GEOLOGIJA. 2006. T. 53. P. 38–46 38© Lietuvos mokslų akademija, 2006 Vytautas Juodkazis, Algirdas Klimas © Lietuvos mokslų akademijos leidykla, 2006 Hidrogeologija • Hydrogeology • Гидрогеология Theodor Grotthuss and modern hydrogeochemistry Vytautas Juodkazis, Juodkazis V., Klimas A. Theodor Grotthuss and modern hydrogeochemistry. Geologija. Vilnius. 2006. No. 53. P. 38-46. ISSN 1392-110X Algirdas Klimas Theodor Grotthuss (1785–1822), as many other talented scholars, made a number of discoveries and accumulated new information not only in his own area, but also in adjacent fields of science. The studies of Smardonė mineral spring carried out by Grott- huss in Lithuania should be considered to be a lucky chance for hydrogeochemistry formed in the 20th century, since he not only created new water analysis methods, but also revealed the genesis of water chemistry and the occurrence of hydrogen sulphide in the water. He foresaw this phenomenon to take place in the aquifers; later studies and modern achievements of hydrogeochemistry confirmed its universal character. In 2005, featuring the 220th birthday of Grotthuss, there was a good opportunity to recall this scientific genius who worked far from famous centres of science, used self-made labo- ratory equipment, but managed to deserve recognition by European scholars. Key words: sulphate reduction, hydrogen sulphide, groundwater, Lithuania Received 22 September 2005, accepted 21 October 2005 Vytautas Juodkazis, Algirdas Klimas. Department of Hydrogeology and Enginee- ring Geology, Vilnius University, M. K. Čiurlionio 21, LT-03001 Vilnius, Lithuania, E- mail:
[email protected] INTRODUCTION Paris, where he listened to lectures and took part in experimental scientific work. In 1807 he departed to The origin of Theodor Grotthuss is related to famous Courland and stopped in Munich, Vienna and Warsaw Courland landowners, who moved from Westphalia to on his way home.