22cm. 4127 xvi,554,4p.18cm. 4110 Eliot, Thomas Stearns:The confidential clerk. Neilson, William AIIan&Websber K. G、 T., ed.: London, Faber,1954.136p.22cm. 4128 Chief British poets of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries;selected poems. Boston, Houghton Eliot, Thomas Stearns:The family reunion. London, 1916.xi,442p.22cm. 4111 Faber,1956.135p.22cm. 4129 0rr, Sutherland, Mrs.:A handbook to the works of E廊t,Thomas Steams:Murder in the cathedra1. Robert Browning. London, Bel1,1913. xv,420p. London, Faber,1955.88p.21cm. 4130 18cm. 4112 Galsvvorthy, John:Plays. New York, Scribner,1930. Poole, Austin Lane, ed.:The poems of Gray and vi,698p.20cm. 4131 Collins.4. ed. New York, Oxford Univ. Press, Gilbert, William Schwenck&Su皿ivan, Arther: 1948.320p.19cm. 4113 The complete plays of Gilbert and Sullivan. New Pope, Alexander:Collected poems. London, Dent, York, Modern Library, c 1936.〔6〕,711p.21cm. 1939.xx,392,4p.18cm. 4114 4132 Pope, Alexander:Selected poems of Alexander Pope. ﹇ Gold8mith, Oliver:The poems and plays of Oliver ed. by Louis I. Bredvold. New York, Crofts,1947. Goldsmith. London, Dent,ユ914. xxiv,317p.18cm. xxvii,271p.18cm. 4115 4133

一 115_ LITERATURE 4134 English Fiction 4171

Gosse, Edmund:Restoration plays from Dryden to Synge, John M., et a1,:Five great modern Irish Farquhar. London, Dent,1929. xix,431,2,8p. plays. New York, Modern Library,1941. xiii, 17cm. 4134 332,〔6〕p.18cm. 4151 Gos8e, Edmund:Restoration plays. Lonodn, Dent, Taylor, William Duncan, ed.:Eighteenth century 1953、xvii,509,〔10〕p.19cm、 4ヱ35 comedy. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1929. xxvii, Heilman, Robert B. ed.:An anthology of English 413,15p.16cm. 4152 drama before Shakespeare. New York, Rinehart, Thomdyke, Ashley, ed:The minor Elizabethan 1956.xxi,405p.19cm. 4136 drama. London, Dent,〔n.d.〕xvi,312P.18cm.4153

Holzknecht, Karl J.:Outlines of Tudor and Stuart Ward, Alfred Charles ed.:Specimens of English plays,1497-1642. New York, Barnes&Noble, dramatic criticism. XVII-XX centuries. London, 1947,1952.ix,〔5〕,442p.21cm. 4137 0xford Univ. Press,1945. x,355p.15cm. 4154

Knight8, Lionel Charles: Some Shakespearean English Fiction themes. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1960.183p. 23cm. 4138 A.ubオy, Georges Jean:The sea dreamer ;adefi・ Marlowe, Christopher:The plays and poems of nitive biography of Joseph Conrad. New York, Christopher Marlowe. London, George Newnes, Doubleday.1957.321p.21cm. 4155 1905.510p.17cm. 4139 Austen, Jane:Northanger abbey;and persuation. Moore, Cecil A.:Twelve famous plays of the resto- London, Dent,1929.216p.17cm. 4156 ration and eighteenth century. New York, Modern BallatttJrne, Robert Michael:The coral island. Library,1933. xxiii,952p.21cm. 4140 London, Dent,1910.280p.17cm. 4157 Moore, John Robert ed.:Representative English New York,Bennett, Arnold:The old wives’tale. dramas. Boston, Ginn,1929 xxvi 461p.19cm. 4141 Modern Library,1911. xii,640p.18cm. 4158 Bermett, Arnold:The old wives’tale. New York, Neilson, William Allan&Thorrtdike, Ashley H.: Modern Library,〔n.d.〕xii,640p.18cm. 4159 The facts about Shakespeare. New York, Mac・ millan,1914. v,273,〔8〕p.2p1.18cm. 4142 Borrow, George:The Romany rye. London, Dent, 1907.392p.18cm. 4160 SaintSbury, George ed.:Thomas Shadwell. London, Fisher,〔n. d.〕xxxviii,459p.18cm. 4143 Bronte, Charlotte:Jane Eyre. New York, Random House,1943.343p.17 pL 25cm. 4161 Shakespeare, William:The comedies and tragedies of Shakespeare. Comedies v.1-2. Complete and Bronte, Charlotte: The professor. New York. 皿abridged, with notes and glossary, and with Harper,〔n. d.〕330p.19cm. 4162 illustrations by Fritz Krede1. New York, Random Bronte, Charlotte:Villette. London, Dent,1952. House,1944. v.1.1-545p. v.2.546-1101p.19cm. xviii,462p.17cm. 4163 4144 Bronbe, Emily:Wuthering heights. New York, Shakespeare, William:The comedies and tragedies Random,1943. xiv,212p.13 pl.25cm. 4164 of Shakespeare. Tragedies. v.1-2. Complete and Bronte, Emily:Wuthering heights. Intr. by Mark unabridged, with notes and glossary, and with Schorer. New York, Rinehart,1955. xxxvi,358p. illustrations by Warren Chappe11. New York, 19cm. 4165 Random House,1944. v.1.1-579p. v.2.580-1266p. 19cm. 4145 Bunyan, John:The pilgrim’s progress. intr. by Louis L. Marta. New York, Rinehart,1957. xv, Shakespeare, William:Five plays. New York, 329p.19cm. ・ 4166 Rinehart,1957. xxiii,473p.19cm. 4146 Burney, Fanny:Evelina. London, Dent,1917. xvi, Shakespeare, William:Seven plays, the songs, the 512p.18cm. 4167 sonnets and selections from the other plays. New introduction York, Viking,1944. viii,792p.17cm. 4147 Butler, Samuel:The way of all flesh,’ by Royal A. Gettmann. New York, Rinehart,1956, Shaw, Bernard:Four plays by Bernard Shaw. New x,399p。19cm. 4168 York, Modern Library,1953. xii,473,〔8〕p.18cm, Conrad, Joseph:Lord Jim, ed。 by Robert B. Heilman. 4148 New York, Rinehart,1958. xxxiv,369p.19cm. Shaw, Bernard:Saint Joan, Major Barbara and 4169 Androcles and the lion. New York, Modern De La Mare, Walter:Stories, essays and poems. Library,1941.479,〔8〕p.18cm. 4149 London’, Dent,1946. xv,365p.17cm. 4170 Steven80n, Burton:The standard book of Shake’ Defoe, Danie1:The fortunes and misfortunes of speare quotation. New York, Funk,1953.〔8〕, the famous Moll Flanders. London, Bibliophilist 766p.22cm.’ 4」50 Society,1931. xix,300p.8p1.24cm. 4171

一 116一 4172 English Fiction 4214 LITERATURE

Defoe, Daniel:The fortunes and misfortunes of Hudson, William Henry:Green mansions. New the famous Moll Flanders. New York, Rinehart, York, Harper,1951. xj,26ユp.20cm. 4194 1956.xxii,356p.19cm. 4172 Hughes, Richard:Ahigh wind 1’n Jamaica. New 1)efoe, Daniel:Roxana;The fortunate mistreSS. York, Modern Library,1932. xxiii,399p. 18cm. London, Bibliophilist Society,1931. xi, 322p.6p1. 4J95 24cm. 4173 Hughes, Thomas;Tom Brown’s school days. London, 1)i《虫ens, Charles:Great expectations. New York, Dent,1914. x,366p.18cm. 4196 Rinehart,1957. xii,493p.19cm. 4174 Ki且g8ton, WiUiam Henry GiUes:The three mid: Dickens, Charles:Hard times, introduction by shipmen. London, Dent,1906.439p.18cm. 4197 William W. Watt. New York, Rinehart,1958. Landoオ, Walter Savage:Imaginary conversations xlii,274p.19cm. 4175 and poems;aselection. London, Dent,1950. xxvi, 1)i¢kens, Charles: The life and adventures of 354p.17cm. 4198 Nicholas Nickleby. London, Nelson,〔n.d.〕880p. LOomis, Roger Sherman&Loomis, Laura Hibbard: 16cm. 4176 Medieval romances. New York, Modern Library, Doug18s, Norman:South wind. New York, Boni 1957.xi,426p.18cm. 4199 and Liveright,1925.447p.17cm. 4177 Maugham, William Somerset:The moon and slx・ Edgeworth, Maria:Castle Rackrent and the absen- pence. New York, Modern Library,1919.314p. tee. London, Dent,1952. xvii,346p.18cm. 4178 18c皿. 4200 斑ot, George:Adam Bede. New York, Rinehart, Maugham, William Somerset:Of human bondage. 1958.xxii,551p.19cm. 4179 New York, Modern Library,1942.760p.18cm. 4201 Eliot, George:Middlelnarch;astudy of provincial life. v.1-2. New York, Dodd,〔n. d.〕 2v.16cm. Meredith, George:Diana of the crossways. New 4180 York, Boni,1931. xiv,365p.17cm. 4202 E田oち George:Romola. v.1-2. Chicago, Rand, Meredith, George:Evan Harrington. New York, c1898.2v.21cm. 4181 Scribner,1922. xxix,472p.17cm. 4203 Fielding, Henry:The history of the adventures of Meredith, George:The ordeal of Richard Feverel; Joseph Andrews and his friend M. Abraham ahistory of a father and son. New York, Scribner Adams. New York, Rinehart,1956. xxxi 347p. 19ユ7.xxviii,458p.17cm. 4204 19cm. 4182 Meredith, George: Sandra Belloni. (Originally Ferster, Edward Morgan:Howards end. New York, 《歌Emilia in England”.)rev. ed. London, Con・ Vintage,1954.343p.18cm. 4183 stable,1914. vii,492p.20cm. 4205 Forster, Edward Morgan:Abinger Harvest. London, NewMoore, George:Confessions of a young man, Amold,1953.400p.17cm. 4184 York, Modern Library,〔n. d.〕xii,227p. 17cm. 4206 Ga㎞oれhy, John:Caravan;the assembled tales. New Yσrk, Scribner,1930. x,760p.19cm. 4185 Moore, George:Esther waters. New York, Live・ right,1942.442p.22cm. 3207 Ga18worthy, John:The Forsyte Sage. New York, Scribner,1930. xvi,870p.19cm. 4186 Morris, William:The early romances of William Morris in prσse and verse. London, Dent, xx, Galgvvorthy, John:Amodem comedy. New York, 303p.18cm. 4208 Scribner,1930. xviii,798p. 4187 Radcliffe, Ann:The mysteries of Udolpho. v.1. G818worthy, John:Three novels of love. New York, London, Dent,1949, xiii,336p.17cm. 4209 Scribner,1930.739p.19cm. 4188 Rhy&Ernest, ed.:Thomas Dekker. London, Unwin, Hamblett, Charles:The crazy ki1L London. Sidg・ 1894.xv,473p.18cm. 4210 wick,1956.256p.20cm. 4189 Ridhardson, Samue1:Pamela. v.2. London, Dent, Hardy, Thomas:The mayor of Casterbridge;a 1950. v,474p.17cm. 4211 story of a man of character. New York, Rinehart, S血㎏Sbury, George:Shorter novels;. Elizabethan 1956.xii,338p.19cm. 4190 and Jacobean。 London, Dent,1949. xxiii,356,3p. Har ly, Thomas:The return of the native. New 17cm. 4212 York, Harper,1922. xxxv,481p.21cm. 4191 Seott, Walter:The heart of Midlothian, intr. by Har《1y, Thomas:The return of the native. New David Daiches. New York, Rinehart,1956. xii, York, Rinehart,1956. xxix,481p.19cm. 4192 566p.19cm. 4213 Hudson, Wiiliam Henry:Green mansions;aromance Sidney, Philip: The Countess of Pembroke’s of the tropical forest. New York, Modern Library, Arcadia. London, Rivington,〔n. d.〕xxxvi,476p. 1944.x,254p.18cm. 4193 18cm. 4214

一 117一 LITERATURE 4215 English Essays&Letters 4252

Smollett, Tobias George:The expedition of Hum・ Wollheim, Donald A., ed.:The portable novels of phry Clinker, intr. by Robert Gorham Davis. science. New York, Viking Press,1948. xiii, New York, Rinehart,1958. xxviii,414p.19cm. 737p.17cm. 4236 4215 Yeats, William Butler, ed.:Irish fairy and folk Smollett, Tobias George:Roderick Random. Lon. tales. New York, Modern Library.〔n.d.〕xviii, don, Dent,1951. xx,428p.18cm. 4216 350p. 18cm. 4237 Steeve8, Harrison R. et a1.:Three eighteenth cen・ tury romances. New York, Scribner,1931. xxiii, English Essays&Letters 585p.17cm. 4217 Addison, Joseph:Addison;selections from Addi- Steme, Laurence:The life and opinions of Tristram son’s papers contributed to the spectator, ed. by Shandy, gentleman, ed. by Samuel Holt Monk. Thomas Arnold. Oxford, Clarendon,1807. xxx, New York, Rinehart,1950. xxii,577p.19cm. 528p.17cm. 4238 4218 r Addison, Joseph&Steele, Richard:Selections from Steme, Laurence:Tristram Shandy. New York, t’The Tatler”and ttThe Spectator”, introduction Modern Library,1941.591p.17cm. 4219 and notes by Robert J. Allen. New York, Rinehart, Steme, Laurence:Tristram Shandy and senti・ 1957.xxlx,239p.19cm. 4239 mental journey. New York, Modern Library, Amold, Matthew:Discourses in America. London, 1953.713p.21cm. 4220 Macmillan,1885. xi,207P.19cm. 4240 StOker, Bram:Dracula. New York, Modern Li. Amold, Matthew:God and the Bible;areview of brary,1897. ix,418p.17cm. 4221 objections to t’literature and dogma”. New York, Swift, Jonathan:Gulliver’s travels, ed, by John F. Macmillan,1875.394p.19cm. 4241 Ross. New York, Rinehart,1957、 xxiii,295p. Am61d, Matthew:God and the Bible;areview of 19cm. 4222 objectiohs to¶tliterature and dogma”. New York, Thack醐y, William Makepeace:The history of Macmillan,1913.対i,343p.19cm. 4242 Henry Esmond, Esq. New York, Harper,1950. Amold, Matthew:Literature and dogma;an essay xxix,554p.20cm. 4223 towards a l)etter apprehension of the bible. Lon・ Thackeray, William Makepeace:Vanity fair, intr. don, Smith,1883. xxvii,232p.19cm. 4243 by John W. Dodds. New York, Rinehart,1956. Amold, Matthew l Literature and dogma;an essay xxv,728p.19cm. 4224 towards a better apprehension of the bible. New Trollope, Anthony:Bapchester’towers. New York, York, Macmillan,1883. xxviii,351p.19cm.4244 Rinehart,1949. xvi,557p.19cm. 4225 Amold, Matthew:Mixed essays. London, Smith, Trollope, Anthony:Dr. Thorne. London, Bell,1923. 1879.x,347p.19cm. 4245 vii,631p.18cm. 4226 Amold, Matthew:On the study of Celtic literature Troilope, Anthony:Framley parsonage. London, and other essays. London, Dent,1932. xvi 260p. Bell,1923. vii,598p..18cm. 4227 17cm. 4246 Trollope, Anthony:John Caldigate. v.1-2. New Arnold, Matthew:St. Paul&protestantism;1ast York, Dodd,1923.2v.18cm. 4228 essays on church and religion. New York, Mac- millan,1883. xxxvii,378p.19cm. 4247 Trollope, Anthony:The last chronicle of Barset. v.1-2.London, Bell,1923.2v.18cm. 4229 Bacon, Francis:Bacon’s essays and colours of good and eviL London, Macmillan,1885. xxiii,388p. Veme, Jules:Five weeks in a balloon and ar皿nd the world in.eighty days. London, Dent,1959. 16cm. 』4248 xxvi,374p.17cm, 4230 Bacon, Francis:Essays, advancement of learning, new at正alltis and other pieces. ed. by Richard Walpole, Hugh:Jeremy and Halnlet. New York, Foster Jones. New York, Odyssey Press,1937. Doran,1923.305p.20cm. 4231 xxxiv,491p.18cm. 4249 Webb, Mary:Precious Bane. New York, Modern Library,1926. xvi,356p.18cm. 4232 Bennett, Arnold:The journal of Arnold Bennett. Garden City, Garden City Publ.,1933. viii,1073p. White, Terence Henbury:Mistress Masham’s 22cm. 4250 repose, New York, Putnam,1946.255p.21cm. Boswe11, James:Boswell’s journal of a tour to the 4233 Hebrides. New York, Literary Guild,1936. xviii, Wilde, Oscar:Plays, prose writings, and poems. 435p.24cm. 4251 London, Dent,1950. xix,428p.18cm. 4234 Bo8we11, James:Boswelrs London journal,1762- Williams, Charles:Many dimensions. New York, 1763.New York, McGrow-Hill,1950. xxix,370p. Pellegrini,1949. x,308p.21cm. 4235 24cm. 4252

一 118一 4253 Literature of Other Countries 4288 LITERATURE

Brovvning, Elizabeth Barrett:The letters of Eliza- Read, Herbert:Acoat of many colours. London, beth Barrett Browning, ed. by Frederic G. Routledge,1956.352p、ユ9c皿. 4271 Kenyon. v.1-2. New York, Macmillan,1897. Rhys, Ernest&Vaughan, Lloyd, ed.:Acentury of 2v.20cm. 4253 English essays;an anthology ranging from Cax・ Bryan, William Frank&Ronald, S. Crane, ed.:The ton to R. L. Stevenson&the writers of our own English familiar essay;representative texts・ time. London, Dent,1933. xiii,482p.17cm. 4272 Boston, Ginn,1916. lx,471p.20cm. 4254 Ruskin, John:The seven lamps of architecture. Carlyle, Thomas:Past and present. London, Ward, London, Dent,1928. xxxii,228p.17cm. 4273 1897.xviii,429p.20cm. 4255 RuSlgin, John:Time and tide;notes on the construc- Carlyle, Themas:Past and present. London, Oxford tion of Sheepfolds. London, Dent,1921. xii,252p. Univ. Press,1950. xv,331p.15cm. 4256 17cm. 4274 Carlyle, Themas:Sartor Resartus;on heroes hero- Sadler, Thomas ed.:Diary, reminiscences and cor- worship and the heroic in history. London, Dent, respOndence of Henry Crabb Robinson. Boston, 1913.xx,474p.18cm. 4257 Houghton,1955. xxvi,555p.20cm. 4275

. - Carlyle, Thomas:Sartor Resartus;the life and Sa㎞tsb田!y, George:A history of Elizabethan litera- opinions of Herr TeufelsdrOckh. London, Oxford ture. London, Macmillan,1887. xiv,471p.20cm. Univ. Press,1947. vi,264p.15cm. 4258 4276 Castiglione, Baldassare:The book of the courtier, Saintsbury, George:Ahistory of nineteenth century tr. by Sir Thomas Hoby. London, Dent,1956. xvi, literature 1780-1895. New York, Macmillan,1904. 324p.19cm. 4259 xii,477p.20cm. 4277 Gis8口lg, George:The private papers of Henry Rye- Shaweross, John ed、:Shelley’s literary and philoso・ croft. New York, Modern Library,1918. xix, phical criticism. London, Milford,1932. xlv,244p. 249p.18cm. 4260 17cm. 4278 Gissing, George:The private papers of Henry Rye- St. John Christopher, ed.:Ellen Terry and Bernard croft. New York, Dutton,1927. xiii,267p.20cm. Shaw. New YOrk, Putnam,1932. xxx,334P.24cm. 4261 4279 Hazlitt, William:Selected essays, ed.’by George Steele, Richard:Steele;selections from the Tatler, Sampson. London, Cambridge Univ, Press,1954, Spectator and Guardian、 rev. ed. Oxford, Claren- xxxviii,251p.20cm. 4262 don,1896. li,504p.20cm. 4280 Hazlitt, William:Selections from William Hazlitt, Stevenson, Robert Louis:Virginibus puerisque and ed. with an introduction and notes by Wil1, David familiar studies of men and books. London, Dent, Howe. Boston, Ginn,1913. lxix,398p.19cm. 1948.viii,333p.22cm. 4281 4263 Strachey, Lytton:Characters and commentaries. Howe, Will D., ed.:Selections from Addison and New York, Harcourt,1933. xi,301p.22cm. 4282 Steele. New Yσrk, Scribner,1921. xx,343p. 17cm. 4265 Thackeray, William Makepeace:The English humourists;the four Georges. London, Dent, Huxley, Thomas Henry:Man’s place in nature and 1949.xix,423p.17cm. 4283 other essays. London, Dent,1911. xviii,372p. Walton, Izaak:The compleat angler. London, Dent, 18cm. 4265 1925.xliv,215p.18cm. 4284 Kennedy, Charies W.:The earliest English poetry. London, Oxford Univ. Press,1943. viii,375p. West, Alfred S., ed.:Bacon’s essays. London, 22cm. 4266 Cambridge Univ. Press,1899. xx,302p.17cm. 4285 Lamb, Charles:Essays of Elia, ed. by A. Hamilton Thompson. London, Cambridge Univ. Press,1949. Literature of Other Countries xxiv,336p.17cm. 4267 Macaulay, Thomas Babington: Speeches on poli・ Aesehylus, et a1.:Fifteen Greek plays, tr. into tics and literature. London, Dent,1924. xxii, English by Gilbert Murray, and others. New 465p.1&cm. 4268 York, Oxford Univ. Press,1956. xxii,794p.21cm. 4286 M[artin・Clarke, D. Elizabeth: Culture in early Anglo-Saxon England; astudy with illustrations. Armour, Margaret tr.:The Nibelungenlied;a Baltimore, Hopkins,1947. xi,100p.20 p1.22cm. prose translation. London, Dent,1949. xviii,235p. 4269 17cm. 4287 Mulgan, John&Davin, D. M.:An introduction to Ari8tOphanes:Five comedies of Aristophanes, tr. English literature. Oxford, Clarendon,1947. viii, by Benjamin Bickley Rogers. Garden City, Dou・ 182p.ユ9cm. 4270 bleday,1955.343p,18cm. 4288

一 ll9一 LITERATURE 4289 Literature of Other Countries 4325

Aristotle:The basic works of Aristotle, ed. by Dickinson, G. Lowes:The Greek view of life. New Richard McKeon. New York, Random House, York, McCiure,1906. xii,236p.19cm. 4307 1941.xxxix,1487p.24cm. 4289 DOdds, Eric Robertson:The Greeks and the irra- Arnold, Edwin:The light of Asia;or the great tionaL Boston, Beacon,1957.327p.20cm. 4308 ren lnciation. Boston, Roberts,1880. xi,244,20p. Dutt, Rome⑨h C.:The Ramayana and the Mahab・ 18cm. 4290 harata. London, Dent,1944. xiv,335p.17cm. Auden, Wystan Hugh, ed.:The portable Greek 4309 reader. New York, Viking,1955. viii,726p.18cm. Flaubert, Gustave:Madame Bovary, tr. by Eleanor 4291 Marx Aveling. New York, Modern Library. BaiZac, Honor6, de.:Old Goriot. London, Dent,1931, 〔n.d.〕400p.18cm. 4310 xlv,239p.17cm. 4292 Flaubert, Gustave:Madame Bovary;astbry of Balzac, Honor6, de.:Pere Gorioちintroduction and provincial life. New York, Rarity Press,1931. notes by Wallace Fowlie. New York, Rinehart, xxv,416p.24cm. 4311 1957.xvi,328p.19cm. 4293 Flores, Angel&Benardete, M. J.,ed.:Cervantes Ba比ac, Honor6, de.: Pere Goriot and Eug6nie across the centuries. New York, Dryden,1947. Grandet, tr. from the French by E. K. Brown, and vi,371p.24cm. 4312 others. New York, Modern Library,1946. xiii, Mores, Angel, ed.:Masterpieces of the Spanish 496p.18cm. 4294 golden age. New York, Rinehart,1957. xix,395p. B6dier, Joseph:The romance of Tristan and Iseult. 19cm. 4313 tr. from the French by Hilaire and Paul Rosenfeld. France, Anatole: Penguin Island. New York, New York, Doubleday,1953.190p.18cm. 4295 Modern Library,1933. xvi,295p.18cm. 4314 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth:Essays on German litera- Franee, Anatole:The queen Pedauque, tr. by Jos. ture.3. rev. ed. New York, Scribner,1893.359p. A.V. Stritzko.、New York, Modern Library. 18cm. 4296 xii,〔n.d.〕253p.17cm. 4315 Bradley, William Aspenwa11:The story of Fla. Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von:Faust;atragedy. menca;the first modern nove1, arranged from Pt.1. tr. by Alice RaphaeL New York, Rinehart, the Provengal original of the thirteenth century. 1956.x1,210p.19cm. 4316 New York, Harcourt,1922. xiii,66p.22cm. 4297 Gu6rard, Albert.:Personal equation. New York, Browne, Lewis:That man Heine. New York, The Norton,1948.317p.22cm. 4317 Literary Guild of America,1927.420p.2pL 20cm. 4298 Hebbe1, Friedrich:Herod and Mariamne;atragedy in five acts. tr. into English verse by Paul H. Cervantes, Miguel de.:Don Quixote De La Mancha; Curts. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North Carolina,1950. the first part of the life and achievements of the 96p.23cm. 4318 renowned. tr. by Peter Motteux. New York, Random House,1941.566p.26cm. 4299 Homer:The Iliad, ed., with apparatus criticus, prolegomena notes, and appendices. v.1-2.2. ed. Cervantes, Miguel de.:The portable Cervantes. tr. &ed. by Samuel Putnam. New York, Viking, London, Macmillan,1900.2v.23cm. 4319 1954.ix,854p.17cm. 4300 Horner:The Iliad of Homer, tr. by Richmond Lat. Cicero, Marcus Tullius:Orations, tr、 by Charles timore. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. Duke Yonge. rev. ed. New York, Colonial Press, 527p.22cm. 4320 1900.ix,446p.2pL 24cm. 4301 Hugo, Victor:The toilers of the sea. New York, Cl㎞rke, H. Butler:Spanish literature. London, Son. Athenaeum Society,1888. xii,322p.21cm. 4321 nenschein,1893. xii,288p.20cm. 4302 1b8en, Henrik:Brand. London, Dent,1951. viii, Cruttwell, Charles Thomas:Ahistory of Roman 223p.18cm、 4322 literature;from the earliest period to the death Henrik:A doll’s hou’ se, ghosts, an enemy of of Marcus Aurelius. New York, Scribner,1887. Ibsen, xvi,503p.21cm. 4303 the people. New York, Modern Library.〔n.d.〕 252p. 17cm. 4323 D’Annumzio, Gabriele:The flame of life. New York, Modern Library.〔n.d.〕403p.17cm. 4304 Ibsen, Henrik:Peer Gynt, tr. by R. Farquharson Sharp. London, Dent,1956. xii,242p.18cm. 1}ante, Alighieri:The divine comedy. New York, 4324 Moderri Library,1932. xix,625p.18cm. 4305 Ibsen, Henrik:The pretenders, Pillars of society, Daudet, Alphonse&Francois, Antoine:Sapho, and Rosmersholm. tr. with an introduction by R. Manon Lescaut. New York, Modern Library. Farquharson Sharp. London, Dent,1955. viii, 〔n.d.〕x,319p.18cm. 4306.. 316p.19cm. 4325

_ 120一 4326 Literature of Other Countries 4361 LITERATURE

Lange, Victor, ed.:Great German short novels and Robinson, Charles, Alexander ed.:An anthology of stories. New York, Modern Library,1952. xxi, Greek drama.2. ser. New York, Rinehart,1957. 486p.18cm. 4326 xxx,298p.19cm. 4344 L地retius, Titus:Of the nature of things, a metrical Chanson de Roland:The song of Roland, tr. by translation by William Ellery Leonard. New York, Frederick Bliss Luquiens. New York, Macmillan, Dutton,1950. xvi,300p.19cm. 4327 1952.xxv,101p.21cm, 4345 Mann, Thomas:Joseph in Egypt. v.1-2. New York, Rolland, Romain:Jean-Christophe, tr. from the Knopf,1938.2v.20cm. 『 4328 French by Gilbert Cannan. New York, Modern Library,1938. vi,504p.21cm. 4346 Mason, Eugene, ed.:Aucassin and Nicolette and other mediaeval romances and legends, tr. Rostand, Edmond:Cyrano de Bergerac, tr。 by Brian from the French by Eugene Mason. New York, Hooker. New York, Modern Library,1951. xix, Dutton,1951. xxiii,249p.19cm. 4329 300p.18cm. 4247 Maupassant, Guy De:Selected tales of Guy De Rousseau, Jean Jacques:Confessions. v.1. London, Maupassant. New York, Random House,1950. vi, Dent,1937. xvi,320p.17cm. 4348 334p.26cm. 4330 Russell, James Anderson:Dutch romantic poetry; Maurois, Andr6:Disraeli;a picture of the Vic. the English influence. Bradford, Jarol House, torian Age. New York, Modern Library,1928. 1961.158p.20cm. 4349 xiii,379p.18cm. 4331 Scherer, W. l A history of German literature, tr. Maumis, Andr6:Lelia;the life of George Sand, tr. by Mrs. F. C. Conybeare. ed. by F. Max Mtiller. from the French by Gerard Hopkins. New York, v.1-2.New York, Scribner,1888.2v.21cm. Harper,1954.482p.24cm. 4332 4350

Milano, Paolo, ed.:The pOrtable Dante. New York, Seneca, Lucius Annaeus:Three tragedies of Seneca, Viking,1956. xlii,662p.17cm. 4333 with an intrOduction and notes by Hugh Mac・ master Kingery. New York, Macmillan,1930. x, Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin:Moliere’s come. 310p.18cm. 4351 dies. v.1. London, Dent,1956. xix,427p.18cm. 4334 Sophocles:Oedipus Rex, an English version by Dudley Fitts and Robert Fitzgerald. New York, Meli6re, Jean Baptiste Poquelin:Plays. New York, Harcourt,1949.109p.22cm. 4352 Modern Library,1950.364p.19cm. 4335 Stewart, Herbert Leslie:Anatole France;the Montaigne, Michael de.:The essays of Michael Parisian. New York, Dodd,1927. xiv,394p.22cm. Lord of Montaigne, tr. by John Florio. London, 4353 Routledge,1894. xxxii,598p.19cm. 4336 Str口tdberg, August:Six plays of Strindberg, in Murray, Gilbert:The literature of ancient . new tr。 by Elizabeth Sprigge. Garden City, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1956. xxxiii, Doubleday,1955. vi,304p.18cm. 4354 420p.20cm. 4337 ThOmas, Calvin:Ahistory of German literature. Payne, Robert, ed.:The white pony;an anthology New York, Appleton,1909. ix,430p.20cm. 4355 of Chinese poetry from the earliest times to the present day. New York, John Day,1947. xxviii, Teffanin, Guiseppe:History of humanism, English 414p.18cm. 4338 tr. by Elio Gianturco. New York, Las Americaris Pub1.,1954. xxxvi,356p.22cm. 4356 Place, Perley Oakland:In the world of the Romans; third and fourth year Latin. New York, Amer. Und8et, Sigrid:Kristin Lavransdatter. New York, ican Book,1945. xii,471p.23cm. 4339 Knopf,1924.336p.20cm. 4357

Plat①:The dialogues of Plato, tr. into English by B. Voltaire, Francois Maric Arouet de:Candide. New Jowett. v.1-2. New York, Random House,1937. York, Modem Library,1955. xiii,236p.18cm. 2v.24cm. 4340 4358

Pmu8も Marce1:Jaen Santeui1, tr. by Gerard HoP・ Voltaire, Francois Marie Arouet:Zadig and other kins. New York, Simon,1956. xxiv,744p.22cm. romances, tr. by H,1. Woolf and Wilfrid S. Jack・ 4341 son. New York, Rarity,1931. xxvi,316p.2pl. 24cm. 4359 Rabelais, FranCois:The portable Rabelais, se1. tr. and ed. by Samuel Putnam. New York, Viking Virgil, Publius Vergilius Maro:The Aeneid, tr. by 1946.xiii,623p.17cm. 4342 C.Day L ewis. New York, Doubleday,1956.320p. 18cm. 4360 RobiRsort, Charles Alexander, ed.:An anthology of Greek drama. L ser. New York, Rinehart,1957. WaltOn, Lesile Bannister:The liVing thoughts of xxiv,269p.19c n. 4343 Cervantes. London, Casse11,1948.105p.19cm.436」

一 12」一 HISTORY 4362 History・Biography 4391

Werfel, Franz:The forty days of Musa Dagh, Zweig, Stefan:Balzac, tr. by Wi11iam and Dorothy tr. from the German by Geoffrey DUnlop. New Rose. New York, Viking,1946. viii,404p.14 p1. York, Modern Library,1934. viii,824p.21cm. 22cm. 4365 4362 Wender, Herbert:The growth of modern thought Wilde, Jean T.:The romantic realist;Caroline de and culture. New.York, Philosophical Library, la Motte Fouque. New York, Bookman,1955. 1959.215p.22cm. 4366 474p.2pi.24cm. 4363 Sampson, Ronald Vusor:Progress in the age of Winwar, Frances:The life of the heart;George reason. London, Heinemann,1956.259p.22cm. Sand and her times、 New York, Harper,1945. 4367 312p.22cm. 4364


Boas, George, et a1.:Studies in intellectual history. Smith, Charlotte Watkins:Carl Becker;on history Baltimore, John Hopkins,1953. viii,225p.22cm. and the climate of opinion. Ithaca, Cornell Univ. 4368 Press,1956. xi,225p.23cm. 4381 Cohen, Morris R.:The meaning of human history. Villehardouin, Geffroi De&De Joinville, Jean Sire: La Salle, Open Court,1947. ix,304p.24cm. 4369 Memoirs of the crusades, tr. and introd. by Sir Frank Marzials. London, Dent,1955. xli,340p. Current, Richard N.:The typewriter and the men 19cm. 4382 who made it. Urbana, Univ. of Illinois Press, 1954.149p.24cm. 4370 Biography Gqrdiner, Patrick:The nature of historical explana・ tion. Oxford, The Univ. Press,1958. xii,142p. Adams, Henry:The education of Henry Adams. 23cm. 4371 New York, Modern Library, 1931. x,517p.17cm. 4383 Gardiner, Patrick, ed.:Theories of history. Glencoe, Free Press,1960. ix,549p.24cm. 4372 Adams, Samue1:The writings of Samuel Adams, collected and ed. by Harry Alonzo Cushing. v.1-4. G㎞d,Clarence A., ed:The age of anxiety. New York, G. P. Putnam,1904-1908.4v.24cm. Boston, Houghton,1960. xii,219p.24cm. 4373 4384

Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich:The philosophy AldingtOn, Richard:The strange life of Charles of history. New York, Dover,1956. xvi,457p. Waterton,1782-1865. New York, Duell,1949. ’20cm. 4374 231p.22cm. 4385 Jo㎞.on, Henry:Teaching of history in elementary Aly, Bower ed.:Alexander Hamilton;selections and secondary schools with applications to allied representing, his life, his thought, and his style. studies. rev. ed. New York, Macmillan,1956. New York, Liberal Arts 1957. xxvi,261p.19cm. ・viii,467p.22cm. 4375 4386

Kohn, Hans:The twentieth century;amid-way Angoff, Charles:H. L. Mencken;aportrait from account of the Western world. New York, Mac. memory. New York, Thomas Yoseloff,1956. millan,1954. ix,242p、21cm、 4376 240p.22cm. 4387 Lovejoy, Arthur:Essays in the history of ideas. Beringause, Arthur E:Books Adams;a biography. Baltimore,∫ohn Hopkins, c 1948. xv,359p.24cm. New York, Knopf,1955. xiii,405p. x.24cm. 4377 4388

Moore, Charles A.:Philosophy-East and West. Betts, Edwin Morris, ed.:Thomas Jefferson’s farm Princeton, The Univ. Press, 1946. ix,334p. book. Princeton, The Univ. Press,1953. xxii, 21cm. 4378 552P.186 P1.25cm. 4389 Munk, Arthur W.:History and god;clues to his Bolitho, Willim :Twelve against the gods;the purpose. New York, Ronald Press,1952. xi,310p. story of adventure. New York, Simon and 21cm. 4379 Schuster,1929.387p.24cm. 4390 Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow:The meeting of Bowers, Claude G.:Beveridge and the progressive East and West. New York, Macmillan,1946. xxii, era. Boston, Houghton,1932. xxiv,610p.8pl. 531p.22cm. 4380 25cm. 4391

一 122一 4392 Biography 4427 HISTORY

Brown, Arthur W.:Always young for Jiberty;a LeopOld, Richard W.:Elihu root hnd the conser・ biography of W三11iam Ellery Channing. Syracuse, vative tradition, ed. by Oscar Handlin. Boston, The Univ. Press,1956. xi,268p.24cm. 4392 Little, Brown,1954. x,222p.21cm. 4409 Cady, Edwin H.:The road to realism;the early Leven80n, Jacob Claver:The mind and art of Henry years 1837-18850f William Dean Howells. Syra- Adams. Boston, Houghton,1957. x,430p.22cm. cuse, The Univ. Press,1956. x,283p.24cm. 4410 4393 Ludwig, Emil:Three Titans、 New York, Putnam, Celli皿輌, Benvenuto:Autobiography of Benvenuto 1930.363p.23cm. 4411 Cellini, tr. by John Addington Symonds. New Milne, Gordon:George William Curtis and the York, Modern Library.〔n.d.〕485p.17cm. 4394 genteel tradition. Blloomington, Indiana Univ. Donnan, Elizabeth&Leo, F. Stock, ed.:An histo・ Press,1956. viii,294p.24cm. 4412 rian,s world;selections from the correspondence Morris, Richard Brandon, ed.:Alexander Hamilton of John Franklin Jameson. Philadelphia, Amer・ and the founding of the naton. New York, Dial ican Philosophical Society,1956. xi,382p.31cm. Press,1957. xxi,617p.25cm. 4413 4395 Munthe, Axe1:The story of San Michele, New Eastman, Max:Artists in uniform. New York, York, Dutton,1936. xxvii,411p.25cm. 4414 Knopf,1934. viii,262, vip.19cm. 4396 Nevins, Allan:Hamilton Fish;the i皿er history of Eisenstadt, Abraham Seldin:Charles McLean And- the Grant administration. v.1. New York, Frede・ rews;astudy in American historical writing. rick Ungar,1957. xxi,448p.25cm. 4415 New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1956. xx,273p. 24cm. 4397 Neving, Allan:Hamilton Fish;the inner history of the Grant administration. v.2. New York, Frede・ Elder, Donald:Ring Lardner;abiography. Garden riρk Unger 1957.493p.25cm. 4416 City, Doubleday,1956.409p.22cm. 4398 0xford,&AsqUith, K. G.:Memories and reflactions, Evelyn, John:The diary of John Evelyn, ed. by 1852-1927.v.1-2. Boston, Little, Brown,1928.2v. Wil1iam Bray. v.1-2. London, Dent,〔n. d.〕2v. 24cm. 4417 18cm. 4399 Paul, Leslie:The English philosophers. London, Farmar, Frances, ed.:The Wilson reader. New Faber,1953.380p.23cm. 4418 York, Oceana Pub.,1956. 286p.18cm. 4400 Perkins, Dexter:Charles Evans Hughes and Ameri・ Farrand, Max, ed.:Benjamin Franklin’s memoirs. can democratic statesmanship. ed. by Oscar Calif., Univ. of California Press, 1949. xxxix, Handlin. Bostn, Little, Brown,1956. xxiv,200p. 422p.28cm. 4401 21cm. 4419 (”tomperS, Samuel:Seventy years of life and labor, Plorner, Henry&Cross, Tom Peete:The life and rev. ed. by Philip Taft and John A. Sessions. correspOndence of Lodowick Bryskett. Chicago, New York, Dutton,1957、334p、22cm。 4402 Univ. of Chicago Press,1927. xi,89p.24cm. 4420 Greer, Thomas H.:What Roosevelt thought;the Power, Eileen:Medieval people. Garden City, social and political ideas of Franklin D. Roosevelt. Doubleday,1955.238p.18cm. 4421 East Lansing, Michigan State Univ. Press,1958. Pusey, Merlo J.:Charles Evans Hughes. v.1-2. xv,244p.24cm. 4403 New York, Macmillan, c 1951.2v.25cm. 4422 Gribble, George Dunning, ed.:Giacomo Casanova; Putnam, Carleton:Theodore Roosevelt. v.1. The his life and memoirs. tr. from the French by formative years,1858-1886. New York, Scribner Arthur Machen. New York, Tudor,1946、360p. 1958.xiii,626p.24c皿. 4423 21cm. 4404 Sandburg, Car1:Abraham Lincoln;the war years. Gwinn, William Rea:Uncle Joe Cannon;Archfoe of v.1-4.New York, Harcourt, ユ939. 4v、 25cm. insurgency ; a history of the rise and fall of 4424 cannonism. New Yok, Bookman Associates,1957. vii,314p.22cm. 4405 Sears, Alfred Byron:Thomas Worthington;father of Ohio statehood. Columl)us, Ohio State Univ. Hand㎞, Oscar:Ai Simith and his America. Boston, Press,1958.260p.24cm. 4425 Little, Brown,1958. x,207p.21cm. 4406 Sc㎞eider, Herbert W.,ed. : Benjamin Franklin;the Jordy, William H、 l Henry Adams;scient三fic his- autobiography and selections from his other writ. torian. New Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1953. xv, ings. New York, Liberal Arts,1952. xx,218p. 327p. 4407 19c皿. 4426 1」atham, Ear1, ed.:The philosophy and policies of Spielman, William Carl:William McKinley, stalwart Woodrow Wilson. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago republican;a biographical study. New York, Press,1958. xv,267p.24cm. 4408 Exposition Press,1954.215p.21cm. 4427

一 123一 HISTORY 4428 U.S, History 4460

Sp㎡gge, Elizabeth:Gertrude Stein;her life and Amerieanat Corporation:The encyclopedia Ameri・ work. New York, Harper,1957. xi,277p.25cm. cana. v.1-30. New York, Americana Corporattion, 4428 1961.30v.26cm. 4444 Strachey, Lytton:Eminent Victorians;Cardinal Andersen, Per Sveaas:Westward is the course of Manning, Dr. Arnold, Florence Nightingale and empires;astudy in the shaping of an American General Gordon. New York, Modern Library,1918. idea;Frederick Jackson Turner’s frontier. Oslo, xi,342p.19cm. 4429 The Univ. Press,1956.133P.22cm. 4445 StrOde, Hudson:Jefferson Davis;American patriot, Andrews, Charles M.:The colonial period of 1808-1861.New York, Harcourt,’1955. xx,460p. American history. The settlements. v.1-4. New 24cm. 4430 Haven, Yale Univ. Press, c 1934.4v.24cm.4446 SuetOnius:The lives of the twelve Caesars, ed. Aptheker, Herbert, ed.:Adocumentary history of with notes and an introduction by Joseph Gavorse. the negro people in the United States. New York, New York, Modern Library,1931. xvi,361p,19cm. Citadel Press, c 1951. xvi,942p.22cm. 4447 4431 Au8ubel, Herman:Historians and their craft;a Trotter, Lionel J.:The bayard of India;alife of study of the presidential addresses of the Ame・ General Sir James Outram. London, Dent,〔n. d.〕 rican Historical Ass㏄iation,1884-1945. New York, xv,239p.18cm. 4432 Columbia Univ. Press,1950.373p.22cm. ’ 4448 world Van Doren, Carl:Benjamin Franklin. New York, Barber, Hollis W.:The United States in affairs,1955. New York, Harper,1957. xii, 346p. Viking,1952. xvii,845p.22cm. 4433 23cm. 4449 Van Doren, Car1, ed.:Benjamin‘ Franklin’s autobio・ Bailey, Thomas A.:Adiplomatic history of the graphical writings. New York, Viking,1945. xvi, American people.4. ed. New York, Appleton, 810p、22cm. 4434 c1950. xxviii,986p.22cm. 4450 Walworth, Arthur:Woodrow Wilson. v.2.:World The New England merchants inBailyn, Bemard: prophet. New York, Longmans,1958. vii,439p. Harvard the seventeenth century. Cambridge, 24cm. 4435 4451 Univ. Press,1955. viii,249p.25cm. Ward, John Williarn:Andrew Jackson;Symbol for BaldWin, Leland Dewitt:The meaning of America; an age. New York, Oxford Univ. Press,1955. xii, essays toward an understanding of the American 274p.8p1.21cm. 4436 spirit. Pittsburgh, Univ. of Pittsburgh Press, Widdemer, Mabel Cleland:Harriet Beecher Stowe; 1955.319p。24cm. 4452 Connecticut gir1. New York, Boobbs-Merrill,1949. Billington, Ray Allen:Westward expansion;a 187p.20cm. 4437 history of the American frontier. New York, Macmillan,1949. xiii,873p.24cm. 4453 Wi㎞n, John A.:The culture of ancient Egypt. Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1957. v,344p. Bridenba㎎h, Car1:Seat of empire;the political 32p1.21cm. 4438 role of eighteenth-century. New York, Henry Holt,1958.85p.21cm. 4454 Winders, Gertrude Hecker:James Fenimore Cooper; 1eatherstocking boy. New York, Bobbs-Merrill, Buehrig, Edward H., ed.:Wilson’s foreign policy in 1951.196p.20cm. 4439 perspective. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press, 1957.176p.21cm. 4455 Wright, Louis B.&Tinl血g, Marion, ed.:The secret diary of William Byrd of Westover 1709-1712. Buehrig, Edward H.:Woodrow Wilson and the balance of power. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Richmond, Dietz Press,1941. xxviii,622p.24cm. 4440 Press,1955. x,325p.21cm. 4456 Burnett, Edmund Cody:The continental congress. New York, Macmillan,1941. xvii,757p.24cm、 U.S. History 4457 Bum9, Edward Mcnall:The American idea of Adam8, James Tmslow:New England in the repub. mission;concepts of national purpose and destiny. 1ic,1776-1850. Gloucester, Peter Smith,1960. New Brunswick, Rutgers Univ. Press,1957. xii, xiv,438p.21cm. 4441 385p、25cm、 4458 Adler, Selig:The isolationist impulse;its twentieth- Campbe11, Charles, Jr.:Anglo-American under’ century reaction, London, Abelard.Schuman,1957. standing,1898-1903. Baltimore, Johns Hopkins, 538p.22cm. 4442 1957.vii,385p.22cm. 4459 AIIen, Frederick Lewis:The big change;Alnerica Caughey, John W.:In clear and present danger. transforms itself 1900-1950. London, Hamish Ha・ Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, 1958. ix, 208p. milton,1952. xi,308p.22cm、 4443 22cm. 4460

一 124一 4461 U.S. History 4496 HISTORY

Chamwood, Lord:Abraham Lincoln、 New York, F血t,Winston Allen:The progressive movement Pocket Books,1954.501P.17cm. 4461 in Vermont, introd. by Paul F. Douglass. Was’hing・ ton, American Council,1941.110p.23cm. 4479 Chinard, Gilbert:Thomas Jefferson;the apostle of Americanism. 2. ed. Ann Arbor, Univ. of Ginger, Ray:Altgeld’s America;the Lincoln ideal Michigan Press,1957.548p. L.21cm. 4462 versus changing realities. New York, Funk,1958. 376p.22cm. 4480 Clark, Dan Elbert:The West in American history. New York, Crowell,1937. vii.,682p.22cm. 4463 Gilpin, Alec R.:The war of 1812 in the 01d north’ west. East Lansing, Michigan State Univ. Press, Clark, Thomas D.:Frontier America;the story of 1958.vii,286p.24cm. 4481 the westward movement. New York, Scribner, 1959.xi,832p.25cm. 4464 Goヨdman, Eric F.:The crucial decade:America, 1945-1955.New York, Knopf,1956. ix298. ixp. Commager, Henry Steele&MorriS, Richard Brandon, 22cm. 4482 ed.:The spirit of seventy-six;the story of the Handlin, Oscar, et a1.: American revolution as told by participants, v.1-2. Harvard guide to American history. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1960. Indianapolis, Bobbs-Merrill,1958.2v.24cm.4465 xxi,689p.25cm. 4483 Coulter, Ellis Merton:Ahistory of the South:the Oscar:The uprooted;the epic story of theHand血, South during reconstruction 1865-1877. Louisiana, great rnigrations that made the American people. The State Univ. Press,1947. vii,426p.25cm.4466 Boston, Little, Brown,1951.310p.22cm. 4484 Current, Richard N.:Daniel Webster and the rise Hansen, Marcus Lee:The immigrant in American of national conservatism. Boston, Little, Brown, history. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, c 1940. 1955.ix,215p.21cm. 4467 xi,230p.23cm. . 4485 1)aniels, Josephus:The Wilson era;years of peace Hartfpan, Gertrude:America;1and of freedom.2. 1910-1917.Chapel Hil1, Univ. of North Carolina ed. Boston, Heath,1959. xv,743p.24cm. 4486 Press,1946. xvi,615p.25cm. 4468 Mcks, John D.:The populist revolt;ahistory of Da㎡eb, Josephus:The Wi!son era:years of war the farmers’alliance and the people’s party. and after 1917-1923. Chapel Hill, Univ. of North MinneapOlis, Univ. of Minnesota Press,1955. xii, Carolina Press,1946. ix,651p.25cm. 4469 473p.23cm. 4487 Hindle, Brooke:The pursuit of science in revolu’ 1)e T㏄queville, Alexis:Democracy in America. tionary America,1735-1789. Chapel Hill, Univ. of v.1-2.New York, Vintage,1956.2v.19cm.4470 North Carolina Press,1956. xi,410p.24cm.4488 1)eConde, Alexander:Entangling alliance;politics Hosmer, James Kendall, ed.:Winthrop s and diplomacy under George Washington. Durham, journa1; Duke Univ. Press,1958. ix,536p.24cm. 4471 history of New England.1630-1649. v.1. New York, Barnes,1953. ix,335p.23cm. 4489 0杣er, Milton&You㎎, Edwin, ed.:Labor and the Ho8mer, James Kendall, ed.:Winthrop’s journal; new deal. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, history of New England,1630-1649. v。2. New 1957.ix,393p.24cm. 4472 York, Barnes,1953. x,373p.23cm. 4490 1)orfm8n, Joseph:The economic mind in American 1 Jefisen, Merrill:Regionalism in America. Madison. civilization. v.1~3.1606-1865. New York, Viking, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, c 1951. xvi,425p.24cm. 1953.3v.22cm. 4473 4491 Dulles, Foster Rhea:The United States.since 1865. Joseph, Franz M. ed.:As(曲ers see us;the United Ann Arbor, Univ. of Michigan Press,1959. ix, States through foreign eyes. Princeton, The 546,xixp.24cm. 4474 Univ. Press,1959. viii,360p.25cm. 4492 Dupree, Anderson Hunter:Science in the federal Kemm, George Frest:American diplomacy,1900- government;ahistory of policies and activities to 1950.Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press, c 1951. 1940.Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1957. x, ix,154p.22cm. 4493 460p.24cm. 4475 Kn①les, George Harmon:The jazz age revisited.. Faulkner, Harold Underwood:American political British criticism of American civilization during and s㏄ial history.6. ed. New York, Appleton, the 1920’s. Stanford, The Univ. Press,1955. vii, 1952.xxii,984p.24cm. 4476 171p、23cm. 4494 Ferrell, Robert H.:American diplolnacy;ahistory. Krau8, Michael:The writing of American history. New York, Norton,1959.576P.24cm. 4477 Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1953、 x,387p.

Ferrel1, Robert H.:American diplolnacy in the great 24cm. 4495 depression. Hoover-Stimson foreign policy,1929- LeopOld, Richard W.&Link, Arthur S.:Problems 1933.Lolldon, Oxford Univ. Press,1957. ix,319p.、 in American history. New York, Prentice-Hall, 24cm. 4478 [ c1952. xxiv,929p.24cm. 4496

一 125一 HISTORY 4497 U.S. History 4532

Leuchtenburg, William E.:The perils of prosperity, Nye, Russel B.:Midwestern progressive politics; 1914-32.Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Press,1958. ahistorical study of its Qrigins.and development, ix,313p.21cm. 4497 1870-1958.East Lansing, Michigan State Univ. Library①f Congress:Aguide to the study of the Press,1959.398p.21cm. 4515 United States of America;representative books Pearce, Roy Harvey, ed.:Colonial American writ・ reflecting the develαpment of American life and ing. New York, Rinehart,1958. xiii,581p.19cm. thought. Washington, U. S. Gov. Printing Off. 4516 1960.xv,1193p.27cm. 4498 Persons, Stow:American minds;ahistory of ideas. 1jnk, Arthur S.:American epoch;ahistory of the New York, Hellry Holt,1959. xii,467p.24cm. United States since the 1890’s. New York, Knopf, 4517 1959.xxii,724, xxxvii p.24cm. 44gg Queen, Stuart A., et a1.:The American social Link, Arthur S.:Wilson, the diplomatist;alook at system. Boston, Houghton,1956. xii,494p.24cm. his major foreign policies. Baltimore, Johns 4518 Hopkins,1957. xii,165p.22cm. 4500 Ragatz, Lowell J,:The new United States;Amer. Lovejoy, David S.:Rhode Isla凪d politics and the ica in the post-war era. Kyoto, American Studies American revolution,1760-1776. Rhode Island, Summer Seminar,1959.75p.26cm. 4519 Brown Univ. Press,1958.256p.24cm. 4501 Randall, James Garfield:The civil war and recon・ M町,Erllest R.1.The world way and American struction. Boston, Heath,1953. xvii,971p.23cm. isolation,1914-1917. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. 4520 Press,1959.482p.22cm. 4502 Randall, James Gorfled&Current, Richard N.: M¢Coy, Donald R.:Angry voices;left-of-center Lincoln, the president;1ast full measure. New pOlitics itl the New Deal era. Lawrence, Univ. of York, Dodd,1955. xi,421p.25cm. 4521 Kansas Press,1958.224p.22cm. 4503 Randall, James Garfleld&Current, Richard N.: McDonald, Forrest:We the people;the economic Mr. Lincoln. New York, Dodd,1957. xiii,392p. origins of the constitution. Chicago, Univ. of 22cm. 4522 Chicago Press,1958. x,436p.24cm. 4504 Riege1, Robert Edgar:America moves west.3. ed. M皿er, Perry, ed.:American thought;from civil New York, Henry Holt,1956. xi,659p.22cm. waτto world war 1. New York, Rinehart,1961. 4523 lxii,345p.19,cm. 4505 Russel1, Phillips:Jefferson;champion of the free MMer, William D.:Memphis;during the progres. mind. New York, Dodd,1956. viii,374p.25cm. sive era,1900-1917. Memphis, The State Univ. 2524 Press,1957. ix,242p.24cm. 4506 Sachse, William L.:The colonial American in Monaghan, Jay:Civil War on the western border, Britain. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press, 1956. 1854-1865. Boston, Little, Brown,1955. xi 454p. ix,290p.24cm. 4525 22cm. 4507 Morison, Samuel Eliot:The growth of the Amer- SaloutOs, Theodere:They remember America;the ican republic. v.1-2. New York, Oxford Univ. story of the repatriated Greek-Americans. Ber・ Press, c 1950.2v.24cm. 4508 keley, Univ. of California Press,1956. xvi,153p. 23cm. 4526 Morris, Richard Brandon, ed.:Encyclopedia of American history. New York, Harper, c 1953. Saveth, Edward N,:Understanding the American past. Boston, Little, Brown,1954. ix,613p.22cm. xv,775p.22cm. 4509 4527 Mowry, George E。:The era.of Theodore Rooseve正t, 1900-・1912.New York, Harper,1958. xvi,330p. Schlesinger, Arthur Meier:The age of Jackson. 22cm. 4510 Boston, Little, Brown,1950. x,577p.23cm.4528 Murray, John J., ed. l The heritage of the middle Sherwood, Robert E.:Roosevelt and Hopkins;an west. Norman, Univ. of Oklahoma Press,1958. intimate history. New York, Harper,1959. xix, xiv,303p.22cm. 4511 1002p.22cm. 4529 NeVins, Allan & Commanger, Henry Steele:A Simkins, Francis Butler:Ahistory of the South. short history of the United States. New York, New York, Knopf,1958. xiii,655, xxiiip.24cm. Modern Library,1945. xi,552p.19cm. 4512 4530 Niebuhr, Reinhold:The irony of American history. Stern, Madeleine B.:Imprints on history;book New York, Scribner,1954. ix,174p.21cm. 4513 publishers and American frontiers. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Press,1956.492p.22cm. 4531 N《)ble, David W.:The paradox of progressive thought. Mimeapolis, Univ. of Minnesota Press, ● Stevenson, Adlai E.: The new America. New 1958.viii,272p.23cm. 4514 York, Harper,1957. xxx,285p.22cm. 4532

一 126一 4533 History of Other C皿11tries 4567 HISTORY

Stewart, George R.:Pickett’s charge;amicro. Barthold, Friedrich Wilhelm:Geschichte der Deuts’ history of the final attack at Gettysburg, July 3, chen St江dte und des Deutschen BUrgerthums. v. 1863.Boston, Houghton,1959. xii,354p.22cm. 1-2.Leipzig, L. D. Weigel,1859. x,304p.18cm. 4533 , 4549

Strout, Cushing:The pragmatic revolt in American Barthold, Friedrich Wilhelm:Geschichte der Deuts. history;Carl Becker and Charles Beard. New chen St査dte und des Deutschen Btirgerthums. v. Haven, Yale Univ. Press,1959. ix,182p.23cm. 3-4.Leipzig, L D. Weigel,1859. vi,513p.18cm. 4534 4550

Turner, Frederick Jackson:The early writings of Be皿ah, Robert N.:Tokugawa re】igion. Glencoe, Frederick Jackson Turner;with a list of all his Free Press,1957. ix,249p.22cm. 4551 works. Madison, Univ. of Wisconsin Press,1938. x輌,316p.22cm. 4535 Bemdict, Ruth:The chrysanthemun and the sword; patterns of Japanese clllture. Boston, Houghton, Turner, Frederick Jackson l The significance of 1946.324p.22cm. 4552 sections in American history. Gloucester, Peter Smith,1959. ix,347p.21cm. 4536 Blegen, Theodore C., ed.:Land of their choice;the immigrants write home. Minneapolis, Univ. of Van Doren, Mark, ed.:An autobiography of Alner- Minnesota Press,1955. xix,463p.24cm. 4553 ica. New York, Boni,1929. xiv,737p.22cm.4537 Burckbardt, Jacob:The civilization of the Renais. Warren, Austin:New England Saints. Ann Arbor, sance in Italy. New York, Modem Library,1954. Univ. of Michigan Press,1956.192p.22cm.4538 xv,424p.19cm. 4554 Webb, Walter Prescott:The great frontier. Boston, Ca叫 Edward Hallett:The Bolshevik revolutiol1. Houghton,1952. xiii,434p.22cm. 4539 1917-1923.v.2. London, Macmillan,1952. vii, Webb, Walter Prescott:The handbook of Texas. 397p.23cm. 4555 v.1-2. Austin, Texas State Historical Assoc, Carr, Edward Hallett:The interregllum.1923-1924. c1952.2v.25cm. 4540 London, Macmman,1954. vii,392p.23cln. 4556 Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson:Father Knicker・ Childe, Vere Gordon:The dawn of European civi. bocker rebels;New York City during the revolu- lization.6. ed. New York, Knopf,1958. xii,367p. tion. New York, Scribner,1948. xv,308p.25cm. 24cm. 4557 4541 Cole, George Douglas Howard:The Post-War condi. Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson:Give nle liberty; tion. London, Rolltledge,1956. xxiv,483p.22cm. the struggle for self-government in Virginia. 4558 Philadelphia, American Philosophical Society, 1958.ix,275p.25cm. 4542 Covarrubias, Migue▲:Mexico South;the isthmus of Tehuantepec. New York, Knopf,1954. xxviii, WiSh, Harvey:Contemporary America;the na. 427,9,viiip.25cm. 4559 tional scene since 1900. New York, Harper,1955. xiv,714p.24 p1.24cm. 4543 Da1血1, Alexander, ed.:Soviet conduct in world affairs. New York, Columbia Univ. Press,1960. W拍h,Harvey:Society and thought in early Amer. x,318p.24cm. 4560 ica;asocial and intellectual history of the Alner. ican people through 1865. New York, Longmans, Dawson, Christopher:Medieval essays. New York, 1953.xii,612p.24 pl.22cm. 4544 Sheed and Ward,1954.271p.21cm. 4561 Wish, Harvey:Society and thought in modern Ellis, Mrs.:Women of England. London, Fisher, America. New York, Longmans, c 1952. vii,618p. 1839.476p.22cm. 4562 32p1.22ヒm. 4545 Froude, James Anthony:The reign of Edward VI. Wittke, Carl:The lrish in America. Baton Rouge, London, Dent,1909. x,319p.18cm. 4563 Louisiana State Univ. Press,1956. xi,319p.24cm. Ha血g, Douglas G., ed.:Japan’s prospect. Cam. 4546 bridge, Harvard Univ. Press,1946. x,474p.22cm. Woodward, C. Vann:Ahistory of the&)uth. v.9。 4564 Origins of the New South 1887-1913. Baton Rouge Hatt, Paul K.:Backgrounds of human fertility in Louisiana State Univ. Press,1951. xi,542p.24cm. Puerto Rico. Princeton, The Univ. Press, c 1952. 4547 xxiv,512p.25cm. 4565 History of Other Countries Hi11, Christopher:Lenin and the Russian revolu・ tion. London, English Univ. Press,1953. xvi, 245p.19cm. 4566 Baron, Salo Wittmayer:Essays on Jewish life and thought, ed. by Joseph L. Blau and others. New 1saacs, Harold R.:Scratches on our minds;Amer. York, Columbia Univ. Press,1959. xxx,458p. ican images of China a皿d Ind三a. New York, John 25cm. 4548 Day,1958.416p.22cm. 4567

一 127一 HISTORY 4568 History of Other())untries 4589

Khaldun, Ibn:An Arab philosophy of history; Sch亘eke, Bertram Johannes Otto:Indonesian socio・ selections from the Prolegomena of lbn Khaldun logical studies. Pt.1. The Hague, Hoeve 1955. of Tunis (1332-14〈)6), tr. and arr. by Charles vii,313p.2map.22cm. 4579 Issawi. London, John Murray,1950. xiv,190p. Stebbins, Richard P.:The United States in world 18cm. 4568 affairs,1956. New York, Harper,1957. ix,426p. Kttoles, George Harmon&Snyder, Rixford K、, ed.: 23cm. 4580 Readings in Western civilization. Philadelphia, Symond8, John Addington:Renaissance in Italy, Lippincott,1951. xi,896p.26cm. 4569 v.1:The age of the despots. London, John Lipson, Ephraim:The growth of English society. MUrray,1920. xi,484p.21cm. 4581 3.ed. London, Black,1954. ix,467p,23cm. 4570 Symonds, John Addington:Renaissance in Italy, Mallalieu, William C.:British reconstruction and v.2:The revival of learning. London, John American policy.1945-1955. New York, Scarecrow Murray,1921. xvi,495p.21cm. 4582 Press,1956. vi,232p.24cm. 4571 Symonds, John Addington:Renaissance in Italy, P8ge, Stanley W.:Lenin and world revolution. v.3:The fine arts. London, John Murray,1921. New York, The Univ. Press, 1959. xviii, 252p. viii,385p.21cm. 4583 22cm. 4572 Symonds, John Addington:Renaissance in Italy, Phillip8, Ruby Hart:Cuba;Island of paradox. New v.4-5:Italian literature Pt.1-2. London, John York, McDowe11, c 1959. xi,433p.24cm. 4573 Murray,1921.2v.21cm. 4584 Previte・OrtOn, Charles William:The shorter Cam. Symonds, John Addington :’Renaissance in Italy, bridge medieval history. v.1-2:The later Roman v.6-7:The Catholic reaction. Pt.1-2. London, empire to the 12 th century. Cambridge, The John Murray,1920.2v.21cm. 4585 Univ. Press, c 1952.2v.23cm. 4574 Thierry, Augustin :The Norman conquest of Eng. Que皿ell, Peter:Four portraits;studies of the 1and, v.1-2. London, Dent,1927.2v.18cm.4586 eighteenth century. London, Collills,1946.242p. WilgUs, Alva Curtis ed.:Readings in Latin Amer・ 23cm. 4575 ican civilization. New York, Barnes&Noble, Rei鹿hauer, Edwin O.:Wanted;an Asian policy. 1946.xiv,430p.21cm. 4587 New York, Knopf,1955. ix,276p.22cm. 4576 Wingfield・Stratford, Esme:The history of British Russell, Bertrand:The practice and theory of Bo1’ CiViliZatiOn. London, Routledge,1948. xix,1332p. shevism. London, Allen,1954.132p.19cm. 4577 23cm. 4588

SChapiro, Jacob Salwyn&Morris, Richard Brandon: Zimmermann, W.:Der grosse Deutshe Bauern Civilization in Europe. Pt.1:Ancient and Medie. Krieg. Berlin, Diets,1955.796p.22cm. 4589 va1 times. Pt.2:Modern times in Europe. Boston, Houghton,1947. x,769, xlviip.21cm. 4578

一 128一 AUTHOR INDEX (A-An)


Alhadeff, David A.…………・・…………………・2155 A Ailbauch, Leland G.……・………・…・……・……・・2791 Allen, Frederick H.……・・………………………・…582 Aaranovitch, S.・………………・・…・・…・……・・…・2150 Allen, Frederick Lewis・・…・・…………・…・2792,4443 Aaro11, Richard I.…………・……・・…・……・・55-6,325 Allen, Gay Wilson ・……一…・…3363-5,3586-7,3697 Abbott, Charles Cortez・…・…・・t-…・……・一…・…2112 Allen, Hollis P.・…………・……・・………一……・2626 Abbott, Lawrence -………・・一…・…・一一・一・1770 Allen, Jerry…・・…・・………・……………・・…・……・3366 Abegglen, James G-・…………・…・…・……・885,2397 Allen, R. G. D.…’・………・…一・……1772,2401,3144 Abe1’Reuben-・…………………………・…………326 Allen, V. L.………・……・…・…一………・…・・…・・1132 Abernethy, George L.・・…………………・・……・・1226 Allport, F. H.・…一……一・………一…・…・…・・…745 Abramovitz, Moses……・…………・……-1771,2151 AllpOrt, Gordon W.・・一・…………・…………695,887 Abt, Lawrence Biwin・……・…………・・……・一…694 d’Alviella, Goblet・………・…・……………・…・・……888 Acknoff, Russell・・…・・……・………・・………・’……789 Aly, Bower ………………・……………・・…・・一…4386 Adam, Leonard-………・………・一…………・・2790 Amacher, Richard E.…・……一……・……………3367 Adams, E. M.……・・…………・……・・…………・…134 Tlle American Assembly…一…一・・…・…・1329-30 Adams, Fay・・………・・…・・……・…一……・………2623 American Association of School Administrators Adams, Franklin Pierce ・一…………一・・…・…3261 ’’’’’’’’’’”“一一”・… …………・…・…・… 2627-9 Adams, G. P.………・…・……・一……………・……・57 American Council on Education…………2630,2783 Adams, Henry・…・………・・一……………・………4383 American Economic Ass㏄iation Adams, James Truslow ……一…・…………・…4441 ・…………・…・2042-3,2156-7,2290,2402-3 Adams, K.……・………一・・…・……・・……・・…’・-766 American Law Institute …・……………一…・1576-8 Adatns, Robert Martin……一……・……・一・-3968 American Philosophical Associatiot1…………… 2631 Adams, Samuel ……・…・……・・…………一…・…4384 American Political Science Association………1384 AdamsレWalter……………・…・…………・…・…-2152 Americana Co.…………・一…・……・……・……・… 4444 Addison, Joseph……・・………・…………………4238-9 Americano, Jorge ・…………・・…………………… 1478 Adkins, Nelson F.・…………一…・……一……・・1130 AmOnn, Alfred……・…一・……・………・…・………1773 Adler, Francis Heed………・一……・………・・…・…744 Amory, Robert, Jr.……………・…………一……・2328 Adler, Irving’・…………・・……・…・・…一・・一…・…2486 Anastasi, Anne・……・…・……………・・…・…………727 Adler, Mortimer J.……・・…………・一……一・…281 Andersen, Per Sveaas ・……一・・…・……………・4445 Adler, Seiig・…・…・・…………一・・……………・-4442 Anderson, Camilla M.…・…………・…・……………5a3 Adomo, T. W.・………・・…一・・……………・…・…886 Anderson, Edgar…・……・・…・……・…………・・…・・3194 Aeschylus・・………・・……・…………・・……一……・4287 Anderson, F. H.…・…・・…・………………………・… 329 Ahnebrink, Lars……一………………・………-3361 Anderson, Gladys L.………………………………2632 Aiken, Conrad……・・………………………・………3696 Anderson, Harold H.……………・…・・……………2632 Aiken, Henry D.・・…………・…・・………………・327-8 Anderson, Hobson Dewey………………◆一………1310 Aikin, Wilford M今一……・・……・◆一・…………2624 Anderson, Nels…・……………………・・…・…・……・889 Ainger, Alfred-…・……・…・…・一・……・・…3969-70 Anderson, Quentin・…………………・…………・…3368 Aitchison, Leslie……・…………・・……・…………・・3178 Anderson, Ronald A.・…・……………・……………2158 Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR Anderson, Sherwood…………・……・一…3480,3794-5 Institut fUr Philosophie ・………・……………・…531 Anderson, V. E.一……・………・…・……………・・2633 Albee, Ernest ・…一・……・・…………・・……・………・215 Anderson, William……・……◆……………・・…・…1685 Alberty, Harold …・・………・…・…………一・……2625 Andreas, Osbom……・……・…一……・…・……-3369 Albright, Spencer D.一…………………………・・1309 Andrews, Charles M’…・……・…・…………・・t……4446 Alderfer, E. B.……・……・……・・……………・…・…2153 Andrews, Kenneth R.・…・一……・・…・・…・……・3370 Alderfer, Harold F.…・…・……………・・…………・・1131 Angoff, Allan……………’・……………一・……・・3371 Aldington, Richard………・…・……・…一……シー4385 Angoff, Charles………・…・…一…・………・…-4387 Aldridge,∫ohn W.…………・…………-3362,3793 Annual Review of Phiiosophy………・…一…・’…2899 Alexander, S.……・………・…・・……一………・……58 Anschtttz, George・…・………・………・……・…・……532 Alford, L. P.…・………・・…・・……………………・…2154 Anshen, Melvin……………・…………◆………-1133

一 129一 AUTHOR INDEX (An-Ba)

’ Anshen, Ruth Nanda ・……・…・…・・…一・・……・…890 Bailey, Thomas A.…一………・…・………1135,4450 Antoninus, Marcus Aurelius・…・…・・…一………・282 Baillie, John ・……………・・……・…………・・………483 Archimedes …・………………………・一・…・c……3160 Bailyn, Bernard ………・…・・…・・……………・……4451 Aptheker, Herbert・…・・……・・t・………………・・…4447 Bain, Joe S、・・…・・…………・・…・…………・…・1936,2160 Arelldt, Hannah……・・……・・………………・・……1227 Baird, A. Craig ……………・…・……………・……3267 Arensberg, Conrad M.…・………・……・・一……・・1934 Baker, Benjamin…………・…・…………・…・・……・1754 Argyle, Michae1…………・・…・……一……・・………790 Baker, Carlos …………・……………・……・………3378 Argyris, Chris…・………………………………・・…2329 Baker, Helen………………………………・……・…・1937 Aristophanes…………・……・………・・………・・……4288 Bakke, Edward Wight・…………………-1938,2161 Aristotle…・……・・……・…………・・…………1134,4289 Bakken, Henry H.・…・……………・………………2330 Armitage, A. L.一…・・…一・…・一………・……・1613 Baldwin, Alfred L.…・…………・…◆…・………・・…651 Amlour, Margaret…・………………………・…・…4286 Baldwin, George B. ………………・・……………・1939 Arms, George-………・・………・……一………・3372 Baldwin, Leland Dewitt ・…………・…・…・・…・…4452 Armstrong, W. Ear1・…………・・………一……・・2634 Baldwin, Robert E.………………………・……・・…1874 Armstrong, William M.…・…・…・・…・一…-1331 Baldwin, William Edward-…・…………・…一・・1425 Arnett, Willard E.………一……・…一………・330 Balfour, Graham……・…………・…………………・3972 Arnold, Edwi11…・…・…・・……・…・…・・……一……4290 Balinsky, Benjamin…………・一…………’…・・…・2642 Arnold, Matthew………3262-3,3971,4075-6,4240-7 Ballantine, Joseph W.………・……・…・・……・…・1332 Arnold, Thurman W.………・・………・・…・・1228,1424 Ballantyne, R. M.………………・………・……・…4157 Arnold, Wi11ard Burdett・……・…………・一・・……791 Ballou, Robert Oleson…………・………・……・……484 Arny, Clara Brown・・……一・・…………・……891,2635 Balzac, Honor6 De・……・・…・………・……・…… 4292-4 Arvin, Newton・・……・………・・…・…・………・…・…3373 Barbash, Jack …………・…・・………・・…………・…1940 Ashenhust, Paul H◆…………・……・’……一・……・892 Barber, Bernard・・…………・・……………・…・………792 Ashworth, William…………・・……一……・…’…・2404 Barber, Hollis W.一…・…………一…………’4449 Asselinea叫Roger・……………………・・…………3374 Barghoom, Frederiek C.……………一・………1231 Association for Supervision and Curriculum Barker, Roger G.……・……・…………・・……・……・652 Developrnent・…・…・…・・…・……………2487,2636-7 Barnad, Ellsworth・……………・・…・……………・・3379 Association of American Law Schools ………1489 Barnes, Eric Wollencott………………一…・…3380 Astre, Georges-Albert……・’……………一……3375 Barnet, Sylvan・…………・・………・……・…・………3268 Atkinson, Brooks…………・…………………・・……3376 Barnett, A. Doak…・・…・……・・…・……………・・…・1333 Attneave, Fred-…・……一……・…・…………-533 Barnhart, Clarence L.…………・…・…・・……………・・1 Aubry, Georges Jean………・……………・一・・-4155 Barnhart, T. A.一…・…………・……………・・…・3269 Auden, W. H.一………・…・……3264,3377,4077,4291 Barocka, E. ・…………・……・……………・…・・……2044 Auerbach, Erich……………・…………・・…………3265 Baron, Salo Wittmayer……・一・………・…・……・4548 Augustine, Aurelius ………・…・…・………283479-81 Barrett, Edward J.……………・・…・…・・………・1311-2 Aurelius, Marcus……一……・……………・・…・…・284 Barrie’J. M.……一・・……・……・…・………・・…-4121 Austen, Jane…・・………・・・… …・……・………・・……4」56 Barron, Milton L.………・・………・…・…………・・894-5 Ausubel, David P.……・……一…・…………’…635,650 Barsley Michael……・・…・……………・・………・…3937 Ausubel’Herman…・一……・…一……一…・……4448 Barthold F. W.・一……………・………………4549-50 Ayer, Alfred Jules………・一・………59,135-6,331-5 Bartlett, Frederic・・………・・……・…・………・……・・896 Bartley, S. Howard…………・…・・…・…………・…・746 Barton, R. F.・…………………右◆……………・・…・…2794 B Bash, Wendell H.……………・…・・……・…….……・・906 Basler, Roy P.・・……・・……・・…・……………・・………2-3 Babbitt, Irving・………・…・…………1229,3266,3935-6 Bass, Bernard…・…・・…・・…・…・…………・…………・696 Baber, Ray E.・…・・…………………………・・’………893 Basson, A. H.……一一………………・……・……………137 Bach, George Leland・……・・………・………・・……2159 Bates, Frank G.……………・…・…………………・1716 Bachrach, Peter………・……’・・……・………・・…・・1230 Bates, H. E.・…………・・………………・……・・……3973 Bacon, Frances・…・…・…・……………・・…………4248-9 Bates, Marston……・……………・……一……・・…・2795 Bagehot, Walter……………・…・…………一・…・・2405 Bates, Ralph S. ・………・…◆……・……・……・……3109 Bagster, Samue1………・…・…・……………一……・・482 Bateson, Gregory・……・…・…………………・・……・2481 Bahn, Archie J.・……………”・◆σ’”・’”…‥…°…’’’”11 Bauer, Peter T◆…・……………・・……・・…………・1774 Bai!ey, S.」.・・………………・・………・…・・…・・……1614 Bauer, Raymond A.・…・……………・…・………・・…897 Bailey, Stephen Kemp………………………1686,1935 Baum, Hoall H.…・……・・………………一・………・3381

一 130一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ba-Bl)

Baumgardt, David…・……・・…………………………216 Bergfeld, Albert J.………・・………・………・・一…2047 Baumol, William J.・………・・…・…一…1775-6,2162 Bergler, Edmund・・……………・………………903,3938 Beach, E. F.・・……………・・………・・………・・……1777 Bergmam, Gustav…….…・L………・・…………・・138,338 Beach, Fred F.・……・……・………・……・…・……2638-9 Bergson, Abram…・………一…・……・…………・・1782 Beach, Joseph Warren・………・……………・3382,3796 Beringause, Arthur F.・………・………・…………4388 Beaglehole, Ernest………・・…・………・…・……・…2796 Berlin, Isaish・…・………・……・・…………・…・…・・339-40 Beals, Ralph L ……・……・…………………・2797-800 Bernard, Jessie…・…・……・……・……・……・………904 Bean, Louis H.・…………・……・…・…・…………・1313-4 Bernard, Harold W.…・………………………一…584 Beard, Charles A.・・………………・…・……・…・…1717 Bernert, Eleanor, H.・・………・……・……・………・…905 Beardsley, Arthur S.…………・・……・……………1426 Bernstein, Irving…………・・…………………・……1942 Beattie, C. N.◆◆…………・・………………………・・1615 Berrien, F. K.・…………・…・…………………・…一…906 Beaveer, Joseph …・…・……………・………………3383 Berry, Brewton・…………・…・……・………・・2807,2821 Bebel, R.…・……………………………・…・・…・……・793 Berrey, Lester V.・…・……・・……・・一………・・3231-2 Beck, Robert N.…………一……・・…・……………・1232 Bestor, Arthur E.∵一……・…………・…・…2489, 2641 Beck, Samuel J.…・・………・・………・……………・697-8 Bethurum, Dorothy・・…・…・……………………・…・3641 Becker, Carl L.…・……・………・…・…………・…・…1233 Bettelheim, Bruno……………・………・………・……653 Becker, Gary S.…・…………………………_._.1941 Bettmann’Otto L.一.・・………・…・………・………3401 Becker, Howard…・・………・…・………・……・__.・794 B号tts, Edwin Morris…・…………・…・……………4389 Beckhart, Benjamin Haggott・……………・…・…2045 Bewley, Marius………・………・…一・…………・・3386 B6dier, Joseph……・…・………・……・………・…・…4295 Bickel, Alexander M、・……………・……・・……・…・1617 Bee, Lawrence S.…………・…・…・・…………・……・898 Bickford, Hugh C.・………………・・…・…・・………2113 Beer, Samuel H.…………・……・・………・………・・…336 Biddle, William W.一……………・………一……・907 Beerbohm, Max………・・……・・……・…・・…・……・3797 Bidney, David……………・…・………・……・……・・2808 Beers, Henry A.…………一・…・一・……………・3974 Bidwe11, Percy W.一・……………・一……・……2163 Bell, Bemard Iddings………・………………・・”・…2488 Bier, William C.一・………・……’・………………-747 Bell, Danie1………・・…・……・・…・・……・・……899,2801 Bier㏄, Ambrase……………・………・……・…・・…・3939 Bel1, John Fred・……・…………・…………・…・…・…1778 Bierstedt, Robert……………・……・…………・……796 Bell, Norman W.……・……・……・一……………・・900 Biggs, Robert M.…・……・………………・…・・……・2291 Be11, Philip W.・・…一…・・…………一…・…一…2046 Bigham, Jlllia Scribner・………・………・・…・…・∵・3387 Be11, Wh輌tefield J., Jr.…一…………・・・………・・3110 Billington, Ray, Allen……………・……・………・4453 Bellah, Robert N.・・………………・一……・・……・・4551 Bingham, Hiram・…・・…・・………・・…一…一…・・2809 Bellak, Leopold・・…………………………・…………694 Bining, Arthur Cecil・…・・…・………・…・……・…一一1783 Bellamy, Gladys Carmen-………・・…・……・…・3384 Binkley, Wiifred E.……・・…・……・・…………’1386-8 Bellamy, Raymond F.……・……一…・・…一…・…795 Binswanger, K.…一……一…↓…………・…一・…585 Bellman, Richard・…………・・…・…………・………・2331 Bi6rklund, Elis・……………・・………・・……・………1334 Below, Georg von …………・・…・・…一…一・…・・1779 Birr, Kendall………・…・………………・右σ・…………2332 Belshaw, Cyril S.・………・…・…………………2802-3 Bisson, T. A.……・・…・……・………・…………・…1784 Benardete, M.」.…・…・…………・一・……………・4311 Bjerkoe, Ethel Hal1…・……・…………………・……3209 Benda, Julien……・……・………………・……………337 Black, Max-……・……・・…・・……12-3,139,341,3145 Bendix, Reinhard…………・…………・・……… 901,1780 Black, William・…………・一…………・…・一……3975 Benedict, Ruth ……・・………・……………2804-5,4552 Blackburn, Julian……・……・・……………・…・・……654 Benet, Stephen Vincent ……3698-706,3733,3798-9 Blackhurst, J. Herbert・…………・…・・……………・・534 Benham, Frederic…・……・……・・一……・…・・…・1781 Blackmur, R. P.・……・……………………・…・・…・3976 Bennett, Amold-…・……・…・…・……・…4J58-9,4250 Blackwell, David…・・…・……・・…・……………・・…・1099 Bennett, Margaret E.…・…・・…・…・…………・……2640 Blair, Glem Myers…………一…・…………・……2490 Bennet, Wendell C.……………・………・・…2806,2820 BIair, Walter……・・……・……………3273-5,3388,3卿 Bentham, Jeremy ・…・……………・………………1136 Blake, R. R.…………・…・…・…………………………748 Bentley, Arthur F.・………………・…………・159,1137 Blake, Wiiliam・…………・・…一…………・………・4078 Bentley, Byron R.・・………………・・…・………・…1616 Blanchard, Harold Hooper ・…・…・………………3276 Bentley, Eric……・………・………・…・……・・3270,3385 Blanck, Jacob……………・………………・……・3389-90 Berdah1, Clarence A.………・……一・……………J385 Blankenship, Russell…………・・……………・・…・・3391 Berelson, Bernard R.・……………・…・・…・………・1315 Blanshard, Brand・・…………・・……・………・…・…・・342 Berg, Irwin A.・・…………・・…・・…・一…………・…696 Blau, Joseph L…………・……・…………・・……・・343-4 Bergel, Egon Ernest………・・◆◆……・…………・……902 Blau, Peter M.・……………一・………・……・・908,1689

一 131一 AUTHOR INDEX (Bl-Br)

Blaydes, Glenn W.……・……….…・一……・…・…2716 Bouquet, A. C.………………・………………・…・…486 Blegen, Theodore C..…・……・………・……………4553 Bourret, F. M-…・・………・…’……・………・・…・28」4 Bliven, Bruce…・………一・………・………・・………・・909 Bowden, Edwin T.…………一・…・………………3394 Bloch, Herbert A.…・・……・・……・……一…・・……・910 Bowe, Gabrie1…………・…………〔…………・……1140 Blodgett, Harold・…・・…・…・・・・………………・……3636 Bowen, Robert O.………・……・…・………・・……・3395 Bloom, Gordon F.・……………・…・…一・…・……1943 Bowers, Claude G.………・…….…・………………4391 Bloomfield, Arthur L……・……・・……・・………-2406 Bowers, Fredson…………・・………….…・…・……・3708 Bioomfield, Leonard ……・……・………………・… 3233 Bowie, Robert Richardson …・・……・…………… 1619 Bloomfield, Morton W.・………・…・一…………・3392 Bowles, Chester……・……・・…………・……・・……1141 Blotner, Joseph L.・…・・… ……・…・・…・…………・3482 Bowman, Mary Jean……………・…一………-2335 Blough, Roy・……・…・……・…・………………’……2114 Boyd, Harper W.・…・…・………・・一………………2167 Bluett, A. R.・……・……一・…・……一……………1138 Boyd, William C.…・・……・…一…………・………2815 Blum, Daniel…・一……・…・…・……・・…・・……・・-3734 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth・……・……………・…… 4296 Blum, Milton…………・……・………・………………2642 Boyle, Robert………・……・一…・・……・・………-285 Blum, Walter J.・………一……・・………一……・2115 Braaty, Trygve……・・…………・・…・……………・…587 Boas, Frantz・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・・2810-2 Brachet, Jean ・……・・…・…・………・・………・・……2816 Boas, George…・・………・…・…・・……………………4368 Bradley, A. C.………・……・…・……………一・・…4122 Bober, M. M.・……・…………・・………一・一・…2292 Bradley, F. H.・・………………・………・……・…・61,217 Bode, Boyd Henry・…一…・…・・……・……1234,2491-2 Bradley, Sculley・…………・……・…………………3396 Bode, Car1…・…………・…………・…・……………・・3800 Bradley, William Aspenwa11・…・一……・……・4297 Boehm, Rudolf ・・……・……・……・…………・・……・・345 Brady, Alexander…・・……・・……・…・……・・………・1235 Bogan, Louise …………・……・…・…・……・………・3707 Bragg, William・…・………………・……・…・……・…3112 Bogardus, Emory S.・……………・…・…・……・…・…797 Brahmanand, P. R.………………・……・…………・2283 Bogert, George Gleason…・…・・……………1427,1580 Brainard, Harry G.………・・……・………・…・……・2407 Bogorad, Samuei N.……・……一…・……………3977 Braithwaite, Richard Bevan・・……・・……・…・……3113 Bogue, Jesse Parker ………・…………・・……・…・・2643 Brame!d, Theodore-………・・……・…………・・2494-6 Bohi’Won Hans……・……・・…・……………・・……2164 Branch, E. M.・………………・・……・…・………・…3397 Boisen, Anton J.・…・・…………………一…一…・485 Brand, Donald D.……・………・…………・…・’・……2817 Bolitho, William・一…・…・…一…………………4390 Brandt, Conrad………・…・…………・・……・………・1236 Boll, Eleanor Stoker・……・・…・……………・……・…911 Braucher, Robert……・……・……・…・…・……・……1620 Bolton, Sarah K.……・………・…・…・…・一……… 3393 Braun, Kurt・……………・……・………・…・…・……1944 Boman, Lars …一………・・…一…………・………・346 Breese, Gerald…・…・………………………・………3210 Bond, G. D.・………・・……・……………………・・…2165 Brentano, Franz…・………………・……・……………487 Bone, Hugll A.……………・…・・………・…・……・…1387 Bresciani-Turroni, Costantino・………・………・…2048 Bonham-Carter, Victor………・・…・…・一……・…2813 Bridenbaugh, Carl…・……………………・……・… 4454 Bolltecou, Eleanor ・…………・…………・…………1718 Bridgman, P. W.…・…………・・………14,3114-5,3179 Boodin, John Elof…………・……………・・…………798 Bri11, John……・………・…………・・……・…………・…62 Boole, George…・……・…・………・・………・………140-1 Brinkmann, Carl・……………・………一・……・-801 Boorstin, Daniel J.……・…………・・…・…・・………1139 Brinton, Crane・…・……・…・……………・・…… 914,1142 Booth, Andrew D.…・………・・………・………・…・2333 Britton, Kar1・……・………・・……・…・・………・……◆.347 Booth, Kathleen H. V.…・…・・…・……一……・…2333 Broad, C. D.…・・…………・・………………・・……63,218 Borchard, Edwin……・・……・・……____..._◆σ157g Brodie, Bernard ………・・…・・…・……………・……1764 Bordin, Edward S.・・………………・………………586 Brody, Sylvia………・…・・……・………・…・…………655 Borgatta, Edgar F.・………・…・…………・…・…・…799 Brogan, D. W.…・………………………・……・・-1388 Boring, Edwin Garrigues …………………535-7,749 Bromage, Arthur W.…・……一……………・……1755 Born, Max・………………・・……一…・一・・…・60,3111 Bronson, Bertrand H.…・……・…・…・…………・…・3980 Borrie, Gordon……………・…・・……………………1618 Bronstein, Daniel J.・…………・……・………………15 Borrow, George・…・………・・……………・…・………4160 Bronte, Charlotte…………・……・………………・4161-3 Boskoff, Alvin ・………・…・・………・・………・・……・794 Bronte, Emily・…・……………………・・……・…・4164-5 Bossard, James H. S.……・…・………・・…一…・911-2 Brookover, Wilbur B.・……一・………・…・……2497 Boswell, James………………・・……・…4251-2,3978-9 Brooks, Cleanth ………・…・…・……3277-8,3358,4079 Botkin, B. A.………・…・・…・…………・……・………913 Brooks, Van Wyck-……………・・3398-403,3941-3 Bottrell, Harold R.……・…・・……一・………………2493 Brown, Arthur W.一……………・…f-・…………4392 Boulding, Kenneth E,…800,1785-8,2166,2275,2334 Brown, Charles H.………・……・…・・………・……・’3611

一 132一 AUTHOR INDEX (Br-Ca)

Brown, E. Carry……………・・……・…………・・…・2073 Burt, Cyril……………・…………・…・………………2336 Brown, Emily Clark・………・…一…一……・・…1991 Burton, Arthur……・……・・…………一……………・636 Brown, E. K.・…・……・………∴・…一・……………3404 Burtt, Edwin Arthur…・…・・……………・・…・………65 Brown, George H.……・・……・…………・・一……2168 Burtt, Harold Ernest ………………・…・・…………540 Brown, John Mason………・…・…・………・…・……・3987 Bush, Douglas……・…・…・……・………・…・……… 4082 Brown, Joseph Epes……一・一…・…………・…・2818 Bushaw, D. W.……・・…・……・…………・…・…・-1792 Brown, Morrison……・…・…・………・・………・……3405 Busia, K. A.………・・………・・…………・……・……2819 Brown, Roger ………・……・…・………・・……・……3234 Butcher, Margaret Just……・…・一……………・・…3407 Browne, C. G.・……・・…・・…・・………………一・……915 Butler, Charles H.・………一……・・………・・……2648 Browne, Lewis……・………………・・………………4298 Butler, J. Donald……………・…・…・………・・…◆350-1 Browne, Thomas……・………・…・・………………・・3982 Butler, Samuel……・…………………………・・……4168 Browning, Elizabeth Barrett…・………一・……4253 Butters, J. Keith…・……一・・……………・…・・…・・2∫16 Browning, Ocsar…・…・……・・…・・……………・…・・3983 Butts, R. Freeman ………………………2500-1,2649 Browning, Robert ・…・………・……………・・…・…4080 Byram, Haro互d M.…………一…・・………………2650 Brownlow, Louis……・…・………・……・………・…・1719 Byrne, Donn…・…………・…・………・……・……・…3804 Brubacher, John S.………・……………・・2498-9,2644 Byron, George Gordon・…………………・・……4083-5 Bruce, William F.……・…・……・………・……一…2645 Byse, Clark ・………・・…………・……・・……………1553 Bruner, Jerome S.一………………・・……・…………・767 Brunswik, Egon……………・・…………・……・・……・750 Bryan, William Frank-…・……………一・…4254 C BrySOn, Lyman……・…・・…・………・・………・…・…・1237 Buber, Martin……・・……・…一……・……・…………348 Cable, George Washington……………・一……3966 Buchanan, Norman S.・…・・……・…一・……1789,2408 Cabot, Hugh・………・……∵…………・…・………2822-3 Buchanan, William………・………・・………・…・…・916 Cady, Edwin Harrison……・・……・・〔・……3408-9,4393 Buchler, Justus……・…………・……………一…64,349 Cahn, Edmond・’・’・・’・・’・一’’”・・・・・・… 一・・・・・… 一’1430,1621 Buck, Pearl S.……………・・…・……3406,3801-3,3944 Caidin, Martin・……・……………………・…一・・…1765 Buckland, W. W.…………一・・一……………・-1428 Caine, Ha11………・…………………・……・…………3985 Buckler, William E.…一…………・・一…・……・3984 Calas, Nicolas・……・…………・……・・……………・2990 Buehrig, Edward H.……・…………………・…・4455-6 Caldwell, Erskine………・…・…………一…… 3805-12 Bugelski, B. R.…・………・……・・…………・・…768,538 Caldwe11’John C.・…………・………………………・920 Buitron, Anibal…一・一…・・……一………・…・・2839 Caldwell, Lynton K.…一……………・……・……1547 Bunyan, John ・・…・・………・………………・………4166 Calkins, Mary Whiton・………・・…・…………・・……352 Burckbardt, Jacob …・……………・……・………… 4554 Callis, Robert……・・…・・……………・…・…・…・・……588 Burdette, Franklin L.……・……………・・…………1371 Cameron, Norman-………・・…・・…・……・……・・… 589 Bureau of Natonal Affairs・・…………・………1581-2 Cameron, Richard M.……・………・………一……488 Burgess, Emest W.…………・……・・……∵・……917-8 Campbell, Charles, Jr.…………・…・……………・4459 Burke, Arvid J.……一……・…・…………・…・…・2646 Campbell, Harry Modean・・……・・………・………・3410 Burke, John ………・………… ………………・・…… 1429 Campbe11, Joseph・………一・・………………・・…489-91 Burke, Kenneth ……・・右・………………・…一…3279-8 Campbel1, Norman・…………・・…・……・………・…3116 Burland, C. A.……………・…………………・…・…3215 Campbel1,0s¢ar James……・…………・・…・・……・3281 Bumbam, W. Dean-……………・一…………-1316 Campbel1, Roald. F,・………・………・・………・……・2502 Burnet, John ………・………・・………・…・…・………286 Campion………・…・……・・…………・……・・…・…・…1143 Bumett, Edmund Cody…・………………………・・幽57 Canby, Henry Seidel…・…………・……・・…・・…3411-13 Burney, Fanny………・………・……・…・・…・………4167 Cantor, Georg ……・・……・……・……・…………・…3146 Burns, Arthur Edward…・・…………・…・………・・1790 Cantor, Nathanie1・…・……・・……・…………・一・…・2651 Bums, Arthur F.…・・……………・…1791,2049,2169 Cantri1, Hadley・…・……・…・……◆………・…… 921,916 Burns, Arthur Robert ・…………・……………・2170-1 Cardozo, Benjamin N.…一……………・・…1431,1622 Bums, Edward Mcnall ・………・…・・……・一……4458 Cargil1,0scar……………・…・・…3414,3572,3589,4067 Bums, Eveline M.・………一……・・…・…-919,1945 Carlson, Sune・…・…・・………………………・・2174,3415 Burns, James McGregor………・…・………・1372,1720 Carlyle, Thomas…・……………・・…・………・・…4255-8 Burns, Robert ・・J… ’・’・・’・’… ’・”.・… .....trt’・’..cタ._ 4081 Carmichael, Leonard…・…………・……・・………・・…541 Burrow, Trigant……・・……・・………・………・・……・・539 Carnap, Rudolf・・…………・・……・…・…16,142-6,3235 Burrup, Percy E.…・………・………・…・……・…・…2647 Carpenter, Frederic Ives………・・…………・…3416-8 Bursk, Edward C.・…………・……・……・…・・…2172-3 Carr, Edward Hallett………・・……・1238,1335,4555-6

133 一一 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ca-Co)

Carr, Edwin R.……・……・……・・……・一・・…・…・…2578 Cheshire, G. C.………………・…………・…・………2293 Carr, Lowell Juillard ………・・……………………・802 Chester, T. E.……・……・……………………・……2409 Carr, Robert K.…・……・………・……1239,1144, 1623 Chesterton, G. K’・………・…・……………・・………・288 Carrasco, Pedro …………・…・……・………・…・…・2824 Chiang, Chung-Chen(Chiang, Kai-Shek)……1337 Carr6, Meyrick H.・………………・・……………17,287 Chicago, The Board of Education of the City Carritt, E. F.………………・…………・・……・・…・219-21 of ・…………・…・・………………… …………・……・2652 Carrow, Milton M.…・一一・一…・…・…・…・……1548 Chiera, Edward …………・・…・…・……・………・…2827 Carter, C. F.・・………・……・・…・……………………2050 Childe, V. Gordon………・…・・…………2828-31,4557 Carter, Deane G.………・…・……・・……………・…・922 Childs, John L.…・……………・・…・・……………・2503-4 Carter, Everett………・…・・…・……………・・………3419 Childs, Marquis…・…………・……………・………2338 Carter, Hodding…・……・…・………・………・・………923 Chinard, Gilbert…………・・……・……・……・……・4462 Cartmel1, Van H.……………・…………一……-4123 Chipman, John Somerset……………・…・一……2052 Cartwright, Dorwin………………・……………・・…924 Christensen, A. N.・…………・……・…………∵・1145-6 Carver, Charles H.・・………………・………・…・…・3420 Christie, Richard・…………・…・……………・・……・2832 Casanova de Se{ngaltt t・………・……・…・………・4404 Choate, Julian Ernest, Jr. ………・…・……・……2873 Cassell__.__._____…………・・…………・・3343 Church, Alonzo・…・………・・………………・・………148 Casselman, Paul Hubert …・…………・・…・…・…・1946 Church, Joseph …………・・……・・…・……………・…685 Cassirer, Ernst・・………・……………… 66,353-7,3236 Church, R. W.…一…………・…一…………・3986-7 Castell, Alburey…一……・…・………………………358 Church, Ralph Withington…・…’・……………・…・・149 Castiglione, Baldassare・…・……・…………・・……・4259 Churchman, C. West…一・…・…・・……・………・…・・150 Cater, Douglass ……………………………・・…・…2338 Chute, Marchette・…・…一…………………・・……・3988 Cather, Willa・・………・・……一………・3421,3813-23 Cicero, Marcus Tullius………・……・………一・-4301 Cattell, R. B.…・……………・・…・・……………・……699 Clagett, Marshall・…・…………・……………………3117 Caughey, John W.・…・・……一…………………・・4460 Clark, Dan Elbert・…・……・………・……・…・……4463 Cavan, Ruth Shonle……・・…・…………・…・…・……925 Clark, David Lee…………・……・・…・…・・…・…◆・…3426 Cayton, Horace R.…………・…………一…・………942 Clark, Evert Mordecai…………・…・・……………3989 Cellini, Benvenuto・……・…・・……・………………・4394 Clark, George L.・……・………・・………………・…・1433 Cerf, Be品ett A.……・……・………・…・……・・……4123 Clark, Grahame……・一………・…………………2836 Cervantes, Lucius F.…………・…・…・・…………・・1097 Clark, Harry Hayden・………………………・・… 3427-8 Cervantes, Miguel De……・・……・…・一・…4298-300 Clark, Leadie M.…・………・…・・一……・…………3429 Chafee, Zechariah …………・・…………・…・・・……1624 Clark, Thomas D.・………………・・………………4464 Challoner, N◆E.・…・…………・’…・…・…………2117-20 Clark. W. E. Le Gros・・………・…・…………・・…2837 Chamberlain, Joseph P.・……・…………・……・一・1336 Clark, H. Butler…・………・・…………・・…・………4302 Chamberlain, Neil W.…・・……・…・…・・1947-51,2016 Clarke, John J.・……………一・……・…・……………1756 Chalnberlin, Edwards Hastings・・……・………2175-8 Clawson, Marion…σ・一………・…………・・………2294 Chambers, E. K.・……………・……………………・4124 Clegg’H. A.……・………・…・……・………・・………2409 Chandler, Lester V.…・………・………・・…・・2051,2162 Clemence, Alphonse H.…一…・一…………・…・・928 Chandrasekhar, S.………・・………・……………… 1100 Clemence, Richard V.……・・…・……………………2295 Chanpanis, Alphonse・……・…・・……………一・… 3195 Clemence, Richard W.…………・・……・…………2219 Chapin, Ned…・・…………・……・・…………・……… 2337 Clemens, Samuel Langhorne・・……・…一・・……3921 Chapin, Richard E.・・…・……・…・…・…・・…………・2471 Cliff・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・一一・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 4125 Chapman, Dennis…・・………・・……・…………・……926 Cline, C’L.___..__...._………・……・・……3282 Chapman, John……………・・……・……・……・…・3736-7 Clough, Shepart B.・…・・……………・・…・…………1793 Chapple, Eliot Dismore…・・…………・……………2825 Clower, R. W.…一・…………・…・…・…………・…1792 Charlesworth, Judge……・・……・・………・……・1625-6 Coan, Otis W.一…一……………・…一……・…3430 Chamwood, Lord.・・……………………………・……4461 Coblentz, Stanton A.………・・………・……………3431 Charvat, Willam…一・………・・………・…………・3422 Cochran, Thomas Child………・…・・………1794,2339 Chase, Richard Volney……・・……………・…… 3423-5 Codere, Helen ・……・…・…・………………・……・…2838 Chase, Stuart…・’………・…………147,927,1240,2826 Coffin, Robert P. Tristram…………・…・…σ……3990 Chaucer, Geoffrey・………………………・…・… 4086-90 Coffman, Stanley K.………’・・…・一…………・…3432 Chenery, Hollis B.……・…・………・…一・……・…2179 Cohen, A. K.…・……・……………・…・…………・…・929 Cheng, Bin………・・……・……………………………1432 Cohen,1. Bernard ・・…・…………・……………・・…3118 Chernoff, Herman…一・……………………………3147 Cohen, John …・………・…・・………………・… ………・67 Cherry, Colin ……………・…・…………………・…2472 Cohen, Lmian …・…・…………・・……………・…・…、Z101


Cohen, Morris Raphael-…………………_._. Corne11, Robert J.・…・……………・………………1953 .____……・・……… 68,151-2,359,1434,4369,3119 Cornford, Francis Macdonald………………………70 Cohen, Thomas S.一……・……………………・…・-915 Cornforth’Maurice……………・……・…………・…362 Coladarci, Arthur P.・・………………・…一……・・2505 Corry,.J. A.・・…………………・…………・一・……1690 Colberg, Marshall R.・・…・……・・…………・・……・・23Ua Corwin, Edward S.……・………・…… 1490-2,1721-2 Colby, V. ………………・・……………・…・………・・3313 Coser, Lewis A.・………・……・……・………・…・……931 Cole, Arthur Har亘sen…一・……一…・・…・1912,2180 Costin, W. C.……・……・……一・一………・-1493 Cole, G. D. H.……………………・…・・1147,2053,4558 Cottingham, Harold F.…………・・………・………2654 Cole, Stewart G.…………・……・・…一…一……・2613 Coughlan, Robert…・…・……・…・…………・…◆……3435 Cole, William E.一・……………・・……・……・930,2581 Coulter, E. Merton…一……一・・…・……………・4466 Coleman, John R.…・…………・…・…………1968,2017 Coulton, G. G.・……・…………・……・……・……・…3992 Co玉eridge, Samuel Taylor・……・…・……一……・・4091 C皿ncil of Economic Advisers・…………・…・2183-7 Colie, Rosalie L. ・…………・……・………………一・360 Council of State Gevernments………・……・-2655 Collie「, John‥’“…’右’………’’’’’’’”t”…”…・・……・2839 Count, Earl W.…………一・一…………一……・2834 Collins, C. M.・…………・……・・…………・・……2117-8 Countryman, Vern_.__.._..___…_一・・1583 Collins, J. Churton・…・……・…・………・……・……4092 Counts, George S.……・…・………・…・……・…・2509-10 Colm, Gerhard…………・・…………・…・…・・…1795,2121 Court, W. H. B.・……………一・・………一……・1798 Colson, Elizabeth…・・…・………・……・……・………2840 Courthope, W. J.…・……一……・…………・……・・3993 Colvin, Sidney………………………・……・・………3991 Covarrubias, Migueレ…一・・………一…・…2835,4559 Combs, Arthur-・…………一…・………・………542 Coward, Noe1 ………’……・’…・……………・…・…3994 Comer, John Preston・……………………一……・1373 Cowden, Dudley J.……・……・……………・・…・…・1102 Commager, Henry Steele・・…・…361,1241,4465,4512 Cowden, Roy W.……・・一……・…………一・・…・・3436 Commins, Saxe_..__._._____..…………3433 Cowie, Alexander-・…・・…………………………・・3437 Commission on the English Curriculum of the Cowley, Malcolm………一…・・…3438-9,3824-6,3945 National Council of Teachers of English…3237 Cowper-Coles, C.・…・………・r……・…・…………… 989 Committee for Economic Development・・……・2181 Cox, Oliver Cromwell・…・…・…一・・……・……・・1799 Committee on Un-American Activities, U. S. Cozzens, James Gould ・……一…………・………3827 House of Representatives…・……………・・……1242 Cramer, Harald・…………………・・……………3149-50 Commons, John R.・……一………・……………1796-7 Cramer, John Francis……・…・……・・…………・・…2511 Conant, James Bryant…………・……・………・…2506 Crandall, Elizabeth Walbert…………・……・…-970 Conner, Frederick William…・…………………・・3434 Crane, Judson A.……・…一…………………・・……1628 Connolly, Francis…・………・…・…………∵……・…3283 Crane, R. S.…・・……・……………………3284-5,4254 Conrad, Alfred H. ……・……・・…… …………・…・・J921 Crane’Stephen…………・・……・……・……・・………3828 Conrad, Joseph・…・・……・……・……………・………4169 Cranston, Maurice………・……・・………・……・・……363 Cook, Elaine Forsyth・……・…’……’・・……”…・…2508 Crawford, Bartholow V.………………・……・・3440-2 Cook, Lloyd Allen…・・…・………・・………・…・・2507-8 Creamer, Daniel……・……・・…………・……・・…2296-7 Cook, Thomas I.……・一…・…・…………………・・1338 Cremin, Lawrence A.…・……・……・………………2501 Cooke, Alistaiオ………・・………・…・・一・・一………3284 Cribbet, John E.……………・……………………・・1629 Cooke, George Wi11is…一…・・………………・・-4093 Crockett, W. S.…・……・………・・…・……………・3995 Cooke, John D.……・・……・…………・・……・…・…・・4094 Croml)ie, A. C.………・……一・……・・…………・…3120 Coombs, Clyde H.…・…・・…・……・・…・甲…・・……… 543 Cronbach, Lee J.……・…・………・……………728,2512 Coon, Carleton S. …・・………・…… 2825,2833,2841-2 Crosby, John・・…・・………… …………・…・…・・……・2473 Co皿tz, Sydney H-……・…・・…・・…・・…・……・・-1952 Cross, Harold L.…・………・……・……・…・………・1494 Cooper, Frank E.…・……………・・…………1549,1573 Cross, Tom Peete …・……………………・……・… 4420 Cooper, Lane…………・……・・………………………4301 Crosser, Paul K.……・…・・…・…・……・・………・・…364 Cooper,.W. W.……・……・……・…………一…・…3148 Crosskey, William Winslow……・………・……・1495-6 Copi, Irving M.…………・…一・・………・………・153-4 Crow, A.………………・………・………・・…・…一…590 Copleston, Frederick S. J.……’…・………・…・…・69 Crow, Lester D.………・・………・・…・……一…590,656 Coppieters, Emmanuel・……・・……・・…・…・・…・…2054 Crowther, Geoffrey…………・・………・………・…・・2055 Corbett, P. E.……………・…・・…・……・………・…1435 Croxall, T. H.………………・……・………・…・…・・365-6 Corbin, Arthur Linton・・……・・……・・……・・…・…1627 Cruickshank, Wiiliam M.・………一……・一…657 Cordiner, Ralph …・……………………………・…・2341 Crum, William Leonard……・……………・・……2188 Corey, Lewis◆・・……・…・…・…………・……・……・…2182 Cruttwel1, Charles Thoams・…………・…◆………4303 Corey, Stephen M.・…・・………・………・・……2653,2708 Cuber, John F.…・・…・…・……・・…・………・・…803,932

一 135一 AUTHOR INDEX (Cu-Do)

Cunliffe, John W.……・………・…・……・-3286,3996 de Rougemont, Denis……………・……・…………・492 Cunningham, William F.…一…・・……一・……σ一2513 De Tocqueville, Alexis・……・……・……………5,4470 Current, Richard N.・……・・………4370,4467,4521-2 Dean, Joeレ・………・・…………・……・・……………・・2190 Curry, Haskell B.………・………・・……………・・3151 Dean, Leonard F.・・…・・…………・…・…・……・・……4000 Curry, Roy Watson……・…・…・・……・・……………1339 Deane, Herbert A.・……・…………・・…・…………・1150 Cushman, Robert Eugene……・・………・………… 1497 Deane, Phyllis………・…・・…・・………………・2299-300 Cushwa, Frank W.・…・……………・………・…-3997 DeBoer, John J、・…………・・…一・…………・……・2658 Debreu, Gerard………………………………………2191 DeConde, Alexander・……………・・…………1341,4471 D Deese, James・…・・…・・……・…………・…・………・770-1 Defoe, Daniel……………・…・………・……………4171-3 D’Abro, A.……・・一……・………一…………・…3∫21-2 Degrange, Mcquilkin………一・…・………………804 D’Annunzio, Gabriele……………………………… 4304 Dekker, Thomas……………一・……………・…… 4210 Dahl, Robert A◆………・…・……・…………・……・・2189 Demiashkevich, Michael・…………・…・・………・・1243 Dahlberg, Arthur O.…………・・……………・…… 2298 Deming, William Edward・……・一…一………・・」103-4 Daiches, David ……◆…・…・・………・……・…3443,3287 Denning, Alfled…・……・…・……・・…………・…1244-5 Dalberg-Acton, John Emerich Edward・…一・1148 D’Entreves, A. P.……一………・・…………・・…・1151 Dale, Ernest…・・………・…・・………………………・2342 Derber, Milton………一・・…………・……・・………4472 Dallin, Alexander ………………………・一・……4560 Despres, Marian A.…………・……・・…・………・-674 Daniels, Earl・・…・…・……・………………一・・…・…・・3288 DesUer, Chester McArthur…・………・………-934 Daniels, Josephus…………・…・…・…………・・…・4468-9 Deutsch, Babette・…………・…………・・…………・・3445 Dante, Alighieri・……一・…………………………4305 Deutsch, Karl W.…………………………………1374 Darley, J. G.・…・………………………・一…・・……2656 DeVoto, Bernard………・…・…・………・……・……’3946 Dasgupta, Surendranath・・………………………・…289 Dewey, John……………・・……………・・…・……… Daudet, Alphonse…………・……・………一・……・・4306 ・・…・……156-9,367-8,493,805-6,1246-7,2517-9,3123 Daugherty, Carroll R.…・……・・………・………・・1954 Dewey, Richard・…………・・……・…………・………・953 Daus, Paul H‘………………・・・……………………3152 Dewhurst,」. Frederic …………・…・・…・………・・1800 Davenport, H. J.……・………………・・……………2410 Dewing, Arthur Stone………・……………・・…2192-3 David, Henry………・…………・……・・………・……・2514 deYoung, John E. ・……’……… ……・………・…’2851 David, Paul T.……・・…………・………・………・・…1389 Diapaond, A. S.………・………・……………1631,2844 Davidson, Donald…・……………・・……・…・・…769,3289 Dice, Lee R.……………・…・・…・…・……・・…・・…・・936 Davidson, Edward H.………・・………・………・・…・3444 Dicey, A. V.・…・………・・…・……・……1436,1499-500 Davie, Maurice R.………・…・………・…一…・・…2843 Dickens, Charles・…………・……・・…………・・…4174-6 Davin, D. M.………………・…・……・………・……・・4270 Dickinson, G. Lowes………………・……・………4307 Davis, Allison…・………・………・・………・……-2515 Dickinson, John ………………………・………・・…1552 Davis, Charles T.……・…・………・…・…・………・3697 Dickinson, Thomas H.………………・……・……・3290 Davis, Harold T.……・………・……・…・………・…・3180 Dimock, Marshall Edward…………・…・……・1691-2 Davis, Helen Miller………・……・……・……・・……・1498 Dingle, Herbert ……・……・………・………………3124 Davis, Kenneth Culp …・…………・…-1550-1,1630 Dirlam, Joel B.…・…・…………・…………・…一・…2194 Davis, Pearce ………・…・・……・・……….・・………・・1955 Dixon, Wilfrid J.・…・……………・………・…一…・、1105 Davis, Robert A.………・……・…・・………………・・2516 Dixon, W. Macneile…………・……………・一…4095 Davis, W. Allison………………・・…一・・………2657 Doan, Edward N◆・・………………・………・……・…・1152 Dawson, Christopher………・…・・…・……・一・一・4561 Dobie, J. Frank ………………………………・…・・3446 Dawson, Raymond H.一・・…・…・……・…一……・・1340 Dobriner, William M.・・』・…………・…・………・……937 De Forest, John Willialn・・…………・……・・……・3829 Dobson, Austin…・…◆…………・……・………・…・…4001 de Huszar, George B.……・……・・….・・…・…………933 Dobzhansky, Th.…・・……………・……・……・……・2849 De Joinville, Jean, Sire・…・……………・・…・・……4378 Dodd, A. H.…一…………・・…………・……・・…・…1153 De Jouvene1, Bertrand・・………………・・………・1149 Dodd, Edwin Merrick…・・〉…・……一・……………2343 DeK㏄k,M.H.…・………・……・………一・…-2056 Dodd, Walter F.………一・一…・…r・…一・・……1501 De La Mare, Walter……・・……………一・…一・4170 Dodds, E. R.………………………・…………・・……4308 De Latil, Pierre・……・……・……・…………・・…………4 Dohr, James L・…・………・……………………・・-2344 De Maar, Harko G.…・…………・…………一・一・3998 Dollard, John……………・・…………・……… 786,938-9 De Morgan, Augustus・・………・…………………・-155 Donahue, Wilma…・……・一・・…………・……・-1074 De Quincey, Thomas…・………・……・…・…・……3999 Donnan, Elizabeth ……・…・・………・・………・…・’4395

一 136一 AUTHOR INDEX (Do-Em)

Donne夕John・・……・…・…・……………・…・・………・4096 Dyer, John P.…………・……・・…・…・…………・…2659 Doob, J. L・………・・……・………・……・…・・……・…3153 Dymend, R. F.……………・・…・……一…・……・…629 Doob, Leonard W.…・…・…・……………一・………940 Dorfman, Joseph…・……………◆……………・……4473 Dorfman, Robert……・……・・一………………・……2195 E Dorson, Richard M.・………一…_・…_….・__g41 Eamest, Ernest……………・・………・………2660,4004 Dos Passos, John ・・………・…・…………・・3831-3,3839 Eastham, J$K.・…………・……・・…………・……・…1803 Doster, James F.…・…………………一…………・2474 Eastman, Max………一……・・……………・…σ一4396 Dotson, Lillian Ota…・……・……・……・……・…・…2854 Easton, Stewart C.…・………・……………………・369 Doubleday, Neal Frank…・一…・…’・……………・3291 Eby, Edwin Harold・一…………・…………・一・…3451 Dougherty, Kenneth F.・……………・…・…………160 Eby, Frederick…・……・・’………………・・…………2522 Douglas, Norman……・一…・一………………・……4177 Edel, Leon ……・………・……・・…………・・3452,3947-8 Douglas, William O.…………一・…・……・…-1248 Edelston, H.・………・………・・……・…・・…・…・………658 Dowden, Edward…・…………・・一…………・…・4002-3 Edey, Harold C.・・………………・・……一………・2301 Dowling, Noel T.…一………一……………・……1502 Edgeworth, Maria…一…………・………………・4178 Downer, Alan S.……・…・………・…・・……………3737 The Educational Policies Commission……・・…・ Downie, Jack………・……・……………・・…・………2196 ’………………・・……………・・…・……… 2523-5,2661-3 Downie, N. M.・・………………・……・・………・……729 Edwards, Allen L.……・………・…・……………1106-7 Downs, Anthony……・……・……………・・…・…・…1801 Edwards, Corwin D.…・・……………・………2198,2346 Drake, Clair……………・…………・・……・……・……・942 Edwards, George W.…・………・・一・……………2122 Draper, Theodore……・……・・………………・…- 1249 Edwards, Herbert W.・………………・…………・…3500 Dreer, Herman…………一・……・・…………・………3447 Edwards, Jonathan …・…・…………・…・…・………・514 Dreiser, Theodore・・………・・…・・……………… 3834-40 Edwards, Newton …・・………・……・……・……・…2664 Dresher, M.…・・……………・……一一……・………321 Edwards, Paul …………・…・…………・・……・……・161 Dressel, Paul L.…・…………・…・一………………・2520 Edwards, Ronald S.…・………………………・・…2199 Drew, Elizabeth……・…・…………………・・一…・4097 Eells, Kenneth…・…・………………・・……・……・…2665 Dreyer,」. L E.……・………・………・・………・…・3181 Egbert, Donald Drew・………・………………・……1804 Drucker, Peter F.・・………………・………・…・…・2197 Eggan, Fred…・…………・……・……・……・・……2852-3 Drucker, Philip・…・………・……・・…………・…・・…・2845 Ehlers, Henry-・…………………・………・・……・2526 Dryden, John・………………………………・・3292,4098 Eidson, John Olin …・・……・・………・…・……・・…・3453 Du Bois, Cora………・……・…………・・……・……・2846 Einaudi, Mario・………・…・一・・…・……・………・…1250 Dubarle, D.…・……・………・…・………一・…・………494 Einstein, Albert…・……・…・・……………・…・………71 Dube, S. C.………・…・………………………・……2847 Einzig, Paul・……………・………・・………・……・…2411 Dubin, Robert………・・…・・………………・・…1969, 2345 Eiriksson, Benjamin H. J.……………・…・……・1805 Dubisch, Roy・……………・・…………・……・……-3154 Eisenhower, Dwight D.・……………一・・………・・1723 Due, John F.………・……・…・・…・……・…1802,2057-8 Eisenstadt, A. S.・………・………・・……………一・4397 Duesenberry, James S.一…………一・…………2059 Eisensthdt, S. N.……・・…………・……………・・・… 945 Duffey, Bernard J.・…………・……・……………3448-9 Eisenstein, Victor W.・…・…………………………・946 Dulles, Foster Rhea …・………・…・………・……・・4474 Eissler, Ruth S.・………・…………………………・…659 Dumbauld, Edward……・……・……・………………1154 Ekirch, Arthur A., Jr.・……………・…・…一…・・ll56 Duncan, George Sang・…………・………………・… 3182 Elder, Donald ……………・……………・………・… 4398 Duncan, Otis Sudley・………・……………・・…・・……943 Eldridge, Seba…・…・・…・…・…………・…・…・……・…・807 Duncan-Jones, Austin・…・……・…・……・……・……222 Elias, R. H.・………………・・……・…………・・……3454 Dunlap, Jack W.……・…………・・一…………一・2521 Eliot, George…………・…………・………・……4179-81 Dunlop, John Colin・…・………………………・……3293 Eliot, Thomas Stearns…_.・._.・_____.... Dunlop, John T.…・……………………・………・1956-8 …・・・・・・… 3294,3455-6,3949,4005,4099,4127-30 Dunn, Esther Cloudman -……・……・・……・…・4126 Elkin, A. P.・…………・……・……・…………・・……2860 Dunn, L. C令………・………・・…・…………・…・…2848-9 Ellis(Mrs.)……….・…一一………・…一………・4562 Dupee, F. W.……一・一一・・……一・……4475,3450 Ellis, Howard S.・………・………・……1789,1806,2412 Durbin, E. F. M.………………・・…・…・………・・…1155 Ellsworth, John S., Jr.一…………一・…………2347 Durkheim, Emile……・………・……………………・2850 Ellsworth, P. T.……・一………・・…………・……・2413 Dutt, Romesh C.…・・……………・・…・……………・4309 Elton, William・…………・……・一…・・…・………・223

Duvall, Evelyn Millis…・_.____.__..__g44 Embree, John F.…………・……… ……………・・2854-5 Dwyer, Paul S.・…・・……・・……・・………………・・…3155 Emerson, Ralph Waldo・・………………-3716,3950

一 137一 AUTHOR INDEX (Em-Fl)

Emerson, Thomas I.……・……・……・……………1503 Feigl, Herbert…………・・………・…・……・…・372,3125 Emery, Edwin……………・…………・…一・・……・2475 Feis, Ilerbert…………・…………・……………・…1342-3 Emmet, Dorothy M.・一……………・一………一・73 Felheim, Marvin………・・…一・…・…………・……3463 Empson, William・……・一・……………一・・-3295-6 Feller, William・…………・………一……・…・…3156-7 Enge1, Edwin A守…一一………・・…………・……・3457 Fellman, David……………・…・…………一・…・・…1693 Engelhardt, Nicholaus Louis……・……・一……2666 Fellner, William…………………1808,2060,2302,2202 Engler, Richard E., Jr.…・・……………・…………1005 Fenichel, Otto……………… ……・…………・………・594 Enke, Stephen・…………・・………………・・……・2414-6 Fenton, Charles A.……・…一……・………………3464 Epictetus・・・……………………………………………284 Fenwick, Charles G.…・……・………・…………1479-80 Erhard, Ludwig …一………・……・……・……・……2200 Ferenoczi, Sandor………・…・・………………・……・・591 Ericksen, E. Gordon……・・……・・……・…………・…947 Ferguson, John H.・…………・・……………1725-6,1809 Erikson, Erik H.……・………・・………・………・・……660 Fergusson, Francis・…………・…・…………・…・・…3297 Ernst, Morris L.・・………………・……・・一…一・・1317 Ferre11, Robert H.…・・……………・…・……・・…4477-8 Ervine, John・一・・一・・・・・・… 一… 一… …・・一・・…・・… 一・… 4006 Ferson, Merton・…・…………・・………・………・……2348 Estes, William K.………・………・・………・…・……・772 Fesler, James W.…・………・…一一…一・・……1727 Estey, James Arthur……・・……・……・………一・2201 Festinger, Leon…・…・………・……・…・………・……544 Etter, Carl……………・・……………・・…・・…………2856 Feuchtwanger, Franz・・……・……・…・………・……3213 Euclids・……◆……・……・…………・・……・…………・・3159 Fichter, Joseph H.・・…………………・………・…・・…809 Eulau, Heinz………・………・……・…・…一………・1157 Fick, Reverend Leonard J.・…………・……・……3465 Evans, Bergen・・…・………・……………・・…・・…・…3238 Fiedler, Leslie A.・……・・…・…・……………………・3951 Evans, Clifford, Jr.………・……・…・………………3063 Field, G. C香・……………・…・……………・・…・……1158 Evans, Cornelia …………・……………・・…………3238 Field,01iver P.…………・…・……………………・…1716 Evans, Mary……一………・・…・…・・…一…・……・948 Fielding, Henry……………・・……・…………・……・・4182 Evans, Ralph M.………一一…・…・…………・…・3183 Filler, Louis……・………・…………・・……・……・…3466 Evans-Pritchard, E. E.…・………・……・………2857-9 Fine, Benjamin…………・……………・…・・…・…・…1541 Evelyn, John………・………………………・…・……4399 Fine, Sidney…………◆◆・……・・…………・………… 1159 Ewing, Alfred Cyri1………・…・…・……18,224-6,370 Finer, Herman・……・……・・……・…………・……1728-9 Ewing, A. W. G.………一・・一・…………・………2667 Finlay, William W.・・………・…………・・……・……1960 Ewing, Cortez A. M.………一…・…・…………1318-9 Finlay-Freundlich, E.………………・・…………・…3126 Ewillg, Irene R.……………・…・・…………一・…・2667 Fireman, Peter…………・・…・……………・………・…・75 Ewing, Maj1………・………・一・……………・…・…4037 Firth, Raymond…・…・………・……・……・……・2861-4 Eyken, Albert Van・・………・………・…・一…………74 Fisch, Edith L.・………・………・……………1251,2349 Eysenck, H. J.・…・…・・………・…………・…・・……・700-1 Fisch, Max Harold…・…・……・…………・・……・373-4 Eyster’Elvin S.…………・・……・………・……・…・2327 Fisher, Margaret…………・・……・…………・・一…2527 Ezekiel, Mordecai…・…………・…………一………1108 Fisher, Ronald A.…………・・……・………………1109 Fishman, Soloman…・…・…・……・・……………・…3467 Fiske, Donald W.一……………・・…・……………・・640 F Fitch, Frederic Brenton……………・・…・…………162 Fitch, John A.・……………・…・・………・………・…1961 Fagin, N◆Bryllion・…………・……・………・…・・…3458 Fitzgerald, Brian……………・・…・………・……・・…4007 Falk, Robert P.……・…・………・……………………3459 Fitzgerald, C. P.………・…・……・…・・……………・2865 Fals-Borda, Orlando…・………・・……………・…・・…949 Fitzgerald, F. Scott・・………・…・………・………・3853-5 Faner, Robert D.…………・…・…・…………・・……・3460 Flallagan, John T.・・………………・…・……・・……3468 Fanner, Frances…・・………・…・・……………・……4400 Flaubert, Gustave …・…・・………・…・…………・4310-1 Farr, Donald E.…・…・…………・……….……………2381 Fleming, Donald…………・・……………・…………3127 Farrand, Max…………’……・・…………・……・・……・4401 Flescher, Joachim・……………………・……………・702 Farrell, James T.………・・…・…………………・一・3841 Fletcher, Joseph F.・……・・………・・’………・…・…・495 Farrington, Benlamin…………・……一・………… 371 Flew, Antony・…・……・…・・…………・……・-163-6,496 Fatout, Pau1…・・…………・…・………・……・………346∫ Flint, Winston Allen…一・………………一・……4479 Faulkner, Harold Underwood………1807,1959,4476 Florence, P. Sargant…… …・・…・・……・…………・2203 Faulkner, William…・一・………・・・・・……・……3842-52 Flores’Angel………………………………・・…・4312-3 Federal Register Division………………・・…・……1724 Floud, Jean Esther………・・…・………・……・・…2668-9 Feibleman, James K.……………・・…・………・・…・808 Flugel, J. C. …・……………・・…・・……………・……227 Feidelson, Charles, Jr.…………・……・・…………3462 Fluno, Robert Y.……………._.._………・・……・1705

一 138一 AUTHOR INDEX (Fo-Ge)

Foerster, Norman・…・……………………・・…・・……3427 Friedmann, W.一・…・・……………・…・…・・1437,1633 Fogarty, Michael P.・……・…・・………・・……497,2204 Friedrich, Carl J.・……………・………………・…1505-6 Fogle, Richard Harter・……・………・…・……・-3469 Frieling, Heinrich-………………・…・……・・……・751 Foley, Martha…・……………・………一…・…・…・3856 Fries, Charles Carpenter・……………・……・……3239 Forde, C. Daryll……………・………・……・2866,3029 Fritz, Charles A.・・………・・…・……………………・377 Fordham, Jefferson B.一・・………・・…・一・・………950 Frohock, W. M.・…………・一・……一………・-3473 Forell, George W.……・……・………・一……・……・228 Fromm, Erich…・……・…・・一……・229,230,592-3,954 Forest, John William De・・…・…・・…………一…3829 Fromm-Reichmann, Freida ・……一…・………597-8 Forkosch, Morris D.・…・……………・……………1962 Frost, Robert……………・………・……………・……3709 Form, William H.一……一…・・……・・……-1990 Froude, James Anthony・・…………・………4008,4563 Forster, Edward Morgan・……………・………・4183-4 Fung, Yu-lan…・…・…・…・・…………・……・・……・295-6 Forstmann, Albrecht・…・………一……………… 2061 Funkenstein, Daniel H.・…・……………・…………599 Fortes, Meyer-……………・…・……一……・・2867-9 Funston, G. Keith・…・……・…・……・………・…… 2064 Forthal, Sonya・……・……・・………〔……・…………1252 Fussel1, Edwin S.・…………・……・・…・……・…一・・3474 Fortune, R、 F.・………・………・……・……・……・…2870 Fossati;Eraldo・………・・…・………・………・………1810 Foster, Charles H.・……・…………・……・・………・3470 G Foster, George M.・・………・・…………一・……2871-2 Foster, James R.…・………・……・・…◆……………・3259 Gable, Richard W◆・…・……・・…・…・一…………・1976 Foster, Mary F.・……・…………・・……………・…・2872 Gabrie1, Ralph Henry………・・…………・…一・・…1254 Foster, Ruel E.・………・…”・………………’・……・・3410 Galbraith, John Kenneth …・………・・’……・…・1812-4 Fourrier, Charles……・……・……・・…………・・……1160 Gale, David ………・・……………・…・……・…・……3158 Fox, Adam・……………・…一・…………・…………・290 Gallie, W. B.・…一…………・………・………・・……378 Fox’Guy ……・・…・……・………・………・…………1759 Galloway, George・……・……・………………1161, 1375 Fox, Harold G.・・………・・…・……・………・…・・……2205 Gallup, George H.………・……・…・…………955,1730 Fox, Karl A.・…・一・・……………………・…………・1108 Galpin, B.…………・………・………・・……・……・…1214 France, Anatole …・・…………………………・…4314-5 Galsworthy, John…一………・・…………4131,4185-8 France, Robert R.・・………………・・……・…・1937,1963 Gamble, Sidney David ……・………・………・…… 2878 Frank, John P.・…………・……・・………・……・……1504 Gange, John……・…………………………・…・……1344 Frank, Philipp・・………………・・………・………・3128-9 Gardiner, Harold C.……・……・……・一……・・…3857 Frank, W. F.……・……・……・・………・…一・・……2206 Gardiner, Patrick・…………・…・・……………・…・4371-2 Frank, Waldo………・……・……………………-3471 Gardiner, Samuel Rawson…………………・・一…1507 Frankel, Charles …・……・…・…・………・……・…375-6 Gardner, Burl’eigh …………・……・・………………2350 Frankel, S. Herbert……・……・………・… ……・・…2207 Gardner, Eric F.・…・………・…σ◆……………・……956 Frankenberg, Lloyd・…・………・・………・………・… 3298 Garland, Hamlin…・…・…・…・・・……・…………・・…3475 Franklin, Benjamin…・・……・… 3367,3472,3952,3959 Garner, James W輌1ford………・…………………・・1162 Frantz, Joe B.・………………………・…………・…2873 Garnett, Richard・…・・…………・…………・………・4009 Frascona, Joseph L.・……・…・… …・……………・・… 1632 Garrett, Henry E.・・…・…・…・……・………………2528 Fraser, L. M.…・・…・………・…………・…・…・・…-1811 Garriel, Ralph H.・…………・………・…・……・……・1163 Frazier, Benjamin W.……一・……一・…2670,2874 Garvin, Lucius …・…・……………・…………………231 Frazier, E. Franklin…………・………・………・・…・・951 Garvy, George・…………………………………・・…2304 Freed, S. Charles…・………・……………………・…3199 Gaskel1, E. C.・・……・………・……………・……・…4010 Freeman,」. Leiper-…………・・…・……………・…1253 Gassner, John・……………・………・…・……・・…3738-46 Freeman, Kathleen……・…………………一…・291-2 Gates, Reginald Ruggles ・…………・・……・’…・…2879 Fremantle, Anne………・…・…・・………………・・293-4 Gaumnitz, Walter H.……・…………・・……………2672 French, Will-…………………………・…………・2671 Gavan, James Aウ……∴・……・…・…・…・…………・・2880 Freud, Anna ……….__・・’………………・・………595 Gaver, Jack …・……・・………………・…………・…・3747 Freud, Sigmund………一・……………・一…・・545,596 Gavit, Bernard C.…………一・…・・…・…………・1508 Freundlich Erwin Finlay・…・……………・…・・…・3126 Geach, Peter ………・…………・…一・…・…・………773 Fried, Morton H.……・………._・.・…………・…2875-7 Geddes, W. R.・・…一…一…・一…………・…・…2881 Friedenberg, Edgar Z.…・…・_…………………・…952 Geiger, George R.……・………・…・……・・…………・379 Friedman, Eugene A.………一・……・・………・…・953 Geiger, Theodore…………・・…………・・…・……・…1795 Friedman, Milton・…・・……………一・・…2062-3,2303 Geismar, Maxweli・・……・…・……・……………・3858-9 Friedmann, Georges・・…・・…・………・一………・・1964 Gelber, Lione1…・………・・…・・……………………・1255

一 139一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ge-Gr)

Geldard, Frank A.…一・……………・・…・……………752 Goldsmith,01iver……・…・…・・……・…………・…4133 Gelfant, Blanche Housman………………・・…-3476 Goldstein, Kurt………・……・…・・……・……………・703 Gellhorn, Walter……………1164-5,1257,1376,1553 Gompers, Samuel・…………・……・・…………・…-4402 Gemmil1, Kenneth W.…………一…・…………2123 Goode, Richard…・………・…◆・………・・…・・……・…2125 General Motors Corporation&UAW-CIO…1965-6 Goode, William………・…・…・…・…………・……・…499 Gerathewoh1, Siegfried J.……・…………・・………661 Goodenough, Ward H.………・一…一・…一・・……2891 Gerber, John C.……・……・……・・………・……・3273-5 Goodfellow, D. M.………・・一…・・…・…・・……一…815 Gerberich, J. Raymond…・…・………・………・一・2771 Goodman, Nelson……・……・・…・…………・…・168, 380 Gerhart, Eugene C.…………・…・………・……・・…・1256 Goodman, Paul………・……・・………・………・…・…3299 Gerloff, Wilhe11n……………一……一…・・…-2124 Goodnow, Frank Johnson・……・・……・……・……・1731 Gerould, Gordon Hal1………………・…・・………4011-2 Gordon, Caroline・…・・……………・・…・・……・・……3300 Gerth, Hans……………・・……………・…………810,957 Gordon, Ian A.………一…・…・…………・……・・…2677 Ghose, Bimal C.…………・…一・一……・………・2208 Gordon, Milton M.…………・…………一………・…964 Gibb, G. S.……………・…・・…………・……・・………2417 Gordon, Thomas…………・…・…・・……・……・・…・・…965 Gibbs, Andrew H.…・………一…・…………・・-2639 Gorrell, Robert M.・………一……・………………3241 Gibran, Kahlil・・…………・…………………………4100 Goschen, Viscount……………………………・…・・2418 Gibson, James J.…一…………・・一………・…・一・753 Gosnell, Cullen B.・…・……………・……………1695-6 Gide, Charles…………………………・…・・…………1815 Gosne11, Harold F.・・………………・…1258,1402,1732 Gierke, Otto・・……・……・…………………・………・1438 Gosse, Edmund W.………一・……・…4013-4,4134-5 Gilbert, Milton・・…………・…一…………・・一・…・2305 Gotshalk, D. W.一……………・……・…………・・3212 Gilbert, W. S.……一…一・一……………3748,4132 Gough, J. W.一……………・・……………・’1439,1509 Gilchrist, R. N.………………・………・…・……・・-1166 Gould, Jean ・……・………………・……・…・………3479 Gillin, John Lewis…………………………811,2882-5 Gould, John……………・・……………………………・298 Gilpin, Alec R守………………………・…………・・…4481 Gouldner, Alvin W.・・……・……・一・……・…・・…2353 Gi】son, Etienne……・……・…………・・……… 19,297,498 Grabi11, Wilson H.…・……・……………・…・・………・966 Ginger, Ray……………・………………・…・・……・・4480 Grace, Frank………・………………一一・・………・……500 Ginsberg, Morris…・・……・………………………812-3 Graff, Orin B.………・・………・……………・…・・…2674 Ginzberg, Eli ・………・……・………958-61,2351,2673 Graham’Frank D.…・…………………………T・2419-20 Girvetz, Harry K.・・…・・……・・……………・……・・…814 Grant, Vernon W.…………・……・・…・……・…・一・774 Gissing’George・・…………・………・……・…・……4260-1 Granville-Barker, Harley・・…………・・……・……・3301 Gittler, Joseph B.・・………・・…………・・……・・……・962 Grassmuck, George L.………・一・…・…………・・1345 Glacken, Clarence J.……………・・…・……………2886 Grattan, C. Hartley…………・…………………・…・1346 Gladwin, Thomas……………一・・…・……………・・2887 Graves, W. Brooke……・………・…・………1697,1733 Glasgow, Ellen・・………・…・……………・一・一’…3477 Gray, Alexander…・…・…・…………・・……・………1816 G6del, Kurt…・………・…………・………・…・……・…167 Gray, Hamish R.…………・………・………・・一…・1634 Gladwin, Harold Sterling……・……………・…・… 2895 Gray, John Stanley…’・・…・……………・………・…546 Glasrud, Clarence A.・…・・…・…………………一・4373 Gray, Louis H.・・………・・………・……・…・・……・…3242 Gleason, H. A., Jr.………………・…・…一………3240 Gray, Thomas・………………・………・………・・…4101 Glen, Judson B.・………………・・……………・一・1766 Grayeff, Fe’ lix・………・・…・………・……・…・…・・…1・・381 Glukman Max・・…・…………・…一一…・…一……2840 Grayson, Henry…………・……・……………・………967 Gluceck, Eleanor,……・…・………・……………・…・・963 Grebler, Leo………・・……………・…・………・・……2066 Glueck, Sheldon・…………・……・…・……・…………・963 Green, Arnold W.・……………一・…………・…一・816 GOdshall, W. Leon…・…・・…・…・……・…・………・・1694 Green, Constance McLaughlin・・…一……・……・・968 Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von・……・一…・…4316 Green, Leon・………・…・…………・…・…………・…1635 Gold, Bela・……………・…・…・………・……・………2352 Gree11, T. H.・……………・…・……・・…………・……232 Gold, Michae1………………………・……・・………3478 Greene, Harry…・・…・…………・…・…・・………・…・2675 Goldberger, A. S.…一………・…・………………1854 Greene, Theodore Meyer……一・…・………382,1167 Golden, C. S.……………………・………・……・……1967 Greenleaf, Walter James・………・・………………2676 Goldenweiser, Alexander・・………・……………2888-9 Greer, Thomas H.……・…・……………・・…・…・…4403 Goldellweiser, E. A.……………………・……・-2065 Gregory, Horace ・……・……・………………… …… 3710 Goldhamer, Herbert…・………・……一・………一・637 Gregory, William King-…・…………2892-3,3480 Goldman, Eric F.……・…・・…・…………・…・………4482 Grene, Marjorie…・…………一・…一……・……・…453 Goldschmidt, H.0.・・…・・……・……・……………・・2209 Gribble, George Dunning…………………………4404 Goldschmidt, Walter………一・……・………・…・2890 Grierson, H. J. C.……・………・…・・……………・・4095

一一 140 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Gr-Ha)

Griffin, John W.…・…………・……………一…・-2896 Halleck, Reuben Post・・……・・………・…・…・・……・4016 Griffith, Ernest S-……・…・・……・…・………969,1734 Hallet, George H.…………・…・……・………・・…・1320 Griffith, J. A. G.………・……・……・・…………・・1554 Hallett, H. F.・……・……・…・…・……………・・…・・…299 Grinker, Roy R.…・…・…・・……………・…………・547-8 Halm, George N.…・…・…………・…1821,2067-8,2423 Grinnell, J. E.・……・…………・……………・…・・… 2529 Halmos, paul___.__.._.__………・・…732,819 Griswold, Wrwin N.・一……………・…・…・……・2126 Halstead, Ward C.………・…・……・一…・……-600 Grodinskア, Julius l…・………・………・・………・……2476 Hamberg, D.一………・………・・…・………………・1822 Groethuysen, Bemard・……・……………・・………・・383 Hamblett, Charles…・……………・……・・……・…・4189 Groot, Gerald J.・…・………・・…・・………・…・……・2897 Hamilton, Alexander…一…”一…・…………・…1169 Gross, Feliks…・……・…・・………・………・・………・・1168 Hamilton, Daniel C.…・…・…………・…・……・…・2214 Gross, Irma H.……・………・……………………・…970 Hamilton, Edith……・………・……・…・……一…・…501 Gross, Llewellyn ……・…・・…・・…・…………………817 Hamilton, Gordon・・…・・…・……………………・……971 Grossman, James・………………・……・・………・…・3481 Hamilton, G. Rostrevor-…・…・……・・…………・4102 Groth-Kimball, Irmgard…・……………………・・3213 Hamilton, Robert P.・……・………・………………1645 Gruchy, Allan G.………・………・・…・………・……・1817 Hamlin, H. M.…一…・………・一…一………・…2531 Grumbine, Harvey Carson……・…・・…………….4015 Hamlyn, D. W.・………・……・……一……・・……754-5 Grump, Norman-…・……・…・・……・・…・…・……242」 Hampshire, Stuart………・……一・………・…79,385-6 Grunder, Garel A.………・………・・…・・…・………1347 Hamrin, Shirley A.……・………・……………・……662 Grutchfield, Richard………・…・……・・…………・・…828 Hand, Learned・……・…………………・…………… 1259 Grygier, Tadeusz-…………・一…・……・……・…818 Handler, Milton………一・・…一………一・……1636 Gu6rard, Albert・…・………・……………384,3214,4317 Handlin, Oscar・…・………・… 972,1260-1,4406,4483-4 Guest, Robert H.……・…………・…………………・2032 Hanford, James Holly ‥・・・・・・… 3243 Guilford, J. P.・・………………・………・………・・……549 Hanks, J. Whitney…・………・・…・・……一…・・…2069 Gu∬iksen, H.・・……・……・…………・…・・……・・……730 Halma, Frank A.……………・………・・……一…・・2215 Gummere, Francis B.・………・………・……・・…・…4022 Hans, Nicholas……・・…・・…・…・…………・………・・2532 Gurko, Leo…・……・……………………………・……233 Hansel, Mark…………一……………・…・・…・…・…67 Gutkind, E. A.……一…一………一……………2894 Hansel1, Alvin H.…・……一…・……………・…・・2216-9 Gutzke, M. G.……………・………・……………・…2530 Hansen, K. H.……・……・……・・…・……………・…2678 Gwirm, William Rea・・……・……・……………・…・4405 Hansen, Marcus Lee…・・……・一………・……・…4485 Gwynn, Frederick L・…・…・・……………・・…・・…・3482 Hanson, J守L・・……………・・………・………・・一…・2070 Harber, D.・………・………・・…・・…・・………・………1503 Harbison, Frederick H.………・……一・……… 1968-9 H Harding’Arthur L…………・…………・…一・…・・1440 Harding, Walter…・……一・……………一・…・・3484 Hardman, J. B. S.…一……一…・………………1970 Haar, B. Ter・・……………・…・・……………・・……・・2898 Hardy, Thomas…一…………………………・・4190-2 Haavelmo, Trygve…・……・……………………・…1818 Hare, A. Pau1・……一………一・…一…………-973 Haberler, Gottfried von………・………・・2210-2,2422 Hare, R. M.…………………一…………………・・…234 Hackett, Alice Payne・………・・…・………一…-3483 Haring, Douglas G.…………・……・・………2900,4564 Hadamard, Jacques………・…・……・…一……・-731 Harlan, Louis R.……・……・・………………………2679 Haezrahi, Pepita……………・…………・…・・……・…・20 Harms, Ernest…・・…・…・・…………・……・・…・……663 Hagen, Everett E・……・………・・…・……・…・…・・2213 Harrell, Thomas Willard……・・…・一…一…・・1971 Hagenah, T.・・………………・………………・・……・2656 Ha’rriman, Averell・……・……・…・……………・・…1348 Hagood, Margaret Jarman……・………・・………1110 Harrington, Vernon C.………・…・……・…………4017 Hague, D◎uglas C.……………・・…・・…・……・……1913 Harris, Chester W.一……………・・一…・………2533 Hahn’Albert………・・…・………・・…・・…・・…一・-1819 Harris, Errol E.・・一・…・………・…………・……・・…80 Haines, Charles Grove・・…・…・…………・・………1377 Harris, Irving D.・…・・…・……・…・…1……・………・974 Haines, Paul____.._.__._.___...……・3302 Harris, Joseph P.・…………………………………・・1321 Haley, Bernard F.………・………・・…・……・・1820,2302 Harris, R. E.・……・……一・…・…・…………………636 Ha11, Calvin S.・…・………・・…・…………………・…704 Harris, Seymour E.…………・…・…・……1823,2424-5 Hall, Everett W.………・……一・・………………・・76-7 Harrison, G. B.…・……・………・・…………・・4018,4103 Hall, Ford P.…… …・………・・…・…………・・… ……‘1735 Harrison, John A.……………・・…・一………・…‘1356 Hall, Victor E.……・………・…・………….…………2899 Harrod, R. F.・…………・……・・……・一……1824,2426 Hallden, Soren・…………・……・・…………・……・・…・・78 Harrod, Roy ・……・………・…・・…一・…一・2071,2220 、

一 141一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ha-Ho)

Hart, Albert G.…・…・…………・…・・……’……2072-3 Herring, Pendleton ……・・…・・…・……・……1390,1738 Hart, H. L. A.’…・……………・……・一………・…1441 Herskovits, Frances S.・……………一・・……・…’2903 HartJames……………・・…・…1378,1510,1555-6,1736 Herskovits, Melville J.………・…・……・………2901-3 Hart, James David……………・…・……………・3485-7 Hertmann, Frederick H.……・・…………・・……・・1349 Hart, Joseph Kピ………………………一・………・2534 Hertz, David B.・・………・…・…・・…………・……・・2355 Hart, Moss・……………・・………………一・…………3752 Hesseltine, William B.………・・………・…・…・…・1391 Hartman, Gertrude…………・・……………・…・・…・4486 Hession, Charles H.・…・・…・……・…・……・…・…・1829 Hartmann, Nicolai-・……………・…・・……一……235 Heyting, A.………………・………・………………・3161 Hartshorne, Charles………………81,169-70,502,756 Heywood, Robert B.・…………’……・………・……・・21 11artz, Louis・・・・・・… ◆σ・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 1170 Hickman, C. Addison………・・…・………一・……・977 The Harvard Committee…………………………2535 Hicks, Granville…・……・・……………・・…・2904,3490-1 Harwood, E. C.・………………・・……………………1825 Hicks, John ・・……………… ……・…………・…・…・1417 Hatcher, Harlan……・…・…・…………一・…・……3303 Hicks, John D.…・・……………・・……・…………・…4487 Hatt, Paul K.・………………・・…・…・・………975,4565 Hicks, J. R. …………………………1830,1973,2226-7 Havighurst, Robert J、・……・・…705,953,2536-8,2657 Higbee, Edward ・…・…………………・…・……・・…3196 Hawley, Amos H.………・・………・…・……一……・976 Higgins, Benjemin……・…・…………・………・一…1831 Hawthome, Nathaniel…・…・…・………………3860-1 Hilbert, D.……・………・…・……・・…………・………171 Hawtrey, R. G.……………・・…・……・・-1972,2427-9 Hilgard, Ernest R.…………・…・…………・551,775-6 Hayek, Friedrich A.………・・……・820,1826-7,2221-2 Hill, Arthur D.…………・……・……・……・……・…・1957 Hazard, John N,…………・…・…・…………・・……・1737 Hm, Christopher………・…・………・……・……・・…4566 Hazeltine, H. D.………・……・…・………………… 1171 Hill, Clyde M.・……・・……・・…・・…一…………・…2747 Hazlitt, William…・………………一・4019-20,4262-3 Hil1, George W.…………・…・…・…………・…・…・3184 Heady, Farl O. ・・………………・………・…・……・2223 Hillman, Arthur・………………・・」一………・・’…・1262 Healy, James J.…………・……・・……・…・・……… 1956 Hillway, Tyrus…・・…・……・・…………・…・…・……・3492 Hearn, Lafcadio ……・……………・・…・…・………・3488 Hinchcliff, Keith H.………・……・…・………………922 Heath, Thomas L.………・…・………………・…3159-60 Hinchman, Walter S.……・…・………・……………4022 Hebb, Donald Olding…・・……………………・……550 Hindle, Brooke……・…・……………………・・……・・4488 Hebbel. Friedrich…………・…………・・……・一・……4318 Hirsch, Wemer Z.………一・一………………・…1111 Hecht, Ben・・………・…………・・……・………………3489 Hirschman, Albert O.・・………………・一…一・2228 Heckscher, Eli F.…………・・…………・…………2224 Hirst, RJ.…・…・…………・……・…・………・………757 Hege1, G. W. F.…・・………・……………一・408,4374 Hiscocks, Richard …………・・……・………・…・…・1263 Heilman, Robert B.………・…・……・……………4136 Hoagland, Hudson ・……・……………………・…… 3197 Heilperin, Michael A.・……・…・・……………・…・2430 Hobbes, Thomas……………・………・………・978,1172 Heimann, Eduard・……・……・・一………・…………1828 Hocking, William Ernest…・…・………・・…・・389,503 Heim, Kar1…・・…………・…・……………・・……………82 Hodgen, Margaret T.…………・・………・…………2905 Held, Burnell ……・…………・・………・…・…・……2294 Hoebel, E. Adamson-・…………・・………・…・2906-8 Heller, Francis H.…・……………・・…・…一・……1511 Hoe1, Paul G守……………・・……………………・……3162 Heller, Walter W.………・…・……・…一……・・…2306 Hoernle, Reinhold Friedrich Alfred…一…・……・390 Hemingway, Ernest……………………………3862-72 Hoff, Arthur G.・……・…………’・…………・……・2683 Hendel, Charles W.…………………一………-387 Hoffding, Harald………・・…・・………・………・……391 Hendel, Samuel・・…………………一………………1637 Hoffer, W.・……・…………・…・・……………・………601 Henderson, Archibald・・…・・……………・…・3148,4021 Hffman, Frederick J.・…………・……・…3493-6,3873 Henderson, David …………・…・…・………・……・・1040 Hoffmann, CharleS G.…・・……・………一……・・3497 Henderson, Hubert……………・…・……………・… 2225 Hoffmam, Stanley・…………・・…………一…・…・1350 Henderson, James M.………・…・……・…………2127 Hoffma加, Walther G.・一…・……・・…・…………2229 Henderson, Stella Van……・……………・……・…2539 H6fler, A.………・……・…・……………・・…・…………83 Henle, R. J.……・…………・・…………………………300 Hofstadter, Richard…・・…・…・・……・…・………・・…392 Henninger, G. Ross……………・・………………・2680 Hofstatter, Peter R.…………・……・・………・…・・…552 Henry, Nelson B.・…・…・…・………・・…2540-1,2681-2 Hogan, John D.………・・…・・………・……………・…979 Henry, William E.…………一…・………………706 Hogbin, H. Ian…・……・…・・…………・…………・…2909 Hentoff, Nat・…・…………・…一……………・………3226 Hoggart, Richard…………・・…_.………._・_・…3498 Hepner, Harry Walker…・……………・一・…・…2354 Hoiberg, Otto G.……………….・・……・…・…・……980 Herder, J. G.・………………・・…・………一…・……388 Hoijer, Harry・・・・・… ‥・・・… 一… 一・・・・・・… 2799-800,2910 Herrick, Marvin T.……・…一……・……・……・・…3304 Holcombe, Arthur N令……………・・…・………… 1512-3

一 142一 AUTHOR.INDEX (Ho-lr)

Holden, A. John, Jr.……………・・…………・……2645 Hughes, E.R.………・……………・…・・…一…・……301 Holdsworth, William・…………・……………・一・・1442 Hughes, Glenn.………・…・……………・・…・……・…3749 Holland, Cristopher Sower・………・・……・・…・……981 Hughes, Langston …・・”・…………………………・3953 Hollingshead, August B.・…・・……・・…一………2684 Hughes, Richard・…・…・・…・・…・…・…・……・・……・4195 Holloway, Maurice R.…・………・・………・………・・504 Hughes, Thomas…一…………・……・・…………・・4196 HOImberg, Allan R.………・…・・………・……・・… 29U Hugo, Victor…・・……・………・……・……・…………4321 Holmes, Oliver Wendel1-…・・……1173,1193,1638 Hu11, Clark L.…・………・…・・…・…・……”・553-4,777-8 Holsopple, James Quinter-…・……・……………707 Humber, W診J.・…・・…………・∴……・一……・…・…・935 Holton, Gerald……・…・……………・・………・…・…3185 Hume, David……………・………・……・…84-5,387,393 ]日[olzknecht, Karl J.・・………………・…・…・…・……4137 Hume, Robert A.………・……・…・…・一・・……・…・3511 Homan, Paul T.……・…・………・・………・………・2128 Humphrey, George ・……・………………………・…779 Homans, George C.……・・・・・……………………’982-3 Huneker, James Gibbons…一一………………・3559 Homer ______._____..…・………・4319-20 Hunt, Elgin F.…・……・………・……・…・………・…823 Hon, K. C.・…・…………・……………………………1500 Hunt,」. McV.…・・……………・・………・………・……638 Heningmann, John J.・……・…………・…・…・……・2912 Hunt, Theodore W.一・一・……・…一・…・・…・…4㈱ Honnold, John …………一…………………・・……158ge Hunter, Floyd …・’’”・・…… …・・……・・…………・… 1264 HoOd, Willam C.…・……・・…・……・………・…・・-1832 Hupp6, Bernard F.…………・・……………………・172 Hook, J. N.………………… …・・……………・………3244 Hurlock, Elizabeth B.……・……・…・・・………・…2544 Hook, Sidney…………・・… …………・………………2542 Hurst, James Willard………・・……一・…一・-1443 Hooper, J. T.………・…・…・……・…・…・・…・・…・・…・3215 Husik, Isac・………・…・……・……・………・……………23 Hooton, Eamest Albert・…・…一・……………右一2913 Hussey, W. D.………………・・………一・…一・…・1753 Hopkins, Viviall C.………………………・…・……・3499 Huszar, George B. De………………・・……・………933 Horne, Harman Harrell……………・……・………・2543 Hutchins, Clayton D.・・……………………………・2686 Horney, Karen…一……・…………・………………602 Hutchins, Robert Maynard…………一・…-2545-7 Horsky, Charles A.・一……・………・………・・……1639 Hutchinson, T. W.一一・………・・…………・-1833 Horton, Rod W.・……一…・・…・……一…・一・・3500 Hutchinson, W. H.・…・…………・…………・……・・3512 Hoselitz, Bert F.…・一・・…・……・…………・一…・2914 Hutchison, John A.・・……・……・・…・…・一・・…・…・505 Hosmer, James Kendall・……・…・…・・……・…4{F89-90 Hutten, E. H.・…・……………・・………・………’……3186 Hospers, John ・’・”・・……・…… …・・……・・……・ny・-22,273 Hutton, Graham……・……・………………………・2232 Hough, Henry Beetle…・・……………・…・・……・…3501 Huxley, Aldous………・一・一一…・…・…・・………394 Hourani, George F.…・……・・…・………………・・… 236 Huxley, Julian・……・……・・………・……・…… …2918-9 Houser, Theodore V.・……・…………・……………2356 Huxley, Thomas Henry…・………………・…・・…・・4265 Housman, Alfred Edward…・・…・…一…一一4104-5 Hyde, Stuart W.・……………・………・・……一…・2477 Hovland, Carl I.……………・・…・……・…………・・821-2 Hyman, Stanley Edgar・・…・………・・…………・3306-7 Howard, Leon ・・…・…………・……………・・…… 3502-4 Hymes, James L, Jr.・…・…………………-2548-9 Howe, Irving…・………・……………・・…・・…・……・・3505 Howetl, L. D.………・…一…・……………・・…・・…・・2230 1 Howe, Mark De Wolfe・…・…一…・一…・…-J173 Howe, Will D.・・………・…一・……・…一……・…4264 Howell, William Henry…………・……・………・…3198 Irmi, Francis A. J.……・・……一………・・………・979 Howells, William…・………・・………………・・…・…2915 1bsen,耳enrik … ……・…・・・… …………… …・・…4322-5 Hoアt, E!i2abeth E.……・・…………………………・2307 1glehart, Charles W.・…………一…・……………1265 Hsia, Ronald………・・…・……………・・…………・…2231 111inois, Board of Vocational Education…・・…・2687 Hsu, Francis L. K.…・……・………・……………2916-7 111inois, State of …… ……・・……・・…・・…・……・・… 1514 Hubbe11, George Shelton・……・……………・・…・・3305 111inois, Univ. of………・……………・…一………1322 Hubbeli, Jay B.……・…・………・’…………・…・3506-8 1nfeld, Leopold…・…… …・・………・…・…… ……・……71 Hubbell, Richard……・……………・・…・……・…・…3216 1nge’William………”……一……一・……・3750-1 Huberman, Leo・・・・・・… ‥・・・・・・… 一一3645 1nge, William Ralph-…◆………………302-3,506 Huchens, John K.……・………・…・………………3509 1nhelder, B江rbe1………………………………・…・・686イ Hudson, William Henry…一・一…・・…・…・4193-4 International Bank for Reconstruction and Huff, Darre11・・…………・…・・…・……・・……………・1112 Development ・……・…・・……………・…・……1834-43 Huggett, Albert J.一・……………・……・…一一2685 1ntemational Economic Association…・…・・……J844 Hughes, Carl Milton…・………………………・-3510 1rion, Frederick.C.……・…………・・…………・・…・984 Hughes, Everett C.…・…・…・・…・……………・……1072 1rish, W. R.一一………・・一…………・一・……3711

一 143一 AUTHOR INDEX (1卜Ka)

Irish, W. R.………一……・・一……………・……3711 Johnson, Henry ………………・……・…………・…4375 1rvine, Theodora・…………・…………一・…・・……4024 Johnson, Paul Es…・…・…………・………・・………・708 1rving, John A’……一・………・一……・………・…985 Johnson, Sarnue1・…………・………・………3980,4031-2 1rving’Washington・・…・・…・…………一…・・……3433 Johnson, Thomas H.…………・……・・…・・……-3713 1saacs, Harold R.…・…………・…………・…・…・…・4567 Johnson, Wendel1…………………………一……・666 1ssawi, Charles・…………・…………・……・・…・……4568 Joinville, Jean, Sire De…・……・…・・…・…………・4378 1versen, Robert W.…………・・……・…………・一・2550 Jome, Hiram L.……………………・…・_………・2074 Jones, F. Wood………一…・・…・・一………・…2923 」 Jones, Howard Mumford……・・……・…・・………・ ・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・… 一・’・・397,2551,3516-7,3957-8 Jones, J’Walter……………一…………・…・……1446 Jackson, Sidney L.… …・……・…… …・………… …2688 Jones, Manley Howe……・………・……………-2359 Jackson, W. Eric・…・…………・一・……・一…・・…1757 Jones, Marshall E.・一………’・…一・……………825 Jacobs, Albert C.・……・…………・……………・・…・1640 Jones, Marshall R.…………・・……・………………780 Jacob, Philip E.…・………・………・……・…・…・…1245 Jones, Peter d’A.・・………・…・………一…・……1846 Jacobs, Melville・…・……………・………一・…-2920 Jones, Ralph Coughenour・・…・…………・…・…’…2308 Jacobs, Robert D.・………・……………・……・…・・3613 Jones, Richard Foster ・……・………………・… 4025-6 Jacobsen, Edmund…………・…・・一…一………・…603 Jordan, A. M.…・………一…・……・・…………・…2692 Jaeger, Walter H.・……一・・…・………一…・-1486 Jordan, Elijah ………・・…・・………・………・237-8,1379 Jaffe, Louis L・…一・…一……一…・……一…」557 Jordy, William H.……・一・・…・……………・……4407 Jahoda, Marie……・…………・………・……一・…・2832 Joseph, Alice……………・……………・・……………2924 James, Clifford L.・……・…………・……・………・・1845 Joseph, Faenz M.………・一……・…・…・・………4492 James, Fleming, Jr.・一………・一・………一…1424 Josephson, Matthew…・…………・…………・……1847 James, Henry……3308,3513,3874-90,3947-8,3954-6 Josselyn, Irene M.一…・……・……・…………・・…667 James, William…………・一…・…・・一……・…395-6 Jouvenel, Bertrand De…・………・・…・・………・…1149 Jammer, Max…………・・……・・………・…・……86,3187 Judd, Neil M.………・……一・………・………・・…2925 Jaques, Elliott……・……・………・…………………2357 Jung, C. G.・……・…………・……………………605,709 Jaracz, William A.一……・…………一…・一・2689 Jung, Gertrud ………・………………・・…・・…・………54 Jarman, T. L.・………・………’……………………1266 Justman, J.・…………・・…………………・…・・……2693 Jarre11, Randa11 ・…・………・………・・………・……3712 Jaspers, Karl・・…・…・・…・…・……………・…・・…・…・639 Jean-Aubry, G6rard ・…・………・・………………・・4155 K Jeenel, Joachim・・………………・……・一…・・…・・2358 Jefferson, Thomas・…・…………・……一・………・1154 Kagan, K. Kahana・…・・……・一…………………・1447 Jeffress, Uoyd A.………・…・……………一………604 Kah1, Joseph A.一……………・・…………986,2822-3 Jenkin, Thomas P.……・・…一…・………・…一…1174 Kahn, Alfred E.……・…………・・……・……・……・2194 Jenks, Edward・・……………・………・……・…・… 1444-5 Kahn, E. J.…………・…・…・・……一……・…………3518 Jenness, Diamond …………………一……一…・2921 Kaiser, C. Hillis’………・・・…一……………・………88 Jannings, Ivor・…・……・…… …………・…・……・… 1515 Kalecki, M.…・…・・…・……・・…一……………・……1848 Jensen, Merrill・…・………・………………一・一…4491 Kallen, Horace M.…………・……・……・………26,1268 Jersild, Arthur T.…………・…・…………一……664-5 Kalven, Harry・…………………一…’……・・……・2115 Joachim, Harold H.・……・・…・…・……一…………173 Kaminsky, Jack……………・・…・……・………・一…172 Joad, C. E. M.…・…………一・一・……………・…24,87 Kampe11nan, Max M.・……・……・・……・一…・一・1974 Joergensen, Joergen ……………・…・・…・…………・・25 Kande1,1. L.……・……・……・……………………2552-3 Johannsen, Albert・・…………・…………・一…・…3514 Kant, Immanue1…………………・……・…一………239 The John Dewey Society……………・……・……・2690 Kantor, J. R. ・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 174,606 Johns, R. L.・………・………・……………・…・・……2691 Kaplan, A. D. H.…………∴………・・…一・1975,2233 Johnson, Alexander Bryan……・……一・…・一・3254 Kaplan, Milton Allen…・一………・………………3309 Johnson, A. H.………………・…・・……………・・…・398 Kaplan, Morton A.…………・…・・……………一・・1351 Johnson, Alvin W.…………………一…一…・…1267 Kardiner, Abraham ……一・………・……………2926 Johnson, Claudius O、…・……’・………169S-700,1739 Ka「lin’Samuel…’……’.’…”……’…………・・一…2360 Johnson, Earl S. …’……………・…・………………824 Kates, George N.…………・…………・・…………3519 Johnson, Elmer D.………・…・・…・……………・-3515 Katona, George …………… 1849-50,2309,2361,2554 Johnson, Frederick・・……・…・………………・・……2922 Kattsoff, Louis O.…………・…・…・……………・・…・27

一 144一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ka-Kr)

Katz, Daniel…・…・………………………・……544987 Kirk, Clara Marburg…・……・一・…………・・……3523 Katz, David・……・…・…・………・………◆・…………・・555 Kirk, Rudolf・………・・…・……………一・・……・…・3523 Katz, Elihu.……………一……………・・……………988 Kirk, Russell Amos・……・…・……・……・・…1176,1271 Katz, Irwin ・・…………・・…一…・………・…・・……2927 Kirkland’Edward Chase…………・…・…・…1853,2362 Katz, Joseph-・………・……・・…………・…………2555 Kirkpatrick, Evron M.・………・…………………・1146 Kaufman, George S.…・…・・…・………・…・………3752 Kissinger, Henry, Henry A.・…………………・・1352 Kaufman, Irving ……一…・…・・………・………・….679 Kleene, Stephen Cole…・…・…………・……………3163 Kaufman, Walter…・…………・…………・・……・・…399 Klein, Josephine・……・…・……・・…………・……・・…・991 Kazin, Alfred ………………・・……・……・・・……3520-2 Klein, Lawrence R.・……………・…・・………-1854-5 Keamey, Nolan C.……・・…………・・………・・……2694 Kline, George L.・・…………………………・・……・・2559 Keast, William R.…………・……・・一…・………・3310 Kline, Morris・………………・……………・・…・…・3J64 Keckskemeti, Pauレー…・…・…・一一…………・…・28 Klise, Eugene S.……’………・…・・………………・・2077 Kee, W.・…………一…・………・…・……・・………・・989 Klubbertanz, George P.…・・……………・…………89 Keesecker, Ward W.・……一………・……………2695 Kluckhohn, Clyde・・……・……・…・・710-1,2935-7,2943 Keesing, Felix M-・………………・…………2928-30 Kneale, Willialn・…………一……………・・一・…176 Keeton, George W.・……・-1175,1448-9,1481,2075 Kneier, Charles M.…・…・……………………・…1758-9 Keeton, Page……・………・・…………………………1641 Knight’Edgar W.一……………………-2560,2698 Keirstead, B. S.……・…・………・……………1851,2129 Knight, Frank H.…・・………・…一・…………… 1856-7 Keller, Fred S.……一…一…・……・………・…・…556 Knight, Grant C.……・・…………・・……・一……・3524-5 Kelley, Earl C◆・・………・……一・………………2556-7 Knight, Joseph…・…・……・…………・一…・………4029 Kelly, E. Lowell…・………・…・……………・・…・…640 Knights, L. C.………………・………・………・・…・・4183 Kelly, George A-・・………・………………・・……641-2 Knoles, George Harmon ・……・・…… 1323,4494,4589 Kelly, Isabe1……………・……………・一・・…一…2931 Knowles, Ma!colm S.・・…………………………・…2699 Kelsall, R. K.・・………………・・…・……………・……91?(’ Knowlton, E. H.……………・…・・…………・…・…・2417 Kelsen, Hans………・………………・……・1450-2, 1482 Knox, John B.…………・…・…・…・・……………・…1978 Kempfer, Homer…・・………・・…・…………・2696,2787 Koch, Vivienne…………・……・……・……… 3526,4030 Kendall, John S.・………………・・…・………一…・3753 Kock, M書H. De・…・・一……・…・……一…・………2056 Kendall, Maurice G,…・……………・・…・…・・…川3-5 Koenig, Samue1・・……………・・……………・…・……826 Kendrick, Slade …・・……………・………・……・・…2130 Kohn, Halls……………・・……………………・1177,4376 Kenke1, William F.・………・・……一………・……932 Kolhatkar’V. Y.・・…・・………・…・…………・…・…・2078 Kennan, George Frost………・…………一・…… 4493 Kolmogorov, A. N.…・…………・………………・… 3165 Kemedy, Charles W.・…一…・…・・………・・…・・4266 Komarovsky, Mirra・・………一・…………・…・……827 Kennedy, Melcolm・・………・・…………・………・…1269 Konvitz, Milton R.・一・……・・………………・…1516-7 Kennedy, Raymond・・………・・………………一…・2932 Koontz, Harold Dayton ……………………1976,2234 Kent, Raymond P.・…・・………・………………・・…2076 Koopman, G. Robert…・………・……………一…2700 Kephart, Calvin ・………・…・・………・…・……・…・・2933 Koopmans, Tjalling C.…一…・・……1832,1858,2235 Kephart, Newell C.・……・……・・………………・・… 722 Koos, Earl Lomon…・…・……・…・………………・・992~3 Kephart, William M.…’…………一…・…一…1585 Koppers, Wilhelm-………・…………一…・…・2卯8 Ker, W. P.…・……………・・………・………・・………4027 Kom, Noel……・………・……一……一・…………・2939 Key, V.0., Jr.…一…………・一………1270,1392-3 Kornhauser, Arthur・…………・・……………994,1977 Keynes, John Maynard・………・一…175,1852,2431 K6mer, S.……・………・……………・一・……・……401 Kidder, Alfred, IL…………・…・・……・………・…・2934 Korzybski, Alfred……・……・・…・・……………・……29 Kierkegaard’Soren・…・…一…・……・……・…400,507 Kojick, L M.・……………・……………一…・…・……2079 Kilpatrick, William Heard-…………-240,2558 Kramer, Dale ……・…………………………・…・…3527 Kimbal1, George E.・…・…一・…………一……・・-2369 Kraus, Michael……・・……・…一……・一…3422,4495 Kimbrough, Robert T.・………・………・一………・1766 Krause, Walter……一…・・一一…………’………2434 Kimmel, Lewis H.……・・…………・・………・…-2131 KrechプDavid・……・…………………・……・………・・828 Kinder, Elaine F.__.__、___._.._.___680 Krich, Aron・……………・…・………一…・…・……1021 KindlebergeちCharles P.・………………・……・2432-3 Krieger, Murray…一……・・一……・…………-3311 Kingsley, Howard L.……………・……………・…・2697 Kroeber, A. L.……・・……………………-995,2940-4 Kingston, W. H. G.……・・…………………………・4197 Kroeber, Clifton B’……一……・………………・1369 Kipling, Rudyard………・・……………………・……4028 Kroger, William…一・…・…………………・一・・3199 Kipnis, Ira…・…………………………………・…・…1394 Kronenberger, Louis………………3754-8,4031-2,4106 Kiralfy, A. K.・…一・・……・……・一・・……………1642 Kroner, Richard…一……・・…・……………・………・402

一 145 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Kr-Le)

Krook, Dorothea……・……………………・・……・…・・241 Laubadさre andr6 De…………・…………・・………1560 Kross, Herman E.…・……………・・一……・・……1859 Laucks, Irving F、・…・……・……・・……・…………3189 Kruse, Vinding…・………・…………・一…・…・……1643 Lavery, Urban A.・・…一………・・……………・…1561 Krutch, Joseph Wood・・………・・……………・…・3528-9 Lawrence, D. H,………………・…・………一…・-3530 Kubler, George…・…,……・…・……………・・………2945 Lawrence, Nathanie1 …・……・…………………・… 405 Kuchman, Carl…・…………・……・……・……・一…1558 Lawrence, Paul R.…・・…,・………・…………・……2380 Kuhn, Alfred ・………一・……・……・……・………1979 Lazarsfeld, Paul Felix ……・………・……………・ Kuhn, H. W.…………・・……・………一……・・…3217-8 ・・・… 一・一・一・一・・・… 一・・・・・… 830--1,988,1276,1397,1767 Kuhn, Manford H.………一…・…・………………977 Le Van Baumer, Franklin…………・一……・……32 Kulp, Claude L.・……・…・………………一……・・2722 Leach, E. R.・…・……………・…・…・…………・……2949 Kung, Emi1…………・一・……………・…・・………2435 14each, Joseph … ………・……・・……………・・…・… 3531 Kunitz, S. J,…・………・……・…………・…・…・……3312 Leach, Richard H.…・……………・・………………1281 Kurihara, Kenneth K.………・………・・……1860,2080 League of Nations・………・……………・…2081,2436-7 Kuznets, Simon ・……・・………………1861,2236,2310 Lean, Martin・…………・・…・一……・………・・…・…178 Kwiat, Joseph J.……・……・……・………一……・・996 Learned, Edmund P.一………一…・……………2365 Kyrk, Haze1・……・・……・……一………・・………・…・997 Leary, Lewis……………・…・・……………・・……・3532-3 Leary, Timothy…一…・…・一・……………・・…・…・712 Le Clair, Robert C.……・・…・・……・……・………3534 L Lee, Elizabeth Briant・…・…………………………・&32 Lee, Gordon C.…・…・…………・……・…・・…2526,2561 LaBarre, Weston……・…・…一…………・……・…2946 Lee, Sidney ・……・…………・・…・……………・……4033 Labaree, Leonard W.一……・………・・………・…3959 Lee, William…・………・’…一…………・…………・3960 LaBrie, Francis Eugene ……………・…一………2132 Leek, John H.・・………………・・…・……………・… 1980 Lacey,01iver L.…・…・・…・・……………・…・……- 1116 Lefever, Emest W.……・………・…・一・一一1354 LaFarge, Oliver ・……・……・…・・………・・………・・2947 Lefevre, Roqer ・……………・…・・……………・……・406 Laird, Charlton……………………………・・…・……3241 Lefschetz, Solomon・・…・・…………・…………・…… 3167 Lalande, Andr6・・・・・・… …一・… 一・・・・・… …’・・… …・・・・… 30 Leggett, Glenn・………・・…・……………・…………・4107 Lamb, Charles …………・・………一……… 3981’4267 Legouis, Emile・・……一・…・一……・…・………・…4034 Lambton, Anll K. S.……………・…・……・………2948 Lehman, Harvet C.・………一…・・………・……-781 Lamont, W◆D.……一….一・・…………・……・・90,242 Lehmann, John・…・……・・………・………・・一……・4035 Lamprecht, Sterling P・………・・………・・……・・3],403 Lehner, George F. J. ・・………・………・…・……・…608 Land6, Alfred ……・・……・・………・………・………3188 Lehtinen, Laura E.…・………・’…・…………・…・…721 Landis, Lames M.・…………・・……一………・・…1559 Leibenstein, Harvey …・………………・………・1863-4 Landis, Judson T.…………・…・……・…一一・…・・…998 Leighton, Alexander Hamilton…・一…・…999,2950 Landis, Pau1 ・・……………… …………・……・…・…・829 Leighton, Dorothea …………・………・・……2936,2951 Landor, Walter Savage………………一………・・ 4198 Leisy, Ernest E,…………・……・…・………・……・・3535 Lane, Frederic C.………………・……・……・……1862 Lenhart, Charmenz S.……………・・…………・… 3714 Lane, Howard ・・……………・……………・一・……2701 Lenin, Nikolai・……・…・………・……・…・…………1454 Lange, Victor・………一・……………・一・………4326 Lentz, Gilbert Gillespie …・…………………・…・2438 Langer, Susanne K.・………・・………一…・・177,3219 Lenzen, Victor F. …………・……・……・91,3130,3190 Langford, Louise M.…一…・……・…・……・…・…668 Leontief, Wassily W.…………・…一・…………1865-6 Langstroth, Love11 ……………・…・・……………… 607 Leopold, Richard W.・…一…一一……・4409,4496 Laplace, Pierre Simon……………・……………・・3166 Leply, Ray…・…・……・…・…………・……・・一…………92 Larkin, Oliver _....一一....._........_..… …・…・… ’・・3220 Lerller, Abba P.…………………一……………・・」867 Larrabee, Harold A.…・…一………………・………404 Lerner, Max………………・……一……・…・…・…・1000 Larson, Arthur’・…………・………・…・……・……2363-4 Lester, Richard A.……・…………・…………・…1981-4 Larsson, Knut…………・…・・…………一…・・…,…3200 Leuchtenburg, William E.・…・……・…一……・・4497 Lask, Emi1……………………………………………1453 Levenson, J. C.……・…………………・・……・…・・…4410 Laski, Harold J.…………・・……・……1178-83,1272-5 Leverton, Ruth M.…………………一・………・…1001 Laslett, Peter ………・……・・………………・・…・… 1184 Levi, Albert William・…・一……一……・………・407 Lasswel1, Harold D.………………………1185-7,1395 Levi-Strauss, Claude・・……・…・………・・…………2952 Latham, Ear1・・…一・……・……・……・一一1396,4408 Levin, Harry・・…………・……一…一…・…………3313 Latil, Pierre De…………………………………………4 Levinson, Abraham ………・……・…・……………3201 Latwrette, Kenneth Scott………………・……・・1353 Levinson, Harold M.…………・一…・・…………・・ヱ985

一 146 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Le-Ma)

L6vy, Denis……………・…………・……・・………・・1188 Logan, Lillian M.………………一・…・……・…-2705 Levy, Marion J.一…………・…・…一………・…・1002 Loggins, Vernon…・……・…………・…一…・・……3544 Levy, Reuben ………・………………・……・………1003 Lombard, George F. F.……・・…………・……・・…・2366 Lewin, Kurt・…・一・………一・……・……一…833-4 Long, E. Hudson……………・・………・………・・…・3545 Lewis, Clarence Irving……・…………・・93-4,179,243 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth……・…・……・…3715 Lewis, Don・…………・…・…・…………・…………・…758 Loomis, Charles P.…・……・………・………………1279 Lewis, Grace Hegger………・…………・・…………3537 Loomis, Roger Sherman………一…一…・4036,4199 Lewis, H. D.……・………・…………………………・2砲 Loss, Louis・・・・・・… 一.・… 一・・・・・・… 1483 Lewis, Oscar……………・………・…・……・……・・… 2953 Lossky,0. N.………・…・……・・…・……………・……34 Lewis, R. W. B.…………………一・……………・・3538 Loth, David ・……………・…………・……・・………・1317 Lewis, Sinclair・…………・・……………・…・・……3891-2 Loughran, Patrick H.…………・……・・…………… 1741 Lewis, W. Arthur…………・…………………’・…1868 Louttit, C. M.・・………………・一………・……・……669 Lewisohn, Ludwig・………・…・…3314,3536,3539,3893 Lovejoy, Allen Fraser-………・・……………… 1398 .Leyda, Jay・・一・一・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・・・・・… 一一・・一・35cfO Lovejoy, Arthur……・・……・……………・・…・……4377 Libby, Willard F.……一・・………・………・……2954 Lovejoy, David S.…・………・……・……・…・……・4501 Libo, Lester M.…………・……・・…・…………・…・2702 Lowenfeld, Margaret………・・…・……………一…・713 Library of Congress・……………………………・・4498 Lowenfeld, Viktor・…・………・………………………782 Lidderdale, D. W. S.………・……・…・……………1143 Lowie, Robert H.・…………………◆1-………2959-64 Liebemlan, Myron…………・…………・…………2703 Lowndes, G. A. N.………・…・……・………………2706 Lilienthal, Devid E.・……・………………・…1277,2237 Lubell, Samue1……………・・………・………’・・……1399 Lillard, Richard G.……・…………・・………・…・…・3430 Lucas, F. L.………………・………………・…・……3317 Lin, Yutang………・…………・・…………・・……・……304 Luccock, Halford F.・……………・…・……………3318 Lindblom, Charles E、・……………・…・……………2189 Luce, R. Duncan……………・…・……・………557,1117 Lindeman, Eduard C.………………一・…………354主2 Luchins, Abraham S.……………一・・……………558 Lindemal1, Edward ……’・………’………………… 274 Lucretius, Titus……………・…………・・……・・…・4327 Lindgren, Henry Clay………………………609,2562 Ludwig, Emil…………・…・・………・一……・……4411 Lindholm, Richard W.…一…・…………………2082 Lukasiewica, Jan・・…・……………・・…・……………180 Lindner, Robert・・…・・………・… ……・…………・…・・610 Lundberg, ]雪rik・・・・・・… ‥・・… 一・… 2238-9,2311 Lindquist, E. F. ・…・・…………………………… 2563-4 Lundberg, George A.…………・…・…・…………… 836 Lindsay, A.D’・…一・…・・……・……………・一・…1278 Luneburg, Rudolf K.…………・…・………・……… 759 Lindsay, philip・・…………… ……・・…・……・・……・・3543 Lutz, Frederich………………… …・…・・…2083-4,2408 Lindzey, Gardner………・…・・………………… 835,704 Lutz’Ve「a…”……’…”……………’………………2084 Ling, T. M.………・…一……・……………・…・・……611 Luxemburg, Rosa ……・………・一………・……・・1869 Link, Arthur S.…・一…………・’…・・…1740,4499-500 Lynch, David …・…………・…………・……・・……・2240 Linn, Henry H.・……・…………・…一……………・2704 Lynd’Albert…………・◆・……一…………・……・・…・2707 Linn, James Weber………………………一・……3315 Lynd, Robert S.……………・・…・…………837,2965-6 Linscott, Robert N.……………………………… 3894 Lyllton, R. P.・・…・………・・…・…………・…・………・2385 Linsky, Leonard …・・……… …・…………・…・……・3245 Linton, Ralph ・・…………・・…………・…・・・・……2955-8 Lippitt, Ronald・……・・……・…・…・…………………1004 M LipPmann, Walter-…・・……・……・………一・・…・33 Lipset, Seymour Martin…………………………1986 Maar, Harko G. De………・・……一……………3998 Lipson, E.…・・……………・…………・……・・………4570 Maas, Henry S.…一………一・……・…………・・1005 Littlefield, Arthur W.………一………・…………2757 Macaulay, Thomas Babington・…・・………………4268 Liveright, A. A.……………・…・・………………… 1987 Maccoby, Eleanor E.………・…・・…一…………・・838 Livezey, William E.………・………・・……………1347 Macdonald, Austin F.…………・……一・1701-2,1760 Livingston, William S.……………・一・…………1189 Macdonald, H. Malcolm…・・……・…・・…………・1742 Livingstone, Richard………・…・・…・………・・…… 2565 MacDonald, Hugh P.……・…・………・……………3716 Lloyd, Warner W.……………一・……・…・・……2566 Madonald, Margaret・………一・…・…・…………・…409 Locke, John………………・・……・……… 421,1190,1455 Macgregor, Cook…………一・………一……・・…・2987 L㏄ke., Louis G.…………・…・…・…………2567-8,3316 MacGregor, Gordon …・…………・一・…・・………2967 Locklin, D. Philip…………・………・…・…………2478 Machlup, Fritz………………2128,2241-2,2367,2439 Lodge, R. C.…・・……・……………………・・…・305,2569 Machover, Karen・……・……・….___.__.__714 Loewenberg, J.……・・……………一・・……………・408 Maclntyre, A. C.・…一……・……・……・……・49ぴZθ3

一 147一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ma-Mc)

MacIntyre, C. F.…………・……・一………・……・・4037 Martin, Norman H.・……………・…・一・…………・2398 Maclves, R. M.・………………・・…245,839,1191,1280 Martin, Paul S.……・…………・’一………………・…2977 Mack, Raymond W.……・……一…・…・・一...……・883 Martin, Roscoe C.……・……………………・…-1006 Mack, Ruth P’・……………………・一・………・…2312 Martin, W. Edgar・一・………・……・…・一……・2711 Mackay, Charles・…………・…………・・……・・……840 Martin, William E.…・…一………・……………670-2 Mackenroth, Gerhard・……・…………・………一・・1355 Martin, W◆H.……・……・・一・・…・∴………・…・…1926 Mackenzie G. N.……・………・…・…………・…・…・2708 Martin, William Oliver・……………‥…・……・・…100 Mackenz輌e, Kenneth…………・・一…………一・・2085 MartinClarke, D. EHzabeth…・・…………………・4269 Mackintosh, Helen K.………一……・・…・…・・…2709 Martindale, Don……・……・…・…・…・…………・…1007 Maclachlan, James Angell・………・・……………1644 Martz, Louis L…一……・一……・………・…-4039 MacLaughlin, Joseph…・・…一…・・…………・……18」 Marx, Fritz Morstein………………・…・………・1703-4 MacLeish, Archibald-…・…・………3717,3759,396」 Mason, Alpheus Thomas……………一…・一…1281 Macy, John………………・・……・…………・一一3546 Mason, Edward・………・…・…一一・・……・………・2087 Madigan, Marian East・…………・一・・……・・……・・559 Mason, Eugene-……∵………・………・…・………4329 Magill, Roswell F.・…・……………・…1645, 2133’2313 Mason, Robert E⑨…………・・……・・…………・…・2572-3 Maier, Norman R. F.………・・………・……………841 Masserman, Jules H.……・…・一………………612-3 Maine, Henry Summer…・・…・・………………・・2968-9 Massey, Frank J.;Jr.・・……・一…・……………・…1105 Mainx, Felix-………一・・………………・・…・…・…2970 Masters, Edgar Lee……………………・……・・……3718 Mais, W. H.……・…………・・…………・一…・……2693 Matchtt, Gerald J.…・・……………・・…・・…………1955 Maitland, Frederic William・・…・1171,1461-2,1646-7 Mathews, E. G.…・一…………・…・…・…………・3244 Majumder, Dhirendra Nath・……・………・………2971 Mathews, John Mabry…………・……・……・……1518 Malin, Irving ・一一………・・……………・……3547-8 Mathews, Mitford M.・’・……・……・…・・………・・…3549 Malinowski, Bronislaw -…・…・………2972-4,3042 Matthiessen, F. O.………………・一…・…3550-3,3719 Mallalieu, William C.・……・…・…・……・………・4571 Maugham, William Somerseレ…・………3554,4200-1 Mallinson, Vernon・……一…・………・…一…・…2570 Maupassant, Guy De……………・…………・…・…4330 Malory, Thomas-……・………一…・……・・……4108 Maurer, Herrymon…………・…………一…・・一…2244 Manchester, William・…………・…一…・……一・・3319 Maurer, Robert Adam………………”・…………1562 Mandelbaum, David G.……一…・一・……一…・2975 Maurois, Andr6……………・…・……・………・-433ヱー2 Mandelbaum, K.………・・………・・……一………・1870 Maxey, Chester C.……・・…………・………1195,1705 Mandelbaum, Maurice……・・……・・…・………一…95 Maxwell, James A.・・………・…一………・……・…2134 Mander, A. E.……………・・……………………・・…・・182 Maxwel1, Peter Benson………・…………・・……・-12ヱ4 Mann, Thomas・…………・…………………・・…・…・4328 May, Brodbeck・…・……………・…………・・…・……3125 Mannheim, Karl・・……一………………・…・・…・…・842-5 May, Ernest R.……・…………………・…・・……・・…4502 Mansfield, Luther S.…………・一…・・………・…・3492 May, Rollo……………・・…・……………・………・・…614 Mantle, Burns,………………一・・…・……………・…3760 Mayer, Adrian C.…………・一・……………・…・・…2978 Marce1, Gabriel……・・……………一・……一…・…96 Mayer, Frederick……・・…・……・………’…・………3555 Margenau, Henry …・…・……・・………………・・…3131 Mayers, Lewis’………・・…・……………・・…・・…・…1648 Marias, Julian……・・……………・・…・………………・97 Mayhew, Lewis B.一………・・…………・……・・…2520 Maritain, Jacques…・・………・98,509,1192,2571,3320 Mayo, Bernard………・…・……………・・…・……・…183 Marke, Julius J.…・………・……・・…………・……・1193 Mayo, Elton……・…一…・………一…一・………1008 Marlow, Louis…・……・………………………一…4038 Mays, Arthur・……一…・……一…一…・………27ヱ2 M[ar正owe, Christopher ・……………………・…・… 4139 Maziere, Francis…一……・・……・…………・…・…2979 Marquand, John P.・……………・・……・…………・・3895 McBryde, Felix Webster………・……・……一…2980 Marquis, Donald G.…………・……・一………・…・・581 McCafferry, John K. M.………………・……・・…3556 Marriott, McKin・……………・・………・………・’…2976 McCarthy, Mary・…・……・……・一・………………3557 Marsh, Donald Bailey…・・…・……・…………・・…2440 McCary, James L…・・………・・………………・・……615 Marshal1, Alfred………,…・……・…1871--2,2086,2243 McClelland, David C.…一・…………・……・…・・784-5 Marshall, Andrew W.・………・………・……・…・・…637 McCormick, Charles T.・・……………・一・………・1649 Marshall, C.…………・・……・一…一………・……4279 McCoy, Donald R.・・…・……・…一…………・……4503 Marshall,0. R.・一……………・……・……・……・…1586 McCracken, D. John…・……・……・………………1101 Marson, Philip…………………・………・………-2710 McCune, George・……………・・……・…・……・……1356 Martin, Gottfried……’……・…………..…..____gg McDaniel, Henry B.・……………一・……………2713 Martin, Harold C.…………・一……・………・・…・3321 McDonald, Forrest…・・……・……・……・…一……4504 Martin, Kingsley-…・一・・一………一…・・……1194 McDougal, Myres S.・…・………………………・…1484

一 148一 AUTHOR INDEX (Mc-Mo)

McDowelI, Tremaine…………・………・・…………3558 Mikesell, Raymond F.…・…………・…・………2446-7 McFarland, Ross A.……………・一・……………1988 Milano, Paolo……………・…………・…一・…・・…4333 McGeoch, John A.………・…・……・…・一…・……2574 Miles, Josephine…・・一…・…………・・……・…・-4109 McGovney, Dudley O.…………・・………・………1324 Mill, John Stuart・…・・…………・……・・184,1198,1876 McGraw, Myrtle・……・……・・…………・……・……673 Millar, Robert Wyness・……………・…………-1652 McGuire, Edna・……・・…・…・………一…・…・……・1282 Millay, Edna St. Vincent………・・…・……………3720 Mcllwain, Charles Howard・……・………………・1283 Miller, Arthur・・…・・…………・…・……………・・3762-4 McKean, David Dayton……_・一・。…………・・…1400 Miller, Daniel R.…・………・………………………・1015 McKelvey, John Jay・………………………・・……1650 Miller, David F.…・・……………・……・………・・…2716 McKenna, Joseph P.・………………・……・…1873,1881 Miller, Delbert C.…………・一…・……一…・-1990 McKeon, Richard……・一……‥・………-246,306-7 Miller, George A.・……………・…・・………一……・850 McKinney, Richard L.…・……・………・…・……・・2714 Mi11er, Neal E.一・……………・…・……………・・…786 McKinsey, J. C. C.……・一………・………………3221 Miller, Perry・…一・……………412,510,3561-4,4505 Mclean, Berth Bailey………・……………・’…’”…1009 Miller, Van…・……・……一・………・・……………2717 MCNichols, Charles L.…・・……………・・……・…・2981 Miller, William・…………・…一……・………1794,2246 McWhinney, Edward……………・………・……・…1456 Miller, William D.・・………………・………………4506 Mead, Douglass S.…:・…・・…・………・……・…・・…3322 Millett, Fred B.……・…………・・………・……一・3565 Mead’George Herbert…・…・…・……・………・・410,846 Millikan, Max F.………・…・……・…・……………・・2247 Mead, Hunter・…・………・………・・………・・……・・3222 Millis, Harry Alvin……・…・…・…・…………・…・199J-2 Mead, Margaret…………・………・…・2575-6,2982-92 Mills, C. Wright…………810,957,1016-7,1285,1993 Meade, James Edward…・・……・…………2314,2441-4 Mills, Frederick C.…………・一…・・…・………・1118-9 Meeh1, Paul E.…………・…・…・…・一…………・…643 Milne, Gordon・・…・…・・…・・………・………・………4412 Megarry, R. E.…・……………・・……・・…………・…1651 Milton, John …… …………・・……・………4040-2,4110 Meier, Gerald M.…・…・………………・……………1874 Miner, Horace ・… 一・・・・・・… 2995 Meier, Norman C.・…・……………・………………1010 Miner, Roy Waldo……・・……………・…・・………・……6 Meier, R. L.・・………………・・…・…一……………2453 Mises, Von Richard………・・・・………………・・……413 Meiklejohn, Alexander・………………・・……1284,2577 Mitchell, Edwin Valentine……・……・………-3325 Meissner, Boris……………・…・……・………・…・・1401 Mitchell, Margaret…・………・・一…・…………・…3898 Melden, A.1.・・一…・・………・……・・…………・……247 Mitchell, Wesley C.・………………・・………2169,2248 Melma叫Seymour…・・……一……・……・………・1989 Moberly, Walter……………・……………一……2718 Melville, Herman-…………・……・・一・……・…3896-7 Modigliani, Franco………………・…………・…・…2449 Mencken, H. L.・・………………・……3別6-8,3323,3559 Moeh玉ma叫Arthur B.・……・…………・…………2719 Mercer, Blaine E.….…・一…………………・1101,2578 Moehlman, Arthur Henry………・・………………・2579 Meredith, George……・…・…・・…一………・…・…4202-5 Moehlman, Conrad Henry………・…一…………11286 Meriam, Lewis・・…’…・…………・・……・・………・…1743 Mohr,’J. M.………………・…………・・……………1018 Merriam, Charles Edward・・一…………1196-7,1402 Mohr, George J.…・・……………・…………・……・・…674 MerrilしFrancis E.…・……………・……・・…・・……1077 Moliere, Jean Baptiste Poquelin・・…・…………4334-5 Mersand, Joseph・・……・……・……………・一・一・3761 Moloney, James Clark……………………………2996 Merton, Robert K.…………………847-8,1012-3,1767 i Monaghan, Jay…・……………・……・……・……・…・4507 Metcalf, Eleanor Melville……・………・一…・…・・3560 Monroe, Alan H.…・・…・…一………一・…………3326 Metraux, Alfred……・………・………・・…………・・2993 Monroe, Harriet……・・………一……・・……・……3566 Metraux, Rhoda……………………・・…・……2992,2994 Monroe, Walter S.…………一…・・一………・…2580 Metz, Rudolf………・…・………………一・・…………411 Montagu, M. F. Ashley……・…・一………1019,2997 Meyer, H. J◆……………・・…・………・…・……・……799 Montague, PepPerell……・…・・………一………・……35 2:蕊f霊=:”:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::灘l Montaigne, Michael de……・・…・…一…………・・4336 Montgomery, John D.…・・一一………………・………・1287 Miale, Florence R.・・…………一…・…・……………・・707 Montgomery, Robert H.…………・…………・・2135イ Michiga叫University of……・…………・・…760,1875 、 Montgomery, Royal E.……・・……………一……1992 Michigan, Law Schoo1, Univ. of・…………・……・2245 Mood, Alexander McFarlane…………・一……・1120 Michigan, State College…・・……・・…………・・……2715 Moody, Richard・・……・一………………・…………3765 Mich1, H. E.…・………・……・…………・……・・……2153 Moore, Cecil A.一・……………・……・……一…・4140 Midcentury White House Conference on Moore, Charles A.…・…………・……………・……4378 Children and Youth…・・………・・………・……・…1014 Moore, Clyde B.・………………・・…………・…・…・2581 Mihanovich, Clement S.・…・一∵…・……・………・・849 Moore, David G,・…・……………・…………・……・・2350

一 149一 AUTHOR INDEX (Mo-Ne)

Moore, George…・…・……・・……・…………・……4206-7 Mund, Vernon A.………………・・…………………・2249 Moore, George Edward…………………248-9,414-5 Munitz, M. K.…………………………………………250 Moore, John Robert…………・…一…………・・…・・4141 Munk, Arthur W.・…………・……・………・・…・…4379 Moore, Russell F.・……・…………・一…・………・1519 Munn, Norman L.……一・…………………・560,733-4 Moore, Wilbert E.…・…・…………・………………1994 Munroe, Ruth L.・……・…………・……・一………・619 Moore, Winsor C.…………・……………一・…-1653 Munse, Albert R.………………………・……・……・2686 Moos, Malcolm…・…………・一…………・…・…-1338 Munthe, Axe1………………・・………………・……4414 More, Paul Elmer・・………・・……………・…・…3567-8 Murd㏄k, George Peter………・…・…………・…3001-4 More, Thomas…・・………・………・・………・…………508 Murdock, Kenneth B,……・………一・……3470,3552 Moreland, Carrol正C.…・一…………・……………1654 Murkerjee, Radhakamal………・・…………一…3005 Moreno, J. L.・……………・…・・…………・……・613,851 Murphy, Arthur E.・・………………・………………418 Morgan, A.ugustus De………・……・一………・…・・155 Murphy, Gardner・…………・……………・……716,1026 Morgan, Clifford T.………・・………・………………616 Murphy, Lois Barclay・…・・………………………717-8 Morgan, E. Victor……………・・……………一…2088 Murray, Gilbert・・…・・…・…・・……一……………・4337 Morgan, James N.・…………◆……・・……一…-2368 Murray, Henry A.………………・………・・…710-1,719 Morgan, Lewis H.・…・……………・…・一………・2998 Murray, John J.・…………・……・………一…一・4511 Morgan, Theodore・…・……・・……………・・…・・…・1887 Murray, Thomas E.………・・………・…・……・…・1199 Morgenstern, Oskar……………・……・………-1878 Murray, Veronica・……・・…・…………∴……・…-2924 Moriarty, Cecil C. H.・………一……・……………1020 Musgrove, S.・……・…………・◆…………・……・……3571 Morison, Samuel Eliot-……・…・…1288,2720,4508 Myers, Frederick W. H.・…・……………………・4044 Morlan, Robert L.・…………・……・一……一一1404 Myers, L. M.………………・一…一………・・……・3249 Morley, Henry……………・…・・…・…・……・・…・…・4043 Myrdal, Gunnar・・…………・……852,1025,1880,2448 Morley, S. G.……・・…………・・………・………・……2999 1 Morphet, E. L.…………一・…・…・…・…………・…2691 Morris, Charles・…………・・…・・……一…・…・……102 N Morris, Charles W.……………・…・・………………36-7 Morris, Clarence…一・一………一・…一・…・・…1457 Nachmann, Barbara ………・……・…・…一・・……2724 Morris, C. R.・…………・……・……………一…・……416 Nadel, S. F.・……………・…・………・…・…・853,3006-8 Morris, J. H. C.・……・………………………・…,・・1587 Nadler, Charles Elihu・……・・…・…………・…・……1655 Morris, Lloyd……………・…一…………・…417,3223 Nadler, Marcus…・…………・一………・……・……・2089 Morris, Richard Brandon◆σ…・…4413, 4465,4509,4578 Nadworny, Milton J.………・…………・……・……2370 Morris, William……・……………一・………-4208 Naftalin, Arthur…………・……・……………・……3009 Morrison, Henry C.…………一・…・・………・一…2721 Nagel, Ernest …・・………・……・…・………・…185,3168 Morrison, J. Cayce……………・……・…………・・-2272 Nathan, George Jean……・……………………・・…3766 Morse, Philip M.………………・…………………・・2369 National Bureau of Economic Research………… Moses, Liricoln E.……………・一・・…・……・……3147 ・・・・・・… 1995,2090,2250,2315-7,2371-2, Mosher, William Eド・………・……………一・……1289 National Capital Planning Commission・……・…・2479 Mosteller, Frederick……・…・・…・・……………・…1325 National Education Association…………・・- 2725-6 Mott, Frank Luther…一・・…・・……・…………・・…・7-8 National Municipal League・…・………・…・……・・1406 Mott, Rodney L.………………一・…・……・………・1520 National Planning Association …・……・…・……1161 Moulton, Richard G.・…・……………・……………3327 National Society for the Study of Education… Moustakas, Clark E.……・・…………・……………2723 ___..___.……・……・……・……… 2582-3,2727-8 Mowrer,0. Hobart…・………・・:・………・……617,715 Neff, Emery…・…………・…一…・………・…・……3721 Mowry, George E.…………・……・・…………1405,4510 Neider, Charles ……・・………………・……………3899 Mudd, Emily Hartshorne……・………・………・1201-2 Nei11, Thomas P.……・……・…・………・…一…・…419 Mueller, Eva………・…………………・……………・2361 Neilson, Williem Allan…・…・・………………4111,4142 Mueller, Gustav E.………一………・一……………・・38 Neisser, Hans ・…………・……………・……………2449 Mukerjee, Radhakamal…・……・……………・・…・・1023 Nelson, John Herbert………・…・…………・…・一■…3572 Mulcahy, Richard E.…・・……………・……・…・・…1879 Nelson, Lowel………………・…………一………・1027 Mulgan, John ………………・・…・……………・一・4270 Nelson, Lowry……………・……・……・1028,1290p 3010 Mullahy, Patrick…………・・一………・……・…・…618 Ne1Son, Waldo E.…………一…・一……………・3202 Muller, Herbert J.・……・…………・…………3328,3569 Nesbitt, Marion…・・…………・・………………・・…2729 Muller-Lyer, F.・……・…………・…・…………・…・1024 Neufeld, Maurice F.・………・………・……・……・・1970 Mumford, Lewis……………・…・……・103,3224-5,3000 Neugarten, B. L.………………・……………・…・… 2538

一 150一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ne-Pa)

Neumann, John Von………………・…………・・…3169 Oliver, W. Donald……………・…・………・…………104 Neumeyer, Martin H.……………・・……………・…1029 01sen, Arthur Robert・一…・・………………・・……1033 Neurath, Otto ・……………・……………・…… 854,3132 01sen, Edward G.……………・…・・…・・……………・2584 Nevil1, John Cranstoun・……・・…・……………・・…4045 0’Neill, Eugene…………………………一・・…3768-79 Nevins, Allan・………・・…・……………・…・4415-6,4512 0,Nei11, James M.・…・……………・……・・…………・511 New York(State)Laws, Statutes, etc.……1588-601 0nians, Richard Broxton……・………………一・…・・308 New York State Constitutional Convention 0ppenheim, S. Chesterfield・……・……………・…1563 Committee………………・・…………・…一・…・…1521 0rfield, Lester Bernhardt・・……………・…………1657 Newbury, Frank D.…………・……・………………・2251 0rman, Oscar C.・……・・……….………・……・……・1426 Newcomb, Theodore M.一……・…一…・…・・855,1030 0rr, Sutherland ・…………・……・一………………・4112 Newcomer, Mabel・・……………・・………・…・……2730 0sborn, P. G.・……・…………・…・・……………・…1458 Newman, Philip C.…………・…・…・………………2252 0sberne, George E.……・………・…・・……・………・1658 Newman, Balph A.…・………・…………・…………1656 0sborne, Harold …・……・…・………… ……… …… 3018 Newman, William H.……・…………・・…一…・…2253 0sborne, H.・…………・・…………・……・・………・・…・40 Neyman, Jerzy………………・…………・……・・-3170-1 0sgood, Charles E.・……・…………・…………620,3251 Nicho!son, Margaret…………・…一………………3250 0sgood, Cornelius ・・………・・….……………・…・…3019 Niebuhr, Reinhold・・…・……・…………・一…251,4513 0ttaway, A. K. C.・…………一…・∵………・……1034 Niemann, Walter・一………・…………・……・・……2091 0tto, H. J.…・……………・・…・………・……・………2731 Nisbet, Robert A.・………一……・…・・…………・1200 0tto, M. C◆・………………・・…………………………422 Nixon, Herman Clarence……・・……………・…… 1744 0veracker, Louise…・・……・…・………・…………・1326 Noble, David W◆…・………・……・…・…………・…・4514 0xenfeldt, Alfred R.…………・……・・…・・……・…2254 Noe1, Mary・……・…………・………・………・・………3537 0xford・・・・・・… 一・・・・・・… 一・・一・・4417 Norbeck, Edward…・…・………・・…………・……・…3011 0xnam, Bromley・…〔・……・・…………・…・…・……・1035 Nordskog, John Eric…一・………………・……… 1031 Norris, Ruby Turner………・・……・…・………・…・2318 North, Robert・……・……・・………………・・………1291 P Northrop, F. S. C.…………………186,420,3012,4380 Northrup, Herbert R“・…………………………・…1943 Padover, Saui K.………・・………・・………………・・1522 Nowell, Elizabeth ………一・……………・…・・……3936 page, Stanley W.____._____・一・……4572 Nowell-Smith, P. H.……・…………・・………………252 Paine, Gregory…………… ………・………・・………3576 Numally, Jum C., Jr.・……………・…・……………735 Paine, Thomas・・………………・……………・…・・…1130 Nurkse, Ragnar ・・…・………・………・・………・…・・2319 Paish, F. W.・・………………・・…………………-2138 Nye, Russel B.・………………………………・…・…4515 Pakenham, Lord…・…・……・・…………・……-t・・1036 Palerm, Angel……………・一……………・・……・・2931 Palter, Robert M.・…………………一一…・……・・423 0 Pap, Authur・・…………・・………・……・・……・……・…424 Papashvily, Helen Waite・………・…………・……3900 Oberg, Kalervo…・…・一・……………・…………・3013-4 Park, Joe ・・……………・…・……………・・…………2585 0℃onnor, D.」.…・……・………・………………137,421 Park, Robert Ezra ・…………………・………・856, JO37 0℃onnor, William Van・………・・………………3574-5 Parker, Dewitt H.・・……・……………・・……………・105 0degard, Peter H. …・・………・・………………・・.1407-7 Parker, Everett C.…………・………・……………・2480 0den, Melita H.………………一・…・一…………・…688 Parker, Reginald…………・…………・…・…・・……・1564 0dets, Clifford……………………………・…・…・…3767 Parker, William N.…………一…・………………2256 0dgers, Charles E.・…………・……・………………1602 parrington, Vernon Louis………・・……………・3577-9 0’Donnel, Cyril ……・………・・………・………・…・2234 Parrish, Stephen Maxfield…・………・……・……3607 0esterle, JOhn A.…………一…・・……………187,253 Parsons, Talcott………・…・……・…………857-62,1038 0gden, C. K.……………・・…・……………・・…・………39 Parten, Mildred・…・…・……………・一・……………863 0gg, Frederic A.……………・・…・・…・……・……1706-8 Passmore, John…・…………・……………・・…・…◆…425 0gle, Marbury Bladen…・……………………・…・1409 Patai, Raphael…………・…・…・…・…・……………・3020 0hlin, Bertil ……・・……・…………………・-1996,2450 Patinkin, Don ・…………・…・…・・……………・……2023 0hlsson, Ingvar …・……………… ………………・・2092 Paton, H. J.……・………………・……………・…512,254 0hmann, Richard M.…………・…・…・……………3322 Paton, William A.……………一・……………2373-5 01’iver, Douglas Llewellyn ……………………3015-7 Pattee, Fred Lewis・・………・……・…・………・……3580 01iver, John W.一………・・…・・…一…………・1032 Patterson, Edwin W.………一……・……1603,1659

一 151一 AUTHOR INDEX (Pa-Pr)

Patterson, Franklin・……・…’・・……………………・2732 Pigou, A. C.・……….・………・……………1884-5,2094 Patterson, Rebecca…・…・・……・・…一・…・…・……3581 Pikunas, Justin…・・……・…・・……………・…………676 Pattison, Mark…・・…・………・σ・・……・…………・…噛4046 Pinchot, Amos R. E.・………………・・……………1411 Patton, Robert D.…・…………・…・…・…・…・……1882 Pinner, Frank A.・………………・・………・……・…・1042 Paul, Benjamin D.………・…・………………・……3021 Pippett, Aileen・…一……・・__………・…・………4048 Paul, Leslie ・◆右・・・・・・… 一・・… 一… …・4418 Pirenne, M心iH.…・……………・・……・・…………・…761 Pau1, Randolph E.……………・…・・……………2139-40 Pitt-Rivers, J. A.…・…・……一・・……・…………… 3025 Paul, Sherman………………・・………一……・…・・3582 Place, Perley Oakiand …・…・………………・……4339 Paulson, Blanche B.……・………・…・・………・……・662 Plato’’’”傷“’’’’’’’”右右………………・・…・…………311,4340 Paulsen, Monrad G.・……………・………………・…1380 Plomer, Henry R.…・・一・………・・……………右…・・4420 Pavlov,1. P.……………………………・…・…・……561 Pochmann, Henry A.…・………・…一………9,3585-8 Payne, Robert.…・…・……・……・…一……・・……… 1338 P㏄ock,」. G◆A.・・………………・……………・・…・1524 Peacock, Alan T.…………・…一・…………1883,2001 Podolsky, Edward ・・…・・………・……・一・・…………3203 Pearce, Roy Harvey……・…………………・・3022,4516 Polak, J. J.…・・……・…………・………・……・……・・’2454 Pearson, A. F. Scott……………・……一…・1201,4077 Polanyi, Karl・……………・一一…………・………・1206 Pearson, Norman Holmes…・……………・………・3901 Polk, Judd・……・…・・…・…・………・……・……・……2095 Peck, Leigh・・…・………… …・………・・…・… ………・・675 PoUack, Ervin H.…・………・……………・…………1460 Peek, George A. Jr.・……………………・……-1202 Pollock, Frederick …………・…………・・……… 1461-2 Pegis, Anton C.……・.・……・・…・………………・309-10 Pollock, Thomas Clark-……一・………………3589 Peirce, Charles Sanders…・……・……………・… 169-70 Polyak, S◆L.・……・…………・・……………・…・……3204 peUing, Henry……………・…………・……………・1203 Pomlner, Henry F.…………・…・…・…・…………・・3590 Peltason, Jack W.……………・一・一……・……1720 Poole, Austin Lane・………・…・・……………・・……4113 Pemiman, Howard R.…………一一・……………3023 Poole, Kenyon E.……………・…・・…・…・…………・2141 Penniman, T. K.・……………・……………………・1410 Poore, Charles …… ……・…・………………一・…・… 3902 Penrose, E. F.・・……・……・・……………………・…2451 Pope, Alexander……・…・・一……………・・……4114-5 Penrose, Edith Tilton………・…………一一・一・2452 PoPPer, Karl R.……・…………………・…………・…42 Pepinsky, Harold B.…………・……………・…・……621 Porter, E. H. Jr.…………・…・……………………・…662 Pepinsky, P. N.……・……………………・……・……62ヱ Porter, Katherine Anne……・…………………・…・3591 Pepys, Samuel…・・…………・……………・・…・……4047 Post, C. Gordon ・・…………・・…・……………・・…・・1525 Perkins, Dexter……・…・…・………・………・・1204,4419 Potter, David M.……………一・・………一……・・1886 Perles, Alfred………・・…・……………一・・………3583 Potter, Simeon……………・…………・…・…・…・…・3252 Perlman, Selig ……………・………………・・1039,1997 Pottle, Frederick A.…・………・……・…・……・…・3722

Perlo, Victor…・……・…・…・……………・・一・…・…2453 ’ Poulet, Georges……………………………・・…・……428 Perry, Ralph Barton………・………………・・106,426-7 Pound, Ezra Loomis……・………・・…………3456,3964 persons, Stow……・…………………………・・1804,4517 Pound, Merritt B.…・…………一・…・………・・…1710 Peters, Charles C.…………・…・…・……・・………・1121 Pound, Roscoe……・……・・1463-7,1542-3,1565, 1660-1 Peters, R. S.・………………・・………………… 562,787 Punds, Norman J. G.・………………・・……・……・・2256 petersen, William………一・……………’・…・・…1205 Powdermaker, Hortense …・・一…・…………一…3026 Peterson, Florence…………・……………・’………1998 Powe11, Norman John………・…・・…………・……・・1043 Petrazycki, Leon……………・・…………・・……・・… 1459 Powell, Richard R.……・…・………σ…・………・・1662-3 Petry, Ray C.………・………・・……・…………・・……513 Powell, T. R.・…・……………・一…………・…・……1526 Peyre, Henri……………・・…・……………・・’………3329 Powelson, John P.…………・…・…・………………2320 Pfeffer, Leo ……・・………・・……・・…………・・…・… 1292 Power, Eileen …・・………・・………………・・………4421 Pfiffner, John M.…一・…一………・…・・…………1709 Pratt, Edward Ewing・……………・……………・…2455 Pfister, Karin …・………・…………………・… ……3584 Pratt, James Bissett…………・………・…・……・…・・255 Phelps, Harold A.・…一.t……・…・………………・1040 Pratt, Orville C.・・………・・………………・・・……・・1566 Phillips, Joseph D.…………・・……・………………2255 Preiser, Erich ……………・……・……・……・…・・…1207 Phillips,0. Hood…………………………・……・・…1523 Prescott, Daniel A.……………・………・………・…677 Phillips, Philip……………・……・………………・…3102 Prescott, Orville…………・…………・…・…・・…・…3592 Phillips, R. Hart・…………・………………・…・・…・4573 PresちA. R.…・……・…・…・…………・…一・…・…・2321 Piaget, Jean ……・………・…・……………・・………・2586 Presthus, R. Vance……………・………………・・… 1709 Pieper, Josef……………・……・………・………………41 Previte-Orton C. W.・……………・…・……一…・・4574 Pierce, Trulnan M.……………………・一………・1041 Preyre, Alexis ・一………・………一・……・………107 Pierson, Donald ……・…・…・…………・……・・……3024 Price, Daniel O.………・………・・……………・…・・1110

一 152一 AUTHOR INDEX (Pr-Ri)

Price, H. H.………・・………・………・……・…・108-9,429 Randall,」. G.………………・…………・………・4520-2 Price, Miles O.・……・…・一…………・…………・…1468 Randall, John Herman……………・・……………・…44 Price, Richara…………・・…………・…・・・……………256 Rank, Otto ……………・・……………・・…・…・………624 Prichard, H. A.…・………・…・・……………一……・257 Ranulf, Svend・…・…・………………………・………・・865 Prior, Arthur N.・…・……・・……………・…・………188-9 Rao, Radhakrishna・・…………・……・…・…………・1122 Pritchard, E. E. Evnas ・・……・…・…・・…・・………・3027 Rapaport, David……………・………………・・… 625,788 Pritchard, John Pau1…・・…………・・……・・……3593-4 Raphael, D. Daiches ………・…・・…………・・…・259-60 Pritchett, C. Herman・……………・・………1293,1664 Rapoport, Anato1……………・・…・……………110, 788 Prossr, Charles A,・・………………・…・……・・……2733 Rappard, William E.…・・………………………-1887 Prosser, William L.・………………・・……………1665 Rasey, Marie L…………………・・……・・…・…一…2556 Proteus, S. D.…………・……・・………………一・…3028 Rasmussen, P. Nφrregaard.・・……・・……一……・2260 Prothro, James Warren・………・…・……・・……・…2376 Raup, R. Bruce…・……・・…・…・……………・・……・・261 Proudfit, Isabe1 …・・………・…・…………・…・……3595 Rawlings, Marjorie…・…………・一……・………・・3387 Proust, Marce1・……………・……………………・…4341 Ray, Benoy Gopal・………・……・・…………・・………314 Purcell, Theorore V.……・・…・一・…・……………1999 Read, Herbert………….・……・・…………・…・・515,4271 Purdy, Harry L.・………・………・…・…・…………・2257 Reaver,」. Russell……・……・・…・……………・…・3600 Pusey, Merlo J.……・・…………・……・…………・・4122 Reavis, W. C.…….____・・……・・……………2735 Putnam, Carleton…………・………………………・・4423 Reck, Dickson・…………・_………・・……・…・……1888 Putnam, Samuel-・・……一・・……………・…・・…4Ml Redden, John D.………・……・…・・………………・・2587 Reder, Melvin W.…・一…………・………………2001 Redfiel’d, Charles E.……・………・…・…・…・……・2377 Q Redfield, Robert…・…・……・…………・・……・…3035-9 Redl, Fritz ……………・・………………・……………626 Qu㏄n, Stuart Alfred ・…・…・……………1044-5,4518 Redlich, Rosemarie……・……・…・……・…………・・3618 Quennel1, Peter……………・……………・…・・…・・…4575 Reeder, Ward G.…・・………・………………2588-9,2736 Quigley, Thos. H.…・………………………・一…2733 Rees, Alwyn D.・…………・……・・…………・………・3040 Quincey, Thomas De・……………・・………………3999 Reese, William L.……一………・…………・…・…・502 Quine, Willard Van Orman-・…………190-1,3133 Reeves, Charles Everalld・・…・…・・……………・…2737 Quinn, Arthur Hobson…・・…・・……・-3596-8, 3780-2 Reeves, George M., Jr.一………一…・・…・……・3601 Quinn,.James A.………・…・……・…・・……………・1046 Regier, C. C.……・…・………・……・・…………・……1412 Quinn, T. K.・……・…’・・……・・………………・・…2258-9 Reichenbach, Hans……・………・・……112,192-3,3191 Reid, Thomas……………・…・・………・・………・……111 Reilley, Ewing W.…一…………・・……・…・…-2351 R Reinemann, John Otto …………・…・……………・1701 Reiner, Beatrice Simcox……・……・…・………・・…・679 Raab, Ear1……・………………・…………・…………1047 Reinfeld, Nyles V.・………………・・………………2378 Rabelais, Frangois …………・・………・……………4342 Reinhardt, George C.・・………………・……………1768 Rachlin, Carl……一・……・………・…・………………2000 Reischauer, Edwin O.……………・・…・…1357-8,4576 Radcliffe, Ann……・……・…・・…………・……・……4209 Reiss, Albert J., Jr.・……………・…・…………943,975 Radcliffe-Brown, A. R.・・一…・……・…・864,3029-30 Reiss, Samuel・………………………………・・………45 Rader, Melvin・……・……・…一……………・…………258 Reissman, Leonard……・……・……………・…・・…・1048 Radhakrishnan, Sarvepalli…・・………・……43,321-3 Resnick, Nathan・……・……・…………・……・・……3602 Radin, Paul …………・…・・……………・…・…・……3033 Reutter, E. Edmund, Jr.…・………・……・………2738 Rado, Sandor・…………・・…………・・……・…………623 R6v6sz, G. …・’……………・・……………・…・………762 Ragan, William B.……・…………・……一…・・…・2734 Reynard, Charles A.…・・……・…・……………・・…2002 Ragatz, Lowell J.!………・・…・………………………4519 Reynolds, Lloyd G.………・・………・……………2003-4 Rahv, Philip・…………… ………・………・… ……… 3330 Reynolds, Quentin ・…・・………………・・………・…3603 Ramaswamy, M.…・・一・・一・…・・……………・・…・160S Rheinstein, Max………………・……・…・…………1469 Ramsay,」. A.・……・…………・……………・・…・…3034 Rhys, Emest……・……・・………………4116,4210,4272 Ramsey, G. V.…………………………………・……・・748 Richards, Audrey I.…一…・………・…………3041-3 Ramsey, Pau1…………・…・・……・…………・・………514 Richards,1, A.・………・………・……・………・…・3331-4 Ramseyer, John A.・……・…一……………………2502 Richardson, C. A.………………・…・一…………… 2590 Ramson, John Crowe・……・……・……・……◆……・3599 Richardson, John…………・…・・…・……………・…・2739 Rand, Winifred・…・……・…………一…・…………678 Richardson,」. Henry……………・・……・…………2379

一 153一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ri-Sa)

Richardson, Lyon N.……・…………・・……………3604 Roosa, Robert V.・…………………一……………・2101 Richardson, Samue1・……・………・………・・………・4211 Root, E. Merri11…・・………・・…・……・…………2743-4 Richmond, W. Kenneth-………・……………・…2591 Roover, Raymond de……………・………・………・2457 Rickert, Heinrich…・・…・・……………・…・…………112 Rδpke, Wilhelm・……………………一・…1897-8,2263 Rickover, H. G.・…………・…・・……………・…・・…・・2592 Rose, Arnold M.・……・………・………………………867 Rideout, Walter B.…・……………・・………3605,3957 Rose, H. J◆………………・……………・……・………516 Riege1, Robert E.…………・…・…・……・・…………・4523 Rose, T. G.・……・・………・…・……・………・………・・2381 Riesen, Austin H.…・・……………・一……・………・680 Rose, William…・………・…………一…・…・……3335 Riesenfeld, Stefan A.・……………・…・……………1049 Roseboom, Eugene H.………・………・・……………1745 Riesman, David ………・・………・…………… 866,3044 Rosenberg, Eleanor・…………・………・・………・…・4050 Riggs, Fred W.…・・…………・…………・…一・-1381 Rosenberry, Edward H.…・………・……・…………3609 Riker, William H◆・…・……………・………………1769 Rosenblum, Victor G.…………・・……・……………1470 Riordan, William L.……・………・…・……………1413 Rosenfeld, Pau1 …・…………・………・・………・…・3903 Rist, Charles・……・・……………・…・・………………1815 Ross, Alf -…一……・…………・…一・・…・…・…1294 Ritschl, Hans・・……………・…・………・……・・…・・…1889 Ross, W. David………・………・…・・………………,262-3 Ritter, Lawrence S書…………・……・・……・………・・2096 Rosser, J. Barkley …・…・……・………・………・・…3134 Ritzenthaler, Robert E.…………・…・…・…………3045 Rossiter, Clinton L.・……・…………・…1209,1528,1668 Rivers, W. H. R.・………・………・……・・…………・1050 Rostand, Edmond…………・…・・……・・…・…一・・…4347 Robbins, Florence Greenhoe…・・…………・・……・・2593 Rostow, Eugene V.…・……・………・………1382,1669 ’ Robbins, Lionel・…………・・…・・……………’………1890 Rostow, W. W.・………・………・……………1295,1899 Robbins, Rossell Hope ・・………・……・…・……∴・3606 Rothschild, K. W.・……………一・…・・…・………2007 Roberts, Owen J.…・………・……・…………・・……・1666 Rotter, Julian B.……・……・……・………………… 644 Roberts, S. C.………・・………・…・・……………・…4049 Rottschaffer, Henry ……・・…一・………・・………1529 Robertson, Dennis Holme・・……・…・……・・……… Roucek, Joseph S. ・…………・……・…1210,2579,2594 ………………… …………… J89∫-2,2005,2097-9,2456 Rougemont, Denis de…・………・………………・… 492 Robinson, Charles Alexander, Jr,・…・………・4343-4 RoUrke, Constance…・・………・…・……・……・3610,3965 Robinson, Daniel S.・………・………・…・・………・…194 Rousseau, Jean Jacques………・……・・……1211,4348 Robinson, Edgar Eugene ………・・…………・…1327-8 Rowe, H. D◆…・……………・・……………・…・・……3723 Robinson, Francis P.・・………………・…・…・……・…627 Royce, Josiah…・・………・………………194,264,430-1 Robinson, Henry Crabb…………………・…一・…4252 Rubin, Joseph Jan…・…・…・・…・……………・……3611 Robinson, James Harvey…………・…・…・…………114 Rubin, Louis D., Jr.・…………・……・…………3612-3 Robinson, Joan…・…………・…・……1893-4,2100,2261 Ruesch, Jurgen………・…・・…………………………2481 Robinson, Richard…………・・……………・…・・……・315 Rugg, Harold・…・………・…・…・…………・・…・・…2595-7 Robson, William A.……・……・……・……一……・1527 Ruggles, Nancy D.・…………・……・・…………・・…2322 Roche, John F.…・…………・…・……………・…・・…1208 Ruggles, Richard・…………・……………・・…・……・2322 Rochester, Anna…………・…・・………・………・・…1414 Runes, Dagobert D.……・…・…・…………・…・……・…46 Roe, Anne…・…・………・………・・………・…………2740 Rusk, Ralph L.・…・……………・・…・……………・3614-5 Roettinger, Ruth Locke…・・……・・…・……………・1667 Ruskin, John………・・……・…・………・………・…4273-4 Rogers, Carl R.………・……・…・・……………・…・628-9 Russell, Bertrand……・・………・……………・・…・… Rogers, Don C.・……・…………・……………・…・・…1282 47-8,195-8,115-9,265-9,432-5,518,563,3135-6,4577 Rogers, Francis M.…・…………・…・………………2741 Russell, E. John・……………・………………・………270 Rogers, James Frederick-……・……………-2742 Russel1, E今S. ・……………・…・……・…・………・…3046 Rogers, Lindsay ・…………・・………………・・……・1415 Russell, James Anderson…………・・……………・4349 Rogin, Leo・……・………・…・・……………・…・…・…・1895 Russell, Phmips…………・・…………・……… 3616,4524 Rogow, A. A.………………・……・・…………・……・・2006 Ryan, Frances・…………・……………・・…・………・2587 Rohkam, William, Jr.…・・…………・………………1566 Ryle, Gilbert・…………・…・…………・…・・……120,199 Rohlfing, Charles C.・………………・………・……2262 Rynin, David・…・………・・……………・・…・………・・3254 Rojas, Pauline M.・・…………………………………・3253 Roland, Chanson de・…・……・……・……・・…………4345 Roll, Eric ・・……・・……・…・………・……・・…………1896 S Rolland, Romain………………・…・一…………… 4346 Roilins, Hyder Edward・…・……………一………3607 Saaty, Thomas L.………・一……・一………・……・2382 Ronken, Harriet O.…・・……………・………・・…・…2380 Sachse, William L.………・・………・………………4525 Roob, Mary Cooper………・…・…・…………一・…・3608 Sadler, Thomas ……・……一…・・………・………・4275

154 一 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Sa-Sh)

Sahlins, Marshall D.・……………・…・……・……・・1051 Schneider, Eugene V.……………・…・・一…・・……2009 Saintsbury, George …………4051,4143,4212,4276-7 Schneider, Herbert W.一一………・・…448-9,4426 Sait, Edward McChesney…………・…・……・……1416 Schoch, Magdalena・…………・・……………一・・…1472 Salera, Virgi1…・・………・・……・…………・……2414-6 Schoenfeld, William N.・…・……………・一…・…556 Saloutos, Theodore ……・……・……………・1417,4526 Schorer, Mark-……………・…・…………・…・・3338-9 Sambursky, S.…・…………… ……………・…・・…・・… 316 Schramm, Wilbur…一……・……・…………・・……272 Sampson, Robert C.…………・…・…………・…・一…2264 Schramm, Wilbur L.……………一・一……・・…3619 Sampson, R. V.…・………………・…………………・4367 Schrieke, B.………・………・・…………・・……・……4579 Samuel, Otto・……………・・…・……………・……・…121 Schrier, Arnold・…………・……・…一…・…・………1360 Samuel, R. H.・・………………・…………・…・…・…2598 Schriftgiesser, Karl……・………・…・……・・…・・…・・1383 Samuels, Harry・………・…………・…………1008,1670 SchrOdinger, Erwin・………・…・・…………・…・125,3192 Samuelson, Paul Anthony・……………………・・1900-3 Schroeder, Gertrude G.・一・… 一・・… …・・… 一・・・・・・… 2266 Sandburg, Carl・……………・…………………・……4424 Schulte, Wilhelm・…………・……・…・………・……・1297 Sanderlin, George ・………・…・・……・・…………… 4052 Schultz, Arthur R.・・………・・……・・…………・…・…・9 Sanders, Irwin T.一……………・・………………… 1052 Schumpeter, Joseph A.………・…一…・1904-7,2267 Sanderson, Herbert……・……・……………・…・・…・2745 Schwantes, Robert S.・…………・……・・……・・……1361 Sanford, Charles L.・………………・・……………… 3617 Schwartz, Benjamin I.・…………一…………・…1298 Sanford, Charles Wilson…・…・…………一…・・2746 Schwartz, Bernard・…………・・……1530,1567-9,1671 Santayana, George…………122-3,436-7,1212,3336-7 Schwartz, Harry…・……・…………一………・…・・1908 Santillana, Giorgio De ・…・……・…………438-9,.3137 Schwartz, Mortimer D.……………………・……・・1251 Sapin, Burton M.・・………………・・一……………・1359 Schwarzenberger, Georg………・・…・・……・・1481,1485 Sapir, Edward……・・……・……………一∴・・…32,3255-6 Schyberg, Frederik……・・…・・…・・…………・……・・3620 Sarason, Seymour B.…・…………・…・・……・……・2887 Scitovsky, Tibor ・……………・……・……… 1909,2268 Sa「oyan, William・……・…・……一・…-3783,3904-7 Scott, Arthur L.一………・……・…………一…・・3621 Sartre, Jean-Paul・・………・・………………・・…・…・・440 Scott, C. Winfield…………・……・一……・……・2747 Sauer, Car10rtwin・…………………………・・……3047 Scott, Derek J. R.…………・…………・……・……1213 Saunders, Harold W.…一………・…・……………1010 Scott, James Brown………・…・・……・…・・…・・…・…1486 Saunders, Jason Lewis・・…・……・………・…………・317 Scott, Jerome R.・………・………・………………… 2385 Saunders, Lyle…・… ………・………・………… …… 3048 Scott, Walter…・……・…・…・…・……・・…・・…………4213 Savage, Leonard J.・・………・………………… …… 1123 Searles, Herbert L.…・……・………・………………200 Saveth, Edward N.…………・…・……………・・…・・4527 Sears, Alfred Byron ………・……一……・…・…・・4425 Saw, Ruthlydia…・…・…・…………・…・…・・……・…・441 Sears, Kenneth C.・………・………・・…・………・…1570 Saye, Albert B.一・……・…………………・……・-1710 Sedgwick, Robert C.…・・……・…・…・…………・…2026 Sayers, R. S.・・………・……一・…・・……………・……2102 Seidman, Jerome M.…・・……………・・…・…・681,2010 / Scammell, W. M.……………一・…………………2103 Selden, William K.………一……・一……・・…・・2748 Schaars, Marvin A.……………・…・・………………2330 Selekman, Benjamin…………・……………一・… 2011 Schafer, R.…………・・……・…・……・………・………736 Seligman, Edwin R. A.……・…・・…………一…・・…868 Schapiro, J. Salwyn………・…・・……………・・…・…4578 Selko, Daniel T.…………・・……・…………・……・・1746 Schattschneider, Elmer Eric …………・一…・…1418 Sellars, Wilfrid・…………・・…・……………・-273, 372 Sche11, Ersin Haskell………………………………2383 Selznick, Gertrude Jaeger……・………………・・… 1047 Schelling, Thomas C.…………・…・……・………… 2323 Semenow, Robert W.……………一・・………・-2324 Scherer, W‘・……一…一・……・・…………・……4350 Senders, Virginia L ……・…・………・……・…・・…1124 Scherman, David E.……………・…・・…・……一…・3618 Seneca…・……・…・……………・…・・…………・……・・4351 L Schiller, Claire H.……・…・…………………………・271 I Sergeant, Elizabeth Shepley………・…・・…………3622 Schillng, Jane M.・・…………・………………………1948 Service, Elman R.………・・………・…………1051,3049 Schilpp, Paul Arthur……一・……・……・……・∋…442-7 Service, Helen S.…………’……・・…・………・……’3049 Schlaifer, Robert・…・………………・………………2384 Seybold, Ethel……………・…………・・……・…・…・3623 Schlesinger, Arthur Meier, Jr.……………1419,4528 Sforza, Carlo ・・……・……・………………一…………450 Schlesinger, Rudolf B.………・……・…・……1296,1471 Shackfor, John B. ……・…・………・・……・……・…1053 Schlick, Moritz…・・………・・一……………・・一……124 Shackle, G. L. S.…・・……………・…・………・……・1910 Sch!oss, Henry H.…・…一………・………………2104 Shakespeare, William…一・…・・………………・4144-7 Schmeckebier, Laurence F.…・……………・・……1743 Shane, Harold G.………・………・・…………・・……・2749 Schneider, David M.・…・……………・………………983 Shannon, David A.………・………・・………………1420 Schneider, Erich・・…・……………・…・・……………2265 Shannon, Fred A.………………・…一………・……1911

一 155一 AUTHOR INDEX (Sh-Sp)

Shapiro, Charles…・………・……………・…………3522 Skard, Sigmund ・………・………・……………・・…・2755 Shapiro, Nat・…………・…・……………一・・………3226 Skinner, B. F.………………・……・…・………・・…・566-8 Sharp, G. G.・…………・……・……・・…………・……1214 Skinner, Charles E.……・_・………・………………2599 Sha「tle, Carroll L.…・・……………・…………1654,2012 Slichter, SummeT H.一…_…_一・…………2019-20 Shaw, Bernard-………・…・………・……・・……4148-8 Slotkin, J. S.………・………・・…… ……・・……・……3052 Shaw, Harry.._…_._.._…・……………………4053 Slusser, Robert M.・・………………._・……・……1093 ShaWcross, John …・……・………・・……・…………・4278 Smelser, Neil J.…・…・…………・・……・・…・…・…・…857 Shearing, H.…一……・……・…………・・……・’一・2388 Smith, Adam…・・………………:……・・……・……2144-5 Sheats, Paul H.・・………………・……・…・………・…2750 Smith, B. Othane1…・…・…・・◆…………・……2060,2756 Sheean, Vincent…・._……・…………・・…………・3624 Smith, Bernard…・・………・………………… 3629,3945 Sheehy, Emma Dickson………・…・’・…・一・…一・2751 Smith, Bruce Lannes・…・…・…………………・・…・1061 Sheer, Daniel E.……・・…………・…………・・……・…615 Smith, Charlotte Watkins……………・…・…・……4381 Shehab, F.・・………………・………・……・…・…・・…・2142 Smith, Fredrika Shumway………………………3630 Sheldon, Wilmon Henry………・・………………・…126 Smith, Goldwin ……………………………………4054 Shepard, Odell………・・……・…………・・……・……3625 Smith, Grover Jr.………・…・……………・………… 4055 Shepherd, Harold……………・……・………・…・・…・1605 Smith, Harry Reece ……一・一…………………2939 Sherif, Carolyn W.______、_____…1055 Smith, Henry Nash・…一…・…………・・……・…3631-2 Sherif, Muzafer…・……・一・…・………-682,1055-6 Smith, Homer W.…・・…・……・・…・…………・・……・519 Sherwood, Robert E.・…・……・…・・…・一……・・…4529 Smith, Howard R.……・…・………・………………2272 Shils, Edward A.・…・……………・・…………・……・861 Smith, John E.・・………………・…・・……………・…1062 Shiomi, Saburo…・……・…・……・……・……・………2143 Smith, Lynn T.・・………………・…・・……………・…1126 Shipley, Thorne・……・……・・……………一・………564 Smith, M. Brewster-……・……一・一…………・ 720 SHister,. Joseph・………………・・…・……………・・2013-5 Slnith, Norman Kemp・………・…・一’………・……452 Shotland, Joseph P.・……………・…・………………1057 Smith, Russell A.・…・……………………・………2021 Shoulson, Abraham…………・…・…・………・……・・1058 Smith, Samuel…・………・… ………………・……2757-8 Shrils, Edward A.・……………・…’…・……・………・862 S皿ith, T. L…・…・………・・………・・………・・……・…869 Shubik, Martin…・…………◆……・・…・…一・・…・…2269 Slnith, T. V.・……・………・・……・………・274,318-9,453 Shubin, JohロA>……・…………・・…………・……・・2270 Smith, Thomas C.…・…・…………・…ラ◆………・…1301 Shugerman, A. L.・…・…一……………一…・・…2386 Smith, Walter Buckingham…・………・…………・1912 Shulman, Harry-…一一・………・……一・一・2016 Smith, W. O. Lester・…一一・……・…………・…2601 Shultz, George P.……・……・……・・……………・・2017-8 Smithies, Arthur…・・………・一・……………・…-1747 ShumakeT, Wayne・………………・………………・3626 Smollett, Tobias George・・……・…………・…・・4215-6 Shuster, George N.・………………・・………・…・・…2752 Smythe, David Mynders・………………・………・3908 Sibley, Mulford Q.・・…・……・……・・…………・…・・1215 Snedecor, Goerge W.・…・……………・…・………・・1」25 Siches, Luis Recasens・………………………・…・…1473 SIlell, Bruno……・…・…’・……・…………・・…・……・…320 Sidney, Philip……………・……………・・…… 4092,4214 Snel1, John L. ………・…・……・…・……………・・… 1362 Siepmann, Charles A.…一・…・……………2482,2753 Snider, Clyde F.……・・…………・・……・…・・……・・1761 Sievers, W. David・……一…・…・・……・……・…・3627 Snyder, Franklyn B.・・………・・……・……・・…・…・3633 Sigerist, Henry E.…………・・………・…一…・-2754 Snyder, Richard C.・……・…・……・……・……・……1359 Sillen, Samue1……・…・……・……・……一…・……3628 Snyder, Rixford K.…・……・’…・…・…………・……4569 Silone, Lgnazio ・……・・…・………………・・… ……… 451 Snygg, Donald……………・…・……・………・・…・542,569 Simes, Lewis M..…………・………一一…・…’…・1672 Social Science Research Council of New York…2022 Simkins, Francis Butler……………・…一…………4530 Soddy, Kenneth………・…・一…一……………・…683-4 Simmons, Ernest J.……………・・…・……一……・・1299 Sokolnikoff, Elizabeth S.………・…・……………・3172 Simmons, Leo W・……・………・………・…一…’・3050-1 S()kolnikoff, Ivan S. ・………………・・…………… 3172 Simon, Brian・………・・…・…………………………・・565 Solberg, P. A.…・……・・……・……・………一・・……・693 Simon, Herbert A.一・……・・………………・・……1571 Sombart, Werner……・…・…・・…・……………・・-3053 Simon, Yves R.………・…・…・…………・……・……・1300 Somers, Harold M.・……・・…・……・…………・・…・・2105 Simons, Henry C.…一……一…・…・…・…………・2271 Sophocles ………・……… ………………・…………・4352 Simpson, Cuthbert Aikman………………・一一1673 Sorokin, Pitirim A.・………・・…・……・………・’・…・1063 Simpson, George Eaton………・・……∵………・・…1059 Southworth, James G.……一…・……・…………3724 Simpson, Laurence P.・……・……・……… 1674,1683-4 Spaeth, Sigmund・…………… …… …・・…・……・…・3227 Singer, Irvi!19 …・………・・………………・… …・・… 3340 Spalding, Wilard B.…………・………・……・………2717 Sirjamaki, John …・・…・……・・………一……・・-1060 Spears, Harold…・………・・………・……・…・・……・・2759

一 156一 AUTHOR INDEX (Sp-Su)

Spencer, Herbert………・…・………・・………・……・2602 Steward, Juliad H.…………・……・……………・3057-62 Spencer, Samuel R., Jr.・・…………….・・…………・・1064 Stewart, Dugald…………………一…………・………454 Spenser, Edmund-・…………・・………・………・4117-8 Stewart, George R.………・……一・………………4533 Spicer, Edward H.・……・…・…・………・……一… 3054 Stewart, Herbert Leslie…・…・……・・…………・・…4353 Spiegelberc, F. …・…………… …・………・……・…・・520 Stewart, Randall…………………………………3641-2 Spielman, William Carl………………・……一…4427 Stewart-Brown, R. D.・………………・・……………1675 Spiller, Robert E.…・……・………・・…………・…・3634-6 Stigler, George J.…………………………………2274-6 Spindler, George D.…………・…・…・…………・…・・2603 Stimpson, George・…・………一…・…・・……………1422 Spingarn, J. E◆………・…・……………・・……・…・…3341 Stimett, T. M.…一…………・・………・…一…・…2685 Spinoza, B. De・…・……・……・・………………・………521 St㏄k, Leo F.………・…・・……………・…・……….・…4395 Spivey, W◆Allen-…一…・……・…・………・…・2334 St㏄king, George W.……………一・…………2277-8 Spoehr, Alexander……∴…・…一………・…・……3055 Stoetze1, Jean …・……・・…・…・・……………・…・・….1066 Sprigge, Elizabeth・・………・・・………・・……・・……4428 Stoker, Bram・………・…・…・…………・……・…・・…・4221 Sprott, W.」. H.一・…一……・………・……・…・…870 Stokes, Mi1ton L.…・…………・……………………・2106 Spurl㏄k, Clark・……・…・…・・………・………・一……275 Stoltz, Mildred・…………………・…・…・…・・………2025 Squires, Radcliffe ・・……………・…・…・…・………3637 Stolz, Lois Meek…………・…・・……・…・………・…1067 Sraffa, Piero…・…・・…………・…………………・…・2146 Stone, Calvin P.……・……・…………………・………737 St. John, Christopher………・…………・・…………4279 Stone, L. Joseph…………・……・・…………・σ◆…・… ∵685 Stagner, Ross _,____..____._…・・……2023 Stone, Richard …………・……’…………”・・2,ヲ14,2325 Stah1, Kathleen Mary…………・…………………・・1363 Stonier, Alfred W.…・………一…・………・…・・…1913 Stallman, Rober Wooster……3342,3353-4,3638,3909 Stouffer, Samuel A.・……・…………・………………871 Stanner, W. E. H.………・…………………一・……3056 Stout, G. F.……・・…………・…・……・………・…455,573 Starke,」. G.・…・……………・…・………・……・……1487 Stoutenburgh, John L., Jr.…・…………・・………3257 Starr, Mark…一・・…・・……・…………・………・・…1959 Stoval1, Flord ………… …・…・…・………………3643-4 Stason, E. Blythe㌧…………・…………・・……・…・1572-3 Strachey, Giles Lytton・……・…・……………4282,4429 Stearns, H[arry L.……・…………・・……・………・…・2760 Stratemeyer, Florence B.………………・……・…・2761 Stebbing, L. S. _.._____._____.…・・…201 Strauss, Alfred A.・・…………・…・・……・…………721-2 Stebbins, Richard P.…・…………・…・……・…・・…4580 Strauss, Leo…・…………… ………・・………… …… 1474 Stedman, Murray S.・・………………・……………1421 Strawson, P. F.…………・・……・…・・………・………202 Steeg,αarence L.・・……・……・…・・…・………・・…2147 Street, Calvin M.・……・…………・…………………2674 Steele, Richard・…………・……・……・……・・4239,4280 Street, H.……一・・…………………………………1554 Steeves, Harrison R.・…・……………’……・……・・4217 Streeter, Robert H.’………………’・………………3311 Steffen, Roscoe………・・…・・……………………・・…1606 Strindberg, August…・・………・・一…・……3344,4354 Stein, Gertrude……・……・…………・・……………・・3639 StrOde, Hudson・…i…・………………………………4430 Stein, Maurice R.………・・…・…・………・…………・1065 Strong, Edward K., Jr.…・・…・………・∴・・……・…2762 Steinbeck, John ・・………………・・………・・……3910-6 Strong, William Duncan…・…・…一・…・…・…・・3063 Steinberg, S.]日[. ………・・………・……・・…………・3343 Strout, Cushing …………・・………・………・・……・4534 Steiner, George A.……・…………・・…・…………・・2273 Stuart, Alan……………・・…………◆………………1113 Steiner, Gilbert ・・…・……・・………・…・……・・……2024 Stuart, Grace…・・…・…………・…・…・…・…………-279 Stellar, Eliot …………………・……・…・……………616 Stucki, Roland……・………・・………………………2069 Stendle, Celia Burns………・……・……………・…670-2 Sturges, Wesley A.…………・…・・…………・…・…・1676 Stephen, Leslie・・』…………・……・………・…・……4056-9 Suetonius……・…・・……………・…∴・一……………… 1431 Stephenson, Wiliiam………・…・・……・・………・……570 Sufrin, Sidney C.……・……・……・…・・……………・2026 Stern, Bernhard J.・……・…・………………………2920 Sullivan, Arthur・・…・………・……一・……………4132 Stern, G. G.…………………………………・・……・…571 Sullivan, H. S◆………………”・………・……・…’… 3205 Stern, Madeleine B.………・……・……一…・・……・4531 Sumption, Merle R.………・……・・…………2531,2793 Sterne, Laurence …………・……・……・………4218--20 Super, Dbna呈d E. …・…・…・・…………・……・……… 738 Stevens・S’S.◆’’’’’’’’”…’’’”σ’”““’’”……・・…………572 Suppes, Patrick…・・………・………・………・・………769 Stevens, Wallace___._...___….……・……3725 Supreme Court of the United States………… 1607-8 Stevenson, Adlai E.・……………・・…………………4532 Surrey, Stanley S. ・・…・…………・… ……………・・1677 Stevenson, Burton ……………・………・……・…… 4150 Sussman, Marvin B.………………一・……・・…-1068 Stevenson, Charles L.……・…・………・…………276-8 Sutherland, Arthur E.…・一…一・・…・…………1216 Stevenson, E!izabeth・……・………………・………3640 Sutherland, Edwin H.……・………一・……………1069 Stevenso叫Robert Louis……・・…………・………4281 Sutherland, Robert L.……・・…・・……・・……………872

一 157 一 AUTHOR INDEX (Sw-Tr)

Swabey, Marie Collins・……・・…・……一……・……203 Thomas, Ann Van Wyner…………一・…・・……・1364 Swanson, Guy E冑…・………・……・…・……………・・1015 Thomas, Calvin …・・…・……………・………・……・4355 Swanton, John R.…・・……………・…・…・………’3064-5 Thomas, Dorothy・…………・…一一………・……・1678 Swarthout, John M.…・・…・・……………・一………1171 Thomas, R. Hinton・…………・・…………・…・…・…2598 Swartz, Willis G’……・……………………一…”・・1748 Thomas, William L.…・……__・…・・……一…3072 Sweezy, Pau1……………………・…………・……・…3645 Thomassen, Henry…・……・…・・……………一・… 2279 Swenson, Rinehart John …・……………・・………1574 Thompson, Algernon D.・一……………・・…・…・…3651 Swift, Jonathan・…・・……・・……・…………… 4063,4222 Thompson, Arthur W.…………・・………………・…876 Swindler, William F.………………・…………一…10 Thompson, Craig R.・・…・………・…・・……・・……・3345 Swisher, Carl Brent・・………・・…・・…………1531,1712 Thompson, Edgar T.・・…………・一・・……・・一…1072 Symonds, John Addington…………・一・4060,4581-5 Thompson, Francis…一……・・………・………・…・4120 Synge, John Millington ・……………一・・一一…4151 Thompson, George G.…・……………・・……………956 ↑hompson, J. Eric S.一……………・・……・…・…・3073 Thompson, Lawrence S.・………・・…・一・………3651・-2 T Thompson, Manley……・…・…・……………・・…・…456 Thomson, Donald F.一…一………・……………3074 Taba, Hilda…一…・…一・・…………・・……・・…一…705 Thoreau, Henry David ……・…・・…………・……・・3917 Taft, Kendall B.……・……………………………・・3646 Thorlldike, Ashley…・一……・・一…………・4142,4152 Tannenbaum, Frank…・……・…・・………・…一…2027 Thorne, Florence Calvert・……………・………・…12Jg Tanner, J. M.・………………・・…………一一・…686-7 Thorp, Willard・…………・……一……………・…・3653 Tarshis, Lorie……・・…一…・………・…………・…2458 Thorp, Willard L.…・・…………一……・…・………2461 Tarski, Aifred -…・・…・……………・・…・………・・204 Thorpe, Louis P.・……・…………・…………・・……・2604 Tashman, Harry F.…・………・……・・…………・-630 Thorpe, W. H.……………一・…・・……………・・…3075 Tate, Allen…・…・・………………3301,3647,3726,4061 Thral1, R. M.・一………・…・・……………一……2390-1 Taussig, Frank William・・……・……………2459,2483 Thurnwald, Richard -………・・…………・……・・1073 Tawney, R. H.………・……・…………・・………・・…1070 Thurston, Lee M.…………・…・・………・………一・2770 Tax, So1金・…………・……・一…………・・…・・……3066イ1 Thurstone, L. L.……・…………・・………………… 740-1 Tax, Institute Collference・・……………・・……・・…2148 Thut,1. N.…・・……………・………・…・……・………2771 Taylor, A. E.…・…………・・………………… 321,522-3 Tibbitts, Clark……・…・…・…………・………・・……1074 Taylor, A. H.∴……・…・一・………………・……・…2388 Tiffany, Francis Buchanan ……・…・…・…・…・・…1679 Taylor, Conrad B.・…………………’…・…………2135 Tiffin, Joseph…・………・・…一……………・…・・……・574 Taylor, George W.……・……・…一…・・一…・・…2028 Timasheff, Nicholas S.・………・一……・・一……875-6 Taylor, Stanley・…………・…………・…一……・…・873 Tinbergen, J.・…………・……・…………1916,2280,2462 Taylor, W. Bayard…………・一…………一……2387 Tinling, Marion・・-t……………・…………………-4440 Taylor, W. D.…・……・一…・・……………………4152 Tintner, Gerhard・…・・………・・………・……………3173 Taylor, Walter Fuller-…・・……・・…………・……3648 Tippett, L H. C.………………・………………・・… 1127 Tead, Ordway,……………・・……………………・2764-5 Titiev, Mischa・・…………・・……………一・3076,3087 Tedlock, E. W., Jr.・…一・…・………・……・………3649 Tocqueville, Alexis De…………・…………・・…5,4470 Teeters, Negley K.…・・…・・……………・………-1071 Toffanin, Guiseppe…・………・…・…・…………・…・4356 Ten Broek, Jacobus…・・…・・………・・…・・………・…1217 Tomkins, Silvan S.一………・……・・…◆…・………723 Tennyson, Alfred………・………・……………・……4119 Toulmin, Stephen Edelston…………・・…・…280,3138 Terborgh, George :………………・……………・…1914 Tow, Macdonald・…………………・…・………………724 Terman, Lewis M.……・・…………一…・……・・688,739 Towle, Charlotte・・………………・…・・……………・2605 Terry, George R.・…・……………・・…………一…・2389 Townsend, Harry………・……・・…………・………・・2199 Tew, Brian……………・……・…………・・…・・………2C60 TowIlsend, Harvey G.…・…・…………・……・……・・3654 Thackeray, William Makepeace-・…・4223-4,4283 Townsend, Peter……………・……………………・・1075 Thackrey, Donald E.…………・……・…………・… 3650 Trachtenberg,1. A.……………・◆…………一・…・・2107 Thayer, Philip W.…一……・一…・…・…・…・・…1218 Traditional Cultures, Institute of…・……’・……3086 Thayer, V. T.………・……・…………・…………2766-8 Trail1, H. D.・’…………………………………・……4062 The Theatre Guild …・………・…………・・……・・…3784 Trask, Willard R.……・…・………・…………………126 Theil, H.………………・………………・・i……一・……ヱ915 Travers, Robert M. W.………一……・…………2606 Thelen, Herbert……・……・……・・……・…・………2769 Traxler, Arthur E.・………………………・……・…2607 Thierry, A.………………・…………・……・・…・…・4586 Trecker, Harleigh B.…………一・…・……………1076 Thomas, A. J.,Jr.……・………・・一・………・…… 1364 Tredgold, R. Rよ……………・・……・…………・…・…2029

一 158一 AUTHOR INDEX (Tr-Wa)

Trent, William Peterfield…・・………・………・-3655-6 Van de Water, Frederic F.・・………………・……3923 Triffin, Robert・…………・・……………・・…・………2281 Van Den Bark, Melvin・・………………・………3231-2 Trilling, Lione1…・…・……・・………・・3346-7,3657,3918 Van Doren, Car1・…・・…・……・……………・4063,4433-4 Trollope, Anthony………一・・……・…………・・4225-9 Van Doren, Mark・・……・2611,3728,3662-3,3924,4537 Trotter, Lionel J.・…・………………・………・・……・4432 Vance, William R.一…・一……・…一…・………1680 Truma叫David B.・………・・……………・…・・……1423 Vanderbilt, Arthur T.……………1220-1,1681,2612 Truman, Harry S.・一……………・…・・…………・1302 Van Voorhis, Walter R.…・……一……・………1121 Truxa1, Andrew G.一…・…………・…・…………・・1077 Vatter. William J.……・……・……・…・・……・……2395 Tschopik, Harry……………・…………・・……・・…・3077 Vaughan, Lloyd ・…・…・…・……………・・…………4272 Tse, Chun Chang・……・…・…………・・……・………2463 Vazsonyi, Andrew・…・……………・一…・・………2396 Tuck, R. H.……………・・…・∴・・……・……………・1917 Veatch, Henry Babcock…・・……………………・…205 Tucker, A. W.………・……一’………一…・…・3217-8 Vedder, Clyde B.…・…・…………・…………・・……・JO79 Tumin, Melvin M.………・・………・………・・……・3078 Vereker, Charles・・…・…・……………………一…・1222 Tumlirz, Otto・……・・…………・……………・…・……575 Verne, Jules………・…・…………・…・…・・…………4230 Turnbull, Grace H.・……・・.__._..__..._.._524 Vickery, William E.…………・……・・…・一……2613 Turner, Arlin ……………・……・…・………・…・・…3966 Vidich, Arthur J.……………・・…・…・………・……・1080 TurnerタE. S.………・……・…・…・…………・…・……2392 Villehardouil1, Geffroi De…・…・……………・……4382 Turner, Frederick Jackson ・…・…・・……・……・4535-6 Vincent, Howard P.1◆…・………・……・…一……・…3925 Tumer, Ralph…・・……・…・……………・……-3079-80 V輌ner, Jacob ………・……………・…・・…・・24644,2484 Turney-High, Harry Holbert……・・………-3081-3 Virgil, Publius Vergilius Maro…・・…………・・-4360 Turpie, Mary C.・…・……………・・……………・…・…996 Virtue, Maxine Boord………・…・…・・…………・・…1081 Tustin, Arnold……・…・…・………・…一…・……1918-9 Viteles, Morris S.…………・…………・……・……2031 Twain, Mark・…・…・………・………・……・3658,3919-22 Voge1, Ezra F.・……・…………・…………・・……・……900 Twentieth Century F皿d・…・・………1920,2030,2282 Vogel, Stan!ey M.・…・・…………・…………・・……3664 Tyler, Leona E、・…………・・…・… ……………・・631,689 Vogt, Evon Z. ・………・…・・…………一…・……3091-2 Tyler, Moses Coit・……・…・………・…・……・…3659-60 Vold, Lawrence……・・…………一・…・…………・…1682 Tylor, Edward B.……………………・…………・・3084-5 Voltaire, Frangois Maric Arouet de…………4358-9 Von Abele, Rudolph ・……………………・…・……3665 Von B6k6sy, Georg ……………・・………・………… 763 u Von Mises, Ludwig-…一…・……一・………・…2108 Von Wright, Georg H.…・……・………・一・・………206 Uhler, Armin ・・…一……………・・……………-1544 Ulich, Robert……・……・・………・………・・2608-9,2772 Underhill, Ruth Murray・………・・…・…・・………3088 W Underwood, Benton J.・……………・…・………576,742 UndseちSigrid…・………………・……………・……4357 Wach, Joachim・…1・一……………………・………1082 Ungaro, Daniel・……・……・………・・………・・…・…・2773 Wagenknecht, Edward…・……・……………・3926,4064 Unger, Leonard ・…・………・・…・………・…………3661 Waggoner, Hyatt Hower・………・……………・3666-7 UNESCO………・…・・・……………・…・2610,2774-7,3089 Wagley, Charles…・………………………………・・3093 United States Supreme Court…・…一…・……1609-11 Wahlquist, John T.・……………・…………・2614,2778 Untermeyer, Louis……………・………………・・… 3727 Waite, Harlow O.・……・…………・・…………一…・4065 Urban, Wilbur Marshal1……・…・一………127,3258 Walcutt, Charles Child…・・…・…一………・…・…3668 Urmson, J.0.…・・…・……・・…・……・………・…・457,49 Wald, Abraham-…・・……………・…・・…-3174-6 Urwick, Lyndall F.……・・…・……・………一・……2393 Wald㏄k, C. Humphrey Meredith・…・………・…2109 Utitz, Emi1・………・……・……・……・……・…………1078 Waline, M.………・…・一・・・…………・・……・………1575 Walker, Charles R.一…………………………・…2032 Walker, E. Ronald・………一・………右……・……1922 V Walker, Frankiin…………一………・・……………3669 Walker, Richard L.・・……一・・……・…・…………・・1303 Vaillant, George C.……・……・……・・……一…・…3090 Walker, Robert H.一……………・………・・…・…2779 Vajda, S.一……・……◆・……………・・…・………・…・2394 Wallace’Anthony F. C.……・………………一…690 Vakil, C. N.……・・…………・…・・……………・……2283 Wallen, R. W.一……………・・……・・……・・…・……645 Valavanis, Stefan ……・……◆◆・………・………・…1921 Wallich, Henry C.一…・…………・……・・……・…2326 Va!6ry, Paul ・……………・・…・……・・……・・………・458 Wallis, Wilson D.一……………・……・…・………・3094

一 159一 AUTHOR INDEX (Wa-Wh)

Walpole, Hugh・……・一…・・……・………・…・・……4231 Weizsticker, C. F. V.・・………………・・……・………・128 Walras, L60n…・…………・…………・………………1923 Weldon, T、 D、……・……一・…・・…・……・一・460,1224 Walser, Richard-…・……………一・・……-3790 Wellek, Albert・……・………一……・・……………577 Walsh, William F.・・…………………………・…1683-4 Weliek, Ren6………・…………_.…・……………3350-2 Walton, Izaak…一・…………・…一…・……4066,4284 Wellington, Harry H.・………・………・……………1605 Walton, L. B.…・………………・・……………・…-4361 Wells, Harrington・………・……・…………・・…・…2780 Walworth, Arthur・一………・・………・………・…4435 Wells, Harry K.・…・…一・……・・………461-2,578,632 Wanlass, Lawrence C.…一…………・…………1223 We11s, Henry W.・…………・・……一…・…・・…・…3729 Wann, Louis…・…一…・・一・…・…….……………3670 Wells, Herbert George……・・…・・…・…・……・・-4069 Ward, A. C.・………・………・…………・…一・……4154 Wender, Herbert・…………・……・…………・・……・4366 Ward, Barbara・・…………・…・一……………・・…・1365 Wendze1, Julius T.…・・……・一…・・……・・………1927 Ward, John William-一・……・・…………・-4436 Wenger, M. A.…一…………・・……・…・・…◆・.・・…・764 Ward, Robert E.・………・………・……・………・…・1304 Wenrich, Ralph C.一……………・………………2650 Warfel, Harry・………・・…・…・……・………・…-3929 Werfel, Franz・・……・・…………・……・・…・・………4362 Warfrel, Harry R.…・・…一・……・…………・・…・3671 Werkmeister, W. H.…・・……………・…………129,463 Warmington, Crispin・…・………・…………一…・1612 Wert, James E⑨…・・一…・一…・・…・……………・…579 Wamer, Charles Dudley……・…・…・……………3348 Wertenbaker, Thomas Jefferson・一・…………4541-2 Warner, W. Lloyd……………・“1083,2397-8,3095-6 Wesley, Edgar B.・・…・・…・…・…・・……・……………2781 Warn㏄k, G. J.…………・…一・…・一……・…’・・…459 West, Alfred S.・………………・・……………一・4285 Warren, Austin…………………3349,3352,3672,4538 West, Geoffrey…・……・…一………………………4070 Warren, George……………・…………一…・・…・1749 West, James・………・・……・……・・一・……・………3098 Warren, Robert Penn…一……・一……………・3277 West, Midland Group…・……一…………………1762 Warren, Roland L・……・・………・………・・………1084 West, Ray B., Jr.………………………3353-4,3676-7 Warren, William C.…………一……………・……1677 West, Robert C.…・…’…………・……一・………・3099 Washburne, Carleton・一……・……一……・…・・2615 Westerfield, H. Bradford…・…………・…・………1366 Watkins, Floyd C.・・一一…・……・……・……・…3673 Westfa11, Ralph・…・…………・……・・…一一・…2167 Watkins, Gordon S.……・………・・………・……・…・2033 Wey1, Hermann・…………・……………・…………3139 Watkins, Myron………一……………………・・…2278 Wharton, Edith -……………・…一…・……・3927-8 Watson, J. Steven-…i…・……………・・………1493 Wheare, K. C.一……・……一・一…・…・・…・1307,1532 Watso叫Robert I.…・・…・・…一…………・……591,646 WheelwrighちPhilip…・・………・・………・…………・528 Watt, Homer A.・………・一・……………・……・4067-8 Whicher, George Frisbie…………………3678-9,3730 Watt, W. Montgomery・一・…・・……………・………525 Whicher, Stephen E.・・…一……・・………・……3680-1 Watt, William W._.__…_…_・………・……4068 Whipple, T. K.・一…………・……………・…・・……3682 Wattenberg, Willialn W.・………・………・…一・…626 White, Jalnes C.・・一.………・…・・…………・……念・3206 Weaver, W. W.・…・……一一・………一……・…・877 White, Leonard Dupee…・………・・…881,1713,1750-2 Webb, G. T.……・………・・……・….…・・……………2399 White, Leslie A◆・…・…一……………・……一…・3100 Webb, Leicester__._・._・…_・…・・…・…-1305 White, L. W.・………・………・………・………・・……1753 Webb, Mary………一・…・……・………・…………・4232 White, Morton G.一…・・……一・…50,464-5,468-9 Webb, Walter Prescott…一………・…・…・…・・4539-40 White, Reginald James…・……・……一…………1225 Weber, Alfred…・・…・……………・一…………・……878 White, Robert W.……・…………・・……………649,725 Weber, Max-…………・…・…………一・・-1924-6 White, T. H◆・………一・……………・………・・……4233 Webster, K. G. T.……・…・・…・………一……・…4111 Whitehead, Alfred North…:……・…・…一・……. Wechsler, David……・……………一・…………-743 _………・・…・… 51,130-1,466-7,529,2616,3140,3177 Wecter, Dixon…・…・・一……………・…1085,3674-5 Whitehill, Arthur M., Jr.・…一……一・・………2284 Weidenreich, Franz・………・……一・・…・・…一・・…・3097 Whiteman,.Dorothy E.一一……………………3210 Weidner, Fdward W白…・・……………・一…一…1685 Whiteside, Thomas・・……・・・・……・…・……・・…・・…3207 Weihofen, Henry・・…・・…一………・…・……一…1086 Whitford, Robert C.・一・………一……・・一,…3259 Weiler, E. T.・…・…………・…・・……………・・一…1926 Whiting, Frank M.………・……・……・……・……・・3228 Weinberg, Albert K.……・…・………・・…・……-1306 Whiting, John W. M.・…………・・一……………・692 Weinberg, Henry……・………・……一…・・………・647 Whitman, Walt………・…一・…・………・……・3731-2 Weinberg, Julius Rudolph-……一…・一……207 Whittaker, Edmund……・・…………-132,1928,3193 Weinberg, S. Kirson…・……………………-879-80 Whittlesey, Charles R.・・………・…・…………∵◆・2110 Weiss, Pau1・・……・………・・……………-169-72,527 Whorf, Benmamin Lee……・一……………・・…・3260 Weitzenhoffer, Andr6 M.……………一・・…・・…648 Whyburn, William M. ・………・・一・……………・.3152

一 160一 AUTHOR INDEX (Wh-Wy)

Whyte, William Feote………・……・…・…2034-5,2111 Winch, Robert F.……………一・……・……一…・・1092 Whyte, William H.Jr.・……・………・…・……・・…1087 Winders, Gertrude Hecker……・…・…………・…4439 Wicker, C. V.………………・・…………一・・…-3649 Wingfield-Stratford, Esme・……………・・…・…・・4588 Wicksel1, Knut・……………・…………・…・…・・1929-30 Winick, Charles……・………・…一…一・…・・…3104 Widdemer, Mabel Cleland-…・…一…………・4437 Winsen, L. de van…一…一……・一…………・・1763 Wiener, Norbert…………・・…・…・…………・……・3101 Winspear, Alvan Dewes…・…・……・………………323 Wiener, Philip P.…・…………・…・…………470-2,3141 Winter, William-…一・………………………・・3229 Wieth-Knudsen, K. A.・………………・・…………1088 Winters, Yvor・一・………・・……・…………・……・3690 Wigmore, John Henry………・…………………・・1545 Winwar, Frances・…………・………・………4074,4364 Wilcox, Clair…・…・・…………一…・………・…・・…2285 Wisdom, John Oulton・・一……・…・・133,475,634,3142 Wild, John Danie1…………・・……・…322,473-4,1475 Wise, J. Hooper・……………・……・………………3359 Wilde, Jean T.……………一・………・…・……・…4363 Wish, Harvey…・………・・…・……一……・……4543-5 Wi互de, Oscar・……………・……・……・……・・4071,42M Wissler, Clark……………・………一……・……・・3JOs Wilder, Thornton Niven・……・・……………3791,3930 Witherspoon, Alexander M.一…・………………3990 Wilensky, Harold L.…………一・…………・-2036 Witkin, H. A.……一………・…・・……………・……726 Wiles, Kimball………・…・……………一・一・・-2782 Withey, Fred-…………・………・・………・……2037 Wiles, P’J. D.・…………・……・…・……・………・…2286 Wittgenstein, Ludwig・・…………・……………209-11 Wilgus, A. Curtis…・・………・………一……・…4587 Wittke, Carl……一………・…・・一…一…………4546 Wilkinson, B.……………・…・・…一・・一……・1533-5 Woellner, Robert C., Mrs.…・・……………・……2785 Wilks, S. S.……………一・……・…………・・……1128 Wolf, A.………・・………・……・……・……・…………212 Willey, Basi1…………・…・一……………・……-3355 Wolfe, Thomas・…・………・……・一・・……2932-3,3963 Willey, Gordon R.…………・…・…・………………3102 WOIfflin, Heinrich……・…………一………・一・3230 Williams, B. R.一…………・・…………・…………・2050 Wolin, Simon・……………・……………一・・…・…1093 Williams, Charles……………・・………・……4072,4235 Wollgeim, Donald A.……・・…………・……………4236 Williams, E. J.…………・…・…・…・…………一・…1129 Wood, M. Aurilla…・・………・…・・一一……・……2785 Williams, GlanVille…・・……・………………1476,1544 Woodbridge, Frederick J. E.・・………………・……476 Williams, John Burr……・……・・……・……・……・2468 Woodger, J. H.………・………・・………・…・・…765,3143 Williams, John H呼……・…………・・…・一・………1931 Woodress, James L.……・…・………◆………………3691 Williams, Robert H.…………・・……・・…・……・…3208 WoOdring, Paul………………・…一…・・…・…・-2618 Williams, Robin M.…………一…・………………1089 Woods, Frances Jerome…一…・……・・…・………1094 Williams, Stanley T.…………・………………-3683 Woodward, C. Va皿……一……・・………………4547 Williams, Tennessee…………・…一……3785-9,3931 Woodworth’Robert S.…・・一……………580-1,2528 Williams, William Appleman・・…・…………・…・・1367 Woody, Thomas…一……・…………・…・…・……2619 Wiiliams, William Carlos・………………・…-3684-5 Wootton, Rarbara……・・………・……・・……・…2038-9 Williams, W. M.…・……………………………・…・1090 Workman, Willam D., Jr.…………・・……・………1095 Williamson, E. G.一一・…・……・…………633,2783 Worimington, H. M.………………一一・…………3106イ Williamson, George……………・………………・・…3686 Womuth, Francis D.………………………………1133 Willich, Henry C.・・…一…………………一……・2149 Woytinsky, E. S.…・…一……・……………2287,2469 Willing, M. H.…・……………・・………一一・・…2617 Woytinsky, W. S.……一………・…………2287,2469 Willoughby, Westel Woodbury……・…:一…1536-8 Wren, F. Lynwood…………・…一…・…・…・……2648 Wilner, Daniel M.…………………………………1091 Wright, Austin Tappan-・…・・…・・・・…………・…3934 Wilson, Bryan R.・………・………・一……………・530 Wright, Benlamin Fletcher…………………1539-40 Wilson, Curtis……・………・…一………・…・……・…280 Wright, David McCord……一右・・一一…1308,2040 Wilson, Edmund……………・・…3356-7,3687-9,3967 Wrght, Georg Henrik von……・・…………・……213-4 Wilson, F. Mary……………・・…・……………・・…・4073 Wright, Louis B.…………・…・…・…一・…………・4440 Wilson, Guy M.……・………・…・・………………・・2784 Wright, Richard・……・…・…・…・…一…………・・3692 Wilson, John A.……一………・・……………・…・4438 Wright, Wilson・……・……・…………・……・・……2288 Wilson, M.0.一・…………………・…・………・…1056 Wriston, Henry M.…………………………………1368 Wilson, Monica………………………・…・…・………3103 Wu, Chi-Yuen…………・…………・・………………2470 Wilson, Robert E.…………一…・…一…・……2785 Wuellner, Bernard S. J.………・…一…・……………52 Wilson, W. Harmon…一・・………………・・…………2327 Wylie, Max-・…………・…………………………2485 Wimsatt, William K., Jr.…・……・一…・・………3358 Wyman, Walker D.…………・…一・一…一・……1369 Winch, Raymond・・……一…・…・・……一…・………331 」 Wynne, John P.…・…………・・………一……・…・2620

一t・ 161一 AUTHOR INDEX (Ya-Zw)

Young, T. Cluyler…・………・……・・…………・・…3108 Y Youtsler, James S.・……・…………・………………2041

Yale, University・・………・…・・……………・・…・・1932-3 Yamey, Bas三1 S.・……・・…・……・・……・………・…・1774 Z Yang, Hsin.Pao………・……………・・……・……・・…2787 Yeager, William A.…・……・…・…・…-2621,2788-9 Zabe1, Morton Dauwen・・…・…◆……・………・…’・’3695 Yearley, Cliffon K, Jr.…・………・…・……・……・・1370 Zaleznik, A.・・…………………………………・……2400 Yeats, William Butler-…・・一……………・・…4237 Zander, Alvin・…・……………………・…・・…………・924 Yelland, H. L.…・………・……・…・……………・・…3360 Zaphiriou, G.A.………….…・…・………・…………1488 Yinger, J⇒ Milton………・…・・………・……・・1059,1096 Zeld!tch, Morris, Jr.……・一………・……………884 Yntema, Hessel E.…・……・……………・…………1477 Ziegenfuss, W.一……・…・・……………・…………53-4 Yolton, John W.一…・…一…・一…………∵……477 Ziegfeld, Ernest …・・………・………・・………・……2622 Yost, Frank ……・…・…・…………・…・………・……1267 Zilse1, Eigar・・……・…’……・…・…・…・………・……3137 Yost, R. M., Jr.………・……・…・………・…・……・…478 Zimmerman, Carle C.………………・・・……………1097 Young, C. L………………………・……………・…・3639 Zimmerman, L. J.・……・……・………・・……・……2289 Young, Edwin………・………………・……・………4472 Zimmermann, W.____._.___.__…・-4589 Young, Frederic…………・………・’…・…・……・……472 Zink, Harold・…・………・…………・……・・………1714-5 Young, Kimball………・・………………・・…・……882-3 Znaniecki, Florian …・………・・………・・…………・1098 Yo岨g, Philip ………・・…・…・……・………・・…・・…3694 Zubek, John P.・……・…・…・・…・………・・………・…693 Youllg, Raymond J.一……・一・………一…一…2529 Zttrcher, Josef・一……・…・…’…・………・……・・……・324 Young, Stark ………・……………・・…・・一………3792 Zweig, Stefan …・・………・……………・・…・………4354

一 162一 京都大学アメリカ研究所図書目録

1963年3月30日 発 行



印刷 中西印刷株式会社