How Famous Is Theodor Grotthuss in Lithuania?
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MOKSLO IR TECHNIKOS RAIDA / EVOLUTION OF SCIENCE AND technoloGY ISSN 2029-2430 print / 2029-2449 online 2012 4(1): 34–38 doi:10.3846 / est. 2012. 02 HOW FAMOUS IS THEODOR GROTTHUSS IN LITHUANIA? Birutė Railienė1, Jadvyga Kulikauskienė2 The Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Žygimantų g. 1, LT-01102 Vilnius, Lithuania E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected] Submitted 31 August 2011; accepted 09 September 2011 Summary. With the encouragement of Theodor Grotthuss Fund in Vilnius, the Wroblews- ki Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences published a bibliographical index of works by and about Theodor Grotthuss (1996). The work, compiled by bibliographers Kulikauskienė and Vitkauskienė was the first attempt ever to register references not J.only Stradinš, by the J. famous A. Krikštopaitis, scholar, but also also the publications holdings of theabout major him librariesand his creativein Lithuania. work A in biog one- edition. The index was compiled using the works by F. Recke, K. Napiersky, A. Žvironas, (2005). Araphy bibliographical of T. Grothuss work with to an register extensive all list information of literature about was T.published Grothuss by including J. A. Krikštopaitis a list of - rating the name of T. Grotthuss is still ongoing at the Wroblewski Library of the Lithuanian Academyimportant of dates Sciences. in his life and his scientific activities as well as the list of dates commemo Keywords: Theodor Grotthuss; bibliography; list of literature; history of science. Work and activity of Theodor Grotthuss - Scholars are the community deeply involved in their research; they burn their lives and think little about the ancestors who will be interested not only in their scientific herita onege but can their easily biography learn about as well. scholars By no who means, chose registering the life of their loners. works And scientific sometimes schools they werecherish loners the heritage not only ofas their scholars, teachers but alsoand preferredleaders. But the in isolated the history way of scientificlife. ideas Theodor Grotthuss (1785–1822), a son of Kurlandian (Latvia) landlord, the world Paris)famous and founder some timeof the in theorySt. Petersburg of electrolysis, in 1812, chose all his a life solitary he stayed life. atExcept his mother’s for five estateyears (1803–1808) devoted for studies and research in Western Europe (Leipzig, Naples, Rome, - in Gedučiai (Geddutz) village. During the years of his studies in Europe, chemistry became the most popular subject at the University of Vilnius, the Lithuanian main school–. Promi nent scholar Jedrzei Sniadecki (1768–1838) was the professor of chemistry. It was a big loss for the University of Vilnius not to have such a talented student as Theodor Grotthuss. 35 Mokslo ir technikos raida / Evolution of Science and Technology, 2012, 4(1): 34–38 After studies abroad, Theodor Grotthuss returned home where he had an intention to home laboratory where chemical and physical continue the scientific work. He equipped a - aintanceexperiments with werethe prominent carried out. scholars The acquiredwas tur- knowledge, scientific method, personal acqu same year he returned home he was elected asned a intocorresponding a strong motivation member of for the research. Academy The of Sciences and Arts of Turin (1808). For the follo- - gating the phenomenon of gas combustion and explosionwing three and years was the among young the scholar pioneers was to investi study chain reactions. Though a loner, Theodor Grott- huss left for Russia for the period of half a year where he stayed in St. Petersburg. It was the last time he was known to leave home. The position heof professorwas elected at athe corresponding University of memberDorpat (Tartu) of the Munich Academy of Sciences, later beca- mewas a not member accepted, of Kurland though heLiterature eagerly correspondedand Art Society with (Krikštopaitis the scientific 2001). community. In 1814 name of a pioneer in electrochemistry. Though 102 works were published during the periodWith of works 1805–1822, published neither in different of them scientific appeared journals in the Lithuanian Theodor Grotthuss press. The earned only suithe- Dziennink Wileńsky, published by the table magazine for popular scientific articles was onprofessors chemistry of thewere University published, of butVilnius, not the founderworks of and Theodor the first Grotthuss editor of who which prefer was- redprof. Annales Jedzej chimie etBecause de physique of the (7 professional publications), interest Gehlen’s of the Journal editor, für many die Physik, topics Chemie und Mineralogie (8), Gilbert’s Annalen der Physik und der physikalischen Chemie (11), Scherer’s Allgemeine Nordischen Annalen der Chemie (28), Schweigger’s Journal für Chemie und Physik - Dziennink Wileńsky (published (34), etc. It was only a review of the works by T. Grotthuss, publis hed by A. Dudik that appeared in scientific magazine in Vilnius).T. Grotthuss Among published other surveyshis world on famous light phenomenon work on electrolysis over 20 Mémoire years the sur article la décom also- positiondescribed de an l’ eauexperiment et des corps, of phosphorescence qu’elle tient en dissolution (Dudik 1822: a’ l’ 311–313).aide de l’ électricité galva- nique in 1805 (Grotthuss 1805). As a separate issue it was published again in Mitau in 1806 (Grotthuss 1805), translated into English language and published in Tilloch’s Philosopic Magazine (1806), Repertory of Arts language appeared in 1956 in selected works on electricity. (1806). The first translation to Russian 36 B. Railienė, Jadvyga Kulikauskienė. How famous is Theodor Grotthuss in Lithuania? With the encouragement of Theodor Grotthuss Fund in Vilnius, the Library of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences in 1996 published a bibliographical index of works by and about Theodor Grotthuss (Kulikauskiene et al. 1996). The work compiled by to register the references by the famous scholar, but also publications about him and bibliographers J. Kulikauskienė and A. Vitkauskienė was the first ever attempt not only librarieshis creative in in one The edition. bibliographical The index work was wascompiled followed using by thea book works on bythe F. life Recke, and worksK. Napiersky, of Theodor A. Žvironas, Grotthuss J. Stradinš, (Krikštopaitis J. A. Krikštopaitis, 2001). also the holdings of the major Commemorating the 200th - graphical work was continued at the Library of Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. The anniversary of the theory of electrolysis, the biblio- hed during the Theodor Grotthuss Electrochemistry Conference in Vilnius in 2005 (Ku- bibliographical list of 655 records was compiled, an abbreviated part of it was publis likauskienėCommemorating 2005). the 150th - The name of this prominent scholar is known and honoured in Lithuania by: − anniversary of Theodor Grotthuss, a biographical ar ticle and bibliography compiled by A. Žvironas were published in 1938. − (1971).A group of the Institute of History of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences worked Commemoratingin Gedučiai to trace the the150 relicth of the scholar and to establish places of memoryth inter- national conference of the historians of science was organised in Vilnius. A docu- − anniversary of the death of the scholar, the 9 mentary film by archaeologist V. Urbanavičius was demonstrated, a memorial stone was unclosed in Gedučiai (project by I. Barakauskaitė, brass bas-relief by R. Daugintis) and a porter cutting was created by artist A. Makūnaitė (1972). − PlayCommemorating “Keisuolių akademija” the 200th by J. Marcinkevičius was staged at the Theatre of the- University of Vilnius. Prototype of the main hero was Theodor Grotthuss (1979). − Kaunas (1985). anniversary of the birth of Theodor Grotthuss the con ference “Theodor Grotthuss and his scientific heritage” took place in Vilnius and and is placed at Žiemgala − memorialSculpure of exhibition Theodor Grotthussfor the Grotthuss’ was created family by issculptor arranged K. Balčiūnasat the museum. (1985–1986) museum in town Žeimeliai, Lithuania. Moreover, the - − The Theodor Grotthuss foundation was established (1994) in the premises of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences which provides an annual stipend for the out standing pupils, followed by the medal by artist S. Žilienė. In the same year artist Makūnaitėthe 210th created two new versions of the portrait. − WithConference the support of the Balticof the historians Theodor Grotthussof science “Scientiafoundation et Historia”a bibliographical was dedicated index Teodoras Grotusas, birth anniversary 1785–1822 of= Theodor Theodor von Grotthuss Grotthuss, (1995). 1785–1822 was published − (1996). 37 Mokslo ir technikos raida / Evolution of Science and Technology, 2012, 4(1): 34–38 the 215th − (districtAn anniversary Pakruojis) session was calledat the byAcademy his name of Sciences(2000). of Lithuania commemorated Book Pralenkęs birth anniversarylaiką: Theodor of GrotthussTheodor Grotthuss,by J. A. Krikštopaitis after a street was in presented Žeimelis attown the − Lithuanian Academy of Sciences and the University of Šiauliai (2001). − (2002).First readings of works by Theodor Grotthuss at the University of Šiauliai, a literature event at the palace of culture in Pasvalys, with a poem by S. Naglienė − ArchaeologicalTheodor Grotthuss expedition Electrochemistry in Gedučiai, Conference the place commemorating where Theodor the 200Grotthussth anni- lived. − whichversary is still ofin the